1911 - 1912 - Chautauqua-Cattaraugus Library System

1911 - 1912 - Chautauqua-Cattaraugus Library System

1911 - 1912 - Chautauqua-Cattaraugus Library System


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3 1880 0242102 3DATE DUEfemes Prendergast <strong>Library</strong> Association509 Cherry StreetJamestown, New York 14701Member Of<strong>Chautauqua</strong>-<strong>Cattaraugus</strong> <strong>Library</strong> <strong>System</strong>

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THEJOURNAL'S DIRECTORYOFJAMESTOWN• >i «—..... _. _......FALCONER, CELORON, LAKEWOOD and theRURAL FREE DELIVERY ROUTESono <strong>1911</strong> - <strong>1912</strong>FROMJAMESTOWNCONTAININGA Comprehensive Street Directory, an Alphabetical ResidenceDirectory, a Classified Business Directory and a Directoryof County and City Officials, City Institutions, Societies,Corporations, etc., and a Map of the CityP R I C E $4.00rCOMPILED, PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BYJournal Printing CompanyJOURNAL BUILDING, 12 WEST SECOND STREETJAMESTOWN, NEW YORK

index t o c o n t e n t sAbbreviations Used in Directory 78Alphabetical Directory of Residents of Jamestown 79-430Athletic and Sporting ClubsxivBusiness and Professional AssociationsxivCeloron Directory 431-436CemeteriesxiiiChurchesxii-xiiiCity Election Districtsvi-viiCity GovernmentvCity Polling PlacesviiiClassified Business Directory 475-496Clubs, Literary Circles and Social OrganizationsxivCounty and District Governmentviii-xFalconer Directory 437-458Fire Alarm Boxes and Code of Calls2nd page preceding title pageFire Department OfficersviIncorporated Companiesxxii-xxviiInstitutions, Societies and Clubs (not secret)-xiv-xviJamestown, Historical Sketchiii-vJustices of the Peace 486Labor Organi- ms xxiLakewood D tory 459-468Libraries and Educational InstitutionsxiiiMap of JamestowninsertMiscellaneous OrganizationsxvNotaries Publicxix-xxParks 7t ivPatriotic and Political Sov. tiesxivPopulationvPostofficexPublic Schoolsxi-xiiPublicationsxRural Free Delivery Route 75 469Rural Free Delivery Route 76 469Rural Free Delivery Route 77 470Rural Free Delivery Route 78 470Rural Free Delivery Route 79 471Rural Free Delivery Route 80 472Rural Free Delivery Route 81 472Rural Free Delivery Route 82 473Rural Free Delivery Route 83 474Secret Societiesxvi-xixStreet, Avenue and Alley Directory 2-77Ward Boundaries vi-vii

CITY O F J A M E S T O W NE A C H issue of the Jamestown Directoryshows a steady increasein the population of Jamestown—no phenomenal boom, it is true, but agradual growth that year by yeartakes the city one step nearer theproud position of city of the secondclass.Jamestown has long since been themetropolis of <strong>Chautauqua</strong> county, andpays more than a* quarter of the entiretaxes of the county. If the presentadvancement continues, in a fewyears more than half the property onthe tax roll of the county will be locatedinside the city limits.Jamestown was located in 1806 byJames Prendergast ih whose honorthe city was named. It was incorporatedin 1886. The city is in thecenter of one of the most prosperousand progressive dairying regions inthe United States. It is the markettown of southern <strong>Chautauqua</strong> and aportion of <strong>Cattaraugus</strong>, N. Y., andWarren county, Pa.Jamestown has good transportationfacilities. It is located on the mainline of the Erie between Chicago andNew York. It is the southern terminusof the Buffalo and Southwesternbranch of the Erie. It is connectedwith the Lake Shore & MichiganSouthern Railroad, the New York,Chicago & St. Louis Railroad (NicklePlate), the Pennsylvania Railroad andthe Buffalo & Lake Erie TractionCompany, by means of the Jamestown,<strong>Chautauqua</strong> & Lake Erie Railroad,which extends from Jamestown toWestfield on the east side of <strong>Chautauqua</strong>lake, and by the line of he<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Traction Company whichextends from Jamestown to Barcelonaon the west side of <strong>Chautauqua</strong>lake. The Buffalo & Lake Erie TractionCompany extends from Buffalo toErie, passing directly through the<strong>Chautauqua</strong> grape belt. Thus the cityhas quick and easy communicationwith this region.The Dunkirk, Allegheny Valley &Pittsburgh Railroad touches Falconer,gion New to which by Railway. in belt There Dunkirk. the means lines, York, is city, are Company, western connected This and of extending three tne the a road main JamestownPennsylvania which trolley with taps from line Jamestown a has companiesTitusvilleextending rich Street three and re­from Jamestown to Falconer on theeast and from Jamestown to Lakewoodon the west, the <strong>Chautauqua</strong>Traction Company which extendsfrom Jamestown to Mayville andWestfield, and the Warren & JamestownStreet Railway Company whichextends from Jamestown to Warren,Pa.Jamestown is advantageously situatedon the <strong>Chautauqua</strong> lake outlet,or Chadakoin River, only a short distancefrom <strong>Chautauqua</strong> lake. Sixhandsome excursion steamers makeconstant trips over the lake duringthe summer months, and afford residentsof the city an opportunity foragreeable and healthful outings. TheCeloron Amusement Company maintainsa beautiful park at the entranceto the outlet, and this also is liberallypatronized by Jamestown residentsduring the summer.One of the desirable features ofJamestown is the fact that the manufacturingindustries are so diversifiedthat there are no "dull times." Whenone industry is rum v short handedand on short time, ot. \are the busiest.Jamestown is the headquarters ofthe metal furniture industry of theUnited States. It also ranks secondor third in the manufacture of woodenfurniture. It is also the headquartersfo" the manufacture of votingmachi' •. The worsted mills areextensive J well managed. The annualoutput of all these factories isapproximately $15,000,000.The last United States census ofmanufacturers, (1909), gives the numberof establishments as 156. Capitalinvested, $16,075,000. Value of productfor year, $14,720,000. Number ofsalaried officials and clerks, 822. Averagenumber of wage earners, 6,789.Jamestown has been aptly termed acity of homes. Probably a larger proportionof the residents of Jamestownown their own homes than is thecase of any city of similar size in thestate of New York.the crime are nities. churches One membership States. Jamestown inhabitants more denomination and All The the of churches told of is criminal various any than remarkably Jamestown city has edifices in element. denominations.proportion most the free are commu­has largest United There from com- to 25

MISCELLANEOUSDIRECTORY.modious and costly and add much tothe appearance of the city.Two hospitals for the care of thesick and injured are maintained. Oneunder the auspices of the Woman'sChristian Association has done admirablework for many years. Duringthe year <strong>1911</strong> the O. E. Jones MemorialHospital, erected on a tract ofground willed to the city by the lateO. E. Jones, was opened to the public.The city has spent over $50,000 on theplant and it is finely equipped.Jamestown has a number of handsomepublic buildings, viz: Federalbuilding, $50,000; City Hall. $65,000;James Prendergast <strong>Library</strong> and ArtGallery, $125,000; State Armory, $50,-000; eight fire houses.The Young Men's Christian Associationowns a building and plant valuedat $100,000, and the Young Women'sChristian Association a handsomebuilding, which with lot cost $65,000.The Agnes Association owns a largebrick residence and grounds which isconducted as a boarding home forworking girls.The Warner Home for the Aged, thelatest of Jamestown's benevolent institutionshad its beginning in <strong>1911</strong>and received at the hands of Mrs.Mary H. Warner the L. B. Warnerhomestead on Forest Avenue as amemorial to Mr. Warner who died in1905. The large and well appointedmansion is being fittedfor occupancyas this book goes to press and willbe opened to aged women on October31.The school system of Jamesown isone of the best in the state. There isthe large High School building, themagnificent Sherman Street GrammarSchool which is a model of its kind.and 11 branch or district schools.The city has an ample supply ofthe purest water, drawn from inexhaustibleartesian wells located in theCassadaga valley at Levant which isabout a mile east of Falconer. Therates are low and under the capablemanagement of a commission composedof the leading business men,the plant is paing for itself at therate of $15,000 per year.There is a municipal light plant, al­which phone so able street commercial plant, nishes There One managed business lights provide service excellently of are the and by two purposes. factors at men, unusually a power light low commission telephone managedrates. which and low A good power furnishes also has systems, rates. of private tele­cap­con­fur­fortributed materially to the developmentof the business enterprises ofJamestown and consequently thegrowth and prosperity of the city, isthe support of tue banking institutions.There is one trust companyand five banks, all doing a conservativebut prosperous business. It is afact worthy of note and comment,that there has never been a bankfailure in Jamestown. And the reasonfor this is that banking enterpriseshave been conducted alonglegitimate lines and without any incursionsin the fiejd of high financeor indulgence in the reckless speculationthat has wrecked so many institutionsin this country. Probablythere is not another city of equal sizein the sate of New York which has arecord equal to this.A comprehensive park system hasbeen planned and a park commissioncomposed of public spirited citizenswho have given and are giving muchvaluable time gratuitiously to the workdeveloping these parks into beautyspots that will be a credit to the city.One of the largest of these parks isthe Allen Park located on the soutbside, one of the most picturesque andbeautiful spots in the city.There are two parks on the northside, one between West Fourth andWest Fifth streets, i^nown as BakerPark, and the other between WestSixth and West Seventh streetsknown as Dow Park.The Jones Memorial Park of whichmention has been made is on theshores of <strong>Chautauqua</strong> lake outlet. Itis still in a rough state but in timewill be made in a modern park.Jamestown has an exceedinglyhealthful location. The hilis providea natural drainage for surface water.and a comprehensive sewer systemprovides for the sanitary needs of thecity. The death rate of the city isone of the lowest in the state.The area of the city is 6136 acresor approximately nine and one-halfmiles square. There are twentymiles of paving. The paving is chieflyshale brick, although some of theresidence thoroughfares are pavedwith bitulithic and asphalt block.was in 149. Personal The Franchises Real follows: 1909, 1906 and $13,303,485. assessed estate was $13,498,331. in <strong>1911</strong>, $12,231,970. valuation in *14,989.717. 190S. in 1910, $13,798,572.of $13,347,891,In 653,170. 537.975 the $14,133.- 1907 divided citv

MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY.The population in 1905 according tothe state census was 26,039. At thelast census in 1910, the populationwas 31,297.This in a few words summarizessome of the advantages of Jamestownas a place of residence. It may beCITY OFFICERS.Mayor—Samuel A. Carlson.City Clerk.—Clement B. Jones.City Treasurer.—Oscar F. Price.City Auditor.—W. Arthur Stow.Corporation Counsel Benjamin S.Dean.Police Justice.—John Maharon.Supervisors.—Leon L. Fancher,Frank O. Olson, E. George Lindstrom.President of Common Council.—Harvey C. Sturdevant.Aldermen.—First ward, James A.Clary, L. Delos Powers.; Secondward, M. George Martin, Henry A.Hotchkiss; Third ward, Fred Illingworth,Hans Jorgenson; Fourth ward,Andrew F. Anderson, Lars A. Larson;Fifth ward, Harvey C. Sturdevant,John E. Lawson; Sixth ward, ChristianNielson, Peter Schenck.Board of Estimate and Review.—Superintendent of Public Works, WalterI. Blystone, president; Superintendentof Streets, John A. Lee; CityEngineer, Clyde G. Jones.Board of Assessors.—Axel G. Loffren,chairman; James M. Weller andJohn B. Shaw.Justices of the Peace.—L. L. Hanchett,Ray F. Pickard, James P. Staffordand D. D. Woodford.Sealer of Weights and Measures-Edward Kiley.Constables.—Wilbur B. Wood, SamuelL. Willard, James B. Douglass,William W. DeLisle.Janitor City Hall.—Allen Thayer.Civil Service Commissioners.—Arthur W. Kettle, president; ClementB. Jones, secretary; W. H. Harrison,Jr., and Charles A. Swanson.HEALTH DEPARTMENT.President Board of Health.—Dr.Morris N. Bemus.Secretary Board of Health—J. ErnestJohnson.Registrar o± Vital Statistics.—ClementB. Jones.Health Officer.—Dr. J. J. Mahoney.gust J. Charles Plumbing Sanitary Members Ernest F. Nelson, Ipson, Johnson. Inspector.—John Inspector—John of Edward Horace Board G. L. of Ogden Allen, A. F. Health- Brown. Smith. and Au­added that no city in the state is asfree from ring rule and corrupt politicsas is Jamestown. In its historyboth as a village and city there hasnever been a suggestion of scandal inconnection with the management ofmunicipal affairs.POOR DEPARTMENT.Overseer of the Poor.—Oscar Palm.Physician to the Poor.—Dr. RobertB. Blanchard.Associated Charities and Free EmploymentBureau.—Miss Mae Weller,secretary.WATER DEPARTMENT.Commissioners.—Mayor Samuel A.Carlson, ex-officio; Frank O. Anderson,John E. Roberts, Arthur H. Greenlund,E. B. Bergholtz.The Mayor, ex-officio, president.Secretary Water Commission.—C. B.Jones.Superintendent of Water Plant.—David W. Immel.Chief Engineer William Hancock.Bookkeeper.—Frank A. Jones.MUNICIPAL LIGHTING PLANT.Commissioners.—Mayor S. A. Carlson,ex-officio; John E. Roberts, ClaytonE. Bailey, Charles A. Okerlind,Milton J. Fletcher.The Mayor, ex-officio, president.Secretary.—C. B. Jones.Superintendent.—C. G. Sundquist.DEPARTMENT OF CITY PARKS.Commissioners.—Mayor S. A. Carlson,ex-officio; Charles M. Dow, EdgarP. Putnam, Alfred E. Hall, Robert K.Beach, Frederick P. Hall, A. T. Frykman.The Mayor, ex-officio, president.Secretary.—C. B. Jones.Superintendent.—Edgar P. Putnam.Foreman.—Andrew Bi oberg.Clerk and Bookkeeper.—Miss IsabelBurns.MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL.Commissioners.—Dr. Jason Parker,Louis E. Ruden, Frank E. Shearman,Edward L. Hall, John W. Winnberg,Otto W. Wiquist.President Hospital Commission.—Julius Lincoln.Secretary Hospital Commission.—Dr. Jason Parker.POLICE DEPARTMENT.Chief of Police.—Frank A. Johnson.Garfield, Sergeant Policemen.—James Captain.—Thomas William M. H. M. Quinlan. Davey, Young, E. Reeder. Gust Like

MISCELLANEOUSDIRECTORY.Stohl, William Gage, Oscar Nelson,Clyde Peterson, James Hayes, AlbertH. Harrison, Leon Carlson, EdwardJ. Kelley, Harry Sharpies, John Saunders,Emil Henry.Specials.—Clarence Turner, RudolphTreff, Carl Lawson, Ellis Jowett,James Woods, Oscar Bergdahl.JAMESTOWN FIRE DEPARTMENTFred H. Wilson, chief.Company Commanders.Martyn Hose, Daniel E. Canty, capt.Prendergast Hose, Burt M. Thayer,lieut.Rescue Hose, Leroy L. Dschuden,lieut.Jeffords Hose, Ullman S. Ayers,lieut.Eagle Hose, John A. Pihlblad, lieut.Ellicott & Hanson Truck Cos., LesterE. Rhodes, lieut.WARD BOUNDARIES.First Ward.First District.Beginning at the junction of thecenter line of Main and Eighth streetsand running thence easterly along thecenter line of Eighth street to thecenter line of Prendergast avenue;thence southerly along the center lineol Prendergast avenue to the centerof East Sixth street; thence easterlyalong the center of East Sixth streetto the center of Winsor street; thencesoutherly along the center of Winsorstreet to the center of East Secondstreet; thence westerly along the centerof East Second street to the centerof Main street; thence northerlyalong the center of Main street to thecenter of Eighth street and place ofbeginning.First Ward.Second District.Beginning at the junction of thecenter line of Main street with thecenter line of Eighth street; thencenortherly along the center of Mainstreet to the City line; thence easterlyalong the City Line to the center ofLakeview avenue; thence southerlyalong the center of Lakeview avenueto the center of Winsor street; thencesoutherly along the center of Winsorstreet to the center of East Sixthstreet; thence westerly along thecenter of East Sixth street to thenortherly beginning.center gast Eighth center avenue of street; along Prendergast of of Main to East thence street Eighth center avenue; westerly and of street Prender­of place thence along East of toSecond Ward.First District.Beginning at the point of intersectionof the center line of the maintrack of the Erie Railroad Co., andthe center line of Main street; thencenortherly along the center of Mainstreet to the center of West Seventhstreet; thence westerly alongthe center line of West Seventhstreet to the center of Murray avenue;thence northerly along the centerline of Murray avenue and Murrayavenue extended, to the center of<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Lake outlet; thencesoutherly and easterly along the centerof said outlet to a point where thecenter line of said outlet intersectsthe center line of the Erie RailroadCo.'s land; thence easterly along thecenter line of the Erie Railroad Co.'stracks to the place of beginning.Second Ward.Seconu District.Beginning at the intersection of thecenter line of Main street with thecenter line of West Seventh street;and running thence northerly alongthe center line of Main street to theCity Line; thence westerly along thenortherly bounds of the city to thenorthwesterly corner of the city;thence southerly along the westerlybounds of the city to the center of theoutlet of <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Lake; thenceeasterly and southerly along thecenter of said outlet to the center ofMurray avenue extended; thencesoutherly along the center line ofMurray avenue extended and alongthe center line of Murray avenue tothe center of West Seventh street;thence easterly along the center ofvVest Seventh street to the center ofMain street and place of beginning.Third Ward.First District.Beginning at the intersection of thecenter line of Main street with thecenter line of right of way of the N. Y.P. Pa. & Ohio R. R., running thencesoutherly along the center line ofmain street to Brooklyn square;thence southerly in a straight lineacross Brooklyn square to the centerline of Forest avenue; thence southerlyalong the center of Forest avenueto bounds thence along avenue of Broadhead northerly south of to easterly center bounds city avenue center along avenue line to the line extended of the center Broadheadthe extended;of South south city; lineand

MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY. viiMain street; thence northerly alongthe center line of South Main streetto the center of Harrison street;thence easterly along the center ofHarrison street to the center of Institutestreet; thence north along thecenter of Institute street to the centerline of right of way of the N. Y., Pa.& Ohio R. R.; thence westerly alongthe center of said R. R. to the centerof Main street and place of beginning.Third Ward.Second District.Beginning at the intersection of thecenter line of the N. Y., Pa. & OhioR. R. and the center line of Institutestreet and running thence southerlyalong the center line of Institutestreet to the center line of Harrisonstreet; thence westerly along the centerline of Harrison street to the centerline of South Main street; thencesoutherly along the center line ofSouth Main street to the center ofBroadhead avenue; thence southerlyalong the center line of Broadheadavenue and the center line of Broadheadavenue extended to the southbounds of the city; thence easterlyalong the south bounds of the city tothe center of Foote avenue; thencenortherly along the center line ofFoote avenue to the center line ofthe N. Y., Pa. & Ohio R. R.; thencewesterly along the center line of saidN. Y., Pa. & Ohio R. R. to the centerof Institute street and place of beginning.Fourth Ward.First District.Beginning at the intersection of thecenter line of N. Y., Pa. & Ohio R. R.Co.'s right of way and the center lineof Foote avenue and running thencesoutherly along the center line ofFoote avenue to the south bounds ofthe city; thence easterly along thesouth bounds of the city to the centerof English street if extended;thence northwesterly along the centerline of English street extendedand along the center line of Englishstreet to the center of Winsor;thence northerly along the centerof Winsor street to the centerline of the N. Y., Pa. & Ohio R. R.Co.'s right of way; thence northerlyalong to place Fourth center Pa. Beginning the & of the of Ohio Ward. center beginning.Winsor center Second at R. the of R. street line District. Foote Co.'s intersection of with right avenue said the of N. of cen­way and the Y.,ter line of the N. Y., Pa. & Ohio R. R.Co.'s right of way and running thencesoutherly along the center of Winsorstreet to its intersection with the centerline of English street; thencesoutherly and easterly along the centerof English street and Englishstreet extended to the south boundsof the city; thence easterly and northerlyalong the bounds of the city tothe center line of the N. Y., Pa. &Ohio R. R. Co.'s right of way; thencesouth along the center line ofthe N. Y., Pa. & Ohio R. R. Co.'sright of way to the center of Winsorstreet and place of beginning.Fifth Ward.First District.Beginning at the intersection of thecenter line of Main street with thecenter line of right of way of the N.Y., Pa. & Ohio R. R. Co.; thencenortherly along the center line ofMain street to the center line of Secondstreet; thence easterly along thecenter line of East Second street tothe center of Thayer street; thencesoutheasterly along the center ofThayer street and along the centerline of Thayer street if extended tothe center of the right of way of theN. Y., Pa. & Ohio R. R. Co.'s lands;thence southwesterly along the centerof the right of way of the N. Y.,Pa. & Ohio R. R. Co.'s lands to thecenter of Main street and place ofbeginning.Fifth Ward.Second District.Beginning at the intersection of thecenter line of East Second street withthe center line of Winsor street andrunning thence northwesterly alongthe center line of Winsor street tothe center of Lakeview avenue;thence northerly along the center lineof Lakeview avenue to the northbounds of the city; thence easterlyalong the north bounds of the city tothe northeast corner of the city;thence southerly along the eastbounds of the city to the center ofthe right of way of the N. Y., Pa. &Ohio R. R. Co.'s lands; thence southwesterlyalong the center of the saidright of way of the N. Y., Pa. & OhioR. R. Co.'s lands to the center line ofEast Thayer center southwesterly Winsor Second of line street along East of street extended; and along Second Thayer the place to the center street; and thence of beginning.center along line to thence north­of

viii MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY.Sixth Ward.First District.Beginning at the intersection of thecenter line of Steele street with thecenter line of Forest avenue and runningthence southwesterly along thecenter line of Forest avenue to thesouth bounds of the city; thence westerlyalong the south bounds of thecity to the southwest corner thereof;thence northerly along the westbounds of the city to a point whichwould be the center of Palmer streetextended; thence easterly along thecenter line of Palmer street extendedto the center line of Palmer streetand along the center of Palmer streetto the center of Sprague street;thence southerly along the center ofSprague street to the center of Bakerstreet; thence easterly along the centerof Baker street to the center ofBarrett street; thence northerly alongthe center of Barrett street to thecenter of Steele street; tnence northeasterlyalong the center of Steelestreet to the center of Forest avenueand place of beginning.Sixth Ward.Second District.Beginning at the point of the intersectionof the main track of the ErieRailroad Co. and the center line ofMain street; running thence southerlyalong the center line of Main streetto the center line of Steele street;thence southerly along the center lineof Steele street to its intersectionwith Barrett street; thence southerlyalong the southerly line of Barrettstreet, to its intersection with Bakernorth bounds of lands of the ErieRailroad Co.; thence westerly alongthe north bounds of said railroad company'sland fourteen hundred andthree (1,403) feet to a stake; thencenorth one (1, degree and then ten (10)minutes east, to the center of the Outletof <strong>Chautauqua</strong> lake; thence alongthe center of said outlet to its intersectionwith the main track of saidErie Railroad Co., and thence eastalong the center of said railroad trackto the place of beginning.DESCRIPTION OF POLLINGPLACES.First Ward.First District.—At Deluge Enginecompany's building on East Fourthstreet.Second District.—At the residenceof Anna M. Sellvin, No. 21 EastEighth street.Second Ward.First District. — At Martyn Hosecompany's rooms, West Fifth street.Second District.—At the store roomof James H. Marsh, at No. 204 on thenorth side of West Eighth street.Third Ward.First District.—At Eagle Hose company'struck rooms, Fenton place.Second District.—At the store room,No. 53 South Main street.Fourth Ward.First District.—At the hose houseoccupied by Rescue company on thewest side of Winsor street.Second District.—At the store, No.32 on the south side of Willard street.Fifth Ward.First District.—At the building ofstreet; thence along the center line Munson & Johnson, No. 706 on theof Baker street to its intersectionwith the center line of Sprague street;thence northerly along the center linesouth side of East Second street.Second District.—At Jeffords Hosecompany's rooms, south side of Eastof Sprague street to its intersection Second street.with the M Icenter S C line E Lof LPalmer A N street; E O U S D I Sixth R E Ward. C T O R Ythence westerly along the center line First District.—At the building, No.COUNTY AND DISTRICT POLI­ State Senate District.—The FiftyfirstNew York State Senate Districtof Palmer street and Palmer street 12 Forest avenue.TICAL DIRECTORY.extended, to the westerly bounds of Second District.—At the building atCongress the city; District. thence northerly — The Thirtyseventhsaid west New bounds York of Congressional the city to Distauquaand <strong>Cattaraugus</strong>. Charles M.is composed of the counties of Chau­along the junction of Steele and Barrett streets.thetrict is composed of the counties of Hamilton of Ripley, representative.<strong>Chautauqua</strong>, <strong>Cattaraugus</strong> and Allegany.Edward B. Vreeland of Salaquacounty contains two State Assem­State Assembly Districts.—Chautaumanca,representative.bly Districts. The First District iscomposed of Arkwright, Busti, Car-

MISCELLANEOUSDIRECTORY.roll, Charlotte, Cherry Creek, Ellery,Ellicott, Ellington, Gerry, Harmony,Kiantone, Poland, Stockton, Villenovaand the City of Jamestown. JuliusLincoln of Jamestown, assemblyman.The Second District is composed of<strong>Chautauqua</strong>, Clymer, Dunkirk, FrenchCreek, Hanover, Mina, Pomfret, Portland,Ripley, Sheridan, Sherman,Westfield and the City of Dunkirk.John Leo Sullivan, of Dunkirk, representative.COUNTY OFFICERS.County Judge.—Arthur B. Ottaway,Westfield.Special County Judge.—Frank S.Wheeler, Jamestown.County Clerk—Luther S. Lakin, Jr.,Jamestown. Term expires Jan. 1,1913.Deputy County Clerk.—Henry D.Shepard, Mayville.Sheriff.—John P. Hall, Mayville.Term expires Jan. 1, 1913.Under Sheriff.—Gust A. Anderson,Jamestown.Surrogate.—Harley N. Crosby,Jamestown.Surrogate's Clerk.—Will D. Parker,Mayville.Special Surrogate.—Albert E. Nugent,Dunkirk.County Treasurer. — Emmons J.Swiit, Mayville.District Attorney. — Edward J.Green, Jamestown.Assistant District Attorney—L. L.Thrasher, Fredonia.Supt. of Poor.—Charles E. Dodge,Dewittville.Coroners. — Bergen F. Illston,Jamestown; Charles Blood, Dunkirk;E. B. Osgood, Brocton; Ellis W.Storms, Cherry Creek.School Superintendents.First District.—Joseph N. Palmer,Fredonia.Second District.—James R. Flagg,Frewsburg.Third District.—J. M. Barker, Niobe.Fourth District.—Pratt E. Marshall,Sherman.Fifth District.—L. W. Swain, Westfield.Sixth District—George R. Raynor,Falconer.MEMBERS And Second Jamestown.—R. Fredonia.—William First Dunkirk.—Delmerward, OF REPUBLICAN.CITY Committee.John Members COMMITTEE,R. J. E. B. Maharon; Rogers. H. Blaisdell. Batcheller. of Harrison; County Thirdward, F. V. Johnson; Fourth ward,Oscar A. Johnson; Fifth ward;, JamesSeymour; Sixth ward, Robert G.Swanson.County committeeman for the Cityof Jamestown at large—Frank J. Mc­Cormick.MEMBERS OF CITY COMMITTEE,DEMOCRATIC,And Jamestown Members of DemocraticCounty Committee.John G. Moynihan, chairman; RoyW. Strickland, secretary; E. E. Herrick,treasurer; L. Heineman, HenryOser, F. Charles Herby, Walter White,Daniel G. Ogilvie, L. D. Harrison, RoyalC. Swanson, George Hope, TheodoreC. Fox, George H. Day, HoraceA. Davidson.BOARD OF SUPERVISORS.Arkwright.—Charles C. Cole, Fredonia,R. F. D. 14.Busti.—John I. Vaness, Lakewood.Carroll. — Herbert R. Bennett,Frewsburg.Charlotte.—George E. Montague,Sinclairville, R. F. D. 79.<strong>Chautauqua</strong>.—Marion W. Scofieid,Hartfield.Cherry Creek.—Ellis W. Storms,Cherry Creek.Clymer.—L. P. McCray, Clymer.Dunkirk—Rollin W. Snow, Dunkirk.John J. Walters, Dunkirk.Ellery.—A. Morelle Cheney, BemusPoint.Ellicott.—Hermes L. Ames, Falconer.Ellington.—Charles J. Main, Ellington.French Creek.—Edmund A. Austin,Clymer, R. F. D., 58Gerry.—Obed E. Ostrander, Gerry.Hanover.—Frank A. Rider, Forestville.Harmony.—E.W.Connelly, Ashville.Jamestown—Leon L. Fancher, Jamestown.E. George Lindstrom, Jamestown.Frank O. Olson, Jamestown.Kiantone. — George C. Kidder,Jamestown,R. F. D.Mina.—W. L. Nuttall, Findley Lake.Poland.—Clarence N. Taylor, KennedyR. F. D.Pomfret.—William S. Stearns, Fre­ton. ley. dan. donia. Ripley.—Joseph Sheridan.—William Portland—George A. R. McGinnies, J. Pettit, Doty, Sheri­Broc­Rip­

Sherman.—William W. Benjamin,Sherman.Stockton.—Everett J. White, Sinclairville,R. F. D.Villenova. — Andrew N. Warner,Forestville, R. F. D. 8.Westfield.—William H. Thompson,Westfield.MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY.Chairman.—W. S. Stearns, Fredonia.Clerk.—J. A. McGinnies, Ripley.Assistant Clerk.—Louis McKinstry,Fredonia.Journal Clerk.—J. A. Clary, Jamestown.Page.—Edmund Dearing, Mayville.J A M E S T O W NPOSTOFFICEAugustus F. Allen, postmaster; G.T. Johnson, asst. postmaster; SamuelA. Brown, supt. of mails; Clarence H.Lake, financeclerk; clerks, George H.Anderson, Jewett C. Bloomquist, IraF. Beal, Samuel J. Bailey, John E.Carlson, Margaret T. Calahane, LauraL. Davis, Walter H. Davis, Fred W.Foote, Telia E. Martin, Lewis A. Putnam,Bert F. Saxton, Henry W.Stumpf, Willis W. Sprague, Marcus J.Soderberg; special delivery messenger,Lineas A. Ljungberg.Carriers.—J. Charles Alton, HenryG. Arnold, Elmer C. Atwood, CharlesA. Berg, John J. Brattberg, CharlesL. Bell, Ernest H. Cook, Marshall C.Davis, W. R. Fuller, Harry E. Gardner,Clinton I. Horth, DeWitt C. Howard,William R. Jones, Charles L.Jackson, Albert P. Kelsey, Sture A.Ljungberg, J AGuy M EL. SPulver, T O Harry W N E.Reeder, Lynn K. Spencer, Otto C. Soderberg,Lewis D. Tyrrell, BernardTrainor, George A. Young, Jay B.Clarke, George T. Wright, Arthur L.Pang, Herbert A. Bates.(For Rural Carriers, see ruralroutes.) .Office Hours.General delivery and stamp windowsopen from 7 a. m. to 8 p. m.Money order and registry windowsopen from 8 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. Carriers'window open from 7 to 8 p. m.Last collection in business section at8 p. m.Sunday.—Stamp window and generaldelivery window open from 9:30to 10:30 a. m. One collection qf mailthroughout the city Sunday morning,and another in the business portionat 5 p. m.PUBLICATIONSThe Evening Journal. — Publisheddaily except Sunday at 12 West Secondby The Journal Printing Co.,Frederick P. Hall, pres.-gen. mgr.;James A. Clary, mgr. editor; Henri M.Hall, treas. and bus. mgr.The Jamestown Journal.—Thrice-a-Week, published at 12 West Secondby The journal Printing Co. A. M.Loomis, news editor. Established in1826.The Morning Post.—Published dailyexcept Sunuay at 19 Steele, by thePost Publishing Co., Ralph C. Sheldon,pres.; Edward L. Allen, sec. and mgr.-editor; Robert K. Beach, treas. andbus. mgr. Established in 1901.The Vart Land (Swedish)—Publishedover 16 West Second, every Thursdayby the Vart Land Co. Samuel A.Carlson, gen. mgr.Skandia (Swedish)—Published everyWednesday by Liberty Printing Co.,over 217 North Main. Gustaf Anderson,editor.The Sentinel (Prohibition)—Publishedevery Friday by Charles J.Scholpp, over 28 North Main.The Evening News—Published dailyexcept Sunday, by Sprague Bros., 310Pine.The Saturday Herald. — Publishedevery Saturday by Sprague Bros, 310Pine.The Weekly Herald.—Published everyMonday by Sprague Bros., 310Pine.The Union Advocate.-— Publishedevery Thursday by Sprague Bros., 310Pine.The Country World. — Publishedonce a month over 102 North Main,uy A. Brooks Fletcher.Furniture Index.—Published once amonth over 112 East Third by PalmerK. Shankland. Devoted to furnituretrade.

MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY.J A M E S T O W N P U B L I C S C H O O L SJAMESTOWN PUBLIC SCHOOLS.Board of Education.—William T.Falconer, pres.; Gustaf Anderson, A.W. Kettle, A. T. Frykman, William J.Maddox, Mrs. Lillian Cook Bowman,Miss S. Flora Broadhead.Mildred R. Falconer, clerk.E. Morgan, treasurer.Clinton B. Winsor, supt. buildings.LIST OF TEACHERS.Rovillus R. Rogers, superintendent.Mildred R. Falconer, superintendent'sclerk.Ellen S. Soderberg, office assistant.Milton J. Fletcher, principal, advancedAmerican history.SENIOR DEPARTMENT.Roma R. Mattoon, assistant principal,science.Mary R. Willard, preceptress, Englishand English history.Sarah E. Dickinson, science andmathematics.Elsie E. Leet, geometry.Carrie E. Aiken, algebra.Carl LaSalle, French and German.Harriet L. Jones, French and German.Mary J. Nelson, Latin, Greek, English.M. May Briggs, principal commercialdepartment; office work.Mary C. Monroe, drawing andmathematics.Annie Giles Bucklin, algebra andEnglish.Nell D. Farman, physiology andGerman.JUNIOR DEPARTMENT.George A. Persell, principal, physiologyand commercial law.Calista A. Dreager, algebra.Vesta Willard, English.Nellie R. Hand, English.Grace Gifford, Latin and algebra.Clara F. Carpenter, biology.Vera C. Cushman, commercial.Florence W. Crouch, commercial.Bonny B. Dean, Engljsh.Juliana Clark,- reading and expression.SPECIAL DEPARTMENTS.Blanche H. Woodford, supervisor ofdrawing.ing. of D. Frederick Mary music. Earl E. Stilson, Fletcher E. P. Martin, Bottsford, vocational domestic manual supervisor training. science. train­Edith M. Farman, manual training.Mary P. Jagger, physical training.S. Gertrude Harrington, assistantphysical training.Ella W. Green, librarian.Grace M. Lewis, principal trainingschool.Carrie L. Young, supervisor ofwriting.Eva James, sewing.Arthur C. Switzer, manual training.George C. Wilson, physical director.GENERAL SUBSTITUTES.Bettie A. Olson, Bertha M. Turner.SECOND STREET GRAMMARSCHOOL.William A. Torrance, principal;Corrie J. Aiken, Jennie R. Kellogg,Susanna M. Calahane, Helena Crittenden,Lizzie A. Bootey, M. AugustaHarnden, Annie S. Hilton, Emily A.Yates, Ellen H. Williams, Ruth C.Tousley, Emily W. Holmes, Grace L.McMahon, Clara E. Blackmer, MaryThornton, Martha Laidler.SHERMAN STREET GRAMMARSCHOOL.Nettie J. Armstrong, principal;Lucy E. Hand, Jessie A. Fuller, BessieG. Smith, H. Mae Harnden, MaeO. Wilson, Margaret M. Moynihan,Harriette Shannon, Anna L. Mee,Sara McMahon, Jessie M. Burlin,Edna C. Harris, Sagrid A. Johnson,Alta M. Glezen, Blanche Sprague, LottieB. Taber, Laurella M. Hollister,Blanche Markham.CENTRAL SCHOOL.Louise E. Geer, principal; Delia M.Fairchild, Dorothy L. Golm, Zella H.Rice, Lillian G. Wiborg, Sophie W.Snowdon, Charlotte W. Adams.SCHOOL, NO. 1.Fannie M. Cooper, principal; BerthaM. Gron, Grace Wheelock, Ida A.Bahr, Minnie L. Douglass.SCHOOL NO. 2.Florence I. Haner, principal; DoraA. Sullivan.SCHOOL NO. 3.Amanda Nelson, principal; A. EmeliaStromberg, Emilie V. Sperber,Theresa C. Gribbin, Susan D. Berry,nahan, Lawson, Davey, Mabel Williamson, J. Hattie Gertrude Sophia Truesdell, Christy R. Jackson, Sortore, Dalrymple.Leonora Emma JessamineJessie W. Car­M.

MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY.SCHOOL, NO. 4.Carlotta M. Ward, principal; CynthiaRuggles, Ellen M. Fairbank,Maude L. Hand.SCHOOL, NO. 5.Rebecca Langford, principal; AnnaO'Connor, Agnes J. Crowley, MabelN. Squier, Luella E. Smith, Mabel F.Johnson, Leoora B. Carpenter, M.Winifred Williams, Effa J. Waterman,Ella Mullally, Anna A. Gage, M.Gladys Ahlstrom.SCHOOL, NO. 6.Claire E. Rhode, principal; CarrieA. Davey, Harriette E. Clark, EllenM. Hansen, C. Belle Lepar.SCHOOL, NO. 7.Ella M. Schildmacher, principal;Bernice Brown, Rhea K. Boardman,Elsa I. James, Mary A. Mahoney,Margaret L. Mahoney, Una B. Green,Clara C. Ross.SCHOOL, NO. 8.Nellie C. Dyer, principal; Maude A.LaVier, Bertha E. Rick, Thetis Cobb,Antoinette D. Rick; Myrtie L. Keet.SCHOOL, NO. 9.Mertie M. Dickinson, principal; ElizabethC. Meredith, Mabel H. O'Connell,Stella V. Johnson, Ruth M. Lindbeck,Arlene M. Crosgrove, Harriet M.Pecor, Isabel L. Edmunds.SCHOOL, NO. 10.Lillian G. Dickson, principal; EstherClark, Jennie E. Furlow, Mary E.Leet, Iva B. Hollenbeck, Gertrude C.Wilcox, Marie Fay, Clara Hazeltine,Nettie G. Oliver, Stella M. Ports,Esther Hall, Bertha R. Skiff.C H U R C HAfrican M. E. Zion.610 Spring. Rev. H. P. Whitehead,pastor. Services every Sunday at 11and 8; Sunday school, 12; prayermeeting, Wednesday evenings, 7:45.Brooklyn Heights M. E.Corner Sprague and Palmer. Rev.A. J. Patterson, pastor; services Sunday11 a. m., 7:30 p. m.; EpworthLeague, 6:30 p. m.; Sunday school, 12m.; prayer meeting, Wednesday evening,7:30.Buffalo Street M. E.Corner Buffalo and Falconer. Rev.E. M. Fradenburg, pastor; servicesevery Sunday, 10:30 a. m. and 7:30p. m.; Sunday school, 12 m.; EpworthLeague, 6 p. m.; prayer meeting, Wednesdayevening, 7:30.Calvary Baptist.Corner Fairmount and Livingstonavenue. Rev. Charles D. Reed, pastor;services every Sunday, 10:30 a.m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school, 12rn.; prayer meeting, Wednesday evening,7:30.Danish Congregational.Institute street. Rev. C. Kjeldaard,pastor; services every Sunday, 10:30a. m. and 7:30 p. m.First Baptist.Corner East Fourth and Church.Rev. George Caleb Moor, pastor; servicesevery Sunday, 10:30 a. m. andD I R E C T O R Y7:30 p. m.; Sunday school, 12 m.; B.Y. P. U., 6:30 p. m.; prayer meeting,Wednesday evening, 7:30.First Church of Christ, Scientist.Corner Prendergast avenue and EastFourth. Mrs. Grace G. Lay, firstreader;services every Sunday, 10:45 a.m.and Wednesday evening, 8; Sundayschool, 10:45 a. m.First Congregational.East Third, near Prendergast avenue.Rev. Charles H. Small, pastor;services every Sunday, 10:30 a. m.and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school, 12 m.;Christian Endeavor, 6:45.First Lutheran (Swedish).Chandler St. Rev. Julius Lincoln,pastor; services every Sunday, 10:30a. m.; evening service 7:30 in summer,7 in winter; Sunday school, 12m.First Methodist Episcopal.Junction of East Third and EastSecond. Rev. Dr. Horace G. Ogden,pastor; services every Sunday; 9:30a. m., class meetings; 10:30 a. m.,preaching; 12 m., Sunday school; 6:30p. m., Epworth League; 7 p. m.,preaching; prayer meeting Wednesdayevening, 7.First Presbyterian.Corner West Third and Cherry. Rev.Charles T. Shaw, pastor; services everySunday, 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p.

MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY.xiiim.; Bible school, 12 m.; Christian Coyle, priest; Rev. Father J. B. Howley,assistant; services every morn­Endeavor, 6:30.Free Methodists.ing at 7; Sunday services, 7-9 andRev. R. H. Warren, pastor; services 10:30 a. m. and 4 p. m.every Sunday 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; St. James Roman Catholic.Sunday school, 10 a. m.; prayer meetingThursday evening; Young Peo­Father James Carra, priest. SundayInstitute and Victoria Ave. Rev.ple's meeting, 6:30 p. m.services 7 and 10:30 a. m.Grace United Brethren.Seventh Day Adventist.933 North Main. Rev. Oliver E. Cherry, between West Seventh andWilliams, pastor; services every Sunday,11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday vices every Saturday at 2 p. m.;West Eighth. Pastorate vacant. Ser­school, 12 m.; midweek service, Wednesdayevening.Swedish Baptist.Bible study Friday evening at 7.Holy Trinity English Lutheran.Chandler St. Rev. C. A. Aldeen,West Fourth. Rev. G. W. Critchlow,pastor; services every Sunday at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sundaypastor; services every Sunday at10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school, 12 m.; prayer meeting Wednesdayevening at 8.school, 12 m.Lutheran Immanuel (Swedish).Swedish Evangelical Mission.East Second St. ReV. Felix V. 108 Chandler. A. T. Frykman, pastor;services every Sunday at 10:30Hanson, pastor; services every Sundayat 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. in a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday schoolsummer, and 7 p. m. in winter; Sundayschool, 12 m.; prayer meeting evening.12 m.; midweek services WednesdayWednesday evening at 8.Swedish Methodist Episcopal.Olivet Chapel.Corner Foote Ave. and Chandler.Annexed to First Presbyterian Rev. William Swenson, pastor; servicesevery Sunday, 10:30 a. m. andchurch, corner West Third and Lakin.Sunday school, 3:30 p. m.7:30 p. m.; Sunday school, 12 m.;Pilgrim Memorial Congregational. prayer meeting, Wednesday evening.Corner Forest and McKinley Aves. Swedish Zion.Rev. George Extence, pastor; services College. Rev. David Brunstrom,every Sunday, 10:45 a. m. and 7 p. m.; pastor; services every Sunday atBible school, 12 m.10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; SundaySt. Luke's Episcopal.school, 12 m.; prayer meeting, Wednesdayevening.Corner Main and East Fourth. Rev.L. Wingate Snell, rector; services Unitarian.Sunday, 10:45 a. m. and 5 p. m.; Sundayschool, 9:30 a. m.Rev. Walter A. Taylor, pastor; ser­Junction East Second and Chandler.SS. Peter and Paul's Roman Catholic. vices every Sunday, 10:45 a. m.; Sundayschool, 12 m.Cherry, between West CEMETERIESFifth andWest Sixth. Lakeview. Rev. Father Richard SS. Peter and Paul's Roman Catholic.North of Buffalo between North On North Main «tsreet, north ofMain and Lakeview avenue. Abner Lakeview Cemetery. Father Hawley,Hazeltine, pres.; Perry W. Goodwin, supt.; William C. Griffin, sexton.sec.-supt.LIBRARIES AND EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONSJamestown Business College. Jamestown High School <strong>Library</strong>.Business College building on Cherry High School building. Miss Ellatr, * nr.* rr.ui„j „+„ + n„ W. Green, librarian. Hours 8:30 tostreet north of West Third street. Or- 11:1B_12:'30 to 4 during school yearganized in 1886. H. E. V. Porter, The library is open to the publlc aspres. and principal.well as to the school.

MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY.James Prendergast Free <strong>Library</strong>. brarian. Hours 10 a. m. to 8:30 p. m.West Fifth between Cherry andj every week day (to 9 p. m. Satur-Washington. Rev. Elliot C. Hall, days).pres.; Miss Lucia T. Henderson, li-INSTITUTIONS, SOCIETIES AND(NOT SECRET)ATHLETIC AND SPORTING.Camp Fire Club.Meets at call of president. E. E.Woodbury, pres.; W. A. Bradshaw,sec, Barrett Bldg.<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Canoe Club.Meetings held in office of president,Hall block. T. N. Nelson, commodore;Roy Norberg, sec, 22 Price.Sportsmen's Association of <strong>Chautauqua</strong>Lake.Meeting subject to call of presidentand directors. Arthur H. Greenlund,pres.; Floyd H. Sharp, sec, 304 Pine.Chadakoin Club.(Boat.)Club house at Lakewood-on-<strong>Chautauqua</strong>.Comodore, E. E. Eddy; sec,P. W. Blystone.BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL.Jamestown Medical Society.Meets the second Thursday in eachmonth (except July and August) atthe office of the president. Dr. A. A.Becker, pres.; Dr. W. M. Sill, sectreas.Jamestown Real Estate Association.Meets every other Tuesday eveningin the office of the secretary. ZibaL. Squier, pres.; J. J. Frank, sec,room 7, Hall block.Jamestown Bar Association.Meetings at call of president. BenjaminS. Dean, pres.; Charles H. Wiborg,secManufacturers Association.Meets the first Tuesday of eachmonth in Association rooms over 213North Main. Cyrus E. Jones, pres.;R. J. Bootey, sec.CLUBS, LITERARY CIRCLES ANDSOCIAL ORGANIZATIONS.Avon Clubs.Regular meetings at 10 a. m. everythird Saturday from September untilJune at High School. Mary R. Willard,director.Senior Club.—Carlotta W. Ward,pres.; Broadhead Mrs. Ave. R. W. Taylor, sec, 110CLUBSJunior Club.—Carrie Davey, pres.;Marie C. Fay, sec, 114 Van Buren.Browning Society.Meets every other Monday eveningduring the winter months at thehomes of members. Mrs. M. L. Fenton,pres.; Mrs. E. K. Pardee, sec,358 East Fourth.Jamestown Club.Meets the second Tuesday in themonth in club rooms, corner Northmam and West Fifth. Shelaen a.Broadhead, pres.; R. J. Bootey, sec,over 215 North Main.The Fortnightly.Meets alternate Friday afternoonsNovember to April in Mozart clubrooms. Mrs. Rovillus R. Rogers,pres.; Mrs. Morris N. Bemus, rec.sec, 4 Lakeview Ave.Mozart Club.Meets every third Saturday morningin its rooms in the New GiffordBldg. Mrs. F. E. Gifford, pres.; Mrs.William A. Bradshaw, sec.New Century Art Club.Meets every other Monday afternoonat homes of members. Mrs.Charles M. Dow, pres.; Miss HavenaT. Stephens, rec. sec.The Travelers Club.Meets every other Monday afternoonfrom October until April at thehomes of members. Mrs. J. F. Jones,pres.; Mrs. F. W. Palmeter, sec, 11Foote Ave.PATRIOTIC AND POLITICAL.Daughters of the American Revolution.Jamestown Chapter organized in1900. Meetings held at homes ofmembers once a month. Miss S. FloraBroadhead, regent; Mrs. Lorena C.Dewey, cor. sec; Mrs. Susan Ridell,treas.Sons of Veterans.James Hall Camp No. 111. Meetsthe second and fourth Mondays inthe month in G. A. R. hall. F. S.Arcade Treadway, Bldg. com.; E. R. Bootey, sec,

MISCELLANEOUSDIRECTORY.Socialist Club.Meets every Thursday evening in itsroom, Ellicott Bldg. W. S. Bennett,organizer; Mrs. Emma Jordan, sec,837% Prendergast Ave.Jamestown Prohibition Club.Meets once a month in Y. M. C. A.building. F. W. Crossfield, chairman.Leroy Strickland, sec, 1060 Washington.Political Equality Club.Meets at call of president. Mrs.Anna Gates, pres.; Mrs. Laura Horton,treas.Sons of the Revolution.Meets at call of officers. Maj. WinfieldS. Cameron, regent; Frank H.Mott sec-treas.MILITARY ORGANIZATIONS.Co. E, 65th Regt., N. G. N. Y.Armory, corner South Main andFenton Place. Fred H. Wilson, capt.;Frank A. Johnson, firstlieut.; WilliamH. Harrison, second lieut.; F. A.Thomas, financial secretary.MISCELLANEOUS.Sunshine Societies.North Side Club. Meets the firstand third Wednesdays in the monthat homes of members. Emma Koehl,pres.; Rhea K. Boardman sec, 301East Eighth.Branch No. 1, organized October,1900. Meets the second Tuesday eveningin the month in their rooms,Gifford Block. Miss Edith Anderson,sec, 614 Allen.Women's Christian AssociationHospital.Corner Foote Ave. and Allen. MissNettie Romans, supt.; Mrs. Frank EdwardGifford, pres.Women's Christian Association.Incorporated in 1887. Controls theWomen's Christian Association hospitalwhich is managed by board appointedby the association.Young Men's Christian Association.Y. M. C. A. building at corner ofEast Second and Prendergast Ave.Elliot C. Hall, pres.; C. W. Cunnyngham,gen. sec.Young Women's Christian AssociationY. W. C. A. building of North Mainand West Fourth. Mrs. William H.Proudfit, honorary pres.; Miss CatherineD. Cole, gen. sec.Associated Charities.The Associated Charities, affiliatedwith the National Conference of Charitiesand Corrections. Local officeand Free Employment Bureau, room19, City hall. Pres., Elliot C. Hall;sec, Miss Mae L. Weller; treas., EdwardA. Peterson. Consultation committeemeets every Tuesday at officeat 2 p. m.; executive council meetsfirst Tuesday in every month from Octoberto July at 4 p. m. in CommonCouncil chamber, City hall.Gustavus Adolphus Orphans Home.1381 East Second. Julius Lincoln,pres.; John S. Swensson, supt.Kings Daughters.Harmony Circle. Mrs. E. A. Peterson,leader; Mrs. C. A. Anderson, sec.Jamestown Union. Miss Eva Allis,leader; Bessie Smith, secGolden Rule Circle. Mrs. WrothwellButterfield, leader; Emily Hunt,sec.Opportunity . Circle. Mrs. EnochGreenwood, leader; Mrs. C. OscarJones, 60 Hazzard, sec.Thoughtful Circle. Stella Ports,leader; Nellie Hand, sec.Silver Cross Circle. Mrs. Mary Salisbury,leader; Mrs. D. G. Parsons, sec.Christian Science.Public reading rooms, 317 Cherry.Open daily, 11 a. m. to 5 p. m. and7:30 to 9 p. m. Sundays, 2 to 5 p. m.Ellicott Club.(Social.)Rooms over 303 North Main. WilsonC. Price, pres.; Arthur Clark, sec, 107North Main.Exempt Fireman's Association.Rooms over First National Bank,GiffordBldg. R. J. Barrows, Sr., pres.;James S. Shaw, sec, over ]19 NorthMain.Jamestown Camera Club.Rooms 9 Arcade Bldg. Meets regularlysecond Tuesday in each month.A. H. Hooper, pres.; R. Sanctuary,sec, 85 Falconer.Women's Christian Temperance Union.Meets the firstand third Friday afternoonsin the month at the homes ofmembers. Mrs. Martha S. Mead,pres.; Mrs. W. A. Knowlton, sec, 515East 8th St.The Agnes Association.ladies. the Controls month Meets the at Agnes the second Agnes Home Tuesday for Home, young in 6

MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY.Broadhead Ave. Mrs. Charles M. Retail Clothiers Association.Dow, pres.; Mrs. W. A. Knowlton, sec.East Eighth.Ladies' Auxiliary, Y. M. C. A.Meets the firstFriday afternoon inMeets the last Friday in the monthat offices of officers. James C. Peterson,pres.; W. P. Osmer, sec.Retail Butchers Association.their rooms in the Y. M. C. A. building.Mrs. R. A. Prescott, pres.; Mrs. Frank, pres.; C. O. Wood, sec, 11 HallMeets at call of president. E. A.Everett N. Gould, sec, 5 Cook Ave. Ave.Ministerial Alliance.Woman's Temperance Society.Meets the second and fourth Mondaysin the month in Y. M. C. A. Bldg.Meets once a month, the second Saturdayin the month in G. A. R. hall.Rev. Charles T. Shaw, pres.; Rev. E.M. Fradenburg, sec, 340 Falconer.Mrs. Nettie Gay, pres.; Mrs. SarahUniversity Club.Conner, sec'., 302 South Main.Meets firstThursday in month fromRetail Shoe Dealers Association.October to June in Y. M. C. A. building.W. H. Edson, pres.; H. M. Hall, in the month. E. Vern Bly, pres.;Meets the first Wednesday eveningsec, 211 Lakeview Ave.Ernest Colander, sec.Jamestown High School Alumni Retail Grocers Association.Association.Meets at call of president. GeorgeMeets annually on the Friday in Ingerson, pres.; George Doolittle, sec,commencement week in June. James 49 Grant.A. Stafford, pres.; Grace A. Barrows,sec, 132 Allen.S E C R E T S O C I E T Y D I R E C T O R YARMY VETERAN ORGANIZATIONS.Encampment 95, U. V. L. Meets everyother Wednesday evening in themonth in G. A. R. hall. John E. Crick,col.; A. H. Stafford, adj., 500 EastFifth.Auxiliary 24, Ladies of the U. V. L.Meets alternate Wednesday afternoonsin G. A. R. Hall. Mrs. HattieF. Green, pres.; Mrs. Louisa M. Stafford,sec, 500 East Fifth.Post James M. Brown, No. 285, G.A. R. Meets every Thursday eveningin G. A. R. hall. A. P. Simmons, com.;A. H. Stafford, adj., 500 East Fifth.Women's Relief Corps, No. 73.Auxiliary to James M. Brown post, G.A. R. Meets every Tuesday eveningin G. A. R. hall. Mrs. Ida F. Homer,pres.; Mrs. Effie B. Harkness, sec, 23Allen.Camp Samuel M. Porter, No. 45.Spanish War Veterans. Meets in G.A. R. hall fourth Monday in themonth. Claire E. Kent, com.; Gust F.Berg, secBENEVOLENT AND PROTECTIVEORDER OF ELKS.Jamestown Lodge 263. Meetsfirst and third Fridays of the monthin lodge rooms. R. K. Mason, Ex.Ruler; J. C. Mason, secCATHOLIC MUTUAL BENEVOLENTASSOCIATION.SS. Peter & Paul's, Branch 77. Meetsthe firstand third Thursdays of themonth in Parochial School hall. EdmundReardon pres.; D. J. Corkery,rec. sec, 112 Fairview Ave.Branch 39, Ladies Catholic BenevolentAssociation. Meets the firstandthird Tuesdays in the month. Mrs.James A. Hughes, pres.; Mrs. TitusClark, rec. sec.EPSILON PI FRATERNITY.Meets every Thursday evening (exceptJuly and August) in the Y. M.C. A. building. Austin A. Anderson,pres.; Henry M. Burgeson, sec.FRATERNAL MYSTIC CIRCLE.Meets the third Friday in themonth in Engineer's hall, Warnerblock. Charles L. Sundberg worthyruler; J. H. Swanson, sec. 80 Hazzard.WOODMEN OF THE WORLD.<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Camp No. 87. Meetsevery Wednesday in Woodmen's hall,20 East Third. Gust Johnson, councilcom.; Charles J. Johnson, clerk, under100 East Second.DANISH BROTHERHOOD OFAMERICA.Good Hope Lodge. Meets the lastMonday in the month in Maccabee

MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY.xvlihall. John Weideman, pres.; HermanSode, secDANISH SISTERHOOD.Framad Lodge. Meets the firstMonday in the month in Maccabeehall. Eline Pihl, sec, 100 Charles.DAUGHTERS OF LIBERTY.Deborah Council, No. 11. Meetsfirst and third Mondays in the monthin G. A. R. hall. Mrs. Jennie Cook,councilor; Mrs. Grace E. Taylor, recsec, Gen. Del., City.Lincoln Council. Meets every twoweeks in Maccabee hall. Mrs. GraceJames, sec, i5 McKinley Ave.FIRST SWEDISH HUNDRED MEM­BER SOCIETY.Meets alternate Monday evenings' inLief Ericson hah, Arcade Bldg. ConradAxelsohn, pres.; Frank G. Anderson,sec, 161 Allen.FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES.Jamestown Aerie, No. 816. Meets alternateThursdays in club rooms, topfloor Arcade Bldg. Ernest Cawcroft,pres.; Frank E. Wallace, sec.IMPROVED ORDER OF RED MEN.Chadakoin Tribe, No. 309. Meetsalternate Mondays in the month inEngineer's hall, Warner block. FrankA. Crantz, sachem; Karl J. Osman,chief of records, 21 Peterson.INDEPENDENT ORDER OF GOODTEMPLARS.Scandia Lodge No. 22. Meets everytwo weeks in Maccabee hall. Carl E.Ringquist, sec, 796 East Second.Lantern Lodge. Meets every Saturdayevening in Leif Erikson hall. GustMalin, C. T.; Hulda Olson, sec.INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODDFELLOWS.Ellicott Lodge No. 221. Meets inOdd Fellows hall every Monday evening.Benjamin Zuckerman, noblegrand; William E. Waite, sec, 11 WestSecond.Mt. Tabor Lodge No. 780. Meetsevery Tuesday evening in Odd Fellowshall. John A. Anderson, noble grand;Robert B. Jones, sec, 414 Winsor.Pearl City Lodge No. 33, Daughtersof Rebekah. Meets the second andfourth Thursdays in the month in Haywardhall. Mrs. Sadie Strong, noblegrand; Miss Ina Aylesworth, sec,., 707North of Princess Rebekah. Main. Lodge Meets No. the 252, firstand Daughters thirdFridays in the month in Odd Fellowshall. Emma Anderson, noble grand;Edith H. Griffith, sec, 316 Bowen.Canton Abraham No. 53. Meets inOdd Fellows hall the second andfourth Thursdays in the month. LewisWaite, capt; L. H. Strobel, sec.<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Encampment No. 54.Meets in Mt. Tabor hall the firstandthird Thursdays in the month. A.Martin Nelson, chief patriarch;Charles Thorman, scribe, 16 WhitleyAve.Pearl City Rebekah AdvancementCircle No. 33. Meets first and thirdWednesdays in the month in Odd Fellowshall. Mrs. Ardella Beardsley,pres.; Mrs. Sofie Eden, sec.Princess Rebekah Goodwill Society.Meets Thursdays before firstand thirdFridays in month in Mt. Tabor hall.Mrs. Hope Risley, pres.; Mrs. ErnestWilliams, sec.Monitor Lodge. Meets every Wednesdayevening in Mt. Tabor hall.Gust Segerstrom, noble grand; OscarPalm, sec, 19 Grandin.KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS.Jamestown Council No. 296. Meetsthe second and fourth Wednesdays inthe month in Parochial School hall.William H. Harrison, grand knight;James A. Higgins, rec. sec, 701 NorthMain.KNIGHTS OF THE MACCABEES.Jamestown Tent No. 9. Meets alternateFriday evenings in Maccabeehall. E. A. Lagreen, com.; Charles S.Lee, recordkeeper, 16 Bush.Jamestown Hive No. 101, L. O. T. M.,c. T. W. Meets every two weeks,Thursday afternoons in Maccabee hall.Mrs. Lillian M. Leet, lady com.; Mrs.Louise Goodwin, sec, 47 Hamilton.Jamestown Division No. 5, UniformRank. Meets alternate Friday eveningin the month in Maccabee hall. OttoLove, capt.; Joe Melquist, sec, 705North Main.Queen Hive, Ladies of the Maccabees.Meets the first and third Fridaysin G. A. R. hall. Mrs. Anna Wistrom,lady com.; Mrs. Maria H. Lewin,recordkeeper, 626 Prendergast Ave.KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS.Jamestown Lodge No. 248. Meetsevery keeper in ery lodge son, Crescent Thursday chancellor Tuesday rooms, of records Lodge lodge 208 evening. com.; and No. Pine. rooms, seal. 308. A. Alfred in C. G. 208 Meets Crescent C. Norman, Peter­Lipp, Pine ev­

xviiiMISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY.chancellor com.; Frank H. Kibling,keeper of records and seal, 57 FairmountAve.Jamestown Company No. 36, U. R. K.P. Meets in K. of P. hall every Thursdayevening. Carl Ahlstrom, pres.-capt; A. G. Norman, recorder.MASONIC ORDERS.Mt. Moriah Lodge No. 145, Free andAccepted Masons. Meets first andthird Tuesdays in the month in Masonichall. O. N. Rushworth, W. M.;H. LeF. Brown, sec, 74 Liberty.Western Sun Chapter No. 67, RoyalArch Masons. Meets second andfourth Thursdays in the month in Masonichall. N. Stern, H. P.; M. E.Wright, sec, 12 Cook Ave.Jamestown Council No. 32, Royaland Select Masons. Meets thirdThursday in the month in Masonichall. R. K. Mason, T. I. M.; A. L.Gibson, recorder, 42 Tenth.Jamestown Commandery No. 61,Knights Templar. Meets second andfourth Mondays in the month in Masonichall. E. B. Dewey, E. C; W. P.Osmer, recorder, 206 North Main.Jamestown Lodge of Perfection, 14°.Meets first Monday in month in Masonichall. S. B. Broadhead, T. P. M.;E. E. Wellman, sec.Jamestown Council, Princes of Jerusalem,16°. Meets third Monday inmonth in Masonic hall. J. B. Shaw,S. P.; E. E. Wellman sec.Mt. Sinai Chapter No. 132, Order ofthe Eastern Star. Meets first andthird Fridays in the month in Masonichall. Ruth W. Green, W. M.; EdithM. Wample, sec, 815 East Second.Mecca Chapter No. 353, Order of theEastern Star. Meets second andfourth Fridays in the month. EllaA. Roberts, W. M.; Kitty J. Dewey,sec, 22 Fluvanna Ave.<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Court No. 38, Order ofthe Amaranth. Meets second Wednesdayin the month in Masonic hall.Tina L. Dorman, R. M.; Lona D.Brown, sec, 227 Fairmount Ave.LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE.Jamestown Lodge. Meets the firstand third Wednesdays in club houseat Celoron. Frank H. White, dictator;Clayton M. Jones, sec, 503 Fen­LOYAL ton in J. land, Meets Moose F. Bldg. sec, Lawson, ORDER the Club 24 last OF Victoria house pres.; LADY Friday at Mrs. Ave. MOOSE. Celoron. in the F. McFar­month Mrs.MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA.Jamestown Camp No. 8429. Meetsthe second and fourth Fridays inCrescent Lodge hall, 208 Pine. WilliamE. Seymour, consul; William E.Waite, clerk, 11 West Second street.NATIONAL PROTECTIVE LEGION..Jamestown Legion No. 15. Meetsthe second and fourth Fridays in themonth in Business College hall. W. F.Bushey, pres.; H. E. V. Porter, sec.<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Legion No. 179. Meetsalternate Monday evenings in secretary'soffice in Hall Block. E. S.Blakesley, pres.; George W. White,secORDER OF THE GOLDEN SEAL.Jamestown Camp No. 61. Meetsthe first and third Tuesdays in themonth in Odd Fellows hall. Mrs. HarriettM. Chase, com.; Mrs. AddelaVought, sec.Pearl City Camp No. 480. Meets thefourth Friday evenings in the monthin Engineers hall, Warner block. H. J.VanTuyl com.; Lillian O. Wells, sec,5 Hotchkiss.ORDER OF VASA.Thule Lodge. Meets every Thursdayin Leif Erikson hall; Conrad Peterson,sec, 23 Weeks.Flora Lodge. Meets alternate Thursdaysin Lief Ericson hall. Mrs. GustavaLarson, pres.; Miss Sophie Johnson,sec.ROYAL ARCANUM.<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Council No. 73. Meetsthe second and fourth Tuesdays in themonth in Crescent Lodge hall, 208Pine. F. S. Jones regent; W. H. Delaney,sec, 89 Fairmount Ave.NATIONAL ORDER OF THEDAUGHTERS OF ISABELLA.Court St. Gertrude No. 92. Meetsthe second and fourth Mondays in themonth in Parochial school. Mrs. ElizabethM. Barrett, grand regent; MayM. Woods, historian, 516 Monroe.PATRONS OF HUSBANDRY.Union Grange. Meets the firstandthird Monday afternoons in the monthin Maccabee hall. Mrs. Nettie F.Taylor, Frewsburg, N. Y., sec.PROTECTED HOME CIRCLE.<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Circle No. 208. Meetsevery Tuesday evening in the monthin Bldg. Clarence Swedish Arvid Beal, Brotherhood N. sec, Lundquist, 180 Stowe. hall, pres.; Barrett S.

MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY.xixLakeside Circle No. 290...Meets thefirst and third Fridays in the month inG. A. R. hall. F. D. Carver, pres.;Mrs. Ella A. Lakin, sec, 283 FairmountAve.SCANDINAVIAN BROTHERHOOD.Leif Erickson Lodge No. 26. Meetsevery Friday evening in Leif Ericksonhall, Arcade Bldg. Axel Johnson,pres.; Gust Lawson, sec, 137 Superior.Unity Lodge No. 29. Meets everyTuesday evening in Lief Ericson hall.Ella Anderson, pres.; Mrs. SelmaBerglund, rec. sec, 302 Foote Ave.SCANDINAVIAN TEMPERANCE ANDBENEVOLENT SOCIETY.Meets every other Thursday eveningin Maccabee hall. August Linbeck,pres.; A. Renberg, sec, 223 Steele.SOCIETY DANNEBROG.Meets the firstFriday evening inthe month in People's hall, over 304North Main. James Petersen, pres.;William Svendsen, sec, 617 PrendergastAve.SOCIETY DENMARK.(Term expires March 30, <strong>1912</strong>.Arird, Erma B.Armstrong, George ThomasBadhorn, Martin L.Beardsley, Tillie I.Bengston, OttoBenson, Florence O.Bootey, Edward R.Botsford, William R.Beldner, OziasBurns, Isabella S.Butts, Andrew J.Cawcroft, ErnestChadwick, Barker D.Clapp, Marvin L.Clary, James A.Cole, Roy H.Crosby, ErastusCross, Ralph L.Curtiss, J. DelevanCurtis, Frank G.Fancher, Leon L.Felt, Frank E.Finch, Furlow, Raymond Albert L. C.Meets the third Monday in themonth in Maccabee hall. Peter Peterson,sec, 12 Morton.SONS OF ST. GEORGE.<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Lodge No. 107. Meetsthe second and fourth Friday even­NOTARIESings in the month in Mt. Tabor hall.Thomas Gill, pres.; John W. Unsworthsec, 1 Shaw Ave.Columbus Lodge No. 379. Meets alternateTuesday evenings in Engineers'hall, Warner block. LewisSmith, pres.; James W. King, Jr., secretary,6% Center.Royal Oak Lodge No. 74, Daughtersof St. George. Meets alternate Tuesdayevenings in Maccabee hall. Mrs.Gertrude Tobias, pres.; Mrs. MaryFirth, sec, 38y2 Foote Ave.TRIBE OF BEN HUR.<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Court No. 45. Meetsevery other week in Maccabee hallon Tuesday evenings. Hattie Walkup,sec, 912 North Main.SWEDISH BROTHERHOOD.First Degree. Meets alternateThursdays in its hall, Barrett Bldg.Arvid Shelander, pres.; Gust Wihlburg,sec, 15 Cedar Ave.Royal Degree. Meets in SwedishBrotherhood hall alternate Thursdayevenings. Oscar Rehn, great master;Charles Johnson, rec. sec, Kinney.SWEDISH SISTERHOOD.Meets alternate Wednesdays in G.A. R. hall. Mrs. Andrew Lawson,pres.; Mrs. Clarinda Anderson, rec.sec, 24 Tenth.PUBLICGifford, Charles H.Gordon, WilliamGoulding, Lynn M.Green, Edward JamesGreen, EleazerGrover, Charles S.Harris, Almon MorrellHollengreen, Sarah A.Haag, John A.Harrington, John F.Horton, Fred GatesHorton, Charles L.Howard, Walter P.Hulquist, Raymond G.Hyde, Frederick W.Jenks, Adelbert FrankJohnson, Edward L.Johnson, Lillian A.Jones, Francis S.Jones, Louis K.Jones, Clement B.Kidder, Herbert J.Kohlbacher, George J.Lawson, Lewis, Harry Dora R. A.

MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY.Lind, Andrew J.Maltby, George E.Marsh, William T.Miller, Winifred E.Morgan, EdwardOgilvie, Daniel G.Okerlind, Charles AlfredOlson, Erick A.Peterson, NelliePierce, Elbridge G.Pickard, Ray F.Price, Wilson ClarkPrice, Orsell C.Rohn, William M.Ross, Emmett H.Rushworth, Orlando NelsonSaeli, GiuseppeScholpp, Charles J. C.Snearman, Frank E.Sheldon, Harry PorterSimmons, Adelbert P.Smiley, Mrs. L. FrancesSquier, Ziba L.Stafford, Austin H.Stafford James P.Stafford, Joseph C.Stowe, William D.Stowe, William A.Strong, Louie C.Terry, Florence E.Tiffany, Bert GeorgeThayer, Allen A.Waite, Elmer E.Weeks, James L.vVeller, James M.Whalen, Anna F.Wheeler, Frank S.Whitmore, Charles W.Wicks, John G.Young, Clark H.(Term expires March 30, 1913.Anderson, Edith E.Appleyard, Albert EdwardBeach, Robert KingBentley, Calvin EugeneBoote, Roswell J.Bradshaw, William A.Briggs Harry L. "Broadhead, Wright D.Butman, Luther MiltonButts, George R.Brugge, Isabelle E.Carpenter, NettieCrissey, Harold E.Clark, D. RussellCowden, Bessie L.Doolittle, Amy A.Dunderdale, Dunn, Francis Annie.Dewey, Helen M.Eblom, Anna L.Eckstrom, A. LutherEddy, Elton E.Eddy, Ethel A.Farrington, Florence B.Field, Frank B.Fowler, James I.Fowler, J. SamuelFrank, John J.Gilberds, George H.Gilberds, William J.Gustafson, Gustaf OscarHale, Helena J.Hall, Stiles C.Hanchett, Lathrop L.Harmon, Mabel S.Hazeltine, AbnerHazzard, Walter S.Hitchcock, Arthur H.Hunt, FrankHunt, Herbert L.Jones, Charles W.Jude, George W.Johnson, Olive E.Jones, Stella F.Kettle, Arthur W.King, William E.Knorr, John AdamLincoln, DavidLewis Nathan D.Merz, FrankMiller, Emmet W.Miller, William H.Olson, Olof A.Peart, RichardPeterson, Frederick R.Phillips, Brewer D.Pickard, Clare A.Peirce, Elbridge G.Prather, John H.Peckham, Vernon E.Raistrick, Albert L.Reynolds, William R.Rick, Julius D. F.Sellvin, Florence E.Skiff, Mason M.Smith, Edmund B.Spencer, R. Liston (Kiantone)Spring, E. WaltonStevens, WilsonSandburg, Hulda A.Todd, Fred P.Warren, Lucian J.Weller, Roy CrossmanWellman, Arthur MartinWiborg, Charles HenryWiltsie, Woodward, Lawrence Nelson W. B.

MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY.L A B O RCENTRAL LABOR COUNCIL—A representativebody composed of fourdelegates from each local union inthe city. Meets every other Wednesdayevening in its hall 8 WestThird. Pres., Louis E. Ruden; rec.and cor. sec, Harry A. Hartman,P. O. Box 462.ALLIED PRINTING TRADES COUN­CIL.—Meets firstSaturday in monthin Central Labor hall. James S.McCallum, sec, 80 Falconer.BRICKLAYERS, No. 24.—Meets everyWednesday in Opera House Block.BREWERY WORKERS, LOCAL No.4, Branch 11.—Meets second andfourth Thursday evening in CentralLabor hall. Qbarles Boehler, sec, 2Metallic Ave.BARTENDERS, No. 199.—Meets everyother Sunday in Bartender's hall,Arcade Bldg. Harry Winslow, sec,care Chadakoin Cafe.BARBERS, No. 178.—Meets the firstO R G A N I Z A T I O N SSHEET METAL WORKERS, No. 187.Central Labor nail, 8 West Third.and third Thursday evening in CentralLabor hall, 8 West Third. J. C. TYPOGRAPHICAL, No. 205.—MeetsFrank Day, sec, 9 Crescent.Markle, sec, 220 North Main.CIGARMAKERS, No. 370.—Meets thefirst Tuesday in month in Bartendershall. T. C. Fox, sec, 8 SouthMain.CARPENTERS & JOINTERS, No. 66.—Meets every Friday evening inCentral Labor hall, 8 West Third.J. M. Kane, bus. agt, Box 102.ELECTRICAL WORKERS, No. 106 —Meets every other Monday eveningin Engineer's hall. Harry Ketchum,sec, care N. Y. Telephone Co.LABEL LEAGUE, (WOMEN), No. 5 —Meets last Tuesday in month inCarpenter's hall, 18 East Third. Mrs.Thomas H. Marks, sec, 12 WestTenth.METAL LATHERS UNION.—Meetsevery other Thursday in Carlson'shall, 15 Steele. Erland Clausen,sec, 187 Barrett.METAL POLISHERS & BUFFERS,No. 38.—Meets firstFriday in monthin Carlson's hall, 15 Steele. RobertKendall, sec, 34 Foote.MUSICIANS, No. 134.—Meets firstSunday in month in Central Laborhall, gett, sec, 8 West Russell Third. block. Charles A. Bur­PLASTERERS UNION.—Meets everyother Thursday in Carpenter's hall,8 East Third. John Alms, sec,PLUMBERS AND STEAM FITTERS,No. 232.—Meets in Central Laborhall, 8 West Third. Grand Perry,sec, 404 West Second.PRINTING PRESSMEN, No. 164.—Meets the second Saturday eveningin Central Labor hall, 8 West Third.Homer Haupin, sec, care Dewey-Davis Printing Co.PAINTERS, DECORATORS ANDPAPERHANGERS, No. 498.—Meetsevery Tuesday evening in CentralLabor hall, 8 West Third. M. M.Gifford, sec. and bus. agt., 34 WestEighth.SHEET METAL WORKERS, No. 170.—Meets every other Monday in CentralLabor hall, 8 West Third. FrankJulin, sec, 21 Linwood.first Saturday in Central Labor hall,8 West Third. Louis E. Ruden, sec,29 McKinley Ave.UPHOLSTERERS, No. 38.—Meets everyother Monday in Central Lahorhall. Harry A. Hartman, sec, 213Fulton.STATIONARY ENGINEERS.—Meetsevery month in Engineer's hall,Warner block. D. M. Thompson, 15Myrtle.STATIONARY ENGINEERS, AUXIL-ARY, No. 5.—Meets every Wednesdayafternoon in Engineers' hall.Mrs. D. M. Thompson, sec, 15 Myrtle.LETTER CARRIERS ASSOCIATION,No. 165.—Meets firstTuesday ofeach month in Postoffice Bldg.Claude Kaadtmann, sec, 511 Hallock.LETTER CARRIERS ASSOCIATION,AUILIARY, No. 46.—Meets at homesof different members second andfourth Tuesday. Mrs. William Fuller,sec, 325 Crossman.COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS, CHAU­TAUQUA COUNCIL, No. 202 —Meets every third Saturday in MaccabeeWhite, hall, sec, 101 East P. O. Third, Box 104. W. Andrew

xxiiMISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY.I N C O R P O R A T E DC O M P A N I E SAbrahamson-Bigelow Co., (The), 114-118 West Third—R. W. Bigelow, pres.-mgr.dry goods.A. C. & C. A. Anderson Co., 212-214 North Main.—Dry goods.Agnes Association, 6 Broadhead Ave.—Mrs. Eleanor J. Dow, pres.;—The AgnesBoarding Home for Working Girls, and the Warner Home for the Aged.Ahlstrom Piano Co., 112-114 East Second—Charles A. Ahlstrom, pres.—mfrs.Allen Square Co.—F. E. Gifford, pres.; C. H. Gifford, sec-treas —101-121 NorthMain.Alliance Furniture Co., 609-615 Allen.—Gustaf A. Lund, pres.; Axel Eckberg,sec-treas.—mfrs. dining room furniture.American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. A. Frank Jenks,attorney, Hall block, West Third.Ames-Burns Co., (The), 415 Chadakoin Bldg.—H. R. Wilbur, pres.; E. C. Kessler,sec.—Grain and mill feed jobbers.Art Metal Construction Co., 95-105 Jones & Gifford Ave.—A. C. Wade, pres.;Albert Gilbert, sec-treas.—metal furniture and office fixtures.Atlas Furniture Co., Allen—Frank O. Strandburg, pres.; Ralph W. Taylor, sec.—bedroom furniture.iBailey Table Co., (The), 105 Winsor—Clayton E. Bailey, pres.; B. M. Bailey,vice pres.-treas.—mfrs. tables.Bank of Jamestown, 216 North Main.—Brewer D. Phillips, pres.; William R.Botsford, cashier.Barrett Realty Co., Barrett Bldg., 205 Cherry—A. Harrison Reynolds, treas.-gen.mgr.—real estate.Bergwall Printing Co., over 8 West Third—Joseph A. Bergwall pres.; E. E.Carpenter, secBernhard Hardware Co., 204 East Second.—Emil Fagerstrom, John Carlson andMartin Gunnarson.Blackstone Mfg. Co., (The), 56-58 Blackstone Ave.—W. M. Blackstone, pres.;John P. Moynihan, sec; Andrew J. Lind, treas.—mfrs. washing machines.Breed-Johnson Furniture Co., (The), 129-135 Jones & Gifford Ave.—J. A. Eckman,pres.; C. L. Eckman. sec-treas.—desks and bookcases.Cawcroft & Co., 107 Last Third.—A. E. Cawcroft, mgr.—art goods and pictures.Celoron Land Co., 1 Hall block—A. J. Hazeltine, pres.; Charles G. Lindsey,vice pres.-mgr.; W. M. Lindsey, sec-treas.Celoron Amusement Co., West Third.—A. N. Broadhead, pres.Chadakoin Boat Co., Celoron Road—Harry D. Lepar, sec-treas.<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Canoe Club.Chadakoin Club (The), (Boat)—Elton E. Eddy, commodore; Paul W. Blystone,sec; Charles H. Wiborg, treas.<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Construction Co.—A. N. Broadhead pres.; William R. Reynolds,sec.Chadakoin Land Co.—S. B. Broadhead, pres.; W. T Falconer, sec<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Lumber Co., Monroe & Isabella Ave.—George W. Wright, gen. mgr.<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Pure Food, Drug and Candy Exposition—George T. Armstrong, sec.<strong>Chautauqua</strong> School of Nursing, 110 East Fourth—Cyrus E. Jones, pres.; W. S.Bailey, sec-treas.<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Steamboat Co., West Eighth and Fairmount Ave.—J. C. Calisch,pres., Buffalo.<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Storage & Transfer Co.—West Second—Patrick H. Burke, pres.-mgr.<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Towel Mills, 206 Steele—A. C. Wade, pres.; William C. Briggs, sectreas.—mfrs.union and Turkish towels.<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Traction Co.—A, N. Broadhead, pres.; S. B. Broadhead, vice pres.-treas.; William R. Reynolds, sec; George E. Maltby, gen. mgr.

MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY.<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Worsted Mills, Lister Ave., Falconer, N. Y.—Fletcher Goodwill,pres.; H. J. Goodwill, sec-treas.Circle Mfg. Co., Taylor St.—C. M. Purdy, pres.; W. C. Purdy, sec—mfrs. breadmixers.Clark Hardware Co., 109-111 North Main—George B. Pitts, vice pres.; M. S.Van Scoter, sec.Comfort Ice Cream Co.—William S. Comfor, pres.Conewango Realty Co.—W. W. Hotchkiss.Conroy-Buchanan Lumber Co., 508 Fenton Bldg.—W. B. Conroy and Edward L.Buchanan—wholesale lumber.Consolidated Development Co., Chadakoin Bldg.—B. A. Munger, pres.—real estateand loans.Constas-Sanford-Lambros Co., 121 North Main and 9 West Third—John Constas,John Sanford Est., and Charles Lambros—fruit and confectionery.Country World, over 102 North Main.—A. Brooks Fletcher, publisher.Crescent Ahletic Club—Gust Peterson, pres.; Richard Swanson, sec-treas.Crescent Land Improvement Co See Crescent Athletic Club.Crescent Tool Co., 200-222 Harrison—Karl Peterson, pres.-mgr.—F. F. Falldine,sec-treas.Crown Metal Construction Co., 120 Steele—David Lincoln, pres.; David A. Hillstrom,sec-treas.Curtis, E. W. Lumber Co., 510 Chadakoin Bldg.—E. W. Curtis, pres.; CharlesE. Dodge, sec-treas.—wholesale hardwood lumber.Curtis, F. M. Co. (The), 111-119 Cherry—F. M. Curtis, pres.; S. O. Merriam, sectreas.—diningand bedroom furniture.D. H. Grandin Milling Co.—D. H. Grandin, mgr.Dahlstrom Metallic Door Co., Blackstone Ave.—Carl E. Lundquist, pres.; J. A.Sellstrom, sec-treas.Diamond Furniture Co., 46-70 Taylor—A. P. Olsen, pres.; H. F. Love, sec-treas.—mfrs. tables.Donelson Fruit Co.—E. A. Donelson, pres.; J. J. Waters, treasEagle Furniture Co., 126 Steele—C. A. Lundquist, pres.; C. Herman Erickson,sec-treas.—pedestals and tabourettes.Eagle Lake Club Co.—Roy H. Cole, pres.; F. E. Wallace, sec.Eastman Kodak Co., (American Aristotype Division), 56 Prospect—Ralph C.Sheldon, mgr.—mfrs. aristo paper.Elite Furniture Co., 516 West Fourth—Charles Anderson, pres.; Gustaf A. Lawson,sec-treas.—tables.Elks Club of Jamestown, over 300 North Main.—R. K. Mason, exalter ruler;John C. Mason, sec.Empire Voting Machine Co., 153-163 Jones & Gifford Ave.—W. J. Lausterer,local mgr.Empire Worsted Mills, 35-43 Water—J. W. Doubleday, pres.; L. M. Butman, sectreas.E. & M. Cough Drop Co., 4 Arcade Bldg., over 28 North Main—W. W. Hunt,pres.—mfrs.Farmers & Mechanics Bank, 215 North Main—O. N. Rushworth, pres.; A. E.Appleyard, cashier.Field & Wright Furniture Co., 100-108 Main—J. S. Wright, pres.; L. J. Field,treas.First National Bank, 2-6 East Third—F. E. Gifford, pres.; Edward Morgan,cashier.Furniture Commercial Agency Co., 513 Chadakoin Bldg—Frank B. Field, localmgr.Furniture Index Co., over 112 East Third—P. K. Shankland, mgr.—magazinepublishers.Gage L. Furniture Snow, se Co., ..-treas. (The), 13-15 East Third—Otto Bloomquist, pres.; Wallace

MISCELLANEOUSDIRECTORY.Globe Cabinet Co., 27 Taylor—Thure E. Linderholm, gen. mgr.—veneered deskand counter tops.Gokey, William N. Shoe Co., 516 East Sixth—William N. Gokey, pres.Golden Furniture Co., 151 Jones & Gifford Ave.—C. P. Carlson, pres.; C. E.Moller, sec-treas.—bedroom furniture.Gregory Oil Company—C. M. Dow, pres.Gurney Ball Bearing Co., 16 Scott—A. W. Kettle, pres.; F. W. Gurney, secHill's Piano Co., Chadakoin Bldg.—E. H. Hill, pres.-treas.Home Telephone Co., 210 Pine—A. C. Wade, pres.; J. H. Wright, gen. mgr.Huntington-Bargar Machine Co., Celoron Road—J. Delevan Curtis, pres.—machines and repairing.Hurlbert-Sherman Hotel Co.—George F. Hurlbert, pres.; P. J. Moynihan, sectreas.props. The New Samuels, West Third.Huron Oil Co.—Howard Dow.Ideal Furniture Co., Allen Ext.—Charles Coyle, pres.; Otto T. Lindholm, sec.Ideal-Peerless Laundry Co., 20-26 Forest Ave.—C. G. Carlson, pres.-treas.Interior Metal Mfg. Co., 65-85 River—Gustaf Carlson, pres.; P. C. Carlson, sectreas.Ingerson Grocery Co., 20 East Third—George H. and Mrs. N. W. Ingerson—retail grocers.Jamestown Awning Works, 112-114 East Third—M. C. Holmes, pres.Jamestown Bar Association—Benj. S. Dean, pres.; Charles H. Wiborg, sectreas.Jamestown Bottling Co., 104 East Second and 603-609 West Eighth—P. F. Simon,pres.; F. Dunn, secJamestown Brewing Co., 104 East Second and 603-609 West Eighth—P. F. Simon,pres.-treas.; Francis Dunn, sec.Jamestown Building Co.—Ernest Cawcroft, pres.; Frank E. Wallace, sec-treas.Jamestown Builders' Supply Co., 12-16 River—Charles Swanson pres.; Fred C.Olson, sec-treas.Jamestown Business College Association, 315-317 Cherry.—H. E. V. Porter,pres.; Elliot C. Hall, vice pres; A. J. Porter, see.Jamestown, <strong>Chautauqua</strong> & Lake Erie R. R.—J. C. Calisch pres., Buffalo.Jamestown Chair Co. (The), 20 Winsor—C. P. Carlson, pres.; C. W. Swanson,sec-treas.Jamestown Chamber of Commerce, 301-303 Gokey Bldg., over 20 West Third.—H. E. V. Porter, pres.; Ernest Cawcroft, sec.Jamestown Construction Co., 12-16 River—Charles Swanson, pres.; Fred C.Olson, sec-treas.Jamestown Electric Mills, 30-43 Taylor—W. W. Campbell, pres.—feed and flour.Jamestown Garage Co., Barrett Bldg., 205 Cherry—L. S. Apgar, pres.; C. M.Nichols, sec-treas.Jamestown Holding Co.—C. E. Bailey, pres.; Wilson C. Price, sec.Jamestown Ice Cream Co., 99 Institute—E. E. Walker, pres.; C. Fred Danielson,treas.—mfrs. and shippers.Jamestown Lighting & Power Co., 316 North Main—A. N. Broadhead, pres.;Albert S. Price, sec-treas.Jamestown Lounge Co., 38-46 Winsor—T. D. Hanchett, pres.; L. F. Cornell sectreas.Jamestown Mantel Co., Falconer, N. Y.—George M. Turner, pres.-treas.; Fred J.Maurer, sec.—interior trim and veneered doors.Jamestown Panel & Veneer Co., 50 Steele—D. L. Moore, pres.; J. N. Campbell,treas.Jamestown Publishing Co., over 28 North Main—Charles J. C. Scholpp, mgr.Jamestown Realty Co., 5-6 Gifford Block—Rev. Dr. Julius Lincoln, pres.;Charles E. Anderson, sec.

MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY.Jamestown Security Land Co., 9-11 Gokey Bldg., over 22 West Third—M. Mintzer,pres.; R. H. Cole, sec-treas.—real estate.Jamestown Shale Paving Brick Co., 40 Quarry Road—Jerome B. Fisher, pres.;John Mahoney, sec-treas.Jamestown Shoe Machinery Co., over 9 West Third—Arthur H. Hitchcock,pres.-.treas.; William M. Rohn, sec.Jamestown Spring Bed Co., 59-61 Harrison—C. W. Eckman, pres.; LawrenceEckman, pres.-treas.—mfrs. spring beds and cots.Jamestown Street Railway Co., West Third—A. N. Broadhead pres.; S. B.Broadhead, sec-treas.; George E. Maltby, gen. mgr.Jamestown Table Co., 145-153 Fairmount Ave.—L. C. Jagger, pres.; Thomas E.Perkins, sec.Jamestown Theatrical Mechanical Association, Allen Square Hotel—FrankStafford, pres.; Charles J. Preston, sec.Jamestown Towel Mills, Hunt Road—Wilkinson Hall, pres.Jamestown Wheel & Mfg. Co., (Celoron, N. Y.), H. A. Shaver and others.Jamestown Worsted Mills, 335 Harrison—E. C. Hall, pres.; A. K. Briggs, treas.-gen. mgr.Jamestown Wood Finishing Co.—A. E. Smith (Oleon), pres.; John Dahlquist,treas.Johnson Ice & Coal Co., 602-610 West Eighth—M. R. Stevenson, sec-treas.Johnson, P. M. Co. (The), 205 North Main—P. M. Johnson, pres.Jones, Scharf & Lincoln, 210 North Main—John A. Jones and William H. Scharf—clothing and gent's furnishings.Jorgenson Plumbing & Heating Co.—Nels Jorgenson, pres.Journal Printing Co., 12 West Second—Frederick P. Hall, pres.; Henri M. Hall,treas.Journal Press Inc., 12 West Second—Frederick P. Hall pres.; Gust C. Magnuson,vice-pres and gen. mgr.—job printing.Ketchum, E. H. Co., 24 North Main—E. H. Ketchum, pres. and gen. mgr.—wholesale and retail stationery, etc.Knox Clothing Co., 117 East Third—Belle H. Knox.Koehl, William Co., 17-19 Steele—William Koehl, pres.-treas.; T. James Clark,sec.—mfrs. paper boxes and job printers.Lakeview Rose Gardens, Fairmount Ave. and 304 North Main—A. N. Broadhead,pres.Lenna, O. A., 22-24 East Second—Oscar A. Lenna—wholesale liquors.Level Furniture Co., Allen—George V. Olson, pres.; J. Alexander Bloomquist,sec-treas.—parlor and library tables.Liberty Furniture Co., Blackstone Ave.—Charles M. Johnson, pres.; F. P. Johnson,sec.Lilly Engine Co.—George H. Monroe.Liberty Printing Co., over 217 North Main—C. A. Johnson, pres.; Conrad Thurstone,sec.—printers.Lucas Machine Co., 34 Taylor—Louis Lucas, pres.; D. A. Curtis, treas.Lynndon Worsted Mills, (The), Falconer, N. Y.—R. D. Stoeltzing, pres.; JohnAhlstrom, sec-treas.Mack-Hall Co., 13-15 West Second—J. M. Mcintosh mgr.—groceries.Maddox Table Co., 125 Harrison—W. J. Maddox, pres.; M. R. Stevenson, see.Marvel Furniure Co., Allen Ext.—Alfred A. Anderson, pres.-mgr.; W/arner F.Liedblad, sec-treas.—chiffoniers and dressers.Mason News Co.—R. K. Mason, H. E. Sellvin and C. R. Carpenter,

MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY.Mt. Tabor Building Co.—Frank M. Fisk, pres.; Charles F. Thorman, sec.Mutual Dairy Co.—H. E. Kimball, pres.; C. G. Davis, sec.National Biscuit Co., 217 Spring—L. L. Snow, sales agent.National <strong>Chautauqua</strong> County Bank, 201 North Main—Charles M. Dow, pres.;Fred. W. Hyde, cashier.National Furniture Co., Blackstone Ave.—Carl S. Johnson, pres.; John Nord,sec.New Production Oil Co., 522-624 Chadakoin Bldg.—B. W. Seymour, pres.New York Telephone Co. (Bell), 113 East Third—U. N. Bethell pres.; Lewis J.Davey, dist. mgr.; Gust A. Berg, local mgr.New York and Western Oil Co., 39-43 Taylor—C. M. Purdy, pres.; W. G. Purdy,sec.Norquist, A. C. Co. (The), 415-421 Chandler—A. C. Norquist, pres.; Frank 0.Norquist, sec-treas.—bedroom furniture.Ohlquist & Johnson, 219 North Main—John Ohlquist, pres.; Oscar F. Johnson,sec-treas.Oriental Mining Co., Kent Block, 29 Forest Ave.—A. F. Kent, pres.; W. A. Kent,treas.—mines, we'stern office in Poland, Ariz.Pearl City Realty Co., 46 Fenton Bldg.—Frederick P. Hall pres.; Wilson C.Price, sec.Pearl City Veneer Co., 40-48 Steele—T. D. Hanchett, pres.; N. M. Willson, sectreas.Peerless Furniture Co., River—August C. Norquist, pres.-treas.Pennsylvania Gas Co., 110 East Third—Walter Jennings, pres.; W. H. Filler,sec-treas.; Jamestown mgr., E. M. Schlaudecker.Persell, D. F. & Co., 103 West Third—Mrs. Charlotte Persell, mgr.—jewelry.Peterson, A. J. & Son, 208 North Main—A. John and James C. Peterson—clothing and gent's furnishings.Phillips Barrel & Machine Co., 11-13 Harrison—T. Henry Smith, pres.; W. D.Broadhead, sec.—barrels and barrel making machines.Philo-Burt Mfg. Co. 409 North Main—R. J. Barrows, Jr., sec-treas.—mfrs. spinalappliances.Post Publishing Co., 17-19 Steele—Ralph C. Sheldon pres.; Robert K. Beach,business mgr.Proudfit Clothing Co., 206 North Main—William H. Proudfit, pres.; William P.Osmer, treas.Primus Steam Water Washing Machine Co.Purity Supply Co., (Inc.),—Fred C. Olson, sec-treas., 8 Ellicott Bldg.Queens-<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Land Co., Long Island real estate—R. C. Sheldan, pres.;W. C. Price, secRenova Oil Co., over 219 North Main—Arthur W. Kettle, pres.-treas.; Mark T.Seymour, sec.—producers.Robertson, H. P. Co. (The), 30 Steele—H. P. Robertson, pres.; J. H. Ipson, sec.—bedroom furniture.Ross, Warren Lumber Co., Isabella Ave. and Monroe—Warren Ross—-hardwoodlumber.Slone-Melhuish & Co., over 303 North Main—C. A. Slone, pres.; C. D. Melhuish,sec.—insurance.Salisbury Wheel & Mfg. Co., Blackstone Ave.—S. H. Penfield, pres.; E. D.Shearman treas.Saxe Brothers Co., 16 West Third—Samuel Saxe, mgr.—ladies' ready-to-weargarments.

MISCELLANEOUSDIRECTORY.Scholin Furniture Co., 203-205 East Second—Charles E. Scholin and Claus Anderson—furniture,carpets and rugs.Seaburg Mfg. Co., 124-126 Steele—Evald Seaburg pres.; Ernest J. Seaburg.treas.—tables and cedar chests.Sharpe, A. D. Co., (The), 203 North Main.—George W. Sharpe, pres.; F. J.Snowball, sec-treas.—dry goods.Shearman Bros. Co., 25 Shearman Place—Frank E. Shearman, pres.-treas —mfrs. couches, sofa beds.Sportsmen's Club of <strong>Chautauqua</strong>, 304 Pine—A. H. Greenlund, pres.; Floyd H.Sharp sec.Squier Land & Improvement Co.,—Ziba L. Squier.St. James Roman Catholic Church Society—Father James Carra.Star Furniture Co., 25-37 Briggs—Jay Crissey, pres.-treas.—mfrs. bedroom furniture.Straight Dry Plate Co., Tyril—J. W. Davis, pres.-treas.Superior Furniture Co., 167 Jones & Gifford Ave.—Frank O. Norquist, pres.;Austin E. Anderson, sec-treas.—tables.Swanson, C. A., Drug Co. (The), 200 Main—C. A. Swanson, pres.; A. J. Johnson,secSwedish-American Land Co.—Ziba Squier, pres.; S. A. Hollengren, sec-treas.Swedish Singing Society Lyran (The), 11 Warner block, over 5'North Main—C. G. Hammerstrom, pres.; E. Eckman, sec.Sweet-Clarke Co., 104 East Second—J. M. Sweet, pres.; T. James Clarke, sectreas.—mfrs.hardware specialties.Swift Beef Co., 33 Institute—William L. Booth, mgr.The Clarke Baking Co., 13-17 Richmond Place—George F. Clarke, pres.; W. C.Price, sec.The Ellicott Club of Jamestown, N. Y.—W. C. Price, pres.; Arthur Clark, sec.The Henderson-Lincoln Undertaking Co.—David Lincoln.The Owl Sportsman's Club—John C. Swanson, pres.; Charles L. Carlson, sec.The Sturdevant Machine Co.—Harvey C. Sturdevant, pres.; James Ingham, sec.The Van Restaurant Co.—James S. Shaw, pres.; Helen I. Van Vleck, sec.Thompson-Johnson Machine Co.,—Nels A. Johnson, pres.Towne Furniture Co., 13-23 Holmes—Morris E. Towne—jobbers.Thurstone Moving Picture Machine Co.—Leon L. Thurstone pres.; ConradThurstone, sec.Union Lumber Co., 41 Shearman Place—Daniel Griswold, pres.; M. T. Griswold,sec-treas.Union Trust Co., 211 North Main—Frank Merz, pres.; Harry L. Briggs, cashier.United Meat Market—Leon A. Conner, pres.Van Every & Probst Co.—Charles C. VanEvery and M. W. Probst.Vandergrift Realty Co.—Frank G. Curtis, sec-treas.; Nels A. Johnson, pres.VanDervoort Supply Co., Monroe and Isabella Ave.—S. B. Vandervoort, pres.;C. R. VanDervoort, sec-treas.Vart Land Co., over 14-16 West Second—Samuel A. Carlson, sec-treas.-mgr.,newspaper publishers.Warren & Jamestown Street Railway Co.—David H. Siggins, pres., Warren,Pa.; J. M. Siegfried, treas., Warren, Pa.; Sam Q. Smith, sec.Watson Mfg. Co., 63 Taylor—H. W. Watson, pres.; W. W. Watson, sec-treas.

MISCELLANEOUSDIRECTORY.Weber-Knapp Co., 441 Chandler—Adam F. Weber, pres.; A. C. Knapp, sec.White Cross School of Nursing—W. E. Goucher, pres.; S. C. Hall, sec.Woman's Christian Association, 207 Foote Ave.—Mrs. Frank Edward Gifford;,pres.; Mrs. C. C. Wilson, sec; Miss S. Flora Broadhead, treas.Young Men's Christian Association, corner East Second and Prendergast Ave.—Elliot C. Hall, pres.; Charles W. Cunningham, gen. sec.Young Women's Christian Association, 401 North Main—Mrs. W. H. Proudfit,honorary pres.; Katherin D. Cole, gen. sec.

T h e J o u r n a l ' sJ a m e s t o w n S t r e e t a n d B l o c kD i r e c t o r y1 9 1 1 - 1 9 1 2The asterisk (*) preceding a name indicates that theproperty is owned by the occupant.The figures following the name in parenthesis indicatethe number in the household.Names appearing without population are stores orother places of business.

