1939-1940 - Department of Education and Skills

1939-1940 - Department of Education and Skills

1939-1940 - Department of Education and Skills


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,EIRE.AN ROINN OIDEACHAISTUARASGABHAIL<strong>1939</strong>-40.REPORTOF THE<strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Education</strong><strong>1939</strong>-40.(Presented to the Government by the Ministlr for <strong>Education</strong> <strong>and</strong>laid before the Oireachtas.)BAILE ATHA CLIATH:DUBLIN:FOILLSITHE AG OIFIG AN TSOLATHAIR.PUBLISHED BY THE STATIONERY OFFICE.Le ceannach dlreach 6OlFIG DfoLTA FOILLSEACHAIN RIALTAIS, 3-4, SRAID AN CHOLA.ISTEBAILE ATHA CLIATH, C.S.no tre aon diolt6ir leabhar.To be purchased directly from theGOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS SALE OFFICE, 3-4 COLLEGE STREET,DUBLIN, C.S.or through any Bookseller.(P. No. 4649)Price: One Shilling <strong>and</strong> Sixpence.

AN ROINNOIDEACHAIS,Abran , 1941.D'ON AIRE OIDEACHAJS,Ta se d'oneir agam an Tuarasgabhail Statisticiiiil ar an rnB1iainScoile agns ar an rnBliain Airgeadais agus Riarachain <strong>1939</strong>-40, achur faoi do bhraghaid,SEOSAMH0 NEII.LRuna«.

5INDEX.TableNo. <strong>of</strong> SchoolsNumber <strong>of</strong> Schools (1) teaching aB subjects through Irish,(2) teaching partly through IrishIndustrial School Children attending National SchoolsNumbers <strong>of</strong> Pupils on RoUsNumber <strong>of</strong> Teachers employedTrained <strong>and</strong> Untrained TeachersIrish Qualifications <strong>of</strong> TeacherseOU.1St:! UUmUCd11)Students in TrainingThe Reid BequestCarlisle <strong>and</strong> Blake PremiumsTeachers' Pensions <strong>and</strong> GratuitiesState ExpenditurePage7<strong>and</strong>778899101112131415SECONDARY EDUCATION.14. Schools <strong>and</strong> Pupils 1615. Examination Statistics 2016. Recognition <strong>of</strong> Classes in Primary Schools 2417. Teachers 2418. Registration <strong>of</strong> Teachers ... 2419. Scholarships 2520. The" CharIeville Endowment" 2821. Financial Statement 2822. Table showing the numbers <strong>of</strong> Pupils <strong>and</strong> Teachers in recognisedSecondary Schools 29~3. Secondary Teachers' Pension Fund 43VOCATIONAL EDUCATION.24. Numbers <strong>and</strong> Occupations <strong>of</strong> Students who attended Classesunder Vocational <strong>Education</strong> Schemes 4425. Financial Statements 5226. Number <strong>of</strong> Students, according to age, in various types <strong>of</strong> Schools 5527. Total number <strong>of</strong> Students enrolled in various types <strong>of</strong> Schools<strong>and</strong> Classes 6328. Number <strong>of</strong> Teachers employed <strong>and</strong> number <strong>of</strong> hours <strong>of</strong> instructionin Schools <strong>and</strong> Classes 6429. Technical School Examinations 6530. List <strong>of</strong> C<strong>and</strong>idates to whom Prizes have been awarded 7231. Summary <strong>of</strong> Results <strong>of</strong> Special Examinations for Post OfficeEmployees, <strong>1940</strong> 7832.33.34.35.REFORMATORY AND INDUSTRIALReformatory Schools-General Statistics.Industrial Schools-General StatisticsCommittals to Reformatory SchoolsAdmissions to Industrial Schools ...SCHOOLS.79797980

6TableNo. AND'IN.QUSl'RIAL SCHOOLS(contd.)PageAges <strong>and</strong> State <strong>of</strong> Instruction <strong>of</strong> Children admitted to ReformatorySchools 80Ages <strong>and</strong> State <strong>of</strong>.Instruction <strong>of</strong> Children admitted to Industrial'Schools . 81Discharges from Reformatory Schools i 81Discharges from Industrial Schools ' 82Discharges to Employment from Reformatory Schools 82Discharges to Employment from Industrial Schools 82Deaths among Pupils in Industrial Schools 83List <strong>of</strong> Reformatory <strong>and</strong> Industrial Schools 84Numbers committed to Reformatory <strong>and</strong> Industrial Schoolsfrom each District Court Area... 85Numbers admitted from the several Cities <strong>and</strong> Counties whereCommittals were made 86Numbers <strong>of</strong> children under detention on 31/7/40 chargeableto each Local Authority 8747.NATIONAL MUSEUM.Attendance <strong>of</strong> Public 88, -48.NATIONAL LIBRARY.Attendance, Accessions <strong>of</strong> Books, etc. 8849. NATIONAL COLLEGE OF ART. 89so...51.ENDOWED SCHOOLS.Endowments directly controlled by the Minister for <strong>Education</strong>Endowments directly administered by Local Governing Bodies909152.bR.6.mnSe n o, f>rOIU"slu6.5.n.Lioaee 'Oe "

7PRIMARYPRIMARYEDUCATION.SCHOOLS.1. No. <strong>of</strong> Schools on 30th June, <strong>1940</strong>.Ordinary Schools 4,629Convent Paid solely by Capitation 322Paid by Personal salaries 36Monastery Paid by Capitation 78Paid by Personal salaries 49TOTAL 5,114The majority <strong>of</strong> these schools have been built from State Grants<strong>and</strong> local contributions in the proportion <strong>of</strong> £2 State Grants to £1raised locally, a State grant in excess <strong>of</strong> two-thirds being given innecessitous districts.During <strong>1939</strong>-40 forty-six schools were amalgamated, resulting in theelimination <strong>of</strong> twenty-three schools as separate institutions.2. Number <strong>of</strong> Schools (1) Teaching all subjects through Irish underthe headings Fior-GhaedheaItacht, Gaedhealtacht, Breae-Ghaedhealtacht <strong>and</strong> Galltacht, <strong>and</strong> (2) Partly through Irish underthe headings Gaedhealtacht, Breac-Ghaedhealtacht <strong>and</strong> Galltacht(1) (2)Fior-Ghaedhealtacht 173Gaedhealtacht 74 100Breac-Ghaedhealtacht 116 311Galltacht 280 1,794TOTAL 643 2,2053. Industrial School Children attending National Schools.In addition to the Baltimore Fishery Industrial National School,there were 23 National Schools attended by children from IndustrialSchools (certified under the Industrial Schools Act). The number <strong>of</strong>these pupils on rolls on the 30th June, <strong>1940</strong>, was 1,432 (202 boys<strong>and</strong> 1,230 girls) <strong>and</strong> the average daily attendance <strong>of</strong> these pupils was1,378 (192 boys <strong>and</strong> 1,186 girls). These Industrial School childrenare instructed in the same manner as ordinary day pupils <strong>of</strong> nationalschools, but payment for their instruction is made only by the IndustrialSchools Branch.

84. NUMBERS OF PUPILS ON ROLLS.Total number <strong>of</strong> pupils on rolls on 30th June, <strong>1940</strong> 471,233Average number <strong>of</strong> pupils on rolls for the year ended30th June, <strong>1940</strong> 464,108Average daily attendance <strong>of</strong> all pupils for the yearended 30th June, <strong>1940</strong> 389,390Percentage <strong>of</strong> average daily attendance to averagenumber on rolls 83.9Average number <strong>of</strong> pupils, 6 to 14 years <strong>of</strong> age, on rollsfor the year ended 30th June, <strong>1940</strong> 392,588Average daily attendance <strong>of</strong> pupils, 6 to 14 years <strong>of</strong> age,for year ended 30th June, <strong>1940</strong>.. 333,766·Percentage <strong>of</strong> average daily attendance <strong>of</strong> such pupilsto average number on rolls 85.0·Total number <strong>of</strong> pupils on rolls in sixth <strong>and</strong> higherst<strong>and</strong>ards on the 30th June, <strong>1940</strong>, was:Sixth St<strong>and</strong>ard, Seventh St<strong>and</strong>ard, Eighth St<strong>and</strong>ard,38,856 18,051 6,7995. NUMBER OF TEACHERS EMPLOYED.The numbers <strong>of</strong> Primary Teachers employed on the 30th June,<strong>1940</strong>, were approximately as follows :-Men3,843Principal <strong>and</strong> Assistant Teachers"Junior Assistant MistressesMembers <strong>of</strong> Religious Orders <strong>of</strong>Monks <strong>and</strong> Nuns who are members<strong>of</strong> the minimum recognised staffrequired by the Regulations inMonastery or Convent Schoolspaid by capitationLay Assistant Teachers who aremembers <strong>of</strong> the minimum recognisedstaff required by theRegulations in Monastery or ConventSchools paid by capitation ..Women5,1511,580Total8,9941,580329 1,609 1,938221 556 777TOTALS 4,393 8,896 13,289;• There were on the 30th June, <strong>1940</strong>, a few vacancies.for principal teachers.

96. 'IRA1NED AND UNTRA1NED TEACHERS.The following table shows the number <strong>of</strong> trained <strong>and</strong> untrainedprincipal, assistant <strong>and</strong> lay assistant teachers in the service on 30thjune, <strong>1940</strong>;-MenWomenTrained Untrained Trained UntrainedTotalPrincipals .. 2,802 16 1,817 64 4,699Assistants .. 976 49 2,721 549 4,295Lay Assistants .. 215 6 454 102 777TOTALS .. 3,993 71 4,992 715 9,771The number <strong>of</strong> teachers in the service on 30th june, <strong>1940</strong>, whohad completed a third year course <strong>of</strong> training was r-s-Men Women Total351 73 4247. mISH QUALIFICATIONS OF TEACHERS.The following are the particulars <strong>of</strong> the qualifications in Irish<strong>of</strong> all teachers serx bg in National Schools on the 30th june, <strong>1940</strong> ;-Without any Certificate 1,665 11.7With Ordinary Certificate 3,485 24.6With Bilingual Certificate 8,079 57.0With Ard Teastas 952 6. 7TOTAL .. 14,181This includes about 890 Supernumerary Teachers servmg inConvent <strong>and</strong> Monastery Schools paid by Capitation.The following table shows the results <strong>of</strong> the examination for Certificatesin Irish held in March, <strong>1940</strong>;-Ordinary CertificateBilingual CertificateArd TeastasNumberExamined54617139Numberwho passed1934122/

108. COtA1St=1uttmucA1n.-0.5 seo c io s CU

-H9. STUDENTS IN TRAINING-SESSION <strong>1939</strong>-40 .. .No. <strong>of</strong>First YearStudents No. in Examination <strong>of</strong> Finalat com- College Students ExaminationName <strong>of</strong> College mence- at closement <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> No. Ex- No. declar- No. Ex- No.ed eligibleSession Session amined for recall .amined Passed'<strong>1939</strong>-40 <strong>1939</strong>-40for 2ndyear._..-------- ---- ----MEN-H St. Patrick's" ·. IS9 136 67 6i 44 39••Church <strong>of</strong> Irel<strong>and</strong>" 3 3 Nil Nil 3- 3-" De la Salle " ·. 35 34 21 19 13 12,(Brothers)(Brothers)-.. '-.' "-"---,---- ----Totals (Men) .. 177 173 88 80 60 54-,WOMEN"Our Lady <strong>of</strong> Mercy" t201 196 107 107 87 77" Church <strong>of</strong> Irel<strong>and</strong>" 15 I 16- 8 -- 8 8- 8..••Mary Immaculate " "98 98 48 48 50 49----Totals (Women) 314 310 163 163 145Totals (Men <strong>and</strong>Women) ·. 491 I 483 251 243 205 188t Includes 6 Extern (Nuns) <strong>and</strong> 1 private student (Nun),••Includes 3 'Extern (Nuns).,I134

1210. THE REID BEQUEST.Under the Reid Bequest Scheme for the advancement <strong>of</strong><strong>Education</strong> in the County Kerry, awards are made from the funds atthis <strong>Department</strong>'s disposal to six <strong>of</strong> the most efficient National Schoolsattended by boys in the County Kerry for the purpose <strong>of</strong> assisting boys<strong>of</strong> limited means to attend the schools more effectually, by providingthem with books <strong>and</strong> clothes, or by the payment <strong>of</strong> money for theiruse <strong>and</strong> benefit. The schools are selected triennially by the DivisionalInspector, with the approval <strong>of</strong> this <strong>Department</strong>.The following Table shows the six schools selected for the triennial"period which commenced on 1st July, 1938, <strong>and</strong> the amount allocatedto each school in respect <strong>of</strong> the school year <strong>1940</strong>-41 :-AmountRollallocated forNo. School Manager School Year<strong>1940</strong>-411,396 Tulacha · . An t-Athair Tadhg O'Curnain, £10 19 0s.p.8,184 Scartaglin · . Yen. Archdeacon Browne, £25 2 11P.P.,V.F.10,501 Asdee Boys ·. Rev. M. Allman, P.P. . . £37 6 410,535 Liselton Boys Rev. W. J. Behan, P.P. .. £25 19 211,248 Glens · . V. Rev. T. J. Canon Lyne, £ 9 6 7P.P.15,592 Ventry Boys V. Rev. T. J. Canon Lyne, £14 12 0P.P.

1311. CARLISLE AND BLAKE PREMIUMS.The interest from the accumulated funds available for thesepremiums is distrubuted every year in premiums <strong>of</strong> £7 7s. Od. eachto the two most deserving principal teachers in each <strong>of</strong> the eightInspectorial Divisions, subject to the conditions prescribed in ScheduleV, page 116, <strong>of</strong> the Rules <strong>and</strong> Regulations for National Schools.The awards for the year ended 30th June, <strong>1940</strong>, are as follows :-Divi- Roll Name <strong>of</strong> School Name <strong>of</strong> Principalsion County No. Teacher1 Mayo ·. 13,957 Doolough ·. ·. Mrs. Ellen Sheridan1 Mayo ·. 16,401 Toomore .. .. Tornas Breathnach2 Donegal 13.985 Ballysaggart .. · . Francis Carnpbell2 Donegal 15,961 An Chlochairi Leith .. Sean 0 Cinneide3 Clare · . 2.155 Kilfenora B. ·. Patrick Glynn, B.A.3 Galway · . 12,946 Scoil Chuilmcille ·. Padraig 0 hEidhin, H.Dip.,M.A.4 Offaly · . 16,435 St. Ciaran's B. .. Gerald A. O'Sullivan4 Wicklow .. 16,924 Caoimhin Naomtha .. Mrs. Nora Smyth5 Westmeath 16,868 Baile na gCaileach · . Thomas Lynch5 Dublin ·. 13,934 Naoimh Peadar B ... Patrick T. Walsh, M.A.,Ph.D.6 Clare .. 12,848 Doonaha · . · . Edward Naughton6 Kerry · . 1,396 Tulloha ·. ·. Michael J. Daly7 Cork ·. 17,169 Inis Eoghanain C. ·.Mrs. H. Kelleher, B.A.7 Cork ·. 11,337 Kilmagner .. Jarnes Scannell8 Kilkenny .. 16,311 Graig na Manach B. Michael Coon an8 Tipperary .. 0,157 Cahir B. · . Liam P. 0 Conchubhair

12. TEACHERS' PENSIONS AND GRATUITIES.On 31st December, <strong>1940</strong>, the Pensions granted were as follows ;-MEN , WOME~ TOTAL-----No. £ N~. £ No. I.Total payable on 31st December, <strong>1939</strong> .. .. .. .. 1,083 173,512 1,808 204,600 2,891 378,112Pensions granted during year ended 31st December, <strong>1940</strong>;-On Disablement .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 316 13 648 16 964On Ordinary Retirement .. .. .. .. .. 39 6,951 123 15,028 162 21,979On Retirement owing to Inefficiency .. .. .. 1 144 2 , 126 3 270Increases under Pensions (Increase) Act, 1920, <strong>and</strong> the Superannuation<strong>and</strong>Pensions Act, 1923 (Section 6) .. .. .. .. - - 1 5 1 5:,......;j::;.TOTALS".. .. .. 1.126 180,923 1,946 220, 07 3,072 401,330Pensions ceased during the year ended 31st December, <strong>1940</strong>, through death 69 10,402 ror IQ,I72 170 :ZO,574Reduction <strong>of</strong> Increases granted under Pensions Increase Act, 1920 .. - - 1 6 1· 6Pensions ceased on re-appointment".. .. .. - - - - - -TOTALS .. .. .. .. 69 10,402 101 10,178 170 20,580pensions payable on 31st December, <strong>1940</strong> .. .. ',' .. 1,057 170.521 1.845 210.229 2.902 380.750- -The fi~ures in italics do not affect the number <strong>of</strong> fensioner~;

1513. STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURE FROM PUBLIC FUNDS ON PRIMARYEDUCATION FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, <strong>1940</strong>.ServiceExpenditureTRAINING COLLEGES:Training Colleges under Private Managment£43,775s. d.6 3Repayable Advances <strong>of</strong> Training College Fees toStudentsPreparatory CollegesGrants to Colleges providing Courses in Irish for PrimaryTeachersRepayment <strong>of</strong> Refund <strong>of</strong> Cost <strong>of</strong> TrainingExaminations5.682 5 038,463 18 9731 16 6667 6 81,579 8NATIONAL SCHOOLS:Principals, Assistants, etc., in Ordina ry <strong>and</strong> Model Schools<strong>and</strong> Teachers <strong>of</strong> Schools paid by Capitation 3,264,556 16 9MODEL SCHOOLS (Miscellaneous Expenses) 2,442 15 6Van <strong>and</strong> Boat ServicesIncidental Expenses ..Free Grants <strong>of</strong> School Requisites8,036 5 369 14 2318 7 3*Grant towards the cost <strong>of</strong> Heating, etc., <strong>of</strong> Schools <strong>and</strong>Cleansing <strong>of</strong> Out-<strong>of</strong>fices35,113 9Teachers'Residences1,231 5 0Bonus to Parents or Guardians <strong>of</strong> certain Pupils in theGaedhealtacht <strong>and</strong> Breac-Gh icdhealtach tHoliday Scholarships in Gaeltacht (Grant-in-Aid)21.1391,500o 0o 0Grants towards the cost <strong>of</strong> Free School Books for NecessitousChildren ..SUPERANNUATION, ETC., OF TEACHERS12,170 11398,948 19 11GROSS TOTALDeduct Receipts3,836,426 17 1189,942 17 4NETTOTAL3,746484 0 7t• The heating <strong>and</strong> cleaning <strong>of</strong> Model Schools are provided for on a differentbasis from State sources partly by the Office <strong>of</strong> Public Works <strong>and</strong> partly by the<strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Education</strong>.t To these figures must be added a due proportion <strong>of</strong> the cost <strong>of</strong> AdministrationInspection. &c.

