Marriott Vacation Club Owner Trust 2012-1 - Standard and Poor's ...

Marriott Vacation Club Owner Trust 2012-1 - Standard and Poor's ...

Marriott Vacation Club Owner Trust 2012-1 - Standard and Poor's ...


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U.S. Equipment Loans <strong>and</strong> Leases ABS <strong>St<strong>and</strong>ard</strong> & <strong>Poor's</strong> Ratings Services 17g-7 Disclosure Report: <strong>Marriott</strong> <strong>Vacation</strong> <strong>Club</strong> <strong>Owner</strong> <strong>Trust</strong><strong>2012</strong>-1or liquidation; or(B) the proceeds of such sale or liquidation are expectedto be sufficient to pay in full all amounts owed by theIssuer to the Secured Parties including all principal of<strong>and</strong> accrued interest on the Notes Outst<strong>and</strong>ing.an express trust against the Issuer for the sum ofthe Aggregate Outst<strong>and</strong>ing Note Balance <strong>and</strong>unreimbursed Note Balance Write-Down Amounts,if any, <strong>and</strong> interest remaining unpaid with respect tothe Notes.(d) If an Event of Default occurs<strong>and</strong> is continuing, the Indenture <strong>Trust</strong>ee may in itsdiscretion, <strong>and</strong> at the instruction of the Holdersrepresenting at least 66-2/3% of the then Outst<strong>and</strong>ingNote Balance of each Class of Notes shall proceed toprotect <strong>and</strong> enforce its rights <strong>and</strong> the rights of theNoteholders by such appropriate judicial or otherproceedings as the Indenture <strong>Trust</strong>ee shall deemmost effectual to protect <strong>and</strong> enforce any such rights,whether for the specific enforcement of any covenantor agreement in this Indenture <strong>and</strong> ServicingAgreement or in aid of the exercise of any powergranted herein, or to enforce any other properremedy. The Indenture <strong>Trust</strong>ee shall notify theIssuer, the Rating Agencies, the Servicer <strong>and</strong> theNoteholders of any such action.(e) If (i) the Indenture <strong>Trust</strong>ee shall have receivedinstructions within 45 days from the date noticepursuant to Section 6.03(a) hereof is first given fromHolders representing at least 66-2/3% of the thenOutst<strong>and</strong>ing Note Balance of each Class of Notes tothe effect that such Persons approve of or request theliquidation of the Timeshare Loans or (ii) upon anEvent of Default set forth in Section 6.01(d) or (e)hereof, the Indenture <strong>Trust</strong>ee shall to the extentlawful, promptly sell, dispose of or otherwise liquidatethe Timeshare Loans in a commercially reasonablemanner <strong>and</strong> on commercially reasonable terms,which shall include the solicitation of competitive bids;provided, however, that, upon an Event of Default setforth in Section 6.01(d) or (e) hereof, Holdersrepresenting at least 51% of the then Outst<strong>and</strong>ingNote Balance of each Class of Notes may notify theIndenture <strong>Trust</strong>ee that such liquidation shall notoccur. The Indenture <strong>Trust</strong>ee may obtain a priordetermination from any conservator, receiver orliquidator of the Issuer that the terms <strong>and</strong> manner ofany proposed sale, disposition or liquidation arecommercially reasonable.107 Not included in the Benchmark. Indenture <strong>Trust</strong>ee May File Proofs of Claim. In caseof the pendency of any receivership, insolvency,liquidation, bankruptcy, reorganization, arrangement,adjustment, composition or other judicial proceedingrelative to the Issuer, or any other obligor in respectof the Notes, or the property of the Issuer, or suchother obligor or their creditors, the Indenture <strong>Trust</strong>ee(irrespective of whether the principal of the Notesshall then be due <strong>and</strong> payable as therein expressedor by declaration or otherwise <strong>and</strong> irrespective ofwhether the Indenture <strong>Trust</strong>ee shall have made anydem<strong>and</strong> on the Issuer for the payment of overdueprincipal or interest) shall be entitled <strong>and</strong> empowered,by intervention in such proceeding or otherwise:Copyright © <strong>2012</strong> by <strong>St<strong>and</strong>ard</strong> & <strong>Poor's</strong> Ratings Services LLC. All rights reserved. No reprint or dissemination without S&P’s permission.See Disclaimer on the last page. Page 27

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