Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference

Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference

Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference


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Overview of the <strong>Libraries</strong> 1Table 1-4NameDescriptionSETWSIZEQQSets the size and position of a window.QuickWin Application Enhancement:ABOUTBOXQQAdds an About Box with customized text.APPENDMENUQQAppends a menu item.CLICKMENUQQSimulates the effect of clicking or selecting a menu item.DELETEMENUQQDeletes a menu item.GETEXITQQReturns the setting for a QuickWin application's exit behavior.INCHARQQReads a single character input from the keyboard and returns the ASCIIvalue of that character without any buffering.INITIALSETTINGSControls initial menu settings and initial frame window.INSERTMENUQQInserts a menu item.MESSAGEBOXQQDisplays a message box.MODIFYMENUFLAGSQQ Modifies a menu item's state.MODIFYMENUROUTINEQQ Modifies a menu item's callback routine.MODIFYMENUSTRINGQQ Modifies a menu item's text string.PASSDIRKEYSQQDetermines the behavior of direction and page keys.REGISTERMOUSEEVENT Registers the application defined routines to be called on mouse events.SETEXITQQSets a QuickWin application's exit behavior.SETMESSAGEQQChanges any QuickWin message, including status bar messages, statemessages, and dialog box messages.SETMOUSECURSORSets the mouse cursor for the window in focus.SETWINDOWMENUQQ Sets the menu to which a list of current child window names are appended.UNREGISTERMOUSEEVENT Removes the routine registered by REGISTERMOUSEEVENT.WAITONMOUSEEVENT Blocks a return until a mouse event occurs.Color Conversion:INTEGERTORGBRGBTOINTEGERSummary of QuickWin Routines (W*32, W*64)Converts an RGB color value to its red, green, and blue components.Converts integers specifying red, green, and blue color into an RGB integer(for use in RGB routines).For more information, see the section on using QuickWin in "Using Windows* Features" inVolume I of your user’s guide.1-17

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