The First President - University of Wisconsin - Green Bay

The First President - University of Wisconsin - Green Bay

The First President - University of Wisconsin - Green Bay


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>First</strong> <strong>President</strong>We play ‘Where are they now?’and catch up with alumni movers,shakers and difference makers,student leaders past and presentScott Knapp, atgroundbreaking in 1967,and still a president todayAnnual Report IssueNOVEMBER 2008

Notes from 2420 Nicolet…Take it from a returning son:<strong>The</strong>re’s something special hereGreetings from the campus <strong>of</strong> the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wisconsin</strong>-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>!It is a privilege and honor to serve as your interim chancellor, and to return to my roots.I took my first college classes at the old two-year center on Baird Street. A few years later, whenI was a newly minted Ph.D. and UW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> a brand-new university, this institution gave me my firstjob as an assistant pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> business.In the decades since, I’ve held faculty or administrative positions in <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>, Oshkosh and Madison,and spent time in communities around the state. I’ve also worked as an economic developmentconsultant and witnessed various models applied to regional collaboration, education and economicgrowth.Clearly, <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> has it right. I say that because <strong>of</strong> the level <strong>of</strong> commitment here, from friendsthroughout the region, from the Alumni and Founders Association boards, the Council <strong>of</strong> Trustees,elected <strong>of</strong>ficials, our retired employees, current students, faculty and staff. I have seen few universitiesso tightly connected with their communities and regions.<strong>The</strong> people <strong>of</strong> the New North region have a stake in the success <strong>of</strong> their <strong>University</strong> and its futuregrowth. That’s why I am convinced that not only will UW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> move forward, it will do so at apace that will be the envy <strong>of</strong> others. This institution has an exceptionally bright future.To community and campus, I say “thank you” for your warm reception. To alumni and friends far andwide, feel free to contact me by e-mail at wardd@uwgb.edu or by phone at (920) 465-2207. Mythanks to each and every one <strong>of</strong> you for all you do for our <strong>University</strong> and its efforts to connect learningto life.Inside UW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>November 2008Volume 35, No. 1EditorChris SampsonEditorial StaffChris SampsonSue BodillyMike HeineDesignerYvonne SplanPhotographerEric Miller21216FEATURESA civics lessonStudent leaders graduate to politics,community action‘ U ’–Tu b eCampus videos hit markAnnual Report• Donor honor rolls• New endowed scholarshipsinclude Liebs, Kress (right)• <strong>The</strong> Campaign for UW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>71225David WardInterim ChancellorContributingPhotographersJenna NeumannMatt Robinson•DEPARTMENTSDavid J. Ward, a <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> native and former UW System senior vice president, becameinterim chancellor on July 1. He is expected to serve until early 2009 and theappointment <strong>of</strong> a permanent successor to Bruce Shepard, now president at WesternWashington <strong>University</strong>. Shepard and his wife, Cyndie, thanked well-wishers (right)at a June reception marking the end <strong>of</strong> his seven-year tenure. Ward isn’tthe only founding faculty member now serving in a leadership capacity atUW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>. William Laatsch (left), a pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> geography with UW servicedating to 1966, is interim provost and vice chancellor for academic affairs.He takes over for Sue K. Hammersmith (below), now president <strong>of</strong>Metropolitan State <strong>University</strong> in Minnesota.Inside UW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> ispublished by the Office <strong>of</strong><strong>University</strong> Advancement andits Marketing and Communicationunit. We welcome yourcomments. Address themto: Inside UW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> Editor,C<strong>of</strong>rin Library Suite 815,fax (920) 465-2340, ore-mail log@uwgb.edu. Mailchange <strong>of</strong> address notificationto Inside UW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>,C<strong>of</strong>rin Library Suite 820, <strong>University</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Wisconsin</strong>-<strong>Green</strong><strong>Bay</strong>, 2420 Nicolet Drive,<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>, WI 54311-7001.12 Campus news34 Alumni notesVisit Inside on the web at http://blog.uwgb.edu/inside/Cover: Scott Knapp addresses the crowd on Nov. 3, 1967, at the groundbreakingfor the first buildings on the Shorewood campus. Knapp was president <strong>of</strong> the combinedstudent associations from the two-year UW centers in <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>, Manitowoc,Marinette and Menasha. <strong>The</strong> following year, in fall 1968, he and a few dozenothers would be the first to take junior-senior level courses at the Deckner campus.<strong>The</strong> new buildings opened in fall 1969.

We’reUW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>…and we approvethis message<strong>The</strong> message is this: In civic service,political leadership andneighborhood involvement, UW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> graduates are makinga difference.This issue <strong>of</strong> the magazine turnsthe spotlight on just a few <strong>of</strong>those individuals. We touch basewith 40 years <strong>of</strong> student leadersand find that many are communityleaders, still today. We meetup with grads who weren’t activein politics and policy as students,but now are, holding elected<strong>of</strong>fice or positions in local orstate government.It’s a source <strong>of</strong> pride for many,especially Jerry Olson. <strong>The</strong> longtimedean <strong>of</strong> students says creditis due students with strong workethics and an academic plan thatemphasizes problem solving andworking together.“When you look at what’s happeningin our nation, and theworld… all <strong>of</strong> the problems…I feel as though I could take across-section <strong>of</strong> our student leadershipover the years, take themand put them in a room, close thedoor, and they’d work it out. I feelconfident they could address anyproblem put before them. <strong>The</strong>reare so many outstanding people.”Enjoy this Inside.<strong>The</strong> <strong>First</strong>,and Still, <strong>President</strong>‘<strong>The</strong> institution ended up making a lot<strong>of</strong> good decisions as a result’Scott Knapp remembers the conversation thatstarted him thinking about a life in higher education.It was the close <strong>of</strong> the 1960s. He was in hisyoung 20s and about to stop out <strong>of</strong> college forduty as a military intelligence agent. He met upwith a favorite UW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> mentor, Pr<strong>of</strong>. WilliamKuepper.<strong>The</strong>y knew each other well. Kuepper had beeninterim dean in charge <strong>of</strong> the two-year <strong>Green</strong><strong>Bay</strong> center as it ramped up to become a fouryearuniversity. Knapp was president <strong>of</strong> studentgovernment. He and his fellow leaders enjoyeda fair amount <strong>of</strong> influence thanks to the wayUWGB enlisted students in shaping its innovativeapproach.<strong>The</strong> two exchanged best wishes. Kuepperencouraged Knapp to return to finish his degreewhen his three-year tour was up, and also put ina plug for an eventual academic career. What’smore, he even predicted it.“Once you’ve tasted blood,” Kuepper said, inmock seriousness, “you’ll be back for more.”Even then it was an old joke, an inside crack onthe supposed low-stakes nature <strong>of</strong> campus politics.Almost 40 years later, though, both menrecall the exchange, and smile that it provedaccurate.Knapp returned to finish his degree and he didenter higher education. Today he is president <strong>of</strong>Central Maine Community College.He continues to admire the governance modelset by Kuepper and, particularly, FoundingChancellor Edward Weidner.“Weidner committed to student input. He toldus, ‘I’m going to always ask you what you think.And if I ever forget, call me up and tell me,’”Knapp says. “<strong>The</strong> institution ended up makinga lot <strong>of</strong> good decisions as a result.”Short-staffed, operating out <strong>of</strong> makeshift<strong>of</strong>fices and scrambling to prepare for the fall1969 opening <strong>of</strong> the Shorewood campus, the<strong>University</strong> delegated plenty <strong>of</strong> work to studentslike Knapp. He became an aide to the studentaffairs director, Donald Makuen, and helpedwrite and edit early promotional material.In the classroom, Knapp wasenergized, and in his favoritesubject <strong>of</strong> political sciencehe “lucked into somethingspecial.” (Since it wasWeidner’s own field, Knappsuggests today, top talentand resources just naturallyfollowed.) He remembersRichard Fontera, the institution’sfirst faculty hire, andAl Swinerton as standouts.Knapp received his bachelor’s in Urban andRegional Analysis in 1974.Not too many months later his old boss Makuen,since moved on, gave him a call. “Would youstill be interested in college administration?” heasked, inviting Knapp to apply for a staff positionat a community college in Pennsylvania.Knapp got the job, and others to follow. Heearned a master’s, and then a doctorate fromTemple <strong>University</strong> in higher education administration.His first presidency was at the two-yearcampus in Terra Haute, Indiana. He acceptedthe position with Central Maine 11 years ago.He still remembers his roots in student involvement.“It’s a little bit more difficult at a communitycollege because by the time they get up andrunning, involved and informed, their two yearsare over,” Knapp says. “As president, I take itpretty seriously, though. And we do make betterdecisions.”Kuepper, who wasn’t all that much older thanKnapp at the time he <strong>of</strong>fered his counsel, wenton to a long academic career that includedservice as UW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>’s vice chancellor foracademic affairs. Now retired in Colorado, hesays he’s not surprised by Knapp’s success.“Scott was a very talented individual,” he says,“and for a fledgling institution our student governmentwas quite remarkable. <strong>The</strong>re is alsosomething to be said for taking advantage <strong>of</strong>what was a unique opportunity, for all <strong>of</strong> us, <strong>of</strong>being in on the ground floor <strong>of</strong> a brand-newinstitution making decisions and doing thingswith curriculum and governance and day-to-dayoperations. It was a tremendous experience.”“When you walk the UWGB campus now,especially those first buildings in the EnvironmentalSciences complex, it’s impossiblenot to remember the early days andbe proud to have been there.”– Scott Knapp, who spoke on behalf <strong>of</strong>students at the November 1967 groundbreaking(top). Today (far left, colorphoto) he is a college president in Maine.Four decades<strong>of</strong> studentpresidentsWhere arethey now?1967-68Scott Knapp (see this page)Auburn, Maine<strong>President</strong>, Central MaineCommunity College’74, Urban and Regional Analysis1968-70Donna (Scheller) LipperWest Hempstead, N.Y.Asst. to Provost for AcademicDeans, Queens College’71, Regional Analysis1970-71Sharman Sturchio1971-72Dennis Borkovec1972-73Wayne DuQuaineSebastopol, Calif.Owner, Grandview Systems’76, Individual Major1973-74Joe Smith1974-75Rufus Surhke1975-76Robert Stevens (see pg. 4)North Miami Beach, Fla.Enrollment Services,Nova Southeastern <strong>University</strong>’76, Growth and Development1976-77Patrick Hayes ’82Deceased1977-78Deborah (Hutter) MenacherWausauExecutive Director <strong>of</strong> Aging & DisabilitiesCenter, Marathon County’79, Regional Analysis1978-79Richard KnodtEnvironmental Enforcement,Department <strong>of</strong> JusticeWashington, D.C.’82, M.S. in Environmental Artsand Sciences2 November 2008 November 2008 3

1986-87Linda Lambert MeyerOlean, N.Y.Director <strong>of</strong> Marketing Solutions–Webgistics’87, Business Administration andCommunication Processes1987-88Don Hazaert (see pg. 4)Lansing, Mich.Assistant Director for GovernmentalRelations, Eastern Michigan <strong>University</strong>’90, Political Science and History1988-89Jay Wadd (see this page)MadisonChief <strong>of</strong> Staff forState Sen. Dave Hansen’89, Political Science and Public andEnvironmental Administration1989-90Timothy KaliesDe Forest, Wis.’90, Public and EnvironmentalAdministration<strong>The</strong> Mobilizer‘Volunteers ‘vote’ every dayabout the community they want to live in’When Sue Premo came to UW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> as acollege freshman, she found people willing tolisten, and in the process, she also found herown voice. It was the perfect transition into acareer in which she speaks on behalf <strong>of</strong> thousands<strong>of</strong> volunteers.Premo is the community relations director forthe Volunteer Center <strong>of</strong> Brown County. She isresponsible for special events that promote volunteerismand garner greater awareness <strong>of</strong>, andfinancial support for, the Volunteer Center.As elections draw near she reflects on her currentcareer and the fact she once held elected<strong>of</strong>fice herself (SGA president,1986).“Especially in this political season, it occurs tome that volunteering is the ultimate exercisein democracy,” Premo says. “From the peopledelivering meals, to community stewards erectingbuildings, volunteers ‘vote’ every day aboutthe kind <strong>of</strong> community they want to live in.“It’s exciting to be a part <strong>of</strong> that. I am continuallyamazed and honored to be part <strong>of</strong> the powerfulthings that volunteers do for our community.”Premo wasn’t always so self-assured, but her<strong>University</strong> experience helped reassure her thather opinion mattered.“I remember thinking every once in a while,‘Hey, I’m just a girl from small-town (Adams-Friendship) <strong>Wisconsin</strong>. What are these pr<strong>of</strong>essorsand other smart people doing listening tome?’ In the end, my experience at UW-<strong>Green</strong><strong>Bay</strong> and student government taught me thateveryone has a voice, and everyone can makea difference.”As a first-generation college student, Premosays she found UW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> to be “exciting,challenging, and a great environment for learning.”A rare campus attack involving her roommateshowed Premo just how much campus personnelcared. <strong>The</strong> chancellor immediately arrangedfor a group <strong>of</strong> students to participate in a ‘securitywalk’ to make sure areas <strong>of</strong> concern wereaddressed.“I was really impressed with how seriously Dr.Weidner considered our suggestions, and many<strong>of</strong> them were enacted,” she recalls. “Later, whenI became involved in Housing Council and StudentSenate, I continued to be impressed thatthe faculty and administration listened to studentsand we were <strong>of</strong>ten able to come to agreement.”Premo encourages all her fellow graduates<strong>of</strong> UW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> to get involved. Forthose living in Brown County, she’s got agreat place to start: www.volunteergb.org.Volunteer opportunities throughout thestate and country can be accessed atwww.1-800-VOLUNTEER.<strong>The</strong> Capitol Insiders‘Never shy away from an opportunity —you never know where it will lead’A decade ago Jamie Kuhn ’95 and Tim Casper ’95 werea formidable one-two punch as president and vicepresidentatop the Student Government Association atUW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>.<strong>The</strong>y and their SGA colleagues went separate waysafter graduation, <strong>of</strong> course, but years later Kuhn andCasper happened to find public service careers in thesame state, city and building. <strong>The</strong>ir <strong>of</strong>fices are now justa few floors apart, beneath the white granite dome <strong>of</strong>the <strong>Wisconsin</strong> State Capitol.Kuhn is top aide to State Sen. Mark Miller, Monona.Casper is policy director for <strong>Wisconsin</strong> Gov. Jim Doyle.“<strong>The</strong> most important thing I took away from UW-<strong>Green</strong><strong>Bay</strong> was the ability to prepare and deliver concise,effective oral presentations,” Kasper says. “<strong>The</strong> classeswere small enough that there were numerous opportunitiesto stand in front <strong>of</strong> your classmates and providean overview <strong>of</strong> your report, or lead discussion.”Nowadays, the audiences for his briefings are <strong>of</strong>ten thegovernor and cabinet <strong>of</strong>ficials. Kasper manages development<strong>of</strong> Doyle’s major policy and budget initiatives.His assignments have ranged from the Grow <strong>Wisconsin</strong>job creation and economic development plan, to BadgerCarePlus extending health care access, to CleanEnergy <strong>Wisconsin</strong>, a plan promoting renewable energyand fuel production. Kasper also helps communicatethese initiatives to the public.Kuhn’s position, too, requires flexibility. Because Sen.Miller is co-chair <strong>of</strong> the influential, budget-writing JointFinance Committee, and chair <strong>of</strong> the environmentalcommittee, his staff addresses policy issues across stategovernment. If that weren’t enough, Kuhn, a parentto three children, field supervises UW-Madison gradstudents in social policy, and finds time to contributepolitical commentary to “Here and Now” on publictelevision.“<strong>The</strong> one thing I’d tell UW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> students today,”Kuhn says, “is never shy away from an opportunity. Younever know where it will lead.”For more on Kuhn and Kasper, see Inside online.“If it weren’t for myexperience at UW-<strong>Green</strong><strong>Bay</strong>, I wouldn’t be whereI am today. Being involvedin student government,with the education I got inthe classroom, gave me thetools to become an effective problem solverand to understand the political process.”Jay Wadd ’89Chief <strong>of</strong> Staff, State Sen. Dave Hansen1990-91Timothy RoelligChicagoAttorney and Partner,Novelle and Roellig’91, Social Change and Developmentand Philosophy1991-92Julie Laundrie (see pg. 8)MadisonMedia Relations Manager, SenatorJon Erpenbach, 27th Senate District’94, Public and EnvironmentalAdministration1992-93, 1993-94Darin AllenAttorneyPhoenix, Ariz.’95, Psychology andPublic Administration1994-95Jamie Kuhn (see this page)MadisonChief <strong>of</strong> Staff, RepresentativeMark Miller, State Legislature’95, Environmental Sciences1995-96Jason HellwigNew York, N.Y.Attorney, Corporate Associate,Winston & Strawn LLP’96, Social Change and Developmentand History1996-97, 1997-98Sean LinnanSt. Paul, Minn.Attorney, Linnan & Associates LLC’98, Philosophy and Social Changeand Development6 November 2008 November 2008 7

1998-99Brian GoldWest BendVice <strong>President</strong>–Commercial Banking,Harris Bank <strong>of</strong> Cedarburg’99, Business Administration1999-2000, 2000-2001Kurt Kober<strong>Green</strong> Works MerchandisingManager, <strong>The</strong> Clorox CompanySan Francisco’01, Business Administration2001-02Joanelle JacksonMilwaukee’02, Social Change andDevelopment2002-03Nick KohnBrillionHigh School Social StudiesTeacher’03, History2003-04, 2004-05Jonathan VirantStockton, Calif.Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, Legal and Paralegal,Heald College, Hayward’05, History2005-06Nathan PetrashekMadisonIntern, Justice Gableman’sChambers, <strong>Wisconsin</strong> SupremeCourt; Member <strong>of</strong> the MarquetteLaw Review and research assistant’06, Political Science andPublic Administration2006-07Trista SeubertFargo, N.D.Graduate student atNorth Dakota State <strong>University</strong>’08, Public Administration2007-08Sara Duginske (see pg. 9)Washington, D.C.Lobbyist and grassroots/communityorganizer for a large environmentalnon-pr<strong>of</strong>it organization’08, Environmental Policy andPlanningPictured are (top row) Moore, Kristina Robinson, Kendra Petrashek, EricaKonkol, Nici Vaux and Kober; and (bottom row) Mary Baugher, Jackson andAnna Landenberger.“Looking <strong>President</strong>ialThis snapshot <strong>of</strong> UW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> student government leaders,dating to 2000-01, includes familiar faces, at least forrecent grads.Two-term president Kurt Kober ’01, is at right in the toprow. Kober rallied student support during his tenure forcampus facilities including the remodeled <strong>University</strong> Unionand what would become the Kress Events Center.Joanelle Jackson ’02, front row center, succeeded Koberas president. She and running mate Priscilla Moore (backrow) were elected with what was then among the best voterturnouts in campus history. <strong>The</strong> vote marked the first timeAfrican-American students held both <strong>of</strong>fices.Politics gets a bad rap because <strong>of</strong> election-time negative ads;broadening that image and helping people understand the Legislatureand the Senator’s positions is my job. I work for the people<strong>of</strong> <strong>Wisconsin</strong> and I think public service is a great job. <strong>The</strong> state<strong>of</strong> <strong>Wisconsin</strong> touches the lives <strong>of</strong> every person in this state, everyday. I am a part <strong>of</strong> that, and it makes me proud. My mantrais: <strong>The</strong> job is serious but don’t take yourself too seriously; theindividual is not essential but the institution is.”Julie Laundrie ’94Media Relations Manager, State Sen. Jon Erpenbach<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> toSanta Cruz toSacramentoBonny Hawley, once the topelected <strong>of</strong>ficial in student governmentat UW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>, is in herelement again, this time as a keylegislative staffer in the nation’smost populous state.She is chief <strong>of</strong> staff for CaliforniaAssemblyman John Laird, representingMonterey, Santa Claraand Santa Cruz. Laird chaired hischamber’s powerful budget committeeand has built a reputationfor supporting education andenvironmental causes.Hawley was SGA president in1981-82. She received her degreein Social Change and Developmentin 1983.“Just an outstanding person,”recalls Jerry Olson, longtime dean<strong>of</strong> students who helped mentorHawley and her colleagues. “Ourcampus mission has always beenproblem solving and workingtogether, and they followed that.<strong>The</strong>y were good at what theydid.”Hawley has been active with avariety <strong>of</strong> community and publicpolicy organizations. She servedon the board <strong>of</strong> directors for SaveOur Shores, a marine conservationgroup based in Santa Cruzand dedicated to education andcitizen action.8 November 2008 9November 2008”“<strong>The</strong> most challengingissue was engaging studentsand keeping themmotivated and informedabout what was happeningon campus. I alwayswanted to stay true tothe “bottom up” approach <strong>of</strong> leadership. Ithought it was essential to make sure thatmy initiatives came from the students andwhatever project I took on, they bought into it.Sara Duginske ’08Staff Member, environmental non-pr<strong>of</strong>it,Washington, D.C.Paper Caper YieldsMemories, But No‘Double-secret probation’‘Good morning, dean!’ Jerry Olson was normally alonethose days he’d arrive early. But turning the corner thismorning, he fielded a sunny greeting from two studentsparked outside his <strong>of</strong>fice, in sunglasses and Hawaiiangarb, reclining in beach chairs.SGA <strong>of</strong>ficers Karl Boehler ’84 and Steve Duchrow ’84looked ready to catch a wave, and they were — a wave <strong>of</strong>wadded, crumpled paper about to spill out <strong>of</strong> the Dean <strong>of</strong> StudentsOffice.“From floor to ceiling, side to side, back to front, it was just stuffedwith paper and newspapers,” recalls Olson, laughing.“National Lampoon’s Animal House” was popular then,and Olson says students were forever teasing about whatit would take to draw his version <strong>of</strong> Dean Wormer’s“Double-Secret Probation.”<strong>The</strong> paper caper wasn’t it. With help, Olson simply shoveledout. His leniency was arguably rewarded when thepranksters later found great success in seriously creativecareers: Boehler as an award-winning humanities pr<strong>of</strong>essor,and Duchrow as an arts center administrator.Says Olson, “Maybe I felt lucky I didn’t wind up with a horse inmy <strong>of</strong>fice.”“Pep rallies aren’t for everyone. Neither are picketparades. But somewhere in between there’s a placefor you to get involved — deeply — in a UWGBco-curricular activity that suits your style andsatisfies your sense <strong>of</strong> purpose.” This 1969pamphlet from the Department <strong>of</strong> Student Affairscredited student advisory committees with helpingcreate the 4-1-4 calendar, adding options to thecurriculum, and making students part <strong>of</strong> theinterview process for faculty hiring.

