Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference

Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference

Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference


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Overview of the <strong>Libraries</strong> 1Table 1-3Summary of POSIX RoutinesNamePXFEXECV,PXFEXECVE,PXFEXECVPDescriptionExecute a new process by passing command-line arguments.PXFEXIT,Exits from a process.PXFFASTEXITPXFFDOPENOpens an external unit.PXFFFLUSHFlushes a file directly to disk.PXFFGETCReads a character from a file.PXFFILENOReturns the file descriptor associated with a specified unit.PXFFORK 1Creates a child process that differs from the parent process only in its PID.PXFFPATHCONF Gets the value for a configuration option of an opened file.PXFFPUTCWrites a character to a file.PXFFSEEKModifies a file position.PXFFSTATGets a file's status information.PXFFTELLReturns the relative position in bytes from the beginning of the file.PXFGETARGGets the specified command-line argument.PXFGETATTYTests whether a file descriptor is connected to a terminal.PXFGETC Reads a character from standard input unit 5.PXFGETCWDReturns the path of the current working directory.PXFGETEGID 1Gets the effective group ID of the current process.PXFGETENVGets the setting of an environment variable.PXFGETEUID 1Gets the effective user ID of the current process.PXFGETGID 1Gets the real group ID of the current process.PXFGETGRGID 1 Gets group information for the specified GID.PXFGETGRNAM 1 Gets group information for the named group.PXFGETGROUPS 1 Gets supplementary group IDs.PXFGETLOGINGets the name of the user.PXFGETPGRP 1Gets the process group ID of the calling process.PXFGETPIDGets the process ID of the calling process.PXFGETPPIDGets the process ID of the parent of the calling process.PXFGETPWNAM 1 Gets password information for a specified name.PXFGETPWUID 1 Gets password information for a specified UID.1-13

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