Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference

Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference

Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference


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Descriptions of the Library Routines 2integer(4) number_of_groups, ierror, isize,i, igidinteger(4),allocatable,dimension(:):: igrouplistinteger(JHANDLE_SIZE) jgroup! Get total number of groups in system! call PXFGETGROUPS with 0call PXFGETGROUPS(0, igrouplist, number_of_groups, ierror)if(ierror.NE.0) STOP 'Error: first call of PXFGETGROUPS fails'print *," The number of groups in system ", number_of_groups! Get Group IDsisize = number_of_groupsALLOCATE( igrouplist(isize))call PXFGETGROUPS(isize, igrouplist, number_of_groups, ierror)if(ierror.NE.0) thenDEALLOCATE(igrouplist)STOP 'Error: first call of PXFGETGROUPS fails'end ifprint *," Create an instance for structure 'group' "call PXFSTRUCTCREATE("group",jgroup, ierror)if(ierror.NE.0) thenDEALLOCATE(igrouplist)STOP 'Error: PXFSTRUCTCREATE failed to create an instance of group'end ifdo i=1, number_of_groupscall PXFGETGRGID( igrouplist(i), jgroup, ierror)if(ierror.NE.0) thenDEALLOCATE(igrouplist)call PXFSTRUCTFREE(jgroup, ierror)print *,'Error: PXFGETGRGID failed for i=',i," gid=", igrouplist(i)STOP 'Abnormal termination'end ifcall PRINT_GROUP_INFO(jgroup)end docall PXFGETGID(igid,ierror)if(ierror.NE.0) thenDEALLOCATE(igrouplist)2-301

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