ADAMS STREET.From Sprague, between Baker and Palmer,west.^Sixth ward.Left and South Side.*15 John F. Berggren (S)ADAMS STREET.Right and North Side.*8 Harry King (5)AHRENS AVENUE.From 117 Maple east to Oak.—Fourthward.Left and North Side.7 William Holdsworth (3)7 Morris O. Johnson (2)AHRENS AVENUE.Right and South Side.No houses.ALLEN STREET.From 135 South Main east to Buffalo.—Third and Fourth wards.Lett and North Side.7 Ray T. Hazeltine (3)*7 Abner Hazeltine (1)*21 Elof Rosencrantz (2)21 George Berquist (3)23 B. T. Harkness (2)*23 Cornelius Hunt (2)*25 E. N. Shirer (5)*27 Frank W. Stevens (7)INSTITUTE ST. ENDS.*67 John F. Gustafson (5)*89 Axel P. S. Gustafson (5)71 Dana Fenton (2)71 Katherine Wilson (1)71 Clinton Waite (6179 L. H. Thompson (S)81 Carl E. LarsenS3 J. A. Yerdon (4)83 H. J. PaquinFOOTE AVENUE INTERSECTS•103 Charles J. Jones (5)103 Wm. H. Anderson (4)105 W. M. Rath (3)*109 Nathaniel E. Thomas (3)*H1 Alexander Salander (6)115 W. F. Hale (3)*117 Mrs. Altheda Wiltsie (5)123 C. E. Larsen (5)127 Charles W. Whitmore (I)127 David L. Anderson (2)"131 August A. Carlson (5)135 A. Howard Fidler (2)*135 George Hope (3)SPINNERS ALLEY•143 Theo. D. Hanchett (5)143 D. C. Hanchett (2)145 Mrs. Louise S. Scott (2)JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY.TNTKRSKCTS*167 *207 *175 *205 *169 209 211 161% 165 16iy2 157 149 145% Marion John Elmer William James Mrs. W. Albert Emil C. F. Samuel Gust L. S. Frederick August Erick Albin E. G. T. J. Hawkinson Kate Margaret H. A. Walburg Johnson Lena Hannah Lagerquist Klingstedt Vasbinder Christensen Newsome Bushev N. Nelson T. Anderson Nutter Smith Winterburn Broadhead Andrews Berg Olman Hutley W. Carlson (4) (2) (41 (21Scott Manning Dschuden (3) (5) (4)(2) (3) (31 (10) (4) (3)(2) (3) (5)(1) (2)211 Mrs. Minnie Peterson (3)217 Frank Michelson (31217 Walter S. White (2)217 Amanda Lundquist (1)*219 Loren P. Skinner (31219 F. H. Ellsworth (2)219 Gustaf Peterson (31223 Robart E. Dracup (41"223 Mrs. Mattie French (1)"'225 J. Ernest Johnson (31•301 Charles L. Liedblad (51307 James E. Noon (41307 Mrs. Matilda Lindquist (51307 George Suter (31311 Ben A. Broadbent 1)311 J. Oscar Johnson (11311 P. Alfred Carlson (4)317 Oscar A. Johnson (4)317 Elof Hansen (4)317 Mrs. Anna Lindblad (1)319 Andrew O. Nelson (41319 Mrs. Matilda Hiller (11319 Conti-San Tony (4)•321 Christian Greenlund (21321 R. Benson (31325 Vacant house*333 Fred H. Wilson (1)343-345 Jones Bros.*347 John A. Booman (4)317 Mrs. Emma Vickland (11WINSOR ST. BEGINS411 E. F. Lammers (41411 Charles A. Hallberg (4)411 Thomas Gill (2)*423 Charles Giambra (71423 Joe Vullo423 Angelo Alima (41423 Sam Cimino (S)429 Guiseppa Privatera 129 Sam Farrero (9)429 Joe Farnell (3)133 Volenline Amelona (.0433 James Fritz (2)433 Sam Balvan (5)433 Joseph Latoni (111435 Sam Bolito (61435 Tom Bealino (51435 Tom Truso

569 A. J. Anderson (31571 John Bergdahl (4)571 Herman Ridder (31575 Gust Nelson (21581 Amanda Carlson (41581 Albert Lindquist (31583-585 J. P. Danielson Co.607 Carl Anderson (41•607 Claus V. Gustafson (31611-615 Alliance Furniture Co.Caflisch Bros. Lumber YardAtlas Furniture Co.Marvel Furniture Co.Level Furniture Co.Appleby Lumber Co., Lumber YardsIdeal Furniture Co.The Ames-Burns Co.ALLEN STREET.Right and South Side.*18 John Wr. Swanson (41*20 E. H. Woodworth (5>*26 Mrs. Harriet R. Crum (3)*34 Mrs. Mark N. Ahlstrom (21*36 Mrs. Thomas G. Armstrong (4136 George T. Armstrong (6142 Merlin A. Bliss (61•12 John Thomas (11*44 John W. Weller (41SCHOOL ALLEY INTERSECTS50 Norman R. Thomspon (2)54 Mrs. Elizabeth Paquin (615S Irving D. Avery (21*62 William J. Maddox (4)*72 Charles M. Dow (71FOOTE AVE. INTERSECTSW. C. A. HospitalW. C. A Nurses' homeI2S John L. Broadhead (51*132 Halhert A. Barrows (51134 Mis. Miranda PI. Wiggins (4)SHERMAN ST. BEGINS*140 Erastus Crosby (2)*142 Mrs. Melinda Myers (31112 H. H. Bleaknev (2)144 C. M. Urch (2)144 George King (3)152 Fred L. Farlee (5)•15214 Charles J. Nelson (6)152% Arvid Helgren (71156 Vacant*164 Frank O. Anderson (ii)*16S Andrew Johnson (2)"172 Hadvn Crossley (41172 Ellis Jowett (31MAPLE ST. BEGINSNo houses*314 *330 *302 *312 *220 *226 .320 -212 410 400 31S 336 310 328 204 212% 2011 20,s Thomas William Salvatora Joe Jones Peter Mrs. Nardo D. John KING Theodore Primitive MNGLISH C. Donald Fred George H. Charles E. Clinton Ernest Alonzo ALLEY Herbert 1TLLMAN Marion K. Greenlund H. A. Howard Mary Emily Mellor A. Eliza Valone Bros. Bunnell Gertrude Williams Giambra Hall ST. Graham G. O. Noon 1. Benson Anderson Shaver Pickard Hirst Swanson INTERSECTSF. M. Manuel Williams Meredith Horth ST. BEGINS (3) Brainard S. Newsome (6) (61 ST. Knight Van (51 E. (5) (2) (II Hunt (21 (5) (7) (3) Johnson BEGINS Church (31 BEGINS(9) (3) (5)Dusen (1) (2) (3) (L!)(41(I)JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY.412 Frank P. Cofforo (61412 James Coffero (51412 Joe Ragugino (91422 John F. Erickson (71426 N. O. Johnson (141•430 Carl Emel Otander (6)430 John H. Harford (4)432 Wm. Beaumont (41"436 Uriah L. Lee (5)440 Mrs. Martha Bairstow (11440 Mrs. Mary Ann Bairstow (1)444 John Yanstrom (6)"US Peter Norene (3)450 Oscar Widdigren (3)*450 Enoch Engman (4)WILLARD ST. INTERSECTS.504 John P. Freed (21510 John A. Engberg (4)~516 Fritz Peterson (8)524 John Parsons (6)524 J. Dietzler (21524 Mrs. Caroline Hilding (4)'52s John M. Bergquist (7)530 Amanda Berg (3)CHANDLER ST. ENDS.l536 Gust Scott (21536 A. J. Lannes (31•542 John Morse (21542 John Christianson (3)*546 Andrew O. Morse (71*548 John P. Jones548 F. E. Samuelson (11548 Hjalmar Anderson (4)554 Oscar Bergdahl (2)55S Arthur Lager (3155S Sten Johnson (5)562 Magnus Seawall (4)562 Axel Seaburg (61506 Ida Nyberg (31506 Theodore Johnson (3)5KN Axel Brodine (615KX Oscar Lay (2)572 Gustaf A. Johnson (J)572 Duane E. Stevens (41*574 Andrew M. Johnson (51574 A. F. Woite (2)*600 Mrs. Ida M. Glatz (6)SCIOTA ST. BEGINSNo housesBUFFALO ST. ENDS.J. A. Bidwell (SIRichard LeRoy (2)Ernest Whitaker (31ALTON PLACE.From 100 Newton avenue south to Blanchard.—Fifthward.No housesIfum ANDERSON APPLEYARD ARCADE From -35 *49 *33 •34 •41 30 Sixth 27 No Carl Thomas Emil John Andrew Gust Mrs. Warner 112 824 39 ward.houses. AVENUE. Center Forest Right A. Left Edna Anna Parson Willard G. STREET.PLACE. Linden B. Barrett Carlson Swanson Stoneberg- and M. Ave. Carlson east.—Fifth S. (81 North south.—Fourth Stanton Anderson East (6) West South (5) (51 west (4)(6)(5)Side. to (2) ward. Sampson.—(7t ward.

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY.ARNOLD STREET.From 311 Foote avenue east to Maple.—Fourth ward.Left and North Side.11 Harold Ickeringill (3111 Andrew Anderson (41ARNOLD STREET.Right and South Side.10 B. Clifford Randall (21»10 Swan J. Larson (2)12 Phoebe A. Burlin (21•12 John B. Anderson (1112 Charles W. Peterson (3)12 Matilda Anderson (3114 Byron Jackman (6114 Mrs. Josephine K. Blakely (7)•18 Herman G. Anderson (31AXTEL STREET.From 241 South Main east to Hazzard.—Third ward.Left and North Side.*9 Mrs. Matilda Haigh (41•11 Charles A. Johnson (5111 Ernest L. Danielson (3)11 Gus Nordine (2115 Tony Footee (151AXTEL STREET.Right and South Side.75•8 Carl W. Hermanson (7)10 Martha A. Suttle (41*12 Jonas A. Johnson (21*8514 Fred M. Sweet (318516 Clarence A. Griffith (5)16 Edward C. Austin (11BAKER STREET.From 48 Barrett west to limits.—6th wardLeft and South Side.*19 Louis O. Juel (31*43 Marion D. Swanson (21•47 Mrs. Dexter D. Dorn (1147 Oscar Bragg (2147 Charles Boyd (3147 Mrs. Mae McKee (2)51 Charles S. Johnson (4)51 John A. Peterson (41121 Eskel Carlson (71H25 John Carlson (51WILLIAM STREET ENDS131 August P. Norgren (6)"135 John A. Strand (13)CHAPMAN STREET ENDS.139 Thomas Vassil (6)143 Paul Cusinano (71143 Tony Sands (71*149 Otto W. Wiquist (301COLFAX ST. BEGINS"161 Carl A. Johnson (51BAKER Right *245 •148 *171 *329 "359 •409 *437 *185 .193 195 173 199 235 Arthur NEWLANDMartin Oscar William Albert James JONES DELAWAREOXFORD Peter Vacant Jonas Anton Ernest Andrew C. CHAUTAUQUA Axel Gotfried Smith Charles Albert STREET. and Johnson Carlson Peterson P. E. Homer Underwood Gray Anderson J. W. storeST. G. A. R. Paulson North Gunnarson Lindell Peterson ST. Due Anderson Pelrson Billings Jones Emory INTERSECTS.(2) AVE. (31 (41(51 (21 BEGINS AVE. (71 (61 (31 (41 Side. (61 (21 (4) (2)INTERSECTS(21 (31 (3) (11BEGINS*150 Fred C. Lawson (51150 Axel Hed (51152 Gust Sandberg•154 A. William Carlson154 Louis H. Holmes (4)154 Rudolph H. Hedstrom (41158 W. D. Kent158 Gid Lundquist (51158 Fred A. Benton (31•162 John G. Johnson (3)162 John Syren (31*166 Mrs. Jennie Johnson (5)170 John A. Hult (31170 John G. Carlson (51SPRAGUE ST. INTERSECTS196 Alfred Nyberg (4)*200 Mrs. Joanna Anderson (31202 John E. Bush (71202 Charles A. Anderson (51•206 Mrs. Margaret Hammerstrom (11206 Harry G. Maxwell (4)•210 Herman Holmes (3)216 Julien Kestelat (31216 Charles J. L. Sundberg (4)228 Charles G. Gustafson (51252 Gust Freed (21*252 James P. Hanson (5)282 John B. Taylor (5179%Smith MAPLEWOOD Harry Middleton Howard (41 AVE. (51 BEGINS•296 81 " John Asa Ackroyd Levan " (21 (41 " '296 Raymond Magnus Hegstedt Park (31(2191 Harold BARKER Sagerdahl STREET. (41From 91 James Virginia J. Rogers Boulevard (41 west to Prospect.—Third93 Fred L. Lindquist ward. (4193 Mrs. Left Belinda and A. South Hollev Side. (1123 Henry HAZZARD A. Lindquist ST. INTERSECTS (SI107 23 Alfred W. H. Kidder Lund (21 (31LINWOOD SOUTH MAIN AVE. ST. INTERSECTS177 No Andrew houses Nordwall (31BROADHEAD FOOTE AVE. INTERSECTSAVE. INTERSECTS•71 George No houses Murphy (71BARKER 73 Carl STREET.Gustafson (7175 Oscar Right Ohman and (71 North Si.lc.l16 Frank A>el Seagren Lohnes (51 (2)*20 Charles Andersont:\)LINWOOD AYl'l. INTERSECTSNo housesFOOTE AVE. INTERSECTS76 C. L. Tulen (5188 David Erickson (21*SS Herman Nelson (51HAZZARD ST. INTERSECTS106 Lazelle Wroodward (41SOUTH MAIN ST. INTERSECTSNo housesBROADHEAD AV. INTERSECTSI7S William L. Beck (21BARNARD BARRETT From *5 Sixth 7 (Commonly .Gust No Thomas 114 25 ward. houses. AVENUE. STREET. Right Steele Left Carlson Sampson A called and Burns south (5) South west.—Sixth North Barrett (51 to Forest Side. Avenue.} ward. Ave.—

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY.Left and East Side.•15 William H. Lang (7}*17 Harry L. Anderson (3}'21 Mrs. George Smith (51•23 Fred E. Hultquist (4)*27 Charles A. Dahlquist (2)27 Carl A. Leiburg (2}31 Mrs. Louise L. Vanblow (4)*31 Frank A. Vanblow (2}33 Jonas Jaderstrom•45 Atla Jenner (6147 Vacant51 VacantPRATHER AVE. INTERSECTS•57 Mrs. Mary Boyd (3)"63 August P. Olsen (3)67 George F. Prince (4175 Charles E. Morgan (3}•75 H. Albert Donelson (8)•81 Benj. Arnson (6)SI George A. Phillips (2)•87 Albert Cowden (3)*93 Lizzie Bootey (11*99 N. M. Willson (81107 J. P. Mack (51107 Lynn S. Townsend (2)Hll E. B. Bootey (2}•115 Louis H. Russell (5)McKINLEY AVE. INTERSECTS.•125 T. B. McGraw (11}*135 Mrs. Betsey S. Mills (6)*151 W. O. Isaacson (6)*155 C. Henry Malmquist (4)155 Mortimer J. Woodin (2}COWDEN PLACE BEGINS*1C1 John Johnson (4}*163 Mrs. Polly J. Wight (1}*165 Mrs. Epret L. Morley (3}165 Mrs. Johanna Carlson (2)•165% Mrs. Sarah Perry (1}*169 John Morgan (9)171 Olson & Warner171 Julius M. Bergman (2) i173 Olson & Lindblad"173 Alfred Gustafson (3)NEWLAND AVE. INTERSECTS.•183 Alfred Blomstrand (8}•187 Allen A. Clauson (7}187 Andrew Frederickson (3)•191 Mrs. Johanna Swanson (3)•193 August Lofgren (9)199 Emil Olson (5}199 Charles E. Lundgren (6}•201 Mrs. Louise Olson (2}'205 Carl O. Hultgren (6}205 Albert Johnson (2}205 August E. Anderson (6}•233 BARRETT •212 •225 •94 •68 •76 *90 209 *82 '86 237 217 92 60 90% 72 74 64 Mrs. John McKINLEY J. Oscar Herman Willie Daniel Charles Per No BAKER Albin Frank James Nels City C. Evald Brightman Albert Stuart Alvin houses. Nelson Right Anna voting Emily Jenson C. P. Annetta Emma Etta A. L. J. Appleyard STREET. O. Butler Sweetin C. P. L. E. H. Hall Swanson ST. Peterson Johnson Husband Carlson Nordland Love Wescott Raistrick Knowlton C Fisk (6} Smith Stoltz building.(6} AVE, C. (4} INTERSECTS(2) Barnett Ljungberg (6) (4} (2} West Johnson (3) (2} (6) (2) (4}(9} (3} (6} (5}INTERSECTS.(4} (2} (3} Side. (2) (1)(3}(2)'108 John W. Durham (3)108 Charles M. Nichols (3)'112 A. J. Lane (2)112 Chester E. Erickson (2)116 Ernest P. Hindle (4}116% David A. Hillstrom (2)•120 D. M. Rogerson (7}'124 T. Allen Hawkins (2)STEARNS AVE. BEGINS'132 Mrs. Linda F. Holmquist (6}*136 L. H. Slosberg (7)136 Mrs. Susie A. Williams (2)140 Vacant*142 Nels Hagstrom (4)'150 Mrs. Kate Cowles (4}COWDEN PLACE BEGINS160 Lucius W. Lammers (2)160 Frank E. Lawson (5)*164 Gust Milner (6}164 Sven Swanson (4) *'168 David Carlson W •168 Swan H. Johnson (2}•170 Joseph A. Rosenberg (4}170% Leonard V. Hills (2}•174 Fred L. Johnson (3)NEWLAND AVE. INTERSECTS•178 John P. Jones (5)178 John E. Pihlblad (3}'188 Clarence Jones (1}188 Gust Milton (4}*190 Bernard R. Wallen (4}190 Ernest F. Eckman (3)'196 Mrs. Anna Magnuson (4}'198 Emil Fagerstrom (5}198 Carl Carlson (2)CROWN ST. BEGINS'206 Gust Lynn (5)206 Vacant•210 Al'fred J. Johnson (8}214 Mauritz J. Alfson (4}'218 N. P. Fernstrom (2}•220 C. H. Holman (8)DEARBORN ST. INTERSECTS.'228 John Oberg (9}•232 Fred Swanson (5}232 C. August Gustafson (2}•236 Emil E. Peterson (5}238 Alfred Nelson (6)•266 Francis Smith (4)BARROWS STREET.From 9 King north to Allen—Fourthward.Left and West Side.'1 Mrs. Mary Kennedy (3}1 Daniel C. Moynihan (6}*7 Swan Christensen (4}9 Gust Benson (5)'163 •185 '179 •179 •181 *1S3 '157 '131 •137 'Ill *115 '119 155 183 127 145 *15 23 35 9 Andrew James Rasmus C. Oscar John Josephine Miss Anna Eric Mrs. William Fred Kate J. Edward Alvin Samuel ENGLISHLeonard VacantI. Sigfried Amanda Whitehead Peter Emil Olson Elizabeth Hannah Mary Sarah Charlotte Ellen Lindquist Christine Wilcox Kulberg Hutty B. Pang Jones Wright Williamson Vinseyg Baxell J. Kiley Nelson L. Ogren Johnson Lawson Scott (2) Morgan Swallow Westrom (3} K. ST. (3)}(8) (3} Clough (2) (4} (4) (5) (3} Hutty Carlson Berglund Anderson (2) (3)(4) INTERSECTS.(3) (6) (2}(3}(10)(4} (1) (5} (3)(1) (5) (1)

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY.1S7 John Kofod (6)WILLARD ST. INTERSECTS*207 J. Oscar Swanson (3)'211 Charles A. J. Lind (2}*213 Arvid Ahlstrom (8}215 Thure E. Lindholm (2)215 Benj. W. Peterson (3}*219 Gustaf Sundell (3}CHANDLER ST. INTERSECTS225 August Johnson (2)*225 Claus Bergman (1)225 Elof Elmeer (2)*227 Frank Hendrickson (7}227 Alfred Breed (4}'231 Lars A. Larson (4}'235 Jonas W. Anderson (5}»245 Gust A. Nelson (31245 Reuben G. Nelson (3)*25l Peter Brown (3)'257 John F. Carlson (3)BARROWS STREET.Right and East Side.2 Walter A. Lundberg (4)4 Mrs. Minnie B. Thompson (3}4 Ben Spence (4}8 Charles A. Birchman (2}12 J. Albert Peterson (4)12 Charles E. Washburn (4}14 Mrs. Maria Cooper (2}14 Martin J. Paquin (3)*26 Carl A. Lundberg (2)•30 N. J. Nelson (2}30 John R. Anderson (7)32 Abram Mitchell (01*38 Mrs. Catherine Davis (1138 Mrs. Flora Wassman (2)*40 Mrs. Maria Johnson (2}42 Mrs. Christine S. Abrahamson (2}ENGLISH ST. INTERSECTS100 August Bloom100 Samuel A. Bloom*102 Mrs. Sarah E. Prosser (11102 Jane Homer (2)'104 Thomas Riley Briggs (2)'110 Axel F. Carlson (7)114 John Sampson (4)•116 John Nelson (11)124 Vacant*132 Ernest L. York (51LIND ALLEY INTERSECTS'140 Carl A. Nelson (1}140 Olde Luduk (5)140% Ernest Mansergh (4)140% John Kraut (2}-*146 Charles J. Hendrickson (101*150 Peter E. Carlson (2}'154 Ludwig Hofgren (9)154 Vacant*23S "296 *608 '252 '220 '222 *230 '234 *24S "300 *174 '214 *216 *240 '158 "214 238 028 210 216% 160 174% Gust J. Richard August Arthur John Carl Emil C. Charles SCIOTA Alfred WILLARD Plans Peter Axel Andrew Swan Mrs. Samuel Martin Lydia Axel F. A. Martha O. Ostrom L. Berg P. Lindholm Lundberg Christofferson J. Gustafson E. G. L. Seastrom J. Sampson Anderson H. Magnuson W. G. E. Johnson Morse Larson Carlson Hanson ST. Peterson Hultquist Jonson Sundquist (7) Swanson Norman Wibeck ST. Freeman (4) Baker INTERSECTS(41 (31 (5) (4) (21(41(0) (5) (SI(4) (6) (7) (91 (5) (3) (2} (51 (3} '4} (71 (5} (11(4)'628 Mrs. Anna Osberg (2)BENEDICT ST. BEGINS'700 John Osberg (4)700 Axel Lind (2}650 Siddeth W. Johnston 'I)652 Oscar Colander (2)*652 John Colander (4}'654 Gustaf Elf (10}656 John Frederickson (4}'656 John W. Eckstrom (41BASSETT STREET.From 1130 Prendergast avenue east.First ward.Left and North Side.*11 Harry J. Shoultz (2}•13 Severin Peters (3}*13 Clyde Catlin (3)15 Ned S. Price (2i•19 August Eller (2}•21 Wallace G. Russell (2}BASSETT STREET.Right and South Side.*8 Emil C. Berg (3)'16 Frederic BEECH E. Bottsford STREET. (3)From *1S Alfred Shaw to L. avenue Ahrens Furlow (3} Ave.-BEALER Fourth ward. AVENUE.From No Hallock houses BEMUS west.—Sixth PLACE. ward.From No 202 houses Newton avenue south to BBECKERINK chard.—Fifth AVENUE. ward.From No Orphanage houses. east to City Line.BEMUS Fifth ward. STREET. »From No 52 houses Kinney south to English—Fward.Left and East Side.•75 Mrs. Ida Thierfeldt (4}BEMUS STREET.Right and West Side.*52 John Fredlund (7}*5S John A. Anderson (7)•60 Arthur H. Johnson (21'60 Edward J. Youngren (2}!04 Adolph C. Hanson (7}BENEDICT STREET.From 700 Barrows east.—Fourth ward.Left and North Side.•15 Anton A. Erickson (4)WESCOTT ST. INTERSECTS*23 Peter E. Carlson (N):!31 Carl F. Anderson (3|*35 Carl A. Edin (3)HEDGES AVE. ENDS*43 Maria Haggblad (1}47 C. Oscar Liedblad (2)*47 Gust A. Liedblad (4}'51 Arvid Hendrickson (6151 Carl Ilergsten (4)*55 John G. Johnson (5)55 Charles Anderson (2)'111 Ul *86 •63 *S7 Mrs. JOHNSON CHAPIN EAGLE No Albin PETERSON Charles Ludwig houses Christina Clara C. J. ST. Edin Gustafson Marker ST. Hallberg ST. INTERSECTS(4} Nyholm ENDS(4)(4}(41(1)

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY.VEGA ST. INTERSECTSBENEDICT STREET,Right and South Side.No housesWESCOTT ST. INTERSECTSNo housesHEDGES AVE. ENDS*54 Herman Swanson (3}54 Carl E. Hagglund (3)JOHNSON ST. INTERSECTS64 John A. Stark (4)*64 Peter Anderson (3)*70 Mrs. Clara Anderson (3)70 Gilbert F. Jones (4}CHAPIN ST. ENDSNo housesPETERSON ST. INTERSECTSH10 August Jones (2)110 George BENSON Olson (2) STREET.From'120 John Willard Erickson south.—Fourth (2)ward.EAGLE Left ST. and INTERSECTSEast Side.35 J. No Anton houses Anderson (4}*35 Andrew VEGA ST. Anderson INTERSECTS (21BENNETT *37 Carl LANE. J. Erickson (6)From '65 Josephine Sampson Wheelhouse west.—Sixth (2} ward.*67 Charles No houses J. Burke (81*09 William Berg (5)'73 John Swanson (4}BENSON STREET.Right and West Side.*8 Mrs. Johanna Erickson (1)'32 Mrs. Johanna Olson (3)*36 Mrs. Bretta Benson (1136 Oscar F. Ribbing (3)50 Vacant*70 Matthew Seekins (8)*72 Albert J. Benson (6)BIGELOW AVENUE.From Hopkins avenue north.—Fifthward.Right and East Side.*159 Andrew E. Cedar (6)* Willard F. Leroy (13)BIGELOW AVENUE.Left and West Side.* James Matson (4)BIRCH STREET.From 715 Foote Ave. east to Elam Ave.Right Side.' Abel Suttle (2)BISHOP STREET.From 836 East Second south to Crescent.BLACKSTONE AVENUE.Right and South Side.'56-68 Blackstone Manufacturing Co.BLANCHARD STREET.From 602 Winsor east to Sturges.—Fifthward.Left and North Side.•45 Mrs. Mary E. Bugbee (3)' BLANCHARD STREET.Right and South Side.•50 Darwin A. Bliss (3)*52 Emil Erickson (2)'54 Eugene H. Wheeler (5)56 Gust Anderson (3)BOWEN STREET.From 757 East Second north to Buffalo.Fifth ward.Left and West Side.*7 Mrs. Johanna Johnson (4)•11 Swan Erickson (2)11 Joseph Peterson (2)ll%Louie Barhight (4)•13 Charles F. Haven (4}BUSH ST. INTERSECTS109 Gilbert Hammerstrom (3)*109 Mrs. Christina Olson (3)111 Wesley J. Sturdevant (5)PEACH ST. ENDS'119 C. W. Eckstedt (5)119 Arvid Norberg (2)'121 Aldvick Widmark (3}125 Joseph E. Carlson (2}•125 Charles J. Berquist (4)"127 Martin Booman (1)127 Victor G. Lawson (4)FALCONER ST. INTERSECTS'215 Claus Anderson (6}215 August Youngberg (2}f217 Charles Anderson (3}217 Mrs. Mary Carlstrom (2)'"219 August P. Peterson (4)-^223 Charles Lundman (4)'225 Albin Carlson (3)225 Oscar Johnson (3)'227 Benjamin Greaves (3)231 Paul Johnson (2}'231 William J. Ostrom (2)245 Theodore Faley (3}'245 John E. Carlson (4}'249 Axel Lawson (4}PRICE ST. INTERSECTS*311 Emil Johnson (3}—Fifth ward. n311 Carl V. Franzen (4}Left and East Side.•319 Mrs. Emma C. Peterson (3}*9 Mrs. Catherine Grimshaw (1)347 Oscar N. Noren (3}9 Gustaf B. Thelander (5)347 Vacant11 Roscoe C. Blood (5)NEWTON AVE. INTERSECTS11 Frank L. Eggleston (5)'405 Charles J. Anderson (4)BISHOP Right BLACKSTONE From 11-15 *14 *12 R. 17 Dahlstrom August John east.—Fifth Carl Walter Atlas 513 and STREET. Left W. Hegstedt Buffalo Furniture West Neilson Nelson Lindstrom and Metallic ward. AVENUE.Side. North (2} (4) at (11) Co.; junction (0) Door Side. Plant Co. No. with 2. E. BOWEN Right *220 *122 '212 '124 '126 •120 •112 '114 R.216 118 •16 *18 *20 415 Walter Alfred FALCONER Charles A. George Vacant Elof Louis Mrs. Frank John BUSH Andrew Arvid STREET. and S. C. Streed Annie Julia E. Alice Sophia T. Ames Norquist Dschuden Larson Montague East ST. J. C. E. F. G. Carlson Soderberg Martha Peterson Himebaugh Thelander A. Jones INTERSECTSBjorstrom (2) Lawson (5)Breed Slide.ST. (4} Nord (9} (2) (12) Preston (2) (3) INTERSECTS(4}(4) (3} (2) (4}(2} (5) (3) (1}(2)

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY.'220 Charles Carlson (2)•224 John Gustafson (6)224 Carl Y. Hegstrom (4)VAN BUREN ST. INTERSECTS'234 Erick Nelson (5)•238 Gust A. Oberg (5)•240 Harvey C. Sturdevant (3)244 Axel Nygren (4)•246 John Alfred Peterson (4)'38•250 John A. Holmberg (9)•44•314 Frank E. Nelson (5)44'316 Andrew Griffith (3)'•IS•320 Lars Larson (2i'50320 Axel Anderson (6)"56•322 Erland Johnson (5)60'328 Frank Palm (5)60YORK ST. BEGINS60342 Carl J. Blomberg (3)•64*346 J. Henry Hultgren (5)102346 John P. Johnson (2)102•350 Gustave A. Lindstrom (4)•106352 F. August Segerdahl (2)108BREED STREET.'110From 751 Foote avenue east to Martin 110road.—Sixth ward.'112*7 Mrs. Laura W. Hart (6)•114BRIGGS STREET.114From 110 Foote avenue west to Institute. '116—Third ward.•118(Incorrectly numbered)•120Right and North Side.•1421 Mrs. Ida Anderson (10)•1443 Tony Prido (4)"2023 John Cosimano (4)20S3 Louiga Cosimano (3)'2085 John Liseionvia (3)2125 Guiseppa Guarnire (2)"21020 F. J. Underwood*2209 Frank Hoard (4)'224BRIGGS STREET.224Left and South Side.*226*6 Napoleon Neustrom (3)'22819-23 Walter I. Blystone & Son23025-37 Star Furniture Co.230BROADHEAD AVENUE.'242From 81 South Main south to Cole •244 Ave.—Third ward.Left and East Side.*11 Mrs. Ann B. F. Frew (2)•23 Oscar H. Carlson (5)*27 Mrs. Anna L. Lindblad (1)27 Winfred E. Lindblad (5)•33 Waite R. Underwood (ill•37 G. Richard Thoren (9)41 Joseph Durano (2)•49 Karl B. Seeds (3)•55 James S. Horton (2)*59 Mrs. Leonora Winchester (1)•103 •139 '101 •107 •113 •119 •137 •213 '235 '241 '243 •261 •265 141 115 Ul 211 219 225 245 Edward Eric Lewis KIDDER J. Vacant Mrs. John NEWLAND BARKER Albert Peter Oscar George Gust Samuel Frans Roy Levi Carl William Edward A. Mary T. J. L. Nelson H. Anderson G. E. Benson Zeliff Vackstrom H. C. S. J. Zuckerman Frederickson Sampson Amidon Folcker C. A. Curtis Lindahl Wilson Baker Frank Moon ST. Samuelson Sprague Lynn Stewart Lindbeck Merrill (2} (4) AVE. (2)(5) INTERSECTS(4) (6}(2} (2)(4) (5) (3} (4) (3)(5) (2} (8} (3) (7}'267 Edward A. Carlson (3)'287 Archie Leon French (4)'283 Fred C. StanfordBROADHEAD Right AVENUE. and West Side.'6 The Agnes Association Home (27)"16 Edward F. Jones24 Thomas E. Perkins (5)•28Elmer A. Donelson (2)Eleazer Green (5)A. A. Amidon (4)Mrs. Anna E. Gates (1)William J. Dunihue (2)George Putnam (3)Frank W. Bullock (3)Charles M. Beck (3)Mrs. Eliza Hubbard (3}Mrs. Ella M. Wade (1}Mrs. Mary Crane (3}Mrs. Betsey T. Kliest (3}KIDDER ST. INTERSECTSGeorge A. Erickson (3}Mrs. Jennie Erickson (15)Godfrey R. Abersold (4)Ephraim D. Allen (5)Frank S. Moses (2)Ralph W. Taylor (3)Hull M. Hooker (4)Willis E. Babcock (4}Glenn Babcock (3)E. W. Gage (3}David W. Schenck (4)Harry O. Jones (4)Lewis F. White (3)C. Albert Johnson (6}NEWLAND AVE. INTERSECTSJohn F. Lawson (6)William H. Whitehead (2)Fred Moon (2)Walter S. Northrop (5)Jerome Rimph (2)John August Johnson (5)Jonas A. Carlson (7)Mrs. Oscar Ahlberg (2)Gust A. Dickson (7)Frank A. Carlson (4)Charles P. Roselle (2)•246 Andrew E. Lindbeck (3)From 246 Gottlieb 55 Kinney F. east.—Fourth Eastman (3) ward.•248 William No houses. Saunders (5)BUFFALO 248 John O. STREET. Peterson (4)254 From Fred 1002 H. North Jackson Main (3) southeast.—First254 and C. Fifth O. Carlstrom wards. (5)•258 John Left Bjornes and (3) North Side.*2G2 BARKER Lake View ST. Cemetery INTERSECTS262 Anton LAKEVIEW E. Carlson AVE. (31 INTERSECTS264 97 Fritz Charles Gustafson T. Gustafson (3)) (3)26-1 97 J. William Axel Larson G. Smith (71(5)•268 •113 Mrs. Eric Emma W. Olson Lundgren (5) (3)»2S0 •121 270 BROOKLYN 24 BRYAN 31 Robert Clarence Oscar Erhardt John Gust Lars W. Albert Manbert United E, J. Sundell R. Svedberg AVENUE. A. Garfield—Faultless S. Peterson Meat Erickson Alms Lundberg Thurnquist A. & Anderson SQUARE. Brumolfson Lager Pingrey Market (4} (5) (51 (6) (4) (3) (11 Grocery

•201•237315315315•383'393•5455595595S1581581581634'705'731731•745771•771Abraham Beckrink (5)Leonard F. Hall (4)STOWE ST. INTERSECTSNo housesHOTCHKISS ST. INTERSECTSMorris Conn (10)Charles Owens (5)James J. Brown (2)Old M. E. ChurchFALCONER ST. INTERSECTSIsaac H. Bechtol (3)Frank A. Johnson (3)JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY.Richard F. LerovEAST SECOND ST. INTERSECTSFred Bidwell (8)BLACKSTONE AV. INTERSECTSPasqual Felli (3)ERIE TRACKS INTERSECTEugene Pratt (2)Charles Burke (5)Andrew Venman (6)Albert E. Buffington (3)CAROLINA ST. BEGINSJames D. Sherman (91Thomas Mahoney Jr 5)Eddie Krisch (5)Edward H. Mahonev (2}(2)Nels Hanson (5)John Sandberg (2)Andrew A. Johnson (3)BUFFALO STREET.Right and South Side.•8 Frank C. Crofoot (6)»22 Fred A. Swanson (2}22% Irvin E. Rapp (2}•34 Clara Anderson (3)PRENDERGAST AVEENDS•52 D. Russell Clark (4)LAKEVIEW AV. INTERSECTS104 Emerson M. Traver (3)•108 Ernest R. Clifford (2)•114 Hugh J. Shields (4)194 John Anderson (6)9TURGES ST. ENDS214 Herbert Peterson"214 Gust Olson (5)220 Charles A. Hultberg (4)BOWEN ST. ENDS234 Olof Reberg (6)'2« Bert W. Helgren (3)248 Oscar Englund (5)248 Axel Winzell (4)THAYER ST. ENDSNo housesSTOWE ST. INTERSECTS260 Mrs. Matilda Carlson (7)WEEKS ST. INTERSECTS304 William H. Hancock (2)Municipal Water Co., pumping station•366 Walfred Olson (6)368 John Anderson (5)372 Vacant372% Abraham Rosen (10}FALCONER ST. INTERSECTS•720 •750 •764 •738 •676 •684 •692 •650 •460 •464 •452 •444 '382 704 442 474 38S 440 384 Mrs. Thomas Theodore Wilbur John ERIE Lawrence Carl Mandy J. Italians Gust EAST New Y. C. George H. L. Albert I. Caroline Mary house K. Richard H. Flink Case Ayers TRACKS SECOND J. Fisk Risley B. Mahoney (2) Shanahan Lynch Venman L. Lindholm E. Berkstrom (4) Brindley Motley (6) (3) Fisk McAvoy Washburg Patt C. (5} (2) ST. (4) Lore (9) (4)(1) (3) (31 INTERSECTS(6) (5)(2)(4)BURTCH STREET.From Foote avenue to Martin Road.—Fourth ward.No housesBUSH From STREET. 414 Winsor ast to Thayer.—Fifthward.12 Right and South Side.12 Fayette Leet (2)Frank F. Leet (4)16 Charles S. Leet (2)16 Arthur Davison (4)•20 Carl W. Anderson (3)20 22 Bernard Peterson (2)26 20 Alexander Parson (4)•22 2826John Eric Setterwall Blixt (3) (4)2826 22% Earl John O. Olman Jones (3) (4)'28 22 Charles Daniel Griswold Olson (2) (2)30 Pearl Arthur C. G. Smith Eggleston (5) (3)30 Gust George Daner Newton (2) (3) ,30 Mrs. William Marie H. Lawson Bowen (1) (0)30 Emit Mrs. Nellie A. Nelson Munson (3) (3)•32 Carl A. Shellberg (6)32 Gust Noren (3)•30 Erick A. Olson (8)40 Edwin Thompson (5)40 Eric V. Gustafson (3)•44 James G. Flower (4)44 Benjamin Greaves (2)BOWEN ST. INTERSECTS*114 Carl A. Anderson (8)116 John C. Jones (3)'116 August F. Nord (5)118 Carl Johnson (3}118 Albert T. Hult (2}*11S Mrs. Louisa Nord (1}'120 Charles O. Nelson (6)BUSH STREET.Left and North Side.11 John A. Nelson (4)11 Gust Young (6)*15 Andrew P. Nelson (3)•17 Oscar Carlson (5)17 Gust Anderson (4)'21 John V. Colander (6)'29 Albert J. Johnson (5)33 Frank S. Cramer (8)35 Emil Shellberg (5)*41 Emil Johnson (4)45 Harry Hedstrom (2)*45 August Anderson (4)BOWEN ST. INTERSECTS101 Frans A. Olson (7)101 Glenn Washberg (2)•103 John A. Nord (2)105 Edward C. Nord (5)'113 H. F. Sampson (2)'117 John T. Sampson (3)CAMP From •115 '103 •121 '120 111 129 its.—Fourth 59 MAPLE Mrs. Vacant WALNUT John Emil Carl Charles Andrew Archie Alfred Olof W. 405 STREET. D. Louise Anna Left Pihlblad Nording A. H. Elsa Foote Haglund Haskell Stowe Carlson Lindholm Nelson Jensen ST. Dschuden ward. and ST. Anderson Clint Wiborg Stohl avenue ENDS (4) (6)North BEGINS (6) (5)(2) (4) (1)(2)(1)Side. east to city lim­

10 JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY.•117 J. H. Hitchner (4)133 Charles J. Anderson (6)133 Axel Carlson (4)*135 Andrew P. Swanson (8)HEBNER ST. ENDS'505 August A. Holm (5)'515 A. William Holm (3)'517 Amel Skans (3)517 Philip B. Walker (2)517 Frank M. Walker (2)ENGLISH ST. ENDS705 Wilson Rainey (1)'721 Frank L. Skoglund (6)CAMP STREET.Right and South Side.10 Olof Lofberg (4)10 Christopher McNallie (4)•14 A. B. Chadwick (2)•14 Glen F. Hunt (2)14 Harry Duquette (3)•16 Carl Edwin Olson (5)WALNUT ST. BEGINS'600 D. C. Coe (4)'610 H. M. Thompson (2)610 Clinton D. Lee (4)•620 Gust Brodine (6)'636 Fred H. Fuller (4)•650 August Cnattingius (3)•660 Andrew G. Johnson (2)724 Ernest Dowd (6)•800 O. Elmer Swanson (4)CAREY PLACE.From Newton avenue south to Blanchard.—Fifthward.No housesCAROLINA STREET.From Buffalo, north.Right and East Side.* Nils M. Dahl (6)* Oscar Olson (4)CAROLINA STREET.Left and West Side.No housesCARROLL STREET.From opposite 612 Murray avenue westto Fairmount avenue.—Second ward.Left and South Side.14 O. O. Adams (2)CARROLL STREET.Right and North Side.*12 James M. McVeigh (0)12 James J. Curran (2)CATLIN AVENUE.From 313 Fairmount avenue south toWest Third.—Sixth ward.Right and West Side.•10 Henry A. Lucas (3)•16 Fred E. Brown (5)CATLIN Left CEDAR From •104 •106 •124 •120 *22 135 110 117 •11 26 19 Everett John Daniel Bert Ernest W. LTarry Fred Walter Henry Carl Oscar Gaylord and 31 AVENUE.SIXTH Kinney Selander Left L. O. P. East F. L. Reagan Johnson V. H. L, Matson Jones Berg Seeley W. Hanson Ellis Gibson Waite Davis Rodney Side. ST. east.—Fourth Price (3) (9) (6) North (61 (5} (5) (3) (7)INTERSECTS(4) (61 (2)Side. ward.•15 Gust Wallberg (3)•19 A. Fred Nelson (4)19 Arvid Kraft (4)*23 Frank A. Nelson (3)•31 Wesley P. Treadway (4)*37 John Johnson (3)CEDAR AVENUE.Right and South Side.•14 Edward Bergquist (6)•16 John B. Lawson (7)•20 Mrs. Amanda Berg (3)CENTER STREET.From 116 Chandler south to Harrison.-Fifth ward.Left and East Side.37 Joseph Holmes (4)'17 •39 Joseph Gustaf Anderson Appleyard (3) (2) BEGINS*23 61 APPLEYARDJohn W. Lonngren PLACE. (10)'29 61 John C. A. Cosimano, Okerlind (9) (3) Jr., (4)29 61 Mrs. Peter S. Cosimano E. Melin (1) (1}61 John FRANKLIN Cosimano ST. (9) BEGINS35 63 George Edward Wheelhouse J. Kosthorst (2) (5)63 Casper Crero 2)65 Sam Amatuzza 2)•67 Ellen Bull (2)67 Mrs. Sarah Smith (1)69 Ashton Winterbottom (2)6676Norris Tolson (2)6711%Henry Smith (2)CENTER 6% STREET.Right S and West Side.S Mrs. Corabelle Horton (5)24 Leslie Healey (3)26 J. W. King, Jr. (3)28 John Anderson (4)Henry A. Simpson (2)3232 50 Edward C. Fliege (3)36 Clayton CHAMBERS L. Hall (4) STREET.From36 Mrs. 614 Lucia Forest A avenue Thrall (3} west to Sampson—SixthMrs. A. ward. E. Baker (7)James Left Lee and (3} South Side.21 Mrs. Rolland Mary Klomp A. Lees (3} (4}•37 Frank Charles W. Strand Crossfield (4} (4}CHAMBERS Harvey STREET. O. Williams (4)Right CRANE and ST. North ENDS. Side.'22 Miss David Nora W. Kellogg Calahane (3}(5}•40 ERIE Ozias Beldner R. R. INTERSECTS(4}CHANDLER Jamestown STREET. Cotton MillFrom junction of East Third and EastSecond southeast to Allen.—Fifth ward.Left and North Side.Unitarian Church105 Frederick R. Peterson (3}"109 A. J. Martin (2)•113 Carl J. Carlson (21113 Alfred Lehmann (3}Swedish Baptist Church"117 Walter E. Griswold (SI123 L. Eric Soderberg (21'139 '135% '127 123 139% Rev. Charles David Vacant Mrs. Marcella Carl Jennie Sampson J. A. Anderson Aldeen Whitebred J. (4} Shooke (5) 3} (9) (2}

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY. 11•139% Mrs. Emma Alstermark (4)141 Willard S. Bennett (11)143 David Lincoln (3)145 Harry W. Alden (5)•145% Oscar F. Eckwall (4)153 Lester A. Bush (3)153 John Irving (3)153 Joseph C. Haug (5)153% Axel Winberg (3)153% Carl Sundberg (2)153% Albert H. Grace (3)153% Edward Davis (3)•157 Miss Emily Yates (1)163 Walter H. Heathcote (3)•167 Fred G. Westling (13)CROSS ST. INTERSECTS'205 John H. Illingworth (4)•207 John L. Swanson (2)207 Frank J. Johnson (3)219 Edward C. Greene (2)'219 John Otander (3)219 Byron S. Lewis (5}WINSOR ST. INTERSECTS201 Lewis & Cobbe303 Caflisch Bros.'305 E. Winfield Ross Lumber Co.325 Erie R. R. Freight office415-421 A. C. Norquist Co.441 Weber-Knapp Co.MORSE AVE. INTERSECTS•507 Mrs. Amanda Lundquist (6)CHANDLER STREET.Right and South Side.4 Mrs. Emma Y. Bootey (3}*10 R. N. Blanchard (5}*12 Claude J. Richard (3)12 Mrs. Margaret S. Crittenden (2)12 Mrs. Emma Horton (3l12 Raymond A. Nelson (21Swedish Methodist ChurchFOOTE AVE. BEGINS102 Rev. A. T. Frykman (8)Swedish Mission Church•10S Oscar Johnson (4)108 William O. Swanson (4)'112 Dr. B. F. Illston (5)112% Henry G. Anderson (9)116 Rev. Julius Lincoln (5)CENTER ST. BEGINSFirst Lutheran Church'142 William L. Clemmons (3)ELK ST. BEGINS144 Conrad Thurstone (4)144 J. Oscar Holmes (3)144 Bailey Bratt (3)•150 Charles E. Morse (7)•152 Ernest W. Greendahl (4i'448 •452 '214 •440 '206% •210 •168% •164 222 444 208 16S% 172 174 212 152 A. J. Emma WINSOR Hugh Mrs. Axel Emil Clarence Frank William Albert Anthony Heman Cornelius Carl Fred Vacant Edwin Peter Clifford FRANKLIN CROSS LeRoy F. Edmund Arvid John Martin A. P. Anna Helberg Ella Augusta Stark M. C. Boylen Chindgren Vanderzand Pennock Anderson Shanahan G. C. Matson Johnson L. E. FT. ST. G. L. Cooper Lundgren H. McGever C. Beckstrand PetersonJull ST. Demeyere Lundberg Harris Dschuden Johnson (2) Loucks Moore Bjork Brown Burnell (2) ST. (3) Carlen (3) INTERSECTS& (2) (1) (4) (6) ENDS. (5) Co.(8)(3) (7)(5} (1)(11) (5) (2)CHAPIN STREET.From 285 Willard north to Benedict—Fourth ward.Left and West Side.19 Charles Wibeck (4)•37 Anton Sellstrom (4)41 Charles E. Johnson (4)*41 C. M. Alfred Peterson (4)41 Charles Johnson (2)*45 Carl O. Johnson (8)•47 Oscar W. Swanson (5)•57 Carl J. Peterson (2)57 William, F. Peterson (2)•59 Louis A. Peterson (4)*63 F. Oscar Peterson (4)'65 Oscar Peterson (4)65 Eric Johnson (2)•67 John A. Hallin (6)•121 Mrs. Dorothy W. Hermanson (1)CHAPIN STREET.Right and East Side.8 John E. Parson (7)*14 Carl Lund (1)*18 C. J. Peterson (3)"22 John A. Peterson (5)•26 Charles P. Lager (5)30 John P. Sorenson (6)*40 Emil Froding (5)42 Fritiof Sellstrom (4)•42 Adolph Elender (8)*54 John M. Anderson (3)54 August Hagglund (4)"56 Elmer P. Jones (S)•60 Axel G. Lofgren (5)66 Vacant*66 Charles G. Erickson (2)•68 Oscar Tropp (6)CHAPMAN STREET.From 1 Front south to Baker.—Sixthward.Left and East Side.No housesMT. VERNON PL. BEGINS•42 John Peterson (4)56 Warren H. Lorth56 Theodore S. Mooney26 Oscar C. Carlson (3)"26 A. P. Nylander (5)•32 Peter Hansen (4}*3S Nels Eckman (4}'"22 Peter Olson (10} ,PALMER ST. INTERSECTSNo housesCHAPMAN STREET.Right and West Side.No housesMT. VERNON PL. BEGINSCHARLES From *35 '35 '25 •29 *39 '31 *11 •33 *43 •47 *23 *27 •15 Hazeltine 13 STEARNS Gust Peter Albert Andrew Hannah PALMER John Victor Frank Alfred COWDEN C. E. Burdette Charles Martin George David No before Lee houses William STREETLeft A. Kofod H. L. E. Anderson Josephson Ave.—Sixth Bergren Rexford Bostrom L. Samuelson Linden E. G. 175 Halberg Nelson Lincoln Starleve Root Boardman and Shutt ST. AVE. PL, Lundquist McKinley (3) Carlson (2) (3} (4) East (3) (6) INTERSECTS(5)ENDS(3) (1) (4) (6)(2)(2} ward. (9) (8) (3) Side. (5) Ave. south to

12 JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY.•51 Algert Malmstrom (7)•55 Mrs. Josephine Ljungberg (2)55 Mrs. Josephine Werner (2)57 David Gunnarson (4)*57" Alta U. Frank (1)NEWLAND AVE. INTERSECTS•105 Gustaf K. Fosburg (2)105 Elvin L. Sundell (2)CROWN ST. INTERSECTS•205 Adolph V. Berg (4)205 Victor L. Berg (3)•207 C. Albert Johnson (5)CHARLES STREETRight and West Side.'2 Gust Carlson (1)•6 Charles J. Carlson (3)•10 Albert L. Sweet (3)•16 Adrian G. Bloomstrand (9)•20 John A. Anderson (9)'22 Carl E. Nelson (3)22 Gerhard Carlson (3)24-32 Branch School No. 5*38 Olof Johnson (3)•42 John M. Sweet (2)•46 Alex Swanson (8)46 Elmer C. Ecklund (3)48 Martin Munson (3)48 Andrew H. Vimmerstedt (3)*50 Charles H. Wood (5)52 Leonard Johnson (2)52 Charles F. Nyquist (6)NEWLAND AVE. INTERSECTS100 C. Raynor Peterson (4)•100 Peter Pihl (2}104 John E. Kling (4)104 Theodore Sundell (2)•106 William Glantz (4)106 Carl Seagren (2)•108 Anton Peterson (7)108 Linus Anderson (3)•110 Fred H. Carlson (5)CROWN ST. INTERSECTS•206 G. Gust Jarl (4)DEARBORN ST. ENDSNo housesCHARLOTTE AVENUE.From 1291 East Second north.—Fifthward.Left and West Side.•14 J. H. Barlow (9)CHARLOTTE AVENUE.Right and East Side.Vacant house.CHAUTAUQUA AVENUE.From 177 Baker south (Formerly Jonesstreet and Dorn avenue.)—Sixth ward.Left and East Side.MORTON ST. INTERSECTS•107 •109 CHAUTAUQUA •32 •24 •28 •36 10% •12 40 U 16 20 69 John Charles Henry Gust Peter Emil Conrad Mrs. Amil Victor Carl GRANDIN NEWLAND HAZELTINE No Oscar Knut LAKE housesRight Nelson Vera J. A. P. Wigren F. Morgan Louisa C. Hegren E. Aim Kling Levane ST. Carlson A. Jones Oberg Nelson Larson AVENUE.Sandberg Anderson Carlson (4) ST. INTERSECTSPeterson (3) (5))(4)' AVE. (9)(4) West (2) (5) (9)(11}(12) (10) Side. INTERSECTS(3)•5050•7272•7676SO•124124'156Mrs. Gust A. Larson (3)David C. Peterson (3)Charles Liden (6)Walter Holmes (4)Mrs. Amanda Gustafson (6)Henry A. Morgan (3)Otto Allen (5)Bengt Sandberg (5)Joseph Blomquist (1)Freda Jones (2)CHENEY STREET.FromErick734 EastCarlsonSecond(10)south to Scott.—FifthNEWLANDward.AVE. INTERSECTSHenryLeftW.andAgerEast(5)Side.9WilliamAlbert E.M.AndersonHowson(3)(2)•9 NicholasOscar C. JohnsonAnderson(4)(2)9% William H. Cullen (4)CRESCENT ST. INTERSECTS107 Italians'111-119 F. M. Curtis Co.CHENEY STREET.Right and West Side.*8 Mrs. Cecelia Dempsey (1)S Mrs. Agnes Horrocks (1) ,8% Tony Meniro (3)8% Sebastian Bellemo (2)8% Tony Arnica (5)10 Raymond Leroy (4}CRESCENT ST. INTERSECTS•110 August H. Anderson (4}•112 John A. Peterson (3}'114 Louis Bateman (3}CHERRY STREET.From 22 West First north to Ninth.—Second ward.Left and West Side.'101 Mrs. Charles T. Howard (3)101 Robert E\ Holcomb (2)W. SECOND ST. INTERSECTS201-209 Barrett Building201 Swanson's Piano Store203 Tinkham Bros.205 Jamestown GarageSwedish Brotherhood Hall, 3rd floorMiss D. C. Jones, 1-2-3Dr. J. Raymond Sackrider, 5-6-7Dr. R. J. Granger, 8-9Dr. M. J. Johnson, 9-10Dr. C. H. Rawson, 6-7Bradshaw's Pioneer InsuranceAgency, 11-12-13Prudential Insurance Co., 14-15-16Olson Realty Co., 18Southern Lumber Co., 18-19E. F. Cooke, 22-23Charles C. Haas, 22-23Willis H. Benedict, 24Dr. B. W. Seymour, 25409 221 405 407 219 315-317 401 217 207 209 211-13 W. Mrs. John Hall Star Cowing First George Hackmen's National J. Fisher Singer Floss Frank Reading W'ellman Jamestown A. FOURTH THIRD Helen Bros. Tailoring Mary Blanche J. C. Presbyterian M. Church Eckman, Palace & C. Sewing W. Livery A. Derby Cash Fisher, Teall Hopkins, Rooms Jude, Barber F. HeadquartersBldgs Burnett, Wing ST. Bowling S. ST. Business Johnson (2) of Register Machine Co.5th VanSyckle 401-404501-504 (4) INTERSECTSChrist, Shop Church floor 29-30 305-314 Alleys (1)College Co. Scientist, (3)

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY. 13Frank Hunt (2)i Joseph Briwn (1)411 Charles W. Giering (1)411 Jane Selfridge (1)413 Mrs. Kathryn Waite (9)W. FIFTH ST. INTERSECTSPrendergast <strong>Library</strong>W. SIXTH ST. INTERSECTSDow ParkW. SEVENTH ST. INTERSECTS711 John Dilly (5)713 Jane H. Hetfield (1)713 John Axen (2)713 Aaron Benson (21713 Peter Samess (8)717 S. DeLovis Freeman (3)719 B. J. Swager (2)719 Thomas Edmond (3)W. EIGHTH ST. INTERSECTS•801 George W. Risley (5)803 New house•805 Mrs. M. E. Smith (5)809 Joseph E. Johnson (5)•809 John F. Johnson (4)'811 Foreman A. Anderson (7i•813 Fred K. Speer (S)815 Albert E. King (3)817 David Schein (4)819 John Dschuden (2)821 Glen F. Coe (2)823 Joseph Topper (2)823 Edwin D. Myers (2)CHERRY STREET.Right and East Side.Allen Square Building110 Loania J. Smith (1)E. G. PartridgeW. SECOND ST. INTERSECTS200 Vacant202 Vacant204 The Lenox208 The Van RestaurantThe SamuelsW. THIRD ST. INTERSECTSNo housesW. FOURTH ST. INTERSECTSNo housesW. FIFTH ST. INTERSECTS508 Rev. Ridiard Coyle (5)508 Rev. J. B. Howley (1)514-518 SS. Peter & Paul's R. C. ChurchW. SIXTH ST. INTERSECTS606 Fred A. Cooper (6)610 John S. Swanson (2}610 Lewis Reynolds (41•612 William E. King (51•614 Michael Schone (5)CHESTNUT From *S30 •36 •22 •30 •34 •26 •18 •20 828 82S% 822 824 826 818 82(1 810 616 718 32 Ormes.—Fifth 14 12 Irving Mrs. John Alvin Chester Fred Clarence Guy H. Edwin Leonard Charles George Gust A. Norman W. Percy First 634 C. T. EIGHTH Right SEVENTH L. A. Julia J. P. Ellen Lucy Cedarholm Adventist Sagerdahl D. STREET. Bratt Emma Lakeview N. Krieger R. Christ Pulver Short B. A. F. Moynihan Drescher Edmonds A. Stitt Griffith Warner and Emmott E. ward. Moffett Heitmueller Clover Allen Craig (5} Anderson ST. Melquist Smith South (4) (2) (3) Church ST. (4) avenue Brown (2}INTERSECTS(4)(11) (3)(5) (4) (2)Side. (4) i (9) (3) (4) east to•40 Harry P. Morse (4)42 C. Amel Swanson (4)CHESTNUT STREET.Left and North Side.9 Reuben E. Williams (4)•15 W. B. Conroy (3)•21 A. J. Lawson (5)CHICAGO AVENUE.From 831 Fairmount avenue south.——Sixth ward.Right and West Side.•12 Glenn A. Carpenter (2)•16 James W. Bohall (6)•26 Lee E. Balcom (2)" WOODWORTH AV. INTERSECTS*108 Thomas C. Welch (3}CHICAGO AVENUE.Left and East Side.15 John Matson (31•19 S. D. Wilcox (41*23 Harry H. Chase (3)WOODWORTH AV. INTERSECTS•101 Claude C. Myers (4)CHURCH STREET.From 421 East Second north to EastFifth.—First ward.Left and West Side.•5 Miner S. Crissey (4}EAST FOURTH ST. INTERSECTSFirst Baptist Church117 Rev. George C. Moor (31CHURCH STREET.Right and East Side.No housesEAST FOURTH ST. INTERSECTS•110 Elmer B. Swanson (3)*112 Elbridge G. Peirce (6}•lis C. Reed Sessions (2}118 Carl Gillblad (2)CLARKE AVENUE.From about 300 Hall avenue west.—Sixthward.Left and South Side.5 Oliver L. Scott (5}CLARKE AVENUE.Right and North Side.No housesCLEVELAND PLACE.From 20 West Seventh north to WestEighth.—Second ward.Left and West Side.9 Mrs. Jennie Park (419 William Anderson (8111 Earl L. Carpenter (3111 Mrs. Annie Collins (5}19 Charles F. Turner (4)CLEVELAND Right CLINTON From •509 •505 •401 •313 •213 501 503 315 317 enue.—Second 10 , Mrs. Vacant Joseph Watson Lewis W. Levant Frank H. P. Louie Charles West Fred. and J. E. FIFTH FOURTH THIRD STREET. Hannah Left C. Isbell Goodwill First Wood Hennigan H. R. D. A. PLACE. East Strong Simon Isbell and ward. Fellows Nichols ST. (3) (2} Shelters north ST. (3) West Side. (2) INTERSECTS(4) (2) (2)(4} (2) Side. to (2) Isabella av­

14 JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY.Right and East Side.214 Victor Chipman (2}214 Edwin Williams (2)214 Charles Wilcox (41214 Margaret Moran (1)214 Margaret McGillis (11214 William Thompson (2)211 Nellie Pennock (1)302302304306510•30S510310CLINTONSTREET.W. THIRD ST. INTERSECTSEtta Meehan (11Frank Vogel (2)J. Samuel Fowler (3)Leon Neno (2)Dewitt C. Smith (4)Reuben Westervelt (2)W. FOURTH ST. INTERSECTSNo housesW. FIFTH ST. INTERSECTSHerbert R. Wilev (4)*92Thomas W. Little (5)W. EIGHTH ST. INTERSECTS840 VacantCLYDE AVENUE.From 376 Stowe east to Curtis.—Fiftliward.Left and North Side.(Incorrect numbers)'VI:', Burton Waite (3)HOTCHKISS ST. INTERSECTSJ. Emil Anderson (4)*S5i68 Oswald Hartenstein (5)•60 Andrew Johnson (5)•II '28 Eric J. Bergquist (11)CLYDE AVENUE.Right and South Sale.No housesCOLE AVENUE.•251 Carl A. Johnson (6)HAZELTINE AVE. INTERSECTSCOLFAX STREET.Right and West Side.8 Charles A. Fredlund (4)14 8 Alfred Dragstedt (2)14 McKINLEY AVE. ENDS•IS Jonas P. Nordstrom (4)18 Peter Olson (5)20 Andrew J. Swanson (81"20 Mrs. Christine Anderson (2}•28 Gustaf Sandberg (5}30 Mrs. Mary E. Erickson (4}•98 Gust Anderson (4)98 Emil Peterson (61•118 MORTON ST. ENDS•120 Hagen Marlines (3)126 Jack Creonel (2}'210128 Charles B. Carlson (5)•12S21(1 Selma C. Oberg (1}•262•130 Charles E. Oberg (4)"268 Nellie COLLEGE Lind (5) STREET.From William junction Rudwall of East (5i Second andChandler C. Albin south Frankson to Erie (5) R. R.—Fifthward. GRANDIN ST. INTERSECTSNo houses Left and Fast Side.NEWLAND Swedish Zion AVE. Cliureh INTERSECTS"17 John Harry P. J. Stevenson Newman (3) (2}"33 "21 George Charles (1. O. Sampson Anderson (2} (2)•37 v25 Adolph Samuel Anderson Lund (6} (2)"11 25 Mrs. Gust Amanda P. Anderson Johnson (SI (3)41 29 Barbara HAZELTINE Cooper AVE. (61 INTERSECTS""" Willis H. Cobb (21Nels R. Goranson (5)Miss Lucv Fuller (2)William G. Hutchinson (31"43 Mrs. W. M. Foley (3143 Mis. Ella Stratton (3)COLLEGE STREET.Right and West Side.High School Campus' COLUMBIA AVENUE.Krom 214 Forest avenue oast to Mvrllc—Third ward.Left and North Side.II ( 'sear S. Stohlberg (4)II Carl A Johnson (I)15 Carl Jharl (31"15 Carl Ahnstrom (3t"17 August Beckman (."o17 lOdwin R. DuKois (.">)•19 W. H. Scharf (5119 Peter E. Peterson (3}2:> Harrv C. Wahlgren (31'•25 Peter J. Peterson (2129 Carl A. Bergman (3129 Oscar Selman (3}*:.'15 From 624 Foote avenue west to Baker(not opened COLE between AVENUE. Forest avenue andRight Sampson and North street) Side. — Third and Sixthwards. New bouse. VacantNew house1. Left and Vacant South Side.'73 New Irwin house. W. Luce Vacant (5)'81 IVY Ralph ST. C. INTERSECTSDavis (5)'186 '85 Charles Albert Walsted Neiderlander (6) (11)COLFAX Mrs. STREET. Louise Carlson (31From IVY 149 ST. Baker INTERSECTSsouth.—Sixth wardNo houses Left and East Side.•23 J. HAZZARD Otto Olson ST. (6) INTERSECTS•27 Charles Thomas G. Hall Forsberg (3) (0)MORTON SOUTH MAIN ST. FNDS ST. INTERSECTS•101 189 Hans A. F. Anker Keller (41 (4)101 189 Fred Gust J Peterson Gunnell (II (2)•103 189% Albert A. G. Nordin Ecklund (7) (31•107 195 Kdward Mrs. Rimda lHallock.—Sixt(3)

* William B. Standish (5}•101 Melvin C. Wiltsie (5}COOK AVENUE.From 417 Fairmount avenue south toWest Third.—Sixth ward.Left and East Side.1 Fred H. VanTuyl (4}5 Everett N. Gould (2}*5 Carl A. Johnson (3}*9 Charles H. Rhodes (3}•11 J. Frederick Bealer (5}13 John F. Ellis (2}"15 David C. Lundberg (4)W. SIXTH ST. INTERSECTS'101 Emerson W. White (2)103 Ralph G. Sage (2)103 Elmer C. Townsend (3)105 Edward Johnson (61147 Gustav E. Smith (5}COOK AVENUE.Right and West Side."2 Sherman S. Keyes (4}*4 John P. Johnson (3}•6 Joel Tornell (2}*8 Charles N. Benson (5}*10 George P. Chase (5}•12 Mathew E. Wright (4}•14 J. Walter Rich (31•16 J. B. Husband (4)W. SIXTH ST. INTERSECTS•100 George C. Jenner (4)•104 William A. Myregaard (3)•10S Merle Shearman (4)112 Walter H. Haynes (4)124 Almon B. Hamilton (31COWDEN PLACE (EAST).From 155 Barrett east.—Sixth ward.Left and North Side.51 Julius D. Wall*5m Charles H. Western (2)'57 Bernhard Duffy (3)»59 George E. Matteson (5)•61 George E. Reagle (2)•63 Lynn K. Spencer (3)COWDEN PLACE (EAST).Right and South Side."5-1 Herbert Swezey (2)"56 Harry E. Manchester (2}•58 Mrs. Helga Walberg (41•60 Alfred Johnson (8)COWDEN PLACE (WEST)From 155 Barrett west to Charles.—Sixthward.Left and South Side.5 Thomas Holdredge (217 Kazer & CulverCOWDEN Right From COWING Left 106 •22 "17 MS *5 11 14 21 *6 love 12 S 8 Fred Stephen Uri Guy FALCONERJohn Charles Theron Sheldon Mrs. Carl Adolph James Ernest 1037 Place.—Fifth and Jones STREET. A. Right J. G. Mary Hilda Anderson PLACE North East Metcalfe F. West O. Benson P. Oberg L. Phillips Weller A. B. (2) Eckburg Leroy Carlson Jenkins and Sugden Joslyn Johnson Second Mansfield ST. (6) Side. ward. (WEST) (2) (6} East (21 (3} (3) (5) INTERSECTS(6) (11 (3} (4) (3) north (0) Side. 121 to Young-JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY. 15FALCONER ST. INTERSECTS•109 Charles M. Imus (5)CRANE STREET.From 31 Foote avenue east to Center.—Fifth ward.Right and South Side."6 E. B. Herrick (31*S Martin Merz, Jr. (4)•10 James Rvan (2)10 Ida Lindstrom (2}•10% James P. Calahane (6)CRANE STREET.Left and North Side.•5 Francis J. Appleyard (6)•9 John Hartley (5)*11 Martin Merz (4)CRESCENT STREET.From 17 Cross east and north to EastSecond at junction with Buffalo.—Fifthward.Left and North Side.•9 Frank PI. George (1)9 Flank A. Day (6}11 Arthur Lazier (31'19 William Chamberlain (10)•21 Daniel Marsh (2)WINSOR ST. INTERSECTS107 Jessie Brooks (3}"109 Andrew P. Bloomquist (3)109 Alexander Markowitz (3}113 Mrs. Sophie Hult (5}'115 August F. Nordstrom (3}129 Laverne J. Johnston (4)131 James Howes (3}133 John W. Carlson (31133 Ernest E. Maybee (3)CHENEY ST. INTERSECTS203 John O. Rosendahl (4}203 Mrs. Amelia Anderson (61'211 John A. Anderson (4}211 Milton M. Johnson (4}•215 Nicholas U. Hiller (5)"217 Mrs. Rosina Morse (21223 John Olson (4}"225 Leon J. Powers (3)"231 Samuel J. Bailcv (2)231 Joseph H. Howard (3)237 Louis Bluckhorn (51237 Hildur Heckstrom (31241 Fred P. Turner (31241 Ed. D. Carlson (3}243 Mrs. Anna Stromberg (4}243 Andrew Lofgren (8124:i Anna L. Anderson (3}"245 Carl G. Swanson (2)217 Emil Hendrickson (41•475 CRESCENT Right '293 "297 "299 "303 "305 "329 "501 "541 "217 -253 •21'' '295 301 539 251 •66 Joseph John New Angelo Fred Arthur Henning Charles Emery Axel Mrs. Massano George James THAYER Holdsworth BISHOP Hans Frank Carmine Robert Swan Leslie and Sophia Elizabeth Sarah Swanson house Reynolds Luguane G. P. F. STREET.Martindale O. White Berhoni Johnberg York Hornell G. South A. Kibling Phillips Martinelli Swanson ST. Anderson Johnson Tavlor 'Clough J. Dahlgren (4) (71 (3} ENDS (IS) Stoner (5) Birmingham (4} (91 Side. HKCilNS (2) (61 (3) (31(8)(4} (3)) (II (5) (S) (4) (51 (111 (2)

16 JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY.6 Mrs. Alfred Jowett (1)•12 Charles J. Johnson (4)*14 Mary J. Swanson (1)14 Adolph C. Schulze (2)•16 Arthur J. Johnson (2)WINSOR ST. INTERSECTS•10S Harriet O. Williams (3)•112 Arthur Spencer (61•118 Thomas Lemm (3)120 David Haginbotham (5)122 Thomas E. Davis (3)122 Carl Marsh (4)"124 Stephen Jackson (1)124 Mrs. Sophia Ulander (2)CHENEY ST. INTERSECTS216 William Smith (3}216 George Sayers (4}218 John P. Peterson (8}218 Edward Berkland (5)21S Alfred D. Darling (3)218% Albert Skurski (3)"224 Leonard C. Swanson (3)224 Fred S. Stillwell (2)224% Mrs. Nellie Swanson (4)226 Charles Larson (61•226 Peter Sandberg (1)226% John H. LeRoy (3)•234 Union Furniture Co.238 Charles Stevenson (61238 Mrs. Emma Carlson (I)'212 Charles Holm (4)"246 Andrew L. Johnson (3)246 F. August Rosenquist (2)"251 Mrs. Emma Berquist (I)254 Axel Lundberg (2}"256 Mrs. Grace Motley (3)256 Joseph Milner (2}"258 Standard Oil Co. (2)QUARRV ROAD INTERSECTS492 George Risco (9}494 Albion Anderson (5}494 Frank Cohl (2)-494 Gustaf Gustafson (3)502 Mrs. Hannah Torshell (61502 Jonas Erickson (71501 John Demann (101"516 Axel Wick (4)516 Conrad Axelson (5)"520 William Shanahan (7)522 Cllman S. Ayers (5)521 Mrs. Clara C. Backus (2)"511 John ('. Russell (6)"516 Mrs. Emma. Norwall 111546 Levi C. Erickson (31CROSS STREET.From 600 East Second south to Erie Railroad.-Fifthward."106 '122 CROSS Left 'IflJ •17 TC 116 "36 112 "20 "12 •24 '3d 'IS "7 40 21 "6 76 4 Newton CRESCENT Elmer John Charles Mrs. William Gertrude CHANDLER August Carlotta E. Edwin Frederick K. Nicholas Vacant and F. Jay STREET.(il Right A. Malil.la Cynthia J. Almira Mary East Farman E. W. Harris Sandquist to l

WINSOR ST. INTERSECTS•446 Wm. Gustafson (3)STURGES ST. INTERSECTSCROWN STREET.JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY. 17DELAWARE AVENUE.Right and West Side.No housesDERBY STREET.From 198 Barrett west to Orchard ave­Fronue.—Sixth ward.Left and North Side.63 South Main east.—Third ward.Right and North Side.16 William Davis (2)12 Charles Jones (4)17 Wm. S. Newton (2)•12 Andrew Lindahl (4}19 Frank Wolf (3)18 Nils Anderson (4}21 Omer O. Link (3)•18 C. Axel Nelson (5)23 Mrs. Margaret Crosby (3)-20 Ferdinand Holmberg (7)23 Fred Crossley (2)•24 John Nelson (41•25 Edward Johnson (3)•30 Aaron G. Anderson (8)27 Jacob Lipp (3)•34 John Wennburg (9}27 Edward Waring (3}34 C. Axel Anderson (3)"29 Dr. R. Bender (31•36 Carl V. Bloomberg (6)29 John A. Strong (3)36 Fritz Nyberg (4129 John McGadv (2}CHARLES ST. INTERSECTS •35 Fred Burgeson (51•114 Hilmer Christianson (3}•41 Gustaf Erickson (8)114 Frank O. Swanson (3}DERBY STREET.US Alfred Benson (21Right and South Side.•118 John Anderson (3}1S Van W. Hall (31CROWN STREET.20 Elmer A. Werle (41Left and South Side.20 Mrs. Eliza M. Black (4}•11 Gust Carlson (6}"22 Samuel O. Smith (10)•15 Emil E. Eastman (4)21 Gust Larson (2)•29 Richard A. Kling (3)•24 William Beauchamp (2}CHARLES ST. INTERSECTS '26 Stephen L. Rice (6}No houses28 Thomas Laycock (3)CULVER STREET."2S Eric A. Forsbeck (2}From 115 Steele south.—Sixth ward. •30 Mrs. Augustus S. Harrington (1)Left and East Side.30 Louis A. Fenton (5)*5 August P. Hall' (4}32 Mrs. Elva S. Wyman (2)CULVER STREET.34 Mrs. Susan Holmes (3)Right and West Side.34 Alfred Denning (3)(> Charles W'ashburg (8)36 Mrs. Huldah Gustafson (3)CURTICE STREET.36 James Bailey (4)From Fairmount avenue north.—Sixth DEXTER STREET.ward.From 1017 East Second north to Falconer.—Fifthward.No housesCURTIS STREET.Left and West Side.From 1083 East Second northwest.—Fifth "15 Marvin F. Phillips (2)ward.DEXTER STREET.Left and West Side.Right and Bast Side.From Barrett west to Charles.-SixthNo houses12 Willis E. Sales (4)ward.FALCONER ST. INTERSECTS 24 Bertram M. Thayer (5)No houses•109 WilliamDEARINGW. ConicAVENUE.(2)DICKERSON STREET.From111 CarlFalconerJohnsonnorthwest,(2}to Vounglove (Changed to East Fifteenth.)place.-FifthFRINK AVE.ward.ENDSDOUGLAS PLACE.NoNohouseshousesFrom opposite 624 Foote avenue east toDELAWARECLYDEAVENUE.AVE. ENDSVirginia boulevard.—Sixth ward.From• Charles407 BakerE. Weekssouth(7)to Newland avenue Right and South Side.—Sixth• Robertward.Conroe (7)No houses» JohnLeftA. Wcstmanand East(51Side.DOUGLAS PLACE.•11 JohnGunnardCarlsonDanielson(4)(51Left and North Side.23 OscarCURTIS Right DEARBORN •112 "4 Eric Hiram AugustWarnerand Hanson STREET. East V. Swan Herrick (61 Side. (5}(5)•9 Charles A. Peterson (7)•23 John Danielson (1)(4)DOVER DURANT EAGLE From •47 "II "23 •27 •57 •9 Fourth " No Charles John Clarence Swan S. Mis Cement Carl Henry 317 Curtis Bowen STREET.A. housesward. O. Bloomquist Augusta. Left Willard Swanson Boberg J. Block Traff G. east W. E. west.—Fifth Beckman and Bergman Brown Grant (1) (6) Benson Co. north Wesl (7) to (5) (3) Thayer.—Fifth (8) (5) (3) Side. (21 lo ward. Benedict.— war

18 JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY.•77 John A. Johnson (6)•89 Axel Bloomquist (4}•91 Alexander Sundberg (3}•93 Fred Loydahl (2)93 Arvid Dahlberg (3)EAGLE STREET.Right and East Side.10 Douis B. Berquist (3)•10 Gust Hult (1)16 S. E. Bergquist (7)•22 Matilda Peterson (4)32 Charles J. Wigren (4)•42 John A. Rahm (8)•48 William J. Haynes (II•56 Nels G. Nelson (2)•76 Mrs. Jennie Johnson (2)•80 Albert Johnson (2)'86 Otto F. Bloomquist (6)EARL AVENUE.From 95 Hallock west to limits.—Sixthward.Left and South Side.•5 Claus Gustafson (3)EARL AVENUE.Right and North Side.No housesEAST STREET.(Changed to Lincoln.)EIGHTH STREET (EAST).From 800 North Main east to Grant-First ward.Left and North Side.5 P. F. Lewis & Sons•7 P. F. Lewis (2)7 Charles F. Lewis (6)•11 Fred Chambers (5)11 W. L. Peters (2)•15 Merritt Batchelder (4)•21 Mrs. Anna Sellvin (4)21 Elmer Van Gelder (3)SPRING ST. INTERSECTS101 Clarence A. Slone (3)•105 James C. Peterson (3)•107 Fred A. Jones (2}•Ul Benj. W. Hayward (21'113 Eugene B. Cadwell (3)PRENDERGAST AV. INTERSECTS217 C. L. Eckman (21'217 Mrs. Caroline Branney (21SLTMNER PLACE BEGINS•221 Ernest H. Cook (21221 Percival E. Cook (21•225 Henry C. Price (IIFULTON ST. INTERSECTS301 George W. Jnde (51LAKEVIEW AYF. INTEKKEi 'TSNo housesEIGHTH Right •515 '613 •611 •106 •218 •212 609 513 100 108 208 300 20S PRENDERGAST Beni. Fred LINCOLN John M. LIBERTY Branch R. Perl Wilbur SPRING Ralph Mrs. W. Patrick Frank A. FULTON C. William and _E. STREET D. R. C. L. H. A. R. Sarah Wells S. Holt Stoeltzing South Grant Weaver Osborne New W. Benedict School Opdyke Butts H. A. Wright Dean R. ST. Cheney (21(EAST). (3) Garrity Knowlton J. (41 Jones (3> Side.(41Timblin (31 (21 No. INTERSECTS(4) (Si(41 AV. (11 (21 (2) (2} 1. (31 INTERSECTS(2)LAKEVIEW AVE. INTERSECTS•408 Mrs. Clara Kochersperg (3)LIBERTY ST. INTERSECTS•514 A. E. Hills (3)514 Mrs. Mary Ann Hills (1)•516 Mrs. Jane E. Dearing (3)LINCOLN ST. INTERSECTS•612 C. O. Peterson (2)•614 Walter Gronberg (5}EIGHTH STREET (WEST)From 715 North Main west to JamestownStreet Railway power house.—Secondward."11 Albert A. Walker (5)•15 Mrs. vFlora Aylesworth (3}"17 William Koehl (5)19 Austin A. Jones (3)'21 Alfred N. Harrington (5)'29 Mrs. Emma C. Lindergren (4)29 Charles Swanson (4}303 CHERRY ST. INTERSECTS109 307 Almond F. Morgan (3)"315 •111 Benjamin. E. Garfield (2)•115 Mrs. Flora A. Putnam (3)115 Julius R. Sperber (3)WASHINGTON ST. INTERSECTS•203 Mrs. Margaret Rosier (2)207 William M. Callahan (2)•209 Lewis D. Tyrrell (4)LAFAYETTE ST. INTERSECTS301 Robert H. Phelps (2)C. Gust Swallender (4)James E. Rickerson (4}Martha A. Knapp (1}JEFFERSON ST. INTERSECTS'413 Emil Wilhelm (4)415 Albert Peterson (2)415 Charles Carlson (7)CLINTON ST. INTERSECTS503. Whitman P. Hunt (5)MONROE ST. INTERSECTS603-609 Jamestown Bottling Co.615 Vacant621 Alfred Larson (5)623 George Asper (4)"635 Lake House (5)635 Henrv A. Plotchkiss (3)MURRAY AVE. ENDS701 David M. Davis (41701 Mrs. Alta Stafford (11701 Mrs. Lvdia E. King (117(11 Claud J. Davis (4)701 Mission703 Yearon Thornton (31703 Van M Markle (31703 Mrs. Mary Upton (21703 Mrs. Julia Medbury (21EIGHTH Right •106 •108 -7O7-709 '709 105 705 711 70"- 707 "16 "18 112 "22 10S '30 '34 •40 *S 24 38 26 Allen Harry George Clarence Charles Claud Oscar Loucious VALLEY CHERRY otto Austin John Vacant Mrs. Merle Elbert Frank Floyd and Chadakoin STREET Emma Nelson Helen Ophelia Whitford Ella Adella Christine A. F. Wilson Stafford Mary North T. M. H. E. L. J. Bailey Rapp Harrington Nichols Jacobson Johnson On- B. Berger Simmons Gifford Dawson Seamans Smith Goodspee.i ST. (WEST) M. Nelson (3} Marks Brattberg (1) Side. A. Parker Cafe (21 (2) (4)(11Hansen Sweet INTERSECTS(31(2) Riker (3) (31 (41 (7) (11 (4) (31 (1) (6) c'l (21(31 (1) (2)

114 Mrs. Lillian M. Foster (4)116 H. Herman Dash (7)WASHINGTON ST. INTERSECTS•208 Glenn L. Safford (3)•214 Mrs. Mary Harrison (4)216 New house218 New houseLAFAYETTE ST. INTERSECTS300 Mrs. Clara E. Mosier (4)304 Vacant•306 Frank J. Smilev (5)•308 AValter C. Smith (3)•310 Mrs. Katherine McGowan (3)•314 Mrs. Elizabeth McConnell (3)JEFFERSON ST. INTERSECTS400 George A. Young (2)'404 Frank A. Richter (51'408 George N. Phelps (2)410 Robert E. Lyon (31•414 Fred B. Smith (2)418 Vacant420 William T. Kinnev (5)CLINTON ST. INTERSECTS500 Vacant504 Earle King (4)508 VacantMONROE ST. INTERSECTS"602-610 Johnson Ice & Coal Co.•612-620 Jamestown Brewing Co.FAIRMOUNT AArE. INTERSECTS804 Silvio Chinsano (7)S06 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Traction Co. CarpenterShop.*S10 Bastian Conto (10)<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Traction Co. power h'seJamestown St. Ry. power houseEIGHTEENTH STREET.Erom 1037 North Main west to Washington.—Secondward.Left and South Side."3 Alonzo J. Tiffany (3)9 W. Ernest Tiffany (3)JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY. 19•65 Charles A. Hatch (3)69 Fred W. Burchard (4)WASHINGTON ST. INTERSECTS105 Vacant•107 Max M. McGee (2)109 F. O. Bellizio (2)LAFAYETTE ST. INTERSECTSNo housesJEFFERSON ST. INTERSECTSNo housesELEVENTH STREET.Right and North Side.S Lester R. Hoyt (6)•12 Devillo Maclease (6)20 New house22 Joseph Bernstein (6)22 Tony Deangelis (5)26 Charles S. Pratt (4)•30 George F. Peterson (3)34 Phillip F. Hangen (2)•34 Fred A. Krone (3)34 John C. Van Gelder (2)•38 Richard N. Wickfield Sr. (5}42 Charles Miller (2}•46 George E. Fox (4)•48 James McVay (1)•50 Mary Conner (1)50 Mrs. Ellen Sealy (4)54 Ivar Hermanson (2)54 Sigfried C. Jones (4)•62 John A. Anderson (3)•66 Mrs. Rachel M. Bissell (1)68 Walter O. Butler (4)6S John F. Meli (5)*72 Lester R. Hoyt (6174 Benjamin P. King (2174 Ebenezer A. Horr (3}WASHINGTON ST. INTERSECTS"106 George H. Edwards (31•108 George T. Chambers (4)110 Ion A. Stafford (5)LAFAYETTE ST. INTERSECTS13 New house15 John J. Fitzgerald (3)JamestownELK STREET.Driving Park•17 Jav W. Prine (4)"21 William E. Stormer (3)23 Constant W. Carlson (5)25 Clyde W. Link (3)37 Mrs. Helen Post (2)"39 John Guinnan (8)EIGHTEENTH STREET.Right and North Side."ii Fred Wilcox (31ELAM STREET.From 142 Chandler south to Franklin.—Fifth ward.Left and East Side.11 Mrs. Huldah E. Starr (3)•13 Gust S. Johnson (4)-15 Herbert A. Niles (3)ELK STREET.Right and West Side.»fi James E. Renner (4)

20 JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY.•32 William H. Olds (3)KING ST. INTERSECTS•66 Mrs. Margaret Harrington (1)•68 Claus Anderson (5)•78 Nathaniel Dracup (3)78 Mrs. Freda Turnquist (3)ELLIOT AVENUE.From before 610 Forest avenue west toColfax.—Sixth ward.Deft and South Side.•11 Jacob P. Johnson (5)•21 Otto P. Johnson (9)31 Frank E. Garfield (9)•35 Axel T. Astrom (6)•39 Alfred Carling (7)ELLIOT AVENUE.36 Malcolm Carlson (5)ELM STREET.From Shaw avenue south to Ahrens avenue.—Fourthward.No housesENGLISH STREET.From 346 Allen east to Camp. — Fourth33 Joseph Smith (3)LAKEVIEW AVE. INTERSECTS•117 Walter Hitchcock (4}•123 David F. Braley (7}•125 Mrs. Antoinette Trusler (2)127 John Braff (6)•131 Bert M. Willsie (2)•133 Thomas Ennis (6)•135 Alfred Wickstrand (5)•137 C. Elmer Carlson (6)•139 Carl W. Larson (6)•141 Mrs. Catherine McGraw (4)143 Mrs. Catherine Munroe (3)EUCLID AVENUE.Right and South Side.U0 Simon Fogle (6)'120 Otto A. Youngstedt (6)•122 Charles W. Strong (4)"124 Reuben G. Owens (4)•128 Oscar Swanson (7)130 DeWard S. Churchill (3)•132 Gust A. West (5)•134 B. George Lindstrom (2)ward.•136 Mrs. Viola E. Shaw (7)Left and North Side.138 A. Sandquist (9)9 Nels A. Palmquist (4)•138 Elmer Jackson (2)9 Vacant•140 Karl C. Nelson (6)•11 Charles A. Anderson (5)•142 Ernest C. Nelson (6)•13 Charles J. Johnson (9)•144 Carl W. Peterson (4)BARROWS ST. INTERSECTS EVERETT PLACE.•117 Thomas H. Bailey (4)From Jones & Gifford avenue to Erie R.119 Carl M. T. Johnson (2)R.—Sixth ward.•119 Charles Sandberg (5)No housesTOWER ST. ENDSFACTORY ALLEY.249 VacantFrom 201 East First north to Eighth.BEMUS ST. ENDSLeft and West Side.No housesNo housesWILLIS ST. BEGINSSECOND ST. INTERSECTSNo housesHeald & MarshHOLMAN ST. BEGINSPhillips & Siawson•401 Mrs. Emma G. Anderson (8)THIRD ST. INTERSECTS403 VacantNo houses•407 Andrew Hegg (1)FAIRFIELD AVENUE.407 Frank E. Anderson (3)From 401 Forest avenue east.—Third•605 Victor Holmberg (2)ward.605 Henrik Gustafson (3)Left and North Side.•609 Bernhard Fredlund (4)No houses609 August Nyman (3)FAIRFIELD AVENUE.•623 Eugene H. Benson (4)Right and South Side.627 Arthur Hammerstrom (4)•8 Gottfried Bergren (7)•673 Mrs. Elizabeth E. Colburn (4)"12 Mrs. Louisa Johnson (5)•751 Alfred Nelson (4)12 Oscar B. Algrahl (3)ENGLISH STREET.16 Charles J. Rinaldo (2)Right and South Side.16 AVilliam Benchley (3)No houses"20 Amil W. Danielson (2)BARROWS ST. INTERSECTS 24 Mrs. Hulda Fagerstrom (5)120 Nels Ljungholm (S)"24 Charles L. Carlson (21ENSIGN Right EUCLID From •404 •614 •662 •103 120 101 •19 •31 First Frits TOWER C. Elsie Rev. Jesse KING PEARL No Rufus Andrew Carl 1154 346 and Oscar STREET. AVENUE. houses J. Left James Deft Johnson E. Parker Willard Brogden ST. Fifth West Prendergast Shurman Anderson AVE. Leet Sundell ST. and ENDS G. wards. Side.ENDS North (61 (3) INTERSECTSEast Townsend (5) south.—Fourth (9) (6) (91Side. avenue (3) east- ward. FAIRMOUNT From •"32 •19 •57 "2S •23 *31 •35 •61 "47 '27 '51 limits.—Sixth •13 17 7 Herbert Edward J. Enoch Walter Elmer Jonas P. (4. HAMILTON W. John Mrs. T. Charles Garnett Eugene Fred George 533 M. S. O Left Agnes Janette West F. Herbv Himebaugh Stainthorpe Cameron Johnson Roberts AVENUE. Gustafson Greenwood Rowe Davis B. H. Chiverton Nobbs A. R. Warren N. ward. and Horton Coburn Breed Third Allen (41 Young (2) ST. Metcalf (31 (21 West (3) (51(21 (I)(2)(31(21(4) (11 INTERSECTS(2} northwest Side. (3) to city

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY. 2165 B. D. Chadwick (4)69 Mrs. Harriett B. Love (4)•73 J. D. Abrams (5)New house81 Stewart W. Philo (2)•81 Mrs. Helen Rice (1)85 George H. Day (8)89 Wilton H. Delaney (3)89 George C. Smith (2)91 William H. Gaynor (5)91 DeForest Casselman (2)93 Otto F. Christenson (6)93 James Rhoades (7)95 Walter Dorsey (4)95 Wm. Olmstead (3)95% Joseph Aspden (2)103 Mrs. Margaret Curry (2)107 John HermanJ. C. & L. E. R. R. INTERSECTSW. EIGHTH ST. INTERSECTS117 O. O. Adams119-123 Riverside Hotel (26)145-153 Jamestown Table Co.ERIE R. R. INTERSECTS181 Harry W. Barker (4)183 Clarence A. Arnold (6)185 Edward W. Jones (3)FAIRVD3W AVE. BEGINS199 L. A. Page (3)•199 Mrs. Rosetta Lovejoy (2)HALL AVE. BEGINS215 Albert Griffith (2)215 Louis Lucas (4)223 Foster Maybourne (3)227 John A. Brown (3)CATLIN AVE. BEGINS237 Mrs. Jane N. Ross (2)245 Agnes Trask (1)245 John Meehan (2)•247 Bertram A. Wheeler (3)•251 Henry Van Tuyl (2)251 Eugene French (2) /COOK AVE. BEGINS•259 G. A. Benson (4)263 Richard Swanstrom (2)263 Charles Risch (3)•267 Mrs. Sarah Ann Jones (2)269 Oscar Baker (4)271 Earl E. Stark (3)271 C. O. NybergLAKIN AVE. BEGINS•283 Luther S. Lakin (4)•321 Irving H. Broadhead (2)'325 Earl W. Henning 3)325 Richard Fisher (2)HALLOCK ST. INTERSECTS333 Vacant'339 •403 FAIRMOUNT Beyond '343 387 391 * » • HOWARD McDANNELL Thomas Vacant Henry Albert Dr. Lakeview William Richard Robert Samuel Charles John Harry George Lawrence Isaac Cyrus Lovirtue Mrs. Earl limits Ernesto Left Nelson Reardon Erickson J. F. Margaret W. M. Hardwick Bradigan P. E. Fisher J. AVENUE.factory C. F. Snowden W. D. L B. J. Jolly C. Strunk Windsor Rose Gifford Mawhir Jones Cotter Entwistle AVE. Wigand Fullerton Koehl Slater Hodges Metcalf Hart Button Loffredo (3) (4) South (3) (7) AVE (5) Gardens Lombard (2) (3) (5) (11)(7)INTERSECTS(3) (5)(2) (1) BEGINS Side. (2) (4)(3)* Ella Shearman 2)WELLMAN AVE. INTERSECTSWesley Terwilliger (3)* Andrew J. McMillan (2)* Mrs. Nancy J. Worden (1)* A. W. Wicks (2)' Frank Gifford (2)* L. E. Hockett (6)* W. W. Wilson (3)* Elmer C. Gifford (5)• M. M. Martin (3)* Mrs. Clementine J. Gifford (1)FAIRMOUNT AVENUE.Right and East Side.12 J. Wright Benson (4)IS Thomas Owens (2)"22 L. W. Wiltsie (3)22 Ralph E. Parnham (2)•28 John Thompson Wilson (2)28 Joseph Harris (3)HAMILTON ST. INTERSECTS*36 Charles E. Stratton (3)36 J. Delevan Curtiss (3)'40 J. B. Collins (9)44 Frank J. Collins (3) '50 Harrison R. Couch (4)50 Mrs. Ella N. Couch (1)50 William Walsh (3)W. FIFTH ST. ENDS•64 H. E. Butler (3)70 August Peterson (6)76 P. G. Ostrom (2)80 Mrs. Ida Shaver (5)SO Clarence Strong (2)W. SIXTH ST. INTERSECTS90 Vacant92 Ferdinand Bauer (8)100 C. L. Burr (2)102 B. P. Stevens (3)106 Ernewein's Bakery106 Augus Ernewein (3)106 C. E. Manross (4)106 C. A. Arnold (6)108 Fairmount Grocery108 Laphram Hillard (2)108 J. Charles McLean (2)W. EIGHTH ST. INTERSECTSJ. C. & L. E. Depot & <strong>Chautauqua</strong>Steamboat Co.J. & G. AVE. INTERSECTSERIE R. R. INTERSECTSMETALLIC AVE. BEGINS•174 Alfred Wilcox (3)174 George M. Hatch (5)176 Vacant178 John W. Lamphere (5)180 Bernard Johnson (9)•190 •238 •256 •270 •276 •282 •186 334 184 218 220 250 194 196 198 19S 210 224 234 252 260 274 344 Mrs. New MEADOW William R. Henry Fuller's Fred A. GENESEE No HALLOCK F. E. Frank Mary James Burt John Devillo Charles LIVINGSTON GENEVA HAMMOND George Stuart D. H. houses Mary Rohn O. D. Hackett Matters Woodward Cole Keet Hannon Kohlbacher Kleinsang B. Hurlburt Dana Ellis F. A. Grocery J. H. Jones Baldwin Hibbard Kenison LANE Lord Raynor Spencer Richardson Wright (3)Carter (1) (5)ST. (2)(3)(4) AVE. (6) (2) (3)INTERSECTS(5) BEGINS(3)(2)(4)BEGINS (4)

22 JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY.360 Wilkinson Hall (4)364 Witton W. Hall (2)New houseLOVELL AVE. BEGINS406 John H. Anderson (6)420 Harry Lee Dye (3)420 Adoniram J. Dye (2)FAIRMOUNT AVENUE.Beyond City LimitsNorth and Right Side.' Horatio N. Sprague (3)* E. R. Langford (5)* Andrew Ellison (7)* Mrs. Harriet Finley (2)L. C. Moore (3)• Frank H. Butler (4)* Levi Loomis (2)Michael McCue 6)Frank H. Wheeler (2)• C. R. Olsen (3)M. H. Kent (6)• Howard W. Ailing (S)• Alton H. Appleby (3)• Isaac A. Shearman (2)George Welshofer, Jr. (4)FAIRVIEW AVENUE.From opposite 174 Fairmount avenuesouth to West Third.—Sixth ward.Left and East Side.No housesW. SIXTH ST. INTERSECTS101-103 French & Peterson105 Aracant•111 Mrs. Eliza A. Bush (6)117 Alfred R. Moyer (3)117 F. Elmer Hawkinson (4)121 Andy Berglund (5)125 Otto Lindholm (41125 Fred G. Fairbanks (5)•129 John Hayes (3)'131 Patrick Fitzgerald (6)'133 Titus Clarke (6)•137 William J. Corkery (4)•139 Timothy Corkery (6)•143 Israel Carpenter (3)FAIRVIEW AVENUE.Right and West Side.•8 Charles Greenwood (4)10 George T. Potter (4)12 Reginald Y. Eden (4)•20 William F. Lepp (6)26 Edward L. Lombard (2)•26 J. F. Seymour (2)26% Ralph L. Pierce (4)*28 Mrs. Hettie Thorn (1)28 Charles A. Anderson (5)*30 Mrs. Minnie D. Kelso (4)FALCONER From •110 •108 •112 •128 •132 •150 39% *23 126 130 •43 •35 •51 •39 •59 47 merly ward—east 31 W. Vacant Chas. John Joseph Phillip D. Francis William Leonard James Roswell A. Harry Charles Thomas Ft-ed Elmer Fred 134 J. D. SIXTH East Left Murray Smith A. STREET. Lakeview Curran Beustrom Corkery C. Rice J. A. L. Carlson of Wellman E. Rowley N. Price A. Mahoney Hannon S. Green Norden and Ninth Briggs Turner Richards Winsor Pennell Peterson Torrance Hogle (2) ST. (3)North (5) (4) (3) (2) avenue (S) (6)INTERSECTSto (12) (2) (3)Fifth (2) Winsor.)—FirstSide. (4) (51 east. ward. (For­63 E. Alfred Johnson (3)63 John Larson (3)*85 John T. Sanctuary (6)•97 Oscar F. Nelson (4)WINSOR ST. INTERSECTS•105 August Wallen (3)•109 Frank L. Chelstrom (5)STURGES ST. BEGINSBranch School No. 10131 Carlson & Brandt131 Fred Byford131 Simon P. Burt (6)131 VacantBOWEN ST. INTERSECTS•143 John T. Carlson (4)143 Oscar Stephenson (3)'147 F. W. EM (3)•151 Victor Gronberg (3)THAYER ST. INTERSECTS165 Gust Gernberg (7)165 John G. Palmquist (3}165 Harry Stempel (4)•171 Charles A. Goranson (4)STOWE ST. INTERSECTS•201 Edward Hokenson (2)201 Albert F. Washberg (4)•235 John W. Ahlstrom (2)•239 Charles O. Swanson (10)WEEKS ST. INTERSECTS'257 Carl V. Lawson (6)261 Oscar Ohlman (3}•261 Andrew Sampson (3}•265 Will Fairbank (8}•277 Carl Nelson (6)•299 Mrs. Ida B. Geer (1)•305 Theodore C. Fox (9)315 VacantBUFFALO ST. INTERSECTS339 Charles M. Silsby (3)341 Andrew E. Hjalm (3i"343 Thomas E. Reeder 4)34314 Spencer Smith (4)343% James Wilson (5)349 Gust A. Anderson (5)•359 Carlos E. Blanchard (4)363 W. C. Stanley (3)365 Clarence B. Hubbard (5)'365 William Venn (2)373 Charles A. Berg (8)'379 Frank A. Imus (41COWING ST. INTERSECTS•393 Frank A. Johnson (5)DEARING AA'E. BEGINS•401 Clyde G. Jones (2)•413 E. H. Johnson (3)1115 Adolph O. Hagwall (2)1115 Henry Beckman (5)FALCONER Right •100 •104 •108 *112 •124 •120 *30 *5S •68 •80 •96 '84 '92 138 56 SO 36 S4 *' No John James LINCOLN GRANT Erwin Gardner's J. Charles LIBERTY WINSOR Rev. Josiah Frank August George BOWEN Lottie Heath Mrs. Edward Carl William H. Harvev houses and J. W. Jennie Norling Louisa A. Short Ellickson A. S. Scott Webeck Walker D. STREET.Cobb Rask Olson Adams J. Burch P. Carlson Samson A. E. South ST. McCallum Grocery Barry Skipper Shearman Olson ST. Wilcox Sellew (2)Burch (S) Barnett (6) (2) (4) (5) INTERSECTSENDS(1)(5)(2)(8) (4) (7) Side.(2) (3) (5)(3) (5)