SECONDARY EDUCATION14.-Schools <strong>and</strong> Pupils.I. TABLE showing for the School Year <strong>1939</strong>-40, the number <strong>of</strong> recognised Schools, as classified, <strong>and</strong> the number <strong>of</strong> Pupils in attendanceat Secondary classes at the beginning <strong>of</strong> the School Year.Number<strong>of</strong> PupilsNumber Number ---'--- -Type <strong>of</strong> School <strong>of</strong> taking Boys Girls TotalSchools BoardersBoarders Day Total Boarders Day Total Boarders Day Gr<strong>and</strong>Pupils Pupils Pupils Total._--_._---<strong>1939</strong>40Boys 158 63 6,261 14,463 20,724 - - - 6,261 14,463 20.724Girls .. 158 95 - - - 5,644 9.569 15,213 5,644 9,569 15,213MIxed .. '29 15 213 629 842 163 728 891 376 1,357 1,733Totals .. 345 173 6,474 15,092 21,566 5,807 10,297 16,104 12,281 25,389 37,670-Ol11. Irish <strong>and</strong> Bilingual Schools.-TABLE showing for the School Year <strong>1939</strong>·40 the number <strong>of</strong> Schools admitted to Class A, B (1) <strong>and</strong> B (2).<strong>and</strong> the number <strong>of</strong> Pupils <strong>of</strong> the prescribed age in attendance at such Schools at the beginning <strong>of</strong> the School Year.Number<strong>of</strong> SchoolsNumber<strong>of</strong> PupilsBoys Girls Total--A B (I~ B (2) AI B (I)B (2) A B (1) B (2) A B (1) B (2)<strong>1939</strong>-40Boys' Schools ., .. 41 31 27 4,814 3,920 5,OlS - - - 4814 3,920 5.018Girls' Schools ., .. 61 16 25 - - - 6,220 895 2,557 6,220 895 2,557Mixed Schools ., ., 2 3 3 21 81 57 73 137 112 94 218 169Totals 104 "7 55 4,835 4.001 5,075 6,293 1,032 2,669 11,128 5,033 7,744

14. Schools <strong>and</strong> Pupils (contd.)lIT. Sf.lbJects.-Table showing for the School Year <strong>1939</strong>-40 the num ber <strong>of</strong> pupils mentioned in Table (I) above studying the various subjects<strong>of</strong> the <strong>Department</strong>'s Programme.Leaving Certificate: IIntermediate]>. ., .,., ., ., ., I >. ",.0 UC>',p t'¥k k .0 P. ;:lODUeo jef..., '"]~ ~%' . >.'"ell -'1cO C> c:l E

1814. Schools <strong>and</strong> Pupils-(contd.)IV.-TABLR showing, for the School Year <strong>1939</strong>-40, the Classification <strong>of</strong> Schoolsaccording to Numbers <strong>of</strong> Pupils in Attendance at the Beginning <strong>of</strong> the SchoolYear.Number <strong>of</strong> SchoolsNumber <strong>of</strong> Pupils -----in Attendance Boys' Girls' MixedSchools Schools Schools TotalUnder 100 .. .. 78 J02 27 207100 <strong>and</strong> under 150 .. 35 35 1 71150 <strong>and</strong> under 200 .. 24 9 0 33200 <strong>and</strong> under 300 .. 14 11 0 25Over 300 .. .. 7 1 1 9TOTALS .. 158 158 29 345V.-TABLR showing, for the School Year <strong>1939</strong>-40, the distribution, accordingto classes, <strong>of</strong> the pupils mentioned in Table (1) above.INTERMEDIATE CERTIFICATR.Class Boys Girls Total--------1st Year .. 5,122 3,251 8,3732nd .. .. 4,208 3,338 7,5463rd .. .. 4,005 3.118 7,1234th .. .. 3,518 3,010 6,528TOTALS .. 16,853 12,717 29,570LEAVING CERTIFICATIt.1st Year .. 2,610 2,091 4,7012nd .. " 2,103 1,296 3,399TOTALS " 4,713 3,387 8,100GlUND TOTAL 21,566 16,104 37,670

1914. Schools <strong>and</strong> Pupils (contd.)VI.-TABLR showing the Areas in which the residences <strong>of</strong> the Pupils mentionedin Table (I) above are situated.AREACountyCarlowCavanClareCorkDonegalDublinGalwayKerryKildareKilkennyLeitrimLeixLimerickLongfordLouthMayoMeathMonaghanOffalyRoscommonSligoTipperaryWaterfordWestmeathWexfordWicklowNorthern Irel<strong>and</strong>Great BritainOther CountriesNumber <strong>of</strong> Pupilswhose homes aresituated therein5726111.3344,4995539,5761,7701,5936629452855722,2292819141,6097015385158515662,1741,31777396556337726065Total 37,670VII.-TABLE showing, by ages, the number <strong>of</strong> new pupils admitted to SecondaryClasses in the school year, <strong>1939</strong>-4') (compiled from the Entrance Examinationreturns furnished by the schools).Age on 1st August, <strong>1939</strong> Boys GirlsI_~otal _Under 12 years . . .. 416 278 69412 <strong>and</strong> under 13 years .. 2,00 ; 1,362 3,36813 <strong>and</strong> under 141. <strong>and</strong> under 15.. 2,608 1,586 4,194".. 1,276 1,048 2,324"15 years <strong>and</strong> over .. .. 491 584 1,075-.TOTALS .. 6,797 4,858 11,655

2015. Examinajion StatiJtiOl.(1) Duration <strong>of</strong> Examinations. <strong>and</strong> Centres.-The Examinations for <strong>1940</strong>which began on the 11th June. <strong>and</strong> extended over ten days. were held at 306Centres in 136 different localities. The dist,ribution <strong>of</strong> Centres was as follow. :-Centres for BoysCentres for GirlsJoint Centres {or Boys <strong>and</strong> Girls ..<strong>1940</strong>.13711851TOTAL 306(2) Superintendents <strong>and</strong> Examiners.-Exc1uding those <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Department</strong>'sInspectors who did not receive extra remuneration for this work. the numbersemployed were:-In <strong>1940</strong>Men Women TotalSnperintenden ts .. .. 163 144 307Examiners .. .. .. , . loll 64 205(3) TABLE showing the general results <strong>of</strong> the Examinations,GIRLS:<strong>1940</strong>--INumber Number PercentageNumber passed with passed 1 <strong>of</strong> thoseEXAMINATION Examined Honours without ExaminedHonours who passedBOYS:Leaving Certificate 1.690 1.011 433 85.4IntermediateCertificate ., 4,113 2,495 885 62.2TOTAL ., 5,803 3.506 1.318 83.1------Leaving Certificate 1.228 882 221 89.8In termedia teCertificate .. 3.436 1,695 1,215 84.7------ ------TOTAL .. 4,664 2.577 1.436 86.0------GRAND TOTAL .. 1 10,467 6,083 I 2.754 84.4

I5.-ExaminationStatistics-(contd.)(4) Analytical T'ablss <strong>of</strong> the Results <strong>of</strong> the Examinations:-A.-INTERMEDIATEBoysCERTIFICATE.<strong>1940</strong>----GIRLSPercentage Total Percentage TotalTotal passed with Percentage Tolal passed with PercentageExamined Honours passed Examined Honours passed-------Litrrdheacht na Gaedhilge · . .. 2,843 67.6 95.9 2,772 56.2 92.8Gaedhilg .. ·. ., 1,269 - 76.5 664 - 84.5English Literature .. · .. 3,876 38.0 93.7 3,317 31.9 92.0English Language .. · . 226 - 82.3 114 - 78.1Greek .. · . · . .. 837 42.4 74.1 1 0.0 100.0Latin . .. ·. .. 3,609 38.2 69'.7 1,111 15.6 48.3French ., . ·. .. 751 21.8 56.2 2,909 29.7 68.1German ·. .. 4 0.0 50.0 57 45.6 84.2Italian · . .. ·. - - - , - - -Spanish - _.-.. · . · . - - - - - -History <strong>and</strong> Geography · . ·. · . 4,083 48.9 87.8 2,410 48.7 84.7Mathematics .. · . 4,108 50.8 83.0 842 63.5 92.3Elementary Mathematics (Girls ani;; .. - - - 2,556 - 79 1Science . . .. . . .. 2,237 32.0 73.6 722 48.5 81.7Domestic Science ·. · . .. - - - 1,542 15 ..2 .._.._ 75..8" ..Commerce .. ·. · . " 353 12.5 69.1 479 24.0 75.6Music · . .. ·. .. - - - 52 100.0 100.0Drawing ... ' ..' ~_'.,- . _____..... _...~.• "._._ .... _.__ 2,154 16.1 80.4-. -' . --.1,388·-- ·---20.-7- ._.- f--·-·-·81-;-4-oo._.Manual InstructIOn . . . . . . 81 46.9 92.6 - - -t.:>•....•

15. Examination Statistics (eontd.)B.-LEAVING CERTIFICATE-BOYS.<strong>1940</strong>EGLFGISIfGPDC,DTotal Total Percentage Percentage PercentageTotal Percentage Examined passed with failed on passed onExamined Passed in Honours Honours Honours Paper Pass Paper-------- --------aedhilg · . · . .. . 1,690 92.9 1,410 59.7 7.2 93.6~g1ish · . . , .. · . 1,684 97.2 1,633 62.3 1.7 62.7reek .. ·. ·. ., 373 91.2 168 63.1 6.0 88.8rtin ·. .. .. .. 1,419 82.7 509 74.4 2.2 74.3rench · . ·. ·. .. 230 90.9 202 55.9 7.4 78.6errnan · . · . · ·. 6 66.7 3 33.3 0.0 33.~alian .. ., .. - - -ianish .. · . - - - - - -istory ,. ·. · . 1,397 90.2 1,013 61.7 9.9 90.4eography . · . .. 1,365 88.6 J ,152 34.6 11.0 86.9athematics · . .. · . .. 2,641 54.2 418 64.6 5.7 84.9oplied Mathematics .. ·. .. 18 88.9 11 72.7 18.2 100.0usic .. ·. .. .. 1 100.0 1 100.0 0.0 -rysics · . ·. .."113 70.8 99 31.3 27.3 57.1remistry · . .. ·. .. 376 80.1 341 50.4 17.6 57.1eneral Science · . · . .. .. 105 81.0 93 44.1 14.0 41.7otany ·. ·. .. 28 85.7 27 14.8 14.8 100.0rysiology <strong>and</strong> Hygiene ·. .. .. 10 40.0 10 40.0 0.0 -MA]MPCiysics <strong>and</strong> Chemistry ·. ·. .. 7 71.4 71.4omestic Economy ·. .. .. - - - - - -nnmerce .. ·. .. .. 70 91.4 54 63.0 3.7 75.0rawing .. .. ·. .. 356 85.7 226 35.0 9.7 77.7tvtv

15. Examination statistics (contd.)C.-LEAVING CERTIFICATE-GIRLS.<strong>1940</strong>GEGLFGHG1\'A1\'1PICTotal Total Percentage Percentage PercentageTotal Percentage Examined passed with failed on passed onExamined Passed in Honours Honours Honours Paper Pass Paper--------iedhilg .. .. .. .. 1,228 91.9 1,122 73.4 2.2 99.1Iglish · . .. ·. .. 1,226 ~ 97.1 1,179 60.5 1.7 66.0reek .. . .. .. - - - - - -rtin .. · . .. .. 407 . 82.8 104 55.8 1.9 76.9'ench · . · . ·. .. 955 93.0 800 62.75 5.0 82.6erman ·. .. .. .. 38 81.6 37 54.1 18.9 100.0alian ·. · . .. .. - - - - ianish .." · . .. - - - - - -istory .. · . .. .. 1,114 90.6 906 64.2 8.9 88.5eography .. .. .. .. 1.109 84.9 981 34.6 14.5 80.5athematics · . · . .. .. 963 84.6 38 55.3 2.6 84.1Jplied Mathematics ... ·. .. - - - - - usic .. .. ·. .. 13 100.0 13 100.0 0.0 -rysics · . .. ·. .. - - - - - iemistry .. .. .. .. 31 64.5 31 29.0 35.5 -eneral Science · . · . .. .. 118 95.8 118 65.3 4.2 -otany .. ·. .. .. .. 184 78.8 158 38.6 18.4 61.5rysiology ann Hygiene · . · . .. 183 97.3 183 73.2 2.7 rysics <strong>and</strong> Chemistry .. ·. .. - - - - - -omestic Economy ·. .. .. 408 77.9 398 32.9 22.1 80.0imrnerce .. .. .. .. 35 82.9 23 56.5 8.7 66.7rawing ·. ·. .. .. 480 90.4 364 31.0 10.2 92.2-~

l6.-RECOGNITION OF CLASSES (FOLLOWING THE SECONDARYPROGRAMME) IN PRIMARY SCHOOLS.The num ber <strong>of</strong> Primary Schools which applied during tho School Year <strong>1939</strong>-40to have Classes receiving instruction in the Secondary Programme recognisedunder the terms <strong>of</strong> Appendix VII. to the Secondary Schools' Programme was63 ; <strong>of</strong> these, application was subsequently withdrawn in the case <strong>of</strong> 2 Schools<strong>and</strong>, the courses were approved in the case <strong>of</strong> 61 Schools.Number <strong>of</strong> pupils returned by the 61 Schools in which Courses <strong>of</strong> SecondarySt<strong>and</strong>ard were approved :-BoysGirls ..2';93,627TOTAL 3, 6Num ber <strong>of</strong> Primary Schools which entered Pupils for the Certificate Examinations,<strong>1940</strong>: 55.Number <strong>of</strong> Primary Schools which were permitted to present pupils for theCertificate Examinations, <strong>1940</strong>: 53.Table showing the number <strong>of</strong> Primary Schools which presented pupils for theCertificate Examinations, 19 0, <strong>and</strong> the Results <strong>of</strong> the Examinations:INUMBER OF PUPILS--- -Number Presented Passed<strong>of</strong>Schools Inter- Leaving Inter- Leavingmediate Certi- mediate Certi-Certi- ficate Certi- ficateficateficale------IGirls' Schools .- 48 576 130 5:4 123Boys' Schools .. I 5 6- 23 - 19 -l7.-TEACHERS.(1) The total number <strong>of</strong> Teachers employed in Secondary Schools was asfollows:-School Year <strong>1939</strong> -40Registered Unregistered Total-Men .. .. .. 910 610 1,520Women .. .. .. 832 792 1,624TOTAL .. .. .. 1,742 1,402 3,144(2) The number <strong>of</strong> Teachers who receivedfollows :-MenWomenincremental salary was as.<strong>1939</strong>-40856688TOTAL 1,544lS.-REGISTRATION OF TEACHERS.The number <strong>of</strong> Teachers registered during the School Year <strong>1939</strong>-40 was 1

./2519. (I)-SCHOLARSHIPS AWARDED ON THE RESULTS OF THECERTIFICATl' EXAMINATIONS.(1) The number <strong>of</strong> pupils who qualified for the award <strong>of</strong> Scholarships on tLeresults <strong>of</strong> the Intermediate Certificate Examination, <strong>1940</strong>, <strong>and</strong> the number<strong>of</strong> Scholarships awarded were as follows :-Number <strong>of</strong> Number <strong>of</strong>PupilsScholarshipswho qualified awarded---------Boys fIst Class (£40) :16 35lZnd (£ZO) 36 35Girls (Ist Cl~ss (£30) ZO 19lznd (£15) ZO 19"~112 103The Scholarships are tenable for two years subject to certain con ditions·.9 boys <strong>and</strong> 3 girls relinquished the Scholarships for which they qualified.(Z) Scholarships, awarded on the results <strong>of</strong> the Intermediate CertificateExamination, <strong>1939</strong>, were renewed for the School Year <strong>1940</strong>-41 as follows:-BoysGirlsBURKE MEMORIAL PRIZES AND EARL OF CORK'S SCHOLARSHIPS.(3) The values <strong>of</strong> the Burke Memorial Prizes* awarded were :-In <strong>1940</strong>BoysGirlsFirst Prize ..£9 1~ 10 1£5 5 9Second Prize£5 15 9f(4) The value <strong>of</strong> the Earl <strong>of</strong> Cork's Scholarships* awarded were :-BoysGirlsIn <strong>1940</strong>: Onc Scholarship.. £26 2 0 One Scholarship £26 2 O'(5) University Scholarships awarded to Students from the Fior-GhaeltachtNumber awarded in <strong>1939</strong> Total Number held during <strong>1939</strong>-40.--- ------ ------Boys Girls Total nays Girls Total----4 - 4 9 7 IG7-143117(2)-SCHOLARSHIPS IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS AWARDED TO STUDENTSFROM THE FIOR-GHAELTACHT UNDER THE DEPARTMENT'S·SPECIAL SCHEME.Number awarded in <strong>1939</strong> . Total Number held during <strong>1939</strong>-40----------1---------Boys Girls Total I Boys I Girls Total-----1-4-- 22 36! 31 I 66 --;;;--• TIJ.u .oere paid out <strong>of</strong> the Trust Funds held by the Minister (or <strong>Education</strong>:

2619. Scholarships (conld.)(3'.-SCHOLARSHlPS IN SECONDARY AND VOCATIO.-JAL SCHOOLSAWARDED BY COUNTY OR COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCILS.Examination,<strong>1940</strong>Scholarships heldin <strong>1939</strong>/40COUNCILNo. <strong>of</strong>CompetitorsNo. <strong>of</strong>ScholarshipsawardedAtSecondarySchoolsAtTrainingCollegesor otherApprovedSchoolsTotalValue<strong>of</strong>ScholarshipsCarlow County ..Cavan County ..Clare County ..Cork County ..Cork Co. Boro.' ..Donegal County ..Dublin County ..Dublin Co. Boro.'Galway County ..Kerry County ..Kildare County ..Kilkenny CountyLaoighis CountyLeitrim County ..Limerick CountyLimerickCo.Boro'Longford CountyLouth County ..Mayo ce. (Ord.)(Dorn . Sc.) ..(AgL) ..Meath County ..Monaghan CountyOffaly County ..Roscommon Co ...Sligo County ..Tipperary N.R. ..Tipperary S.R ...Waterford CountyWaterford CountyBorough.Westmeath Co.Wexford CountyWicklow CountyTOTALS54873752126429431273849402819273052!19 ~Ilj415739904771514647336101065781932101054646~~ I111414810848*629383927179289431063829451927161947644967650432918424812734"21744537129£4045 £17 IOs. to£4039 £2030 £4 10s. to£42180 £15 to £30289 £10 to £2043 £6 12s.to £3615140464919311619£5 to £20£15 to £ 0£20£15 to £35£30 to £40£15£33 to £40£15 to £2052 £20 to £5064499i6505030£30 to £40£15 to £25£10 to £35£15 to £30£15 to £30£20 to £25£20 to £4019 £20424812----1----1·------1----·1--- -.-----i,790 357 11,454 100 1,554"4 Scholarships <strong>and</strong> 2 Bursanes.£15 to £45£12 to £5()£50

2719.-Scholarships (contd.)i(4).-UNIVERSITY SCHOLARSHIPS AWARDED BY COUNTY OR COUNTYBOROUGH COUNCILS.Councu,No.Awarded<strong>1940</strong>inValueTotalNo. Heldin <strong>1940</strong> .TotalValue'Carlow County ..-Cavan CountyClare CountyCork County'Cork County Boro'Donegal CountyDublin County ..Dublin County Borough ..2124615£100 (al10080141 103601,200645162346£~300 (d)400240815 121,3703.718 5'Galway CountyKerry CountyKildare County ..Kilkenny CountyLaoighis CountyLeitrim County ..Limerick County ..Limerick County Boro'Longford CountyLouth CountyMayo CountyMeath CountyMonaghan CountyOffaly County ..Roscommon CountySligo CountyTipperary N.R ...Tipperary S.H.. ..Waterford CountyWaterford Co. Bore'Westmeath CountyWexford CountyWicklow CountyS23442122432362 (t)53I33115 (c)1202252602601207510013524018015019530015037518050 (a)200210117915138467141010927617541012480425675970820400300300465R406006505851,2004501,210300200 (a)650840Totals88 5.621 101--3-0-4--h~;~;~;-17 0(a) In the case <strong>of</strong> these Counties College Fees are paid in addition to theamounts awarded as Scholarships.(b) In addition there is 1 bursary <strong>of</strong> £45 <strong>and</strong> 3 bursancs, annual value £135.(c) The Scholarships <strong>of</strong> £40 <strong>and</strong> £60 awarded for the years <strong>1940</strong>-41 was reducedto £15 <strong>and</strong> £50 respectively, owing to the fact that the Scholarship-holders wereawarded College Scholarships for the year. The Co. Council increased partial Scholarship<strong>of</strong> £20 a year to £50 for the year <strong>1940</strong>-41, there being money availablefor the purpose under the scheme.(d) Plus £142 8 0 paid for fees.

'2820-THE "CHARLEVILLE ENDOWMENT."(Scheme No. 123, <strong>Education</strong>al Endowments (Irel<strong>and</strong>) Act, 1885.)The payments from this Endowment in respect <strong>of</strong> the school year 193)-40were as follows:-NAME OF SCHOOL AMOUNTChristian Brothers' Schools, Charleville£ s. d.19 14 10Convent <strong>of</strong> i\Iercy, Charleville 16 9 221-FINANCIALSTATEMENT.The payments made for Secondary <strong>Education</strong> from public funds during tilefinancialyear ended 31st March, <strong>1940</strong>. were as follows:-I. Grants to Schools:£ S. d. £(a) Capitation Grant (inclnding Teachers'Salaries Grant)(b) Laboratory Grants(c) Grants for Irish <strong>and</strong> Bilingual Schools(d)Bonus for Choirs <strong>and</strong> Orchestras222,201 14 016,017 12 Ii23,279 12 111,318 5 0262,817 4 5·2. Payments to Teachers :Incremental salary paid to Secondary Teachers3. Scholarships204,476 4 312,148 7 54. Grant towards publication <strong>of</strong> Irish Text Books5. Superannuation <strong>of</strong> Teachers.Payment to the Secondary Teachers' Pension Fund3,127 10 34,165 0 06. Administration:(a) Cost <strong>of</strong> Examinations(b) Inspection, including salaries <strong>and</strong> expenses(c) Indoor administration (i.e. Office in Dublin)£ s. d.11,667 17 18;0! 1 2 914,259 1033,938 sTOTAL••£520,672 8 0,

2922. TABLE SHOWING THE NUMBERS OF PUPILS AND TEACHERSIN RECOGNISED SECONDARY SCHOOLS.Explanatory Notes.Column (2) gives the classification <strong>of</strong> the school-Irish or Bilingual (B.I orB.2)-for the school year <strong>1939</strong>-40. Columns (3) <strong>and</strong> (4) give the numbers <strong>of</strong>pupils in altendance at the beginning <strong>of</strong> the school year (<strong>1939</strong>-40). Columns(5). (6). (7). (8) give the numbers <strong>of</strong> teachers employed in the schools. as furnishedin the Schools' Time Tables. Full-time teachers include teachers engaged inteaching for not less than 18 hours a week. <strong>and</strong> Headmasters <strong>and</strong> Headmistresses.The figures in brackets in columns (7) <strong>and</strong> (8) are included in thefigures immediately preceding. clarendon type being used to represent the number<strong>of</strong> teachers who possess a University degree <strong>and</strong> a qualification in teachingrecognised for registration purposes. but who have not yet completed ttrenecessary period <strong>of</strong> experience for registration. <strong>and</strong> ordinary type being used torepresent the number <strong>of</strong> teachers who hold a degree but have not obtained aqualification in teaching.~ -No <strong>of</strong> TeachersNumber <strong>of</strong> - ----- -- ----I' pis Hegiste!"ed Unregistered------1-- --- ---Name <strong>of</strong> School Classi- Full Part Fill! Partfication Boys Girls time time time time(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)---------- -----. --- --- --- --.- --- --- ---Co. CARLOW (7 Schools) :Carlow, S('"i! na m]lr{tt ar A 109 - 3 - 1(1) -Carlow. Clochar na Tr6caire B2 - 208 10 - 2 1Carlow. Colaist e ChnuicBhig .. · . .. A 102 - 6 - 4(2)Muine I3heag. Clochar naToirbhi rte · . - 61 4 - 1 -Muine Bheag, St. J oseph'sClassical School .. 59 - 3 - 1(1) -Tu llow, Clochar I3righde .. BI - 97 4 2 2(2) 5Tu llow: l\Teadhon-Scoi IBra.ith reac h N. Padraig 63 - 3 - 4(1) -Co. CAVAN (3 Schools) :Cava n , Colaiste Loreto · . 132 - 129 5 1 4(2) 2Cavan. Royal School .. 39 44 2 - 3 -Cavan, Colaiste Padraig ·. 205 - 9 - 1(1) 2(2)Co. CLAHE (10 Schools) :Ennis, Sgoilcanna nilm Brat.l.ru · . A I ~2 - 5 - 2 1Ennis, Clochar na Tr6caire A - 205 6 - 7(2) 1n.nnis, Colaiste FhlannainNaom h tha · . .. Bl 196 - 6 - 5(1-4) 1Ennis, St. Columbari's HighSchool, Cahercon · . B2 - 32 1 - 3(2) 3Ennistymon, Sgoil nam Bra thar · . .. A 118 - 3 - 2(2) 1Ennistymon, Ard-Sgoil,Naom It Mh uire .. A - 53 1 - 2 1