<strong>The</strong> Senators‘UW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> wasahead <strong>of</strong> its time’Pick any celebratory campus event overthe last decade or two and go to the photoarchive or online gallery. You’d be hardpressed to find a groundbreaking, ribboncutting or open house at which Rob Cowles,Dave Hansen, or both, aren’t present in atleast one snapshot.<strong>The</strong> two <strong>Wisconsin</strong> state senators are onopposite sides <strong>of</strong> the aisle, but share a commonbond as early graduates <strong>of</strong> the thennewUW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>.Cowles, a 1975 grad (and at right in photocollage), represents the 2nd Senate Districtcovering <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>’s southern suburbs andrural areas west and north <strong>of</strong> the city. Hewas first elected to the state Assembly in1983, and to the Senate in 1987.“I think back to those early years,” Cowlessays, “and UW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> was ahead <strong>of</strong>its time on sustainability. It remains wellpositionedto educate future leaders for acomplex world.”Hansen received his degree in 1971 as amember <strong>of</strong> the second graduating class. Hewas first selected to the Senate in 2000 andis this fall seeking a third term representingthe 30th District, which encompasses <strong>Green</strong><strong>Bay</strong>’s West Side and bayshore communitiesup to Marinette.“Ever since I graduated, I have felt a commitment,because it’s my university,” Hansensays. “I have been a schoolteacher, a truckdriver and an elected <strong>of</strong>ficial, and I havealways valued that liberal arts educationfrom UW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>.”A third state legislator with alumni ties isRep. Frank Lasee, Class <strong>of</strong> 1986. He is seekinghis eighth two-year term since 1994.<strong>The</strong> 2nd Assembly District covers Bellevue,Ledgeview and rural townships extending toTwo Rivers.<strong>The</strong> Student Candidate‘I think the voters wanted change’Adam Warpinski was a 22-year-old student at UW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> in April 2006 when hemade the leap from Student Senate to Brown County Board.Warpinski pulled 86 percent <strong>of</strong> the vote to oust a controversial incumbent in SupervisoryDistrict 1, which includes the campus and adjacent neighborhoods.“I think the voters in the district wanted change,” he said, “and they supported my effortto bring change to the board.”<strong>The</strong> political science major graduated in 2006 and won re-election last spring. He serveson the Alumni Association Board (and is shown grilling burgers at a welcome picnic forstudents this fall.)<strong>The</strong> political science major is the youngest but by no means only alumnus in local politics.Both the County Board chairman (Guy Zima ’75, a 32-year veteran) and City Councilpresident (Christopher Wery ’93) are UW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> grads. County Executive Tom Hintzhas taken courses at the <strong>University</strong>.“It was my position assenate liaison to SUFACthat truly changed mylife. While at meetingsand checking onaccount balances at theOrganizational FinanceOffice I met Sara Kraus(’92), who in part through many visits toOFO, I eventually convinced to becomeSara Nick.”Stephen C. Nick ’92City Attorney, City <strong>of</strong> Eau Claire(and proud father <strong>of</strong> Anna, 8, and Julia, 6)<strong>The</strong> Shopkeeper/Office Holder‘Be part <strong>of</strong> the process’<strong>The</strong> late Jarrell Yarbrough was one <strong>of</strong> UW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>’s most dynamic faculty members, anenthusiastic ambassador for his field <strong>of</strong> politicalscience. Beth Sheedy ’88 is one <strong>of</strong> his formerstudents who took those lessons to heart.“He made it clear you shouldn’t complain aboutlocal and national management if you did nothingto change it,” she remembers. “He alwaysstressed, ‘be part <strong>of</strong> the process.’ I have foundthat to be exactly the case.”Sheedy was reelected in April to a secondterm as village president <strong>of</strong> Suamico. <strong>The</strong> fastgrowingcommunity (pop. 11,000) just north<strong>of</strong> <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> is a mix <strong>of</strong> development, farms,woodlands and wetlands along the bayshore.<strong>The</strong> president and six trustees guide policy, afull-time administrative staff handles day-todayoperations.“Sheedy has her own day job, as owner <strong>of</strong> Beth’sBoutique, a women’s clothing and accessorystore located in a historic former inn at the VickeryVillage shops. With retail by day and, <strong>of</strong>ten,village business by night, free time is scarce.“I believe we all get to a point in life where weask ourselves what it is we can do to make a difference,”says Sheedy, who grew up on a farm inSuamico. “I felt the need to give back to a communitythat has been so good to my family.”As village president, she pledges good servicesat a reasonable tax rate. She also remembersher former pr<strong>of</strong>’s passion for civic involvement.“By being part <strong>of</strong> the process, you make a differencefor the community, but you’re also morepassionate and enthusiastic about life in general,and about living in Suamico. It’s rewarding.”My sophomore year, I thought I would get more involved so I joinedthe “Protection and Welfare” Committee in the apartments. Onenight while sitting around brain-storming, somebody said ‘How canwe beat Madison at something?’ and then suggested we be the firstschool to get condom machines. It was controversial, in the news,but the students (stressing health issues) made it happen. <strong>The</strong> nextsemester, I repented and joined InterVarsity Christian Fellowship andlater became president <strong>of</strong> the Student Education Association.Amy (Perras) Cull ’89Drama, English and American Studies teacherOak Lawn, Ill.”Dean callsstudents, actiona winning ticketSue Keihn, who has worked withthousands <strong>of</strong> students and hundreds<strong>of</strong> student governmentleaders since her 1996 appointmentas UW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> dean <strong>of</strong>students, sees a win-win.“Involvement does several things,”Keihn says. “It provides the <strong>University</strong>with student input on policiesand fees. Most importantly,it gives students more opportunitiesto apply their learningto leadership, decision-making,teamwork and to serving the community.”Today’s students are buildingon a tradition. From the 1970sthrough the 1990s, when the UWSystem presented a <strong>President</strong>’sAward for Student Government,the <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> leadership was thefirst four-time winner.“<strong>The</strong>y’ve had a phenomenalimpact on the <strong>University</strong> landscape,”Keihn says. “<strong>The</strong>y havealso made life-long friendshipsand connections with the faculty,staff and <strong>University</strong> community.<strong>The</strong>y represent us well.”10 November 2008 11November 2008

CAMPUS NEWSCAMPUS NEWSNo fare: Buses <strong>of</strong>fer green routeto UW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong><strong>The</strong> “U-Pass” partnershipbetween UW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> and<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> Metro has taken <strong>of</strong>f.On any given day, the CircleEntrance bus stop sees morepassenger arrivals and departuresthan ever before.U-Pass is a pilot program <strong>of</strong>feringstudents, faculty and stafffree bus rides anywhere in thecity, just by showing a validcampus ID card. Student feesand campus parking proceedshelp underwrite the initiative.Students, especially, have takenadvantage <strong>of</strong> the U-Pass, saysPr<strong>of</strong>. Marcelo Cruz, who sitson the <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> Transit Com-Transfers lead fall enrollment gainsUW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> grew by nearly 200 students this fall, with a totalstudent population <strong>of</strong> 6,263. <strong>The</strong> total consists <strong>of</strong> 5,478 studentstaking classes on campus with 785 students enrolled in the mostlyonline Adult Degree and Credit Outreach programs. <strong>The</strong> 710 transferstudents set a record. <strong>The</strong> student body includes individualsfrom 71 <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wisconsin</strong>’s 72 counties, 37 states and 30 countries.‘U’-TubeCampusvideosnowonlineUW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> has a newly redesigned website for fall 2008. <strong>The</strong>site makes generous use <strong>of</strong> videos and photos to tell the institution’sstory. Also new: <strong>The</strong> school’s Office <strong>of</strong> Marketing and <strong>University</strong>Communication has a significant YouTube presence. Dozens <strong>of</strong> newsand feature videos are archived, among them:• ‘Clickers’ bring game-show flair to class• Speaking and saving the Oneida language• <strong>The</strong> amazing arrow-stopping power <strong>of</strong> medieval cloth• Students, children bond at grief camp• <strong>The</strong> energy <strong>of</strong> Phuture Phoenix DayCheck it out at www.uwgb.edu.mission. More than 10,300riders, including 5,600 in thefirst half <strong>of</strong> September, haveused U-Pass.“Sometimes when I rode, it wasjust me and the bus driver. Thatwas 10 years ago,” Cruz says.“Every seat is full now. That’sa significant increase, I think,especially given the realities<strong>of</strong> public transit in this part <strong>of</strong>the world.”“Incoming freshmen and parentsask about this all thetime,” adds Crystal Osman,outgoing Student GovernmentAssociation <strong>of</strong>ficer for environmentalaffairs. “With gas pricesincreasing, more students areinterested in trying it out.”War, Peaceon center stageUW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>’s first-everCommon <strong>The</strong>me initiative isproviding a yearlong focus forstudent seminars, book discussionsand public events in the liberal artstradition. This year’s theme,“Waging War, Waging Peace” ismidway through its fall semester<strong>of</strong>ferings. Among remaining events:• Nov. 7, Global Summit studentsimulation• Nov. 11, Private Soldierspresentation by NationalGuardsmen just back from Iraq• Nov. 14, War, Bereavement,and Resilience, a grief andhuman services workshop<strong>The</strong> Common <strong>The</strong>me websitehas details and dialog atwww.uwgb.edu/commontheme/.FACULTYRecipients <strong>of</strong> 2008 Founders Association Awards for Excellence were honoredat the all-campus convocation this fall. From left are Pr<strong>of</strong>. Andrew Kersten(scholarship), Pr<strong>of</strong>. Lucy Arendt (teaching), library staffer Sandy Bohman(classified staff), Oneida Tribal Elder Maria Hinton and Pr<strong>of</strong>. Cliff Abbott(collaborative achievement), Stephanie Cataldo-Pabich <strong>of</strong> Phuture Phoenix(accepting on behalf <strong>of</strong> Cyndie Shepard for community outreach), Mike Barry(institutional development), and Paul Pinkston (academic support).Students learn summer Pack fansare happy, free-spending bunchWhen the <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> Visitors and Convention Bureau wanted toknow just how much <strong>of</strong> an economic impact the Packers trainingcamp was having in the region, UW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> faculty memberDon McCartney stepped in to help. McCartney and some businessand marketing students ran surveys at training camps thissummer. <strong>The</strong>y reported an estimated $48 million economicimpact, 115,000 visitors and a 98 percent satisfaction rating withthe customer and fan experience.AND STAFFPr<strong>of</strong>. Kim Nielsen, Social Change andDevelopment, was awarded the A. ElizabethTaylor Prize for “<strong>The</strong> Southern Ties <strong>of</strong>Helen Keller,” the year’s best article in thefield <strong>of</strong> southern women’s history.Christina Trombley, director <strong>of</strong> the UW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> Small Business DevelopmentCenter, was appointed liaison to the UW-System’s Division <strong>of</strong> Entrepreneurshipand Economic Development.Pr<strong>of</strong>. Christine Style <strong>of</strong> Arts andVisual Design shared a $15,176 stategrant for “Creating Engaging and Effectivee-Learning Experiences for Art and DesignCourses.”<strong>The</strong> 20th anniversary <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Wisconsin</strong>Main Street Program brought honorsfor UW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> students in the category<strong>of</strong> best design project. <strong>The</strong>ir “<strong>The</strong>Broadway District Master Plan” was supervisedby Pr<strong>of</strong>. Marcelo Cruz, Urban andRegional Studies.Pr<strong>of</strong>. David Dolan, a specialist in mathand statistics, has received a $285,000grant from the EPA to develop a model fortracing and assessing phosphorus enteringthe Great Lakes.<strong>The</strong> UW System Regents approved thepromotion to full pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Regan A. R.Gurung, Human Development. Promotedfrom assistant to associate pr<strong>of</strong>essor withtenure were Scott Ashmann, Education;Denise Bartell, Human Development;Stefan Hall, Humanistic Studies; MarkKiehn, Education; and Kristin Vespia,Human Development.Appointed to the position <strong>of</strong> facultycoordinator for international educationis Pr<strong>of</strong>. Steve Kimball <strong>of</strong> the Educationfaculty. Pr<strong>of</strong>. Heidi Fencl, Naturaland Applied Sciences, was appointed toa three-year term as director <strong>of</strong> the newFaculty Development Center.Bruce La Plante ’80, who joined theInformation and Computing Science facultyin 2001, died <strong>of</strong> cancer Sept. 2 at age54. Boyd “Bish” Coleman, a former localbusiness leader who lectured full time inManagerial Systems from 1973 to 1981,died Aug. 10 in Madison, at 83.More than 100,000 readers <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> Press-Gazette andAppleton Post-Crescent opened their newspapers in May to finda celebration <strong>of</strong> UW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> awarding degree No. 25,000.<strong>The</strong> special section, “Degrees <strong>of</strong> Excellence,” highlighted25 notable alumni and drew community attention to theway UW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> contributes to our world, one graduateat a time. <strong>The</strong> content is available online at www.uwgb.edu/25000/TRAFFIC HIGH FOR FLASHLIGHT GUYAs a lead technician for theWeidner Center for the PerformingArts, Brock Neverman wastired <strong>of</strong> fumbling around backstagein the dark.Fifteen years later, he’s now in thespotlight, sort <strong>of</strong>, as a worldwideflashlight expert. Type “LED flashlights”into any search engine andyou’ll likely see his page first. It’sthe most-hit website on the heavilytrafficked server www.uwgb.edu.Neverman created his public-servicepage when the modern-dayinternet was still in its infancy.What started as a place to freelytrade technical expertise quicklyfound a mass audience. Manufacturerseven began sending himflashlights — pr<strong>of</strong>essional mod-Celebrating25,000‘Degrees <strong>of</strong>Excellence’els, consumer grade and prototypes— to test and review.“I have between 300 and 400flashlights,” he says. “Most <strong>of</strong>them, or at least half <strong>of</strong> them,were sent to me for reviews.”Now a father <strong>of</strong> four, and with differentjob responsibilities — heis the Weidner’s general manager— he spends less time in thedark, but still tests the occasionalnew model. To put them throughtheir paces he’ll drop, throw anddunk them. He even runs themover with his car.<strong>The</strong> ones that survive, and thesmallest and brightest, are thebest. You can shine your interestin flashlights on his webpage atwww.uwgb.edu/nevermab/.12 November 2008 13November 2008

CAMPUS NEWSCAMPUS NEWSOn the strength <strong>of</strong> recent gifts for student scholarships,<strong>The</strong> Campaign for UW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> stands at $23million and is poised to go higher with a majornew academic initiative. Steve Swan, assistantchancellor for university advancement, saysthe <strong>University</strong> is excited about potentialcommunity and alumni support for creation<strong>of</strong> a center for environmental managementand business. <strong>The</strong> center is expected todebut in spring 2009. It will capitalize onUW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>’s historic strength in environmentalstudies and address rising interest inAt $23 million, Capital Campaignlooks to the ‘green’the cost efficiencies and eco-friendly benefits <strong>of</strong> “going green.”Says Swan, “In the last year alone we’ve added more than adozen new endowed scholarships and created many moreopportunities for students. Now, with the (businessand environment) institute, the goal is that thesestudents and faculty across campus are going to giveback to citizens and employers by making <strong>Green</strong><strong>Bay</strong> a leader in sustainability.” <strong>The</strong> campaign’s $23million raised to date includes $11 million for theKress Events Center along with one-time and ongoingsupport since July 1, 2003.Students enjoy a more perfect UnionEvery few years, the <strong>University</strong> Uniongets bigger to serve more on-campusresidents, cater to changing tastes inprogramming and dining, and handleincreasing traffic.<strong>The</strong> Union’s latest makeover and expansionwas dedicated in September.“What I’ve heard from students is theyreally love the extra open space we havenow,” says Sue Keihn, dean <strong>of</strong> students.“It gives them more recreational space,as well as extra, and more visible, spacefor programming.”A 20,000-square-foot addition is thenew home <strong>of</strong> the Phoenix Bookstoreand the UW Credit Union, previouslylocated on the second floor <strong>of</strong> the C<strong>of</strong>rinLibrary. <strong>The</strong> Leona Cloud Commons— formerly the Nicolet Room and stillthe main dining area — was expandedto increase seating capacity from 275to 400. <strong>The</strong>re’s a new info and ticketingcenter just inside the main entrance,too.<strong>The</strong> remodeling opened space for additionaldining options. Selections nowinclude a Southwestern grill and pizzaoutlet in addition to a pasta bar, subsandwiches, homestyle dinner entréesand salad bar. Downstairs, the PhoenixClub has been updated and expanded.Student Life and Student GovernmentAssociation <strong>of</strong>fices were relocated tomore accommodating <strong>of</strong>fices, and theAmerican Intercultural Center wasmoved to the Union from a space in theC<strong>of</strong>rin Library.<strong>The</strong> project cost $6.2 million and wasfunded primarily with student fees.Little Shop <strong>of</strong>Horrors, FoyerFull <strong>of</strong> FoundersReserve the date Thursday,Nov. 20, for a fun evening.<strong>The</strong> Founders Associationwill host a cocktail and horsd’oeuvres reception at 6p.m. in the grand foyer <strong>of</strong>the Weidner Center for thePerforming Arts. For thosewho order tickets with thegroup, the festivities latermove across the street to the<strong>University</strong> <strong>The</strong>atre. Curtaintime is 7:30 for “Little Shop<strong>of</strong> Horrors” by the awardwinningUW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>theatre program.This format is a slightchange from the fall dinnerprogram <strong>of</strong> previous years.It reflects a new direction instewardship for the Founders,an organization <strong>of</strong> morethan 2,000 alumni, communityfriends and campusemployees.Location,location,location…and a ‘thank you’Len Seidl helped secure the beautiful bayshore location whereUW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> stands today. At May commencement, the<strong>University</strong> said “thank you” and presented the 88-year-oldretired real estate executive its highest community honor, theChancellor’s Award.Seidl in effect broke the deadlock when in 1966 Brown Countyand Fox Valley interests reached an impasse in siting the region’snew four-year university. Working independently, and familiarwith property and land owners in the vicinity <strong>of</strong> the ShorewoodCounty Club, he investigated and found that options onproperty could be obtained there at a comparative savings.Within months, state approval followed, and founding ChancellorEdward Weidner was soon leading tours and sketching outbuilding locations.Also honored with Chancellor’s Award recognition in May wasoutgoing <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> school superintendent Dan Nerad.RememberingBlair, C<strong>of</strong>rin, Longand MillerIn 2008 the <strong>University</strong> mournedthe passing <strong>of</strong> four influentialsupporters whose names andgenerosity are prominent on thecampus landscape.Dorothy Blair died May 20 after ashort illness, at age 87. Mrs. Blair andher late husband, John P. Blair, weredevoted friends <strong>of</strong> the <strong>University</strong>. <strong>The</strong>bronze “Doe with Fawns” sculpture atthe Nicolet Entrance was an early Blairgift, followed by $1.5 million to createthis irst endowed chair, the John P.Blair Chair in Communication..Friends and family gathered Oct. 4on campus to remember Peter C<strong>of</strong>rin,who passed away last summer at age63. Gifts by Peter and family mamberscreated UW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>’s C<strong>of</strong>rinMemorial Arboretum. An overlookdeck on an arboretum hillside has beendedicated in Peter’s honor.Donald Long Hall is a fittingremembrance <strong>of</strong> the longtime campusadvocate and business leader, whopassed away in May at age 80. Longco-chaired the <strong>University</strong>’s first capitalcampaign, helping raise more than$2.5 million in the early 1980s forscholarships, pr<strong>of</strong>essorships and seedmoney to construct residence halls.Norman Miller, a founding member <strong>of</strong>the UW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> Founders Association,died Jan. 1 in <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> at age86. His family’s generosity extendedcommunitywide, yielding scholarshipfunds for students, and resources topursue initiatives in health care andsocial justice.14 November 2008 15November 2008

