The Honey Jar - Congregation Ohev Shalom

The Honey Jar - Congregation Ohev Shalom The Honey Jar - Congregation Ohev Shalom

Page 2<strong>The</strong> <strong>Honey</strong> <strong>Jar</strong><strong>The</strong> <strong>Honey</strong> <strong>Jar</strong> is published 10X/Yrby <strong>Congregation</strong> <strong>Ohev</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong>2 Chester RoadWallingford, PA 19086610-874-1465 ▪ Fax: ▪ exec@ohev.netNo More Submissions beingaccepted by::<strong>The</strong><strong>Honey</strong><strong>Jar</strong>, or<strong>The</strong><strong>Honey</strong><strong>Jar</strong>@ohev.netAmy Larchuk, EditorMark M. Robbins, RabbiLouis Kaplan, Rabbi EmeritusDavid Acker, CantorDoris Elofer, PresidentMichael Muderick, FSA, Exec.DirectorJoan Joseph, Educational DirectorAffiliated with the UnitedSynagogueof Conservative JudaismTIKKUN LAYL SHAVUOT!Sunday evening June 87:30-10:30 p.m.“<strong>The</strong> Entire Torah (at leastsymbolically) in One Night”Mini-sessions on our greatestTorah portions, taught bymembers of the congregation.Great Snacks, Too!Rabbi’s CornerFrank and CentsHey, I’ll be frank.I want each one of you inShabbat services on a regularbasis. <strong>The</strong> reality that many ofyou come to services only onceor twice a year pains me. I willnot accept that reality as apermanent state of life at thesynagogue, but I will work withit.And I will be foreverreassured and disconcertedthat, on the Days of Awe,however regularyou are in oursynagogue ritual life,you want servicesexactly the way youwant them.On scheduleand “by the book.”Spontaneous andinteresting.<strong>The</strong> familiartunes of years past.Innovation, to makeservices current.Hebrew, “forGod’s sake.” English,“so I can understand.”Participation by thecommunity. Melodious cantoralmusic to listen to. Preaching,but short, please.Friends, I was just aschallenging of a customerwhen I was a congregant, sodon’t feel bad. I would leaveRosh Hashana and Yom Kippurservices frequently annoyedwith what I didn’t like, insteadof pleased with what I liked.Let’s move past theannoyance. I want each andevery one of you to havepleasant and inspiring YamimNoraim. Part of that is thinkingabout your neighbor and whats/he needs from services. Weare a congregation whosedemographics, and whose daysof awe, require a lot of differentthings for a lot of differentpeople.If you really want to helpshape the direction of ourservices on the Yamim Noraim,to have an impact on yourdavening (praying) destiny onthose days, step to theplate. Come to our firstYamim Noraim planningworkshop, make knownwhat you wouldlike to see in ourservices on RoshHashana and YomKippur, andcontribute to theconversation, evenmore importantly,about what thecommunity needs. Thiswill take place Wed.,June 11, 6- 7:30 pm, inthe library. A lightdinner will be providedThis is your time to shapethe services we want for thiscommunity.Best wishes for a delightfulsummer season.Thank you to Amy Larchuk forher terrific leadership, editingand publishing of the <strong>Honey</strong> <strong>Jar</strong>for the past three years. Wewish her well as she fills newroles, both in and out of <strong>Ohev</strong><strong>Shalom</strong>.Rabbi Mark Robbins

Volume 3, No. 10 Page 3President’s Message: <strong>The</strong> Last HurrahIt is hard to believe that two yearshave passed, and it is time for meto write my final President’smessage. <strong>The</strong> past two years havebeen extremely rewarding, and Iwant to thank all of you for yourkindness and support. I am veryproud that I have had a part instrengthening our synagoguecommunity. In reality, I haveplayed a small part, as I have beenfortunate to have so manycreative and dedicated volunteerswho initiated wonderful newprograms and continued to buildour “seasoned” programs, as well.I am thrilled that our Taste ofShabbat program helped toinspire our very popular ShabbatEchad. Thanks to Elsa Wachs, SueLipton , Sherry Zigon, NaomiWicentowski and Romie Greismerfor making these programspossible. Synaplex has once againturned out dynamic Shabbatprograms throughout the yearand I hope that some of Synaplexcan be infused into our regularShabbat services.Our commitment to SocialAction continues to help many ofour Delaware County neighbors,and Fran Stier and committeecontinuously find ways to helprepair our world. I am verygrateful for the participation of somany of our congregants andtheir children who give so muchof their time and energy for theseworthy causes.We have had wonderfulAdult Education programs,organized by Peter Koelle, and theEducation of our youngestmembers continues with muchsuccess in our Hebrew Schoolthanks to Joan Joseph and ourmembers of the school committee.We have now brought to aclose another fun Venue MenuFundraiser. Many thanks to my cochairsAmy Pollack, FrancesSheehan and Penni Starer and, ofcourse, to all of our hosts formaking these events so successful.I am very proud as well thatour “<strong>Ohev</strong>enly Café” was a greatsuccess. Thanks so much to ourresident baristos Allan Glanzmanand Charley Elofer, and of course,all of you who helped fill in whenneeded. An idea so simple hashelped us to get to know eachother better, and many of us havereally come to appreciate the true“down time” that the café affords.<strong>The</strong> space that the <strong>Honey</strong> <strong>Jar</strong>allows me would surely not belarge enough for me to thank allof you who have helped to makemy presidency successful. <strong>The</strong> lasttwo years have been filled withgreat joy and at times greatsadness. A special thanks goes toall of my Board chairs and theircommittee members who haveworked tirelessly for the good of<strong>Ohev</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong>. A huge thank youis to my Executive board andespecially to my Vice PresidentsMatt Tashman, Frances Sheehanand David Pollack who have donea great job of making me lookgood. I have no doubt that thepositive energy that we havecreated will continue to thriveunder David’s watch. I lookforward to supporting him as hereadies to take the reins.I invite EVERYONE to join meon Thursday, June 19, at 8 PM fordessert and our <strong>Congregation</strong>alMeeting. We will celebrate thelast year and look forward to thenext over dessert! Again, thankyou all so much for all your loveand support this year.<strong>Shalom</strong>, Doris Elofer<strong>The</strong> Children andGrandchildren ofBenjamin R. Balin andSally Kirsner Balinalong with theBoard of Directors of<strong>Congregation</strong><strong>Ohev</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong>cordially invite you to therededication of theBALIN CHAPELSunday, June 15, 2008 at11:00 a.m.<strong>The</strong> Original PlaqueWas Presentedand theChapel Dedicatedon Sunday, June 12, 1966Luncheon immediatelyfollowing the serviceRSVP to Mary Detwilerby June

