Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference

Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference

Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference


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Descriptions of the Library Routines 2The PXFGETARG subroutine places the command-line argument with number argnum intocharacter string str. If argnum is equal to zero, the value of the argument returned is the commandname of the executable file.CompatibilityCONSOLE STANDARD GRAPHICS QUICKWIN GRAPHICS WINDOWS DLL LIBSee Also: “IPXFARGC”PXFGETATTYPOSIX Subroutine: Tests whether a file descriptor is connected to a terminal.Module: USE IFPOSIXSyntaxCALL PXFGETATTY (ifildes, isatty, ierror)ifildes(Input) INTEGER(4). The file descriptor.isatty(Output) LOGICAL(4). The returned value.ierror(Output) INTEGER(4). The error status.If successful, ierror is set to zero; otherwise, an error code.If file descriptor ifildes is open and connected to a terminal, isatty returns .TRUE.; otherwise,.FALSE..CompatibilityCONSOLE STANDARD GRAPHICS QUICKWIN GRAPHICS WINDOWS DLL LIBPXFGETCPOSIX Subroutine: Reads a character from standard input unit 5.Module: USE IFPOSIXSyntaxCALL PXFGETC (nextcar, ierror)nextcar(Output) Character. The returned character that was read.2-295

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