3022. TABLE SHOWING THE NUMBERS OF PUPILS AND TEACHERS·IN RECOGNISED SECONDARY SCHOOLS-continusd.No.<strong>of</strong> TeachersNumber <strong>of</strong> ---.--- -.Pupils Registered Unregistered--- --- --- --- ---Name <strong>of</strong> School Classi- Full Part Full Partfication Boys Girls time time time time(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)--.---- --- --- --- --- --- --KiJlaloe, Sgoil Shionain .. BI 24 - 1 - 1 -Kilrush, Scoileanna namBrathar · . BI 1 J 2 - 3 - 1 -Kilrush , Sgoil san XavierAn Clochar ·. · . A - 124 3 - 2(1) -Mil town Malbay, ScoilSheosairnh, Rinn naSpainneaeh · . A - 87 1 - 4(1) -Co. COHK (32 Schools) :B<strong>and</strong>on, The GrammarSchool .. .. .. 15 17 1 1 - 2(1)Blackrock, Ursuline Convent.. .. .. - 53 5 2 - 7(1)Buttevant, Clochar naTrocaire · . · . B2 - 48 3 - 2 2Carrigtwohill, Scoil N.Alabhaois · . · . - 28 - - 3 1Castlemartyr, Scoil K.Treasa .. .. .. B2 62 - 3 - 1 3(3).Charleville, Christian Bros.'Schools .. · . · . B2 128 - 5 - 1 1Charleville, Convent <strong>of</strong>Mercy .. ·. ·. B2 - 94 6 1 1 2Clonakilty, SecondarySchool .. .. · . 21 - 2 - - -Cobh, Clochar na Tr6caire BI - 84 4 - 3(2) 3Cobh.Cola ist e naToirbhirtc BI 72 - 3 - 2(1) 2Doneraile, Sgoil nam Brathar .. ·. B2 62 - 3 - - -Dunmanway, An Mhean-Seoil · . · . B2 38 - 1 - 1(1) -Dunmanway, Mean-Sco ilMhuire gan Smal · . - 39 1 - 2(1) Fermoy, Sgoil na m Brathar El 123 - 3 - 2(1) -Fermoy, Clochar Loreto · . B2 - 135 9 3 - 5(1-1)·Fermoy, Colaiste Cholmain A 144 - 9 - 2(2) -Kanturk, Convent <strong>of</strong> Mercy A - 83 4 - - -Kanturk, An Mbeadbon-Sgoil .. .. · . A 36 - 1 - 1(1) -Macroom, Convent <strong>of</strong>Mercy .. .. .. B2 - 88 5 1 - 4(1)Macroom, Mean Sgoil anAtbar Peadar · . A 88 - 5 - 2 -

3122. TABLE SHOWING THE NUMBERS OF PUPILS AND TEACHERSIN RECOGNISED SECONDARY SCHOOLS-continued.No.<strong>of</strong> TeachersNumber <strong>of</strong> ------ ---~----Pupils Registered Unregistered--- ------ ---Name <strong>of</strong> School Classi- Full I Part Full Partfication Boys Girls time time time time(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)--- --- --- --- --- --- ---Mallow, Scoil an Mhean-Oideachais, An Cloehar A - 60 2 - 1(1) -Mallow, AcadamhPhadraig · . .. BI 119 - 4 - 1(1) -Midleton. Scoil na mBrathar. . · . 97 - 4 - 2(1) 1Midleton College .. .. 60 - 3 I 2(1) 1Midleton, St. Marys High -School .. ·. .. - 73 4 - 1(1) 2Millstrect, Drishane Convent.. .. .. B2 - 99 3 I 2(1-1) 9(3)Mitchelstown, Sgoil nam Bra thar ·. .. B2 87 - 3 - 1(1) 1Rochestow n, CapuchinFraneiscan College .. Bl 91 - 6 - 2(1-1) 7(1-2)Skibbereen, Convent <strong>of</strong>Mercy . . ·. ·. B2 - 72 1 - 2 2Skibbereen, Ard-ScoilFhachtna .. ·. .. B2 93 - 3 - 3(1) -Youghal, Christian Bros.'Schools .. .. .. BI 113 - 5 - - -Youghal, Loreto Convent - 59 3 - - 7(1)••Co. BOROUGH OF CORI{ (11Schools) :Christian Brothers' College,St. Patrick's Place .. 176 - 9 - I 1Sco il na rn Brathar, ArdNaomh Mhuire ·. BI 520 - 18 1 1 10Seoil na rn Brathar, PortUi Shuilleabhain · . BI 181 - 6 1 1(1) 2Grammar & High School 40 35 4 2 - 5(3)Presentation Brothers' College,Western Road ·. B2 253 - 13 - 1(1) 2(1)Rochelle School .. .. - 106 7 1 - 3St. Aloysius' School, St.Marie's <strong>of</strong> the Isle ·. B2 - 211 11 2 1(1) -Colaiste N. Angela · . - 103 7 1 - 4(1)St. Finbarr's College .. B2 150 - 8 2 1(1) 5(1-2)Colaiste Ioseph N.,Baile anEasbuig . . ·. 23 - 1 - 1(1) 2Colaiste Muire, DouglasRoad .. .. .. A 92 - 3 - 2(1) 1(1)

3222. TABLE SHOWING THE NUMBERS OF PUPILS AND TEACHERSIN RECOGNISED SECONDARY SCHOOLS-continued.No. <strong>of</strong> TeachersI Number <strong>of</strong> --- --- ----~--Pupils Registered UnregisteredName <strong>of</strong> School Classi- ---1--- Full Part ~ull I~ar~fication Boys Girls I time time time I time(1) (2) (3) (4\ (5) (6) (7) (8)------------- _.- --- --- --- ---- --- ----Co. DONEGAL (5 Schools) :Ballyb<strong>of</strong>ey, Seoil na Finne B2 12 21 2l.etterkenny, ClocharLoretoA126 42 2Lctterkenny, Cola isteAdharnhna inA 14582(1)Li fford, Prior School24 25 23Raphoe, Royal School10 241(1) 4Co. DUBLI:-I (22 Schools) :Balbriggan, Loreto ConventBaldoyl , Colaist e IosephNaomhthaABlackrock, Avoca SchoolBlackrock, Colaiste Dubh-CharraigeB2Blackroek, Cloehar SanDo min ic, Cnoe Slon B2Cabra , St. Marys DominicanConventCastleknoek, Mercer'sSchoolCastlek nock, Morgan'sSchoolCastleknock, St. Vincent'sCollege ..Chapclizod, St. ]oseph'sCon ven t, lVIt. Sackville ..Dalkey, Loreto AbbeyDundrum, Sacred HeartConvent, Mount AnvilleDllI1 Laoghaire, ChristianBrothers' SchoolsDun Laoghaire, DominicanConvent ..Dun Laoghaire, Ki ngsto wnSchool, 41 York Road ..Dun Laogltaire, GlengaraPark SchoolDIII1 Laoghaire, PresentationBrothers' College ..Raheny, Coliiste lVIhuireGan SmalRathfarnham,AbbeyLoreto9533475482351915682667919310846579887638118064316128321267764234584332221(I) 411(1) 89(2~2) 7(1-3)1(1) 8(1)1(1) 3(1)1 (I) 4(1)2(1)4(2) 5(1-3)2(1) 210(212(1) 53 42(2) 3(1)4(3) 61(1; 2(1)2(1)10

3322. TABLE SHOWING THE NUMBERS OF PUPILS AND TEACHERSIN RECOGNISED SECONDARY SCHOOLS-continued.No. <strong>of</strong> TeachersNumber <strong>of</strong>Pnp;ls Registered UnregisteredName<strong>of</strong> School(I)ClassificationBoys Girls(2) (3) (4)Fulltime(5)Parttime(6)Fulltime(7)Parttime(8\Rathfarnham, College <strong>of</strong>St. ColumbaSkerries, Holy Faith ConventSutton, St. Dorninic's HighSchool14540294439(1-8) 323'Co. BOROUGH OF DUBLIN(49 Schools) :Alex<strong>and</strong>ra CollegeAlex<strong>and</strong>ra School..Belvedere College ..Bertr<strong>and</strong> IntermediateSchool, Eccles StreetCatholic University SchoolChrist Church CathedralGrammar SchoolChristian Brothers' SchoolsJames' Street ..Christian BrothersSchools,North Brunswick Street 132Christian BrothersSchools,Synge Street 132Colaiste Muire, 27 Cearn6gParnellACrumlin Boys' CatholicSecondary SchoolSgoil na m Bra thar, St.Mary's Place ASgoileanna na m Brathar ,Westl<strong>and</strong> RowSgoil Sheosaimh nam Brathar, Marino AConvent <strong>of</strong> the SacredHeart, Lr. Leeson StreetDiocesan School, AdelaideRoadDominican College, EcclesStreetSgoil Chaitriona, DominicanCollege, Eccles St.. . AHoly Faith Convent,Clarendon StreetHoly Faith Convent,Dominick Street 13238497271851866871951068332525710819570IOI953352321491934917455623624104661311673II32724(4) 4(2)2 64(1) I1 (3)1 34 32(1)2(2) 2(1)2(1) 52 23(1)1(1) 34(2-1) 51(1) 13(1-1)73(3) 9(2)2 31(1) 2(1-1)6(4)

3422. TABLE SHOWING THE NUMBERS OF PUPILS AND TEACHERSIN RECOGNISED SECONDARY SCHOOLS-continued.NumberPupils<strong>of</strong>No.<strong>of</strong> Teachers------1--------Registered UnregisteredName<strong>of</strong> School(1)ClassificationBoys Girls(2) (3) (4)Fulltime(5)Parttime(6)2Fulltime(7)------------1--- --- --- --- --- _Holy Faith Convent,Haddington RoadHoly Faith Convent,117, The Coombe ..Holy Faith Convent, Clontarf.. .• ..Clochar an ChreidimhNaomhtha, Glasnevin ..King's Hospital .. • .Loreto College, 43 NorthGt. George's Street ..Colaiste Loreto, CrumlinRoad .. ..Loreto College, St.Stephen's GreenColaiste Muire Loreto,53 Faithche Stiophain ..Masonic Girls' School,Ballsbridge ..Masonic Boys' Schools,Clonskeagh . . • .Mount joy School.. • .Norfolk College, Rathgar ..Scoil na rrrBrathar, Ant-Arus Brianach, MalaahideRoad .. ..O'Connell School, NorthRichmond StreetPembroke School •.Rutl<strong>and</strong> High School ..S<strong>and</strong>ford Park School,Ranelagh .. •.St. Andrew's College ••Sgoil N. Ioseph, Mount joyStreet . . . .Clochar Lughaidh, Rath-ABlB2B2mines .. .. ASt. Margaret's Hall, MespilRoad •. .. ..St. Mary's College, Rathmines•. .• •.An Clochar DoirniniceanachMuckross Park, Donnybrook., ..St. Patrick's CathedralGrammar SchoolBl13483170529203011512820136542032801141222489763282152140952410678977786451022251336452672322Parttime(8)26(2)621(1) 2- 3(1)3(1-2) 5(1)2(2) I (I)- 3(1)I (I) 2I (I) 3- 5(1-2)2 36 10I 4(2)I (I) 32(1) 23(3) 21(1) -2(1) 68(1-2)2(2) 5(1-2)1(1) 5(2-1)3(3)

3522. TABLE SHOWING THE NUMBERS OF PUPILS AND TEACHERSIN ,RECOGNISED SECONDARY SCHOOLS-continued.No. <strong>of</strong> TeachersI Number <strong>of</strong> ---.---'-------Pupils Registered UnregisteredName<strong>of</strong> School(1)Classification'Boys(2) . (3)Girls(4)Fulltime(5)Parttime(6)Fulltime(7)Parttime(8)Sgoil na mBrathar, N.Uinsionn, Glasnaoidhean B2Terenure College .. . ·1The High SchoolWesley CollegeCo. GALWAY (17 Schools) :Ballinasloe, Clochar naTr6caire .. ABallinasloe, Colaiste Sl.cosaimhNaomtha BIGalway, Dominican CollegeGalway, Ard-Sco il R6is,Colaiste Dominic AGalway" Grammar SchoolGalway, Colaisde Iognaid.. AGalway, Meadhon-Sco ilMhuire, Clochar naTr6caireAGalway.Colaiste Sheosa imhBraithre Padraig AGalway, Colaiste Muire .. AKinvara, Clochar naTr6caire, Ard na Mara.. AKylemore, Clifden,Sgoil AineALoughrea, .Clochar naTr6caire, N. Reafa il ALoughrea, Colaiste BhaileLocha Riach BITuam, Sgoil na mBrathar ATuam, Sgoil Brighde ATuam,Clocharna Toirbhirte ATua m , Colaiste IarfhlathaNaomhtha'ACo. KERRY (11 Schools) :Cahirciveen, .Sgoil nilm:j3rathar'BICastleisl<strong>and</strong>, Colaiste anOileain .. ADingle, Sgoilina m Bra thar ADingle, Clochar na ToirbhirteAKillarney, Clbchar Loreto AKillarney, SolaisteBhreanainn B I ,Killorglin, IntermediateSchoolBl272~1101190197151438821113017:III2166131762002816374647076094I 23: 108:145'1457291517611123841456332414541121336634424(3)I 5(4}2(1-1)5(2) 11 (I)1 (1)2(1-1)3(1-2)3(1)52(1)3(1) 23(1)6(3-1)3(1)7(1)2(11)3(1)11(1) 6,3 24(4)1 ,.2(2) -'-1 22(1) 11 3(1}5(1-4) I 4(3}

3622. TABLE SHOWING THE NUMBERS OF PUPILS AND TEACHERSIN RECOGNISED SECONDARY SCHOOLS...:'..contin',ed.INo.<strong>of</strong> Teachers-Nurnber <strong>of</strong> - -----.-Pup Is Registered UnregisteredName <strong>of</strong> School ClassiFI1Il Part Full Partfication Boys Girls time time time time(I)(2) (:3) (4) (S) (6) (7) (8)·-----------1·--- --- --- --- --- --- ---Listowel , C:lla; sde Mh ichilTralee, Sgoil na m BratharTralee, Clochar naToirbhirteTralee, Sco il Mh icSheafraighCG>.KILDARE (9 Schools) :Athy, Sgoil na m BratharAthy, Sgoil Mu ireCelbridge, Collegiate SchoolDroichead Nua,Dominican CollegeKilcu llen, Colaiste naCroise agus na PaiseKildare, Acadamh N.Sheosamh .. ..Naas, Sgoil na rn Brathar , '1Naas, Clochar na TrocaireSallins, Clongowes Wood ICollege .. .. ..Co. KILKEN!'lY (7 Schools) :Callan, Sgoil na m Bra tharFreshf ord , St. ]oseph'sF ~J. CollegeGo' esbridge,Brighde ..ClocharKilkenny. Sgoil na .. 1m Bra tharKilkenny College.. . .Kilkenny, Loreto ConventKilkenny, St. Kierari'sCollege ..Co. LEITRIM (1 School):Carrick-on-Sh I" non,Cloehar Muire ..LEIX (7 Schools) :Abbeyleix, Clochar I3righdeNaorn th aAbbeyleix, Preston SchoolCastletown, Mountrath ,De La SalJe School n'a"Mountmellick, CloeharToirbheirteMountrath, ClocharBhrighdeMountrath. Colaiste Pad- Iraig, Baile Fionn ..BIBIA132El132ABIElA132132El132ABIAA13213214332444781508993274504615272233964103927073104425615210158122181047113342574243132454894422876431(1)63(2) 31(1) 21(1) 6(4)3(2) 24(1) 1234(1-3) 9(1-4)22 52(2) 13(1) 11(I) 33(1)2(1-1) 11(1)2(1)2(1)1(1} 4

3722. TABLE SHOWING THE NUMBERS OF PUPILS AND TEACHERSIN RECOGNISED SECONDARY SCHOOLS-continued.NumberPupils<strong>of</strong>RegisteredNo. <strong>of</strong> TeachersUnregisteredName <strong>of</strong> School(1)Classi- Fu 11fication Boys Girls time(2) (3) (4) (5)Part Fulltime time(6) (7)Parttime(8)Port laoighise, Sgoil nsm Bra tharCo. LIMERICK (14 Schools) :Abbeyfeale,Coliiste Mhuire AAbbeyfeale, Meadhon-Scoil,Ide Naomtha ABruff, Clochar N. Mhuire BlDoon, Sgoilna m Bra tharDrurncollogher, Sgoil Muire AGalbally, IntermediateSchoolGlin. St. Ita's School AGlin, St. Patr ic 'sSecondary School BIHospital, Clochar naToirbhirteBIKilfinane, Sgoil San P61 AKilmallock, Sgoil SanSeosamhBIMurroe, Glenstal PriorySchoolNewcastle West. Meadhon-Scoil na mBuachailliId Naomhtha BlRathkeale. An Mhean Sgoil BlCo. BOROUGH OF LIMERICK(9 Schools) :Sgoil na m BratharColaiste an ChroidheNaomtt.a, S.].High School. The Cresc -nt BIL- urcl Hill Convert F.C JClochar Cnoc na LabhrasD.Ch I.ARedemptorist CollegeMount St. AlphonsusMungret College ..Colaistelvlha inc: in Naomt ha BlVi!liers Endowed SchoolCo. LONGFORD (3 Schools):Ballymahon, Clochar naTr6caire..ALongford Mean-Sgoil,Clochar na Trocaire ALongford, Colaiste N. Mel BI12051777820 4230 223319 •416230 505401305915610715 301515977923844132112611034I6222224223316726545523472211(1)2(1)2(2) .2(1)1 (1) 1(I)13(1)1 (1)3(3) 6(1-1)3(1-1) 71 4(1)1 12(2) 724(1-1)23(3)24(1)9(1-2)4(2}44

3822. TABLE' SHOWING THE NUMBERS OF PUPILS AND TEACHERSIN RECOGNISED SECONDARY SCHOOLS-continued.I No. <strong>of</strong> TeachersINumber ot 1- 1------~P~s __ 1 Registered UnregisteredName <strong>of</strong> School Classi- Full Part Full Partfication Boys Girls time time time time- --:-- - - ---1-----(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)Co. LOUTH (9, Schools) :Ardee, Meadhon-Scoil !DeLa Salle'Drogheda, Sgoil namBratharDrogheda Grammar SchoolDrogheda. Scoil anChroidhe Naomhtha •..Drogheda, Ard-Scoi lPhilomein Naomhtha,Presentation Convent ..Dundalk, Sgoil narnBratharDundalk, Grammar SchoolDundalk, Clochar naTr6caire, N. Bhincent ..Dundalk, St. Mary's CollegeCo. MAYO (15 Schools) :Balla, Clochar NaomhLughaidhBallina, Clochar. naTr6caire ..Ballina, St. l\1uredacl1'sCollege ..Ballinrobe, Sgciil nam BratharBallinrobe.Scoil anChmidheRo-Naomtha ..Belcarra, Sacred HeartCollege, BaU(nafadCastlebar, Clochar naTr6caire, N. IosephCastlebar, Colaiste'Gear6idNaomhthaCharlestown. scoir N,AntoineCrossmotina. Clochar Iosa'. agus Mhllir~ .•Kiftimagh, ClocharLughaidh N~omtha :,Louisburgh, Sg<strong>of</strong>l A.I Matharna Cabhra SI~rraidheSwinford, Mean-SgoilMhuire ..Westport, Sgoil namBratharBlB2BlAB2AAB1AAB2AABlAAAAA49156922442.14910.11163971231178804511110464461693610718231201622.46467337435.4,16129311 (1)1(1)1 4(1)3(1)1(1)32(1)72(1) 4(1)7(5)2223(3)2(1)252

3922. TABLE SHOWING THE NUMBERS OF PUPILS AND TEACHERSIN RECOGNISED SECONDARY SCHOOLS-continued.No. <strong>of</strong> TeachersNumber <strong>of</strong> --. --Pupils Registered Unregistered---------- --- --- ---Name <strong>of</strong> School Class i- Full Part Full Partfication Boys Girls time time time time(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)--- --- --- --- --- --- ---Westport, Sgoil anChroidhe Naomhtha .. A - 57 3 - 1 2Co. MEATH (9 Schools) :An Uaimh, Clochar naTr6caire .• .. .. AI- 85 3 - I2(1) 4(1)An Ua.i m h , C'loch a r Lo ret o - J7 4 I - 6An Uaimh, ColaisteChroidhe NaomhthaIIosa, Clochar Loreto .. A - 67 4 1 2 5An Uaimh, Preston School 6 19 1 - 1(1) 2An Uaimh, St. Patrick'sClassical School .. 33 - I 2 - 1(1) -Kells, Sgoil na m Brathar .. B2 79 - I 2 - 2 2Kells, Clochar na Tr6caire B2 - 50 1 - 2 2Oldcastle, Gilson EndowedSchool .. .. .. B2 38 71 4 - I 2Trim, Scoil Muire .. B2 - 34 1 - 2 4Co. MONAGHAN(8 Schools):Carrickmacross, Arrl-Sgoilna m Brathar N. Padraig A 38 - 2 - I 1Carrickmacross, Clochar N. ILughaidh .. .. A - 194 8 - 4 4Carrickmacross, ViscountIWeymouth's GrammarSchool .. .. .. 12 17 2 - - 3(1)Castleblayney, Clochar naTr6caire .. .. .. A - 57 2 - 2 1Clones, High School .. 16 20 1 - 1(1) -Monaghan, Sgoil nam Brathar .. .. A 135 - 4 - 1 2Monaghan, ClocharLughaidh .. .. A - 279 11 - 5(1) 11Monaghan, Colaiste MhicChairthinn .. .. BI 106 - 6 - 3(2) 4OFFALY (8 Schools) :Banagher, La Sainte Union IConvent .. .. .. - 49 3I - 1(1) 1Bier, St. John's SecondarySchool .. . . B2 - 37 1 - I 6Clara, Sgoil San Antoine A 25 - 2 - 1(1) IFerbane,St.J oseph 'sSchool - 18 I - 1 IPortarlington, Sgoil nam Brathar .. .. 52 - 3 - - 2Roscrea, Colaiste SheosaimhNaornhtha .. B2 226 - 13 - 1(1) 10Tullamore,Convent SecondarySchool .. .. Bl - 70 2 - 3(1-1) -

