Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference

Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference

Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference


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Descriptions of the Library Routines 2CompatibilityQUICKWIN GRAPHICS LIBSee Also: “ABOUTBOXQQ”, “SETMESSAGEQQ”, "Using QuickWin" in your user’s guideExample! Build as QuickWin appUSE IFQWINmessage = MESSAGEBOXQQ('Do you want to continue?'C, &'Matrix'C, &MB$ICONQUESTION.OR.MB$YESNO.OR.MB$DEFBUTTON1)ENDMODIFYMENUFLAGSQQQuickWin Function: Modifies a menu item’s state. This function is only available onWindows* systems.Module: USE IFQWINSyntaxresult = MODIFYMENUFLAGSQQ (menuID, itemID, flag)menuID(Input) INTEGER(4). Identifies the menu containing the item whose state is to be modified,starting with 1 as the leftmost menu.itemID(Input) INTEGER(4). Identifies the menu item whose state is to be modified, starting with 0 as thetop item.flag(Input) INTEGER(4). Constant indicating the menu state. Flags can be combined with aninclusive OR (see the Results section below). The following constants are available:• $MENUGRAYED – Disables and grays out the menu item.• $MENUDISABLED – Disables but does not gray out the menu item.• $MENUENABLED – Enables the menu item.• $MENUSEPARATOR – Draws a separator bar.• $MENUCHECKED – Puts a check by the menu item.• $MENUUNCHECKED – Removes the check by the menu item.2-215

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