5 Steps To Outstanding Customer Experience ... - CMT Conferences

5 Steps To Outstanding Customer Experience ... - CMT Conferences 5 Steps To Outstanding Customer Experience ... - CMT Conferences

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A 2-day intensive program on5 Steps To OutstandingCustomer ExperienceManagementLed by Dr Raymond Teo, a leading authority in obtaining and using actionablecustomer insights for marketing, increasing value and customer experiences.2-3 July 2009 | JW Marriott Hotel, Kuala LumpurFocusing On:Step 1 : Committing Towards a Great Customer ExperienceStep 2 : Mapping Scenes and ActsStep 3 : Prioritizing and Excelling in Scenes and ActsStep 4 : Ensuring Organizational AlignmentStep 5 : Sustaining Customer Experience Management Effortsv i s i t u s a t w w w . c m t e v e n t s . c o m

A 2-day intensive program on5 <strong>Steps</strong> <strong>To</strong> <strong>Outstanding</strong><strong>Customer</strong> <strong>Experience</strong>ManagementLed by Dr Raymond Teo, a leading authority in obtaining and using actionablecustomer insights for marketing, increasing value and customer experiences.2-3 July 2009 | JW Marriott Hotel, Kuala LumpurFocusing On:Step 1 : Committing <strong>To</strong>wards a Great <strong>Customer</strong> <strong>Experience</strong>Step 2 : Mapping Scenes and ActsStep 3 : Prioritizing and Excelling in Scenes and ActsStep 4 : Ensuring Organizational AlignmentStep 5 : Sustaining <strong>Customer</strong> <strong>Experience</strong> Management Effortsv i s i t u s a t w w w . c m t e v e n t s . c o m

Course ObjectiveIan McAllister, the former chairman of Ford MotorCompany once commented, “In the eighties,quality was the differentiator; in the nineties,brand was the differentiator; but for the 2000s,customer experience will be the differentiator.” Hiscomment has not gone unheeded. <strong>To</strong>day, the mostforward-looking companies such as StarBucks,Canon, DuPont, Apple, CitiBank, Intuit and Westincommit themselves to winning in the new arena byproviding outstanding customer experience. In anew world where many companies offer relativelyhomogeneous products and services, thesecompanies know that the key to greater marketshare is through better customer experience.However, winning the customer experience racecan only be achieved when organisations workholistically towards this end. The objective ofthe two-day course is to provide a systematicapproach towards holistically implementinga customer experience framework in anorganisation. The course addresses not only thetools that should be used to enhance customers’experience but also how participants can linkcustomer experience drivers to key performanceindictors in their organisations.You are invited to come aboard and begin yourorganisational transformation.Course ContentThe course introduces a practical framework forenhancing customer experience through a series ofsteps.Program topics, speakers and schedules publishedherein are confirmed as at printing time. Please referto the event’s timetable page at www.cmtevents.comfor the most up-to-date information.© Copyright, All Rights Reserved Centre for Management Technology S.B. 2009Day 1Thursday, 2nd July 20099.00 STEP 1: COMMITTING TOWARDS AGREAT CUSTOMER EXPERIENCESession Benefit: This step helps participantsappreciate and understand why customerexperience is a source of advantage forcompanies in the new economy andalso why all employees need to becommitted to this objective to win the race.• The weapon for the future• Getting the company ready for the nextbig Tsunami• Taking stock of a company’s currentposition• <strong>To</strong>p management’s commitment• Contextualization reflection exercise10.30 Morning Coffee10.45 STEP 2: MAPPING SCENES AND ACTSSession Benefit: Overall customerexperience enhancement can only beachieved by enhancing the interactionat each stage of the service process. Thisstep helps participants understand whatcomponents/elements make up theirservice process and map out moment-oftruthand contact points for closerexamination.• Looking at experience delivery using thetheatre approach• Identifying the ‘scenes’ and ‘acts’ ofcustomer experience in the servicedelivery process• Tracking customer experience deliveryperformance• Contextualization reflection exercise1.00 Lunch & Zohor2.00 (c o n t.) STEP 2: MAPPING SCENESAND ACTS3.30 Afternoon Tea

