Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference

Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference

Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference


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Descriptions of the Library Routines 2c===============================================================10 key1 = getcharqq()c-----first check for control+cif(ichar(key1) .eq. 3) thenwrite(*,*) 'Control C Received'write(*,*) "Really want to quit?"write(*,*) "Type Y to exit, or any other char to continue."read(*,*) ch1if(ch1.eq."y" .or. ch1.eq."Y") goto 30goto 10endifif(ichar(key1).eq.0) then ! function key?key2 = getcharqq()write(*,15) ichar(key1),ichar(key2),key215 format(1x,2i12,1x,a1,' function key')elseif(ichar(key1).eq.224) then ! direction key?key2 = getcharqq()write(*,16) ichar(key1),ichar(key2),key216 format(1x,2i12,1x,a1,' direction key')elsewrite(*,20) key1,ichar(key1) ! normal key20 format(1x,a1,i11)endifendifgo to 1030 stopendPEEKCHARQQRun-time Function: Checks the keystroke buffer for a recent console keystroke and returns.TRUE. if there is a character in the buffer or .FALSE. if there is not.Module: USE IFCORESyntaxresult = PEEKCHARQQ ( )2-243

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