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY. 23142 W. H. Karr (4)33 Lyman Cole (2)142 William C. Maddox (2)33 William C. Harmon (2)146 Charles Gustafson (5)FENTON PLACE.THAYER ST. INTERSECTS Right and North Side.*16S Edwin Lerow (4)6 A. Bloomstrand168 Arthur Butler (3)24 Oscar Swanson (2)STOWE ST. INTERSECTS26 Fenton PI. Transient Barn•18S George W. White (3)28 Eagle Hose1SS Charles H. Peterson (2)28 Fire Police (7)188 H. Bertram Rightmyer (4)FIFTH STREET (EAST).192 Andrew Kron (4)From 416 North Main east to East Second.—Firstward.•192 C. P. Danielson (4)•196 Jules Carrette (4)Left and North Side.196 Gustaf Schage (5)•15 George H. Ahrens (4)196 Edward Anderson (3)PINE ST. INTERSECTS•202 Nels J. Johnson (3)•111 Dr. Jane L. Greeley (4)202 Oscar W. Swanson (3)117 Guy H. Fuller (3)202 Mrs. Charlotte Swanson (1)SPRING ST. INTERSECTSWEEKS ST. INTERSECTS'205 Alfred N. Briggs (6)214 Gust E. Fagerstrom (5)PRENDERGAST AV. INTERSECTS214 Wilson Wright (6)•307 Christian Gossett (4)218 Bert Ryan (5)311 Adolph G. Schurter (2)•218 Mrs. Kate Ryan (2)315 Charles Chapman (4)•222 John Carlson (9)317 Mrs. Christine Lawson (4)226 Alfred Magnuson (5)317 Mrs. Louise E. Bassett (3)'228 Grace M. Lewis (1)FULTON ST. BEGINS228 John T. New (2)321 F. W. Kohmann (3)'236 Amel C. Olson (2)323 Samuel Curtis (2)•238 W. E. Hibbard (6)333 Louise Carlson (7)JEFFORDS ST. INTERSECTS 333% Mrs. John Stonehouse (3)254 Julius C. Johnson (6)333% Arthur D. Bstus (2)254 Peter A. Carlson (7)337 Andrew T. Carlson (8)258 Carl G. Stohlberg (2)"341 A. F. Weber (3)'262 Charles P. Carlson (3)•351 Harry R. Lewis (8)•266 Mrs. Clara Holmberg (3)LIBERTY ST. BEGINSKIPP ST. INTERSECTS•405 John Galloway (3)"27S Charles Carpenter (4)411 A. Frank Jenks (3)"292 John Chappell (6)417 William Downs (3)296 Algot Folsburg (2) (4)417 Dana Young (3)296 John Blagbrough (4)"427 Mrs. Sylvia M. Page (1)296 Thomas Bottomley (3)LINCOLN ST. INTERSECTSPHILLIPS ST. ENDS"503 George B. Maltby (6)No houses"513 C. Eugene Bentley (2)BUFFALO ST. INTERSECTS 521 Fred Briggs (4}Buffalo St. M. B. church525 Mrs. Mariette F. Jeffords (3}340 Rev. Emerson H. Jones (3)'529 Alfred E. Moore (2}•344 Charles W. Jones (3)529 Addison E. Hollenbeck (2)350 Hugh C. Wilson (4)529 Luther M. Butman (3)350 Mrs. Pascaline Gorgus (1)•533 John A. Peterson (5)354 Edward R.' Hart (2)533 Fred J. Sutton (2)•356 Axel H. Anderson (3)•537 Mrs. Emma E. Kase (4)DEXTER ST. ENDS'539 C. Harvey Kilburn (3)•370 A. Thayer (2)'545 Mrs. Alonzo Devoe (2)370 Lawrence Whynpenny (3)545 Mrs. Elizabeth Matha (3)COWING ST. INTERSECTSFIFTH STREET (EAST).392 Ira E. Breth (5)Right and South Side.394 Emil F. Nelson (2)14 Emery R. Davis (5)•434 FEDERAL FENTON From •416 •420 •31 400 418 398 394 396 23 13 21 19 Limits.—Second enue.—Third 5 Everett Mrs. John Stewart Lyman Carson Alfred Frank Peter CURTIS Charles Ernest Leonard Albert Fluvanna 46 Delos PLACE. STREET. South Left Minnie Jane Louise Martha C. Samuelson A. M. Rasp J. Gilbert B. Cole Oberg A. M. Markle Way Bragg W. Carlson ST. ward. Deegan and Triscuit Rounds Hammond Parker Brady Barstow avenue Main Staff Johnson (4) Lyon Fisher ward. A. wagon Lockwood (7) INTERSECTS(2) (5) (4) South (6) Derby (4) (2)west (3)(1) (5) (4) north (3) (2) (5) shop Side. (2) to (2) to Forest City av­•500 •100 '208 •210 '316 •318 '322 •334 '342 •404 •408 •412 •426 '352 •356 •410 104 504 418 PRENDERGAST Aten Edward Mrs. Austin H. Ahart Raymond Thomas PINE SPRING LINCOLN Fred. William Frank Dr. Arthur C. CHURCH Wilson Charles Herman Orton Louis Adda Mary Cora Carrie Sarah Rose Faith Edwin Margaret W. S. ST. R. H. Chamberlain W. C. A. H. Brown Rowe Hyde J. Berry Moody Stafford H. J. Remington Wilson ST. A. Briggs Hjorth Erickson B. Bemus Peterson J. Gifford Smith Granger A. Snow Griffin Hatch Knapp Rohde Sessions ENDS (4) (2) (3)M. INTERSECTSBradshaw AV. (1) (5) (3) (1) (2)(4) King (3) (1)(6)(2) (7) (4) INTERSECTS (5) (3) (3)

24 JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY.•508 Mrs. Adelle S. Hill (1)FIFTEENTH STREET (WEST)508 Mrs. May A. Porter (4)•514 Mrs. Florence R. Carpenter (2)516 John E. Bell (2)FIFTH STREET (WEST)From 1015 North Main west to Washington.—Secondward.Left and South Side.•7 Charles R. Lovejoy (7)From 413 North Main west to Fairmountavenue.—Second ward.Left and South Side.Jamestown Club•11 Fletcher Goodwill (7)•15 Charles H. Gifford (4)CHERRY ST. INTERSECTS•101 Sidney B. Hoyt (2)105 Mrs. Luana P. Brown (4)•105 Mrs. Mary S. Hoard (3)109 Herbert O. Cowing (6)"9 Zachariah Norton (5)•13 August F. Folcker (2)•15 Willard G. Martindale (6)15 Charles L. Brown (2)•17 William Smith (4)21 Vacant•21 Mrs. Lydia Bennett (1)•25 Mrs. Nettie A. Smith (2)•33 John Dahlgren (8)33 Spencer R. Vail (3)•35 C. Leonard Hutt (3)WASHINGTON ST. INTERSECTS •39 Oscell C. Lee (6)201 SS. Peter & Paul's School205 Convent of Mercy211 Mrs. Alice I. Harrington (3)211 Laura B. Smith (3)211 Jack J. Byron (3)211 Miss Ida Brendell (5)213 Rev. D. L. Martin (5)213 Leon L. Snow (2)•215 William G. Thomas (2)•63 Peter U. Lindberg (9)•65 Lindo P. Matthews (6)"67 George W. Parker (7)FIFTEENTH STREET (WEST)Right and North Side.8 Frank T. Christ (7)'14 Byron Bartlett (2)16 Leslie M. Woods (4)16 Rudolph C. Brown (3)LAFAYETTE ST. INTERSECTS *24 Frank B. Smith (10)•309 Fenton L. Scudder (5)''313 Albert N. Camp (4)'315 Homer M. Preston (7)24 Edward L. Monroe. (2)*26 John Voatsky (4)*32 James M. Hill (2)JEFFERSON ST. INTERSECTS »36 Erwin M. Carmen (2)315 Baker Park40 VacantCLINTON ST. INTERSECTS501-503 Standard Table Co.MONROE ST. INTERSECTSNo housesMURRAY AVE. INTERSECTS'801 A. L. D. Campbell (4)803 Alton L. Aiken (2)•803 Mrs. Susan Chambers (3)•805 Charles F. Armitage (3)FIFTH STREET (WEST)Right and North Side.•2 Mrs. Elizabeth W. Marvin (4)16 Lewis W. Barnes (12)CHERRY ST. INTERSECTS102 James Prendergast <strong>Library</strong>WASHINGTON ST. INTERSECTS200 Vacant•204 Willis Tew (3)LAFAYETTE ST. INTERSECTS302 William E. Klumbach (6)'308 William R. Reynolds (5)•312 Scott H. Penfield (2)'314 Mrs. Mary E. Sullivan (4)JEFFERSON ST. INTERSECTS•400 Mrs. Emily Crane (4)42 Albert L. Walters (2)•50 Grant A. King 5)50 Robinson Crossley (2)•64 Mrs. Maria R. Trumbull (1)•66 John Hamrick (3)•68 Edson O. Marsh (2)FIRST STREET (EAST).From 3S North Main east to Institute.Left and North Side.1 James E. Toscan3-5 A. A. Walker7 Davey Plumbing Co.9 New York Telephone Co., Storage11-13 Moore Bros.15-17 Vacant19 Vacant23 Carl O. Rose201 Nicholas Binz (3)201 Mrs. Maryetta Taylor (1)201 Samuel Davis (2)215 Joseph Colusci (4)219 Lawrence Masterson (3)219 Gaetano Baffamont (2)223 Tony Romeo (5)223 Mrs. Ida C. Lawson (7)•404 George T. Fenton (3)225 Donald P. Thayer (2)From FIFTEENTH Right •408 •410 •520 '628 •412 •626 '622 500 :i06 510 •16 •13 •10 Prendergast •9 11 'CLINTON J. MONROE MURRAY Lyle Mrs. William Arthur Lincoln Walter Patrick Charles No Martyn Henrv Thomas Fred G. Francis opposite and Ebenezer Emil houses Left B. James Alice J. STREET South H. Beaty Greenlund Hose T. M. Maher Himebaugh H. O. Shearman F. Peterson avenue.—First and Cooper ST. AVE. Rush 1015 Tousley Stearns Maher Risley Almy Trainor Mullen Myers Side. House (4)(EAST) North (2)(2) North (3) (5) INTERSECTS(2)(4) (7) Side. Main ward. east to•216 From FIRST Right 225 102-126 220 222 28-30 11 Second 92 Otto Mrs. Philip Samuel Marshall Wells-Fargo Erie New Union Charles Vacant Clark Nicholas 31 Grandin's STREET Broadhead ward. O. Left Passenger Emma Everett Josephine Valanti South North News Hardware Musso J. Camp I. Jewett (EAST).(WEST). and Stumpf Main Feed Williams Hedlund Express StandSide. Hotel Worsted (2)(7) South Lombardo Depot west Mill Co., (4)Side. Co. (4)Storage Mills Cherry- (4)

12 Lake City Laundry14 George L. Lee16-22 New Allen Square Hotel (5)FLAGG AVENUE.From opposite 22 Stafford avenue east toHopkins avenue.—Fifth ward.Right and East Side.'4 Lewis Vincent•10 Simeon Vincent (2)12 Fred Waff (7)14 Joseph Smith (2}14 Gust Coleman (7)•14% Charles E. Fargo (4)14% Richard Kiesshauer (5)16 Smith Bottomley (2)16 Kenneth Wilcox (2i16 William Cronin (2118 Roy E. Drake (2i•32 Arward Burch (7)•34 Swan Swanson (6)•38 Charles C. Wiltsie (2)38 Irvin E. Dickerson (3)40 Emil Woff (2)'40 Jacob H. Jones (4)40 Leslie Rhodes (3)48 Sidney Danforth (2)48 Herbert H. Leroy (2)FLAGG AVENUE.Left and AVest Side.*5 Gust Larson (2)•13 Jonas A. Nordendahl (S)'15 Harvey E. Barstow (10)*17 William J. Bentley (10)19 Harry A. Arnold (2)•21 William Anderson (3)•23 Ernest Gornall (4131 Edward Severson (5)35 Vacant'37 Fred LaRoy (3)37 Harry Woodward (2)JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY. 2543% Uri Tidswell (4)*47 Mrs. Mary A. Stapleton (2)47 Ernest A. Stapleton (2)ERIE R. R. INTERSECTS57 John B. Bogenschutz (4)59 James Brown (6)59 Twainezuk Mikotuj (0)59 Fred Mitchell (7)63 James CUsimanus (7)67 Jenman Sczemki (14)69-71 George W. RollandHARRISON ST. INTERSECTS105 John N. Findlay•109 Mrs. Sylvia Southwick (3i113 Rushworth & Son113 E. J. Ashwell & Co.115 Cadwell Cabinet Co.WATERMAN131 Frank Caccamise (9)131 Tony Russo (4)131 Tony Caprino (3)•135 Andrew J. Lind (4)ST. BEGINSWATER ST. BEGINS143 Otto S. Peterson (6)143 O. C. Carlson (4)145 Frank Hjert (2)145 M. W. Howard (2)147 Vacant•151 Joe Frankina (10)ALLEN ST. INTERSECTS207 W. C. A. Hospital (36)•219 Mrs. Leonora E. Sheldon (2)'223 Henry L. Chamberlain (5)'225 John Mahoney (4)MECHANIC ST. INTERSECTS'303 Mrs. Lucy A. Fenton (1)303 E. F. Fenton (4)•305 Theo. E. Swanson (2)307 Mrs. John C. Curry (5)•311 Andrew B. Garter (5)•33 •39 Norman Alvin L. J. Bullock Link (2) (6)ARNOLD ST. BEGINS39 FLUVANNA Louis Crispym AVENUE. (9)325 W. W. Rhinehart (2)'41 William Right Munson and North (4) Side. • *325 Fred O. Larson (3)*14 41 John Swan Huntington Anderson (2) (3)325 Oscar E. Anderson (3)FLETCHER 18 Fred O. AVENUE. Melquist (3)327 Earl E. Carpenter (3)From •18 Elmer 124 Hamilton B. Sprague north (3) along Street '327 Mrs. Lucy A. Shearman (1)•22 Railway Fred W. lines.—Second Dewey (6) ward.327 Edwin K. Carpenter (2)FOOTE AVENUE. Left and West Side.331 Mrs. Nancy A. Edwards (1)From Street before car 104 barns Chandler south to city •331 Otto Love (9)FLETCHER limits.—Fifth, AVENUE. Third and Fourth wards. •335 John A. Fray (5)Right Deft and East Side.335 Archibold W. Thorpe (3)'9 22 J. Ransom Fred Jones Bartman (5) (5)341 Mrs. Christina Lindgren (8)•13 22 John Frank Ireland W. Palmeter (4) (3)341 Mrs. Maggie Blackmar (3)FLUVANNA 19 H. Ernest AVENUE. Curtis (3)341 Charles Johnson (5)From 25 Aquilla 1113 North Cawcroft Main (3) northwest to city 341% M. L. Sharp (4)25 limits.—Second John Allgren ward. (4)'343 George W. Thomas (3)*29 Albert Left E. and Appleyard' South Side. (3)•345 Frank A. Thomas 5)*31 •43 '15 '31 39 41 Edward John Joe Peter CRANE Clarence Karl Jessup Ralph N. Oleon Appleyard ST. Findlay J. (2) Sprague (5) (3) BEGINS (3)(5)(7)•617 '347 '349 '351 "371 •415 •503 •619 •383 •419 •423 •375 '367 '425 347% 367% 379 369 405 Edilberta Erick A. George CAMP NEWLAND BARKER DOUGLASS No COLE Richard Fred Oscar John Josephine Ross C. Ralph Elof Mrs. Charles Allen L. Ernest T. F. Emil P. J. A. houses W. M. Alden Sara Akin Eggleston Herman C. Nickerson Park Londahl Paine L. Olson Svedene AVE. Pratt ST. J. P. Shafer C. Swanson Moller J. Weidholm A. Anderson Carlson Cacceres Waite Eckloff Larson Kofod M. Fowler ST. Lindquist Lindsey (2) Meat (5) PLACE (2) AVE. (3) BEGINS Durham (6) (7) INTERSECTS(3) (2) (4) (5)(1) Market (3) (21 (4) (2) (6)(.,) (5) BEGINS (1)

26 JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY.•705 Ernest H. Hultquist (7)*715 Gustaf Cullen (9)Furniture factoryMARTIN ROAD BEGINS•745 Frank Anderson (4}•751 William G. Cooper (5)701 Alvin Lunn (1)FOOTE AVENUE.Right and West Side.10 Rev. Wm. Swenson (5)•16 Charles P. Carlson (4)16 Clyde L. Norquist (5)20 R. Curtis Barth (2)20 Wm. O. Hawks (2)•28 Jacob N. Wiborg (5)•30 S. Correl Ferry (3)34 Mrs. Maria Hartley (1)34 Robert Kendall (2)*38 Richard C. Cobbe (6)•38% J. Edward Firth (6)42 Fritz Lindstrom (7)*41 Alfred Riley (4)•44 Brooke Huntington (5)44 Adelbert Eggleston*46 John Turner (3)48 Joe Trusso (5)48 Tony Luppica (4)48 Ross German (5)48 Sebastian Conti (3)48 Sebastian Crim (2)52 Sebastian Bellomo (4)52 Tony Armele (2)52 Joe Wido (2)ERIE R. R. TRACKS INTERSECT66 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Refrigerating Co.68 Giuseppa Conti (6)68 John WheelhouseHARRISON ST. INTERSECTS'106 Frank Tantilho (4)10S Sarah Pickles (2)110 Carl Anderson (9)BRIGGS ST. INTERSECTS118-124 Empire Furniture Co.132 Edward Nelson132 Jamestown Cigar Co.132 Swedish Snuff Mfg. Co.132 Mrs. Rose Halliday (2)132% Gustaf Gustafson (4)134 E. C. Erickson (3)•134 Christian Lindgren (2)134% Mrs. Hilda Johnson (3)136 Joshua Shaw (2)136 William H. Spencer (3)136 Arthur Smith (3)•140 Mrs. Mary Bristol (1)140 Addison Bronson (4)'142 Walter Shaw (4)•322% •328 '226 •304 •310 •314 152% •148 302 324 150 300 J. CIRCUS FayVICTORIAALLEN MECHANIC Oscar Neil Waldemar Mrs. John A. Carl Wilson Hjert James Arthur Deward Frederick Charles Earle L. Olson D. Elmer Andrew F. E. M. S. LewisJ. Charlotte Fidelia Anna Mary A. Guichard Vincent & Roxana Bros. Sherman S. Apgar Forbes Davis P. C. Smith Lawson Lindbeck Co.Broberg Anderson ALLEY ST. O. Olson (2) Sewell Stevens M. Berglund Sundquist Sampson Johnson AVE.ST. (5) Harvey (3)(2) Barlow (3) Harrison (4) (1)(3} (7)INTERSECTS(2)ENDS(3)(2}(2) (4) (1)'334 Mrs. Nancy Root (2)•336 James L. Sprague (2)340 Frederick L. Britain (4)342 Alvin F. Akin'346 C. Laverne Wheeler (8)"348 James Ingham (5)350 Vacant•356 James E. Hanson (3)356 Edward Hanson (3)'360 Peter G. Bloomquist (2)360 Henry C. Lundberg (2)"362 Carl O. Youngquist (4)366 Vacant366% Louis B. Danforth (4)366% John L. Benson (5)366% F. E. Maddox (4)"370 Frank J. Leopard (3)'372 Calvin Bush (2)374 Myron A. Fish (2)378 Albert Peterson (4)37S% Robert Oberg (7)380 William M. LaForce (4)382 Edward Plagstedt (3)382 G. B. West (2)'384 William Frank Bushey (4}400 A. G. Olson (5)402 Charles E. Danielson402 George W. Beardsley (7)•406 Amel A. Johnson (3)•410 Fabian Nelson (3)•416 John F. Smith (2)•420 Allen R. Manbert (3)NEWLAND AVE. BEGINS504 Adolph Turpyn (6)504 Adolphe Cormony (6)50S Carl Ramlow (1)•510 John F. Siguier (6)'514 John W. Morrison (2)"516 Peter F. Ostrom (6)PARTRIDGE ST. ENDS•518 John F. Rawlings (4)520 Harold Downs (4)520 Joseph Stell (3)BARKER ST. INTERSECTS•600 James J. George (3)IVY ST. BEGINS•602 Henry Benson (4)'604 Lavern Wright (1)612 Mrs. Brown (3)624 James Rawnsley (3)624 William Hainsworth (3)644 Mrs. Anna M. Stewart (1)COLE AVE. BEGINS'702 Olof Anderson (3)702 Warner Anderson (4)•706 G. D. Andruss (2)'710 Gust Holmberg (2)760 Henry Smith (4)"770 FOREST From •15 103 109 760 •27—A. 27F—Mrs. 29 21 23-31 25 27A—Dr. 27B—Mrs. 27C—Wallace 27D>—Harry 27E—Lordahl 27E—Mrs. 27G—James 31 11-13 13 limits.—Third 27D—Mrs. 19-19% FENTON Charles Vacant P. William Jamestown Fred Kent E. 5 Tsivitse Flynn Elmer Brooklyn B. Lett Elizabeth L. R. (Incorrect AVENUE.Julia Rose Harriet Christine Jennie block Bootey VanDusenStead A. Smith B. S. French Emerson KentMartin L. Beardsley PLACE and Trucking Griffin Baxter Bros. Blain Prather McGahn (7) square G. Sixth East Northrop Landrigan (6) numbers) Eckman Winsor Parker (31 (3) ENDS (10) Side. wards. &(4)south Storage (1)(3)city Co,

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY. 27'127 Elliot C. Hall (3)•139 Alfred E. Hall (5)155 B. Milton Bailey (9)PRATHER AVE. INTERSECTS"165 Frank M. Tinkham (8)•171 Oscar Stranburg (4)'175 William Hjorth (2)'179 John W. Peterson (4)179 Albert C. Rodney (3)WHITLEY PLACE BEGINS•1S9 William G. Weatherup (5)•195 W. W. Hotchkiss (4)McKINLEY AVE. INTERSECTS201 Axel F. Sellstrom•201 SatBuel Sweet (2)•209 Harvey F. Reynolds (2)•211 Charles D. Van Dusen (4)'219 August Olson (4)LINDEN AVE. BEGINS225 Richard Peart (2)•225 Charles W. Persons (2)'229 John A. Johnson (4)'235 Charles J. Hammerstrom (2)239 John T. Wilson (4)'239 Frank O. Johnson (2)239 Arthur Heliwell (4)247 Frank L. Anderson (6)COLUMBIA AVE. BEGINS•253 Hjalmar Gustafson (6)•257 John Charles Decatur (6)263 C. John Carlson (2)•263 Mrs. Anna Johnson (4)NEWLAND AVE. INTERSECTSNo housesFAIRFIELD AVE. BEGINS'401 Valentine Kauth (4)FOREST AVENUE.Right and West Side.2 Sundell Bros.•4 Fenton & Andruss12 Huntington Bros.18 H. A. Davidson18 J. G. Williams20-22 Ideal-Peerless Laundry20 Gertrude M. Wade (1)20 John M. Jensen (2)20 Henry Korsthorst (5)22 Dr. George McCartney (3)22 Aracant110 Warner Home for the Aged112 Mrs. Frances Acker (3)'114 Byron W. Shearman (3)116 Rev. David BrunstromFOREST PARK BEGINS124 Elton C. Hunt (4)"124 Mrs. Maila Perrin (1)•128 Ann Eliza Hall•228 '208 '144 •154 •202 '128 '140 •142 •148 •156 •160 •186 •138 212 218 216 230 214 224 196 194 Hennig Thurston Hulda Albert E. Charles Mrs. Jacob Morris Axel Horace John WARNERAnna Frank Edward PRATHER McKINLEY Jonas Dr. Irene J. J. Charles Anna Elizabeth Josephine Corrinne Carolina Martha Donelson Hilda Frantzen Ohlin A. Anderson F. E. Johnson William Peterson L. J. Wiborg A. Lundin M. S. L. I. Myers Hall Jacobson Melquist Erickson Connell Garfield G. Grover Moore Anderson Plall J. AVE. (2)Smith S. (8) (2) Burch Jones Brown (2i (5) Morris Anderson (1) Peterson Hall (2) Sellstrom (4)BEGINS (6) (2)(3) INTERSECTS(1)(6) (2) (5) (2) (6) (5) (1)(2)'238 Eric M. Nelson (5)•244 Emma Berquist (1)244 Jacob Lynn Hoyt (1)"248 Morris Brogren (3)"254 Gustaf A. Johnson (2)254 John A. Hagglund (2}254 Elna Munson (1)262 Victor Danburg (1)202 Mrs. Christine Ribbing (1)262 Christine Broburg (1)NEWLAND AVE. INTERSECTS.•304 Charles A. Sellstrom (2)310 Charles J. Shelander (3)310 Charles A. Tunberg (2)•314 Fred Anderson (3)314 Gust Anderson (3)316 Rev. George Extence (3)'318 Charles W. Anderson (4)320 Frank H. Devereaux (312.20 Frank T. Jones (3)•322 Quist Nelson (4)•324 Alfred Peterson (2)•326 Charles J. Dawson (8)•330 Charles R. Anderson (6)332 Gust Anderson (2)•332 A. Martin Danielson (4)33S Martin Moe (5)338 Charles A. Olson (4)340 A'acantELLIOT AVE. BEGINS"510 A. Peter Swanson (9)•520 George E. King (5)702 Jacobus Ras (3)'810 Thomas Russell (4)*S24 Mrs. Mary J. Laughlin (2)906 Frank Richard (5)FOREST PARK.From 124 Forest avenue west.—Sixthward.Left and South Side.•3 Adelbert P. Simmons (213 Frank C. Simmons (21"5 August Pearson (3)"7 William Hoard (3)'9 Dora M. Aspden (3}FOREST PARK.Right and North Side.2 Lewis F. Wilkes (3}'2 Mrs. Louisa Brainard (1}*4 John H. Tousley (4)•6 Eric Dahlgren (4)'8 Nathan J. Buck (4)*10 Mark Berry (2)FOURTH STREET (EAST).From 322 North Main east to East Second.—Firstward.Left and North Side.•101 '329 '333 •339 '347 "353 '401 '405 '415 •433 •123 "203 "213 •305 •315 •351 •423 409 PRENDERGAST Mrs. John PINE CHURCH A. Walter M. Alfred Oliver First LINCOLN Samuel William Arthur Edgar Milton Shelden R. Alba St. SPRING Harrison Bertha B. Luke's Anna Louisa Lottie SabTa Mary Pauline M. A. Eva Baptist Kent ST. F. P. H. L. I. C. Thorstenberg B. E. Osmer H. O. Kent Chase Putnam Blystone E. Jenks ST. Clark L. Preston Wade Broadhead Episcopal H. A. Ainge (6) F. Cook Proudfit V. Reynolds Abbott Miller Church Fairbank De (5)Tuckerman Seymour BEGINS INTERSECTSShaver (3) AV. (2} (2) (6}(3) La (4) (3} (3) (5} (2) (7) Church Mater (5) INTERSECTS(3) (4) (4} (2)(4)(2)

28 JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY.FOURTH STREET (EAST).Right and South Side.2 Dr. Edward L. Hazeltine2 Dr. Herbert W. Davis2 Dr. J. E. Almy2 Miss Fredericka Anderson (1)2 Dr. Laban Hazeltine2 Miss M. McVeigh8 Mrs. Sophia A. Murphy (2)•8 Charles F. Shults (2)•10 Edward Morgan (5)12 Mrs. Clara Brooks-Cobb (4)•12 B. J. Cheney Rooming House14 Lloyd C. Dehart (2)14 Dissa S. Cranston (5)*16 Mrs. Ida C. Leach (5)18 J. Howard Mensink (5)PINE ST. INTERSECTS110 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> School o'l Nursing114 Deluge Engine House No. 1116 Mrs. Myra Davis (8)SPRING ST. INTERSECTSCentral Branch School"210 Mrs. Mary S. Crossman (4)First Church of Christ, ScientistPRENDERGAST AV. INTERSECTS306 William E. Goucher (2j'310 Frank R. Ridell (5)316 Rev. Charles H. Small (3)'322 William A. Marsh (5)'328 Fred E. Hatch (6)332 Rev. Charles T. Shaw (4)•340 Clinton B. Winsor (2)•344 John W. Doubleday (5)344% Fred W. Mix (3)352 Robert Bryan (2)•354 John H. Prather (2)356% Vacant•358 Mrs. Eudora K. Pardee (1)358 Frank Brooks (2)107 362 Vacant113 CHURCH ST. INTERSECTS402 Charles Lambros (5)402 William R. Amsdell (3)402 John A. Anderson (5)•404 Romain V. Akin (4)404 H. L. Hunt (3)•408 William L. Booth (5)•410 Alfred S. Dunham (3)FOURTH STREET (WEST)From 321 North Main west to Monroe—Second ward.Left and South Side.3 Mrs. Ellen Crawford (3)9 Kittye Landfried (1)11 Mrs. Margaret Wasser (4)17 Guy Raymond (2)•311 •415 •303 •407 509 119 315 507 101 103 105 511 411 17 W. Claude WASHINGTONJEFFERSON Mrs. Ernest Frank Edward Elmer Clare No CLINTON Vacant Cassius Albert Charles Bert Clyde LAFAYETTEGeorge Glade CHERRY W. houses Jennie Catherine Jeanette Mary Mattie Rosalia Schlingerland O. Oberg R. A. S. P. Wilson B. Smith Bradley O. D. W. O'Neill Durning Howson Anderson Ochs Barker Tompkins ST. Nyburg L. Coates Reynolds C. S'. (3) Stumpf ST. Larson Davis (2}W. Jones Billings (3) (4) INTERSECTS(3) ST. (6} (5) (2)Harrington (3) (2)(1) (5) (4) (6) INTERSECTS (2) (5)FOURTH STREET (WEST)Right and North Side.Y. W. C. A. Building16 English Lutheran Church20 Rev. G. W. Critchlow (4)CHERRY ST. INTERSECTS102-110 Cowing Livery118 John M. ThomasWASHINGTON202 John T. Marsh208 Simon S. Little (2)210 J. Victor Johnson (7)210 Leonard E. Griffith (2)ST. INTERSECTSLAFAYETTE ST. INTERSECTS"306 Glenni R. Homer (6)310 Frank Vought (2)312 Mrs. Jennie M. Henderson (5)310 J. Lloyd Halsall (4)316 George Halsall (3)JEFFERSON ST. INTERSECTSCLINTON ST. INTERSECTS514 Vacant516 Ideal Furniture Co.516 M. W. & C. L. Ward516 Marius G. Martyn (1)516 Elite Furniture Co.518 Michael W. Ward (2)FOURTEENTH STREET.From 931 North Main west to Washiton.—Second ward.Left and South Side.3 Rev. Oliver E. Williams (2)•5 Christian Hanson (2j5 Louis L. Roberts (2>"109 7 Axel Edward W. B. Gustafson Blinn (3)(4)•113James Andrew PI. G. Knowles Lindquist (5) (5)FOURTEENTH FRANCIS STREET. STREET.Right and Right North and West Side. Side.•106 John Edgar T. Manges Marsh (3) (4)108 12 Vacant Scott Baker (6)'108% 14 John Elmer Herbein Atwood (4) (5)110 11% Hilmer Mrs. Louise C. Carlson Bissonta (5)(3)110 16 William Arthur Peterson H. Howard (4) (3)FRANCIS "112 Martin STREET. L. Lawson (7)From FRANKLIN 1 Front STREET. south to Palmer.—SixthFrom ward. 29 Center east and north to Chandler.(Formerly Left and Alpaca. East Side. Short Eagle"105 and J. Franklin August Jacobson Sts.)—Fifth (4) ward.105 B'rank Left A. Sundquist and North (4) Side.105 7 Eddie Andrew E. Carlson Hagg (3) (2)11 Axel Berg (4)11% August Stenander (7)15 F. L. Judson (3)"29 Mrs. Emma L. Carlson (1)33 Tony Tresca (2)33 Razzario Tresca (6133 Sam Trip! (5)33 Louisa Arlio (3)•61 45 51 59 55 15 Joe John Sebastiano Charles Hilma Jonathan Fred Edwin Skari Cosimano A. Nelson N. E. Mansfield Petyt Turnell (4) Musaro Sundell (1) (4) (3)(71(4)(2)

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY. 29FRANKLIN Si REET.129 William A. Johnston (2)Right and South Side.•131 Albert R. Weaver (3}"10 John Landrigan (3)E. EIGHTH ST. INTERSECTS14 Frank Muff (2)213 Harrv A. Hartman (5)*14 Mrs. Martha Haggas (2)•215 J. Frank Kingman (4)•IS Mrs. Elizabeth Rushworth (4)215 Charles F. Johnson (6)•20 Victor A. Geser (5)217 Clara Carrier (2)30 Joseph Fieldhouse (3)317 Mrs. Sarah Wallace (1)30 Sidney Robinson (2)"221 Axel Anderson (4132 A'ictor Johnson (6)229 Claude E. Edwards (4)34 Mrs. Christina Dawson (3i229 Alfred A. Smith (5)34 Henry Woodcock (4)•231 Duncan M. Hall (4)36 Mrs. Clara Cook (1)•233 Charles H. Lown (3)36 Robert Ogden (4)235 Lyman P. Hapgood (2)38 August Stanander"241 Mrs. Celina Rappole (4)44 Phillipo Gruelia (5)•245 Bert G. Tiffany (7)44 Joe Musaro (4)"251 Levi M. Stone (4)44 Paul Felice (9)FULTON STREET.44 Louis Vacanti (4)Right and East Side.44 Vincenzo Sapiera (2)•12 John C. Mason (6)"50 Mrs. Augusta Lund (3)EAST SIXTH ST. INTERSECTS52 Charles L. Detine (4)120 Clarence H. Lake (3)52 Mike O'Brien (2)122 Richard Ambler (3)52 Chris Jensen (2)126 M. J. Beal (6)•5S Herbert U. Sundholm (6)"130 Jonas Woodhead (3)58 Jamestown Art Glass Works134 Vacant•62 Carl Schulze (3)"13S E. Rudolph We'son (3)62 Carl Schulze Jr. (2)"144 James Hawley C''een (21FRINK AVENUE.EAST EIGHTH ST. INTERSECTSFrom 109 Cowing east to Curtis.—Fifth "206 Cyrus Kinne (2)ward.212 Monroe Skellie (2)Left and North Side."214 Weld Caldwell (2)•41 Gust MacDonald (2)•214 Edward P. Johnson •',)•43 John V. W. Beebe (2)•216 Daniel Shearman (2)•15 Cassius G. Campbell (3)216 J. Adelbert Shearman (2)DEARING AVE. INTERSECTS 220 Mrs. Priscilla Ellener (2)• Calvin S. Blanchard (4)220 Benjamin F. Mainwaring (41FRINK AVENUE."221 Lucian J. Warren (31Right and South Side."226 (lust C. Magnuson (31No houses'234 Walter S. Hazzard (21FRONT STREET.'236 On in B. Hayward (I)From 12 Williams west to Hall avenue. "240 Mrs. Robert E. Falconer (31(Formerly Fenton street.)—Sixth ward. "246 Henry W. Throop (21Left and South Side.252 Maurice J. Lown (5)No housesGARFIELD STREET. Jr. (2)CHAPMAN ST. BEGINSFrom GENESEE 17 Sherman STREET. to Maple.—Fourth•1 Martin Peterson (71Right ward. and East Side.FRANCIS ST. BEGINS10 Harry Left T. and Schwartz North (2) Side.No houses•10 "5 George John Lundin H. Anderson (6) (3)SPRAGUE ST. INTERSECTS•14 7 James Leon C. Blagbrough Hitchcock (5) (4113 Frederick Nelson (4}"18 7% John Axel E. Smedberg Helgran (51(3)13 Charles Hudson (31•9 *22 John Adolph P. Gante Erickson (4) (31TE'W ST. BEGINS"11 26 August Osear Warner Jones (2} (11205 Andrew W. Johnston (101•30 15 Henry Willard J. M. Jones Potter (4) (MHIGHLAND AVE. BEGINS GARFIELD •31 Henry STREET. D. Bemus (3iNo bousesRight GENEVA and STREET. South Side.FRONT Right FULTON From "612 •115 "119 113 109 125 129 •17 121 123 111 First 13 7% A'acant Mrs. Miss Louis Elisha No EAST. Harry Gilbert Alfred James Frederick Charles William HALL J. Bruno 317 STREET. and ward. Charles STREET. houses Mary Josephine Left, Belle Christine East Ellen M. G. Dahlgren S. North Iverson AVE Harris SIXTH A. Felt Watts Miller Johnson Lyons L. and Peterson Meyers B. Jones Alton Fifth Dewan Norton (3) INTERSECTSSheldon (51 Side. West (H (2) Lawson Ware ST. (51 (41 (91 (2) (41 (I) (5}north (41 Side. INTERSECTS(2) (21 (2) (11 to Strong.— GENESEE From "11 •19 "21 •31 •35 27 •9 Livingston north ward. Frank John Clyde Lvnn George South Charles Norman Robert 256 opposite STREET. Left Fairmount Smith Stafford L. Wood Side Livingston D. P. L. avenue.—Sixth Waterman Emery and Cobb Jeffords Stewart (61 Grammar 259 (2) (41 West (41 (51 Fairmount avenue. (3) Side. School ward. north — avenue Sixth fu

30 JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY.Left and West Side."5 Clovis M. Sharp (5)"7 Henry Standish (4)•9 Clayton L. Sample (3)"11 John Fuller (41GENEVA STREET.Right and East Side."0 Charles Backus (2)•"X Clarence' Bates (4)GLASGOW AVENUE.From junction Steele and Barrett westto AVilliam.—Sixth ward.Left and South Side."21 Glenn M. Burt (3)31 Arthur J. Burrall (3)25 John A. Carlson (6)25 G. Fred GRANT Carlson STREET. (3)From GRANDIN 621 STREET. East Sixth north to Falconer.First ward. Kighl and North Sale.•12 Louts Left \ Kofod and West (71 Side•'! ('art No houses F Hagman (81•18 i K. (••ear SEVENTH Palm (101 ST. INTERSECTS11 Edward L. Knapp (51•:35 Joseph A. Trainor (6)V. EIGHTH ST. ENDS.':!1 Mrs. Louise Johnson (21H (iscar R. Bard (3)•15 Mrs. Laura M. Doolittle (21!'l George S Doolittle

291 Vacant295 Peter Schenck (41FAIRMOUNT AVE. INTERSECTS301 Howard R. Black (21329 Mrs. Alta Faulkner (11329 Henry D. Lopus (31•333 Charles Widrig (4)LIVINGSTON AVE. INTERSECTSBRIE R. R. INTERSECTS501 George Montague 2)•505 Valentine Kesler (3)•511 Claude Kaadtmann (3)•521 George J. Davis (2)HALLOCK STREET.Right and East Side."8ii John Davidson (6)PALMER ST. ENDS•178 Thaddeus Matson (3)2011 H. C. Day (3)212 D. Colvin Hunt (4)W. THIRD ST. INTERSECTS230 George Paulowitsch (3)232 George Edwards (2)234 Arthur Feldhaus (6)246 Wm. Meyncke (6)250 J. H. Fox (3) V"25(1 Harry P. Phillips (3)"254 William H. Stone (4)"270 Isaac Lee (6)274 New house•296 B. E. Pease (2)"304 Jay Mett B. M. Hollister Crosby (6) (7)"51 FAIRMOUNT Carlton Herman Kapple B. Goodwin AVE. (21 (2) INTERSECTS•39S HAMILTON James STREET. A. Smith (2)LIVINGSTON Right and AVE. North INTERSECTSSide.•8 BRIE Boliver R. Couchman R. INTERSECTS (2)48S •12 Himebaugh Fred E. Armitage Bros (41"502 Jacob FAIRMOUNT P. Ernewein AVE. (9) INTERSECTS510 34 J. Ellis W. P. Whitcomb Jackson (2) (7)HAMILTON 36 William STREET. Mosher (8)From 40 Ellsworth 409 Murray Bauers avenue (7) west to carbarns.—Second 40 Joseph Getzie ward. (3)LANGFORD Left and ST. South BEGINS Side.•7 18 Rov William Hamilton Scofieid (3)(11)52 FAIRMOUNT Lawrence R. McGarvie AVE. INTERSECTS(6)•37 52 William Frank H. Johnson Rummer (3)(31HAMMOND 37 John STREET. Sanborn (1)From 39 Helen 714 Slayton Fairmount (1) avenue north.—Sixth ward.Left and West Side.(Incorrectly numbered.)19 George N. Truax (7)15 Samuel Dawson (5)"9 Nelson J. Safford (3)HAMMOND STREET.Right and East Side.HANFORD From •12 11 ward. New Tibbets Lewis Fairmount Right AVENUE. house S. C. Osborne Pierce and avenue West (2) (21 Side. south.—Sixth"JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY. 31HANFORD AVENUE.Left and East Side.No housesHANLEY STREET.From 229 Steele south to Front.—Sixthward.Left and East Side."5 Carl Oscar Lynn5 John Drenova (51"7 Axel Lawson (6)•9 August Hult (5)HANLEY STREET.Right and West Side."6 Mrs. Mary Samuelson (1)*S John A. Carlson (9)HARRISON STREET.From 29 South Main east to Winsor.—Third and Fourth wards.Left and North Side.7 Brooklyn House (6)7 Cowan Bros. Bottling Works7 James M. Cowan11-13 Lindblad Bros. & Co.11-13 Phillips Barrel & Machine Co.15 Gust Lepsesty (6)29 Arthur Cowan (3)29 Alfred L. Welham (2)33 Joe Reed"33 John J. Burns (4)37 Sam Vicario (3)37 Joe Gaunt (3)37 Rozario Messina (3)43 Tom Roffa (6)15 Gust Naum (4)45 Sebastiano Dimareo (1)15 Soter Mael (41TAYLOR ST. ENDS49 Mrs. Emma Holdsworth (4)49 Warren Danforth (3153 Tom Pearson (4)55 Adolph Clement (3)59 Mrs. John Hollings (2)59 Jamestown Spring Bed Co.59 Pear] City Furniture Co.61 Guiseppa Gifrido (S)61% VacantINSTITUTE ST. INTERSECTS101-125 Maddox Table Co.131 Stanislaus Murowski131 Tomaso Achifito (7)133 Rosario Bonfiglio (4)141 Mrs. Elizabeth Crowe (1)113 Wheelhouse Bros.143 George P. Wheelhouse (4)143 John W. Wheelhouse (2)FOOTE AVE INTERSECTSHARRISON Right 201 335 "16 "36 •38 12 16% 24 28 10 34 56% 36% 44% 48 Jamestown Dr. George CENTER Emanuel John Swedish Mrs. Matio Jana Francisco Joseph Paulo Blacksmith Sarah Tom Jubi Joe Tony Frank Glantz Tonv Phillipo and Elmer William Paternilli Paterniti STREET. Graziano Emma Pintago Cornelia Love Dimareo South Beleto Butafora M. Luppieo O. W. & Salvation Roos Ferraro Miller Schifarno Parasoliti Stafford (2) Johnson A. Worsted Rolland shop M. Side. (11)Jones (41 Sill (23) ENDS (31Dorn (3) Sill (41 (31 Army (4) (51 Mills (17) (51 (1)

32 JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY.52 John Brundo (5)56 Valegia Bondi 2)60 Mrs. Frances L. Davis (3)60 E. P. Sterns (2)60 Ellen A. Harder (5)60 Harry Kelsey (2)60 Bert S. Cross (2)60 Mead Gray (4)62 Sam Patti (3)62 Sebastiano Foti (2)INSTITUTE ST. INTERSECTS100 Mrs. Cornelia S. Washburn (1)100 Roscoe C. King (2)100 Gorham Hopkins (2)104 Christ Boigti (7)106 Flie Fort (5)110 Miceli Crasano (5)110 Joe Maloney (5)110 Frederico Gentile (3)110 Uellei Asparo (3)"114 Carmelo Alessandra114 Leurgzie Sebastiano112 Nels Hollander116 Nick Havalo (5)116% Sam John (6)"11S Cologeri Alesi (9)118 Tom Crusti (4)122 Sebastiano Paternito•122 Guiseppa Saeli (9)"124 Vincenzo Farinella (S)124 Antonio Luppica (3)124 Guiseppa Salva (2)12S Harry A. Themelis130 Tony Pasolito (7)132 Gionono Stefana (6)(12)(10)FOOTE AVE. INTERSECTS200-222 Crescent Tool Co.248 George H. Dawson (3)250 Robert Breckenridge (4)252 Julian I. Smith (5)254 Parker Barraclough (2)254 John W. Woodhead (1)286 Jametor Sani (5)•286 Charles Chichi (3)286 Sam Sthifano (2)286 Charles Ferelo (51292 Micbelo Vella (71292 John Gustafson (4)292 Luciana Tudoseo (6)292 Torn- Pvagga (31"296 Mrs. Ellen Peterson (2)306 Boiler Repair Shop306 Carl J. Sundquist31S A. H. Tobias320 Jamestown Commercial GalleryHAYWARD STREET.Erom 370 Buffalo, west to Jeffords.HAYWARD From "109 HAZELTINE Right "'•121 "127 •312 "404 "412 "520 •520% "105 1102 512 "51 too 39 Jacob VacantJames Nels Fred No Christian Charles Fritz Abraham Frank Mrs. Maurice BARRETT William Park and John housesLeft C. Celia G. Josephson Olson west AVENUE. North Hollings Arlandson STREET. A. Anderson Sunrlslrom Cole Morey Rosen J. Anderberg Peterson ST. (7) to Anderson Side. (5) South (6) (3) (7) Baker.—Sixth 1 INTERSECTS(5) (9) (41 (21CO (5) Side.ERSE< (I) (51 (6) 'TS ward.HAZZARD STREET.From 36 Mechanic south to city limits.-Third ward.Left and East Side.•7 Mrs. Hannah O'Neil (2)13 Mrs. Catherine A. Potter (2)13 Albert Lind (4)13 J. A. Rydeen (5)15 D. B. Willis (4)15 James Moore (3)"17 Theodore C. Frank (4)"21 Alexander A. Castle (2)27 Vacant31 John Carlson (4)31% Olof Nystrom (6)33 Kendall Horsfield (9)•35 Samuel F. Mitchell (21"37 Alva F. Akin (21 '43 Charles Stansfield (2)15 Jerome W. Post (4)17 Nels Swanson (5149 John A. Peterson (71•65 John A. Anderson (3)55 Mrs. Phoebe Way (3)v57 James B. Gilberds (21"63 Frank O. Nelson (5)•65 F. Oscar Felt (21"69 Peter A. Moberg (3)71 Clyde M. Garfield (3)79 Robert Reid (7)79 Harley Whitford (4)SI O. C. Kelts (4)81 Eugene John C. C. Nelson Putnam (SI(4185 Charles William O. Raistrick Lawson (51 (21'85 Alexander Fred J. Lounsbery Johnson (51 (41~S7 Willis Mrs. Josephine H. Chenev Templeton (4) (1)S7 George Harry Crossley E. Freeman (5) (2)89 Thomas Louis A. G. Pillsbury Gray (6)(5):n NEWLAND Sam Ferrara AYE. (81 INTERSECTS'203 93 J. Mike August Micaol Hultquist (6) (6)207 93 John Ben Papa Saunders (3) (4)207 93 Oliver Nunzio Hultquist Biondolillo (2)(10)"211 95 Antonio Charles M. Francesco Hjertquist (3) (6)215 93 Phillipo Charles J. Alles Carlson (3) (4)'215 103 Jack Matilda Lopresto Sandstrom (6} (21'219 103 J. Charles August Miora Carlson (3) (5i103 219 John Frank Ferrara C. Maloney (6) (3)'225 103 Nicole Mrs Ida Dominico L Holmes (1) (3)227 105 Mat Adolph bias Berghill Warner (S) (21105 227 Casper Wm. Allberg Beck (2) (3)•227 105 Carl Florin Johnson Nelson (4) (2)'235 1»7 John Frank Exley T. Kling (41 (I)235 107 John Charles D. J. Cole Johnson (2) (31107 - PARTRIDGE " _ ST. BEGINS"111 233 V\el Carlson (5)239 111 Duane Frank (51201 117 Mrs. Arthur C. Weinberg (21"219 '""3 HAZZARD "325 •319 '321 333 335 117 •16 Ernest John Gi

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY. 33•22 George H. Mitchell (4)HEDGES AVENUE.22 Frank Morrow (3)•28 Helena E. Washburn (5)34 Mrs. Emily A. Harvey (2)34 Clyde Himebaugh (3)•36 H. Warren Stumpf (2)•42 Fred J. Wren (10)"46 Mrs. Margaret Wilkinson (3)50 D. R. Stringer (61'52 William A. Warren (3)Right and East Side.6 Ludwig A. Benson (3)•6 Hjalmer C. Carlson (2)•10 Leonard J. Ahlstrom (7)"12 Mrs. Matilda A. Carlson (5)•14 Andrew Granath (3)14 Gust Granath (2116 Elof Sampson (Si•16 Oscar Sunden (5)"60 C. Oscar Jones (5)•18 Oscar Holmquist (5)•66 Mrs. Jane D. Clark (3) (1)44 Charles J. Carlson (4)•"74 James W. Plouser (2)7.8 Clarence Larsen (3)78 Fred A. Lakins (3)80 Mrs. Lena C Swanson (3)•90 Alice J. Peterson (3)90 .1. Harold Swanson (2)90 Mrs. Elizabeth Benson91 Santa Luppieo (10)'Jl Philip Ferro (3)AXTEL ST. ENDS100 Mrs. Mary McElroy (2)100 August Erickson (3)"106 Carl A. Carlson (5)10S Carl Crantz (6)112 Ernest Lagerdahl u)112 Carl Lagerdahl (3)112% Nels Olson (2)116 VacantIIS C. W. Johnson (S)44 Gustaf Johnson (3)•48 August Anderson (8)•52 John Bjork (3)52 C. Axel Swanson (5)52 Gust A. Bernhard (5)72 Charles G. Johnson (6)72 Benedicta Swanson (5)"76 Erick J. Hagberg (4)*S2 Nels Ryblom (2)82 Charles Johnson (3)106 Vacant106 Charles Stone (3)•10S Andrew M. Swanson (3)•126 John Nygren (5)126 Carl A. Johnson (3)•130 Gust W. Soderquist (4)•134 Leonard Peterson (5)134 Arthur E. Olson (5)"138 Charles Soderquist (2)NEWLAND AVE. INTERSECTS 13S Hjalmer Soderquist (4)•122 L. August Anderson (3)"204 John J. Yates (1)204 Gustaf A. Carlson (5)212 Eugene Phelps (5)"214 Lewis C. Cedarholm (3)"216 Ernest E. King (3)226 Claire J. Waite (3)226 Gustaf Stenander (3)230 Albert Rehnberg (4>"240 Alfred Carlson (6)"246 August Johnson (8)•248 Charles E. Rohlin (5)BARKER ST. INTERSECTSNo housesCOLE AVE. INTERSECTS•400 George F. Smith (6)516 Nels P. WihlborgHEBNER STREET.HESS STREET.From opposite 520 Palmer south to Summit.—Sixthward.Left and East Side.No housesHESS STREET.Right and West Side.18 Charles Beckstromis Ralph BeckstromHICKORY STREET.From Shaw avenue (end Ellicott) southto Ahrens avenue.—Fourth ward.Left and East Side."45 J. Alfred Larson (9)49 Mrs. Ida Jones (2)"49 Carl Berg (2)"53 Mrs. Tecla Johnson (3)HICKORY STREET.From above 220 King south to Camp- Right and West Side.Fourth ward.Right and West Side.•1 Carl F. Anderson (2)1 Leonard Nelson (31New houseLeft HEDGES From •101 •105 •113 •115 "17 •17 "39 "51 •65 •69 "79 165 *63 'S5 Fourth 21 15 '4 7 August John Frank Oliver Albert F. SCIOTA Iver William C. Emil Gust New B. Adolf Charles Carl Fred Leonard and 247 Edward A. M. Oscar HEBNER ward.Left Julius O. East Willard Ahlstedt vacant AVENUE.Bergman A. Bergeson Nelson Anderson Christianson A. Johnson Noren C. J. Carlson ST. Lawson Danielson E. Swan Skans and Side. Johnson Erickson Carlson Anderson house INTERSECTS(41(61 (5) north (3) West (41 STREET. (11 (7) (3) (31 (41 (5) (0)(51(61 (6) (5) Side. '91 (7) to (6) Benedict.No housesHIGHLAND AVENUE.From 405 Front south.—Sixth ward.Left and East Side."11 Hans Davidson (9)HIGHLAND Right HOLMAN From "15 "29 "32 "76 "78 "SO •84 10 •9 Fourth 3 Forest Mrs. Peter Axel John Magnus No PALMER ADAMS Anton Olof Eric Frank Carl junction and houses ward. (1. J. Windahl Dawson Jaderstrom Left Hilda Lofgren STREET.E. Zetterman Williams AVENUE.A. SK-ott West Anderson Johnson ST. Sundberg Crantz and ST. English Cox INTERSECTS(7) (3) Side.North (4)(31 (5) (41(3) (71(51 and Side. Willis east.—

34 JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY.MALTBY ST. BEGINS•31 Andrew J. Johnson (5)31 John L. Kazer (2)•33 August Berggren (10)•37 Oscar N. Carlson (6)37 Gust L. Nyman (2)*43 Eric J. Zetterman (9)HOLMAN STREET.Right and South Side.•40 Mrs. Hannah C. Johnson (5)HOLMES STREET.From opposite 130 Institute east.—Thirdward.Right and South Side.2 Jamestown Trucking & Storage Co.4-6 Thompson Candy Co.8-20 Anchor Furniture Co.HOLMES STREET.Left and North Side.13-23 M. E. Towne Furniture Co.HOPKINS AVENUE.From 1200 East Second south to Blackstoneavenue and east to limits.—Fifthward. „.,Left and East Side.5 Fred Ducone (3)5 Constant Polfin (2)11 Elmer J. Johnson (2)•13 Frank E. Arnold (5)•19 Mrs. Jane L. Burroughs (2)•23 John F. Englund (3)•29 Edwin C. Vincent (9)•31 John Sagorny (2)•35 Warner Ross (7)•39 George Vincent (4)•41 Paul Mason (12)45 Lee W. SWart (3)•47 John Benson (41•49 Levi B. LeRoy (3)•159 Carl A. Lindgren (6)•229 Fred W. Kupresh (10)•241 Isham C. Wemple (2)-245 John W. Stake (4)HOPKINS AVENUE.Right and West Side.2 Lupton Vanham (4)4 Mathew J. Goodwin (3)•12 Glenn More (4)•10 Theodore Nelson (7110 Fred L. Anderson (4)FLAGG AVE. ENDS."3S Emil Nord (6)198 George Stedman (4)210 Charles C. Strawberg (6)New house'214 Gales F. North (7)216 Olaf Forse (6)HOTCHKISS From •220 "244 •205 "222 •177 '226 248 246 •75 139 •59 129 99 north.—Fifth 45 Edward Max J. Harry John Erick James William Adelbert DeForest Frederick CLYDE Truax Swan Miles Freeman Herman Reinhold Buffalo Alfred Kiestauel Left A. B. C. Erickson Bjorklund STREET. Stemple D. E. Hegstedt Peterson AVE. Lyon Swanson Learn Bratt C. P. F. ward. Blood Lovejoy Smith opposite and J. Wells Hayward Kilstrom Colburn (31 West (7) (11 (5) (6) (4)INTERSECTS(3) (5) (91 (5) (S) (2)(3) Side. pump (3) (51stationHOTCHKISS STREET.Right and East Side.62 William N. Weidner (5)•116 Gustaf Johnson (6)HOWARD AVENUE.From city limits south to Fairmountavenue.—Sixth ward.Left and East Side.1 Alvin W. Nutt (2)3 Robert Mauser (3)5 John Wertzell (5)HOWARD AVENUE.Right and West Side.No housesHOWARD STREET.From Barker south to city limits.—Thirward.Left and East Side."9 P. William Lunberg (6)WOODWORTH AV. INTERSECTS-Fourth ward.No housesHOWARD STREET.Right and West Side."100 Lafayette Prince (3)HUNTER STREET.Hebner west to Oak.-No housesHUNT ROAD.From end West Sixth to junction Hlock to limits west.—Sixth ward.Left and South Side.•7 Albert HUTTON Dearborn STREET.(2)From Burt-Hall Baker to south Orr.—Sixth Towel Co. ward.HUNT No ROAD. housesRight INSTITUTE and North STREET. Side.From •8 C. 310 E. Bast Preston Second (21 south to Allen.—Third Edwin and S. Fifth Hill wards. (31TODD Left AVE. and BEGINS East Side00 Edward Jamestown Thoren High (41 School60 Algert ERIE R. Johnson R. TRACKS (3) INTERSECT'65 33, George Swift & A. Co. S. Kent (31Maddox Table Co.131 HARRISON ST. INTERSECTS141 99 Jamestown Ice Cream Co.141 BRIGGS ST ENDSLumber yardHOLMES Right ST and BEGINS West Side.Thompson Mrs. Stephen Candv Potter Co. (toVICTORIA Theodore Stewart AVE. (21 INTERSECTSJorgenson Ellen U. Linnander Bldg. (21Mrs. John Carrie J. Chambers C. Merchant (21 (5)INSTITUTE Bernhard STREET. Benson (2)Edward Cook (2)E. L. Fay (21Mrs Fannie E. Fav (I)Mrs. L. E. Brown (51Alva Burns (3)Mrs. Sebastiano Anthony Carmody Ida Delia M. Paterniti Reali Cooper (71 (71 (71 (31

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY. 3526 Harry G. LyonsERIE R. R. TRACKS INTERSECT•28 Mrs. Bridget Rainey (4)30 Mrs. Mary Carmen (7130 Patrick Reech (4)30 John Ewing (8130% Mrs. Lena Anderson (2)30% Mrs. Ellen M. Weaver (1)32 Nose Toli (3)32 Frank B. Simmons (4132 Guy Whiting (3134 Jamestown Oil Co.38 John BergHARRISON ST. INTERSECTS100 Pennsylvania Gas Co. shop118 John Youngberg (61120 Danish Congregational church126 Frank Padale (3)•126 John Cosimano (6)•130 James Prince (41•134 Samuel J. Waite (31VICTORIA AYE. INTERSECTS138 Father James Carra (1)St. James Roman Catholic churchISABELLA AVENUE.From 811 Washington west to ChadakoinRiver.—Second ward.Left and South Side.No housesLAFAYETTE ST. INTERSECTSVacantJEFFERSON ST. INTERSECTSNo housesCLINTON ST. INTERSECTSNo housesMONROE ST. INTERSECTSNo bousesutb.J. C. &L. E. TRACKS INTERSECTJ. C. & L. E. Ry. Shops ,ISABELLA AVENUE.North and Right Side.2 Harrv E. Parker (5)2 Joseph A. Catlin (3)"4 William E. Waite (3)LAFAYETTE ST. INTERSECTS•110 Flovd E. Whitney (4)•114 Fred S. Crocker (5)JEFFERSON ST. INTERSECTSL. F. Shedd Coal Yards"212 James M. Spellacv (21MONROE ST. INTERSECTSRoss Lumber Co , officeLumber vardsJ. C. &L. E. TRACKS INTERSECTJohnson Ice housesIVY STREET.IVY Left JASPER JEFFERSON From •14 •16 •3S 208 310 "10 "24 22 ward. Third.—Sixth Second STREET. Bert Ernest John W. Joseph George Mrs. Cvril Louisa Ada Michael No Earl 600 and Hunt 314 AVENUE.houses. THIRD ward. West UTlary Right Nichols Elizabeth Jenks B. Foote East road STREET. Barrett Varlev Myers H. Stevenson Wright Fardink Walker Second ward. Jowett and Side. (21 (4) ST. avenm southwest (3) (41 (5) (4) Loucks West East (61 INTERSECTS/• (51 north KY) (31 Side.(9) to to Eleventh. West314 Edward Warren (31W. FOURTH ST. INTERSECTS414 Edward B. Thomas (21"416 Levant B. Batcheller (41W. FIFTH ST. INTERSECTS512 George H. Cooke (41512 Mrs. Grace Lav (3)•514 William P. Osmer (7)•516 Richard Vipan (41W. SIXTH ST. INTERSECTS610 Marshall Peterson (3)61S Mrs. Alice A. Smart (3)618% Elizabeth O'Hagan (2)620 Mrs. Margaret Gallagher (4)W. SEVENTH ST. INTERSECTS"704 A. H. Hooper (3)"710 Michael Cantv (2)"714 Carl J. Cedarquist (2)W. EIGHTH ST. INTERSECTSSOS Michael E. Hurley (5)•810 George C. Arnold (4)"S12 August Soderstrom (11)•S14 Robert H. Nobbs (3)"S18 George Dorothy (7)ISABELLA AVE. INTERSECTSS40 Clayton E. Loucks (3)JEFFERSON STREET.Left and West Side."205 Nicholas Bngel (S)'207 Mrs. Helen Tiffany (1)207 A. Clarence Tiffany (2)W. THIRD ST. INTERSECTS"309 Reuben W. Bigelow (41•315 Edward A. Dutcher (4)319 Franklin G. Shepard (3)319 Mrs. Nellie Antler (2)319 Blanche Woodford (1)W. FOURTH ST. INTERSECTSBaker ParkW. FIFTH ST. INTERSECTSNo housesW. SIXTH ST. INTERSECTS•611 Fabian Sellstrom (5)W. SEVENTH ST. INTERSECTS•705 Frank P. Murray (5)•707 Frank Rogerson (2)709 James Dunderdale (6)W. EIGHTH ST. INTERSECTS"S05 James C. Washburn (51'809 Adelbert Rice (61•S11 George A. Bennett (51*S13 James B. Torrens (51813 John Norton (31•815 August Anderson (21815 Andrew Olson (2)317 Johanna Friberg (31Right From JEFFORDS Left "957 "959 965 969 "11 "IS •19 "15 •17 •21 11% 14 22 Fifth 22 ISABELLA Jennie Emil August Lewis John Rov Gust Alfred Axel Arthur Fred Albin George and Jeffords opposite Henry ward. Left D. PLACE. West STREET. Right Mattson Carpenter Peterson Young Johnson P. North W. Adams J. Gargon Magnuson Vanham Piehlblad Anderson Waite Rosenblad Ko'fod Side. west. 884 and AVE. (21(21 (31 South (41(3) East (31 (2)(51 (4) (5) (11 INTERSECTS(41(2)Second Side.north.-

36 JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY.JOHNSON STREET.KING STREET.From 269 Willard north.—Fourth Right ward. and South Side.Left and West Side.•15 Charles J. Erickson (7)JOHNSON STREET.Right and East Side.•14 Gust Larson (4)•16 Marie F. C. Johnson (10)•36 Albert Castner (3)SCIOTA ST. ENDSJONES & GIFFORD AVENUE.From boatlanding bridge northwest tocity limits.—Sixth ward.Left and West Side.49- 59 Acme Worsted Mills95-105 Art Metal Construction Co.115 Eagle Foundry & Machine Co.117 Carlton Hoyt (3)129-135 Breed-Johnson Furniture Co.Williams Mineral W7ater Co.•149 Amos T. Robertson (12)151 Golden Furniture Co.153-163 Empire Voting Machine Co.167 Superior Furniture Co.175 George M. Carvey (3)HALLOCK ST. ENDS235 William D. Mitchell (4)JONES & GIFFORD AVENUE.Right and Bast Side.110 VacantFrom 146 Camp Frank north Crapo (4)14S ward. John Stormer (6)150 No Matthew houses.KIDDER Zenns STREET. (2)From •152 212 Mary South Whitman Main west (1) to Prospect.—152% Third Joseph ward. Cannar (4)•154 Mrs. Deft Matilda and South Whitman Side. (2)•11 156 Lee George D. Blood Case (3) (3)168 15 Charles Vacant L. Swanson (3)•182 15 Mrs. Edward Jane S. A. Randall Kaadtmann (li (2)202 BROADHEAD William Tanner AVE. (S) INTERSECTS•208 105 George Henry L. Stormer Hollenbeck (7) (3)•109 JULIET Magnus STREET. Ekberg (7)•113 to Hunter.—FourthAlfred Carlson (5)KIDDER STREET.Right and North Side.•10 Frank O. Lee (4)BROADHEAD AVE. INTERSECTS114 Daniel G. Ogilvie (6)KING STREET.From 226 Allen east to English -Fourthward.Left and North Side.•9 John W. Hutley (71BARROWS ST. BEGINS111 Mrs. Alice Shoesmith (61•115 Julius C. Hanson (51117 George Sturdy (31•129 •203 •133 227 117 John ELLICOTT Alice TOWER OAK Peter Samuel Frank Carl Johnson W. ST. Vaux J. O. Blom Anderson ST. Hollings Carlson BEGINS (2) ST. (6) (4) INTERSECTSBEGINS (10) (6) (4)•10 C. T. Hutley (5)10 Albert Ackroyd (4)•IS Vincent Bennett (2)•108 William L. Hand (6)114 August H. Ahlgren (4)114 Charles J. Johnson (2)•116 Anton Pederson (2)116 Oscar T. Landquist (5)WEBSTER ST. BEGINS118 Edward Nelson (2)•118 Frank O. Swanson (2)"120 August Anderson (2)•134 Peter A. Johnson (5)ELLICOTT ST. BEGINSNo housesOAK ST. INTERSECTS"220 Nels J. Peterson (3)HEBNER ST. BEGINS"300 Johanna S. Roseburg (21KINGSBURY AVENUE.From 1036 North Main east to Prendergastavenue.—First ward.Left and North Side."9 Michael D. Beaver (2)25 Bernard J. Richter (5)KINGSBURY AVENUE.Right and South Side.•8 William S. Rathbun (4)•12 Dallas M. Gleason (3)2S Thomas Heald Jr. (41"22 Sam Lewis Crook (212S Thomas Heald (41"30 John T. Dorman (31"31 Clyde W. Phelps (3)KINNEY STREET.From 246 Willard south to English.-Fourth ward.Left and East Side.•5 Charles A. Ekstrom (el•15 Mrs. Ida Swanson (4)*23 John Swanson (7123 -\dolph Swanson (2125 John Neustrom (21"25 Gust W. Peterson 01•27 Victor Peterson (2)27 Algot T. Johnson (3129 Carl Lorentzen (21•29 Arvid Salander (3131 Mrs. Lottie Sampson (II•31 Oscar A. Nelson (71CEDAR AVE. BEGINS"47 Gust F. Bergquist (4147 Mrs. Johanna Johnson (2)•51 Alfred O. Johnson (61•53 John P. Danielson (91KINNEY Right KIPP From 105 "40 "12 "28 "32 "(1 '36 17 15 19 56 coner.—Fifth •I 55 Pierre Olof Alfred John Axel Mrs. Karl E. Edward Martin Charles Carl Rudolph AValter STREET. opposite SECOND and J. T. Nelson STREET. P. Peterson Left Lawrence A. O. R. Benson A. H. Hemingway Hagstrom O. Lindstrom Carlson C. Palmer West Jones H. Hylund ward. Nord and Swanson Castner 510 Johnson (21 Nelson (51 ST. (5) West (6) E. (61 Crescent Side. (41, (4) (7) (31 (21 INTERSECTS(41 Ericson (7) (6) (5) (3i (31 Side. north (4) to Fal­

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY. 37KIPP STREET.Right and East Side.No housesLAFAYETTE STREET.From 215 West Second north to MarvinPark.—Second ward.Left and West Side.201 New house203 New house•205 Bertrand L. Lewis (2)205 The Lafayette (10)W. FOURTH ST. INTERSECTS•401 Dr. John J. Mahoney (3)407 Bert Bentley (4)"407 William J. Bender (5)•411 Mrs. Sarah C. Haviland (3)411 Eris Andrews (2)'417 Mrs. Sarah R. Wescott (1)W. FIFTH ST. INTERSECTS513 Dr. Frank D. Ormes (2)517 George E. Baker (2)W. SIXTH ST. INTERSECTS601 Robert K. Beach (5)603 Willis E. Seymour (4)'607 John F. Jones (6)'611 Willis E. Seymour Sr. (5)615 Lillian Smith (1)615 William Langdale (4)619 Emil Hultman (5)W. SEVENTH ST. INTERSECTS•703 Charles E. Johnson (3)705 Patrick Moynihan Sr. (7)•711 James J. Corkery (3)W. EIGHTH ST. INTERSECTS•803 Darwin C. Perkins (4)•809 George W. Barnes (21Sll Henry C. Wheeler (4)•819 Edward J. Marsh (6)»S21 Robert J. Straughen (6)•S35 Claud V. Willard (3)S37 Wilbur K. Raker (4)•839 Melvin Seabourn (2)'841 Durward Harris (3)•847 John H. Martin (4)•849 Thomas Kidd (4)•853 Oliver D. Robertson (2)855 Vacant903 David C. Babcock (3)LAFAYETTE STREET.Right and East Side.204 Dury Jones (3)204 Myrtle Barnett (1)204 Glenn Bumpus (2)204 Eli Tefft (2)•208 Dr. Henry A. Eastman (2)W. THIRD ST. INTERSECTS312 Mary Grimes (1)•820 '612 •714 »716 •816 •822 •412 •516 •602 '710 '400 •40S 714% 818 616 410 604 610 614 404 W. Henry Lee Louis Rolland Charles Joseph Emma Carl Mrs. Andrew James George Daniel VacantElliot Peter John Clinton Ellen SEVENTH EIGHTH SIXTH FIFTH FOURTH Stafford Minnie N. Annis Westrom D. Anderson A. G. M. Kleinsang J. Burtis W. C. B. E. J. Johnson Sanford Farlin Loucks Willard Moynihan Kennedy Morris Harrison Coonan Brown Willman Butts ST. Graff Coyle Bolton Caskey (2) Peterson ST. (3) (1) (4) ST. (2) (3)Sr. INTERSECTS(5)(1)(7) (4)(2)822 Oscar Neilson (2)ISABELLA AVE. INTERSECTS•834 Samuel L. Willard (2)*S3S Marshall C. Davis (4)840 Conrad Larson (4)S40 William Shures (3)S42 Edward Griswold (3)S42 Reginald Phelps (4)844 Daniel Sullivan (3)846 Valdemar Jensen (5)•850 Gust Johnson (6)TENTH ST. ENDS900 George Olmstead (3)•902 George Wise (4)ELEVENTH ST. INTERSECTSLAKE STREET.From 32 Sampson west to Colfax.—Sixtward.Left and South Side.•3 Nels Munson (11)•15 Gust Bloomdahl (7)•23 Victor Olson (4)27 August Johnson (3)27 Alfred Johnson (5)LAKE STREET.Right and North Side.*S Henry Nordine (3)*10 Fred A. Smith (3)10 John Martin (5)*2S Gust A. Kling 5)LAKEVIEW AVENUE.From 412 East Sixth north to city limitsFirst ward.Left and West Side.•3 William C. Patterson (5)'17 Charles L. Audette (3)•27 William A. Bradshaw (5)•35 Henrv P. Robertson (5)E. EIGHTH ST. INTERSECTS'101 John G. Wicks (3)'109 Bertha E. Weeks (1)J 09 Nelson G. Archer (3)'115 Edgar A. Fenton (3)"121 Charles G. Lindsey (7)123 Samuel W. Thompson (4)133 Stuart A. Hall (2)'133 W. W. Fisher (3)133 Mrs. Susan H. Thomas (2)STRONG ST. ENDS'201 William J. Lausterer (4)'205 Ransom J. Barrows (2)205 Floyd P. Almy (4)•211 Frederick P. Hall (10)CROSSMAN ST. INTERSECTS•301 Mrs. Lora T. Gathercole (1)•309 Willard W. Hunt (3)•403 •527 "547 •551 •617 LAKEVIEW Right •409 •519 •543 •609 •621 "637 '415 '501 509 653 511 663 Dr. Walter Rev. William PRICE WILSON BUFFALO Wallace Fred Mrs. Perry VAN EUCLID Lakeview Clarence George Seneca S. BASSETT H. Nathan Cyrus Brewer and W. F. Morris Adelle Carrie Alfred Martha B. S. BUREN W. Underwood AVENUE. Thompson Davis B. P. F. East ST. Stern C. Tinkham L. Sykes D. AVE. Goodwin Jackson Cemetery.Burchard Morgan Opdyke N. Graham Phillips ST. Snow Warner Dickson Rose J. (21 Side. Bemus (6) Brennan ST. (31Falconer INTERSECTSENDS(3) (4)(21 (6) (2) (5)(1) INTERSECTS(8) (5) (41 (6)(7)(1)

38 JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY.•12 O. Nelson Rushworth (6)•14 George B. Pitts (7)•30 Louis C. Jagger (4)•34 James L. Weeks (5)•38 Charles A. Anderson (2)38 Fred Christian (2)•44 F. H. Marshall (7)•52 Anna L. Crissey (3)•54 Mrs. R. Louise Curtiss (2)E. EIGHTH ST. INTERSECTS•110 Ralph C. Sheldon (7)'114 William N. Gokey (5)114 Dwight L. Moore (4)Left and West Side."19 William Myers (5)19 Clark A. Marsh (2)21 Mason Robbins (11)' LANGFORD STREET.Right and East Side.20 WMllis B. Benedict (4)LEE AVENUE.From 810 Forest avenue west to Sson.—Sixth "Ward.Left and South Side.'41 Henry Widlund (5)LEE AVENUE.•118 D. B. Watson (2)•120 •310 CROSSMAN Edwin A. Brooks Right and North Side.Charles H. Price (5) (2)No houses'130 402 VAN Mrs. Anna BUREN H. Merrill ST. INTERSECTS (4)LIBERTY STREET.•134 '406 Everett William Stuck T. Falconer (4) (4)From 351 East Fifth north to Falconer.•410 FALCONER Edward W. Spring ST. BEGINS (6)First ward.204 Blial Horace A. W. Jones Walker (2) (3)Left and West Side.'502 206 410 C. Arvid Oscar N. Swanson Lundquist (5) (3)11 John W. Timmons (3)•208 •518 •416 Frank Mrs. Mary W. Cadwell L. Crissey (3)(2)"11 James W. Wilson (3)•212 •524 John PRICE Cadwell ST. INTERSECTS(4)E. SIXTH ST. INTERSECTS528 L. F. Cornell (5)"25 James A. Gardner (5)•532 Jay Crissey (6)"47 Florence E. Crosby (2)'540 Henry B. Freeman (3)49 A. F. Fidler (2)•542 Frank G. Howard (4)•544'010"49 H. P. Lorentzen (5)S. J. Sample (3)630'53 Charles W. Davis (2)Howard W. Potter (3)"634E. SEVENTH ST. INTERSECTSW. Herbert Graham (2)•700"57 Frank O. Strandburg (5)Glenn K. Brown (3)'70261 William M. Blanchard (3)WINSOR ST. INTERSECTS•706"61 Mrs. Adelle M. Towle (2)No houses"65 Frank E. Shearman (S)NEWTON AVE. INTERSECTS *73 Claude E. White (5)Warren Ross (7)EUCLID AVE: INTERSECTSVacantEdward J. Gilroy (5)CHESTNUT ST. BEGINSL. W. Stein (6)Don Allen Curtis (31Arthur W. Swan (3)"800 Carl Olofson 6)•77 Malcolm Swanson (5)77 Perry J. Martin (3)E. EIGHTH ST. INTERSECTS99 Charles O. Anderson (4)101 Harvev T. Wilson (2)•105 David Smith (2)'107 George F. Lods (2)107 John A. Nelson (2)•113 Horace A. Putnam (5)BUFFALO ST. INTERSECTSLIBERTY STREET.Mrs. Clara B. Guest (1)A. C. Goodwin (2)Roy O. Carpenter (4)Perry C. Maynard (5)L. M. Burdick (3)Seth Raymond (2)Mrs. Pauline Cease (1)Wm. J. Euart (1)LAKIN AVENUE.From 507 Fairmount avenue south toWest Third.—Sixth ward.Left and East Side.•3 George J. Kohlbacher (5)Right and East Side.No housesE. SIXTH ST. INTERSECTS36 Mrs. Elva L. Everwine (2)•36 Henry Neville (2)*3S George H. Ingerson (11)42 Walter L. Metcalfe (5)46 Royal S. Blodget (6)•46 Lester B. Gilbert (1)"48 Mott D. Lawrence (4)48 Clyde W. Jackson 2)52 Mrs. Jennie Hultberg (5)52 Robert L. Jones (2)*5 William N. Smedley (3)54 Mrs. Grace Johnson (4)LAKIN Right LANGFORD From "154 "100 •120 "124 "122 150 *9 Second 75 Edward William James A. New Andrew George W. No Paul S. Thomas Oscar Willis DeForest AVENUE. and 48 E. B. SIXTH ward. housesG. Siawson Davis Hamilton B. P. Galivan West STREET. L. Olson S. E. Turner Newberrv Prosser Woodin D. Morrison Foster Smiley ST. (6) Side. Woodford (3) (21 (7) (5) INTERSECTS(3) (4) (21 north (3)(21to West LINCOLN From •100 '110 End.— "66 "70 "74 *7S •86 "9(1 •94 106 112 02 62 S6 90 B. E. Eric John Alberta Mrs. Oscar Frederica William Frank D. No 1042 SEVENTH Ward EIGHTH houses AVENUE.Ardella Left Christina Emma Leonora Elizabeth J. Tweedale Coppie Anderson L. W. North Tlium Cozadd F. H. L. Brier Johnson and L. Sternborg Stitt Smith Rich M. O. Johnson ST. P. (3) Main (2) North ST. Jenkins (3.1 (6) Brown (4) (7) Lundquist Gould (3) Carnahan INTERSECTS(4)east.—Fifth Side.(5) (1) (3) (21 (1) (3) ward.

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY. 39LINCOLN AVENUE.Right and South Side.*6 Edmund F. Cook (3)8 Walter J. Holt (4)LINCOLN STREET.From 423 East Fourth north to Falconer(Formerly East street, between EastFourth and East Fifth.)—First ward.Left and West Side.5 Milton J. Fletcher (3)*7 J. B. Barker (3)E. FIFTH ST. INTERSECTS109 William H. Hunt (3)109 Jedediah D. Thurber (2)115 Victor C. Rogerson (5)115 Carl S. Purdy (2)•117 Mrs. Charlotte Smith (1)117 Albert Edstrom (2)119 Matthew Nash (3)'119 James J. Benson (4)E. SIXTH ST. INTERSECTS•207 Charles M. Purdy (3)•209 Verne B. Card (4)209 Frank Ackroyd (4)•215 Douis K. Jones (2)•2T7 D. C. Jones (5)E. SEVENTH ST. INTERSECTSFree Methodist Church.311 Herman C. Hoadley (5)313 Douis M. Partridge (2)•313 Mrs. Chas. E. Monjeau (2)•315 John F. Dearing (7)E. EIGHTH ST. INTERSECTS•401 Mrs. Eunice O. Morgan (2)411 W. Judson Burch (4)411 Warren P. Day (3)•415 Mrs. Anna M. Ross (2)•419 George W. Stilson (2)419 Stanley Woodward (3)•423 W. E. Shepardson (4)•427 Eugene L. Blanchard (2)427 John Austin (2)'429 Mrs. Emily Young (2)429 Mrs. Theresa M. Crawford (1)LINCOLN STREET.Right and East Side.2 Mrs. Anna Giles Bucklin (1)2 Joseph LaVier (4)4 Leland W. Palmer (4)6 William Larcombe (3)E. FIFTH ST. INTERSECTS112 Mrs. Mary Haman (2)•114 A. P. White (5)•116 John C. Powell (5)*118 Edward S. Lewandoski (3)E. SIXTH ST. INTERSECTS''208 Mrs. Euphemia V. Humphrey (1)29 John V. Engbert (2)•31 John G. Townsend (4)31% Townsend's Carpet Cleaning Works33 Jackson C. Meredith (2)33% Carl F. Ohlln (3)*35 Charles Dickson (7)35 Clyde M. Anderson (3)37 Leonard Benson (4)LINDEN AVENUE.Right and South Side."16 David J. Bowen (2)"IS August L. Johnson (6)'20 Nils P. Eckman (4)•34 26 Frank Mrs. Betty C. Weekman Gronberg (2) (1)26 LINDSEY Amel Swanson AVENUE. (3)From 2S J. 1275 Victor East Peterson Second (6) north.—Fifth28 ward. Gust Anderson (6)MYRTLE Left and ST. West BEGINS Side.•32 • Charles Lafayette E. Stoddard Carlson (4) (2)32 Axel Oscar Anderson Nelson (2) (4)LINDSEY AVENUE.Right and East Side.Charles Henry Davis (3)LINWOOD AVENUE.From 8 East Newland avenue south toMartin road.—Sixth ward.Right and West Side.12•6 Swan Sampson (5)6 Lawrence Johnson (4)•8 Ernest R. Strong (4)"56 Charles Strimdahl (3)•52 Mrs. Mary Nelson (2)12 Clarence H. Bergquist (2)"12 Gunnar Hallin (5)•12•18 Carl G. Telt (2)1282116 18 Julius A.. Anderson (3)•34 Andrew Carlson (4)Carl O. Strand (6)BARKER ST. INTERSECTSCharles I. Johnson (2)'102 David Anderson (5)102 Albert Anderson (3)'106 Charles Jackson (7)John A. Lindberg (5)Charles Carlson (3)DOUGLASS PLACE INTERSECTSAndrew Johnson (9)10 Harry T. Sweeney (4)'214 James Hartley (4).COLE AVE. INTERSECTSNo housesLINWOOD AVENUE.Left and East Side.5 Emil Stenander (2)5 William H. Ingham (4)•9 Otto Nelson (3)11 Dlsa S. Coe (3)LINDEN From •404 •408 "416 •400 •412 •414 •424 •430 '212 •218 •310 •314 Third 426 •25 208 220 30S~ •29 300 17 E. Albert Austin James John Harry Oscar R. C. M. Mrs. Edward Ray Eugene Frank Esther Frederick Bert Edwin Charles' William 218 ward. F. A. EIGHTH AVENUE. E. SEVENTH H. Left F. Corrie Stella C. Forest Hallstrom Wahlgren P. Towne A. Van L. Stitt R. C. E. A. Dennison R. Swanson Saxton T. Nash Lindbloom Clary West and Gardner Reed Nelson N. Clark Post Johnson Britton Stee Ingerson Lavely A. (5) ST. avenue (4) Patterson North ST. Newton (2)(5) (4)(7) (21(4) INTERSECTS(11) (3)(5) (7) (4) (3)Side. east (•!) (5) to Park.— LISTER From "127 •201 •21 "51 •43 15 Sixth MARTIN Charles No Ernest John DOUGLAS Aaron Edward Andrew George BARKER COLE Newton Jones ward. STREET.housesB. Left Norman AVE. H. Frankson J. Kendall & M. Reed Johnson ROAD Julin ST. Gifford Knowlton and PLACE Warn (5)(3)East (8) (3) (4) (5) INTERSECTSavenue Side. (4) south.—

40 JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY.BRIE R. R. INTERSECTS•89 Gordon Taylor (5)•93 Emil G. Lawson (9)•97 Eugene Allen (4)101 Fred Linder (6)•105 Ernest Nelson (7)•107 Theodore Kofod (5)LISTER STREET.Right and West Side.No housesBRIE R. R. INTERSECTS•90 Charles Engstrom (5)94 Jacob Leist (3)•98 Ture Leonardson (3)102 Carl Eke (4)•102 Charles F. Dahlbeck (9)•106 Theodore Johnson (2)•108 Mrs. Carolina Reed (3)LIVINGSTON AVENUE.From 301 Fairmount avenue west to c/tylimits.—Sixth ward.Left and South Side.7 Jay B. Clark (2)•13 Thomas Galivan (3)25 Hugh Flynn (4)•27 William Sandberg (3)•31 J. August Lindstrom (3)33 Charles Earl (5)•51 Harvey D. Logan (8)293 *63 Harry W. Fisher (2)•69 Loyal S. Bushee (2)*75 Vern W. Stoddard (6)79 Charles R. Erwin (5)GENEVA ST. ENDSNo housesGENESEE ST. ENDSNo housesUTICA ST. ENDS16101 •16 New house105 •20 New house•173 •28 Arthur C. Corke (2)•175 *60 Alex. Provancha (3)•283 •174 Harold E. Casselman (2)•285 *30S Andrew P. Casselman (6)308 A. Addison Harvey (4)400 HALLOCK LORETTA ST. INTERSECTSAVENUE.From •422 301 William Camp north M. Foley to Hunter.—Fourth(6)•421 ward. Henry Dunn (2)LIVINGSTON No houses. AVENUE.Right LOVELL and AVENUE. North Side.From Calvary 364 Fairmount Baptist Church avenue north toJones SEYMOUR & Gifford AVE. avenue. BEGINS (FormerlyJohnson 2 Lathrop avenue.)—Sixth Todd (4) ward.2 Patrick Left Gilligan and West (2) Side.•15 •8 Alden Erwin S. Whitehead Wellman (2) (7)8 LIVINGSTON Frank Whitehead AVE. (2) INTERSECTSNo Mrs. nouses George E. Weaver (1)ERIE John James Nils Joseph Mrs. K. LISTER Charles ROSS C. Benjamin Myron M. George Hanson Fred W. Waite R. ST. P. S. Thornton Carlson Dunn ST. Van R. Buekley Dawson Denslow BEGINS Selander (8) (1) INTERSECTSINTERSECTS(4) Scoter (11 (2) (4) (3) (1) (2)(3)LOVELL AVENUE.Right and East Side.No housesERIE R. R. INTERSECTSJohn D. Laphy (6)• Elmer E. Waite (3)MAIN STREET (NORTH)From junction with South Main atBrooklyn Square north to city limits-First and Second wards.Left and West Side.1-7 New Warner Block1 Brooklyn Restaurant3 Colander & Pihlblad5-7 The FamousN. A. Nelson, flat22—(2)Victor Anderson, flat16—(3)Louis Bottini, flat5—(5)Lundy & Soderstrom, fiat 2A. E. Wescott, flat4—(2)M. Eugene Southland, flat3—(3)Ed. Depka, flat3—(2)John B. Meas, Room 8John Engstrom, rooms 9-13-14Lyran Singing Society, room 129-21 Warner "Block9 Wiquist & Lawson9 L. W. Stein9 Dick Mullard11-21 Humphrey Hotel Sample Room13-15 Manufacturer's Supply Co.13% William Dryburgh17 Danielson Music House19-21 Asher FriedmanSamuel Deafstone, room 15—(3)Oscar G. Rohlin, room 1Erin Nelson, room 22—(2)John Carlson, room 24—(8)Abner Chapman, room 25—(5)Mrs. R. H. McGarvie, room 3J. A. Jacobson, room 4David Schein, room 6National Specialty Co., room 5L. B. Lewin, room 10Engineer's Association, room 11Edward N. Eckstrom, room 18—(4)Swante Anderson, room 24—(1)ERIE R. R. INTERSECTS27 Antonio Kapreno27 Pandeli Sotir29-31 Baker Block29 A. L. TrantumThe Brown PrinteryFrank A. VenblowArchie FullerJohn Kilroy (1)Daniel Newton (1)29% Breed & Jenson109-111 103 107 101-121 105 113 115 117 119 31 P. W. Hiram American John Albanian Goodman Wilson Axel B. Elisha Grand Frank Swante Louis Andrew Romeo Freeman R. Mrs. Wells-Fargo M. Office City Clark E. Allen L. W. Barrett FIRST Drug Maude Anna C. Elvira F. Bessie E. Hennigan Jensen, Supt. Arnson Union H. S. Wickfield, Newton, Stevens, Pasarelli, Lindgren, Hardware Engstrom, Carlson, JaderstromSquare S. Society, Johnson Wholesale White, Store Thor, ST. Allen Hayward, Mitchell, L. Express Tea 72 Porter 80— Building BEGINS 5-6 90—(4) (2) S2-S3-S467-68 Jr. Square Co. 92 89 70 65-66 (1) Millinery Co. 10—(1) 81—(1) Big, Co. 15

201203205207-211213303305307309313321401409409413•509•511Charles Anderson, 11-12—(11Mrs. George Greenwood, 32-33Mrs. Minnie Hayward, 30-37Catherine Smiley, 34-35Mrs. F. M. Adams, 55Frances Hardigan, 73Catherine Wiebel, 25Mrs. Mamie Johnson. 24Anna L. Eblom, 29C. W. Larson, 30O. O. Olson, 23—(1)Cad Lazelle, 22Maude Cohn, 20-21Charles F. Johnson, 23—(1)Cora Niles, 26August Westflog, 28John Nelson, 2SCarl W. Larson, 30I. W. Johnson, 31George Jeffries, 38-39Crescent Mortgage Co.Clyde P. Curtis, 63—(1)John Rodney, 90—(2)Mrs. Rhea Myers, 79—(2)Mrs. Sarah Sweet, 92—(1)Mrs. Bessie Rhodes, 22— 1)Thomas Todusso, 59—(2)215 Mrs. Nellie Rew, 55—(2)Myrtle Noble, 54—(1)Mrs. Lyda J. Cliff, 51—(1)Mrs. Mary Holmes, 52— (1)John Hanlon, 62—(1)Constas-Sanford-Lambros Co.219 W. SECOND ST. BEGINS221 National <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Co. Bank.A. D. Sharpe Co.223 Knox, 5 & 10c Store•209 J. G. McCrorey & Co.Camp Art Co.Dr. F. A. Knapp301Bard & HotchkissUnion Trust Co.Mahlon N. Waggoner (16)F. G. NordstromManufacturers AssociationFarmers & Mechanics BankThomas M. LoucksMerit E. Barnes (3)Orrin Coxson (3)F. S. WheelerGlen L. SaffordUnited Cigar Store Co.Liberty Printing Co.SkandiaPardon II. ColeOhlquist & JohnsonO. P. StarkJAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY. 41•5 Jamestown W. Isaac Philo Offices G. Order Western Eleazer Ellicott O. John L. May's Globe Nora Mrs. Charles E. C. Dr. Sons Slone, Edward Masonic Lyon Samuel Y. A. B. D. J. Crosby L. FIFTH FOURTH THIRD W. Jennie Frances Clara C. Calahane Anderson Furniture S. Diehl Alden Burt Photo of Theater UnderwoodMelhuish Gilbert Commissioner W. E. Green G. Club C. J. Mason Hall Benton St. Union Golden Green Goucher Club Lindsey A. ST. R. Manufacturing (5)Thompson Masterson George. Co. Walsh ST. Building Durfee Tel. (3) BEGINS & AgencySealCo., (5) of Co. (2) Navigation Inc. Co.•517 Dr. William M. Bemus (4)W. SIXTH ST. BEGINS"601 James A. Hughes (8)605 John B. Shaw (2)•611 Flora M. Shearman (3)613 Mrs. Belle Mattews (ll613 A. A. Walters 3)613-615 H. L. Swezey615 Mrs. Etta Wilcox (2)619 G. FreyW. SEVENTH ST. BEGINS701 O. T. Jacobson701 George H. Brooks (4)703 Axel E. Lindblom703 Mary McElroyJoe L. Melquist705 Peterson & Gay"705 Katie Rowley (1)707 Hill & Aylesworth707 Emanuel Vensel709 J. D. Giegerich•713 R. B. Jones (3)•715 William E. Davis (2)W. EIGHTH ST. BEGINS"801 Clayton E. Price (2)805 Mrs. Julia Gould (1)805 Nettie T. Lenox (2)"8U7 James H. Jones (3)"811 F. Langdon Peterson (4)811 Mrs. Louis M. Mecusker (2)RICHMOND PL. BEGINS817 Glenn J. Link (3)S21 James G. Ellis (4)S21 Mrs. Bertha Whitney (5)NINTH ST. BEGINS"831 Berne B. Bissell (9)S33 M. C. Lord (3)•835 Mrs. Jennie Hill (3)837 New vacant•S39 Albertena M. Harris (3)839 George Lee 2)*S41 1. F. Rose (5)841% Harry Knight (3)S43 A. R. LowingTENTH ST. BEGINSS49 John W. Cracknell (5)851 Mrs. Sarah Gokey (4)853 Mrs. Anna Van Dusen (6)853 L. Skellie853 Jacob Oser855 United Meat MarketS55 L. E. Bogardus857% Arthur M. Pratt (4)859 Mrs. Ata L. Bush (2)801 L. E. Warren (4)S65 Albion W. Sampson (6)S69 Clyde L. Vollmer (3)•925 '929 '1003 •1005 •1007 •1015 •1021 '903 "909 "915 "917 '1009 919 933 1027% 1031 S69 901 907 921 Edward John TWELFTHTHIRTEENTHSEVENTEENTHHerman A. Clark Joseph ELEVENTH FOURTEENTHFIFTEENTH SIXTEENTH Walter Grace Nels August Luther Chester Mrs. Carl Timothy George Axel Charles N. Peterson Carrie Jane Cederquist A. Sarah M. Dahlgren W. United Carlson R. G. C. F. E. Gusta'fson J. L. Smith Kofod F. Nyberg H. Sexton Felton Salisbury Fairbank Brownell Anderson Rogers Congleton Clarke Huntington Griffith Ramsey Allen Smith A. Dickerson ST. Lane (4)Brethren ST. (2) Burr (6) (2)(4)(5)(0) (4)ST. (3)(2) (5)BEGINS (4) (6)(3)(5) (1) BEGINS Church

42 JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY.•1033 Daniel Young (5)1035 N. J. Foland 4)"1037 Noah Anderson (5)1037 Benjamin L. Howard (2)EIGHTEENTH ST. BEGINS1041 Arthur Hall (7)1041 Wm. Hall (2)1043 Frank G. Ball (9)•1047 F. W. Gurney (8)•1051 Charles F. Johnson (3)•1055 Nels Plegstrom (3)1101 Burton C. Kellogg (5)1101 Alfred Nelson (3)'1103 Mrs. Margaret Kelley (0)FLUVANNA AVE. BEGINSBranch School No. 6•1231 Mrs. Anna C. Nelson (2)1235 Nellie Haas (1)1239 Philetus Briggs (4)1239 Joseph Brooks•1255 Samuel T. Scott (6)1259 Herbert Walker (7)"1269 Mrs. Mary Lindell (3)'1279 Peter Cederquist 4)'1281 Martha Laidler (2)W. OAK HILL AVE. BEGINSMAIN STREET (NORTH)Right and East Side.2 Brooklyn Fish & Meat Market2% The JonesWilliam H. Benson (6)Mildred Fisher (5)4 C. W. Swanson & Co.6 Swanson & LindquistS Mason News Co.10 Swan P. Carlson12 Louis BottiniAndrew Lunn14 John A. Nelson10 Delaney & Throop18 H. O. Berry20 Narrow Gauge RestaurantERIE R. R. TRACKS INTERSECT24-32 Arcade Building24 E. H. Ketchum Co.E. & M. Cough Drop Co. (Rm. 4)Turner Candy Co.' Lundquist & Gustafson (Rm. 2)20 Royal Theater28 Frank G. Peterson28 Wright & Son30-32 H. P. Lally & Co.Mrs. S. E. RockwellJamestown Publishing Co.Ed. R. Bootey (Rm. 4)J. 1. Fowler (Rm. 4)Hanson Electric Co. (Rms. 0-7-S)200 102 104-106 202 100-108 108 110 112 114 116 34 30 3S C. Erie Gunnarson B. A. Martin Myob R. Dines John Buttertield The Fred August Northrup Jamestown Dr. Abe Mrs. E. Andrew Anderson Sw.-Am. Leif Bartenders' Fraternal Larson New Broadhead Field-Wright A. F. FIRST SECOND Present Country Ericson R. C. Theater Lott Anna Bros. Parrott Swanson Athletic Morgan c. & Merz J. F. W. R. Stone National & Hart Paint Order Carlson Colburn Pierce ST. & Nelson Camera General Union Scofieid Murray Sandburg & ST. Sessions World Lodge Holm Block Club Drug SonCo. & (21 BEGINS Bank Glass Eagles Hall (21 Club (3rd Agent's Co. (3rd Co. floor) (4th Officefloor)308310312314316316318410 31S412 320416 322416416'508"51S60260S608•610610610•6127(16First National BankJohn A. KnorrB. THIRD ST. BEGINSFrank M. ClarkB. P. O. E. Club RoomsAldrich Art Co.VacantLakeview Rose Gardens StorePhilip L. Lechner (2)Ernest Kerr (21Dr. A. Jerome Robbins (31Mrs. Linus F. Burghart (11Bly & WadeDr. H. A. SmithDr. B. F. IllstonJames R. Fenner (3)VacantWright's Specialty ShopReliance Clothing SyndicateHarry J. Canfleld (2)Jamestown Lighting & Power Co.Mrs. R. A. ParrottC. F. OrmesDr. F. D. OrmesF. M. Stearns & Co.E. Kortos204 S. H. Knox & Co. 5 & 10c StoreAndrew DavisHenry E. Dawson (21206 Bricklayers' Union Hall208 Martin & Johnson210 Proudfit Clothing Co.212- A. J. Peterson & Son216 Jones, Scharf & Lincoln21S 214 A. C. & C. A. Anderson220 300 Bank of Jamestown302 222 John Cushman304A. N. LundquistE. FOURTH ST. BEGINS70S St. Luke's ChurchSOO708 Rev. Laird W. Snell (6)SOO710 Dr. F. H. Nichols (4)800710- Ernest Morton (5)800714 Nahum E. Aldrich (21SOU714 John Loumison (2)714 E. FIFTH ST. BEGINSSll2-A. N. Broadhead (5)S04Jerome B. Fisher (6)S04E. SIXTH ST. BEGINS804L. L. SchweinS04John G. Eidens (2)SOSJohn A. Eidens (4)S10Matilda M. Swanson (4)SI 2Frank O. Scott (2)810James E. McCormick (2)S16Charles L. Horton (2)820E. SEVENTH ST. BEGINS822822 828 S24824 S2B 804 12 Hattie Joseph James Wm. Nicholas W. Mrs. Frank N. Alice Fred J. Murty Walter Richard Wilson F. PINE E. Henry Marion Emmett Hannah Rogers H. Effie S. Charles Rose Johnson Boyd P. J. Friedman EIGHTH F. C. Anna Bertha C. Gage E. Shaver F. Robinson Fenner Parsons G. ST. Rumple Johnson Wright McPolin Hansen R. Murch Powers H. Chadwick Heath Brothers A. S. Shea & Mullard Monyihan W. Colberg Lewis Jewett Congleton Son Kimball (3) Overend & White Case Ransom ENDSDotv Horton ST. (3)Wood(2) (5)(4)&(1)(3)(5) (2)(3) BEGINS Sons (2)51 (2) (1) (3)

