Complete Schedule of Classes - East Los Angeles College

Complete Schedule of Classes - East Los Angeles College

Complete Schedule of Classes - East Los Angeles College

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66<strong>East</strong> <strong>Los</strong> <strong>Angeles</strong> <strong>College</strong> | Fall 2009MICROBIOLOGY 020(UC:CSU) 4.00 UNITSGENERAL MICROBIOLOGY(UC credit limit: Maximum credit one course from Microbiology 1 and 20)Advisory: Chemistry 51.This course deals with the major fundamentals, principles and techniques<strong>of</strong> microbiology and its scope in today’s world. Attention isalso given to the scientific method, the nature <strong>of</strong> microorganismsand selected aspects <strong>of</strong> molecular biology, microbial metabolismand genetics. Common infectious diseases, the nature <strong>of</strong> diseaseprocesses, immunology and the control <strong>of</strong> communicable diseasesare covered. Procedures for disinfections and sterilization techniquesare emphasized. The industrial uses <strong>of</strong> microorganismsand current topics in genetic engineering, microbial interferon andhormone production are discussed. Microorganisms are comparedto the processes <strong>of</strong> other forms <strong>of</strong> life throughout the course.Note: Students who are not in attendance by the first 30 min. <strong>of</strong> lecture or labmay be dropped from the course.Evening <strong>Classes</strong>3863 lec 6:50pm-10:00pm M BELT, C J H6 102& lab 6:50pm-10:00pm T BELT, C J H6 1063864 lec 6:50pm-10:00pm M BELT, C J H6 102& lab 6:50pm-10:00pm Th BELT, C J H6 106MusicMUSIC 101(UC:CSU) 3.00 UNITSFUNDAMENTALS OF MUSICThis course is designed for the general student who desires to learnthe basic rudiments <strong>of</strong> music such as notation, rhythm, scales andkeys, intervals and chords. The student gains sufficient knowledge <strong>of</strong>the piano to enable the student to play melodies and simple accompaniments.This class satisfies an Arts and Humanities requirement.Note: For the general student.1073 lec 1:45pm-3:10pm M W NAGATANI, C K7 1071076 lec 1:45pm-3:10pm T Th COULTER, C K7 1071095 lec 9:00am-10:25am T Th COULTER, C K5 1083875 lec 3:30pm-6:40pm T FOLEY, M J K7 1073876 lec 3:30pm-6:40pm W JULIAN, S K7 1073915 lec 3:30pm-6:40pm M MARTINEZ, J E K5 104Evening <strong>Classes</strong>3877 lec 6:50pm-10:00pm Th CURINGA, N P K7 107MUSIC 111(UC:CSU) 3.00 UNITSMUSIC APPRECIATION IThis course provides basic materials, aesthetics, and structure<strong>of</strong> music through a broad historical survey <strong>of</strong> musical styles andmasterpieces from the Middle Ages up to and including the 21stcentury, with emphasis on perceptive listening.1072 lec 9:00am-12:10pm F COULTER, C K7 1071074 lec 9:00am-10:25am T Th BALIAN, M G K7 1071099 lec 10:35am-12:00pm M W STAFF K7 1076095 lec 3:30pm-6:40pm W HASTY, R G *SG 1208115 lec 12:30pm-3:40pm S BALIAN, M G *SG 120*South Gate Educational Center2340 Firestone Blvd., South Gate, CA 90280Evening <strong>Classes</strong>3878 lec 6:50pm-10:00pm T SMITH, G G K7 1073907 lec 6:50pm-10:00pm M CURINGA, N P K7 1076097 lec 6:50pm-10:00pm W BALIAN, M G *SG 120*South Gate Educational Center2340 Firestone Blvd., South Gate, CA 90280MUSIC 121(UC:CSU) 3.00 UNITSMUSIC HISTORY AND LITERATURE IThis course traces the evolution <strong>of</strong> music as a reflection <strong>of</strong> changingculture in the Western world from ancient Greece to 1750. Topicscovered include Gregorian chant and the development <strong>of</strong> polyphonyin the Middle Ages, sacred and secular music <strong>of</strong> the Renaissance,and the