Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference

Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference
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1 Intel Fortran Libraries ReferenceFor more information, see the section on portability routines in "Using Libraries" in Volume I ofyour user’s guide.National Language Support Routines (W*32, W*64)The National Language Support (NLS) routines provide language localization and a multibytecharacter set (MBCS) to let you write applications in different languages.To use an NLS routine, add the following statement to the program unit containing the routine:USE IFNLSTable 1-2 summarizes the NLS routines. Routine names are shown in mixed case to make thenames easier to understand. When writing your applications, you can use any case.Table 1-2 Summary of NLS Routines (W*32, W*64)NameDescriptionLocale Setting and Inquiry:NLSEnumCodepagesReturns all the supported codepages on the system.NLSEnumLocalesReturns all the languages and country combinations supported by thesystem.NLSGetEnvironmentCodepage Returns the codepage number for the system codepage or the consolecodepage.NLSGetLocaleReturns the current language, country, and codepage.NLSGetLocaleInfoReturns requested information about the current local code set.NLSSetEnvironmentCodepage Changes the codepage for the current console.NLSSetLocaleSets the language, country, and codepage.Formatting:NLSFormatCurrencyFormats a number string and returns the correct currency string for thecurrent locale.NLSFormatDateReturns a correctly formatted string containing the date for the currentlocale.NLSFormatNumberFormats a number string and returns the correct number string for thecurrent locale.NLSFormatTimeReturns a correctly formatted string containing the time for the currentlocale.MBCS Inquiry:MBCharLenReturns the length of the first multibyte character in a string.MBCurMaxReturns the longest possible multibyte character for the current codepage.1-8

Overview of the Libraries 1Table 1-2NameMBLeadMBLenMBLen_TrimMBNextMBPrevMBStrLeadMBCS Conversion:MBConvertMBToUnicodeMBConvertUnicodeToMBMBJISTToJMSMBJMSTToJISMBCS Fortran Equivalent:MBINCHARQQMBINDEXMBLGE, MBLGT, MBLLE, MBLLT,MBLEQ, MBLNEMBSCANMBVERIFYSummary of NLS Routines (W*32, W*64)DescriptionDetermines whether a given character is the first byte of a multibytecharacter.Returns the number of multibyte characters in a string, including trailingspaces.Returns the number of multibyte characters in a string, not includingtrailing spaces.Returns the string position of the first byte of the multibyte characterimmediately after the given string position.Returns the string position of the first byte of the multibyte characterimmediately before the given string position.Performs a context sensitive test to determine whether a given byte in acharacter string is a lead byte.Converts a character string from a multibyte codepage to a Unicode string.Converts a Unicode string to a multibyte character string of the currentcodepage.Converts a Japan Industry Standard (JIS) character to a Microsoft* Kanji(Shift JIS or JMS) character.Converts a Microsoft Kanji (Shift JIS or JMS) character to a Japan IndustryStandard (JIS) character.Same as INCHARQQ except that it can read a single multibyte characterat once and returns the number of bytes read.Same as INDEX except that multibyte characters can be included in itsarguments.Same as LGE, LGT, LLE, LLT, and the operators .EQ. and .NE. except thatmultibyte characters can be included in their arguments.Same as SCAN except that multibyte characters can be included in itsarguments.Same as VERIFY except that multibyte characters can be included in itsarguments.For more information, see the section on National Language Support routines in "Using Libraries"in Volume I of your user’s guide.1-9

1 Intel <strong>Fortran</strong> <strong>Libraries</strong> <strong>Reference</strong>For more information, see the section on portability routines in "Using <strong>Libraries</strong>" in Volume I ofyour user’s guide.National Language Support Routines (W*32, W*64)The National Language Support (NLS) routines provide language localization and a multibytecharacter set (MBCS) to let you write applications in different languages.To use an NLS routine, add the following statement to the program unit containing the routine:USE IFNLSTable 1-2 summarizes the NLS routines. Routine names are shown in mixed case to make thenames easier to understand. When writing your applications, you can use any case.Table 1-2 Summary of NLS Routines (W*32, W*64)NameDescriptionLocale Setting and Inquiry:NLSEnumCodepagesReturns all the supported codepages on the system.NLSEnumLocalesReturns all the languages and country combinations supported by thesystem.NLSGetEnvironmentCodepage Returns the codepage number for the system codepage or the consolecodepage.NLSGetLocaleReturns the current language, country, and codepage.NLSGetLocaleInfoReturns requested information about the current local code set.NLSSetEnvironmentCodepage Changes the codepage for the current console.NLSSetLocaleSets the language, country, and codepage.Formatting:NLSFormatCurrencyFormats a number string and returns the correct currency string for thecurrent locale.NLSFormatDateReturns a correctly formatted string containing the date for the currentlocale.NLSFormatNumberFormats a number string and returns the correct number string for thecurrent locale.NLSFormatTimeReturns a correctly formatted string containing the time for the currentlocale.MBCS Inquiry:MBCharLenReturns the length of the first multibyte character in a string.MBCurMaxReturns the longest possible multibyte character for the current codepage.1-8

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