Page 4<strong>The</strong> <strong>Honey</strong> <strong>Jar</strong>Rabbi Louis Kaplan, RabbiEmeritus of ourcongregation, will besubstituting for thevacationing Rabbi Robbinsthe last two weeks of June.Shabbat morning service,June 21, Rabbi Kaplan willspeak on: “God, Science, andPrayer: Three obstacles toAttending Prayer Services?”He will give particularattention to some argumentsof the so-called “newatheists” concerning thesethree areas.Shabbat morning, June 28,Rabbi Kaplan’s topic will be:“But Love Your Fellow asYourself.” He will touch onobjections to this famousBiblical teaching and suggesthow this love command canbe implemented.SUKKAH BRICKSלבנים ביסכהIn memory of CyrellStolar-Dick, so much to somany, loved andremembered, from ShannonMahler.To honor Mort Wachs'service to dental and Jewishcauses from the Godick andYoung families.

Volume 3, No. 10Page 5Men’s Club MinuteIt is now time to write my lastMen’s Club “Minute” for <strong>The</strong><strong>Honey</strong> <strong>Jar</strong>. A milestone ofsorts. A chance to reflect onthe state of <strong>Ohev</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong>’s“organization of menworking to support thesynagogue.” By mostaccounts, the <strong>Ohev</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong>’sMen’s Club is on strongfooting. Over 130 duespayingmembers (thank youto everyone, active or not,who pays dues). A verydedicated, albeit small, coregroup of active members. Anenthusiastic and competitivesoftball team with a roster(and disabled list) whichincludes upwards of 25members. Financial stability.A full calendar of eventsreflecting the three pillars ofMen’s Club - service to thesynagogue community,educational/religious, andsocial.It has been a rewardingexperience serving as thePresident of the <strong>Ohev</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong>Men’s Club. I would like tothank my Executive Board fortheir service these past twoyears, and special thanks tothe man who will succeedme, Andy Graham, for all hishelp. I would also like tothank synagogue PresidentDoris Elofer and the entiresynagogue Executive Boardfor the opportunity to servewith them these past twoyears. What a tremendousgroup of dedicated, hardworkingindividuals whowork tirelessly on behalf of<strong>Ohev</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong>, and haveaccomplished so much.Thanks to Amy Larchuk forher hard work each monthrelaying the Men’s ClubMinute to the readers of <strong>The</strong><strong>Honey</strong> <strong>Jar</strong>. Of course, thebiggest thank you of all is tomy family, Bonnie, Talia,Daniel and Jordyn for all theirsupport and understandingthese past two years.It is my pleasure toannounce the Men’s ClubOfficers for the upcoming2008-2010 term. A team thatwill keep the ball rolling…President, Andy Graham;1 st VP, Joel Fein;2 nd VP, Kyle Berman;Treasurer, Don Abramowitz;and Secretary, AllanGlanzman.Finally, as we shift ourmindsets to the “slower” paceof the summer months,please mark your calendarsand be on the lookout formore information about thefollowing events:<strong>Congregation</strong>al SummerBarbecue – Wednesday, July16. Men’s Club Phillies Game– Jewish Heritage Night –Thursday, August 21. .And, if you are looking forsomething to do on a lazySunday morning, why notbring yourself and kids to an<strong>Ohev</strong>vy Hitters softballgame?! You are sure to beentertained…and we coulduse the vocal support.Best wishes to the entire<strong>Ohev</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong> Community fora happy and healthy summerRich KaplanPhilliesBaseball withMen’s ClubJoin the <strong>Ohev</strong>Men’s Club as we trek down tothe “Bank” to see our defendingNL East Division champs as theylook to advance even further inthe playoffs this year. Starring forthe Phils on Jewish HeritageNight will be Brett Myerson, ColeHamelstein, Jimmy Robbins, PatBurrelsky, Chase Utleythal, andRyan Howardman. See these starathletes (Jewish players, at leastfor one night, anyway) lead ourboys to a win. You get to be withfriends from our <strong>Ohev</strong> communityon a warm summer night at thebeautiful ballpark. <strong>The</strong> date isThursday, August 21, 7 p.m.Many of the tickets have alreadybeen reserved, so don’t delay. CallBrad Ernest at 610-328-6290 you take your family, yourkids will surely name you the MVP— Most Valuable Parent!Brad Ernest

