Travelers' Philanthropy Handbook - Center for Responsible Travel

Travelers' Philanthropy Handbook - Center for Responsible Travel

Travelers' Philanthropy Handbook - Center for Responsible Travel


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Websites: www.globalsojourns.com; www.gsgivingcircle.orgGoPhilanthropicBy Lydia DeanPresident and Founder, GoPhilanthropicGoPhilanthropic (www.gophilanthropic.com) was established in 2007 as an innovative sociallyconscioustravel organization committed to helping individuals and small groups createmeaningful life experiences through travel philanthropy.Our mission at GoPhilanthropic is to connect donors to grassroots organizations around theworld that are providing effective, creative, and sustainable solutions to global issues. We thenfacilitate personal donor connections and direct engagement with these organizations throughtravel--often the most powerful element in the engagement process.GoPhilanthropic has a portfolio of 10 to 15 partner small grassroots organizations around theworld and has facilitated over $110,000 in support <strong>for</strong> these organizations in the past 3 years.From our base in Rochester, New York, we connect donors with our partner non-profitsin Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Laos, India, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Uganda, and Kenya.Our trips are designed to:• Support and provide exposure <strong>for</strong> variouscommunity-based organizations making adifference around the world.• Link individuals and small groups with theseorganizations through travel.• Encourage direct engagement in solutions to globalissues.• Encourage active and engaged philanthropy throughtravel.Listening at a meeting on womenand children’s rights, Kolhapur, India.Credit: GoPhilanthropic.Our tours have engaged 200 travelers so far through the following services:Custom-built Philanthropic Journeys <strong>for</strong> individuals, families and small groups. These trips canbe designed to the travelers’ interests.Donor <strong>Travel</strong> <strong>for</strong> non-profit organizations, funding networks, and giving circles that want toconnect their donors and members to the projects they fund.<strong>Travel</strong> <strong>for</strong> Educational Groups and Alumni Associations that want to combine in-depth culturaland historical trips with philanthropy.Philanthropic activities <strong>for</strong> Corporations wanting to integrate philanthropy into their internationalincentive and corporate travel programs.• When and Why Did You Begin Your Company’s <strong>Travel</strong>ers’ <strong>Philanthropy</strong> Program?82

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