Annual ReportAnnual Report2007-08<strong>The</strong> FOUNDERS ASSOCIATIONTHE GENEROSITY OF PRIVATE DONORS made 2007-08 another strong year forthe <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wisconsin</strong>-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>. At the center <strong>of</strong> this success is the FoundersAssociation. With contributions from hundreds <strong>of</strong> community members, corporationsand foundations, and from more than a thousand alumni, retirees and currentemployees, the Founders annual giving campaigns approached nearly one/half milliondollars in philanthropic support. Proceeds benefit academics and student scholarshipsat UW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>.Founders Board <strong>of</strong> DirectorsDiane N. BeinlichBryan C. Boettcher*Brian D. BarBeverly C. CarmichaelMona L. Christensen*Dawn M. FoellerMary K. FrankSusan M. Frost*Jerry L. GanoniDr. Jeremy R. <strong>Green</strong>Noel S. Halvorsen*Kumar Kangayappan, Ph.D.Heather L. Karcz*Paul D. KendleJay M. Kramer*Benjamin W. LairdDr. Christopher P. LawsWilliam J. MaloolyJoan B. MillsNanette M. NelsonMichael D. PetersonKathy L. PletcherJames R. PrastHelen K. SchaalThomas L. SchoberRobert O. SouthardStuart L. StilesDonald J. SwetteJoseph H. Thibaudeau*Julie G. Wall*Robert E. ZimonickCurrent OfficersJohn C. Heugel*, <strong>President</strong>Scott Wochos, <strong>First</strong> Vice <strong>President</strong>Robert J. Cera*, Second Vice <strong>President</strong>Nicolet Society$25,000+1923 FundDr. David and Mary Ann C<strong>of</strong>rinPhoenix Society$10,000 - $24,999Associated Trust CompanyJohn and Kathryn CorioMs. Marjorie Buchanan KiewitBetty Rose MeyerJanet E. Meyer Charitable Lead TrustsPhoto by Mike Roemer ’861968 Society$5,000 - $9,999Blair FoundationCloud Family Foundation, Inc.Bernie and Alyce DahlinIrene Daniell KressDr. Herbert and Crystal Sandmire*Shorewood Society$2,500 - $4,999<strong>Bay</strong>lake BankGeorge A. Christiansen*Larry and Kay FergusonJanice Witt Galt<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> Packers Inc.HumanaJim and Mary Lou MajewskiSchreiber Foods, Inc.Scott and Cindy Wochos* Asterisks denoteUW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> alumni<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> Society$1,000 - $2,499American Foods Group, LLCDr. Betty J. Amuzu*Daniel and Lois BeiselRick and Susie Beverstein*<strong>The</strong> Boldt Company<strong>The</strong> Chernick Family FoundationRichard J. Chernick*Community Foundation for theFox Valley Region, Inc.Concerned Hearts Club –Northeast <strong>Wisconsin</strong>John and Judy CrainSharon R. DhueyDiane and Patrick Ford*Terry and Kris FulwilerGannett Foundation, Inc.Georgia Pacific Foundation, Inc.Godfrey & Kahn S.C.Greater <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> CommunityFoundation, Inc.Tom and Linda Halloin*Fergus and Bonnie Hughes*James and Mary Kabacinski*KIWilliam G. LaatschRichard and Susan Lauf*Louis and Susan LeCalseyTom and Bev LisleM&I Marshall & Ilsley BankJames and Doris Madigan*Tom and Jewele MakiMike and Kate Meeuwsen*Timothy P. MeyerNorman MillerFamily Foundation, Inc.Northeastern <strong>Wisconsin</strong> OncologyNursing SocietyTom and Joan OlsonKathy Pletcher and Charles MatterKramer and Carolyn RockBob and Jolyce Rupp*John and Diane Salentine*Schott Family*Daniel T. SegersinBruce and Cyndie ShepardRoy and Hallie StumpfSteve and Karen SwanTax Executives Institute, Inc.-Northeast <strong>Wisconsin</strong> ChapterJan and Dennis ThorntonCarol VendtWells Fargo FoundationWeyers Family Foundation, Inc.Judith S. WochosFounders Partner$500 - $999Anonymous (3)John and Lucy Arendt*Bank Mutual CorporationRick and Barbara Barker*Bryan and Mary Beth Boettcher*John and Gisela BroganFrances A. BubolzBob and Carol BushRobert and Carrie Cera*Eleanor J. CrandallBruce and Sandy Deadman*Fritz and Jan EricksonFidelity Charitable Gift FundMax and Susan Frost*Scott and Debbie FurlongGochnauer Family FoundationDan and Nancy GullingDon and Phyl HardenPhil and Betsy Hendrickson*Mike and Kathy HerrityMelissa Jackson, Esq.Bernard O. and Sally J. KilloranShane and Sheila Kohl*Richard and Jaime Leick*Jane A. MaierPaula L. MarcecSteven C. Karbon*Joni and Ed Meyer, Jr.David and Debra Muench*Reg and Jane MuhlJeffrey W. Netols*PDQ Manufacturing Inc.Donna RitchDrs. Paul and <strong>The</strong>a SagerMarilyn and Mick SagrilloRichard and Helen SchaalSchenck SCPaul and Carol SchierlShopko Stores, Inc.Stuart and Nancy StilesDavid and Barbara StromMichael Tarris and Mary Mollay*Christopher J. Tolan*Sherri Underwood*Russell P. Vogel*Rick and Heidi Warpinski*Rolfe and Judith WhiteWipfli LLP<strong>Wisconsin</strong> Public Service Corp.Gregory Zickuhr*Founders Associate$250 - $499Anonymous (5)*Dick and Lora Anderson*Associated Banc-Corp.Mark L. Backman*John S. Bain*Michael and Karen R. BarryDiane and Jeff BeinlichBerners-Schober Associates, Inc.Wallace and Elaine BlomquistKen and Carrie Both<strong>of</strong>Dr. and Mrs. Christopher LawsRandy and Ann ChristophersonJeffery T. Cordry*Julie Londo Davenport*Arie and Sandy DeWaal*Craig S. Dickman*Yarvelle Draper-KingCurt Dworak andDebra Christensen-Dworak*Easter FoundationRalph and Betty EngebosDavid and Beverly FeldhausenSusan Finco and Ed KralovecDawn and Robert FoellerKelly J. FranzKimberly A. Garner*Mark and Carrie Gerke*Suzanne Goral*Walter P. Gould*Dr. Jeremy and Elizabeth <strong>Green</strong>Jay and Nancy Hamann<strong>The</strong>rese K. HathwayThomas and Jill HerlacheCurt HeuerJohn and Nancy Heugel*Cecilia M. Hintz*Bob Howe and Amy Wolf*Jim and Jan Hurd*Norbert and Joan JadinMichael H. Johnson*Greg and Sue Johnson*Jonathan and Terri JohnsonKathleen L. Kasten*Dennis and Sue KeihnDavid and Peggy Kieper*Tom and Stacey Klimek*Leonard & Finco Public Relations, Inc.Al and Maurine LoomerDan McIver and Debbie Kirch*Patrick and Ann MurphyDavid L. OutcaltJames and Kelli PrastJerrold Rodesch and Sidney BremerChristopher and Carolyn SampsonBill and Adrienne SchmitzTom Schober andSuzan Schober-Murray*Timothy and Laurie Sewall*Norbert and Mary Ann Siolka*Bob and Martha SouthardDaniel and Elizabeth SpielmannSandra Staszak*Robert A. Stevens*Stan and Dawn Sutherland*Donald and Marilyn SwetteTosca LimitedPete and Kassie Van RemortelJoanne F. Vomastic Muka*Ellen R. Weidner*Karen Weidner and Kurt Klotzbuecher*Founders Member$100 - $249Anonymous (37)*Clifford AbbottCindy J. Allcox*Gerald E. Anderson*Jim and Jane AndersonRuth D. AndersonJennifer Oshita Archer*Scott and Lori Ashmann*Errico and Patrizia AuricchioMary Lou and Zeke BackesBetty L. BaerRobert and Barbara BartholomewDean and Kim Basten*Paula Kuehn, C.P.A.Terry A. Becker*Patrick J. Beimborn*Bob Blakesley*Andrew D. Bottoni*Pam BramschreiberSusan C. Bressler*Hilda R. Brovold*Martha L. Brown*Charles D. Brummer*Jane and Richard Brunette*Mark and Teri Brunette*Ronald and Lois Brzezinski*Gary and Debbie Burden*Lori Beth Bury*Rich and Fran CarmanMarla J. Carr*Eileen M. Charles*Trinidad and Billie Chavez*Bob Cisler*Craig T. Cobane II*Arthur and Nancy CohrsJuliet Cole*Lisa (Lemma) and James Conard*Robert and Anna CookSusan C. Costello*David N. CouryKaren CowanJoan J. CraneAndrea CueneHerbert J. Cuene, Jr.*Mary L. Cuene*Margaret M. Czachor*Thomas J. Dallman and Cheryl L. Long*Edna DamkoehlerSandra J. Davel*Carol R. De Groot*Keith and Carol Decker*Leo H. DeGreef*Debra T. Dhein*Shawn A. Dimmer*Mark and Luann Dorvinen*Mike Dorvinen*Joanie DovekasWilliam B. Downey*Micky DoyleWilliam J. DuffyRev. Ben C. Eder*Ken Eggen*Kevin Ellis*James F. Else*Scott E. Endries*Ronald W. Erdmann*John C. Evans*Kirby J. Falkenberg*Family Insurance CenterBarbara A. Feeney*Kevin and Jill FermanichJoe and Elaine FerrisJean M. FiedlerRoberta A. Filicky-Peneski andThomas Peneski*Patricia A. Finder-Stone*Lynn M. Fisher*16 November 2008November 200817

Annual ReportAnnual ReportDr. Kenneth and Paula Fleurant*William Forrest*Dr. Jack and Rachel Frisch*William A. Gaddis*Robert and Carmen Gallagher*Jerry and Sandy GanoniClifton and Paula GanyardSusan Garot*Lisa J. Gast*James R. Gill*Robert and Margaret Gilling*Brian and Heidi Gold*Norma R. Graf*Kenneth J. Graves*Ginny Gribble*Regan A.R. Gurung andMartha Ahrendt GurungDaniel W. Haefs*Noel and Mardi Halvorsen*Sue Hammersmith and Al UniackeWilliam F. Haney*James C. Hansen*James N. Hansen*Glenn M. Hanson III*Robert G. Hanson*Dr. Loren and Marian HartTodd M. Hartman*Lee A. Hartzheim*Jean Gagan-Hatcher*Kay E. Hawksford*Bill and Pat Hearden*Richard and Cindy Heath*Thomas G. Heinrich*Walter and Marjorie Herrscher*Mary J. HigleyScott and Lisa HildebrandHilgenberg & Associates, Inc.Steven H. Hill*Dean Hoegger*James and Joan HoganAnn M. Holden*Wayne and Karen Hollister*Barbara L. Holly-Fox*Debra A. Hoops*Roger C. Huben*Jerry Huncosky*Chuck and Carol IhrkeSarah E. Inman*Traci Seidl Janisch*Richard and Peg JansenConnie L. Jensen*Drs. Kumar and Sivu KangayappanHeather Karcz andRichard Zuehlke*Timothy KatersJohn and Linda Katers*Peter J. KelloggPaul and Colleen KendleVeerachai Kitibutr*Walter and Joyce KlunkKevin H. Kohrman*Anne KokCraig and Meg M. Kolb*Dr. Paul and Cyndi Kollath*Carole A. Kortenh<strong>of</strong>*Debra K. Koval*Tod and Julie Kowalczyk*Lola Krebsbach*Leigh E. Krueger*Richard G. Kusch*Richard J. Kvitek*James and Karen LaceyBenjamin Laird and Mary Jane RintelmanMark A. Lancelle*Jeffrey J. Lax*Paul M. LeBlanc*Robert and Myra LeMieuxJanet J. Lieb*John and Ronda Liebmann*Yu-Wai Peter Lin*Laurie Lindborg Parsons*Rory J. Lindgren*Donna J. Lipper*Luxemburg Physicians, LLPMelanie R. Maas*Neal J. Maccoux*Frank Madzarevic*Jill and John Mahlik*Peggy and Kenneth Maier*Marsha L. Malak*Scott and Mary Pat Mallien*Lee and Sally MancoskeSteven and Janelle Maricque*Michael and Maryanne Marinetti*Margaret A. Mayer*Don and Gail Mc CartneyMarilyn and Pat McCareyBarbara McClure-LukensArthur and Susan McGuanThomas McIntoshJohn D. Mefford*Jack and Engrid MengAmy J. Meyer*Gordon Haugan and Mary MeyerSteve MeyerMiezin FoundationSteven T. Miller*John and Joan MillsElaine MilsonKaren L. Mitchell Mittag*Michael and Cheryl Murphy*Dr. Ganga and Elizabeth Nair<strong>The</strong> National Christian FoundationLisa J. Neal*Jeff and Janice Neddo*Jeffrey R. Nelson and Jill L. Braser*Lisa M. Nelson*Nan Nelson and Doug Landwehr*Thomas and Hang NessleinDonald E. Newton*Dr. and Mrs. Charles NordellPaul J. Northway*Anthony J. Novello*Robert and Elizabeth ObenbergerCatherine E. O’Connor Steele*Terence J. O’Grady andJudith A. O’Grady*Dr. George T. and Ann M. O’Hearn*Catherine V. O’Leary*Dr. David L. Olsen*Katharine Olski*Peter H. Olson*John J. Opsteen*Jeffrey and Barvara Ottum*David and Susan Pamperin*Honorable and Mrs. Robert J. ParinsPamela Parins-Fisher*David and Susan ParsonsStephen E. Pasowicz*Linda Peacock-Landrum andJohn LandrumJim and Tina Pech*Mary and David PeltonSusan J. Peters*Mike and Koreen PetersonRobert Petri*Ron and Suzy PfeiferJennifer Pfundtner*Peter D. and Vicki L. Porter*James Potter*Michael A. Powers*Karen Prevetti KerstenPat PrzybelskiGregory A. Quigley*Wayne A. Raether*Jane RankDaniel R. Rathbun*John S. Rathman*Beth Regenmorter*Julie ReisingerAlan G. RheinschmidtCharles and Lenora RhynerAaron M. Richardson*Charles P. and Kathleen T. RileyJack and Ginny RiopelleJoan Robb and Tom DavisKatherine Rodon*Gary Rosenberg and Bridgit MaileChris Rosera*Ellen RosewallBruce Ross*S & K Accounting & Tax Service Inc.Tod and Debbie SandersMary Kay (Peters) and Jim Sanders*Todd and Kristie SandersSherry Lynn Sanderson*Scott and <strong>The</strong>resa Savage*Bruce and Barbara Schaepe*Gary L. Schinke*Schlosser ChiropracticHealth Care Center, S.C.Scholarships Inc.Amy M. Schommer*Sherry A. Schrank*Daniel Patrick Schreiber*Leander and Helen Schwartz*Todd Seabury-Kolod*Donna M. Sheedy*Catherine O. SmallGreg and Sue Smith*Janis and Gil SnyderDr. and Mrs. Arthur SonnelandPam and Rich Spangenberg*Spin Of Door County LLCSquareone, Inc.Jeanne and Joe Stangel*Jeanine Ste. Marie*Stephen and Lorry StilesJames L. Stillman*Laura and Roger Stillman*Penny and Gus SwobodaMr. and Mrs. Patrick Taphorn*Avinash G. Thadani*Ed and Sally ThompsonChristina TrombleyDixie and Jim Tubbs*Zeta K. TurriffUnion Pacific CorporationBecky A. Urban*Gary D. Urban*UW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> Alumni AssociationDale and Louise Van Beek*Myron and Carol Van De VenSheryl Van GruensvenPatrick and Dolores Van LanenKarl T. Van RoyRandy and Julie Van Straten*David Verhagen and Sher Brandl*Michael and Hope Voigt*Wayne and Sue VorpahlClifford C. WallJim and Julie Wall*Edwin and Nancy WattsMarjorie WeidnerWilliam Weidner*David B. Weiss*Kenneth and Margaret Wentker*Deb Wesolowski*Tim and Maryanne WeyenbergMike and Terry Wickman*James and Ruth WiersmaJan Wilkey*Jim and Kathy Wochinske*Steven and Vanessa Wowzynski*Ann E. Wuerger*Patricia A. Zager*Laura J. Zakowski*Dr. David C. Zawieja*Paula J. Zeilon*Bill and Mary ZiemendorfMrs. Harriet ZiemerJay R. Zimmerman*Mr. and Mrs. Robert ZimonickMichael and Diana Zorn*Steven ZywickiFriendUp to $99Anonymous (115)*Sarah M. Adams*Ms. Rachel Ahlers*Dr. Janel Alberts Underwood*Craig R. Allen*Shari A. Alloway*Brenda Amenson-HillJim Anderson*Pamela H. Anderson*Karen Andrew-Miles*Amy J. Angeli*Mark E. Annoye (Bugsy)*Renee A. Aprill*Harvey and Julia Arnold*Trudi A. Arnold*Kelly R. Aschebrook*Diane M. Austin, CPA/CFP*Edward G. Autio*Jean M. Bachmann*Ramona Back*Marjorie A. Bader*Joseph C. Baker*Beth A. Baligrosky*Bruce P. Ballenger*Florence Banaszak*Nicholas R. Bandoch*Chan & Gail (Gospodarek) Barden*David L. Bardon*Kevin J. Barnett*Sandy Barnick*Joseph and Lynn Barrett*Jean Barrett-Terry*Cindy Bartel*John P. Basel*Kevin R. Bassett*Joel and Kristine Bastian*Nancy E. Bastjan*Carl A. BattagliaRobert and Janice BaumgartTimothy M. <strong>Bay</strong>e*Monette Bebow-Reinhard*Allan J. Bedora*Jean Belke*Lori Belongia*Corey A. Bender*Victoria Bennett Veum*Tom and Nancy Bennett*Sally A. Berben*Bruce D. Berens*Jeanne Berg*Sherry L. Berg, C.P.A.*Robert and Ardyth Bergstrom*Thomas P. Bertrand*Gene W. Bethel*Jerome F. Bever*Paul Beyer*Stacy E. Beyer*Janyse L. Bice-Allen*Tom and Gay Bieberitz*Derryl Block and Steve <strong>Green</strong>fieldRobert G. Bloedorn*James F. Blumreich*Ronald L. Bodart*Sue Bodilly*Mary Seering Bodmer*Adelaide L. Boettcher*Tony and Cathy Bogolin*Steve and Kelly Bohman*Laurie A. Boivin*James and Joan Bond*Nancy E. Boone*William S. Bosiacki*Michael and Kris Bostedt*Kristin Van Epern andDave Bouchard*Terri A. Bouressa*Lisa A. Bowen*Carol BrabantAnn A. Brantmeier*Germaine L. Bravick*Gerard M. Bredael*Gregory J. Bredael*Joel and Traci Breitrick*Jodi L. Brennan*Maria N. Breu*Karl G. Breuer*Robert W. Brey*Kate Brickley*<strong>The</strong> Bridge to Health, LLCPatricia Mayer Bries ’73 andNorbert Bries ’71*Colonel Debra A. BroadwaterUSAR Ret.*Jill and Jason Brooks*Betty D. BrownBethany Bruce*Michele Brunner*LaRae J. Bruno*Marlys BrunstingAnn K. Buck*Michelle L. Budysz*Ken BurdaJames D. Burkel*Ann Grinde Burton*Jean A. Busker*Randal and Anne ButtkePat and Karen CallahanDaniel F. Carew*Lois A. Carlson*Susan J. Carlson*Dorothea Carson*Chris J. Carstens*Joseph G. Cataldo*Kevin J. Chambers*Brian and Tammy Charlier*Todd W. Charnetski*Susan G. Cherry*Catherine M. Chevalier*Rev. Carl A. Christensen*Anna J. Christian*Timothy J. Christiansen*Randal J. Christl*Debra J. Christopherson*Tina Cigelnik*Ericka J. Claflin*James and Karie Clement*Kathryn R. Clusen*Karren and Jaremy J. Cobble*Laura A. Cole*Candyce R. Conard*Paul and Mary Connolly*Eileen M. Connolly-Keesler*Janalee J. Conradt*Jane Stewart Cook*Michael W. Couillard*Sue N. Cox*Eric and Sue CraverDavid C. Crevcoure*Lisa M. Cribben*Kristin and Patrick Crooks*Thomas C. Crowley*Vicki Berchem Csida*Lynne M. Cunningham*Julie R. Dalebroux*Nancy McNulty Daleiden*JoLynn Damitz*Founders Associationquestions (frequently asked)Why does a publicuniversity need privatesupport?UW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> gets less than30 percent <strong>of</strong> its funding fromthe state <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wisconsin</strong>. Itrelies increasingly on tuition,gifts and grant revenue. It ismore accurate to describe the<strong>University</strong> as “tax-assisted”rather than “tax-supported.”Why consider anendowment when animmediate contributionhas such instant impact?Endowments take the longview. <strong>The</strong> principle remainsintact, and the <strong>University</strong>then awards a portion <strong>of</strong> theannual investment earnings(historically, about 5 percent<strong>of</strong> principle) to scholarships,research, programming—whatever is specified by theindividual donor. Remainingproceeds and new contributionsare reinvested so inflationwon’t diminish the fund’soverall value. UW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>has numerous funds whoseaccumulated payouts nowgreatly exceed the originalcontribution.I’m a recent graduate,just starting out…howmuch is $20 or $25 ayear from me really goingto help?UW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> has over25,000 alumni and is seeingsteady gains in their participationrate…collectively,you can make a difference.Engaged constituents, alumniand Founders Associationmembers are valuable advocates.Community leadersand elected <strong>of</strong>ficials view thedonor honor roll as a relativegauge <strong>of</strong> support. U.S. Newsand World Report factorsalumni participation ratesinto its much-anticipatedcollege rankings.How do I join theFounders Association?Direct an immediate contributionto the <strong>University</strong> throughthe Advancement Office byphone (920) 465-2074 orvia the web at www.uwgb.edu/giving/ and you’re enrolledas a member for that fiscalyear. Members receive specialnotice <strong>of</strong> <strong>University</strong> activities,invitations to FoundersAssociation events and thesatisfaction <strong>of</strong> supportingUW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>.Where does my gift go?Unrestricted gifts to theFounders Association supportthe <strong>University</strong>’s academicmission, including meritscholarships, student recruitment,international programs,faculty and staff developmentand academic programenhancement.18 November 2008 19November 2008