Page 6<strong>The</strong> <strong>Honey</strong> <strong>Jar</strong>High Holiday PledgeNoticeAs we did last year, in an effortto acknowledge and thankthose members who havemade High Holy Day pledgesthis past year(2007-5768), wewill be publishing a THANKYOU list of those donors at ourHigh Holiday services. If youhaven't made your pledge,please send it today to thesynagogue. As is our policywith all donations, if you wishnot to have your donationacknowledged, please or call thesynagogue office.Yizkor Book ListingsIf you did not have a listing inthe Yizkor Book in 2007, andwould like to honor a loved onethis year, please fill out the formon the back cover of this issueof <strong>The</strong> <strong>Honey</strong> <strong>Jar</strong> and send it tothe synagogue office by July 1.Join Us This Summer...Remember, the synagogue isopen all summer. Whether youhave a Yahrtzeit and want toattend our morning 8AM (9AMon the weekends) minyan,need to get in the gift shop, orvisit the library, we are here foryou. Hope to see you soon,and have a safe summer.DonationsDon't forget you can makedonations on-line at ourwebsite, Olam: Repairing the World a Little Bit at a TimeIn the last <strong>Honey</strong> <strong>Jar</strong> beforesummer, it’s time to look backand give thanks.▪ To Jewish Federation andall the <strong>Ohev</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong> andBeth Israel volunteers whomade Martin Luther KingDay possible, and broughtus <strong>The</strong>atre Ariel.▪ To Steve Katz, toSisterhood, to Men's’ Club,and to all the volunteerswho’ve brought dinner for150 to the hungry peopleat the LifeCenter on thefirst Sunday of oddnumberedmonths eversince 2001.▪ To Ted Bergman and hisfamily, who led our HighHoliday food drive, and toeveryone who donatedand sorted. That food▪▪means so much to theBernardines, the MitzvahFood Pantry, and toCAADC’s shelters —donations always fall offduring the summer —these donations areespecially appreciated.▪ To the Fein-Levin andHoffman families, and toeveryone who sharedThanksgiving’s bountywith Chester EastsideMinistries.▪ To Julie Silverstein,and to all the generous<strong>Ohev</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong> donorswho made it possible forCAADC’s shelters and theBernardine Center tobecome members of theChester’s GroceryCooperative, and gave$1,000 in gift certificatesfor fruit and vegetables toshelter families. Youbrought healthful,affordable food to peoplethat need it so much.To Ruth Kaplan and to allthe wonderful volunteerswho brought challot and alittle extra Shabbat cheer tosome special congregantsweek after week.And to everyone who’sbrought school suppliesand kids’ books, and, mostof all, time and kindness topeople who really need it.You can’t imagine what ablessing you are.Fran Stier,Social Action Chair

Volume 3, No. 10Page 7Sisterhood Scoop:Membership News and Upcoming EventsDear Friends,It’s hard to believe thatanother year is drawing to aclose! <strong>The</strong>re are still two eventsahead, but please keep readingbeyond the events to a veryimportant message about thefuture of Sisterhood. First, ourDonor celebration is coming upquickly on June 22. It will be awonderful opportunity to enjoya lavish afternoon tea withother <strong>Ohev</strong> women, helpSisterhood support synagogueprograms, and make your ownflower arrangement withexpert instruction by our ownDoreen Dworkin. Invitationsshould be in your hands verysoon, if not already. PleaseRSVP promptly so chairpersonsRuth Goldman and Doreen canprovide the right amount offood and supplies. Second, the10 th annual <strong>Ohev</strong> summerpicnic will be held on July 16.See the flier elsewhere in thisissue. If you can lend a hand,please let Sheri know. We hopeto see you there!It is time for us to reviewthe mission, structure, andprogrammatic focus ofSisterhood, as our <strong>Ohev</strong>religious home continues toevolve. We have focused ontrying to involve more womenin roles that fit their lifestylesPainless Way to Help <strong>Ohev</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong>!and interests, and simplifyingthe organization. While wehave made progress, morechanges are necessary to makethis organization work inconcert with the reality ofwomen’s lives today at <strong>Ohev</strong>.This coming year, we will focuson further streamlining theorganization, and focusing onmore frequent opportunities toget together to fosterfellowship. We hope thesethings will encourage greaterparticipation, and willingness totake on leadership roles. Watchfor a questionnaire in the mailthis summer, and PLEASE takethe time to give us yourfeedback. Early this fall wehope to have a series of focusgroups to help us translate theinformation from thequestionnaires into an actionplan. We need feedback fromthose of you who are not activein Sisterhood just as much, ifnot more, than from those whoare. We thank you in advancefor your support.We wish you all a safe andhappy summer!B’<strong>Shalom</strong>,Marianne Glanzmanand Sheri Whelpley,Co-PresidentsScrip is available all summer, and all year ‘round. In addition tothe supermarkets, we always keep in stock Kohl’s (with whichyou can pay your Kohl’s bill), Borders, and Starbucks. Manyothers are available with a little bit of notice.<strong>The</strong> Graduates ofMispallelim<strong>The</strong> 7th Grade graduates ofMispallelim:Ted BergmanMichael FackenthallDavid GlanzmanHannah HerreraA.J. OzerJoshua SchwartzTomer SternEthan TashmanRachel WeissDaniel ZiringMazal Tov to all of you!Winners of 2007-2008Sparkler Award:Grade 4: Julia SchwartzGrade 5: Corey ZiringGrade 6: Talia Kaplan<strong>The</strong>se winners are chosenby the teachers and givento a student who hasshown academicachievement throughoutthe year.<strong>The</strong> Bernstein Award goesto a 7th grader who hasdemonstrated outstandingachievement in the studyof Judaica. This award is inmemory of EvelynBernstein and her years ofservice to our religiousschool. This year’s winneris:David Glanzman<strong>Shalom</strong> to all,Joan JosephEducation Dir. of Mispallelim

