Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference

Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference
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2 Intel Fortran Libraries ReferenceResults:The result type is LOGICAL(4). The result is .TRUE. if there is a character waiting in thekeyboard buffer; otherwise, .FALSE..To find out the value of the key in the buffer, call GETCHARQQ. If there is no character waitingin the buffer when you call GETCHARQQ, GETCHARQQ waits until there is a character in thebuffer. If you call PEEKCHARQQ first, you prevent GETCHARQQ from halting your processwhile it waits for a keystroke. If there is a keystroke, GETCHARQQ returns it and resetsPEEKCHARQQ to .FALSE..CompatibilityCONSOLE DLL LIBSee Also: “GETCHARQQ”, “GETSTRQQ”, “FGETC”, “GETC”ExampleUSE IFCORELOGICAL(4) pressed / .FALSE. /DO WHILE (.NOT. pressed)WRITE(*,*) ' Press any key'pressed = PEEKCHARQQ ( )END DOENDPERRORRun-Time Subroutine: Sends a message to the standard error stream, preceded by a specifiedstring, for the last detected error.Module: USE IFCORESyntaxCALL PERROR (string)string(Input) Character*(*). Message to precede the standard error message.The string sent is the same as that given by GERROR.CompatibilityCONSOLE STANDARD GRAPHICS QUICKWIN GRAPHICS WINDOWS DLL LIBSee Also: “GERROR”, “IERRNO”2-244

Descriptions of the Library Routines 2ExampleUSE IFCOREcharacter*24 errtexterrtext = 'In my opinion, '. . .! any error message generated by errtext is! preceded by 'In my opinion, 'Call PERROR (errtext)PIE, PIE_WGraphics Functions: Draw a pie-shaped wedge in the current graphics color. These functionsare only available on Windows* systems.Module: USE IFQWINSyntaxresult = PIE (i, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4)result = PIE_W (i, wx1, wy1, wx2, wy2, wx3, wy3, wx4, wy4)i(Input) INTEGER(2). Fill flag. One of the following symbolic constants (defined inIFQWIN.F90):• $GFILLINTERIOR – Fills the figure using the current color and fill mask.• $GBORDER – Does not fill the figure.x1, y1(Input) INTEGER(2). Viewport coordinates for upper-left corner of bounding rectangle.x2, y2(Input) INTEGER(2). Viewport coordinates for lower-right corner of bounding rectangle.x3, y3(Input) INTEGER(2). Viewport coordinates of start vector.x4, y4(Input) INTEGER(2). Viewport coordinates of end vector.wx1, wy1(Input) REAL(8). Window coordinates for upper-left corner of bounding rectangle.wx2, wy2(Input) REAL(8). Window coordinates for lower-right corner of bounding rectangle.2-245

Descriptions of the Library Routines 2ExampleUSE IFCOREcharacter*24 errtexterrtext = 'In my opinion, '. . .! any error message generated by errtext is! preceded by 'In my opinion, 'Call PERROR (errtext)PIE, PIE_WGraphics Functions: Draw a pie-shaped wedge in the current graphics color. These functionsare only available on Windows* systems.Module: USE IFQWINSyntaxresult = PIE (i, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4)result = PIE_W (i, wx1, wy1, wx2, wy2, wx3, wy3, wx4, wy4)i(Input) INTEGER(2). Fill flag. One of the following symbolic constants (defined inIFQWIN.F90):• $GFILLINTERIOR – Fills the figure using the current color and fill mask.• $GBORDER – Does not fill the figure.x1, y1(Input) INTEGER(2). Viewport coordinates for upper-left corner of bounding rectangle.x2, y2(Input) INTEGER(2). Viewport coordinates for lower-right corner of bounding rectangle.x3, y3(Input) INTEGER(2). Viewport coordinates of start vector.x4, y4(Input) INTEGER(2). Viewport coordinates of end vector.wx1, wy1(Input) REAL(8). Window coordinates for upper-left corner of bounding rectangle.wx2, wy2(Input) REAL(8). Window coordinates for lower-right corner of bounding rectangle.2-245

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