4022. TABLE SHOWING THE NUMBERS OF PUPILS AND TEACHERSIN RECOGNISED SECONDARY SCHOOLS-conlinutd.No.<strong>of</strong> TeachersNumber <strong>of</strong> ----Pupils Registered Unregistered--1-- --- --- ---Name <strong>of</strong> School Classi-IFull Part Full Partfication Boys Girls time time time time-(1) (~) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)-------- --- --- --- ---- --- ---Tullamore, Colaiste CnilmNaomhtha .. .. 86 - -! - 1(1) 2Co. Roscowxox (6 Schools):Ballaghadereen,IDiocesanCollege, St. Nathy's · . BI 166 - I 8 - 2(2) -Ballaghadereen, Mean-')Sgoil, N. Seosamh · . A - 1 - 2(1-1) 1(1)~-Elphin, Bishop Hodsori'sGrammar School .. 21 16 2 - I -Roscommon, Sgoil N.Mhuire gan Srnal · . A - 179 5 - I 1Roscommon, Scoil nam Brathar .. · . BI 119 - 3 - 2(1) 2Strokestown, Seoil Mhuire B2 7 20 1 - 2(2) -Co. SLIGO (5 Schools) :Sligo, Grammar School .. 62 - 3 - 3(2) 2(1),Sligo, Cola iste Cnoc antSamhraidh .. .. A 190 - 9 - 3(3) 1Sligo, The High School .. - 94 6 - I 4Sligo, Clochar na n Urse lach A - 254 12 I 2(1) 7Tubbercurry, CloeharMhnire .. .. .. A - 110 4 - 2(2) -Co. TIPPERARY (21 Schools):Balliugarry. Clochar naToirbhirte · . A - 58 3 - 2(1) -Cahir.Colaistc Criost an Ri A - 89 2 - 2 -Carrick-on-Suir, Sgoil namBrathar .. ·. 97 - I 4 - 1 2Carrick-on-Suir, Scoil MuireClochar na Tr6caire A" - 143 6 - 1 6Cashcl , Sgoil na m Hrat.ha r 71 - 2 - 2 -Cashel, Clor har HaToirbheirte, Aca darnhN. Philomena .. .. BI - 98 4 - - 7Casiiel, Colaist e Ceatl.>Irarnhn Toba ir (HC" Sch.) 111 - 5 3 4(2) 4(2}Cashel, (Cuil HA") ·. A 200 - 8 4 3(1-1) 5(2}Clonm el, An .\ rd Sgoi! .. Bl 138 - 5 - 3(2-1) 2Clonrnel, Clochar l.oreto - S6 4 2 - 1Clonmel, Clochar naToirbheirte .. .. A - 78 2 - 3 2Fethard, Clochar naToirbheirte .. ·. A - 48 2 I 1 2Nenagh, Scoi! nam Brathar .. .. B2 106 - 4 1 - -II

4122. TABLE SHOWING THE NUMBERS OF PUPILS AND TEACHERSIN RECOGNISED SECO~DARY SCHOOLS-contimud.No.<strong>of</strong> TeachersNurnbir <strong>of</strong> ------ -----Pup;ls Registered Unregistered--- --- --- --- --- --Name <strong>of</strong> School Classi- Full Part Full Partfication Boys Girls time time time time(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6\ (7) (8)--- --- --- --- --- ----Nenagh, St. Marys SecoudarySchool · . · . B2 - 130 5 I 2(1) IIRoscrea, Clochar anChroidhe Naomh tha · . - 58 3 1 2(2) 7(2)Templemore : Sgoil namBrathar .. ., A 103 - 4 - - 2Thur lr-s. z-coil na m Brathar B2 203 - 8 - - IIThurles, Clochar nan Ursulach (Sgoil Lae) .. - 94 3 5 1 3Thurles, Clochar na n Ursulach(Sgoil Aoidheachta) A - 61 4 2 I 2(1)Tipperary, Sgoil nam Bra thar ·. .. B2 163 - 6 - - 1Tipperary, St. Anne'sConvent School ·. B2 - 84 5 - I 3CO.WATERFORD (7 Schools):Cappoquin, Colaiste ChnuicMhelIeri ·. ·. A 139 - 8 - I 4Cappoquin, Scoil NaomhAin ,0 .. A - 34 1 -Dungarvan, Sgoil na1II2 -m Brathar .. o • A 97 - 4 - 1(1) IDungarvan, Clochar naTr6caire .0 .. .. A - 64 1 - 3 4Dungarvan, Cola iste N.IAbhuistin ·. ·. A 87 - 4 - I - 2Lismore, Christian Bros.'Collegiate School o. Bl 69 - 3 - 1 2Lismore, Clochar naToirbheirte .. o.A - 52 1 - II3 100Co. BOROUGH OFWATERFORD (10 Schools) :Bishop Foy School .. 39 24 3 I I 1(1) 1Sgoil na m Brathar Cnoc,Sion ,.,0 A 278 - 9 - 2 2(1)Clochar na Toirbhirte ·. Bl - 42 1 - - 3Clochar Croidhe N. MhuireSgdl Aoidheachta , Sraid 1a' Phuirt • 0 ,. A - 69 4 1 - 4Faithlegg House .. .0 A 31 - 3 - - 2Meadhon-Scoil De La Salle A 98 - 4 - 2(1) ISt. j osephs Day School,Ferrybank Convent o. - 50 4 - - 3Ursulin i ( onven" .0 -140 9 12 1(1) 12-----

4222. TABLE SHOWING THE NUMBERS OF PUPILS AND TEACHERSIN RECOGNISED SECONDARY SCHOOLS-continued.NumberPupils<strong>of</strong>No. <strong>of</strong> TeachersRegistered UnregisteredName<strong>of</strong> School(1)ClassificationBoys(2) (3)Girls(4)Fulltime(5)Parttime(6)Fulltime(7)Parttime(8)WaterparkNewtownCollegeSchool9036255422(2)16(2)CO,\VESTMEATH(I OSchools)Athlone. La Saiute UnionCor.ventB2Athlone, St. Mary's IntermediateSchool B2Athlone, Sgoil PeadairClochar na Tr6caire AMoate, Clochar na Tr6caire AMullingar, ColaisteMhuireAMullingar, Loreto ConventMullingar, Clochar Loreto,Sgoil Muire AMullingar, St. Finian'sCollege "Mul tyfarnham , Colaiste nabProinsiasachB2Multyfarnham, 'Wilson'sHospital99962117275981128755576524544842232(1) 33 232I4(3) 2(2)3(2}4(1-2)Co. WEXFORD (13 Schools) :Bunclody, St. Marys Convent,F.C.]. B2Enniscorthy, Sgoil nam BratharEnniscorthy, Loreto ConventGorey, Sgoil na mBratharGorey, Loreto AbbeyNew Ross, Sgoil nam Bratha rNew Ross, Clochar naTr6caire, Sgoil Mhui re B2New Ross, Colaiste naDeagh-Chomhairle .. 1 ARosbercon, Holy FaithConvent, Our Lady <strong>of</strong>Lourdes ..Wexford, Christian Bras.'Schools ..Wexford, Loreto ConventWexford, St.Peter'sCollegeWexford, The Tate School I9782759-t161932182558672437147343-t4436451(1) 22(2) 222(2) 7(1)231(1) 21(1)4(2) 42(1-1) 13(2)

43~2. TABLE SHOWING THE NUMBERS OF PUPILS AND TEACHERSIN RECOGNISED SECONDARY SCHOOLS-continued.No.<strong>of</strong> TeachersNumber <strong>of</strong> ------- ---P"pils Registered Unregistered------ ------ --- ---Name <strong>of</strong> School Classi- Full Part Fun Partfication Boys Girls time time time time(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)--- ---- --- --- --- --- ---Co. WICKLOW (6 Schools) :Arklow, St. Mary's College,Convent <strong>of</strong> Mercy .. - 131 10 - 3(1) IBra), Colaiste Ciaran .. A 61 - 3 - 1 2Bray, Loreto Convent .. - 110 7 4 1 IBray, Colaiste na Toirbhirte.. . . 65 - 4 - - 1(1)Wicklow, Dominican Convent.. .. .. - 100 6 I 1(1) 9Wicklow, St. Joseph'sIntermediate School .. B2 42 - 3 - 1(1) -23. SECONDARY TEACHERS' PENSION FUND.THE INCOME AND EXPENDITURE OF THE PENSION FUNDDURING THE YEAR ENDED THE 31ST DECEMBER, <strong>1940</strong>, WEREAS FOLLOWS:-INCOME:-Teachers' ContributionsSchools'Civil Servants' ••Interest on InvestmentsEXPENDITURE :-Pensions paid to TeachersGratuitiesShort Service GratuitiesLoss on Sale <strong>of</strong> InvestmentsExcess <strong>of</strong> Expenditure over IncomeCash Balance on 1st January, <strong>1940</strong>Received from Voted Moneys (Vote 47)STOCK REALISED DURING THE YEAR£144 Fourth National Loan-at CostCash Balance on 31st December, <strong>1940</strong>£ s. d. £ s. d.7,685 7 82,492 16 110 0 02 6 1013,393 7 3412 4 I522 19 510 13 510,180 11 514,339 4 24,158 12 91,732 15 42,664 0 0141 2 5379 5 0CAPITAL ON 31ST DECEMBER, <strong>1940</strong>:-Stock-NilCash Balance at Paymaster-General's 379 5 0

44 Technical24.-NUMRER AND OCCUPATIONS OF STUDENTS WHO ATTENDED(a)-CITY AND TOWN VOCAT--1--- -- --- --- -- --- -- -~-CITY VOCATIONAl. EDUCATION COMMITTEES TOWN---·---1----1----- ---- ------ -----Cork Dublin Limerick Waterford BravOccupatrons <strong>of</strong> StudentsMale Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female------------------ ----- ----Textile '

InstructionCLASSES UNDER VOCATIONAL EDUCATION SCHEMES,SESSION <strong>1939</strong>-40IONAL EDUCATION COMMITTEESVOCATIONAL EDUCATION COMMITTEES4SICity <strong>and</strong> Town-----1-----___ Committees _Drogheda Dunlaoghaire Galway Sligo Tratee Wexford TotalMale 'I Female M~le ~rnale Male IFemale ~:~IFernale Mal~IFemale M~~~ Female Ma~ ~~~alt'6 25 - 7 - - - - - - - - 11 4328 41 - - - - 21 - 4 - - - 75 44116 7 86 1951 4 2 170- I 4 - 5-I -: 2 I ::: 3-;7~Ol 21 10 ~ I _91 4 2:~119111935-I37'1391772_I-I 2:-I2'867349-II11!-i3I-I1571262542210981602234214114911452101511010684119362211247203101211425I210760-I1521316514232551131561151123831167622015773428962 595512'3199279755233333742991261395763512173711441717821,1110661743915145893615221233321177048163175652214 87 30843143833361382096217961,7654104 27966 2,555 2,4454 95 1951 82 363~I111-,3616 119-=-1- -31916366122422227761337911122211164971I1 846 7275 1,697 1,540

4624.-NUMBER AND OCCUPATIONS OF STUDENTS WHO ATTENDED(b) COUNTY VOCATIONALCarlowCavanClareOccupations <strong>of</strong> StudentsMale Female Male Female Male Female------------------- --- --- --- --- --- ~--Textile WorkersBoot <strong>and</strong> Shoe MakersTailors <strong>and</strong> Tailors' MachinistsDressmakersMillinersEmbroiderersSaddlersCarpentersCartwrights, Coach Builders <strong>and</strong> Wheelwrigh ts .•Sawyers <strong>and</strong> Wood MachinistsCabinetmakersFrench PolishersUpholsterers <strong>and</strong> Coach TrimmersSmithsMotor MechanicsFitters <strong>and</strong> MechanicsPlumbersTinsmiths <strong>and</strong> Sheet Metal WorkersFarriersElectrical Fitters <strong>and</strong> WiremenWorkers in Chemical ProcessesPrinters, Bookbinders <strong>and</strong> PhotographersBricklayersMasonsPlasterersBuilders' LabourersPainters <strong>and</strong> DecoratorsOther Industrial WorkersMotor Transport WorkersOther Transport WorkersShop-keepers <strong>and</strong> ManagersShop Assistants <strong>and</strong> SalesmenBank <strong>and</strong> Insurance OfficialsCivil Servants <strong>and</strong> Local Authority OfficialsClerksTypistsOther Persons in Clerical OccupationsHotel, Restaurant <strong>and</strong> Boarding House KeepersLaundry Workers ..Domestic ServantsPersons Engaged in Home Du tiesFarmers <strong>and</strong> Relatives AssistingAgricultural Labourers, Gardeners & NurserymenStudents in Attendance at Primary <strong>and</strong> SecondarySchoolsStudents in Attendance at Whole-time VocationalSchoolsTeachers <strong>and</strong> Teachers-in-TrainingPr<strong>of</strong>essional OccupationsStudents (-'fedicine, Law, Engineering, Dentistry)NursesFishermenOther OccupationsNo OccupationTOTALSCOMBINEDTOTALS•• 12182443231212769543817827251044281522434416492104769113262651453597113064126109131399U28179452071631110211414400 508 745 650 772 943~ '- __ -'y-_--=.l '----y----J908 1,395 1,7151214156112111518 3 5321161517631121352091491442816359272118174123736214288332848459

47CLASSES UNDER VOCATIONAL EDUCATION SCHEMES. SESSION <strong>1939</strong>-40-continued.EDUCATION COMMITTEES.Cork Donegal Dublin Galway Kerry I Kildare----- -- ----- -- --- -- --- --- ---- --- ---Male Female lIJale Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female-- --- -- ---- --- --- --- --- --- ---- --- --_.-2 91 1 63 - - - - -- - -- 21 - 1 - 2 - 1 I 6 - - -5 - - 2 2 15 2 - 8 5 1 -- 12 - 10 - 16 - 4 - 19 - 9- 2 - - - - - - - - -- - - I 8 - 3 - - - - - -1 - 1 - - - - - 1 - - -86 - 25 - 16 - 18 - 33 - 5 -17 - 10 - - - 1 - 2 - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -2 - - - 10 - - - 1 - - -- - - - - 3 - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -17 - 2 - 1 - 2 - 8 - 1 -28 - 11 - 7 - 2 - 8 - 8 -26 - 2 - 4 - 1 - 4 - 8 -4 - 4 - - - - - 1 - - -- - - - 1 - - - -- - - -16 - - - - - 2 - - - 1 -7 - - - 6 - I - 3 - 1 -1 - - - - - 2 1 - - - -4 - 4 2 4 - -- - - - 2 -2 - -- - 2 - - - - - 2 -3 - 2 - - - 2 - 7 - - -- - - - 2 - - - - - - -4 - - - 14 - 1 - 9 - 4 7 - - - - - - - - - 5 -31 3 4 15 25 134 2 3 5 3 15 824 - 25 - 10 - 1 - 9 - 1I -5 2 2 - - - - - - - - -41 23 11 16 - 7 5 18 17 24 2 472 102 36 56 7 21 44 34 21 33 18 2514 - 5 - 2 - 2 1 4 - 11 -60 19 18 6 5 21 15 9 13 6 10 447 34 14 30 11 34 14 23 5 10 11 184 15 - 10 - 16 - 2 - 3 - 174 3 2 11 5 23 2 2 - 1 2 2- IM - 22 - 3 1 5 - 4 - 3- 4 1 26 - 17 - - - -- - 8I 184 - 115 - 83 - 46 - 86 - 534 816 - 550 - 131 7 612 3 239 8 182571 39 243 - 31 - 683 - 316 141 78 6136 - 54 -- 110 - 4 - 104 - 39 -183 213 75 105 64 121 35 115 17 48 60 -404 461 126 127 49 75 275 331 188 201 94 16955 120 6 44 5 6 63 78 8 18 5 66 1 2 4 - 2 2 1 2 - 23 1 - 3 - - 1 - - 1 -- 8 - 12 - 15 - 2 - 10 - 29 - 13 - 2 - 1 - 3 - - -39 17 38 48 9 8 16 3 8 3 75 55235 186 103 110 34 95 45 10 142 79 26 42-- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- --- --- -- ----2,181 2,374 841 1,392 443 849 1,252 1,302 956 933 494 e17'-----v-- -J '-------y-----' ~ ~ ~ ~I4,555 2,233 1,292 2,554 I 1,889 1,111I

4824. NUMBER AND OCCUPATIONS OF STUDENTS WHO ATTENDED(b) COUNTY VOCATIONALOccupations<strong>of</strong> StudentsI Kilkenny Laoighis I LeitrimI Male Female Male 'Female Mal-;- FemaleTextile WorkersBoot <strong>and</strong> Shoe MakersTailors <strong>and</strong> Tailors' MachinistsDressmakersMilliners ..EmbroiderersSaddlersCarpentersCartwrights, Coach Builders <strong>and</strong> Wheelwrights •.Sawyers <strong>and</strong> Wood MachinistsCabinetmakersFrench PolishersUpholsterers <strong>and</strong> Coach TrimmersSmithsMotor MechanicsFitters <strong>and</strong> MechanicsPlumbersTinsmiths <strong>and</strong> Sheet Metal WorkersFarriersElectrical Fitters <strong>and</strong> WiremenWorkers in Chemical ProcessesPrinters, Bookbinders <strong>and</strong> PhotographersBricklayersMasonsPlasterersBuilders' LabourersPainters <strong>and</strong> DecoratorsOther Industrial WorkersMotor Transport WorkersOther Transport WorkersShopkeepers <strong>and</strong> ManagersShop Assistants <strong>and</strong> SalesmenBank <strong>and</strong> Insurance OfficialsCivil Servants <strong>and</strong> Local Authority OfficialsClerksTypistsOther Persons in Clerical OccupationsHotel, Restaurant <strong>and</strong> Boarding House KeepersLaundry Workers •.Domestic ServantsPersons Engaged in Home DutiesFarmers <strong>and</strong> Relatives AssistingAgricultural Labourers, Gardeners & NurserymenStudents in Attendance at Primary <strong>and</strong>Secondary SchoolsStudents in Attendance at Whole-time VocationalSchools ..Teachers <strong>and</strong> Teachers-in-TrainingPr<strong>of</strong>essional OccupationsStudents (Medicine, Law, Engineering, Dentistry)NursesFishermenOther OccupationsNo OccupationTOTALSCOMBINEDTOTAL~12143I2162411033.5526853549135654421465418581913046715 693236314481436759517220841331149318269511124176752131148233 714327417107144102523510512157945 3 17 50 1646 33 22 17 35 I 261.110 1,054 735 I--- --- --- ---- --- ----532 578 513 541 336 399'-------.r----' '-------.r----' '-------v---'22

CLASSES UNDER VOCATIONAL EDUCATION SCHEMES, SESSION <strong>1939</strong>-40-c01ltinu6dEDUCA TlON COMMITTEES-continued.49Limerick Longford Louth Mayo _ Meath Monaghan-- --- --- --- ----- ----- -- --- -- ---Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female-- ------ --- ----- -- --- -- --- -- ---29 3 6 28 1 1 20 71 1 4 1 1 24 17 2 4 6 3127 5 12 16 13 8102 183242 24 3 4 2 2 21 1 3 4 7 33 48 4 4 21 3812 41111 1 4 12 1 1 15 5 11 1 28 2 9 16 16 15 8 313 2 4 3 31 10 1 217 7 2 3 10 4 6 521 20 1 2 14 11 24 14 19 13 32 142 1 1 2 1 2 2 3 3 121 2 3 8 5 17 5 15 4 16 719 13 4 10 8 17 8 19 8 20 2 81 2 74 7 54 15 2210 75 12 18 14 38 2915 199 187 24 460 412 161344 49 198 87 281 228 218 1897 6 36 2 73 3756 8 3 13 44 2 29 50 2 2 4 6160 223 70 98 96 137 141 289 172 172 90 1458 11 2 2 3 6 20 3 23 6 134 3 2 1 182 2 1 6 4 2497 3 1 6 4 8 3 14 471 71 22 18 SS 42 46 45 15 15 45 38-- --- --- --.- ------ -- --- -- --- -- ---923 696 320 344 497 319 677 968 638 752 529 483'-----v---' '----v-----' '----v-----''-v-----' '--v---' '----v-----'1,619 664 816 1,645 1.390 1,012

