Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference

Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference
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2 Intel Fortran Libraries ReferenceSETCOLORRGB sets the current graphics color. SETFILLMASK sets the current fill mask. Bydefault, filled graphic shapes are filled solid with the current color.If you fill the rectangle using FLOODFILLRGB, the rectangle must be bordered by a solid linestyle. Line style is solid by default and can be changed with SETLINESTYLE.NOTE. The RECTANGLE routine described here is a QuickWin routine. Ifyou are trying to use the Microsoft* Platform SDK version of the Rectangleroutine by including the IFWIN module, you need to specify the routine nameas MSFWIN$Rectangle. For more information, see "Special NamingConvention for Certain QuickWin and Win32 Graphics Routines" in youruser’s guide.CompatibilitySTANDARD GRAPHICS QUICKWIN GRAPHICS LIBSee Also: “SETFILLMASK”, “GRSTATUS”, “LINETO, LINETO_W”, “POLYGON,POLYGON_W”, “FLOODFILLRGB, FLOODFILLRGB_W”, “SETLINESTYLE”,“SETCOLOR”, “SETWRITEMODE”ExampleThis program draws the rectangle shown below.! Build as a QuickWin or Standard Graphics App.USE IFQWININTEGER(2) dummy, x1, y1, x2, y2x1 = 80; y1 = 50x2 = 240; y2 = 150dummy = RECTANGLE( $GBORDER, x1, y1, x2, y2 )END(x1,y1)(x2,y2)2-370

Descriptions of the Library Routines 2REGISTERMOUSEEVENTQuickWin Function: Registers the application-supplied callback routine to be called when aspecified mouse event occurs in a specified window. This function is only available on Windows*systems.Module: USE IFQWINSyntaxresult = REGISTERMOUSEEVENT (unit, mouseevents, callbackroutine)unit(Input) INTEGER(4). Unit number of the window whose callback routine on mouse events is to beregistered.mouseevents(Input) INTEGER(4). One or more mouse events to be handled by the callback routine to beregistered. Symbolic constants (defined in IFQWIN.F90) for the possible mouse events are:• MOUSE$LBUTTONDOWN – Left mouse button down• MOUSE$LBUTTONUP – Left mouse button up• MOUSE$LBUTTONDBLCLK – Left mouse button double-click• MOUSE$RBUTTONDOWN – Right mouse button down• MOUSE$RBUTTONUP – Right mouse button up• MOUSE$RBUTTONDBLCLK – Right mouse button double-click• MOUSE$MOVE – Mouse movedcallbackroutine(Input) Routine to be called on the specified mouse event in the specified window. It must bedeclared EXTERNAL. For a prototype mouse callback routine, see "Using QuickWin" in youruser’s guide.Results:The result type is INTEGER(4). The result is zero or a positive integer if successful; otherwise, anegative integer that can be one of the following:• MOUSE$BADUNIT – The unit specified is not open, or is not associated with a QuickWinwindow.• MOUSE$BADEVENT – The event specified is not supported.For every BUTTONDOWN or BUTTONDBLCLK event there is an associated BUTTONUPevent. When the user double clicks, four events happen: BUTTONDOWN and BUTTONUP forthe first click, and BUTTONDBLCLK and BUTTONUP for the second click. The difference2-371

2 Intel <strong>Fortran</strong> <strong>Libraries</strong> <strong>Reference</strong>SETCOLORRGB sets the current graphics color. SETFILLMASK sets the current fill mask. Bydefault, filled graphic shapes are filled solid with the current color.If you fill the rectangle using FLOODFILLRGB, the rectangle must be bordered by a solid linestyle. Line style is solid by default and can be changed with SETLINESTYLE.NOTE. The RECTANGLE routine described here is a QuickWin routine. Ifyou are trying to use the Microsoft* Platform SDK version of the Rectangleroutine by including the IFWIN module, you need to specify the routine nameas MSFWIN$Rectangle. For more information, see "Special NamingConvention for Certain QuickWin and Win32 Graphics Routines" in youruser’s guide.CompatibilitySTANDARD GRAPHICS QUICKWIN GRAPHICS LIBSee Also: “SETFILLMASK”, “GRSTATUS”, “LINETO, LINETO_W”, “POLYGON,POLYGON_W”, “FLOODFILLRGB, FLOODFILLRGB_W”, “SETLINESTYLE”,“SETCOLOR”, “SETWRITEMODE”ExampleThis program draws the rectangle shown below.! Build as a QuickWin or Standard Graphics App.USE IFQWININTEGER(2) dummy, x1, y1, x2, y2x1 = 80; y1 = 50x2 = 240; y2 = 150dummy = RECTANGLE( $GBORDER, x1, y1, x2, y2 )END(x1,y1)(x2,y2)2-370

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