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY. 43830, Samuel J. WilletsJohn Stafford (3)832l Haas & JohnsonHARRISON ST. BEGINS832 Sarah F. Whitley (1)39 Brooklyn Square Creamery832% J. Gilbert Rogers (2)39 Alton Silsby (2)834 Glenn P. Waite (3)39 Keefe & Tordoff83S Herbert Skinner (2)41 Charles S. Swanson838 Mrs. Caroline Eckstrom (4)Knights of Pythias838 Arthur Wibeck (3)Brooklyn Club•842 Nathan P. Newton, Jr. (3)43 Emil F. Peterson848 Edwin G. Lovejoy (2)Ed. Connely (2)848 Lewis D. Knapp (3)45 ' A. Renello (4)850 James Kofod (3)47 Prof. C. Decastro (4)852 C. M. Tibbets (2)47 Frank A. Thomas856 Arthur Secord (3)49 Oscar G. Westphal (1)856 Fred M. Kohlbacher (2)Elliot 1. Shearman (2)•860 James Malier (3)53 C. Neilson860 John Spaling (3)Dr. A. H. BowersS62 Frank Walden (2)•57 Benjamin Nichols (3)862 Wm. Canfleld (3)63 Agnes D. Derby (5)862 Fred Babcock (2)DERBY ST. BEGINS862 Robert King (2)*67 Mrs. C. W. Eddy (3)•866 John S. Pratt (2)•77 C. C. Aber (7)•S72 Benj. K. Solliday (2)77 Fred P. Cook (3)878 Gust M. Ekstrom (2)VICTORIA AVE. BEGINS•878 Arthur G. Gage (3)"SI William S. Bailey (5)878 Frank Walnautt (2)ALLEN ST. BEGINS878 Harry Hayward (2)"101 Harry Wilson (3)880 Bernie F. Mabee (3)101 Ivan LeRoy MacPherran (2)•880 Arthur G. Gage•117 John A. Hultquist (5)880 Henry O. Anderson (2)129 VacantCROSSMAN ST, BEGINS•139 Dr. N. E. Johnson (4)•900 Charles B. Moore (5)MECHANIC ST. BEGINS904 Vacant•153 Clayton E. Bailey (S)"910 Aaron V. Mott (3)•163 Isidore L. Allen (1)912 George H. Knorr (7)"169 T. J. Fenton (7)•916 Julius G. M. Ebel (4)169% John Hallen (3)VAN BUREN ST. BEGINS173% Bert H. Whatford (3)920 Clarence L. Turner (4)173% Roy Fleming (5)920 Joseph Meli (6)"183 Emory A. Sturdevant (4)926 Peter J. Lindberg (5)1S3 Mrs. Florence Gilson (2)950 Frank H. Hoard (3)*1S7 E. H. Ketchum (9)PRICE ST. BEGINS187 James Thorp (5)972 Vacant193 Eugene F. Bassett (2)E. FIFTEENTH ST. BEGINS 199 James B. Smith (811000 Alpine A. Stewart (4)'203 P. O. Crossgrove (81•1018 Milton E. Klock (3)'217 Tom Gagliano (IS)'1022 Peter H. Mullen (S)219 C. A. Johnson (5)1024 Vacant"223 Peter C. Robertson (3)•1020 Thomas McCallum (4)"227 Mrs. Melvina E. Miller (2)REGENT ST. BEGINS227 Scott G. Barnard (3)MAIN From '1058 •1068 •1042 •1044 •1048 •1052 1054 1032 1034 1036 1038 1062 1064 1070 15-23 31 33 square), ward. Warren 91 •Clark P. TAYLOR The KINGSBURY John Shoe Hotel Haas WILSON BUFFALO Fritz Mrs. E. LINCOLN Lakeview Catholic Smith Frederick Sugar J. Ochs Frank William Johanna Benjamin Charles Alfred STREET junction Humphrey ConstantinoA. J. Limit Shine Left Gulino & Marietta O. Johnston Frederick A. Jacobson E. south Bowl Ackroyd above W. Striker Johnson O'Brien C. W. Cemetery (SOUTH). Haas T. O. Swanson Ryan PLACE. Crain ST. W. Saloon Carlson Palmeter of Stand ST. Haas House Arter Lawson Melquist to AVE. Fairbank (6 BEGINS North Allen L. East (2) (3)(4)(4) (3) limits. Rhodes (9) (5) (7) BEGINS Side.(8)Main street.1 (5)(3)(Formerly(1) (Brooklyn Third •297 •301 •341 *2S3 •283% •295 •257 '273 289 303 307 231% 239 241 251 255 261 263 269 279% 2S7 311 227 235 249 275% Joseph John J. BARKER E. L Thomas D. Samuelson A. AXTEL NEWLAND William W. Roy Danielson Edward Mrs. Frank Leonard Michael Fred Kaser F. S. Charles Louis Clyde Albin Spiro Harry Dwight P. W. B. E. Howard R. F. Suckow M. Brown Sarah Hannah Catherine IllingworthWeideman Cullen Boberg Nelson Minelo Matteson Keefe Depas Ogden Spaulding Smith Simon Cole Johnson Lamson & H. Wescott Kestler S. Seaholm Stoneberg Hines E. A. Dahlquist D. ST. Culver & Strong Buck ST. (2)Samuelson (1) Randall P. Graham (3) Burgh Frank (8) AVE. (71(4) (6)Anderson (7) (5) BEGINS Nixon Carlson (3) (7) Fox (2)Fenton INTERSECTS(11) (3) (4)(5) 'arc! (9)(3) (2) (1) (5) t (6) (3) (4)

44 JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY.341 Wm. Jacobson (2)"345 E. O. Hastings (2)365 Elden Cooper (3)365 John Cooper (4)369 M. L. Hultgren (3)'377 Charles Lindell (3)377 S. A. Drake (4)COLE AVE. INTERSECTS403 George L. Ames (2)409 Vacant'477 Eric Venstrom (4)*4S3 Ricard Vended (4)495 Albert Tolson (4)•555 John M. Lindahl (5)Kidder Memorial ChapelMAIN STREET (SOUTH).Right and West Side.2 Elof Rosencrantz & Co.6 Iroquois Hotel (14)S Elof Wicander Cigar Co.L. J. PowersA. S. DahlquistMarkland I. GreenH. A. Shaver (3)10 Warren Cafe14 Central Hotel16 George BlomirSTEELE ST. BEGINS22-30 New Gifford Building22-24 Warren-Jamestown St. Ry.24 Daniel PeckF. S. Black (Rm. 4)Charles Gifford (Rm. 6)Dr. Jason Parker (Rm. 5)N. E. Johnson (Rms. 1-2)Anna L. Hill (Rm. 39) (1)Mozart Club (Rm. 14)John J. Nesmith (Rms. 2S-29-36) (2)Dr. H. F. Hunt (Rms. 7-9) (2)G. O. Gustafson (Rm. 3)Olof A. Olson (Rm. 11)Mrs. Clara M. JaQuay (Rm. SO) (3iSheridan McClelland (Rm. S2) (2)Fred Clark (Rm. 301 (2)Mrs. Belle E. Grandin (Rm. 53-501 (2)Mrs. A. Louise Mvers (Rms 26-27) (1)Paul B. Rosencrantz (Rms. 57-59) (2)Sushine Club (Rm. 19)Oscar Peterson (Rm. 12) (1)E. R. Ganev (Rm. 20) (1)T. G. Conner (Rm. 44) (1)26 Ernest A. Anderson28 Vacant34 A. G. Johnson34 J. A. Handron (6)36 P. E. Barrett40-46 13th Separate Co. Armory"174 '192 •196 •282 •130 "17S '226 '234 *24S '252 '260 •264 '186 '242 220 352 278 222 280 200 212 272 Henrv NEWLANDAdelbert H. J. Glenn Wm. Chris FENTON Walnut PROSPECT BROADHEAD KIDDER Manlev Mrs. Bennie P. Axel D. Elwood Miss Alfred S. John M. Lewis Sadie Thomas Charles Stephen A. Flora W. R. Reiter P. M. Eleanor Sarah Setterlund A. Davidson Marker Cole Soderquist A. Anderson Malmberg Frank Maddox Samuelson Benson E. J. Grove Rapp A. Munson Holmes Cushman L. Broadhead Frank (5) PLACE ST. Berquist Culver (2) Edson Laudenslager D. Staples ST. AVE. (41P. (101 (31AVE. Lyon (4) (71 BEGINS(41 (2) (4) (31 (3) Kidder (51 (81 (4) (3) BEGINS (1) INTERSECTS(3) (81 (11 BEGINS (21 (3)284 Orrin G. Houser (3)"284 C. W. Carlson (5)284 Adolph G. Jones (2)290 Charles Parkinson (5)"294 W. S. Crossgrove (5)298 Mrs. Sarah Kendall (5)"302 J. S. Conner (5)"306 Raymond A. Foy (2)•310 Wm. Peterson (2)314 Frank Morgan (2)314 Mrs. Jennie Nelson (3)•318 T. B. Clevenger (4)322 C. J. Hultman (4)"322 Ellis Bush (21Lambert L. Bush (51BARKER ST. INTERSECTS330 Mrs. Emma Hager (71•334 Fred Illingworth (4)"352 A. L. Staples (2)"358 C. W. Tewey (14)"376 Carl A. Johnson (6)380 August Lawson 6)•388 Eva Cole (1)3SS Hawley Casselman (4)COLE AVE. INTERSECTSNo housesMALTBY STREET.From opposite 9 Holman north.—Fourthward.Left and West Side.•5 Mrs. Louise M. Abrahamson (6)11 Vernie F. C. Anderson (3)MALTBY STREET.Right and East Side."16 Frank O. Johnson (3)"26 Mrs. Elizabeth Noon (3)»30 Archer H. Willard (2)MAPLE STREET.From 172 Allen south to Camp.—Fouward.Left and East Side.3 Frank T. Peterson (2)3 John A. Swanson (3)•5 Emanuel Edwardson (6)*7 William Kirkpatrick (3)7 George L. Sanford (2)23 Frank Tweedale (5)•25 Everett D. Johnson (3)25 D. B. Everett (21"27 Anton E. Olson (5)SHAVER ST. BEGINS•33 Mrs. Sarah J. Hand (4)"35 Dr. Jason Parker (2)"37 Samuel A. Carlson (31"41 Albert B. Wralther (2)41 Mrs. Hannah Kav (1)"45 C. Fred Danielson (4)MAPLE *W7 '123 •109 •115 "117 101 "20 ""32 '26 14 16 24 II Henry Jay SHAWAHRENS No Mrs. ARNOLD George Alexander Harry Charles Abraham Oscar John William L. GARFIELD Gustaf Thomas Mary South 'J. STREET. houses W. Right Jean Hilma Margaret Ann L. Erickson Heald Unsworth Side L. Strand Crossley A. Carlson AVE. Storey Howard Nutter W. Briggs Rushworth Hill ST. AVE. Siggins Allison H. Anderson and Grammar Jones (5) Johnson Smith ST. Reid (3)H. ENDS (1) West (2) (4) (5)(3) BEGINS ENDS (21 Burns (2) (5) (4)(3) (2)School Side. (2)

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY. 45432 Charles E. Rolph (5)"434 Henry A. Taylor (2)434 A. W. Johnson (S)"438 Nels E. Lindahl (2)•4953"53"59440 John O. Swanson (5)61440 John Erickson (2)"61MAPLEWOOD AVENUE.*65From 500 Baker north.—Sixth ward. "103Right and East Side."105•6 Godfried Carlson (6)"131'8 Peter Munson (S)5137 "175MAPLEWOOD AVENUE."141 "179Left and West Side."1455 John P. Ingeman (2)149MARION STREET."119-215219I'rom Foote avenue to Martin Road.—219Fourth ward.219Net houses219MARTIN ROAD.From 710 Foote avenue southeast lo citylimits.—Fourth ward."11 Left and North Side.No housesVIRGINIA BLYD 1NTERSFCTS*|6: '35 Andrew J. Paulson (2)95 Dick North (31MARTIN ROAD.Right and South Side.Truman C. Ferry (5),'n n Emeline ("'amp I. to Pennell Hunter.—Fourth(1)ward.Stanley No Morowski (S)JosephMAYOTTA housesEvanjokAVENUE.(51From Sebastian Falconer Dybowskinorth.—Fifth(31ward. 1IHINo Mrs. houses Catherine Derry (311110MASON McDANNELL STREET. AVENUE."102From Livingston S15 Fairmount avenue avenue to south Erie to R. R.— "106Sixth Hunt ward. road.—Sixth ward.106No houses Right and West Side."1111MAY STREET. (Incorrect Numbers.11104 Sanford C. Hawkinson (5)148 1144 Mrs. Anna Davis (11148"6 Robert H. Coffield (3)152S John C Jones (31"19812 Benjamin G Jones |2| (7) (3)41 (31

46 JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY.MEADOW LANE.Left and West Side.No housesMECHANIC STREET.610 Reuben Davis (71From South Main east to Minnow Brook.—Third and Fourth wards.Left and North Side.-15 Mrs. May C. Williams (4117 Adam Weber (6119 Vacant'25 Elbridge G. Partridge (3)29 John R. Ramsay 4)"33 John Ahlstrom (21'35 Albert G. Johnson (4137 Fred T. Powell (3)*39 John M. Winnberg (4)FOOTE AVE. INTERSECTS"109 Guv Trantum (5)111 John W. Hawnrth (3)113 Charles L. Vinton (5)MECHANIC STREET.Right and South Side."20 James 1. Fowler (31Branch School No. 4.HAZZARD ST. INTERSECTS"36 Merritt B. Rowley (2)"40 Henry Foster (4112 Christopher Johnson (31FOOTE AVE. INTERSECTS"10S Oscar S. Olson (41"110 Charles F. Carlson (2)110 Gust Nohlburg (51"112 Mrs. Matilda Pearson (31"114 Linus Cedarburg (21114 Oscar A. Ekholm (31METALLIC AVENUE.From 174 Fairmount avenue north toSeymour avenue.—Sixth ward.Left and West Side.(Incorrect numbers.)10 George H. Fisher (7)"9 Gust C. Crantz (3)S Vacant7 Earl C. Delain (5)"6 Mrs. Lida Beebourn (5)5 William Randolph (314 Vacant3 Mrs. Marv Chanders (7)2 Charles Boehler (5)1 John Rudolph (S)METALLIC AVENUE.Right and Easl Side.No housesMONROE STREET.From 512 West Third north to Isabellaavenue.—Second wardLeft and West Side.MONROE "103 "507 "510% •311 "509 ':.517 •50S 512 613 519 •112 508 611 311) 412 Samuel HAMILTONNo James W. Axel Theodore Leon Rev. Charles Flovd Henrv William Irvin Vacant Clyde FOURTH FIFTH SIXTH houses STREET. Right Nordine L. A. Turner E. W. B. A. S. E. Lewis Fancher Brown Toscan Johnson Stilwell Cadwell Eckman Hanney Shields Wood and Harper ST. (2)ST. (41 (21 (31 East (5) INTERSECTS(51(4) (71 (3i (3)(2) (21Side.514 Harry Boyd (4)516 John Woods (3)W. SIXTH ST. INTERSECTS612 John Gerran (10)W. SEVENTH ST. INTERSECTS712 Jamestown Boiler Works716 Joseph F. Wanda (8)MORGAN STREET.From Hallock east.—Sixth ward.No houses.MORSE AVENUE.From opposite 419 Chandler north.—Fourth ward.Right and I5ast Side."2 Charles E. Anderson (5)I Vacant"6 John Ruckman (2)0 Albert T. Jones (31"S Alfred Kalen (2)S Hjalmar L. Erickson 03)'10 Mrs. Matilda C. Smith (4)12 Carl Anderson (31•12 Obert Liljeberg (4)"11 Charles F. Peterson (5)11 Alfred Johnson (2)MORSE AVENUE.Left and West Side.Weber-Knapp Co.MORTON STREET.From in Sampson west to Colfax.—Sixthward.Loft and South Side."II Gust A. Swanson (6)35 Nels Frick (5)35 Joseph Wennerstrom (5)"37 John E. Leif (3)37 John A. Nelson (31MORTON STREET.Right and North Side'S Mrs. Sophia Lindberg (2112 Gunnar E Carlson (5112 Axel W Nelson (4116 Mrs. Minnie Larry (111"•20 John C. Carlson (31MT. VERNON PLACE.From Chapman west to Sprague (PormerlyGreat Jones St.l—Sixth ward.Left and South Side."1 Axel E. Bloom.mist (51"3 Hans Nelson (213 Archie E. Gustafson (2)5 Charles Greenquist (51'5 Gust a f Anderson (31•7 Charles C. Wiekhllld (317 Charles Morgan (61FRANCIS ST. BEGINSMT. Right MURRAY From "117 "115 '101 •11 "13 416 715 "H Eighth.—Second J. No Isaac John Benjamin Andrew Oscar W. CARROLLLouis Charles VERNON William HAMILTONVacant and West houses Albert FIFTH Right Left Maharon AVENUE.Smith Coates Lindquist North C. Heimherirer PLACE. Matien Fourth R. Peterson McCall and ST. (21ward. ST. (41 Holmes (61 Side. West Bast (3) BEGINS (31 INTERSECTST, (61 north (41 ICG Side. (21 INS to West'

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY. 47416 Godfred Moor (21W. SIXTH ST. INTERSECTS•600 Fred A. Myers (31•60S Hugh H. Griffin (4)610 614 Vacant•612 Fred MYRTLE C. Holmes (6) STREET.From Vacant 31 Linden avenue south to Hazeltineavenue.—Third ward.Left and East Side.15 David M. Thompson (3)15 Seth E. Fagerstrom (4)"21 Louis Jensen (4)25 Eric G. Johnson (3)25 Herman Johnson (2)"29 Axel A. Johnson (4)•33 Mrs. Hilda J. Johnson (7)"35 Rodney M. Stuart (3)"207 3,i Anna Rifenberick (1)"39 213 Otto Carl Anderson Lundborg (6) (3)MYRTLE NEWLAND STREET. AVE. INTERSECTSRight No and houses West Side.12 FAIRFIELD Alfred Lindquist AVE. (2) INTERSECTS"12 No Andrew houses M. Peterson (2)UNION COLUMBIA AVE. AVE. INTERSECTS ENDS•34 Peter N. Magnus A. Carlson Peterson (61(3)34 Andrew Swanson (2)"36 Mrs. Anna Lunn (3136 John J. Wilson (4)NEWLAND AVE. INTERSECTSNo housesFAIRFIELD AVE. INTERSECTSNo housesUNION AVE. INTERSECTSNEWLAND AVENUE (EAST).From 425 Foote avenue east. — Fourthward.Left and North Side.1 Harold K. Casperson (715 Axel F. Renagdo (3)5 Gust Johnson (3)7 Oscar G. Rohlin (2)7 Charles E. Anderson (2)•9 Gust S. Swanson (8)•11 Henry N. Carlson (7)NEWLAND AVENUE (EAST).Right and Soulh Side."4 Carl E. Topper (5)6 Mrs. Marie Nelson (3)6 Mrs Emma Peterson ill•8 John A. Anderson (1)8 Harold S. Stone (2)"10 John A. Anderson (3)NEWLAND AVENUE (WEST)From 420 Foote avenue west to city limits.—Thirdand Sixth wards.Left and South Side."11 James S. Winters (5)•219 •309 •313 "111 •115 •211 •217 215 109 125 BROADHEAD Arvid Charles August J. HAZZARD John Forest Fred William Axe) Walfred S. Victor Oliver Vacant Casper Ivan Emil MAIN J. Swanson A. Sundeen C. Hanson B. Bratt E. A. Johnson Carlson Boults Wimmermark Hult ST. Gustafson Waite Carlstrom Lawson ST. (5) (41(21 (2) INTERSECTS(31 AVE. (41(5) (6)(2) (5) (41 INTERSECTS(3)321323323323•409409409409415•415•419419"123•503"509•511M. O. JohnsonArvid Gustafson (4)Elof Peterson (6)Amanda Peterson (2)PROSPECT ST. INTERSECTSAlfred F. Gilbert (2)Elmer Nelson (3)Oscar F. Farm (3)Renold Elmere (4)Eric L. Westlund (2)Andrew Anderson (2)Charles F. Frey (6)Charles Vickstrom (31Mrs. Hannah B. Lundmark (4)PARK ST. INTERSECTSHerman Hazeltine (6)"815 515 Andrew Johnson (4)"601 815 F. Laverne Myers (3)"S19 623 New vacant house"623 "823 MYRTLE ST. INTERSECTS"625 S25 Mrs. Amanda Lundquist (2)•S25 Edmund B. Smith (1)829 J. DeWitt Aldrich (3)•829 Ernest J. Broadhead (4)•S33 FOREST AVE. INTERSECTS837 No houses"S37 BARRETT ST. INTERSECTS"909 Gust C. Vimmerstedt (5)"913 John Nelson (2)"915 Gust Engstrom (7)917 Louis Hansen (6)917 Arvid Danielson (2)931 John S. Halstrom (6)"943 Charles Johnson (2)943 Andrew Anderson (4)"1009 Ludwig H. Hassing (3)1009 NEWLAND Elmer Anderson AVENUE (2) (WEST)1013 12 Charles Right A. and Hagelin North (4) Side.•1013 "16 CHARLES Charles M. ST. Kinnear INTERSECTS (3)"1017 •20 Albert Kmraa L. Lindstrom Chindgren (101(11•1021 "22 Antone Swan Jacob F. Lindstrom Swanson (71 (5)"1027 110 Samuel Axel W. Johnson Peterson (51(411109 112 John HAZZARD A. Johnson ST. INTERSECTS(511117 114 Edward Frank Anderson Johnson (61 (2)116 1117 Lee John S. P. Trimm Nystrom (4) (9)"120 Albert Charles A. Bradburn Swanson (4)21SJames A. C. White Cole (4) (5)220 SAMPSON Clinton L. Bradburn ST. INTHIRSECTS (2)019 Axel S MATN F. T. ST. Lawson TNTFRSFCTS(5)"31S C. Mrs. Herman Mav E. Johnson Kaufeld (31(7)"320 "502 Mrs. Patrick Carrie E. Barrett Kling (21(5)"506 324 Axel James E. W. Lindstrom King Sr, (61 (5)*5ns Charles BROADHEAD A. Chindgren AVE. (4) INTERSECTS508 Anton Richard A. E. Peterson Anderson (4)(3)"510 August Henry Carlson N. Morgan (5) (3)•512 COLFAX Carlson Bros. ST. INTERSECTS•514 512Jennie PARK" PROSPECT Branch George Oscar Mrs. Axel Gust Fred Charles Freda Carlson G. Anderson V. F. Bernhard Jacobson ST. Gilbert School Eckberg Ohlquist Johnson Nelson INTERSECTSST. (21(SINo. (S) (61 (6)(41 (31(51 INTERSECTS(3) 9

48 JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY.514 Alvin I. Andrews (2)516 Knut Nohlberg (6)516 Swan Wigren (3)51S Swedish Seven Day Adventist hallMYRTLE ST. INTERSECTS"602 Albin C. Ljungren (5)"604 Frank C. Olson (2)•606 Gust F. Sundberg (1)•610 Gust Olson (3)'614 Andrew W. Nelson (4)614 Joseph Carlson (3)"618 Stewart A. Gourley (4)618 Horace G. Waite (5)*716 Eric A. Carlson (2)716 Albert Johnson (2)'718 Charles J. Johnson (3)718 Clark B. Brooks (2)718 John Pihlblad (5)FOREST AVE. INTERSECTSNo housesBARRETT ST. INTERSECTS"812 John L. Hector (6)316 Andy Berglund (5)816 G. Fred Hedin (3)"816 John P. Selander (5)•820 Andrew Hagstrom (6)'824 Charles A. Johnson (6)•828 Carl Vimmerstedt (5)S30 Mrs. Hilda Sampson (61CHARLES ST. TNTFRSECTS"910 Charles A. Sandgren (5|'912 Andrew Jensen (1)918 Harlev F. Johnson (2)920 Algert Peterson (5)"920 William E. Garfield (2)ORCHARD AVE. INTERSECTS926 Andrew E. Haglund (3)"926 Frank E. Miller (,)934 John A. Soderberg (41"934 Gust P. Lawson (31"936 Charles J. Swanson (2)SAMPSON ST. INTERSECTS1010 New vacant house"1014 John A. Johnson (3)1014 Oscar A. Johnson (31"101S Mrs. Sophia c. Jones (911024 Frank A. Jones (41"1024 John A. Johnson (21"1026 Adolph Johnson (511026 Oscar Rapp (31COLFAX ST. INTHRSKCTSNo housesNEWTON AVENUE.From 1172 Prendergast avenue east.—Fifth ward (Incorrect numb.M's.lLeft and North Side."21 Oscar W. Wall (0)NEWTON Right •209 "303 '311 '403 •63 "29 •23 "15 "59 "61 "67 203 "16 '23 •15 '47 '65 105 Robert J. William Louis Edward Emerv Erastus John STURGES Three THAYERWalter Carl No STOWE WEEKS Martin Ludvtg Charles Harrv BOWEN Mrs. c. Fred LAKEVIEW and O. W. hoUSe.s O. J. Annie C. Haglund Ecklund AVENUE.Nordine T. now Lawson Anderson D. South L. Nelson S. Eckwall Erickson A Tefft A. Shellstrom L. Olson ST. Harkness Golden Lepar Cleveland Nelson Buchanan ST. Sterner bouses Booth (4)(91 (S>INTKRSF.CTSINTERSECTSAVE. Side. (3)(5) INTFKSPIOTS(21 (91 (11 (5)(61 (71 (31 (".) (5)(2) 1-iKIOOTS (6) (I) INTERSECTS20 Arthur W. Anderson (5)26 Fritzof Nieman (3)•100 George W. Brill (7)108 Arthur A. Lee (4)•102 Edward M. Smith (4)"62 G. Melvin Burr (4)STURGESNINTHST.STREET.INTERSECTSFro mNo821housesNorth Main west to Washing-BOWEN ST. INTERSECTSto .-- Second ward.No houses"1111171719"2125"25Left and South Side.Alfred Calkins (3)James M. Young (3)John Duane (4)Mrs. Etta L. Lozier (2)Florence Bradley (3)Fav M. Smith (3)Mrs Mattie Carter (5)Emil A. Stone (6)Mrs. Hans K. Peterson (4)"29 Mrs. Albert c. Wood (3)VALLEY ST. ENDS33 Seth G. Lindberg (3)33 Henry Bitely (2)"35 Mrs. Pauline Siguier (2135 Thomas J. Walsh (4)'39 Thomas A. Connolly (2)•41 Mrs. Robert Brady (1)"43 Frank A. Winchester (1)CHEERY ST. INTERSECTS'51 Rimer W. Field (2)"35 Harry Reeder (4)NINTH STREET.Right and North Side.-6 Merritt Griffith (3)14 Lavina Stone (2)14 Augustus Staples (2)11 Frank Dickerson (3116 Mrs. Jane Fenner (1)From 16 Torval 245 Baker Ottoson west 121 to Summit.-SiUli"16 ward. Mrs Left Edgar and H. South Sill (21 Side."22 •9 Peter Mrs. Olivia A. Schow Hanson (6) (5)NORTON '26 Mrs. AVENUE. Emma A. Anderson (3)RiuM 26 George and North Freeburg Side (2|-288 John Fred A. Strong Olson (51 (51•'3 28 James John A. Wood Carlson (31 (41•-I 36 Lewis Andrew H. Pearson Mellor (71 (21'T'l 36 Jo,. (lust L. Johnson Melquist (5)(2)-36 OAK Frank STREET. G. Johnson (21"10'"'HiCharlesKing southOlson (31to Alliens avenue.-•42FourlhJamesward.Peterson (41"46 CharlesRightMunson (21Left and East Woi S'de Side."35•18 PeterJohnIllig (61No houses Bohlen (41"50'•39MrsCharlesOAKLAWN JohnJ.FreedQuist(4) AVENUE.(61OAK-52 •ist ChristianSTREET.of 1276 East Lund (41 Second south to HopkinsAddison avenue.—Fifth Onstead (3) ward.•54NORTON No houses AVENUE.

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY. 49OHIO AVENUE.From Palmer south to Summit avenue.(Formerly Lakin Extension.1—Sixthward.New vacant houseORCHARD AVENUE.From 179 McKinley avenue south toPlazeltine avenue.—Sixth ward.Left and Bast Side.•11 Charles L. Anderson (2)13 Charles A. Sandberg (3)13 John -Soderquist (2)•17 Mrs. Amelia Anderson (3)•19 Mrs. Minnie Carlson (5119 C. Oscar Peterson (1)•23 A. Luther Eckstrom (3)•25 Victor A. Billstone (4)•35 S. D. Bradner (5)OROHAR-D AVENUE.Right and West Sale.•IS John P. Benson (3)ORCHARD STREET.From 430 Winsor east.—First ward.Left and North Side.•3 Frank Hufstedt (3)•5 Charles Englewood (5)"7 William Pihlblad (61•9 Alton Page (91•13 Mrs. Eliza Bahr (4113 Carl Peterson (31"15 George L. Johnson (6)ORCHARD STREET.Right and South Side.4 Anna E. Clark (1)4 J. Edwin Johnson (516 Gustaf Bloomgren (4)6 Frank H. Pihlblad (3114 Knut A. Carlson (4114 John Adamson (8116 Emanuel Peterson (5)16 Charles Johnson (3)ORMES STREET.From Buffalo south to Newton avenue.—Fifth ward.No housesORPHANAGE STREET.From 1381 East Second street north.—Fifth ward.Right and East Side.• Percy R. Samson (4)ORPHANAGE STREET.Left and West Side.No housesOSBORN STREET.From opposite 311 Plazeltine avenue south—Sixth ward.Left and East Side.OSBORN OUTLET OXFORD PALMER •114 From •12 •9 enue.—Second wood Sixth Jens P. No Lawrence West Baker rear AVENUE.STREET.Olof ward.houses east Right Hanson Left 346 Eighth Lund between to Dahlbeck and Baker ward.(7) (5) <strong>Chautauqua</strong> South north West Norton west (71Side.to Isabella and Hallock.— avenue.— Maple­av­25 Mrs. Mary Bloom (91•27 Louis Sandberg (3129 Axel Mattson (3129 Oral E. Johnson (41SPRAGUE ST. INTERSECTSBrooklyn Heights M. E. Church"117 John Hedman (111•119 Carl F. Hjerpe (2)119 Fred D. Loucks (21•121 Aaron Carlberg (31"121 Aaron Carlberg•129 Andrew P. Larson (2)HIGHLAND AVE. INTERSECTS205 John P. Anderson (2)207 John A. King (5)•207 Adam King (2)309 Lerov Hamilton (1)•309 Mrs. Catherine Hinds (1)315 New vacant house"317 Daniel K. Broms (61•321 Joseph G. Williams (II)•401 Ralph Hodges (6)•405 Milton Carpenter (3)409 Andrew Turnquist (7)409 Walter S. Price (4)SUMMIT ST. BEGINS"505 John P. Beckstrom (5)•507 Charles H. Thomas (2)HESS ST. BEGINS601 Hartwell H. Allen (6)601 Edward Cowing (2)605 New vacant house"015 A. P. Kelsey (1)615 Charles F. Kelsey (4)"623 James I. Squier (4)•637 William R. Bucklin (5)637 Delos K. Bucklin (31PALMER STREET.Right and North Side."4 John WT. Harwood (5)14 George E. Hall (3)14 John H. O'Neil (3)"16 Eric Johnson (2)10 Henry Carlson (4)"26 Oscar L. Freeburg (51SPRAGUE ST. INTERSECTS•10S Emil L. Holmes (31•110 John Ellison (2)110 Charles Sandburg (3)"112 George Tibbets (3)112 Charles W. Windahl (3)112 William L. Owen (2)•114 Axel Westergren (6t118 Henning Carlsten (5)US John Stone (51TEW ST. ENDSFrom PARDEE Right •208 "21S "332 •336 •516 •520 "604 "622 "H2S 308 618204330 340 514 500 624 026 630 632 "17 "3-1 '13 Otto HALL HIGHLAND DeForest New Glen CharlesGust Mrs. D. Josiah Solomon Malcolm H. John Clarence Charles Frank Rev. George Axel 188 and W. F. AVENUE. Martenson Anna Minnie vacant Johnson E. Charles Danielson Left 1''. Willard Swanson Paul L. D. T. Levier AYE. H.A.Lindstrom W. Brown West Johnson Hergstrom Spencer Champlin Davis Yaw Allen andHiertStuart Larson (6) Miller H. house King AVE. M, ENDS (5) (71 (6) (4) East Side. south.-Fourth (41 Burr (7)(31(8) (31 (3) Riley (5) (2) (4) (8)(8) INTERSECTSSide. (4)(3)ward.

50 JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY.PARK STREET.From 19 McKinley avenue south to Coleavenue.—Third ward.Left and East Side.•11 J. M. Edward Landberg (4)•15 Carl B. Sundquist (4)15 Carl A. Nelson (3)•19 Charles A. Nord (6)19 John A. Lofgren (2)•21 Victor C. Johnson (4)21 William C. Hill (3)25 John Swanson (9)•25% Mrs. Gustava Lindbloom (2)25% John Ahlstrand (4)27 New vacant house•29 Dixon S. Vernon (4)•35 Albin G. Rose (2)•41 Charles E. T. Olson (2)NEWLAND AVE. INTERSECTS•105 Mrs. Anna M. Lindtner (8)•107 Andrew Erickson (7)•109 Vacant•111 August Johnson (7)•113 John A. Mohl (3)•115 Emil Strand (4)115 Harold Dahl (3)•125 Gust Carlson (2)•127 Anton Lawson (3)•129 Swan A. Peterson (6)•139 William Carlson (4)139 Charles Simpson (2)•141 Otto Sandberg (5)•141 William Jacobson (5)•143 J. Fred Peterson (4)143 Christian Osbeck (2)151 Birger Larson (4)151 Gust Malm (2)PARK STREET.Right and West Side.•10 Louis H. Wilson (6)•14 Charles G. Johnson (4)•IS Ira A. Frizzle (3122 Sophie Lindquist (3)22 Arthur Smith (3)24 Mrs. Ellen Erickson (4)24 Edwin Skooglund (4)28 Eugene W. McNall (2128 Elmer E. Lutzhoff (41•42 John A. Anderson (7)42 Eric Lawson (31"44 William J. Torrey (61NEWLAND AVE. INTERSECTS•114 J. Martin Nelson (4)116 David Olson (5)•116 Axel Gustafson (4)•118 Oscar T. Carlson (3)118 Gust A. Peterson (41•136 •140 •142 "150 •152 From PARTRIDGE "120 •124 •128 •13S •122 •126 152y2 •11 —Third •6 •5 7 Mrs. Richard Julius Claus FAIRFIELD Carl Oscar Gotthard Arvid B. William Charles Peter August John Henry J. Arnold Levi C. Vacant 233 Darrell Axel Edward Robert Right ward. Hazzard Franzen Left Anna Trask Peterson Ostrom J. Rvden C. Swanson Hansen Almquist Hartquist Brodin Setterlund G. Samuelson Connell J. Peterson Anderson STREET.Nordlund Proctor and Carlson B. (21 Johnson Stapleton (3) (6) (31 AVE. east North Swanson (31 (2) South (11 (2) (71 (41 (8)(S)(51 (3) to (4) (71 INTERSECTS(3) (41Side. Foote il> avenue.6 C. Arthur Rugg (3)*12 John E. Johnson (2)18 Leon M. Himebaugh (6)IS August Eckberg (7)PEACH STREET.From 448 Winsor east to Bowen.—Fifthward.Left and North Side."1 John J. Brattberg (3)•5 John Raistrick (2)•9 Bernard Trainor (6)11 Carl S1. Johnson (2)11 Gottfried Adams (4)•23 S Samuel Haycook (2)•12 •33 C. William Jones (3)"35 John G. Nystrom (4)•24"37 Thomas Shoesmith (2)2SPEACH STREET.*2SRight and South Side.August E. Hultberg (3)— Albin Peterson (7)20 Herbert Broadbent (4)20 William S. McCallum (4)"' Carl A. Carlson (21August W. Norene (2i-, Frank Wiler (5130 Adolph Johnson (4)36 Alexander Benson (2i36 Christopher Duffy (3)3S Edward Peebles (4)40 Moses B. Shirley (3)42 Eugene E. Russell (2)PEARL AVENUE.From before 23 Kinney east.—Fourthward.Left and North Side."5 Fred L. Jones (4)•19 Charles A. Lindros (2)19 August Ring (6)19 Gottfried Holenbeck (4)•35 August Johnson (5147 Rudolph L. Treff (2147 John A. Eklund (51PEARL AVENUE.Right and South Side.•16 A. G. Palmer (1)"20 L. L. Sahlstrom (71"22 Oscar Rehn (5122 Ernest Swanson (31*2S Nels E. Bergstrom (3132 Vacant"30 John A. Hult (S)36 John Rehn (1140 Walfred Berg (5)40 Earl Bliss (2148 Henry H. Lerow (41•IS Theodore Wenstram (21"10S "127 "129 PENNSYLVANIA Right PETERSON From "100 "104 •31 "15 "25 "21 •23 -II • n2 ward. '2 August Jonas Gust Fritz ENSIGN No John George Albert Oscar Peter Levi Charles 303 Baker E. and houses P. Willard Mclntyre Peterson A. Left Holmstrom P. E. S. Parson STREET. Lindquist west J. E. Erickson North ST. Johnson and Eastman Peterson AVENUE.north. to (5) (31 (S) INTERSECTSSouth (al West Hallock—SixthSide. (31 (21 (51 (6) (71 (4) (9) —Fourth Sale. ward.

•35 Ebbert Lund (4)35 Charles G. Peterson (I)41 Mrs. Clara Carlson (6)•49 Arvid C. Peterson (5)49 W. Emil Peterson (2)PETERSON STREET.Right and Bast Side.•6 Charles A. Anderson (5)•10 Mrs. Christine Johnson (5)•22 Peter A. Johnson (4)•24 John Johnson (3)24 Mrs. Marie Johnson (2)•28 Andrew Scott (3)•38 Mrs. Louise Anderson (2)•46 C. Theodore Nelson (9)•50 Mrs. Charlotte Abrahamson (3)"114 John Mattson (3)•116 Sture F. Nelson (3)PHILLIPS STREET.From 929 East Second north to Falconer.Fifth ward.Right and East Side.IS New vacant house20 Mrs. Maria Engwall (2)20 Fred Kisshauel (4)22 Mrs. Susan G. Griffin (0)22 Frank Waddington (3)24 John Clark (4)24 Thure Frantzen (5) ePHILLIPS STREET.Left and West Side.•19 Walter P. Frink (4)PINE STREET.From 21 East First north to Main.—First ward.Left and West Side.Opera House blockE. SECOND ST. INTERSECTS209 Jamestown House Barn211 Public MarketE. THIRD ST. INTERSECTS311 Mrs. Emma Miller (231311 L. C. Reed515 Wheeler & Barker315 Lamont H. Conley (1)' 317 Brook & Cease317 Eva Estelle Kennedv (11E. FOURTH ST. INTERSECTS105 W. E. Ainge (6)409 Frederick W. Dixon (41411 Fred H. Rawson (2)E. FIFTH ST. INTERSECTS515 Eri PI. Goodenough (4)517 Samuel C. Hamilton (21K. SIXTH ST. INTERSECTS607 P. Wilson Tmmel (21PINE Right 304 306 •W.i 310 on'i 611 615 617 20S 210 212 3ns 3081.. 208 E. F. John Fred Chatfield Mrs. No Herald Reynold Treat Home Harris Egbert C. Wm. Crescent STREET.and FOTTRTU A SEVENTH THIRD SECOND houses Mina Marv Virginia Martha Pillsbury Flora Tda McAvoy E. W. Jane Magee * East Telephone Hannah Bros. R. Printing Ogilvie McDonald Armitage Lodge, K~ M. Robertson Clark Wilbur Dunton Dunn ST. L. Side. (5) ST.

52 JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY.629 George M. Nelson (5)•629 John P. Ferrin (4)629 Grant A. Bentley (4)•635 Otto C. Hammerquist (2)635 John C. Edwards (2)635 W. Square Moore (2)"639 Charles A. Swanson (61641 A. W. Murray (21649 H. T. Trampleasure (51E. EIGHTH ST. INTERSECTS•SOI A. P. Norstrom (71•807 Ora O. Gates (31887 Mrs. Lucy W. Spaulding (1)811 James S. Hayward (3)811 Mrs. Helena J. Leroy (1)815 Mrs. Elva L. Everwine (2)•819 Mrs. Elizabeth M. Stewart (3)821 Sardius S. Lewis (5)823 Sanford G. Greenman (4)•825 Andrew C. Holmes (4)•833 Daniel H. Fretts (3)837 Ernest J. Rundell (5)•837% Dr. Emma L. Jordan (2)•839 Clarence A. Hultquist (5)•843 Albert A. Peterson (4)847 Arthur E. Porter (5)851 Mrs. Matie Perkins (3)851 Alexander Larson (4)851 Christian Olson (5)•855 William R. Botsford (4)857 Mrs. Minnie N. Walsh (2)•857 Mrs. Mary Ford (2)•863 Abraham S. Prather (2)CROSSMAN ST. INTERSECTS•901 Mrs. Polly Brown (3)901 Elmer Brady (2)•905 Charles A. Boyle (5)907 Cheston A. Price (4)"913 Mulford A. Nobbs (5)•915 Claude E. Strong (2)VAN BUREN ST. INTERSECTS1001 Oscar L. Lenna (1)•1005 Frank B. Rogers (3)•1015 C. Ray Lovejoy Jr., (3)1017 New housePRICE ST. INTERSECTS1101 Edward A. Lind1101 Charles J. Fette (211103 David P. Giltinan (211103 Edward A. Norton (3)•1107 Cassius Q. Cratty (31•1109 William M. Moynihan (2)•1113 John W. Scofieid (011141 Albin B. Anderson (0)REGENT ST. ENDS1155 Fred Keil (3)PRENDERGAST Right •514 •608 •610 "612 •210 •304 •312 •318 •60S •1159 •1225 •1169 •1201 512 •600 208 506 1207 VacantJ. Mrs. Fred Frank Henry E. B. Earl Ida Milo Charles S. KINGSBURY No Mrs: Dr. Edgar Claude Leon B. Arthur FOURTH G. SIXTH FIFTH J. THIRD and houses John Lundberg Morris Frank Marv Sarah O. Hannah Julia Plarris S. Emma Flisher Mary Cheney Williams A. J. P. G. L. Brickncr Eddv Snowdon East M. Cole Conner Pennock Robertson Broadhead Baldwin Taggart B. P. ST. A. N. L. AVENUE. B. '(2) Stormer Brooks ST. Spencer (31 (IS)Goodwin Conner Wiltsie J. Bemus Kentlev (2) INTERSECTSSide.(2) Hall (1)(21 (4) (3) ENDS (51 (1) (5)(11 (3)(2) (II616 Frans O. Anderson (3)616 Florence Lerch (2)622 Mrs. Sophia Markham (2)"622 Edward L. Gossett (4)"626 Samuel B. Lewin (2)•628 William C. Bauer (3)•628 J. Franklin Davis (4)•632 Emma Schildmacher (2)632 Benj. E. Gossett (2)•636 John P. Gelm (2)•638 Carl J. Stumpf (2)640 John Keefe (3)•640 E. W. Sturdevant (2)E. EIGHTH ST. INTERSECTS"SOO Archie A. Johnson (3)"S04 Mrs. Mary A. Miles (2)804 Warren J. Roche (21SOS David B. Law (41814 Henry J. Brooks (4)"818 Mrs. Elizabeth Hegeman (3)*S20 Henry C. Fraser (1)"824 Robert A. Prescott (5)*S2« Jacob Schwob (3)"830 Daniel G. Parsons (3)"836 Manley E. Johnson (5)836% John F. Larson (3)"842 Charles H. Dickinson (4)"846 Charles D. Bell (4)"S50 Lynn H. Stoner (3)STRONG ST. BEGINS"854 George W. Brownell (8)"S5S Samuel W. Scott (71862 Floyd H. Sharpe (71•864 John F. Morrison (4)CROSSMAN ST. INTERSECTS"900 Mrs. Martha A. Miller (4)"902 Frank Swanson (2)904 Elmer W. Carlson (5)906 Marvin F. Cobb (3190S Thomas F. Movnihan (21910 William N. Gokey Jr. (31VAN BUREN ST. INTERSECTS1002 William PRICE G. Eckman STREET. (411004 1 rom Mrs: 930 Hannah North Main O. Weaver east to (31 Rowen.1012 (M ain S. to S. Winsor Hoover First (!) ward; Winsorto1012% to1Bowen Edward Fifth S. Ooppie ward 1 (3)1014 "9 Lee B. Left Walker and North (3) Side."1014 "11Alpine Earl T. A. Hall Stewart (1) it)"15Louise PRICE A. ST. Terry INTERSECTS (2)•1106 "19Myron John Lind Turner (51 (2)•1110 "21Fred Purl T. J. Corke Bovd (51 (3)"1114 Martjin Peter c. L. McCune Badborn (21 (21Cornelius BASSETT J. ST. Moynihan BEGTNS (3)•1130 Patrick Bernard J. Moeller Moynihan (31 (51"1132 "111 Daniel Charles O. J. Movnihan Scholpp (51 (3)"1134 J Frank ,T. Waters M. Stearns (11 (5)"1144 •1154 •1160 •1164 •1168 "1172 "1202 "125-1 1254 12h4 PRENDERGAST Milton G. Chas. Christopher Chilton Vacant Anton KINGSBURY EUCLID Mrs. Herman Alfred Eugene William Alexander Frank Charles W. John D. Sisson F. Staples Nelson L. F J. Havermver Becker H. Backus AVE. Johnson Dickson Haker Buckley B. C. Harrison V Graham (3) AYE. (5) Davis Corcilius Johnson (11 BEGINS (3) (41 AV. (5) (61 (41 (6) (2) (31 (51 ENDS INTERSECTS(81 (5)

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY. 53•115 Alvin N. Gusta'fson (5)•67 Dr. Abraham H. Bowers (4)•129 Jay A. Bard (3)•75 Andrew Forcey (9)LAKEVIEW AVE. INTERSECTS 85 Francis J. Underwood (5)•207 Frederick R. Hemphill (5)•87 Charles J. Jenner (2)•211 Mrs. Matilda Burland (3)91 John A. Burnett (7)•219 E. E. Johnson (6)•105 Horace C. Moore (7)•221 John P. Johnson (3)•115 John D. Johnson (7)WINSOR ST. INTERSECTSKIDDER ST. ENDS•307 Carl F. Quist (4)•123 August W. Carlson (7)309 Joseph E. Flickinger (4)129 Edward Suckow (10)•323 J. Carolus Biekarck (5)•133 John F. Johnson (3)•325 J. Hjalmer Sandberg (4)133 Carl G. Johnson (4)•327 M. L. Clapp (5)•137 Olof A. Olson (6)•329 Mrs. Julia Lepar (2)•141 John A. Haag (5)•335 John A. Olson (2)•145 Benjamin Rushworth (2)339 James A. Seymour (3)145 Andrew W. White (3)343 Charles F. Holt (4)•147 John A. Lee (4)•345 Charles L. Suderquist (4)151 Elof Carlson (3)•347 Jerry G. Young (b)151 Emil Peterson (4)New house153 V. M. Phillips (4)STURGIS ST. INTERSECTS•153 Jonathan H. Slocum (5)No houses157 Mrs. Emma C. Kullberg (3)BOWEN ST. INTERSECTNEWLAND AVE. INTERSECTSPRICE STREET.211 John A. Olson (6)Right and South Side.•215 Mrs. Adla Strand (6)•4 Judd A. Eberman (4)215 John Soderling (2)*S Edward Bauer (4)•219 August Lindbeck (5)"10 Frank O. Morningstar (4)223 Algot Lundburg (4)16 M. H. Furlow (5)•223 Gust A. Johnson (4)16 Nathaniel Lyke (1)225 Harry E. Leave (3)"20 Mrs. Emma Stone (4)•225 Alfred Carlson (3)22 John N"6rberg (5)•227 Axel J. Nelson (5)"26 John Henry (4)•229 Mrs. Hilmer C. Johnson (4)•28 Johnson Boyd (2)231 Harry Peterson (4)•30 Mrs. Lillian Morningstar (2)231 Carl W. Norad (3)34 Frank L. Wood (3)•233-237 Nelson Bros.PRENDERGAST AV. INTERSECTS BARKER ST. ENDS110 Vacant251 Dow M. Jackson (5)•112 Eugene Flickinger (4)•251 Bert Miller (3)•114 Charles Enstrom (3)"253 Mrs. Amelia C. Johnson (8)116 Anna M. James (2)255 Lena Love (1)116 Charles A. Preston (3)255 Charles F. Winroth (5)"118 R. E. Shafer (3)•257 Hans Jorgenson (3)"120 F. A. Fuller (3)"261 John L. Larson (7)LAKEVIEW AVE. INTERSECTS "263 Richard H. Anderson (7)212 William H. Davey (4)"265 Mrs. Sarah Carlson (3)•214 Frank H. Appleby (2)269 Nels Hollender (7)220 Frank Becker (3) ~"273 Andrew Johnson (4)220 Joseph B. Speirs (4)"275 Ralph Ensley (4)222 Walter Shaw"277 Andrew J. Peterson (4)222 L. E. Linden (2)PROSPECT STREET.•224 Edward A. Lind (11)Right and West Side.230 Arthur M. Collier (3)"10 Daniel Griswold (4)"230 Hiram A. Sorber (3)32 Stephen V. Lines (4)WINSOR ST. INTERSECTS36 Henry S. Penfield (5)308 J. Edwin Swanson (3)40 Mrs. Alice Johnston (2)310 Herbert Frick (3)PRATHER AVE. INTERSECTSPROSPECT From •310 •322 •336 •340 •356 •318 •326 •330 "334" •344 •352 •314 348 360 •15 "43 •59 •63 49 45 •9 39 47 53 enue.—Third Philip Victor Alfred George A. John August Andrew New Frank Mrs. Melvin Edward Oscar Patrick Daniel James Nelson Charles 135 W. Clyde Emeline Maria house M. Left Christine STREET. South Emil E. Lawson Eckberg I. Nelson C. John A. B. Elander T. D. W. Swanson Trainor J. H. Lundquist Brookmire Carlson Stafford Isaacson ward. Peterson Nelson Lindberg Gifford Osbourn Saxton McFarland Johnson Fairbanks Hunt Brown Main Larson Mather (3) (7) Erickson East (2) (10) (4) (11) (1)(5)(4) south (8) (2)(3) (6)(7)(4) Side. (1) (3) (5) (1) to Cole av­"110 •116 •120 •124 •132 •136 *138 •146 •142 "200 •204 •208 •82 102 "56 "70 "88 48 52 Eric McKINLEY Amel Mrs. American Frank Herbert Harry Alex Jerome Joseph Winfred Oris NEWLAND Clair Swante Ellenore Martin Simon James Almon Leander C. Charles John Branch Fred F. J. Mary Hager Christina E. M. W. Carlson Lindburg Lawson P. B. E. Magnuson Davev D. A. O. Shutt B. School A. Roberts W. Carlson Peterson Dunn Anderson Larson Sheldon Partridge Aristo Sanburg Westcott Johnson Fisher (81 AVE. Breed (3)(2) (6)(31 No. Ungren (6) (2) (4) (3) (41 (5)(51 Jr. (3)(41 (4) INTERSECTS(2) BEGINS 9 (51(31(21

54 JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY.208 August L. Anderson (3)•212 Axel Lagerquist (7)"214 Otto Nelson (5)"220 Emil C. Lindquist (41220 Emil Anderson (4}"222 Carl O. Rose (41222 J. Albert Johnson (2)224 Albion G. Gustafson (3)"224 Charles Strand (4)•228 John P. Engstrom (8)•232 George Haecker (5)232 Andrew Burley (2)•236 John S. Roselle (3)•252 Nicholas Fornell (8)254 Charles H. Rogerson (2)254 Hjalmar Hedin (5)•260 John Bilquist (5)260 Oscar Carlson (2)•262 Mrs. Minnie Anderson (6)272 Eddylie L. Stafford (7)274 John Nelson (5)274 Fabian Anderson (6)•276 Silas Curtis (2)276 LeMott A. Beck (2)PROUDFIT STREET.From Livingston avenue to Erie R. R.—Sixth ward.No housesPULLMAN STREET.From junction of Allen and Maple eastto Ellicott.—Fourth ward.Left and North Side."1 Edward S. Blakesley (4)3 Harley C. Olds (5)9 Emil Carlson (3)9 Gem Robbins (4)•11 Mrs. Matilda Berggren (1)PULLMAN STREET.Right and South Side.•2 Elmer Erickson (5)"12 Samuel Nutter (3)•14 Joseph C. Kiley (3)PYRE STREET.From Newland avenue, south. — Sixthward.Left and East Side."7 Mrs. Estella Hobbs (3)PYRE STREET.Right and West Side.No housesQUARRY ROAD.From East Second east to Erie R. R.—•20 Frank Bond (6)•28 John H. Salisbury (4)•32 Andrew L. Wilcox (4)32 C. Adelbert Green (2)36 Sigfred L. Paulson (2)30 Elbert H. Patterson (2)"36 Andrew J. Johnson (1)*40 E. S. Sperry (3)42 William H. Rhodes (3)REGENT STREET.Left and North Side.•29 William Murray (4)29 Leonard Cole (3)•31 George M. Lyon (3)REYNOLDS PLACE.From 148 Jones & Gifford avenue northeastto Chadakoin River.—Sixth ward.Left and West Side.(Incorrect Numbers.)1 Frank Rich (2)2 Vacant3 VacantREYNOLDS PLACE.Right and East Side.No housesRICH STREET.From Hotchkiss west to Thayer.—Fifthward.No housesRICHMOND PLACE.From 811 North Main west to Valley.—Second ward.Left and South Side."13-19 G. F. Clarke bakery23 Bertha Edwards (3)•25 William M. Comfort (4)25 Comfort Ice Cream WorksRICHMOND PLACE.Right and North Side.•14 Kent W. Spencer (3)•16 Henry C. Leet (3)IS Charles Blanchard (2)20 Melvin Newton (2)22 Claus Samuelson (2)24 Albert Nelson (5)26 John Donnelly (2)RIDGWAY AVENUE.From 75 Hallock west.—Sixth ward.Left and South Side.39 Benjamin M. Matthews (5)RIDGWAY AVENUE.Right and North Side.Fifth ward.52 Charles W. Coxen (6)Jamestown Shale Paving Brick Co. RIVER STREET.RACE STREET.From opposite 320 Chandler northeast-From 6 Steele north.—Sixth ward. Fourth ward.Left and West Side.Right and South Side.Shearman's Livery2-8 Jamestown Window Screen Co.RACE RANSOM Right REGENT From 21 gast 37-9 56 No John Anderson J. George Jamestown 1025 309 avenue.—First and Rakitska STREET. housesALLEY. Right Left Borgeson Winsor North Bast Themelis Bros.and (9) Lighting Main (2) west.—Fifth Side. South ward. east & Side. Power to Prender­ward. Co. RIVER Left ROSS From •13 65-S5 12-16 Erie •9 10 Cornelius M. Erie Peerless David and STREET. 16 Jamestown Interior Charles R. M. Left Livingston R. North R.—Sixth A. Hubbard M. Lidblod Furniture and Harrison Wilson Lindbeck Swanson Metal White freight Side. Construction West (3) (2) ward. Mfg. avenue (7) (2) (4) sheds Co. Side. i Co. north Co. to

GORDON ST. BEGINS•17 Mrs. Mary J. Bennett (3)ROSS STREET.Right and Bast Side.No houses ROWLEY PLACE.From 705 North Main west.—Second ward.(Incorrect numbers.)4 Hattie B. Cook (1)3 Samuel Christenson (4)4 Harry Brown (2)5 Edward W. Hotchkiss (3)5 Edward Fellows (3)2 Harry A. Sales (3)ROYAL AVENUE.JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY. 55From 102 Hallock west to limits.—Sixthward.Left and South Side.9 Z. M. Corell (2)43 John J. Simpson (9)65 Vacant new house67 Vacant new house69 Vacant new houseFULLERTON AVE. INTERSECTS"117 J. C. Ball (3)ROYAL AVENUE.Right and North Side.•12 John F. Moynihan (3)•14 Julius D. F. Rick (4)RUSSELL STREET.From Hallock west to city line.—Sixthward.No housesSAMPSON STREET.From 237 McKinley avenue south to citylimits.—Sixth ward.Left and East Side.7 Mrs. Anna Strong (2)•37 Andrew M. Anderson (5)37 Lewis Hoadley (4)NEWLAND AVE. INTERSECTS109 Mrs. Matilda C. Gustafson (9)111 John A. Elmeer (2)•111 Elmer Hanson (4)•125 William A. Shosenburg (6)•127 Charles Larson (4)DEARBORN ST. INTERSECTS•133 John G. Burg (7)133 John L. Anderson (3)SUPERIOR ST. ENDSSAMPSON STREET.Right and West Side.6 Mrs. Mary E. Fengar (1)10 G. Herbert Johnson (3)10 J. Herman Johnson (2)12 Axel Anderson, (2)•12 Oscar Dahl (2)•16 Mrs. Mertie James (5)•106 *110 •116 •120 •102 •104 •126 •36 114 •22 •26 •30 •32 •38 •40 42 J. August NEWLAND Ernest Lynn Alfred LAKE Mrs. Jonas Melker John Nils Oscar GRANDIN Charles Gust Axel Munson Hilma Lena F. Swan Christina Sophia Lawson A. Birchman R. ST. Peterson W. L. A. Sliter Bernhard Writman Roberts Lawson Ellison (7)Lagergren Johnson ST. Swanson Carlson BEGINS (2) AVE. Anderson (4) (2) (3) Johnson BEGINS (5) (2)(3) (8) (6) (13) (9) (3) INTERSECTS(71 (41 (13) (6) (5) (3)•132 Carl P. Carlson (2)•136 Charles G. Sundquist (7)148 Henry C. Anderson (7)14S John Peterson (1)14S Andrew Anderson (3)•150 Ludwig Olson (4)•152 Carl G. Lofgren (4)156 Andrew Carlson (5)HAZELTINESANDBERGAVE.PLACE.INTERSECTSFrom•200 CharlesBowenJ.eastLindstromto(6)Thayer.—Fifth200Ward.Mrs. Anna Lindstrom (1)204 VacantNo housesSCHUYLER STREET.From near end of Hallock and Newlavenue south.—Sixth ward.Left and Bast Side.No housesSCHUYLER STREET.Right and West Side.8 Roy W. Kent (5)PENNSYLVANIA AV INTERSECTS"12 William L. Kent (9)SCIOTA STREET.From opposite 607 Allen east to Johnso—Fourth ward.No housesSCOTT STREET.From 222 Winsor east to Erie R. R.—Fifth ward.Left and North Side.13 Eugene Bloss (4)15 Tom Carone (10)23 Toga Holmquist (5)23 Albert L. Jones (6)31 Vacant31 Joseph Mason (8)31 Sam Albarnis (4)33 Sam Search (3)SCOTT STREET.Right and South Side."12 Rhoda Willsie (4)14 Lloyd G. Carpenter (3)14 Vacant16 Gurney Ball Bearing Co.22 Victor Lindstrom (6)24 Mrs. Alma Swanson (7)26 Mrs. Carolina Miller (2)28 Mrs. Elizabeth Swanson (3)32 James Bland (9)34 F. M. Curtis Co.SECOND STREET (EAST).From 200 North Main northeast to limits—Firstand Fifth wards.Left and North Side.1-9 Burtch Block1 Almond F. Morgan5-7-9 Louis H. Slosberg9% John Vishnia (2)101-111 •21 11 15 17 19 13 Chatfield Vacant Earl Mrs. Edward Peterson John The Walter PINE Henry Martin George William Eva Stoner Vandergrift Club New Anderson Olson O. Anna May W. ST. & Dolan Heathcote H. Dye Ewing & Tin Berry Diamond Odell Glantz Marsh Ahrens INTERSECTS(3) (6) YoungquistShop (2) Building (4) (4) (2) Restaurant

56 JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY.Axel F. Johnson (5)Vernelle A. Hatch (3)Oscar Anderson (3)103 Charles J. Anderson105 A. Frank Nelson (2)Roy C. Terry (2)Dr. L. H. SnowAndrew J. Johnson (3)107 Lincoln's Undertaking RoomsJohn W. Peterson (2)Albert E. Johnson (2)109-111 Nord Furniture Co.R. B. O.Donnell (2)C. H. Peterson (2)C. B. Jones (1) . •John J. Frank (2)113-121 Jones Block113 Charles FrankMrs. Sophia Jones (3)H. J. Byers (2)115 Malmberg & Anderson117 A. M. JonesMrs. Fannie Harrington (4)119 Charles A. JohnsonHenry Sayers (3)121-123 Rathskeller (9)SPRING ST. INTERSECTS201-207 Amidon Block201 Johnson & BardAlex Johnson (4)Mary A. Hoon (2)Harry P. Gray (4)James G. Smith (4)Mrs. Frances Eggleston (3)Dennis Gorman (3)203-5 Scholin Furniture Co.207 Bradburn & MoonMrs. Amelia C. Winsor (2)Clarence F. Rinkle (2)Mrs. Ella M. Hayward (1)Oscar Peterson (5)Eric M. Peterson (2)Guy C. Bennett (4)209 S. W. Lamson211 Turner's Home BakeryManley Seekins (2)Phillips & Siawson (rear)Heald & Marsh (rear)213-223 Y. M. C. A. BlockBoys' Department Y. M. C. A.215-217 John Burklund & Co.219 Mrs. Amanda JohnsonPRENDERGAST AV. INTERSECTS303 New block•309 Mrs. Emily F. Whitley (3)•315 Corisande E. Fenton (2)323 Mrs. Amarcia M. Chaffee (1)•567 "547 •551 •557 "517 •525 •411 •503 •507 •511 •331 417 559 563 421 543 561 335 337 329 333 325 H. James Henry John Horace E. Mrs. Albert George Edwin Dr. Harry Household Carl Parker CHURCH Price First Charles Samuel FIFTH T. THIRD FOURTH J. Fred Sofie E. Henry Margaret Katharine Nina Mary H. Ida W. M. Clemenger P. D. LeBoeuf J. B. E. Hitchcock Palmiter Carlson A. F. Mathers Perry E. F. Johnson Sanders Davis Ashwell Arird Donelson C. Watson Nelson'(5)Collopv Reagle Pierce V. Herrick Furn ST. Fleming W. Neville Slack Persell Church Purcell ST. Stillman BEGINS (4) S. Baker (2) ENDS M. & (3) Walkerman Appliance (31 (8) (4) ENDS(2)Blackstone (7) (3) (4) (3)Co (2)(3)The617 A. E. Dinendoll (2)•619 Charles B. Craven (7)633 E. D. Forer (4)WINSOR ST. INTERSECTS701 Frank Anson Smith (2)701 Wells B. Smith (2)707 James B. Watmuff (3)707 Walfred Nordine (3)•711 F. B. Sweet (2)713 Adaline H. Jones (2)•713 Elizabeth Caskey (1)713% Mrs. Matilda Halladay (1)715 Elmer L. Berg (2)715 Mrs. Alice Hinman (7)719 Frank O. Ruckman (9)723 Louis Furman (2)723 Mrs. Mary J. Williamson (2)723 Frank W. Swanson (3)731 Charles Peterson (2)731 Axel Henderson (2)737 Frank D. Carver (5)741 Vacant757 Mrs. Maria Johnson (4)757 Charles Benson (9)BOWEN ST. BEGINS"763 Sarah B. Coates (1)763 Oscar J. Nelson (3)763 August Johnson (3)763 Mrs. Margaret McCall (1)763 Mrs. Alice Rider (3)711 Jamestown Cabinet Co.779 Frank O. Norquist (4)781 Charles Raeon7S3 Mrs. Hilda Starstrom (9)787 Arthur Bergeson (2)787 Richard Berggren 3)THAYER ST. INTERSECTS•S09 Charles Van Dewark (2)"Sll Carl A. Anderson (4)•S15 Mrs. Ida E. Wample (2)STOWE ST. BEGINSS21 D. J. Mclntyre"321 Bertha Brandin (3)829 Alfred A. Anderson (3)*835 Warner F. Liedblad (2)837 Mrs. Luella Lawyer

1023 George Down (11)1023 Axel Sandstrom (6)1027 H. W. LeBarron (8)1029 Charles Raeon (9)1V135 Heman L. Kelsey (311037 Charles Larson (3)COWING ST. BEGINS1057 Vacant1061 L. H. Tower (6)1061% Mrs. Clara Day (3)•1065 Vacant1067 Leonard F. Jones (4)New house•1081 Peris B. Waite (3)CURTIS ST. BEGINS1091 John Frick (4)1091 DeForest Becker (3)1091 Adelbert Johnson (2)Public Shool No. 7.1111 Clarence J. Service (5)1111 Clarence L. Palmer (2)1175 Wm. H. Bracey1175 William E. Clark (4)JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY. 57WOODLAWN AVE. BEGINS1275 Frank G. VanDewark (5)1275 Isaac Cooper (3)New house1293 C. M. Johnson (3)1295 John Englund (3)LINDSEY AVE. BEGINSNo housesCHARLOTTE AVE. BEGINS1301 Glenn Conroe (2)1333 Eugene Snyder (4)1343 Harry Hines1343 Thomas Slocum (4)1345 Industrial Wet Wash Laundry1381 Gustavus Adolphus Orphans PTome(77)13S1 John S. Swensson (3)ORPHANAGE ST. INTERSECTSSECOND STREET (EAST).Right and South Side.2-6 New Fenton BuildingJones & AudetteMrs. Hilma Chindgren (Rms 309-10) (4)Warner S. Rexford (Rm. 40S)Clayton M. Jones (Rm. 503)Ernest Cawcroft (Rm. 408)Appleby Lumber Co. (Rms. 402-403)Wilson C. Price (Rms. 404-406)F. W. Stevens (Rms. 404-405-406)M. L. Fenton (Rm. 509)Harry W. Fenton (Rm. 509)J. Delevan Curtiss (Rms. 304-305)Charles H. Wiborg (Rms. 400-401)Charles S. Grover (Rms. 400-401)10 14 12 S 8 Royal F. Geo. Mott W. Arthur Joe Lofgren, Cheston Conroy-Buchanan Frank Vincalo Dr. POTTERS John J. Lundquist, S. Mrs. Segerdahl A. Otto Jamestown Leon George Arthur B. Axel J. S. R. Robert Meli S. Stella Dora Dong & Johnson Anderson L. Larsen Peterson M. Cameron G. E. F. Newland W. O. Lascaris Bright Realty Leberg Armstrong A. Fancher Lindquist Curtis Bates Wallace Leet & Baldwin Morse (1) E. Gustafson ALLEY B. Kettle Building PharmacyPrice Doane Fray Rouse (2) (Rm. Co. (Rms. (4) BlanchardL'm'b'r (3)&(Rm. (Rms. INTERSECTS(1) Johnson Co. & 610) 307) 504-506) 306) 604-605) 300-301) 507) Moe (Rm. 501-502) 408) Co. 600-603)606-607)Rm510 407) 50814-16 P. M. Johnson Co. (The)18-24 Opera House BlockMary Golden (Rm. 5)—(1)Liquor Dealers' Association (2d floor)Jamestown Musicians' Club (2d floor)Robert D. Myers (Rm. 9)A. Frankson (Rm. 4)18 C. H. Funk20 Gust S. Swanlon22 Samuels Opera House22 Jamestown Bill Posting Co.Robert D. Myers (3)22-24 The CasinoPINE ST. INTERSECTS100-102 The Boston Department Store100 Peterson, Skans & Johnson104 Milwaukee Bottling Co.104 Jamestown Brewingl Co.104 Jamestown Bottling Co.104 Sweet-Clark Co.104 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Confectionery Co.106-110 The FredrickL. A. Clarke (2)Mrs. Emily L. Johnson (1)Rupert W. Martin106 George L. Lockwood10S Burland & NelsonKate L. Henderson (1)Mrs. Edith G. Markham110 Nelson & Lindstrom" Fred G. Bush (2)112-114 Ahlstrom Piano Co.116 J. G. Jones (2)IIS The MintMrs. Lizzie Lenhart (6)120-122 City HotelBernhardt FredlundJ. F. Hubbs (3)John N. Krusen (4)126 Jones Bros.126 Henry Guenther. Mrs. M. E. May (1)Agnes Cheney (1)Mrs. Roxa E. Miller (2)Mrs. Maude Neill (2) '12S Johnson & SwansonArthur S. Terry (2)Axel Eckberg (2)204-206 Bernhard Hardware Co.Earl B. Newberry (8)Mrs. Audrey L. Weeks (5)Lewis Anderson (3)John A. Hedstrom (4)208 John D. JohnsonFred Pollard (15)George L. Graves (1)210 McGinity, Johnson & Co.212 214 216 21S 220 222 224-220 228 230 232 234 304-6 298 302 300 John Hanson STILLERS B. Jamestown O. J. Daniel George Olson Carl Scandinavian Van Bon Rolland Gust Mrs. Sunshine ALLEY E. Alvin Sampel Calvin Carmello Nels Moore C. Salvatore Sebastiano Jorgensen William W. F. Grennan D. H. Ton Every A. Margaret Holmes Jorgensen Murkett Anderson Nyberg Lloyd Larson& Walker Curtis M. Bros. Dimit A. F. K. & Sutcliffe INTERSECTSParosilite Bakery Millinery Algire Waters Johnson Johnston Stone McLean Holmquist Clacco Plumbing Stafford Candy (2) & ALLEY(2) (7) Consumers (3) (4)Probst Jones (8) (5) (2) (12) (31 (10) (2) Kitchen (3) (14) Store (6) (21 (3) INTERSECTS&(5)Heating Assn. Co.

58 JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY.Walton Turner (2)308 Henry G. Anderson310 Curtis, Jones & ChaseJohn Setzer (2)INSTITUTE ST. BEGINSHigh SchoolCOLLEGE ST. BEGINSCHANDLER ST. BEGINSUnitarian Church•504 R. A. Parrott (5)•508 George W. Sharpe (5)"512 Frank A. Wilcox (4)"516 Charles E. Parks (31"522 Dr. L. D. Bowman (4)"528 William W. Watson (2)•532 Otto L. Bloomquist (6)•536 George F. Gokey (4)540 VacantImmanuel Lutheran Church"554 Maurice P. Dahlquist (6)550 Peter O. Peterson (6)"554 Maurice P. Dahlquist 6)554% John Grundstrom (4)554% Arvid R. Johnson (4)"554% Hannah Carlson (3)556 Rev. Felix V. Hanson (2)"558 Mary & Hattie' Swanson (3)562 Wm. B. Woodruff (6)562 Peter Turner (3)562 Herbert S'. Whiteman (2)564 James Holmes (2)564 Mrs. Mary Kellogg- (2)564 Edmund Birch (3)CROSS ST. BEGINS584 Morse Grocery Co.584 E. W. Landry (3)584 W. C. Barker (2)586 C. W. Johnson (2)586 S. F. Kei'fer (6)600 Victor Johnson (4)600 Mrs. Emma Norquist (1)608 Mrs. Johana Ellison (4)610 Enoch Shaw (2)610 Clara Morse (1)614 Gust Eckman (3)614 D. L. Solomonson (2)614 Gust Ottoson (2)616 Hugh Rodgers (4) .616 C. J. Leommon (2)616 Elof Wicander (4)61S J. D. Provin (21•618 E. J. Mahoney (21618 Gust Anderson (2)628 U. Sprinchorn628 O. A. Ericson630 Ralph C. G. Holm632 Turner & Son•748 •764 •768 •774 708-10 706 •734 •744 756 752 760 750 704 712-71S 634 700 702 Edward Elmer Frank Joseph Thorp Herman John Charles Nils WINSOR CHENEY August Mrs. Gust Axel F. Paul Lawrence Amelia Conrad Erick Fred Clinton Edward Carlson Arthur Ralph C. Oscar Vacant Munson A. Oscar Digiovanni Mansen A. Ulander T. E. Hagburg Rugg A. Fannie H. R. Kelsey Williams C. Oste A. Proctor Stockwell F. Lindell Carlson & Johnson W. Lawson J. Anderson Olson Hjertquist G. H. Peterson ST. Kinsel Bergwall Kimberly &(2)Mahoney (5) Samuelson (3) Holm (4)Johnson Allen Nelson (2) INTERSECTS(4) BEGINS (5) & (2)(7) (3)Co.(6) (2) (21(4) (21 (3) (4)776 Fred H. Calkins (3)776 Mrs. Anna, Garber (2)780 Carl O. Peterson (5)780 Isaac Mead (2)780 David Nelson (3)784 Sam Dioguardi (7)7S4 Joe Prince (4)784 Sam Belango (4)784 Sam Laoni (3)784 Mary Fotti (2)786 Charles H. Russell (2).86 Sam S'arch (3)786 Joe Darrow (2)786 Emil Carlson (3)7S8 Joe Deckquist (10)78S Eugene Bloss (7)790 Edgar Smith (4)790 Gust Nelson (2)790 John LeRoy (2)"792 Joe Tress (9)796 Arthur Bergeson796 Carl A. Ringquist (4)THAYER ST. INTERSECTSSOO Mrs. Dora McGilliger (IS)•802 Albert Leberg (2)•812 Gust Clint (2)812 John Erickson (2)812 Elam D. Dubois (3)"814 Mrs. Johanna Hawkinson (2)814 Charles Carlson (2)•816 John G. O'Brien (2)820 Mrs. Maude Hall (3)820 Benj. F. Risley (2)S20 Casper P. Jones (4)820 Edson Laroy (3)BISHOP ST. BEGINS"836 Andrew G. Carlson (4)836 Mrs. Hattie Vining (2)S40 J. Charles Neville (3)840 James Frey (2)842 William H. Greenwood (S)842 Charles H. Wharton (2)842 Samuel Thomas (4)844 Charles Lindstrom (6)Three new housesS68 Charles O. Anderson (10)868 George S. Jones (2)QUARRY ROAD BEGINS"872 William E. Andruss (3)S72 Robert Lundquist (3)884 James Doyle (2)896% Albert Wedburg (2)"898 Edward W. Mahoney (2)900 Orrin Holman (3)900 H. Meade Day (2)904 Fred Lind (2)904 Nicolai Bjornsen (2)111)54 "1062 •904 "1058 "928 1086 914 105S 1070 1076 1078 1084 1064 912 920 946 952 932 942 944 930 Mrs. Jeffords Joe Guiseppa Arthur Fred STAFFORD Walter Sebastiano Dahlstrom Alfred Otis Godfrey Mrs. BUFFALO CRESCENT Peter Felomine Edward Oscar E. Harry Conrad Carl B. August John Nunzlo A. Reiter Dangelo Carrie Seely Christine Alice Nash S. Gustafson Philblad Emma Peterson H. Juline A. Yesopowitz Johnson Palmer Lungren Marsh J. Hose Foti Veit Erickson Trompati (2) (3)Metallic Kelly Carlson Zewilli Scoville (5) AVE. ST. Gronberg (5) (12) House (6) (4) Hagstedt(3) (9)(S) (51 (2) INTERSECTS(3) ENDS(9) (4) (51 (3) (5) BEGINS Door (2) Co.

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY. 59•1088 Albin Berglund (4)•1090 Fred Smith (2)"1094 E. A. Ekedahl (4)"1096 Luther H. Anderson (4)1096 H. W. Stoner (3)1098 Carl Johnson (5)1098 Aaron Adams (4)1102 John Lundin (2)1102 Joseph Van Derzander (5)1106 Frank E. Turnbloom (7)110S Roy Yerdon (3)1112 Eugene M. Stoner (3)HOPKINS AVE. BEGINS1200 Driving Park Hotel (11)1200 Ivan Stockwell1208 R. W. Young (4)1208 Albert Beck (4)1210 Archie Johnson (2)1210 Christopher Stapleton (4)1276 Dominique Neeteus (4)1370 Willis C. Cady (1)1370 Mrs. Helen Cady (1)1388 D. Earl Stilson (3)1390 Elias B. Stilson (2)1390 Benjamin A. Stilson (4)1392 Mrs. Louisa Fenton (3)1398 Albert L. Brown (5)1398 Reuben Burch (2)The Inn (8)TIFFANY AVE. BEGINSSECOND STREET (WEST).From 121 North Main west to ChadakoinRiver.—Second ward.Left and South Side.1-9 Allen Square Building5-7 Fuller & Coates5-7 Erick A. Olson9 Oak Cafe11-21 Allen Square Flats11 Granger & Co.James Shaw (5)W. G. Purdy (4)M. J. Jenner (2)William V. Malone (2)13-15 Mack-Hall Co.James Mecusker (3)Mrs. Betty Anderson (3)17 Charles E. FreemanJohn Haugh (2)William J. Gilberds (5)19 George Irish Paper CorporationA. M. Probst (3)L. H. Strobel (3)21 Elbridge G. PartridgeBertha ButlerJohn H. Neill (3)CHERRY ST. INTERSECTSSECOND Right "211 •303 •307 •309 •311- •315 •451 325 203 215 105 111 211-217 213 217 441 443 449 12 Jamestown WASHINGTON Marvin George Kathryn John VacantMason Mike Frank Mrs. LAFAYETTE ERIE National E. Journal William Salvatore Nellie Smith and STREET Whitney V. C. Viola M. Mary Eliza J. Ricardo Augusta Hetfield North TRACKS Pollard E. A. H. M. V. House A. Printing Whitney S. J. M. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Agato Siegel Shanley Akin (WEST). Skiff Carlson Harry Champlin D. L. Transfer Cole Kortright flats Goggin Side. Everett Monroe (7) (3)ST. S. (11) (12) (10) (3) (7) ST. INTERSECTCo. Bergmann (3) (2) (4) BEGINS (10) (14) & INTERSECTS(8) (12) Co. (1) Storage Bank. (2) Co.14-16 Journal Building14-16 City Meat MarketMayor Samuel A. CarlsonCarlson, Samuel A. & Co.Vart Land Pub. Co.A. E. Sherman, BinderyC. A. Arnold16 Swanson & PetersonCHERRY ST. INTERSECTS102 Jamestown Institute of Hydrotherapy110 Jamestown Transfer Co.110 Vincent Transfer Co.110 Charles Van Every (6)112 William O. Guinnip114 Albert E. Ellis (7)114 A. A. Stewart116-120 Emery A. SturdevantWASHINGTON ST. INTERSECTS202-210 Jamestown St. Ry. car barns212 Dr. Axel V. Grafstrom (3)LAFAYETTE ST. BEGINS308 Mrs. Mary K. Phillips (13)"310 Mrs. Frances Buchanan (5)314 Mrs. Betty Ohlson (14)JEFFERSON ST. BEGINS"404 Grant I. Perry (5)406 Lee F. Swartz (2)406 Arthur Adams (5)430 Ames Transfer Co. store houseERIE TRACKS INTERSECT458 Vincenz Dertro (7)SENECA STREET.From Adams south to Norton avenue.—Sixth ward.Right and West Side."4 Walter H. Davis (6)SENECA STREET.Left and East Side.No housesSEVENTH STREET (EAST).From 612 North Main east to Winsor.(Not open between Pine and Liberty.)—First ward.Left and North Side.1 John Hayes (2)3 Mrs. Josephine Strickland (6)"509 Mrs. Eleanor F. Berry (3)511 Rev. R. H. Warren (7)515 Free Methodist ChurchLINCOLN ST. INTERSECTS•Ti03 Thomas J. Pierce (3)"605 E. B. Grover (31•609 L. C. Reed (3)•613 Hup* M. Rogers (4)GRANT ST. INTERSECTS717 New house vacantSEVENTH STREET (EAST).Right SEVENTH From "612 •616 •610 "728 '722 '726 508 512 71S 510 718 730 •13 enue.—Second 17 19 Joseph Alfred Ernest Henry John LINCOLN GRANT August Allyn J. George Mrs. Peter Anna 619 and M. D. STREET Left Clara Nettie Mary Eunice W. Ostrum North Swift Weller A. Beck Eggleston Anderson South Stilson J. G. H. W. F. ST. Hofsted Carlson Lowman and Toothill ward. Lowe Nelson Eggleston A. (1) Hosie (3) M. (WEST) C. Main (2) (4) Side. INTERSECTSMuzzy South (1)Gay (5) Moses (2)(3)(0)(4) west (2) (1) (5) Side. (2) (1) to Murray av

60 JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY.19 Ira Williams (4)CHERRY ST. INTERSECTSDow ParkWASHINGTON ST. INTERSECTS•205 Joseph L. Frick (4)205 Mrs. Nettie M. Curtice (3)•209 Hubert E. V. Porter (5)LAFAYETTE ST. INTERSECTS313 Albert H. Harrison (6)JEFFERSON ST. INTERSECTS401 Harry A. Macbeth (3)"405 William H. Knapp (3)CLINTON SlT. INTERSECTS507 Michael O'Connell (2)509 New house•511 Martin J. Murray (6)MONROE ST. INTERSECTS•601 Charles Ipson (5)601 John H. Ipson (4)605 John P. Harrison (5)605 Carl Haupin (4)607 Charles A. Johnson (3)609 Gust F. Stone (3)615 Mrs. Sarah Ferrin (1)•615 Mrs. Marv Houser (1)•619 Louis J. Johnson (6)621 Wilbur K. Raker (4)621 Earl W. Brownell (3)SEVENTH STREET (WEST)Right and North Side.8 Mrs. Delia J. Northrop (1)8 Mrs. Hettie Robinson (1)8 Mrs. Ellen Carter (2)"12 Richard N. Wickfield (2)•14 Olof J. Lindblad (4)18 Perrv J. Collier (4)•20 Mrs. Rhoda Cleveland (2)20 Leon L. Bristol (2)2(1 William P. Horton (1)20 Mark P. Potter (4)CLEVELAND PL. BEGINS22 Charles E. Sage (5)22 Albert J. Deitsch (5) '•24 Charles A. Blomquist (5)CHERRY ST. INTERSECTS102 Benjamin H. Fessenden (2)•102 Calista A. Dreager (2)•108 Hans P. Hansen (4)112 Clark A. Young (2)112 Mrs. Minnie Teudesmann (3)112 Jennie L. Knapp (1)•114 Daniel W. Peck (2)114 Henry J. Blanchard (2)WASHINGTON ST. INTERSECTS210 Harry J. Sharpies (3)•214 John E. Crick (3)214 Claude H. Crick (4)•620 •624 SEVENTEENTH From •504 •508 •512 "610 •310 •316 •416 •216 •314 •400 410 606 618 402 404 500 ward. 9 Van J. Marv MONROE John Sidney William Mrs. JEFFERSON CLINTON Ernest Swan L. Ella Vacant Kate Harry Matthew Warren LAFAYETTE Clyde Edward George Leonard 1027 Herby Walter C. O'Connell Left Augusta Alice P. J. Fern Stranburg K. M. A. Eggleston N. B. H. J. Culligan Nelson E. North & T. Bradt and Shelters Chrlstoferson Johnson Cole ST. Waggoner Emorv (1) Gilberds Fahev Tvler Look Sons STREET. Bck Smith Johnson ST. South (7) INTERSECTS(3) (6) (9) (2) (41Main (71 (4) (5) (7) (2)(3) (4) (5) Side. (4)(3)west.—Second9 Vacant31 Louis F. Caswell (3) \35 Grant T. Terry (5)SEVENTEENTH STREET.Right and North Side.4 George F. Ferguson (4)"S Charles Summers (2)8 Samuel W. Clover (3)•10 Joseph Heintz (2)SEYMOUR AVENUE.From 2 Livingston avenue north to ErieR. R.—Sixth ward.Left and West Side."9 Mrs. Margaret Reagan (2)•17 Edward H. Geisler (7)•21 Charles O. Neil (6)•25 Martin Looney (2)SEYMOUR AVENUE.Right and East Side.6 Frank H. Jenner (318 Frank J. Wilcox (5110 Glenn Butts (2110 John Edson (7)•14 Richard Peate (3)SHAVER STREET.From 27 Maple east.—Fourth ward.Left and North Side.•9 Oscar Nelson (2)"13 Frederick Bottomley (5)"15 Gust P. Olson (5)•19 Wilfred Ingham (3)"21 Carl Carlson (3)SHAVER STREET.Right and South Side."12 Carl Ahlstrom (4)"14 Henry Bogenschutz (2)IS James W. Smith (3)"IS Otto Johnson (5)SHAW AVENUE.From 45 Maple east to Oak.—Fourthward.Left and North Side.•1 John W. Unsworth (5)"7 Carl G. Bloomgren (5)"9 Swan Litsen (7)"11 Harry Wild (7)11 John W. Chadwick (3)•13 John McKaig (4)"15 Emil Lindstrom (4)SHAW AVENUE.Right and South Side.10 Joseph Wild (10)SHEARMAN PLACE.From 21 North Main west.—Second ward.Left and South Side.11 Jamestown Iron Works.17 Wlleox-Burchard & Co.SHEARMAN SHERMAN Right From "13 •17 25 41 18 20 •9% Union John GARFIELD Axel Shearman Henry F. South Davis, Alfred No Fred 134 Henry housesand Eckberg Left L. Allen W. STREET. Side Lumber J. Backus PLACE. Turner North West Rearick Johnson Hinman Hale Bros. and Grammar south.—Fourth ST. (4) Co. & East (5) (6) Side.Co.BEGINS (6) (3) (2) Side. School ward.

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY. 61SILSBY AVENUEFrom Jones & Gilford avenue southwestto Erie R. R.—Sixth ward.No housesSIXTH STREET (EAST)From 51S North Main east to Winsor.—First ward.Left and North Side.1 T. E. HopkinsMrs. Bridget Welch (3)3 Henry C. Lannis (II)11 Mrs. K. M. Fairchild (5)•15 Charles Mace (3)17 T. B. Hopkins (5)PINE ST. INTERSECTS103 Charles D. Wilson (2)103 Mrs. Lydia Halliker (1)107 Charles H. Elliot (6)107 Corisande J. Keeler (2)"111 Mrs. Anna C. Botsford (3)111 Dr. Laban Hazeltine (2)117 Mrs. A. W. Stephens (3)SPRING ST. INTERSECTS"201 James M. Grant (3)-209 Francis E. Pennock (4)209 Mrs. Clara Pennock (11•213 Charles A. Ahlstrom (3)"217 Mrs. Robert T. Logan (4)PRENDERGAST AV. INTERSECTS307 F. C. Hopkins (4)311 Frank G. Nordstrom (4)311 H. Mae Harnden (3)311% Mrs. Rebecca Densmore (4)315 John T. Hall (4)313 Maria L. Eddy (1)FULTON ST. INTERSECTS•101 James T. Larmonth (4)LAKEVIEW AVE. BEGINSNo housesLIBERTY ST. INTERSECTS"501 M. p. Jacobsen (3)•513 Mrs. Rose A. McCormick (5)"519 C. C. Pedersen (3)LINCOLN ST. INTERSECTS615 Gust Lindstrom (6)617 Enoch H. Lindstrom (3)"621 C. A. Lundquist (S)GRANT ST. BEGINS"627 Rovillus R. Rogers (3)•639 Axel W. Johnson (10)641 Oscar Carlson (21641 John Cooney (41•643 Thomas B. Smith (31649 Carl G. Anderson (6)633 A. G. Berg (6)053 C. D. Lerov (11)SIXTH Right •400 "300 •306 •314 "412 •418 •128 •500 •506 "124 "432 110 310 312 639 510 4H8 408 424 508 PRENDERGASTCharles James Mary PINE SPRING FULTON M. Oscar No Thomas Edmund Mrs. Palmer E. A. Walter S. C. LIBERTY Frederick STREET and S. E. C. L. houses Ruth Anna Jeannette Mary Ara Edith Corris Taylor R. Keeler Anderson Conant South F. ST. Ford Butler W. K. H. S. Willard Price (EAST) Garnet P. Fenner E. ST. Widrig Y. A. Shankland Smith Hutchinson Glezen (3)Todd Side. (4) (2)Farnham Strong Johnston (3) Wheeler Smith (51 INTERSECTSAV. (2) Livingston (11 (2) (5)(4) (2) (2) (1) INTERSECTS(4) (I) (5) (3) (2) (3)516 Wm. N. Gokey Shoe Co.LINCOLN ST. INTERSECTS606 dement Showier (3)60S Wm. R. Duncan (2)608 Charles Johnson (4)611 Joseph Colensoe (2)616 Edward Hughes (3)018 Abel E. Peterson (4)620 Mrs. Anna M. Toothill (2)"622 John Stevenson (3)"62S James H. Price (7)628 John Herman (1)632 Charles Pond (5)632 Axel Olson (6)636 Tom Priestly (2)636 J. Clifford Henning (3)640 Charles O. Anderson (5)640 Walter C. Lawson (3)6409Charles Sauftleben (2)644 John A. Peterson (2)644 William S. Peterson (4)"648 211 Gust H. Sagerstrom (1)"(Invi 307 George A. Gross (4)654 309 Robert G. Bailey (5)SIXTH Jill STREET (WEST)From 401 517 North Main west to Hallock.—•101 Second and Sixth wards."405 Left and South Side.409 Charles H. Wadsworth (3)"413 SS. Peter & Paul's R. C. Church419 CHERRY ST. INTERSECTS419 Prendergast <strong>Library</strong> SquareWASHINGTON ST. INTERSECTSAlbert M. Jones (71807807LAFAYETTE ST. INTERSECTS'807Mrs. Tina Garfield (3)903Raymond G. Bullock (4)905JEFFERSON ST. INTERSECTS911Mrs. Jennie R. Beatty (31William

62 JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY."210 Albert A. Van Vleck (2)LAFAYETTE ST. INTERSECTS•308 Emerson H. Hotchkiss (3)310 Gustaf Hanson (21314 Michael Maharon (4)JEFFERSON ST. INTERSECTS106 E. Bruno Bergholtz (51"412 John F. O'Connell (5)416 Waters C. Davis (4)CLINTON ST. INTERSECTS"51)2 Thomas O'Connell (3)MONROE ST. INTERSECTS60S John Solomanson (3)60S Mrs. Harriet Adams (2)610 William N. Hawkins (2)612 Anthony T. Oorrigan (3)FAIRMOUNT AVE. INTERSECTSNo housesFAIRVIEW AVE. INTERSECTSNo housesHALL AVE. INTERSECTSNo housesCATLIN AVE. INTERSECTSNo housesCOOK AVE. INTERSECTS1208 Jacob S. Hollenbeck (5)1210 "36 Walter Erwin M. Woodin Carmen (2) (2)1210 Austin SPRAGUE Harvey (2) STREET.From LAKIN Steele AVE. south and INTERSECTS west to Baker".—SIXTEENTH Sixth ward. STREET.From 1021 Left North and East Main Side. west.—Second109 ward. Christ Thomas (9)111 Elof Left Anderson and (6) South Side.113 7 Lucinda Anna E. Woodward C. Beeman (I) (1)SIXTEENTH MT. VERNON STREET. PLACE INTERSECTSRight 223 Acme and Printing North Side. Co.237 •10 Frank Edward R. Carlson Hammond (4) (2).237 12 (lav George C. Carlson Stewart (2i (41"241 11 Peter Charles Voitsky G. Krantz (6) (31"14 241 Mrs. David Losina Olson (3) IT. Gibson 4)PALMER ST. INTERSECTS•305 Charles S. Gardiner (5)SPRAGUE STREET.Right and Wesl Side.<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Towel MillsSTEELE ST. INTERSECTS190 Lewis Wallen (6)FRONT ST INTERSECTS"202 Samuel PI. Hamerlv (2)'220 James Mallen (2)220 Gilbert E. Lindergren (3)221 Gust A. Anderson (5)224 Charles H. Baker (I)'228 Peter Sundberg (5)228 Warren M. Shearman (41'232 Charles P. Anderson (2)SPRING From 254 238 310 217-219 2341.. 213-215 man.—First National Vacant Carlson PALMER Mrs. Bruce 121 Clinton Gron Jamestown STREET. East Caroline Emma Left F. & Block ward. I. Biscuit Sturdevant and ST. Second Carlson Reynolds Lofgren M. Commission Wesl INTERSECTS Co. Gron north (61 Sale. (41 (3) .(01 to Co. Cross-George E. Lem (2)Ira W. Johnson (2)Mrs. Pearl Everett (3)Louise Anderson (1)Mrs. Minnie Graff (3)Mrs. T. E. Lcafstone (1)219 Jamestown Awning WorksJohn Wilson (3)David A. Kitch (3)E. THIRD ST. INTERSECTS315 Albert P. Lowell (2)315 Frank D. Hatch (3)E. FOURTH ST. INTERSECTSS117 Edward C. Burns (4)E. FIFTH ST. INTERSECTS507 Vacant513 Mrs. Kittie L. Hall (10)E. SIXTH ST. INTERSECTS607 Mrs. Hannah A. Bonner (1)613 William W. Hayward (4)017 Wm. H. Dorsey (5)623 Frank Heath (3)"625 Minnie J. Lynch (6)Branch School No. 1E. EIGHTH ST. INTERSECTS'8(17 John A. Dearborn (4)'811 Winfred J. Heath (5)815 Milton E. Kennedy (3)"S19 Mrs. Antoinette Fox (2)-825 Mrs. Susan D. Jones (1)82.j Frank Stoutenburg (4)'829 Henrv Guenther (4)S29% John Robertson (2)S33 Ransom King (3)S35 Harry Scott Minich (3)S37 Henry A. Bauer (2)839 John O. Ohlquist (4)857 Elliot Blystone (2)'857 Hoyt R. Miller (3)'857 M. Miller (3)83i George H. Williamson (3)"359 John W. Wright (2)859 Charles D. Roberts (2)86, Carl Lawson (2)867 Fred Green (4)"8B7 Mrs. Lettie Bly (1)869 Henry Hanson (2)869 Peeler Ipsen (2)869 Mrs. Mary Maclease (1)869 Frank J. Kruger (2)SPRING STREET.Right and East Side"206 Chapin Tiffany (5)20S Walter I,. Saxton (4)21H-222 City Hall212 Ellicott H. & L. Co."306 S41S '810 "342 •412 '626 '8|i; 520 610 S5S 216 21S 61S HIS 020 026 Oil 618 622 80S 022 630 826 S3S S30 Arthur John A. Prendergast Chief Central ECarl Harry E. Benj. ltov James Emmett George Edwin 10. P. Ernest Frank Robert Mrs. Prank David M. THIRD A. FOURTH SIXTH EIGHTH FIFTH Chadwick Nelson Mary Melissa Jane Louise A. W. of Stoll Appleton 10. Maybee M. Erickson L. Maitland Gossett B. W. K. A. N. Branch Engquist H. Fire Munger Hale Zion Williams Olson Quinlan Huntington Field Chatfield Briggs Powell.(2)Tousley ST. Potter Bemus Dayson Chemical ST. Carter Dept. (31(41 church (4) (31 (61School (31 (3)(-1INTERSECTS(41 (31(I) (21 (4) (5) (71 C| (51 Co.

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY. 63860 L. L. Schwein (2)860 Nelson J. Neil (2)•862 Joseph Gold (2)•864 Henry Koerner (2)•866 Mrs. Elizabeth Burke (6)868 John Yarling (3)"S72 Mrs. Mellucina Corcilius (2)'S74 Edward H. Shedd (2)SPRUCE STREET.From Lakeview avenue east to Ormes—Fifth ward.No housesSTAFFORD AVENUE.From 107S E. Second, south to Flaggavenue.—Fifth ward.Right and West Side.12 B. Franklin Florida (2)12 Paul M. Englund (2)"16 Herman Brown (10)20 Andrew Lundin (5)•22 William A. Vincent (6)STAFFORD AVENUE,Left and East Side.No housesSTARK AVENUE.BARRETT ST. INTERSECTSGLASGOW AVE. BEGINS35 George Thimelis (4)55 Mrs. Emma Peterson (12159 Vacant61 Vacant63 C. Ellison (7)63 Axel Hegg (8)"67 Herman Broden (3)77 Tony Gorden (S)•87 Albert F. Erickson (3)"93 Mrs. Augusta Lindberg (3)93 M. R. Lindberg (2)93, Mrs. Anna S. Peterson (21WILLIAM ST. BEGINS103 Nellie Beaver (I)103 Harry Lilly (3)"105 Adam J. Haecker (3)"109 John O'Connell (5)115 John A. Plultberg (4)115 F'rank Breed (3)CULVER ST., INTERESTS"125 Evald B. Seaburg (9)127 Peter George (71•129 Albert C. Marsh (4)SPRAGUE ST. INTERSECTSFrom Schuyler near end of Connecticutavenue.—Sixth ward.Left and South Side.•23 Charles A. Lawson (5)STARK AVENUE.Right and North Side.No houseSTEARNS AVENUE.From 117 Barrett west to Charles—Sixthward.Left and South Side.•3 John Neilsen (3)•5 Robert H. Clare (2)STEARNS AVENUE.Right and North Side."2 Nellie Greenlund (3)4 Sture A. Ljungberg (3)6 Robert Grimscold (1)8 Mrs. Louise Morgan (5)"217 Mrs. Ann Sullivan (3)223 Gunnar Swanson (1)"223 Eva Blomster (1)223 Adolph Renberg (4)•229 Bernard Benson (2)229 William H. Petersen (4)HANLEY ST. BEGINS231 C. R. Sandwall (6)"231 Mrs. Anna Jones (1)"235 Albin Anderson (6)235 John Benson (5)"263 William Bubb (5)265 Carl Bloomberg (6)265 Edward Hopkins (41267 Veli Abelin (7)313 Dennis Reardon (4)323 Lorenzo Missito (51323 Guiseppa Cotavuglia (4)S Andrew Kling (3)10 Charles G. Johnson (6)12 John E. Lindberg (3112 Mertie Boone (11STEELE AVENUE.STEELE STREET.Right and North Side.6 Witkop-Holmes Co., TheRACE ST. BEGINS10 James Roark (IS)From Baker, north to Summit.—Sixth 14 Mrs. Mary Nocero (4)ward.16 John Nocero (2)Right and Bast Side.•66 Gust Olson (UlSTEELE AVENUE.Left and West Side."57 Magnus Anderson (12)16 James Nocero (5)IS Jacob J. Mohr (4)20 Vacant22-2S Jackson Mill30-38 H. P. Robertson Co.STEELE From •15 •17-19 "41 35-37-39 13 23 lyn 25 5 Charles Fred John Public Rich Antonio Ross Waldmir Owl Bert W. junction square, Post William STREET. Pearl H. Sportsman Left Milk Giovanni Cardinale Mistretta Pardinale S. Gulino A. Market Publishing Lang L. Rufini Cross west.—Sixth Peterson Markel City and Koehl Co. Forest Carlson (28) South Laundry Club Co., (11)avenue Side. ward. (Thel and Brook­-•100 •114 •230 10S 106 118 132-136 206 210 236 124-126 13S 142-141 146 216 221 226 40-48 40-4S (id 70-80 84 81-92 7H-80 Charles Nazearro Wm. Fred W. J. A. Sali SPRAGUE Victor Crown <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Gustava Mrs. Frank' Chadakoin Lewis Henrv Citv Harland Jamestown Michael George Banner J. Electric Pearl Felix Garbage Seaburg Municipal J. D. C. Telha tool H. Ellen Campbell Smith Borst Bennar Williams Sheffstaff E. Kruse Metal A. & W. City Beaver E. Lopriore Lindstrom buildingGaetano Carlson Mills (91 L. Nelson Furniture Mfg. ST. disposal (3) Adams Haecker Donelson (8)Towel Panel electric (2) Carving Veneer Construction E. (5) (31 storehouseBEGINS (4)freight Co. (3)(5)(1) (I) (61 & Mills Co. plant (2)(3) light Veneer Co. & office Mtg. plant Co. Co.

