Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference

Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference

Intel® Fortran Libraries Reference


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Descriptions of the Library Routines 2Use the DLGGET functions to return the values of variables associated with your dialog boxcontrols. Each control has at least one of the integer, logical, or character variable associated withit, but not necessarily all. The control variables are listed in the table in "Control Indexes" in youruser’s guide. The types of controls they are associated with are listed in the table in "AvailableIndexes for Each Dialog Control" in your user’s guide.You can use DLGGET to return the value of any variable. You can also use DLGGETINT toreturn an integer value, or DLGGETLOG and DLGGETCHAR to return logical and charactervalues, respectively. If you use DLGGET, you do not have to worry about matching the function tothe variable type. If you use the wrong function type for a variable or try to return a variable typethat is not available, the DLGGET functions return .FALSE..If two or more controls have the same controlid, you cannot use these controls in a DLGGEToperation. In this case the function returns .FALSE..The dialog box does not need to be open to access its control variables.CompatibilityCONSOLE STANDARD GRAPHICS QUICKWIN GRAPHICS WINDOWS LIBSee Also: “DLGSET, DLGSETINT, DLGSETLOG, DLGSETCHAR”, “DLGSETSUB”,“DLGINIT, DLGINITWITHRESOURCEHANDLE”, “DLGMODAL,DLGMODALWITHPARENT”, “DLGMODELESS”, "Using Dialogs" and "Dialog Controls" inyour user’s guideExampleUSE IFLOGMINCLUDE "THISDLG.FD"TYPE (DIALOG) dlgINTEGER valLOGICAL retlog, is_checkedCHARACTER(256) text...retlog = DLGGET (dlg, IDC_CHECKBOX1, is_checked, dlg_status)retlog = DLGGET (dlg, IDC_SCROLLBAR2, val, dlg_range)retlog = DLGGET (dlg, IDC_STATIC_TEXT1, text, dlg_title)...DLGINIT, DLGINITWITHRESOURCEHANDLEDialog Functions: Initialize a dialog box. These functions are only available on Windows*systems on IA-32 processors.Module: USE IFLOGM2-53

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