Draft Secondary Plan Policies - Town of Innisfil

Draft Secondary Plan Policies - Town of Innisfil

Draft Secondary Plan Policies - Town of Innisfil


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v) The Mixed Use designation.b) Where residential development is located within proximity to the facilities listed in subsectiona), proponents will be required to undertake noise analysis reports prior to draft plan <strong>of</strong>subdivision approval. Such studies shall use recognized noise and prediction techniquesand incorporate appropriate mitigation measures to minimize impacts. The noise reportshall be prepared to the satisfaction <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Town</strong> in consultation with the railway whereapplicable.c) The Noise Analysis Report shall contain an assessment <strong>of</strong> noise levels to which theproposed uses will be subjected before and after abatement measures are installed, for theexisting and anticipated situation during both day time and night time hours.d) Where anticipated indoor and/or outdoor sound levels in a proposed development willexceed the Ministry <strong>of</strong> Environment noise level guidelines, tenants or purchasers shall benotified through a warning clause inserted within the registerable parts <strong>of</strong> plans <strong>of</strong>subdivision.e) Where noise mitigation is required, consideration shall be given to requirements for brickveneer, central air-conditioning, window treatment, berming, acoustic fences and separationdistances. However, along the 20 th Sideroad, reverse-fronting lots and acoustical barrierswill be discouraged and only permitted in limited circumstances where other possiblemitigation measures are not viable.f) Where acoustical barriers (fence and/or earth berming) are required, such barriers shall besolid. Any gaps at the base <strong>of</strong> the acoustic fence must be minimized and localized so as notto significantly affect the acoustical performance <strong>of</strong> the barrier. The construction material foracoustical barriers will be in accordance with the Ministry <strong>of</strong> the Environment’s guidelines.15.10 IMPLEMENTATION15.10.1 Municipal Services – Phasing and Allocationa) Development shall only proceed when full municipal services, water, sanitary sewer andstorm drainage facilities are or will be made available to serve all or parts <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Secondary</strong><strong>Plan</strong> Area, to the standards <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Town</strong>, and as provided in the <strong>Town</strong> Wide Water andWastewater Master Servicing <strong>Plan</strong> and the Alcona North Master Drainage <strong>Plan</strong>.b) The <strong>Town</strong> has conducted sufficient analysis to satisfy itself that the Lakeshore wastewatertreatment plant can reasonably be expected to be expanded to service development andinfill within the existing designated service area as well as the settlement expansion areas incompliance with the plant's current approved Certificate <strong>of</strong> Approval discharge quality limits.Alcona North is within the settlement expansion service areac) If sufficient servicing capacity is not available for all or part <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Secondary</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> Area atthe time <strong>of</strong> draft plan approval, such deficiencies shall be identified during the draft plan <strong>of</strong>subdivision review process. Allocation <strong>of</strong> servicing capacity shall be a condition <strong>of</strong> draft planapproval; registration shall proceed for only those plans or portions there<strong>of</strong> that haveallocation.January 2012 21

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