Offaly Roscommon Sligo Tipperary N.ROccupations <strong>of</strong> Students --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female--- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---extile Workers ·. .. 4 12 - - - - oot <strong>and</strong> Shoe Makers .. · . 8 9 - - 3 - - -ailors <strong>and</strong> Tailors' Machinists .. - - - - 2 - -ressmakers .. ·. .. - 3 - 3 - 3 -ilIiners .. .. .. ·. - - - -mbroiderers .. .. .. - - - - - 24addlers .. .. .. ·. - - - - 20 - - arpenters .. .. ·. 11 - •• - - - 14 -TBTDMESCCartwrights, Coach Builders <strong>and</strong>Wheelwrights .. ·. .. 1 - -- - - - -Sawyers <strong>and</strong> Wood Machinists · . - - - - - - - -Cabinetmakers .. ·. .. - - - - - - -French Polishers .. .. - - - - - -Upholsterers <strong>and</strong> Coach Trimmers ·. - - - - - 2 -Smiths .. .. ·. .. S - 1 - 2 - - -Motor Mechanics ·. .. S - 4 - 6 - 5 -F ·itters <strong>and</strong> Mechanics .. · . - - - - - - - -Plumbers ·. · . ·. 1 - - - - -Tin smiths <strong>and</strong> Sheet Metal Workers - - - - - 3 Farriers .. .. .. ·. - - .•8 - - - 5 -Electrical Fitters <strong>and</strong> Wiremen .. I - - - 3 -W orkers in Chemical Processes .. - - - - - - - -Printers, Bookbinders, <strong>and</strong> Photographers.. ·. · . - 1 - - 1 -Bricklayers .. ·. .. - - - - - - -~ Iascns .. .. .. · . -- - - - - - -Plasterers .. .. .. - - - - 4 - - -B uilders' Labourers .. · . 1 - 4 - - - 2 -Painters <strong>and</strong> Decorators .. · . - - - - 3 - - -other Industrial Workers · . .. - - - - - - -Motor Transport Workers .. 1 - 2 - 9 - - o ther Transport Workers .. .. - - - - - - -- -Shopkeepers <strong>and</strong> Managers ·. 2 3 - 14 6 4 8 2S hop Assistants <strong>and</strong> Salesmen ·. 14 10 12 20 6 20 13 26B ank <strong>and</strong> Insurance Officials · . 4 2 - - 3 - - -CCivil Servants <strong>and</strong> Local AuthorityOfficials .. .. · . 12 3 32 3 4 - 2 -Jerks .. ·. ·. ·. 13 19 2 14 10 6 12 11Typists .. · . ·. · . - - - - 2 3 other Persons in Clerical Occupations - -- - - - - - -Hotel, Restaurant <strong>and</strong> BoardingHouse Keepers .. .. · . - - - - - Laundry Workers .. .. - - - - - - -Domestic Servants ·. .. - 25 - 18 6 44 - 29Persons engaged in Home Duties .. 2 100 - 398 - 249 6 30Farmers <strong>and</strong> Relatives Assisting .. 124 14 306 - 163 - 87 74Agricultural Labourers, Gardeners <strong>and</strong>Nurserymen .. .. .. 76 - - - 58 - 12 -students in Attendance at Primary <strong>and</strong>Secondary Schools .. .. 11 16 30 155 4 6 7 15Students in Attendance at Whole-timeVocational Schools · . .. 107 167 122 290 108 124 88 134Teachers <strong>and</strong> Teachers-in -Training · . 3 4 - 10 6 3 2 2Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Occupations ·. ·. - - 4 - - - 4 -Students(Medicine, Law, Engineering,Dentistry) ·. .. .. - - 4 - - 2 -Nurses .. .. .. ·. - I - 2 - 2Fishermen .. ·. ·. - - - - Pottery Workers · . · . - - - - -other Occupations .. ·. 6 - - - 1 1o Occupation .. .. .. 12 I 5 - - 26 57 21 29N5024. NUMBER AND OCCUPATIONS OF STUDENTS WHO ATTENDED(b) COUNTY VOCATIONALTOTALS .. .. 424 393 576 927 .•51 519 300 379'---y-----..J '----y-----' L---..,..----' L---y- .....JCOMBINED TOTALS · . 817 1,503 970 679

CLASSES UNDER VOCATIONAL EDUCATION SCHEMES, SESSIO~ <strong>1939</strong>-40-conlin'lCli_EDUCATION COMMITTERs-continued51I Tipperary S_R_ WaterIord Westmeath Wexford Wicklow TOTAL----,-------Male Female Male iFemale Male Female Male Female Mal-; Female Mal-; Female- 4 - - 4 1 -------- - - - 30 2279 16 2 - - - 4 - -., - . 74 433 - - I - 2 1 4 - - - '41 I 51}- 2 - 1 - 3 - 7 - 7 - 131=1 =1 I 27 ~~22 - 14 - 10 - 21 - 22 - 445 -211813101152183291138192213184A28231695198J48241475666764157127413356559633112262348331213311•• 1111383825••5102821513333332775427833519514337187603102224121697261724176242818932 613 14211682119141242101541713853147351674721199613628935233911834231352199012365274403261494772121118666,17189571,4896,96986312489271731061,69812166716211138721818970 1,329233151333327876211691542225141421019"2611025108 3,70211 246- 485,17954819222852846312763488367219141726182428641 149 49794 1,4604101412071,3031,107 1,126 708 663 433 425 973 901 569 635 18,590 ~0,616'--v----' '--v----' '--v----' ~ '-----v------J '-----v----"2,233 1.371 858 I 1.874 1,2()4 39,206

25. FINANCIAL STATEMENT.(a) Return showing Estimated Amounts <strong>of</strong> the Items <strong>of</strong> Receipt <strong>and</strong> Expenditure, other than on Capital Account, under the ApprovedScheme <strong>of</strong> each Vocational <strong>Education</strong> Committee for the Financial Year 1st April, <strong>1940</strong>, to 31st March. 1941RECEIPTSI EXPENDITURESale <strong>of</strong>Main-Administrative Area Grant Contribu- Books, tenance <strong>of</strong> Other<strong>of</strong> Committee from the tion from Tuition Class, Other Adrninis- Instruc- Schools Scholar- Expendi-Depart Local Fees Materials, Sources, tration tion <strong>and</strong> ships turement Rates etc. I ClassesI£ £ £ £ £ £ £ ££ £COUNTYBOROUGH:ICork · . · . 32,772* 5,181 2,100 260 775 5,853 20,276 9,966 900 5,970*Dublin · . · 59,578 47,983 9,000 1,080 2,090 10,731 57,627 41,088 2,272 300Limerick · 9,436 2,173 500 20 900 1,609 7,699 3,885 2~6 81Waterford · . 7,945 1,856 260 60 140 850 5,114 2,835 230 25URBANDISTRICTS: · .Bray · . · . 3,278 877 200 10 25 543 2,827 733 24Drogheda -· . 3,260 616 200 30 15 601 2,676 822 49 25Dun Laoghaire · . 5,906 3,380 500 150 21 1,024 6,838 2,430 110 50Galway · . 4,043 926 250 - - 722 3,666 1,386 - 65Sligo · . · . 3,451 548 100 35 60 683 2,641 2,083 90Tralee-· . · . 4,702 473 200 60 180 855 3,437 1,545 92 10Wexford · . 3,009 500 150 - 40 578 2,323 691 75 235CJ1~COUNTIES:Carlow · . · . 3,569 2,516 100 55 30 898 3,6611,467 75 100Cavan · . ·. 5,076 4,381 150 110 5 956 6.687 I 2,461 190 86

Clare .. .. 6,148 5,628 250 50 10 1,184 7,905 2,406 292 50Cork . . · . 23,538 18,317 950 150 270 2,805 28,263 11,786 625 538Donegal ·. 7,238 3,427 220 - 30 1,155 8,579 2,738 200 130Dublin . . ·. 4,113 4,658 120 110 - 842 6,470 1,660 300 25Galway 9,412 7,941 325 40 40 1,233 13,681 2,299 775 120Kerry .. 6,652 4,855 290 65 20 1,375 8,208 1,987 260 465Kildare 5,109 5,146 150 90 10 933 6,571 2,424 413 120Kilkenny 6,511 4,969 230 80 30 1,096 6,660 1,734 125 15Laoighis .. · . 3,474 3,458 150 20 - 621 5,485 1,268 83Leitrim 4,789 2,240 130 40 10 712 5,295 1,245 10) 75Limerick 6,745 7,224 280 10 200 1,150 8,978 3,017 600 550Longford .. 3,009 1,949 100 12 - 640 3,211 1,019 80 12Louth 4,832 3,300 250 60 5 790 5,413 2,655 150 105Mayo 8,177 5,681 300 - 20 962 9,004 3,148 260 64Meath 7,489 8,143 300 250 40 1,259 10,428 3,486 300 100CJ1Monaghan 3,931 :~,835 150 15 12 852 5,562 1,615 134 65 ~Offaly 5,041 3,677 145 70 10 1,038 5,375 1,823 80 40Roscommon 5,229 4,855 105 20 10 812 7,644 2,137 149 37Sligo 3,603 3,096 120 60 7 756 4,880 1,000 120 100Tipperary (N.R.) 4,951 4,779 120 - - 1,003 6,021I2,044 170 20Tipperary (S.R.) 10,345 6,539 300 110 60 1,819 12,582 2,903 235 80Waterford 4,437 3,955 110 55 15 910 4,945 1,365 200 46Westmeath 5,326 4,056 200 70 18 834 6,948 1,908 387 60Wexford · . 6,527 5,191 200 50 12 1,176 8,737 1,789 387 43Wicklow· ·1 5,057 3,863 100 50955 6,105 1,890 90ITOTALS .. 1 308,308 I 202,192 -19,305 I 3,347 .1 5,1~1 52,815 .1 328,422 1132,738 1-10,908 I 9,807-• Includes an estimated expenditure <strong>of</strong> £5,400, to be refunded to the Committee in respect <strong>of</strong> compulsory courses <strong>of</strong> instruction providedunder Part V. <strong>of</strong> the Vocational <strong>Education</strong> Act, 1930.

5425. FINANCIAL STATEMENT-(continued)(b) TABLE showing amounts contributed by the <strong>Department</strong> <strong>and</strong> the Amountscontributed from Local Rates respectively, for the purposes <strong>of</strong> TechnicalInstruction, under Vocational <strong>Education</strong> Committees. Financial Year1st April, <strong>1939</strong>, to 31st March, <strong>1940</strong>.Administrative Area <strong>of</strong>CommitteeContributionsfrom the<strong>Department</strong>Cont ri butionsfromLocal RatesCOUNTYBOROUGHS:CorkDublinLimerick'Waterford£• 34,54454,8599,4168,346s. d.o 0o 0o 0o 0£5,40643,5942,1731,981s. d.o 0o 0o 0o 0URBAN DISTRICTS:;BrayDroghedaDun Laoghaire>Galway''Sligo'Tra lee .."Wexford3,820 0 03,227 0 06,272 0 04,664 0 03,387 0 04,617 0 02,986 0 01.027 0 0616 0 03,580 0 01,026 0 0548 0 0473 0 0500 0 0COUNTIES:'CarlowCavanClareCorkDonegalDublin ..GalwayKerryKildareKilkennyLaoighisLeitrim,LimerickLongfordLouth iMayo ' ..Meath ..Monaghan-Offaly ..RoscommonSligoTipperary (N.R.)Tipperary (S.R.)WaterfordWestmeathWexford'Wicklow3,5094,7045,45721,9606,4694,1128,5806,5365,0466,7713,4114,7247,0392,9274,6247,6087,9163,8565',1495.1583,3484,58610,1194,7555,1955,9394,967o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 02,5164,0915,26917,9203,4274,6587,4224,8555,1465,3693,4582,2407,6241,9463,1465,6818,6433,8353,8774,8552,8864,4626,5394,3554,0564,7273,863o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0o 0TOTALS £300,603 0 0 197.790 0 0• Includes Special Supplemental Grant <strong>of</strong> £6,641 for courses organised under.Part V. <strong>of</strong> the Vocational <strong>Education</strong> Act, 1930.

CITY AND TOWN VOCATlONAL EDUCATION COMMITTEES.26. Showing lot the Session <strong>1939</strong>-40. (i) the number <strong>of</strong> Individual Students enrolled in various types <strong>of</strong> Schools <strong>and</strong> Classes <strong>and</strong> (ii) theaggregate number <strong>of</strong> their Attendance Hours.(a) DAY CLASSES AT PERMANENT CENTRES-WHOLE-TIME SCHOOLS.CommitteeNumber <strong>of</strong> Individual Students, -- AggregateUnder Over Number <strong>of</strong>16 16 Total No. Male Female Attendanceyears years Hours-- -------City V. E. Committees:Cork · . .. .. 446 354 800 402 378 551.594Dublin .. .. .. 1,508 2,150 3,658 2,260 1,398 1,529.485Limerick .. .. · . 282 164 446 187 259 230,277Waterford .. .. · . 131 103 234 140 94 104,674CI1CFITOW'l V. E. Committees:Bray ·. .. .. 119 50 169 64 105 94,420Drogheda ·. .. .. 121 72 193 54 139 85,991Dun Laoghaire .. .. 213 85 298 157 141 174,673Galway ·. .. · . 86 83 169 6S 101 96,101Sligo ·. .. .. 66 49 115 6~ 55 69,520Tralee ·. .. .. 110 117 227 131 96 145,646Wexford · . .. .. 63 58 121 55 66 61,905TOTALS .. .. 3,145 3,285 6,430 3,578 2,852 3,144,286-

CITY AND TOWN VOCATIONAL EDUCATION COMMITTEES.26._Showing for the Session <strong>1939</strong>-40, (i) the number <strong>of</strong> Individual Students enrolled in various types <strong>of</strong> Schools <strong>and</strong> Classes, <strong>and</strong> (ii) theaggregate number <strong>of</strong> their Attendance Hours.Committee(b)-DAY CLASSES AT PERMANENT CENTRES-PART-TIME SCHOOLS AND CLASSES.Number <strong>of</strong> Individual Students ,AggregateUnder Over Number <strong>of</strong>16 16 Total No. Male Female Attendanceyears years HoursCity V. E. Committees:Cork · . · . ., 11 379 390 41 349 31.586Dublin .. · . ., 186 843 1,029 2,(0 789 56,273Limerick ·. .. .. 4 98 102 12 90 8,828Waterford ·. .. .. 4 40 44 31 13 4,756-~e)1(j)Town V. E. Committees:Bray ·. · . .. 4 44 48 - 48 ~?'766Drogheda .. ·. .. 27 94 121 6 115 4,966Dun Laoghaire · . .. 83 186 269 - 269 '23,157Galway ·. .. .. - - - - - -Sligo .. .. .. 10 31) ,(6 7 39 2,388Tralee ·. ., .. - - - - - -Wexford .. .. .. - 39 39 - 39 1,140TOTALS .. .. 329 1,759 2,088 337 1,751 135,860--

CITY AND TOWN VOCATIONAL EDUCATION COMMITTEES.26.-5howing for the Ses510n 19i19-40, (i) the number <strong>of</strong> Individual Students enrolled in various types <strong>of</strong> Schools <strong>and</strong> Classes, <strong>and</strong> (ii) theaggregate number <strong>of</strong> their Attend, nee Hours.(C)-EVENING CLASSES AT PERMANENT CE~TRES.CommitteeNumber <strong>of</strong> Individual Students------- AggregateUnder Over Number <strong>of</strong>16 16 Total No. JVfale Female Attendanceyears years Hours-------City V. E. Committees:Cork ·. .. .. ~81 1,494 1,775 935 840 160,070Dublin ·. .. · . 1,241 8,504 9,745 5,081 4,664 524,168Limerick ·. .. ., 96 768 864 334 530 45,990Waterford ·. · . · . 23 422 445 16-l 281 25,7:'6CJ,-..,JTown V. E. Committees:Bray . ,· . · . 37 210 247 98 149 13,946Drogheda · . .. ., 83 314 397 121 276 29,61lDun Laoghaire .. ., 62 605 667 207 460 42,063Galway· . ·. ., 27 288 31S 121 194 15,890Sligo ·. .. · . 6 129 135 63 72 7,565Tralee · . · . · . 13 167 180 102 78 14,-l19Wexford · . · . · . 12 17-1 If6 83 IO:l 9,667,TOTALS· ."I------- ------- ------- ------- ._-------1,8 1 11 1:>,075 14,95R 7,:,09 7,647 889,125

.00·.0·o.o.·.0 .0 60139COUNTY VOCATIONAL EDUCATION COMMITTEES.26. Showing for the Sesxion <strong>1939</strong> 40, (i) the num ber <strong>of</strong> Individual Students enrolled in various types <strong>of</strong> Schools <strong>and</strong> Claxses.<strong>and</strong> (ii) the aggregatenumber <strong>of</strong> their Attendance Hours.(d)-DA Y CLASSES AT PERMA!\E!\T CENTRES-WHOLE-TIME SCHOOLS.iNumber <strong>of</strong> Individual Students AggregateNo. <strong>of</strong> ------- ------ Number <strong>of</strong>Committee Centres Under Over Attendanco16 years 16 years Total r,'o. :'11 ale Female Hours-------------~------- ----- -Carlow · . .. 3 126 53 179 75 104 90,345Cavan ·. · . .. · . 5 213 104 317 109 208 185,205Clare · . ·. . .. 7 266 199 465 181 284 244,930Cork . ·. · . · . 13 537 315 852 395 457 501,912Donegal · . · . .. .. 5 152 101 253 126 127 113,796Dublin . · . .. .. 4 81 43 124 49 75 52,70RGalwav · . · . 7 286 183 469 195 274 219,889Kerry . · . · . · . 5 249 140 389 188 201 193,143Kildare · . ·. · . .. 4 185 56 241 83 158 141,414Kilkenny .0Laoighis o. .0Leitrim •18O 85 265 135 130 152,675.. 6 152 108 260 84 176 113,258.. .. 5 173 91 264 107 157 116,489Limerick · . ·. .. 6 246 137 383 160 223 209,811Longford . . . .. 2 90 44 134 54 80 79,037Louth · . · . · . · . 2 151 82 233 96 137 137,612Mayo •. · . .. 5 245 185 430 141 289 190,790Meath · . · . o. .. 6 229 115 344 172 172 218,094Monaghan .. · . · . · 5 166 70 236 91 145 104,177Offaly o. .0· . 4 145 129 274 107 167 148,568Roscommon · . · .. 4 235 161 396 122 274 186,085Sligo · . ·. · . .. 4 126 106 232 107 125 103,677Tipperary (NoR) ·. · . · . 4 150 72 222 88 134 124,330Tipperary (S.R.) · . o· . 9 380 186 566 233 333308,845Waterford . · . · . 3 89 93 182 75 107 82,734Westmeath · . . .. 4 231 148 379 154 225 231,986Wexford · . ·I. · . 6 245 89 334 140 194168,713Wicklow.0· . . · . 5 154 56 210 102 108 106,865-------------------TOTALS · . 5,482• i 3,151 8,633 3,569 5,064 4,527,088Ien 00

COUlolt'Y VOCATIOlolAL EDUCA'l'IOl'iCOMMI'l'TBES.26-Showing for the Session <strong>1939</strong> 40, (i) the num ber <strong>of</strong> J ndividual Students enrolled in various types <strong>of</strong> Schools <strong>and</strong> Classes, <strong>and</strong>(ii) the aggregate number <strong>of</strong> their Attendance Hours.(e)-j)A y CLASSJ~SAT PERMANENT CENTRES-PART-TlME SCHOOLS AND CLASSES.Number <strong>of</strong> Individual Students. AggregateNo. <strong>of</strong> 1------- ------- 1-------- Number <strong>of</strong>ce mrnittee I Centres Und e r Over I Attendance_~ ____________ I_____ ~ ~1__ 1_6_yearS___ ~~ye_~~ ___ ~L'ot~~~ ___ ;'v[al~__ _ Fem~ ___ Hou~_CarlowCavanClare .. 3 - 51 51 - 51 2,668Cork .. - . "I- '1 - - - - - - -Donegal-- ..2 1 19 20 - 20 984Dublin . - . . ·..-I2 41 41 41 1,903Galway .. ., 1 - 7 7 - 7 392KerryKildare--I1 1 1 1 1-I--

COUNTY VOCATIONAL EDUCATION COMMITTEES.26.-Sho .••·ing for the Session 19~9 40, .i) the number <strong>of</strong> Individual Students enrolled in v arious types <strong>of</strong> Schools <strong>and</strong> Classes, <strong>and</strong>(ii) the aggregate number <strong>of</strong> their Attendance Hours.I(f)-EVENINGCLASSES AT FERMANENT CE:-ITRES.Num ber <strong>of</strong> Individual Students.No. <strong>of</strong> ----. -Committee Centres Under Over16 years 16 years Total No. ;\Iale----------- ---- - ------- ------ -Carlow · . · . · . 3 93 216 309 IIICavan · . · . · . 5 55 435 490 292Clare .. · . · . 8 80 670 750 398Cork .. ·. · . 14 112 1,364 1,476 630Donegal · . · . · . 5 61 355 416 213Dublin · . . , .. 8 184 424 608 163Galway · . .. · . 6 14 292 306 145Kerry · . · . · . 5 39 294 333 151Kildare .. · . .. 4 33 383 416 227Kilkenny .. · . 6 26 552 578 227Laoighis · . · . · . 6 52 313 365 194Leitrim · . ·. · . 5 17 232 249 117Limerick .. · . .. 6 27 376 403 222Longford .. · . · . 2 4 140 144 92Louth · . · . · . 2 45 301 346 193Mayo · . · . · . 5 35 378 413 230Meath .. · . · . 6 35 344 379 205Monaghan · . · . 5 35 279 314 183Offaly .. · . 4 35 360 395 213Roscommon · . · . 4 5 163 168 85Sligo · . · . · . 4 52 284 ~ 336 160Tipperary (l".R.) · . .. 4 21 256 277 171Tipperary (S. R.) · . .. 9 57 782 839 414Waterford .. · . 2 48 185 233 82Westmeath- .. .. ·.. .4 .25 221 246 161Wexford .. .. .. 6 30 421 451 237Wicklow .. .. · . 5 60 350 410 203-------------_. -TOTALS .. 143 1;280 10,370 11,650 5,719-----AggregateNumber <strong>of</strong>Atten ~anc')FemaleHours----- ----_.- -.198 17,265198 33,170352 37,133846 129,328203 37,128445 31,485161 14,655182 19,078189 27,787 m0351 24,585171 20,645132 14,055181 24,86752 6,816153 20,493183 18,773174 24,304131 19,211182 20,64983 6,007176 19,723106 14,174425 44,803151 14,25085 11,450214 25,302207 30,7925,931 707,928

