Draft Secondary Plan Policies - Town of Innisfil

Draft Secondary Plan Policies - Town of Innisfil

Draft Secondary Plan Policies - Town of Innisfil


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infrastructure sizing and conformity with the <strong>Town</strong>-wide master servicing and transportationplans.b) In extending services to the Alcona North <strong>Secondary</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> area, where an agreement hasbeen reached with the municipality, developer(s) shall provide adjacent existing unservicedor partially serviced residences with the opportunity to connect to the municipal servicingsystem.c) The cost <strong>of</strong> providing full municipal services to facilitate the development <strong>of</strong> land within theAlcona North <strong>Secondary</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> area shall be borne by current and future benefiting parties.This shall be achieved through the site plan or subdivision approval process whereappropriate provision will be made for using development charges, front ending agreementsand cost-sharing.d) The design <strong>of</strong> municipal services shall incorporate measures that minimize impacts on thegroundwater system and impacts on natural features.e) In the design <strong>of</strong> municipal services, where required, such services shall be appropriatelyintegrated with the surrounding servicing network.15.7.2 Sanitary Servicinga) The <strong>Town</strong> shall monitor the available sewage treatment capacity and shall allocate capacityin accordance with Sections 7.1.10 and 15.10.1 and future plant expansion requirements.15.7.3 Water Supplya) The <strong>Town</strong> shall monitor the available water treatment capacity and shall allocate capacity inthe <strong>Secondary</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> area in accordance with Sections 7.1.10 and 15.10.1 and future plantexpansion requirements.15.7.4 Drainage and Stormwater Managementa) Develop an updated SWM plan that addresses internal servicing and downstream floodingissues and complies with the <strong>Innisfil</strong> Creek Subwatershed <strong>Plan</strong>, the Master Drainage <strong>Plan</strong>,and Section 7.2.b) As required by Section 7.2.3, the Alcona North Master Drainage <strong>Plan</strong> has identified meansto mitigate downstream flooding by setting a target <strong>of</strong> 20% flow over-control throughdownstream reaches <strong>of</strong> the streams in Alcona North which can be achieved through:i) 80% over control <strong>of</strong> on-site ponds within the <strong>Secondary</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> Area;ii) The implementation <strong>of</strong> flow control from external lands can beimplemented to reduce the on-site over-control requirements (e.g. 15%flow reduction <strong>of</strong> external drainage through an <strong>of</strong>f-site stormwater pondsituated north <strong>of</strong> the 9th Line results in a 50% overcontrol requirementfor on-site ponds); andJanuary 2012 14

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