vocal and instrumental music <strong>of</strong> the Baroque era. AlthoughThis course is designed for music majors who are fluent in scorereading, it is open to the general student population.3911 lec 3:30pm-6:40pm M CHILINGARIAN, S K7 107MUSIC 134 (UC:CSU) 2.00 UNITS Rpt 3MEXICAN FOLK ENSEMBLEFolk ensemble playing and folk singing are coordinated according to theregional styles <strong>of</strong> Mexico with special emphasis on mariachi music. Indigenousinstruments are employed in the ensemble such as the guitarron,vihuela, guitar and jaraha as well as the violin, flute and trumpet.Note: MARIACHI ENSEMBLE.3879 lec 3:30pm-4:30pm W SOBRINO, L K5 108& lab 4:30pm-6:40pm W SOBRINO, L K5 108MUSIC 141JAZZ APPRECIATION(UC:CSU) 3.00 UNITSThis course presents a study <strong>of</strong> the elements <strong>of</strong> jazz as well as tracingthe development and evolution <strong>of</strong> styles and structure. Listening skillsare developed to enable the student to recognize the many differencesin individual solo as well as jazz ensemble interpretations.3905 lec 3:30pm-6:40pm W MARTINEZ, J E K5 104MUSIC 161INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRONIC MUSIC(CSU) 3.00 UNITSThis course surveys the electronic equipment used in the making <strong>of</strong>music in today’s commercial music industry. Technical, compositionaland performance skills utilizing synthesizers, computer sequencings<strong>of</strong>tware and recording techniques are introduced and developed.1075 lec 1:15pm-2:20pm M W DAWSON, R B K5 104& lab 2:20pm-3:25pm M W DAWSON, R B K5 104MUSIC 165INTRODUCTION TO RECORDING ARTS(CSU) 3.00 UNITSThis course is an introduction to the theory and practice <strong>of</strong> acoustics,audio, and recording. Topics include: the nature <strong>of</strong> sound, basicacoustics, audio systems and terminology, microphone principlesand usage, recording styles, recording studio equipment, and multitrackrecording procedures.Evening <strong>Classes</strong>3912 lec 6:50pm-10:00pm T JULIAN, M J K5 108MUSIC 181(UC:CSU) 0.50 UNITSAPPLIED MUSIC ICorequisite: Music 250.This course <strong>of</strong>fers individual instruction <strong>of</strong> one-half hour per week invoice, piano, guitar, or band/orchestral instruments, with an assignedinstructor on the Applied Music staff. Emphasis is placed on technicaldevelopment, interpretation, and musicianship at the lower-intermediatelevel. Performance for a faculty jury is required at the end <strong>of</strong>the semester. All students must successfully audition to enroll.Note: Instrumental or vocal lessons must be taken on a weekly basis with aprivate, <strong>of</strong>f-campus teacher.1101 lec 1:05 hrs TBA NAGATANI, C K5 102MUSIC 182(UC:CSU) 0.50 UNITSAPPLIED MUSIC IIPrerequisite: Satisfactory completion <strong>of</strong> Music 181.Corequisite: Music 250.This course <strong>of</strong>fers individual instruction <strong>of</strong> one-half hour per weekin voice, piano, guitar, or band/orchestral instruments, with anassigned instructor on the Applied Music staff. Emphasis is placeon technical development, interpretation, and musicianship at theintermediate level. Performance for a faculty jury is required at theend <strong>of</strong> the semester.Note: Instrumental or vocal lessons must be taken on a weekly basis with aprivate, <strong>of</strong>f-campus teacher.1102 lec 1:05 hrs TBA NAGATANI, C K5 102MUSIC 183(UC:CSU) 0.50 UNITSAPPLIED MUSIC IIIPrerequisite: Satisfactory completion <strong>of</strong> Music 182.Corequisite: Music 250.This course <strong>of</strong>fers individual instruction <strong>of</strong> one-half hour per week in voice,piano, guitar, or