Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference

Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference
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2 Intel Fortran Libraries ReferenceGETFILEINFOQQ returns time and date in a packed format. You can use UNPACKTIMEQQ tounpack these values. Use PACKTIMEQQ to repack times for passing to SETFILETIMEQQ.Packed times can be compared using relational operators.CompatibilityCONSOLE STANDARD GRAPHICS QUICKWIN GRAPHICS WINDOWS DLL LIBSee Also: “PACKTIMEQQ”, “GETFILEINFOQQ”ExampleUSE IFPORTCHARACTER(80) fileTYPE (FILE$INFO) infoINTEGER(4) handle, resultINTEGER(2) iyr, imon, iday, ihr, imin, isecfile = 'd:\f90ps\bin\t???.*'handle = FILE$FIRSTresult = GETFILEINFOQQ(file, info, handle)CALL UNPACKTIMEQQ(info%lastwrite, iyr, imon,&iday, ihr, imin, isec)WRITE(*,*) iyr, imon, idayWRITE(*,*) ihr, imin, isecENDUNREGISTERMOUSEEVENTQuickWin Function: Removes the callback routine registered for a specified window by anearlier call to REGISTERMOUSEEVENT. This function is only available on Windows*systems.Module: USE IFQWINSyntaxresult = UNREGISTERMOUSEEVENT (unit, mouseevents)unit(Input) INTEGER(4) on IA-32 processors; INTEGER(8) on Intel Itanium processors. Unitnumber of the window whose callback routine on mouse events is to be unregistered.mouseevents(Input) INTEGER(4). One or more mouse events handled by the callback routine to beunregistered. Symbolic constants (defined in IFQWIN.F90) for the possible mouse events are:2-486

Descriptions of the Library Routines 2• MOUSE$LBUTTONDOWN – Left mouse button down• MOUSE$LBUTTONUP – Left mouse button up• MOUSE$LBUTTONDBLCLK – Left mouse button double-click• MOUSE$RBUTTONDOWN – Right mouse button down• MOUSE$RBUTTONUP – Right mouse button up• MOUSE$RBUTTONDBLCLK – Right mouse button double-click• MOUSE$MOVE – Mouse movedResults:The result type is INTEGER(4). The result is zero or a positive integer if successful; otherwise, anegative integer that can be one of the following:• MOUSE$BADUNIT – The unit specified is not open, or is not associated with a QuickWinwindow.• MOUSE$BADEVENT – The event specified is not supported.Once you call UNREGISTERMOUSEEVENT, QuickWin no longer calls the callback routinespecified earlier for the window when mouse events occur. CallingUNREGISTERMOUSEEVENT when no callback routine is registered for the window has noeffect.CompatibilityQUICKWIN GRAPHICS LIBSee Also: “REGISTERMOUSEEVENT”, “WAITONMOUSEEVENT”, "Using QuickWin" inyour user’s guideWAITONMOUSEEVENTQuickWin Function: Waits for the specified mouse input from the user. This function is onlyavailable on Windows* systems.Module: USE IFQWINSyntaxresult = WAITONMOUSEEVENT (mouseevents, keystate, x, y)mouseevents(Input) INTEGER(4). One or more mouse events that must occur before the function returns.Symbolic constants for the possible mouse events are:• MOUSE$LBUTTONDOWN – Left mouse button down• MOUSE$LBUTTONUP – Left mouse button up• MOUSE$LBUTTONDBLCLK – Left mouse button double-click2-487

2 Intel <strong>Fortran</strong> <strong>Libraries</strong> <strong>Reference</strong>GETFILEINFOQQ returns time and date in a packed format. You can use UNPACKTIMEQQ tounpack these values. Use PACKTIMEQQ to repack times for passing to SETFILETIMEQQ.Packed times can be compared using relational operators.CompatibilityCONSOLE STANDARD GRAPHICS QUICKWIN GRAPHICS WINDOWS DLL LIBSee Also: “PACKTIMEQQ”, “GETFILEINFOQQ”ExampleUSE IFPORTCHARACTER(80) fileTYPE (FILE$INFO) infoINTEGER(4) handle, resultINTEGER(2) iyr, imon, iday, ihr, imin, isecfile = 'd:\f90ps\bin\t???.*'handle = FILE$FIRSTresult = GETFILEINFOQQ(file, info, handle)CALL UNPACKTIMEQQ(info%lastwrite, iyr, imon,&iday, ihr, imin, isec)WRITE(*,*) iyr, imon, idayWRITE(*,*) ihr, imin, isecENDUNREGISTERMOUSEEVENTQuickWin Function: Removes the callback routine registered for a specified window by anearlier call to REGISTERMOUSEEVENT. This function is only available on Windows*systems.Module: USE IFQWINSyntaxresult = UNREGISTERMOUSEEVENT (unit, mouseevents)unit(Input) INTEGER(4) on IA-32 processors; INTEGER(8) on Intel Itanium processors. Unitnumber of the window whose callback routine on mouse events is to be unregistered.mouseevents(Input) INTEGER(4). One or more mouse events handled by the callback routine to beunregistered. Symbolic constants (defined in IFQWIN.F90) for the possible mouse events are:2-486

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