3.45 STEP 3: PRIORITIZING AND EXCELLING INSCENES AND ACTSSession Benefit: Companies shouldstrive to be at least better than theircompetitors for each service scene.Further, they should strive to be muchbetter than competitors in areas thatare important to their customers. This stepintroduces the tools for scene improvementand addresses how improvement activitiesshould be prioritized.• Using customer insights for scene andact improvements – no guesswork• Methodological issues for customerexperience improvement• Coping with the lack of customerhomogeneity• Developing customer insights expertise• Contextualization reflection exercise5.00 End of Day 1Day 2Friday, 3rd July 20099.00 (c o n t.) STEP 3: PRIORITIZING ANDEXCELLING IN SCENES AND ACTS10.30 Tea Break10.45 STEP 4: ENSURING ORGANIZATIONALALIGNMENTSession Benefit: Excellent experiences canonly be achieved if the whole organizationis aligned toward this end. This includesculture, structure, motivation, incentives,empowerment, teamwork and expertise.The holistic approach is addressed in thisstep.• Driving the customer experienceprogramme• Structure of front-line to improvecustomer experience• Employee motivational andempowerment issues• Service improvement within teams andsharing of knowledge across teams• Contextualization reflection exercise1.00 Lunch & Zohor2.00 STEP 5: SUSTAINING CUSTOMEREXPERIENCE MANAGEMENT EFFORTSSession Benefit: As customer expectationschange, KPIs must also change so thatcustomers expectations will always be metand organizations will always remainrelevant. This forms the focus of this step.• Using the Net Promoter Score metric• Developing key performance indicatorsthat impact marketplace outcomes• Static and dynamic KPIs: Suitability in adynamic environment• Aligning operations to key performanceindicators• Contextualization reflection exercise3.30 Afternoon Tea3.45 (c o n t.) STEP 5: SUSTAINING CUSTOMEREXPERIENCE MANAGEMENT EFFORTS5.00 End of ProgramWHO MUST ATTENDStrategic Decision Makers, Managers And ExecutivesIn The Areas Of:<strong>Customer</strong> Service, <strong>Customer</strong> <strong>Experience</strong>, <strong>Customer</strong>Information, <strong>Customer</strong> Relationship, <strong>Customer</strong>Operations, Consumer Segmentation, <strong>Customer</strong>Insights And MarketingFrom The Following Sectors/Industry:Hospitality, Retail Services, Financial Services, AirlineAnd Airport, Advertising, IT & Telecommunications,Healthcare & Pharmaceutical, FMCGS, Energy AndUtilities, Consumer Electronics, B2B And B2C. AllIndustries.SPECIAL LEARNING METHODOLOGYInteresting blend of practical hands-on approachesand close interaction between Course Leader andParticipants, cases, how- to exercises and groupdynamics.

