Draft Secondary Plan Policies - Town of Innisfil

Draft Secondary Plan Policies - Town of Innisfil

Draft Secondary Plan Policies - Town of Innisfil


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stream bottom. If that is the case, these streams will be classified as intermittentstreams and will require protection under the Lake Simcoe Protection <strong>Plan</strong>. To makethis determination, a full year <strong>of</strong> monitoring <strong>of</strong> the watertable at these features shall beconducted. This will require the installation <strong>of</strong> at least one piezometer or transducerin each feature, preferably with the depth <strong>of</strong> the water table being recorded with adatalogger; andii) For Special Policy Area Three on Schedule B16a, the butternut trees within thiswoodlot need to be assessed by a designated Butternut Health Assessor to determinewhether these species are affected by Butternut Canker and are retainable. If thesebutternut trees are retainable, the woodlot within which they are located will beconsidered significant and shall be protected from development. If they aredetermined not to be retainable and a permit for removal is obtained from the Ministry<strong>of</strong> Natural Resources, the lands can be developed according to the underlyingdesignation.c) If it is determined through further study that a Special Policy Area contains a key naturalheritage feature or key hydrologic features that should be protected, the implementingzoning by-law shall zone these features as “Environmental Protection”.15.3.13 Stormwater Management Facilitiesa) Stormwater Management Facilities are shown schematically on Schedule B16 – AlconaNorth Land Use <strong>Plan</strong>, but are permitted in all land use designations except NaturalEnvironmental Areas. Stormwater Management Facilities shall be used to controlstormwater quality, quantity, and downstream erosion in accordance with approvedProvincial, LSRCA and <strong>Town</strong> criteria and where feasible reduce downstream flooding. Aswell, such facilities may provide for trail connections or ecological linkages in accordancewith the policies <strong>of</strong> this <strong>Plan</strong>.c) Stormwater management ponds are generally discouraged where there are Low ImpactDevelopment alternatives that may eliminate or reduce their size. New development shallconsider the implementation <strong>of</strong> enhanced streetscapes to provide additional width within themunicipal right <strong>of</strong> way for the purpose <strong>of</strong> facilitating potential LID measures such as bio-retentionswales, which promote infiltration and improved storm water quality/quantity control at thesubdivision stage.c) The location and size <strong>of</strong> storm water management ponds shown on Schedule B16 - areapproximate and can be changed without amendment to this plan. Where a storm watermanagement pond is moved or reduced in size, the adjacent or nearest urban designationshall apply to the area where the storm water management pond was formerly located onSchedule B16.d) The general size requirements for the storm water management ponds were establishedthrough the Alcona North Master Drainage <strong>Plan</strong>. The size <strong>of</strong> some <strong>of</strong> the ponds have beenenlarged in an effort to reduce downstream flooding from current levels.e) The specific size and location <strong>of</strong> storm water management ponds shall be establishedthrough a Functional Servicing Study prepared in support <strong>of</strong> applications for <strong>Draft</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> <strong>of</strong>January 2012 10

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