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LUMADNONG PAGKINABUHI NGADTO SA KALINAWgrandfather, Datu Binagtingan, who finally convinced him toget married. Amba Palasambag relented to an old man’s wishto see his grandchild’s children while he was still alive.Amba Palasambag first met Inda (Francisca) in Dongkonear Hagpa, Impasug-ong, Bukidnon. They got married in amass wedding ceremony with about 20 other couples. Becauseit was a pre-arranged marriage, he and his wife only got toknow each other when they stayed at his wife’s residence inDumalaguing. At the time, Amba Palasambag was workingwith a logging company, but this was to be cut short becauseInda Palasambag, August 200522

of World War II.Part 2 - Four Datus: Stories of the Higaunon LifeAmba Palasambag and his wife are blessed with 11children, some of whom have already died. One of his sons isnow serving in the military as a member of the Citizens ArmedForces Geographical Unit (CAFGU). He wished that one of hischildren follow his footsteps as a datu, but Amba Palasambagknew he could not compel them to. Instead, he continued topray for his children’s health, so they could continue servingthe people. He believed that even as a soldier, his son couldstill help the tribe. Though they are all grownups, Ambawatched his children’s lives closely.“What I do now is seeing how my children go on with theirlives, if they’re being good or not. If I see them doing good, Itell them to continue doing it. I always tell my children to beupright, respectful, to avoid insulting others and refrain fromusing harsh words that can hurt other people.”One of Amba Palasambag’s sons is Agulio Nanolan, orDatu Mandedlyne, who served as Barangay Captain of Hagpa.Amba Palasambag revealed that it was his grandfather, whohad also served as Barangay Captain, who prodded his son torun as Barangay Chairman.Getting a duway (second wife), an idea that is acceptable tothe Higaunons, was a remote possibility for Amba Palasambag.To those who encouraged him to get a second wife, his curtreply: “I did not even want to get married in the first place,why I would want a second wife?”Aside from the practice of duway, some Higaunons take astep further -- having three wives, which they call tagbubong.But unlike Muslims where the man needs to be economicallywell off to have up to four wives, this is not true for theHigaunons. In their case, it is actually the wives who takecharge, not only of the household chores, but also of the23

LUMADNONG PAGKINABUHI NGADTO SA KALINAWgrandfather, Datu Binagtingan, who finally convinced him toget married. Amba Palasambag relented to an old man’s wishto see his grandchild’s children while he was still alive.Amba Palasambag first met Inda (Francisca) in Dongkonear Hagpa, Impasug-ong, Bukidnon. They got married in amass wedding ceremony with about 20 other couples. Becauseit was a pre-arranged marriage, he and his wife only got toknow each other when they stayed at his wife’s residence inDumalaguing. At the time, Amba Palasambag was workingwith a logging company, but this was to be cut short becauseInda Palasambag, August 200522

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