Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference

Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference
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2 Intel Fortran Libraries ReferenceElement Description Values or Notesstatb(1) Device the file resides on W*32, W*64: Always 0L*X: System dependentstatb(2) File inode number W*32, W*64: Always 0L*X: System dependentstatb(3) Access mode of the file See the table in Resultsstatb(4) Number of hard links to the file W*32, W*64: Always 1L*X: System dependentstatb(5) User ID of owner W*32, W*64: Always 1L*X: System dependentstatb(6) Group ID of owner W*32, W*64: Always 1L*X: System dependentstatb(7) Raw device the file resides on W*32, W*64: Always 0L*X: System dependentstatb(8) Size of the filestatb(9) Time when the file was last accessed 1W*32, W*64: Only available onnon-FAT file systems; undefined onFAT systemsL*X: System dependentstatb(10) Time when the file was last modified 1statb(11) Time of last file status change 1 W*32, W*64: Same as stat(10)L*X: System dependentstatb(12) Blocksize for file system I/O operations W*32, W*64: Always 1L*X: System dependent1. Times are in the same format returned by the TIME function (number of seconds since 00:00:00 Greenwich mean time, January 1, 1970).Results:The result type is INTEGER(4). The result is zero if successful; otherwise, returns an error codeequal to EINVAL (lunit is not a valid unit number, or is not open).The access mode (the third element of statb) is a bitmap consisting of an IOR of the followingconstants:Symbolic name Constant Description NotesS_IFMT O'0170000' Type of fileS_IFDIR O'0040000' DirectoryS_IFCHR O'0020000' Character special Never set on Windows* systems2-92

Descriptions of the Library Routines 2Symbolic name Constant Description NotesS_IFBLK O'0060000' Block special Never set on Windows systemsS_IFREG O'0100000' RegularS_IFLNK O'0120000' Symbolic link Never set on Windows systemsS_IFSOCK O'0140000' Socket Never set on Windows systemsS_ISUID O'0004000' Set user ID on execution Never set on Windows systemsS_ISGID O'0002000' Set group ID on execution Never set on Windows systemsS_ISVTX O'0001000' Save swapped text Never set on Windows systemsS_IRWXU O'0000700' Owner’s file permissionsS_IRUSR, S_IREAD O'0000400' Owner’s read permission Always true on Windows systemsS_IWUSR, S_IWRITE O'0000200' Owner’s write permissionS_IXUSR, S_IEXEC O'0000100' Owner’s execute permission Based on file extension (.EXE, .COM,.CMD, or .BAT)S_IRWXG O'0000070' Group’s file permissions Same as S_IRWXU on WindowssystemsS_IRGRP O'0000040' Group’s read permission Same as S_IRUSR on WindowssystemsS_IWGRP O'0000020' Group’s write permission Same as S_IWUSR on WindowssystemsS_IXGRP O'0000010' Group’s execute permission Same as S_IXUSR on WindowssystemsS_IRWXO O'0000007' Other’s file permissions Same as S_IRWXU on WindowssystemsS_IROTH O'0000004' Other’s read permission Same as S_IRUSR on WindowssystemsS_IWOTH O'0000002' Other’s write permission Same as S_IWUSR on WindowssystemsS_IXOTH O'0000001' Other’s execute permission Same as S_IXUSR on WindowssystemsSTAT returns the same information as FSTAT, but accesses files by name instead of external unitnumber.CompatibilityCONSOLE STANDARD GRAPHICS QUICKWIN GRAPHICS WINDOWS LIBSee Also: the INQUIRE statement in the Language Reference, “STAT”2-93

2 Intel <strong>Fortran</strong> <strong>Libraries</strong> <strong>Reference</strong>Element Description Values or Notesstatb(1) Device the file resides on W*32, W*64: Always 0L*X: System dependentstatb(2) File inode number W*32, W*64: Always 0L*X: System dependentstatb(3) Access mode of the file See the table in Resultsstatb(4) Number of hard links to the file W*32, W*64: Always 1L*X: System dependentstatb(5) User ID of owner W*32, W*64: Always 1L*X: System dependentstatb(6) Group ID of owner W*32, W*64: Always 1L*X: System dependentstatb(7) Raw device the file resides on W*32, W*64: Always 0L*X: System dependentstatb(8) Size of the filestatb(9) Time when the file was last accessed 1W*32, W*64: Only available onnon-FAT file systems; undefined onFAT systemsL*X: System dependentstatb(10) Time when the file was last modified 1statb(11) Time of last file status change 1 W*32, W*64: Same as stat(10)L*X: System dependentstatb(12) Blocksize for file system I/O operations W*32, W*64: Always 1L*X: System dependent1. Times are in the same format returned by the TIME function (number of seconds since 00:00:00 Greenwich mean time, January 1, 1970).Results:The result type is INTEGER(4). The result is zero if successful; otherwise, returns an error codeequal to EINVAL (lunit is not a valid unit number, or is not open).The access mode (the third element of statb) is a bitmap consisting of an IOR of the followingconstants:Symbolic name Constant Description NotesS_IFMT O'0170000' Type of fileS_IFDIR O'0040000' DirectoryS_IFCHR O'0020000' Character special Never set on Windows* systems2-92

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