Annual ReportAnnual ReportTodd and Anne Danen*Dolores B. Dargan*Nicole M. Dashek*Ellen M. Dauplaise*Rick Davidson*Peter and Heidi DavisDebra K. De Muri*Dr. Thomas M. De Paoli*Patrick G. De Wane*Michele G. DeBaker*Margaret W. DeBruine*Jennifer Deets-Bartz*Cindy A. Defnet*Cate Deicher and Clark Kaufmann*Ronald G. Delforge*Leon J. Delveaux*Jayne M. DeMeuse*Rodney W. Dequaine*Neil T. Derkowski*Renee B. Destache*SuAnn and Doug DetampelDamon W. Detry*Christina M. Deutschmann*Dean and Marilee DeVillers*Lola DeVillers*<strong>The</strong>resa L. Dexter Ellis*Diamondback ChiropracticJudy A. Dickinson*Myrna M. Dickinson*Rachel A. Dickman*Stephanie S. Diedrich*Lavonne Dietrich*Gretchen Dingman*Joyce A. Dirschl*Tracy Dombeck*William and Michelle Donart*Susan M. Dondlinger*Matt Doran*John Dorney*Ruth A. Douthitt*Julia Drobeck*Wanda E. DuChateau*John and Angela Duckart*Susan M. Duke*Betty J. DunneMarcia and Tim Duquaine*Greg Durand andShannon Dooley Durand*Susan R. Durant*Nancy A. Dworak*John Dwyer*James and Sharon Ehlers*Thomas J. Eigenberger*Karen Ek*Michael D. Ellefson*Randy S. Ellerman*James and Mary Elmer*Carol A. EmmonsThomas L. Englebert*Deborah A. Ericson*Patrick Evans*<strong>The</strong> Fairwinds Group, LTD.Jennifer <strong>Green</strong> Fais*Mrs. Sally Faucett*Nancy J. Feld*Ruth A. Feldhaus*Jayne E. Feldhausen*Katherine B. Fettig*Randy Field*Kathryn Filipiak*Steven D. Fischer*Georgia R. Fleming*Beth A. Flynn*Andrew and Amanda Fondow*Randall and Barbara Fondow*Jean M. Fontaine*Cindy Ford*William J. Fosick*Paul R. Francar*Amy J. Frassetto Frane*Brad Frank*David L. Freedman*Nancy L. Friebel*Stephen J. Froelich*Vicki S. Furlow*Mary E. Gagan*Wayne and Sharon Gajeski*Mary Gallagher*Susan Gallagher-LepakMichelle M. Gamache*Eric T. Gass*Katie N. Gassenhuber*David C. Gehrke*Joyce S. Gelderman*Mark W. Genke*Mary Gerend Boll*Bill E. Gerl, Jr.*Carol A. Gibson*Ralph G. Giese*Ellen and Ross Gilbert*Victoria O. Gilbert*Lisa A. Gilligan*Joseph A. Gillis*Pamela J. Gilson*Ronald G. Girard*Michael J. Glime*Gregory F. Gloe*Paul H. Gobster*Dale and Mary (Brzezinski) Goodner*Kay A. Goswitz*Damon and Allison Grabow*Kari Jo Grant*Poppy Grant*Dinah A. Grassel*Kenneth F. Grasso*Daniel A. <strong>Green</strong>*Frank and Lynette <strong>Green</strong>*James R. <strong>Green</strong>*Joyce Doerfler <strong>Green</strong>*Kathryn M. <strong>Green</strong>*Richard E. <strong>Green</strong>*David M. Griffin and Laura M. Griffin*Thomas J. Griggs*Andrew M. Gurka*Kirk P. Guthrie*James R. Gutstadt*Julianne Gyarmaty*H. J. Martin & Son, Inc.Barbara A. Haen*Joan E. Haen*Mary B. Hagedorn*Darlene R. HalletWendy J. Halverson*Deborah A. Hamilton*Peter R. Hanaway*Robin Hansen Hartel*Leanne HansenSusan A. Hansen*James and Rebecca HarrillVictoria A. Harris*Ileen M. Hart*Rhonda Hartline-Knoespel andWes Knoespel*Virginia Haske*Chris and Linda HatfieldGwendolyn Hatfield*Aeron HaynieDennis L. Heart*Jeffrey Hebert*Scott D. Hedding*Frederick Heide, Ph.D.*Mike Heidger*Dan Heim, Desert Dweller*Catherine T. Heimbecher*Mike Heine*Marilyn Wiegand Heinemann*Kurt K. Heling*Chris and Candee Hendricks*Arthur H. Hendrix, Jr.*Michele Henry*Faith C. Hensrud*Lawrence J. Herlache, Jr.*Colleen and Neil Hermus*Al and Lynn Herrman*Marjorie E. Herrscher*Robert C. Herubin*Alan E. Hettiger*Dylan D. Hilbert*Pat Hilger*Signe S. Hill*Charles J. Hilla*Gerald and Patricia HockTerri Hodges Nichols*George L. Hodgson*Keri L. Holder*Mark G. Holliday*Mary Beth Holloway*Deborah A. Holmes*Robert A. Holmes, Jr.*Michael T. Hoppa*Pamela S. Hopps*David and Jean Horst*Katrina R. HrivnakL. Frank and Barbara Huntington*Kasha J. Huntowski*Sara M. Hurley*Thomas H. Irwin*Mary S. Jackson*David and Linda Jacobini*Denise A. Jacobs*Kathryn A. Jagemann*Kelly Jahnke*Mary L. Jameson*Mark E. Janiak*Pat Jansky*Daniel R. Janssen*Sharon A. Jehle*Cyndean Jennings*Carol M. Jens*Jacqueline Jensen*Kathy Jeske*Brenda L. Jicha*Brian and Kathy Jicinsky*Robert and Kristine Johanekand Family*Nancy Beitzel Johnsen*Barbara G. Johnson*Dorothy L. Johnson*Eileen Vanderwegen Johnson*Jon L. Johnson*Kimberly M. Johnson*Dr. Matthew and Laurie Johnson*Mary J. JohnsonMerry Noel Ott Johnson*R. J. Johnson*Suzanne M. Johnson*Dr. Victoria R. Johnson*Carol A. Johnson-Hohol*Suzanne Jones*Chris Junget*Robert and Marilyn Kahl*Rebecca J. Kaiser*Cory J. Kaisler*George J. Kamps*Deborah Karow*Antoinette M. Kasmarek*John H. Kaye*Cailin M. Kearns*Joan S. KeberleinGail Hermsen Keeley*Pamela L. Kelly*Diane M. Kelnh<strong>of</strong>er*Stacy Scott Kemps*Linda Kennedy*Andrew and Victoria KerstenElaine M. Ketola*Ken M. Kiefer*James R. Kirk*Chris and Kathy Kirschling*Michael and Joan Klinkner*David R. Kliss*Jeffrey D. and Dianne L. Kluever*Mildred Jane Knack*Mark Knaus*Richard P. Knodt*Jeanne M. Koch*Sue and Ray Koch*Bart D. Koenig and Julie A. Koenig*Jerry Koeppel*Dan and Faith Kornowski*Linda Kortbein*Curtis Kowaleski*David & Janice (Wochos) Kozlovsky*Adam J. Kozlowski*Jon M. Krapfl*Shari A. Krejcarek*Larry M. Kropp*Joseph G. Krzewina, Jr.*Diane Podolan Kulin*Scott and Sandra E. Kunesh*Carol J. Kuznacic*Galen La Duke*Bruce R. La Plante*Paula S. La Plante*Kristin L. Laabs*Sherry LacenskiJennifer L. LaCount*James Lacy*Lisa A. Langenberg*Joseph and Lynn Langer*David L. Langholff*Kathleen R. Lankey*Loretta M. Larkey*Janice K. Larson*John J. Latz*Judy A. Laude*John Laughrin*Jackie J. Laurent*James N. Lax*Cynthia L. Le Clair*Susan Brandenberg Lebergen*Bert J. Lehman*Rhoda H. Lehrke*Laure L. Lesperance*Shirene L. Lesperance*Carmen and Lloyd Leuthner*Gail Lichte*Lifestyle Health Systems Inc.Jason and Becky Litwaitis*Kenneth and Nancy Loehlein*Tom and Mary Lohuis*Barbara Ballo Lowinger*Anne E. Lubbers*Danielle M. Luer*Mark and Pam Luther*Terrence and Margaret Lychwick*Starr L. Lyon*Lisa Meadows Lyss*Carrie VandeVen Maccoux*John L. Majewski*Scott R. Majewski*Robert and Sandra Maki*Jan and Lynn Malchow*Ben and Deanna Malcore*Michele A. Malcore*Donald W. Mallow II*Ruth A. Manders*Brian and Kathleen Markwardt*Lucinda J. Marquardt*William E. Marsh*Mark Martell andKathleen Peters-Martell*Angel J. Mashl*Brian C. Massey*William and Kathleen Matchefts*Brian and Karen Mathews*Joan M. Mathews*Kathleen A. Matthaidess*Matthew MattilaNancy E. Mattke*Marjorie M. Mau*Margaret Maule*Helga L. McCann*Karen S. McCorkle*Joseph R. McGauran*Janet K. McKee*Joan L. McLester*Joseph B. McMahon*Rosanne M. McSherry*Meadowsview Counseling Center, Inc.Dennis R. Mehlberg*Constance G. Meisinger*Charlene M. Messenger*Mark and Jen Metcalf*Mark and Kim Mettelmann*Randy and Jan Meunier*James W. Meyer*Mark R. Meyer*Victoria A. Meyers*Janine and Joseph Micke*Kenneth C. Mickle, M.D.*Steve Mickle*Craig and Janel Mielke*Janis A. Mielke*Sheryl Mielke*Robert C. Mileski*John D. Millerd*Cindy A. Mischler*Mark A. Moeller*Paul and Jennifer Molchany*Joyce Eileen Monfort*Frank and Sherry Moon*Jerry and Susan Moran*Chad H. Moritz*Katheryn A. Mottl*Marilyn M. Mouritsen*Beth W. Mueller*Jennifer L. Mueller*Trisha Baker Mueller*Jim and Helen Murray*Sharon K. Nagy*Mary Lou C. Nast*Bruce Y. Neeno*Joe and Jeanne Neidenbach*Mr. and Mrs. William E. Nell*Vicki NellisNeil F. Nelson*Tom Nelson*Dan and Jeannie NeradKim Nielsen and Nathan TuffTim and Lynn NiemiJudy L. Nighorn*Joan NiquetteBetty A. Noe*Illene and Lloyd NoppeNorthern Trust CompanyDonald A. Novak*Maxine NovitskiThomas F. Novitski*Gary M. Now*Rick and Barbara NuetzelGary P. Nuthals*Pamela A. Nuthals*Robert C. Nuthals*Jodi L. Nuthals-Mikulsky*Kelly K. Oakley*Stacy H. Oatman*Michael J. O’Connor*Daniel P. O’Donnell*Stacey D. Oelrich*Kevin and Mary T. Officer*Cindy B. Olli*Joan A. Osthelder*Steven R. Ott*Nancy L. Pagel*Rebecca Gille Pagel*Karen F. Palmer*Michael and Susan Pankratz*Jack W. Paris*Michael F. Parmentier*Carol J. Paska*Tom and Sue Paulson*Ray Pavelko*Sherie M. Payne*Randy R. Pecard*Patricia Nelson Perry*Shirley Petasek*John and Lynn Peters*Charlene M. Peterson*Judie Peterson*Kenneth R. Peterson*Lynn and Paul Petrasko*Judy A. Phillip*Carol Pichette*Daniel J. Piekarz*Kristie L. Piencikowski*Judith A. PietschTimothy and Sarah Pigo*Todd G. Piontek*Bobette Nelson Plendl*Ann L. Ploor*Terrie A. Pohjola*Constance R. Polasik*Barbara K. Polich*Gregory B. Powers*Karen E. Powers*Mark and <strong>The</strong>resa Powless*William E. Preboski*Sue E. Premo*Stanley L. Presley*Joe Pribanich*Kathi M. Pritzl*Richard W. Propsom*Joseph R. Prosser*Abby L. Pubusky*John and Christine Quinlan*Teresa E. Quinn, M.D.*Vickie E. Quinn*Linda Reimer Rabe*Rachelle L. Rachubinski*Michelle M. Radke*David K. Raether*Megan Raether*Brian and Jenny Rammer*Anthony and Peggy Rasberry*Carl Albert Rasmussen, ’75*Kevin and Amanda Rasmussen*Red Cord GraphicsAmy Redig*Edward Reed*Nicole M. Reetz*Ann M. Reiser*Colleen C. RemleyDarrel and Sarah Renier*Charles A. Renner, Jr.*Nora J. Revoir*Kay H. Rich*Donald J. RichardsonBrian J. Riel*Douglas and Sara Rifleman*Johanna GrayAnn Sipiorski Risgaard*Pamela Younk Roberts*Susan R. Roberts*Mark and Jilayne Robinson FamilySusan M. Robinson*Caroljean Kores Rodesch*Ann RodrianKevin R. Roeder*William Roggow*James P. RohanJane W. Ronsman*Deborah A. Rose*Patricia J. Rosin*Kurt B. RotheHolly and Ryan Rottier*Tina Rozum*Diane L. Rusch*Ryan PhotographyShirley A. Ryan*Lacey M. Samz*Roger W. Sarow*20 November 2008November 200821

Vincent and Michelle Schamber*Elizabeth A. Schauer*Joan and Robert Schaupp*Susanne Scheider*Sheila Scheu Fugate*Jamel S. Schiller*Mary S. Schimberg*Jon and Amy Schlicht*Adam and Kris Schmidt*Fritz and Beth SchmidtPatricia A. Schmidt*Arthur R. Schmitt*Bonnie M. Schmitt*Christopher A. Schmitz*Eli Schmukler and Deborah DurcanAntoinette M. Schneeberger*Christopher J. Schneider*Steven P. Schoch*April J. Schreiber*Aaron and Jennifer Schuette*Schuettpelz Agency, Ltd.Daniel W. Schuh*D. Christopher Schulman*Mildred A. Schultz*Darin Schumacher*Nancy J. Schumitsch*Carol B. Schuster*John Schuurmans ConstructionTracy L. Schwartz*Patricia A. Scieszinski*Brenda L. Sedmak*Michael E. Segersin*Ann and Paul SelkJeff Senglaub*Rick A. Seppa*Judy Shaw*William and Judith ShayTraci and Jim Shefka*Carrie and Peter Sherrill*Mary C. Sherwin*Carol A. Shield*John and <strong>The</strong>resa ShuckNancy Mary Siebers*Gary M. and Kathrin L. Sikich*Colleen T. Sipiorski*John F. Skvarce*Matthew R. Slattery*Karen S. Slote*Dianne Smith*Gary J. Smith*Leah M. SmithMark J. Smith*Mike J. Smith*Staci L. Smith*Rose M. Smits*Annual ReportLeanne Snell*Lloyd J. Sobeck*Tanya L. Brachmann Soeldner*<strong>The</strong>resa N. Soik*Tim and Addie Sorbo*Adam and Mary Sowatzka*Amy E. Spencer*Dwayne and Yvonne SplanArthur W. Spurlock*Patricia A. Stackman*Shirley D. KitzmannSonja M. Stefaniw*Deborah D. Stellmacher*Mary M. Stephany Trimmier*Helen Stephens Howlett*Marie StephensonColleen A. Sternitzky*Sandra K. Stoddard*Tyra Olson Stoehr*John and Pam Stoll*Frank and Donna Straka*Mike Streckenbach*Jim and Kathy Strickler*Brian J. Strnad*George Sullivan*Kathleen F. Sullivan*Pam SusterBrian SuttonMargaret Swan Shulman*Jean A. Sweetland*Steven W. Swenson*Tina Tackmier*Penny and Alan Tank*Sally S. Tarvid*Susan M. Tengowski*Dennis E. Tesnow*Rita L. Thackeray*John Andrew Thomas*Jo Ellen M. Thompson*Bette J. Thorgersen*Sarah M. Tidball*Cynthia L. Tiesling*Glen and Kathleen Tilot*Carol Timmers*Martin and Breanne Tirado*Carlyn L. Tochterman*Rebekah L. Tollard*Thomas F. Triatik*Joel Trick*Patricia A. Trudell*Tufco Technologies, Inc.Wendy J. Turek*Chris A. Tursky*Susanne Tuttle*Beth Uek*Michael J. Urbancic*Kirk R. Uslabar*Steven and Lisa Utecht*Lee and Pam Utke*Patricia A. Valentyn*Mary Valitchka*Luke and Sherri Valitchka*Marianne Van DrisseAlison A. Van Duyse*Ed and Linda VanCampenhout*Mark and Mary Vandenbusch*Peggy L. Vandenheuvel*James C. Vandenhouten*Susan M. Vander Heiden*Jeffrey J. Vander Zanden*Sally A. Vanderveren*Patrick Vandervest*Roger Vandervest*Veronica Verkuilen*Glen A. Verstegen*John B. Verwiel*Lindsey B. Verwiel*Kristin VespiaJanice K. Vinopal*Visions Upholstery & Canvas, LLCKimberly D. VliesDavid Voelker and Ruth HomrighausMarsha and Brad Vollbrecht*John D. Wacker*Mary K. WagnerMichelle A. Wagner*Linda J. Wagner-Erdmann*David R. Walters*Stanley J. Waslowski*Gretchen A. Waters*Patricia Binkowski Wawiorka*Deb Wearne-Neurohr*Martin A. Webber*Kristine L. Wech*Annette E. Weissbach*Kristine K. Weisser*Terry Weller*John E. Wells*Karen L. Welter*Michael and Jean Wentz*Mary and Michael Wescott*Kerstin A. Westcott*Wayne R. Whiting*Wayne A. Wichlacz*Stacie N. Wichman*Colleen E. WildeClaire H. Williams*Kathy Buxbaum Williams*Carol M. WitcheyMolly Witt*Nancy J. Wittman*Barth and Mary Jo Wolf*Carol WolskeLarry Woods*Margaret A. York*Kenneth E. Young*April S. Youngs*Vincent ZehrenMr. & Mrs. Matthew Zeise*Paul and Connie Zeman*Kyle J. Zimonick*James and Joanne Zipperer*Jo Ann Zuberbier*<strong>The</strong>resa A. Zuege-Halvorsen*Matching Gift CompaniesAbbott Laboratories Fund<strong>The</strong> Aon FoundationAptarGroup Charitable FoundationBemis Company Foundation<strong>The</strong> Boeing CompanyCargillCUNA Mutual Group FoundationGannettMatchGlaxoSmithKline Foundation<strong>The</strong> HartfordIBMKimberly Clark Foundation, Inc.McKesson FoundationMeadWestvaco FoundationMerrill Lynch & Co. Foundation, Inc.MidAmerican Energy FoundationNationwide FoundationPfizer Foundation<strong>The</strong> Procter & Gamble FundR.J. Reynolds FoundationSC Johnson Fund, Inc.Schering-Plough FoundationSentry Insurance Foundation, Inc.Supervalu Inc.<strong>The</strong> Takeda Matching Gift ProgramThrivent Financial forLutherans FoundationUBS Foundation U.S.A.Unilever United States Foundation, Inc.Union Pacific CorporationWells Fargo FoundationWhirlpool FoundationXtra CorporationCharitable FoundationDeceased FriendsCharles AlpertThomas J. Barnard*Don BerendsenHarry BergnerPatt BirlingDorothy R. BlairNancy A. BougieGeorge N. BurridgeRoger W. Cameron*Paula A. Craig*Paul D. DavisRodney W. De SpiritoJohn DeMilleDennis M. DestinoNicole D. Fisette*Ruth E. Fountain*Bette J. Gilson*Merrill GuerinRuth S. HartmanBruce HaskinPeter E. Hassler*Patricia C. HennickPhyllis E. HolzRichard R. JandrainKimleigh A. Kaiser*Dolores M. KillinsBarbara A. Knutson*Annual ReportAnne C. KokSandra A. Kolar*Lisa A. Langenberg*Cal LarsenHoward W. LehmanKenneth LeitermanMary A. LiedekaDonald J. LongSelma MaasJohn H. MahoneyGeorge MancoskyJoan M. MaroldMary Ellen MartinThomas H. McIntoshFrank A. McLellan*Betty Rose MeyerNeoma J. Michalski*Kathleen R. Miller*Norman MillerCraig A. Mueller*Ned V. NicholsonLorraine M. NollNancy A. Nundahl*Carol A. Oshefsky*William OttoRuth G. PeacockJohn PfeiferDon PohSanger B. PowersAlan E. Pristelski*William J. Quigley*Eugene RamekerGerald T. SchaetzAl SchafrikPatricia D. Schlueter*Gloria E. SchottCatherine A. Schuler-Kollath*Richard A. SeibertCecil P. Seidler*Irene M. ShewalterSusan SipesRuth W. SomervilleRobert L. Sweetland*Bernice H. TanzTina L. Vanlaanen*Patricia A. Vickman*Mary WangerinDuane R. WarnerLouis WeinsteinDavid H. WeydtJames A. Williams*John ZadrazilPr<strong>of</strong>essorships ProvideMargin <strong>of</strong> ExcellenceClampittHoweNairGrossoWalterMeyerNAMED PROFESSORSHIPS are donor-fundedendowments that direct supplemental resources to ourfinest faculty members. <strong>The</strong>se prestigious appointmentsencourage pr<strong>of</strong>essors to pursue the advanced research,learning breakthroughs and community service that enrichthe student experience and make a strong universityeven stronger. To find out how named pr<strong>of</strong>essorships areestablished, call the UW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> Advancement Officeat (920) 465-2074.<strong>The</strong> Philip J. and Elizabeth B. HendricksonPr<strong>of</strong>essorship for BusinessHolder: Pr<strong>of</strong>. Philip Clampitt (through 2008)<strong>The</strong> Barbara Hauxhurst C<strong>of</strong>rin Pr<strong>of</strong>essorship <strong>of</strong>Natural SciencesHolder: Pr<strong>of</strong>. Robert Howe (through 2011)<strong>The</strong> Herbert Fisk Johnson Pr<strong>of</strong>essorship inEnvironmental StudiesHolder: Pr<strong>of</strong>. V.M. Ganga Nair (through 2008)<strong>The</strong> Frankenthal Pr<strong>of</strong>essorshipHolder: Music Pr<strong>of</strong>. Cheryl Grosso (through 2009)<strong>The</strong> Ben J. and Joyce Rosenberg Pr<strong>of</strong>essorshipHolder: Anthropology/Women’s StudiesPr<strong>of</strong>. Lynn Walter (through 2011)NEW PROFESSORSHIPS TO BE AWARDED AT THE2008 DECEMBER COMMENCEMENT CEREMONYFrederick E. Baer Pr<strong>of</strong>essorship in ManagementPatricia W. Baer Pr<strong>of</strong>essorship in EducationAustin E. C<strong>of</strong>rin Pr<strong>of</strong>essorship in ManagementENDOWED CHAIR<strong>The</strong> fully endowed chair brings prestige, new academicopportunities and an additional senior faculty positionto a well-regarded program in communications. Madepossible by a $1.5 million gift from Dorothy Blair andthe Blair Foundation it honors the late John P. Blair, abroadcast-advertising pioneer with ties to <strong>Wisconsin</strong>’spublic universities and <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>.<strong>The</strong> John P. Blair Endowed Chair inCommunicationHolder: Pr<strong>of</strong>. Timothy Meyer (since 2005)22 November 2008 23November 2008