..o·.0 300 90 00 6700 .0 29o·00 32o.00 00 9o.20700 3200 00 600 00 -00 002000 00 1100000000 900 700 2500 800 40027002700900350014484COUNTY VOCATIOlfAt EDUCATION COMMITTE£8.26-Sbowing for the SeSSIOn <strong>1939</strong>-40 [i ) the number <strong>of</strong> Individual Students enrolled in various types <strong>of</strong> Schools <strong>and</strong> Classes, <strong>and</strong>(ii) the aggregate number <strong>of</strong> weir Attendance Hours.(g)-SESSIONAL CLASSES AT RVR.'L CENTRES.00Nurn ber <strong>of</strong> 1ndividual Stuocnts. AggregateNo. <strong>of</strong> ------- ------- Number <strong>of</strong>Committee Centres Under Over AttendanceI16 years 16 years Total Ko. :\lale Female Hours------- ------- ------ ------ ------Car low .. 00 44 143 187 85 102 8,951Cavan .. o. o. 12 118 247 365 225 140 28,859Clare o. 88 115 203 124 79 9,913Cork o. 475 1,364 1,839 1,039 800 152,945•Donegal .0407 900 1,307 492 815 94,465Dublin.0 00132 317 449 211 238 26,742Galway .. 00 36 3:17 9~17 1,274 788 486 114,777Kerry00o· 161 651 812 493 319 53,087Kildare00 13 124 271 395 172 223 29,622l

COUNTY VOCATIONAL EDUCATION COMMITTEES.Zl:l.-Showing for the Session <strong>1939</strong>-40 (i) the number <strong>of</strong> Individual Students, enrolled in various types <strong>of</strong> Schools <strong>and</strong> Classes, <strong>and</strong>(ii) the aggregate number <strong>of</strong> their Attendance Hours.(h)-SHORT COURSES AT RURAL CENTRES.Number <strong>of</strong> Indiv idual Students. Aggregate:;;-0. <strong>of</strong> ------- ------- ------- --~~---.- --.----- Number <strong>of</strong>Committee Centres under Over AttendanceJ 6 years 16 years 'fatal Ko. Male Female Hours------------------ ------- ._----- .._---- ------- -------Carlow · . · . · . 6 98 135 233 129 ]04 11,540Cavan" . · . 5 49 174 223 119 104 13,699Clare .. . · . ]0 52 194 246 69 177 18,047Cork .. · . 11 62 326 388 117 271 24,259Donegal · · . . 9 56 181 237 10 227 19,929Dublin . .. · . 4 15 55 70 20 50 2,502Galway .. · 12 102 396 498 124 374 3,492Kerry . . 19 84 271 355 124 231 18,650Rildare · . · . 2 20 39 59 12 47 3,699Kilkenny .. · . 3 53 38 91 91 - 6,006Laoighis · . · . · . 11 51 185 236 117 119 15,310Leitrim .. .. · . - - - - - - -Limerick .. · . · . 5 56 91 147 147 - 8,036Longford .. . .. 6 5 229 234 95 139 11,613Louth ·. · .. 9 91 146 237 208 29 16,371Mayo · . . .. 9 96 246 342 135 207 27,536Meath ·. . ·. 16 30 441 471 168 303 27,609Monaghan . .. - - - - - - -Offaly" · . . 1 - 40 40 40 - 1,585Roscommon .. . 19 83 352 435 115 320 27,261Sligo · . 9 8 168 176 - 176 7,822Tipperary (N.R.) .. · . 5 14 87 101 1 100 7,924Tipperary (S.R.) .. · . 7 23 133 156 42 114 8,422Waterford".. 10 59 187 246 129 117 13,784Westmeath .. · . - - - - - - -Wexford .. · . .. 22 109 285 394 209 185 20,035Wicklow · . · . · . 9 56 157 213 89 124 8,835Q')t--:>TOTALS · . 219 1,272 4,556 5,828 2,310 3,518 323,966

63SUMMARY OF FOREGOING RETURNS (26 (a)- (h))27-Showing for the session <strong>1939</strong>-40 (a) the number <strong>of</strong> Students enrolled invarious types <strong>of</strong> Schools <strong>and</strong> Classes, <strong>and</strong> (b) the aggregate number <strong>of</strong> theirAttendance Hours.Types <strong>of</strong> Schools <strong>and</strong>ClassesNumber <strong>of</strong> Individual Students Ag~regate--- --- --- --- -- NumberUnder Over <strong>of</strong> Attend-16 16 Total Male Female anceyears years No. HoursCily a-nd Tourn VOcatiOHUI<strong>Education</strong> Committees:(a) Day Classes atPermanent Centres(W h 0 I e - t i m eSchools) 3,145 3,285 6,430 3,578 2,852 3,144,286(b) Day Classes at PermanentCentres(Part-time Schools<strong>and</strong> Classes) 329 1,759 2,088 337 1,751 135,860(c) Evening Classes atPermanent Centres 1,881 13,075 14,956 7,309 7,6~7 889,125COlmty VOC

6428-S11owing (a) the number <strong>of</strong> teachers employed, <strong>and</strong> (b) the number <strong>of</strong> hours<strong>of</strong> instruction given by them in Schools <strong>and</strong> Classes under Vocational <strong>Education</strong>Committees, Session <strong>1939</strong>-40.(:ommittee;;- V. E. Com- I,----I---j----INo. <strong>of</strong> Hou .s <strong>of</strong> \No. <strong>of</strong> Teachers I Iristructto n-,1---\' IWhole-time Part-time I TotalWhole-time I Part-time T h'1 I eac ers Teachersmittees : I ICork .. i 42 ! 74 I 29,720 18,261 i 47,931·. ..Dublin 79 I 313 59,301 87,006 146,307Limerick ·.20 21 I 15,436 5,388 20,824\Vaterford .. · '1 1.• I 6 1 11,183 1,185 12,368Town V. E. Co m- I,1mittees :Bray · . · . 7 15 5,540 2,857 8,397Droghcda .. ·. 8 14 6,252 1,874 8,126Dlill Laoghaire · . 16 29 12,574 5,195 17,769Galway · . · . 12 - 9,586 - 9,586Sligo · . .. 9 1 5,214 351 5,565Tralee .. · . 11 2 9,156 1,138 10,294\\'exford · . · . 84 6,221 379 6,600County V. E. Committees:CarlowI.. , . I 12 1 9,068 741 9,809Cavan ·. ·. 25 5 19,872 1,928 21,800Clare .. , . 27 6 21,340 1 f95 23.335Cork ·. · . 72 28 56,013 12,836 68,849Donegal · .,. 27 14 22,760 2,465 25,225Dublin ·. ·. 12 16 9,133 5,715 14,848Galway , , .. 45 7 35,752 3,352 39,104Kerry , , · . 26 16 19,522 5,118 24,640Kildare , . , , 20 8 15,685 2,131 17,816Kilkenny · 23 2 16,211 394 16,605,Laoighis , . · . 19 2 14,280 479 14,759Leitrim .. .. 19 4 13,041 I 1,787 14,828ILimerick .. .. 28 8 22,746 2,898 25.644Longford · . .. 11 1 8,550 854 9,404Louth ·. ·. 15 7 12,308 1,374 13,682Mayo · . .. 27 6 20,933 1,74G 22,679Meath .. · . 30 4 23,003 1,703 24,706Monaghan .. ·. 18 1 14,655 612 15,267OfIaly ·. · ,15 2 13,281 782 14,063Roscommon ·. 23 9 16,489 3,416 19,905Sligo .. .. 17 3 12,355 665 13,020Tipperary (N.R.) 19 1 16,633 497 17,130Tipperary (S.R.) .. 38 11 32,689 1,713 34,402Waterford .. · ,12 11 10,674 2,828 13,502\Vestmeath .. 22 2 17,578 1,012 18,59023 . 11 18,259 5,453 23,712Wexford ·. · ,Wicklow ·. · , 18 7 13,705 2,417 16,122TOTALS .. 869 672 676,718 190,545 867,263

-6529-TECHNICAL SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS,(b)-SUMMARY OF EXAMINATION RESULTS.Number 1 First Class<strong>of</strong> SuccessesGROUPExercises (Does not apply.,i\\'orked_to Trade Tests)Number<strong>of</strong>PassesFailuresBuilding.(a) Trade Tests:Junior Stag" 369 219 ISOSenior Stage 189 97 92(b) TechnoJr.gical Exarns.:Elementary Stage 102 3 26 73Intermediate Stage 161 14 52 95Advanced Stage 101 3 37 61M echanical Engineering:(a) Trade Tests:Junior Stage ·., 312 176 136ISenior Stage111 58 53"I(b) Technological Exams.Elementary Stage 216 25 68 123Intermediate Std.ge 91 21 29 41Advanced Stage 46 5 10 31Xl otor Car Engineering:(a) Trade Tests:Junior Stage 110 75 35Senior Stage 53 32 21(b) Technological Exams.: IElementary Stage .. 93 15 29 49Intermediate Stage 34 13 7 J4Advanced Stage 57 20 26 11Electrical Engineering,(a) Trade Tests:Junior Stage108 58 5eSenior Stage · ·1 . 45 21 34(b) Technological Exams. :Elementary Stage 243 23 G1 159Intermediate Stage 55 3 19 33Advanced Stage 8 1 :; 4Applied Chemistry.Technological Exams. :Elementary Stage 122 36 52 34Intermediate Stage 40 12 17 11Advanced Stage 15 4 7 4All.Elementary Stage 452 169 146 137Intermediate Stage 193 20 60 113Advanced Stage 76 9 25 42Xlathemafics :-Technological Exams. :Elementary Stage 252 36 92 124Intermediate Stage 41 2 9 30Advanced Stage 9 9

6629-TECHNICAL SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS-continued.(b)-SUMMARY OF EXAMINATION RESULTS-continued.---Xumber First Class<strong>of</strong> Successes NumberGROUP Exercises (Does not apply <strong>of</strong> Failures"Worked to Trade Tests) PassesFlour Milling.Technological Exams. :Intermediate Stage · . 38 11 17 10Advanced Stage · . 9 6 2 1DomesticIErononiv,Practicai Exams. · 1,912 - 1,059 253Written"· . 206 -- ll8 88Commera.(a) Clerical Occupations:Elementary Stage · . 3,254 593 1,376 1,285Intermediate Stage · . 1,221 231 464 526Advanced Stage · . 297 40 112 145(b) Retail Distribution:Elementary Stage · . 52 12 33 7Intermediate Stage · . 2 1 1 -Advanced Stage · . 2 1 1 -(cl Languages:Irish.Elementary Stage · . P49 92 455 302Intermediate Stage · . 293 50 198 45Advanced Stage · . 102 15 79 8(d) Other Languages:Elementary Stage562 89 303 170"IIntermediate Stage188 39 116 33Advanced Stage :: I 41 4 19 J8----- ----- ----TOTALS · . 12,732 1,618 6,464 4,650

67(a)ze-TECHNICALSCHOOL EXAMINATIONS.LIST OF EXAMINATION CENTRES SHOWING THE GROUPS IN WHICHEXAMINATIONS WERE HELD IN EACH CENTRE.Name<strong>of</strong> Centre.Group.Arklow : Technical Institute.Ath Fhirdia: Ceard-ScoilAth Buidhe: Ceard-ScoilAthlone: Technical SchoolAthy: Technical SchoolAthy: Convent <strong>of</strong> MercyBaile an Mhota : Ceard-ScoilBaile Chaisleain Bhcara : Ceard-Scoil.Baile Locha Riabhach : Cairm-Scoil.Baile Mhisteala : Gairm-ScoilBallinasloe : Technical SchoolBallintemple: Ardfoyle Convent ..Baltinglass: Technical SchoolB<strong>and</strong>on: Vocational SchoolBeal-an-Atha: Ceard-ScoilBcal-Ath-h Amhnas : Cairm-Scoil ..Bcal-.Atha 'n-Ghaorthaidh : Gairrn-Scoil.Beanntraighe : Ca.irrn-ScoilBelturbet: Technical SchoolBirr: Vocational SchoolBlackrock: Technical InstituteBray: Technical SchoolBuncrana : Technical SchoolCaislean Riabhach : Ceard-ScoilCarlow: Technical SchoolCarraig Dhubh: Clochar San Dominic,Cnoc Sion.Carndonagh: Technical SchoolCarrick - on - Shannon: VocationalSchool.Carrick-on-Suir : Technical InstituteCashel: Technical InstituteCastleblayney: Technical School.Cathair Duin Iascaigh: Ceard-ScoiLCavan: Technical SchoolCeanannus :'I16r: Gairm-ScoilElectrical Engineering, Motor CarEngineering, Commerce, DomesticEconomy .Building, Mathematics, Commerce, DomesticEconomy, Art .Commerce, Domestic Economy.Building, Electrical Engineering, XlechanicalEngineering, ;\Iotor Car Engineering,Examinations for Post Office Employees,Commerce.Commerce, Domestic Economy.Art.Building, Commerce, Domestic Economy.Art.Commerce, Domestic Economy.Mathematics, Commerce, DomesticEconomy.Commerce.Mechanical Engineering, Commerce, DomesticEconomy.Domestic Economy.Domestic Economy.Bu ilding, Mechanical Engineering, Examinationsfor Post Office Employees, Commerce,Domestic Economy, Art.Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering,Mathematics, Domestic Economy.Commerce, Domestic Economy, Art.Domestic Economy.Building, Motor Car Engineering.Domestic Economy.Commerce.Commerce.Building, Mechanical Engineering, MotorCar Engineering, Commerce, DomesticEconomy, Art.Examinations for Post Office Employees,Commerce, Domestic Economy.Building, Commerce, Domestic Economy,Art.Building, Electrical Engineering, MechanicalEngineering, Examinations for PostOffice Employees, Commerce, DomesticEconomy.Art.Building, Mathematics, Commerce, Art.Building, Mathematics, Commerce, DomesticEconomy, Art.Building, Commerce.Building, Commerce, Domestic Economy.Building, Commerce.Building, Commerce, Domestic Economy,Art.Building, Mechanical Engineering, MotorCar Engineering, Mathematics, DomesticEconomy.Building, Mechanical Engineering, Commerce,Domestic Economy, Art.

68(a)29.-TECHNICALSCHOOL EXAMINATIONS--ronlil1ued.LIST OF EXAMINATION CENTRES SHOWING THE GROUPS IN WHICHEXAMINATIONS WERE HELD IN EACH CENTRE-continued.Name<strong>of</strong> CentreGroupCeanntuirc: Ceard-ScoilCeapach Chuinn : Ceard-ScoilAn Cheapach Mhor : Gairrn-Scoil , .Ceapach na bh Faoiteach : Gairm-Scoi!.An Cheathra mhadh Ruadh : Cairrn-Scoil.Ceis Cairrgin : Gainn-ScoilCill Air ne : ~coil na gCe{lrdCil1 Fhiona in : Gairm-ScoilCiIl Mhichil: Ccard-ScoilCilI Orglan : Ceard-ScoilCil1 Mhucra ise : Gairm-ScoilClanna Caoilte : Ceard-ScoilClar Cloinnc :'Ilhuiri~: Ceard-ScoilCloichin a' :\Jhargaidh: Ceard-FcoilClones: Technical SchoolClonmel : Central Technical SchoolCobh : TechnicalSchoolCork: Crawford Municipal TechnicalInstitute.Cootehill : Technical SchoolAn Creaga n : Ca irrn-ScorlCromadh : Gairm-Scoil ..Dalkey: Loreto AbbeyDe.lkey : Technical SchoolDiseart Diarmada : Ceard-ScoilDrogheda : Technical SchoolGlasnevin: Holy Faith Convent ..Dublin: Municipal Technical Inst i-tutes.Commerce, Domestic Economy.Domestic Economy.Building, Domestic Economy.Building, Commerce, Domestic Economy.DomesticEconomy.Building, Xla themat ics, Commerce, DomesticEconomy, Art.Building, Electrical Engineering, MotorCar Engineering, Commerce, DomesticEconomy, Art.Domestic Economy.Domestic Economy.Building, Commerce, Domestic Economy,Art.Commerce, Domestic Economy.Building, Xl echa.nica.l Engineering, MotorCar Engineering, Mathematics, Commerce,Domestic Economy.Commerce.Commerce.Commerce, Domestic Economy.Building, Vlecha nical Engineering, MotorCar Engineering, Mat hemat ics. Corn ..merce, Domestic Economy, Art.Building, Electrical Engineering, Mechani ..cal Engineering, :'Ilotor Car Eng ineer ing,Mathematics, Commerce, DomesticEconomy.Building, Electrica I Engineering, MechanicalEngineering, Motor Car Engineering,Applied Chemistry, Examinations forPost Office Employees, Mathematics,Commerce, Domestic Economy, Art,Flour :'Ili1ling.Domestic Economy.Build iru., Commerce, Domestic Economy.Mat.hemat ics, Commerce, DomesticEconomy.Art.Domestic Economy.Building, Commerce, Domestic Economy.Building, Electrical Engineering, MechanicalEngineering, Motor Car Engineering,Applied Chemistry, Examinations forJ 'ost Office Employees, Mathematics,Commerce, Domestic Economy.Art.Building, Electrical Engineering , MechanicalEngineering, Motor Car Engineering,Applied Chemistry.Examinations for Post Office Employees,Mathematics, Commerce, DomesticEconomy, Art, Flour Milling.Dublin: Nat ional College <strong>of</strong> .\rt Ar t.Dublin: National College <strong>of</strong> Art: Art, Building.(Special Course).Dunnamaguin : Vocational School Domestic Economy.Dundalk: Technical SchoolElectrical Engineering, Motor Car Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mathematics, Commerce, Domestic Economy.Art.Dundalk: Convent <strong>of</strong> Mercy Art.------------------~-------------------------------

69(a)29.-TECHNICALSCHOOL E XAMINATIONS-rontintted.LIST OF EXAMINATION CENTRES SHOWING THE GROUPS IN WH£CHEXAMINATIONS WERE HELD IN EACH CENTRE continued.Narne<strong>of</strong> CentreGroupDun Garbhan : Ccard-ScoilDun Laoghaire: Municipal TcchnicalInstitute.Domhnach Seachnaiil : Cairm-ScoilDurlas Eile: Ceard SccilEaskey: Vocational SchoolDublin: Dominical College, EcclesStreet.Ennis: Technical SchoolFermoy: Technical SchoolKillar-ney: Loreto ConventGalway : Technical SchoolGoresbridge, Brigidinc ConventGort Inse Guaire: Ga irm-ScoilGranard : Technical SchoolGuaire: Cea rd-ScoilHacketstown : Voca tional SchoolInis C6rthaidh Cca rd-ScoilKilkenny: City Technical SchoolKilnaleck : Voca.tional SchoolLeitir Ceanainn: Ceard-ScoilLifford: Post OfficeLimerick: Xlun icipa! Technical 111-stitute.Lios Bcannachar: (;airm-ScoilLios Tuathail: Ccard-ScoilListerlin: Vocational SchoolLongford: Technical SchoolLoughanure: Technical SchoolMagh Cromt ha : Ceard-Scoil:\Iagh Ealla: Ceard-ScoilMainistir na Buillc : Ceard Scoill\Ianorhamilton: VocationalSchool.Mohill: Vocational SchoolMonaghan: Technical SchoolBuilding, Electrical Engineering, Mathcmat.ics,Commerce, Domestic Economv.Building, Electrical Engineering, XlechanicalEngineering, Motor Car Enginecrirur,Applied Chemistry, :'Ilathematics, Cornmerce,Domestic Economy.Commerce, Domestic Economy.Building, Mechanical Engineering, Commerce,Domestic Economy.Building, Mat hema.tics, Commerce, Art.Art.Building, :\Iechanical Enginccerina, MotorCar Engincerinv, Examinations for PostOffice Employees, Commerce, DomesticEconomy.Mathematics, Commerce, DomesticEconomy.Art. .Building, Electrical Engineering, MechanicalEngineering, Vlotor Car Engineering,Examinations for Post Office Employees,Xla.thematics, Corn mcrcc, DomesticEconomy, Art.Domestic Economy.Building, Xlathcmat.ics, Commerce, DomesticEconomy.Commerce, Domestic Economy.Commerce, 1)ome5tic Economy, .\rt.Commerce, Domestic Economy.Building, Mechanical Engineering, Commerce,Domestic Economy, FlourMilling, Art.Building, Examinations for Post OfficeEmployees, Commerce.Building, Commerce, Domestic Economy,Art.Building, Commerce.Examinations for Post Office Employees.I Motor Car Engineering, Applied Chemistry,Examinations for Post Office Employees,Mathcma tics. Commerce, Art, Building.Electrical Engineering, :'IIechanicalErigincer iutr.Commerce.Building, Mechanical Engineering. MotorCar Engineering, Examinations for PostOffice Employees, Commerce, DomesticEconomy'Domestic Economy.Building, Commerce, Domestic Economy.Mathema.tics, Commerce, Art.Building, Commerce, Domestic Economy.Building, Electrical Engineering, l\IechanicalEngineering, Motor Car Engineering,Xlathcmat.ics, Commerce, DomesticEconomy, Art.Building, :\Iathcmatics, Commerce, DomesticEconomy, .\rt.Commerce.Commerce, Domestic Economy.Examinations for Po t Office Employees,Commerce, Domestic Economy.

