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English - Balay Mindanaw English - Balay Mindanaw

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LUMADNONG PAGKINABUHI NGADTO SA KALINAWFamilyIning and OmacMaintaining social order also means ensuring that arelationship within the family is smooth and harmonious.Thus, the datu may settle conflicts involving domestic affairs,be it husband-and-wife quarrels, adultery, or others. Thecase that follows presents how Datu Manggul-anan settledthe conflict between the couple Ining and Omac, who hadseparated. This happened in Kaanibungan, Kalabugao in2003.Ining and her children got sick because her husband, Omac,had been irresponsible. Omac did not care for his family andwas unable to provide them food. Ining’s father got furiouswith Omac so he warned him not to come to their house againor he would kill him. Before anything could happen, Ining’sfather requested Datu Manggul-anan to intervene because hewas afraid he could not control his anger and kill Omac.During the mediation conducted by Datu Manggulanan,the couple was advised to restore and keep their goodrelationship as a family. Omac was advised to work harderin the farm so he would be able to provide for his family. Thedatu also advised Ining to forgive her husband and keep theirfamily intact. Datu Manggul-anan likewise advised Ining’sfather to help in the reconciliation because the couple werealready old and he could not allow the two to prolong theirfeud. Ining agreed to the terms set by datu because of herrespect for the latter and the way he handled the mediation.The couple was once again reconciled. After the mediation,the datu asked Omac to look for two chickens for the gimokodritual. Omac asked forgiveness from his father-in-law andasked that he be accepted again as son-in-law. The fatheragreed on the condition that Omac change for the better.Datu Manggula-anan noted that the couple maintained their140

Part 3 - Mga Paghusay: Concepts and Practices in Conflict Resolutionpeaceful and harmonious marriage until now.Auring versus BoboyThis case pertains to the conflict between Boboy Duranand his mother in-law, Auring, in Nasandigan, Kalabugao.Datu Manhustuhan mediated this conflict.The Higaunons normally intervene in conflicts involvingtheir relatives to minimize scandal.Boboy Duran constantly harassed his mother-in-law,Auring Quirabo. It was reported that Boboy had long beendoing this to Auring. He was so disrespectful to her to theextent that he used to tease Auring using his bolo. WhenBoboy was proven guilty, he was asked to pay his mother-inlawthe sum of Php500 and three chickens. The chickens werebutchered for the performance of the gimokod ritual to restoretheir good relations.Datu Pignaoan or Meloy PinagawaManga – CerilloA girl named Manga Nasapan left her husband CerilloNalipanta and went back to her family. Datu Pignaoaninitiated the husay because the husband was his relative.Datu Pignaoan and his team went to the girl’s house,bringing along with them a roll of cloth and a big cookingpot to serve as manggad for the girl. He said that these articleswere contributions of other people whom they asked for helpor support. Datu Pignaoan talked to the parents of the girl, inher presence, and discussed the problem. Finally, the parentsand the girl understood their good intentions. Datu Pignaoanpresented them the manggad, and the girl went back to herhusband. They had never separated since then.141

Part 3 - Mga Paghusay: Concepts and Practices in Conflict Resolutionpeaceful and harmonious marriage until now.Auring versus BoboyThis case pertains to the conflict between Boboy Duranand his mother in-law, Auring, in Nasandigan, Kalabugao.Datu Manhustuhan mediated this conflict.The Higaunons normally intervene in conflicts involvingtheir relatives to minimize scandal.Boboy Duran constantly harassed his mother-in-law,Auring Quirabo. It was reported that Boboy had long beendoing this to Auring. He was so disrespectful to her to theextent that he used to tease Auring using his bolo. WhenBoboy was proven guilty, he was asked to pay his mother-inlawthe sum of Php500 and three chickens. The chickens werebutchered for the performance of the gimokod ritual to restoretheir good relations.Datu Pignaoan or Meloy PinagawaManga – CerilloA girl named Manga Nasapan left her husband CerilloNalipanta and went back to her family. Datu Pignaoaninitiated the husay because the husband was his relative.Datu Pignaoan and his team went to the girl’s house,bringing along with them a roll of cloth and a big cookingpot to serve as manggad for the girl. He said that these articleswere contributions of other people whom they asked for helpor support. Datu Pignaoan talked to the parents of the girl, inher presence, and discussed the problem. Finally, the parentsand the girl understood their good intentions. Datu Pignaoanpresented them the manggad, and the girl went back to herhusband. They had never separated since then.141

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