Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference

Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference

Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference


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Descriptions of the Library Routines 2Syntaxresult = GETFONTINFO (font)font(Output) Derived type FONTINFO. Set of characteristics of the current font. The FONTINFOderived type is defined in IFQWIN.F90 as follows:TYPE FONTINFOINTEGER(4) type! 1 = truetype, 0 = bit mapINTEGER(4) ascent! Pixel distance from top to! baselineINTEGER(4) pixwidth ! Character width in pixels,! 0=proportionalINTEGER(4) pixheight ! Character height in pixelsINTEGER(4) avgwidth ! Average character width in! pixelsCHARACTER(81) filename ! File name including pathCHARACTER(32) facename ! Font nameLOGICAL(1) italic! .TRUE. if current font! formatted italicLOGICAL(1) emphasized ! .TRUE. if current font! formatted boldLOGICAL(1) underline ! .TRUE. if current font! formatted underlinedEND TYPE FONTINFOResults:The result type is INTEGER(2). The result is zero if successful; otherwise, –1.You must initialize fonts with INITIALIZEFONTS before calling any font-related function,including GETFONTINFO.CompatibilitySTANDARD GRAPHICS QUICKWIN GRAPHICS LIBSee Also: “GETGTEXTEXTENT”, “GETGTEXTROTATION”, “GRSTATUS”, “OUTGTEXT”,“INITIALIZEFONTS”, “SETFONT”,"Using Fonts from the Graphics Library" in your user’sguideExample! Build as QuickWin or Standard GraphicsUSE IFQWINTYPE (FONTINFO) info2-125

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