64 JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY.26S Margaret Cotcht (3)28(1 T. W. Bush (7)•304 Gotfried Johnson (I)304 Mrs. Mary Eklof (1)306 Kinney Jones (3)308 D. F. Hooven (6)SOS Edward Willis (2)318 PL A. Tappan (3)320 Charles Carlson (4)322 Wm. H. Gray (3)322 Louis Fox (2)322% Charles A. Kentuck (5)"324 Almon Fox (3)321% Vacant328 Mrs. Mira Smith (3)"332 Albert Bush (I)3.36 Arthur Nutter (S)338 Azoff Schell (2133S John Carlson (7)340 Julius G. M. Ebel310 John Starkweather (21310% Frederick Meyer342% George Myers (71312%. Leon Jones (3)344 John Heck (4)STEWART AVENUE.From 1309 West Sixth south to WrtThird.—Sixth ward.Left and East Side.103 H. Edgar Messenger (21"105 Mrs. Margaret Lucey (1)105 Charles Davis (2)"113 Martin N. Arend (4)123 Lloyd E. Gregg (3)123 Fred C. Hunt (5)123 Mrs. Emma C. Evens (4)New houseSTEWART AVENUE.Right and West Side.'104 J. Peter Drever (-1"110 John Jenkins (6)112 Vacant"120 J. B. Sullivan (41122 Edward Davis (31122 Fred Strong (41-110 Mil'on E. Phillips (41116% Earl J. Card (21STOWE STREET.From 815 East Second north to city limits.—b"iftIi ward.Left and West Side."11 August C. Johnson (8115 Gust Pihlblad (3)•15 A. N. Lundberg (1)21 C Emil Anderson (4121 Henry C. Forsberg (5)"219 "107 "109 "111 "115 "121 "125 "131 "135 "153 '115 •123 "27 "39 103 133 '23 139 '39 23, Mrs. FALCONER James Victor BUFFALO Peter Fred Thomas Edwin Charles N. Albert Nels C. Andrew Richard Anna Frank George Carl New John Benjamin NEWTON Leon Aueust G. houseEmily P. A. Downs Ahlsrren Anderson Palmgren AY W. E. Erickson C. Boardman Fredsall Swan Wallen Nelson L. Berry Sackris Englund Morgan Brown Jones Forsberg Anderson Raistrick Giles Johnson AVE. ST. Sandberg (21(3) (21 (51 (4)(41 (5i Ml (2) INTERSECTS(5i (3) (71 (31 (21 (11 (41(61 (31 (3) (41 (J) (71•307•309309321321•353•357"365365"309•to!"105••III!)501Carl A. Carlson (4)Carl Henning (2)Gottfred Johnson (2)John Dahlin (3)John Stevenson (3)Andrew Winsell (4)Aaron Lindquist (3)Mrs. Dora Swart (4)Charles G. Johnson (4)Mrs. John A. Norman (3)Gustaf V. Johnson (5)Mrs. Jennie Beal (5)Adolph G. Bonnevier (3)Mrs. Florence Carrier (2)August Lund (S)STOWE STREET.Right and East Side."in Jacob Van Stee (5)"12 John K. Ahlquist (4)12 Mrs. Amelia E. Olson (4)"14 Gust Swanson (5)18 Edward Carlstedt (2)•18 Christine Cedarholm (1)IS Herman Carlson (2)•26 Mary A. Todd (li26 George Leburg (5)*3() Mrs. Hattie Pike (5)50 Emil J. Gustafson (51FALCONER ST. INTERSECTS"Hill Thure Ekedahl (5)110 Vacant"110 Mrs. Mary Norquist (1)114 Carl E. Dawson (3)"111 F. A. Johnson (21"US Franz Bergren (31"128 Manley K. Hawthorne (4)128 Fred Douch (5)"158 Barth Cordingley (41•110 Eric O. Holmberg (41•144 Mrs. Jennie Coulchen (31•152 Mrs. Eliza Galbraith (3)152 Aaron Emmett (51156 Charles E. Swanson (31"156 John A. Peterson (4)164 Carl J. Swanson (StFrom '166 Horace J. Chadbourne (2) east to"178 Lai Herbert Drake (51'18ii* S. Clarence Beal (3)NEWTON AVE. INTERSECTSNo housesBUFFALO ST. INTERSECTS'3(18 Adolph Markar (9)568 Frits R. Lawson (61•310 John A. Hedberg (31•312 Hjalmer Lundberg (31314 Paul J. Haglund (7)"314 "402 STRONG Right "116 "31S "•100 "108 '358 '5,ii '110 316 328 356 "17 114 "9 13 II 19 15 3 John j. Olof CLYDE Mrs. Robert Eric Myion Warner No FULTON Evert Charles O. Edward D. Edwald Max P. Peter llilnier Leonard 10 view 851 Emil and August D. N. W. houses STREET.Gunnell Dahlgren Left C. Mary Prendergast A. Hjelm Lloyd Gardner Prosser avenue.—First A. Anderson South I. Eckholm W. J. Olson Holmstrom S. Brown AVE. Turner ST. and Cowden Keefe Hedman Wilcox Lindstrom Shannon Gustafson (2) (31(31 (4) ENDS. North (41BEGINS Side. (31 (0| 13) (3) (4)(51 (3| (21 avenue (6) (81 (31 Side. ward Cli (91

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY. 6518 Charles D. Melhuish (3)•18 Mrs. Esther F. Blanchard (1)STURGES STREET.From 109 Falconer north to Buffalo.—Fifth ward.Left and West Side.•3 Oscar C. Carlson (3)3 Gunnar Jones (4)5 Edwin E. Lund (3)"5 John H. Soderberg (6)21 Otto Alfred Carlson (4)25 Albert W. Edeborg (3)25 Vacant•29 Frank Freeberg (3)29 Otto Dschuden (3)•33 Francis Geser (3)•37 Charles A. Hjertquist (3)•43 Andrew Skogren (2)•45 John A. Anderson (7)PRICE ST. INTERSECTS•205 Oscar H. Sundell (4)•207 Orlando J. Sturdevant (4)•209 George E. Trainor (5)STURGES STREET.Right and East Side.•20 Oscar T. Anderson (4)•24 Charles G. Adamson (5)*2S Edward Anderson (4)•40 Alfred Magnuson (4)40 Axel Z. Johnson (3)PRICE ST. INTERSECTS206 Gust Stohl (4)•206 Andrew J. Nelson (8)•210 Mrs. Marv Jones (4)210 Albert Knapp (3)212 Martin H. Henze (2)-212 Leander Bohlin (2)•214 Albin Davidson (2)214 Charles W. Peterson (2)NEWTON AVE. INTERSECTS•524 John P. Hallquist (14)SUMMIT STREET.From 409 Palmer southwest to city limits.—Sixthward.Left and East Side.•185 From John end B. of Barlow Union (2) avenue west to193 Sampson.—Sixth John E. Ribbing ward. (5)•203 Fred Left J. Case and (2) South Side.•207 No Mrs. houses Eva C. Moon (2)SUMMIT BARRETT STREET. ST. INTERSECTSRight No and houses West Side."10 CHARLES Theodore Morgan ST. INTERSECTS(4)•137 14 J. August Grebel Lawson (5) (5)•130 "141 John Nels Okesson Pljalmarson (6) (5)•140 141 E. Carl J. Erickson Squier (3) (5)SUMNER •145 Carl O. PLACE. Olson (4)SUMNER SUPERIOR From •10 •12 16 14 •S Wilson Michael Alva Benjamin Clarence No 217 SUPERIORhouses Right East PLACE. Left A. STREET. B. J. Smith H. Eighth H. Gardner and Looney Stanton West (4) North East STREET. north.—First (41 (21(6) Side. (5) Side, ward.SWAN STREET.From 450 Willard south.—Fourth ward.Left and East Side.•5 John Brostrom (10)SWAN STREET.Right and West Side.•24 Julius J. Bergeson (3)•28 Eskel Anderson (12)•32 John A. Anderson (4)•46 G. W. Lindholm (6)TAYLOR STREET.From 9 South Main east to Harrison.Third ward.Left and North Side.1 Christ Papas3 T. H. Sotir5 Gust Tosi (3)5 Jamestown Cold Storage Co.7 Drayman's Headquarters7 John Morozot (4)7 Ali Sulo (7)9-25 Jamestown Metal Furniture Co.27 Globe Cabinet Co.Warren & J. St. Ry. freight office39-43 Jamestown Electric Mills47 Central Commercial Gallery63 Watson Manufacturing Co.•65 Mrs. Loraine R. Lepar (1)05 John M. Anderson (3)67 Mrs. Janet Holroyd (5)71 M. Cordon (2)TAYLOR STREET.Right and South Side.20 Patrick Maher22 Daniel H. Atwood (8)26 Mrs. C. M. Parks (7)26 Bert Manross (2)28 William Hjorth & Co.40 Adolphus Drake (5)40 P. Elmer Beardsley (3)44 James Nutter (3)44 Talbot Huntington (4)46-72 Diamond Furniture Co.TENTH STREET.From 841 North Main west to Lafayette.—Second ward.Left and South Side.9 Mrs. Harriet A. Peters (1)11 Wilbur Wise (3)11 Thomas J. Kennedy (4)15 Mrs. Ida Ekbeck (2)17 Henry L. Laquay (4)19 Alonzo Lowing (4)"23 John G. Lundquist (3)•27 Mrs. Harriet E. Franklin (3)•29 Gotlieb Frey (2)TENTH Right 323"33"37 •43 "47 "51 "53 •61 "65 "67 331 •20 •10 •12 •16 49 57% 18JamesJoseph JEFFERSON Clarence Wallace George Pardon John Victor Garrett WASHINGTON No Gilbert Enoch Thomas LAFAYETTE Lynn Guy Henry William Fred Emil STREET. and housesC. W. E. A. Lund HoweB.Nelson A. J. K. L. T. H. W. Pillsbury Betts Lott Loucks Dorman Foote North E.DouglasStumpf Bouck Bucklaew Lockwood Klumpp Cole (3) Lammers (4) Campbell Marks Carr (3) ST. (6)(5) (2)ST. (4) (3) (6) Side. (5) (2) (3)INTERSECTS(6)(4)(2)(3)

66 JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY.•24 Lars P. Anderson (3)•28 Andrew J. Peterson (6)•32 Gust Freeburg (4)36 R. R. Mattoon (6)•38 A. Herman Abrahamson (4)•42 Peter G. Gibson (5)•46 Mrs. N. U. Arend (1)46 J. D. Giegerich (2)52 Willard C. Wood (5)52 Harry L. Vawter (3)•56 William H. Wright (4)58 Robert Lenox (6)60 William H. Osgood (4)60 Carl Anderson (4)•66 Nathan P. Newton Sr. (3)68 Deura A. Luce (3)•70 George A. Young (2)WASHINGTON ST. INTERSECTS"120 Charles W. Morton (6)124 Leonard B. Weatherly (7)LAFAYETTE ST. INTERSECTSNo housesJEFFERSON ST. INTERSECTS314 Vacant320 Walter E. Hall (5)324 Carl Schmitt (3)328 Charles Christ (5)332 Jay Caswell (3)TERRACE PLACE.From 171 Forest avenue east.—Thirdward.Left and North Side."1 Legrande A. Phillips (4)3 Edward M. Ahlstrom (4)5 Mrs. Jennie McClain (8)•7 Leon R. Dodd (5)9 B. G. Brookins (3115 Carl A. Johnston (3115 William A. Smith (3)"17 Arthur K. Swanson (4)"19 Clarence L. Nelson (4)19 Mrs. Dora Hunt (2)"21 Andrew J. Hulquist (6)TERRACE PLACE.Right and South Side.•2 Roland M. Taylor (3)"4 Mrs. Margaret Wood (2)4 Walter A. Duncan (2)•10 August Rehnberg (4)10 John W. Hayes (5)•12 Louis B. Smith (4)20 Vacant22 F. M. Rich (5)24 Mrs. Myrtle Hollister (5)26 William J. Hare (4)TEW STREET.From 13 Front south to Palmer.—SixthTEW Right THAYER From •17 "19 "11 "13 •16 •24 •11 •35 •45 "33 •43 ward. •9 41 Fifth Amelia Worden's Alfred E. Andrew Lewis John Carl Adolph BUSH Mrs. Axel Charles T. 253 and ward. STREET. Elliot SECOND J. Mary O. Crescent Left F. A. H. Everett West Putnam ST. Lundwall Sundell G. Diamond Agnalli Lundgren O. Anderson Lassande Brandt Sutcliffe Worden GreenhouseStrid Carlson Johnson ENDS. Side. ST. (5) (3) West East north (5) (2) (6) (4) (8) (10) (2) INTERSECTS(1)(7)(2) (3)Side. to Buffalo.—No housesFALCONER ST. INTERSECTS•123 Mrs. Christina Nystrom (3)•127 Emil Hammer (7)•131 Andrew R. Gustafson (5)•143 Carl A. Ellison (6)149 Carl F. Holmquist (4)149 Herman Karlsten (3)•153 Conrad T. Johnson (2)161 Hilding S. Lundahl (2)•161 Clyde M. Baker (3)181 Carl G. Peterson (3)181 Henry Larson (3)•203 Andrew J. Anderson (6)211 New houseTHAYER STREET.Right and East Side.*S Fred Friberg (7)10 Richard F. G. Bosin (5)10 Fred A. Fosberg (3)E. SECOND ST. INTERSECTS34 Mrs. Catherine Rugg (6)•36 Gustaf D. Carlson (5)•40 John Barkman (7)40 Robert E. Sandberg (3)•48 August Barkman (2)48 John E. Lundberg (3)•52 Mrs. Hilda Olson (5)•58 Mrs. Anna Soderquist (2)58 Frank L. Sampson (2)64 Paul Lundquist (3)"64 William Lundquist (2)6S Mrs. Carrie Johnson (4)68 Elmer Anderson (5)FALCONER ST. INTERSECTS"128 John O. Johnson (2)128 George Morgan (3)128 Charles G. Hedin (3)"132 Alfred Carlson (3)"136 Thomas Neild (5)•140 Samuel Shelgren (5)•144 John N. Engwall (7)•148 August Benson (3)14S Edwin Lindstrom (2)•152 Isaac Wildman (4)152 William W. Wilson (4)•160 Andrew J. Larson (111•164 J. Algot Lindell (5)164 George Ahlquist (21NEWTON AVE. INTERSECTS202 New vacant"206 Peter Hammergren (3)210 Victor Lofman (6)"214 John Johnson (3)214 Charles Josephson (2)218 John V. Bever (4)220 Charles A. Hultberg (4)THIRD From 220 101-103 with 13-15 11 15 17 19 21 23 7 'i Gust William The Fabian G. B. J. Joseph People's Dr. I. PINE Gage Eric Gray Mrs. Fred Ames Fulton D. A. Donelson's Frank Jones 222 STREET East O. New H. Hazeltine A. B. E. D. P. Directoyou Left Dahlgren M. Olson C. O. North & Furniture Prather * Work R. Transfer MastersonST. O. Marcello M. Graff Sellstrom Market Lowry Block Waite Second.- Bealer Brown F. E. K. Credit Hall (EAST) and E. Grocery (5) INTERSECTSScofieid Grove (3) H. Hall Main North (4) Block Watson& Co. Clothing First Son (3) east Co. Side. ward. to Co. junction

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY. 67Johnson Bros. & Co.Kemp the HatterChadakoin PressK. O. T. M. Hall103 E. F. Bassett103 C. M. Beck105 Godfrey R. Abersold107 Cawcroft & Co.Mrs. J. W. Miller (1)Mrs. Mary C. Davis (2)109 Jamestown Electric Co.George C. Allen (2)111 Charles H. PewFred Moon113 N. Y. Telephone Co.117 Knox Clothing Co.119-121 R. MacDonald123 Salvation Army CitadelSPRING ST. INTERSECTS201 Lyric Theater211 John Heald213 Mrs. Mildred Harrington (4)215 George S. Anderson (6)215 Mrs. Leora C. Decker (2)215 Arthur H. Simmons (2)217 Mrs. E. E. Evans (2)PRENDERGAST AV. INTERSECTSFirst Congregational Church•331 Mrs. Julia H. Yates (3)331 H. A. Deardourff (4)345 Rev. Horace G. Ogden (6)First M. E. ChurchTHIRD STREET (EAST)Right and South Side.2-8 Gifford BlockFirst National BankFrank O. JohnsonExempt Firemen's Assn.Abrams & Wiltsie (Rms. 1-2)A. H. Stafford & Son (Rm. 3)J. M. Weller & Son (Rm. 3)Swetland & Anderson (Rms. 5-6)R. F. Pickard (Rm. 7)Harry R. Lewis (Rm. S)L. L. Hanchett (Rms. 9-10)Carl C. PedersenCraven's Studio (Rm. 15)6 Langford & Goodenough6 Strickland & ClarkS Mason's News Co.10 Fred E. HatchJule F. MeasJoseph MasonDr. M. J. BealMrs. Rose Frey (1)Dr. E. L. West100-110 102 104 106 12 14 16 20 24 IS 22 John T. ALLEY Hennigan Hawkins Clark Louis Tiffany Carpenter's International Women's Bricklayers Goudy's Woodmen Thos. F. E. Frank Fred Hayward Ingerson Black Ethie J. Dick PINE Carrie New Theodore Hall T. Ellicott L. E. Henry S. Fair York W. Bauer Wickfield Morrison SpragueHeineman P. F. D. Eddy Bear ST. J. R. Printing Bath Robinson Thatcher Grocery West Restaurant Rowley Int. Donelson & Black Brazee of Moody Tea Building INTERSECTSCafe Son Union Co. &(4)the Asso. Parlors (2) Joiners &(basement)(5) World Co. Coffee Labor Co. Label Union Plasterers Co. Hall League Labor108-110 Fenton Block108 Hull M. Hooker108 Charles H. KilburnC. A. Pickard (Rms. 1-4)Emmett W. Miller (Rms. 1-4)Socialist HeadquartersSmith & Kinne (Rm. 12)Mrs. Carrie Payne (4)Mrs. Martha A. Hartley (3)Mrs. Mae M. Johnson (3)Mrs. Mary E. Burgett (2)110 Pennsylvania Gas Co.Cecil G. Rowley (3)Mrs. Earl H. Hill (1)Charles W. Jacobson (2)112-114 Holmes Awning WorksFurniture Index Co.Parker Pierce Co.Clarence L. Eidens (3)Arvid B. Gunnill (3)114 Mrs. Delia Morgan (3)116 J. W. KlumppJoseph A. Marthaler (1)Mrs. Annie George (1)Mrs. Kittie Kilmer (1)118 Woodhead, Olsen & Riley Co.Harriet E. Woodford (1)120 Jamestown Roofing Co.Anthony I. Hoffman (5)Mrs. Hulda Rowe (1)122 Horton Bros.122 J. S. HortonMrs. Lura Hyde (3)Joseph E. Perkins (5)SPRING ST. INTERSECTS202-212 City Hall BuildingCity Clerk (Rm. 1)Council Chamber (Rm. 2)Civil Service Commission (Rm. 2)Mayor (Rms. 3-4)City Treasurer (Rm. 5)City Auditor (Rm. 5)Police Court (Rm. 6)Chief of Police (Rm. 7)Board o'f Assessors (Rm. 9)Department of Health (Rm. 10)Registrar of Vital Statistics (Rm. 10)Department of Water (Rms. 11-14)Park Commission (Rm. 14)Board of Public Wks. (Rms. 15-16-17)Pres. Board of Estimate and Review(Rms. 15-16-17)City Engineer (Rms. 15-16-17)Electric Light Commission (Rm. 18)Hospital Commission (Rm. 18)Public Assembly Hall (3rd floor)"310 THIRD From 216 •320 312 314 33S 304 308 322 326 330 332 338 340 342 344 1-9 Second 3 PRENDERGAST Carl Associated Frederick Sealer Overseer Gust Ella Street Edward Stewart's Vacant Dr. Mrs. Nelson's Hettie Earl United Odell Alfred George Lewis Hall H. 223 ment STREET M. A. E. ward. Left Elvira Block Crane Mattie Anna Johnson C. R. J. North & Weights F. O. Austin Commissioner H. Bureau Hansen Meat N. Berg W. Stone Doolittle Grover Anderson Studio of Johnson Home Leonhart M. and Rockwood (WEST) Charity Dorn (1) Grimes L. B. the Main (3) Market Curtis Becker (4) White South (Rm. &(2)AV. (4) Carter Poor Bakery Measures (3) (7) west &(2)(3) 19)(under) Side. Free INTERSECTS(1) (2)(2) to Employ­Hallock.—(under)

68 JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY.5 C. E. WeeksDr. W. E. Goucher, 3-4John G. Wicks, 5J. J. Frank, 7A. L. Furlow, 6Geo. W. White, 6B. B. Smith, 67 E. L. Underwood9 Constas-Sanford-Lambros Co.Arthur H. HitchcockTheodore N. Nelson & Co.21-23 The SamuelsCHERRY ST. INTERSECTS101-103 Wellman Building101 Wellman Bros.H. R. Wiley, 1W. D. Wellman, 2-3Orsell C. Price, 25-26Dr. C. A. Hanvey, 6Albert E. Myers, 7-8-9International Correspondence School—10-11-12C. W. Whitmore, 2S-30Dr. F. A. Monroe, 46-48J. Samuel Fowler, 16-17-18Butts & Miller, 19-20-21Herbert L. Hunt, 25-26Vernon E. Peckham, 28-30A. C. Wade, 13-11-15M. L. Clapp, 13-14-15L. T. Durand, 13-15Lakewood Ice Co., 17Charles K. Haynes, 31-32-33A. L. D. Campbell, 34-35-36A. Frank Jenks, 37-38-39W. E. King, 43-45Jamestown Real Estate & RentalCo., 43-44Chadakoin Mercantile & Adjusting-Co., 43-44103 D. F. Persell & Co.103% Moll & Lindstrom105 Jones News Room107 Charles E. Maclease109 George E. Baker111 Lovejov's Dry Goods Syndicate113-113% Russell Block113 F. J. McCormick News Co.113% Union R. R. Ticket Office113% <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Traction Co. Office113% Jamestown St. Ry. Waiting RoomN. J. SaffordMrs. Mary Olds. 17-25115-121 Hayward Block115-117 Peterson's Wine House119 Elite RestaurantLauren B. Clark (61121 201-203 201% 203 297 205 209% Postal Julien J. WASHINGTONEmma Ralph Jessup I. Imus Denis Geo. Esther Ernest Thomas Edna William M. Frank Mrs. Rath's C. Charles George Burt Candies Lillibridge O. N. I>. Alice PI. Anna Myrtle S. Bros., Van O. Parker, C. Graff, Cornen, CarpenterW. Telegraph A. Ever G. & Carlson. Gilberds F. Schultz Samuel's McC. Fink CI. Monroe, E. F. Converse Weekman Brand Knowlton, Stanley Anderson Lillibridge Lods Thayer Porter, Steenburg Kennedy Hall D. 4 Good Melin (3) Block 1 Nelson 6—(1) S—(1) (2) (3) Pearson, ST. Co. 4—(1) Office. 6-7Ice 3-5—(6) (2) (3) 3-1—(2)(3)INTERSECTSCream 12—(1) 9 >

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY. 69William Mace, 2739 New house.George F. Gokey, 2S•41 Bert L. Blackmon (5)S. O. Johnston, 29•49 Charles G. Anderson (S)A. H. Simmons, 2953 John Anderson (2)Jamestown Employment Bureau, 30 •53 Charles T. DeBad (2)18 H. A. Doering57 New house20-22 Edward E. Duffee61 VacantCHERRY ST. INTERSECTS"67 James J. Hennessy (3)First Presbyterian Church•69 Arthur J. Pannock (4)110-112 Squier's Court"73 Ariel PI. Wellman (2)Swedish-American Land Co., 201-202 THIRTEENTH STREET.May B. Van Dusen, 204-205Right and North Side.Edward Peterson, 20S•10 Charles A. Cedarquist (3)Ziba L. Squier, 301-305•14 Fred C. Trusler (5)D. Lowery Mullin, 308"20 William B. Pitts (3)Will J. Anderson, 30824 Roy W. Strickland (3)J. W. Rulifson, 208•24 Mrs. Kate O'Donnell (1)F. B. Wilson, 20826 Gust C. Sanburg (9)114-118 Chadakoin Building•30 Jacob F. Stahley (8)114-118 The Abrahamson-Bigelow Co. 30 Harry J. Stahley (4)Dr. D. C. Perkins, 405•42 John A. Anderson (4)Dr. E. T. Johnston, 300-302•54 Samuel J. Woodward (2)C. E'. Jamison, 303-304•70 Peter J. Minton (7)Dr. R. E. Johnson, 300-302•74 William T. Wright (5)Dr. William J. Pennock, 309-311 •78 Zenas E. Morgan (2)Dr. W. A. Smith, 300-302TIFFANY AVENUE.Dr. R. G. Roberts, 500-502From city line south to Erie R. R.—Dr. D. R. Drake, 500-502Fourth and Fifth wards.Dr. L. A. Roth, 500-502* Charles A. Carlson (4)Weeks & Ross, 400-402Myril Cowan (2)Peterson & Frick, 505-507TODD AVENUE.Dr. A. F. Blanchard, 410-412From 60 Hunt road west to McDannellEdward L. Hall, 406-408avenue.—Sixth ward.The Furniture Commercial AgencyLeft and South Side.Co., (Red Book), 5137 Albert Pollard (5)W. J. Bentley, 5157 George Messenger (4)Charles W. Jones, 522-524TODD AVENUE.Curry & Spencer, 509-511Right and North Side.<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Confectionery Co., 518 No housesE. W. Curtis Lumber Co., 510-512 TOWER STREET.N. Y. Telephone Plant Dept., 306-8-10 From opposite 217 Willard south to English.—Fourthward.John Hancock Life Ins. Co., 510-512C. B. Dodge, 510-512Left and East Side.White Cross School of Nursing 414-16 •13 Mrs. Lottie Huggins (2)C. W. Baker, 524"17 Mrs. Johanna M. Peterson (4)Will Thompson, 524•21 Mrs. Matilda C. Wersen (3)John P. Jones, 522•31 Sophie S. Johnson (3)Acme Coal Co., 418•35 Alexander M. Sundman (2)Mother Lode Copper Mines Co., 41S •43 Mrs. Mary A. Leiblad (1)Rosamond I. MacVeigh, 409-41143 Charles Wicklund (3)Hills Piano Store and Music School, •47 Charles G. Hedin (3)(entire sixth floor)•51 Andrew E. Lawson (5)120 Starr's Art Shop51 Nels H. Nelson (3)120 F. L. Scudder51% Fred Fletcher (4)122 M. J. Murray & Co.LIND ALLEY INTERSECTS122 Pearl Swan (5)•59 Charles J. Lawson (U)•412 •504 •512 THIRTEENTH From •552 308 212 214 304 316 416 •33 522 556 •23 •37 •7 ton.—Second New August WASHINGTONU. JEFFERSON Bentley's Jay LAFAYETTEMrs. Henry Earl CLINTON MONROE Branch Jast'n Fayette Clayton Minnie FAIRMOUNT<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Edward Charles William Myron Geo. Adelbert qua)-(8) 921 S. W. Jennie store F. Left S. E. Postoffice North St. G. J. E. Hubbard Anderson Bright Johnson School Samuels A. Coe Gibbs J. F. STREET.Klock New Mead Arnold and ward. Ry. ST. Fletcher Peterson Knapp Nisson F. Stocker Traction (3) Main ST. South AVE. Office Shedd INTERSECTS(2)No. (9)(4) (3) ST. (6)(5)(2) (3)west 2 Side. (The (3) and (2) Co. INTERSECTSBEGINS barns to Chautau-Office Washing­TOWER Right •85 •73 •65 •77 •81 "89 "93 "44 69 99 56 50 00 60 64 04 68 Gust Thomas Fred Otto Ramus Axel Branch Brewer John Albert William Rosario Charles Joseph Mrs. Christenzo Joe Conrad Giovani Frank Sam Antonio STREET. and Bell W. Johanna Lombardo O. K. A. C. Engdahl Dominico Frederickson P. Calimeri Larson Beckstrand Rossing School A. Montagna W. Coli C. Palm Lomando Carlson West Peterson (8) Hansen Johnson Palermo Nelson Moore (5)(10) Turnbloom (3)No. Side. (9) (5) (6)(4) (2) (3)(5)(8) 3 (6)(2) (8) (2)

70 JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY.80 William Keefe (5)•80 Charles E. Lundgren (4)80 Otto Anderson (2)100 Gunnar A. Nelson '3)•100 Mrs. Sofle Bergwall (5)108 Charles Goltzjonski (21108 Joe Lee (61108 Joseph Mason (41•110 Austin Tobias (41110 John Shackleton (11From 112 Mrs. Curtis Christina west Johnson to Thayer.—Fifth(11)116 ward. Nels G. Johnson (4)122 No Charles houses A. Peterson (9)TWELFTH 122 Fred STREET. Benson (5)From TOWNER 909 AVENUE.North Main west to Washington.—Secondward.Left and South Side.17 Joseph D. George (2)23 Oscar H. Larson (4)•23 Nils Anderson (3)25 Willis Norton (3)25 Willis L. Strickland (3)29 Arthur L. Pang (2)35 Mahlon Barrows (2)37 Albert Hapgood (6)•39 Saverio Roseli (7)39 Jacob Robinowitz (4)•41 Hans Rasmussen (4)•61 Charles W. Clark (4)65 David W. Palmer (2)65 Merrill D. Anderson (3)TWELFTH STREET.Right and North Side.•6 Gust Gofvert (6)14-16 Salisbury & Son•18 Dr. George B. Jones (2)20 Charles J. Peterson (4)24 George W. Dewey (6)26 George M. Thompson (4)•28 Everett F. Jones (2)30 Charles C. Pound (4)•32 William Whitcomb (7)•36 William J. Anderson (4)•40 Antonio Mancino (2)44 Elmer G. Baxell (3)•44 Albert Denn (2)TYRIL STREET.From Tiffany avenue west.—Fourth ward.Left and South Side.• Straight Dry Plate Co.TYRIL STREET.Right and North Side.No housesUNION AVENUE.From 338 Forest avenue east to Park.—Third ward.Left and North Side.UNION UPHAM From •37 •32 •40 •13 •20 •16 28 36 Albert Fritz Mrs. C. Gust Carl No Axel Thomas John Charles Rudolph 673 STREET. AVENUE. Herman houses. Right S. Anderson Anna Ahlgren O. English Thornblad Albertson Almgren T. Fletcher Johnson Anderson Samuelson Hultgren Pearson E. and Hultquist (4) (3) Dahlgren north.—Fourth South (2)(4) (5) (3) (5) (4)(4) Side. (6) ward.UTICA STREET.From opposite 283 Fairmount avenuenorth to Livingston avenue.—Sixthward.Left and West Side.•19 Fred Oger (4)•21 Otto Johnson (3)23 David Lessing (4)•25 Joseph A. Carter (3)UTICA STREET.Right and East Side.10 New house12 New house14 New house16 New house18 New house20 New house•22 John B. Downer (10)24 Frank J. Schuler (3)26 VacantVALLEY STREET.From 28 West Eighth north to Ninth.-Second ward.Left and West Side."7 August Ellstrom (2)7 Christ Hansen (2)•9 Charles W. Johnson (3)•15 Fritz Klarquist (4)17 Charles Peterson (2)•17 A. John Anderson (5)19 Fred A. Samuelson (3)19 Thomas D. Howard (4)•21 Fred B. Kinne (4)23 Carl F. Gustafson (4)VALLEY STRtET.Right and East Side.8 George W. Wright (4)•14 Mrs. Ida Morton (3)16 Caspar A. Beck (2)16 Henry M. Peterson (51•18 Swan Barnhardt (6)VAN BUREN STREET.From 920 North Main east.—First wardDeft and North Side.•9 J. Lawrence Hills (2)11 Harry T. Anderson (5)11 Mrs. L. M. Scofieid (1)•17 Alva E. Hart (4)•21 William Stamm (3)•25 Wrothwell Butterfield (41•29 Martin Kinney (2)29 John H. Maddox (2)•37 Bert A. Tompkins (6)•41 John A. Eckman (2)PRENDERGAST AV. INTERSECTS109 William J. Miller (4)•111 Mrs. Pruda Shaw (1)•113 •119 •125 •129 •201 •205 •221 •303 •337 •343 VAN Right •121 •203 •309 •311 •317 •339 •207 •10 •18 E. Mrs. Harvey George Gust Oren G. LAKEVIEWWINSOR Oscar Charles Daniel David Sophie Lilly Marvin John Ernest M. Chas. BUREN and E. D. J. R. Nora Dawson B. Howe A. Norquist E. Woodbury Edeborg Nelson Danielson Sundell Stevenson D. A. STREET. South L. S. W. H. Fisk Spring Swanson Lindman Skipper ST. Butler Persell Anderson Durnin Speer (2) Whitney Tew (2)(3) AVE. (2) (4) Side. (1) INTERSECTS(6) (4) (5)(2) (3) (1)(6) (4) (2) (3)

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY. 71•24 Michael McGinity (5)•28 John McGinity (5)32 Mrs. Laura Klock (1)•32 Stuart Langs (3)32% Harry S. Jamison (2)•36 Henry Oser (2) INTERSECTS•36 Jacob Oser (2)•40 William Quirk (3)PRENDERGAST AV.•122 M. Barrett (4)114 John Fay (6)116 S. O. Merriman (3)•124 Claude K. Ahlstrom (2)128 Charles M. Brown (5)130 Clyde G. Wooley (3)LAKEVIEW AVE. INTERSECTS224 Eugene A. Shelters (4)WINSOR ST. INTERSECTS312 C. Vincent Treat (2)312 Charles E. Treat (3)320 Alton M. Loomis (5)322 Mrs. Addie Barton (3)VEGA STREET.From 329 Willard north.—Fourth ward.Left and West Side.•3 Oscar E. Lindbloom (4)•15 Fred Haglund (4)•25 Mrs. Matilda Lindros (3)25 Mrs. Sana Johnson (1)•35 Adolph Ostrom (3)•43 Mrs. Matilda Lindros (4)45 J. Gust Anderson (6)•45 Jennie Hanson (1)•47 Sanford Olson (5)•59 Frank Danielson (5)•79 Charles F. Danielson (6)• Mrs. Adeline Malm (8)BENEDICT ST. INTERSECTSNo housesVEGA STREET.Right and East Side.•14 Gust Anderson (7)•16 Charles A. Peterson (6)•20 Gust Johnson (6)•26 Andrew Swanson (7)•30 John Munson (7)38 Oscar W. Erickson (5)38 Gunnard Oberg (3)•44 Elof Johnson (5)44 Fred Benson (3)•52 Morris S. Anderson (7)52 John A. Peterson (4)•56 Henry C. Erickson (4)68 Axel Peterson (3)68 Anton Elmer (3)70 David Carlson (4)70 Mrs. Clara Bloom (6)VICTORIA •110 •114 From •12 •13 •15 •88 23 25 21 96 nue.—Third 19 Joseph James Harry Herman INSTITUTE Arvid August Ernest No Mrs. Abraham Charles Fred BENEDICT Erick Carl Alfred Vacant77 houses Right South Left A. Ella Christina AVENUE. L. A. H. Lund L. S. Nyquist Kendall A. Chapman S. J. Selquist A. Anderson Lawson Ingalls ward. Jones McNeight L. Danielson Carlson Shoultz Lindquist Dahlquist Ahlstrand Main (2)Johnson ST. North (3) (4) Lundquist South (6) (5) (2) east (4)INTERSECTS(3)(2) (3) (5)(4)to Side. Foote (4) ave­16 Andrew Johnson (5)24 Frank McFarland (6)26 Andrew Swanson (3)•26 Charles G. Kleist (4)2S Fred Bjork (3)•28 Richard Smith (2)34-40 St. James R. C. Church34 Father James CarraINSTITUTE ST. INTERSECTS84 Robert F. Keefe (4)•84 Fred C. Ek (2)S6 Rev. Lucius Markham (4)86 Everett W. Potter (3)VIOLET AVENUE.From Marion south.—Fourth ward.Left and East Side.* Adelbert Simmons (6)VIOLET AVENUE.Right and West Side.No housesVIRGINIA BOULEVARD.From 14 Camp south.—Sixth ward.Right and West Side.No housesE. NEWLAND AVE. INTERSECTS•52 Joseph Anderson (7)•54 Fred Helgren (5)BARKER ST. BEGINSNo housesDOUGLAS PLACE INTERSECTS•40 Douglass R. Park (9)138 Mrs. Ellen Eskerberg (1)•13S Otto Eskerberg (2)VIRGINIA BOULEVARD.Left and Bast Side.No housesWALNUT GROVE.From opposite 77 South Main west.—Thirdward.Eber Prince (3)Preston Morton (3)Charles E. Lawson (7)WALNUT STREET.From 101 Camp north to Arnold.—Foward.Left and West Side.5 Frank Hager (7)5 Ernest Johnson (6)•9 AugustWARNERFosburgAVENUE.(8)From•13 Simon128PetersonForest(7)avenue westward.-Sixth17 Charles Swanson (6)19 CharlesRightCarlsonand North(4)Side.•11•21ErlandFred T.G.WilliamsJones (8)(3)2513 JohnFrankC.MannLepp(2)(4)WARNER•25 Mrs.AVENUE.Eva Harrison 3)Left27 Herbertand SouthHoldsworthSide.(2)No housesWALNUT Right •12 •16 •20 •6 •88 Mrs. Edward Andrew C. Charles Leonard and Verne Albertina Mary STREET.Bast F. Coe Bloomquist Coe Scott Anderson Side. (2)(4)Johnson (6) (5) (4) (1) (3)(2)

72 JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY.WASHINGTON STREET.208-210 Bender's Blacksmith ShopFrom West First north to Fluvanna avenue.—Second212 C. J. Arnoldward.Left and West Side.103 Sub-station Lighting & Power Co.211-215 St. Ry. car barns217 Pullman Cafe217% B. L. Carpenter & Co.219 The Puritan Lunch221-223 Lillibridge flatsTheodore Johnson (7)Thomas Bill (8)214 Hunt & Shepard232 Empire RestaurantJoseph CorkeW. THIRD ST. INTERSECTS304 F. F. Green & Son. '*320 Dewev-Davis Printing Co.W. THIRD ST. INTERSECTSW. FOURTH ST. INTERSECTSFederal BuildingW. FOURTH ST. INTERSECTS409 Pearson's Livery409 William Pearson (3)W. FIFTH ST. INTERSECTS507 Ralph M. Brown (2)•509 William P. Stevens (2)•515 Edw. E. Duffee (4)•519 H. W. Odell (4)W. SIXTH ST. INTERSECTS•601 William Bealer (6)•607 Dr. E. M. Scofieid (1)607 William Richardson (2)607 C. C. Meurer (2)607 James McMillan (2)607 E. H. Hamilton (3)•611 Ralph W. Thayer (5)W. SEVENTH ST. INTERSECTS•703 Dr. W. D. Wellman (5)•707 Elmer B. Wellman (3)•711 Arthur M. Wellman (4)713 H. B. G. Mayo (6)715 Albert J. Harris (5)W. EIGHTH ST. INTERSECTS•801 J. H. Marsh (2)•809 Patrick McVeigh (2)•811 Thomas F. Marsh (5)815 Gustaf Weisflog (3)817 James Hayes (2)ISABELLA AVE. BEGINS•823 Charles Johnson (2)823 John Eckert (3)•825 Oscar C. Johnson (2)•827 Mrs. Sadie B. Kepler (1)829 Fred Swanson (3)•831 Alfred C. Bendall (2)•833 Levi Wellington (3)833 Charles Randall (3)•835 Mrs. Catherine McGee (3)S37 Edward J. McGee (5)•839 John W. Johnson (4)•843 William W. DeLisle (5)847 Charles Corby (5)847 Christ Nelson (2)849 George R. Pease (2)406 Mrs. Mary Willets (4)406 Martin Lawson (4)•408 Charles W. Bates (4)408 Royal M. Bates (2)410 John A. Thompson (3)410% Mrs. Ada Rhodes (3)412 Lewis R. Jacobson (3)W. FIFTH ST. INTERSECTSJames Prendergast <strong>Library</strong>W. SIXTH ST. INTERSECTSDow ParkW. SEVENTH ST. INTERSECTS•708 John A. Knorr (7)710 Seneca Hoag (3)•714 George L. Heelas (7)W. EIGHTH ST. INTERSECTS804 Mrs. Bertha Fisher (3)•806 Ralph A. Noble (3)•810 Charles E. Freeman (2)•814 August J. Peterson (3)•818 Mrs. Charlotte Martin (2)S20 William H. Brown (4)•822 Burton M. Gay (4)824 Charles Gustafson (3)S26 Patrick J. O'Brien (8)•830 Walter W. White (5)832 John M. Eckman (3)836 Mrs. Sarah Lake (1)•836 John Hi Pettis (4)NINTH ST. INTERSECTS842 Edward Franklin (4)S44 George Greenwood (4)•846 Holland S. Coe (3)854 Burton J. Higgs (3)860 Mrs. Rosalind Howard (2)TENTH ST. INTERSECTS•866 Michael Woods (3)868 Earl C. Thompson (4)870 W. T. Briggs (4)872 Vacant"874 Frank N. Barnes (2)874 Earl Miller (2)878 Frank Smith (3)878 Mrs. Barbara Vining (3)880 Mrs. Isabel Jackson (1)TENTH ST. INTERSECTS880 Rov Cross (2)•885 •905 •909 •919 •923 •975 •987 •1051 •997 •1001 •1047 •1059 871 881 995 911 915 925 985% 991 202 1043 1057 110 Constantine Joseph Grant Newton Alonzo ELEVENTHRupert James Ross Skating Daniel Sturdevant E. Mrs. Nicholas Fred W. George Ernest C. Enos L. Frank John Henry WASHINGTON M. J. F. Archie SECOND Right Flora Elizabeth house L. Hettie Hancock A. Peterson Carr P. Waterman Gowan Roberts Johnson Hotchkiss Brown Mullard Lord L. S. StorehouseRink Rhodes Blackmer Paul Warren Swanson Fuller Hoyt Faulkner Norton (6) and Shaw Monumental Saro (4) Williams ST. (10) (3) (4) (5) (7) (1) Gowan (2) East (8) (3)(10) (5) (4) (9) (7) INTERSECTS(6) STREET.(S) Side. (1)Works WATER From •SS4 •948 •950 •954 •958 •962 •996 "972 8S6 884 S86 910 956 1060 964 17 21 to 79 Warner TWELFTH J. G. Frank THIRTEENTH A. ELEVENTHNo Daniel John FIFTEENTH Charles F. Winsor.—Fourth Nathan FOURTEENTH Elijah W. Mrs. Thomas Carl Alice Claude 135 A. B. W. L. P. houses H. STREET.Foote Belle Mary Left Elizabeth Lindquist B. Risley Parkinson Leroy Neal Strickland Nelson Brady S. W. Alsdorf Ford F. Ingham S. Stafford D. Berry Sherman Vernon Scheid (3) Ford Griffith Horsefield Bratt Parker avenue (4)ST. (2) (7) (1)(2) ST. North (7)Fenner (4) (2)(11)ST. ward. ENDS(3) (4) (1) (3) (2) ENDS INTERSECTSeast Side.(2) (2) and north

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY. 7325 Nick Conti (8)25 Joe Fusco (7)29 Angelo Letizia (2)29 Tony Loneto (5)29 John Stravato (6)31-43 Empire Worsted Mills45 Joseph Pickard (4)45 James M. Meyers (3)53 Edward Nelson (2)53 Frederick Maes ((3)55 Mrs. Lottie Forness (3)•55 Alfred D. Stromdahl (3)55 Alof Coleberg (2)•57 Mrs. Matilda Johnson (6)59 F. W. Moorby (2)61 Eagle Furniture Co.79 Sebastiano Piscari (7)79 Mike Antolora (5)81 Joe Milioti (5)81 Guy Didio (2)81% Lewis Auria (4)81% Joe Tobone (5)83 William F. Baker (3)83 Charles R. Davis (2)103 Charles Antalora (3)103 Angelo Monello (3)103 Joe Russo (2)105 Arthur Hartley (2)•105 E. Morley (2)WATER STREET.Right and South Side.8 Elmer Erickson (5)8 Hjalmar A. Bloomquist (6)10 Joseph Johnson (7)10 Adolph J. Johnson (5)12 Mrs. Elizabeth Young (2)12 Arthur W. Johnson (2)18 Mrs. Lizzie Mosher (6)22 Hulda J. Bloomquist (1)26 Jautta Laporia (7)26 Sam Daurea (3)26 Sam Restevo (2)26 John A. Woodward (3)28 Mark Auria (2)28 Frank Schifano (4)28 James Contela (6)30 Caso Leonard! (5)30 Leonardo Carso (7)30 Micheli Bordenoro (4)32 Gelia Cologero (2)32 Byagga Catanissi (3)42 Mrs. Emily Midgley (4)•44 Lathrop L. Hanchett (3)46 Alfred Stubbs (5)48 O. L. Martin (2)48 Axel Johnson (3)•50 Samuel A. Johnson (2)•78 •102 •110 •74 106 118 120 126 •98 114 116 •52-54 •76 50 58 60 62 80 92 56 64 96 Thomas Harry Martin James KING Abner Gust Ben G. Charles John Alfred Mrs. Erick Axel Frank Cornelius C. Olof Allen John M. Cutler Dickerson Annie Anna M. Rose Margaret H. Hancq Anderson Cullen B. Erickson Washburn F. D. ST. M. R. Hess J. A. Lawson Malmgren Glady Greenhault Schobeck Lucinda Kimball Larson Wiltsie Edwards Pettit Fuller Ruslink Chase Johnson Randall Morley Showier S. INTERSECTSAnderson Lindholm Pashley (6) Jr. (3) O'Brien (2)(4) A. (3)(1) French (2) (4)(7) (5)O'Neil (3)(2)(4) (3) (8) (5)(1)•128 John Samuelson (15)•130 Mrs. Dora Peterson (8)136 C. Oscar Young (5)136 James Marvel (3)WATERMAN STREET.From 131 Foote avenue east.—Fourthward.Deft and North Side.(Incorrectly numbered.)3 Charles J. Saunders (5)3 Thomas Brooks (3)(Incorrectly numbered)6 Peter Bivoni (9)•8 Oscar Nelson (1)WATERMAN STREET.Right and South Side.4 Claus Johnson (2)4 Dominic Sarone (5)IS William Smith (4)18 George Robinson (4)20 John Dawes (3)20 Richard Feather (4)12 Dominco Benardo (9)16 Benanati Batoro (5)WEBSTER STREET.From 110 King south to Shaw avenue.—Fourth ward.Left and East Side.5 Fred Nyholm (5)5 Josephine Dohlin (1)9 Renhold Wallen (2)9 Lena Halberg (4)•11 Nelson Bourdo (2)11 Florence Blanchard (1)•13 Olof Dahlgren (7)WEBSTER STREET.Right and West Side.4 Augusta Johnson (6)6 William Lindgren (2)•6 Gustaf Lindgren (2)*S Swan Johnson (3)•10 August Anderson (9)WEEKS STREET,From 841 Bast Second north to city limits.—Fifthward.Left and West Side.•13 Andrew E. Anderson (5)•17 Joseph Hartley (4)17 Gust V. Johnson (3)•21 Edward Anderson (6)21 John Swan (5)23 Conrad Peterson (4)•23 Christopher Hanson (2)•27 Otto Engwall (4)31 Henry F. Peterson (2)31 Alfred C. Johnson (3)WEEKS Right •103 •123 •113 •115 •125 •139 •145 •155 "221 •31 109 121 104 "10 •18 Thomas NEWTON Schofield Andrew Marion FALCONER Holliday William Theodore Otto Joseph Easil Charles Ralph Axel Mrs. Nels Louis James and STREET. Weekman Christianson Mary Swan Hannah Elizabeth Bliss W. East T. O. Carlson M. Green Nelson Sellman R. Hambleton Scott Merrill Medley Tordoff Prosser Perry Rosenquist Newberry (3)Stapleton AVE. Cady (2) Side.ST. Brugge Barry Whittle (3) (4) (2)(7) (5) (4)(7) (2)INTERSECTS(3) (2) (S) (1) (4)(5)

74 JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY.•104% Mrs. Bridget Trainor (4)106 August J. Johnson (7)•110 Swan M. Carlson (8)•120 Gust A. Falldine (4)130 Mrs. Sarah Eckholm (2)•136 Charles Carlson (2)•142 O. Bernhard Getwert (5)NEWTON AVE. INTERSECTS218 VacantWELLMAN AVENUE.From Fairmount avenue beyond limits,south.—Sixth ward.Right and West Side.• Hugh Newton (3)• N. S. Brown (4)• Mrs. Lottie Nelson (4)WELLMAN AVENUE.Left and East Side.• Lloyd J. Babcock (2)Alvin Nutt (2)WESCOTT STREET.From 233 Willard north—Fourth ward.Left and West Side.•21 John Carlson (3)25 John P. Carlson (1)25 William H. Brooks (4)25 Carl J. Carlson (5)27 Albert J. Palmquist (fi)29 Herman Matson (2)29 John Lindstrom (4)29 Augusta Eckdahl (1)33 Charles A. Peterson (5)•33 Mrs. Axelina Johnson (2)33 Walter C. Erickson (3)•37 Alfred T. Lawson (2)37 Charles A. Lawson (5)•39 Mrs. Eva C. Nelson (3)41 Ellen Nelson (2)41 Carl H. Johnson (4)•43 Lars O. Berglund (2)•47 August C. Johnson (9)47 Mrs. Nettie A. Youngren (4)•53 Gust Skold (6)•69 Carl G. Carlson (4)69% Gust Eckstrom (1)•71 Anton C. Bergren (3)SCIOTA ST. INTERSECTS•101 P. M. Wistrom (4)•103 Gust Samuelson (4)103 Joseph Eggleston (3)105 Helmer Nordlund (3)105 C. Ludwig Gustafson (3)•109 Charles A. Anderson (6)•111 Frank O. Anderson (6)113 Charles W. Edmunds (2)•113 Gust A. Anderson (2)•115 Frank O. Swanson (5)•117 From •116 •100 •114 •120 •124 •20 •42 •46 •24 •44 *6S •15 •50 114% ford.—Second A. Frank John William Alfred Vacant SCIOTA Joseph Mrs. Andrew BENEDICT Joel Adolph Edward R. Carl Oscar Charles Gust 59 Frank Clarence Fairmount Right WESCOTTLeft C. J. A. Caroline Johnson F. Beckstrom G. Nygren U. Ridder Gustafson Anderson C. N. WEST Rydell Peterson ST. Bloomquist Widmark Ridder ward. and Peterson Beaustrom Griggs ST. (6) avenue (2) (4) Bergren South North East (4) END. STREET.(5) (2) INTERSECTS(2) (4)(4) (3)west Side. (5) (3) to Lang­•14 Francis O. Johnson (2)•16 Gust Swanson (2)16 Charles B. Carlson (2)WEST-OAK-HILL AVENUE.From North Main northwest to city limits.Right and North Side.No housesWEST-OAK-HILL AVENUE.Left and South Side.William C. Griffin (5)WHITLEY AVENUE.From opposite 174 Fairmount avenue,south.—Sixth ward.Left and East Side.•15 Eris A. Gron (4)21 Millard F. Clark (3)21% Clyde Smith (3)23 Lucien H. Nutting (2)25 Mrs. Harriet Cheney (2)25% Otto Hed (6)27 Gerald R. Curtis (3)29 Richard G. Holmes (3)29 A. Glenn Ostrander (3)29 Leslie W. Abell (3)•31 Mechanics Laundry31 John Harris Co.•35 Charles M. Johnson (4)39 Fred F. Kennedy (2)39 George H. Norton (4)43 Mrs. Frances Crocker (1)WHITLEY AVENUE.Right and West Side.*S J. J. Sullivan (5)"12 Charles O. Peterson (3)"16 Charles F. Thorman (2)16 Mrs. Emma Nygren (5)20 Wolford Alcox (2)20 Theodore Lawson (4)•26 Frederick M. Meyer (4)26 James W. Dracup (2)28 Frank E. Manchester (3)34 Mrs. Emma Fritz (11)3S Gust S. Anderson (5)WHITLEY PLACE.From 171 Forest avenue east.—Thirdward.Deft and North Side.No houses.WHITLEY PLACE.Right and South Side.10 Samuel Lajara (4)10%Joseph Sapano (4)12 Axel T. Peterson (5)14 Victor Swanson (3)"14 Charles Gustafson (2)WILLARD STREET.From •107 "113 •119 •213 •217 •225 •219 •229 •237 103 121 203 233 Fourth -Charles ALLEN Joseph No Harold BARROWS Mrs. William WESCOTT John C. Leonard Carl August 62 A. houses ward. Winsor Left F. Emma Esther Louise Lundberg Carlson Sundgren H. Feather Peterson N. Johnson E. A. ST. Pawn Sundberg Eckstrom and Freed Mattson Erickson ST. Rosengren Danielson Strandberg Beaustrom east (4) (2) North (5)(3) BEGINSINTERSECTS(4)(5) (7) to (5) Side.(4) city (8) (4) (2) limits-

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY. 75•243 John Johnson (2)243 Adolph Beckdahl (3)243 Charles Jones (2)•245 John A. Crantz (2)245 Mrs. Hilda Jones (2)•247 Peter J. Johnson (2)247 S. Fred Carlson (3)HEDGES AVE. BEGINS•251 Charles Lawson (8)269 VacantJOHNSON ST. BEGINS•275 Andrew Norlander (4)277 Gust W. Lindholm281 Mrs. Ida Johnson (3)•285 August W. Bergman (5)CHAPIN ST. BEGINS•291 Swan August Swanson (6)•295 Charles G. Sundquist (3)301 Jerome S. Martin (6)•303 Carl E. Anderson (5)303 J. Ephraim Westin (2)PETERSON ST. BEGINS•309 John A. Glans (4)313 Henning Turncrantz (3)313 Charles Olson (7)•315 J. W. Helgren (4)317 Hulquist & Benson317 Emil Peterson (4)EAGLE ST. BEGINS323 Gilbert Johnson (4)•323 August Anderson (4)•327 Albin Erickson (5)•329 Andrew Olson (2)329 Oscar Wallin (2)VEGA ST. BEGINS•335 Runo Gronquist (10)•337 John A. Dahlberg (7)•435 Andrew Benson (4)•453 Elias Anderson (3)•455 P. J. Johnson (3)•463 Joseph Hotchkinson (2)463 Gustava C. Peterson (1)•469 Oscar E. Swanson (6)•475 A. J. Peterson (4)•493 Jacob D. Anderson (6)•493% Emil L. Anderson (6)•497 Samuel Dahlberg (6)•505 A. J. Anderson (1)•511 John Danielson (2)•547 Frank E. Carlson (4)•575 Mrs. Sophia L. Lindquist (3)•577 Charles A. Hendrickson (7)•581 Charles Weborg (7)•587 Albert Weborg (6)• Charles E. Danielson (9)• Mrs. Johanna Erickson (1)Alfred Benson (4)WILLARD Right •100 106 114 26-28 30 34 50 12 14 16 18-20 32 38 48 46 John William Morris Gus Beggleo Charles Frank Piousville Gina Mrs. Andrew ALLEN Stanley C. Leburg Melker and Vacant August STREET. Schreck Emma J. Anna Hulda Matilda A. Nelson South Carrie Fleisher Lindquist George Mack L. Costino K. E. A. Wagner & W. Christensen H. Ahlstrom Berg ST. Stevens Sam Carlson Theater Nelson Kayner Engman Palmquist Magnuson Olds Whitney Side. Jacobson (1) Frederickson Lyon (3) Markman Lund (5) INTERSECTSParsons (2) (8) (1)(6) (3) (2) (5) (6) (3) (5)(2)(3)116 August L. Berggren (4)116 Vacant118 Vacant120 Anderson & AndersonBARROWS ST. INTERSECTSBranch School No. 3TOWER ST. BEGINS246 Lindstrom & ThorneKINNEY ST. BEGINS254 Carl Johnson (3)•254 Adolph Hultberg (1)254 Malcolm Thorne (4)•256 Nels Anderson (5)256 Oscar Leburg (3)"258 Emil Anderson (5)25S Swan Swanson (3)•280 Mrs. Augusta Green 12)•288 Carl A. Jones (5)•292 Mrs. Ida G. Quiding (1)•296 Mrs. Hedwlg Johnson (1)296 Alex Seastrom (5)•300 C. O. Wangstrom (5)300 Ida Johnson (5)•302 Mrs. Adeline S. Bergman (1)302 Robert Bergman (3)•304 Charles Anderson (5)304 Charles Tordoff (3)•308 Carl F. Johnson (3)324 Mrs. Anna C. Nelson (7)"340 Jonas Peter Johnson (3)ENSIGN ST. INTERSECTS•346 Mrs. Helen Erickson (3)"356 Henry Hulquist (4)•362 John Lawson (3)368 George H. Perle (4)•368 Peter N. Rasmussen (10)•372 Frank Gustafson (7)372 Oliver Gustafson (3)37S Mrs. Johanna Barkstrom (6)378 Peter Osen (4)•378% Alfred Nelson (6)3S2 Carl Benson (4)•386 Arvid A. Peterson (3)386 George Schwob (2)•388 Edward Benson (4)PARDEE AVE. BEGINS•408 Mrs. Lena Anderson (2)•418 Andrew A. Sundquist (3)•428 Fred Anderson (4)•434 Mrs. Anna L. Erickson (1)438 A. Erickson & SonANDERSON ST. BEGINS•442 Albert Lindquist (9)448 Vacant Store•450 Emil Peterson (5)450 Carl Stam (4)SWAN ST. BEGINSWILLIAM From •488% •504 •462 •474 •482 •496 •524 •574 •580 * •111 .524 476 518 105 Ul ward. •3 7 BENSON Charles Herman Evald Carl Kuno Albert GLASGOW Henry P. Andrew Frank Mrs. John Edward Helge Hjalmar 93 A. STREET. Steele A. Sophie E. Left Belle C. Almquist Anna Mallen Samuelson Berg Henderson E. Anderson O. J. Carlson Helgren Grandin F. Dahl C. Danielson Swanson ST. Olander Hedin Hultquist Woodard Beckstrand F. Carlson Billquist AVE. Nelson Johnson Peterson south (11) (4) (3) BEGINSEngman (5) East (4) (2)(5)(3) (6) (2)(4) ENDSto (5) (2) (1) (3) Side. (6)(4) (9) Baker.—Sixth

76 JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY.•113 C. L. Blood (5)•115 Charles B. Gustafson (3)117 Carl Caesar (6)•117 Mrs. Fredrika Johnson (1)•119 Gust Johnson (51121 A. William Carlson (51WILLIAM STREET.Right and West Side.•4 Hubert Forest (2)4 Edward Carr (3)6 Fred F. Magill (6)•8 John B. Benson (4)12 August Jones (1)14 Gust Johnson (3)14 William H. Miller (3)16 Hjalmar Wolf (7)MT. VERNON PL. INTERSECTS102 Charles T. Terry (5)102 John Nelson (5)104 Gust Peterson (7)•108 Andrew Simmergren (5)•110 J. Albert Nohlberg (3)110 Gust Nelson (4)112 Arthur Waite (3)•112 Charles W. Carlson (5)•114 John Carlson (6)114 Enoch C. O. Lund (3)•116 Swan Sandberg (2)116 Ivan Covey 3)116%Thomas E. Greenwood (7)•118 Ellen Hallengren (2)118 William Monfort (2)•120 Sven A. Turnberg (2)120 Frederick Turnberg (2)WILLIS STREET.From junction of English and Holmannorth to Kinney.—Fourth ward.Right and East Side.•4 Perry Holmlund (9)•6 Hjalmar Engwall (11)20 Charles A. Anderson 6)WILLIS STREET.Left and West Side.No housesWILSON AVENUE.From 1054 North Main east.—First ward.Left and North Side.•13 Herbert A. Bates (6)•15 John M. Wistran (7)•25 C. Edward Johnson (9)PRENDERGAST AV. INTERSECTS•ill Carl A. Dawson (2)111 Mrs. Christine Hendrickson (4)•115 Rufus L. Siawson (5)•117 Samuel J. Willets (4)•119 Mrs. Rhoda B. McCoy (2)119 Ephriam L. Wright (2)WILSON •122 •136 WILTON •118 •126 •131 •133 •137 •114 From •123 •14 121 •17 Sixth 24 PRENDERGAST John Frank Hans Bert Charles Albert O. Clinton Eliakim Silas Douis Fred 510 ward. H. AVENUE. Right Forest Left D. A. E. Harris Jones P. H. Lilly A. Nelson Young Schutts Amsdell Anderson Garfield Spencer Swanson Harmon Greenlund and Maddox avenue (3) (6)South (4) North (6) AV. (2)(4) (5)(2)west (3)INTERSECTSSide. to Colfax.—14 Charles A. Johnson (4)•16 Charles F. Reed (8)•30 Mrs. Albertina Anderson (8)•34 Gustaf Anderson (6)WINSOR STREET.From 347 Allen northwest to Lakeviewavenue.—Fifth, Fourth and First wards.Left and West Side.•1 John Booman (4)1 Mrs. Emma Wicklund (2)3 Charles H. Carey (9)3% James Hanson (5)3% Arthur Sutcliffe (4)5 Mrs. Corina M. Carlson (4)7 Ernest E. Johnson (2)7 Vacant15 Robert Crossley (6)•19 Gust S. Carlson 3)19 Rose Coben (2)•23 Henry H. Keller (2)25 Rescue Engine Co.WATER ST. ENDS33 Mrs. Mary Swanstrom (2)33 Mrs. Anna Swanson (6)37 Sam Keefe (9)47 Vacant49 Albert Skurski (3)53 Carmen Getzie (5)53 Carlson & Helgren57 The People's Bottling Co.59 Bjork & Ekstrom61 Herbert H. HallHARRISON ST. ENDS•105 Bailey Table Co.•131 John T. Wilson's MillCHANDLER ST. INTERSECTS201 John Demarko (2)201 Louis Hansaloni (7)201 Philip Demarko (2)201 Louis Hansalone (7)203 Frank Lombardo (8)205 Italian colony•223 Ernest A. Stromdahl (6)223 Charles N. Wilson (2)225 Henry R. Wilber (2)•227 Mrs. Amanda Varley (2)227 Albert Ingleson (6)CRESCENT ST. INTERSECTS301 David Johnson (2)305 F. Van Namee (5)•305 A. Frank Anderson (4)305 Minnie Carlson (2)307 Leonard C. Warn (3)307 William G. Anderson (3)309 Gust J. Johnson (3)309 Roy L. Lindquist (3)311 William C. Heridon (3)"507 •515 •405 *191 *d05 •443 '435 "503 523 533 315 317 •139 189 313 413 439 519 311 141 James PRICE CROSSMAN Axel Mrs. Charles E. Joseph Elof John Carl William FALCONER Louis Frank Clabert RANSOM Thomas Christopher Fred Clyde Leonard SECOND SIXTH SEVENTH M. Johnson Mary William B. Helen Anson Edwin C. A. Spence J. C. W. O. Holmes Walkerman ST. Peterson F. A. V. Kofod Lindbloom McMahon Burgeson Davey R. Wheeler Carlson ALLEY Crossley ST. J. Falldine Lawson Smith M. Duffy Whitford INTERSECTS(2) L. Pitts Phillips ST. Graham B. 4) (2) (4) ST. Dewey Herrick (5) ENDS (2) Jones (4) (3) INTERSECTS(51 (11) (7)BEGINS (2) ENDS (31(4) (1) (21 (1) (3)

•613 Emil C. Johnson (2)•615 Silas Blanchard (4)•617 Victor Cedarquist (4)•633 Mrs. Zilpha Young (2)WINSOR STREET.Right and East Side.•2 E. A. Anderson & Bro.2 Mrs. Anna C. Anderson (5)•10 Mrs. Eva S. Anderson (1)10 Frank E. Griffen (2)16 Walter Brundell (6)•20 Jamestown Chair Co.•3S-5S Jamestown Lounge Co.60 Lerow & Christensen62 Lenna & MalmWILLARD ST. INTERSECTS110-114 Vacant124 Henry C. Jacobson (3)124 Axel Wess (3)126 John A. Anderson (5)CHANDLER ST. INTERSECTS214 Carl Anderson 2)214 Hagop H. Actrian (1)•214 Mrs. Maria Steers (1)•216 Mrs. Anna B. Geer (6)•218 Lester C. Geer (3)218 James H. Bishop (3)SCOTT ST. BEGINS"222 Dr. John W. Scott (3)"226 Mrs. Fanny Hazeltine (1)"228 Aubrey D. Hiles (4)CRESCENT ST. INTERSECTS•300 Mrs. Emily Fairbank (2)300 Mrs. Mary J. Johnson (1)304 Ellen Johnson (3)304 Art Brass Mfg. Co.•304 Forest Gornall (4)304 Richard B. Lauth (3)E. SECOND ST. INTERSECTS408 Mrs. Flora Day (3)408 George P. Maes (2)40S Charles Ehmka (3)410 P. Alfred Shellgren (2)•410 Arthur L. Trantum (3)410 Miss Helece R. Randall (1)•412 Frank B. Bush (2)412 Nettie G. Oliver 1)BUSH ST. BEGINSJAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY. 77ward.J o u r n a l f Left f and r aNorth s Side.•1 J. Alfred Johnson (6)•INCORPORATKIl: 1 Axel L. Widen (3)YORK STREET.COMPLETE EQUIPMENT FORRightTHEandPRODUCTIONSouth Side.OF•2 John W. Leberg (4)•414 Robert THE E. Jones BETTER (4) CLASS OF BOOK AND CATALOG WORK420 L. Edwin Branch (6)424 William H. Fletcher (5)falo.—Fifth ward.•428 Mrs. Matilda Rundquist (3) Jlournal luilbtng No houses•430 Theodore Shellberg (3)ORCHARD ST. BEGINS434 Swan A. Erickson (4)•438 Emil Nelson (6)•440 448 PEACH W". Axel Leon H. C. Carlson Cofie Johnson ST. BEGINS (3) (8)(2)FALCONER ST. INTERSECTS•500 Alexander W. Lenna (4)•508 John Mahoney (4)VAN BUREN ,ST. INTERSECTS520 E. Winfield Ross (4)"526 William S. Stone (2)•530 Robert A. Peterson (2)530 Gust R. Swanson (2)-532 Oscar S. Peterson (3)•534 I. Alfred Peterson (4)PRICE ST. INTERSECTS•602 Charles Bloom (4)•612 Carl Thoren (4)BLANCHARD ST. BEGINSAndrew O. Morse (7)New houseEdward C. Knupp (6)WOODLAWN AVENUE.From 1275 East Second north.—Fifthward.Right and East Side.Albert Hoover (7)• Harvey E. Mclntyre (9)* Mrs. Sarah A. Minard (5)WOODLAWN AVENUE.Deft and West Side.No housesWOODWORTH AVENUE.From junction Hallock and Hunt Rowest to city limits.—Sixth ward.Left and South Side.1 M. A. Farley (2)•1 Mrs. Emma Barth (1)•23 Edwin D. Cook (4)WOODWORTH AVENUE.Right and North Side.24 Floyd Fisher (2)24 Frank Covey (3)"28 Don D. Crocker (4)YORK STREET.From 342 Bowen east to Thayer.—FifthYOUNGLOVE PLACE.From Dearing avenue southwest to

ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS DIRECTORYapart.—apartment.bey. limits.—beyond the city limits.bds.—boards at.do.—ditto.ext.—extension.h.—house, meaning head of family.mfrs.—manufacturers of.r.—resides atrms.—rooms at.J. F. D.—Jamestown Fire Department.J. St. Ry.—Jamestown Street Railway.The wife's name appears in parenthesis following that of her husband.The word "street" is left off in all cases, it being understood after allnames of location unless Ave., PI., Blk., or Bldg., appear to represent avenue,place, block or building.Names appearing in black-face type are advertisers in or subscribers to;his book.NOTICE TO DIRECTORYPATRONSThere are numerous complaints of Directories beingborrowed and sometimes never returned. Firmlybut politely decline to loan your directory.You had to pay for yours, let others do likewise.

THE JOURNAL'S GENERAL DIRECTORY £The A. D. SHARPE<strong>1911</strong>-12 j*rtCO. for Rugs and CarpetsHill's Piano School BEST mxiZGPl°^rcHERS HAAaronson, August, stonemason, bds. 220 Barrows.> Abbers, George, hostler, bds. over 226 East Second.Abbott, Alice, widow Will C, laundress, rms. flat20 New Warner Block.Abbott, Hila P., (Fannie L.), shipping clerk, h. 61 Eleventh. f*2Abbott, Pauline, widow Charles S., h. 123 East Fourth.?"H-OAbel, James E., bookkeeper, r. over 103 East Second.Abell, Leslie W., (Laura), motorman J. St. Ry., h. 29 Whitley Ave.Abelni, Veli, laborer, h. 267 Steele.-

Clark Hardware Co. Fine Cutlery and Toolswg 80JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYyour family= <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew '"^^IfSTeooea Ackroyd, Mary A., widow Henry, r. 13 Shaw Ave.JB , Ackroyd, ACME COAL Ruth, CO., student, R. M. r. Garfield, 1064 North dist. Main. sales mgr. 28 Wellman Bldg.,.o Acme Ackroyd, Printing Smith, Co.,—job (Emma), printing, Stonecutter, Elmer h. C. 115 Atwood, Barrows. prop., 223 Sprague.JS Acme Worsted Mills—George B. Pitts, pres.; C. N. Bargar, sec-treas.; J. W.CO Doubleday and L. M. Butman, bus. mgrs.—mfrs. textile goods, 49-59 J.te & G. Ave."cdActerian, Hagop H., janitor, h. over 214 Winsor.COAdams, Aaron, (Hilma), machinist, h, over 1098 East Second.13 S Adams, Arthur A., (Lennie), driver, h. 406 West Second.cdAdams, Alice, Carl J., widow (Hilda), Rinaldo, machinehand, h. over h. 203112 Hallock. Falconer.c Adams, Charles P., retired, r. 351 East Fifth.fa «Adams,Adams,CharlotteGottfried,W.,(HuldawidowO.),Harrysawyer,W., teacher,h. over 11r. 509Peach.Prendergast Ave.o a? Adams, Harland E., (Emma),—groceries, 216 Steele—h. do.CQ Adams, Harriet, widow William, h. 608 West Sixth.„.o Adams, Lelah R., student, r. 207 Lincoln.J^"fl Adams, Lewis, (Luella), lumber grader, h. 957 Jefferson.o a Adams, Margaret, r. 509 Prendergast Ave.j u£ >> Adams,Adams, Richard,Orlando O., woodworker,(Nellie), barber, bds. over123 11Fairmount Peach.Ave.—h. 14 Carroll.Adamson, Charles G., (Louise), casemaker, h. 24 Sturges.».§ Adamson, Edith M., towel weaver, bds. 25% Columbia Ave.*^ cd & Adamson, John A., (Magnhild), metalworker, h. under 14 Orchard.Adamson, Touri, metalworker, bds. 253 Forest Ave.-m « Adeline, Sister, r. r. 205 205 West West Fifth. FifthCO 5 Adfldo, Guiseppi, (Francisco), r. 37 Harrison."^^ Agato, Salvatore, (Mary), laborer, h. 443 West Second.§ Ager, Henry W., (Alice M.), laundryman, h. 124 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.M >• Agnalli, Charles, (Josephine), laborer, h. 9 Tew.C -v Agnes Association Home—Girls' boarding home, Alma E. Reese, matronuc+3-o 6 Broadhead Ave.W-w cd a Agnew, Faye B., stenographer, rms. 415 West Third.Agnew, Alice, waitress, r. 204 Lafayette.—i •§> Agrelius, Dell N., stenographer, rms. 415 West Third.2 "3 Agstine Sister, r. 205 West Fifth.2 g Ahlbach, Irvine, bartender City Hotel, r. do.« o. Ahlberg, Carl, electrician, r. 26 Newton Ave.t-,° Ahlberg, Emma, widow Oscar, dressmaker, h. 224 Broadhead Ave.Ahlberg, see Allberg.. Ahlgren, Adolf, carpenter, bds. 36 Union Ave.O^_2tm(XimmGOirmmmAhlgren. Anna M., widow Andrew P., h. 27 Stowe.Ahlgren, August. (Gustie), woodcarver, h. Ill King.Ahlgren, Ellen M., clerk, r. 27 Stowe.Ahlgren, Gust. (Olga J.), carpenter, h. 36 Union Ave.Ahlgren, see Allgren.Ahlquist, George. (Selma), carpenter, h. over 164 Thayer.Ahlquist, John K., (Emma),—Jones & Ahlquist—h. 12 Stowe.$3 Ahlstedt, Fred., (Ellen), carpenter, h. over 7 Hedges Ave.Ahlstrand, Charles J., (Margaret), oil producer, h. 8S Vega.Ahlstrand, Hulda J., r. 88 Vega.fm Ahlstrand. John A., (Anna), butcher, h. 25J4 Park.5> Ahlstrand Minnie H.. r. 88 Vega.J* AHlstxom, Arvid, (Lydia), piano regulator, HEADQUARTERS h. 213 Barrows. FOR HIGH GRADE.2 2 Ahlstrom. Eckman's Carl, Music (Julia A.), finisher, Store b. 12 PIANOS Shaver. AND PLAYER PIANOS"to Ahlstrom. Charles A., (Ada E.),—Ahlstrom Piano Co.—h. 213 East Sixth. s

Women's Coats and Suits. The A. D. SHARPE CO, «. srJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 81 P*m\fllLatj JrlAlNU \,\J. EASIEST TERMS OCOAhlstrom, Claude K., (Frances A.)—Ahlstrom Piano Co.—h. 124 Van Buren. ^^Ahlstrom, Edward M., (Matta F.), carpenter, h. 3 Terrace PI.JJTT]Ahlstrom, Elizabeth L., widow Mark N., h. 34 Allen.•Ahlstrom, John, (Emma D.),—sec'y-treas. Lynndon Mills—h. 33 Mechanic.Ahlstrom, John A., (Amanda D.),—tailor, over 32 Willard—h. do.3Ahlstrom, John W., (Edith H.), foreman, metalworker, h. 235 Falconer.Ahlstrom, Leonard J., (Anna), piano regulator, h. 10 Hedges Ave. 05Ahlstrom, M. Gladys, student, r. 34 Allen.ftAHLSTROM PIANO CO., piano ml'rs., 112-114 East Second. Jj"*Ahlstrom, Raymond, metalworker, r. 213 Barrows. \VAhlstrom, Regna K., student, r. 213 East Sixth. Q)Ahlstrom, Sigfried, bundle boy, r. 10 Hedges Ave.QfJAhlstrom, Sigurd, bundle boy, r. 10 Hedges Ave.mmAhnstrom, Carl, (Mary J.), metalworker, h. 15 Columbia Ave. „Ahrens, Edward G. (Alice), physician, h. 336 Crossman.AHRENS, GEORGE H., (Phebe M.), —oil producer, over 101 East Secondh.15 East Fifth.ooAiken, Alton L., (Mary P.), carpenter, h. 803 West Fifth.NN>--Aiken, Carrie E., teacher, r. Ill East Fifth.L J^iken, Corrie J., teacher, r. Ill East Fifth.>Aiken, Erastus, (Mary Ann), farmer, h. 325 Hazzard.(*^Aiken, Morris B., (Rosa), cook, rms. 839 North Main. ^*Aiken, see Akin.Ainge, Ainge, Clifford gen. D., mgr. bookkeeper, 15 East Fourth. r. 405 Pine.Ainge, Edith, r. 403 Pine.Ainge, Jessie, r. 405 Pine.^JAinge, Maude, office clerk, r. 405 Pine.'-ifAinge, William Ely, (Susan),—W. Ely Ainge Audit Co.—h. 405 Pine. \^AINGE, W. ELY AUDIT CO.—public accountants and auditors, W. Ely m* Nri tfA\Ains-p s-pn msr 15 East Fourth. r*mW.Ely Ainge Audit CompanyPUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORSW.ELYA1NGE.Gem.Mgb.Jamestown.NewYorkYou ngstown.Ohio15 E. Fourth St.Aitchinson, Beatrice, r. 358 Hast Fourth.Ake, Frank, laborer, bds. 128 Water.Akeley, Mary, widow James, r. 872 East Second.Akeley, see Ackley.CLAkin. Alva F., (Lottie B.), groceries, 312 Foote Ave., h. 37 Hazzard.Akin, Fidelia, widow John H., r. 307 West Second.f£\frAkiu, Flora M., student, r. 404 East Fourth. £*A.kin, Frank H., (Mollie),—Akin & Phillips—h. 307 West Second. £T»Ready Roofing & Building PaperHARRY LYONS fl)Institute St. & Erie Ry.

*H Clark Hardware Co. Fine Cutlery and Tools&w 82 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYif! <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew ^^^^P^rcHfflM Akin & Phillips—Frank H. and J. W.—props. Moose Cafe, 10 South Main.tO** tAkin, Romain V., (Mae B.), h. 404 E. Fourth.Nu Akin, Ross, (Minnie), clerk, h. 379 Foote Ave.fa® Akin, see Aiken.cS""1 Albanian Society, room 89, over 109 North Main.>». Albarnis, Josephine, mender, r. over 31 Scott.*J Albarnis, Sans, (Josephine), laborer, h. over 31 Scott.w i Albertino, Antonio, laborer, bds. over 298 East Second.2 Albertson, Albert, (Freda), ironworker, h.lfi Union Ave.-w Albright, Frank, locomotive engineer, rms. 533 West Third.C Aldeen, Carl A., (Anna C.l, pastor Sw. Baptist Church, h. 123 Chandler.'" o Alden, Adelaide J., r. 40 Cross.4) § Alden, Harriet Delana J., T., widow student, Washington, r. 509 North r. Main. 40 Cross.09 O»««• Alden, Elof, Harry (Amanda), W., (Eva groceries, L.), commercial 123 Foote traveler, Ave., h. h. 145 over Chandler. do.4>ao Alden, Glen A., (Altie J.), commercial traveler, h. 509 North Main.>* Alden, Henry E., student, r. 145 Chandler.» Alden, Maurice B., (May Belle), emp. Lyric Theater, r. 145 Chandler.[2 Aldreen, Harry W., student, r. 1381 East Second.Aldren, John, clerk, bds. 114 Isabella Ave.>. Aldrich Art Co., J. DeWitt Aldrich, art and china Roods, 302 North Main.— Aldrich, J. DeWitt, (Helen S.),—Aldrich Art Co.—h. 623 Newland Ave.•O-j Aldrich, Laura M., trained nurse, 207 Foote Ave.it a Aldrich, Mary S., office clerk, r. 345 Foote Ave.c2 .£ Aldrich, Nahum E., (Julia), carpenter, h. 826 Spring.*© c Alesi, Cologioro, (Frances), finisher,h. 118 Harrison.° g Alessandro, Carmelo, (Concetta), finisher,h. 114 Harrison.b o Alexander, Ada, bds. over 30 Grant.©•° Alfson, Alexander, Carl, Frederick carpenter, E.. bds. (Hannah), 214 Barrett. cabinetmaker, h. 177 Barrows.*>"e Alfson, Alexander, Mauritz Harryett, J„ (Helfrid textileworker, E.), carpenter, rms. 117 h. Chandler. 214 Barrett.m* J§ B Alexander, Algire, Antornino, Lottie, textileworker. laborer, bds. 298 rms. East 117 Second. Chandler.©•- Alexander, Algire, Salvatore, Roy, (Effie), (Antonia), h. over laborer, 1023 h. East over Second. 298 East Second.Q •* >• Ali, Busheen, machine hand, rms. over 7 Taylor.U .»£ Alima, Angelo. (Josephine), machine hand, h. under 3.23 Allen.Alima, Carrie, widow Remorida. r. under 123 Allen.W e Alima, Mary, spinner, r. under 423 Allen.Ww Allberg, William, (Sophia), metalworker, h. over 105 Hazzard.m* x Allberg, see Ahlberg.« < ALLEN, AUGUSTUS F., Postmaster, r. 36 Allen.§ j Allen, Charles N., (Mary), h. 31 Fairmount Ave.u Allen. C. W., (Anna M.), agent, h. over 106 East Second.Q> Allen, Delia E., bookkeeper, r. 10S Broadhead Ave.Jr Allen, Douglas C. student, r. 31 Fairmount Ave.+** Allen, E. Belle, widow John, companion, bds. 141 Chandler.Allen, Edward L., (Martha V.), editor Morning Post, h. 919 North Main.«aj J Allen, Ephriam D„ (Ella E.), clerk, h. 108 Broadhead Ave.U2< Allen, Eugene, (Ida), motorman J. St. Ry., h. 97 Lister.g_ x Allen, Eugene R.. (Lida), gen. agt. Erie R. R., h. 31 1< airmount Ave.H Allen, Freeman S., (Louisa), jeweler, h. 95 over 107 North Main.mm £ Allen. George C, (Julia), painter, h. over 109 East Third.r-iu Allen, Harlan, night editor Mornins Post. r. over 211 N. Main.O a Allen, Hartwell H., (Liguori), painter, h. 601 Palmer.>" 8 Allen, Herbert D„ r. 108 Broadhead Ave.£ fj S — — Money talks. We have paid BRADSHAW'S over $800,000.00 PIONEER losses INSURANCE in our field. AGENCY.

Gloves, Hosiery and Underwear2 >n- The A. D. SHARPE CO.n oJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 83 r. XuHII I PI A l\in Cf\ N0 C0NTESTS 5 -0ntUAJ 1 li-l.llV/ V V . NO FAKE CERTIFICATES ggn "0Allen, Isidore, caterer, h. 163 South Main. ^ §Allen, John Victor, (Anna), finisher,h. under 549 Allen. WAllen, John W., metalworker, bds. 149 Jones & Gifford Ave.Allen, Josiah T., (Grace E.), motorman J. St. Ry., h. 626 Palmer. :" \-\Allen, Lawrence H., (Ellen), packer, h. 750 East Second.WAllen, Lora, Mrs., r. over 564 East Second.•' hAllen, Marvin L., (Winifred), laborer, r. 52 Ridgway Ave. _ 98Allen, Otto C, (Emma), woodworker, h. 80 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave. •' 09

o cClark H a r d w a r eCp;Co. Stoves and Furnacesdid ——^———-—^-^—^^^—9n 84JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYbo gs C vnauiauqua <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Drew Brew^ w a . * * .C s«J©o. Ames-Burns Co.—grain and mill feed, H. R. Wilbur, pres.; G. W. Hosie,m>x treas.; E. C. Kessler, sec'y.—415 Chadakoin bldg.4> o Ames, Adrian S., (Eliza), h. 126 Bowen.•{j60 -.3 Ames, George L., (Harriet), teamster, h. 403 South Main.SS .5 >> o. Ames, Harvey E.,—state salesmanager R. B. Biscuit Co.—h. 94 Barrett.3 •3 a AMES TRANSFER CO John Cozadd—draying, piano moving and storage,under 101 AMESe BEast Third. TRANSFER COMPANYCO .2 — JOHN COZADD - —^--=• 9• | GENERAL DRAYING AND STORAGE2 -a Piano Moving and Hoisting, Pack-1 Office attq g ing Household Goods for Shipment } Specialties. BASEMENT U>1 EAST^THHID STREET03.g 5f Amey, Nellie, r. 280 Steele.B*f| Amidon, Arthur A., (Hannah G.),lumber and real estate, h. 38 Broadhead Av.5 jj" Amidon, Levi L., (Eva M.), lumber buyer, h. Ill Broadhead Ave.^"M g^ Amidon, Nellie Otto M., V., (Lucy), student, lumber r. 38 Broadhead salesman, h. Ave. 20 McKinley Ave.,g Amidon, Pearl M., r. 38 Broadhead Ave.COS _ Amsdell, Bert D., (Ollie M.). Globe Photo Co . h. 118 Wilson Ave.PS'3 5« Amsdell, Charles W., chef, rms. over 6 East Third.H"3 Amsdell, Walda I., Mrs., rms. over 114 East Third.^2 Amsdell, William R., (Maud), waiter, h. 402 East Fourth.2W Anchor Furniture Co.—N. O. and N. E. Johnson—tables, pedestals andE_ w> tabourettes, 8-20 Holmes.S5-- Anderberg, Celia, widow Andrew, h. 421 Hazeltine Ave.0.e Anderberg, Celia, widow Carl, h. 400 Hazeltine Ave."a Anderberg, G. Leonard, woodworker, r. 400 Hazeltine Ave.J"o Anderberg, H. Harold, metalworker, r. 400 Hazeltine Ave.^ 5 Anderberg, Ivar, metalworker, r. 421 Hazeltine Ave.ry g Anderberg, Oscar, metalworker, r. 421 Hazeltine Ave.gW Anderberg, Rudolph, woodworker, r. 421 Hazeltine Ave."^ Anderson, Aaron G., (Augusta), grainer, h. 30 Crown.£l B Anderson, Abram. (Anna L.), handsaw yer, h. oxer 447 Allen.y^ ANDERSON, A. C. & C. A.-- August C. and Charles A.—dry goods, 212-2145g o North Main.CO* Anderson, Adolph, furniture trimmer, bds. 16 Johnson.Anderson, Adolph, metalworker, h. 25 College.a Anderson, Adolph A.. (Clara), laborer, h. under 23S McKinley Aie.° Anderson's Advertising Service w„ T Aniesonpopgjj magazine, newspaper, catalogue and street car advertising and general,^ publicity campaign, 17-18 (Jokey Bldg. •© Anderson, A. E., (Alice), rms. 204 Lafayette.Sn Anderson, A. Frank, (G. Sophia), contractor, h. over 305 Winsor.Om Anderson, Agnes, student, r. 305 West Third.„ Anderson, Agnes M., textileworker, r. 330 Forest Ave.GO Anderson, A. Hjalmar, metalworker, r. over 212 East Second.mm £|J > 3> *> rt Tho ine Anderson, Mutual nuraai 01 nf neWarK, Naiuavlr Rpnpfit Albert, A. oeneiu J., John, a. N (Emily), r. I barber, 513 J. (Ruby (Christina ifp uie I Spring. Premium laborer, r. returned M.), future 21 L.), labour, Ninth. receipts payment metalworker, under to F. S. h. policy to TREADWAY, 194 to 569 nolicv Jan. Buffalo. Allen. holders h. hoMera 1 over 1811, District - 17 and - Valley. .... fuT.i* - A(ent - $427,763,190.20$367,143,488.„T, hani to'

ARPETS, CURTAINS, Til41 A T% ^Skarno ffk 2DRAPERIES, SHADES, *• HC r\.. MJ. OilaFpC V/O. £*JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 85 *SHIT T Pi A M A Pfl COMPLETE TUNING AND MniLllj 1M.±\.L\\J \r-\J. REPAIR DEPARTMENT mAnderson, Albert, metalworker, r. 14 Vega.oAnderson, Albert, metalworker, r. 120 Water.•T3Anderson, Albert, (Hattie), handsander, h. 51S Willard.Anderson, Albert, r. 868 East Second.HJAnderson, Albert, commercial traveler, r. 34 Buffalo. -Anderson, Albert, steelworker, bds. 105 Williams.WAnderson, Albert, (Hilda), loomfixer, h. over 102 Linwood Ave.JJAnderson, Albert E., (Winifred), metalworker, h. over 9 Cheney. £3Anderson, Albertina, widow Charles, h. 30 Wilton Ave.t^Anderson, Albin, (Josephine), stationary engineer, h. 235 Steele.Anderson,Anderson,Albin,Albin G.,bds.machine8 Thayer.hand, r. 133 Camp.q.Anderson, Albin, laborer, bds. 403 Newton Ave.P.Anderson, Albion, (Nannie), sander, h. over 494 Crescent.VAnderson,Anderson, Alene,Albin B.,textileworker,(Gertrude M.),r. 12commercialArnold.traveler, h. 1141 Prend. Ave. JJAnderson, Alfred, textileworker, r. 453 Willard.f^*\Anderson, Alfred, toolmaker, r. 702 Foote Ave. £jAnderson, Alfred, lunch metalworker, counter bds. clerk, 412 rms. Hazeltine 17-25 Russell Ave. block.Anderson, Alfred, (Bertha), rubber, h. 718 East Seventh.Anderson, Alfred, carpenter, bds. 199 Barrett.Anderson, Alfred, polisher, bds. 112 Hazzard.Anderson, Alfred, groceries, 1023 East Second, bds. 19 Tew.Anderson, Alfred A., (Alice A.),—pres. and gen. mgr. Marvel Furniture Co.—h. 829 East Second. "Anderson, Algert, packer, bds. 17 Tower.Anderson, Algo, spinner, r. 37 Steele Ave.Anderson, Alida G., r. 35 Anderson.Anderson, Allene, r. 20 Newton Ave.Anderson, Alma, textileworker, r. 183 Barrows.GO QjGOt*^mmAnderson, Alma M.—Jessop & Anderson—r. 868 East Second.toAnderson, Almeda, clerk, r. 11 Arnold. m\Anderson, Alvin, collector, r. 54 Chapin.AAnderson, Amanda, domestic, 1 Fenton PI.Anderson, Amanda, textileworker, bds. 18 Genesee.Anderson, Amelia, Mrs., h. 203 Crescent. *^Anderson, Amelia, widow Andreas, h. 17 Orchard Ave.rtAnderson & Anderson—Andrew F. and K.—groceries, 120 Willard.^Anderson, Andrew, (Freda), laborer, h. over 148 Sampson.\mtAnderson, Andrew, (Ida), stonemason, h. 415 Newland Ave.Anderson, Andrew, (Christina), contractor, h. 829 Newland Ave.gM 3Anderson, Andrew, painter, bds. 133 Sampson.mmAnderson, Andrew, laborer, bds. 34 Whitley Ave. *J1Anderson, Andrew, (Ellen), stationary fireman, h. 35 Benson.^^Anderson, Andrew, (Emma), veneerworker, h. 16 Walnut.Anderson, Andrew, (Elizabeth M.), retired, h. 11 Arnold.Anderson, Andrew E., (Minnie), cementworker, h. 13 Weeks. .Anderson, Andrew F.,—Anderson & Anderson—bds. 530 Allen.Jj^Anderson, Andrew J., cabinetmaker, h. 203 Thayer.ejpAnderson, Andrew J., farmer, h. 505 Willard._*Anderson, Andrew M., ironworker, h. 37 Sampson. *EVERY Anderson, DEALER Andrew HAS O., (Anna THE "BEST" L.), h. 322% D A Foote 1 M T Ave. Talk it over with me. c &Anderson, I HAVE Andrew THE STRICTLY P., (Olga), PURE screenmaker, * /*111 h. 1031 Ensign. HARRY LYONS *^ *

enzClark H a r d w a r e Co. Stoves and Furnaces86 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY25 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew

Always Buy your Dry Goods of THE A. D. SHARPE CO. d03 a i *HJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 8J P„l3HI 1.1. P I A N O Tfl ENTIRE 6TH FLOOR g >lUUiJ J. li-l.J.l\S \sV/» cHADaKOIN BUILDING gZAnderson, Axel H., (Augusta), draltsman, h. 356 Falconer.Anderson, Axel O., (ifiline), metalworker, h. 20 Union Ave.Anderson, Bena, domestic, 519 Washington.2 mm«M5Sp!jAnderson, Benjamin, (Esther), metaigramer, h. over 109 Stowe. © C-Anderson, Bennie, farmer, r. Willard, R. F. D. 82.3 fllAnderson, Berger, metalworker, bds. 37 College. OAnderson, Bernice, student, r. 16 Walnut.xJ|jJAnderson, Bertha E., trained nurse, 20? Foote Ave. 56 2Anderson, Bessie, stenographer, r. 428 Willard.n ^jAnderson, Bessie, widow Elias, r. 426 Allen.toAnderson, Betty, widow Carl,—Opera House restaurant, 18 East Second— a rth. over 15 West Second. ©Anderson, Betty, widow Charles, r. 318 Forest Ave.Anderson Bros.—Charles J. Anderson, prop.—iron works and machine shop, «5 Race. 5ANDERSON, BRUNO, (Hulda)—Rathskeller hotel, 121-123 E. Second—h.do. g nAnderson, C. Albert, (Bessie), machinist, h. 20 Walnut. & *Anderson, Carl, (Hildena), laborer, h. over 509 Allen.*? pAnderson, Carl, (Emma), laborer, h. over 607 Allen.E. nAnderson, Carl, (Anna), metalworker, h. over 214 Winsor. % t"Anderson, Carl, machine sander, bds. 45 Chapin."_ *W\Anderson, Carl, (Marie), carpenter, h. 110 Foote Ave.s HAnderson, Carl, laborer, bds. 14 Arnold.ES SSAnderson, Carl, (Anna), carpenter, h. over 60 Tenth.g ^Anderson, h. 20 Union Carl, Ave. carpenter, bds. 45 Sturges. » £ t" 3Anderson, Carl, A., lunch metalworker, counter clerk, r. over rms. 103 6 Hayward East Second. Block.g n SAnderson, Carl, A., metalworker, (Jennie), meats, bds. 7 774 Grandin. East Second, h. 811 do. — © 5Anderson, Carl, A., laborer, steel bds. casemaker, 952 East r. Second. 17 Center.JP t\Anderson, Carl, A„ textileworker, (Carrie M.), bds. mgr. 324 McCrorey Willard. Syndicate, h. 30 Grant. |g j? !J> nAnderson, Carl, A., (Jennie metalworker, W.), janitor r. 36 National <strong>Chautauqua</strong> <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave. County Bank, s g-S.Anderson, Carl A., (Hilma C), axemaker, h. 114 Bush.g»gAnderson, Carl E., laborer, bds. over 796 East Second.fteAnderson, Carl E., (Hulda C), foreman J. Cabinet Co., h. 303 Willard. |'»Anderson, Carl F., (Christina), machine hand, h. 31 Benedict.s ^Anderson, Carl G„ (Anna C), machine hand, h. 649 East Sixth." eAnderson, Carl H., metalworker, r. 120 Wescott.\\ aAnderson, CarlJ., (Alma), metalworker, h. over 12 Morse Ave. g «fAnderson, CarlJ., woodworker, r. 7 Barrows. £ aAnderson, CarlJ., (Ida C), woodworker, h. 84 Highland Ave. g_°*Anderson, Carl M., upholsterer, r. 35 Anderson.Anderson, Carl W., (Hulda S.), benchsawyer, h. 20 Bush.toAnderson, Carl William, metalworker, r. over 133 Sampson. g,Anderson, Carlotta, student, r. 11 English.Anderson, Caroline M., widow John E., r. 20 Newton Ave. —Anderson, C. Axel, (Bertha C), metalworker, h. over 34 Crown. 35Anderson, Cecilia H., clerk, r. 138 Prospect. 2Anderson, C. Edward, cabinetmaker, bds. 15 Shaw Ave. Z>Anderson, C. Emil, (Anna), finisher,h. over 21 Stowe. w^ rEVERY Anderson, DEALER Charles, HAS (Augusta), THE "BEST" laborer, p h. A 120 IMT Wescott. Talk it over with me. mj> 2Anderson, Charles, (Anna), woodworker, h. over 55 Benedict.PB gI HAVE THE STRICTLY PURE * r*lll 1HARRY LYONS oAnderson, Charles, metalworker, r. 30 Wilton Ave.WAnderson, Charles, laborer, bds. 228 Barrett.Ejg

wccd£ Clark Hardware Co., Contractors & Mill SupplieswZ 88JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYHHS <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew IS MAK,NtI?LTL,EVERY DAYAnderson, Charles, (Jennie), foreman carpenter; h. 20 Barker.Anderson, Charles, metalworker, r. over 18 Colfax.Anderson, Charles, (Agnes), woodworker, h. 304 Willard.Anderson, Charles, metalworker, bds. 42 SampsonAnderson, Charles, metalworker, bds. 52 Vega.Anderson, Charles, laborer, bds. 112 Tower.Anderson, Charles A., (Anna K.), tanner, h. Willard, R. F. D. 82.Anderson, Charles A., (Matilda), rubber, h. 20 Willis.Anderson, Charles A.,—The Anderson, 11 East Second—rms. 12 Allen Square.Anderson, Charles A., metalworker, r. 119 Wescott.Anderson, Charles A., (Saliie T.), \ainisher, h. 2U2 Baker.Anderson, Charles A., (Hannah), woodworker, h. 217 Bowen.Anderson, Charles A., (Phebe M.), stationary engineer, h. 28 Fairview Ave.Anderson, Charles A., (Lena), stonemason, h. 36 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave..S Anderson, Charles A., (Josephine), carpenter, h. 6 Peterson."2 Si Anderson, Charles A., (Anna C.) — A.C.& C.A. Anderson—h. 38 Lakeview Av.g g, Anderson, Charles A., (Minnie), supt. Watson Mfg. Co., h. 11 English.pgJjf Anderson, Charles A., (Hilda E.), foreman finisher,h. 109 Wescott.^•° Anderson, Charles A., (Augusta M.), groceries, 419 Foote Ave., h. over do.>>"g Anderson, Charles E., (Jennie E.), woodworker, r. over 804 Washington.4) « Anderson, Charles E., (Henrietta C), Swetland 2 Anderson, Charles G., (Charlotte C), tailor, h. 120 Park.-S o Anderson, Charles G., (Emma), packer, h. 235 Baker.V* 3 Anderson. Charles J„ (Addie), Anderson Bros., h. 925 North Main."«< ANDERSON, CHARLES J., (Louise)—shoes, 103 East Second and 223 North3 _ Main—h. 139 Chandler.tod >• Anderson, Charles J., (Clara S.), metalworker, h. 405 Bowen.K-vs Anderson, Charles J., (Carolina), laborer, h. 133 Camp.+*"2 Anderson, Charles J., (Emma C), metalworker, h. rear 10 West Sixth,SB « Anderson, Charles J„ (Alma), laborer, h. 569 Allen.w;£ Anderson, Charles L., (Hannah), bench foreman, h. 11 Orchard Ave."3 .5? Anderson, Charles M., (Johanna M.), tinsmith, h. 22S Forest Ave.Jj c Anderson, Charles M., machine hand, h. 69 Hedges Ave.C § Anderson. Charles O., (Anna M.), boatbuilder, h. SOS East Second.rj§ Anderson, Charles O., (Josephine), deliveryman, h. 640 East Sixth.Anderson, Charles O.. (Celia), bartender, h. over 10 South Main.. Anderson, Charles O., (Signhild), chauffeur, h. 99 Liberty.© Anderson, Charles O.. (Hannah), laborer, h. over 210 Colfax.{LJAnderson, Charles P., (Augusta),—cigars and confectionery, Falconer—h.232 Sprague.S_i Anderson, Charles R., (Hilda M.), metalworker, h. 330 Forest Ave.& Anderson, Charles R., machine hand, bds. 8 Fairfield Ave.qJJ Anderson, Charles \\\, milk peddler, h. 31S Forest Ave.mm Anderson, Charlotte, widow Elias, h. over IS:', Barrows.Cg Anderson, Christian J., (Maria), cabinetmaker, h. 412 Hazeltine Ave.mm Anderson, Christina, widow Andrew, r. 37 Sturges.^H Anderson, Christina, Mrs., r. over 12 Morse Ave.^ *-* .3 jf VI o> Cm ^ Largest Anderson, Victrolas. stock $50. Clarence, Clara, Christine, Victor S7S. clerk, widow Records metalworker, meat widow Mrs., S100. h. John 34 h. cutter, SI50. Charles, in over Buffalo. M., the h. $200 r. 18 City Ill over r. Colfax. 75 Sprague. LitAIlldll PrLmfln'« 70 Bemus.Benedict. Mnejr & FlUMl CtftrP 310IC

Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. THE A. D. SHARPE CO. >JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 89 &S£1111 S tlcUlO OCllOOl SCHOOL FOR PIANISTS i-H>Anderson, Clarence, grocery clerk, r. 19 Tew.^13Anderson, Clarence A., (Grace V.), lumber inspector, h. 18 Chestnut.*"flAnderson, Clarence H. woodworker, r. 263 Prospect.4 Falconer.qoAnderson, Claus A., (Hilda C),—Scholin Furniture Co.—h. 215 Bowen. "*Anderson, Clyde M., (Hilma), detailer, h. 35 Linden Ave.r^m^Anderson, Conrad, motoiman J. St. Ry., rms. 77 S. Main.mm>Anderson, Conrad, cementworker, r. 30 Wilton Ave.t^mAnderson, Conreal, bds. 17 Orchard Ave..^^ 2Anderson, David, cleaning, dveing and men's tailoring, 322 North Main, bds.107 Lister. ^^Anderson, David, (Josephine), bandsawyer, h. 102 Linwood Ave.Anderson, David, rubber, r. 20 Willis.Anderson, David L., (Margaret), bookkeeper, h. over 127 Allen.Anderson, E. A. &. Bro.—Emil A. and Edward—groceries, 2 Winsor. £2Anderson, Earl R., (Florence E.), groceries &. creamery, 340 E. Third, h. do. MjAnderson, Edith C, r. 119 Wescott.mAnderson, Edith E., stenographer, r. 161 Allen.JSAnderson, Edward, (Selma), metalworker, h. 21 Weeks.S3Anderson, Edward—E. A. Anderson & Bro.—h. 2 Winsor.ftAnderson, Edward, (Elizabeth), woodworker, h. over 196 Falconer. toAnderson, Edward, (Wendla), finisher,h. 28 Sturges.Anderson, Edwin, woodworker, bds. 34 Eleventh.Anderson, Edwin, woodworker, bds. 324 Willard.Anderson, Edwin, metalworker, r. 37 Steele Ave. „Anderson, Edwin, metalworker, r. 28 Swan.wAnderson, Ejner, casemaker, r. 23S McKinley Ave.jAnderson, Elias, (Mary B.), h. 453 Willard.F1Anderson, Elizabeth, r. 21 Ninth.^Anderson, Ellen, domestic, 64 Fairmount Ave.jj£Anderson, Ellen, textileworker, r. 304 Willard. §6^Anderson, Ellen, r. 120 Wescott.3 OAnderson, Ellen J., domestic, 14 East Fifth. B 3Anderson, Ellen T., domestic, 400 Lincoln.^OAnderson, Ellis, metalworker, r. over 108 Charles.g S3Anderson, Elmer, bds. 800 East Second.a EjJAnderson, Elmer, upholsterer, r. over 64 Benedict.o>~Anderson, Elmer, (Bessie S.), veneer cutter, h. 68 Thayer.£j^Anderson, Elmer, toolmaker, r. 110 Cheney.rtAnderson, Elmer, grocery clerk, r. over 837 Newland Ave.QAnderson, Elmer E., warpdresser, r. 493 Willard.OAnderson, Elmer S., (May), painter, h. 415 West Fourth.WAnderson, Elof, (Hilma), steel casemaker, h. Ill Sprague.ZAnderson, Elsa, Mrs., h. over 129 Bush.^Anderson, Elva, r. over 848 North Main.Anderson,MODERNEmil,HARDWOODfinisher, r. 114 Bush.FLOORS — Ask LvonSAnderson, Are Emil, not so (Lillian), expensive as loomfixer, you may think h. 220 Prospect.«/ ^^Anderson, Emil, (Selma), textileworker, h. 258 Willard.*"•Anderson, Emily, Emma, A.—E. L., O., widow Mrs., (Ida), domestic, A. textileworker, August, Gust, Anderson warpdresser, 15 503 West h. h. 401 East 26 & Fifth. r. English. Ninth. Bro.—r. h, Second. over 493*4 212 Willard. Weeks. Winsor.J^Jg tmrn gm^ mf mm. _^ q

2•micoEa' Clark Hardware Co., Contractors & Mill Supplies90 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY<strong>Chautauqua</strong>BrewQuenches thirst, acts as a mild tonic, inducessleep Both phones 268Anderson, Emma, r. over 64 Benedict.S Anderson, Emma C, domestic, 10 Chandler.jj Anderson, Emma C, stenographer, r. 18 Genesee.% Anderson, Emma C, r. 133 Camp.j; Anderson, Emory, (Mary), woodworker, h. 855 Lafayette.Anderson, Eric, (Hilda J.), carpenter, h. 74 Liberty.Anderson, Eric, metalworker, bds. 324 Willard.Anderson, Eric H., clerk, r. 120 Park.Anderson, Erick A., laborer, bds. 171 Baker.Anderson, Ernest, (Anna), painter, h. over 510 East Seventh.• 2a\ANDERSON, ERNEST A., (A. Christine),—furniture and light hardware,VI uupholstering and repairing, 26 South Main—h. 235 Baker.mm Os Dr-m We will make your old furniture look like new. Estimates cheerfully given.11 ERNEST A. ANDERSONe£ -£ »% HOME PHONE 1305-K. Dealer in FURNITURE AND LIGHT HARDWARE- 26 SOUTH MAIN ST.Upholstering, Furniture Repairing, Carriage TrimmingAnderson, Ernest J., warpdresser, r. 133 Camp.-2 e Anderson, Ernest L., (Mabel E.), dyesinker, h. 207 Van Buren.•j- .£ Anderson, Eskil, (Ida), crater, h. 28 Swan.^ , Anderson, Esther, twister, r. 868 East Second.J2 Anderson, Esther, domestic, 36 Fairmount Ave._5o"t2 Anderson, Esther, textileworker, r. 116 Newland Ave.,*j Anderson, Esther, textileworker, r. 378^ Willard.m-t » Anderson, Esther E., weaver, r. 120 Wescott.^ » Anderson, Esther L., textileworker, r. 35 Anderson.eg o. Anderson, Ethel, clerk, r. Ill Stowe.•g m Anderson, Eva, call girl, r. 9 Cheney.va Anderson, Eva S., widow F. A., h. 10 Winsor.•• | Anderson, Evelyn, dressmaker, v. 1037 North Main.o» •* Anderson, Evelyn, clerk, r. 26 Ninth.Jo J Anderson, Fabian, laborer, bds. 34 Whitley Ave.JE B Anderson, Fabian, (Anna), loomfixer, h. 274 Prospect..^ Anderson, Fanny, r. over 15 Wesl Second.(3 g Anderson, F. Duane, office clerk, r. 42S Willard.w 3 Anderson, Flora C, bds. 42 Sampson."g a Anderson, Florence, clerk, i . 493 Willard.;g " Anderson, Florence, paper boxmaker, r. 1 Briggs.-.-. § Anderson, Florence, domestic, 410 East Fourth, r. 24 Tenth.""^ J Anderson, Florence J., clerk, r. 49 Thirteenth.Anderson, Foreman A., (Josephine), bending boss, h. 811 Cherry.O Anderson, Frances M., clerk, r. 419 Foote Ave.*•* Anderson, Frank, bds. over 25 Foote Ave.^.^ Anderson, Frank, packer, bds. over 928 East Second.H ^ " ^. Anderson, j-mviciowii,i' Frank, j una r. v,., 120 \i\i.i Park. n.r, men nine uti.uu, II. LUI .rtllfLl.J^\Zj Anderson, Frank. L., (Ida), mechanic, O.), contractor, h. 108 h. Crossman.247 Forest Ave.23 SOO grQ Anderson, Frank, O., (Marie), (Amelia woodworker, S.), pres. Empire h. 110 Newland Furniture Ave. Co., h. 1(Woj^i WeAnderson,representFrank.forty(Augusta),companiesmfr,withpedestals$170,000.00andassets.tabourettes, 745 Foote, h. do.pT^ An'derson, Frank E., (Josephine), finisher,h. over 407 English.25 BRADSHAW'S PIONEER INSURANCE AGENCY.Baas Anderson, Frank G., (Anna), cabinetmaker, h, 42 Wescott.,

THE A. D. SHARPE CO. for Rugs and Carpets(t,JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 91 £*Hill's Piano School__^__ CtCF PS plag tfAnderson, Frank O., (Emily), cabinetmaker, h. 253 Crescent. ^Anderson, Frank O., (Hilda), woodworker, h. Ill Wescott.m-nAnderson, Frans O., (Christine), laborer, h. 507 Allen.fl&Anderson, Franz O., (Edna P.), salesman, h. 616 Prendergast Ave. —Anderson, Fred, woodworker, r. 203 Crescent.^"^Anderson, Fred, warpdresser, h. 428 Willard. ©Anderson, Fred, (Augusta), aristoworker, h. 314 Forest Ave.•Anderson, Fred C, (Elizabeth), cabinetmaker, h. 619 Foote Ave.Anderson, Fred H., salesman, rms. 434 Winsor.eAnderson, Fred L., driver, r. 40 Taylor.!_Anderson, Fred L., (Aleda), cementworker, h. over 10 Hopkins Ave.» qAnderson, Fred V., bookkeeper, r. 62 Eleventh. n »Anderson, Fredericka, dressmaker, 2 East Fourth, h. do. £, ©Anderson, Friddol, apprentice, r. 235 Steele.5" GAnderson, Fritz E., finisher,bds. 194 Buffalo. *0 gAnderson, G. Allene, clerk, r. 49 Thirteenth. 3Anderson, Genevieve, clerk, r. 428 Willard.3 ^Anderson, Genevieve E. M., stenographer, i. 601 Newland Ave.g, XAnderson, George, draftsman, r. 30 Crown. •< £jAnderson, George S., (Bessie), machinist, h. 215 East Third. 5Anderson, Gertrude C, textileworker, h. 268 Broadhead Ave. s j>Anderson, Gertrude L., domestic, 31 Linden Ave.& PAnderson, Gilbert, metalworker, r. 21 Weeks.Anderson, Gordon metalworker, r. 48 Hedges Ave.p GAnderson, Grace M., student, r. 221 Fulton.Anderson, Greta, student, r. 2 Morse Ave.5CAnderson, Gunnar, (Ellen), metalworker, h. 144 Broadhead Ave.g ^Anderson, Gunnar, metalworker, bds. 52 McKinley Ave.» P3Anderson, Gunnar, printer Journal Press, r. 30 Crown. 2£ 3Anderson, Gunnar, laborer, bds. 17 Hedges Ave.o enAnderson, Gust, woodworker, bds. over 187 Barrows.n hAnderson, Gust, metalworker, r. over 410 Lafayette.*. ^Anderson, Gust, laborer, r. 640 East Sixth.jg rAnderson, Gust, (Anna), carpenter, h. 23 Chapman. ' f"Anderson, Gust, (Alma), woodworker, h. 332 Forest Ave.BB JjAnderson, Gust, (Ida J.), woodworker, h. 56 Blanchard.Z ^Anderson, Gust, lumber handler, r. over 22 Jeffords.M gAnderson, Gust, (Emma), drayman, h. 120 King.eg toAnderso'n, Gust, (Anna), laborer, h. 10 Webster.rAnderson, Gust, (Selma M.), butcher, h. over 212 East Second. i%Anderson, Gust, bds. 717 Murray Ave.Anderson, Gust, (Minnie), h. under 618 East Second.C~*)Anderson Gust, (Louisa), furniture packer, h. 28 Colfax. £*»Anderson, Gust, painter, bds. 45 Sturges._.Anderson, Gust, (Ida), finisher,h. over 17 Bush. rtAnderson, Gust, (Inga), woodworker, h. 14 Vega.