70(a)29.-TECHNICALSCHOOL EXAMINATIONS-conti1lued.LIST OF EXAMINATION CENTRES SHOWING THE GROUPS IN WmCHEXAMINATIONS WERE HELD IN EACH CENTRE-continued.----IName <strong>of</strong> CentreGroupi\looncoin : Vocational SchoolMullingar: Technical School);aas: Vocational School ..Xavan : ~·t. Auric's Loreto ConventNenagh : Technical SchoolNcwcast lcwcst : TechnicalSchool.Newmarkct-on-Fcrgus : TechnicalSchool.New ](05S: Technical SchoolAn Obair: Ccard-ScoilOilcan Chiarraighc : Ccard-ScoilOisbideal : Ceard-Scoil.An Phasaistc Thiar : Cairm-ScoilPort-Laoighisc: Cairrn-ScoilPort Omna: Ccard Scoil ..Rathdrum : Technical SchoolRoscommon: Technical SchoolRos Crc : Ccard-ScoilRosmuc : Gairrn-ScoilSeanaghualainn: Ceard-ScoilSkibbercen : Bishop Kclly MemoriatTechnical Institute.Sligo: :llunicipa! Technical SchoolSwords: Technical SchoolTeampall :l16r: Ccard-ScoilTipperary: Central TechnicalSchool.Tobar a' Choire i- Gairm-ScoilTralec: Central Technical SchoolTrim: \' ocational School.. .. ITulach Ui Bheoruith: Ccard-ScoilTu llamore : Vocational School .. ITuairn : Ceard-Scoil Sheain MhicEil.An Uairnh : Ceard-Scoil"'aterford Central Technical Institute.Wa terford : Ursuline ConventWaterville: Technical School'Vexford: Technical SchoolBuilding, Domestic Economy.Building, Electrical Engineering, Mechan i-cal Engineering, Examinations for PostOffiec Employees, Mathematics, Commerce.Electrical Engineering, Xlechanical Engineering,Motor Car Engineering, Co m-mercc, Domestic Economy.Commerce, Art.Building, Xlcchanical Engineering, Mathematics,Commerce, Domestic Economy.Building, Mechanical Engineering, Commerce,Domestic Economy.Building, Mathematics.Building, Mechanical Engineering, MotorCar Engineering, Commerce, Art.Building, Mathematics, Commerce, DomesticEconomy.Commerce, Domestic Economy.Building, Xlcchanical Engineering, Commerce.Building, Xlcchanical Engineering, :lIotorCar Engineering, Domestic Economy,Art.Building. Electrical Engineering, Examinationsfor Post Office EmployeesMathematics, Commerce, DomesticEconomy.Building, Commerce, Domestic Economy.Commerce'.Commerce, Domestic Economy.Building, Commerce, Domestic Economy.Building, Commerce, Domestic Economy.Domestic Economy.Building, :lIechanical Engineering, MotorCar Engineering, Commerce, DomesticEconomv.Building, SIathematics, Art.Art.Commerce, Domestic Economy.'Building, Mechanical Engineering, Commerce,Domestic Economy, Art.Building, Commerce, Domestic Economy,Art.Building, Electrical Engineering, MechanicalEngineering, Motor Car Engineering,Mathematics, Commerce, DomesticEconomy.Commerce, Domestic Economy, Art.Commerce, Domestic Economy.Building, Commerce, Art.Building, Mechan ical Engineering, MotorCar Engineering, Mathematics, Commerce,Domestic Economy.Commerce, Domestic Economv.Building, Electrical Engineering, Mecha.nicalEngineering, Post Office Employees,Mathematics, Commerce, DomesticEconomy, Flour Milling, Art.Art.Building, Mathematics, Commerce, DomesticEconomy, Art.Building, Mechanical Engineering, MotorCar Engineering, Mathematics, Commerce,Domestic Economy, Art.

29.-TECHNICAL71SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS-continued.(a) LIST OF EXAMINATION CENTRES SHOWING THE GROUPS IN WmCHEXAMINATIONS WERE HELD IN EACH CENTRE-continued.Name<strong>of</strong> CentreGroupWicklow: Dominican ConventWicklow : Technical SchoolYoughal: Technical SchoolCill Ruis: Ceard-ScoilGlenties: McDevitt InstituteThurles: Presentation ConventCarrickmacross: Vocational SchoolDundrum: St. Michael's CollegeShielbaggan: Vocational School ..Fermoy: Loretto Convent.Baile Breachain : Ceard-ScoilArt.Building, Electrical Engineering, MotorCar Engineering, Commerce, DomesticEconomy.Mechanical Engineering, Motor Car E n-gineering.Mechanical Engineering, Commerce.Domestic Economy.Art.Building.Domestic Economy.Domestic Economy.Art.Commerce.


30.-LISTOF PRIZE WINNERS-continued.School Subject Prize GainedName<strong>of</strong> C<strong>and</strong>idaDUBLKevin Street Technical SchoolsIN =continued.Rathmines Technical SchoolParncll Square Technical Schools ..Ballsbridge Technical Schooll

30.-LISTOF PRIZE WINNERS-contil1ucd.School])U BLIN-conlinllcd.National College <strong>of</strong> .vrt ..National College <strong>of</strong> Art ..(Special Course)CORK:Crawford Municipal Technical Institute.SubjectART:Object <strong>and</strong> Memory Drawing (Elementary)Drawing from Natural Forms (Elementary)Mechanical Drawing <strong>and</strong> Design (Elementary)Object <strong>and</strong> Memory Drawing (Intermediate)Drawing from Natural Forms (Intermediate)Pictorial Design (Intermediate)Modelled Design (Intermediate)Drawing from Life (Advanced)Drawing from Life (Advanced)Painting from Life (Advanced)Painting from Life (Advanced)Pictorial Design (Advanced)BUILDING:Cabinet-Making (Senior-Practical)Cabinet-Making (Senior-Written)Building Construction (1ntermediate)BUILDING:Cabinet-Making (J u nior-Practical)Structural Engineering (Intermediate)Builders' Quantities (Advanced)MECHANICAL ENGINEERING:Engineering Science (Elementary)Mechanical Drawing (Elementary)MOTOR CAR ENGINEERING:Garage Organisation <strong>and</strong> Management (Advanced).ApPLIED CHEMISTRY:Inorganic Chemistry (Intermediate)Inorganic Chemistry (Elementary)Organic Chemistry (Intermediate)FLOUR MILLING:Physics for Flour Milling (Intermedirte)FirstFirstf.'irst1'rizePrizePrizel'rizeGainedFirst PrizeFirst PrizeFirst PrizeFirst PrizeFirst PrizeSecond PrizeFirst Prize <strong>and</strong> Silver MedalSecond PrizeFirst Prize <strong>and</strong> Silver Medal ..FirstFirstFirstFirstFirstFirstFirstFirstFirstPrizePrizePrizePrizePrizePrizePrizePrizePrizeFirst Prize ..First Prize ..Tie First Prize. See Dublin:Kevin St. T. S.First PrizeName----<strong>of</strong> C<strong>and</strong>idateElise MOLH'antElise MourantColumbus BalfoSheila M. ClaytonLettice H. ArcherLctt ice H, ArcherPhoebe D. Ni ShuilleabhainLettice H. ArcherSean P. 6 CeallaighPauline M. l\IcGuinnHelen MaxwellEamon A. Costello -.J~William F. GannonPeter J. MurtaghPadraig C. Mac Maghachj ames MurphyMichael F. CroweShaun McDermott l\1urphyJames B. McAuliffe\villiam AhearneMichaelAnthonyCorneliusAnthonyA. GaffneyHoll<strong>and</strong>DowlingHoll<strong>and</strong>.Richard 1. d 'E. Roberts

30.-LlSTOF PRIZE WINNERS-continued.School Subject Prize GainedName <strong>of</strong> C<strong>and</strong>idateCORK:School<strong>of</strong> CommerceLIMERICK:Municipal Technical InstituteWATERFORD:Central Technical SchoolsARDEE:TechnicalATHBOY:TechnicalATHLONE:TechnicalCARLOW:TechnicalCAVAN:TechnicaCLONAKILTY:TechnicalSchoolSchoolSchoolSchoolSchoolSchoolCOMMERCE:Commercial Procedure (Elementary)French (Elementary)French (Intermediate) ..Commercial Arithmetic (Intermediate)Book-keeping (Advanced)BUILDING:Carpentry <strong>and</strong> Joinery (Senior-Practical)Carpentry <strong>and</strong> Joinery (Junior-IYritten)MOTOR CAR ENGINEERING:Motor Car Engineering (Elementary)BUILDING:Plumbers' Work (Junior-Practical)ART:Imaginative Drawing (Elementary)BUILDING:Cabinet-MakingCOMMERCE:TypewritingCOMMERCE:Irish (Advanced)COMMERCE:TypewritingCOMMERCE:Commerce(Junior-Written)(Advanced)(Intermediate)(Elementary)MECHANICAL ENGINEERING:Fitters' Work (Junior-Practical)MOTOR CAR ENGINEERING:Engineering Science (Elementary)Engineering Science (Intermediate)COMMERCE:English (Elementary)First PrizeFirst PrizeFirst PrizeFirst PrizeSecond PrizeFirst Prize <strong>and</strong> Bronze MedalFirst Prize ..First Prize ..First Prize ..First Prize ..First Prize ..SecondPrizeFirst Prize <strong>and</strong> Silver Medal ..First Prize ..First Prize ..First Prize ..FirstFirstPrizePrizeFirst Prize ..\Villiam FowkesSeosamh 6 LiathainTornas T6iblnAnn McSweeneyTadhg P. 6 CruadhlaoichJohn KielyLouis BradyLiarn MacWilliamGiobuinP. A. CurtinEvelyn P. BrowettFrankElcanorSigh le NiElizabethThorntonM. TaaffeChonghaileNortonKathleen J. DoyleFrancis X. TullyMichael McCarthyMicheal Mac CarthaighKittyO'Mahony------------------------~----------------------------~--------------------~-------------------.....1

School30.-LISTOF PRIZE WINNERS-contintted.SubjectPrize Gained Name <strong>of</strong> C<strong>and</strong>idateCOBH:TechnicalSchoolDROGHEDA:Municipal Technical SchoolDUNDALK:Munici pal TechnicalDUNNAMAGGIN:VocationalENNIS:TechnicalGALWAY:TechnicalGOREY:TechnicalSchoolSchoolSchoolSchoolSchoolKILKENNY:City Technical Schools ..MECHANICAL ENGINEERING:Engineering Workshop Practice (J unior-\Vritten).Engineering \Vorkshop Practice (Senior-Written).Machine Design (Advanced)ApPLIEDPhysicsCHEMISTRY:(Intermediate)COMMERCE:Shorth<strong>and</strong> (Intermediate)Book-keeping (Intermediate)English (Intermediate)l\IECHANICAL ENGINEERING:Metal Plate 'Work (Junior-Written)COMMERCE:Shorth<strong>and</strong> (Elements ry)DOMESTIC ECONOMY:Laundrywork ..COMMERCE:Shorth<strong>and</strong> (Advanced)MOTOR CAR ENGINEERING:Motor Car Engineering (J unior=-Writ.tcn)COMMERCE:Book-keeping (Elementary)ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING:Electrical Installation \\' ork (J u nior-Practical).Electrical Engineering (D.C. Elementary)DOMESTIC ECONOMY:Plain Cookery (Practical)COMMERCE:Typewriting (Elementary)Retail Practice (Elemen tary)First Prize J ames 1'. O'ConnorFirst Prize · . William DrakeSecond Prize James P. O'ConnorFirst Prize Nenon J. A. BeereFirst Prize Mar)' J. MooreFirst Prize Mary j. MooreFirst Prize Mary j. MooreTie First Pri ze : Sec Dublin: J ames CallaghanBolton Street."-lO'JFirst Prize ·. Mary T. McUermot.tFirst Prize Kathcrinc BroderickFirst Prize Caitlin RaulingsFirst Prize Patrick H chirFirst Prize Sarah ThorntonFirst Prize Patrick J. FahyFirst Prize · . Patrick J. FahyFirst Prize Scosaimhthin :1\[FhrainnclinFirst Prize .. I Margaret M. :v1cGrathFirst Prize .. I Michacl j. :\lcGuinness

LETTERKENNY:TechnicalLISTOWEL:TechnicalMULLINGAR:TechnicalKENAGH:Technical3l.-LISTOF PRIZE WINNERS-continued,School SubjectPrize GainedName ot-C<strong>and</strong>idate1--------------;SchoolSchoolSchoolSchoolPASSAGE V/EST:Technical SchoolTRALEE:TechnicalAN UADIH:Technical"YEXFORD:TechnicalSchoolSchoolSchoolBUILDING:Carpentry <strong>and</strong> Joinery (J unior- Practica 1)YIECHANICAL ENGINEERING:Turners' Work (J unior-s-Practical)COMMERCE:Typcwriting(Advanced)YIECHANICAL ENGINEERING:Fitters' Work (Senior-Practical)Turners' Work (Senior-Practical)MOTOR CAR ENGINEERING:Motor Car Engineering (Senior \\'ritten)\\'orkshop <strong>and</strong> Garage Practice (j uniorPractical) ,MOTOR CAR ENGINEERING:\\'orkshop <strong>and</strong> Carage Practice (Scnior-Practical) ,CO~IMERCE :Commercial Ari thrnctic (Advanced)CO~llllERCE :Commercial Arithmetic (Elerncntnry)MATHEMATICS:Mathematics(Elementary)FirstFirstPrizePrizeFirst Prize <strong>and</strong> Silver MedalFirst Prize <strong>and</strong> Bronze MedalFirst Prize <strong>and</strong> Bronze MedalFi rstFirstPrizePrizeFirst Prize "First Prize <strong>and</strong> Silver XlcdalFirstFirstTrizePrizeJeremiahJohnQuilleSlevinDorothy ], D, KennyThomasThomasLynchLynchI~rnest G, G, \\'hiteScarnus 6 Suilleabhain\\'i1!iamSheehanUltan :\Iac Giolla PhadraigDenisL. WillisJohn T, O'Leary-..1.....:J

7831.-BUMMARY OF RESULTS OF SPECIAL EXAMINATIONS FORPOST OFFICE EMPLOYEES, <strong>1940</strong>Number Number First SecondSUBJECT <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> Class Class FailuresCentres C<strong>and</strong>idate; Successes Successesagnetism <strong>and</strong> Electricity. . · . 15 65 9 32 24Telegraphy ·. 9 47 6 14 27Telephony . . · . 12 20 0 12 8

79REFORMATORY AND INDUSTRIAL SCHOOLS.32.-Reformatory Schools.School Year: 1st August, <strong>1939</strong> to 31st July, <strong>1940</strong>.Number Number Cornmittals, Discharges,Number under under Re-Ad miss- Licences, &c.,<strong>of</strong> Detention Detention ions, &c. from fromSchools on on 1st Aug., '39 1st Aug., '39l st Aug., '39 31st July, '40 t031 st ] uly' 40 to31st July, '40Boys .. 1 178 201 118 9SGirls .. 1 23 25 8 6TOTAL 2 201 226 I 126 101I33.-Industrial senoots.School Year: 1st August, <strong>1939</strong>. to 31st July, <strong>1940</strong>.Committals,Recommittals,Discharges,Number Number <strong>and</strong> Licences, &c.,Number under under Readmissions from<strong>of</strong> Detention Detention from 1st Aug., '39Schools on on 1st Aug, '39. to1st Aug., '39 31st July, '40 to 31st July, '4031st July, '40---Boys .. 16 2.786 2,904 613 495Girls .. 35 3,440 3,530 525 435Mixed I 1 - - - -------TOTAL 52I6,226 6,434 1,138 930..34. REFORMATORY SCHOOLS.The total number <strong>of</strong> Youthful Offenders admitted upon conviction to ReformatorySchools during the year from 1st August, <strong>1939</strong>, to 31st July, <strong>1940</strong>, was125, viz., 117 boys <strong>and</strong> 8 girls.The <strong>of</strong>fences in respect <strong>of</strong> which the Youthful Offenders were committed were:OFFENCES Boys Girls TotalLarceny <strong>and</strong> Petty Theft · . · . · . 59 6 65Wilful Damage · . · . · . · . 12 - 12Housebreaking, Shop breaking, etc. · . · . 37 2 39Unlawful Possession ·. · . · . 3 - 3Indecent Assault · . ·. · . · . 2 - 2Conspiracy .. · . · . · . · . 1 - 1Vagrancy .. ·. ·. · . · . 1 - 1Escaping from an Industrial School · . ·. 1 - 1Cruelty to animals · . · . ·. ·.I - 1Total .. · . 117 8 125Note: Re-admissions from licensing <strong>and</strong> absconding are not included in this table.

35.-Industrial80Schools.The total number <strong>of</strong> Admissions to Industrial Schools by committal dunng theyear from IstAugust, <strong>1939</strong>, to 31st July, <strong>1940</strong>, was 1,125, viz. 607 boys <strong>and</strong> 518girls.The children admitted in that year are classified in the following tabularstatement, according to the grounds on which they were committed :-_____ GROUNDS OF COMMITTAL Boys_l_ Girls Tota~Begging 55 63 118W<strong>and</strong>ering, <strong>and</strong> not having any home or settledplace <strong>of</strong> abode, or visible means <strong>of</strong> subsistence,or found w<strong>and</strong>ering <strong>and</strong> having no home orguardian, or a parent Or guardian who does notexercise proper guardianshipChildren Act, 1929 :-Destitute, not being anorphan. <strong>and</strong> surviving parent, or parents, consentingto committalDestitute orphan, or destitute, having both parents,or a surviving parent undergoing imprisonment., .. .. .. ... ..Parent or guardian <strong>of</strong> criminal or drunken habits IA child who frequents the company <strong>of</strong> any reputedthief, or <strong>of</strong> a reputed prostituteResiding in a brothelCharged with an <strong>of</strong>fence punishable in the case <strong>of</strong>an adult with penal servitude, &c. (being under12 years <strong>of</strong> age) ..Charged with an <strong>of</strong>fence punishable in the case <strong>of</strong>an adul t with penal servitude, &c. (being under14 years <strong>of</strong> age) ..U neon trollableA child who has not complied with a SchoolAttendance Order sent under School AttendanceAct, 1926 ..Total118 138 256162 260 42222 IS 3713 10 2373658 83 32 7571I 99 11721------1 --I (l07 518 1,125Note: Re-adnussions from licensing <strong>and</strong> absconding are not included in thistable.36.-Reformatory Schools.The ages <strong>and</strong> state <strong>of</strong> Instruction <strong>of</strong> Youthful Offenders admitted u po nco nvi ct io n into Reformatory Schools during the year from 1st August, <strong>1939</strong>to 31st July, <strong>1940</strong>, are given in the following tabular statement:-IState <strong>of</strong> Instruction on Admission---------- ---- --I I ModerateI I Read Pro-I<strong>and</strong> ficiency ReadAges when Total Illiterate \Vrite in <strong>and</strong>Admitted Irn- Reading Writeperfectly <strong>and</strong> Well, Writing1110I--- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- --Vl~>,k0I=Q G B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G.--- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- --I12 years <strong>and</strong> under 14 10 3 1 - - 2 8 1 1 -4 years <strong>and</strong> under 16 107 5 2 1 I 33 2 56 1 16 1---- -- -I 1--;;----- -- ----Total .. .. .. 117 8 3 4 64 2 17 1

8137.-IndustrialSchools.Ages <strong>and</strong> State <strong>of</strong> Instruction <strong>of</strong> children admitted to Industrial Schoolsduring the year from 1st August, <strong>1939</strong>, to 31st July, <strong>1940</strong>, are given in thefollowing tabular statement:-State <strong>of</strong> Instruction on Admission-----I~ea~--1 ~1~~~~ate --:ea~- -----Ages whenAdmittedTotal<strong>and</strong> ficiency 111 <strong>and</strong> SuperiorIlliterate Wr it.e Reading Write In-Im- <strong>and</strong> Well str uctionperfectly WritingBoys Girls Boys Girls ~ysllGirlS BoVSIGirlS Boys Girls Boys Girls----------Under 6 years 129 206 129 20 I - 5 - I -6 years <strong>and</strong> Iunder 8 .. 54 98 40 I SS :2 39 2 4I8 years <strong>and</strong>Iunder 10 .. ' 100 85 471 6 -.0 63 10 13 3 210 years <strong>and</strong>under 12 .. 158 58 45 I 3 43 19 58 30 12 6 -12 years <strong>and</strong>Iunder 14 .. 71 19 2 46 25 44 28 ss 16 238. Reformatory Schools.The total number <strong>of</strong> children who were discharged from Reformatory Schools(including children licensed <strong>and</strong> absconded who did not return) iu the year 1stAugust, <strong>1939</strong>, to 31st July, 19-10, was 101, viz" 95 boys <strong>and</strong> 6 girls.They were disposed <strong>of</strong> as follows:-Mode <strong>of</strong> Discharge Boys Girls TotalTo Employment or Service .. ·. · . 38 - 38Returned to parents or friends · . · . 42 3 45Retained in School . . · . ·. - 3 3Absconded <strong>and</strong> did not return ·. · . 8 - 8Released on appeal or placed on probation ·. 7 - 7Total .. .. 95 6 101

8239. INDUSTRIAL SCHOOLS.Mode <strong>of</strong> DischargeBoysIGirlsITotalTo Employment · . · . ·. · . 366 262 628To Friends ·. · . · . · . 61 81 142Retained in School · . ·. · . 16 60 76Discharged or Licensed to Hospital · . · . 10 ]0 20Emigrated · . · . ·. · . IO I 11Died .. · . · . ·. · . 7 13 20Entered Religious Community · . .. 3 - 3Sent to Homes ·. · . · . · . - 2 2Absconded <strong>and</strong> did not return · . · . 3 - 3Allowed out on appeal · . · . · . 16 - 16Boarded out · . · . · . ·. 1 2 3Attending School · . · . · . · .] 4 5Commi tted to Reformatory · . · . 1 - 1Total .. ·. 495 435 930The total number <strong>of</strong> pupils who were discharged from Industrial Schools(including children, licensed, <strong>and</strong> absconded, who did not return) in the yearfrom 1st August, <strong>1939</strong>, to 31st July, <strong>1940</strong>, was 930, viz., 495 boys, <strong>and</strong> 435 girls.They were disposed <strong>of</strong> as follows:-40. Discharges to Employment from Reformatory Schools during the yearfrom 1st August, <strong>1939</strong>, to 31st July, <strong>1940</strong>.The boys discharged from Reformatory Schools were dill' r,ibuted as follows,as regards occupations:-Bootmaking, 3; Carters, 2; Defence Forces, 16; Electrical Engineering, 1 ;Farm Labourers, 7 ; Messengers, 2; Motor Engineering, 1; Painter, 1; ShopAssistants, 2 ; Tailoring, 2; Waiter I.None <strong>of</strong> the girls discharged from the Reformatory School was sent to em-41. Discharges to Employment from Industrial Schools during the year from1st August, <strong>1939</strong>, to 31st July, <strong>1940</strong>.The boys discharged from Industrial Schools were distributed as follows, asployment.regards occupations:-Army B<strong>and</strong>, 1; Bakers, 7 ; Blacksmiths, 3; Boot <strong>and</strong> Shoernaking <strong>and</strong> repairing,33; Carpenters, 5; Dairy Boys, 4; Defence Forcesv L: FactoryWorkers, 7; Farm Labourers, 133; Forestry H<strong>and</strong>, 1; Foundry Worker,I ; Gardeners, 8; General Labourers, 2 ; General Service, 6; Grocers AssistantI ; Groom, 1 ; Hairdresser, 1 ; Harriessma ker, 1; Hotel Employee, 1; House<strong>and</strong> Pantry Boys, 25; Mchanics, 7; Messengers <strong>and</strong> Porters, 19; Milk Boys,4 ; Municipal employees 2 ; Pages, 9; Painters, 4 ; Post Office Employees, 9 ; ShopAssistants, 5; Storeman, I; Tailors, 44; Tinsmiths, 4; Weavers, ]5; Yard,Boy, 1.The girls discharged from Industrial Schools were distributed as followsas regards occupations:-Altar Bread Makers, 2; Baking, 1; Children's Maids, 12; Cooks, 8;Dairy Maids, 2; Dressmakers, 4; Factory Workers, 4; General Servants, 134;House <strong>and</strong> Parlour Maids, 53 ; Kitchenmaids, 7 ; Laundresses, 23 ; Machinist, 1 ;Mother's Helps, 3; Needlework, 2; Portress, 1 ; Shop Assistants, 3 ; Typist, 1 :Waitress, 1.

