Travelers' Philanthropy Handbook - Center for Responsible Travel

Travelers' Philanthropy Handbook - Center for Responsible Travel

Travelers' Philanthropy Handbook - Center for Responsible Travel


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IPARTNER ORGANIZATIONSAND HOST COMMUNITIES1. Responsibly identify partner organizationINDICATORS VALUES EVIDENCE NEXT STEPCorruption Mitigation- Has the partner organization developed relationships withcommunity members?- Has the partner organization set up a monitoring andevaluation system, which involves checks and balances as wellas outsider input and assessment?- Does the partner organization have a deep understanding oflocal customs and laws?- Do project leaders speak the local language?If there are select beneficiaries (certain members or familieswithin a community, or one community rather then another) ofthe program, is the selection criteria transparent?Documentation and Reporting Structures- Can the partner organization demonstrate reliabledocumentation, measurement and reporting about theirorganizational operations?Is the partner organization legally registered in the areas inwhich they work?- Are they actively measuring and reporting the short- and longtermeffects of their projects?- Are the financial reports of the organization transparent, bothannual and project-specific reports?- Is the partner organization willing to openly discuss the use ofthe program budget?Ethos and Ethical Alignment- Do you share the social, environmental, and developmentvalues of the partnering organization?- Do you have a similar philosophical approach towardscommunity development, and ecological / heritagepreservation?- Do you share the same project goals?- Is there clear discussion and understanding of any cultural ororganizational differences?- Have you consulted references from your own sources (notonly sources provided by the partner), to better understandperceptions and impacts of the partnering organization?YESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESNONONONONONONONONONONONONONO

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