Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference

Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference
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1 Intel Fortran Libraries ReferenceTable 1-7NameCOMCreateObjectByGUIDCOMCreateObjectByProgIDCOMGetActiveObjectByGUIDCOMGetActiveObjectByProgIDCOMGetFileObjectCOMInitializeCOMIsEqualGUIDCOMQueryInterfaceCOMReleaseObjectCOMStringFromGUIDCOMUninitializeSummary of COM Routines (W*32)DescriptionPasses a class identifier, creates an instance of an object, and returns apointer to the object's interface.Passes a programmatic identifier, creates an instance of an object, andreturns a pointer to the object's IDispatch interface.Passes a class identifier and returns a pointer to the interface of acurrently active object.Passes a programmatic identifier and returns a pointer to the IDispatchinterface of a currently active object.Passes a file name and returns a pointer to the IDispatch interface of anautomation object that can manipulate the file.Initializes the COM library.Determines whether two globally unique identifiers (GUIDs) are thesame.Passes an interface identifier and returns a pointer to an object'sinterface.Indicates that the program is done with a reference to an object'sinterface.Passes a globally unique identifier (GUID) and returns a string ofprintable characters.Uninitializes the COM library.Table 1-8 summarizes the AUTO routines. Routine names are shown in mixed case to make thenames easier to understand. When writing your applications, you can use any case.Table 1-8 Summary of AUTO Routines (W*32)NameDescriptionAUTOAddArgPasses an argument name and value and adds the argument to theargument list data structure.AUTOAllocateInvokeArgsAllocates an argument list data structure that holds the arguments to bepassed to AUTOInvoke.AUTODeallocateInvokeArgsDeallocates an argument list data structure.AUTOGetExceptInfoRetrieves the exception information when a method has returned anexception status.AUTOGetPropertyPasses the name or identifier of the property and gets the value of theautomation object's property.1-24

Overview of the Libraries 1Table 1-8NameAUTOGetPropertyByIDAUTOGetPropertyInvokeArgsAUTOInvokeAUTOSetPropertyAUTOSetPropertyByIDAUTOSetPropertyInvokeArgsSummary of AUTO Routines (W*32)DescriptionPasses the member ID of the property and gets the value of theautomation object's property into the argument list's first argument.Passes an argument list data structure and gets the value of theautomation object's property specified in the argument list's firstargument.Passes the name or identifier of an object's method and an argument listdata structure and invokes the method with the passed arguments.Passes the name or identifier of the property and a value, and sets thevalue of the automation object's property.Passes the member ID of the property and sets the value of theautomation object's property, using the argument list's first argument.Passes an argument list data structure and sets the value of theautomation object's property specified in the argument list's firstargument.Miscellaneous Run-Time RoutinesThese routines help you write programs for applications. To use for_rtl_init_ and for_rtl_finish_,you must call them from a main program written in C. To use the other routines, add thefollowing statement to the program unit containing the routine:USE IFCORETable 1-9 summarizes these run-time routines:Table 1-9 Summary of Miscellaneous Run-Time RoutinesNameDescriptionKeyboards and Speakers:GETCHARQQReturns the next keyboard keystroke.GETSTRQQReads a character string from the keyboard using buffered input.PEEKCHARQQChecks the buffer to see if a keystroke is waiting.File Management:COMMITQQExecutes any pending write operations for the file associated with thespecified unit to the file's physical device.1-25

Overview of the <strong>Libraries</strong> 1Table 1-8NameAUTOGetPropertyByIDAUTOGetPropertyInvokeArgsAUTOInvokeAUTOSetPropertyAUTOSetPropertyByIDAUTOSetPropertyInvokeArgsSummary of AUTO Routines (W*32)DescriptionPasses the member ID of the property and gets the value of theautomation object's property into the argument list's first argument.Passes an argument list data structure and gets the value of theautomation object's property specified in the argument list's firstargument.Passes the name or identifier of an object's method and an argument listdata structure and invokes the method with the passed arguments.Passes the name or identifier of the property and a value, and sets thevalue of the automation object's property.Passes the member ID of the property and sets the value of theautomation object's property, using the argument list's first argument.Passes an argument list data structure and sets the value of theautomation object's property specified in the argument list's firstargument.Miscellaneous Run-Time RoutinesThese routines help you write programs for applications. To use for_rtl_init_ and for_rtl_finish_,you must call them from a main program written in C. To use the other routines, add thefollowing statement to the program unit containing the routine:USE IFCORETable 1-9 summarizes these run-time routines:Table 1-9 Summary of Miscellaneous Run-Time RoutinesNameDescriptionKeyboards and Speakers:GETCHARQQReturns the next keyboard keystroke.GETSTRQQReads a character string from the keyboard using buffered input.PEEKCHARQQChecks the buffer to see if a keystroke is waiting.File Management:COMMITQQExecutes any pending write operations for the file associated with thespecified unit to the file's physical device.1-25

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