band/orchestral instruments with an assigned instructoron the Applied Music staff. Emphasis is placed on technical development,interpretation, and musicianship at the upper-intermediate level.Performance for a faculty jury is required at the end <strong>of</strong> the semester.Note: Instrumental or vocal lessons must be taken on a weekly basis with aprivate, <strong>of</strong>f-campus teacher.1103 lec 1:05 hrs TBA NAGATANI, C K5 102MUSIC 184(UC:CSU) 0.50 UNITSAPPLIED MUSIC IVPrerequisite: Satisfactory completion <strong>of</strong> Music 183.Corequisite: Music 250.This course <strong>of</strong>fers individual instruction <strong>of</strong> one-half hour per weekin voice, piano, guitar, or band/orchestral instruments, with anassigned instructor on the Applied Music staff. Emphasis is placedon technical development, interpretation, and musicianship at theupper-intermediate/advanced level. Performance for a faculty jury isrequired at the end <strong>of</strong> the semester.Note: Instrumental or vocal lessons must be taken on a weekly basis with aprivate, <strong>of</strong>f-campus teacher.1104 lec 1:05 hrs TBA NAGATANI, C K5 102MUSIC 185 (CSU) 1.00 UNITS Rpt 2DIRECTED STUDY - MUSICThis course allows students to pursue directed study in Music on acontract basis under the direction <strong>of</strong> a supervising instructor.1098 lec 1:05 hrs TBA LUPICA, A J K5 1083914 lec 1:05 hrs TBA HASTY, B P K5 108Evening <strong>Classes</strong>3908 lec 6:50pm-7:55pm W MARTINEZ, J E K5 104MUSIC 201 (UC:CSU) 3.00 UNITS Rpt 1HARMONY IPrerequisite: Music 200.Corequisite: Music 211.This course provides a study <strong>of</strong> diatonic harmony, including primaryand secondary triads and the dominant seventh chord. Topicsconsidered include the fundamental principles <strong>of</strong> part-writing in rootposition and inversions, the harmonization <strong>of</strong> simple melodies andfigured bass lines, as well as harmonic analysis.Note: Required <strong>of</strong> all Music majors.1077 lec 9:00am-10:25am M W NAGATANI, C K7 107MUSIC 211 (UC:CSU) 2.00 UNITS Rpt 1MUSICIANSHIP IPrerequisite: Music 200.Corequisite: Music 201.This course is correlated to Music 201 or Harmony I. It includes singingdiatonic intervals and melodies, two part play-and-sing drills, andsimple rhythmic, melodic and harmonic dictation.Note: Required <strong>of</strong> all Music majors.1078 lec 9:00am-10:00am T NAGATANI, C K7 109& lab 10:00am-10:25am T NAGATANI, C K7 109& lab 9:00am-10:25am Th NAGATANI, C K7 109MUSIC 241(CSU) 1.00 UNITSMUSIC NOTATION AND COPYING IThis course provides instruction and practical experience in thebasic techniques <strong>of</strong> music notation such as the drawing <strong>of</strong> notes,rests, lettering, and symbols and characters used in music manuscript.A knowledge <strong>of</strong> music fundamentals is recommended, butnot required.1079 lec 10:35am-11:40am M DAWSON, R B K7 105FMUSIC 242(CSU) 1.00 UNITSMUSIC NOTATION AND COPYING IIPrerequisite: Music 241.Advanced training in computer notation with emphasis on orchestralscore, layout, tablature, and desktop music publishing. Students willalso learn instrument transportation and part extraction.1080 lec 10:35am-11:40am M DAWSON, R B K7 105FMUSIC 250 (UC:CSU) 0.50 UNITS Rpt 3MUSIC PERFORMANCE WORKSHOPCorequisite: Music 181 or 182 or 183 or 184.This course provides students the opportunity to perform in a masterclass environment. This includes concert preparation, memorization,stage deportment, and critical analysis <strong>of</strong> performances.1066 lab 1:45pm-3:10pm T LUPICA, A J K5 108

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