100% consent needed for gated schemes - MPSJ

100% consent needed for gated schemes - MPSJ

100% consent needed for gated schemes - MPSJ


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~....... :>'.".~"",,~,~,j--~Standard design: The guidelines willalso introduce standardrulings <strong>for</strong> the guard houses unlike the present situation wheredifferent materials like co~crete (above) and wood (right) are used.~- ,','~~l~::~;:tI.r~., ",1~:,};i~~J;~i~~fResidents see need <strong>for</strong> change but still put safety first> FROM PREVIOUS'PAGEparamedics were not able to get to him ontime as the path leading to his house wasblocked by several steel drums.Who would be liable in each ofthese threeinstances?Now picture this situation. A resident whousually uses a short cuito work to escape thejam on the main road discovers one morningthat the road is barred and a guard postinstalled complete with a guard stationed atthe site.Heloses his temper when refused entry andcrashes the gate.Tbe scene becomes ugly andhe assaultsthe guard in the process.Canhe becharged <strong>for</strong> assault?In the first three examples. Fernandez saidthe localauthority and the RAcan be sued <strong>for</strong>. 1~ /'2./'/U 10 ,allowing the road to be obstructed and, in theHe said this would legalise the guidelinescase of the last scenario, the resident may take and make them effective.'action against the RA <strong>for</strong> false imprisonment.He added that there could also be cases ofMeanwhile, Mohd Hatim Abdullah, a projectco-ordinator ofTIUI's guarded scheme, said heinsurance companies refusing to pay <strong>for</strong> damagesto vehicles involved in' accidents in awas more concerned about his family's safetythan the legal implications of being sued.<strong>gated</strong> and guarded neighbourhood because "What can I do? I'll do whatever it takes tothey could argue that the accident did not happenon a public road.protect my family," Mohd Hatim said, addingthat he, however, agreed that laws must be'These are just some of the complicationsthat can arise and any guidelines drawn up t!Lresolve the <strong>gated</strong> and guarded issue are uselessand will not prevent an individual fromasserting his legal rights," he said.Tbe only solution Fernandez said is to amendSection 46 of the 1974 Act and Section 80 ofthe Road Transport Act by adding the words- "unless approved by the local authority" tothe required sections.Izzuddin: No truth tobaseless allegationsBASEDon advice given to him by both thepolice and lawyers, Izzuddin Che Din, acouncillor with the Ampang Jaya MunicipalCouncil (MPAJ), has decided to ignore thelatest scandal involving him which hedescribed as a poison pen letter to politicallyassassinate him."I'd sue the person who wrote the newsletterbut as poison pen letters go, there is noauthor's name, address or any in<strong>for</strong>mationon the person who wrote it. It is just a baselessallegation," Izzuddin said.He said that any person with a legitimatecomplaint about him should just complaindirectly.'" will not entertain the writings of a crazyperson as I've got better things to do such asserving the community," lzzuddin said, addingthat he had seen the newsletter andthought it to be entirely rubbish.The newsletter was distributed afterFriday prayers at the Bukit Antarabangsamosque and contained allegations that amarried woman known as 'N' had lodged apolice report claiming to have had a sexualrelationship with Izzuddin. 'The story has been seen on several blogswith deputy Bukit Antarabangsa Umno chiefOmar Salleh denying that the party wasbehind the newsletter and urging eitherBukit Antarabangsa MP Azmin Ali or Izzuddinto make a police report on the matterbecause the people had a right to the truth."When' was first appointed to my post as»1 will not entertainthe writings of acrazy person as 1have betterthings to dosuch asserving thecommunity,«IZZUDIN CHE DINcouncillor in 2008, there was plenty of talkof me being unqualified <strong>for</strong> it I chose toignore that and the talks died down soonafter," said Izzuddin,who was appointed tohis post in the capacity of an NGOrepresentative."People can write and say whatever theylike. I won't comment on it because there isno point: What is important is fulfillingmyresponsibilities to the people," Izzuddin,whose term expires soon,said.STARITarikb: ..J..2..MAB..lIJ1Q,;..,amended to legalise <strong>gated</strong> and guarded<strong>schemes</strong> in the city.Resident Charles Ramesh, who lives inBangsar,said he slept better at night knowingthat a guard was patrolling the area, butagreed that the legal implicationswere alsoamatter that should be addressed and hopedthat the government would do something toamend the relevant laws."

KontrakKSNdisamb-ung~setah~u~nla ,PUTRAJAYA - Tan Sri Mohd. SidekHassan dilantik semula sebagai KetuaSetiausaha Negara (KSN) secara kontrakselama setahun mulai 24 Jun inihingga 23 Jun 2011, Pejabat PerdanaMenteri mengumumkan semalam.Pelantikan semula Molid. Sidek, 58,telah .diperkenankan ol~h Yang di-::PertuanAgong, Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidinatas kepentingan negara, kata kenyataanyang dikeluarkan di sini.~'Perkhidmatan beliau sebagai KetuaSetiausaha Negara masih diperlukan terutamadal:vn meningkatkan lagi sistem penyam-KOSMOT.arlkh: 1 2 MAR LUlU .paian perkhidmatan awam," kata ke-'nyataan itu. ' IMenurut kenyataan itu, Mohd. Sidekdilantik sebagai KSN pada 3 September I2006 sehingga bersara wajib pada 23:Jun 2007 kerana mencapai umur 56.tahun pada tarikh tersebut. -Seterusnya beliau dilantik semula secarakontrak sebagai KSN untuk tempohdua tahun mulai 24 Jun 2007 hingga23 Jun 2009.Perkhidmatan beliau kemudian dilan-. jutkan lagi untUk tempoh setahun mulai24 Jun 2009 hingga 23 Jun 2010.- Bernama---~~- - -.-~- .-

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