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English - Balay Mindanaw English - Balay Mindanaw

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LUMADNONG PAGKINABUHI NGADTO SA KALINAWTatay Manuel, ‘Tay Dikno and Tatay Cornelio share their experiences as membersof the Tribal Council in Barangay Minalwang, Claveria.Although their processes might be quite different, thepurpose of both husay of the barangay court and the datu’scourt is the same -- both want to put an end to the conflict andrestore peace.There are, however, varied opinions as to whose mediationprocess is more reliable. The younger generation in Kalabugaoput their trust more on the barangay officials.“It’s really different. I can really trust the way the barangayofficials mediate conflicts because they use various methodsin calming down people. Not to offend the datus, but therewere cases when a conflict was supposedly ‘settled’ by thedatus, but deep inside, the parties involved still hold grudgesagainst each other.”102Some of the youths in Kiudto said that they trusted the

Part 2 - Four Datus: Stories of the Higaunon Lifebarangay officials more than the datus because “the barangayofficials have more authority to settle conflicts because theywere elected by the people, chosen to lead the barangay.”However, most of the young ones interviewed have noteven attended a single mediation process. The youth seemsnot familiar with the paghusay and therefore may not fullyappreciate the variations.The others remarked that the barangay officials, beingthe duly elected authorities, are recognized by the people.On the other hand, the datus, by virtue of being the eldersin the community, are respected for their wisdom. Womenin Barangay Sangalan, however, uphold that the Higaunonway is more effective because of the manggad. “The giving ofmanggad shows the respect of both parties to each other, andto the datu who mediate in the conflict.” The laws pertainingto manggad is embedded in each one’s heart, and the conflict ofthe parties cannot be settled unless there was a commitmentand willingness from both parties to finally end the conflict.Moreover, the datus’ wives believe that the traditional way isbetter because of the blessing from God through the singampo.Divine intervention, to them, has more weight. The Dumagat’sor the modern way, some say, is expensive and tedious sincea trial usually lasts for more than a year, hiring lawyers alongthe way, before a verdict is arrived at.The tanods trust the datus especially when the personsinvolved in the conflict are all Higaunons. The chicken (thatis offered as manggad) is equivalent to the affidavit that wouldseal their peace pact, said the tanods. The women in Kiudtoalso mentioned that, although conflict resolution proceedingsare not documented on paper, the tampuda already serves thispurpose.“They do not need a secretary because of the tampuda,the ritual which constitutes the most sacred agreement. Atampuda is basically an agreement that should not be altered.103

Part 2 - Four Datus: Stories of the Higaunon Lifebarangay officials more than the datus because “the barangayofficials have more authority to settle conflicts because theywere elected by the people, chosen to lead the barangay.”However, most of the young ones interviewed have noteven attended a single mediation process. The youth seemsnot familiar with the paghusay and therefore may not fullyappreciate the variations.The others remarked that the barangay officials, beingthe duly elected authorities, are recognized by the people.On the other hand, the datus, by virtue of being the eldersin the community, are respected for their wisdom. Womenin Barangay Sangalan, however, uphold that the Higaunonway is more effective because of the manggad. “The giving ofmanggad shows the respect of both parties to each other, andto the datu who mediate in the conflict.” The laws pertainingto manggad is embedded in each one’s heart, and the conflict ofthe parties cannot be settled unless there was a commitmentand willingness from both parties to finally end the conflict.Moreover, the datus’ wives believe that the traditional way isbetter because of the blessing from God through the singampo.Divine intervention, to them, has more weight. The Dumagat’sor the modern way, some say, is expensive and tedious sincea trial usually lasts for more than a year, hiring lawyers alongthe way, before a verdict is arrived at.The tanods trust the datus especially when the personsinvolved in the conflict are all Higaunons. The chicken (thatis offered as manggad) is equivalent to the affidavit that wouldseal their peace pact, said the tanods. The women in Kiudtoalso mentioned that, although conflict resolution proceedingsare not documented on paper, the tampuda already serves thispurpose.“They do not need a secretary because of the tampuda,the ritual which constitutes the most sacred agreement. Atampuda is basically an agreement that should not be altered.103

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