English - Balay Mindanaw

English - Balay Mindanaw

English - Balay Mindanaw


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Part 2 - Four Datus: Stories of the Higaunon Lifeparables to symbolize the good values that the datu shouldabide by. The laws are all about good morals or pamatasan.The Giling, Takulob and Golden Cane: ImportantHigaunon SymbolsThe most important symbol of Higaunon ancestral lawis the giling. Amba Palasambag described the giling: “It’slike a book. Giling is a small stick about one meter long withsmall inscriptions.” The giling is extremely sacred, said AmbaPalasambag, hence, no one is allowed to look at it. The gilingis said to have been bequeathed to his great grandfather(Amayon) named Dikain-in. It is said that when he died, thegiling also disappeared. The greatest Magbabaya purportedlytook this back since this was given only to Dikain-in for himto read and know the contents. Only the person to whom thiswas given could read the contents of the giling and it wasintended for the people to know the . Amba Palasambagadded that when someone teaches about the contents of thegiling, the listeners should not look straight at the speaker butsimply listen. The Higaunons believe that the giling existed asearly as the creation of the world.Amba Palasambag recognized the giling as a symbol oflaws of good values.“The reported contents of the giling were the laws on goodvalues. The people should be taught these values. The datusshould not cheat, and neither should they cheat themselves.When you want to help others, do it without expectingsomething in return. This is the symbol of the giling.”“Bulawan nga baston,” or golden cane, still exists untiltoday, said Amba Palasambag, and they are in the possessionof the huwes or judges. Some government judges reportedlyhave it, too, although they no longer use it. Amba Palasambagdeclared of having seen the bulawan nga baston. The bulawan nga31

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