Annual ReportAnnual Report1923 FundGerald and Althea AbitzLynnette M. AdamanyPatricia A. AlbersAmerhart Ltd.Ameriprise Auto & Home InsuranceLyle and Victoria AmundsonPatricia A. AndersonDouglas K. AndersonRoger and Sandra AndersonThomas and Laurie AndersonPaul and Kelly AndersonAnonymousSunny L. ArchambaultArendt TrustThomas and Tracy ArndtBob and Carrie ArnoldAssociated Banc-Corp.Associated Bank <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>Associated Trust CompanyGladys R. AustgenPamela and Paul BackusLeland and Inge BaconTom and Jean BadciongBetty L. BaerPatricia W. BaerBank Mutual CorporationRobert and Jeanne BarnardRobert and Joanne BauerPaul D. Baumgart<strong>Bay</strong> Bank<strong>Bay</strong> Heating Service, Inc.<strong>Bay</strong>Care Clinic Foundation<strong>Bay</strong>lake BankGary P. BeckmanDiane and Jeff BeinlichDan and Lois BeiselBellin Health<strong>The</strong> Belson CompanyJane A. BergMr. and Mrs. Ralph J. BergJeanne M. BergThomas and Rebecca BergerLisa A. BergnerAvi BerkBernard O. and Sally J. KilloranRevocable Trust DTDBerniece Veldman Revocable TrustAlice BillingDudley and Mary BirderMadge F. BishopDorothy R. BlairBlair FoundationSteve and Kari Blake<strong>The</strong> Campaign for UW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>A MAJOR INCREASE in the number <strong>of</strong> donors to endowed named scholarships, thelaunch <strong>of</strong> Phase II academic initiatives and the wrap-up <strong>of</strong> fundraising for the new KressEvents Center all contributed to an impressive, lengthy list <strong>of</strong> Capital Campaign donorsfor fiscal year 2007-08. For the latest on the campaign, see the news story on page 15.John and Pamela BloorKenneth and Ann BoettcherKetty BoilesenDan and Penny BollomRyan BorowiczJennifer BorupPatricia L. BosackerSidney Bremer and Jerrold RodeschDennis and Marjory BrinkmanBarbara BrownBetty D. BrownBrad and Heather BuchananJim and Mary BuschPamela M. BuschCarol and Bob BushJohn I. CahillKaren CallahanJoseph and Margaret CallanR. David and La Vonne CallsenCalson Group, LLCMary S. CarlsenOpal L. CarlsonAudre E. CarlsonTerry L. CarlsonDr. Paul and Mary CederbergWilliam and Cheryl ChaudoirGary and Kay ChristensKathleen V. ChristiansonChristopher P. Laws, D.D.S.Citizens Banking CorporationCharitable FoundationClinical and Consulting PsychologyDavid R. ClowersDavid A. and Mary Ann P. C<strong>of</strong>rinDavid H. C<strong>of</strong>rinEdith D. C<strong>of</strong>rinGladys G. C<strong>of</strong>rinMary Ann P. C<strong>of</strong>rinPaige W. C<strong>of</strong>rinArthur and Nancy CohrsCommunity Foundation for theFox Valley Region, Inc.Patrick J. CondonThomas W. ConnerEileen Connolly-Keesler andPatrick KeeslerMark ConwayDaniel F. ConwayRobert and Anna CookCornerstone Foundation <strong>of</strong>NE <strong>Wisconsin</strong>Thomas E. CortsDan and Jan CramThomas D. CueneSusan M. CuroeAndrew J. DahleNancy L. DaleidenHarold and Janis DayDe Pere Foundry, Inc.Keith DeckerDr. David and Jane DeCockJoyce F. DeKeyserVirginia C. DellDon and Gail DeMeuseDenmark State BankMary L. DettmanRobert and Durell DeVosSharon R. DhueySara DiehlmannPatrick J. DistefanoJeremy G. DockenJ. Walter and Frances DonovanJoan K. DowneyThomas Duke and Jean HamminkElaine M. DuPlessisDennis and Kathryn DybowskiEast Shore Industries, Inc.James and Karen EbbesonElizabeth B. & Philip J. HendricksonFoundation Ltd.Daniel and Melissa EmeryAllyn and Jean EnsignBen and Evelyn ErdmannFederated InsuranceMichael and Tonya Felh<strong>of</strong>erPatricia A. FeltonLarry and Kay FergusonFestival FoodsFidelity Charitable Gift FundEarl and Ann FinderEmil and Gail FischerMike and Virginia FleckDonald J. FlesiaDr. Kenneth and Paula FleurantDiane FordJennifer FreeDave and Colleen FridlundMax and Susan FrostGagnon Clay Products Co.Jerry and Janet GallagherSusan Gallagher-Lepak andSteven W. LepakKeith GarotE. Paul and Darlene GastWilliam and Maria GerlRebecca M. GibbsGoodwill Industries <strong>of</strong>North Central <strong>Wisconsin</strong>, Inc.Barbara S. GouldThomas and Christine GrannisBarbara and Tim GraulGreater <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> CommunityFoundation, Inc.Dr. Jeremy and Elizabeth <strong>Green</strong><strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> Converting<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> Packaging, Inc.<strong>Green</strong>leaf Wayside BankJacob <strong>Green</strong>steinThomas R. GresenzThomas and Lucy GrothJim and Sheila GrowtHayden D. GroyGary and Liz GrzeskWilliam and Josephine GuenzelMelinda K. GushwaDavid E. and Nancy M. HagerSusan M. HagerThomas R. HallDr. Christopher and Tricia HallOtto and Jan HammKathleen HamminkGerard L. HamminkTerry and Patricia HamminkLori HamminkAlfred and Vicky HannemannLouise M. HansenSharon HanzalikDon and Phyl HardenWm. Nelson and Janet HardinBonnie R. HartmannHattiesburg Paper Corp.Donald E. HeeringaHudson and Heather HellmichLori HelmsPhilip and Elizabeth HendricksonRuth and Melvin HenrichsNell HerlacheThomas and Jill HerlacheTamara L. HernkePeter HerrellDawn M. HerzigJohn and Patricia HickeySteven H. HillierKaren HintzCecilia M. HintzVicki S. HoellDe Anne R. H<strong>of</strong>fmannStephen Hokonson andNancy Parker HokonsonMark and Michaela HoleySam D. HolmesPete and Jelaine HortonArpad and Patricia HorvathChristine and David HowlandGeorge F. Howlett, Jr.Chuck and Carol IhrkeInfinity Machine & Engineering Corp.Rachel M. JacksonStanley and Janet JacobsonJanet E. Meyer Charitable Lead TrustsRichard and Peg JansenChuck and Debra JohnsonJohnson BankAdeline JolinkMary M. KabacinskiMike and Kathy KarisnyStephen and Wendy KaseRobert KastenschmidtJune KelloggPaul and Kathleen KelnbergerFred and Karen KerstenTom KilkennyBernard and Sally KilloranLucille KirkegaardTimothy KlessigTom and Stacey KlimekD. Eileen KlonglanWalter and Joyce KlunkKen and Gayle KnaufJudith A. KnudsenJeffery and Amy KohnleKristen T. KokPaul R. KokMr. Scott KokeGregory V. Konz-KrzyminskiKPMG FoundationJoseph A. KraftEd Kralovec and Susan FincoGerald and Nancy KrauseIrene Daniell KressKIPaul and Carla KruegerKenneth D. KruegerCarl and Mary Ellen KuehneWilliam G. LaatschMac LaForceLaForce, Inc.Martha J. LambiotteLoretta and John LarkeyDonald and Judy LarmouthBill and Pat LarsenDennis and Janice LarsenDr. Nancy W. LarsonDirk and Julie LarsonDr. and Mrs. Christopher LawsLouis and Susan LeCalseyMary T. LeMerePhilip and Bonnie LemmensThomas S. LemorandeLeon H. & Clymene M. BondFoundation, Inc.Charles and Janet LiebA. Carmencity Lim-ThomasMr. Mark John Linzmeier, C.P.A., C.M.A.David and Eileen LittigD.J. and Julie LongLong Family FoundationLord’s Dental Studio, Inc.M&I Marshall & Ilsley BankJames and Doris MadiganBarbara Maenpaa BarnumJane A. MaierJan and Lynn MalchowMarianna MantonRichard, Grace and Luanna MarkoMari C. MartinLynn and Everett MattkeHarold and Pat MatzkeChristine MayerHenry F. MaylandDon and Gail Mc CartneyDouglas and Pam McGeeH. Weldon McGeeErnst & Young LLPDorothy McIntoshPhilip G. McIntoshElaine N. McIntoshDeborah McIntosh FlahertyJ. D. and Deanna McKayMike and Kate MeeuwsenJames F. MeisnerRebecca J. MelbyMarilou MelcherRobert and Sandra MendelsohnPatricia L. MeyerRobert & Betty MeyerFamily FoundationWayne and Ginger MickschMargaret E. MillerC. J. and Nancy MillerRobert and Carol MoellenberndtMike and Gloria MorganMorley-Murphy FoundationCraig A. Mueller Family TrustFred MuellerReginald and Jane MuhlPatrick and Ann MurphyFrank NardiJohn and Crystal NatzkeGerald and Verla NelsonNelson TrustNEW Financial Executives InternationalNEW Partnership forChildren and FamiliesHung V. NguyenNicolet National BankDavid and Joyce NielsenJoan M. NiquetteJeff NordgaardCarol B. NormanPeter and Laurel NorthouseGeorge T. O’Hearn, D.D.S.Dr. George and Ann O’HearnGerald and Patricia OlsonJendean N. OlsonVirginia K. OlsonTom and Joan OlsonJoan M. OsipKeri L. ParisLinda I. PattonLisa PaulsenSally A. PeckGary and Pamela PetersonMarcia M. PetersonMary E. PetersonRon and Suzy PfeiferLouis and Lois PhilippJared and Stacy PhillipsPinkert Law Firm LLPPioneer Credit UnionSara Wallace PitcherKathy Pletcher and Chuck MatterMike PowersGustman Pontiac-GMCRichard and Sandra PresnellPrevea ClinicGerald D. PrindivilleBob and Jan PumMary Jane QuassJulie A. RadosavljevicSherry RasmussenMichael and Kathleen ReeseRehabilitation For <strong>Wisconsin</strong>, Inc.Peter and Tracy ReinhartBernice L. RentmeesterCharles and Lenora RhynerNicole L. RiceDonald and Frances RichterJack and Ginny RiopelleRoger and Jeni RipleyRobert W. Baird & Co. FoundationKramer and Carolyn RockWillard E. RohdeElisa K. RosenickCarl J. RudolphDrs. Paul and <strong>The</strong>a SagerMarilyn and Mick SagrilloKimberly SaisJolanda M. SallmannChristopher and Carolyn SampsonVincent and Michelle SchamberSchenck SCMarian SchlisePhilip and Ann SchmitzSchneider National FoundationTom Schober andSuzan Schober-MurrayBillie SchoenfeldSchreiber Foods, Inc.Edward and Barbara Schriner-SchmittTerry SchottLeander and Helen SchwartzPatricia and Robert ScieszinskiAnn and Paul SelkSelvick Insurance Agency, LLCRudolph and Shirley SenarighiJohn ShalineBruce and Cyndie ShepardEstate <strong>of</strong> Irene M. ShewalterDonald A. SillersCatherine O. SmallAnthony and Bonnie SmithPatricia A. SnowRobert L. SorensonDennis and Ann StarrJennifer A. StarrDr. Marsha J. Sternard andMr. Lester SternardRon and Bev StieglitzK. C. Stock FoundationStoneman-Schopf Agency, Inc.Tom and Maggie StoverCharles and Pamela StrattonBarbara K. StrickerSteve and Karen SwanPat and Lisa TaphornRalph D. TaylorRoger and Judith Tepe<strong>The</strong> Byron L. Walter Family Trust<strong>The</strong> George Kress Foundation, Inc.<strong>The</strong> Procter & Gamble FundHeidi G. ThomasDebbie ThompsonEd and Sally ThompsonThompson Management AssociatesJan and Dennis ThorntonThrivent Financial forLutherans FoundationMike and Joan ThronSue A. Tong-FredricksonTosca LimitedMarlys TrunkhillStephanie L. TustU.S. Agency forInternational DevelopmentJohn and Gail UnderwoodUnited Way <strong>of</strong> Brown CountyUnited Way <strong>of</strong> Door CountyUW-Oshkosh Social Work StaffRoger and Karen UtnehmerStephanie L. ValentineSandra C. ValentineBridget and Matt Van LaanenMary B. VandenbuschRick and Sarah VanderstoepCurtis and Priscilla VanderstoepVer Halen, Inc.Robert and Arlys VerdoornShirley A. VerdoornVeronica M. Virgili-BehmeDiane VliemEdward and Cynthia VopalAnneliese WaggonerJohn and Laurie WalshRandy and Diane WatermolenRobert and Delores WeberShawn and Jodi WeberWebster Funshine ClubEllen R. WeidnerJames WeidnerKaren Weidner and Kurtis KlotzbuecherMarjorie M. WeidnerPeter WeidnerKaren WestenbergerMark and Angela WestfallTim and Maryanne WeyenbergWeyers Family Foundation, Inc.Rolfe and Judith WhiteMichael and Harriet WichowskiStanley and Helen WiersmaJames and Ruth WiersmaGeorge R. WiesnerRuthann N. WilsonWipfli LLP<strong>Wisconsin</strong> Council onSocial Work Education<strong>Wisconsin</strong> Garden Railway Society<strong>Wisconsin</strong> Public ServiceFoundation, Inc.Chuck and Roberta WisemanJames and Kathryn WochinskeSusan M. WurzerDavid J. YankeeJohn and Erleen ZellnerLawrence A. Zordan24 November 2008November 200825

Annual ReportAnnual ReportENDOWED FUNDS AND SCHOLARSHIPSEndowed FacultyDevelopment Fund<strong>The</strong> Joseph LaForce Fund in BusinessNamed EndowedScholarshipsLois BeiselPhuture Phoenix Scholarship FundBollom Family ScholarshipJulie Brickley Memorial ScholarshipMargaret Nelson Bubolz ScholarshipFrank ByrneMemorial ScholarshipJames E. CaspersonMemorial AwardChancellor’s AchievementScholarshipChancellor’s Scholarship forMusical ExcellenceMercedes CisnerosMemorial ScholarshipBarbara Hauxhurst C<strong>of</strong>rinGraduate Assistantship inEnvironmental Science and PolicyBradford L. CookMemorial ScholarshipCoryl CrandallMemorial ScholarshipDavid L. DamkoehlerArt ScholarshipThomas E. Daniels ScholarshipMargo DelahautMemorial ScholarshipJerry Dell Memorial FundRonald A. DhueyMemorial ScholarshipAlbert Einstein/MahatmaGandhi ScholarshipLouis O. ErdmannMemorial Scholarship for <strong>The</strong>atreBidwell K. Gage ScholarshipHenrietta Gallagher ScholarshipTony Galt StudentInternational Travel Scholarship<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> PhotojournalismScholarshipJeremy <strong>Green</strong> Family ScholarshipHagemeister Family Art ScholarshipPhilip J. HendricksonBusiness ScholarshipHugh C. and Mary J. Higley ScholarshipAlvina A. Hintz ScholarshipPatricia L. Hoppe Memorial ScholarshipMildred T. JorgensonScholarship for Women’s BasketballMichael Kazar ScholarshipSally and Bernie KilloranEducation ScholarshipAnne KokScholarship for Social WorkLucy M. KrchmaEducation ScholarshipBillie KressPhuture Phoenix ScholarshipJoseph and Mac LaForceBusiness ScholarshipSteven and Maureen Lapacz ScholarshipAlthea Steele Lederer ScholarshipJanet and Charles LiebPhuture Phoenix ScholarshipMadigan Family ScholarshipRobert H. MaierMemorial ScholarshipKathy MajewskiMemorial ScholarshipJack and Engrid Meng ScholarshipRobert T. and Betty Rose MeyerScholarshipSidney and Ruth Morris ScholarshipCraig A. MuellerScholarship for Arts and Visual Designand CommunicationCraig A. MuellerPhuture Phoenix ScholarshipMusic Faculty ScholarshipNortheast <strong>Wisconsin</strong>Engineering ScholarshipPhuture Phoenix PhilanthropistsScholarshipJim and Kelli Prast ScholarshipRalph C. PrattMemorial ScholarshipCarlton and Geraldine PresseyMemorial AwardWilliam F. Prevetti ScholarshipRetirees ScholarshipCharles RichardsonMemorial Jazz ScholarshipGinny and Jack RiopellePhuture Phoenix ScholarshipJohn and Anne M. Rose ScholarshipMeredith B. and John M. RoseScholarshipPaul and <strong>The</strong>a Sager Scholarship inMemory <strong>of</strong> Edward W. WeidnerHerbert F. and Crystal J. SandmireScholarshipWalter and Gertrude Scherf ScholarshipSecond Gear <strong>of</strong> the <strong>University</strong> LeagueScholarshipNancy SellMemorial ScholarshipCyndie ShepardPhuture Phoenix ScholarshipCyndie and Bruce ShepardPhuture Phoenix ScholarshipIrene M. ShewalterScholarship in <strong>The</strong>atreStudents in Free Enterprise ScholarshipRalph R. SteinMemorial ScholarshipDr. Donel Sullivan ScholarshipOliver and Margaret Trampe ScholarshipUW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> Alumni ScholarshipVan’s LumberStudent-Athlete ScholarshipVeterans ScholarshipJoseph J. and Gloria E. SchottMemorial ScholarshipByron L. Walter Family ScholarshipWeidner Family EndowmentGary R. WeidnerMemorial ScholarshipJean B. WeidnerScholarship in Social WorkLoretta A. WellsNursing ScholarshipRolfe E. WhiteScholarship for Social WorkElizabeth E. WyngaardMemorial ScholarshipKarl Zehms Accounting ScholarshipPaul D. Ziemer Scholarship<strong>University</strong> Academic Excellence Award<strong>University</strong> Memorial Scholarship- Arthur Atkisson- Nancy Datan- Dennis Girard- Abe Shepard- Alvin Swinerton- Hans Van Beek* Established through bequests.Billie KressPhenominalPhilanthropists – PlatinumWeyers Family FoundationPhenominalPhilanthropists – SilverBob and Carol BushPhenominalPhilanthropists – BronzeAmerican Foods GroupBernie and Alyce DahlinJere and Sheri DheinElizabeth B. & Philip J. HendricksonFoundation Ltd.Kayleen and Larry FergusonGochnauer Family FoundationIrene KressJon LeDucPhaithful PhilanthropistsEllsworth & Carla PetersonFoundationDiane and Pat FordTerry and Kris FulwilerJohn and Patricia HickeyJane and Bob LairdPat LarsenMichael & Kate MeeuwsenFamily Fund*Jack and Ginny RiopelleBob and Jolyce RuppPhuture PhoenixP hilanthropistsLOCAL, STATE AND NATIONAL recognition in the form<strong>of</strong> donations, awards and outside grants made 2008 abanner year for Phuture Phoenix. Community supportersachieved not only another big year <strong>of</strong> annual giving, theyalso established the program’s first college scholarshipfunds (see facing page). <strong>Wisconsin</strong>’s educational leadershipbestowed “Program <strong>of</strong> Distinction” honors. And agrant from the Great lakes Higher Education GuarantyCorporation provided not only financial support but highpr<strong>of</strong>ilerecognition <strong>of</strong> the program’s success in motivatingfifth-graders in Northeastern <strong>Wisconsin</strong> to commit toeducation, graduate from high school and plan ahead foruniversity and college careers.Phuture PhoenixPhilanthropistsJane L. AndersonSteve and Marcia BischelDorothy BlairSuzanne BraultJudith A. BrehmJohn and Gisela BroganTina and Jeff CarrCharles L. & Debra M. Johnson Fund *Judith CrainHeidi D. DavisKerry DestinoSusan FincoJohn and Claire FreyCandy GilmoreElizabeth P. <strong>Green</strong>George and Sharon HartmannCeci KieferJohn and Jacque KressMrs. Joe LaForceLou and Sue LeCalseyDiane V. LiebmannAustin and Susan McGuanMichael and Ingrid MerkatorisSue MurphyCarla NicksJeffrey and Barbara OttumLee Prange and Neil Van DykeJessica RaymakerRomo Inc.<strong>The</strong>a SagerDr. Herbert and Crystal SandmirePaul SchierlBeth SchmidtAdrienne SchmitzKatie SmallKay and Art SonnelandBarbara StromLarry and Rosie SurSteve and Karen SwanGail UnderwoodEllen WeidnerMarjorie WeidnerMrs. Harriet Ziemer* fund <strong>of</strong> the Greater <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>Community Foundation, Inc.NOTE: Phuture Phoenix Philanthropistslisted here cover gifts received from11/1/2007 to 6/30/2008.Gifts received from 7/1/07 to10/31/07 were acknowledged in theDecember 2007 annual report.26 November 2008November 200827

Annual ReportAnnual Report<strong>The</strong>atre<strong>First</strong> NightersTHE THEATRE FIRST NIGHTERS organization providesbehind-the-scenes support to UW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>’s highly regardedtheatre program. Dedicated to the memories <strong>of</strong> founders Louis O.Erdmann and Edward W. Weidner, the group provides resourcesfor guest artists, student scholarships and program affiliation withthe prestigious Kennedy Center/American College <strong>The</strong>atre Festival.<strong>First</strong> Nighter ProducersAnonymousLucy and John ArendtLaura Riddle and John MarianoKathy Pletcher and Charles MatterStuart and Nancy StilesIn memory <strong>of</strong> Edward W. Weidner<strong>First</strong> Nighter DirectorsJudith Russell and HowardBornsteinDiane and Charles NordellDr. Sandra M. StokesIn memory <strong>of</strong>Carol and Craig LoCascio<strong>First</strong> NightersCliff and Joyce AbbottTodd and Karen AdamsAllon BostwickBetty BrownJohn and Julie BurmeschDavid and Catherine BurrowsTom Cuene and Carol CassellJames and Susan DavieDavid and April DemingJean O’Hora and Kate DuffyJack and Rachel FrischMax and Susan FrostScott and Debbie FurlongSally <strong>Green</strong>woodSue Hammersmith and Al UniackeStewart and Linda HoarFergus and Bonnie HughesMike and Jane IngrahamWilliam and Mary KaminskiWilliam G. LaatschJeff and Cathy LeCaptainLet Me Be Frank ProductionsPaul and Donna MadaryVicki Medland and Michael DraneyMiller Financial / Insurance ServicesTim and Ellen MontourBrock and Heidi NevermanDavid and Susan ParsonsJon and Judi PietschPat and Reb PrzybelskiBruce and Cyndie ShepardA lumniAssociation ALL GRADUATES <strong>of</strong> UW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> automaticallybecome members <strong>of</strong> the Alumni Association. <strong>The</strong> Association’sboard <strong>of</strong> directors — two dozen volunteers representinga range <strong>of</strong> class years and majors — takes an activerole in promoting the <strong>University</strong> and its 25,000 alumni.2007-08 OfficersKelly Ruh ’01<strong>President</strong>Joel Hansen ’01Vice <strong>President</strong> <strong>of</strong> Alumni OperationsBrian Gold ’99Vice <strong>President</strong> <strong>of</strong> Alumni ServicesVince Schamber ’00TreasurerDonna Sheedy ’94SecretaryRichard and Pamela SpangenbergJoan and Michael ThronEd and Nancy WattsGiles and Kathleen WoolfIn memory <strong>of</strong> Gary WeidnerIn memory <strong>of</strong> Sue Kline HeimIn memory <strong>of</strong> Louis Erdmann<strong>The</strong>atre AngelsBarbara and Paul BoehlerSteve and Brenda BuffingtonVirginia C. DellSally and Bernie KilloranKathryn LindnerIn memory <strong>of</strong> Dr. Stuart MilsonDirectorsJennifer Baker-Johnson ’01Shannon Chronister ’03Angela (Stangel) Duckart ’03Bill Gaddis ’00James Genrich ’71Angela (Laux) Hoisington ’00Sarah (Osterberg) Inman ’92Ryan Kauth ’96Elaina Koltz ’06Joe Pieper ’99Danny Schulz ’05James Schwartz ’83Colleen Sheahan ’86Rich Spangenberg ’71Susan Vander Heiden ’02Adam Warpinski ’06Jay Wille ’93F riends <strong>of</strong><strong>The</strong> C<strong>of</strong>rin LibraryTHE FRIENDS OF THE COFRIN LIBRARY organization existsto extend the educational reach <strong>of</strong> the <strong>University</strong> library, raisingmoney through annual giving, special events and fundraisers.Helping out at a spring 2008 fundraiser with a book signingafter a local comedy show was comedian Paula Poundstone. <strong>The</strong>national spokeswoman for Friends <strong>of</strong> Libraries U.S.A. is flankedhere by Friends members Debbie Burden and Sherry Lacenski.Charter MembersDebra AndersonGeorge BurridgeCarol EmmonsWilliam LaatschDoris and Jim MadiganDiana MargottoCharles MatterBarbara McClure-LukensElaine and Tom McIntoshKathy PletcherJerrold RodeschPaul and <strong>The</strong>a SagerEdward WeidnerLife MembersVirginia DellFort James FoundationCecilia HintzLenny PearceMarjorie WeidnerBenefactor MembersJoyce HannemannLeanne HansenShane and Sheila KohlMark KoplienDeb and Paul StrelkaRobert and Lena WengerPatron MembersTerri and Jon JohnsonBill MeindlPamela RobertsChris SampsonDavid Voelker and Ruth HomrighausHousehold MembersDebbie and Gary BurdenJohn Ellis and Zoryana DmytryshyaPaula and Clifton GanyardCurt and Jeanne HeuerStewart and Linda HoarBruce and Janet LaPlanteJerry and Nancy McCafferyChristine Style and Tony RajerPeggy Vandeveer<strong>The</strong> Niagara SocietyTHE NIAGARA SOCIETY recognizes those who invest inthe future through a deferred or planned gift. This September,friends, family and campus gathered to commemorate a$1 million bequest from the late Craig A. Mueller. His sister,Marcia (left), said the family was proud his gift, the largestever for a UW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> scholarship fund and the largest byan alumnus, will provide aid to students enrolled in the Artsand Visual Design and Communication academic units.MembersSidney BremerRichard ChernickSue N. CoxRichard L. DudkiewiczWilliam L. ForrestIsmael A. GodoyTom and Judy HaeversPhillip and Betsy HendricksonDonald and Patricia KellyIndividual MembersPaul BaumgartHenry CzachorDavid DanielsCarol DeGrootLynn DoudnaJack DukesSara DuQuaineGinnie ErdmannMichael EverageTina GerominiJuliana GerritsJudy GluecksteinSue HammersmithJim JacquesJacqulyn JahnkeAndrew KerstenJudith KubiakSherry LacenskiJudith LeannaDaniel LinssenKris MatthiesJanice McCarthyDaniel MoranSteven and Maureen LapaczLouis and Susan LeCalseyH. Weldon McGeeMichael and Gloria MorganKeith and Karen PetersonBarbara PhillipsRussell R. RosemanBonnie ThomasMarjorie M. WeidnerRolfe E. WhiteMary NaumannDennis NicholsKim NielsenJerrel K. RalphJane RasmussenGina Stella RollinsDonna SchneebergDixie TubbsZeta TurriffShirley VandermussJean WentzJudith WesterfeldSteve A. WoodsDoris ZiesemerStudent MembersJennifer BecherEric MimsLaura Mullins28 November 2008November 200829

