English - Balay Mindanaw

English - Balay Mindanaw English - Balay Mindanaw

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LUMADNONG PAGKINABUHI NGADTO SA KALINAWThe following is Datu Malindahay’s explanation regardingthe talugan:“In the past, we had no concepts of a barangay; we simplyused the term talugan. Every tribal group had a talugan, whichwere usually represented by a river, as in Odiongan, Linubos,Gingoog.”Aside from the various talugan, Booy Pabuluson apparentlyalso oriented his children about the pieces of land that belongto them, believing that it was his duty as a parent to informhis children the extent of their ownership to prevent conflictsin the future. This was what his parents and his grandparentshad taught him, so as to protect the scope and delineation oftheir land, which he would eventually pass on to his childrenand grandchildren. To prove land ownership, one must beThe elders identified the different talugans still existing. This is one of the outputsduring the Dumalongdong – the talugans were verified and point personsidentified.52

Part 2 - Four Datus: Stories of the Higaunon Lifeable to trace roots of tenure through his ancestors.“When we trace our ownership, we should also be ableto trace the roots of our ancestry or lineage, ensuring theaccuracy of the information, to bolster our credibility andthereby convince all those who listen. Failing to do so wouldbring down my credibility; whereas knowing my ancestrycould surely strengthen my case. In short, claiming a pieceof land means that one must be able to accurately trace hisgenealogy.”Amay Mantangkilan also disproved stories regardingBooy Pabuluson’s supposed multiple teats. He said this wasonly a pasumbingay (euphemism) to mean that he was learnedand knowledgeable.Panud, an activity that entails tracing and reciting one’sgenealogy, is usually done during gatherings and weddings.Aside from establishing one’s lineage, this will give a clearpicture of a person based on his ancestors. Thus, one shouldbe very good and adept at recalling his ancestors, and to beable to expound well the history of the land acquisition. Inthis manner also, one’s right to lay claim on a piece of landcan be justified, said Amay Mantangkilan. Dasang (chant) isusually the medium employed when tracing the origin.Amay Mantangkilan said that various land and boundaryconflicts were caused by some people’s inability to perfectlytrace their origins. An example of this was the case of theMandukita and Mandahinog clans, since both of them haveencroached on each other’s area. Amay Mantangkilan, whohad participated in the mediation, opined that the fault ofthe two parties lies on their failure to remember what theirforefathers or ancestors passed on to them regarding the exactlocations of their land boundaries.As far as the areas of Mintapod, Impadiding and53

Part 2 - Four Datus: Stories of the Higaunon Lifeable to trace roots of tenure through his ancestors.“When we trace our ownership, we should also be ableto trace the roots of our ancestry or lineage, ensuring theaccuracy of the information, to bolster our credibility andthereby convince all those who listen. Failing to do so wouldbring down my credibility; whereas knowing my ancestrycould surely strengthen my case. In short, claiming a pieceof land means that one must be able to accurately trace hisgenealogy.”Amay Mantangkilan also disproved stories regardingBooy Pabuluson’s supposed multiple teats. He said this wasonly a pasumbingay (euphemism) to mean that he was learnedand knowledgeable.Panud, an activity that entails tracing and reciting one’sgenealogy, is usually done during gatherings and weddings.Aside from establishing one’s lineage, this will give a clearpicture of a person based on his ancestors. Thus, one shouldbe very good and adept at recalling his ancestors, and to beable to expound well the history of the land acquisition. Inthis manner also, one’s right to lay claim on a piece of landcan be justified, said Amay Mantangkilan. Dasang (chant) isusually the medium employed when tracing the origin.Amay Mantangkilan said that various land and boundaryconflicts were caused by some people’s inability to perfectlytrace their origins. An example of this was the case of theMandukita and Mandahinog clans, since both of them haveencroached on each other’s area. Amay Mantangkilan, whohad participated in the mediation, opined that the fault ofthe two parties lies on their failure to remember what theirforefathers or ancestors passed on to them regarding the exactlocations of their land boundaries.As far as the areas of Mintapod, Impadiding and53

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