Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference

Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference

Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference


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Descriptions of the Library Routines 2SyntaxCALL AUTOGetExceptInfo (invoke_args, code, source, description, h_file, h_context, scode)invoke_argsThe argument list data structure. Must be of type INTEGER(4).codeAn output argument that returns the error code. Must be of type INTEGER(2).sourceAn output argument that returns a human-readable name of the source of the exception. Must beof type CHARACTER*(*).descriptionAn output argument that returns a human-readable description of the error. Must be of typeCHARACTER*(*).h_fileAn output argument that returns the fully qualified path of a Help file with more information aboutthe error. Must be of type CHARACTER*(*).h_contextAn output argument that returns the Help context of the topic within the Help file. Must be of typeINTEGER(4).scodeAn output argument that returns an SCODE describing the error. Must be of type INTEGER(4).AUTOGetPropertyAUTO Function: Passes the name or identifier of the property and gets the value of theautomation object’s property. This function is only available on Windows* systems on IA-32processors.Modules: USE IFAUTO, USE IFWINTYSyntaxresult = AUTOGetProperty (idispatch, id, value [, type])idispatchThe object’s IDispatch interface pointer. Must be of type INTEGER(4).idThe argument’s name of type CHARACTER*(*), or its member ID of type INTEGER(4).2-13

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