Page 8<strong>The</strong> <strong>Honey</strong> <strong>Jar</strong>Venue Menu MoroccoHostesses Rebecca Kovacs,Karen Ernest and DorisElofer take a break frommeeting and greeting tobelly dance.Matt Tashman learns tobelly dance.Guests (L to R) PenniStarer, Julie Silverstein,Karen Ernest, FrancesSheehan, Amy Pollack,Rebecca Kovacs, KarenStesis and Doris Elofer.

music food friends drink culture danceMany thanks to all those who made<strong>Ohev</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong>’s 2008 Venue Menu Fundraisersuch a success!Lead SponsorsCommerce BankGoldsteins' Rosenberg's Raphael-Sacks, Inc.Welcoming HostsMarie and Murray BersteinPhyllis and David BookspanBonnie Breit and Deb SoutarDoris and Charley EloferKaren and Brad ErnestMerle and Steve FischerFrances Sheehan and Rick GelmanMarianne and Allan GlanzmanRuth and Rich GoldmanLauren and Steve KatzRebecca and David KovacsBarbara and Art LevyAmy and David PollackPenni and Andy StarerJulie SilversteinAmy and Matt TashmanElsa and Mort WachsElayne DeSimone and Bill ZirkerTalented EntertainersBruce BogdanoffAnn FackenthallDavid and Jeremy Gettes of theTrinidad North Steel BandGenerous GuestsEllen and Donald AbramowitzCantor David Acker and BobPrischakSusan Weil and Michael AdesmanLoretta and Arthur BalinMitchell BergerCindy Hoffman and MartyBergmanCarole and Bruce BogdanoffPhyllis and David BookspanBonnie Breit and Deb SoutarNeil Bunis and Leslie WeissJudy and Bob ChernoffEstelle and Pete CitrenbaumDonna and Cliff CohenJane and Josh CohenRabbi Peggy DeProphetisBev and Henry DicksonKathy and Bob EliasRoanne and Barry EstrinAnn FackenthallVicky Levin and Joel FeinPhyllis and Joel FirestoneReisha FreedmanJane and Ben-Zion FriedmanFrances Sheehan and Rick GelmanMarianne and Allan GlanzmanJudy and Bruce GodickRuth and Richard GoldmanAmy and Andy GrahamRomie Greismer and Ron KatcherEsther GrossRima and Andy HimelsteinTerri and David HoffmanJenny and David JablonskiJoan and Jonathan JosephBetty KaplanIvy and Gary KaplanRabbi Louis KaplanLauren and Steve KatzElaine KlineJoanne and Joel KrackowSissy LaxDavid LandauPaula and Michael LehrbergerRuth and Don LevinsteinJody Lechner and Steve LevinsteinSusan Long and Andy SzaboRiva and Roy MarcusFran Stier and Steve MaurerEdie McFallGladys and Al MendelShelley and Bernie MissanShawn and Stanton MyersonFreema NicholsCarol and Stuart OckmanMiriam and Mark PaikoffAudrey and Dan ParlinAmy and David PollackRabbi Mark and Amy RobbinsRita Rudman and Larry StarerMichele Saland and Steve KalsteinPhyllis and Alan SchapireLynne and Steve SecundaPaula and Stuart SeidmanJulie SilversteinNaomi and Harvey SpectorJudy and David StallPenni and Andy StarerKaren and Lou StesisAmy and Matt TashmanKay and Art TuchElsa and Mort WachsLesley and Gary WendellJudy and Russ YoungSherry and Jack ZigonEvent Co-ChairsDoris EloferAmy PollackFrances SheehanPenni Starer

Page 10<strong>The</strong> <strong>Honey</strong> <strong>Jar</strong>Ethan Tashman will be collecting school supplies for kids in Chester aspart of his Bar Mitzvah service project.Please bring any of the following NEW school supply items to the <strong>Ohev</strong><strong>Shalom</strong> summer picnic on Wednesday, July 16.Monetary donations also accepted.▪▪▪▪▪▪BackpacksPens, pencils, erasersCalculatorsRulers/protractorsChild-safe scissorsNotebooks▪▪▪▪▪▪▪Pocket foldersCrayons and washable markersPencil casesScotch tapeNontoxic glue/glue sticksLoose-leaf paperStaplers/staplesQuestions?Call the Tashmans at 610-565-5826 or email

Volume 3, No. 10Page 11It’s time for <strong>Ohev</strong>’s 10 th Annual Summer PicnicWednesday, July 16 th 6-9 pmCost: $8 per person, free for kids under 7Send in your reservation today!Call Sheri Whelpley (, 610-499-3719) if you can help withshopping, set-up, or clean-upAlso: Bring school supplies (backpacks, pencil cases, spiral or compositionbooks, pencils, pens, colored pencils, markers, glue sticks, lunch boxes) todonate to children in ChesterAnd: Bring your gently-used books for our summer book-swap!Yes, we will attend the summer picnic on Wednesday, July 16.NAME____________________________________________ PHONE ________________________Number of adults/big kids @ $8 per person ________________Number of children under 7 who eat for free ________________Amount enclosed (Checks payable to <strong>Ohev</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong>) $_____________Please RSVP by July 9 by sending this form and your check to:Sisterhood @ <strong>Congregation</strong> <strong>Ohev</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong>2 Chester Road, Wallingford, PA 19086

