Travelers' Philanthropy Handbook - Center for Responsible Travel

Travelers' Philanthropy Handbook - Center for Responsible Travel

Travelers' Philanthropy Handbook - Center for Responsible Travel


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Explain to travelers how their donation will be used, with some practical and tangible examples.For example, $25 will fund one cataract operation and restore a persons' sight; $10 will pay <strong>for</strong>one school desk, made by the local carpenter; $50 will buy enough reading materials to supplyan entire school class.It may be preferable <strong>for</strong> a tour company to offer a system by which travelers can make securedonations after the project visit, rather than having travelers leave small amounts at the project.These on-the-spot donations can be frittered away on day-to-day needs, rather thanaccumulated towards a bigger goal. Companies may wish to offer an incentive to travelers todonate via their travelers’ philanthropy program. For example, The Intrepid Foundation, thetravelers’ philanthropy initiative of the small-group adventure operator, Intrepid <strong>Travel</strong>, matchestravelers’ donations dollar <strong>for</strong> dollar -- up to AU$5,000 per donor and a total of AU$400,000 <strong>for</strong>all donations received in each financial year (at time of print).• Conclusion<strong>Travel</strong> companies make a difference in the world, and especially in the places they visit, byengaging staff and clients in travelers’ philanthropy activities. <strong>Philanthropy</strong> can enrich the livesof travelers, company employees, and company owners while fostering more support <strong>for</strong>communities in great need. Aim high, but be realistic and avoid committing beyond yourpersonal or corporate capacity. And always keep this one rule in mind - do what is in the bestlong-term interests of the beneficiary communities.166

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