Annual ReportAnnual ReportAll AmericanBob and Carol Bush<strong>The</strong> George Kress Foundation –<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> PackagingDr. David and Renee KimVan’s Lumber and Custom BuildersAthletic DirectorBob and Sue AntolecBernie and Alyce DahlinFreedom Fund – Ron WeyersAndy and Julie HetzelHJ Martin & Son – Ed MartinDr. James and Patricia HinckleyImaginasiumKI – Dick ReschKroll’s West – Mike WierLeon & Clymene Bond FoundationMike ReeseSchreiber FoodsCoachAssociated BankDr. Jerry BlackwellCentury Drill & Tool Co., Inc.Cornerstone FoundationDean Distributing<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> Orthopedics Ltd.Phil and Betsy HendricksonK & K Material HandlingDr. Frank Mattia andDr. Shelley Boehm-MattiaJack and Inky MengErich and Tara QuidzinskiChris and Julie Van Saders<strong>The</strong>Phoenix FundFRIENDS OF UW-GREEN BAY ATHLETICS enjoyed aspecial year in 2007-08. Phoenix teams continued theirwinning ways on the field <strong>of</strong> play, and Phoenix studentathletesexhibited exemplary achievement in the classroom.A visiting NCAA review team awarded high marks tocampus and community with regard to program operationand academic and fiscal integrity. <strong>The</strong> future looks brighterstill with the opening <strong>of</strong> the state-<strong>of</strong>-the-art Kress EventsCenter, the unveiling <strong>of</strong> a new athletics logo, new fundraisers(including a Sergio Garcia outing, left) and the advent <strong>of</strong> anew commercial licensing program.MVPPaul and Kelly Anderson<strong>Bay</strong> Lakes Commercial RealtorsBill and Carolyn BeaudinJeff and Diane BeinlichBellin Health Sports MedicineBelmark, Inc.Steve BischelMatt and Kari BollantKen and Carrie Both<strong>of</strong>Rod CzerwonkaDental CityPat and Jim DuescherFeeco International Inc.Festival FoodsRoyce Finne and Sue BischelGannett Foundation/<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> Press GazetteGodfrey & Kahn SC<strong>Green</strong> & Gold ConcreteJim Growt and Sheila Brady-GrowtSteve and Kristin HartyRobert J. Hermsen & AssociatesHoward Immel Inc.Hurckman MechanicalRick and Amy JohnsonJohnson Bank/Johnson InsuranceBernie and Sally KilloranPaul and Linda KochKaren and Craig KodankoKurt and Connie KoeppelTod and Julie KowalczykPaul and Carla KruegerLaForce, Inc.Lee Anderson EngineeringDr. Dan LinehanRolf and Ann Lull<strong>of</strong>fNeal and Julie MaccouxManitowoc Tool & MachiningLarry McCarrenDr. Pat McKenzieMCL Industries, Inc.Mike and Kate MeeuwsenJess and Patti MillerPaul and Mary MonginNicolet National BankTom and Joan OlsonDr. Michael O’ReillyVijay and Jen ParmarPeterson Ford MercuryRon and Suzy PfeiferPioneer Metal FinishingPMIPomp’s TirePeter and Tracy ReinhartThomas RemondiniDonna RitchPaul SchierlPaul C. and Brenda SchneiderBruce and Cyndie ShepardDr. James SpearsDr. Ian SproatWilliam and Diane StevensTom and Cindy SullivanStock Building SupplySteve and Karen SwanMichael ThomsonToonen CompaniesTosca LimitedDean and Mary Vander PlasSharky and Claire Vander WoudeMarge WeidnerWells Fargo BankWipfli LLCPaul and Jeanne WojtaLetterwinnerRich and Kathleen AicherAmerhart Ltd.Tom and Laurie AndersonBob and Carrie ArnoldAon Corporation – Steve FerrisCharles and Cheryl Aslakson<strong>The</strong> Bar – Appleton<strong>Bay</strong> Title & Abstract, Inc<strong>Bay</strong> TowelDan and Bev BergsmaAvi and Laurie BerkBryan and Mary Beth BoettcherTom Cuene and Carol CassellMichael DemchenkoBob and Durell DeVosDon and Linda EckesKirk and Terri EttenJohn and Vicki FabryForest Construction Company, Inc.Brad Frank<strong>Green</strong>leaf Wayside BankDon and Phyllis HardenDr. Nezih and Debra HasanogluJohn and Nancy HeugelMary HiltunenJoe and Kate H<strong>of</strong>fmeyerMartin and Sandra HoldenHome Acres Building SupplyJonas Service & SupplyJones Sign CompanyK.C. Stock FoundationDebbie Kirch and Dan McIverKen KlemmRod Kowalczyk and Carolyn JahnsLamers Bus LinesMargaritasMarling DistributingLe Roy and Mary Ellen MatuszakGail and Richard McNuttMorley Murphy FoundationFrank and Liz NardiJeff and Alexis NordgaardTom and Dawn OlejniczakPerforma, Inc.Kramer and Carolyn RockDr. and Mrs. Ronald RoupPaul and Dorothea SagerSchenck Business SolutionsMartin and Nancy SchweinerSteve SeidlMark and Wendy SkogenSkyline TechnologiesSlinger Electric, Inc.Joe and Jeanne StangelSteve and Christine TaylorTotal Service Development Co.Ed and Sue Van BoxtelDr. James and Carolyn Van MillerNoreen and Robert WenningerBob White and Toby CohenJames and Ginny WinstonWitt’s Food Inc. – Jack WittVarsityAlbany InternationalChuck and Patti AlbersDaniel and Jane AleschEric and Stella AlgremDr. John AmuzuRich and Lois AndersonAnduzzi’s Sports ClubLori AntolecKarl AppletonAriens Co.Tom and Tracy ArndtDick AucuttAuto HausJ. Thomas and Pat AziereHans Bachmeier andAndrea Pasqualucci<strong>The</strong> Bar – Lime Kiln & Holmgren WayTodd and Julie BartelsLarry and Jane BartonDean and Kim BastenSteve and Nancy BattermanJim and Gail BeckerDr. Tim and Tracy BelleauBill and Mary BensonMichael and Paula BergnerSharon BergsmaGreg and Linda BinsDan and Cathy BoettcherGary and Cindy BoieSara BoyerMark Brandt and Mike RedigRandy and Sandy BrockingtonTodd and Julie BrussCole BuergiPepper and Nancy Burruss<strong>The</strong> Business BankDr. and Mrs. William T. CarlisleJames and Gladys CarviouRenny ChallonerChase BankMichele ChristiansenJeremy and Katie ClevenClifton Gunderson, LLPCoca-Cola EnterprisesCornerstone Business ServicesRobert Crowley, DDS, SCCzachor & Pollack, LLPChuck and Linda CyraDart Insurance AgencyScott DaulDon and Gail De MeuseJerry and Jayne DeMeuseDenmark Insurance CenterSteven and Tamara DemrowDennis DetrieWilliam and Tara EberleWendell and Shanna EllsworthFabio Perini North AmericaLarry and Kayleen FergusonJohn FitzgeraldJames D. Fox Insurance andInvestmentsRuss FoxFox View Dental SCKelly FranzFrito LayJay FulkersonTerry and Kris FulwilerJim GagnonJim and Nancy GapinskiJohn and Cate GardMike and Cathy Golden<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> Converting<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> Insurance Center<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> Packers Inc.<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> Seven-Up Bottling Co.Thomas GresenzGryboski Builders, Inc.Gustman Pontiac-GMCThomas and Carole GuyetteCarol HammerleSue Hammersmith and Al UniackeSenator David and Jane HansenStephen and Robyn HellandMary Jane and Jim HemmyRichard and Katherine HerremaLarry and Arlene HillJim HornMichael and Courtney HubertMike and Penny HucovskiIEI General Contractors, Inc.Chuck and Carol IhrkeInfinity Machine & EngineeringJim and Kelli JacobiChuck Johnson and Gail KinneyKris and Dave JohnsonPeter and Miriam JohnsonRobert and Louise Judge<strong>The</strong> Karma GroupJames and Gina KauerKay Distributing, Inc.Paul and Colleen KendleJim KiekhaeferMike and Ronda KincheloeSteve and Cindy KingScott and Gail KingKiwanis Club <strong>of</strong> Greater <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>Doug and Kim KohlbeckMike and Nancy KonecnyJulian La MueJohn Landrum andLinda Peacock-LandrumDennis and Karen LangenbergDoug LarsonDr. Christopher and Margaret LawsSteve and Lynn LazzariLou and Sue LeCalseyLegends – Swan Club De PereGlen and Joyce LeischowLemkuil Architecture & DesignTom LemorandeLeonard & Finco Public RelationsGerald and Ruth LewisJanet and Charlie LiebJohn and Ronda LiebmannBill and Pat LindmarkDave LinzJohn LochnerTom LopinaCharlie LorenziDan and Karen LoyM & I BankMacco’s Floor CoveringWayne and Kathleen MaccouxFrank MadzarevicMail Haus Inc.Lee and Sally MancoskeMartin Security SystemsJim and Nancy Mc GinnityMarilyn and Pat McCareyFred and Sandy McIverJ.D. and Deanna McKayJavier MendiburuTraci MentzMerck CompanyJim and Marcy MernerMerrill Lynch & Co. FoundationWayne and Virginia MickschJohn and Clare MillerJerry and Susan MoranSean and Jennifer MoranMike Moroni30 November 2008 31November 2008

Annual ReportAnnual ReportJerry Mortell IIIKelly MurphyMary NaumannNavigator Planning Group –Scot MadsonJoe and Jeanne NeidenbachBill and Michelle NelsonTerry NelsonSteve and Robyn NoelCalvin O’HarrowPatrickus and Jones SCTom and Alison PoitrasMark and Sue PorathKent and Shelley PrestonPrint and PromoProphit MarketingPump Room, <strong>The</strong>Rabitz, Inc.Dale and Margaret RaceLes and Barb RaduenzMary RassPeter ReinesJack and Ginny RiopelleDick RitchieDoug RitchieJosh and Shelley RobinsonHoward RoscoeSteve RyskoskiTod and Debbie SandersBrian Schaefer, DDS, SCMark SchiefelbeinFritz Schmidt, MD - NEWENTPaul and Nicole SchneiderKurt SchoenbergerSchuette Insulators, Inc.John and Marianne SchwartjeDr. John and Michelle SeccombeBob and Maureen SeeringTim and Laurie SewallSherwin-Williams Co.Simon Insurance & InvestmentsJohn SlatkeySMET Construction ServicesRobert and Martha SouthardPam and Rich SpangenbergSpensa Development Group, LLCDan and Elizabeth SpielmanRandy and Carrie StaryTodd SteffenKyle and Penny StevensonStreblow Family FoundationPat TaphornPatty TemplinDavid and Janet TetschlagKathleen and James ThielThrivent Financial forLutherans FoundationDan TimmersRichard and Elizabeth TimmonsKen and Barb TremlTweet Garot Mechanical. Inc.John and Gail UnderwoodUnion State BankRobert Van DrisseRandy and Julie Van StratenKurt and Marci VandenHoutenBruce and Becci VandenPlasThomas VandersteenJeff and Mary Jo WalchWanezek, Umentum & JaekelsDave WannerGreg WannerPhil and Le Ann WeistLon WendtRobert and Lena WengerMaryanne and Tim WeyenbergTom and Kate WiersLarry WierschkeSteve and Gail WilcoxSteve and Sharon Wilmet<strong>Wisconsin</strong> Public Service FoundationEric and Kelly WitczakChris and Joe WoleskeDan WotrubaGail and Hal YeltonPhoenix FanKeith & Karel AbtsAllouez Animal HospitalTodd & Amy AndersonDale AntoineJeanette BartaMaurice and Lois BernerGary BirrSheila and Seth BlackmanDonald and Gayle BoldtDaniel and Penny BollomPatti and Kevin BostadKen and Grace BouschartSarah BronkDavid and Cathy BurrowsCameron’s C<strong>of</strong>fee Dist.Al CarlottoJohn CarlsonComputer WorksGerald CondonMike and Tina ConiffRandall ConradtSenator Robert CowlesHerb CueneDale and Linda DarmodyCes DawsonDeGrave Dental CareMichael and Karen DerdzinskiTom and Christina DienerSean and Kay DwyerEvent USAFASTSIGNS <strong>of</strong> <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>Fay Dental CareBill FingerMegan and Brian FlanaganFoth & Van DykeFreis Distributing Co., LLCMichael and Kathleen FrohnaScott and Debbie FurlongPaul and Darlene GastMike and Susan GraumeGround Round Grill & BarMichael and Leanne HaddadHappy Joe’s PizzaDrew and Rachel HarrisJon and Heidi HarrisJames Hayes and Debra RoseJeff HayesBill and Lorena HeinrichTim and Julie HeleinBob and Margaret HendricksTom and Jill HerlacheRobert HoekstraJohn H<strong>of</strong>fmanBrad and Shelly JorgensenPat and Patty JoyceZoly and Kathy KadarKahler SlaterSteven Kassner Construction Inc.Sue and Dennis KeihnKeitel Group, Inc.Mike KingNikki and John KissZac, Lexie and Mike KlineShane and Sheila Kohl<strong>The</strong> Konop CompaniesPete KrambsJeff and Heidi KruegerSteve and Beth KulenkampDoug and Barb LaFromboisBrian LiddyDr. Ed and Siri LinDave LoritzElaine and Tim ManeyBarry and Cheryl MartzahlChuck Matter and Kathy PletcherDon and Gail McCartneyMike and Becky McGrawChuck Nelson McIntoshScott and Regina McIntoshMelissa MeyerNationwide FoundationLisa and Bruce NealCharles and Sue NickelJohn and Eleanor NordgaardKara OlsonMichael and Lu Ellen OskeyPDS ContractingJane PamperinParadise Heating, Inc.Paul Urmann State Farm InsuranceT. Allan and Betty PearsonWayne and Barb PorathVicki and Peter PorterLisa PruntyBob and Jan PumAutumn RademacherDennis and Joan RaislegerChris RamussenRichard’s Heating, Cooling & Ro<strong>of</strong>ingRoger and Jeni RipleyJames Ritchay, Jr.Robert and Yvonne RivettJean RivettRobert W. Baird & CompanyJoe Roberts FamilyEd and Kathy RoederRoemer PhotographyRol-TechRoyal Scot Golf CourseChris and Carolyn SampsonKevin SandmireMarc and Holly SchmidtBud SchmitzCharles and Liz SchrockTim and Beth SchultzStephen and Kris SeeholzerJamie SeidlDick SiegJohn and Amy SkolaskiStadium ViewHorst and Lora StemkeDarryl and Christine StichTom and Maggie StoverHolly and Glenn StuebsBob and Gwen SzelcRob TaylorRalph Tease, Jr. andSusan Lambert-TeaseJustin ThayseSteve and Cheryl ThompsonBob and Pat ThutChristine TilqueEric and Debbie UrbenHelena VanDenElzenBruce and Jeanne VogelVogel & Associates - Mike VogelVos Electric Inc.Rudy and Julie WadeLinda WarnerDenise and Randy WarzonDennis WatermolenKim WedigeJo and Tiffany WiebelMatt and Sara WiebelWild Blue TechnologiesLes and Peg WilliamsDennis WoelfferLee and Stacy WolcanskiBoosterDr. Chris and Gladys AkiwowoAl & Linda’s Pour HausGreg and Ana BabcockCyril and Mary Lou BackesMichelle BartleyClem and Julie BauerJohn and Cathy BaumgartRick and Kathy BeaumierNicole BensonKarl and Joji BerglinSarah and Aaron BerkenPat BertrandBeverly BerzinskiRick BeversteinBilotti’s Pizza GardenBob & Mary BinsJane & Tim BirrJon & Jennifer BisknerSue & William BodillyLarry Boll & Mary Gerend-BollDale BoreenDan BoreenDavid BoreenRyan & Melissa BorowiczBill & Sally BourbonnaisLeanne BowersCarl BuergiBeth BurnsJohn ButrymowiczDan & Sandy ChristophersonCitizens Banking Corp –c/o Kathy KnuthCitizens Banking Corp –c/o Randy PetersonMike & Cheryl ChurchillKim CovertTimothy & Jill CoxDavid & Amy CurranFrank & Geri CzarneckiDaniel R. Balch CW Assoc. LTDTim & Cathie DayJoni DeanDave & Bonnie DefnetIvan & Kristal DelbecchiGary DelveauxKyle & Tori DestreeDino ShellMarcy DixonJulie and Marc DosogneCathy & Gary DworakMike DymondDoug & Sally ElferingJacqui & Rick EngeboseLes & Bonnie EttersWendy EvansAmy Fieck<strong>First</strong> Place Trophy & Engraving –Jodi BrennanLogan FloraRandy FondowJohn ForceyJim & Pat FrenchBrian & Lori FrerkByron FroelichEric and Amy GajeskiMike & Melissa GallagherTom GallowayAl GehrkeDave GehrkeBrad GerondaleDave GeyerBrian GiovinazziBecky GloverDavid & Tracy GorzekEdward & Cathy GrohGrohing HolsteinsDonna GunvilleLucas HanaBob & Paula HannMary HeilmannDavid & Joan HintzeMike HoppaRita HoustonAndy and Tiffany HuckKevin HughesBrad HutjensDick IbsenScott and Desiree JacobsenRandy and Tricia JanssenDiane and Phil JeanquartJ. Michael JerryChandra JohnsonTom and Barb JonesFran and Gloria JonetTim and Ragan JorgensenDavid and Jennifer KapicBen KaquatoshJoe and Pat KindTony and Janet KirchLuke KissWally and Joyce KlunkJim and Georgia KneelandDon and Deb KnutsonApril KockenDaniel and Diane KopplinTim and Stacy KotnourMichael and Debra KovalAaron KramerTricia and Justin KrenkeMichael Kri<strong>of</strong>skyMary KulenkampKaren and Bryan LampereurLuke and Karen LancelleBeth LaxAmanda LeonhardMike LepakDave LiethanJeff LinsmeyerSteve LoweryAnn and Kent LundstromAdam and Carrie MadsonPatrick and Carrie MadsonMangless Insurance AgencyMike and Denise MaedkePaul and Stacy ManskePaula MarcecJoe and Katie MathesJoe MauelCraig MaxwellKimberly MayerDave and Heather McCarthyMichael and Dawn McColeTammy McIver-Gay and Dennis GayDr. and Mrs. Kenneth MickleJamie Mueller and Chris GollerBrick MurphyJenny and Chris NeilsPaul and Kristin NorthwayLori OhlandLaurie and Tim OlsonOneida Seven Generations Corp.Darrell and Carol PattersonTim PedrettiTed and Mary PennCandy and Tom PickertEric PigoSarah and Tim PigoSue PitroskiDan and Jan PorathPhil and Sharon PriebePrime Time PrintingMike and Lisa PritzlPaul ProkashDon and Candy PrystaloskiDarrin PurcellJames and Linda Que<strong>of</strong>fRed’s ExcavatingButch and Jill ReimerJill and John RenierRiverside BallroomAnn RodrianSteve and Cynthia RohDan RohrerTom and Kathy RollingPaul and Doreen RosenQuinn and Stacy RossSue and Bill SagalPaul and Judi SalmonDr. Herb and Crystal SandmireKim SandstromChuck and Joy ScaddenMike Schanh<strong>of</strong>erLarry ScharlowJon and Rhonda SchneiderRay and Tami Schneider IIITom Schubbe and Maggie ArzdorfJohn and Nancy SelinskyGlen and Vicki SlaatsJessica SmithAdeline SopaTammy SpringerSue and Scott SteenoDavid and Susan StenbergKrista StrenskiTyler StrenskiNancy and James StrongTim and Kathy SullivanAdam TaylorAmy ThomasGary TilotDan TimmMichael and Louisa TomrellBud and Jeanne TremlRod and Marilyn TruttmanUnited Building Centers–Hoida LumberVan Boxel’s BarMariann VanDenElzenApril VandenPlasDave and Patti Vander PloegLes Van VonderenRon VenciKim ViduskiRon and Gwen VoelkerMike VogelMark and Mary Kay WagnerKerry and Bruce WalkerLora WarnerMark WarpinskiWeber Homes <strong>of</strong> <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>Mike WehkingJohn and Amy WeissJulie Wesa – Lexington HomesMike and Elaine WhitingJason and Melissa WiedDan WilhelmJohn Willadsen andLisa Wenger-WilladsenSteve Williams andClaire Hogan-WilliamsJack and Peggy WillesonChuck and Robbie WisemanMark WitteWoldt ConstructionJerry and Helen YudtNatalie YudtCasey and Mary Zakowskiaboutthisreport<strong>The</strong>se pages celebratethe philanthropic supportreceived by the <strong>University</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Wisconsin</strong>-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>during the fiscal year thatclosed June 30, 2008. Summariesare provided for theFounders Association, theCampaign for UW-<strong>Green</strong><strong>Bay</strong>, Friends <strong>of</strong> the C<strong>of</strong>rinLibrary, Phoenix Fund, PhuturePhoenix Philanthropistsand <strong>The</strong>atre <strong>First</strong> Nightersmembership groups.Each donor is important tothe <strong>University</strong>. We strive tobe accurate and complete.Still, errors may occur. Ifyour name is not listed andyou believe it should be, orif your name is listed incorrectlyor in the wrong category,please bring it to ourattention. Corrections maybe mailed to the <strong>University</strong>Advancement Office, <strong>University</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Wisconsin</strong>-<strong>Green</strong><strong>Bay</strong>, 2420 Nicolet Drive,<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> WI 54311-7001, or conveyed to anAdvancement Office staffmember at (920) 465-2074.32 November 2008 33November 2008