Page 12<strong>The</strong> <strong>Honey</strong> <strong>Jar</strong>Your Contributions for the Month of AprilArchives AccountTo Jacqueline Mendelson in memory ofMorris Mendelson by Bernard &Sandra ZalmanBalin Chapel FundTo Arthur Balin in memory of BenjaminBalin by Irene Goldstein; RaeGoldberg; Timothy & LindaCorcoranIn memory of Sally K. Balin by Nancy,Alan, Benjamin & Sarah SharpeTo Ken Balin in memory of BenjaminBalin by Mr. & Mrs. Paul Commito;Brian & Sherry Effrin; James &Eileen Tiano; Harriet Melitz; FrankTobolsky;Donald and Ruth LevinsteinEducational FundTo Don & Ruth Levinstein in honor oftheir 60th anniversary by David &Amy PollackDorothy Sparkler School/Scholarship FundA donation has been made to honor thememory of beloved parents Dorothy& Carl Sparkler by their children &grandchildrenHarriet P. Starer Fund for the ArtsTo Melanie Herrera in honor of your BatMitzvah by David Acker & BobPrischakHelping the Community AccountA donation was made by Mark &Stephanie AloberoTo Mrs. Helene Kaplan in memory ofyour daughter & husband Dr.Martin Kaplan by Betty KaplanJanet Stern Rosset FundTo the Rosset family in memory of JerryRosset by Putnam VillageCondominium Assn; Sandra Mock;Annabelle Fishman; Rae Goldberg;Estelle Brodsky; Arline Ritz; RickGelman & Frances Sheehan; Judy& Larry Pearlman; Betty Kaplan;Mark & Jill Fishman; Joe & LynaZommick; Lillian & JosephHassman; Marlene & Steve Sacks;Pauline LermanTo Meredith Rosset in memory of JerryRosset by Dennis & CatherineBromleyTo Allison Rosset in memory of JerryRosset by Rita & Stanley BirnbaumTo Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Rosner inmemory of Jerry Rosset by Nan,Ross & Julie RosnerTo Lynn Rosner & family in memory ofJerry Rosset by Elaine Stewart &Judy & Mark StonbergTo Lynn Rosner in memory of JerryRosset by Camden CountyActivities CommitteeTo Meredith & Allison Rosset inmemory of Jerry Rosset by CarolynGoldman & Alan GoldmanJoseph B. Godick Jewish HistoryLecture FundTo Mrs. June Ehrenberg in blessedmemory of husband PhillipEhrenberg by Edith GodickTo Don & Ruth Levinstein in honor oftheir 60th anniversary by Bruce &Judy GodickTo the Rosset family in memory of JerryRosset by Barry & Roanne EstrinTo Bernie Missan in honor ofHumanitarian award from ARMDIby Bruce & Judy GodickTo Russ & Judy Young thank you forthe lovely evening watching Josh inA Little Night Music by Barry &Roanne EstrinTo Bernie Missan Mazal Tov onreceiving the ARMDI "Mensch ofthe Year" Life achievement byBruce & Judy GodickTo Michael Ponn Mazal Tov on receivingthe ARMDI "Mensch of the Year"life achievement by Bruce & JudyGodickJoseph Zommick Cemetery AccountTo Joe Zommick & family in memory ofRichard Zommick by IreneGoldstein; Carolyn Rosen; RickGelman & Frances SheehanTo Mr. & Mrs. Joe Zommick in memoryof Richard Zommick by Harry & IdaShoosterTo Mr. & Mrs. Joe Zommick & family inmemory of Richard Zommick byBetty KaplanTo Lyna & Joe Zommick in memory ofRichard Zommick by Dorothy &Herman ShoosterMinyan FundTo Susan Hale best wishes for a speedyrecovery by Frieda MazerTo Michael Ponn Mazal Tov on receivingthe ARMDI "Mensch of the Year"Life achievement by Wendy andMichael DignazioTo Sue Lipton in honor of her BatMitzvah by Irma KohnThank you to Andy Szabo for being ourleader at Fair Acres Annual Sederby Jewish War Veterans LadiesAux. Post 134A donation was made by Annette SzaboIn memory of Sabel's father Daniel M.Gozinsky by Jack & Sabel Barnett<strong>Ohev</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong> Sisterhood Kitchenand Special Projects AccountThank you to those who sent ShalochManot to them by Natalie &Stanley SchneiderThank you to those who sent ShalochManot to them by Harry & IdaShoosterRabbi's Discretionary AccountTo Cindy Tollen in memory of MiriamTollen by Marvin & Shirley ShaperoThank you to Rabbi Robbins for yourconsolation and friendship by Joe &Lyna ZommickThank you Rabbi Robbins by IsabelUlanTo the Rosset family in memory of JerryRosset by David Acker & BobPrischakTo Rabbi Robbins for selling Chometz bySusie and Steve KatzRose Isaacson Library AccountTo Marv Bachrad c/o Dover Downs inmemory of mother Freda by IreneGoldsteinTo Ed Isaacson in memory of RoseIsaacson by Barry & Roanne Estrin;Irene GoldsteinSamuel Warwick FundTo Ida Shooster in memory of SisterEdith by Carl & Ruth NimtonSimon Levin Torah RestorationFundTo Bernie Missan in honor ofHumanitarian award from ARMDIby Joe & Lyna ZommickTo Michael Ponn in honor of receivingthe ARMDI "Mensch of the Year"Life achievement by Joe & LynaZommickTo Joe Zommick & family in memory ofRichard Zommick by Rae GoldbergSynagogue General AccountTo Marion & Richard Taxin in honor ofthe birth of granddaughter NatalieRose by David & Amy Pollack

