English - Balay Mindanaw

English - Balay Mindanaw English - Balay Mindanaw

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LUMADNONG PAGKINABUHI NGADTO SA KALINAWintact. The people we met include children, youths and adults,datus, baes, community leaders and ritualists, ordinary menand women who live in the same community wanting forpeace to prevail.The Higaunons belong to a large and diverse populationliving in the forested interior plains and mountains ofNorthern Mindanao, in the provinces of Misamis Oriental,Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur and Bukidnon. “Higaunon”is the name they call themselves, but they are also knownto outsiders by other names which refer primarily to theirgeographical location – the hinterlands, the mountains.(Paredes 1997:3)This research intends to gather “good practices,”innovations and indigenous processes in peacebuildingamong the Higaunon tribal communities. It is also our hopeto contribute to public understanding and to the body ofknowledge in peacebuilding and poverty alleviation and serveas basis in the design of future and follow-up peacebuildingprogram interventions in other areas.The important yet very elusive issue of peacebuilding is deeplyconnected to the issue of development of the island of Mindanaw.However, the issue of peacebuilding and development is not onlylimited to the Moro revolutionary movements in Mindanaw.While the peace talks between the government and the MoroIslamic Liberation Front (MILF) always take the center stage,there are other silent yet very significant peacebuilding activities,like the peace talks with the Rebolusyonaryong Partido ngManggagawa ng Mindanao (RPM-M), and among the Higaunonsin Mindanaw.Over the last 50 years, the once mighty and unitedHigaunon tribe in the provinces of Misamis Oriental, Agusandel Norte, Agusan del Sur and Bukidnon has been subjectedto constant divide-and-rule tactics by various interests groups.4

Part 1 - IntroductionsThese interest groups are the logging companies, the militaryand the communist New People’s Army (NPA), the variouschurches, local politicians and businessmen with interests intimber, agricultural, mineral and other products. Throughthe years of aggression, we witnessed how the Higaunonsexperience deep divisions among the clans that resulted toviolence, violence that have kept low profile but could eruptanytime unless properly managed. Killings have been thepattern to resolve their conflicts, thereby causing the tribeto become weaker, disunited and continually in the state ofunpeace.The tribal elders and leaders, however, have always wantedto end these conflicts. Initiatives on conflict resolutions wereslowly started in the mountain borders of the four provinces.These initiatives need to be documented so that othermembers of the Higaunon tribe, especially those under similarsituations of unpeace, can learn from the experience. Othertribal communities, too, can learn from the peacebuildingexperience of the Higaunons.Hence, the answer to the question, “Why document thepeacebuilding initiatives of the Higaunons?”The Processes UndertakenThe research project commenced in the last days of July2005 and became full blown a month after.The project began with a “singampo” in the respective areasof focus -- Sitio Bagasbas, Barangay Sangalan in Gingoog Cityand Sitio Malunsagay, Barangay Minalwang in Claveria,Misamis Oriental; Sitio Kiudto, Barangay Hagpa in Impasugong,Bukidnon. The “singampo,” actually a tribal ritual, is away of asking the permission of the community, as well asthe “spirits and gods,” to implement certain projects. In the5

Part 1 - IntroductionsThese interest groups are the logging companies, the militaryand the communist New People’s Army (NPA), the variouschurches, local politicians and businessmen with interests intimber, agricultural, mineral and other products. Throughthe years of aggression, we witnessed how the Higaunonsexperience deep divisions among the clans that resulted toviolence, violence that have kept low profile but could eruptanytime unless properly managed. Killings have been thepattern to resolve their conflicts, thereby causing the tribeto become weaker, disunited and continually in the state ofunpeace.The tribal elders and leaders, however, have always wantedto end these conflicts. Initiatives on conflict resolutions wereslowly started in the mountain borders of the four provinces.These initiatives need to be documented so that othermembers of the Higaunon tribe, especially those under similarsituations of unpeace, can learn from the experience. Othertribal communities, too, can learn from the peacebuildingexperience of the Higaunons.Hence, the answer to the question, “Why document thepeacebuilding initiatives of the Higaunons?”The Processes UndertakenThe research project commenced in the last days of July2005 and became full blown a month after.The project began with a “singampo” in the respective areasof focus -- Sitio Bagasbas, Barangay Sangalan in Gingoog Cityand Sitio Malunsagay, Barangay Minalwang in Claveria,Misamis Oriental; Sitio Kiudto, Barangay Hagpa in Impasugong,Bukidnon. The “singampo,” actually a tribal ritual, is away of asking the permission of the community, as well asthe “spirits and gods,” to implement certain projects. In the5

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