Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference

Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference

Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference


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2 Intel <strong>Fortran</strong> <strong>Libraries</strong> <strong>Reference</strong>GETEXCEPTIONPTRSQQRun-Time Function: Returns a pointer to C run-time exception information pointers appropriatefor use in signal handlers established with SIGNALQQ or direct calls to the C rtl signal( ) routine.This function is only available on Windows* systems.Module: USE IFCORESyntaxresult = GETEXCEPTIONPTRSQQ ( )Results:The result type is INTEGER(4) on IA-32 processors; INTEGER(8) on Intel Itanium processors.The return value is the address of a data structure whose members are pointers to exceptioninformation captured by the C runtime at the time of an exception. This result value can then beused as the EPTR argument to routine TRACEBACKQQ to generate a stack trace from auser-defined handler or to inspect the exception context record directly.Calling GETEXCEPTIONPTRSQQ is only valid within a user-defined handler that wasestablished with SIGNALQQ or a direct call to the C rtl signal( ) function.For a full description of exceptions and error handling, see "The Floating Point Environment" inyour user’s guide.CompatibilityCONSOLE STANDARD GRAPHICS QUICKWIN GRAPHICS DLL LIBSee Also: “TRACEBACKQQ”, “GETSTATUSFPQQ”, “CLEARSTATUSFPQQ”,“SETCONTROLFPQQ”, “GETCONTROLFPQQ”, “SIGNALQQ”ExamplePROGRAM SIGTESTUSE IFCORE...R3 = 0.0E0STS = SIGNALQQ(MY_HANDLER)! Cause a divide by zero exceptionR1 = 3.0E0/R3...ENDINTEGER(4) FUNCTION MY_HANDLER(SIGNUM,EXCNUM)USE IFCORE...EPTRS = GETEXCEPTIONPTRSQQ()2-118

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