Volume 3, No. 10Page 13▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪Israel 2008 Itinerary HighlightsWestern WallNew HistoricalMuseum, JerusalemMilitary CemeteryJewish QuarterOpen Air MarketChristian QuarterGolan HeightsJordan RiverCaesarea Harbor, HaifaIndependence Hall,Tel AvivEating, Sleeping,plenty of services!This Year in Jerusalem!!Confirmation ServiceShabbat Morning, June 6Confirmation of:Sarah Skobeloff,Michelle Schapire, Leah Stall,Rebecca Marion, Alison Isaacsand Rachel Hellman.Divrei Torah on an array of fascinatingtopics: <strong>The</strong> Role of Women in ContemporaryIsrael, <strong>The</strong> Humorous and Poetic JewishLife, Israel in My Life, Judaism and theFitness of the Body, Teen Culture througha Jewish Lens.DONATIONS, continued<strong>The</strong> Eli Lax Sukkah Terrace &Building Maintenance FundTo Michael Ponn Mazal Tov on receivingthe ARMDI "Mensch of the Year" lifeachievement by Sissy LaxTo Bernie Missan in honor of humanitarianaward from ARMDI by Sissy LaxYahrtzeit/Yizkor AccountTo Myra Smith in memory of motherPhyllis Berk by Mark & Marce BerkIn memory of Isadore Shooster by Dorothy& Herman ShoosterIn memory of James Silverstein by Norman& Miriam SilversteinTo Mr. Charles Zoslaw in memory of MollieZoslaw by Bernice ZoslawIn memory of William Raymond by EmmaRaymondIn memory of Jacob & Molly Zoslaw byCharles ZoslawTo Mr. Charles Zoslaw in memory of JacobZoslaw by Bernice ZoslawTo Jeff Berk in memory of mother PhyllisBerk by Mark & Marcie BerkIn memory of Helen S. Wiseman by RonaldWisemanIn memory of Irving Smith by HarrietSmithTo Ken Balin in memory of Benjamin Balinby Mark BerkIn memory of Dora & Benjamin Lubin &Rose & Max Ernest by Beatrice &Herbert ErnestIn memory of Samuel Gross by RebeccaGrossIn memory of mother Matilda Citrenbaumby Salessa & Marvin BerkIn memory of Herman Levitz by Bob &Judy ChernoffIt’s all about the books….

Page 14<strong>The</strong> <strong>Honey</strong> <strong>Jar</strong>

Volume 3, No. 10 Page 15Charitable Funds and Accounts of <strong>Ohev</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong>.Please Give Generously.SYNAGOGUE ACCOUNTS/FUNDArchives Account: Maintains itemsof historical importance to thesynagogueBowman-Finkelstein RabbiEndowment Fund: Supports therabbi’s salary packageJudy Brown Memorial Fund:Proceeds are used to defraysynagogue operating expensesFloral/Landscape Account: Suppliesflowers for the bimah and forlandscapingJudge Louis Bloom Minyan Fund:Offsets the cost of refreshments forthe morning minyan.Daily Minyan Account: This fund willdirectly support the refreshments forthe daily minyan.KADIMA: 100% of these contributionsgo to the Capital CampaignFrank M. Rech Prayer Book Fund:Funding to purchase new prayerbooks on an ongoing basis for thesynagogueSimon Levin Torah RestorationFund: Used to repair/replace TorahsSisterhood Kitchen and SpecialProjects Account: To provide for themaintenance, renovation, and/orimprovements to the synagoguekitchen, and any other synagoguespecial projectsYahrtzeit/Yizkor Account: Donationsare used to offset general operatingaccounts in the synagogueSynagogue General Account: Usedfor synagogue expensesRose Isaacson Library Account: Topurchase books and videos for theLibraryEDUCATION FUNDS/ACCOUNTSEvelyn Much Epstein BernsteinFund: Used to advance JewisheducationJoseph B. Godick Jewish HistoryLecture Fund: Community-widelectures and/or programs on any andall aspects of Jewish historyRobert Nichols Adult EducationFund: Used for adult education andrelated projectsRabbi Louis and Mindell KaplanCultural Fund: Used to providespecial speakers, artists, musicians orscholars for <strong>Ohev</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong> programsBUILDING FUND/ACCOUNTSBalin Chapel Fund: Used to maintainand beautify our chapelEli Lax Sukkah Terrace andBuilding Maintenance Fund: Formaintaining the sukkah terrace andother building maintenanceJack SwermanBuilding/Architectural Account:Used to beautify and maintain ourbuildingWolf Auditorium Fund: Used tobeautify and maintain our auditoriumSPECIAL USE ACCOUNT/FUNDSAlexander H. Brown Feed theHungry Fund: Used to feed thehungry, with special emphasis onJews in Delaware CountyDebby Silver Camp Fund: Used toaward scholarships to childrenattending Jewish summer overnightcampJoseph Zommick CemeteryAccount: For beautification of thecemeteryHelping Those in Need Account: Alldonations go directly to the LifeCenter, Baby Manna, and the foodbankJanet Stern Rosset Fund: Used foryouth activities, youth director’s salaryor special events for youthSupport our Gift Shop!Synaplex Fund: Donations to thisaccount are used to help defray thecost of creating and supportingactivities that are part of the Synaplexprogram.Melvin Rudman MemorialScholarship Fund: Providesscholarship money tocollege/graduate students withpreference to accounting/businessmajorsRabbi’s Discretionary Account:Used by the rabbi to make donationsto worthy charities and causesRay Doblitz Library Fund: Revenuesfrom this fund are deposited into thelibrary’s checking accountSamuel Warwick Fund: Used toprovide money to teenagers going toIsraelMISPALLELIM SCHOOL FUNDSPhilip and Shirley DaleyEndowment Fund: For educationalprograms and scholarships/grants tostudents for furthering their JewisheducationBeatrice De Bellis Fund: Helps topay Hebrew school tuition for familiesunable to payDonald and Ruth LevinsteinEducational Fund: Used to defraythe cost of our Educational DirectorDr. Frank and Sophie SavitsMemorial Fund for JewishEducation: Used for educationalprograms at the synagogue’s religiousschoolDorothy & Carl B. SparklerSchool/Scholarship Fund: Providestuition scholarships for Mispallelimgrades 4, 5, and 6, and to providefunding for religious school programsand projectsHarriet P. Starer Fund for the Arts:To perpetuate the Jewish arts in theschool. This programming will be inthe form of art and/or music and/ordance

