Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference

Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference
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2 Intel Fortran Libraries Reference• MOUSE$RBUTTONDOWN – Right mouse button down• MOUSE$RBUTTONUP – Right mouse button up• MOUSE$RBUTTONDBLCLK – Right mouse button double-click• MOUSE$MOVE – Mouse movedkeystate(Output) INTEGER(4). Bitwise inclusive OR of the state of the mouse during the event. The valuereturned in keystate can be any or all of the following symbolic constants:• MOUSE$KS_LBUTTON - Left mouse button down during event• MOUSE$KS_RBUTTON - Right mouse button down during event• MOUSE$KS_SHIFT - SHIFT key held down during event• MOUSE$KS_CONTROL - CTRL key held down during eventx(Output) INTEGER(4). X position of the mouse when the event occurred.y(Output) INTEGER(4). Y position of the mouse when the event occurred.Results:The result type is INTEGER(4). The result is the symbolic constant associated with the mouseevent that occurred if successful. If the function fails, it returns the constantMOUSE$BADEVENT, meaning the event specified is not supported.WAITONMOUSEEVENT does not return until the specified mouse input is received from theuser. While waiting for a mouse event to occur, the status bar changes to read "Mouse inputpending in XXX", where XXX is the name of the window. When a mouse event occurs, the statusbar returns to its previous value.A mouse event must happen in the window that had focus when WAITONMOUSEEVENT wasinitially called. Mouse events in other windows will not end the wait. Mouse events in otherwindows cause callbacks to be called for the other windows, if callbacks were previouslyregistered for those windows.For every BUTTONDOWN or BUTTONDBLCLK event there is an associated BUTTONUPevent. When the user double clicks, four events happen: BUTTONDOWN and BUTTONUP forthe first click, and BUTTONDBLCLK and BUTTONUP for the second click. The differencebetween getting BUTTONDBLCLK and BUTTONDOWN for the second click depends onwhether the second click occurs in the double click interval, set in the system’s CONTROLPANEL/MOUSE.CompatibilityQUICKWIN GRAPHICS LIB2-488

Descriptions of the Library Routines 2See Also: “REGISTERMOUSEEVENT”, “UNREGISTERMOUSEEVENT”, "Using QuickWin"in your user’s guideExampleUSE IFQWININTEGER(4) mouseevent, keystate, x, y, result...mouseevent = MOUSE$RBUTTONDOWN .OR. MOUSE$LBUTTONDOWNresult = WAITONMOUSEEVENT (mouseevent, keystate, x , y)!! Wait until right or left mouse button clicked, then check the keystate! with the following:!if ((MOUSE$KS_SHIFT .AND. keystate) == MOUSE$KS_SHIFT) then && write (*,*) 'Shift key was down'if ((MOUSE$KS_CONTROL .AND. keystate) == MOUSE$KS_CONTROL) then && write (*,*) 'Ctrl key was down'WRAPONGraphics Function: Controls whether text output is wrapped. This function is only available onWindows* systems.Module: USE IFQWINSyntaxresult = WRAPON (option)option(Input) INTEGER(2). Wrap mode. One of the following symbolic constants:• $GWRAPOFF – Truncates lines at right edge of window border.• $GWRAPON – Wraps lines at window border, scrolling if necessary.Results:The result type is INTEGER(2). The result is the previous value of option.WRAPON controls whether text output with the OUTTEXT function wraps to a new line or istruncated when the text output reaches the edge of the defined text window.WRAPON does not affect font routines such as OUTGTEXT.CompatibilitySTANDARD GRAPHICS QUICKWIN GRAPHICS LIB2-489

Descriptions of the Library Routines 2See Also: “REGISTERMOUSEEVENT”, “UNREGISTERMOUSEEVENT”, "Using QuickWin"in your user’s guideExampleUSE IFQWININTEGER(4) mouseevent, keystate, x, y, result...mouseevent = MOUSE$RBUTTONDOWN .OR. MOUSE$LBUTTONDOWNresult = WAITONMOUSEEVENT (mouseevent, keystate, x , y)!! Wait until right or left mouse button clicked, then check the keystate! with the following:!if ((MOUSE$KS_SHIFT .AND. keystate) == MOUSE$KS_SHIFT) then && write (*,*) 'Shift key was down'if ((MOUSE$KS_CONTROL .AND. keystate) == MOUSE$KS_CONTROL) then && write (*,*) 'Ctrl key was down'WRAPONGraphics Function: Controls whether text output is wrapped. This function is only available onWindows* systems.Module: USE IFQWINSyntaxresult = WRAPON (option)option(Input) INTEGER(2). Wrap mode. One of the following symbolic constants:• $GWRAPOFF – Truncates lines at right edge of window border.• $GWRAPON – Wraps lines at window border, scrolling if necessary.Results:The result type is INTEGER(2). The result is the previous value of option.WRAPON controls whether text output with the OUTTEXT function wraps to a new line or istruncated when the text output reaches the edge of the defined text window.WRAPON does not affect font routines such as OUTGTEXT.CompatibilitySTANDARD GRAPHICS QUICKWIN GRAPHICS LIB2-489

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