Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference

Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference
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2 Intel Fortran Libraries ReferenceModule: USE IFPORTSyntaxresult = INTC (i)i(Input) INTEGER(4). A value or expression.Results:The result type is INTEGER(2). The result is the value of i with type INTEGER(2). Overflow isignored.INTEGERTORGBQuickWin Subroutine: Converts an RGB color value into its red, green, and blue components.This subroutine is only available on Windows* systems.Module: USE IFQWINSyntaxCALL INTEGERTORGB (rgb, red, green, blue)rgb(Input) INTEGER(4). RGB color value whose red, green, and blue components are to be INTEGER(4). Intensity of the red component of the RGB color INTEGER(4). Intensity of the green component of the RGB color INTEGER(4). Intensity of the blue component of the RGB color value.INTEGERTORGB separates the four-byte RGB color value into the three components as follows:BitRGB31 (MSB) 24 23 16 15 8 7 0O O O O O O O O B B B B B B B B G G G G G G G G R R R R R R R RCompatibilityQUICKWIN GRAPHICS WINDOWS LIB2-180

Descriptions of the Library Routines 2See Also: “RGBTOINTEGER”, “GETCOLORRGB”, “GETBKCOLORRGB”,“GETPIXELRGB, GETPIXELRGB_W”, “GETPIXELSRGB”, “GETTEXTCOLORRGB”,"Using QuickWin" in your user’s guideExample! build as a QuickWin App.USE IFQWININTEGER(4) r, g, bCALL INTEGERTORGB(2456, r, g, b)write(*,*) r, g, bENDIPXFARGCPOSIX Function: Returns the index of the last command-line argument.Module: USE IFPOSIXSyntaxresult = IPXFARGC ( )Results:The result type is INTEGER(4). The result value is the number of command-line arguments,excluding the command name, in the command used to invoke the executing program. A returnvalue of zero indicates there are no command-line arguments other than the command name itself.CompatibilityCONSOLE STANDARD GRAPHICS QUICKWIN GRAPHICS WINDOWS DLL LIBSee Also: “PXFGETARG”IPXFCONSTPOSIX Function: Returns the value associated with a constant defined in the C POSIX standard.Module: USE IFPOSIXSyntaxresult = IPXFCONST (constname)constname(Input) Character. The name of a C POSIX standard constant.2-181

2 Intel <strong>Fortran</strong> <strong>Libraries</strong> <strong>Reference</strong>Module: USE IFPORTSyntaxresult = INTC (i)i(Input) INTEGER(4). A value or expression.Results:The result type is INTEGER(2). The result is the value of i with type INTEGER(2). Overflow isignored.INTEGERTORGBQuickWin Subroutine: Converts an RGB color value into its red, green, and blue components.This subroutine is only available on Windows* systems.Module: USE IFQWINSyntaxCALL INTEGERTORGB (rgb, red, green, blue)rgb(Input) INTEGER(4). RGB color value whose red, green, and blue components are to be INTEGER(4). Intensity of the red component of the RGB color INTEGER(4). Intensity of the green component of the RGB color INTEGER(4). Intensity of the blue component of the RGB color value.INTEGERTORGB separates the four-byte RGB color value into the three components as follows:BitRGB31 (MSB) 24 23 16 15 8 7 0O O O O O O O O B B B B B B B B G G G G G G G G R R R R R R R RCompatibilityQUICKWIN GRAPHICS WINDOWS LIB2-180

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