Volume 3, No. 10 Page 17Birthdays and Anniversaries for JuneShani Cohen,6/1/2008Esther Edelstein,6/1/2008Donald Levinstein,6/2/2008Lyna Zommick,6/2/2008Benjamin Balin,6/3/2008,14th birthdayAndrew Himelstein,6/3/2008Audrey Ozer,6/3/2008,12th birthdayMurray Eckell,6/4/2008Bernice Fishman,6/4/2008Michael Muderick,6/4/2008Heather Adelsberg,6/5/2008,7th birthdayRoss Godick,6/5/2008,20th birthdayIvy Kaplan,6/5/2008<strong>Jar</strong>ed Landau,6/5/2008,11th birthdayRobert Landau,6/5/2008Eli Zigon,6/5/2008,19th birthdayDaniel Consoli,6/6/2008,17th birthdayRichard Kaplan,6/8/2008Rachel Ernest,6/9/2008,11th birthdayAdam Kovacs,6/9/2008,8th birthdayScott Brown,6/11/2008Dr. Steven Brown,6/11/2008Lester Levin,6/11/2008Ellen Abramowitz,6/12/2008Romie Griesmer,6/12/2008Roanne Estrin,6/13/2008,David Kovacs,6/13/2008Irma Sitkoff,6/13/2008Deborah Weiss,6/13/2008Nicole Adesman,6/14/2008,18th birthdayKayla Finsterbusch,6/14/2008,6thbirthdayDaniel Lieberman,6/14/2008,5thbirthday<strong>The</strong>lma Goldberg,6/15/2008Helen Dworkin,6/16/2008Arthur Balin,6/17/2008Phyllis Firestone,6/18/2008Ilana Petrescu,6/18/2008,15th birthday<strong>The</strong> Sally Balin MedicalCenter for Dermatologyand Cosmetic SurgeryArthur K. Balin, MD, PhD, FACPSkin Cancer SpecialistLoretta A. Pratt, MDWomen’s Skin Care SpecialistThomas D. Griffin, MDHair Transplant SpecialistRae Calamia, PA-CPhysician AssistantHousing a State Licensed,AAAHC Accredited,Ambulatory Surgical CenterPeggy Brown,6/19/2008Mark Elofer,6/19/2008,17th birthdayHannah Finsterbusch,6/19/2008,14thbirthdaySheila Brandow,6/20/2008Rebecca Kovacs,6/20/2008<strong>The</strong>odore Ozer,6/20/2008Leonard Brown,6/21/2008Dustin Starer,6/21/2008Olivia Duchovnay,6/22/2008,5th birthdayFrieda Mazer,6/22/2008Leslie Isaacs,6/23/2008Hannah Rappaport,6/23/2008,4thbirthdayBenjamin Epstein,6/24/2008Julia Gelman-Sheehan,6/24/2008,19thbirthdaySissy Lax,6/24/2008Danielle Hannah Berman,6/27/2008,9thbirthdayRima Himelstein,6/27/2008Nancy Rubenstein,6/27/2008Rachel Erulkar,6/29/2008,18th birthdayKyle Berman,6/30/2008Pauline Lerman,6/30/2008Susan Cherner & MartinRanft,6/1/2008,33rd anniversaryMr. & Mrs. David Weiss,6/2/2008,29thanniversaryDrs. Barry & DeborahZiring,6/2/2008,18th anniversaryWilliam Zirker & ElayneDeSimone,6/2/2008,23rd anniversaryMr. & Mrs. HowardSchwartz,6/3/2008,18th anniversaryDr. & Mrs. RichardKaplan,6/4/2008,14th anniversaryFor Healthier, Younger Looking SkinGeneral Dermatology Total Skin Care Acne Treatment Psoriasis TreatmentsSkin Cancer Treatment Mohs Micrographic Surgery...tocure the cancer and save your skinSamuel Krakow & KimberlyDumoff,6/4/2008,8th anniversaryMr. & Mrs. JeffreyLittman,6/6/2008,26th anniversaryMr. & Mrs. Larry Neigut,6/9/2008,24thanniversaryMr. Alan & Dr. PhyllisSchapire,6/12/2008,20th anniversaryWilliam Chalker & Dr. Sharon Weil-Chalker,6/13/2008,15th anniversaryRabbi and Mrs. MarkRobbins,6/13/2008,9th anniversaryMr. & Mrs. Louis Rovner,6/13/2008,15thanniversaryDrs. Bruce & CaroleBogdanoff,6/18/2008,42ndanniversaryDr. & Mrs. DavidRappaport,6/18/2008,8th anniversaryDr. & Mrs. Richard Taxin,6/18/2008,41stanniversaryMr. & Mrs. LarryEdelstein,6/24/2008,52nd anniversaryDr. & Mrs. Brad Ernest,6/24/2008,29thanniversaryMr. & Mrs. RonaldBeckman,6/26/2008,37th anniversaryDr. & Mrs. Bruce Godick,6/27/2008,26thanniversaryDr. & Mrs. DouglasLieberman,6/27/2008,9th anniversaryMr. & Mrs. IrvingBeerson,6/28/2008,38th anniversaryMr. & Mrs. Scott Brown,6/28/2008,27thanniversaryMr. & Mrs. Barry Estrin,6/30/2008,35thanniversaryCosmetic Surgery Tumescent Liposuction Hair Transplant for men and women Laser Skin Resurfacing Collagen for wrinkles Botox / Restylane for wrinkles Radiesse for facial rejuvenation FAMI Facial Rejuvenation Titan Skin Tightening Face and Neck Lifts Spider Vein Treatment Laser Hair RemovalCALL 610-565-3300110 Chesley Drive Media, PA