ALUMNI NOTESALUMNI NOTESHistoric track:Civil rights exhibit draws onfamily memoriesFor years, Steve Taylor ’79,a business administrationgrad, shared the stories <strong>of</strong> hisPullman porter grandfathermainly with family and closefriends. Occasionally, a visitorto Taylor’s <strong>of</strong>fice at NorthwesternMutual in De Pere wouldask about the keepsakes there— his grandfather’s uniform,manual and union pin.That changed when UW-<strong>Green</strong><strong>Bay</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong>. Andy Kersten metwith the National RailroadMuseum’s Michael Telzrow.Kersten had just completed abook on A. Philip Randolph,the man who organized theporters to create the firstAfrican-American labor union.Kersten thought an exhibitusing the museum’s Pullmansleeper would have massappeal. Telzrow agreed.1970sArie DeWaal ’72 regional analysis,celebrated 30 years with Mead & Hunt,a top 500 engineering and designcompany located in Madison. Hespecializes in licensing hydroelectricdevelopments.Cindy Becker ’72 humanism andcultural change, was named director<strong>of</strong> pastoral care for St. Mary’s HospitalMedical Center and St. Vincent Hospital<strong>of</strong> <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>. She previously worked forlocal parishes and the Catholic Diocese<strong>of</strong> <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>.Patricia Finder-Stone ’73 growth anddevelopment, has been reappointedby Gov. Doyle to the <strong>Wisconsin</strong> Boardon Aging and Long Term Care. She isimmediate past president <strong>of</strong> AARP-<strong>Wisconsin</strong>.It’s an alumni meeting <strong>of</strong> sorts whenthe Rotary Club <strong>of</strong> Downtown <strong>Green</strong><strong>Bay</strong> convenes. <strong>The</strong> 2008-2009 board<strong>of</strong> directors includes Peter Mader ’76population dynamics, as presidentnominee;Bob Hieronimczak ’76managerial systems, as past president;and Don Brungraber ’73 managerialsystems, as secretary.<strong>The</strong> Pullman cars — essentially“hotels on wheels,” were made forluxury and overnight travel. Thosewho served had well-paying jobsby Jim Crow standards but weresubject to long hours, demandingduty and painstaking work rules.When Taylor learned <strong>of</strong> the museum’splans for an exhibit, “PullmanPorters: From Service to CivilRathbunDan Rathbun ’73 urban analysis,is director <strong>of</strong> a U.S.-funded projectin Vietnam called Support for TradeAcceleration. Assistant Secretary <strong>of</strong>State Christopher Hill says STAR helpedboost trade between the countries to$12.5 billion last year, an increase <strong>of</strong> 29percent since Rathbun was appointedin 2006. U.S. exports to Vietnam are upnearly 75 percent. One goal is to helptransform the Vietnamese economy bypromoting a level playing field for theprivate sector, both foreign and domestic.Funding <strong>of</strong> STAR has been extendedand increased. (Photo: Rathbun, center,poses with his STAR team and visiting U.S.Deputy Secretary <strong>of</strong> State Henrietta Fore.)Rights,” he felt compelled to shareboth his keepsakes and an oralhistory <strong>of</strong> his late grandfather,Emmanual Hurst.<strong>The</strong> museum worked with BalanceStudios <strong>of</strong> <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> to create anavatar — a computer-generatedthree-dimensional image — basedon the likeness <strong>of</strong> Hurst. Throughvideo monitors, the avatar guidesTerry Machut ’74 managerial systems,is an investment accountant for MorganStanley in Milwaukee.Wayne Micksch ’74 managerialsystems, was named to the St. Mary’sHospital Medical Center and St. VincentHospital’s board <strong>of</strong> directors and ischair <strong>of</strong> the St. Vincent board for theupcoming year.Bill Fonferek ’76 science andenvironmental change, is the chief<strong>of</strong> special projects for the U.S. ArmyCorps <strong>of</strong> Engineers in Morrow, Ga. Histeam handles permitting in accordancewith the Clear Water Act. In addition,he oversees the mitigation bankingprogram for the area.Crandon Gustafson ’76 urban analysis,director <strong>of</strong> the Center for Pr<strong>of</strong>essionalDevelopment at Harrington College <strong>of</strong>Design, Chicago, is president-elect forthe Illinois chapter <strong>of</strong> the InternationalInterior Design Association.Gordon Hempton ’76 populationdynamics, was featured on ABC’s“Nightline” program earlier this year.<strong>The</strong> subject was his “Sound Tracker”campaign promoting preservation<strong>of</strong> the world’s quiet and undisturbedwilderness areas. A Simon and Schusterbook is due out in 2009.visitors through the car usingHurst’s own words (as relatedby Taylor). He shares storiesabout the struggles and triumphs<strong>of</strong> the black porters, andthe importance <strong>of</strong> the Brotherhood<strong>of</strong> Sleeping Car Porters tothe U.S. civil rights movement.“Our grandfather much preferredto tell us about the goodthings and the good people,”Taylor remembers. “But heshared the hardships, too, andtaught us not to put up withdisrespect, and he gave us waysto cope with adversity. He was agreat believer in education, andtold us ‘I have a great job, butyou can do better.’”For more, visit Inside online.Wayne Campbell ’77 managerialsystems, is the owner <strong>of</strong> Edible Arrangements,De Pere, featuring flower-likearrangements made entirely <strong>of</strong> freshand chocolate-covered fruit.Bruce Mommaerts ’77 regionalanalysis, is executive director <strong>of</strong> theOconto County Economic DevelopmentCorporation, responsible for attractingand retaining new business.Michael Cerkas ’78 business administration,is a technical team manager forGeoAnalytics, Inc. in Madison.Robert Rupp ’78 communicationand the arts, is a TEC facilitator andpresident <strong>of</strong> <strong>The</strong> Renewal Group inDenmark, Wis.Deborah (Hutter) Menacher ’79regional analysis, was named deputycounty administrator for MarathonCounty. Menacher was previously director<strong>of</strong> the Disability Resource Center<strong>of</strong> Central <strong>Wisconsin</strong>, which providesservices to both Marathon and Woodcounties.1980sAnne (Martyn) Alexander ’80 socialchange and development,focuses onclients’ strategies,systems and pr<strong>of</strong>itsas president <strong>of</strong>Authentic Alternatives,Inc., a businessconsulting andcoaching companyAlexander in Fort Collins, Colo.Daniel Katers ’80 social change anddevelopment, had his second andthird e-novels, Angel and Diana, publishedunder a pen name by ForbiddenPublications.Brian Charlier ’81 and ’97 businessadministration and a master’s in administrativescience, was named Prevea’svice president <strong>of</strong> clinical operations in<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>.Craig Dickman ’82 business administration,is CEO & Chief InnovationOfficer for Breakthrough Fuels <strong>of</strong> <strong>Green</strong><strong>Bay</strong>. <strong>The</strong> company arranges fuel packageswith nearly one thousand truckingcompanies in the United States.Jay M. Kramer ’82 managerial accounting,has joined the Hawkins, Ash, Baptie& Company, LLP accounting firm asa partner. His practice focuses on taxservices for small business includingS corporations, partnerships, limitedliabilities companies (LLCs) and individuals.He was formerly with VirchowKrause & Company, LLP in <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>.He serves on UW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> FoundersAssociation, as well asthe Estate PlanningCouncil <strong>of</strong> N. E. W.and Pioneer CreditUnion. <strong>The</strong> companyhas <strong>of</strong>fices in DePere, Manitowoc,Marshfield, Medford,and La Crosse, andWinona, Minn.KramerCaryn (Sroka) Eron ’83 human development,is now retired and living inArkansas. Following careers in teachingin Shawano County and counseling inJuneau and Portage counties, she laterprovided training regarding rights fordisabled clients.Dave Willems ’83 communication andthe arts, was named vice president forthe Business Resource Center <strong>of</strong> theFox Cities for the upcoming year. Heis president and founder <strong>of</strong> WillemsMarketing, Appleton.When David Hergert ’85 human development,died <strong>of</strong> cancer in late 2006, heleft a lasting legacy — higher educationto those in need. Hergert left nearly $1million from his estate to be used forcollege scholarships and other financialassistance to help foster childrenthrough the Milwaukee-area Lad LakeConnection Program for at-risk childrenand families. A high school dropout,Hergert earned his GED, then graduatedfrom UW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> and committed hislife to social services, serving as deputydirector for the Bureau <strong>of</strong> MilwaukeeChild Welfare.Tony Litwinchuk ’85 business administration,was promoted from vice president,Northern Division, to nationalsales manager for Airgas, the nation’slargest supplier <strong>of</strong> industrial, medicaland specialty gases.Correction: Michael Donald Petersen’85 communication and the arts andbusiness administration, is a selfemployedexecutive search consultant.Allen Buch ’86 human development,is co-owner <strong>of</strong> the <strong>The</strong> Gift Itself,<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>, a store specializing in jewelry,metal sculpture, pottery, paintingsand textiles.Larry Woods ’86 regional analysis,received the ExemplaryCustomerService Award fromthe EPA for his workon a team that tookaction to addressfederal facilities’new responsibilitiesunder the EnergyWoods Policy Act <strong>of</strong> 2005to report on and inspect undergroundstorage tanks.Ahmad Faisal Alia ’87 urban studiesand environmental planning, is an associatepr<strong>of</strong>essor at <strong>University</strong> TeknologiMARA-Perak, Malaysia. He is writinga book on the history <strong>of</strong> modern townplanning while working on his Ph.D.Tim Nixon ’87 public administration,featured in the May 2008 issue <strong>of</strong> thismagazine, is the new chairman <strong>of</strong> theboard <strong>of</strong> directors for the <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>Area Chamber <strong>of</strong> Commerce. Nixon isa partner in the <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> law firmGodfrey & Kahn, S.C. He teaches on anad hoc basis at UW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>.Martin Webber ’87 communicationprocesses, is self-employed as a commoditiestrader in Chicago.Norbert Rozek ’88 art, is an associateproducer for Frozen Codebase, a videogame development company in <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>.Jo (Bates) Norman ’89 business administrationand psychology, is a seniorproject management consultant in theFox Valley for New Resources Consulting,Milwaukee.Maria Fisher ’89 psychology andhuman development, is operations managerfor the NEW Zoo near <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>.<strong>The</strong> facility won a $30,000 technologymakeover from <strong>The</strong> Camera Corner/Connecting Point at the <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>Business Expo in March.Jane (Washatka) Frantz ’89communication processes, is the marketingdirector for Community LivingSolutions, LLC in Neenah, specializingin senior care living environments.1990sCraig T. Cobane ’90 politicalscience, received thenewly created JarveEndowed Pr<strong>of</strong>essorshipin Honors atWestern Kentucky<strong>University</strong>, wherehe is executivedirector <strong>of</strong> the HonorsCollege. He is a pastCobane recipient <strong>of</strong>UW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> Alumni Association DistinguishedAlumni Award.Dennis Lorrig ’90 economics, is seniorvice president for operations for theStruans Media Group, a “virtual” studioand independent film financier basedin Carlsbad, Calif.Dace (Zarins) Cooke ’91 social work,who recently retired,writes that herdaughter, Dr. Anne(Cooke) Houff ’97,human biology, isdoing her residencyin internal medicineat Oregon Healthand Science<strong>University</strong> Hospital Cooke-Houffin Portland.David Grignon ’91 communication andthe arts, is director <strong>of</strong> the Menomineetribe’s Historic Preservation Office. Akey project today involves extending thesuccess <strong>of</strong> language-preservation efforts.Patrick T. Harrigan ’91 political scienceand business administration, wasappointed senior vice president <strong>of</strong> M&IExchange Services in Minneapolis. Hehas written and lectured extensively onreal estate and tax-deferred exchanges.Shari Kangas ’91 art and communicationand the arts, was promoted toaccount manager for Arketype, a <strong>Green</strong><strong>Bay</strong> advertising firm.Terry Madoka ’91 human development,is a program manager with the newRichard Reid TV operations Nairobi,Kenya. Reid TV is known for educationalprogramming.Dr. Tricia (Kottwitz) Lorenz ’91human biology and chemistry, is afamily medical physician with AffinityMedical Group in Chilton. Her specialinterests are in women’s health, pediatrics,endocrinology and athletics.Jim Meyer ’92 business administrationand economics, was named president <strong>of</strong>the M&I Bank in Shawano. He has beenwith M&I for 21 years.David Neyer ’92 economics andpolitical science, is a mine engineer atKinross Gold in Round Mountain, Nev.Kinross is the third-largest primarygold producer in North America byreserves. <strong>The</strong>y also have mines in Chile,Brazil and Russia.Laurie Resch ’92 psychology andhuman development, is executive director<strong>of</strong> the Community Adoption Center,<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>. She previously worked forFamily Services as crises services directorfor Brown, Shawano, and Sheboygancounties.Isaac Stephenson ’92 history andsocial change and development, isa paramedic with Rockford (Mich.)Ambulance.Terrie Pohjola ’93 and ’02 managerialaccounting and a master’s inenvironmental science and policy, wasnamed to the Thrivent Financial Bankboard <strong>of</strong> directors. She is regional vicepresident <strong>of</strong> sales at SECURA Insurance,a property/casualty insurance companyin Appleton.Wesley Johnson ’93 human developmentand psychology, is an outpatientcounselor for the New London-basedRawhide Youth and Family CounselingServices for at-risk youth.Mark Smullen ’93 history, was namedathletics director at Beloit MemorialHigh School.Claire (Hogan) Williams ’93communication and the arts, is abusiness operations assistant withCerebral Palsy Inc. <strong>of</strong> <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>.Amy Cisar ’94 psychology and humandevelopment, is a psychotherapist withAurora Health Center, De Pere. Shespecializes in family communicationissues, marital difficulties, self-esteemissues and grief counseling.Matthew Giese ’94 environmentalscience, founded MidWest Chemicaland Equipment four years ago. <strong>The</strong>De Pere business helps companieswith wastewater issues such as odorcomplaints, high sewer surcharges, highchemical costs, poor sludge quality andinadequate pH control.Samantha Andrews ’95 communicationprocesses, is a public relations associatewith FroedtertHospital, Milwaukee.She has successfullycompleted theExamination forAccreditation inPublic Relations,entitling her to usethe APR pr<strong>of</strong>essionalAndrews designation.Michael Jansen ’95 business administration,is vice president, supply chainmanagement for SCA Tissue. SCA has $1billion in annual sales headquarteredin Philadelphia with corporate <strong>of</strong>ficesin Neenah.Anthony Rasberry ’95 human development,recently relocated to Mesa, Ariz.,to accept a customer care supervisorposition with Humana, Inc.Mike H<strong>of</strong>fman ’74 ecosystems analysis,Linda (Schuchart) Reum ’89 nursing,is a pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> entomology for CornellHoward Mooers ’79 science andis a registered nurse with Urgent Care<strong>University</strong>, Ithaca, N.Y., and a widelyenvironmental change, received thein <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>.Ron Rasmussen ’95 history and politicalscience, began in fall as principal atpublished authority on pest management.He serves as director <strong>of</strong> Cornell’s2008 scholar/teacher award at the<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Minnesota-Duluth, whereMauston High School.Agricultural Experiment Station.he is the R.L. Heller Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Geology.In 2004 he received the <strong>University</strong><strong>of</strong> Minnesota Alumni Association’shighest award for outstanding contributionsto undergraduate education.34 November 2008 November 200835

ALUMNI NOTESALUMNI NOTESRobert Saari ’95 associate <strong>of</strong> artsdegree, was appointed vice president<strong>of</strong> business development for ContractConverting LLC., <strong>Green</strong>ville, Wis. Formerlya plant manager, Saari will directall sales strategy and development, andpursue new growth opportunities.Shelly (Wozniak) Rosenquist ’95 art,is a senior communications specialistfor UW-Milwaukee. She creates graphicsfor the university and leads designworkshops for faculty and staff. Shealso participates in many juried fine artexhibits throughout the Midwest. Herwebsite is www.shellyvision.com.Paula (Grusznski) Cloute ’96 businessadministration, is a financial accountantfor Schneider National, <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>.Josh Hinch ’96 business administration,is a mortgage loan originator withEdgewater Bank, Bridgeman, Mich.Dan Holl ’96 German, recently openedhis own firm,Wiltzius & Holl,in <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>,<strong>of</strong>fering financialand retirementplanning throughRaymond JamesFinancial Services,Inc. He specializesHoll in retirementincome and distribution planning.Ryan Kauth ’96 human biology,a business banker with InvestorsCommunity Bank, Manitowoc, recentlycompleted the <strong>Wisconsin</strong> Bankers AssociationCommercial Lending School.Tammy (Beyer) McHugh ’96 socialwork, is a social worker and mentorcoordinator for Outagamie CountyYouth and Family Services in Appleton.Adam Raschka ’96 political scienceand public administration, is director<strong>of</strong> regulatory and external affairs forthe <strong>Wisconsin</strong> Cable CommunicationsAssociation.Sandra (Baker) Renick ’96 communicationand the arts, is a salesrepresentative for Boelter Company inWaukesha. Boelter is one <strong>of</strong> the nation’slargest contractors <strong>of</strong> foodserviceequipment and supply solutions.Margaret (Suemnick) Tomashek ’96elementary education, is a teacherfor the Denmark School District. Shecompleted her master’s <strong>of</strong> education atViterbo <strong>University</strong> in 2007.Steven Botic ’97 environmentalscience, is an environmental engineerwith Applied Materials, Santa Clara, Calif.Answer to page 5:Peter Beth (‘Student Union’ forManagerial Systems), Rob Stevens(SU Growth & Development), JoanieZawikowski (Segregated <strong>University</strong> FeeAllocation Committee), Dave Thaldorf(SU Performing Arts Music), CherylAden (SU Performing Arts <strong>The</strong>ater),Mark Owens,(SUPAT). Photos andIDs courtesy <strong>of</strong> Robert Stevens.Paul Chapman ’97 public administration,lives in Black Mountain, N.C., andis a paralegal for Ingle Markets, Inc. —a grocery chain operating 200 storesacross the Southeast.Michele (Klatt) Malcore ’97 environmentalscience, is a vice president <strong>of</strong>credit policy with Wells Fargo HomeMortgage in Sun Prairie.Lori Ritter ’97 English, was re-electedsecretary <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Wisconsin</strong> BusinessIncubation Association. She is theincubator program manager forAdvance Business Development Center,<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>.Stacie Thuma ’97 mathematics, is asenior actuarial analyst for HumanaInsurance Company, De Pere.Amy Ebert ‘98 communication processes,works in the Twin Cities areaas an assistant manager for visual merchandisewith Aveda — a manufacturer<strong>of</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>essional plant-based hair care,skin care and other lifestyle products.Erin Hunsader ’98 theatre, theFox Cities Performing Art Center’seducation and community programcoordinator, put her playwright skillsto the test during a 24-hour festivalat Shake Rag Alley <strong>The</strong>ater in MineralPoint. She and five playwrights met onthe night <strong>of</strong> Aug. 29, each writing ashort play. <strong>The</strong> following day the playwas taken over by actors and directors,who performed the works in front <strong>of</strong> alive audience that evening. Hunsadercredits her early beginnings as aplaywright to a college creative writingpr<strong>of</strong>essor who noticed her ability towrite dialog and supported her effort toturn the story into a play.Tanya (Brachmann) Soeldner ’98psychology and human development,has started the master’s <strong>of</strong> counselingprogram at Lakeland College.Addie (Johnson) Sorbo ’98 communicationand the arts, is now a part-timelecturer in graphic design for the Artsand Visual Design academic program oncampus. She owns her own graphic designfirm, Strawberry Fields, in <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>.Wayne Walker ’98 business administration,is the customer service managerwith UW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> Ticketing andInformation Services.Julie Abraham-Gifford ’99 biology andenvironmental sciences, is a quality associateat American Red Cross, Madison.Andrew Cantrall ’99 public administrationand political science, is thesenior assistant golf pr<strong>of</strong>essional at<strong>The</strong> Legend at Brandybrook Golf — aprivate country club located in Wales,Wis., northwest <strong>of</strong> Milwaukee. Herecently completed the Level 3 PGA/PGM Program and earned “Class A GolfPr<strong>of</strong>essional” status.Mark Couillard ’99 accounting, isthe regional sales associate for retirementplans for CUNA Mutual Group,Madison.2000sKrista (Kallenbach) Johnson ’00social change and development andpolitical science, was recently promotedto senior analyst with the state <strong>of</strong>Michigan’s Department <strong>of</strong> Labor andEconomic Growth, Lansing. Her spouse,Larry Johnson ’01 master’s degree inenvironmental science and policy, waspromoted to director <strong>of</strong> the EnvironmentalHealth Division, ShiawasseeCounty Health Department.Kristina Koyen ’00 human biology,works for Door County Memorial Hospitalas an athletic trainer and facilitator.Melissa (Strauss) Schamburek ’00communication processes, is a publicrelations associate for Holy FamilyMemorial Hospital in Manitowoc. She isalso an instructor with the ManitowocCounty Figure Skating Club.Molly (Frank) Setzer ’00 elementaryeducation is a copywriter and producerfor Insight Creative Services Company,a <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>-based advertising agency.Tabitha (Schreiber) Bartels ’01 businessadministration, is an e-mail marketingspecialist for Cision in Chicago, aprovider <strong>of</strong> media monitoring, research,distribution and evaluation services.Kurt Biese ’01 business administration,was promoted to assistant vicepresident, commercial banking portfoliomanager for Associated Bank. He hasnine years <strong>of</strong> experience with AssociatedBank, most recently as a corporateloan review <strong>of</strong>ficer.Jennifer (Hunter) Rymer ’01 art, is adistrict manager for Starbucks C<strong>of</strong>feeCompany in <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>.James Scharfenberg ’01 environmentalscience, is an approval manager withPCI, East Chicago, Ind.Sharin (Landry) Tebo ’01 Spanish,works for the <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> Public SchoolDistrict as an instructional technologysupport teacher.Beth (Wanninger) Foss ’02 communicationprocesses, is a home equityspecialist with Guaranty Mortgage inthe Madison area.Troy Graverson ’02 business administration,is a partner/owner and resortmanager for Village Inn Resort in TwoRivers.Kristy (Knoblock) Knipple ’02 math,is a financial analyst for NorthernTrust. She splits her time between theChicago and Milwaukee <strong>of</strong>fices.Eric Lindahl ’02 theatre, is in a production<strong>of</strong> Noel Coward’s Hay Feverat Circle <strong>The</strong>atre (greater Chicago).Andrew Martin ’02 music, is an assistantpr<strong>of</strong>essor at Inver Hills College.His spouse, Andrea (Meyer) Martin ’02music and public administration, is aprosecuting attorney with HennepinCounty, Minneapolis.Ryan Mueller ’02 business administration,has joined TSB Bank in Lomira asassistant vice president <strong>of</strong> lending.Megan (Pichette) Anderson ’03communication processes, is celebratingfive years as an account managerwith Arketype, Inc., an advertising anddesign firm in downtown <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>.Aaron Dubinski ’03 communicationprocesses, is a personal banker withM&I Bank, Brookfield.Samuel Huber ’03 environmentalpolicy and planning, is an accomplisheddistance runner and a dedicatedenvironmentalist. Combining both, he’sthe creator and founder <strong>of</strong> Eco-Runner,a new movement dedicated to running,fitness, and environmental sustainability.He recently made some importantallies with the non-pr<strong>of</strong>it Keep CaliforniaBeautiful organization and the2008 Carlsbad Marathon in Carlsbad,California, which agreed to embrace anEco-Runner theme. <strong>The</strong> event attractedsome 10,000 runners, and many helpedpick up litter along the way. Huber ledthe course cleanup corps, running the26 miles in 3 hours and 37 minuteswhile filling 28 bags <strong>of</strong> trash betweenway stations. You can read more ateco-runner.blogspot.com. He is anelementary grade school teacher in theMilwaukee School District.Shaun Johnson ’03 humanistic studies,was named campus minister at St.Norbert College, De Pere.Steve Marzolf ’03 theatre, completeda run in the play Fair Use last fall at thefamed Steppenwolf <strong>The</strong>atre Company,Chicago. He is one <strong>of</strong> just a few studentsselected for the master’s <strong>of</strong> fine arts graduatetheatre program (out <strong>of</strong> about 1,500applications) at the Old Globe/<strong>University</strong><strong>of</strong> San Diego graduate acting program.Marcus Reitz ’03 communicationprocesses, was recently promoted tooperations and distribution managerwith Fulfillnet <strong>of</strong> Northeast <strong>Wisconsin</strong>.Anne Rowe ’03 English and communicationprocesses, wasrecently selected asa 2008 Kappa PhiAward <strong>of</strong> Excellence.She is one <strong>of</strong> 100 studentsnationwide toreceive the award, andis pursuing a doctor<strong>of</strong> physical therapy atRowe Duke <strong>University</strong>.Anita Resch ’03 interdisciplinarystudies with an emphasis in businessadministration, is a vice president andtrust <strong>of</strong>ficer for Nicolet National Bankin <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>.Sunam (Kara) Ellis ’04 theatre andhuman development, is expecting hersecond child. She is pursuing graduatestudy in human development and psychologyat Penn State <strong>University</strong>.Michelle (Stark) Fetherston ’04communication processes, is an accountcoordinator with Scott Advertising,Milwaukee.Joshua Hilgemann ’04 politicalscience, is a claim case manager forWausau Insurance (Liberty Mutual).His spouse, Kristen (Leonhardt)Hilgemann ’05 human developmentand psychology, is a recovery assistant forMeridian Resource Company (Wellpoint).Jennifer Lathrop’04 art, who alsohas a master’s <strong>of</strong> artin teaching, worksas an elementaryteacher atthe AmericanInternational Schoolin Barranquilla,Colombia.HilgemannLathropGreg Pitel ’04 accounting and businessadministration, is a staff accountant withSchenck Business Solutions, <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>.Ricardo Vogt and Leala Cyr wereUW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> jazz stars from2002-04. Vogt is a Brazilian-bornsinger, songwriter and guitarist andCyr, from Pulaski, is a jazz singer andtrumpeter. <strong>The</strong> couple has performedwith the Esperanza Spalding groupincluding spots on “Jimmy KimmelLive” and on “<strong>The</strong> Late Show with DavidLetterman” this past summer. <strong>The</strong> twoleft the <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> area for scholarshipsto the prestigious Berklee College <strong>of</strong>Music in Boston. Cyr was voted “BestJazz Vocalist” in the college divisionby Down Beat Magazine’s student musicawards in 2005.Jesse Vieau ’04 psychology and humandevelopment, earned a master’s <strong>of</strong>library and information studies atUNC-<strong>Green</strong>sboro. He works as the teenlibrarian at “ImaginOn,” a public librarydevoted to people under the age <strong>of</strong> 19in Charlotte.Julie (Reinemann) Wyss ’04 humanbiology, graduated from Palmer College<strong>of</strong> Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa inJune 2008. Last September she and herhusband opened their own chiropractic<strong>of</strong>fice, Wyss Clinic <strong>of</strong> Chiropractic, LLC,in <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>.FRONT-LINE CAREFrom Iraq to Walter Reed,Lt. Col. Goymerac makes differenceWith administrative responsibilitiesfor 1,500 medical military staff,U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel PaulGoymerac ’89 is accustomed to abrisk pace. He serves as his soldiers’human resource manager and troopcommander for Madigan Army MedicalCenter in Fort Lewis, Wash., andits six-state region.He has had two overseas tours in his20-year military career — in 1991Desert Shield/Storm, where heserved on a Forward Airborne SurgicalTeam from Fort Bragg, and againin Iraq in 2003, where he was themedical brigade’s “S1,” coordinatingall medical personnel support inNorthern Iraq.“To tell you the truth, tours <strong>of</strong> dutyare very rewarding and less stressfulthan day-to-day operations in thestates,” Goymerac says. “We havebeen trained for a specific job, andthat is what we do. (Stateside), wedeal with all the politics, staff shortages,et cetera.”Lisa Berzowski ’05 elementary education,has been a kindergarten teacher inthe Clintonville School District for thepast three years.Brandon Cacek ’05 social change anddevelopment, is an advertising andmarketing consultant for Beckett Mediain Dallas — an Apprise Media companyand publisher <strong>of</strong> sports and specialtymarket collectible products.Brian Gnadt ’05 business administration,is a reporting specialist withSchneider National, <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>. Hisspouse, Katie (Schmidt) Gnadt ’06human development, is an administrativeassistant at PDQ Manufacturing, De Pere.Shawn (Schoenfeld) Jensen ’05 Spanish,is a workforce development coordinatorwith Literacy <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>. She isalso a Spanish/ELL instructor.Rebecca Pasterski ’05 and ’07human development and social changeand development, and master’s in socialwork, is a substance abuse counselor withthe Jackie Nitschke Center in <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>.Justin Pearson ’05 communicationprocesses, is an associate editor forSparkNET Interactive in De Pere.When Walter Reed Army MedicalCenter drew national headlinesfor its run-down condition.Goymerac’s commanding <strong>of</strong>ficer,Brigadier General Sheila Baxter,appointed him commander forthe center’s “Warrior in Transition”battalion. <strong>The</strong> battalion— doctors, nurses, administrativepersonnel, and patients— has since made dramaticimprovements in the delivery <strong>of</strong>healthcare to wounded soldiersreturning from deployments.Goymerac enrolled at UW-<strong>Green</strong><strong>Bay</strong> after Premontre High School(now Notre Dame Academy)Pr<strong>of</strong>s. Robert Wenger and JamesWiersma encouraged him towardhis chemistry degree. He laterearned a master’s in health careadministration.For more on Lt. Col. Goymerac,visit Inside online.Correction: Michael David Petersen ’05communication processes and politicalscience, is co-author <strong>of</strong> a law reviewarticle detailing past problems in legaleducation and proposing strategies forimprovement. <strong>The</strong> article, “A Legal EducationRenaissance: A Practical Approachfor the Twenty-<strong>First</strong> Century,” can beaccessed at www.wmitchell.edu/ler.Leslie Schroeder ’05 communicationprocesses, is a unit sales manager withBankers Life and Casualty <strong>of</strong> <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>.Sarah (Rampanelli) Wroblewski ’05elementary education, is a seventh-gradeteacher at West De Pere Middle School.Jeffrey Casalina ’06 master’s in scienceand environmental change, is a physicalscientist with the U.S. Department <strong>of</strong>Energy at Los Alamos National Laboratory.He participates in hazardous wastemonitoring and cleanup activities and isthe federal representative to the NorthernNew Mexico Citizens Advisory Board.Jerome Christel ’06 math, is anairframe and powerplant mechanicfor Gulfstream Aerospace Corp.’sAppleton location.36 November 2008 37November 2008

