Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference

Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference
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2 Intel Fortran Libraries ReferenceSee Also: “APPENDMENUQQ”, “DELETEMENUQQ”, “INSERTMENUQQ”,“MODIFYMENUFLAGSQQ”, “MODIFYMENUSTRINGQQ”, "Using QuickWin" in youruser’s guideMODIFYMENUSTRINGQQQuickWin Function: Changes a menu item’s text string. This function is only available onWindows* systems.Module: USE IFQWINSyntaxresult = MODIFYMENUSTRINGQQ (menuID, itemID, text)menuID(Input) INTEGER(4). Identifies the menu containing the item whose text string is to be changed,starting with 1 as the leftmost item.itemID(Input) INTEGER(4). Identifies the menu item whose text string is to be changed, starting with 0as the top menu item.text(Input) Character*(*). Menu item name. Must be a null-terminated C string. For example, wordsof text'C.Results:The result type is LOGICAL(4). The result is .TRUE. if successful; otherwise, .FALSE..You can add access keys in your text strings by placing an ampersand (&) before the letter youwant underlined. For example, to add a Print menu item with the r underlined, use "P&rint"C astext.CompatibilityQUICKWIN GRAPHICS LIBSee Also: “APPENDMENUQQ”, “DELETEMENUQQ”, “INSERTMENUQQ”,“SETMESSAGEQQ”, “MODIFYMENUFLAGSQQ”, “MODIFYMENUROUTINEQQ”, "UsingQuickWin" in your user’s guideExampleUSE IFQWINLOGICAL(4) resultCHARACTER(25) str2-218

Descriptions of the Library Routines 2! Append item to the bottom of the first (FILE) menustr = '&Add to File Menu'Cresult = APPENDMENUQQ(1, $MENUENABLED, str, WINSTATUS)! Change the name of the first item in the first menustr ='&Browse'Cresult = MODIFYMENUSTRINGQQ (1, 1, str)ENDMOVETO, MOVETO_WGraphics Subroutines: Move the current graphics position to a specified point. No drawingoccurs. These subroutines are only available on Windows* systems.Module: USE IFQWINSyntaxCALL MOVETO (x, y, t)CALL MOVETO_W (wx, wy, wt)x, y(Input) INTEGER(2). Viewport coordinates of the new graphics position.t(Output) Derived type xycoord. Viewport coordinates of the previous graphics position. Thederived type xycoord is defined in IFQWIN.F90 as follows:TYPE xycoordINTEGER(2) xcoord ! x coordinateINTEGER(2) ycoord ! y coordinateEND TYPE xycoordwx, wy(Input) REAL(8). Window coordinates of the new graphics position.wt(Output) Derived type wxycoord. Window coordinates of the previous graphics position. Thederived type wxycoord is defined in IFQWIN.F90 as follows:TYPE wxycoordREAL(8) wx ! x window coordinateREAL(8) wy ! y window coordinateEND TYPE wxycoord2-219

2 Intel <strong>Fortran</strong> <strong>Libraries</strong> <strong>Reference</strong>See Also: “APPENDMENUQQ”, “DELETEMENUQQ”, “INSERTMENUQQ”,“MODIFYMENUFLAGSQQ”, “MODIFYMENUSTRINGQQ”, "Using QuickWin" in youruser’s guideMODIFYMENUSTRINGQQQuickWin Function: Changes a menu item’s text string. This function is only available onWindows* systems.Module: USE IFQWINSyntaxresult = MODIFYMENUSTRINGQQ (menuID, itemID, text)menuID(Input) INTEGER(4). Identifies the menu containing the item whose text string is to be changed,starting with 1 as the leftmost item.itemID(Input) INTEGER(4). Identifies the menu item whose text string is to be changed, starting with 0as the top menu item.text(Input) Character*(*). Menu item name. Must be a null-terminated C string. For example, wordsof text'C.Results:The result type is LOGICAL(4). The result is .TRUE. if successful; otherwise, .FALSE..You can add access keys in your text strings by placing an ampersand (&) before the letter youwant underlined. For example, to add a Print menu item with the r underlined, use "P&rint"C astext.CompatibilityQUICKWIN GRAPHICS LIBSee Also: “APPENDMENUQQ”, “DELETEMENUQQ”, “INSERTMENUQQ”,“SETMESSAGEQQ”, “MODIFYMENUFLAGSQQ”, “MODIFYMENUROUTINEQQ”, "UsingQuickWin" in your user’s guideExampleUSE IFQWINLOGICAL(4) resultCHARACTER(25) str2-218

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