~j Clark Hardware Co., Contractors & Mill Supplies"3•*-» 92 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYcLow in alcohol, rich in extractBl <strong>Chautauqua</strong> BrewBoth phones 268CO03oJo>esCOueouaHKosHzuU4)Anderson, Gust H.,Anderson, Gust H.,Anderson, Gust P.,Anderson, Gust S.,Anderson,Anderson,Anderson,Anderson,cabinetmaker, r. 24 Tenth.night clerk, rms. 28 Center.(Mary), painter, h. 268 Colfax.(Ida E.), metalworker, h. 38 Whitley Ave.Gust W., (Florence D.), contractor, h. 314 Forest Ave.Gustaf, (Hilda), woodworker, h. 34 Wilton Ave.Gustaf, (Mary), editor Skandia, h. 17 Center.Gustaf A., (Ida J.), woodworker, h. under 16 Maple.Anderson, Hannah, r. 38 Peterson.Anderson, Hannah, Mrs., textileworker, rms. 27 Broadhead Ave.Anderson, Harry, office boy, r. 28 Swan.Anderson, Harry, laborer, bds. 99 Tower.Anderson, Harry L., (Mattie R.)—City meat market—h. 17 Barrett.Anderson, Harry R., teamster, r. 406 Fairmount Ave.Anderson Harry T., (Caroline), clerk, h. 11 Van Buren.Anderson, Henry C.Anderson, Henning L., textileworker, r. 13 Wilton Ave.Anderson, Henry G.Anderson, Henry, woodworker, bds. 16 William.Anderson, Henry L.,Anderson, Henry A., painter, r. 119 Wescott.Anderson, Henry O., (Hilma C), painter, h. 148 Sampson.Anderson, Herbert,R., student, r. 349 Falconer., (Antonia), barber, 308 East Second, h. 112i/, Chandler.Anderson, Herman, (Tecla A.), machine hand, h. over 756 East Second.metalworker, bds. over 31 Barrett.Anderson, Herman, metalworker, r. 304 Willard., meats, 880 North Main, h. over do.Anderson, Herman, (Anna), tailor, h. 11 Victoria Ave.(Minnie), metalworker, h. 52 Prospect.Anderson, Herman G., (Rose), supt. Empire Furn. Co., h. 18 Arnold.Anderson, Hildur M., stenographer, r. i61 Allen.Anderson, Hilma, textileworker, r. 12 Arnold.Anderson, Hilmer, (Freda), machinehand, h. 376 Stowe.Anderson, Hjalmar, (Hulda), cementworker, h. 554 Allen.Anderson, Hjalmar, metalworker, r. 35 Anderson.Anderson, Hjalmar O., carpenter, bds. 219 Bowen.Anderson, Hulda, housekeeper, 103 Wescott.Anderson, Hulda C, domestic, r. 168 Allen.Anderson, Ida, widow Malcom, boaidinghouse 1 Briggs, h. do.Anderson, Iver, metalworker, bds. 15 Wilson Ave.Anderson, Jacob L., (Emma C), shoemaker, h. 493 Willard.Anderson, Jennie James, metalworker, r. over 1117 Newland Ave.Anderson, Jennie, J. Anton, (E. Lillian), overlooker, h. over 35 Benson.Anderson, Jennie,milliner, r. 13 Weeks.Anderson. Jennie, Jessie, spinner, r. 129 King.Anderson, Jessie. domestic, 203 East Fourth.Anderson, Jessie. widow Gust, h. over 1117 Newland Ave.Anderson, J. Gust., weaver, (Anna) r. 17 Orchard Ave.den Ave. bookkeeper, bds. 439 Winsor.ANDERSON, J. G., seamstress, MRS., caterer, r. 13 r. Weeks. 28 Linden Ave.Anderson, J. Gust, Mrs. (Esther), bds. 210 warpdresser, West Fourth.45 Vega.Anderson, Johanna, widow Andrew, propr. Stony h. 200 Brook Baker. Lodge, Belleview, h. 28 Lin-Anderson, Johanna, widow John, r. 33 Charles.Anderson, Johanna, widow Isaac, r. 105 Falconer.The Anderson, Mutual Johanna, Benefit widow Life Premium John, r. receipts over 880 to Jan. North 1,1811 Main .... $367,143,488.69Anderson,of Newark,JohannaN. J.L., widow RETURNED August TO P., POLICY r. 3i5 Price. HOLDERS and hinds on hand forfuture payment to policy holders - - - $427,763,190.20F. S. TREADWAY, District Agent

Women's Coats and Suits THE A. D. SHARPE CO. 5>JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 93ORGANS AND OLD PIANOSH I L L P I A N O CO.TAKEN IN EXCHANGEAnderson, John,Anderson, John,Anderson, John,Anderson, John,Anderson, John,Anderson, John,Anderson, John,Anderson, John,Anderson, John,Anderson, John,Anderson, John,Anderson, John,Anderson, John,Anderson, John,Anderson, John,Anderson, John,Anderson, John,Anderson, JohnAnderson, JohnAnderson, JohnAnderson, JohnAnderson, JohnAnderson, JohnAnderson, JohnNewland AvAnderson, JohnAnderson, JohnAnderson, JohnAnderson, JohnAnderson, JohnAnderson, JohnAnderson, JohnAnderson, JohnAnderson, JohnAnderson, JohnAnderson, JohnAnderson, JohnAnderson, JohnAnderson, JohnAnderson, JohnAnderson, JohnAnderson, JohnAnderson, JohnAnderson, Johncarpenter, bds. over 17 Valley.laborer, r. over 22 Jeffords.(Matilda), metalworker, h. Ill Stowe.moulder, rms. 77 South Main.carpenter, bds. 7 Grandin.(Maria), laborer, h. 118 Crown.(Augusta), woodworker, h. 53 Thirteenth.(Alice), wagonmaker, h. over 410 Lafayette.(Emily), metalworker, h. over 21 Cowden PI.(Emma), machinehand, h. 6;, Center.laborer, bds. 283% South Main.(Freda C), upholsterer, h. 211 Broadhead Ave.tinner, bds. 47 Hedges Ave.metalworker, bds. 52 Vega.—Malmberg & Anderson—r. 25 Park.laborer, bds. 194 Buffalo.(Hilda J.), deliveryman, h. 426 Allen.A., painter, bds. 530 Allen.A., (Emma C), metalworker, h. 23 Chapman.A., (Christine), h. 32 Swan.A., (Josephine), metalworker, h. under 402 East Fourth.A., (Anna-J.), woodworker, h. 13 Wilton Ave.A., (Jennie S.), machinehand, h. 8 East Newland Ave.A., (Alyda C), supt. Breed-Johnson Furn. Co., h. 10 E_gj-Gr3e.A., (Ada), stationary engineer, h. 65 Hazzard.A., (Amanda A.), upholsterer, h. 20 Charles.A., (Minnie), painter, h. 45 Sturges.A., (Emma), textileworker, h. 211 Crescent.A., rubber, bds. over 199 Barrett.A., boilermaker, bds. 44 Foote Ave.A., (Hulga M.), foreman finisher, h. 42 Thirteenth.A., (Emma C), clerk, h. 62 Eleventh.A., (Johanna G.), cabinetmaker, h. 126 Winsor.A., woolsorter, r. 35 Anderson.A., (Amanda), carpenter, h. 58 Bemus.A.. (Amanda), metalworker, h. 42 Park.A., (Matilda C). finisher,h. 328 Fooie Ave.B., Brooklyn restaurant, rms. over 8 South Main.B., woodworker, r. 12 Arnold.E., (Ida B.), stationary engineer, h. 119 Broadhead Ave.E., (Hildur), finisher,h. 92 Clyde Ave.G., Charlotte), woodworker, h. 119 Wescott.H., (Amelia), caretaker Rose Garden stables, h, 406 Fair­mount Ave. ly, (Lena), laborer, h, over 133 Sampson.Anderson, John M., (Ida M.). vice pres. Level Furn. Co., h. 54 Chapin. CfiAnderson. John M,. (Lizzie L.), transient & boarding stable, 63 Taylor, h. COAnderson, John M,. (Ida), machinehand, h. 54 Chapin.COLONIAL 65 do. P., PORCH(TTlrika), laborer, COLUMNS h. over 22 Jeffords. HARRY LYONS oAnderson, That will not John eraek P., or (Ellen), open up—alio woodworker, Porch Baltuten h. 205 and Rail Palmer. Institute St. & Erie RyAnderson, John R., (Mary), finisher,h. over 30 Barrows.Anderson. Anderson, ANDERSON West SeconJohnA d. JOHNSON,—Harry W„ W.. W., S., (Emma), clerk, (Sophia bds. W.). Southern 530 machinist, L. Allen. Lumber and Charles—City h. Co., 132 h. Prospect. 899 East meat Second. market, 145.asCOommmm3.CO2oCr*sro>&»mm.mmChHrO-

OHjg Clark Hardware Co., Roofing and Building Paperseu»u 5 94 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY»£cd <strong>Chautauqua</strong> BrewJust what you want daily as a beverage withmeals, summer and winter Both phones 268Anderson Jonas \V\, (Christine), h. 235 Barrows.Anderson Joseph, (Mary), h. 52 Virginia Boulevard.Anderson Joseph, metalworker, r. 518 Willard.Anderson Joseph Jr., metalworker, r. 52 Virginia Boulevard.Anderson Josephine, domestic, 203 East Fourth.Anderson J. ft'L, (Code), foreman carder, bds. 22 Hazzard.Anderson J. Peter, laborer,Ii. over 04 Beudict.Anderson Judith, weaver, l. 6 Peterson.Anderson Judith L., clerk, r. 58 Bemus.Anderson Julia W.. dressmaker, r. 829 Newland Ave.Anderson Julius A., (Corrinne), warpdresser, h. over 18 Linwood Ave.Anderson Katharyn, student, r. 65 Taylor.Anderson Kuno, (Florence), clerk, h. 521 Willard.Anderson Lars, r. 5 Garfield.Anderson Lars P., (Louise F.), woodworker, h. 24 Tenth.Anderson L. August, (Josephine), dyer, h. 122 Hazzard.Anderson Lauren P., clerk, bds. 105 Park.Anderson Lawrence, farmer, r. Ill Sprague.Anderson Lawrence A., printer, bds. 345 Price.Anderson Lena, widow Andrew, h. 408 Willard.Anderson Lena, widow John, h. 30

Gloves, Hosiery and Underwear - THE A. D. SHARPE CO. f: ttJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 95toONE PRICEHILL P I A N O CO.SYSTEM ONLYAnderson, Martin, (Hattie), machinist, bds. 211 West Fifth.Anderson, Martin, loomfixer, r. 20 Willis.Anderson, Martin, woodworker, lids, over 208 East Second.Anderson, Martin C, finisher, r. 109 Wescott.Anderson, Martin J„ student, r. 122 Hazzard.rAnderson, Marvin H., bookkeeper, r. 899 East Second._.Anderson, Mary, Mrs., h. over 20 Walnut. c "Anderson, Mary, trained nurse, rms. 252 Fulton.Anderson, Mary, widow Gust, h. 242 McKinley Ave.Anderson, Matilda, textileworker, h. 12 Arnold.Anderson, Matilda, r. 925 North Main.£_iAnderson, Matilda, housekeeper, 203 Thayer.tmfAnderson, Matilda J., domestic, r. 1J Arnold.Anderson, Merrill D., (Bessie M.), meatcutter, h. 65 Twelfth.Anderson, Minnie, laundress, bds. S10 Jefferson.Anderson, Minnie, widow Herman, Charles A., r. 20 h. Willis 262 Prospect. ?Anderson, Morris Minnie, S., textileworker, (Signe), bench bds. foreman, 17 Wilton h. 52 Ave. Vega. „ IT .. o'Anderson, Minnie, N. Alfred, twister, (Selma),—The r. 253 Crescent. Anderson saloon—, h. 53 Grant. S: P ***Anderson, Anderson. Minnie, Nancy, dressmaker, r. 25 College. bds. 20 Linden Ave.£Sj?Anderson, Anderson. Nels, Nathaniel (Minnie), A., conductor rubber, h. J. over St. Ry., IS Crown. r. 314 Forest Avemm »» m\ »Anderson, Nels, (Ellen), gardener, h. 256 Willard.^ s S. £•Anderson, Nels, (Alma), ironworker, h. over 23 Stowe.&» g 2Anderson, Nels C , (Anna), woodworker, h. 427 Hazeltine Ave. 5" §,Anderson. Nils, (Johanna), machinist, h. 23 Twelfth. J? i§Anderson, Nina, spooler, bds. Woodlawn Ave. " 5'Anderson, Noah, (Amanda), stockkeeper, h. 1037 North Main.°ttAnderson, Olof, woodworker, rms. 337 East Fifth.^B^Anderson, Olof, (Ingra), woodworker, h. 702 Foote Ave.^^Anderson, Oliver, barber, r. 6 Peterson. H*9Anderson, Ollie, screen doormaker, r. 52 Virginia Boulevard.N9Anderson, Orin, woodworker, bds. 17 Bishop.J?#Anderson, Orren, laborer, bds. 426 Aden. 2Anderson, Oscar, (Minnie L.L machinehand, h. over 103 East Second. toAnderson, Oscar, metalworker, l. 200 Baker.^^Anderson, Oscar, stonecutter, r. 22 Eagle.m-m3Anderson, Oscar, carpenter, bds. 25 College. J\3toAnderson. Oscar, (Mary K ). metalworker, h. 90 Liberty.COAnderson, Oscar, clerk, r. 203 Crescent.Anderson, Oscar, laundryman. rms. 307 West Second.Anderson, Oscar, plater, bds. 16 .Tonnson.Anderson, Oscar, metalworker, bds. 79 Vega.*1Anderson. Oscar A., student, r. 20 Union Ave.Anderson, Oscar A., (Clara), woodworker, h. 2(58 Broadhead Ave.Anderson, Oscar A., laborer, r. 507 Allen.Anderson, Oscar B., (Manda), steel casemaker, h. 105 Crossman.Anderson, Oscar C, (Helga), woodturner, h. over 136 Park.Anderson, Oscar E., (Antonio), supt. J. Cabinet Co., h. 325 Foote Ave.Anderson, Oscar E., metalworker, bds. 167 Chandler.CO mm CBAnderson, COLONIAL Oscar E., PORCH shingler, r. COLUMNS110 Cheney. harry lyons C+"Anderson, That will not Oscar crack T.. or open (Amanda), up—also Porch metalworker, Balusters and h. Rail 20 Sturges. Institute St. & Erie Ry. __Anderson, Anderson. Otto, metalworker, (Anna), laborer, bds. r. 200 h. 489 under Baker. Winsor. 80 Tower. •\jlf+tf mm

H Clark Hardware Co., Roofing and Building PapersuZ 96JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY§ <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew u'B^iorYZ^LT2VsOT your fami,y®oNAnderson, Otto E., (Clara N.), woodturner, h. 39 Myrtle.Anderson, P. August, laborer, r. 63 Hallock.•j Anderson, Paul, finisher,bds. 105 Park.j» , Anderson, Peter, retired, r. 223 Steele.~a Anderson, Peter J., (Anna), stationary engineer, h. 129 King..JS Anderson, Raymond, plumber, r. 108 Cross.W Anderson, Reno, office clerk, r. 2 Morse Ave.tg Anderson, Richard, carpenter, r. 203 Crescent.•— ' Anderson, Richard E., (Clara L.),—Danielson & Anderson—h. 318 Newland{g Anderson, Ave. Robert L., laborer, bds. 194 Buffalo.-mfg1i'Anderson,Anderson, RoyRichardD., (JudithH., (Mary),A.), foremanwoodworker,packer,h. 263h. 14Prospect.Jeffords.T3Anderson, Ruby A., textileworker, r. 114 Bush.C J» e Anderson, Rudolph, Robert L., machine fireman, hand, r. 126 r. Winsor. 16 Orchard.© a Anderson, Ruth, r. 428 Willard.03 eo Anderson, Ruth, dressmaker, r. 1037 North Main.-.a Anderson, Ruth C, textileworker, r. 13 Wilton Ave.%-v ANDERSON & SANDBURG,—Axel E. and Charles A.—boots and shoes, 108« a North Main.J•2 oi>> Anderson,Anderson, Sarah Selma,E. cook,V., musician, 121 Lakeviewr. 126 Ave.> Anderson, Selma, weaver, r. 37 Sampson.Winsor.4>^j Anderson, Selma, domestic, 512 Prendergast Ave.cdf. Anderson, Selma. twister, bds. Apart. C, 27 Forest Ave.£g

Always Buy your Dry Goods of THE A. D. SHARPE CO. OSrJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 97 Pm-tHII I P I A N O T O LARGEST AND MOST J—Ill_l_l 1 AJ^.l,lVr' \s\J. CAREFULLY SELECTED STOCK J»Anderson, William G., (Edith), conductor J. St. Ry., h. 307 Winsor. COAnderson, William H., (Annie), commercial traveler, h. over 103 Allen.Anderson, William J.—Anderson Advertising Service—17-18 Gokey Bldg.rms. Squier's Court.Andon, Achille, carder, r. over 212 Washington.13Andone, Dominico, Mrs., h. 581 Buffalo.QJAndone, Pandeli Ph., cloth finisher, rms. 35 Steele.Andone, Ph. Peter, finisher, rms. 35 Steele.Andrean, Carl G., (Lillian S.) machine hand, h. 207 Sturges.toCOAndrews, Alvin I.. (Esther), carpenter, h. over 514 Newland Ave.qjAndrews, August, (Anna), tailor, h. over 145^4 Allen. —Andrews, Eris, (Maude), cattle dealer, h. 411 Lafayette.Andrews, Leon, clerk, rms. 14 East Fourth.Andruss, George D., (Corrie)—Fenton & Andruss—h. 706 Foote Ave. WAndruss, William E., (Myrtle), clothing clerk, h. 872 East Second. oAngeles, Mattia, laborer, bds. 539 Crescent. . .oAngelo, Charles, (Sarah), laborer, h. over 135i4 Chandler.PjAngstenberger, Mary, widow Fred, nurse, r. 1141 Prendergast Ave. ftAnker, Frank W., r. 101 Colfax.> ^^Anker. Hans, (Petris M.), casemaker, h. 101 Colfax. *JAnnis, Nellie F., dressmaker, rms. 384 Foote Ave.Antalora, Charles, (Fleece), laborer, h. 103 Water.Antelona, Volentona, (Mary), laborer, h. under 433 Allen.Antler, Nellie, h. over 319 Jefferson.Antolora, Mike, (Gaetana), woolwasher, h. 79 Water.N^Antone, Louis, finisher, r. 231;/, South Main.^bxAntonino, Afidio, machine hand, bds. 37 Harrison.WarApgar, Hulett, (Jennie), huckster, h. 324 Foote Ave.JrtApgar, Louis S., (Elizabeth), pres. and gen. mgr. J. Garage Co., h. 324 Foote £ ^Ave.Aplin, Ida, Mrs., seamstress, bds. 42 Tenth.SB3Appleby. Alton H., (Lillian), mgr. rural telephone lines, h. Fairmount Ave., © gt"bey. limits. M1"Appleby. Frank H., (Carrie), commercial traveler, h. 214 Price.CO toAppleby, George W., (Louania)—Appleby Lumber Co.—r. Watts Flats. V ^Appleby Lumber Co.,—George W. Appleby—402-403 Fenton Bldg. *3»Appleton, Lenore K., widow William S., trained nurse, r. 638 Spring. toAppleton. Paul A.. (Lulu), commercial traveler, h. 638 Spring.coAppleton, Rhea, nurse, r. 638 Spring.rt-Appleyard, AJbert E., (Elizabeth S), cashier F. & M Bank, h. 29 Foote Ave.Appleyard, Edward, (Louise), supt.Broadhead Worsted Mill, h.31 Foote Ave.Appleyard, Ethel, r. 31 Foote Ave.Appleyard, Francis, (Bessie), supt. Broadhead Worsted Mill, h. 5 Crane.Appleyard, Joseph, supt. Broadhead Worsted Mill, h. 39 Center.Appleyard, Sara, r. '39 Center.Appleyard, Wilbur, student, r. 31 Foote Ave.Appleyard, Willie, (Mary A.), bronze patternmaker, h. over 90 Barrett.Arcade Building, 24-32 North Main.Archer, Nelson G., (Levina AI.), carpenter, h. 109 Lakeview Ave.SriS Arend, Josephine, HEMLOCK widow LUMBER Nicholas, In.=.^sR, h. 46 Tenth. %Arend, Martin N., (Grace), conductor J. C. & L. E. R. R., h. 113 Stewart Ave.Arird, Erma B., r. 559 East Second.Arird, Arlandson. Arlandson, Arlio. Arlio, Rosa, Carmen, Louisa, James see Frank, spinner, D.. duffer, Erlandson. woodworker, (Anna), r. r. 33 33 Franklin. cementworker, h. 559 East h. Second. 34 Hazeltine Ave.Hsr ^»|i—•m\©-m\ ^^Crjg-£,•NJ

=2 j Clark Hardware Co., Roofing and Building PapersfewOns 98JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYwjj"H rtiaiitaiimia Rrpw It,8good for you and "'' g00d for73*5 VHatilamjUa IJICW yourfamly. Both Phone8 268Bo —OUw_ Armele, Tony, (Mary), laborer, h. 52 Foote Ave.W© Armitage, Charles F., (Bertha),—Chatfield & Armitage—h. 805 West Fifth.**"" Armitage, Fred E., (Anna B.), jewelry and repairing,306 Pine, h. 12 Hamilton.g Armstrong, George T., (Elizabeth B.),—Mott & Armstrong—h. 36 Allen.•m Armstrong, Grace P., teacher, r. 36 Allen.>» Armstrong, Nettie J., principal south side grammar school, r. 36 Allen.S« Armstrong, Ruth H., widow Thomas G., h. 36 Allen.Armstrong, William D., laborer, bds. 21 Forest Ave.jZ Arnold, Charles, porter, r. over 106 Fairmount Ave.** Arnold, Charles J., (Myra L.), carriages and harness, 212 Washington, h. 223.£ West Third.*tt S Arnold, Clarence A., (Grace), dist. mgr. Standard Ins. Co., h. over 106 Fair-J> § mount Ave.*g£ Arnold, Ethelyne, clerk, r. over 106 Fairmount Ave.o - Arnold, Frank E., (Jennie), assembler, h. 13 Hopkins Ave.+»-g Arnold, George C, (Bessie), fireman,h. 810 Jefferson.oDQ Arnold, George F., insurance, r. over 106 Fairmount Ave.-° Arnold, Harry A., (Bernice B.), assembler, h. 19 Flagg Ave.JJ Arnold, Henry G., (Jennie L.), postman, h. 412 West Third.j£ Arnold, Leon, clerk, r. 223 West Third.Arnold, Louis, electrician, r. 13 Hopkins Ave.£ Arnold, Madeleine, r. 412 West Third.— Arnold, Pearl, spinner, r. 13 Hopkins Ave.« Arnold, Sarah, clerk, bds. 210 East Fourth. -w^ , Arnson, Benjamin L., (Annie A.), jewelry, 105 North Main, h. 81 Barrett. 'J*»» Arnson, Justine .student, r. 81 Barrett. *'«H .J; Art Brass Mfg. Co.—Gornall & Peterson, props.—mfrs. chandeliers and§ "> electro plating, 304 Winsor.t, § Arter, Percy, (Edna), r. 816 North Main.3 " Arter, William O., (Anna), cement contractor, h. 1052 North Main.°A ART METAL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY—A. C. Wade, prest, A. Gilbert,ce"« sec'y-treas., metal furniture and office fixtures,95-105 Jones & Gifford§ a Ave.m a Arvin, Konrad, metal worker, bds. 25 Palmer.» >. Ashwell, Edwin J., (Kate)—E. J. Ashwell & Co.—h. 417 East Second.^j!; Ashwell, E. J. & Co.,—E. J. Ashwell, prop.—processing cotton yarns, 113Foote Ave.q Asker, Paul, painter, bds. 311 West Second.^ Askerberg, Augusta, domestic, 303 West Third.Asparo, Ullei, (Mary), clerk, bds. 110 Harrison.U Aspden, Dora M., h. 9 Forest Park.W Aspden, Joseph, (Jennie), engineer, h. 95y2 Fairmount Ave.H*t> Asper, Eliza J., widow Louis B., r. 108 Eleventh.W* jj Asper, George S., (Blanche R.), supt. J. C. & L. E. R. R.. h. 623 W. Eighth.g S Assarson, Carl A., (Helene), commercial traveler, h. 352 Foote Ave.w ^ Associated Charities and Free Employment Bureau, Mae L. Weller, secreq« tary, rm. 19 City Hall.2 3t Atkins, Joseph, (Tillie C), painter, r. 621 West Eighth3 Atkins, Thomas, r. 621 West Eighth.nj ^ UH ,. S Ph ?* £ 2 — s " i J .2 = The g Atwood, Atwood. Atlas Atwater, Atlantic oldest Second—h. St. Ralph sec'y.—mfr. tablished Furniture and Daniel'H., Elmer Engine Clarence agency. W. 11-15 1867. Taylor, C, 108^4 Co.—Frank gas & Blackstone The M., (Ruth), Machine (Alice), engines Francis. sec'y.—chiffoniers, (Josephine best BRADSHAW'S —postman. O. motorman and Ave. of Co., Stranburg, companies. wood (The)—F. L.). working metalworker, J. Acme dressers St. PIONEER pres.; Ry., G. The Ptg. machinery. Diffin, Charles largest h. Co., and 22 h. INSURANCE and bedroom under pres.; Taylor. Johnson, experience. newsstand, West 10 G. suites, First. Hall vice R. AGENCY. Ave. Buzby, 6 pres.; Allen East Es-

Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. THE A. D. SHARPE CO. %oas wh >jamestown directory99 _f-_ _CO fHTF T P T A N O T O entire 6th floor 5 3Atwood, Hazel, nurse girl, r. 22 Taylor.llll_Lv 1 lill'NVy \^W.CHADAKOIN BUILDING Mpa> T)r OCOAtwood, Louise M., widow Homer S., r. 10&y2 Francis.Audette, Charles L., (Caroline A.)—Jones & Audette—h. 17 Lakeview Ave.Audette, Louis, commercial traveler, r. 17 Lakeview Ave.Audette, Marion L., r. 17 Lakeview Ave.AUDITING & COLLECTING CO., S. O. Johnston, mgr., 29 Gokey Bldg.Auria, Lewis, (Josephine), woolwasher, h. 81% Water.Auria, Mark, (Grace), sander, h. 28 Water.Austin, Edward C, veneermatcher, h. 16 Axtel.Austin, John, (Grace), clerk, h. over 427 Lincoln.

I* Clark Hardware Co., Roofing and BuildingsO O0*33 100 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.enWITHOUT A PEER IN THE WORLD|» <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew OF BEER. Both Phones 268», Bailey, Francis ,r. 155 Forest Ave.g ui Bailey, Gaylord J., student, r. over 36 Derby.'& c Bailey, George, (Ellen), driver, h. 705 West Eighth.5J2 Bailey, George, carpenter, bds. 38j-. Foote Ave.0,0m Bailey, Harold C, clerk, r. 21 East Third.tfl-5 Bailey, Helen M., r. 155 Forest Ave.(/j|2 Bailey, James, (Rose), teamster, h. over 36 Derby.2> Bailey, J. Percy, draughtsman, r. 117 English.a >, Bailey, Margaret C, Mrs., laundress, r. 21 East Third.W a Bailey, R. Clyde, clerk Erie freight depot, r. 654 East Sixth.^ju Bailey, Robert G., (Sarah), clerk Erie freight depot, h. 654 East Sixth.C o. Bailey, Ruth S., stenographer, r. 654 East Sixth.*C a Bailey. Samuel J., (Alice B.). transfer clerk, h. 231 Crescent.C ui BAILEY TABLE CO.,—C. E. Bailey, pres.; B. M. Bailey, vice pres. and treas.E-1!! —mfrs. tables, 105 Winsor.g Bailey, Thomas H., (Helen), textileworker. h. 117 English.-(3 Bailey, William S., (Sagrid), sec'y and treas. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> School of Nursing,tTim. h. 81 South Main.Oh g Bailman, Domitei, clerk, bds. 15 Harrison.O w Bairstow, Martha, widow Timothy, h. 440 Allen.E-1^ Bairstow, Mary Ann, widow John. h. 440 Allen.Q-?? Bairstow, see Barstow.S>, Baker, Ada E., widow Albert E., h. 28 Center.Fjj* Baker, Albert C, (Lena), dentist, h. 12 ivast Fourth.C . Baker, Bernice, r. 133 Hallock.£ & Baker, Blanche, r. over 271 Fairmount Ave.Q.B Baker Block, 29-31 North Main.lj Baker, Bloomfield, (Grace), motorman J. St. Ry., h. 33 Eleventh.j ^ Baker, Charles H., (Emma), stationary engineer, h. over 224 Sprague.-» \mm QJ \^>Bakino, Baker, Baker. William, Scott, Stephen Mario, (Blanche), F„ (Emma), A., coachman, (Anna), Jr., farmer, see'v. laborer, J.), rnis. gatetenrier Star h. r. 121 h. 133 Furniture 301 Fast Hallock. h. Crescent S3 Second. Water. Co., h. 12 Fourteenth.

H a v e y o u s o m e t h i n gF o rSaleF o rR e n tL o s t —that you want to findD o y o u w a n tA Servant GirlSkilled W o r k m e nPositionH o u s eR o o m s?Then advertise in the Journal, where 25,000 people inJamestown and immediate vicinity will read your ad. Amongso large a number you ought to findwhat you want.Rates: ic a word for Classified Want Advertisementsone day.Journal Printing Company12 West Second StreetBoth Phones

WmlC . T . B A R K E R825-829 MONROE STREETDEALER INMachinery Specialties, Traction Engines,Separators, Saw Mills, WoodWorkingMachinery in General, Gas andGasoline Engines, Heavy SteamPower and AutomobilesAGENT FORJ. C. Case, Bid well and MinneapolisThreshing Outfitsand American Saw Mill MachineryAPPRAISER OF TIMBER LAND ANDMACHINERY

THE A. D. SHARPE CO. for Carpets and Rugs GfltoJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 101 OHILL PIANO CO. p"?Se^Ssakd ©iBALCOM, FRED H., dist. mgr. John Hancock Life Insurance agency, bds. Ch409 Prendergast Ave. JTBalcom, Lee E., (Sadie), detailer, h. Chicago Ave.NjBaldwin, Burt D., (Gertrude A.), draughtsman, h. 224 Fairmount Ave.QBaldwin, S. Arthur, (Lizzie T.), patent attorney, 500-502 Fenton Bldg., h. 608 ^2Prendergast Ave. ~rBall, Agnes, r. 1043 North Main. ^—Ball, Blanche D„ r. 117 Royal Ave. —JBall, Charles, barber, rms. over 408 Washington.QJBall, Francis, photographer, r. 1043 North Main.^m.Ball, Frank G., (Margaret), stationary engineer, h. 1043 North Main.JjJBall, Henry D., (Desiree E.), chauffeur, r. over 123 Stewart Ave.JiBall, Jasper C, (Nellie R.), h. 117 Royal" Ave."'Ball, Louis, student, r. 1043 North Main.mBall, Bangelo, Rose, Sam, widow (Mary), Floyd, h. r. under 9 Ninth. 784 East Second._ KBall, DANKBANKWallace, OFOFJAMESTOWNJAMESTOWN—Brewerspring setter, T3v£iw£,y.D.r. 1043 TlPhillips,North t>>iillir»opres.;Main. nr^c, •W.\WR.T?Botsford,Tlr\*-afr«.rlcashf>aoh.^_(**Balla, ier—216 Banks,Joe,Eugene, North (Mary), Main electrician,laborer,rms.h. under315 West121 Cross.Third.^^Ballard,Banner FurnitureElla, Mrs.Co.—Paulr. 833 Spring.B. Rosencrantz, pres.; Gustaf Olson, supt.; m^Baloma,WilliamAntonino,S. Bailey,laborer,sec'y.-treas.—chamberbds. under 435 Allen.and dining room furniture, 84-92f***\UBalvar,Steele.Sam, (Belle), laborer, h. 433 Allen.r*TOBanush, Aslleir, polisher, rms. over 7 Taylor.•Barbatto, Carzo, laborer, bds. 301 Crescent.mBarber, Guy C, farmer, r. 110 Liberty.JJJ^Barbour, Marion, widow James, h. 625 Prendergast Ave. ©^Bard & Hotchkiss—Jay and W. C.—barbers, under 211 North Main. ©Bard, Jay, (Altha)—Bard & Hotchkiss—h. 129 Price._Bard, Oscar R., (Edith)—Johnson & Bard—h. over 41 Grant.JSBargar, Crawford N., sec'y-treas. Acme Worsted Mills, r. 615 Prendergast Av. ^"Bargar, Elias C, (Elinore C), retired, h. 615 Prendergast Ave._jBargar, Mary .teacher, r. 615 Prendergast Ave.JJ»Barhight, Louis, (Anna), cabinetmaker, h. 11% Bowen. ©Barker, Anna, widow Henry, h. under 411 West Third.toBarker, Bertha M., dressmaker, r. 24 Cross.N#aBarker, Blanche, Mrs., —Wheeler & Barker—h. 7 Lincoln._•BARKER,CONSTINTINE T., (Ina), threshers, traction engines and automo- J3biles, 825-829 Monroe, r. Lakewood, N. Y.ffaBarker, Edwin W., retired, h. 24 Cross.^^Barker, Ernest P., (Agnes), detailer, h. 415 West Fourth. 00Barker, Harry W., (Edna), R. R. conductor, h. 181 Fairmount Ave.^Barker, James B., (Blanche M.), screenmaker, h. 7 Lincoln.|fjBarker, Wilford C., stationary fireman, h. over 584 East Second.j£*Barkman, August, (Jennie), machinist, h. 48 Thayer. £Barkman, Ethel, textileworker, r. 40 Thayer.N*»Barkman, Jennie, r. 40 Thayer.^^Barkman, John A., (Lena), woodworker, h .40 Thayer.0AP^nd Barkstrom, Barlow, Barkman, Job, John Edith, Nellie, Front Johanna, r. B., J., r. 20 student, r. 324 (Eliza), McKinley 14 Doors Mrs., Foote Charlotte h. r. h. 40 185 Ave. 378 «&_ Thayer. Ave. Summit. Willard. HARRY LYONS 1^*90, «j .. ~J — E*

EgClark Hardware Co., Contractors & Mill Supplies& 102 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.04 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew - - Always pure and diliciousBarlow, John H., (Carrie), R. F. D. mail carrier, h. 14 Charlotte Ave.H Barlow, Louis, r. 20 McKinley Ave.Barlow, Mabel, r. 20 McKinley Ave.mmf* Barlow, Roxanna, widow Byron A., china decorator, h. over 324 Foote Ave.7j Barlow, S. Jesse, (Anna), livery, Race St., h. 20 McKinley Ave.M Barnard, Scott G., (Mary), icecreammaker, h. 623 Spring.Qr. Barnes, Frank N., (Grace), teamster, h. 874 Washington.Barnes, George W., (Margaret), painter, h. 809 Laafyette.O Barnes, Grace E., student, r. over 215 North Main.Barnes, J. Warren, clerk, r. 16 West Fifth.^^ Barnes, Lewis W., (Theresa), millwright, h. 16 West Fifth.^J Barnes, Merit E., (Elizabeth), farmer, h. over 215 North Main.r: Barnett, Annetta, widow James H., h. over 217 Barrett.P^ Barnett, Jay, (Carrie), driver, h. over 35 Eleventh.m*T\ Barnett, Louisa, widow Alden, h. 108 Falconer.W^ Barnette, Myrtle, rooming house, 204 Laafyette, h. do.Barnhardt, Swan A., (Selma S.), machinist, h. 18 Valley.j"P^ Barr, Eric, metalworker, bds. 238 Bowen.m*4 Barr, see Bahr.r Barraclough, Parker, (Mary E.), freight handler, h. 254 Harrison.Mh Barrett, Anna, weaver, r. 3 Appleyard PI..J Barrett Building, 201-209 Cherry.M^1^ Barrett, Edward W., ticket broker, 107 North Main, bds. Hotel Everett.Barrett, Ernest, (Annie), warp dresser, h. 14 Ivy.XS,\ Barrett, Mary, waitress, r. 15 South Main.Barrett, Michael, (Elizabeth), cut rate tickets and broker, 107 North Main,v-^ h. 112 Van Buren.r^—t Barrett, Patrick E., (Bertha), saloon, 36 South Main, h. 220 Newland Ave.^S Barrett, Realty Co.—W. Harrison Reynolds, treas., gen. mgr.—real estate,J^ Barrett Bldg.r_^ Barrett, Richard, student, r. 112 Van Buren.P^ Barrett, Thomas, (Anna), warp dresser, h. 3 Appleyard PI.^i Barrows, Bertha, Mrs., dressmaker, h. 623 Palmer.W Barrows, B. Katherine, teacher, r. 132 Allen.Barrows, Fern, student, r. 623 Palmer.\S^ , Barrows, Grace A., librarian, r. 132 Allen.^f** .Barrows, Halbert A., (Mary J.), real estate, h. 132 Allen.m~* -Barrows, Levi B., student, r. 132 Allen.£_| c Barrows, Mahlon, (Alice), teamster, h, 35 Twelfth.Q 3 Barrows, G R ERansom E N HJ., Usupt. R Philo-Burt S T RMfg. O SCo., E h. 205 GLakeview A R D Ave. E N SmmCQ ^^ Barrows, R. Jay, sec-treas. Philo-Burt Mfg. Co., h. 205 Lakeview Ave.ffi g- Barry, AT Heath GREENHURST-ON-CHAUTAUQUA A., (Viola A.), retired, h. 92 Falconer. B. A. BARTLETT, Prop.P£ i .g Barry, Mary E., widow Orders Michael, delivered tailoress, in Jamestown h. over twice 10 Weeks. a day.tZ. OT Barstow, jfpMail ordersTnC11V^nr*f>Clare, addressed metalworker, to Box r. Connecticut484 15 Flagg Jamestown, Ave. GeneralwillLifehaveIns.promptCo,, Hartford,attention.Conn.5J , LmtWC Barstow, BELL PHONEllldUICUHC Everett 697-L A., (Alda - C), w. sawyer, J. Bentley, h. over Gen. 396 Agt., Falconer. HOME514 ChadakoinPHONE S34Bldg'\m Barstow, Harvey E., (Rhoda), woodworker, h. 15 Flagg Ave.O r/j £5 g •5", op Barth, Barstow, Bartenders BARTLETT, n- Gardens R. Emma, 20 see Nora, Curtis, Foote Union at Bairstow. BRADLEY widow millhand, Greenhurst, Ave. (Lucile), Hall, Theobold, third ALEXANDER, r. vocal floorArcade N. 15 Flagg h. Y., teacher 1 h. Woodworth Ave. do. (Grace and Bldg., chorister Ave. 30 G.) North prop. First Main. Greenhurst M. E. Church, Rose

The A. D. SHARPE CO. for Rugs and Carpets dXP3 LJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 103I JHill's Piano School ~ n ^ c P S i E A C |1b(Z>Bartlett, Byron, (Hannah), h. 11 Fifteenth.S OBartlett, John C, (Leah), advertising agent, h. flat6, over 139 Institute. * -^Bartman, Ransom, (Eva), motorman J. St. Ry., h. over 22 Fletcher Ave.Barton, Addie, Mrs. h. 322 Van BurenOf-1Barton, Flavia M., stenographer, r. 322 Van Buren.2 mmBarton, Merl L., bookkeeper, r. 322 Van Buren. M 0Basile, Anna, spooler, r. 151 Foote Ave. j§ £jBasile, Antonino, sander, bds. 151 Foote Ave.Q Z2Basile, Costantino, sander, bds. 151 Foote Ave.w miBasile, Rosina, drawer, r. 151 Foote Ave. £ OBasonni, Joseph .laborer, bds. 539 Crescent.a _^Bassell, Velanjo, machine hand, bds. 15 Scott. £jBassett, Ethel M., clerk, r. 317 East Fifth.OBASSETT, EUGENE F., (Violette B.), watchmaker and jeweler, 103 EastThird, h. 193 South Main.Batcheller, Eva B., r. 416 Jefferson. 3Bassett, Louise E., widow Henry, caterer, h. 317 East Fifth. a. >Batcheller, Levant B., (Alice),—Winnberg & Batcheller—h. 416 Jefferson.§Bastien, Cora, nurse, 353 East Fourth.OBateman, Louis K, (Carrie), steamfltter, h. 114 Cheney.nf P3gBatchelder,Bates, CharlesMerritt,W., (Mary(Mildred),L.), commercialboatbuilder,traveler,h. 15 Easth. overEighth408 Washington, y HBates, Clarence, (Sadie), conductor J. St. Ry., h. 8 Geneva.!» QBates, Herbert A., (Lucia I.), postman, h. 13 Wilson Ave.5' aBates, L., r. 16 East Fifth.H oBates, Royal M., (Alice S.), attorney 306 Fenton Bldg., h. 408 Washington. S" >Batoro, Benenati, (Mary), finisher,h. 16 Waterman. §• f"Batson, John, driver, r. 703 Washington.g OBattaglia, Antonio, (Libbie), laborer, h. ."J6 Harrison. •" 2Battle, Guy T„ wholesale fruit, rms. 215 East Third. % t%Bau, Fred, machine hand, bds. over 939 East Second. !§ j*Baudy, James, filler, rms. 10 New Warner Block. ~ f?Bauer, A., bronzer, rms. 415 West Third.§Baxter, PINE Nathan H., r. 962 Washington. H"Bayer, R. T., bronzer, rms. 415 West Third.OAK Bayer, Bayles, Beach, and see Henry James p^j. Beyer. L., M„ (Ruena J)^^ (Althea), A.), ^ traffic HARRY r. 46 chief Eleventh. LYONS N. Y. Telephone ^g Co., h. 618 Pine.mWC/3 H> _05

10Clark Hardware Co. Fine Cutlery and Tools(O m6J U 104JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.a. * <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew is making friends every day5 Noa, Beach, Robert K., (Clara F.), treas.-mgr. Post Pub. Co., h. 601 Lafayette.bq ® Beal, Henry H., finisher, r. 401 Stowe.Beal, Ira F., postoffice clerk, r. 401 Stowe.Beal, Jennie A., widow William S., h. 401 Stowe.' Beal, M. Kate, bookkeeper, r. 401 Stowe.M j Beal, Morley J., dentist, over 10 East Third, h. 126 Fulton.Beal, S. Clarence, (Carrie), machinist, h. 180 Stowe.S Bealer, Aimee E. student, r. 601 Washington.OT , Bealer, Bertha J., designer, r. 601 Washington.J5 Bealer, Elizabeth R., r. 601 Washington.j! Bealer, J. Frederick, (Maude),—William Bealer & Son.—h. 11 Cook Ave.^ » Bealer, William, (Alma E.J,—William Bealer & Son—h. 601 Washington.g «f Bealer, William & Son—William and J. Frederick— boots and shoes, 9£ g East Third..5 ja /Bealino, Tom, (Teresa), laborer, h. over 435 Allen."2 -g Beamish, Ethel, nurse, 121 Lakeview Ave.g S Beardsley, George W., (Ruhama), h. 302 Foote Ave.CO >, Beardsley, Jennie, widow Fred, weaver, bds. over 19 Orchard Ave.>; »; Beardsley, P. Elmer, (Ardella), cigars and pool, 25 Forest Ave., h. over 40$ •> j£ 2 Taylor..£ M j« 3 Beardsley, Tillie I., stenographer, rms. 306 Spring."J u Bearsley, Earl A., textileworker, r. 20 Forest Ave.,£ Bearsley, Flossie A., spinner, r. 20 Forest Ave.Beatty, Bernard B., shipping clerk, r. 401 West Sixth.Beatty, Clifton J., fireman J. F. D., bds. 401 West Sixth.a £ ^ % Beaustrom, Beatty, Jennie Ralph, R., widow r. 44 Wescott. Austin F., h. 401 West Sixth.o a m Beaustrom, Beaty, Walter, Ruby, (Mary r. 44 H.), Wescott. mgr. Witkop-Holmes Co., h. 11 East Fifteenth.^ w _m Beauchamp, Beaustrom, William, N., (Mabel), (Anna), warp finisher,h. overlooker, 44 Wescott. h. 24 Derby."^ "g '3 •, Beaumont, Beaustrom, William, see Beustrom. (Mary), carpenter, h. 432 Allen.* g -5 g Beaver, Beaustrom, Alice Alma R., student, V., dressmaker, r. 138 Steele. r. 107 Willard.jjf t» a -o Beaver, Beaustrom, Charles Louise, F., laundrymen, widow Nels r. J., 138 h. 107 Steele. Willard.^ O Beaver, Felix, (Katherine), metalworker, h. 138 Steele.• Beaver, Michael D., (Adele J.), warpdresser, h. 9 Kingsbury Ave.O Beaver, Nellie, dressmaker, h. 103 Steele.M Bebb, Annie M., stenographer, rms. 313 West Third.^-* Bechtol, Isaac H., (Alice C), commercial traveler, h. 383 Buffalo.^ Bechtol, Mary A., r. 383 Buffalo.^ Beck, Albert, (Mary), finisher,h. 1208 East Second.%4^ Beck, Anna, h. over 17 West Seventh.CO Beck, Caspar A., (Annie C), baker, h. over 16 Valley.g BECK, CHARLES M., (Clara AI.), wallpaper, 103 East Third, h. 56 Broad-M head Ave.J^ Beck, Ellis W., student, r. 56 Broadhead Ave.HBeck, John, Mrs., bds. 511 West Fourth.Beck, LeMott A., (Nellie A.), cabinetmaker, h. 276 Prospect.CBeck, William L., (Laura), mgr. Directoyou Tea Co., h. 178 Barker.Beckdahl, Adolph, machine hand, h. 243 Willard.5 BECKER, A. AUSTIN, (Maude), physician, 320 East Third, h. do.O" Bell Phone 525-W.; Home Phone 1217; office hours, 8 to 9 a. m.; 2 to 4iM and 6:30 to 7:30 p. m.(U Becker, Beulah V., r. 1168 Prendergast Ave.

The A. D. Sharpe Co. for Rugs and Carpets >JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 105 SBHII I PIANO Cf\ ENTIRE 6TH FLOOR C/llll—l—l A 1/_L^IV/ VVt CHaDAKOIN BUILDING "—3>Becker, Eugene, (Rosetta), real estate, h. 1168 Prendergast Ave. *TjBecker, Frank, (Emily), metalworker, h. over 220 Price.•"JBeckervitz, Louis, blacksmith, rms. 372J,j Buffalo. ^">Beckland, Milton, metalworker, bds. 320 Bowen.JJ0Beckman, August, (Ida), veneerworker, h. 17 Columbia Ave.^m*Beckman, Edith B., student, r. 17 Columbia Ave.^^Beckman, Ernest, sidewalk builder, bds. 12 William.QoBeckman, Henry A., printer, r. 17 Columbia Ave.^^Beckman, Henry J., (Florence C), finisher,h. Durant Ave. r^Beckman, John, metal polisher, bds. over 199 Barrett.«^sBeckman, Oscar, metalfinisher, bds. over 18 Partridge._gBeckrink, Abraham, (Minnie S.) farmer, h. 201 Buffalo.„^^Beckrink, Martin E., farmer, r. 201 Buffalo.^^Beckstrand, Albert C., (Margaret), stationary engineer, h. over 210 Chandler.. JJT'Beckstrand Anna, widow Charles, h. 474 Willard.p3Beckstrand, Conrad, (Carrie), carpenter, h. over 56 Tower.Qf)Beckstrand, Ernest, meatcutter, r. 474 Willard._Beckstrand, Lawrence, textileworker, r. over 56 Tower.CBeckstrand, Lily, dressmaker, r. 474 Willard.J5Beckstrand, 'Walter, textileworker, r. over 56 Tower. B*Beckstrom, Alfred, (Lena), metalworker, h. 24 Wescott.J3Beckstrom, August, draftsman, r. 24 Wescott.f-\Beckstrom, Charles, (Olga), casemaker, r. 18 Hess.mmBeckstrom, Esther, dressmaker, r. 24 Wescott.jBeckstrom, John P., (Wilhelmina), metalworker, h. 505 Palmer.Beckstrom, Oscar, casemaker, r. 18 Hess.tjBeckstrom, Ralph, (Mary), casemaker, h. 18 Hess. 2Bedell, Isaac T., (Elizabeth), prop. May's theater, h. over 106 East Second. pjBeebe, John V. W., (Matilda), carpenter, h. 43 Frink Ave.Beebourn, (Lida), h 6 Metallic Ave. J>Beeman, Albin J., (Mary), upholsterer, h. 207 Cole Ave.SBCBeeman, Annie E. C, widow William, h. 7 Sixteenth.a HBeeman, Christine, widow John, r. 207 Cole Ave. » 2Beightol, Thomas, night watch, bds. 509 Clinton. "0gBelardo, Dominico, (Teresa), laborer, h. 12 Waterman.jfggBelardo, Joe, laborer, h. over 4 Waterman.g E3Beldner, Ozias, (Anna R.), upholsterer, h. 40 Chamber. p]Beleto, Paulo, (Paternoti), nightwatch, h. 12 Harrison.so*Bell, Charles L., (Mearle S.), postman, h. 846 Prendergast Ave. £>>Bell, Joe, (Sarah), textileworker, h. over 64 Tower.pBell, John E., (Emma J.), foreman textileworker, h. 516 East Fifth.SBell, John E., Mrs., dressmaker, 516 East Fifth.gBell, Josephine, student, r. under 64 Tower. 2Bell, Willie, (Pearl), textileworker, h. under 64 Tower. »4Bellemo, Sebastian, (Josephine), laborer, h. 52 Foote Ave.Bellemo, Sebastian, (Lena), machine hand, h. %y2 Cheney.Bellizio, Antonio, machinist, r. 109 Eleventh.t—kBellizio, Frank, (Rosa), musician, h. 109 Eleventh.^^Bellizio, Mary, r. 109 Eleventh. (^Bemington, Cora, Mrs., r. 504 East Fifth.j_«0AP^nd Bemington, Bemus. Bemus, BEMUS, Ave., Lottie, Charles, Emmett Henry Iva and MORRIS Front Roberta, F., chairman D., Mrs., clerk, H„ machine (Inez), N., (Gertrude), Doors r. domestic, r. board (Lucy 504 6 hand, polisher, Elk. East of »&k F.), 551 rms. h. health, Fifth. 418 West physician over HARRY 34 Spring. h. Third. Genesee. 33 4 Lakeview Harrison. and LYONS surgeon, Ave. % 210 Prendergast ta»j j"*9 m%\ \\\\m\\ J~J9 g^ O

i Clark H a r d w a r e Co. Stoves and Furnaces!5 106 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.| <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew, Low in alcohol, rich in extract2 Bemus, Sarah, widow William P., h. 100 East Fifth.g Bemus, Selden B., correspondent Philo-Burt Mfg., Co., r. 517 North Main.| BEMUS, WILLIAM M., (Minnie Bj, physician, ul7 North Main, h. do.s Bemus, William M., Jr., student, r. 517 North Main.w Benchley, William, (Bertha), woodworker, h. 16 Fairfield Ave.£ Bendall, Alfred C, (Jennie), driver, h. 831 Washington.•3 Bender, Edward R., fireman J. F. D., r. 29 Derby.§ Bender, Hazel E., student, r. 407 Lafayette."^ Bender, Robert, (Amelia), veterinary surgeon, 29 Derby, h. do.jg Bender, William J., (Grace E.), blacksmith, 208 Washington, h. 407 Lafaygette.O Benedict, Alfred B., contractor, r. 108 East Eighth.« Benedict, Mary M., widow William C, r. 108 East Eighth.. g Benedict, M. Elizabeth, teacher, r. 108 East Eighth.|2 a Benedict, Minnie B., seamstress, r. 108 East Eighth.fc, gi Benedict, William H., (Florrie), real estate, h. 108 East Eighth.•a . Benedict, Willis B., (Emma), motorman J. St. Ry., h. 20 Langford.« & Benerato Cusimano, sander, 'ods. 16 Waterman.J2 £ Benipapa, Rose, r. 103 Water.o „ Benjamin, Howard R., driver, bds. 225 Broadhead Ave.35 § Bennar, Lewis, (Jennie), trackman, h. 100 Steele.5 ,g Bennett, George A., (Euteia), woodworker, h. 811 Jefferson.** "J Bennett, George M., electrician, r. over 205 East Second.J2 — Bennett, Guy C, (Tillie A.), motorman J. St. Ry., h. 205 East Second.•3 « Bennett, Guy R., student, r. 811 Jefferson.)g _ Bennett, Lucille, clerk, bds. 17 Ross.^ J§ Bennett, Lydia, widow James, nurse, h. 21 Fifteenth.•£ 8 Bennett, May, Mrs., music teacher, r. over 231 McKinley Ave.IS o, Bennett, Mary J., widow Henry, h. 17 Ross."l^ Bennett, Merlin, motorman J. St. Ry., rms. 26 Taylor.42 g Bennett, Roy L., printer, r. 811 Jefferson.3 j" Bennett, Tillie A., music teacher over 205 East Second, h. do.. c Bennett, Vincent, (Ada), woodworker, h. 18 King.« g Bennett, Willard S., (Mary A.), painter, h. 141 Chandler.o .2 „ Benson, Anton Aaron, J., (Grace), driver, carpenter, r. over 9 Barrows. h. over 711 Cherry.S3 j£ Benson, August, Albert J., woodworker, (Signe), woodworker, bds. 134 Fulton. h. 72 Benson.•g '« Benson, Augusta, Albin, metalworker, Mrs., weaver, bds. h. 229 9 Eagle. Willard.^ 1Benson, Alexander Bennie, (Alice), J., (Irene), J. Window woodworker, Screen Co., h. 439 h. Winsor. 234 South Main.£_i "« O Benson, Bernhard, Alfred, (Beda (Segrid), J.), painter, metalworker, h. over h. 118 over Crown. 12 Institute.J :g Jj X Benson, Alfred, Bernhard, (Augusta), (Anna C.), finisher,h. book agent, Willard, h. over R. 229 F. Steele. D. 82.«3j £ £i u Benson, Alma, Bert P., weaver, (Emma r. J.), 15 Kipp. bottler, h. under 222 McKinley Ave.pj j Benson, Birger, Andrew, finisher,bds. (Christine), over machine 122 hand, Tower. h. 435 Willard.>-» M Benson, Bretta, widow Andrew, h. over 36 Benson.if" u Benson, Carl, (Julia A.), woodworker, h. 382 Willard.W 5 Benson, Carl J., (Harriett J), cabinetmaker, h. 21 Cowden Place.{JJm\ Benson, Charles, (Manilla), dyer, h. 220 Allen.J ^ Benson, Charles, machinist, r. 9 Eagle.^ O Benson, Charles, (Marcina), finisher,h. 757 East Second.^ O Benson, Charles J., (Emily)—Walden & Benson—The Inn, East Second andq Tiffany Ave., h. do.1— .H*«* ^ Fidelity, Judicial, Contract, BRADSHAW'S Excise and all PIONEER other forms INSURANCE of Bonds issued AGENCY. by

Women's Coats and Suits - The A. D. Sharpe Co.OJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.107 toHill's Piano School ^sY^Js100 ^Benson, Charles N. (Alice M.), plumber, h. 8 Cook Ave. J"tBenson, Clara, domestic, 504 East Second. £*Benson, Clifford, pressman, r. 8 William. £3Benson, Constance A., r. over 9 Barrows.CABenson, Edward, (Christine),—Hultquist & Benson—h. 388 Willard. toBenson, E. Matilda, weaver, r. 15 Kipp.Benson, Emil, metalworker, bds. 229 Willard.Benson, Eric, metalworker, bds. 469 Willard. ^\Benson, Eric, metalworker, bds. 229 Willard.i*^Benson, Erland, hand sander, bds. 105 William.^Benson, Eugene H., (Charlotte), table mfr., 623 English, h. do.Benson, Eva, clerk, r. 388 Willard.Benson, Fern E., duffer, r. 366% Foote Ave. 05 i)Benson, Florence O., bookkeeper, r. 335 Foote Ave.§ OBenson, Fred, (Julia), woodworker, h. over 44 Vega. g- ^°Benson, Gust, machine hand, bds. 116 Barrows.•« PiBenson, Fred, Gust, (Jennie), (Louise), finisher,h. retired, h. over 122 9 Barrows. Tower. g "< pq OBenson, BenSon, George Harry W., A., driver, (Minnie), r. 47 toolmaker, Hopkins h. Ave. 259 Fairmount Ave..§ 8 S POBenson, Hilda, Gust, (Christine), domestic, 308 metalpainter, West Fifth. h. 148 Thayer. tt 5? J-Bentley, Bert A. (Bessie)—Bentley News Depot—214 West Third, h. 407 La- QFor fayette. Windows and Doors see HARRY LYONS MBentley, C. Eugene, (Elizabeth)—Bentley & Newton—h. 513 East Fifth. "^Bentley, Harland Grace, Jane Grant A., laundress, r. M., (Lizzie 600 clerk, Prendergast O.), bds. r. over salesman, 63 Prospect. 629 Ave. Prendergast h. over 629 Ave. Prospect Ave. ^~» ^^ "^

u Clark H a r d w a r e Co. Stoves and Furnaceses 108 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.C5g 4> <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew Always Pure and DeliciousOw-a!owpowcdPcrPPcd-C>"cW5XICcdPPOBentley, James D., commercial traveler, rms. 338 East Third.Bentley, J. Randolph, (Agnes), machinist, bds. 63 Prospect.Bentley, Marian E., r. 600 Prendergast Ave.Bentley, Mary B., widow Fred A., h. 600 Prendergast Ave.Bentley, Myrtle R., practical nurse, r. over 108 East Second.Bentley & Newton—c. Eugene and Samuel D.—surveyors, 422-424 ChadakoinBldg.Bentley, Robert M., electrician, r. 17 Flagg Ave.BENTLEY, WILLIAM J., (Margaret), agent Connecticut General Life Ins.Co., 515 Chadakoin Bldg., h. 17 Flagg Ave.Bentley, William J., Jr., clerk, r. 17 Flagg Ave.Benton, Evelyn D., r. 527 Lakeview Ave.Benton, Fred A., (Grace A.), machine hand, h. 93 over Hazzard. 158 Baker.BENTON, ISAAC S., monument dealer, 511 North 205 Charles. Main, h. do.Berg, Benton, Merle, student, i. 511 North Main.Berg, Beondolitto, Nunzio, (Josephine), laborer, h.Berg, Adolph V., (Eva K.), cabinetmaker, h.Berg Alice, domestic, 16 Foote Ave.Berg. Alice, domestic, r. 105 William.Berg Amanda, boarding house, 530 Allen, h. do.Berg Amanda C, widow Charles, h. 20 Cedar Ave.Berg Andrew, laborer, bds. 145% Allen.Berg Andrew G., h. over 653 East Sixth.Berg Axel, (Gertie), machine foreman, h. 11 Franklin.Berg Carl, (Clara), driver, h. 49 Hickory.Berg Carl E., (Signa V.), gas meter inspector, h. 216 East Third.Berg. Charles A., sheet metalworker, r. 205 Charles.Berg Charles A., (Hulda N.), postman, h. 373 Falconer.Berg Clarence, apprentice machinist, r. 246 Barrows.Berg Clarence E., casemaker, r. 16 Charles.Berg Clayton, Ernest, (Hilma), delivery metalwelder, boy, r. 246 Barrows. h. over 1023 East Second.Berg David, Erick T., carpenter, (Lena), r. plumber, over 653 h. East 145% Sixth. Allen.Berg Earl Esther, R., domestic, laborer, r. 205373 Van Falconer. Buren.Berg Edmund Frank, painter, C, laborer, bds. 8 r. Hanley. 373 Falconer.Berg: Fred, Einar, metalworker, laborer, bds. bds. 110828% Barrows. Cherry.Berg. Genevieve, Elmer L., (Cora), stenographer, mill hand, r. 20 h. 715 Cedar East Ave. Second.Berg Emil George, C, metalworker, (Edla), metalworker, r. 205 Charles. h. 8 Bassett.Berg Gust, (Josephine), stationary engineer, h. 246 Barrows.Berg. Gustaf, r. 22 Forest Ave.Berg. Gust F„ local mgr. N. Y. Tel. Co., r. 20 Cedar Ave.Berg, Henning, r. 22 Forest Ave.Berg. Hilda, weaver, bds. 118 King.Berg- Isabelle F., dressmaker, r. 373 Falconer.Berg. Johanna, widow Jens, r. 483 South Main.Berg John, woodworker, r. over 653 East Sixth.Berg John, machine hand, bds. 632 East Sixth.Berg; John, metalworker, bds. 222 South Main.Berg, John O.. (Anna), blacksmith, 38 Institute, h. 126 Catlin Ave.The Berg, Mutual Julia, picker, Benefit r. Life 105 William. Premium receipts to Jan. 1, <strong>1911</strong> . . . $367,143,488.59Berg, Karl, r. 22 Forest Ave. RETURNED TO POLICY HOLDERS and funds on hand (orof Newark, N. J.Bergfuture payment to policy holders .... $427,763,190.20BergF. S. TREADWAY, District AgentBerg

Always buy your Dry Goods of The A. D. Sharpe Co. Cfl. toJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 109 OHill's Piano SchoolFINEST PRIVATE STUDIOSIN AMERICABerg, Lena, domestic, r. 644 East Sixth. *JBerg, Martin, laborer, bds. 145% Allen.em*yBerg, Mary, r. over 653 East Sixth.Berg, May M., r. 373 Falconer.Berg, Oscar, woodworker, r. over 653 East Sixth.Berg, P. A., (Hannah Benson), laborer, h. 105 William.Berg, Victor L., (Selma E.), sheet metalworker, h. over 205 Charles.>mjto^3Berg, Walfred, (Elfreda), woodworker, h. 40 Pearl Ave.Berg, William, (Ida), general store and wallpaper, 32 Willard, h. 69 Benson. ^.Berg, see Burg.^yBergdahl, John, (Hannah), machine hand, h. 571 Allen.ftjBergdahl, Oscar, (Ada), bartender, h. over 554 Allen. -CrBergdahl, Sigford, machine hand, r. 571 Allen.Berger, Louisa B., widow Frank E., h. 40 West Eighth.Berger, Milton H., piano tuner, r. 40 West Eighth.Bergeson, Arthur, (Florence), groceries, 796 East Second, h. 787 do.&3Bergeson, Berdina, r. 24 Swan. *QBergeson, Genevieve, textileworker, r. 24 Swan.Bergeson, Julius J., woodworker, h. 327 Willard.Bergeson, see Burgeson and Borgeson.£&•Berggren, August, (Emelia), foreman finisher, h. 33 Holman.Berggren, Axel, (Esther), boss finisher,h. 853 East Second. ^^Berggren, Axel W., casemaker, r. 15 Adams. i fa JBerggren, Edna M., student, r. 7S7 East Second. ^—Berggren, Edwin A., finisher,r: 33 Holman. £0Berggren. Elin M., textileworker, r. 15 Adams.Berggren, Ellen E„ student, r. 33 Holman.Berggren, Franz, (Jennie), finisher,h. 118 Stowe.Berggren, Henry S., finisher, r. 33 Holman.Berggren, John F., (Matilda J.), hardware clerk, h. 15 Adams.Berggren, Matilda, widow Olof, h. 11 Pullman.Berggren, Richard, (Bertha), editor Vart Land, and S. A. Carlson Co., h. 787East Second.Berggren, see Bergren.Berghill, Adolph, (Anna), metalworker, h. 105 Hazzard.Bergholtz, E. Bruno, (Mary J. C.l, architect, h. 406 West Sixth.Bergholtz, Edgar A., student, r. 406 West Sixth.Bergholtz, M. Bernadette, student, r. 406 West Sixth.Berglund, Albin, (Alma), dry plateworker, h. 1088 East Sec.ond.Berglund, Andrew, (Hilda), foreman Union Lumber Co., h. 340 Palmer.Berglund, Claus, h. under 225 Barrows.QQ(JQ^^^jQ•m^gmwQBerglund. Conrad, metalworker, Mr- over 928 East Second.qBerglund. Elizabeth, widow Charles, h. 157 Barrows. --Berglund, Joseph, laborer, bds. 12 Stowe.3Berglund. Lars O., (Anna M.), cabinetmaker, h. 43 Wescott.i—•Berglund, Oscar, metalworker, bds. 501 Stowe.3Berglund, Waldemer, (Selma C), meats, 302 Foote Ave., h. over do. m.Bergman, Adeline S., widow John, h. 302 Willard.JjJJBergman. Arvid A., painter, r. 285 Willard.m-*Bergman. August W.. (Anna G.), h. 285 Willard.rt,For Red Cedar and Cypress Shingles SEE LYONS wBergman. Carl A., (Mary E.), carpenter, h. 29 Columbia Ave.Bergman, Charles G.. (Hilda), bandsawyer, h. 47 Eagle.Bergman. Bergman, Luther, Esther, Julius Herman John. Oscar, Levi E., (Salina). M., carpenter, laundryworker. machine metalworker, C. (Ruth finisher, carpenter, E.), hand, bds. clothing r. r. 102 r. bds. 285 47 h. Broadhead WillarJ. over 12 Willard. Eagle. clerk, Grandin. 39 h. Hedges over Ave. 171 Ave. Barrett.fri* Q

II Clark Hardware Co. Fine Cutlery and Toolsgg -«5 110 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.i'l <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew lt'se^forYZT^el(tt YOur ""^\Zin Bergman, Robert, (Vera), moulder, h. over 302 Willard.O4 Bergmann, Augusta S., widow Fred P., h. 315 West Second.tte" e BERGMANN, HATTIE R., manicurist and masseuse, 315 West Second, r. do.«m . HATTIE BERGMANN"s FACE AND SCALP MASSAGING. SHAMPOOING AND MANICURINGm. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR REMOVED WITHOUT INJURY TO SKINmm •C a Appointments made for calling Bell Phone 743-w. Also Humphrey Houseg ' Bergquist, Ada E., stenographer, r. 47 Kinney.3 Bergquist, Carl, apprentice toolmaker, r. 528 Allen.* Bergquist, Carrie, weaver, bds. 530 Allen..5 _ Bergquist, Clarence H., (Lucy), office clerk, h. 12 Linwood Ave.E"? Bergquist, Edward, (Emma), supt. Alliance Furn. Co., h. 14 Cedar Ave.J2 2 Bergquist, Elizabeth L., student, r. 47 Kinney.Soe Bergquist, Eric J., (Caroline), laborer, h. 28 Clyde Ave.cm— Bergquist, Esther, dressmaker, r. 14 Cedar Ave.°(a Bergquist, Florence, milliner, r. 16 Eagle.a - Bergquist, Genevieve, weaver, r. 528 Allen.•o2 Bergquist, George, printer, r. 528 Allen..52 Bergquist, Gust F., (Anna C), pianoworker, h. 47 Kinney.r*i o Bergquist, Hilda, weaver, bds. Ill King.— E Bergquist, John M., (Sophia), cabinetmaker, h. 528 Allen.SsE Bergquist, Julia, r. 14 Cedar Ave.„r Bergquist, Leonard, deliveryman, r. 528 Allen.g 2 Bergquist. Linnea, dressmaker, r. 16 Eagle.o Bergquist, Martha, r. 528 Allen.«£ Bergquist, Rudolph, woodworker, r. 16 Eagle.m-jj: Bergquist, Samuel E., (Ida), cabinetmaker, h. 16 Eagle.• o Bergquist, see Berquist and Bjorkquist.mmta Bergren, Albert, (Alfreda), woodworker, h. 35 Chapman.Bergren, Anton C. (Mary), foreman textileworker. h. 71 Wescott.^^ Bergren, August L., (Bertha M.), shoes. 116 Willard, h. over do.^ Bergren, Caroline, widow Carl, r. 68 Wescott.mm* Bergren, Gottfried J., (Anna A.l, finisher,h. S Fairfield Ave.{Q Bergren, see Berggren.tr-A, Bergschnider, Anna, bds 6 Broadhead AveS^* Bergstein, Martin, baker, rms. over 409 Cherry,Bergsten, Carl, (Hilma), finisher,h. over 51 Benedict._ Bergstrom, Axel F., (Anna), woodturner, h. 13 Pardee Ave.© Bergstrom, Carl C, metalworker, bds. 440 Buffalo.^^ Bergstrom, Carl T., printer's apprentice, r. 13 Pardee Ave.Bergstrom, Edward A., (Minnie), metalworker, r. 5 Sturges.^•J Bergstrom, Lillian, clerk. 1. 450 Allen.mm Bergstrom, Nels E.. (Hilma), woodworker, h. 28 Pearl Ave.VsW >—, +J {Z| ^ ,** rt rf\ m\ jj g CO Bergstrom, Bergwall, BERGWALL ¥ Berkland, Llie if. penter, Ino.n-rtn-Ainsurance Olof. Lillian, Sophie, Edward, Joseph sec'y.—job Otto, Y. Oscar, PRINTING Albert, r. metalworker, 9 dry A., widow (Matilda), Osborne. (Selma plateworker, (Liddie printing, Connecticut w. Oscar, CO.—Joseph V.). J. cabinetmaker, L.), rms. bds. over textileworker, Bentley, pres.-trens. molder, r. 329 167 100 General A. Crescent. West Allen. Tower. Gen. h. Bergwall, h. 140 Third. Life h. over Agt., Buffalo. 100 Ins. 21S pres-treas; Ptg. Tower 314 Co., Crescent Co.. Chadakoin Hartford, h. E. 76S E. Conn. K. Car-Big 2d.

Women's Coats and Suits. The A. D. SHARPE CO, \T*>JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Ill MHILL PIANO CO. _£ _5 «Berkland, Erick, metalworker, bds. 440 Winsor *JBerkland, Henry B„ delivery boy, r. over 218 Crescent.m-MBerkland, Nobert, delivery boy, r. 218 Crescent.N»*JBerkland, see Burklund and Bjorklund. ^|Berkowdz, Leo, blacksmith, 946 East Second, bds. 10 Hayward. *"%Berlin, Louisa I., h. 426 East Fifth.Berlin, see Burlin.hs**1Bernhard, Alfred J., (Hilda), woodworker, h. over 109 Colfax.j^Bernhard, Charles, (Hilda), plumber, h. 110 Sampson.T^Bernhard, Edward L., r. 110 Sampson.J^LBernhard, Florence O., r. 110 Sampson. *\Bernhard, Gust A., (Hilma), machinist, h. 52 Hedges Ave.I-*BERNHARD HARDWARE CO.—Emil Fagerstrom, John Carlson, and Mar- PO £*tin Gunnarson—retail dealers, 204-206 East Second.PJBernhard, Oscar, (Ida), machine hand, h. 1109 Newland Ave.Bernick, Augusta, Mrs., textileworker, r. 53 Wescott.Bernstein, Joseph, (Ida), peddler, h. 22 Eleventh.^.ABeroto, Alfonzo, laborer, bds. 12 Waterman. ~SBerquist, Berdina, widow Peter, h. 174 South Main.Berquist, Charles A., (Anna L.), painter, h. 73 Glasgow Ave.Berquist, Charles J.. (Louise), metalworker, h. 125 Bowen._ QBerquist, Emma, widow Gustaf, h. 254 Crescent.o §•Berquist, Emma, weaver, h. 244 Forest Ave . jf *"Berquist, George W., (Lillian R.), asst. mgr. Acme Worsted Mill, h. 21 Allen. » "Berquist, Hilda, twister, r. 254 Crescent. r; 2Berquist, Hilma, twister, r. 254 Crescent.S[ §•Berquist, Jalmar G., bricklayer, r. 254 Crescent. » -BBerquist, Louis B., (Olga), metalworker, h. over 10 Eagle 5" *jBerquist, Louise, widow Peter,—Lindblad Bros & Co.—h. 174 South Main. e 3Berquist, Mabel S., manicurist, r. 73 Glasgow Ave. \\ "Berquist, Waldemer, rms. 16 Foote Ave. w £*Berquist, William A., apprentice toolmaker, r. 7 Fulton."g gBerquist, see Bergquist and Bjorquist. 2. g,Berry. Eleanor F., widow James, h. 509 East Seventh.E. gBerry, Emma, warpdresser, r. 143 Stowe. •< 3"Berry, G. T., r. 16 West Fifth. ' *Berry, H. Orton, (Mary A.), saloon, IS North Main, h. 320 East Fifth.Berry, Mark N. (Katherine)—Stoner & Berry—h. 10 Forest Park.^Berry, Martha, trained nurse, r. 320 East Fifth.mm-,Berry, Susan D., teacher, r. 509 East Seventh.HjBerry, Thomas, (Martha L.), clerk, h. 143 Stowe.f-^'Berry, Thomas, (Elizabeth), machine hand, h. over 21 Water.(f)Beshoni, Angelo, (Cecelia), laborer, h. 541 Crescent.^^Betts, William, (Grace), painter, h. under 18 Tenth.PTBeustrom, Berdena N., student, r. 43 Falconer.lvBeustrom. John J., (Ida)—Field & Wrright Co.—h. 43 Falconer._^Beustrom, see Beaustrom. 55Beyer, John V., (Hilda), woodworker, h. 218 Thayer. (*>Beyer, see Bayer. J*Bezat. Harlim, handsander, rms. 92 Steele. ""Bidwell, Fred, (Laura L.), painter, h. 581 Buffalo.»—jBidwell, J. A., (Laura), painter, h. Allen St. Ext.mm.Ready Biegleman, Biekarck, Bigelow, Bigg, Bigelow. James, Roofing Ethel, Reuben Elsie, Violet J. Edward, Carolus, draughtsman, clerk, G. W.. E„ breweryworker, (Elsa). & r. (Ida student, 309 Building L.)—Abrahamson-Bigelow r. Jefferson.commercial over r. 323 857 h. Spring. over Paper Price. traveler, 818 Washington. __£ h. 323 Co.—h SS Price. „, .309 I* Jefferson. TJ ?j* jL+ C/i Cr

a Clark Hardware Co., Contractors & Mill Supplies112 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.a <strong>Chautauqua</strong> BrewIS "US.V DAYmm '«•M •CO00mm '13W•o •C«•on 'c"2 »m -onacaa osm 'MBJ"••"2> m•m m,•-3 »r*«i255§«3•§«A .fi-8Bissontz. Louise W., r. 14% Fourteenth.Bitely, Henry, (Ona), drayman, h. over 33 Ninth.eg am\SC e*-* u» CO a.UO 1=B-iis©COfiBijou Dream—Marshall W. Peterson, M. L. Woods, props.-10 West Third.Bilfredge ,Carl, laborer, bds. 123 Fairmount Ave.Bill, Catherine, trained nurse, 207 Foote Ave.Bill, Thomas, shoe shine stand, h. over 212 Washington.Billings, Arthur W., woodcutter, r. 148 Baker.Billings, Jennie, widow Wayne, h. 509 West Fourth.Billquist, Edward, (Martina), weaver, h. Willard, R. F. D. 82.Billstone, Victor A., (Ida), machinist, h. 25 Orchard Ave.Bilquist, Arthur, drive, r, 260 Prospect.Bilquist, Ernest, finisher, r. 260 Prospect.Bilquist, John, (Eva), retired, h. 260 Prospect.Bilquist, Walter H., lineman, r. 260 Prospect.Bimber, Helen, domestic, 410 North Main.Binns, Sarah, r. 384 Buffalo.-moving pictures.Binz. Edward, warpdresser, r. 201 East First.Binz, Nicholas, (Mary), cabinetmaker, h. 201 East First.Birath, Svea, student, r. 1381 East Second.Birch, Edmund, laborer, h. 4 Cross.Birchman, Alfred, (Anna), metalworker, h. 40 Sampson.Birchman, Charles A. (Inez), cabinetmaker, h. 8 Barrows.Bird, Jane, widow G. Washington, h. 71 Ellicott.Birley, Jesse, r. 801 Fairmount Ave., bey. limits.Birley, see Burley.Birmingham, Elizabeth, widow James, h. 297 Crescent.Birmingham, Michael, billing clerk E. R. R., l. 297 Crescent.Bishop, Harry J., r. over 109 Cross.Bishop, James H., (Addie O.), finisher,h. over 218 Winsor.Bishop, Matthew, (Elizabeth), loungeworker, h. over 109 Cross.Bissell, Berne B., (Carrie), R. F. D. mail carrier, h. 831 North Main.Bissell, Carrie Mrs., creamery, 830 North Main, r. 831 do.Bissell, Rachel M., widow Milton L.. h. 66 Eleventh.Bissontz, Anna E., stenographer, r. 14% Fourteenth.Bissontz, Louise, widow John, h. 14% Fourteenth.Bitely, John, buttermilk peddler, rms. 409 Cherry.Bivona, Sylvester, (Lottie), painter, bds. 148 Foote Ave.Bivoni, Nancy, spinner, r. 6 Waterman.Bivoni, Peter, widow Francis, cloth beamer. h. 6 Waterman.Bjork, Albert, bartender, r. 67 Benson.Bjork, Carl, metalworker, bds. 52 Thayer.Bjork, David M, (Hulda), metalfinisher, h. 719 East Second.Bjork, Edna, r. 208 Chandler.BJORK &liquors, 59 Winsor.Bjork, Fred G., (Bertha O.), polisher, h. 28 Victoria Ave.Bjork, John, (Carrie), finisher,h. over 52 Hedges Ave.EKSTROM—William L. and Charles A.—wholesale and retailLargest Bjork. William stock Victor L., (Anna),—Bjork Records in the City & Eckstrom—The People's Bottling Co.,Victrolas, h. 208 $50, Chandler. $76, $100, $1S0, $200 Eckman's Music StoreBjork, see Burke.Bjorklund,Bjorklund, Bjorkquist. Bjorkquist, Bjorklund. George, CarlEllen, Erick. see Carl Burklund Berquist.metalworker,A., bookkeeper, (Sophia), errand (Carrie), and boy, metalworker, steel Berkland.r.bds.Bergnuist. r. 99 99144casemaker, Hotchkiss.Stowe.h. 99 h, Hotchkiss. over 937 East Second.

CARPETS, CURTAINS,DRAPERIES, SHADES, The A. D. Sharpe Co. QsrJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 113 05Off I Of A "NfC. Pfl COMPLETE TUNING AND J?-mM.lLila r lmr%.l*\J VU. REPAIR DEPARTMENT JJjBjornes, John, j.Mary), varnisher, h. 248 Broadhead Ave.rmBjornsen, Maybelle I., widow Henri, r. 601 West Seventh.fHBjornsen, Nicolai, (Fannie), draughtsman, h. 904 East Second. ,Bjorstrom, Amanda, bookkeeper, r. over 112 Bowen.3Bjorstrom, Annie, widow Jacob, h. over 112 Bowen.Black, A. G., h. 110 Forest Ave.BLACK BEAR CAFE, Fred Bauer, prop., PROMPT 22 East AND Third. EXCELLENT SERVICE flj~~ CAN BE RELIED ON AT ALL TIMES C±to"BLACK BEAR CAFE $FRED BAUER, Proprietor22 East Third StreetBlack, Eliza, widow Thomas, h. over 20 Derby.Black, Ellen, r. 110 Forest Ave._Black, Frank, r. 110 Forest Ave.^jOBlack, F. S., furrier, 4 New Gifford Bldg., rms. cor. Jefferson and W. Third.Black, Howard R.. (Leah), sec. Warren Ross Lumber Co., h. 303 Hallock. ^^Black, Mary A., widow Daniel, r. 23 Eleventh.5yBlack, Sara A., bds. 66 Eleventh.{TTBLACK, T. HENRY, photographer, over 12 East Third, r. over 20 Derby. |^ARTISTIC PORTRAITURE „ all grades from Post QCards to Crayons. We also make Outdoor Views, Commercial WPhotography, and do work for Amateurs.T. HENRY BLACK, 12 East Third St. |gn„Black, Tony, laborer, bds. 123 Fairmount Ave. Sifc.Blacklock, William E., (Adelaide), rep. National Cash Register Co., h. 108 p?«(Lincoln.Blackman, Benjamin H„ chauffeur, r. 41 Thirteenth.^Blackman, Bert L., (Minnie M.). metalworker, h. 41 Thirteenth.m-m ^Blackman, Bessie E.. clerk, r. 41 Thirteenth.Blackmar, Blanche, milliner, r. over 341 Foote Ave.Blackmar, Edward G., student, r. 10 Fairview Ave.Blackmar, Maggie, widow Alonzo. dressmaker, h. over 341 Foote Ave.Blackmar, Ross A., (Flora), machine hand, h. 995 Washington.Blackmar. William, harnessmaker, bds. 14 South Main.Blackmer, Mark D., furnitureworker, r. 207 Summit.Blackstone, Katharine M., widow George V., h. 411 East Second.BLACKSTONE MFG. CO.—Wm. M. Blackstone, pres.; Andrew J. Lind,treas.; John P. Moynihan, sec.—washing machines, 56-58 BlackstoneAve.Blackstone, William M., pres. Blackstone Mfg. Co., r. 411 East Second.•1J"j*toEVERY Blagbrough, DEALER Elizabeth, HAS THE widow "BEST" Attie, r. D 7 A Garfield. IMT Talkit over with me. (j) —BLAGBROUGH, I HAVE THE STRICTLY JAMES, (Elizabeth), PURE r Industrial M l H 1 Wet Wash HARRY laundry, LYONS h. 7

£§ Clark H a r d w a r e Co. Stoves and Furnaces0& 114 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.|l <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew «.w*»j_«.CHJTH Blain, Harry B., (Nellie M.), electrician, h. apart. D, 27 Forest Ave.m-ne Blakely, see Bleakney., Blakesley, Jennie E., widow Emery J., h. 408 East Fourth.••g Blanchard, Amos F., (Eliza), physician, 410-412 Chadakoin, h. 313 W. Third.' Blanchard, Bessie H., r. 359 Falconer.j- Blanchard, Carlos E., (Georgia), carpenter, h. 359 Falconer.** « Blanchard, Calvin S., (Ida), finisher, h. Frink Ave.,Sb Blanchard, Charles, (Hattie M.), packer, h. 18 Richmond Place.a>J§ Blanchard, Donald L., bookkeeper, 110 West Second, r. North Main Exi.jSJft* Blanchard, Earl, painter, r. 615 Winsor.o£ Blanchard, Esther F., widow Flint, h. 18 Strong.y o Blanchard, Eugene L., (Ella J.), lumber dealer, h. 427 Lincoln."55 Blanchard, Florence, textileworker, h. over 11 Webster.9> Blanchard, Henry J., (Anna K.), grocery clerk, h. over 114 West Seventh... Blanchard, Marjorie, r. 359 Falconer.4- Blanchard, Maurice L., stenographer, r. 313 West Third.H BLANCHARD, ROBERT B., physician and surgeon, over 8 East Second, bds.10 Chandler; office hours 2 to 4 o'clock p. m.; 7 to 8:30 p. m.\m\ Blanchard, R. Newland, (Belle B.), physician, over 8 East Second, h. 10~ Chandler.T3 Blanchard, Silas, (Maria), painter, h. 615 Winsor.rj . Blanchard, William, (Lucy M.), woolsorter, h. over 61 Liberty.jSjU Bland, Grace, stenographer, r. 83 Hazzard.© c Bland, Roy, upholsterer, r. 83 Hazzard.> Blard, Angelo, laborer, bds. 32 Scott.£: o Blard, James, (Anna), laborer, h. 32 Scott.O % Blard, Tony, (Rose), laborer, h. 32 Scott.•m-0 Blasyk, Steve, laborer, bds. under 513 Allen.

Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. THE A. D. SHARPE CO. goJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.115 2$. c/3 r1XJiH9 _. !>;«_»«, C«l»«.«.l A NATIONAL TRAINING a "Vtllll S FiailO DCIlOOl school SCHOOL for pianists 5 I w %— f- •V "0Blood, DeForest P., (Bernice L.), tiresetter, h. 229 Hopkins Ave.o JoBloou, Lee D., (Edith A.), foreman Star Furn. Co., h. 11 Kidder.Blood, Roscoe C, (Nellie M.), machine hand, h. over 11 Bishop.Bloom, Charles, carpenter, h. 602 Winsor.Bloom, Clara, widow Andrew, h. over 70 Vega.Bloom, Elsie, r .over 70 Vega.Bloom, Esther, r. over 70 Vega.Bloom, Gust, cigars and confectionery, 100 Barrows, r. 203 King.Bloom, Helmer, metalworker, r. 70 Vega.Bloom, Julia, domestic, 142 Forest Ave.j^,Bloom, Louis L, (Hazel N.), clerk, r. 602 Winsor.e^pBloom, Mary, widow Charles, h. 25 Palmer.mBloom, Samuel, (Selma), shoemaker, h. 203 King. 533Bloomberg, Carl, (Carrie), carpenter, h. over 265 Steele.f^Bloomberg, Carl, shipping clerk, r. 36 Crown.C/jBloomberg, Carl V., (Sophie R.), crater, h. 36 Crown.c*+Bloomgren, Gustaf A., (Anna M.), woodworker, h. 226 South Main.Bloomberg, David E., grocery clerk, r. 36 Crown. mT ©Bloomquist, Andrew P., (Lottie), carpenter, h. 109 Crescent.Bloomberg, see Blomberg.

ii Clark Hardware Co., Contractors ft Mill SuppliesEu3« 116 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.b«ef i <strong>Chautauqua</strong> BrewLow in tigS^S» extract©"bi Blystone, Elliot, (Euphemia), piano salesman, h. under 857 Spring.m Blystone, Florence, r. 423 East Fourth.*>£ Blystone, Mary L., r. 423 East Fourth."a . Blystone, Paul W., (Katherine C.)—Walter I. Blystone & Son—h. Lake-53 >» wood, N. Y., (For summer <strong>1911</strong>)."a Blystone, Walter I., (Sarah E.),—W. I. Blystone & Son—and pres. boardioB'o9egestimate and review, h. 423 East. Fourth.BLYSTONE, W. I. & Son—Walter I., Paul W., Sarah E., Mary L., and FlorenceBlystone—mfrs. mattresses and pillows, 19-23 Briggs.5 « Boardman, Frank E., (Ruth), electrician, h. over 35 Charles.*g Boardman, George A., (Lillis), teamster, h. 219 Stowe.•g Boardman, Leonora, nurse, r. 835 North Main.g e Boardman, Rhea Kay, teacher, r. 301 East Eighth.>[•* Boberg, Edwin, wood polisher, bds. over 12 Crown.«g Boberg, John, (Alma), sheet metalworker, h. under 239 South Main.w ffl Boberg, Swan, h. over 27 Eagle.mS Boberg, see Broberg and Broburg.B§ Boehler, Charles, (Philomena), breweryworker, h. 2 Metallic Ave."gj Bogardus, L. E., electrician, h. over 855 North Main..£ •> Bogart, John, laborer, bds. 14 South Main.Hw Bogenschutz, Henry, (Annie C), warper, h. 14 Shaver.j Bogenschutz, John B., (Rose), stationary engineer, h. 57 Foote Ave.. g" Bogey, Steven, (Daisy), h. 562 East Second.10 3 Bogren, Minnie, domestic, 2 West Fifth.OSj* Bohall, James W., (Beatrice), machinist, h. 16 Chicago Ave.S-m Bohall, Lucille C, waitress, r. 8 Forest Park.W o Bohlen, Hildur M„ textileworker, r. 35 Oak.

