English - Balay Mindanaw

English - Balay Mindanaw English - Balay Mindanaw

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LUMADNONG PAGKINABUHI NGADTO SA KALINAWconsequences of a sala (sin), like some form of a punishmentfor a misdemeanor. The concept of gaba further reinforces theupholding of the balaud.HusayAs mentioned in the preceding chapters, the term husayamong the Higaunons is not only limited to conflicts or feudwhere there are aggrieved parties; it also encompasses thenegotiation of a contract like marriage. Minor conflicts aretermed lumbo bulawan or conflicts that do not involve bloodrelatives while serious conflicts in the form of murder andadultery are called anip ha lido. In this type of conflict, the lawon batasan hu lido applies. The term for the highest form of salais kinatangkawan. This refers to serious conflicts, like murderinvolving blood relatives.ManggadIn a paghusay, the payment or manggad or fine is leviedagainst the party or parties responsible for the crime. Themanggad may be in the form of cash or in kind, like a pieceof land, carabao, horses, and other valuable items. The datusizes up the degree of the offense and determines the amountto be paid to the offended party.From the details of the conflict that will be presented,manggad seems to be the most preferred form of retributionrather than confinement. Tatay Manuel of Minalwang callsthe manggad as “mga gahum” or powers. The datus believethat manggad serves as an effective deterrent to anyone whoplans to commit mistakes. “It’s a cure for one’s ill feelings, thatyou should not continue your hatred towards me, and thatI should also put an end to my hatred towards you,” TatayYukmo said of manggad. The two parties would exchangetheir manggad. This will serve as a keepsake of their restoredrelationships.114

Part 3 - Mga Paghusay: Concepts and Practices in Conflict ResolutionIn most cases, because of the desire of the datus to resolvethe conflict, they are the ones who look for the manggadas offering to the parties. This particularly happens if theoffender has nothing to offer, so the datu himself procuresthe manggad just to settle the conflict. This is one of thereasons why, according to Tatay Malindahay as pointed outin his life history, a datu would never get rich. “My Dumagatneighbors would tell me, ‘Datu, if you just saved all yourmoney instead of using it to help other people, you couldhave bought a car. But since you always help others, you endup with nothing.”Manggad is costly, that is why most datus interviewedremarked that unavailability of money is one of the factorsthat may hinder the speedy resolution of conflicts. Themanggad, however, can be negotiated by the mediating datus,especially when they could see that the manggad demandedby the aggrieved party is more than what the offender andthe datu himself can afford. This was shown in the caseA cooking pot, plates, bolo, money and a cloth, are among those used asmanggad.115

LUMADNONG PAGKINABUHI NGADTO SA KALINAWconsequences of a sala (sin), like some form of a punishmentfor a misdemeanor. The concept of gaba further reinforces theupholding of the balaud.HusayAs mentioned in the preceding chapters, the term husayamong the Higaunons is not only limited to conflicts or feudwhere there are aggrieved parties; it also encompasses thenegotiation of a contract like marriage. Minor conflicts aretermed lumbo bulawan or conflicts that do not involve bloodrelatives while serious conflicts in the form of murder andadultery are called anip ha lido. In this type of conflict, the lawon batasan hu lido applies. The term for the highest form of salais kinatangkawan. This refers to serious conflicts, like murderinvolving blood relatives.ManggadIn a paghusay, the payment or manggad or fine is leviedagainst the party or parties responsible for the crime. Themanggad may be in the form of cash or in kind, like a pieceof land, carabao, horses, and other valuable items. The datusizes up the degree of the offense and determines the amountto be paid to the offended party.From the details of the conflict that will be presented,manggad seems to be the most preferred form of retributionrather than confinement. Tatay Manuel of Minalwang callsthe manggad as “mga gahum” or powers. The datus believethat manggad serves as an effective deterrent to anyone whoplans to commit mistakes. “It’s a cure for one’s ill feelings, thatyou should not continue your hatred towards me, and thatI should also put an end to my hatred towards you,” TatayYukmo said of manggad. The two parties would exchangetheir manggad. This will serve as a keepsake of their restoredrelationships.114

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