ALUMNI NOTESUnion a launch pad for campus-based careersKramp Grant WarpinskiO‘Kelly Chronister WilliamsIt must be the strong StudentLife and <strong>University</strong> Union<strong>of</strong>ferings. UW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> alumni— most <strong>of</strong> whom worked jobsand internships here duringtheir own college days and wenton to achieve graduate degrees— are filling key student-servicesslots here and nationwide.A sampling:Poppy Grant ’74 nutritionalsciences, is the buildingservice manager for her almamater’s <strong>University</strong> Union. Sheoversees operational aspects<strong>of</strong> the facility and is also thekey administrator for campusscheduling s<strong>of</strong>tware… RickWarpinski ’91 business andpsychology, is director for boththe Union and the ShorewoodGolf Course. He’s a strongbeliever in student life, studentactivities, health and wellness,and student employment…Kelly (Loasching) Kramp ’00communication processes andpolitical science, is manager <strong>of</strong>programs, promotions and marketingfor the <strong>University</strong> Union…Sara Ann Kleinhans Suwalski’99 human development, worksas the leadership developmentprogram manager at ReeveMemorial Union, UW-Oshkosh,and takes leadership roles in theAssociation <strong>of</strong> College UnionsInternational… Carey O’ Kelley’01 communication and thearts, is a student developmentspecialist for StudentActivities and <strong>University</strong> CenterOperations at the <strong>University</strong><strong>of</strong> Texas at Tyler… ShannonChronister ’03 communicationprocesses, coordinates volunteer/service programs in the Office<strong>of</strong> Student Involvement andEmployment at UW-StevensPoint… Andy Williams ’04history and humanistic studies,is the program services managerand adviser <strong>of</strong> CentertainmentProduction at UW-StevensPoint… Dana Hartzheim ’05communication processes,works in student services for the<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Illinois.For more on their careers anddegrees, see Inside online.Career bloomsin <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>’s top gardenSusan E. Garot ’81 is at home— and at work — in the NewNorth region’s most spectaculargarden.Garot is executive director <strong>of</strong>the <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> Botanical Garden.She oversees day-to-aday operationsand also takes leadership inincreasing the center’s regionalvisibility, boosting membershipand attendance, and securingprivate donations.“This is a dream job,” she says.“I have the privilege <strong>of</strong> workingamid truly beautiful surroundingswith a talented staff and incrediblydedicated volunteers.”Located at 2600 Larsen Road,the facility consists <strong>of</strong> about50 acres <strong>of</strong> gardens and naturalareas. Paths wind among the sceniccottages, gazebos, trellisesand bridges, taking visitors pastperennials, roses, trees, shrubsand annuals. Gardening classesand events emphasize education.Garot has extensive experiencein both private industryand management <strong>of</strong> nonpr<strong>of</strong>its.Previously a real estate developer,CEO <strong>of</strong> Garot Hospitalityand general manager <strong>of</strong> TundraLodge, she also held senior positionswith the chambers <strong>of</strong> commercein <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> and Denver.She studied nonpr<strong>of</strong>it managementat UW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>.“I think the one thing I’ve carriedwith me from UWGB is howintertwined all organizations arewithin the community,” she says.“Also, the environmental focusis so relevant to what I’m doingtoday.”She’s proud <strong>of</strong> continuing thoseUW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> ties. <strong>The</strong> BotanicalGarden had two studentinterns this past summer, workingon GPS mapping and a controlplan for invasive species. Plansfor a marketing student internshipand a future Alumni Associationgathering are in the works.ALUMNI NOTESMarriages &UnionsStefanie Broe ’99 toBrian KontnyBevan Dobberpuhl ’00 toAnne ConryTim Kading ’00 toAmie KadingSharin Landry ’01 toJoshua TeboCarrie Richter ’04 toCasey Helke ’04Amanda Bowman ’05 toAmes MolsberryBrian Gnadt ’05 toKatie Schmidt ’06Danny Schulz ’05 toCasie Rindfleisch-Schulz ’06Andrew Fondow ’06 toAmanda Aamodt ’08Brian Jicinsky ’06 toKathy Mlaker ’06Megan Wetzel ’07 toJesse BruckschenAmanda Crump ’08 toBradley SchwartzMai Sing Ho ’08 toDouglas FollettShawn Niemann ’08 toEllen Schaffer ’08Kelly (Smith) Czypinski ’06 businessadministration, is the new executivedirector <strong>of</strong> On Broadway Inc., <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>.Jessica Ehr ’06 human biology, is pursuingher doctorate in physical therapyat Des Moines <strong>University</strong>, with plans tograduate in May 2009.Jamie Gassner ’06 business administration,is the human resources coordinatorfor Markel American InsuranceCompany in Waukesha.Jessica Halvorson ’06 humanistic studies,is a resident director for the <strong>University</strong><strong>of</strong> Nevada-Reno. She completed hermaster’s degree in educational administrationwith an emphasis in adult andhigher education in May 2008.Brian Jicinsky ’06 psychology, pursuedhis master’s degree ineducational leadershipat MinnesotaState <strong>University</strong>,Mankato, and isnow employed as anadmissions counselorwith Miami <strong>University</strong>in Oxford, Ohio.Jicinsky Kathy (Mlaker)Jicinsky ’06 humandevelopment and psychology, is assistantdirector for New Student Programs atMiami. She holds a master’s in counselingand student personnel at Mankato.Dale Mahloch ’06 business administration,is an advertising account executivefor the Gannett Corporation inManitowoc.Aimee McGeen ’06 social change anddevelopment, is the visitor servicescoordinator with the Waukesha &Pewaukee Visitors Bureau.Jolie Smith ’06 communication, is asales and promotions coordinator withCumulus Broadcasting in <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>.Quinn White ’06 theatre, is in aproduction <strong>of</strong> Harvey Fierstein’s TorchSong Trilogy at the Victory Gardens<strong>The</strong>atre, Chicago.Jenny Zoellner ’06 Spanish, is a highschool Spanish teacher for the HowardSuamico School District and a freshmanvolleyball coach.Judson Anderson ’07 computer science,joined Cellcom in De Pere as as<strong>of</strong>tware engineer.Jennifer (Cutts) Aquino ’07 businessadministration, is the internationalparts sales administrator for the Airport/MunicipalProducts Group <strong>of</strong> theOshkosh Corporation in Oshkosh.Jennifer Brown ’07 master’s in management,is the executive director <strong>of</strong> theKewaunee County Economic DevelopmentCorp.Melissa Duquaine ’07 elementaryeducation, is an elementary ESL teacherwith the <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> public schools.Victoria Gilbert ’07 communication,is a recruiter for Manpower Inc. inPewaukee.Kelley <strong>Green</strong> ’07 interdisciplinarystudies, is the personal lines underwritingmanager for Jewelers Mutual InsuranceCompany, Neenah.Heather (Wochinski) Hagen ’07social work, has been nominated forPeace Corps service in Africa beginningin February <strong>of</strong> 2009. She is currentlya skills specialist for ChristieCare — aprovider <strong>of</strong> mental health treatmentfor children and families — in OregonCity, Ore.HeiarDoug Heiar ’07theatre, played abank teller and ahobo in the recentlyfilmed Johnny Deppmovie Public Enemy –a portion <strong>of</strong> it fimedin Oshkosh this pastspring.Erin Kempf ’07 business administration,is a senior project assistant with UnitedBioSource Corporation, Wayne, Penn.Beth Kneisler ’07 communication,and Angela Walschinski ’07 businessadministration, have been hired asaccount assistants with Leonard &Finco Public Relations, <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>.Vanessa (Sobeck) Moran ’07 elementaryeducation is a first-grade teacherwith the Tigerton Area School District.Amanda Scholz ’07 theatre, has beenworking for the past year for Ruehlingand Associates, a theatrical lightingcompany in Minneapolis.Ashley Seipel ’07 elementary educationand human development, teaches fifthgradelanguage arts for the ChiltonArea School District.Kristopher Sharpe ’07 businessadministration, is a business casemanager with integrated FinancialSolutions, LLC., Delafield.David Stefl ’07 business administration,is a branch <strong>of</strong>fice administrator forEdward Jones, Shawano.Alyssa VanderHeyden ’07business administration, is an Internetresearcher/project coordinator withthe Employment Resource Group <strong>of</strong>Appleton.O’Neil and ThimkeFoley & Lardner LLP is the largest and among the mostprestigious law firms in <strong>Wisconsin</strong>. Both Mark Thimke’76 modernization processes, and Tanya Thresher O’Neil’95 political science, are attorneys at theMilwaukee <strong>of</strong>fice, each specializing inenvironmental law. Christine Korth ’92interdisciplinary studies, is an adult degreegraduate who works as a paralegal in theMadison <strong>of</strong>fice. <strong>The</strong> three share memories<strong>of</strong> their UW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> training, a storyor two from campus, thoughts about theirKorthwork today and more, in Inside online.Paul Wilson ’07 theatre, is an entertainmenttechnician for Carnival CruiseLines in San Diego.Renee Dodge ’08 social work, is anongoing case manager with La Causa,Inc., Milwaukee.Megan Gustafson’08 communication,former intern in theAlumni Relations<strong>of</strong>fice, is a publicationscoordinatorwith the KohlerCompany, Kohler.She makes Sheboyganher Gustafson home.Ivan Jones ’08 theatre, is a lightingtechnician for Design Lab <strong>of</strong> Chicag<strong>of</strong>or their concert/production business.Five-year plan? Ha!Ashley Marsh ’08psychology andhuman development,didn’t even like thefour-year plan. Sheearned her doublemajor in three yearsand was the youngestgrad at 2008 springMarshcommencement atage 20. (Youngest-ever was Tina Sauerhammer,who graduated at 18 in spring1999.) She’s seeking additional creden-tials in nursing, and holds a job helpingpeople with disabilities. Her interestingstory as well as a few time-managementtips can be found in Inside online.Lynette Miller ’08 accounting andbusiness administration, is a cost accountantwith Walker Forge, Clintonville.Neil Montour ’08 theatre, received hiscontract in early spring 2008 to beginworking for Reed Rigging in Chicago.This company does concert, theatre andevent rigging.Shane Moseng ’08 accounting andbusiness administration, is a staffaccountant with Schenck BusinessSolutions, <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>.Shawn Niemann ’08 history, is completinghis first scholarly book. He alsomaintains a blog historical website,www.historybrief.com.Molly Waldschmidt ’08 communication,is a personal banker at AssociatedBank in Neenah.Mathew Weiss ’08 business administration,is a financial adviser with StrategicWealth Management in Appleton.38 November 2008 39November 2008

ALUMNI NOTESWe’re on FacebookWe’re just getting started, but eventually your Alumni Associationwould like to use the Facebook social networking tool ina big way. Jobs, networking, events, photo sharing and more…<strong>The</strong> first step is to visit our website and sign up for the UWGBalumni group.Alumni jazz musicians say‘Happy Birthday’ to LovellThat’s right, retired music pr<strong>of</strong>essor Lovell Ives is turning80. Help celebrate at Jazz Fest XXXIX, Saturday, Jan. 31 atthe Weidner Center. <strong>The</strong> event will feature Jazz and VocalEnsembles and a special alumni jazz band directed by Ives andfeaturing Mark Israel ’82 ontrumpet, Mark Burditt ’81 ontrombone, and many others.(Warming up for the eventat a recent campus receptionwere, left, jazz facultymembers Adam Gaines andJohn Salerno ’73 and ’76, andstudent Brian Kopfhammer.)You’re invited to Networking Nights“Networking Nights” debuted this fall, and you’re invited!<strong>The</strong> nights provide a forum for pr<strong>of</strong>essionals to, well, networkwith fellow alumni, faculty, staff and current students. Drop inany time, with no RSVP required. Networking Nights are 4:30to 6:30 p.m. every other Monday in Room 103 <strong>of</strong> the <strong>University</strong>Union. Upcoming programs:November 3 - Nsight/CellcomNovember 17 - Sherwin WilliamsFebruary 9 - Schenck Business SolutionsFebruary 23 - Area human service organizationsNominate a Colleague for an Alumni AwardYour Alumni Association is calling for nominations (by Dec. 1)for the Distinguished Alumni Award and Outstanding RecentAlumni Award. View criteria at www.uwgb.edu/alumni.25,000 Degrees <strong>of</strong> ExcellenceThat was the theme at May commencement when Nancy Ablyjoined Jennifer Schanen on stage to commemorate a milestone.Schanen, a senior from Port Washington, received her bachelor’sin Social Work summa cum laude to become UW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>’s 25,000th graduate.Deprey, a longtime localteacher, was Nancy Ably andfirst in line alphabetically atthe first commencement onJune 1, 1970. Deprey presentedcongratulationsand a gift package onbehalf <strong>of</strong> the AlumniAssociation.FIND ALL THE LATEST IN ALUMNI NEWS AND EVENTS AT WWW.UWGB.EDU/ALUMNI/40 November 2008Don’t be a lost alum! And stay in the loopNew job, change <strong>of</strong> address? Updating your alumni informationis a click away — www.uwgb.edu/alumni/updates/ or sendus your information by mail, attention Mark Brunette. And, toreally be in the loop, sign up for the alumni e-newsletter. Justsend a “subscribe” message to alumninews@uwgb.edu/.Squeaky clean funUW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> had a mouse in its house in September whenInterim Provost Bill Laatsch once again donned the mousesuit for one <strong>of</strong> UW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>’s oldest and mostsingular fall traditions: the Bill Laatsch Wine andCheese Classic. <strong>The</strong> eventdrew a big crowd to theShorewood Golf Courseclubhouse, includingPr<strong>of</strong>s. Kumar Kangayappanand Ganga Nair.Alumni CalendarOCTOBERThursday, 30 – Madison Area, Music Educator’s Reception,Overture Center for the ArtsNOVEMBERSaturday, 8 – Twin Cities Reception, held in conjunctionwith Packers/Vikings game, venue andtime TBDThursday, 13 – UW Systemwide reception, Healthcare inthe Coulee Region, Health Science Center,UW-La Crosse campusTuesday, 18 – Alumni Association Board <strong>of</strong>Directors meetingThursday, 20 – Downtown Third Thursdays, <strong>Bay</strong>lake BankCenter, “<strong>The</strong> Impact <strong>of</strong> the 2008 Elections”with Pr<strong>of</strong>. Dan SpielmannDECEMBERThursday 18 – Downtown Third Thursdays, <strong>Bay</strong>lake BankCenter, “Best Toys for Toddler Development,A guide for Parents and Grandparents,”Pr<strong>of</strong>. Jennifer ZapfFriday, 19 – Commencement Reception,Titletown Brewing, <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>JANUARYFriday 9 –Milwaukee Area Alumni Reception,held in conjunction with UW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> vs.UW Milwaukee men’s basketball game,venue and time TBDSaturday, 31 – Jazz Fest XXXIX in celebration <strong>of</strong>Lovell Ives’ 80th birthdayJUNEFriday 12 –29th Annual Scholarship Golf Outing,Royal Scot Golf Course, New FrankenJennifer Goyette is agraduate student fromMilwaukee who caresdeeply about the worldin which she lives.“I havea background in avianfield biology, avian rescueand rehabilitation, and scienceillustration. <strong>The</strong> funding I receivedhelped acquire high-tech recordingequipment that was critical for myresearch. Ultimately I hope to showthat digital recordings can providevaluable information for surveyingand monitoring bird populations,many <strong>of</strong> which are endangered orseriously declining.”Jennifer GoyetteYour gift to UW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> helps fund opportunities for Jenniferand other students with similar passion, to work with facultyin collaboration with prestigious research institutions such asCornell <strong>University</strong> and the Smithsonian Institute.Your support helps fund undergraduate scholarships, graduateresearch, and many other learning opportunities that contributeto a healthy future for your community and the world.Please consider a gift to UW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> today.www.uwgb.edu/giving

<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Wisconsin</strong>-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>2420 Nicolet Drive<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>, WI 54311-7001Nonpr<strong>of</strong>it Org.U.S. PostagePAID<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong>, WIPermit No. 66P.S.COSTUME IDEASCheck our homepage (www.uwgb.edu). By the morning <strong>of</strong> Friday, Oct. 31,we’ll be spotlighting the hottest trends in dress-up fashion with a photogallery from the <strong>University</strong> Union and the student Grave Dancers Ball twonights earlier. This pair was a hit at the 2007 dance.PARENTS: If this issue is addressed to your son or daughter who no longerlives at home, please notify UW-<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> Alumni Relations <strong>of</strong> the correct address.PHONE: (920) 465-2586 E-mail: alumni@uwgb.eduThis publication is made possible through private donations.

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