ClassifiedsPlease patronize our advertisersClassified Advertising RatesBusiness card ads: $220.00 for ten issues (September-June). Double size ads: $355.00 for ten issues (September-June).<strong>Ohev</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong> members receive a 10% discount on these rates. Make checks payable to <strong>Congregation</strong> <strong>Ohev</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong>.Deadline is the 9th of the month prior to publication.Appearance of an ad in THE HONEY JAR does not necessarily constitute an endorsement or acceptance ofthe Kashrut of the advertiser by <strong>Congregation</strong> <strong>Ohev</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong>.S tanding strong in the community.Martins Run Senior Retirement Community standsstrong as an icon in the Jewish community — servingand respecting our “family,” enriching lives, preservingour heritage and our future.For a personal consultation and a complimentarylunch, call Lorraine, 610-353-7660, ext. 226.Media, PAMinutes from the Main Linewww.martinsrun.orgMartins Run is a not-for-profit residential life care communitywith a commitment to Jewish values and tradition.

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<strong>Ohev</strong> Master CalendarJun 2008 (Eastern Time)Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday1 2 3 4 5 6 727Iyyar28Iyyar29Iyyar1 Sivan2 Sivan3 SivanCONFIRMATION42nd Day of the Omer43rd Day of the Omer44th Day of the Omer45th Day of the Omer46th Day of the Omer47th Day of the OmerParashat Nasso10am - Men's SoftballYOM YERUSHALAYIMROSH CHODESH SivanJewish News/Views, 12:30 5:30pm - ~Shabbat Echad~ 9am - Services9:45am - Torah Study7pm - Kabbalat Shabbat10am - Beach Bed & Bkfst.7:30pm - Confirmation Class8:09pm - Candle Lighting10am - Ocean City Beach Re…9:10pm - Shavua Tov!!8 9 10 11 12 13 1449th Day of the Omer6 Sivan7 Sivan8 Sivan9 Sivan10SivanAnniversary Honors5 SivanSHAVUOT ISHAVUOT II9:45am - Torah Study7pm - Exec Board7pm - Kabbalat ShabbatParashat Beha'alotcha @ Jew…Erev Shavuot8am - Services/Cantor8am - Holiday Services8:13pm - Candle Lighting 9am - ServicesBeach Bed & Bkfst.9:11pm - Havdalah9:13pm - Shavua Tov!!Ocean City Beach Retreat10am - Men's Softball8pm - TIKKUN SHAVUOT8:10pm - Candle Lighting15 16 17 18 19 20 2112Sivan13Sivan 14Sivan 15Sivan16Sivan17SivanBirthday BerachotMen's Softball9:45am - Torah Study7:30pm - Cong Annual Mtg 7pm - Kabbalat ShabbatParashat Sh'lach11am - BalinChap.Re-ded8:15pm - Candle Lighting8:45am - Torah Study9:15am - Services9:15pm - Shavua Tov!!22 23 24 25 26 27 2819Sivan20Sivan 21Sivan 22Sivan23Sivan 24SivanParashat Korach @ Jewish H…Sist. Donor Dinner9:45am - Torah Study8:16pm - Candle Lighting 8:45am - Torah Study10am - Men's Softball9:15am - Services9:45am - TOT SHABBAT9:16pm - Shavua Tov!!29 30 1 2 3 4 526Sivan 27Sivan 28Sivan 29Sivan30Sivan1 TamuzParashat Chukat @ Jewish H…9:45am - Torah StudyROSH CHODESH TamuzROSH CHODESH Tamuz8:45am - Torah Study5:30pm - ~Shabbat Echad~9am - Services7pm - Kabbalat Shabbat9:15pm - Shavua Tov!!8:15pm - Candle Lighting

Yizkor BookWe invite you to list the names of deceased relatives and friends in our Yizkor Book, which will beavailable this Yom Kippur. <strong>The</strong> required donation is $25 for listing one or two names (e.g., Mr. &Mrs. Abraham Canis, in memory of Isaac Siegel and Jacob Dorsky). Each additional name is $5.— Bernie Missan, Chairman, Yizkor BookPlease print names listed below for this year’s Yizkor Book:1._________________________________________________________________________________2._________________________________________________________________________________3._________________________________________________________________________________4._________________________________________________________________________________5._________________________________________________________________________________6._________________________________________________________________________________Please enclose check. All listings must be in by July 1. Feel free to add another page. Check enclosed payable to <strong>Ohev</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong> Bill me. Phone: ______________________Name/Address (Please Print): ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________<strong>Congregation</strong> <strong>Ohev</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong>, 2 Chester Road, Wallingford, PA 19086<strong>Congregation</strong> <strong>Ohev</strong> <strong>Shalom</strong>2 Chester RoadWallingford, PA 19086Time Sensitive MaterialNon-Profit Org.U.S. Postage PaidWallingford, PAPermit No. 225

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