Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference

Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference

Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference


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2 Intel <strong>Fortran</strong> <strong>Libraries</strong> <strong>Reference</strong>TYPE windowconfigINTEGER(2) numxpixelsINTEGER(2) numypixelsINTEGER(2) numtextcolsINTEGER(2) numtextrowsINTEGER(2) numcolorsINTEGER(4) fontsizeCHARACTER(80) titleINTEGER(2) bitsperpixelINTEGER(2) numvideopagesINTEGER(2) modeINTEGER(2) adapterINTEGER(2) monitorINTEGER(2) memoryINTEGER(2) environment! Number of pixels on x-axis.! Number of pixels on y-axis.! Number of text columns available.! Number of text rows available.! Number of color indexes.! Size of default font. Set to! QWIN$EXTENDFONT when specifying! extended attributes, in which! case extendfontsize sets the! font size.! The window title.! The number of bits per pixel.! Unused.! Controls scrolling mode (see! wc%mode below).! Unused.! Unused.! Unused.! Unused.! The next three parameters provide extended font! attributes.CHARACTER(32) extendfontname ! The name of the desired font.INTEGER(4) extendfontsize ! Takes the same values as fontsize,! when fontsize is set to! QWIN$EXTENDFONT.INTEGER(4) extendfontattributes ! Font attributes such as bold! and italic.END TYPE windowconfigResults:The result type is LOGICAL(4). The result is .TRUE. if successful; otherwise, .FALSE..The following value can be used to configure a QuickWin window so that it will show the last linewritten and the text cursor (if it is on):wc%mode = QWIN$SCROLLDOWNBe aware that if you scroll the window to another position, you will have to scroll back to the lastline to see your input.2-432

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