Travelers' Philanthropy Handbook - Center for Responsible Travel

Travelers' Philanthropy Handbook - Center for Responsible Travel

Travelers' Philanthropy Handbook - Center for Responsible Travel


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There are, however, situations where your own standard reporting does not meet therequirements <strong>for</strong> reporting set by the grant maker, e.g. funding institutions such as internationalaid and development organizations, which often use a fixed <strong>for</strong>mat <strong>for</strong> reporting, and is normallya precondition to the approval of any proposal. The reporting <strong>for</strong>mat used by many fundinginstitutions today is based on the “logic framework” approach, also widely known as GoalOriented Project Planning (GOPP) or Objectives Oriented Project Planning (OOPP) developedby USAID as early as 1969.• Trends and Directions <strong>for</strong> <strong>Travel</strong>ers’ <strong>Philanthropy</strong>It is difficult to say anything definite abouttrends in giving. More adequate isperhaps to talk about preferred directionin philanthropy -- the way we would wantto see travelers’ philanthropy develop.What is it that we see as important trendsto take notice of in future travelers’philanthropy support to local communitiesand conservation?One could argue that regardless of thereasons <strong>for</strong> giving, direct support toworthy causes is always valuable and weneed not to be too focused on the“technical” side of philanthropy. Perhapswe should be more focused on thepersonal drivers of giving, such ashappiness, self-esteem, and meaningand motivation in life. Those are allimportant attributes, which are embeddedby the act of giving. “Giving” gives adeeper sense of belonging, both topeople and to place. We could actuallytalk about a <strong>for</strong>ce of giving. Once westart, it is difficult to stop. Indeed, there iseven talk about philanthropy addicts,people who gets their kicks from giving.Well, is that so bad, as long as it doessome good?Solar panels, Basecamp Masai Mara, Kenya.Credit: Basecamp FoundationIn all of the projects Basecamp has beeninvolved in over the years, we haveexperienced a lot of happiness and proudTree planting, Basecamp Masai Mara.Credit: Basecamp Foundationaction by those who have joined our travelers’ philanthropy programs -- regardless of thecharacter of the project or the size of the contribution. We strongly feel that it is important torecognize the personal drivers in giving but, as an organization that facilitates a reasonableamount of support to tourism-related projects, we also need to define some of the values thatmake it worthwhile <strong>for</strong> us to engage. Below is an attempt to capture some of the expressionsused in this essay in order to give ourselves some preferred direction as to where we are134

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