Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference

Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference

Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference


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Descriptions of the Library Routines 2CompatibilitySTANDARD GRAPHICS QUICKWIN GRAPHICS LIBSee Also: “GETCHARQQ”, “INCHARQQ”Examplesuse IFQWINlogical*4 rescharacter*1 ch, ch1Print *,"Type X to exit, S to scroll, D to pass Direction keys"123 continuech = getcharqq( )! check for escapes! 0x00 0x?? is a function key! 0xE0 0x?? is a direction keyif (ichar(ch) .eq. 0) thench1 = getcharqq()print *,"function key follows escape = ",ichar(ch), " ",ichar(ch1)," ",ch1goto 123else if (ichar(ch) .eq. 224) thench1 = getcharqq()print *,"direction key follows escape = ",ichar(ch)," ",ichar(ch1)," ",ch1goto 123elseprint *,ichar(ch)," ",chif(ch .eq. ’S’) thenres = passdirkeysqq(.false.)print *, "Entering Scroll mode ",resendifif(ch .eq. ’D’) thenres = passdirkeysqq(.true.)print *, "Entering Direction keys mode ",resendifif(ch .ne. ’X’) go to 123endifendThe following example uses an integer constant as an argument to PASSDIRKEYSQQ:c=======================================================================c2-241

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