8342. Number <strong>and</strong> Causes <strong>of</strong> Deaths amongst pupils in Industrial Schools duringthe year from 1st August, <strong>1939</strong>, to 31st July, <strong>1940</strong>.Causes <strong>of</strong> Death Boys Girls TotalDiseases <strong>of</strong> the Respiratory System · . ·. 1 4 s •".. Circulatory .."·. 1 3 .4.. Digestive" "·. ·. - 1 ' ],.. .. Nervous System (including Brain 1 -]<strong>and</strong> Spinal Cord).."Organs <strong>of</strong> Locomotion (including - 1 1Hip- Joint <strong>and</strong> Spinal Diseases)Pulmonary Tu berculosis · . · . ·. - 1 ]Measles . . · . · . .. · . 1 2 3Tubercular Meningitis · . ·. ·. - 1 ]Erysipelas .. · . · . ·. · . 1 - 1Enlarged Liver <strong>and</strong> Ascites · . ·. ·. .. 1 - fMeningitis ·. ·. .. · . 1 - 1Total .. .. 7 13 20No Death occurred in a Reformatory School during the year,..

8443.-List <strong>of</strong> Reformatory <strong>and</strong> Industrial Schools showing for each Schoolnumber for which certified <strong>and</strong> number under detention on 31st July. <strong>1940</strong>.NumberumberSchoolfor which under detentioncertified on 31 July, '40iNDUSTRIAL SCHOOLS :-SENIOR BOYs:Upton, Co. CorkBaltimore, Co. CorkGreenmount, CorkKillybegs, Co. DonegalArtane, Co. DublinCarriglea, Co. DublinLetterfrack, Co. GalwaySalthill, GalwaySt. j oseph's, Tralee, Co. KerryGUn, Co. LimerickClonmel, Co. TipperaryJUNIOR Boys:Passage West, Co. Cork ..Kilkenny (Male)Drogheda.i.Co. LouthCappoquin. Co. Waterford~atllcdrum. C..9. WicklowMIXED SCHOOL:Killarney, Co. Kerry- Junior BoysGirlsGIRLS:CavanEnnisClonakiltyCobhKinsaleMallowSt. Finbars, CorkBooterstown, Co. DublinGoldenbridge. DublinLakel<strong>and</strong>s, DublinVhitehall, DublinLoughrea, Co. GalwayBallinasloe. Co. GalwayClifden, Co. GalwayLenaboy, GalwayPembroke Alrnshouse, Tralee, Co. KerryKilkenry (Female)Birr, OtralySt. George's. LimerickSt. Vincent's, LimerickNewtownforbes, Co. LongfordDundalk. Co. LouthWestport, Co. MayoBallagnader reen, Co. RoscommonMonaghanSummerhill, Athlone •. Co. WestmeathBenada Abbey, Ballymote, Co. SligoSligoTernplemore, Co. TipperaryCashel, Co. TipperaryDundrurn, Co. TipperaryWaterfordMoate. Co. WestmeathNew Ross, Co. WexfordWexfordREFORMATORY SCHOOLS :-Glencree, Co. Wicklow (Boys)Limerick (Girl~) •.. ·1' ..200 106150 83220 219144 53800 820250 254165 140200 197145 128190 158190 15950 80,162 18092 14451 7450 6725 4278 6087 65SO 100110 8146 53110 8760 72172 15480 89130 14810060104f9100 8560 67100 12077 91701008511580 76100 111130 113145 14580 70100 7975 69120 128153 200601557518360 52110 114651607614953706394106 8820125

8544. STATEMENT showing numbers committed from each District Court Areaduring the year 1st August, <strong>1939</strong>, to 31st July, <strong>1940</strong>.DistrictNo.Reformatories Indnstrial Schools12345(178910Jl12131415521127234274101681020252528IS161718192021222324251331042546827482622532347322627282930314275183982523498TOTALS 125 1,125

8645. The total·numbers admitted in the School Year 1st August, <strong>1939</strong> to 31stJuly, <strong>1940</strong>, into Reformatory <strong>and</strong> Industrial Schools from the severalCities <strong>and</strong> Counties where committals were made were as follows :-Citiesor CountiesReformatories Industrial SchoolsBoys Girls Boys GirlsCo. Carlow · . · . 3 - 9 13Co. Cavan · . ·. 1 - 2 10Co. Clare · . · . - 3 9 18Co. Cork · . · . 3 - 29 40Cork Corporation · . · . 4 - 17 6Co. Donegal · . · . - -:-3 4Dublin Corporation ·I. 712 275 156Co. Dublin · . · . - 1 45 23Co. Galway · . · . 2 - 16 35Co. Kerry · .1 4I· .- 33 22Co. Kildare · .\ - 1 4 6Co. Kilkenny ·. ·. 1 - 5 3Co. Leitrim ·. · .- - 2 2Leix · . · . 1 - 2 4Co. Limerick · . · . - - 13 17Limerick Corporation · . 7 - 16 7Co. Longford ·. · . - - 1 -Co. Louth · . · . 2 - 1 -Co. Mayo · . ·. - - 14 13Co. Meath · . · . 1 - 6 7Co. Monaghan · . · . 2 1 4 12Offaly ·. ·. 1 I - s 7Co. Roscommon · . - - ~ 12Co. Sligo · . : :1 1 - 4 18Co. Tipperary, N.R. ·. 2 - 8 19~Co. Tipperary, S.R.· . 1 -26 21Co. Waterford ·. ·. ,- - :8 5Waterford Corporation · . 2 - I 7 5Co. Westmeath · . .. - - i 13 3Co. Wexford · . · . 5 I - 21 26Co. Wicklow · . · . 3 - 5 4:TOTALS · . I17II-----8 607 518

8746. The number <strong>of</strong> children under detention in Reformatory <strong>and</strong> IndustrialSchools on 31st July, <strong>1940</strong>, chargeable to each Local Authority is as follows :-LocalAuthorityIReformatory Schools Industrial SchoolsIIBoys Girls Boys GirlsI ICo. Carlow · . · . 2 - 17 30Co. Cavan · . · . 1 - 6 73Co. Clare · ."I1 3 40 101Co. Cork · . · . 4 - 203 302Cork Corporation · . · . 3 - 118 100Co. Donegal · . ·. - - 14 19ce. Dublin · . · . 2 3 239 126Dublin Corporation · . · . 126 10 936 726Co. Galway · . ·. 4 - 122 222Co. Kerry ·. · . 4 I 120 137Co. Kildare · . · . 3 I 37 53Co. Kilkenny · . 2 - 50 67Co. Leitrim · . ·. - - 20 36Leix · . · . 1 - 37 30ce. Limerick ·. · . I 4 69 124Limerick Corporation · . 17 I 70 77Co. Longford · . · . - - 14 22Co. Louth · .3 - 22 42"ICo. Mayo · . · . - - 78 118Co. Meath ·. · . 2 - 31 23Co. Monaghan · . ·. 2 1 24 80Offaly · . · . I -40 48ICo. Roscommon · . · . - - I 33 112Co. Sligo · . · . 1 -34 131Co. Tipperary, N.R.· '1I2 - 55 114Co. Tipperary, S.H.. · . I - 174 210Co. Waterford ·. 3 - 64 63Waterford Corporation .. 2 I 65 71Co. Westmeath · . 1 - 61 69Cc. Wexford · . · . 8 - 78 192Co. vVicldow .. · . 4 - 33 12------TOTAL"I201 25 2,904 3,530

8847. NATIONAL MUSEUM.The attendance <strong>of</strong> the Public was as follows<strong>1939</strong>-AugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember<strong>1940</strong>- JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJuly34,21122.59224,87123,94726,02027,56222,81828,40021,36425,01619,104-23,820299,72548. NATIONAL LIBRARY.The Library was open on 266 days, having been closed, in addition to thetwelve Public Holidays (Easter having intervened twice) for thirty-six daysfor repainting <strong>and</strong> decoration <strong>of</strong> the Hall, Stairway, <strong>and</strong> Reading Room. Thenumber <strong>of</strong> readers, as recorded by the Signature Book, amounted to 56,607made up as follows: Ordinary days, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., 33,463; 5 p.m. to 10p.m., 20,351 ; Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., 2,793. The average for Ordinarydays was thus 245.72, for Saturdays, 59,42, marking a slight decrease on that<strong>of</strong> last year.The year's accessions <strong>of</strong> printed books <strong>and</strong> pamphlets, newspapers, etc.amounted to 13,571, <strong>of</strong> which 1,553 were received under the Industrial <strong>and</strong>Commercial Property (Protection) Act. A table classifying them is given in theAppendix, 'along with other statistics. All <strong>of</strong> these have been catalogued orotherwise made available for consultation.The Library has benefited largely, as in former years, by donations. Thefollowing were among the more important gifts :-The late Miss ffrench, <strong>of</strong> Monivea Castle, Co. Galway, a large collection <strong>of</strong>the family papers, several thous<strong>and</strong> in number, dating from the early 17thcentury down to the present day, <strong>and</strong> comprising deeds, estate documents,rentals, correspondence, household accounts <strong>and</strong> personal memor<strong>and</strong>a.The Friends <strong>of</strong> the National Collections, per Mr. C. P. Curran, a valuablecollection <strong>of</strong> upwards <strong>of</strong> 140 designs <strong>and</strong> drawings by Michael Stapleton, astucco-plasterer <strong>and</strong> painter, who practised his crafts in Dublin in the latterpart <strong>of</strong> the 18th <strong>and</strong> the beginning <strong>of</strong> the 19th century. They include designsfor ceilings, wall-decorations, mantelpieces, hall-doors, many executed with thegreatest delicacy, in ink, wash, <strong>and</strong> pencil, some being enhanced with colour.They partly illustrate work still extant in Georgian mansions in Dublin <strong>and</strong>elsewhere.Mr. Joseph Holloway, a further large instalment <strong>of</strong> books bearing on theatricalart <strong>and</strong> literature.Mr. P. S. O'Hegarty continued his benefactions <strong>of</strong> former years by a collection<strong>of</strong> over 250 privately printed volumes, for the most part poetry <strong>and</strong> personal,also upwards <strong>of</strong> 400 volumes <strong>of</strong> general literature, mainly Irish-printed books,which are a valuable addition to the Dix Collection.Mrs. W. B. Yeats, the original manuscript <strong>of</strong> the poems Oisin <strong>and</strong> theW<strong>and</strong>erings <strong>of</strong> Usheen, c. 1886-87, by 'N. B. Yeats.

89Mr. Art O'Brien, 82 files <strong>of</strong> News-cu tt inus on 1rish affairs covering the period1919-23, many extracted from foreign papers in all parts <strong>of</strong> the world.Dr. Richard Hayes, upwards <strong>of</strong> a h u rid rcd volumes boa rirur on the FrenchRevolution, <strong>and</strong> Irish history.The Hon. Donogh O'Brien, photustatic reproductions <strong>of</strong> his Pedigrees 01the O'Brien family <strong>of</strong> I nchiquin. <strong>and</strong> other branches.:\1r. Richard Farrell <strong>of</strong> Beechill Road, l.ondon, the manuscript notes <strong>of</strong> hislate brother, Mr. \\'alter Fan-ell, for a history <strong>of</strong> the O'Tarrcll family <strong>and</strong> theplantation <strong>of</strong> the Coun tv Longford, also his ""otvs for the Life <strong>of</strong> Captain Fraucoi-,Thurot, the French privateer, who made a descent on Ca rrick fcrgus in 1760,<strong>and</strong> whose maternal gr<strong>and</strong>father. Captain O'Farrell, served in the 1rish Brigade.Major Jeremiah O'Sullivan, va riou-, rental, <strong>and</strong> account books <strong>of</strong> the Cla n morr isestates, 1867-84.STATISTICS ANDLISTS,The accessions during the year <strong>1939</strong>-40 amounted to 1:l,'=;71. 'I hest' included:Annuals1'eriod icalsweeklyParliamentary PublicationsNewspapersBooksMaps224:2721 J49,6801301,'=;41'=;712,OIH.Under thr Copyrielit A et :AnnualsPeriodicalsweeklyParliamentary PublicationsNewspapersBooks <strong>and</strong> PamphletsMusic (Sheet)MapsI'=;'=;9H20813I J 7207I'=;I~S49. NATIONAL COLLEGE OF ART.The National College <strong>of</strong> Ar t opened on the -lth <strong>of</strong> October, 19:19, for t hcSession <strong>1939</strong>-40, <strong>and</strong> closed on the 26th <strong>of</strong> Juh', <strong>1940</strong>.The total number <strong>of</strong> students enrolled for the Session \I' as 528 : <strong>of</strong> this number230 were new students, who had not previously attended. 238 students attendedthe Day Classes, 329 students attended the Evcninj; Classes, <strong>and</strong> 39 studentsattended both Day <strong>and</strong> Evening Classes. The total number comprised 295 malestudents <strong>and</strong> 233 female students. Six students who were awarded Scholarsh ipsin Art were admitted free. The enrolment shows an increase <strong>of</strong> 4 as comparedwith the previous Session.As a result <strong>of</strong> the Entrance Examinations for registration as students <strong>of</strong> theDiploma Courses, 11 students were admitted to the Course in the School <strong>of</strong>Design in Industry, 4 students were admitted to the Course in the School <strong>of</strong>Painting, <strong>and</strong> I student to the Course in the School <strong>of</strong> Sculpture.78 students <strong>of</strong> the School <strong>of</strong> Architecture <strong>of</strong> University Colleuc, I)ublin,attended for instruction in Drawing <strong>and</strong> Modelling.

9064 students entered Ior the examinations conducted by thc <strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Education</strong> in May, <strong>1940</strong>, in the Art Course <strong>of</strong> the Programme <strong>of</strong> Examinationsfor Technical Schools, <strong>and</strong> secured a total <strong>of</strong> 147 successes.The Course <strong>of</strong> Training for Teachers <strong>of</strong> Manual Instruction, which was begunon the 18th <strong>of</strong> October, 1938, was continued for a second Session <strong>and</strong> terminatedon the 30th <strong>of</strong> June, <strong>1940</strong>.A Summer Course <strong>of</strong> Instruction for Teachers <strong>of</strong> Drawing in Secondary Schoolswas held in the College irorn the 2nd to the 2(;th oJ j u lv, 194(/.ENDOWEDSCHOOLS.50. Endowments directly controlled by the Minister for <strong>Education</strong>.The number <strong>of</strong> Endowments directly controlled by the Minister for <strong>Education</strong>during the year was fourteen, which includes eighteen separate funds as follows:The five Local Boards <strong>of</strong> <strong>Education</strong> <strong>of</strong> the Ulster Royal School Endowments(Scheme No. 34); the Preston Navan Endowment <strong>and</strong> the AthlonePrivate School Endowment (Scheme No . .55) ; the Carysfort Endowment (SchemeNo. 85); the Banagher Royal School Endowment <strong>and</strong> the Diocesan SchoolEndowments <strong>of</strong> Meath <strong>and</strong> Ardagh : Tuarn , Killala <strong>and</strong> Achonry, <strong>and</strong> Leighlin<strong>and</strong> Ossory (Scheme No. 90) ; the Leamy Endowment (Scheme No. 95); thePreston Endowment, Leix (Scheme No. 111) ; tll e Banks Endowment (SchemeNo. 128); the Viscount Limerick Endowment (Scheme No. 143); the ParsonsPersse Endowment (Scheme No. 180); <strong>and</strong> the Preston Scholarship Fund.During the year 1938-39 the number <strong>of</strong> schools having claims to share in theeighteen funds already en un.erated was fifty-nine, <strong>of</strong> which seventeen wereSecondary <strong>and</strong> fourteen Primary; <strong>and</strong>, in addition, pupils <strong>of</strong> eighty SecondarySchools were entitled to compete for Scholarships <strong>of</strong>fered under Scheme No. 90.The income <strong>and</strong> expenditure for the year <strong>1939</strong> <strong>of</strong> the eighteen funds mentionedabove have been certified by an Auditor <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> Local Government<strong>and</strong> Public Health, under date 6th June, <strong>1940</strong>, <strong>and</strong> are summarised as follows:I.-INCOME, 1919.I Credit Bal-Rents Dividends Miscellaneous a nces,TotalJan. 1. <strong>1939</strong>------- ------- ------ ------- ------£ s. d. I f. s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 5. d.73 12 4 12,651 12 6 306 9 10 11,832 0 1 4,863 14 9II.--EXI'KNDlTURE, 19:19.Rent,Rates, <strong>and</strong> T n vest- <strong>Education</strong>al CreditMiscel- Annuities m.m ts Purposes Balances, I Totalla.neou s Dec. 31, <strong>1939</strong>----- ------ ----- --------- -- ------ --_._._--£ s. d. £ 8. d. £ s , d £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d.164 12 11 38 7 6 100 0 0 2,724 5 7 1,841 8 5 4,863 1 \ 9The following alterations in the Stocks <strong>of</strong> the Endowments took placeduring the year:-(a) £100 41-% Saorsta.t Erean n L<strong>and</strong> Bonds fell for redemption at par. Thecash was reinvested in £101.15 .a. Fourth National Loan 3t% Stock <strong>and</strong>credited to Carysfort Endowment Capital ale,(b) £101.15,4 Fourth National Loan 3t% Stock was purchased for £100 <strong>and</strong>placed to credit <strong>of</strong> Parsons Persse Endowment (Ballyglass School).

9151. Endowments directly administered by Local Governing Bodies.The number <strong>of</strong> schemes, the endowments <strong>of</strong> which are directly administeredby Local Governing Bodies, constituted under the <strong>Education</strong>al Endowments(Irel<strong>and</strong>) Act, 1885, but over which the Minister exercises supervision by means<strong>of</strong> Inspection provided for under that Act, is ninety, as in the previous year.The following Table gives particulars <strong>of</strong> the number <strong>of</strong> Schemes dealt with,the number <strong>of</strong> Schools connected therewith under the various Branches <strong>of</strong><strong>Education</strong>, <strong>and</strong> the Annual Income <strong>of</strong> the Endowments:----No. <strong>of</strong> Schemes, No. <strong>of</strong> Schools, Branch <strong>of</strong> I Annual Income,<strong>1939</strong>-40 <strong>1939</strong>-40 <strong>Education</strong> <strong>1939</strong>48 240 Primary I £9,31214 17 Secondary 14,67922 10 Technical <strong>and</strong> 8,873Special.6 110 Primary <strong>and</strong> 3,781Secondary.I--------TOTALS90 367 - £37,645The foregoing Table does not include the nine Schemes, the endowments <strong>of</strong>which are directly administered by the Minister, except that portion <strong>of</strong> SchemeNo. 55 (Parochial Schools, Diocese <strong>of</strong> Meath, etc.), which deals with endowmentsvested in .the Local Governing Body.

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