REGISTRATION5 <strong>Steps</strong> <strong>To</strong> <strong>Outstanding</strong><strong>Customer</strong> <strong>Experience</strong>ManagementNamePositionEmailNamePositionEmailTelFaxCompanyAddressCity/PostcodeApproving Manager’s NamePositionE-mailCountryUpdate your details atwww.cmtevents.com090759A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZR e g i s t e rTO REGISTEROnline : www.cmtevents.comEmail : adminkl@cmtsp.com.sgFax : (603) 2162 6393Tel : (603) 2162 7322Post to : Lot 7.03, 7th Floor, North Block, The Ampwalk,218 Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala LumpurCERTIFICATE OF COMPLETIONA Certificate of Completion will be awarded upon successfulcompletion of each program. This serves as evidence of your personaland professional commitment to you career.PROGRAM TIMINGRegistration: 8.30 am, Program Begins: 9.00 am,Morning Coffee: 10.30 am, Lunch: 1.00 pm to 2.00 pm,Tea Break: 3:30 pm, Program Ends: 5.00 pmFees: The full Registration Fee includes cost of all sessions, luncheon, coffee/tea & documentation.Regular Fee* Terms and conditions apply.Cancellations, Refunds & Transfers: A full refund will be promptly made for all writtencancellations 3 weeks before the meeting. Thereafter, cancellations are not refundable. Asubstitute may be made at any time.Cheques :1 PersonRM1595Crossed & payable to“Centre for Management Technology Sdn Bhd”Photocopy Registration Form to Preserve Brochure Copy. July 2009TELEGRAPHIC TRANSFERGroup fee for 3 or more*(from the same company)RM1295(MIN SAVINGS OF RM900)Account Name: Centre for Management Technology Sdn BhdA/C No: 3 - 0903390 - 12Bank:Public Bank BerhadBranch:Grd Floor, Menara Public Bank Jalan AmpangSwift Code:PBBEMYKLTT must include additional RM10 for Beneficiary’s Bank charges. Delegates mustbear all bank charges and local taxes (if applicable). Fees must be NETT ofALL charges.<strong>CMT</strong>, a global organizer HQ in Singapore, is dedicated to the provision of latestbusiness and technology information through high profile conferences for variedindustries. <strong>CMT</strong> forums encircle the globe from Asia Pacific to Middle East to NewEurope/Russia and the Americas. <strong>To</strong>day in its 26 years of operation, <strong>CMT</strong> has forgedrelationship with leading market player in the industry to analyze the latest industrytrends and provide timely information for your decision making.o n l i n e ~ w w w . c m t e v e n t s . c o mFACILITATORDR RAYMOND TEO is an author, thought-leader and practitionerof marketing-oriented customer insights. As a thought leader,he is regularly invited to speak at international conferences andconduct masterclasses in such fields. Some of the topics hespoke on recently include ‘Developing an effective customerintelligence framework to drive retention’, ‘Ensuring Superior<strong>Customer</strong> Information and Knowledge Through Better Designand Analysis of Information’, ‘Winning the Number Game:Transforming Valuable <strong>Customer</strong> Data & Information into<strong>Customer</strong> Intelligence’, and `Unleash the Full Power of <strong>Customer</strong>Relationship Management: The <strong>To</strong>tal <strong>Customer</strong> Intelligence andHolistic Implementation Approach’.Dr Teo had authored books that include ‘Maximising Profits: The<strong>Customer</strong> Centric Approach’ and he is also a regular contributorof customer insights and customer relationship managementarticles to many public sources including the Straits Times.He co-founded Blue-dge in 2003 to address the weaknesses inthe state of research in companies and research firms. He sawhow companies have spent millions of marketing dollars withoutever evaluating their returns. He also saw gut-feel and massmarketing approaches leading companies to their grave.Consequently, together with a team of chartered marketers andresearch staff, all holding doctorates from the best universities,Blue-dge was born. In 2005, London Weekly Telegraph regardedit as the “best-in-class, dynamic, exciting and shaking up theworld of customer insights”. He has not only helped manycompanies improve their customer intelligence frameworkand customer relationship management implementation, butalso global research giants develop consumer competitiveintelligence products in the region. His clients include Citibank,Canon, GfK Asia, Hewlett Packard, Great Eastern Life, SingaporeAirlines, Johnson and Johnson, Lafarge Cement, Ministry ofManpower (Singapore), EMC, Singapore Technologies, SouthChina Morning Post to name a few.He obtained his PhD with the University of Western Australia,Master of Business Administration degree from the Universityof Strathclyde and Bachelor degree from the National Universityof Singapore. In addition to his work in the area of customerintelligence and customer relationship management, he isalso with the adjunct faculty of the prestigious SingaporeManagement University and lectures at undergraduate and postgraduatelevels for the London School of Economics, Universityof Manchester and the University of Western Australia.

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