Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference

Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference

Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference


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2 Intel <strong>Fortran</strong> <strong>Libraries</strong> <strong>Reference</strong>Symbolic Name Number DescriptionSIGABRT 6 Abnormal terminationSIGFPE 8 Floating-point errorSIGKILL 19 Kill processSIGILL 4 Illegal instructionSIGINT 2 CTRL+C signalSIGSEGV 11 Illegal storage accessSIGTERM 15 Termination request1. SIGKILL can be neither caught nor ignored.The default action for all signals is to terminate the program with exit code.ABORT does not assert the SIGABRT signal. The only way to assert SIGABRT or SIGTERM isto use KILL.SIGNAL can be used to catch SIGFPE exceptions, but it cannot be used to access the error codethat caused the SIGFPE. To do this, use SIGNALQQ instead.CompatibilityCONSOLE STANDARD GRAPHICS QUICKWIN GRAPHICS WINDOWS DLL LIBSee Also: “SIGNALQQ”ExampleUSE IFPORTEXTERNAL h_abortINTEGER(4) iret1, iret2, procnumiret1 = SIGNAL(SIGABRT, h_abort, -1)WRITE(*,*) 'Set signal handler. Return = ', iret1iret2 = KILL(procnum, SIGABRT)WRITE(*,*) 'Raised signal. Return = ', iret2END!! Signal handler routine!INTEGER(4) FUNCTION h_abort (sig_num)INTEGER(4) sig_numWRITE(*,*) 'In signal handler for SIG$ABORT'2-442

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