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English - Balay Mindanaw English - Balay Mindanaw

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LUMADNONG PAGKINABUHI NGADTO SA KALINAWif the persons involved in the conflict are all Higaunons,settlement is entrusted to the datus. If all are Dumagats, thebarangay captain would handle the settlement. The youths inKiudto said that this division of tasks between the barangayofficials and the datus is followed because Dumagats mayencounter difficulties when the datus mediate their case.“In a case where Dumagats are involved, they could hardlycomprehend the settlement process because the datus usuallydo the dasang. They might think that the datus are quarrelingwhen in fact they are only conversing.” If the conflict involvesa Higaunon and a Dumagat, the datus and the barangayofficials join together to settle the conflict, as in the case inKiudto. “They come together and help each other settle theconflict.”A clear division of labor in handling cases is bestillustrated on the experience of Tatay Malindahay and hisbrother, Estoriano Mandahinog, who is the barangay captainin Kalipay. “In most cases, the datus only mediate conflictsinvolving the lumads. But there are also cases that could notbe settled by the datus, so they pass these on to barangayofficials.” In some cases, the reverse is also true -- of the datushandling the settlement when the barangay officials could notsettle the conflict, according to Tatay Malindahay.The youth in Kalabugao said that barangay kagawads maysettle the conflict if it falls within his area of responsibility. Thesame holds true for the sitio leaders. Conflicts pertaining tothe gaops are automatically the concern of the datus, accordingto the tanods in Kiudto. “If there was a conflict within a gaop,a datu may settle it first. But if the datu can’t settle it, onlythen it can be forwarded to the sitio leaders.” In Minalwang,conflicts involving both Higaunons and Dumagats are firstbrought to the datu before being endorsed to the barangaycouncil. The tanods in Minalwang see no problem withthis system, since majority of the members of the barangaycouncil are also Higaunons. In Kalabugao, the datus and100

Part 2 - Four Datus: Stories of the Higaunon Lifethe barangay council often converge to mediate and resolveconflicts, whether involving Higaunons or Dumagats.According to the lupon in Minalwang, many residentsprefer datus to settle their conflicts. “Here in our place, manywould prefer that the settlement be confined within the tribeinstead of bringing it to barangay officials.” But in Kalabugao,especially among the youth, the barangay officials are morepreferred. One of the youths said, “I have more confidencein the barangay officials’ method of mediating conflicts.”Comparing the husay conducted by the datus and the barangayofficials, the people observed that the datus do the dasang,perform the various rituals and offer manggad, while thebarangay officials only conduct a prayer, and then the signingof an affidavit. The barangay officials also require a filing feeof Php25 from the one who files the complaint, according tothe tanods in Kiudto. Women in Sitio Kiudto noted that whenthe barangay officials conduct a settlement, there is always asecretary who would document the proceedings. Datus neverrequire a written record of their proceedings. The women alsoobserved:“When the datus conduct settlements, they have tosacrifice some of their personal belongings to ensure a peacefulproceeding. It could be a bolo, or some other thing, as long asthey have something to give away.”The youths in Minalwang also noted that Higaunons donot anymore allow feuding parties to air their sides of the storyregarding the conflict, contrary to the mainstream practice ofresolving issues. “In the Dumagat way of settlement, the twoparties are given time to tell their side of the story. This oftenleads to more conflicts because hurting words are usuallyhurled toward each other. In our system, only the datuusually does the talking, because he had already listened toboth parties before they are made to face each other, therebyavoiding delays.”101

LUMADNONG PAGKINABUHI NGADTO SA KALINAWif the persons involved in the conflict are all Higaunons,settlement is entrusted to the datus. If all are Dumagats, thebarangay captain would handle the settlement. The youths inKiudto said that this division of tasks between the barangayofficials and the datus is followed because Dumagats mayencounter difficulties when the datus mediate their case.“In a case where Dumagats are involved, they could hardlycomprehend the settlement process because the datus usuallydo the dasang. They might think that the datus are quarrelingwhen in fact they are only conversing.” If the conflict involvesa Higaunon and a Dumagat, the datus and the barangayofficials join together to settle the conflict, as in the case inKiudto. “They come together and help each other settle theconflict.”A clear division of labor in handling cases is bestillustrated on the experience of Tatay Malindahay and hisbrother, Estoriano Mandahinog, who is the barangay captainin Kalipay. “In most cases, the datus only mediate conflictsinvolving the lumads. But there are also cases that could notbe settled by the datus, so they pass these on to barangayofficials.” In some cases, the reverse is also true -- of the datushandling the settlement when the barangay officials could notsettle the conflict, according to Tatay Malindahay.The youth in Kalabugao said that barangay kagawads maysettle the conflict if it falls within his area of responsibility. Thesame holds true for the sitio leaders. Conflicts pertaining tothe gaops are automatically the concern of the datus, accordingto the tanods in Kiudto. “If there was a conflict within a gaop,a datu may settle it first. But if the datu can’t settle it, onlythen it can be forwarded to the sitio leaders.” In Minalwang,conflicts involving both Higaunons and Dumagats are firstbrought to the datu before being endorsed to the barangaycouncil. The tanods in Minalwang see no problem withthis system, since majority of the members of the barangaycouncil are also Higaunons. In Kalabugao, the datus and100

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