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English - Balay Mindanaw English - Balay Mindanaw

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LUMADNONG PAGKINABUHI NGADTO SA KALINAWglutamate), and to make their food tasty they used the plantcalled andayugong.The rampant practice of working for wages among theHigaunons has alarmed Amay Mantangkilan, hence heconstantly reminds his constituents, saying:“It is true that we need money but it is not good that we dothis always. We would work for wages but not on a permanentbasis because this is addictive. Only the rich would benefitfrom this while us poor would only become poorer. Eventhough we won’t get rich, as long as we have a decent life andsufficient livelihood from farming, we will not go hungry. Wejust have to persevere in the farm even if we have to workthere alone.”Reclaiming Higaunon LandsThe Agtulawon Mintapod Higaunon Cumadon, Inc.(AGMIHICU) located in Mintapod, Hagpa, Impasug-ong,Bukidnon was awarded with a Certificate of AncestralDomain Claim (CADC) covering 15, 000 hectares. It is nowknown as “CADC 112.” Amay Mantangkilan considers thisas his greatest achievement.“When the CADC was presented, I did not grab it rightaway since the first area covered was Mintapod, whichwas said to be the center. At first I was hesitant to acceptit because I thought they were only out to cheat us, thatthey will only make us happy for a short while, offer uspromises, but they will end up owning our lands. But afterweighing things for some time, I finally decided to acceptthe CADC.”He was told that Mintapod would become the center of theancestral domain because it was learned that this place has noboundary dispute ever since unlike Kalabugao and Hagpa.62

Part 2 - Four Datus: Stories of the Higaunon LifeAmay Mantangkilan said this was true, and thought thatthis was the will of dumalongdong and tumanod. He said thatafter he was convinced he conferred with Amba Palasambagand Kapitan Agulio.After the awarding of the CADC, Amay Mantangkilanwas grateful as he saw various advantages. He remarkedthat the CADC is of great help to the Higaunons becausethis provided them with a piece of document certifying legalownership of their lands. Through this, they would not beridiculed anymore and made as a laughing stock of outsiders,said Amay Mantangkilan. He was happy about their CADCbecause, finally, they had reclaimed their ancestral domain.In December 2006, Certificate of Ancestral Domain Title(CADT) No. 054 was approved and eventually awarded inMay 15, 2008.“This program paved the way for a stronger unity of thetribe. This served as a the bridge or the way towards unity.All the datus, baes, the spirits and the youth are all part of this,hence this is one instrument that has really helped us.”63

LUMADNONG PAGKINABUHI NGADTO SA KALINAWglutamate), and to make their food tasty they used the plantcalled andayugong.The rampant practice of working for wages among theHigaunons has alarmed Amay Mantangkilan, hence heconstantly reminds his constituents, saying:“It is true that we need money but it is not good that we dothis always. We would work for wages but not on a permanentbasis because this is addictive. Only the rich would benefitfrom this while us poor would only become poorer. Eventhough we won’t get rich, as long as we have a decent life andsufficient livelihood from farming, we will not go hungry. Wejust have to persevere in the farm even if we have to workthere alone.”Reclaiming Higaunon LandsThe Agtulawon Mintapod Higaunon Cumadon, Inc.(AGMIHICU) located in Mintapod, Hagpa, Impasug-ong,Bukidnon was awarded with a Certificate of AncestralDomain Claim (CADC) covering 15, 000 hectares. It is nowknown as “CADC 112.” Amay Mantangkilan considers thisas his greatest achievement.“When the CADC was presented, I did not grab it rightaway since the first area covered was Mintapod, whichwas said to be the center. At first I was hesitant to acceptit because I thought they were only out to cheat us, thatthey will only make us happy for a short while, offer uspromises, but they will end up owning our lands. But afterweighing things for some time, I finally decided to acceptthe CADC.”He was told that Mintapod would become the center of theancestral domain because it was learned that this place has noboundary dispute ever since unlike Kalabugao and Hagpa.62

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