Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference

Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference

Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference


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Descriptions of the Library Routines 2See Also: “LINETO, LINETO_W”, “LINETOAR”, “POLYLINEQQ”, “SETWRITEMODE”, theLOC intrinsic function in the Language <strong>Reference</strong>Example! Build for QuickWin or Standard GraphicsUSE IFQWINinteger(2) fx(3),fy(3),tx(3),ty(3),resultinteger(4) C(3),S(3),cnt,i,colorcolor = Z'000000FF'! load the pointsdo i = 1,3S(i) = 0 ! all lines solidC(i) = IOR(Z'80000000',color)color = color*256 ! pick another of RGBif(IAND(color,Z'00FFFFFF').eq.0) color = Z'000000FF'!from herefx(i) =20*ify(i) =10!to theretx(i) =20*ity(i) =60end do! draw the lines all at once! 3 vertical lines in upper left corner, Red, Green, and Blueresult = LINETOAREX(loc(fx),loc(fy),loc(tx),loc(ty),loc(C),loc(S),3)endLNBLNKPortability Function: Locates the position of the last nonblank character in a string.Module: USE IFPORTSyntaxresult = LNBLNK (string)string(Input) Character*(*). String to be searched. Cannot be an array.2-195

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