English - Balay Mindanaw

English - Balay Mindanaw English - Balay Mindanaw

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LUMADNONG PAGKINABUHI NGADTO SA KALINAWDatu Manggul-anan or Faustino Sinuwayan PantaonJunie Domino versus Damian HabunanJunie Domino confided his bad intentions on DamianHabunan to Datu Manggul-anan. The latter advised him notto pursue his plan and not to listen to whoever is commandinghim to kill Damian. Furthermore, the datu warned Junieagainst the complications he would get himself into. But Junie,sometime in 2002, shot and killed Damian.The conflict started when someone, whom Junie did notdivulge, instructed him to kill Damian. A few months later,when Damian spent the night at Junie’s residence, Junieattempted to kill Damian, thinking he was past asleep. Itturned out Damian was not asleep yet, so he grabbed a boloand fought back. It was learned that before Junie attemptedDatu Manggul-anan128

Part 3 - Mga Paghusay: Concepts and Practices in Conflict Resolutionto kill Damian, he even asked forgiveness because he said hewas only instructed to do it. After more than a year, Juniefinally had another chance, and shot and killed Damian. Themotive, according to stories, was that Damian was suspectedof performing barang, some sort of black magic, but this wasnot verified. Damian’s brother Edjon planned to avenge thedeath, but he was worried of the troubles he would get hisfamily into should he succeed in his revenge. He instead wentto Datu Manggul-anan and discussed the possible settlementof the conflict.Datu Manggul-anan sought the assistance of the otherdatus. Datu Manggul-anan told Junie to procure a pig andsome chickens. The mediation was done at the barangayhall. Manpulusan, father of the late Damian, also broughtwith him pigs for the ritual. The people proceeded to dig thearea where the ritual paraphernalia would be buried. Whenthe parties came face to face with each other, the tampuda hubalagun was initiated. The alimaongs positioned themselves inthe middle to secure the proceedings. As soon as the balagun(rattan) was cut, all the ritual materials were buried. Includedin the panlitub were coins and necklaces. A broken egg wasalso included. A salumayag torch was put off before it wascovered by soil. A big stone was placed on top to seal theburied materials.After the tampuda, the singampo started while the food wasbeing cooked. This time, Datu Manggul-anan gave his boloto Junie, who in turn gave it to Manpulusan as his manggad.Junie’s gesture symbolized his asking for forgiveness fromManpulusan. After the food was cooked, the group startedthe pangapog. A betel nut was placed on a porcelain plate andthree candles were lit. All the datus uttered the pangapog forthe final reconciliation of the parties. This was followed bythe panampulot or partaking a small amount of food offering.Eating and drinking ensued as sign of the parties’ gratitudeto the palaghusay.129

Part 3 - Mga Paghusay: Concepts and Practices in Conflict Resolutionto kill Damian, he even asked forgiveness because he said hewas only instructed to do it. After more than a year, Juniefinally had another chance, and shot and killed Damian. Themotive, according to stories, was that Damian was suspectedof performing barang, some sort of black magic, but this wasnot verified. Damian’s brother Edjon planned to avenge thedeath, but he was worried of the troubles he would get hisfamily into should he succeed in his revenge. He instead wentto Datu Manggul-anan and discussed the possible settlementof the conflict.Datu Manggul-anan sought the assistance of the otherdatus. Datu Manggul-anan told Junie to procure a pig andsome chickens. The mediation was done at the barangayhall. Manpulusan, father of the late Damian, also broughtwith him pigs for the ritual. The people proceeded to dig thearea where the ritual paraphernalia would be buried. Whenthe parties came face to face with each other, the tampuda hubalagun was initiated. The alimaongs positioned themselves inthe middle to secure the proceedings. As soon as the balagun(rattan) was cut, all the ritual materials were buried. Includedin the panlitub were coins and necklaces. A broken egg wasalso included. A salumayag torch was put off before it wascovered by soil. A big stone was placed on top to seal theburied materials.After the tampuda, the singampo started while the food wasbeing cooked. This time, Datu Manggul-anan gave his boloto Junie, who in turn gave it to Manpulusan as his manggad.Junie’s gesture symbolized his asking for forgiveness fromManpulusan. After the food was cooked, the group startedthe pangapog. A betel nut was placed on a porcelain plate andthree candles were lit. All the datus uttered the pangapog forthe final reconciliation of the parties. This was followed bythe panampulot or partaking a small amount of food offering.Eating and drinking ensued as sign of the parties’ gratitudeto the palaghusay.129

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