Draft Secondary Plan Policies - Town of Innisfil

Draft Secondary Plan Policies - Town of Innisfil

Draft Secondary Plan Policies - Town of Innisfil


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e) As required by Section, the boundaries <strong>of</strong> lands designated "Natural EnvironmentalArea" on Schedule B-16 are approximate and shall be further refined through staking <strong>of</strong> thelimits <strong>of</strong> the key natural heritage feature as part <strong>of</strong> an Environmental Impact Study (EIS)submitted in support <strong>of</strong> an application for <strong>Draft</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> <strong>of</strong> Subdivision.f) Despite Section, a minimum 30 metre vegetation protection zone shall beprovided around key natural heritage features included within the Natural EnvironmentalArea designation ands such area shall be composed <strong>of</strong> and maintained as natural selfsustainingvegetation.g) Despite Sections and, any application for development or sitealteration, other than that permitted by Sections and 15.3.11 d), within 120metres <strong>of</strong> a Natural Environmental Area designation shall be accompanied by a naturalheritage evaluation which meets the requirements <strong>of</strong> Section 6.26-DP <strong>of</strong> the LakeSimcoe Protection <strong>Plan</strong> and Section 9.10 <strong>of</strong> this <strong>Plan</strong>.h) As part <strong>of</strong> a natural heritage evaluation or EIS submitted in support <strong>of</strong> an application fordraft plan approval, an amphibian breeding survey shall be undertaken followingappropriate protocols. As part <strong>of</strong> this study, ponds should be mapped to ensure there iscomplete understanding <strong>of</strong> linkages between breeding and non-breeding habitats, and todetermine whether the Significant Woodlands also function as Significant WildlifeHabitat.i) As part <strong>of</strong> a natural heritage evaluation or EIS submitted in support <strong>of</strong> an application fordraft plan approval, plant species that are rare in the watershed should be mapped todetermine if there are concentrations that would qualify an area as Significant WildlifeHabitat according to the Official <strong>Plan</strong> and Provincial Policy Statement.j) Due to the increase in impermeable surfaces from development and the decrease ingroundwater recharge and surface flows, the potential for impact to adjacent hydrologicalfeatures particularly the Leonard’s Beach Swamp provincially significant wetland needsto be further assessed. As set out in Section 15.9.3, a water budget is to be prepared forthe secondary plan area and is to address the impact on the provincially significantwetland. Once this study has been completed, the change shall be analyzed from anecological perspective to evaluate if the changes will impact natural features or theirfunctions, particularly amphibian breeding habitat.15.3.12 Special Policy Areaa) Special Policy Areas are an overlay designation as shown on Schedules B16 and B16a.These areas represent natural features where additional study is required to determine ifsuch features are significant and require protection or whether they can be included withinthe development area. Until such studies are conducted, no development shall be permittedin these features or on adjacent lands within 30 meters <strong>of</strong> these features.b) Development may be permitted within these features, subject to further study specific toeach Special Policy Area delineated on Schedule B16a and as specified as follows:i) For Special Policy Areas One and Two on Schedule B16a, further study is required todetermine if the flow <strong>of</strong> water in the streams is due to the water table being above theJanuary 2012 9

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