Women's Coats and Suits THE A. D. SHARPE CO. £JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 117 pmmHill PIANO CC. ORGANS AND OLD PIANOS 21U1U_I X I..M.11V/ \*\7. TAKEN IN EXCHANGE g-gm,Bootey, Emma Y., widow Edward R., h. 4 Chandler.m^?Bootey, Lizzie A., teacher, h. 93 Barrett.Bootey, Roswell J., sec-treas. Manufacturers' Association, rms. over 213 -at*North Main. 09Booth, Alice S., textileworker, r. 405 Newton Ave. **Booth, Annie, Mrs., h. 405 Newton Ave.S3Booth, James S., r. 405 Newton Ave. 5S*Booth, William L., (Maud L.), local mgr. Swift & Co., h. 408 East Fourth. *g"Borden, Albert S., (Mary), mgr. Chadakoin Garage, h. 15 Crossman.Bordenero, Micheli, (Cologero), cigars and pool, 36 Harrison, h. 30 Water. P*Bordwell, Kate, r. 103 Weeks.r*"Borgeson, John, (Lena), painter, h. 2iy2 Ransom Alley.mmBorgeson, see Bergeson and Burgeson.Borgstrom, Carl E. W., woodworker, bds. 127 Linden Ave. P*Borkman, John, r. 308 Steele. S£Borland, Henry W., r. 16 Sampson. 2Borse, Bruno, electrician, rms. over 215 North Main.SmBorst, A. J., (Cora), sawyer, h. 106 Steele. —*Bosin, Carl, press hand, r. over 10 Thayer.^_Bosin, Dorothy, r. over 10 Thayer.(t>Bosin, Louis, rubber, r. over 10 Thayer.^^Bosin, Richard, carpenter, h. over 10 Thayer. ;=Bosin, Ruth, paper boxmaker, r. over 10 Thayer.mm.Boss Grocery—John A. Nelson, prop.—14 Main.J**Boston Department Store—Manley E. Johnson, John A. Peterson and C. M. g?Alfred Peterson—100-102 East Second.Bostrom, Earl, metalworker, bds. 42 Sampson.Bostrom, Frank, (Matilda), h. 25 Charles. • IBostrom, Ruth M., milliner, r. 25 Charles.Bostrom, Signa E., clerk, r. 25 Charles.Botsford, Anna C, widow Myron, boarders, 111 East Sixth, h. do.t-pBotsford, William R., (Lucia C), cashier Bank of Jamestown, h. 855 Prend- ^mergast Ave.OBotsford, see Bottsford. *JBottini, Louis, (Emilia), fruits and confectionery, 12 Main, rms. 1-5 New {+Warner Block.Jy*Bottomley, Frederick, (Martha), warpdresser, h. 13 Shaver.JJJBottomley, Richard M., (Mary), woolsorter, h. under 304 Winsor.TBottomley, Smith, (Sarah), machinist, h. 16 Flagg Ave.OBottomley, Thomas, (Blanche M.), warpdresser, h. under 296 Falconer. *^JBottsford, Frederick E., supt. music public schools, h. 16 Bassett.Bottsford, William H., (Ruth A.), carriage trimmer, r. 16 Bassett.nCOLONIAL PORCH COLUMNS HARRY LYONS Nrt ©Bottsford, That will not see crack Botsford. or open up—alio Porch Baluitert and Rail Institute St. & Erie Ry. »j •Bouck, Alvin, boatbuilder, r. 65 Tenth. £»Bouck, Gilbert T., (Arzetta), boatbuilder, h. 65 Tenth. E*Bovard, Bowers, Bdughton, Boults, Bourdo, Bovgleo, Bowen, pect. William, Altana, Glenn David W. Nelson, Henry Abraham Frances, Sam, Sarah, D„ J., H., (Mary), bds. A., clerk, H-, (Hannah), widow student, winder, H., (Elizabeth (Clara), 800 asst. bds. (Ida machine East Chauncey, ticket r. 6 A.), retired, r. over Second. A.), 20 Broadhead 169 hand, slater, physician, Bowen. agent aristoworker, 429 South r. h. h. Allen. 117 E. h. over Ave. R. Webster. Main. Euclid over R., 429 15 h. 53 Ave. Newland Allen. 16 26 South Linden Bush. Main, Ave. h. 67 Pros-GO Jjj *—l m* m-\ J5^ ^^ Cr (mm " W

ft Clark Hardware Co. Fine Cutlery and Tools118 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.Without a peer in the world of beerHz\ <strong>Chautauqua</strong> BrewBoth phones 268Bowers, Samuel T.,—Nelson & Bowers—r. 67 Prospect.Bowers, see Bauers.Bowles, Lettie, dressmaker, bds. over 206 East Second.Bowman, Lester D., (Lillian Cook), physician, 522 East Second, h. do.UrnBoyce, Myrabelle, student, bds. 11 Genesee.Boyd, Arthur A., machine hand, r. 47 Baker.Boyd, Charles A., (Mary E.), cigarmaker, h. 47 Baker.Boyd, Harry W., (Florence), undertaker, h. 514 Monroe.Boyd, Johnson, (Sarah M.),—J. Boyd & Son—h. 28 Price.Boyd, J. & Son—J. and Purl J.—groceries, 800 North Main.Boyd, Mary, widow Thomas L., h. 57 Barrett.Boyd, Purl J., (Minnie),—J. Boyd & Son—h. 1110 Prendergast Ave.Boyd, William, metalworker, r. 717 Cherry.W Boyle, Bessie C, student, r. 905 Prendergast Ave.BOYLE, CHARLES A., (Lizzie D.), groceries, 905 Prendergast Ave., h. do.Boyle, Dessa M., student, r. 905 Prendergast Ave.Boyle, Rolland E., driver, r. 905 Prendergast Ave.Boyle, William C, (Mabel P.), conductor J. St. Ry., h. 210 West Second.~^ Boylen, Hugh, (Margaret), clerk, Everett Hotel, h. over 152 Chandler.Bracey, Frank, lumber handler, r. 1175 East Second.rt Bracey, Grace, r. 1175 East Second.**J Bracey, Iva B., creamery, 322 Newland Ave., h. do.mmi Bracey, William H., (Anna), h. 1175 East Second.W Bradburn, Charles ,(Cora), clerk, h. 114 Newland Ave._ Bradburn, Clinton L., (Ella),—Bradburn & Moon—h. 120 Newland Ave.CO BRADBURN & MOON—C. L., and George—wallpaper and decorations,207 Bast Second., Bradigan, Henry G., gardener, h. Fairmount Ave., bey. limits.j*^"i Bradigan, William, gardener, h. Fairmount Ave., bey. limits.O Bradley, Charlotte, widow Samuel, r. 114 Bowen.^^ Bradley, Eldeen J., widow Thomas H., r. 409 Prendergast Ave.^^ Bradley, Florence, widow William, h. 17 Ninth.C^ w Bradley, Floyd, teamster, bds. 17 Ninth.^i Bradley, George, (Florence), motorman J. St. Ry., h. 411 West Fourth.r% Bradley, John, meatcutter, bds. 17 Ninth.UJ BRADLEY, ROSS M., (Rita M.), physician, 409 Prendergast Ave., h. do.Pl Bradner, Marion A., student, r. 35 Orchard Ave.J3VmBradner, S. Denton, (Belle), miller, h. 35 Orchard Ave.Bradner, Vera M., student, r. 35 Orchard Ave.Bradshaw, Mabel A., widow Edwin A., h. 210 East Fifth.BRADSHAW'S PIONEER INSURANCE AGENCY, William A. Bradshaw, 11-fjmf 12-13 Barrett Bldg,, 203 Cherry.£ « Bradshaw, Brady, George William A., (Grace), A., (Mary)—Bradshaw's laborer, h. 956 Washington.Pioneer Insurance Agency—h.Braff,27John,Lakeview(Margaret),Ave.h. 127 Euclid Ave.Bradstreet'sBragg, Ernest,CommercialmotormanAgency,J. St. Ry.,I. L.bds.Daye,21 Langford.representative, 415 West Third.as * >.Bragg,Bragg, Bradt, Oscar,L.ClydeDelos,M., (Harriet),(Gladys(Lyda), laborer,C),cashiercommercialh. Wells-Fargo 230 McKinleytraveler,Express Ave.h. 418Co.,Falconer.h. 404 WestI jjg Brainard, Seventh. Ben, (Lovinia), laborer, r. 49 Harrison.m."oBradway, M. S., Mrs., r. 75 Barrett.H Brady, f TCU Alelia IltfCITft A., widow A N Robert, P F Connecticut h. 41 Ninth. General Life Ins. Co., Hartford, ConnCO ^ Brady, Llfti Carson lHjUIViilll/L B., (Pearl), chauffeur, w.J. Bentley, h. 13 Fenton Gen. PI. Agt., 514 Chadakoin Bldg§ Brady, Elmer, (May E.), coachman, h. 110 Euclid Ave.^ Brady, Frank, asst. shipping clerk, r. Walnut Grove.

Gloves, Hosiery and Underwear - THE A. D. SHARPE CO.HB mmJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 119 r —HILL PIANO CO. °NE <strong>System</strong> only |gs§Brainard, Donald O., (Alma), carpenter, h. over 312 Allen.* SBrainard, Laverne W., (Lottie L.J, bookkeeper, h. 198 McKinley Ave. *Brainard, Louisa, widow George, h. 2 Forest Park.mBrainard, Nina, teacher, r. 198 McKinley Ave.56 mBraley, David F., (Rachel W.), salesman, h. 123 Euclid Ave.3 PIBraley, Earl H., metalworker, r. 123 Euclid Ave.w m^Braley, Rena L., ofhce clerk, r. 123 Euclid Ave.^ iHBranch, Hazel F., stenographer, r. 420 Winsor. O £QBranch, L. Edwin, (Mary A.), h. 420 Winsor.n SBrand, Edwin, teamster, bds. 209y2 West Third. - "Brand, see Brandt.» rtBrandi, Ralph, laborer, r. 581 Buffalo. ©Brandin, Bertha, office clerk, h. over 821 East Second. "Brandin, G. Rudolph, student, r. over 821 East Second.fiBrandin, Lilly A. M., stenographer, r. over 821 East Second.MBrandt, Emma, bookkeeper, r. 33 Thayer.g fjjBrandt, John A., (Albertina)—Carlson & Brandt—h. 33 Thayer.o. SOBrandt, Robert, painter, bds. 33 Thayer. O >Brandt, see Brand. S,Branney, Caroline, widow Erick, h. 217 East Eighth. ST £2Bratt, Anthony C, (Ressie), music director and teacher, h. 810 Cherry. » mBratt, Bailey P., (Mercy A.), landscape gardener, h.' 144 Chandler. a' 3Bratt, Beulah E., bookkeeper, r. 144 Chandler.H SOBratt, Casper, (Matilda), metalworker, h. 125 Newland Ave.S* gBratt, Claude F., (Harriet), foreman Watson's Mfg. Co., h. 9 Water. 8- pBratt, Breed, Herman, Alfred, (Laura), (Gerda), toolmaker, veneerworker, h. over h. 177 227 Hotchkiss. Barrows.g-g gBrattberg, Breed, Alice, Ella widow S., bookkeeper, Charles H., r. h. 114 Peach. Bowen. £. g. © g-Brattberg, Breed, Annie, John widow J., (Augusta), Emmet, h. postman, 118 Bowen. h. 1 Peach.CO S Z "Brattberg, Breed, Charles Mary, A., widow (Celestial, Charles, h. 7 h. Fairmount 705 West Ave. Eighth.%« gj |?Brawn, Breed, Clarence, Joseph, (Annie), printer, expert r. 118 Bowen. sewing machine adjuster, under 121 West "E. o g >Breed, Third, Emily, h. 409% widow Cherry. Henry G., r. 855 Prendergast Ave.S' 2 §• QBray, Breed, Harriett, Frank, (Olga), trained lunch nurse, counter rms. 115 clerk, Allen. h. 115 Steele.rig* ©Brazee, BREED Bennie, & JENSEN—Ralph rms. over 6 Institute. B. and Waldemar—contracting painters, 29% % Q JLBrazee, North Ed., Main. laborer, B rms. R Eover E D 6 Institute. & J E N S E N*Brazee,ContractorsTheodore,in(May),Paintingbartender,andh. overDecorating24 East Third.„|w rOBreckenridge, John, officeINTERIORmessenger,AND EXTERIORr. 250 Harrison.WORKg-.S?|£ a "*Breckenridge,HOME PHONES: Residences,Robert, warptwister,1106-k and 909-bh. 250 Harrison.Adjacent to Erie R. R. and Hotel Everett» «• o. Z •Shop, 484-k 29 1-2 MAIN STREET w_ . ^^vice-pres.; C. L. Eckman, sec-treas.—mfrs. desks and bookcases, 129-135, WBREED-JOHNSON FURNITURE CO.—J. A. Eckman, pres.; J. A. Peterson, jogJ. & G. Ave. ^ §,„ mm.COLONIAL PORCH COLUMNS HARRY lyns |That will not crack or open up—alto Porch Balutten and Rail Institute St. & Erie Ry. ft

094>h Clark HardwareZ 120Co., Roofing and Building PapersJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.m Ph onto n mi a RraiA7 Ju8t what you want daiiy as a beve- Vila U La U\\ UQ UltVV meals, summer and winter Both phones 268»§ Breed, Ralph B., (Matie)—Breed & Jensen—h. 75 Barrett.Breed, Robert, metalworker, bds. 58 Falconer.Breed, Wintred VV., (Amelia), pressman Journal Press, h. 142 Prospect.Brendell, Ida M., h. 211 West Fifth._ Brennan, Carrie T., widow Henry J., h. 547 Lakeview Ave.a « Brennan, John Thompson, student, r. 547 Lakeview Ave.Bj ' Brennan, Mildred, r. 547 Lakeview Ave.Brennan, Ruth, student, r. 547 Lakeview Ave.Breth, Ira E., (Johanna), watchman, n. over 392 Falconer.JS•at- •Brickett, Welthy A., widow Charles, h. 9 Crossman.C_ , Bricklayers' Union Labor Hall, over 18 East Third.B Bricker, Laurence, office clerk, r. 419 West Third.* Bricker, Lulu, clerk, r. 419 West Third.Bricker, Mary, widow Josiah, h. 419 West Third.Brickner, Charles, (Agnes E.), coachman, h 506 Prendergast Ave."g ,; Brier, D. Ward, (Mary J.), dyer, h. 112 Liberty.2 J? Brier, Horace W., office clerk, r. 112 Liberty.BQ 03 m, SS Brier, John C, student, r. 112 Liberty.-*& „,g Brier, Briggs, Kathleen Harry A., M., (Inez student, B.), foreman r. 112 Liberty. J. C. & L. E. R. R., h. 59 Falconer.e Briggs, Harry L., (Edith R.), cashier Union Trust Co., h. 115 Maple.m > Briggs, Briggs, T. David Riley, A., (Matilda), (Amelia J.), foreman driver J. warpdresser, F. D., h. 209 h. Prendergast 104 Barrows. Ave.ajTS b g Briggs, Walter E. Bertram, T., (Thyra), city editor conductor Journal, J. r. St. 521 Ry., East h. 870 Fifth. Washington.,*_>.* ' "" Briggs, Briggs, William Fred, (Sarah C, (Minnie A.), master C), <strong>Chautauqua</strong> mechanic J. Towel Worsted Mills, Mills, h. 404 h. 521 East E. Fifth. Fifth._•§> BRIGHT, GEO. S., (Belle G.), insurance, 300-301 Fenton Bldg., h. 23 Thirgc teenth.g c Briklu, Sister, r. 205 West Fifth.W WW Brill, George W., (Lillian A.), commercial traveler, h. 100 Newton Ave.V)0 Brindley, George B., (Martha A.), laborer, h. 382 Buffalo.Brindley, Howard G., woodworker, r. 382 Buffalo.Brink, Charles E., prop. Empire restaurant, rms. over 120 West Third.© Brink, H. E., bds. 22 Forest Ave.r 1 Bristol, Charles, machinist, rms. 215 E. Third.^^ Bristol, Leon L., (Bernice), metalworker, h. over 20 West Seventh.mm Bristol, Mary, widow Solomon, h. 140 Foote Ave.4> Britain, Frederick L., (Wanda), commercial traveler, h. 340 Foote Ave.c£jJ Britain, Raymond, R. R. baggagemaster, r. 340 Foote Ave.mm Britton, Anna F., r. 424 Lincoln.C/5 mm Britton, Edward, R., retired, h. 424 Lincoln.o> S* Britton, George E., bookkeeper 1st National Bank, r. 424 Lincoln._ FPKMAN'

Always Buy your Dry Goods of THE A. D. SHARPE CO. >JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 121 SCOil I PTANO CC. ENTIRE 6TH FLOOR C«niUU 1 li*X1\S \*\J. CHADAKOIN BUILDING m-qJ>Broadbent, Nellie, student, 1. 20 Peach.mBroadberry, Gilden R., salesman Hill's piano store, mis. 309 West Third. awBroadhead, Almet N., (Margaret A.)—broadhead Worsted Mills, J. St. Ry. ^mm\Co., <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Traction Co., and prop. Lakeview Rose Gardens—h. 508 J^lNorth Main.^2Broadhead Block, 100-108 North Main.WBroadhead, Ernest J., (Cecilia), shipping clerk, h. 625 Newland Ave.^p.Broadhead, Frank G., (Bertha T.), woolsorter, h. 1225 Prendergast Ave. J^Broadhead, Fred H., (Maude A.)—Proudfit Clothing Co.—h. 165 Allen. --.Broadhead, Irving H., (Ida S.), supt. and designer Acme Worsted Mills, h. Ji?321 Fairmount Ave. ^^Broadhead, John L., (Nora), bookkeeper, h. 128 Allen. —5Broadhead, Margaret, r. 128 Allen. "Broadhead, Marion, r. 128 Allen.^^Broadhead, Mertie M., r. 130 South Main.JjpBroadhead, Myrtie, clerk, r. 128 Allen. —Broadhead, S. Flora, h. 130 South Main.COBroadhead, Shelden B.,gen. supt. Broadhead Worsted Mills, h.101 E. Fourth. _Broadhead, William A., r. 508 North Main.EBROADHEAD WORSTED MILLS—Shelden B. and Almet N — mfrs. worsted J"*dress goods and suitings, 102-126 East First., S*Broadhead, Wright D., (Katharine), pres Swedish-American National Bank, JJh. Boniwood, R. F. D. 82. {•)Broberg, Andrew, (Augusta), gardener city park commission', h. 304 Foote fmAve. S¥Broberg, Dorothy E., student, r. 304 Foote Ave.Broburg, Christine, domestic, h. 262 Forest Ave.Broburg, see Broberg and Boberg.Brock, Ernest, printer, r. 67 Taylor. 2Brockway, John, bartender, rms. 21 Warner Block.pBBroden, Grada, widow Gust, r. ^-Steele.WBroden, Herman, (Esther), steel casemaker, h. 67 Steele.Broderick, Patrick, metalworker, bds. 306 West Fourth. >Brodine, Axel, (Hattie), carpenter, h. 568 Allen. 3Brogren, Morris, (Matilda), tailor, 248 Forest Ave., h. do. £3Broman, Augusta, domestic, 13 Fulton.S3Broms, Daniel K„ (Hilda A.), h. 317 Palmer.gBroms, Frank D., patternmaker, r. 317 Palmer. 2»Broms, Wilmer E., metalworker, r. 317 Palmer.HEVERY Bronson, DEALER Addison, HAS (Mahala), THE "BEST" timekeeper, p A h. 140 IMT Foote Ave.Bronson, I HAVE H. THE V., clerk, STRICTLY bds. 140 PURE Foote ^ Ave. -MU^ 1Bronson, Z. E., widow Alfred P., r. 108 East Eighth.HARRY LYONSBrookins, Bridgman G., (Minnie), driver J. F. D., h. 9 Terrace PI.*_Talk Brookins, Brookmire, Brooklyn 7 it Harrison. over House, Restaurant, Fish Club, Bottling Earl, Betsy with and over machinist, Herbert J., Works, Meat me. 41 widow P. South .mm. A. F. Market, r. Herbert Farlin and Ezekiel, 9 Main. Terrace James M. and F. r. B. J. and 146 M. PI. Rowley, B. Cowan, Stewart James Anderson, prop., props., F. Ave. Cowan, props., 2 North 7 Harrison. 1 props., North Main. under Main. (JJQ mm-, JJ9 *^ 5 Cj O .

i Clark Hardware Co., Contractors & Mill Snpplies» 122 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY4> — ^ _ — — ^ — ^ — — ^ ^ — — — _ _ ^ ^ _ _ _3 /ll__-_4.«»___.. -. Dm.«.*.T Quenches thirst, acts as a mild tonic, inducesI <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew sieep Both phones 2e8E>.Brookmire, aEva B., engraver, r. 15 Prospect.a,>

THE A. D. SHARPE CO. for Rugs and Carpets(X,JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY123 __Hill's Piano School(TO,F Norplayting tf03Brown, Cleo O., machinehand, r. Wellman Ave., bey. limits.S3Brown, Clinton E., motorman J. St. Ry., h. 410 Laafyette.\m\\iBrown, Coletta, student, r. 544 Lakeview Ave. (9Brown, DeLano A., The Brown Printery, r. 128 Van Buren.*TtBrown, Donald S., office man. over 101 East Second, r. 116 East Fourth. -Brown, Earl B., engineer, r. Wellman Ave., bey. limits.^JBrown, Edith M., r. 11 Strong. —Brown, Edward Ross, (Bessie Georgi), draughtsman, h. 305 West Third.Brown, Edwin C, (Addie), woolsorter, h. 760 East Second.cpBrown, Elizabeth, Mrs., laundress, h. 228 Forest Ave. 5Brown, Elizabeth E., widow Henri LeF., h. over 74 Liberty.§* TlBrown, Elnora, widow Aaron A., r. 1169 Prendergast Ave. ** §Brown, Emily, teacher, r. 612 Foote Ave. ?Brown, Ernest, (Elizabeth), coachman, h. 110 Washington. S §Brown, Ethel, textileworker, r. 228 Forest Ave. _ f?Brown, E. U., widow Harry T., furrier, 4 New Gifford Bldg., rms. Cor. Jeffer- g Wson and Third.g wBrown, Fanny G., widow Edward C, h. 20 West Sixth."V EgBrown, Fred, stationary engineer, h. corner Stowe and Falconer. ^ -mBrown, Fred, woodworker, bds. 220 Bowen. ^ «Brown, Fred C, (Mary), hostler, h. 21 East Third.5 WBrown, Fred E., (Grace E.), conductor J. St. Ry., h. 16 Catlin Ave.» QBrown, Fred P., (Delia), stationary engineer, h. 103 Stowe.a ^Brown, Glenn E., (Laura), furniture finisher, h. 506 Palmer. 2. C"Brown, Glenn K., (Anna D.), commercial traveler, h. 544 Lakeview Ave. g- eBrown, Gust, cementworker, r. 16 Stafford Ave. ' F°Brown, Guy, drayman, r. 612 Foote Ave. >-

_ Clark H a r d w a r e Co. Stoves and FurnacesCOB 124 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYiiPossesses all the attributes of purity and flavor that are£ <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brewnecessary for a perfect beerCO Brown, Roy Leland, (Catherine), metalworker, BOTH rms. PHONES 315 West 268 Third.m-\ Brown, Rudolph C, (Theresa A.), woolsorter, h. over 16 West Fifteenth.Cd Brown, Samuel A., (Carrie E.), mailing clerk postoffice, h. 57 Eleventh.O Brown, Samuel A., Jr., student, r. 57 Eleventh.mZ\ Brown, Thomas C, student, r. 32 Chestnut.Brown, William H., (Kathryn), metalworker, h. 820 Washington.4) Brownell, Blanche, music teacher, r. 854 Prendergast Ave.CO_ Brownell, Earl W., (Mary A.), carpenter, h. over 621 West Seventh.U_w Brownell, George G., (Ella N.), car accountant, J. C. & L. E. R. R. freightoffice, h. 903 North Main.Brownell, George W., (Jennie), promoter, 418 Chadakoin Bldg., h. 854Prendergast Ave.Brownell, Irene, milliner, r. 854 Prendergast Ave.•m BROWNELL SHOE CO., C. B. Clover local mgr., 12 West Third.fl) Bruce, Emma, textileworker, bds. 6 Broadhead Ave.^ Brugge, Dora W., domestic, 314 Foote Ave.Brugge, Eric, office clerk, h. over 31 Weeks.Brugge, Hannah, widow Fritz, h. over 31 Weeks.Brugge, Isabelle, bookkeeper, r. over 31 Weeks.Brugge, Ivar, student,r.' over 31 Weeks.Brundell, Walter, (Elizabeth A.), textileworker, h. 16 Winsor.Brundo, John, laborer, h. 52 Harrison.Brunner, Tony, machinist, h. 75 Hallock.•> Brunstrom, David V., (Carrie), pastor Sw. Zion Church, h. 116 Forest Ave.Brunstrom, Irving, r. 116 Forest Ave.Brunstrom, Leroy, r. 116 Forest Ave.Brunstrom, Mildred, r. 116 Forest Ave.EoBryan, Katherine, r. 352 East Fourth.Bryan, Robert, retired, h. 352 East Fourth.Bryant, D. H., (Pearl), wholesale lumber, rms. 318 Prendergast Ave.Bryant, George, apprentice dyer, bds. over 296 Falconer.Bryant, William, (Pauline), textile worker, r. 497 Willard.< Brynolfson, Paul A., machine hand, h. 262 Broadhead Ave.Brynolfson, Robert S., (Alma M.), machine hand, h. 262 Broadhead Ave.pT Bubb, Fred, towerman, r. 263 Steele.^i Bubb, William .(Harriet), locomotive engineer, h. 263 Steele."?*« Bubb, William, Jr., finisher, r. 263 Steele.Pn Buchanan, Agnes, Mrs., telephone operator, r. 16 Hazzard.Buchanan, Edward L., (Eleanor A.)—Conroy-Buchanan Lumber Co.—h. 29Newton Ave.Buchanan, Frances, widow George B., h. 310 West Second.Buchanan, Harry J., office clerk, r. 217 Crescent._ _ Buchanan, William brakeman Erie R. R., rms. 614 Cherry.W Buck, Donald H., paper boxmaker, r. 75 Barrett.O Buck, Ernest J., (Emma), driver, h. over 113 East Second.Buck, Gust, laborer, rms. 329 East Second.t/5 T5 rV r\ r^ " t^ \\~r £> U K © y ^. TIlP Buck, Bucklaew, 1Ile at 01 Mutual UUUiai Willet, Waldo, Orlo Lloyd, Harry Harold John, Mary Nnunwlr liewam, Nathan Addison, Charles W., Rpnpfit metalworker, stationary E., DClieill S., yardmaster, clerk, commercial ,ice J., carpenter, Mrs., N 11. (Anna), (Myrtie creammaker, L., J. I rms. r. lilie r. 116 ifp (Ellen), engineer, 75 413 oil traveler, bds. J.), Hazzard. r. Barrett. future Premium RETURNED C. producer, 75 Cherry. aristoworker, 149 & h. r. Barrett. payment bds. L. 116 8 Jones r. receipts Forest E. F. over Hazzard. 307 TO h. s. R. & POLICY 275y2 East TREADWAY, R., 211 policy to Park. Gifford h. Jan. bds. North 8 Fifth. South holders Forest HOLDERS 1635 Ave. <strong>1911</strong> Main. District West - Park. - and - Eighth. Agent funds - $427,763,190.20$367,143,488.69on hand for

Gloves, Hosiery and Underwear - The A. D. SHARPE CO. ZOJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 125 *iChHII I PI A Nfl C(\ N0 contests jr*O i l — — 1 A-M-llV/ V/VF. NO FAKE CERTIFICATES NjBucklaew, Enoch J., (Agnes), tailor, h. 331 Tenth.oBucklaew, Mearle, r. 116 Hazzard.»T3Bucklaew, Wayne, r. 116 Hazzard.Buckley, Agnes, r. 16 Livingston Ave.1Buckley, Charles J., (Anne), inspector Penn. Gas Co., h. 1164 Prend. Ave. -Buckley, James P., (Elizabeth), stonemason, h. 16 Livingston Ave.WBuckley, Melinda, widow Daniel, r. 601 North Main._Bucklin, Anna Giles, Mrs., h. 2 Lincoln. £3Bucklin, Delos K., (Florence W.), clerk, h. 637 Palmer.ftBucklin, Percy, carpenter, bds. 33 Hazzard.ft.Bucklin, William R., (Annie), gardener, h. 637 Palmer._.Buffington, Albert E., (Sadie), watchman, h. 559 Buffalo.VBuffington, Fred H., r. 559 Buffalo.Bugbee, Agnes B., r. 45 Blanchard.Bugbee, Earl H., r. 45 Blanchard.Bugbee, Mary E., widow Albert A., h. 45 Blanchard.Bull, Ellen, h. 67 Center.Bull, Mary Ann, h. 67 Center.Bullock, Alvin L., (Macy D.), carpenter, h. 39 Flagg Ave.Bullock, Frank W., (Cassandra), supt. J. Light and Power Co., h. 50 Broad- m*head Ave.Bullock, Raymond G., (Kathrine), draughtsman, h. 309 West Sixth.Bulman, Edward, r. 155 Barrows.Bulman, Fred L., r. 155 Barrows.Bulow, Gust, (Ida), carpenter, h. 21 Ellicott.Bumgardener, Bertha, r. 907 North Main.Bumgardener, Henry, laundryman, r. 907 North Main.Bumpus, Glenn, (Helen), mechanic, h. 204 Lafayette.Bundock, Stanley, cabinetmaker, rms. Y. M. C. A. *£J3COCO^j^Jqj(P^t^",^OBunnell, Cornelius K., (Amanda), nursery stock, h. 336 Allen. fro, ^_Bunting, Oliver W„ (Bertha), h. 112 Stewart Ave. JUTBurch A. Conrad, clerk, r. 30 Falconer.foBurch, Alton L., student, l. 411 Lincoln.mmBurch, Arward .(Alice), cementworker, h. 32 Flagg Ave.mmBurch, Bessie L., student, r. 411 Lincoln. mT *"Burch, Charles, clerk, rms. 415 West Third.Burch Glenn, driver, r. 32 Flagg Ave. *^Burch. Hazel E., student, r. 30 Falconer.Burch, Hilda J„ widow David E., h. 140 Forest Ave.Burch, Jeannette, r. 32 Flagg Ave.Burch, Jennie. Mrs., h. Falconer Ext.Burch, John A.. (August;* B.) woodworker, h. 3H Falconer.Burch, Lawrence A., toolmaker, r. 30 Falconer.CBurch,ReadyMurl,Roofingcarpenter,&i.BuildingFalconer Ext.Paper lnJTZ STS?*\P^%Burch, Ralph, laborer, r. Falconer Ext.Burch, Burchard, Burdick, Burg, Burdick. Ave. Ext. John Carl Ross, William W. see Reuben, Lafayette Mary, Elmer Fred Seneca Judson, Burtch. A., G., teamster, metalworker, (Sophie), Cook. W., E., E„ (Josie) B., M., (Emma (Dora), (Annie), (Sarah r. (Jennie)—Wilcox, r. (Laura over sawyer, shoemaker, Falconer h. A.), J.), teamster, r. 706 368 J.), 133 bookkeeper, painter, h. North Buffalo. Ext. landscape Sampson. over h. h. 133 Main. h. Burchard Falconer 1398 69 Sampson. h. gardener, Eleventh. East 411 Ext. & Lincoln. Second. Co.—h. Lakeview 543 Lakeview • Ave. *^ -, Cr _W P ^m-*

II Clark Hardware Co. Stoves and Furnacesox

THE A. D. SHARPECO. for Carpets and Rugs IT*JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 127 ^HILL P I A N O CO.toPIANOS, ORGANS ANDPLAYER PIANOSBurlin, Jessie M., teacher, r. 12 Arnold.JiJBurlin, Phoebe A., widow Allen W., h. 12 Arnold.^TBurlin, see Berlin. *^Burnell, A. Claude, student, r. 214 Chandler.Burnell, Clarence H., (Evaleen), contractor, h. 214 Chandler.b^Burnett, The House of—Mrs. J. A. Burnett—ladies' gowns and tailoring, L305-314 Wellman Building. 03Burnett, J. A. Mrs.—The House of Burnett—ladies gowns and tailoring, 305- _314 Wellman Bldgs, h. 91 Prospect. EBurnett, John A., (Margaret D.), h. 91 Prospect.J3Burns, Alva,-conductor J. St. Ry., h. over 16 Institute.^^Burns, Andrew L., printer's apprentice, r. oVer 545 Allen.mmBurns, Donald, bookkeeper, rms. Y. M. C. A.7^2Burns, Edward C, (Mary G.), civil engineer, h. 417 Spring.^NBurns, Frank J., (Rosetta), machine hand, h. over 545 Allen.Burns, George T., shipping clerk, r. 101 Maple.OBurns, Isabella S., bookkeeper Park commission, r. 417 Spring. t" 5.Burns, John J., (Electa), h. 33 Harrison.a XBurns, Margaret H., widow James W., h. 101 Maple.«' coBurns, Thomas A., (Flora M.), motorman J. St. Ry., h. 7 Barnard Ave. = "jBurr, Bertha J., bookkeeper, r. 921 North Main.js »•Burr, Carrie A., widow Frank H., h. 921 North Main. « »Burr, Charles L., (Edith C.), 2nd hand goods, 100 Fairmount Ave.,h.over do. j-Burr, Edward H., clerk, r. 514 Palmer. o 2?Burr, G. Melvin. (Frankie), carpenter, h. (i2 Newton Ave. \\ |Burr, Kenneth H., draftsman, r. 514 Palmer.~, mmBurr, Leo W., clerk, r. 62 Newton Ave. "g 2Burr, Millie M., printer, r. 62 Newton Ave. 2. 5Burr, Minnie H., widow Edward H., h. 514 Palmer.jj aBurr, Raymond S., clerk, r. 514 Palmer. *«! 3.Burrall, Arthur J., (Lena), cabinetmaker, h. over 21 Grandin.

t h Clark Hardware Co.Fine Cutlery and ToolsZ U 128 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY05 =£* <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew is making friends every dayac mmH *?O »OQ ®Bush, Jacob, painter, r. Ill Fairview Ave.Bush, John E., (Bertha J.), stage hand, h. 202 Baker.Bush, Joseph, laborer, bds. 260 Steele.Bush, Lambert L., (Emma), gardener, h. 322 South Main.. ' Bush, Leon F., (Bertha), detailer, r. 109 Park.S Bush, Lester A., (Arline M.), teamster, h. 153 Chandler.3 ' Bush, Theodore W., carpenter, h. 280 Steele.2. Bushee, Loyal, (Helen), night watch, h. 69 Livingston Ave."2 . Bushey, Floyd G., clerk, r. 384 Foote Ave.J! Bushey, William E.. (Ruth), clerk, h. over 205 Allen.J5 . Bushey, William Frank, (Emma), commercial traveler, h. 384 Foote Ave.tj & Busk, May, stenographer, bds. 30 Price.§ « Busk, Nellie, bookkeeper, r. 2 Stearns Ave.w bo Butafora, Tony, (Rosario), laborer, h. 36 Harrison..£ ,. Butafora, Maria, duffer, r. 36 Harrison."2 TJ Butler, Arthur, (H. Rebecca), machinist, h. over 168 Falconer.* a Butler. Bertha, china and water color painting, over 21 West Second, h.(O £, Lakewood, N. Y.£ • Butler, Frank A., (Christie A.), tinner, h. 64 Barrett.u a Butler, Frank H., (Inez), farmer, h. Fairmount Ave., bey. limits.•j% 4j Butler, Hazel, clerk, l. Fairmount Ave., bey. limits.i. Butler, Hiram E., (Mary J.), h. 64 Fairmount Ave. -yj £ Jj"j 2 CO 4) Q Frlman^ tit Byron, Bv.iork. Buxton, Bvlund. Bvford, Butts, Byers. Mild Bldgs. Perl Herman Jack Hilma. Frederick, Clark, Pierre II A., J., a barber, A., domestic. (Anna), J., (Irene MiKir iiuait groceries. (Agnes'*, (Christine), bds. M.), clerk, 15 StnrP aiuic 23 metalworker, bandsawver, Mechanic. 131 Fenton h. tailor, 611 Falconer, East Place. h. headquart-rs h. 105 h pianos Eighth. bds. over Kipp. 537 115 211 and East West player for Fifth. Second. Fitfh. high pianos crade

The A. D. Sharpe Co. for Rugs and Carpets QJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 129 PrmiHII I PI A Nffc C(\ ENTIRE 6TH FLOOR STnil-lU * 14_L^\S \,\J. CHADAKOIN BUILDING 2Caccamise, Frank, (Josephine), gluer, h. 131 Foote Ave.Caccamise, Mary, r. 131 Foote Ave.-w%to Cacamise, Rosa, twister, r. 131 Foote Ave.Cacceres, Edilberto, (Olive), upholsterer, h. under 367 Foote Ave.Cacceres, E., Mrs., Bakery, 148 Foote Ave., h. do.toCadwell Cabinet Co.—John and Eugene B. Cadwell—telephone woodwork, 85115 Foote Ave.Cadwell, Charles, (Edith), motorman J. St. Ry„ h. 509 Monroe.COCadwell, Eugene D., (Jeannette)—Cadwell Cabinet Co.—h. 113 East Eighth, ftCadwell, Frank W., (Jennie W.)—Cadwell Cabinet Co.—h.416 Lakeview Ave. **Cadwell, John, (Carrie S.)—Cadwell Cabinet Co.—h. 212 Lakeview Ave. t_iCadwell, see Caldwell.Km*Cady, Helen, widow Peter, h. 1370 East Second.N"JCady, Lydia, widow John, boarding and rooming house, 529 W. Third, h. do. ^^Cady, Margaret A., Mrs., r. 9 East Fifteenth. \3Cady, William R., (Josephine), brickmason, h. 14 Weeks. £*")Cady, Willis C, farmer, h. 1370 East Second.SCaesar, Carl, (Anna), shoemaker, h. 117 William.)/tQCAFLISCH BROS., H. W. Ailing,mgr.,wholesale lumber,303 Chandler;yards, h^Allen Ext, D. R. Park, supt.^m*9Calahane, Elizabeth D., dressmaker, r. 46 Center.^JCalahane, Ella M., milliner, r. 46 Center.\-fCalahane, James see Callahan.OPJP., (Elizabeth), pipe line contractor, h. 10y2 Crane. {-JCalahane, Caldwell, Clarence Margaret A., T., bds. postoffice Rathskeller clerk, r. hotel. 46 Center.tari jfq 3ECalahane, Caldwell, Mrs., Mary, r. student, 214 Fulton. i. 10% Crane. ' WJ3 r*VCalahane, Caldwell, Weld, Nora, (Mary millinery, A.), 321 stationary North Main, engineer, h. 46 h. Center. over 214 Fulton. "* 7*iUCalahane, Caldwell, see Susanna Cadwell. M., teacher, r. 46 Center.!*jS SSCali, Rosario, (Stefana). laborer, h. over 60 Tower.Calimeri, Frank, (Josephine), laborer h. under 68 Tower. .^Calimeri, Josephine, textileworker. r. under 68 Tower.'^ZCalio, Joe, laborer, r. over 435 Allen. >i5Calio, Sarah, machine hand, r. over 435 Allen. *JCalio. Tom, bobbin carrier, r. over 435 Allen.^^Calio, Tualry. laborer, r. over 435 Allen.^4Calkins, Alfred. (Persis M.l, h. 9 Ninth. S>Calkins, Fred H., (Katie), bandsawyer, h. 776 East Second.*"*•Callahan, Leo J., (Ethel), cement block worker, h. 708 Washington.Callahan, William M., (Anna), h. 207 West Eighth.m--\Callahan, see Calahane.\wm*Calle, Jake, rms. 73;/ Allen Sq. g>Cameron, Dan, boilermaker, rms. Y. M. C .A. C*Cameron, Winfield S., (Tmogenc P.), attorney, 307 Fenton Bldg., h. 19 Fair- \*mount Ave.&*Camilles. Sister, r. 205 West Fifth.^Camp. Albert N.. (Alice P.), pres.-treas The Camp Art Co., h. 313 W. Fifth. \J2CAMP ART CO.— A. N. Camp, pres-treas.; A. D. Rice, vice-pres.; J. StuartT" Husband, Front sec'y.—photographers, Doors stock HARRY over 207 LYONS North Main. %CrNj

1 Clark Hardware Co., Roofing and Building&M 130JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY©« /^1 J. ¥> WITHOUT A PEER IN THE WORLD|| <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew OF BEER. Both Phones 268®-e Canfield, William, (Blanche), deputy Protected Home Circle, h. 862 N. Mai"£ Camp, Otto O., (Alta), painter, h. 225 East First.Hj< Camp, Paul B., student, r. 313 West Fifth.Ctu Campbell, Albert L. D., (Alta M.), specialist eye, ear, throat and nose, 34-36(,§ Wellman Bldg., h. 801 West Fifth.e2*" Campbell, Cassius G., (Ella). Mechanics Laundry, h. 45 Frink Ave.^. Campbell, Charles, (Mattie), carpenter, h. under 545 Allen.;£ Campbell, Claude, J. Electric Mills, r. 43 Tenth.° i Campbell, F. Grace, widow George, r. 715 East Second.2 Campbell, Frank, carpenter, r. under 529 Allen.•w Campbell, Fred C., (Calista), salesman, h. over 209 Prendergast Ave.fi Campbell, Henry, machine- hand, bds. 9 Seventeenth."" « Campbell, John L., dyer, r. 27 Derby.t> 3 Campbell, Kate, Mrs., r. 22 Phillips.«g£ Campbell, Onnolee A., student, r. 801 West Fifth.§ Campbell, S. B., Mrs., r. 271 Fairmount Ave.*>5 Campbell, William, hostler, bds. over 226 East Second.S(§ Campbell, William, (Fredericka X.), woodworker, h. 224 Steele.•a Campbell, William W., (Jennie), pres. J. Electric Mills, h. 43 Tenth.J} to CANFIELD, HARRY J., (Emma), JAMES city auctioneer CANFIELD and appraiser, 314 Northjf| T3 Main, h. do.J | GENERAL AUCTIONEER AND APPRAISER«g "5 I sell your business or any goods at auction.w § 314 North Main StreetBuffalo Office, 84 Seneca St.%-v> a Cannar, Joseph, (Mary), finisher,h. 152% Jones & Gifford Ave.§.« Canning, Mabel, seamstress, bds. 21 Eleventh.u >. Cannon, Franklin, concert pianist, rms. 208 East Fifth.«>£ Canty, Daniel E., captain J. F. D., r. 710 Jefferson.j5 Canty, John, laborer, h. 710 Jefferson.Canty, Michael, furniture packer, bds. 710 Jefferson._; Canty, Simon, laborer, bds. 14 South Main.S? Caprino, Frances, spinner, r. over 131 Foote Ave.Caprino, Nacena, freight handler, r. over 131 Foote Ave.rj Caprino, Tony, barber, h. over 131 Foote Ave.m g Caprino, Tony. Jr., drawer, r. over 13] Foote Ave.jj^ a Carap, Manda, filler, bds. 45 Harrison.Ii,, 5 Carap, Sotir N., filler,bds. 45 Harrison.Q w Carcioni, Salvatore, laborer, bds. 36 Harrison.U"^ Card, Earle J., (Ruth A.), draftsman, h. 146'/2 Stewart Ave." Card, G. Scott, (Lilly), sand contractor, h. 261 Hallock.Q > Card, Renzie, r. 75 Hallock.(S Card, Verne B., (Pearl B.), commercial traveler, h. 209 Lincoln.*-t Cardinale, Ross, (Marie), barber, h. 25 Steele.. Carey, Alice M., chambermaid, r. 3 Winsor.^ j Carey, Charles H., (Elsie A.), driver, h. 3 Winsor.W < Carey, Herbert S., (Lillian P.), r. 3 "Winsor.fr*>ECarl, Frank, (Nettie L.), laborer,

Always buy your Dry Goods of The A. D. Sharpe Co. g 3JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 131 n £Hill's Piano School FpSS^8Tun,0B Sin "8Carlen, Sallie, spinner, r. 212 Chandler.> OCarley, Henry, painter, bds. 89 Hazzard.*" pjCarling, Alfred, (Christine A.), woodworker, h. 39 Elliot Ave.wCarling, Clarence L., clerk, r. 39 Elliot Ave.Carling, Joseph A., carver, r. 39 Elliot Ave.Carling, Philip E., student, r. 39 Elliot Ave.Carlino, Tony, laborer, bds. over 25 Water.Carloti, Sebastian, laborer, bds. over 25 Water.Carlson, Abel, (Mary), metalworker, r. 509 Prendergast Ave.Carlson, Adna J., student, r. 313 Newland Ave.b^Carlson, Adolph, (Hilda), carpenter, bds. 110 Foote Ave. 09Carlson, Agnes, domestic, r. 121 Baker.SCarlson, Agnes A., mender, r. 265 Prospect. (pCarlson, Albert, metalworker, r. 49 Anderson. . CACarlson, Albert, metalworker, r. 138 Falconer.ChCarlson, Albert, metalwoi'ker, bds. 196 Baker. 2Carlson, Albert \V\, student, r. 489 Winsor.

° £c_ a2wttcu-3 »>C rtC »,so.o_ BO H£O.SPs^OS?HSwOH*asKgoo>»>wG>Clark Hardware Co., Contractors & Mill Supplies132 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew IS iwrao^jggw—— DAYoo Carlson. .Carlson.-si Carlson.Carlson,^ o Carlson.Carlson.CarlsonCarlsonCarlson,CarlsonCarlson.Carlson,CarlsonCarlsonCarlsonCarlsonCarlsonCarlsonCarlson,CarlsonCarlsonCarlsonCarlsonCarlsonCarlsonCarlsonCarlsonCarlson,Carlson,CarlsonCarlsonCarlson,CarlsonCarlsonCarlsonCarlsonCarlsonCarlsonCarlsonCarlsonCarlsonCarlsonCarlsonCarlsonCarlsonCarlsonCarlsonCarlsonAugust W., (Augusta), carpenter, h. 123 Prospect.Augusta, Mrs., h. 88% Barker.Augusta S., r. 41 Peterson.A. William, (Anna), groceries, 154 Baker, h. 121 William.Axel, metalworker, bds. 12 William.Axel, cabinetmaker, bds. Ill Wescott.Axel, (Ida), woodworker, h. 173 Baker.Axel, (Minnie), cabinetmaker, h. over 133 Camp.Axel, (Ethel), laborer, h. 239 Hazzard.Axel, (Ada) meatcutter, h. 1027% North Main.Axel, driver, bds. 206y2 Chandler.Axel F., (Anna E.), cement contractor, h. 110 Barrows.Benjamin, (Marie), laborer, h. 1038 North Main.Bertha E., textileworker, r. 547 Willard.Bertha J., r. 106 Hazzard.Bessie M., domestic, 17 Mechanic.Betty, weaver, r. 109 Colax.& Brandt—John W. and John A.—meats, 131 Falconer.C. Alfred, (Annette), laborer, h. 110 Vega.C. Alvin, (Pearl L.), electrician, h. under 209 Barrett.Carl, sander, bds. 358 South Main.Carl, metalworker, r. over 305 Winsor.Carl, laborer, bds. 64 Water.Carl, metalworker, r. 224 Broadhead Ave.Carl, (Henny A.), woodworker, h. over 19S Barrett.Carl, bricklayer, bds. 203 West Second.Carl A., (Anna C), farmer, h. 504 Willard.Carl A., (Ida), woodworker, h. 307 Stowe.Carl A., (Anna), contracting builder, h. 103 Camp.Carl A., (Ida N.), carpenter, h. 24 Peach.Carl A., (Hulda), tinner, h. 106 Hazzard.Carl G., toolmaker, r. 7 Partridge.Carl H., (Hilda S.), machinist, h. 21 Shaver.Carl J., (Anna), cabinetmaker, h. 378 Willard.Carl J., (Charlotte), metalworker, r. 109 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Carl J., (Augusta), tailor, h. 113 Chandler.Carl L., draftsman, r. 59 McKinley Ave.Carl O,. (Matilda), painter, h. 105 Hedges Ave.Carl P., (Mary C. ), contractor and builder h. 132 Sampson.Carl S., meatcutter. bds. 25 Linden Ave.& Carlson—Henry and Fred—grocers, 310 Sprague.Carolina, widow Alfred, r. 511 Willard.Celia, widow Olof. drawer, h. 26 Warner Block.C. Elmer, (Anna M.), section foreman E. R. R., h. 137 Euclid Ave.C. George, machinist, r .257 Barrows.C. Gottfried, (Gustie), carpenter, h. 69 Wescott.Charles, teamster, bds. 426 Allen.Trio MutualCharles,Renefitlaborer,I ifpbds.Premium6 Hanley.receiots to J»n. 1.<strong>1911</strong> ... - $367,143,488.89Carlsonlite riUlUaiCharles,Oeneill(Anna),Lliestonemason,RETURNED TOh.POLICYover 814HOLDERSEastandSecond.funis on hud farCarlson of Newark, Charles, N. (Clara), J. bartender,future paymenth.to19oolicvWalnut.hoWers .... $427,763,190.20Carlson Charles, (Sophia), metalworker,F. S. TREADWAY,h. 136 Weeks.District AjentCarlsonCharles, A., bds (Myrtle), bartender, (Ellen), (Sophie), (Sophia), (Matilda), 717 Murray veneerworker. deliveryman, laborer, veneerworker, h. h. Lovel Ave. 219 h. Ave. flat Willard. h. h. 24. 320 415 220 New Steele. West Bowen. Warner Eighth. Block.

Always Buy your Dry Goods of THE A. D. SHARPE CO. >+1JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 133LARGEST AND MOST WHILL P I A N O CO.CAREFULLY SELECTED STOCK COCarlson, Charles A., (Anna), driver, h. 214 Bowen.Carlson, Charles A., (Josephine), finisher, h. Tiffany Ave.Carlson, Charles A., (Matilda), tailor, h. 12 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Carlson, Charles A., (Jennie), machine hand, h. over 128 Linwood Ave.3Carlson, Charles B., (Clara), machine hand, h. over 16 West End. £)Carlson, Charles B., (Clara), machine hand, h. 118 Colfax. ^.Carlson, Charles E., (Hattie), motorman J. St. Ry., h. 32 Linden Ave. ft%Carlson, Charles E., (Hettie), upholsterer, rms. 507 East Second.wCarlson, Charles E., bartender, r. corner East Second and Tiffany Ave. 2»Carlson, Charles F— Carlson & Helgren—r. i&&y2 Willard.QjCarlson, Charles F., (Lottie C), carpenter, h. 110 Mechanic.I—*Carlson, Charles J., (Ethel), trimmer, h. over 44 Hedges Ave.COCarlson, Charles J., (Christine), carpenter, h. 6 Charles.Carlson, Charles J., (Christine), finisher, h. over 215 Hazzard.Carlson, Charles L., (Anna M.), saloon, 15 Steele, h. 141 McKinley Ave. 0}Carlson, Charles L., (Tillie K.), metalworker, h. 24 Fairfield Ave.*^*moCarlson, Charles L., (Elvira G.), metalworker, h. 22 West Cowden Place.Carlson, Charles L., (Anna M.), chief engineer muncipal electric light plant,h. 28 Chapman. *~?Carlson, Charles P., (Theresa C), metalworker, h. 262 Falconer.Carlson, Charles P., (Emma C), pres. Golden Furn. Co., h. 16 Foote Ave.Carlson, Charles W., (Celia), stationary engineer, h. 47 Charles.Carlson, Charles W., (Hannah), tailor, h. 112 William.^^Carlson, Charles W., (Ellen), teamster, h. 284 South Main. 5»Carlson, Christina W., widow Charles J., h. 35 Cross. *JCarlson, Christine, domestic, 401 Prendergast Ave.QCarlson, Christine, Mrs., h. 15 Barrows. |2Carlson, Christine, r. 220 Bowen. ~*Carlson, Christine, widow Peter, h. 150 Barrows.Carlson, C. John, (Ellen W.), woodworker, h. 263 Forest Ave.^^Carlson, Clara, widow Gust A., h. 41 Peterson.^QCarlson, Clarence, collector J. C. & L. E. Ry. Co., r. 11 Delaware Ave. qjCarlson, Claus, woodworker, bds. 12 Kinney.£Z,Carlson, Clifford, student, r. 220 Bowen._Carlson, Conrad, (Alma), woodworker, h. 36 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.JiCarlson, Conrad, laborer, bds. 231 Steele. *^Carlson, Conrad, metalworker, bds. over 928 East Second.Carlson, Conrad, metalworker, bds. under 30 Bush.^Carlson, Constant W., (Ellen T.), driver, h. 23 Eighteenth. £»Carlson, Cora E., clerk, r. 28 Chapman. {3Carlson, Corina M., widow John, h. 5 Winsor.^_Carlson, C. Robert, (Hilda), sheet metalworker, h. 7 Partridge. *^Carlson, Daniel A., r. 249 Crescent.Carlson, David, (Julia N.), casemaker, h. 70 Vega.^^Carlson, EdnaDavid,E.,machinist,student,bds.r. 13920Park.Pearl Ave.f^Carlson, Edward,David, (Selma), (Ellen),moulder, laborer,h. h. II 138 Falconer. ~j168 Barrett.*_Carlson, Carlson,David Edward,A., (Helga),cabinetmaker, packingr. boss, h. 237 Sprague. £L41 Peterson, £)Carlson,Carlson, Edward,David H.,woodworker,clerk, bds. overr. 1219<strong>Chautauqua</strong>Victoria Ave.Avergt »Carlson, David J., sheet metalworker, r. 110 Vega.rmS^meo Carlson, Dorothy, H Espinner, M L Obds. C358 K South L UMain.M B E R j r ^ i S , w %Carlson, E. Albert, (Ida), bricklayer, h. 716 Newland Ave.Carlson, Ebba M. V., masseuse, r. 23 Benedict.Carlson, Edith, milliner, dressmaker, bds. bds. 1101 Weeks. York.^^ Q


jdraperies, shades, The A, D. Sharpe Co. xJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 135HIT T PTANO CC. Columbia grafonolas 3 >U11_L. 1 lr_.lVy V^V/. RECORDS AND SHEET MUSIC §2;; ZfyjCarlson, Fred, (Ethel)—Carlson k. Carlson—r. R. F. D. 77. « 0Carlson, Fred, tailor, bds. 23 Barker.o> _•Carlson, Fred, metalworker, bds. over 59 Falconer.Carlson, Fred ,(Hilma), tailor, h. over 61 McKinley Ave.i HCarlson, Fred A., (Lena), cabinetmaker, h. 65 Tower.2 t~*Carlson, Fred H., (Hulda M.,), loomfixer, h. 110 Charles.W P3Carlson, Fred J., (Ida J.),—Samuelson & Carlson—h. 313 Newland Ave. aZmiCarlson, Fritz E., laborer, r. 440 Winsor. § J"5Carlson, Flora, r. 110 Weeks. z —Carlson, Genus N., clerk, r. 85 Tower. M (-}Carlson, George, (Elizabeth), metalworker, h. over 237 Sprague.gCarlson, George, painter, r. 488% Willard." OCarlson, George H., student, r. 25 Wescott.QCarlson, George V., (Florence E.), stationary engineer, h. 211 West Second.Carlson, Gerald, metalworker, bds. 123 Prospect.Carlson, Gerhard, L., (Ella), toolmaker, h. over 22 Charles.OCarlson, Gertrude V., weaver, r. 5 Winsor.sgCarlson, G. Fred, (Hannah), cabinetmaker, h. over 25 Grandin.PJCarlson, Godfried, (Elsie), laborer, h. 6 Maplewood Ave. g ~Carlson, Gottfried, metalworker, bds. 183 Barrett.°- j5Carlson, Gunnar, (Adina), metalworker, h. 12 Morton.O _Carlson, Gunnar, student, r. 12 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave._, fCarlson, Gust. bds. 199 Barrett. g SCarlson, Gust, (Alma), metalworker, h. over 512 Newland Ave._. HCarlson, Gust, woodworker, h. 2 Charles. j* 2Carlson, Gust, (Ina C), metalworker, h. 11 Crown.S gCarlson, Gust, aristoworker, r. 110 McKinley Ave. & j£Carlson, Gust, metalworker, bds. 352 Price.3- nCarlson, Gust A., (Amanda S.), carpenter, h. 85 Tower.a. oCarlson, Gust D., (Vera)—Carlson & Kinsel—h. 36 Thayer. Cfl 52Carlson, Gust E., metalworker, r. 41 Peterson..§ gCarlson, Gust J., (Hulda), metalworker, h. 125 Park. "g, >Carlson, Gust S., (Josephine A.), tailor, h. 19 Winsor.»" QCarlson, Gust W., (Selma), metalworker, h. 5 Barnard Ave.OCarlson, Gustaf, (Christine), foreman metalworker, h. 20 Maple. ?8Carlson, Gustaf A., (Caroline), metalworker, h. 204 Hazzard.wCarlson, Gustaf D., (Elvira), butcher, h. 36 Thayer.Carlson, Hannah, widow Carl, r. 137 Euclid Ave.wCarlson, Hannah, h. over 554% East Second.& mCarlson, Hannah, weaver, h. 715 East Second.

Clark Hardware Co.136 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY= <strong>Chautauqua</strong> BrewCarlsonCarlsonCarlsonCarlson.CarlsonCarlsonCarlson,CarlsonCarlsonCarlson,CarlsonCarlsonCarlsonCarlsonCarlsonCarlsonCarlsonCarlsonCarlson.Carlson.Carlson,Carlson,CarlsonCarlson,CarlsonCarlsonCarlsonCarlsonCarlsonCarlsonCarlsonCarlsonCarlsonCarlsonCarlsonCarlsonCarlsonCarlsonCarlsonCarlsonCarlsonCarlsonCarlsonCarlsonCarlsonCarlsonCarlsonCarlsonCarlsonFine Cutlery and ToolsIt's good for you and it's good for your familyBoth phones 268Henry, (Evelyn), Carlson Bros., h. 320 Newland Ave.Henry, metalworker, bds. 800 East Second.Henry, (Grace)—Carlson & Carlson—h. 16 Palmer.Henry, metalworker, r. 12 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Henry C, (Hilma C), metal polisher, h. 109 Colfax.Henry N., (Ida P.), bricklayer, h. 11 East Newland Ave.Herbert, metalworker, bds. 238 Bowen.Herbert, r. 224 Broadhead Ave.Herman, (Ellen), foreman metal painter,Hildur I., student, r. 728 East Seventh.Hildur J., weaver, r. 207 Myrtle.Hilma O., engraver, r. 136 Prospect.Hilma, r. 110 Weeks.Hilma, widow Renius, h. 126 Sampson.Hilmer C, (Mary M.), carpenter, h. 110 Francis.Hjalmar, woodworker, bds. 124 Prospect.Hjalmer C, (Emma), blacksmith, h. 6 Hedges Ave.Holger S., metalworker, r. 12 Hedges Ave.Hulda, boxmaker, r. 12 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Ingeborg, packer, r. 214 Bowen.Iver Julius, (Alma), plasterer, h. 165 Hedges Ave.J. August, (Matilda), clothinspector, h. 219 Hazzard.J. Ed. casemaker, bds. 909 Newland Ave.John,Jennie M., clerk, r. 136 Prospect.John,Jessie, textileworker, r. 44 Kinney.John,Johanna, widow Charles, r.\23 Barker.John,Johanna, widow Charles, h. over 165 Barrett.John, r. 8 Hanley.h. over 18 Stowe.plumber's helper h. 314 West Second.John, (Helma), carpenter, h. 31 Hazzard.John, woodworker, bds. 105 William.John, (Christine)—Bernhard Hardware Co.—h. 114 William.John, (Anna), Limit Saloon (The), h. over 208 Prospect.John,metalworker, bds. 142 Euclid Ave.John,(Sophia), textileworker, h. 24 New Warner Bldg.John, rubber, bds. Sll Cherry.John A., (Lottie), metalworker, h. 125 Baker.John A., (Matilda), carpenter, h. 222 Falconer.John A., machine hand, bds. over 54 Chapin.John C, carpenter, bds. 64 Water.John carpenter, bds. 214 Buffalo.John metalworker, bds. 126 Sampson.John A., C, (Clara M. ), metalworker, h. 12 Norton Ave.John E., stenographer, r. 219 Hazzard.(Carolina), stationary engineer, h. 8 Hanley.(Anna), foreman screenmaker, h. 25 Grandin.(Clara C), woodworker, h. 11 Delaware Ave.(Matilda), carpenter, h. 44 Kinney.Largest stock VictormilkRecordspeddler,in ther. 300CityKing.Carlson Victrolas, 960, $76,(Anna),$100,metalworker,$160, $200h. Eckman's 20 Morton. Music StoreCarlson(Sophie), woodworker, h. over 245 Bowen.Carlson John E., (Ada), postoffice clerk, h. 174% Barrows.Carlson,John G., M„ P., Emil, F., (Louise metalworker, carpenter, (Anna), (Ethel), (Hulda), C), M.), machine r. finisher,h. laborer, machine 25 h. Wescott. 222 h. hand, h. Barrows. 170 hand, 257 Baker. h. 314 336 Barrows. h. 525 Price. Allen.

Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. THE A. D. SHARPE CO. >JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 137ENTIRE 6TH FLOORHILL P I A N O CO.CHADAKOIN BUILDINGJohn T., bricklayer, bds. 110 Barrows.John T., (Sophia), woodworker, h. 143 Falconer.John W., (Catherine), electrician, h. 133 Crescent.John W., (Hannah B.)—Carlson & Brandt—h. 728 East Seventh.Jonas A., (Matilda), lumber worker, h. 224 Broadhead Ave.Jonas P., carpenter, h. 175 McKinley Ave.Joseph, (Mary), woodworker, h. over 614 Newland Ave.Joseph, cabinetmaker, bds. 42 Chapin.Joseph, (Elin), foreman cabinetmaker, h. over 221 Weeks.Joseph, woodworker, r. 307 Stowe.Joseph E., (Caroline), cementworker, h. over 125 Bowen.Judith, textileworker, r. 44 Kinney.& Kinsel—Gust D. and A. W.—meats, 704 East Second.Knut A., (Beda R.), metalworker, h. 14 Orchard.Laura V., weaver, r. 85 Tower.Lena, Mrs., domestic, h. under 157 Allen.Lena A., domestic, over 8 South Main.Leon, (Anna B.), police, h. 440 Winsor.Leon E., r. over 215 Hazzard.Leonard, rubber, r. 112 Williams.Leonard G., stockkeeper, r. 440 Winsor.Lillian, stenographer, r. 110 Weeks.Lillian A., weaver, r. 254 Falconer.Lillian A., clothmender, r. 106 Hazzard.Lily E., boxworker, r. 29 Charles.Linda, metalworker, bds. under 30 Bush.Louise, Mrs., picker, h. 85% Cole Ave.Louise, h. 333 East Fifth.Ludwig, woodworker, r. 238 Crescent.Luther E., bench foreman, r. 107 Colfax.Lydia, r. 85% Cole Ave.Mabel, spooler, r. over 16 Institute.Mabel A. V., cloth picker, r. over 561 Allen.Mabel G., r. 110 Barrows.Mabel I., student, r. 143 Falconer.Mamie H., weaver, r. 254 Falconer.Mandy R., seamstress, bds. over 311 Bowen.Manley, Carlson Bros., r. 320 Newland Ave.Marcolm, (Matilda), woodworker, h. 36 Elliot Ave.Maria, widow Charles, r. over 106 Hedges Ave.Martin, woodworker, bds. over 34 Eleventh.Martin, machine hand, bds. 649 East Sixth.Martina, domestic, 547 Lakeview Ave.Mary, r. 88^4 Barker.Mary, r. 175 McKinley Ave.Mary L., Mrs., h. 16 Tew.Matilda, widow Gust, h. over 561 Allen.Matilda, spinner, r. 260 Buffalo.Matilda, Mrs., h. 260 Buffalo.HARRY LYONSReady Matilda, Roofing Mrs., r. & 336 Building Price. Paper Institute St. & Eri* Ry.Matilda, widow Andrew G., h. 12 Hedges Ave.Mauritz I., metalworker, r. 139 Park.Nanny N. Minnie, Myrtle, Ole, Mildred, J., butcher, bds. A student, textileworker, widow bookkeeper, , 105 clerk, rms. West J. r. Frank, r. 105 220 123 Second. r. West h. Bowen. 347 Prospect. h. over Foote over Second. 30519 Ave. Winsor. Orchard Ave.c/a99c/_3coC*_m.51toto>SO5©e CO» PCdK>nr. MZHr-*9©•_a*2STocT

i Clark Hardware Co., Roofing and Building Papersw3 Js «Ul 3_ -« _138 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY_ _w I -- COCarlson, Palmer, painter, r. 488% Willard.'3 tS Carlson, Paul R., metalworker, r. 28 Chapman.tn .*S3- 3.X Ua «-3 mio>«§9I—I _CJoa[_3_J*&°O

Women's Coats and Suits. The A. D. SHARPE CO. OcrJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY139 toH I L L P I A N O CO.LOWEST PRICED era m*.EASIEST TERMSCarlson, Simon S., linotype operator Journal, r. 41 Peterson.J"tCarlson, Stanley, clerk, r. 121 William.E«JCarlson, Swan M., (Hilda), contractor and builder, h. 110 Weeks. 1—3CARLSON, SWAN P., (Marie J.), jewelry, 10 North Main, h. 136 Prospect. C/>Carlson, Swante, (Sophia A.), aristoworker, h. 110 Prospect. 55"*Carlson, Theodore, meatcutter, bds. 850 Lafayette.h^Carlson, Theodore A., assembler, r. over 561 Allen.Carlson, Theresa L., weaver, r. 254 Falconer.f*\Carlson, Thore, screenmaker, bds. 632 East Sixth.^Carlson, Tillie E., weaver, r. 207 Myrtle. r*Carlson, Uno, plasterer, bds. 126 Sampson,Carlson, Vanga, domestic, 310 East Fourth, r. 216 Willard.Carlson, Verner, duffer, r. flat 24, New Warner Block. co *nCarlson, Victor, baker, bds. 54 Liberty.§ OCarlson, Victor, laborer, r. 260 Buffalo. g* -Carlson, Victor E., finisher,h. 230 Steele. v! ©Carlson, Victor H., packer, r. 240 Hazzard. 8/2Carlson, Victoria, spinner, r. 260 Buffalo.»T QCarlson, Viking, machine hand, r. 34 Linwood Ave. "oCarlson, Walfred, (Almeda)—Larson & Carlson—h. 211 Newland Ave 2 p)Carlson, Walfred D., woodworker, r. 12 Hedges Ave.^ P0Carlson, Wallace, machine hand, r. 110 Weeks.»? _Carlson, Walter, laborer, h. 173 Baker.w gCarlson, Walter Henry, metalworker, r. 7 Partridge.§•Carlson, Warner, B., (Emma), plumber, h. 27 Anderson.g_ ^Carlson, William, laborer, bds. 44 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.« pCarlson, William, woodturner, bds. 1 York._Carlson, William, carpenter, bds. 16 Camp. ? —Carlson, William, woodworker, bds. 21 Ellicott.Carlson, William, (Ida), metalworker, h. 139 Park.^Carlstedt,Carlstrom,Edward,C. Oscar,(Elizabeth),(Hulda E.),metalworker,foreman cabinetmaker,h. 18 Stowe.h. 248 Broadhead CO2Carlstrom,Carlstrom,Alfred,Lizzie, laundryworker,carpenter, bds.bds.15 Adams.12 Grandin.n^pqZCarlstrom,Carlstrom,AnnaMary,V.,Mrs.,spinner,h. overr.21721 GlendaleBowen.Ave.^§ HwCarlstrom,Carlstrom,AugustReynoldE.,F.,(Alma),(Elva),machineInterstateforeman,Woolenh.Mills115 NewlandCo., h. 102Ave.Broadto >Carlstrom,head Ave.Carl O., (Victoria A.), woodworker, h. 21 Glendale Ave. ' o —Carmelo, Arecodia, spinner, bds. 12 Harrison.n m^Carmelo, Diana, bds. 124 Harrison.~ rmCarmen, Erwin M., carpenter, h. 36 Fifteenth.Carmen, George, Jr., propertyman theater, r. 30 Institute.Carmen, Mary, widow George, h. 30 Institute.OCarmen, Mary, spinner, r. 30 Institute.toCarmen, Minnie E., r. 36 Sixteenth.Carmen, William, stockkeeper, r. 30 Institute.h-*Carnahan, Leonora, teacher, r. 417 Lafayette.^5Carnahan, Leonora P., Mrs., canvasser, h. 90 Liberty.fjjCarnahan, 300 West Winfield Eighth. S., clerk, rms. 506 Prendergast Ave.^^Carone, Thomas, (Carrie), laborer, h. 15 Scott.4* ^^For Carpenter, Windows Benjamin S., and bakery Doors helper, bds. see 310 Jefferson. HARRY LYONS ~^Carpenter, Charles D., (Daisy), wallpaper and painting, 205 West Third, h. ~h

_-Bi_>Clark Hardware Co., Contractors & Mill Supplies09 140 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYS3 '—:=q <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew - - Always pure and dilicious—31 Carpenter, Charles J., (Jennie Y.), mechanic, h. 278 Falconer.• Carpenter, Clara F., teacher, r. 514 East Fifth.®? Carpenter, C. Raymond, (Olive),—Mason News Co.—h. 58 McKinley Ave.OJ Carpenter, E. Earl, (Ara A.)—sec. Bergwall Ptg. Co.—h. 327 Foote Ave.^il Carpenter, Earl L., (Margaret M.),—E. L. Carpenter & Co.—h. 11 ClevelandPlace.•o Carpenter, Earl S., chauffeur, r. 405 Palmer._ | CARPENTER, E. L. & CO.—E. L. Carpenter and B. N. Everett—electricalastnz •g '•§ contractors, 217y2 Washington.& E. L. C A R P E N T E R & C O .S ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORSmt•2 217 1-2 Washington Street• Carpenter, Edwin K., (Electa J.), h. under 327 Foote Ave.2 a Carpenter, Florence R., widow Elial F., h. 514 East Fifth.i?2"S Carpenter, Fred ,plumber, h. 959 Jefferson.(2„w Carpenter, Glenn A., (Maude), polisher and plater, h. 12 Chicago Ave.Carpenter, Israel D., (Mary E.), gardener, h. 143 Fairview Ave._> Carpenter, Julia P., dressmaker, r. 14 Scott.•Jj Carpenter, Leora B., teacher, 1. 143 Fairview Ave.•gfijCarpenter, Lloyd G., (Ella L.), teamster, h. 14 Scott.Carpenter, Maria, widow Kingsley, rms. 7 Lincoln.Carpenter, Milton D., (Minnie), carpenter, h. 405 Palmer."w Carpenter, Nettie C, public stenographer, 12 Wellman Bldgs., r. 12 Scott.Carpenter, Ralph, teamster, bds. 120u East Second.Carpenter, Roy O., (Lena B.), metalworker, h. Lakeview Ave. Ext.Carpenter, Sybel M., widow William, r. 913 East Second.Carr, Clarence E., (Jennie), teamster, h. 323 Tenth.Carr, Edward, (Hannah), loomfixer, h. 139 Institute.OCarr, James, Egbert F., (Caroline), (Rose F.), weaver, teamster, r. 30 h. Institute. 991 Washington.u _ . Carr, rin^ Ernest John ToV,*, L., T H., teamster, +.,„ carpenter, motor. r. V r. 323 90Q 24 Tenth. T^Yl+V, Ivy.Carra, Carr, Frank, James, (Ethel), father St. machinist, James Roman h. 18 Catholic Grant. Church, h. 138 Institute.mCarr,Carrell,GraceJohn,H.,engineerdrawer,Erier. 139R. R.,Institute.bds. 311 West Second.H Carrette, Jules C, (Victoria M.), metalworker, h. 196 Falconer.2_ Carrier, Anna B., chief clerk N. Y. Telephone Co., r. 217 Fulton.

Women's Coats and Suits THE A. D. SHARPE CO. W

|| Clark Hardware Co., Contractors & Mill Suppliesgw — •ee « 142 ' JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.W? _ .is <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew LowinSfftawextract_ _S» Cease, Fred, nightwatch, bds. 128 Water.©^ Cease, Pauline-J., widow Stephen, h. Lakeview Ave. Ext.»» Cecelia, Sister, r. 205 West Fifth..2 Cedar, Andrew E., (Grace), lumberworker, h. 159 Bigelow Ave.•£ Cedarburg, Linus, (Sophia H.), metalworker, h. 114 Mechanic.,«j Cedarholm, Christine, domestic, 329 East Fourth, r. 18 Stowe._ ' Cedarholm, Gust, (Anna), cabinetmaker, h. 818 Cherry.3 Cedarholm, Lewis C, (Mary C), cabinetmaker, h. 214 Hazzard.•—I Cedarquist, Bernhard, metalworker, bds. 530 Allen.rng > Cedarquist, Carl, (Jennie), teamster, h. 1009 North Main.IS Cedarquist, Carl J., (Hannah), emp. Johnson Ice & Coal Co., h. 714 Jefferson.* Cedarquist, Charles A., (Anna L.), h. 10 Thirteenth._) , Cedarquist, Erne M., clerk, r. 617 Winsor..£ Cedarquist, Peter, (Louisa), laborer, h. 1279 North MaiD.•{J Cedarquist, Victor E., (Ilene S.), cabinetmaker, h. 617 Winsor.S Cederquist, Amanda, clerk, bds. 49 Thirteenth.'S_j Celoron Amusement Co.—A. N. Broadhead, pres.—West Third.3bj Cement Block Co., August S. Johnson, mgr., Durant Ave.53© Central Commercial Gallery. F. C. Stanford, prop., 47 Taylor."„ Central Labor Council (Hall)—Louis E. Ruden, pres.; H. A. Hartman,'S-> cor. sec.—over 8 West Third.00 Cerlin, Howard, (Ruth O.), painter, r. 120 Falconer.JStg Chadakoin Building, 114-118 West Third.Co Chadakoin Cafe, 707-709 West Eighth.2"!! Chadakoin Furniture Co.g Chadakoin Garage Co., Albert S. Borden, mgr., rear Squier's Court, WestEj J Third.< CHADAKOIN MERCANTILE & ADJUSTING CO.. Albert J. Johnson, mgr.,e g 43-44 Wellman Bldgs."» g Chadakoin Press—Fred W. Dewey—job printing, over 101 East Third.h;£ Chadbourne, Horace J., (Edith), R. R. checker, h. 166 Stowe.,2*~ Chadwick, Alanson B., (Emma), laborer, h. 14 Camp.§-g Chadwick, Barker D., (Caroline), bookkeeper, h. 65 Fairmount Ave.Q £ CQ Chamberlain, Chadwick, Henry Lewis C, S., office (Ariel clerk, M.), r. woodworker, 65 Fairmount h. Ave. 136 Weeks.O Chadwick, Chamberlain, John Mabel W., C, (Emily), r. 19 Crescent. bookkeeper, h. 11 Shaw Ave.rwm) i^^ Chadwick, Chamberlain, Roy, Paul, (Mary), clerk, express r. 323 deliveryman. Foote Ave. h. 618 Spring._i_< I*** Chaffee, Chamberlain, Amarcia Walter M., L., widow commercial James H., traveler, h. 323 East r. 323 Second. Foote Ave.*~* C| Chamberlain, of Commerce—Ernest William M., (Nellie), Cawcroft, teamster, sec.—9-10 h. 53 Hallock. Gokey Bldg.C^ {g Chamberlain, William Edna R., M., cashier, (Rosalia r. 19 A.), Crescent. sander, h. 19 Crescent.f^ ^Chamberlain, Gretchen, Wilson P.. student, (Clara), r. glassworker, 323 Foote Ave. h. 16 East Fitfh.K Chamberlain, Chambers, Catherine, Henry L., r. (Susan, over 803 Atlas West Furniture Fifth. Co., h. 223 Foote Ave.S Chambers, Fred, (Millie), deliveryman, h. 11 East Eighth.Q Chambers, George T., (Pearl M.l, clerk, h. 10S Eleventh.-4*> Chambers, John, (Ella E.), driver, h. 12 Institute.GO Chambers. Joseph, upholsterer, r. 803 West Fifth.0) Chambers, Susan, widow Thomas, h. over 803 West Fifth.gC8 T \ft> TnCIIV^TlfP Connecticut General Life Ins. Co,, Hartford, Conn.!*•» JUllC ISlbUIall^C " w. J. Bentley, Gen. Agt., 514 Chadakoin Bldg

OFFICE12 WEST SECOND STREETGives to its advertisers an audienceofover 25,000people every eveningwhen,at supper time and afterwards they havetime to give attention to any propositionthat will interest them. Furthermore, thisaudience is the intelligent kind that can readand has the money to buy, as evidenced bythe purchase of the paper.Anyone can reach this vast audience ata cost as little as i 5 cents for a 1 5 wordin the classified want column.ad.Doesn't this sound good to you whohave something to sell?Rates on other advertising cheerfullygiven on request.

C h a u t a u q u a L u m b e r C o .= INCORPORATED 'OFFICE AND YARDS:Monroe Street and IsabellaHONE PHONE 1317 BELL 374AvenueA r e Y o u B u i l d i n g ?Remember: ' 'Good lumber means a perfect job— poor lumber means more feet — more feetmeans more labor must be paid for.Our Stock consisting of the best PennsylvaniaWhite Hemlock, Carolina and Georgia YellowPine, Oak and Yellow Pine Finish, Oak andMaple Flooring, Sash, Doors, White Pine,White Pine Mouldings, Red Cedar Shingles,and Hemlock Lath—all manufactured at thelargest mills, assuring it is accurately sawed, andworked to the entire satisfaction of the consumer.CONE TO SEE USANDGET PRICESC h a u t a u q u a L u m b e r C o .

Gloves, Hosiery and Underwear - The A. D. SHARPE CO. f_ p,JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.143 J^Off | p| A J*Jf\ P(\ NO CONTESTS M-VmlLlmml IIHllU \At\J. NO FAKE CERTIFICATES L JCHAMPLIN, CARRIE A., MRS., boarding house, 203 West Second, h. do. OBELL PHONE 344-R ALSO FURNISHED ROOMS *^THE WASHINGTON *

-HClark H a r d w a r e Co. Stoves and Fnmaces, Checary, Cheney, Agnes Louis P., M., (Maude), stenographer, clerk, r. rms. over 85126 Allen East Sq. Second.•a Cheney, Benjamin J., (Ella L.), janitor, h. 318 Prendergast Ave..| 5 Cheney, Frank W., (Delia A.), h. 208 East Eighth." 7 Cheney, Gale L.. student, r. 318 Prendergast Ave.XO "1, Cheney, Harriet Foster, widow Miles, 'stenographer, h. 25 Whitley Ave.'sCheney, Morris S., student, r. 318 Prendergast Ave.v eCheney, Willis H., (Sybil), stationery engineer, h. under 117 Hazzard.g £ Chici, Charles, (Rosa), laborer, h. 28'i Harrison.O O Chiles, S. I., engineer, bds. 116 Harrison.Chindgren, Albert, (Lizzie), machine hand. h. 16 Newland Ave.qUChindgren, Al'bert, messenger, r. 309-310 Fenton Bldg.Chindgren, Charles A., (Pauline S.), foreman metalworker, h. 1017 Newland.Ave.. Chindgren, Emil H., (Clara), upholstcivr. h. over MO Chandler.C/JjHijUGChindgren, Hilma, Mrs., janitress Fenton Bldg.. It. :;0!KU0 do.Chindgren, Leonard, timekeeper, r. 16 Newland Ave.Chindlund, Eric, weaver, bds. over 130 Fairview Ave.Chindstrom, Alma, r. 321 Hazzard._< Chindstrom, Anna, paper boxmaker, r. 321 Hazzard.•» Chindstrom, Fred, woodworker, r. 321 Hazzard.,m* Chindstrom, John, (Hulda), laborer, h. 321 Hazzard.••* Chinese Laundry, John Long, prop., under 14 East Second.Chinsano, Silvio, shoemaker, 804 West Eighth, bds. 504 Crescent.fj Chipman, Victor, (Grace), glassworker, r. 214 Clinton.^ Chiverton, George H., metalworker, bds. over 103 Willard.r** Chiverton, Herbert, (Ellen), mechanic, h. 28 Fairfield Ave.O Chiverton, Lucy, boxmaker, r. 28 Fairfield Ave.*•{ Chiverton, Walter H., bookkeeper, r. 28 Fairfield Ave.Jf? Christ, Charles, (Anna), lumber handler, h. 328 Tenth.flS -2 S g tJ,M..'M Eckman . Christ, _ Ellis, M»a;- s packer, CfAHA Music r. HEADQUARTERS 109 store Sprague. FOR HIGH P,ANOs GRADE and player pianos


£| Clark Hardware Co. Fine Cutlery and ToolsB.-8 146JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.SJ <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew is making friends every day"gs"" Clark, Charles W., (Martha), farmer, h. 61 Twelfth.tOO Clark, Clifford, bookkeeper, rms. 413 Cherry.N""hoClark, D. Russell, (Minnie A.), asst. supt. Lakeview Cemetery, h. 52 Buffalo.Clark, Earl W., messenger, r. over 119 West Third.Clark, Egbert R., (Anna), clerk, h. 609 Pine.Clark, Esther E., teacher, h. over 314 Lincoln.CLARK, FRANK M., (Mabel H.), drugs and stationery, 300 North Main, h.513 West Third._5i FRANK MARVIN CLARK£ |— s"THE REXALL STORE"

The A. D. SHARPE CO. for Rugs and Carpets £3H >JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.147 „ rHill's Piano Schoolcfl rBEST TRAINING AND PUPILS FOR TEACHERS g W 2Clauson, Allen A., (Helga W.), lather, h. 187 Barrett. r §Claustrom, Andrew, finisher, bds. 912 East SecondClawson, Axel, woodworker, bds. 25 College.Clawson, John, machine hand, bds. 239 Forest Ave.Clawson, Oscar, laborer, bds. 25 College.Clemenger, Harry G., (Mabel), oil operator, h. 559 East Second.Clement, Adolph, (Annie), salesman, h. 55 Harrison.Clement, Ernest W., (Alice), real estate, 20-21 Barrett Bldg., h. Buffalo, N.Y.Clement, Gertrude E., r. 418 Spring.Clement, Joseph W., student, r. 55 Harrison.t__^Clemmons, William L., (Nellie M.), salesman, h. 142 Chandler.ryClendening, Luella, r. 251 Prospect.mmCleveland, Hazel S., student, r. 20 West Seventh.S3Cleveland, Rhoda, widow Charles W., h. 20 West Seventh.f^Cleveland, Sarah, widow Albert, r. 259 Fairmount Ave.tfiCleveland, Walter S., (Ada A.), commercial traveler, h. 45 Newton Ave. *"£Clevenger, Ray, r. 318 South Main. ©Clevenger, T. B., (Carrie), real estate, h. 318 South Main.SCliff, Lyda J., Mrs., cloth mender, rms. 51 Allen Sq.mmClifford, Ernest R., printer, h. 108 Buffalo.miClifford, Harry, Mrs., r. 108 Buffalo.|__4Clint, Anna, widow Edward, h. over 115 Camp. E, .Clint, Gust, (Ida), market gardener, h. 812 East Second.r»QClose, Benjamin, commercial traveler, r 109 Curtis. *—«-Clough, Ernest, machinist, r. 295 Crescent.piClough, Hannah, h. 155 Barrows.n—•Clough, Holdsworth, (Isabella), spinning foreman, h. 295 Crescent.J3Clough, Mary Ann, textileworker, r. 155 Barrows.QJQClover, Chester B., (Catherine), mgr. Brownell Shoe Co., h. 14 Chestnut.Clover, Samuel W., (Edith J.), clerk, h. 8 Seventeenth.JXJCluney, Hannah, widow Thomas, r. over 110 East Third.J~JClyde, Helena D., Mrs., rms. 322 East Third.t^L.Cnattingius, August, (Emma), machine hand, h. 650 Camp.^^Coan, Jennie, Mrs., chambermaid, 5 South Main.r-mm\3. ..Coan, Maude, r. 19 Crossman.m^Coan, see Cone and Cohn.^ ^5 reCoates, Cassius D„ (Mary)—Fuller & Coates—h. 315 West Fourth. ^Coates, Ethel F., r. 315 West Fourth. f$Coates, Isaac, (Elizabeth), weaver, h. 13 Mt. Vernon Place.mmCoates, Josiah H., laborer, r. 13 Mt. Vernon Place.Coates, Mary I., cloth mender, bds. 958 Washington.60 f^ =•Coates, Sarah B., widow Laurel, h. over 763 East Second.o q aCobb, Clara Brooks, widow Ordello, music teacher, h. 12 East Fourth. .-*• 3 mmHARRY LYONS g nCobb, Ready George, Roofing (Clara), & driver, Building h. over 108 Paper Falconer. Institute St. & Erie Ry. w •

.... $367,143,u cClark HardwareUNCo., Roofing and Building Paperse.=m W ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^«•„SoPhoilf148illinilO RraiA7JAMESTOWNJ-st whatDIRECTORY.you want daily as a beverage withU.©B S VilaUtamj Ua UlCW meals, summer and winter Both phones 268_ mm B Coboe, Nick, metalworker, - - rms. 33, over 109 N. Main.(_j * Cobure, Christ, finisher, rms. 73 Allen Sq.5 Cobure, Nick, filler, rms. 73 Allen Sq..203 Coburn, George H., (Sadie A.), retired, h. 47 Fairmount Ave.,* ,• Cocha, Thannas, tailor, rms. 9 Warner Block.03£ Cockhill, Joseph H., (Mary), baker, h. 616% Pine...2 Coe, Clifford, locomotive engineer, r. 600 Camp.\%v Coe, Desabigne C, (Matilda TJ.), farmer, h. 600 Camp."3 » Coe, Disa C, (Jessie), machine hand, h. over 11 Linwood Ave.S a Coe, Earl F., (Bessie L.), metalworker, h. 33 Thirteenth.2,9 Coe, Edward, (Louise), elevator man, h. 12 Walnut.W.S Coe, Glenn F., (Mary L.), freight agent J. C. & L. E. R. R., h. 821 Cherry.E Coe, Herbert E., (Ethel)—East Jamestown House—953 East Second, h. do.2_! Coe, Holland S., (Martha W.), groceries, 946 Washington, h. do.5-e Coe, John, machine hand, r. over 11 Linwood Ave.fp g Coe, LeVerne, (Jane), art carver, h. over 12 Walnut.oo Coe, Mary, widow Miles, r. over 200 Washington.H« tix, Coe, Cofforo, Ruth, James, picker, (Nazzereno), r. 600 Camp. laborer, h. over 412 Allen..S~3, Cohl,Coffield,Frank,Charles(Ava),S., paintinglaborer, h.contractor,under 494r. 6Crescent.McDannell Ave.„?.SS"iCohn,Coffield,Morris,Robert(Rose),H., (Tilliejunk dealer,L.), steamboath. 315 Buffalo.captain, h. 6 McDannell Ave.S3'a•5 J?Cohn,Cofforo,Peppie,Franktextileworker,P., (Dominico),r.laborer,315 Buffalo.h. over 412 Allenqu Cohn, William, clerk, r. 315 Buffalo.H _ Cohn, see Coan and Cone.^ 3 Colander, Agnes E., weaver, r. 21 Bush.SM Colander, Clarence A., grocery clerk, r. 21 Bush.H S> Colander, Edith M., student, r. 21 Bush.Z J Colander, Edward, metalworker, r. 652 Barrows.©.g Colander, Ernest V., (Anna)—Colander & Pihlblad—h. 110 Francis.W"? Colander, John, (Hilma), laborer, h. 652 Barrows.J "a Colander, John V., (Hulda M.), woodworker, h. 21 Bush._ « Colander, Oscar, (Olive), carpenter, h. over 652 Barrows.y § Colander & Pihlblad—E. V. and Carl W.—boots and shoes, 3 North Main.gO Coroerg, Effie E., subscription clerk The Journal, h. over 714 North Main."g Colberg, Harley C, chauffeur, bds. 800 East Second.1"J a Colberg, Ina E., twister, r. over 714 North Main.S-g O Colberg, see Coleberg.SE.O Colborn, Clara, teacher, r. 77 South Main.CO? Colborn, Ella, Mrs., r. 77 South Main.Colbourn, Arthur, laborer, bds. 149 Jones & Gifford Ave.Colbourn, William, (Mary), boarding house, 149 Jones & Gifford Ave., h. do.mm Colburn, Clem D., (Louise E.),—Martin & Colburn—h. 621 Prendergast Ave.t-U Colburn, Elizabeth, widow Charles D., h. 673 English.a-M +-> Cole Colburn, Cottages, Frederick (The)—Marjorie J., (Marcia), J. stationary Cole, prop.—boarding engineer, r. 139 and Hotchkiss. rooming, 309-22 Colby, 311 Roy, West metalworker, Second. rms. 624 West Seventh.~ >»» Cole, Ada-A., Darius R., textileworker, retired, h.' 260 r. over South 943 Main. Newland Ave.£ mm Cole, Alice Edgar E., J., widow (DeEtte), William farmer, H., r. h. 220 1169 Fairmount Prendergast Ave. Ave.S* Cole, Alice Eva, h. H., over textileworker, 388 South Main. r. over 943 Newland Ave.-r*SS TlioCole, Inez Clarence M., r. S., 311 electrician, West Second. r. 203 Cole Ave.Mutual Rpnofit I ifp Premium receipts to Jan. 1 <strong>1911</strong>,2 llie Mutual Deiieill Llie RETURNED TO POLICY HOLDERS and funds on handforK_T nf Nmuavlr \ I tuture payment to policy holders .... $427,763,180.20^ 01 newarK, H. J. F. S. TREADWAY, District Agent

CARPETS, CURTAINS, Tl»__ A H Crianna Ct\ *-.**DRAPERIES, SHADES, Hi" i_>. U» -JllCirpe \*%J. £*JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 149 *_: CrIJ1I I PI AIM ft fft COMPLETE TUNING AND *?IH1---1 rli-llU VV» REPAIR DEPARTMENT NJ- ©Cole, James A., (Odella), farmer, h. over 943 Newland Ave. £LCole, James B., (Minnie), painter, h. 203 Cole Ave. "JCole, Jay W., (Blanche), electrician, h. 287 South Main.Cole, John D., (Victoria), teamster, h. 107 Hazzard.^_riCole, Laverne, r. 51 Tenth. "3Cole, Leonard, (Anna), clerk, h. over 29 Regent. Q)Cole, LeRoy, clerk, r. 51 Tenth.N_«Cole, Lyman, (Sarah A.), wagon repair shop, 33 Fenton Place, h. do. JjCOLE, MARJORIE J., widow Frank, boarding house, 311 West Second, h. do. f_^THE COLE COTTAGES gMarjorie J. Cole, Prop. J*Board and Rooms by day or week. Meals 25 cents ^"Theatrical and Transient Trade Solicited —^Established 1898. 309-311 W. Second St. (N" QJCole, Mary F., seamstress, r. 203 Cole Ave. g:Cole, Maurice J., (Olive), screen doormaker, h. 405 Hazeltine Ave.jjjr_Cole, Merribelle, r. 260 South Main.WCole, Pardon H., (Fannie A.), saloon, under 217 North Main, h. 51 Tenth.Cole, Ray F., chauffeur, r. 311 West Second.Cole, Roy H., (Zade), Consolidated Development Co., h. 276 Fairmount Ave.Cole, Sidney M., (Orilla), h. 624 West Seventh.OColeberg, Olof, (Anna), tinner, h. over 55 Water.JJColeberg, see Colberg. 9Colegrove, Winifred, widow Isaac, r. 117 East Fifth.mj£Coleman, Gust, (Louise), metalworker, h. 14 Flagg Ave. «jColenso, Joseph, (Ellen), retired, h. 614 East Sixth.EColiegero, Gelia, (Vincent), laborer, h. 32 Water. 7Collander, Helmar B., metalworker, bds. 29 Columbia Ave. *^Collier, Anna B., trained nurse, r. over 230 Price.Collier, Arthur M., (Isabelle), finisher, h. over 230 Price.Collier, Glenn E., (Lois R.), fireman, r. 168y2 Chandler.J~»Collier, Perry J., (Fannie S.), gasfitter, h. 18 West Seventh.gCollier, Austin, warper, rms. Y. M. C. A.*_Collins, A. H., r. 114 Water.Collins, Annie, widow Thomas, h. 11 Cleveland Place.QjCollins, Arthur J., (Anna), h. 305 Bowen.^Collins, Frank J., (Myrtle D.), express messenger, h. 44 Fairmount Ave. N--Collins, Harry, draughtsman, r 40 Fairmount Ave .Collins, John B., (Mary T.), commercial traveler, h. 40 Fairmount Ave. ft-*Collins, Louis W., steamboat purser, r. 40 Fairmount Ave.mm.Collins, Maie E., organist SS. Peter & Paul's Roman Catholic Church, r. 40 tajFairmount Ave..mm,Collins, Marguerite, student, r. 40 Fairmount Ave.JCollins, N. D., rms. Y. M. C. A.COCollins, Richard D„ bookkeeper, r. 40 Fairmount Ave.Collins, Mary, child nurse, r. 360 Price.QCollins, Patrick, laborer, bds. 10 Steele.^Collopy, James W., (Josephine), lumber, h. 517 East Second.Collopy, James S., student, r. 517 East Second.°^nd Colombo, Colusci, Comfort Place. Spencer—mfrs. Front Joseph, Ice Carrie, Cream (Mary), spinner, Doors Company—Wm. and dealers brickmaker, r. _t&k over ice 103 HARRY M. cream h. Hazzard. and 215 and Helen East LYONS confectionery, First. S. Comfort 8 and 25 Richmond Olive M.MMjtf *_ -m MJ g

g Clark H a r d w a r e Co. Stoves and FurnacesorX150 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew, Low in alcohol, rich in extractComfort, William M., (Helen S.)—Comfort Ice Cream Co.—h. 25 RichmondPlace.Comfort, Wilson J., student, r. 25 Richmond Place.Conant, Edward E., (Matie), supt. J. Lounge Co., h. 508 East Sixth.Cone, Grace M., bookkeeper, r. 14 Ninth.Cone, William H., (Lizzie J.), lumber, h. 14 Ninth.Cone, see Coan and Cohn.

Women's Coats and Suits - The A. D. Sharpe Co.dJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 151 r „Hill's Piano School w_j_3~' l|Convent of Mercy, 205 West Fifth. * 2Converse, William, (Clara), restaurant clerk, h. 209% West Third. *Cook, Charles, clerk, bds. 10 Steele.mmCook, Edward, (Minnie), metal polisher, h. over 12 Institute.X mCook, Edwin D., (Addie J.), vice-pres. and supt. Salisbury Wheel & Mfg. Co., § pjh. 23 Woodworth Ave. w ^Cook, Ernest H., (Evelyn), postman, h. 221 East Eighth.IgHCook, Fred P., (Jennie), conductor J. St. Ry., r. 77 South Main. © £0Cook, Hattie, picker, h. 4 Rowley Place.j?j SCook, Mary, domestic, r. 716 Lafayette. - "Cook, Nicholas, laborer, bds. 6 South Main.eo rtCook, Percival E., (Stella M.), draughtsman, h. 221 East Eighth. ©Cook, William O., h. 315 East Fourth.Cooke, David L., student, r. 512 Jefferson.nCOOKE,. EDMUND F., (Jennie S.), attorney, 23 Barrett Bldg., h. 6 Lincoln pjAve. E 2Cooke, George H., (Cora), clerk, h. 512 Jefferson.5. gjCooley, Maude M., student, r. 319 Jefferson. O >Cooley, W. Harry, wood finisher,bds. 87 Barrett. 2 "Coon, Harty D., machine hand, r. over 937 East Second.8" PJCoon, Joseph, (Maranda), machine hand, h. over 937 East Second.2 pj rCoonan, George J., (Ella), telegraph operator, h. 614 Lafayette.g- QCooney, John, (Cecil), printer, h. over 641 East Sixth,tq jjCoons, Ruth, domestic, 9 Crane.5" oCoop, John, weaver, bds. 149 Jo'nes & Gifford Ave.«. pCooper, Barbara, widow Wilson, h. 29 College. 5.Cooper, Elden, (Elma), landscape gardener, h. 365 South Main. » §Cooper, Ellen M., widow John H., r. 751 Foote Ave.« ZCooper, Ernest, spinner, r. 29 College.£ jgS'CCooper, Ezra, musician, r. 606 Cherry. "S. >•*• m,Cooper, Fannie M., principal, branch school No. 1, r. 14 Barrows.5' QS 3Cooper, Fred A., (Victoria), h. 606 Cherry." OOpCooper, Fred C, cigarmaker, r. 210 Chandler. §JCooper, Fred Mabel, Jennie,C, telephone weaver,(Sarah), warpdresser, operator, r. 29 College. r. h. 29 a210 College. •Chandler.Cooper, John,George, Maria, (Jennie), telegraph packer,musician, operator, h.r. 606 Cherry. r. 130 29 College. Summit. noj §1 *QCooper, Henry Maria, Mary A., H., widow weaver, (Mollie)—vice James, r. 29 h. College. 14 pres, Barrows. Jamestown Brewing Co.—h, 626 West g.S> | S-g* ELCooper, Fifth. Paul, musician, r. 606 Cherry.Cooper, Ida, William Mrs., G., h. (Anna 22 Institute. S.), machinist, h. 751 Foote Ave.toCooper, William Isaac, (Alice), H., musician spinner, and h. teacher, 1275 East r. Second 210 Chandler.aCoppie, Edward S„ (Adah G.), blacksmith, h. 1012% Prendergast Ave. «•Coppie, John, (Lulu F.), blacksmith, h. 66 Liberty. 2Corbett, Lucille, waitress, rms. over 122 West Third.ggCorby, Charles, (Maria), engineer, h. 847 Washington. >-Corby, James, (Stella), fireman, r. 847 Washington.XZ\>Corby, Julia, r. 847 Washington. "* %Corby, Margaret, r. 847 Washington.Cfl gCorcilius, Alexander B., (Elinore L.), draftsman, h. 1144 Prendergast Ave. HgCorcilius, Mellucina, widow Max P., h. 872 Spring.gWCorcilius, Rose M., prop. Tiffany Printing Co., h. 872 Spring.H aCordingley, Barth, (Sarah), machinist, h. 138 Stowe.Hg0APfNf Front Doors st&k HARRY LYONS 1

a Clark Hardware Co. Stoves and Furnacesu.—.—_Z 152JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.i_a <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew -- Always Pure and DeliciousCordingley, George, chauffeur, r. 138 Stowe.Cordon, Michael, (Mary F.), nightwatch, h. 71 Taylor.« , Corell, Rose, Zenus r. M., 9 h. Royal 9 Royal Ave. Ave.3 Corke, Arthur C, (Lizzie), plumber, h. 173 Livingston Ave._* Corke, Fred T., (Anna), tinner, h. 15 Price.ii. ' Corke, Joseph, shoe repairing, 232 Washington, r. 309 West Third.go Corke, Marguerite A., student, r. 15 Price.-» ' Corkery, Daniel J., (Catherine), machine hand, r. 112 Fairview Ave.Hj •o Corkery, James W., J., (Nora), student, metalworker, r. 137 Fairview h. 711 Ave. Lafayette.C Corkery, John F., office clerk, r. 112 Fairview Ave._> " ' Corkery, Leo M., student, r. 139 Fairview Ave.S Corkery, Timothy T., (Bridget), machine hand, h. 139 Fairview Ave.Corkery, William G„ billing clerk J. C. & L. E. Ry., r. 139 Fairview Ave.C o Corkery, William J., (Johanna M.), machine hand, h. 137 Fairview Ave.e «f Corkery, William J., R. R. report clerk, r. 139 Fairview Ave.03 §8 Cormony, Adolph, h. 504 Foote Ave.mm. Cornell, Kenneth J., office clerk, r. 502 Lakeview Ave.£"9 Cornell, Lynn F., (Anna J.), sec-treas. J. Lounge Co., h. 502 Lakeview Ave,g a Cornell, Mervin, woodworker, bds. 320 Steele..5 >. Cornell, Robert H., student, r. 502 Lakeview Ave."J _ Cornen, Dennis, (Georgia), real estate, over 117 West Third, r. Warren, Pa..£ Cornwell, Eugene, carriage trimmer, rms. 105 West Second.»j» Cornwell, Mary S., r. 752 East Second.Vm$_"a h 9 Corrigan, Anthony J., (Johanna), stonemason, h. 612 West Sixth.o*" Corrigan, Francis A., metalworker, r. 612 West Sixth.Costano, Jessie, spinner, r. 121 Cross.Costano, Louis, (Rose), laborer, h. 121 Cross.g< Costino, Frank, shoemaker, 14 Willard, h. 54 Franklin.~ . Cotaonglia, Giuseppa, (Rosa), teamster, h. over 323 Steele.Ave., bey. limits.«e mSf £• Cotter, Cotcht, William, Ellen E., shipping dressmaker, clerk, r. rms. 268 213 Steele. West Second.£ C-v B Cotcht, Couch, Ella Margaret, N., widow widow Frank, Frank, h. h. 50268 Fairmount Steele. Ave.m'e C § Cotter, Couch, Harrison Charles, florist, R., (Clara), r. Fairmount linotype operator, Ave., bey. h. limits. 50 Fairmount Ave.;Jj « o O Cotter, Couch, Lawrence, Sadie S., stenographer, (Johanna), supt. r. 50 Lakeview Fairmount Rose Ave. Gardens, h. FairmountCouchman, Bolivar C, sales mgr. Art Metal Const. Co., h. 8 Hamilton.Couchman, James W., student, r. 8 Hamilton.^ Coulcher, Jennie, widow George, h. 144 Stowe._^ Country World (The), A. Brooks Fletcher, editor, over 102 North Main.^t%w Coup, Emily, Mrs., weaver, rms. 3-5 Hayward Block.Courson, Harry, r. over 22 Park.Courson, Hulda, widow Frank, r. over 22 Park.ed Courtney, F. E., bds. 953 East Second.22 _* Covey, Albert M., (Effie), drayman, h. 221 Crossman.Covey, Ethel E., r. 221 Crossman.Covey, Florence B., office clerk, r. 221 Crossman.C_* Covey, Frank E., (Grace N.), drayman, h. over 24 Woodworth Ave.Covey, Ivan, (Helen), conductor J. St. Ry., h. over 116 William.Cm Cowan, Arthur, (Edith), hotel clerk, h. over 29 Harrison.^! COWAN BROS.—Herbert F. and James M.—Brooklyn House and bottlingmm, works, 7 Harrison.•m* Cowan, Herbert F.—Cowan Bros.—r. over 29 Harrison.2? Cowan, James M.—Cowan Bros.—r. 7 Harrison.

Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. THE A. D. SHARPE CO. >JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 153 BC11^11'-. D,'AnA G->U-.^vl A NATIONAL TRAINING C/-nill s r*iano school SCHoql for pianists -*j^Cowan, Myril, (Freda), machinist, h. Tiffany Ave.i-fjCowden, Albert F., (Jennie R.), tinsmith, h. 87 Barrett.mimCowden, Bessie L., stenographer, r. 17 Strong. Cowden, Robert I., (Henrietta N.), mechanic, h. 17 Strong.mmmjCowing, Catherine, widow Fordyce B., r. 109 West Fifth.mmmCovying, Edward, (Mabel), teamster, h. 601 Palmer. ~?Cowing, Fordyce W., student, r. 109 West Fifth. 0_Cowing, Hazel, paper boxmaker, r. 109 Hallock.*&Cowing, Herbert O., (Florine W.)—Cowing Livery Co.—h. 109 West Fifth. rm.Cowing, John T., conductor J. St. Ry., r. 109 Hallock.*£_jCowing, Leonard G., (Minnie D.), sec-treas. Standard Table Co., h. over 217 JSWest Third. ~5COWING LIVERY CO.—H. O. Cowing, E. J. Green and O. N. Rushworth— "*livery and boarding stables, 401 Cherry.^^Cowing, William, (Carrie E.), painter, h. 109 Hallock.JUT'Cowing, William H., teamster, r. 109 Hallock. 9Cowles, Kate, Mrs., h. 150 Barrett.COCox, George, (Ina), drayman, h. 319 Hazzard.gCox, George H., mechanic, r. 29 Highland Ave.CCox, Grace, r. 872 Washington. 2Cox, John W., laborer, r. 29 Highland Ave. M»Cox, Josephine, r. 872 Washington. £3Cox, Melvin J., student, r. 29 Highland Ave.f^Cox, Robert, drayman, bds. 10 Steele. «*Coxen, Charles, laborer, rms. Connecticut Ave.Coxen, Charles W., (Mary J)., laborer, h. 52 Ridgway Ave.Coxen, Morris P., r. 52 Ridgway Ave.Coxson, Orrin, (Selma), conductor J. St. Ry., h. over 215 North Main.Coyant, Salristyanna, r. 10% Whitley Place. 2Coyle, Charles B., (Blanche S.), sec-treas. Crescent Mortgage Co., h. over 3315 West Second. tflCoyle, Colleta, r. 508 Cherry.Coyle, Marguerite, r. 508 Cherry. >COYLE, RICHARD, priest SS. Peter & Paul's Roman Catholic Church, h. jj0©Craig, Anna, domestic, 6 West Sixth.g"B8Craig, George R., (Jane), baggagemaster Erie R. R., h. over 818 Cherry, s fSCrain, Clark E., (Nettie), milkman, h. 1054 North Main.MWCraine, Laura, milliner, bds. 18 Allen.wCraine, see Crane. *"*?Craker, George, veneerworker, bds. 6 South Main.^Cramer, Avis I., student, r. 33 Bush. 2Cramer, Frances M., telephone operator, r. 33 Bush.pjCramer, Frank S., (Carrie E.), gen. foreman N. Y. Telephone Co., h. 33 Bush. _»Cramer, Leila M., student, r. 33 Bush.HCramer, William, bricklayer, bds. 304 West Third.Crane, MODERN Ella W., HARDWOOD stenographer, h. 308 FLOORS East Third. — Ask Lyons I-Crane, Emily, •r* Mt widow _a «vD«E_ive Alexis, mM you h.400 may West think Fitfh.J '****,Crane, Imogen, r. 400 West Fifth.m--*Crane, Crantz, Cranston, see Mary Esther, Edward Gust, Frank Carl, Lissa Craine. G., (Anna), (Margaret), A., Mrs., J. widow S., (Minnie), A., h. tailor, domestic, packer, 14 J. East machinist, L., laborer, h. r. Fourth. 108 508 60 3 Holman. Broadhead North Hazzard. 93 Metallic Holman. Main. Ave. Ave.j-ja {J-| £7 g g^ g9

_ Clark Hardware Co.•« 154 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.Fine Cutlery and Tools| 6 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew Without ^g££-J ot^>•Crantz, Hilda, domestic, 345 Foote Ave.egS Crantz, John, (Matilda), woodworker, h. 245 Willard.a.|j Crantz, Swan, (Esther), coachman, 508 North Main.J*.g Crantz, see Krantz.2j~ Crapo, Frank, (Clara), laborer, h. 146 Jones & Gifford Ave.miCrasano, Miceli, (Grazia), grocer, 110 Harrison, h. do.ICrasi, Sebastian, laborer,'bds. over 25 Water.£ Cratty, Cassius Q., (Louise P.), cashier Penn. Gas Co., h. 1107 Prend. Ave.% Cratty, James, meter inspector, rms. 217 East Sixth.3 Craven, Charles E., (Lillian), photographer, over 2-6 East Third, h. 621East Second.k Craven, J. Milton, (Mary), h. 621 East Second.vi g Crawford, Theresa M., widow Henry G., h. over 429 Lincoln.£j 5 Creger, Frank, baker, bds. 26 Fifteenth.im, Creonel, Jack, (Emily), draftsman, h. 98 Colfax.—1 „ Crero, Caspar, (Rosa), laborer, h. 63 Center.

THE A. D. SHARPE CO. for Rugs and Carpets(->JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.155 J~*GO,Hill's Piano School "£ B5-~5S. g3Crook, Alice, picker, r. 616% Pine.Crook, Sam Lewis, (Emily), machinist, h. 22 Kingsbury Ave.gCrook, T. W., machinist, r. 616y2 Pine.OCrooker, Lettie, r. 7 Lakin Ave. ^*Crooker, Lydia, widow Frank, r. 45 Hamilton. ^\Crooker, Roselle, milliner, r. 45 Hamilton.^Crosby, Bessie, clerk, bds. 6 Broadhead Ave.•CROSBY, ERASTUS, (Mary A.), attorney, 2 Hall block, over 221 North wMain, h. 140 Allen.gCrosby, Florence E., h. 47 Liberty. a. m.Crosby, Mary A., widow Samuel, r. 47 Liberty..Jj OCrosby, Metelle, student, r. 45 Hamilton. —, "Crosby, Mett M., (Kate), conductor J. St. Ry., h. 45 Hamilton.E. OCross, Bert S., (Adeline), barber, 5 Steele, h. over 60 Harrison. » SCross, Roy, (Blanche), metalworker, h. 8S0 Washington.JJ SCrossfield, Frank W., (Minnie F.), chairman Prohibition county committee, gh. 36 Center. J pjCrossfield, Keith K., noveltyworker, r. 36 Center. ES *Crossgrove, Arlene, teacher, r. 294 South Main.** SCrossgrove, Frederick O., (Jessie M.), insurance, 515 Chadakoin Bldg, h. > £j203 South Main. jf nCrossgrove, Emma, widow Samuel, r. 298 South Main. 5 j>Crossgrove, Grace, r. 294 South Main.• fjCrossgrove, Walter S., (Emily), wood finisher,h. 294 South Main. *Crossgrove, William, machinist, r. 294 South Main.? gj> Crossley, Albert E., spinner, r. 23 Derby.Crossley, Alice A., weaver, r. 23 Derby. §*Crossley, Anna K., weaver, r. 15 Winsor.3 ^Crossley, Fred, (Mattie), woodworker, h. 223 Winsor.• nCrossley, Hadyn, (Lilla), woolsorter, h. 172 Allen. jjj! 3Crossley, Harry, (Ethel), pinsetter, h. over 117 Hazzard.§ Crossley, Henry, (Hagar), finisher,h. 32 Maple. n hCrossley, James W., (Mary K.), commercial traveler, h. 523 Winsor. iU ^Crossley, Margaret, widow William, h. 23 Derby.

Clark Hardware Co., Contractors & Mill Applies

Gloves, Hosiery and Underwear - THE A. D. SHARPE CO. ""0JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.157 •_HILL P I A N O CO.— toONE PRICESYSTEM ONLYCurtis, Silas E., (Nettie M.), laborer, h. 276 Prospect.CURTISS, J. DELEVAN, (Caroline S.), attorney, 304-305 Fenton Bldg., h. m-*»36 Fairmount Ave.mmCurtiss, R. Louise, Mrs., h. 54 Lakeview Ave.^^Cushman, Harriet E., student, r. 178 South Main.CTCUSHMAN, JOHN M., (M. Emma), jewelry, 218 North Main, h. 178 S. Main. **Cushman, Viola G., student, r. 178 South Main.Cusimano, Anna, spinner, r. 61 Center.N"JCusimano, Jennie, spinner, r. 61 Center.5^Cusimano, John, sander, h. over 45 Franklin.toCusimano, John, (Giuseppa), sander, h. 45 Franklin. »^Cusimano, John, (Mary), laborer, h. 126 Institute.QCusimano, John, (Jennie), machine hand, h. over 61 Center.mmCusimano, John, (Mary), laborer, h. over 3 Briggs.JpCusimano, John, (Rosa), machine hand, h. 61 Center.Cusimano, Louija, (Angeline), laborer, h. 3 Briggs.Cusimano, Paul, (Frances), laborer, h. 143 Baker. 09Cusimano, Peter, (Benedicti), sander, h. 61Center.CrCusimano, Phena. spinner, r. 61 Center.Cusimano, Sara E., spinner, r. over 61 Center.Cusimano, Igarzio, (Rose), sander, h. 63 Foote Ave.\mt*'.Cusimanus, James, (Jennie), sander, h. 63 Foote Ave.aCusimanus, Rosario, machine hand, r. 63 Foote Ave.o XCustis. Emma, laundress, r. corner East Second and Tiffany Ave. \3Cuza, Sylvia, shoemaker, bds. 504 Crescent.^^Dadoly, Christ, finisher,r. 231 y2 South Main.Daglos, Lanna, laborer, bds. 475 Crescent.^Dahl, Harold, (Lizzie), casemaker, h. over 115 Park. 0)Dahl, Herman, (Ida), metal finisher,h. Willard, R. F. D. 82. N*»Dahl, Nils M., (Louisa), woodworker, h. Carolina.J3Dahl, Oscar, woodworker, r. Carolina.^f.Dahl, Oscar J., (Louise C), hospital orderly, h. 12 Sampson.Dahlbeck, Adolph, metalworker, bds. 102 Lister.Dahlbeck, Charles, (Clara), metalworker, h. 102 Lister. 0)Dahlbeck. Edith, student, r. 102 Lister.MDahlbeck, Elnida, student, t. 102 Lister.JrDAHLBECK, GUST, (Ellen), repairing, cleaning and pressing, 23 Gokey C**HOME PHONE 897-k.Bldg., h. do.c_GUST DAHLBECK&COPRESSING, CLEANING AND REPAIRINGCOGarments called for and deliveredRoom 23 Gokey Bldg. r.Dahlbeck, Lawrence, (Ereka), plumber, h. 114 Osborn.QDahlbeck, Vennar, (Hilda), r. 102 Lister.mmDahlberg, Anna, textileworker, r. 497 Willard.gDahlberg, Annie, weaver, r. 337 Willard.mDahl'berg, Arvid E., (Ragnhild), woodworker, h. over 93 Eagle.gCOLONIAL PORCH COLUMNS , HARRCY *;YONS 5Thst will not er.ek or open up-«l.o Porch B.luiter. »nd R»il Institute St. & Erie Ry. "^

II Clark H a r d w a r e Co. Stoves and FurnacesOX«« 158 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.jj <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew ^"LZLTJT"0"5«£S£ Dahlberg, Carl, sheet metal presshand, r. 337 Willard.©"" Dahlberg, George, woodworker, r. 497 Willard.«pg Dahlberg, John A., (Anna), plumber, h. 337 Willard..S^, Dahlberg, Nina, textileworker, r. 497 Willard.td« Dahlberg, Samuel, (Olivia), laborer, h. 497 Willard..3 Dahlgren, Albert, metalworker, bds. 21 Ellicott.jj Dahlgren, Alexander N., (Hilda), tailor, 1031 North Main, h. do.p Dahlgren, Anna E., widow August, h. 36 Union Ave.J • Dahlgren, Bruno, (Christina S.), tailor, h. 134 Fulton.-g Dahlgren, Delamary, clerk, r. 36 Union Ave.j« Dahlgren, Elmer, packer, r. 249 Crescent.Dahlgren, Elsie A., r. 7 Fulton.|? • DAHLGREN, ERIC, (Emmy), jewelry, 7 East Third, h. 6 Forest Park.•g Dahlgren, Gottfried, metalworker, bds. 21 Ellicott.« Dahlgren, Gust E., metalworker, r. 13 Webster..5 Dahlgren, John, (Anna C), driver, h. 33 Fifteenth.B-i Dahlgren, Mabel, r. 249 Crescent.£m Dahlgren, Max, (Wilma), finisher,h. 400 Stowe.Sg Dahlgren, Minnie C, r. 33 Fifteenth.^2 Dahlgren, Olof, (Christina), carpenter, h. 13 Webster.o|g Dahlgren, Sophia, widow August, h. 249 Crescent._ . Dahlin, Carl, bds. 57 Charles.•§2 Dahlin, John, (Beda), metalworker, h. 321 Stowe..SS Dahlin, Josephine, weaver, h. over 5 Webster.Hi v Dahlquist, August, (Wilhemina), h. 554 East Second,_, £ Dahlquist, August S., barber, under 8 South Main, h. 21 Victoria Ave.Zf£ Dahlquist, Berger, spindle sander, r. 224 Broadhead Ave.^* _- Dahlquist, Carl A., (Hulda), laborer, h. 27 Barrett.S «j Dahlquist, Leonard, (Mia H. C), finisher,h. over 275 South Main."* o Dahlquist, Maurice P., (Mayme), stockroom clerk, h. over 554 East Second.*«jf Dahlstrom, Andrew, bandsawyer, bds. 19 Cedar Ave.— _£ Dahlstrom, Anna, widow Charles, h. 849 East Second.3 tj Dahlstrom, Anna, r. 410 Allen.On DAHLSTROM METALLIC DOOR CO.—Carl E. Lindquist, pres.; FabianSellstrom, vice-pres.; J. A. Sellstrom, sec-treas. and gen. mgr.—metallic,^ doors, trim partitions and mouldings, Blackstone Ave., Buffalo and East^^ Second.gj Dalrymple, Gertrude, stenographer, bds. 202 Broadhead Ave.2 Dana, Stuart, (Grace), metalworker, h. 334 Fairmount Ave.5 Danburg, Victor, metalworker, h. 262 Forest Ave.m-M Daner, Gust W., (Alma A.), metalworker, h. over 30 Bush.E Danforth, Franklin, peddler, r. over 49 Harrison.Danforth, Louis B., (Fern), weaver, h. over 366% Foote Ave.Q Danforth, Sidney, (Claribel), cooper, h. 4S Flagg Ave.\r\ Danforth, Thomas, laborer, bds. 238 McKinley Ave.(0 ^^ ^5 *-J •m*. "£jj g pm O Q) £* 5 CO _J | Danham, Danielson. Danforth, JPP Danielson, LllX Dangelo, TltfCTTPANPF lliaUIiiini/L C. Joe, Thomas, Warren, & Alfreda. Abraham, Amil Arthur Anna, Arvid. August Alfred, A. H., Anderson—Ernest Martin. (Rosa), W., Mrs., domestic. (Amanda), J., freight C, (Lilly), (Katie), textileworker, Connecticut (Agnes), (Gunhild), (Anna (Mabel), fruit domestic, handler, loomfixer, h. dealer, C.l, 245 M.l. woodworker, w.J. 19 metalworker, teamster, L. Fulton. stonemason, sas 31 New machine r. and bds. h. Bentley, General Fairmount welder, 17 h. Warner under Richard 280 Pardee over h. h. hand, Willard. 332 h. r. Gen. over 49 h. Life 1059 Block. 101 over Ave.Forest Harrison. 20 E--groceries. h. Agt., S25 Hedges East Ins. 21 Fairfield 96 Newland Hedges Ave. Vega. 541 Second. Co., Ave. Chadakoin Ave. 263 Hartford, S. Main. Bldg Co

THE A. D. SHARPE CO. for Carpets and Rugs CTJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 159 P?HILL PIANO CO. TSe?Ss"d *Danielson, Augusta, r. 619 West Seventh. JjVDanielson, Axel, (Emma), veneerworker, h. 17 Pardee Ave._L(Danielson, Breyton, brickmason, r. Willard, R. F. D. 82. *^Danielson, Carl F., (Caroline), carpenter, h. 79 Vega.Danielson, Carl, metalworker, r. 59 Vega.^^Danielson, C. Fredj (Etta), prop. Danielson Music House and treas. J. —Ice Cream Co., h. 45 Maple. 09Danielson, Charles, bandsawyer, bds. over 928 East Second.gjDanielson, Charles A., (Amanda), groceries, 113 Willard, h. over do. JjJDanielson, Charles E., (Alma), brickmason, h. Willard, R. F. D. 82.S3Danielson, Charles E., (Carrie), woodcarver, h. 302 Foote Ave.^^Danielson, Charles P., (Emma), machine hand, h. 192 Falconer.mmDanielson, Corinne C, bookkeeper, r. over 113 Willard.J^Danielson, Ebba, textileworker, r. 482 Willard.^SDanielson, Edith A. C, weaver, r. 101 Hedges Ave.Danielson, Eric, metalworker, r. 79 Vega. ©Danielson, Ernest L., (Dora E.)—Danielson & Anderson—h. 11 Axtel. C" 5.Danielson, Esther, widow John, h. over 217 Willard.£. £•Danielson, Frank, (Matilda), woodworker, h. 59 Vega.5" coDanielson, Gunnard, shipping clerk, r. 79 Vega. _ 3Danielson, Gunnard C, (Hannah C), metalworker, h. Curtis. 3' S.Danielson, Gust D., (Augusta), Elite Furniture Co., h. 103 Stowe. *a »Danielson, Gust D., (Sarah), Elite Furniture Co., h. 309 Van Buren.»•Danielson, Henning, driver, r. 17 Pardee Ave. 0 g|Danielson, Hilda, domestic, 207 Foote Ave. B 5 aDanielson, J. Alfred, (Clara), weaver, h. 101 Hedges Ave.- fDanielson, Jennie, clerk, r. 107 Maple."g o gDanielson, John, farmer, h. 511 Willard. 2. m-ri 5Danielson, John A., (Hilda), painter, h. 482 Willard. — »Danielson, John P., retired, h. 23 Delaware Ave. •< 3-Danielson, John P., (Selma)—J. P. Danielson Co.—h. 53 Kinney.Danielson, J. P. Co.—J. P. Danielson and Albin Carlson—hardware specialties and tools, 583-585 Allen.Danielson, Joseph A., veneer worker, r. 17 Pardee Ave.Danielson, Lillian M., bookkeeper, r. 53 Kinney. ^gDanielson, Linus, clerk, r. over 217 Willard. m* 3VICTOR AND EDISON TALKING MACHINES and RECORDSDanielson, Mildred J., stenographer, r. 53 Kinney. (\\) toDANIELSON'S MUSIC MUSIC HOUSE—C. Fred .-. Danielson—sheel .-. .-. 1k#{M5ffT music and « musi- ftcal instruments, 17 _ North Main. _ ^ — — _ CrPIANOS Danielson, - Pauline, EVERGALS r. over 113 Willard. ^HDanielson, Ruth R., textileworker, r. 101 Hedges Ave. |—\*Danielson, Signe, clerk, r. Willard, R. F. D. 82.MjDanielson, Victor, carpenter, r. 79 Vega.rmDanielson, see Donelson.m^Dank, Ada L., widow William, i. 212 Hazzard.^^Danria. Sam, (Angeline), metalworker, h. 26 AX'ater.Tf\Darling, Alfred D., (Ella G.), h. under 218 Crescent.J^Darling, Bert E., chauffeur, r. under 218 Crescent. *m"Darling, Eva E., r. 44 Foote Ave.-•DBFor Windows and Doors see HARRY LYONS S I? °

2 h Clark Hardware Co., Contractors & Mill SuppliesW U 160JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.Z z£E TlioiifoiimiQ Rna«7 IS MAKING FRIENDS EVERY DAY_. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew Both phones 268H NDarling, Samuel, rms. Y. M. C. A.O 05CQ CM Darro, Michael, textileworker, bds. 33 Scott.Darroch, William C, painter, bds. 22 Bush.1 Darrow, Joe, (Mary), laborer, h. under 786 East Second.• Darwin, John, (Emma), laborer, h. Apart. 7, 27 Forest Ave.Vm. Dash, Clemmons, painter, rms. 307 West Second.a1Dash, Clifford E., laborer, r. 139 Institute.m Dash, H. Herman, (Mary T.), driver, h. 116 West Eighth.V•Dash, Horace, (Jennie A.), laborer, r. 116 West Eighth.m••v V Dash, Ruth Suttle, Mrs., r. 139 Institute.e 0 no A Dasher, John H., stenographer, rms. Y. M. C. A.eoc cm Daugherty, Lulu C, r. 16 West Sixth.•o•0a Davey, Carrie A., teacher, r. 212 Price.« •Q Davey, Florence M., trained nurse, r. 146 Prospect.0CB0n>. Davey, James, (Ellen), plumber, 146 Prospect, h. do.>. kuV Davey, Jessamine, teacher, r. 212 Price.> >•v DAVEY PLUMBING CO.—William Jenkinson and Jonas Stainthorpe—sanitaryplumbing, gas and steam fitting, 7 East First.mmu£ l_ 0 5 DAVEY, LEWIS J., (Ethel), dist. mgr. N. Y. Telephone Co., h. 505 Winsor.««90 Davey, William H., (Carrie D.), police, h. 212 Price.ā Davis, Andrew, sec. Salisbury Wheel & Mfg. Co., rms. over 204 North Main.Davis, Anna, head nurse maternity bldg., 207 Foote Ave.d s —V Davis, Anna, widow George, laundress, h. under 4 McDannell Ave.B cV V Davis, Archie E., (Lucy E.), commercial traveler, h. 154 Lakin Ave.O OaDavis, Backus & Co.—Herbert F. Davis and Charles E. Backus—wholesaleconfectioners, 20 Shearman PI.Davis, Barney, clerk, r. 610 Monroe.Davis, Benjamin E., (Clara L.)— Warren Constr. Co.—h. Fentonville, N. Y.Davis, Bret C, (May), stock clerk, h. 313 Prendergast Ave.Davis, Catherine, (Ora M.), h. 38 Barrows.% Davis, Charles, (Gertrude), D Aswitchman V I S Erie & R. CO. R., h. 105 Stewart Ave.Davis, Charles Henry, (Emma), bookkeeper, h. Lindsey Ave.§•WeDavis,buyCharlesall kindsR., dentist,Iron,bds.Metals,123 FairmountRubberAve.and RagsO im Davis, Charles Our specialty R., (Emma), is selling driver, Second r. Hand S3 Water. Pipe at reasonable pricesM L_j Davis, Charles W., (Genevieve also M.l—Dewey-Davis Wiping Rags Printing Co.—-h.53 Liberty.HARRISON Davis, Claude AND FOOTE J., (Catherine AVE. J.), woodworker, BELL h. PHONE 121 West 601-J. 'Third. HOME PHONE 125im fi DAVIS & CO.—Edward Davis—junk dealers, 20 Harrison.> Davis, Dallas E.. (F. Alice), carpenter, h. 10S Hall Ave.m* Davis, David M., (Florence M.), boilermaker, h. 701 West Eighth.O Davis, Dell A., (Eva), carpenter, rms. over 28 Center."*,* Davis Edward, (Catherine E.), pressman, h. 122 Stewart Ave.%l Davis, Edward, (Barbaret), junkdealer, h. 153% Chandler.S nDavis,1E. Harvey,' Mstudent,„:„ CJ.--Ar. 18 PratherHEADQUARTERSAve.FOR HIGH GRAUmtt Eckman s Music More PiANOs and player pianos

Women's Coats and Suits THE A. D. SHARPE CO. QmTJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.161 Pt-iHILL PIANO CO ORGANS AND OLD PIANOS JT_I_AJJ_1 X __-_,llVS \s\J. TAKEN IN EXCHANGE JjJOnDavis, Eliza G., widow George G.,boarding house,313 Prendergast Ave.,h. do. .^Davis, Elmer, (Julia), carpenter, h. rear 148 Foote Ave._r]Davis, Emery R., (Lois C), mgr. The George Irish Paper Corp., h. 14 E. 5th. •Davis, Ernest V., (Nora A.), metalworker, h. 135 Catlin Ave.y--mDavis, Frances L., widow Peter, h. rear 60 Harrison.^^Davis, Frank L., (Nettie), boat builder, h. 622 Palmer.qjDavis, George J., (Lilly), carpenter, h. 521 Hallock.STDavis, Gertrude L., stenographer, r. 1154 Prendergast Ave. £^Davis, Harold, bellman, r. rear 60 Harrison.ftDavis, Hazel, r. 610 Monroe.mDavis, Henry F., r. 701 Murray Ave.tZDavis, Herbert F., (Laura L.)—Davis, Backus & Co.—h. 519 Lakeview Ave. jjjDAVIS, HERBERT W., (Florence), physician, 2 East Fourth, h. Falconer, N. toY. Home Phone 899-b.; Bell Phone, 125-w.; office hours, 3 to 5 and 7 to "*8 p. m. h_-JDavis, gast Hilda, Ave. Mrs., h. 136 Park.PO WDavis, Jacob John C, H., Mrs., (Lizzie h. B.), 1154 bookkeeper, Prendergast h. Ave. 18 Prather Ave.t|«^, Hf_Davis, John James, \\\, r. (Maude), 183 Fairmount telegraph Ave. operator, h. 563 East Second.a0-%\ r**^Davis, James Joseph, W., metalworker, (Kate E.), bds. pres.-treas. 116 East Straight Fourth. Dry Plate Co., h. Falcon- ^J \_«Davis,er,Lee,N. Y.boxmaker, r. 610 Monroe.m*.QDavis, Leslie W., express driver, r. 18 Prather Ave.yjDavis, J. Franklin, (Anna F.), mgr. Appleby Lumber Co., h. 628 Prender­Davis, Lottie C, waitress, r. over 107 East Third.grtDavis, Lucien, printer, r. rear 60 Harrison. £**Davis, Lucien A., (Carrie F.)„ real estate, h. 919 East Second.Davis, Lucy D., widow William H., r. 119 Wilson Ave.ggDavis, Marshall C, (Belle), postman, h. 834 Lafayette.§C-Davis, Mary C, Mrs., waitress, h. over 107 East Third. m-1Davis, Mary J., widow William J., h. over 61 Eleventh.(cJ3Davis, Mary L., widow Merritt, dressmaker, h. 113 West Fourth.?*•Davis, Minerva M., widow Royal, r. rear 148 Foote Ave."j.Davis, Myra, widow H. A., boarding house, 116 East Fourth, h. do.Davis, Ralph C, (Flora), carpenter, h. 81 Cole Ave. 1-^Davis, Reuben, (Ellen), textileworker, h. 610 Monroe.^mDavis, Rowena B., domestic, 207 West Fifth.^-m*Davis, Samuel, (Paulina), junk dealer, h. 201 East First.^JDavis, Samuel W., h. 121 West Third.Davis, Thomas E.. (May), bartender, h. 122 Crescent.,m*Davis, Walter H., (Addie C), postoffice clerk, h. 4 Seneca.^^Davis, Waters C, (Hazel K.), commercial traveler, h. 416 West Sixth. Tr**Davis, William, (Katherine), mechanic, h. over 15 Derby. sr \PDavis, William E., (Fannie S.), musician, h. 715 North Main.WDavis, William M., (Harriett B.)— Proudfit Clothing Co., h. 27 Fairmount o- CrDawson, Ave. Benjamin, (Florence), textileworker, h. 422 Livingston Ave. _-. -Davison, Dawson, Carl Arthur E., W., (Anna), (Jessie bench M.)—<strong>Chautauqua</strong> foreman, h. over Confectionery 114 Stowe. Co.—h.16 Bush. \S2 m-*\Davison, Dawson, see Christina, Davidson. widow Andrew, h. 34 Franklin.CrDawes, Dawson, John. Ella, (Maggie), Mrs., dressmaker, machine h. hand, 38 h. West over Eighth. 20 Waterman.*_ ^Dawson, Albin, painter, r. 34 Franklin.tmjDawson,DRYmi**m> Anna, Hdomestic, E M L 345 O CEast K Third. L U M B E R . j r ^ T * , %Dawson, END1 Axel, metalworker, bds. over 114 Stowe.BAND SAWED

*S Clark Hardware Co., Contractors & Mill Suppliesa£ 162 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.OQT5 | <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew - - Always pure and diliciousCH •—• • < —rtE_ Dawson, Fred L. W., clerk, r. 15 Hammond.M1*} Dawson, George H., (Martha), woolsorter, h. 248 Harrison.cs\f£ Dawson, George S., express driver, r. 15 Hammond.in^ Dawson, Hazel M., chocolate dipper, r. 38 West Eighth.v2© Dawson, Henry E., (Minnie), decorator, h. over 204 North Main.a,-1 Dawson, Joseph, r. 15 Hammond..•S Dawson, R. Bruce, laborer, r. 38 West Eighth.° • Dawson, Samuel, (Martha), pianos, h. 15 Hammond.J2 Dawson, see Dayson.*- „ Day, Andy, slaterooffer, r. 1061% East Second..5 c Day, Clara, widow Newell E., h. 1061% East Second.'n> 2 Day, Flora, Mrs., dressmaker, h. 408 Winsor.jga. Day, Frank A., (Ella G.), deputy W. of W., h. 9 Crescent.qx; Day, George H., (Carrie Sherman), mechanic, h. 85 Fairmount Ave.o Day, Henry C, (Adelia), clerk, h. 200 Hallock.•g00 Day, H. Meade, (Edith), grocer and creamery, 845 East Second, h. 900 do.4> Day, Lincoln, lumberman, rms. 13 Warner Block."° Day, Marie G., china painter, r. 85 Fairmount Ave.j-; Day, Pauline C, student, r. 85 Fairmount Ave.E— Day, Ruth M., student, r. 1061% East Second.Day, Warren P., (Bertha B.), insurance, h. over 411 Lincoln.P^ DAYE, I. L., rep. Bradstreet's commercial agency, rms. 415 West Third.rS Dayson, George, florist, r. under 622 Spring.•q Dayson, Louise, Mrs., h. under 622 Spring.^ . Dayson, see Dawson.tu^S Deakin, Rena E., r. over 218 East Second.*g g Dealing, Monroe F„ (Anna R.), h. 57 Hallock. Dean, Arthur, metalpolisher, bds. 10 Peterson.J- o Dean, Benjamin S., (Emyle C), attorney, 600-603 Fenton Bldg., h. 609 Eastjjj! Dean, Bonny B., teacher, r. 609 East Eighth.J3"§ Dean, Ella Butler, widow Paul, r. Fairmount Ave., bey. limits.O « Dean, Gust L., metal polisher, bds. 10 Peterson.j.-- Deangelis, Tony, (Mary), bookbinder, h. 22 Eleventh.^ £T Dearborn, Albert, (Myrtie), steel cabinetmaker, h. 7 Hunt Road.r^b* Dearborn, C. J., (Jane), polisher, h. over 507 Allen.Dearborn, Edith, r. 261 Hallock.O Dearborn, John A., (Laura), bookkeeper Penn. Gas. Co., h. S07 Spring.C_> Dearborn, Marion, student, r. 807 Spring.... Deardourff, Harry A., (Louisa), mgr. Lyric theater, r. 331 East Third,ri g Dearing, Arthur S., farmer, r. 315 Lincoln.g g Dearing, Elizabeth M„ student, r. 315 Lincoln.^J§ Dearing, Jane E., widow John. h. 516 East Eighth.jSu Dearing, John F., (Bertha E.), clerk, h. 315 Lincoln.X Dearing, Lillian, r. 516 East Eighth.-Vo DeBad, Charles T,. (Mary), h. over 53 Thirteenth.__ £ Debanavandur, Dominico, (Krisch), laborer, h. 581 Buffalo.tjr Decastro, C, (Lisea), music teacher, over 47 South Main. h. do.|5< Decatur, Harry K., estimate clerk, r. 257 Forest Ave.M Fidelity, Judicial, Contract, Excise and all other forms of Bonds issued by"^ Decatur, John Charles, (Minnie), lineman, h. 257 Forest Ave.5 BRADSHAW'S PIONEER INSURANCE AGENCY.mS* j Decker, Emma J., Mrs. dressmaker, bds. 17 West Cowden Place.M d Decker, Leora C, widow Charles E., dressmaker, r. over 215 East Third.t_j Oi 0S_u> M _ w S - So DeCoen, Dcitsch, DeGoed, DeHart, Deegan, Delain, Defeuster, Earl Albert Lloyd Fred, Abe., Frank Mary, C, r. carver, C, J., J.. (Clara), 504 widow (May), (Marie (Mary Foote bds. painter, Mandoro. conductor C), A.), 216 Ave. car insurance, Winsor. h. clerk .1. 7196 Metallic St. J. h. Falconer. Ry., C. 22 & h. Ave. West L. 11 E. East R. Fourth. R„ Fourth.19 Fenton PI.

§1 Always Buy your Dry Goods of THE A. D. SHARPE CO..2 O _ .-On JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 163LARGEST AND MOSTJ| HILL PIANO CO.CAREFULLY SELECTED STOCKj> Delain, Gust, paperhanger, bds. 1 Bigelow Ave.— +j De Lamater, Carrie, physical director Y. W. C. A., r. 433 East Fourth.SCfl De Lamater, Sabra A., widow George, h. 433 East Fourth.•° - De Land, Chauncey E., machine hand, rms. 80 New Gifford Bldg.«'(3 Delaney, Florence L., r. 89 Fairmount Ave.Sjr DELANEY & THROOP—W. H. and H. W.—drygoods, 14-16 Main.« . Delaney, Wilton H., (Harriet S.)—Delaney & Throop—h. 89 Fairmount Ave.•=Z De Lisle, Belle, office clerk, r. 843 Washington.c_) De Lisle, Clarence F., laborer, r. 843 Washington.3h De Lisle, Walter, machinist, r. 843 Washington.^^ De Lisle, William W., (Lizzie), carpenter, h. 843 Washington.» Demann, John, (Elvi), laborer, h. 504 Crescent.O Demarco, John, laborer, r. 135% Chandler.C_) Demarco, Joseph, (Ida), laborer, h. over 135% Chandler.Demarco, Joseph J., (Anna), laborer, h. 135% Chandler.Uh Demarco, Ross, laborer, r. 135% Chandler.O Demarko, John, barber, rear 201 Winsor, h. do.> Demarko, Joseph, textileworker, r. rear 210 Winsor.2t Demarko, Philip, (Sarah), metalworker, h. 201 Winsor.J^ Demeyere, Cornelius, (Anna), baker, h. 222 Chandler.Ph Demio, Alexander, laborer, bds. 135% Chandler.. Dempsey, Cecilia, widow Edwin R., h. over 8 Cheney.T3 Denn, Albert, (Fanny), h. 44 Twelfth.fi Denning, Alfred, (Ida M.), machinist, h. over 34 Derby.(Q Dennis, Carl, breweryworker, r. 220 Crossman.Dennison, Ray H., (Lucina E.), rate clerk Erie R. R., h. over 208 Lincoln.'OC Denslow, Ella, widow Fred B„ r. 308 Livingston Ave.r* Denslow, Willard T., (Laura J.), building mover and pile driver, h. 551"___ West Third.T3 Densmore, Rebecca, widow Edward, clerk, h. 311% East Sixth.**+ De Orsay Flats, 411 West Third.wJD Depas, Louis, finisher,h. over 235 South Main.*"~j Depas, Nick, finisher, h. over 235 South Main.m^ Depas, Seraphim, factory porter, r. over 235 South Main.— Depka, Edward .(Nettie), horse trainer, h. 11 New Warner Bldg.5 Derby, Agnes D., h. 63 South Main.S Derby, Jessie W., r. 30 Fairview Ave.O Derby, John C, (Eva M.), janitor, h. 405 Cherry.+J Derby, Louisa A., widow John K., h. over 31 Fenton Place.a t/5 Derry, Katherine, widow William, h. 162 Martin Road.j

Sibi /^1._..4._.. ~mmm. Di...,. Possesses all the attributes of purity and flavor that are« >. Dewey, Fred W., (Kittie J.), job printing, over 101 East Third, h. 22 FI|J Clark Hardware Co. Stoves and Furnaceso _ . _S § 164JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.wco .M tnautauqua Brew'Mom^l^^^^*m^»*'^j Devoe, Myra Cook, r. 545 East Fifth.B« Dewan, Anna, Mrs., domestic, r. 7% Fulton.•J- a Dewan, Carrol E., laborer, r. 7% Fulton.§ja Dewan, Ellen, widow John, h. 7% Fulton.a0" Dewan, Thomas, metalworker, r. 7% Fulton.-0£ Dewey-Davis Printing Co.—E. B. Dewey and Charles W. Davis—job print-«m ing, 318 Washington.*73 vanna Ave.^j'S Dewey, George W., (Minnie), fish dealer, 24 Twelfth, h. do..S & Dewey, Helen M., widow Adelbert D., 'bookkeeper, h. over 405 Winsor."5 n Dewey, Lora, clerk, bds. 6 Broadhead Ave..5 $ Dewey, Ren, teamster, bds. 24 Twelfth.E-1" Dewey, Vern, (Belle), meatcutter, r. 24 Twelfth.£ De Wire, Frank Sanford, organist and choirmaster St. Luke's Episcopal.U Church, rms. 208 East Fifth.mO-s DeWitt, Charles R., (Cora S.), commercial traveler, h. 58 Grant.

Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. THE A. D. SHARPE CO.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 165HTI T PTANO CO entire gth floor »ILLLjmU 1 lmVKJ \s\J. CHADAKOIN BUILDINGDietro, Vincenz, (Antonino), laborer, h. 458 West Second. jjjDietzler, John, (Elizabeth), elevator man, h. 705 West Eighth. ?Dimly, Bernard P., (Josephine S.), agt. Metropolitan Ins. Co., h. Ashville, ft^N. Y. ^Digiovanni, Fred & Co.—Fred Digiovanni and John Mistretto—shoe re- ^_pairing, 706 East Second.^^Digiovanni, Fred, (Concetta)—Fred Digiovanni & Co.—h. 25 Steele. ^Dilley, Herbert, (Minnie), laborer, h. 168% Chandler.JSDilley, John, (Mabel), laborer, h. 168% Chandler. J3"Dilley, Walter, finisher,r. 168% Chandler. WDimareo, Joana, (Giuseppa), sander, h. 36 Harrison.^Dimareo, Sabastiano, (Josephine), laborer, h. 45 Harrison.J*-Dimetar, Peter, finisher, rms. 9 Warner Block.toDimetar, Thimo, finisher, rms. 9 Warner Block.Dimit, George, (Fordaj—J. Candy Kitchen—222 East Second, h. do.\¥*ADimitri, George, machine hand, rms. over 7 Taylor.^iDimitri, Spir, finisher, rms. 5 Hanley.MDimitro, Mitse, tailor, bds. 104 Harrison.JJJ,Dimoro, Frank, laborer, bds. 12 Waterman.rt\Dimoro, Joe, laborer, bds. 12 Waterman.^^Dimoro, Sam., filler,bds. 12 Waterman. j_*Dimos, John, finisher,r. 231% South Main. toDimos, Sotir, finisher,r. 231% South Main. (j)Dioguardi, Salvatore, (Gaetana), mfr. macaroni, 784 East Second, h. do.Dippel, W. Maude, domestic, 409 West Third.qjDirectoyou Co. (The),—Wm. L. Beck, mgr.—tea and coffee, over 7 E. Third. JJ1Dispero, Tony, shoemaker, 29 North Main, rms. over 10 do. *^Dixon, Carl, woodworker, bds. 206 Sturges.tm^Dixon, Edna Wallace, r. 409 Pine.^5Dixon, Frederick, Jr., student, r. 409 Pine.ftDixon, Frederick W., (Sarah), dyer and chemist, h. 409 Pine. £Dixon, see Dickson.Ti.Djurstedt, Carl, r. 423 Allen. C-Doane, Stella, Mrs., dressmaker, h. over 8 East Second.3^Doane, Ed., (Belle), driver, h. under 525 West Third.*_Dobson, Ellen, widow John, r. 118 Wilson Ave.ftDodd, Leon R., (Grace F.), commercial traveler, h. 7 Terrace PI.MDodge, Charles E.~- sec.-treas.% E. W. Curtis Lumber Co.—h. Dewittville,N.Y. wDodge,Donelson,CharlesElmerJ.,A.,carpenter,(Mildred)—Thebds. 819DonelsonSpring.Grocery Co.—h. 28 Broad- qjDoering,headHenryAve.August, (Daisy), Jamestown Crockery Store, h. 539 W. Third-mMDolan,DonelsonByron,Grocery(AlethaCo.M.),(The)—Elmermachinist,A.h. overDonelson211 WestandFifth.Garnet A. Nobbs— J«WDolan,grocers,Earl,23r. 447EastAllen,Third.WDolan,Donelson,Martin,H. Albert—Donelson(Catherine), h.&overRoot—h.19 East75Second.Barrett.JJ»Dole,ReadyCarrie,Roofingcook, 313& BuildingPrendergastPaperAve._£_"_ ___ ,y. ?£3Dominianto, Felisha, laborer, bds. 539 Crescent.Dominico, Donch, Dominoco, Donelon, Donelson, Fred, B. Ella Ellen, see Edward Carrie, Nicole, Sam, Delia, Donlon. (Ellen), M., widow (Marie), millinery, clerk, (Josephine), J., (Anna), bricksetter, Roger r. metalworker, 114 103 R., groceries, Steele. h. East h. over 114 over Third, 103 h. Steele. 216 128 60 Hazzard. r. Forest Tower. Stowe. 563 East Ave., Second. h. do.(+•"- ""• -. q^ W 3gog

p Clark Hardware Co. Fine Cutlery and ToolsQ 166 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.S3 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew It,sgoodforTo:hnXir2d68tor Y0Ur Iami'Y_ Donelson & Root—H. Albert and Frank H.—teaming and heavy trucking,_•*! 29 Forest Ave.^rf Donelson, Sofie, widow Oscar, h. 563 East Second.^3| Donelson, William, steel casemaker, bds. 952 East Second.,~| Donelson, see Danielson.p~"" Donlon, Anna, clerk, bds. 511 West Seventh.M-1 Donlon, Mary E„ r. 808 North Main.Donlon, see Donelon.a Donnelly, John, (Anna), laborer, h. 26 Richmond Place.Doolittle, Amy A., stenographer, r. 45 Grant.^W Doolittle, George S., (Ida May)—Odell & Doolittle—h. 49 Grant.g_J Doolittle, Laura M., widow Ezra, h. 45 Grant.^^ Dorman, Ab., brakeman J. C. & L. E. R. R., rms. 624 West Seventh.I. Dorman, Elizabeth, widow William, r. 30 Kingsbury Ave.mmf Dorman, E. Robert, r. 16 Tenth.^J Dorman, Ethel M., r. 16 Tenth.LjQ Dorman, Florence E., widow Charles, seamstress, r. 345 Crossman.K Dorman, Frederick A., (Mary), florist, 16 Tenth, h. do.Dorman, John T., (Mattie S.), mechanic, h. 30 Kingsbury Ave.Dorman, William L., (Tina L.), commercial traveler, h. 345 Crossman.- Dorn, Charles H., mfr. horse food mixture, rms. 2 Forest Park.\J*4 Dorn, Edith, clerk, r. 338 East Third.,~j Dorn, Emma B., widow Dexter D., h. 47 Baker.W^"~^ Dorn, Emma M., widow George E., h. 28 Harrison.Dorn, George N., (Laura), carpenter, h. 338 East Third.W*l Dorothy, George B., (Mary), mechanic, h. 818 Jefferson.Dorran, Catherine, widow Matthew, r. 851 Prendergast Ave.Dorran, John, metalworker, r. 851 Prendergast Ave._^~. Dorsey, Lucy, Mrs., hairdresser, r. 617 Spring.5_J Dorsey, Mary F., Mrs., hairdresser, 617 Spring, h. do.y_) Dorsey, Walter, (Lillian), toolmaker, h. over 95 Fairmount Ave.N"* Dorsey, William H., (Mary F.), coachman, h. 617 Spring.&_t Doty, Emmett W., (Minnie), real estate, h. over 800 Norm Main.r\ Doubleday, John W., (Nellie C), pres. Empire Worsted Mills, h. 344 East^^ Fourth.^L] Douglas, James B., (Lottie), constable, h. 33 Tenth.-, Douglas, Minnie L., teacher, r. 33 Tenth.m-M Doumier, John B., (Mary), baker, h. 22 Utica.Q_j Dow, Charles M., (Eleanor), pres. Nat. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Co. Bank, h. 72 Allen.W^^ Dowd, Ernest, (May), farmer, h. 724 Camp.Downer, Charles, (Frankie), clerk, bds. 622 Spring.rt^ Downer, Hattie L., waitress, rms. 413 Winsor.m** S Downs, Harold, (Ann W.), loomfixer, h. 520 Foote Ave.lb Downs, f idm f Harold n.mimansin V., student, Connecticut r. 520 Foote General Ave. Life Ins. Co., Hartford, Conn.5 Downs, LUC John, insurance (Lily), gardener, w. J. h. Beutley, over 125 Gen. Stowe. Agt., 514 Chadakoin Bl«OT gS.S 552 EC00 m S'S .'3 I J M a Drake, Dracup, Dragstedt, Dracksley, Doyle, Downs, Second. Bridget, James, Adolphus, Edith William, John, Ruby Robert Nathaniel, Alfred, Raymond, E„ E., rendering W., (Kittie r. E,, student, (Annie), trained 884 (Margaret), (Josephine), A., (Nancy (Henrietta), (Anna), East student, H.), works, nurse, r. stonecutter, Second. B.), clerk machinist, 178 teamster, r. woolsorter, Stowe. Foote 207 cementworker, Humphrey 78 driver Foote Ellicott.Ave., h. h. 417 223 and Ave. h. 40 House, h. East Allen. 78 20 Taylor. trainer, 884 h. Ellicott. Whitley over Fifth. East 105 bds. 8 Second. Colfax. Ave. West over Fifth. 226 East

The A. D. Sharpe Co. for Rugs and Carpets d- iJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 167 P »_,H1I I. P I A N O C HXENTIRE 6TH FLOOR |>rllL---1 rl,_4.-TIVJ \,KJ. CHADAKOIN BUILDING wg^ — — flj mJDrake, Elbert A., (Anna), finisher,h. over 1021 East Second. * mDrake, Frank r. over 40 Taylor. ~^Drake, Harold B„ student, r. 178 Stowe.fl]Drake, Herbert, (Lily), cloth inspector, h. 178 Stowe.g mmDrake, Juvia M., hairdresser and manicurist, r. 40 Taylor.3 frjDRAKE, LEVANT R., (Inez), dentist, 500-502 Chadakoin Bldg., h. 10 West "(1Sixth._ HDrake, Roy E., (Laura), teamster, h. 18 Flagg Ave.g rVDrake, S. A., (Leora), plumber, h. 377 South Main.in XDRAYMEN'S D R A YHEADQUARTERS, M E N ' S 7 Taylor. H E A D Q U A R T E R S E-O aNO. 7 TAYLOR STREET Jamestown Cold Storage Bldg § gBoth Phones 205 O >• rAll kinds of Carting and Draying |" £3•> inSpecial attention given to moving Pianos and Household Goods g" QCOX, GEORGE, 319 HAZZARD ST., HOME PHONE 407-K.w 2a >COX, ROBERT, 10 STEELE STREET. 2. ~rCOVEY, FRANK, 24 WOODWORTH AVENUE. E. SCURTISS, ROY, 225 BROADHEAD AVE., HOME PHONE 431-W. J? HHOYT, R. L., 915 WASHINGTON ST., HOME PHONE 219. U >HOLMBERG, JOHN, 250 BOWEN STREET. » gLUCE, I. W., 73 COLE AVE., HOME PHONE 1168-W. *MORGAN, THEODOR, 10 SUMMIT ST., HOME PHONE 1024-B. MNEWTON, N. P., JR., 842 N. MAIN ST., HOME PHONE 1122-B. ft»» cr.NEWTON, N. P., SR., 66 W. TENTH ST., HOME PHONE 105qVINCENT, E. C, 29 HOPKINS AVE., BELL PHONE 608-W. | gLADY AT OFFICE TO ANSWER ALL CALLS g. =ff-Dreager, Calista A., teacher, h. 102 West Seventh.toDreager, Ella Marie, music teacher, r. 102 West Seventh.j_Drenova John, tailor, h. 5 Hanley. „Drenova, Thomas N., handsawyer, rms. 5 Hanley.38Drescher, George, laundryworker, r. 822 Cherry.Drescher, John, nightwatch, r. 822 Cherry.Drescher, Leonard, (Adelaide), tailor, h. 822 Cherry. Z >Drescher, Leonard J., driver, r. 822 Cherry. ! M J?Drescher, Marguerite, r. 822 Cherry. H *;Dreyer, Abiah D., stenographer, r. 104 Stewart Ave.?0 gDreyer, Ida C, dressmaker, r. 104 Stewart Ave.PJDreyer, J. Peter, (Anna M.), woodworker, h. 104 Stewart Ave.~jj gPINE Front Doors „£* H A R R Y L Y O N S 1—1 |tro

~ Clark Hardware Co. Fine Cutlery and ToolsZ 168 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.*_«5 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew Without 'g^yot **"»O S Driscoll, Mary R., widow John, textileworker, h. 20 Forest Ave.~i Driving Park Hotel, Ivan Stockwell, prop., 1200 East Second.Drotz, Albert E., (Amelia H.), fireman .). F. D., r. 301 Willard.~l Drury, Mary A., widow Charles K., r. 20 Allen.J> ' Dryburgh, Arthur, lunch counter clerk, bds. 14 South i.^ain.p—t Dryburgh, William G., barber 13% North Main, rms. 14 South Main.2 • Dschuden, Elizabeth, widow Charles, r. 865 North Main.50 Dschuden, Frederick W., (Lillian), woodworker, h. over 161% Allen.g , Dschuden, John, (Fredericka), shaper, h. 819 Cherry.-m Dschuden, John H., (Dora), woodworker, h. over 103 Camp.Oj Dschuden, Leroy L., (Josephine), firemanJ. F. D., h. 206 Chandler.—j ' Dschuden, Louis R., (Margaret), woodworker, h. 122 Bowen.C Dschuden, Otto A., (Anna M.), woodworker, h. over 29 Sturges.® • Dschuden, Ralph R., (Edith), cabinetmaker, h. over 836 East Second.g? Duane, John (Catherine), blaster, h. over 11 Ninth.;g B Dubois, A., solicitor, rms. 415 West Third.£« » Dubois, Edwin R., (Julia F.), detailer, h. 17 Columbia Ave.o 52 Dubois, Elam D., (Fannie), woolsacker, h. under 812 East Second.P0 9 Dubois, Oscar, metalworker, bds. over 219 Willard.j;^ Dubois, Walter, barber, r. under 812 East Second.u g Ducone, Fred, (Pauline), weaver, h. over 5 Hopkins Ave.* ^ Dudgeon, Mary A., trained nurse, 207 Foote Ave.j j; Dudley, Pearl, telephone operator, bds. 6 Broadhead Ave..> Due, Agnethe, domestic, 15 East Fifth.."3 Due, Anita B., domestic, r. 199 Baker.^~' Due, Jane, domestic, 63 South Main.g a Due, Jennie G., domestic, r. 199 Baker.©"« Due, Martin, J., (Petra), carpenter, h. 199 Baker.££$ Duffee, Deige D., student, r. 515 Washington.,» DUFFEE, EDWARD E., (Ella E.), drygoods and carpets, 20-22 West Third,C h. 515 Washington.* ^ Duffee, Fleda, r. 515 Washington.?i Duffton, Letitia, trained nurse, rms. 226 Foote Ave.•m^ Duffy, Bernhard, (Alice B.), metalworker, h. 57 East Cowden Place.h cd c Duffy, Christopher, (Margaret), shoemaker, 315 Winsor, h. 36 Peach.^ Duffy, Gabriel, (Emma), r. 110 Isabella Ave.,-eg, Duffy, Katherine, stenographer, r. 36 Peach.£'g Duffy, Margaret, weaver, r .36 Peach.g e Duffy, see Durfee.§2, Duncan, Walter A,. (Vina I.), laundrysorter, h. 4 Terrace PI.VSO 03 Duncan, William R., (Myra), commercial traveler, h. over 608 East Sixth.4) Dunderdale, Annie, public stenographer, 403 Wellman Bldgs, r. 830 Spring.2§ • Largest Dunderdale, stock Arthur, Victor Records trainman, the r. 830 City Spring. FrlflllAll's Mlldf ^tftfP_5 —» VictroW Dunderdale, Victrolas, $50, SSO. Etta, S7B. $75, clerk, S10O. 9100, r. 830 S1BO. $150, Spring. S200 $200 ljtAlllttH O I'lUMt lHUIC^-* Dunderdale, James, (Mary), mechanic, h. 830 Spring.C4-4 , Jy J2 m*\ Dunham, Dunton, Dunn, Dunihue, Mary John, Henry, Jane, Francis Margaret Pike Clair Mary, William see Ethel, Alfred M., W., K., Mrs., (Lizzie), Durham. (Mary), .(Maude widow general bookkeeper, telephone (Erma (Ella E., S., J., h. student, (Anna (Clara), Murray, 308% T.), painter, shipping B.), P.), store, operator, metalworker, W.), sec. printer, Pine. r. aristoworker, 921 h. 20 r. clerk, 20 Milwaukee bookkeeper, over 308% East Livingston bds. h. h. 310 over Second, Pine. h. 6421 Pine. Broadhead 20 Bottling h. 88 h. Ave. 44 Livingston Prospect. h. 410 Broadhead do. East Co., Ave.Fourth. Ave. 413 Ave. West Sixth.

THE A. D. SHARPE CO. for Rugs and Carpets >JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 169 S3Hill's Piano School rJSJonllmNc ^3Duquette, Harry P., (Florence M.), Manufacturers' Supply Co.—h. i-jjover 14 Camp.mmfyDurand, Loye T., attorney, 13-14-15 Wellman Bldgs., r. Frewsburg, N. Y. t*^Durano, Joseph, (Helen), cook, h. over 41 Broadhead Ave.soDurfee, Clara R., widow George W., millinery, 313 North Main, h. do. oDurfee, see Duffy and Duffee.9F>Durham, John W„ (Hattie T.), laborer, h. 108 Barrett.Durham, Sarah M., widow Wilbur S., h. 383 Foote Ave.Durham, see Dunham.Durnell, Harry, lunch counter clerk, r. over 886 Washington.Durnin, Charles, office clerk, r. 18 Van Buren.JSDurnin, Elizabeth, r. 18 Van Buren.^Durnin, John, boodbinder, r. 18 Van Buren.Durnin, Nora, widow John, h. 18 Van Buren. N"Durning, Clare O., (Erma), motorman J. St. Ry., h. 415 West Fourth. JjDustin, Floy, h. 244 Hopkins Ave. «JDutcher,, Edward A., (Phoebe), h. 315 Jefferson.^tDwojacki, Gertrude, weaver, r. 14 Sixteenth.togDwojacki, Peter, (Mary), woodworker, h. 14 Sixteenth.toTDybowski, Sebastion, (Olympia), machine hand, h. Martin Rd. 0)Dye, Adoniran J., (Alice), carpenter, h. 420 Fairmount Ave.NJDye, Archie, (Louise), teamster, h. 208 McDannell Ave. -PJDye, Earl O., (Clara), barber, h. over 19 East Second.mDye, Harry Lee, (Maude), teamster, h. 420 Fairmount Ave.>Dye, Ina L., trained nurse, 207 Foote Ave. ~Dyer, Nellie C, teacher, bds. 509 East Seventh. »qDynys, Joe, machinist, r. over 59 Foote Ave.Dynys, E is Tony, student, r. over 59 Foote Ave.Dzioatza, Zapij, spinner, r. 67 Foote Ave.s *Eagle Building Co., (Inc.)—Ernest Cawcroft, pres.; Frank E. Wallace, sec.; g £5O. N. Rushworth, treas.—408 Fenton Bldg. PJEagle Foundry & Machine Co.—Wm. Sykes, Adam and William Stormer— eo"grayiron casting and general machine work, J. & G. Ave.!>r!>Eagle Furniture Co., (Inc.)—;C. A. Lundquist, pres.; C. G. Telt, vice-pres.; GC. H. Erickson, sec-treas.—pedestals and tabouretts, 61 Water. {-•Eagle Lake Club Co.—Roy H. Cole, pres.; Frank E. Wallace, sec-treas.— 2407 Fenton Bldg. _»EAGLES, Fraternal Order of, 4th floor Arcade Bldg., over 30 North Main. HEarl, Charles, (Lydia S.), motorman J. St. Ry., h. 33 Livingston Ave.Earl, Glenn, motorman J. St. Ry., r. 33 Livingston Ave.Earlingson, Carl, blacksmith, bds. 409 West Sixth.N"*Earlingson, Oscar, machinist, bds. 409 West Sixth._Earll, Clyde R., tire repairer, r. 29% Eleventh.ff^Earll, Henry S., (Sarah J.), tinner, h. 29% Eleventh. ^,East Jamestown House, Asa Hind, prop., 953 East Second.MsEastman, Annie, boxworker, r. 21 Peterson. N*9Eastman, Arthur J., building mover, bds. over 55 Water.ftEastman, Charles J., (Hulda), lumber inspector, h. 21 Peterson.*«JEastman, Ellen, weaver, bds. 252 Harrison.m^Eastman, Emil E., (Lena), screen doormaker, h. 15 Crown.*_Eastman, Gottlieb F., (Selma W.), harnessmaker, h. 242 Broadhead Ave. wEastman, Gunhild, student, r. 21 Peterson.MODERN Ara HARDWOOD not to expensive FLOORS at you may think Ask Lvon* 2_ ^_>0__UUm-*J WI1»> . g- ^~'

5e_•8>.aa.I».2§E-8CClark H a r d w a r e Co. Stoves and Furnaces170 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.| <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew, Low in alcohol, rich in extractEastman, Henry A., physician, 208 Lafayette, h. do.Eastman Kodak Co., American Aristotype Division, R. C. Sheldon, pres., 56Prospect.Easton, Pearl, r. 244 Hopkins Ave.Eaton, Caroline P., widow C. P., r. 65 Fairmount Ave.w Eaton, Earl H., r. 705 West Eighth.Eaton, Emmett S., r. 705 West Eighth.[j Eaton, Ezra H., r. 705 West Eighth.a! Ebel, Julius E., pianomaker, r. 916 North Main.| Ebel, Julius G. M., (Elizabeth), pianomaker, 340 Steele, h. 916 North Main.•* Eberman, Judd, (Ruth), bookkeeper, h. 4 Price.Eblom, Anna L., canvasser and clerk, rms. 29 Allen Sq.. .3 Eck, Carl, laborer, bds. 167 Chandler.t. § Eck, Harry L., breweryworker, r. 618 West Seventh.-g u Eck, Hildur V., r. 618 West Seventh.m^m Eck, Leonard E., (Anna C), carpenter, h. 618 West Seventh.B | Eck, see Eke and Ek.* s Eckberg, Agnes B., student, r. 322 Price.-2 3 Eckberg, Arvid R., student, r. 322 Price.© Eckberg, Arvid W., (Clara), advg. mgr. Dahlstrom Metal Door Co., h. 322.2 _ Price.C a Eckberg, August, (Selma), machine hand, h. over 18 Partridge.iSt] * Eckberg, Axel, (Mary), sec-treas. Alliance Furniture Co., h. 18 Shearman.Eckberg, Axel, (Fredrika), rubber, h. over 128 East Second.+3 g Eckberg, Charles J., (Anna L.), cabinetmaker, h. 512 Newland Ave..2 .£ Eckberg, Edith, clerk, r. 109 Kidder.^ "j Eckberg, see Ekberg.m^ 3 Eckdahl, Augusta, widow Andrew, r. under 29 Wescott.vth Eckdahl, see Ekedahl.t- Ecker, Laura, dressmaker, rms. 428 East Sixth.1-, - Eckert, John, (Cora), baker, h. 823 Washington.*** « Eckholm, Gladys, textileworker, r. 328 Stowe.of _. Eckholm, Gunnar, metalworker, res. 328 Stowe.•S "° Eckholm, J. Emil, (Anna), metalworker, h. 328 Stowe.J_ Eckholm, Sarah, widow Carl O., h. over 136 Weeks.-. 3 Eckholm, see Ekholm.

Women's Coats and Suits - The A. D. Sharpe Co.(t,JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.171 J~£Hill's Piano School 0K^fj^SmGO,tf, pjEckman, John M., (Gertrude) clerk, h. 832 Washington. £3Eckman, Joseph B.—Jamestown Spring Bed Co.—r. 545 Allen. W>Eckman, Lawrence D., sec-treas. Jamestown Spring Bed Co., r. 545 Allen. ZJ9Eckman, Louise, widow Gust F., h. under 614 East Second.m-fEckman, Luther W., shipping clerk, r. 20 Linden Ave._Eckman, Nels P., (Mary), retired, h. 38 Chapman.i~mEckman, Nils P., woodworker, h. 20 Linden Ave. ©Eckman, Oscar T., metalworker, r. 38 Chapman.Eckman, Reuben W.—Jamestown Spring Bed Co.—r. 545 Allen.wEckman, Thurston, metalworker, bds. 434 Falconer.gEckman, William G„ (Oppo F.), asst. mgr. E. E. Duffee store, h. 1002 Pren- a. «-|dergast Ave. _S ©Eckstedt, Carl W., (Carolina), machine hand, h. 119 Bowen.oEckstedt, Ellen V., picker, r. 119 Bowen.S_ OEckstedt, George W., woodworker, r. 119 Bowen. » »-Eckstedt, Gilbert J., metalworker, r. 119 Bowen. JJ p?Eckstrom, A. Luther, (Annette)—Eckstrom & Frank—h. 23 Orchard Ave. 2 __Eckstrom, Axel, sheet metalworker, r. 838 North Main. J MEckstrom, Caroline, Mrs., h. 83S North Main. Et 2Eckstrom, Edward, sheet metalworker, r. 838 North Main. "" —Eckstrom, Edward N., (Sylvia), stonemason, h. 18 Warner Block.j* enECKSTROM & FRANK—A. Luther and Glenn A.—real estate and insur- g- nance, 32-33-34 Gokey Bldg. 3 >Eckstrom, George, bottler, r. 838 North Main.2 jj-Eckstrom, Gust, laborer, h. 69% Wescott. _^ —Eckstrom, John W., (Tilda), plasterer, h. 656 Barrows.P paEckstrom, Leonard, (Ella), plasterer, h. 217 Willard.'Edborg, Eckstrom, see see Edeborg. Ekstrom. g* ..Eckwall, Eddy, Alleyne, Angali, stenographer, r. 145% Chandler. bds. 6 Broadhead Ave3 Eddy, Eckwall, Arthur Caroline, J., painter, widow rms. John, over r. over 1S5308% Fairmount Pine. Ave. «ji co _3 3!Eckwall, Eddy, B. Eric, A., rms. machine 311 Pine. hand, r. 145% Chandler.g § ^ wEckwall, Eddy, Betsy Oscar H., F., widow (Amanda), Corydon, woodworker, h. 67 South h. Main. 145% Chandler.Edborg, Eddy, Elton Oscar, E., (Amy), insurance, metalworker, over 16 East h. over Third, 317 r. Van 67 South Buren. Main.ee ^H Eddy, Ethel, stenographer, r. 209 West Seventh. Eddy, Maria L„ Widow Halbert, h. 315 East Sixth.Q&Eddy, Walter, crater, bds. 93 Fairmount Ave.Eddy, Wilton N., r. 67 South Main.Edeborg, Albert W., (Hulda), metalworker, h. 638 Winsor.ViEdeborg, see Edborg.Eden, Reginald Y., (Sophia H.), electrician, h. 12 Fairview Ave.Edin, Albin C, (Esther), trimmer, h. 63 Benedict.Edin, Carl Axel, (Josephine), foreman mechanic, h. 35 Benedict.hP->Edlund, Gust, r. 20 Stafford Ave.*~L5-T"°^nd Front Doors st&k HARRY LYONS J?

~ Clark Hardware Co. Fine Cutlery and Tools•m>(- 172 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.a>iZ <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew is making friends every daym. — — — — — ^ —— —— ——^^——————————_—__JO Edman, Carl, woodworker, bds. 215 McKinley Ave.C* Edmond, Ellen, picker, bds. 140 Euclid Ave.OS Edmonds, John,r". 719 Cherry.© Edmonds, Margaret, Mrs., laundress, r. over 1 East Sixth.i-J Edmonds, Thomas, (Emma), carpenter, h. 719 Cherry.Edmunds, Charles W., (Matilda), machine hand, h. 113 Wescott.4) Edmunds, Kate, widow John, r. 12 Fulton."*"J Edmunds, Norman, (Rose), carpenter, h. 718 Cherry.wj Edson, Barney, driver, rms. 215 West Second.yjnjEdson, Dudley D., cloth handler, r. 200 South Main.Edson, Harriet L., stenographer, r. 200 South Main.Edson, John, (Eva), metalworker, h. over 10 Seymour Ave., Edson, Mary L., Mrs., h. 200 South Main.qj Edson, Shirley B., r. 200 South Main.4) Edstrom, Albert, (Olga G.), grocery clerk, h. over 117 Lincoln.Qif> Edwards, Annie, domestic, r. 207 Cole Ave.Edwards, Bertha, widow George, canvasser, h. 23 Richmond Place.Edwards, C. John, (Anna), packer, h. over 635 Prendergast Ave.Edwards, Claude E., (Emma E.), motorman J. St. Ry., h. over 229 Fulton.Edwards, George, (Ann C), boilermaker, h. 230 Hallock.Edwards, George H., (Minnie A.), carpenter, h. 106 Eleventh.Edwards, Harry D., student, r. 106 Eleventh.Edwards, Harry F., (Cora), conductor J. St. Ry., h. 126 Water.Edwards, Isabelle H., domestic, 91 Prospect.Edwards, Nancy A., widow Avery, r. over 341 Foote Ave.Edwards, Siegel, student, bds. 23 Richmond PI.Edwards, William, ornamentor, r. 207 Cole Ave.Edwardson, Emanuel, (Carrie), driver, h. 7 Maple.Eggleston, Adelbert, (Charlotte), plasterer, h. 53 Hallock.Eggleston, Allyn, (Nellie), boss comber, h. over 726 East Seventh.Eggleston, Arthur G., (Sadie), metalworker, h. under 22 Bush.o Eggleston, Frances, widow Charles, cook, h. over 203 East Second.Km) .*• Eggleston, Frank L., (Florence), woolsorter, h. 11 Bishop.^*_Wf^m*"F"i0UyEggleston, Fred, (Edith), carpenter, h. over 375 Foote Ave.Eggleston, Joseph C, (Ellen), foreman textileworker, h. over 103 Wescott.Eggleston, Mabel, laundress, r! 203 East Second.Eggleston, Mary, widow Marshall, h. 726 East Seventh.Eggleston, Maude, laundress, r. over 203 East Second.Eggleston, Van C, (Anna B.), foreman boxmaker, h. 19 Columbia Ave.Eglin, Harry, slater, bds. 311 Lincoln.Egregg, Constant, laborer, bds. 504 Crescent.Ehmke, Charles J., (Sophia), weaver, h. 408 Winsor.Ehmke, Clara E., r. 408 Winsor.U Ehmke, Fred, r. 408 Winsor.O Ehmke, John C, (Vivien), barber, h. 34 Eleventh.^ Ehmke, Max, (Edna), woodworker, h. over 702 East Second.(/_ Eidens, Adelbert, laborer, r. 608 North Main.U Tha Mutual Ronofit I ifo Premium receipts to Jan. 1,<strong>1911</strong> - - - - $367,143,488.89Eidens, Clarence L., (Hattie), musician, h. over 112 East Third.m^ Hie 1'lUlUai Deneill LiUC RETURNED TO POLICY HOLDERS and funds on hand forEidens, John, (Margaret), machine hand, h. 608 North Main.-T_ «f N_,tir

THE A. D. SHARPE CO. for Carpets and Rugs WfDJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 173 ^HILL PIANO CO. ^SSS&JT £Ekberg; Adolph F., h. 15 West Cowden Place.Ekberg, Agnes M., domestic, r. 109 Kidder.JJJ*Ekberg, Edith A., bookkeeper, r. 109 Kidder. -- *_Ekberg, see Eckberg.© _Ekberg, Magnus, (Mary E.), machine hand, h. 109 Kidder.. wEke, Carl, (Ellen), metalworker, h. over 102 Lister.T3Eke, John, metalworker, bds. over 102 Lister.Eke, see Eck and Ek.*"rt pEkedahl, Erik A., (Lena E.), supt. Art Metal Const. Co., h. 1094 East -mm.Second.S3Ekedahl, Thure J., (Helen), piano tuner, h. 106 Stowe.Ekedahl, see Eckdahl.05Ekholm, Oscar A., (Jennie A.), metalworker, h. over 114 Mechanic. mmEkholm, see Eckholm.aEklof, Mary, widow Charles ,h. under 304 Steele.Eklund, John A., (Elizabeth), pastor Sw. Zion Church, h. over 47 Pearl Ave. £->Eklund, see Ecklund.ft^ 2Ekstrom, Charles A., (Amelia M.),—Bjork & Ekstrom—People's Bottling ^^Works, h. 5 Kinney.Ekstrom, Fredolf, (Bertha), h. 846 Lafayette.Ekstrom, Gust M., (Frances), toolmaker, h. 87S North Main.Ekstrom, Leverne C, machinist, r. 5 Kinney.Ekstrom, see Eckstrom. 50Elander, Adolph, (Agnes), cabinetmaker, h. 42 Chapin.COElander, Daniel, (Gertrude), contractor, h. over 31S Price. —,Eldridge, Jerry, pipefitter, bds. 800 East Second.VJElf, Ellen, textileworker, r. 654 Barrows.ftElf, Frederick W., (Joanna), metalworker, h. 147 Falconer.•Elf, Gust, (Ida), carpenter, h. 654 Barrows. —,Elf, Minnie A., r. 147 Falconer. £*Elf, Nels. office clerk, r. 6,54 Barrows.QPELITE FURNITURE CO.—C. J. Anderson, pres.; Gust D. Danielson, vice- ftpres.; Gustaf A. Lawson, sec-treas.; Axel E. Bloomquist, supt.—mfr. *•*furniture, 516 West Fourth.^^Elite Restaurant—Mrs. Anna Farlin. prop.. 119 West Third.CrElkins, Hannah, Mrs., drawer, h. over 308% Pine.taariELKS, Benevolent and Protective Order of, over 300 North Main. 99 **VEllener, George W.. r. 220 Fulton. ©Ellener, Priscilla. widow .James, h. 220 Fulton.ftEller, August, (Mabel L machinist, h. 19 Bassett.^3Eller, Emma, widow Pudolph. r. 509 »»„ West Sixth.m*.Filer. Louella, clerk, r. 5091^ West Sixth.J3Ellerington. Maude, telegraph operator, r. 12 Fairmount Ave.QmEllickson, Jennie, nurse, r. over 92 Falconer.w^Fllickson, Lottie, h. over 92 Falconer.Elliot. Charles H., (Emma), commercial traveler, h. 107 East Sixth.Elliot, Harley, commercial traveler, r. 107 East Sixth.Elliott, Elizabeth M.. widow Henry G., r. 85 Prospect.Ellis, Albert E.. (Alice), stationary fireman, h. 114 West Second.gjEllis, Edward H., (Fannie), h. 270 Fairmount Ave.)«-•Ellis, E. Margaret, office clerk, r. 282 Fairmount Ave.Jj"-Ellis, George, (Helena), foreman warpdresser, h. 282 Fairmount Ave.For Ellis, Ellison, Windows Lou. James John William, LaMira Henry Andrew, mender, F.. G., L., E„ machine woodworker, (Trudie), (Olga widow (Charlotte), and bds. L.), Hooker, hand. 114 Doors machinist, woodcarver, West r. retired, h. 13 bds. 13 Eighth. Cook see Cook 12 h. h. Ave. 821 Fairmount Scott. HARRY Ave. 104 North Catlin LYONS Main. Ave., bey. ? limits.SaLJ"» *^ QQ J3 ^fl qj NJ«

II Clark Hardware Co. Stoves and FurnacesOX _ -355 171 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.jg <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew ""TJ^J"'""'BjH:5j2 Ellison, Andrew, lineman, rms. 120 East Second.©i-* Ellison, Anna, weaver, r. 608 East Second._e«0 Ellison, Benander, (Emma), metalworker, h. 114 McKinley Ave.•5 2 Ellison, C. A., (Anna), plumber, h. over 63 Steele.•gn Ellison, Carl A., (Christine), metalworker, h. 143 Thayer.,ar m-mm f«*j • H--> S O CQ fli «• ^ ft p_I • Endress, Eugel, I Engholm, LllLEngberg, Engbert, Engineers, Englewood, Engdahl, •|PP Pine. Nicholas llloURi-UlvI-i William Gust, Josephine, Edward, John, INCTTP Freda, Anton, National Gust, Charles, finisher,bds. V., A., (Wilhelmina), E.. hallmaid, F., metalworker, (Anna (Hannah), (Mary), Association duffer, ANPF (Dora (Emma E.), 207 r. insurance C), metalworker, w.J. 516 Connecticut C), laborer, Foote bds. of. pres. Allen. metalworker, Bentley, 5112 Ave. h. as

The A. D. SHARPE CO. for Rugs and Carpets C*JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 175 $*?Hill's Piano School BEST trTnd GPu?ilsTEACHERS 1Englund, Albin, machinist, bds. 948 Washington. J^Englund, C. Harry, woodworker, r. 23 Hopkins Ave.^^"Englund, Frank, student, r. 1295 East Second. *^Englund. John, (Julia), boss drawer, h. 1295 East Second.Englund, John F., (Hannah), watchman, h. 23 Hopkins Ave.^^Englund, Oscar, (Bertha E.), woodworker, h. 248 Buffalo.Ih^Englund, Paul M., (Amy C), metalworker, h. over 12 Stafford Ave. Q)Englund, Richard, (Sigrid), pianotuner, h. over 23 Stowe.^Englund, see Enlund.[JfEngman, Arthur J., metalworker, r. 574 Willard.J3Engman, C. Eugene, metal press foreman, r. 574 Willard.ft^Engman, Enoch, (Amanda), finisher,h. 450 Allen. S1^Eugman, Esther, clerk, r. 581 Willard.7^2Engman, Esther E., clerk, r. 574 Willard. *^Engman, Florence, milliner, r. 450 Allen.Engman, Gertrude, milliner, r. 450 Allen.&Engman, John C. J. F., (Hilma J.), blacksmith, h. 574 Willard.r BEngman, Jonas E., (Amanda), millinery, 38 Willard, h. 450 Allen.g, KEngquist, John A., (Emma), machine hand, h. 85S Spring.5' wEngstrom, B., plumber, bds. 530 Allen. " \%Engstrom, Carl, veneer matcher, bds. 816 Newland Ave. s- S.Engstrom, Charles, (Sophia), woodworker, h. 90 Lister.'g aEngstrom, Christine, cook, 1 Fenton Place. 2.Engstrom, Elmer, rms. Y. M. C. A.* ">JEngstrom, Esther, seamstress, bds. 6 Broadhead Ave. B S"Engstrom. Gust, (Louise), veneer matcher, h. 819 Newland Ave.Jj _Engstrom, Ida, r. 13-14 New Warner Block."O aENGSTROM, JOHN C, merchant tailor, rm. 65, over 107 North Main, rms. 2. 5Y. M. C. A. E. £•* §•JOHN C. ENGSTROM "TAILOR §aPRESSING AND REPAIRING 107 Main Street ft'ftEngstrom, Ida C, tailoress. rms. 13 New Warner Bldg. .jEngstrom, John, tailor, 9 New Warner Bldg, rms. 13 do._ _Engstrom, John P., (Jennie E.), foreman woodworker, h. 228 Prospect.Engstrom, Paul AV., woodworker, r. 228 Prospect.Engstrom, see Enstrom.Engwall, Gottfried, metalworker, r. over 20 Phillips.Engwall, Harold, mechanic, r. 6 Willis.KWCOCr(f.Engwall, Hjalmar, (Emma), packer, h. 6 Willis. i»Engwall, John N., (Anna), sheet metalworker, h. J44 Thayer. ~iReady Engwall, Maria, Roofing widow & Johan, Building h. over 20 Paper Phillips. In^rRr *yeIsr, *T" \lEngwall, Otto, (Hulda), furniture trimmer, h. 27 Weeks.p-mEnlund, Ennis. Ennis, Ensley, Enstrom, Elizabeth Helen Thomas Mary Ralph, see Warner, Gottfried, Charles, Englund. F., M., (Christine H.. telephone G., photographer, stenographer, cabinetmaker, (Stlinda), (Elizabeth), r. 133 M.), operator, Euclid teamster, twister, bds. r. butcher, bds. Ave. 133 over r 230 Euclid h. 133 h. 275 114 230 East Euclid 133 Prospect. Price. Ave. East Second. Euclid Ave. Second. Ave.._ TZr Ct W

m Chantanana Rrmw Ju8t what youwant daily as a bevera«ets Clark Hardware Co., Roofing and Building PapersuZ 176JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.(Un l/Ild U Id U^j Ud WICW meals, summer and winter Both phones 268»® Enstrom, Elmer, bookkeeper, rms. Y. M. C. A.Enstrom, see Engstrom.Enstrom, Ida O., widow John, r. 311 Bowen.2 , Entwistle, Raymond W., (Minnie), toolmaker, h. 255 Hallock.3 Entwistle, R. Marion, student, r. 339 Fairmount Ave.a Entwistle, Samuel C, (Ella M.), commission salesman, h. 339 Fairmount«_ ' Ave.M Epolo, Sebastiano, laborer, bds. 44 Franklin.J> • Erickson, A. J., (Christine), laborer, r. over 503 Foote Ave.« Erickson, Albert F., (Byrde Wells), metalworker, h. 87 Steele., Erickson, Albin, (Judith)—Erickson & Son—h. 327 Willard.°§ Erickson, Allis, painter, bds. 263 Forest Ave.efl Erickson, Andrew, (Ellen), plumber, h. 107 Park.-t ' Erickson, Anna, textileworker, r. 47 Hedges Ave..5 Erickson, Anna, widow John, r. 2 Pullman."2 j Erickson, Anna D., r. over 391 Fairmount Ave.g > Erickson, Anna L., widow Andrew, h. 434 Willard.j§ gj Erickson, Anton, metalworker, bds. 800 East Second.^jg Erickson, Anton A., (Ida), machine hand, h. 15 Benedict.>•-- Erickson, August, woodworker, h. over 100 Hazzard.Jj g Erickson, August, finisher, r. 115 Hedges Ave.> ^, Erickson. August L., grocery clerK and call fireman J. F. D., r. 132 Barrett.m3 g Erickson, August N.. (Lena), woodworker, h. 233 Willard.> Erickson, Axel, metalworker, i. 15 Johnson.£% Erickson, Axel E., metalworker, bds. 303 Newton Ave.*»"* Erickson, Car) J., (Ida), cabinetmaker, h. 37 Benson.£ 6 Erickson, Carl O., (Olivia), cabinetmaker, h. 403 Newton Ave.2'b Erickson, Carl S., (Maria), shoemaker, h. 141 Superior.CO 5 Erickson, Charles, (Anna H.), machine hand, h. 47 Hedges Ave.m-)2 Erickson, Charles G., (Carolina), h. 66 Chapin.B Erickson, Charles J., (Emma), brassmoulder, h. 15 Johnson.* ^ Erickson, Charles J., (Josephinel, machinist, h. 115 Hedges Ave.*? o Erickson, C. Herman, (A. Cecilia), supt. Eagle Furniture Co., h. 408 East$Z pifthfab Erickson, Chester E., (Mary E.), sheet metalworker, h. over 112 Barrett.j3 Erickson, Christine .student, r. 39 Falconer.^.fi Erickson, Christine, widow Gust, r. over 334 Price.g'g Erickson, Clarence, finisher, r. 115 Hedges Ave.4) c Erickson, Conrad, tailor's apprentice, r. 233 Willard.§2 Erickson, David, (Alma), tailor, h. over SS Barker.\s © Erickson, Dorothy, domestic, 333 East PYrarth.Erickson, E. C, (Clara), lumber handler, h. over 134 Foote Ave.Erickson, Ed., (Josephine), h. 263 South Main.(£ Erickson, Edith, domestic, 333 East Fourth.r «*•* C_m *__; mk%f •+m* - 3> $2 5 fm j2 «g !£ 5» flL> g 53 m | I Llie Erickson, Erickson. iP*v I.,miH(.«,i/i insurance Edwin, Elsie, Elizabeth, Ellen, Engcr, Elvira, Emil, Eric, E. Elmer, Elmer, woodworker, (Sophie), laborer, clerk, (Amelia), widow domestic, machine seamstress, (Elvira), (Emily), (Hannah), (Anna r. r. over John, bds. Connecticut w. 413 contractor hand. lumberworker, clerk, 204 textile E.), r. metal J. bds. 20 Cherry. 44 r. h. 222 West Bentley, metalworker, Colfax. 41 over r. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> h. 144 finisher, Hopkins over springmaker. Derby. and 8 General Fifth. Stowe. 24 Water. 265 builder, Park.Gen. h. Ave. 52 Steele.h. Life 133 Blanchard.Agt., 2 h. Stowe. Pullman. Ins. 30 622514 McKinley Co., Spring. Chadakoin Hartford, Ave. Conn. Big


m\\ Clark Hardware Co., Contractors & Mill Suppliesfew —-mT. 178JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.SfiW P rilQllf OliailQ Rr>__U7 Quenches thirst, acts as a mild tonic, induces•as i/nduiauqud Drew 8leep Both phone8 268S o —Erickson, Swan, R. R. engineer, r. 41 Derby.lOo Erickson, Swan, (Mary), retired, h. 11 Bowen.CM"-1 Erickson, Swan A., (Anna B.), metalworker, h. 434 Winsor.fa Erickson, Waldemar, furniture trimmer, bds. 16 Johnson.cS Erickson, Walter C, (Laura), painter, h. over 33 Wescott.>. Erickson, William R., finisher,bds. 434 Falconer.Si Erickson, Lawrence, metalworker, bds. 15 Adams.u to Ericson, Beda E., stenographer, r. 1 Kipp.8 J2 . Ericson, Eric, carpenter, bds. 238 Barrett.•*» c Ericson, Eric, metalworker, bds. 121 Palmer.CM C ° Ericson, H. Louise, widow Lawrence E., h. 1 Kipp.©0, ERICSON, OSCAR A., (Annie S.), Jamestown Steam & Dry Cleaning Co.—« x Jamestown h. 942 East Office, Second. 628 E. 2nd St. Falconer Office, 101 W. Main St.+J +j BOTH PHONES HOME PHONE 093*" JAMESTOWN STEAM & DRYi CLEANING WORKS£ SUITS MADE TO ORDERmm-t i i i i • i i •!——...—iii i,i 1,1,1 , ,, iffl"O Erie Railroad—E. R. Allen, gen. agt., office 102 North Main; freight depot,Q-o 324 Chandler; passenger depot, West First; yard office, 325 W. Seond.jg g Erlandson, Carl, r. over 113 East Second.©•5 Erlandson, Hilma, weaver, h. under 331 Foote Ave.j* c Erlandson, Oscar, r. over 113 East Second.3 S Erlandson, Selma, weaver, r. under 331 Foote Ave.*_» Ernewein, August, (Grace), bakery, 106 Fairmount Ave., h. do.•**— Ernewein, Jacob P., (Rose), breweryworker, h. 502 Hallock.a c Ernst, Arthur C, metalworker, bds. 13 Warner Ave.mg " Erwin, Charles R., (Vangie), carpenter, h. 79 Livingston Ave.— Erwin, T., express messenger, r. 328 Allen.> _T Erwin, see Irwin.^E"' Eskerberg, Ellen, Mrs., ice cream, confectionery and cigars, 138 Virginia• Boulevard, h. do.O Eskerberg, Otto, (Ellen), toolmaker, h. 138 Virginia Boulevard.^ Esterman, Robert, experimenter, bds. 259 Forest Ave.Estus, Arthur D., (Ora E.), laborer, h. 333^ East Fifth.Euart, William J., cook, h. Lakeview Ave. Ext.FT! Evanjok, Joseph, (Katie), framemaker, h. Martin Rd.r^ 1 Evans, Eliza E., widow Martin, boarding house, 217 East Third, h. do.ft | Evans, Frank I., veneerworker, bds. 16 Sampson.y Jij Evens, Blanche, stenographer, r. 123 Stewart Ave.^j Evens, Emma C., widow Charles, clerk, h. 123 Stewart Ave.d • Evens, Emmett A., office clerk, r. 123 Stewart Ave.2 * Evens, Helen, office clerk, r. 123 Stewart Ave.Fire, •fll^ tH *'S _• Everett, Everdon, EVERETT Life, other Accident, John, Elizabeth, David Martha, Pearl, Carrie, Burt Florence, kind HOTEL, N.—E (Jennie), of widow B., telephone insurance Liability, (V. domestic, (NEW), .L. Warren, Jane), Carpenter metal BRADSHAW'S operator, furnished John 116 painter, Boiler, h. finisher, East over E. & r. Co.—bds. by Penfold, 217 h. Fourth, r. Glass, 41 h. PIONEER 41 25 Thayer. Spring. 41 Maple. Thayer. prop., 217 Occupancy, Lakewood.Spring. INSURANCE 11-13 West Marine First. AGENCY, and every

CARPETS, CURTAINS, Tk« A f\ Cl_,_M.-«_ f«, C2DRAPERIES, SHADES, I He A. V. OtiaTpe I/O. IX O©H >UII 1 'PTAlNirtiJAMESTOWNrTIDIRECTORY.complete tuning and179 __g2rI11-Li_Li _ri.fi.rivs \,\J. repair department w»> -.EVERETT, Second, VIOLA h. do. D., widow Marvin N., prop. Marvin House, 105 West §.. , , . .coM A R V I N H O U S EMRS. VIOLA D. EVERETT, Proprietress105 West Second Street One block from Erie Station '—-It*iSOEverwine, Elva L., widow August C, h. 36 Liberty. __3Everwine, Martha L., bookkeeper, r. 36 Liberty.toEwing, Edward, (Lottie), laborer, h. over 19 East Second.C/>Ewing, John, (Amelia), teamster, h. under 30 Institute. £^Ewing, Sam, clerk, bds .6 South Main.wExley, John, (Annie), woolsorter, h. under 107 Hazzard._3 ^Extence, George, (Mary B.), pastor Pilgrim Memorial Church, h. 316 ForestAve.toIT*_»•_3Fabony, Charles, (Jessie), laborer, rms. 314 West Second.QfOkFadale, Frank, (Josephine), metalworker, h. over 126 Institute.Fagerstrom, Emil C, (Alma)—Bernhard Hardware Co.—h. 198 Barrett. J-^Fagerstrom, Gust E., (Ellen H.), metalworker, h. 214 Falconer. £3Fagerstrom, Hulda, widow John A., h. 24 Fairfield Ave. f> .Fagerstrom, Regina, textileworker, bds. over 116 Park.Fagerstrom, Seth E., (Elsa), toolmaker, h. over 15 Myrtle.r-mmjFahey, Edward J., (Alice), foreman metalworker, h. 400 West Seventh. £jFahey, Mary, widow James, r. 400 West Seventh.^JFahlgren, Franz, metalworker, J)ds. 154 Barrows.

11 Clark Hardware Co., Contractors & Mill SuppliesEw9„ 180 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.C-.Oit <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew IS MAK1NUg?Ie8EVERY DAYeg 2 pg* Fairfax, Lydia L., r. 215 Fulton.06 x Fairk, Asmar, laborer, rms. 92 Steele.•g FAIRMOUNT GROCERY, W. H. Haynes, prop., 108 Fairmount Ave.-S-- Falconer, Clinton B., (Bertha M.), metalworker, r. 37 McKinley Ave._S ^ Falconer, Etta M., caterer, r. 240 Fulton.50 __ Falconer, Lovina, widow Robert E., h. 240 Fulton.••3 Falconer, Martha J., h. 551 Lakeview Ave.[« » Falconer, Mildred R., supt's clerk J. High School, r. 240 Fulton.S » Falconer, William T., (Kate D.)— W. T. Falconer Mfg. Co., and Am. Mfg._> a concern, Falconer, N. Y.—h. 134 Lakeview Ave.%, ©O 2 Falldine, Falconer, Alice, see Faulkner.120 Weeks.>CQ.S mj-a Faley, Falldine, Theodore, C. Frederick, (Teckla), (Bertha), metalworker, sec-treas. h. Crescent 245 Bowen. Tool Co., h. over 503U c _j Winsor._ S Falkinburg, D. Ray, student, r. 931 Newland Ave.» Falldine, George, plumber, r. 120 Weeks. oMX C w> Falldine, Gust A., h. 120 Weeks.'mm ml Falldine, Marie, stenographer, r. 120 Weeks.i"__ G-3 Fallon, Carrie, Mrs., cook, cook, r. East r. Second 63 Center. and Tiffany Ave.C >• . FAMOUS, (THE)—Nathan Stern, prop.—clothing and gent's furnishings,g, 5-7 North Main.„:._i Fancher, Leon L., (Kate), attorney, over 12 East Second, h. 507 Monroe.q$% Farcel, Jennie, domestic, 504 West Third.Ou Fardink, John B., (Emma), mechanic, h. under 310 Jefferson.H"3 Fargo, Charles E., (Blanche), stationary engineer, h. 14% Flagg Ave.^2 -8 Fargo, Florence, dressmaker, bds. 310 Pine.Sm Farinella, Vincenzo, (Cologera), grocer, 124 Harrison, h. do.H 5f Farlee, Edith H., piano teacher, r. 152 Allen.m-\% Farlee, Fred L., commercial traveler, h. 152 Allen.©•§ Farlee, Nellie C, vocal teaher, r. 152 Allen.*- Farley, George, (Anna), metalworker, r. 1 Woodworth Ave.•J "3 Farley, Myron, towerman, r. 1 Woodworth Ave.?J «. Faulkner, Alta, widow Manley, h. 329 Hallock.tm* Faulkner, Henry S., (Lydia), moulder, h. 985% Washington.C3 _2 ___^ ^ S£ X The. Faulkner, Faust, llie Mutual «f 01 nUlliai H.,„..|, Alice, WeWarK, see Ronofit Deneill domestic, Falconer. N Ii. I J. Llie if 30 a future RETURNED Cross. Premium payment receipts F. TO to S. POLICY policy TREADWAY, to HOLDERS holders Jan. District 1,<strong>1911</strong> - and - funds - Agent $427,763,190.20.... on handfor $367,143

Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. THE A. D. SHARPE CO. CfltoJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 181 ®U.ll'.-. !>__-_*__-_ G_->Ve_-__-.l A NATIONAL TRAINING t-Mnill s Jriano school school for pianists yFaust, Gottfried, metalworker, bds. 17 Hedges Ave. NJFaust, Gust, metalworker, bds. 257 Falconer.p-f>Faust, Oscar, metalworker, bds. 257 Falconer.E-p-Fay, Alice, student, r. 114 Van Buren.JjJFay, E. L., (Fannie), sawyer, h. 12 Institute. \JFay, Fannie E., Mrs., dressmaker, 12 Institute, h. do.OFay, Helen, student, r. 114 Van Buren.*"J(Fay, John, (Helen), tailor, h. 114 Van Buren.Fay, Marie, teacher, r. 114 Van Buren. • ^^Fearbocker, George, Mrs., r. 410 Washington.'TJFeather, Charles, (Helen S.), dep. TJ. S. internal revenue collector, Federal mBldg., h. 92 Prather Ave.{Jj#Feather, Harold, (Emily), painter, h. over 103 Willard.MFeather, Richard, (Kate), overlooker, h. 20 Waterman.JJ*Feiro, Forrest, metalworker, bds. 370 Falconer.CrFeldhaus, Arthur, (Anna), foreman bronzer, h. 234 Hallock.Feldt, E., metalworker, rms. 105 West Second.ftFeldt, Ellen, domestic, 205 East Fifth.CFelice, Paul, (Lena), laborer, h. 44 Franklin. m-1Felli, Pasqual, woodworker, h. 581 Buffalo.ft^Fellows, Charles A., (Ella), veneerworker, h. 10 Cleveland Place.Fellows, Edward, (Allene), tinner, h. over 5 Rowley Place.^^Felt, Charles, (Amanda), aristoworker, h. 115 P\ilton. (^Felt, F. Oscar, (Minnie), paving foreman, h. over 65 Hazzard.r-mmFelt, Frank E., asst. cashier First National Bank, h. 115 Fulton.ftFelt, Orville J., (Florence), lumber handler, h. over 837 East Second. gjFelting, Matilda, domestic, 520 Spring.rg\Felton, John M„ (Ida), bricklayer, h. 1005 North Main.Fengar, Mary E., widow Alvan A., violinist, h. 6 Sampson.Fenner, Elizabeth, widow Alexander, h. 962 Washington. (^Fenner, James R., (Louise B.), commercial traveler, h. over 306 North Main, aFenner, Jane, widow Silas, r. 16 Ninth. ,Fenner, Nathaniel J., (Thankful S.), h. 820 North Main.Fenner, Ruth T., widow James, h. 110 East Sixth.^.m.Fenton & Andruss—Elliot A. and George D.—photographers, 4 Forest Ave. ^"Fenton, Anna J., stenographer, r. 71 Allen.JgFenton Building, 2-6 East Second.Fenton, Catherine, widow Horace, h. 255 South Main.Fenton, Corissande, h. 317 East Second.^^Fenton, Dana, paving inspector, h. 71 Allen. \^Fenton, Edgar A., (Metta M.), emp. The Journal, h. 115 Lakeview Ave. ftFenton, E. F., (Nina), building contractor, h. over 303 Foote Ave.2TFenton, Elizabeth L., teacher, r. 317 East Second.jJJFenton, Elliott A., (E. Helen)—Fenton & Andruss—h. 215 Crossman.TFenton, George T., (Lelia Y.), commercial traveler, h. 404 West Fifth. COFenton, Goldie M., bookkeeper, r. 115 Lakeview Ave.Fenton, G. Yates, student, r. 404 West Fifth. q.Fenton, Harry W., real estate, 59 Fenton Bldg., r. 509 Prendergast Ave. g»Fenton, J. Grace, artist, r. 1392 East Second. 3Fenton, Louis A., shipping clerk, h. over 30 Derby. ^»Fenton, Louisa, widow Emory W., h. 1392 East Second.m***Fenton, Lucy A., widow Edward F., h. 303 Foote Ave.MODERN Fenton, Ferelo, FENTON, Prendergast Charles, Are Pauline, Thomas Melvina, Lulu MARTIN not HARDWOOD E., so Ave. J., (Maggie), r. widow expensive bookkeeper, over (Evangeline L., (Alice Henry, 30 a* FLOORS laborer, Derby. you r. T.), h. may D.), 1392 115 h. real think lumber Ask 286 East Crossman. estate, Harrison. Lvons Second. dealer, 59 h. Fenton H\ 169 -TTLO**. South Bldg., Main. «-iJT h. \S«10 509 ft^ J2* ^* q 3 ^1QQ

£ Clark H a r d w a r e Co. Stoves and FurnacesQ 182 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.S5 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew - Always Pure and DeliciousH Ferguson, Alfred, teamster, bds. over 513 Allen.Ferguson, George F., (Flora E.), machine hand, h. 4 Seventeenth.m-m* Ferguson j a., rms. 5 Hayward Block.^J Fern, Mary, weaver, h. 410 West Seventh.r-mi Fernstrom, Neils P., (Madsine) shipping clerk, h. 218 Barrett.Ql^ Ferrara, John, (Anna), metalworker, h. 103 Hazzard.Ferrari, Joseph J., clerk, bds. 109 Allen.OFerraro, Philippo, (Guiseppa), farmer, h. 36 Harrison.Ferraro, Sam, (Teresa), machine hand, h. under 429 Allen.^^[ Ferrin, John P., (Mary E.), commercial traveler, h. 629 Prendergast Ave.^J Ferrin, John W., student, r. 629 Prendergast Ave.r^ Ferrin, Rhea F., student, r. 629 Prendergast Ave.FT Ferrin, Sarah, widow Stephen, h. 615 West Seventh.*+**] Ferris, Clarence C, conductor J. St. Ry., h. 419 West Sixth.»• •>• Ferris, James D., (Julia), telegraph operator, h. 419 West Sixth.P«j Ferro, Philip, (Josephine), farmer, h. over 94 Hazzard.^^ Ferrora, Mike, (Cora), groceries and lruits, 201 Winsor, h. do.*"^ Ferry, Florence .stenographer, r. 10 Martin Road.r Ferry, Maurice, finisher, r. 10 Martin Road.Mn Ferry, S. Correl, h. 30 Foote Ave.^J Ferry, Truman C, (Amelia), market gardener, h. 10 Martin Road.WFessenden, Benjamin H., (Edith B.), electrician, h. 102 West Seventh.Fette, Charles J., (Gene), printer, h. over 1101 Prendergast Ave.CfJ Fidler, A. Howard, (Leonora B.)—Freeburg & Fidler—h. 135 Allen.Fidler, Alfred F., (Adela L.), commercial traveler, h. 49 Liberty.r-^ Field, Elizabeth, r. 208 Lafayette.r*—* Field, Elmer W., (Nellie E.), collector, h. 51 Ninth.^} Field, Frank B. (Kate P.), mgr. Furniture Commercial Agency (Red Book),mC b. 412 Spring.r Field, Leonard J., (Florence L.)—Field & Wright Co.—h. Ashville, N. Y.C7 Field, Lillian, widow Edward, r. 330 Crossman.\m.J Field, Mary, bookkeeper, bds. 5 Strong.W FIELD & WRIGHT CO.—L. J. Field, mgr.; J. S. Wright, pres.; H. T. Wilsonr and John J. Beustrom—furniture, carpets and draperies, 104-108 Northt*>N Main.^m* Field, see Fields.t^i Fieldhouse, Benjamin, drawer, r. 30 Franklin.Ph Fieldhouse, Joseph, (Mary Jane), foreman spinner, h. 30 Franklin.Q^ Fields, Earl, metalworker, r. 107 Hall Ave.^^ Fields, Jennie, Mrs., picker, h. 107 Hall Ave.Fields, see Field.I Filsinger, George W., mgr. Floss Palace Bowling Alleys, rms. 215 W. Second.Finch, Raymond, asst. supt. Jamestown Metal Furn. Co., rms. 302 W. Fifth.i Findlay, Ina, wool picker, h. rear 11 Tenth.M s Findlay, North John Main. M., (Mabel), chauffeur, h. 958 Washington., >. Firth, Findlay, Charles John N., J., (Mary), (Ruth D.), blacksmith, screenworker, 105 Foote h. corner Ave,, Vega h. 39 and do. Benedict.0^j< Fink, Firth, Bertha Elizabeth, B., waitress, sample clerk, r. 209% r. 38% West Foote Third. Ave.Su Fink, Firth, Charles J. Edward A., ,(Mary), (Elizabeth), foreman plumber, drawing, h. 209% h. 38% West Foote Third. Ave.C/3XFink, George H., (Mary E.), cement contractor, h. 9% Cheney.55P^Fink,T \Cr.Mary\x\c\wV\Y\C'C-B., widow John, r.Connecticut129 Price.General Life Ins. Co,, Hartford, Conn.O «jj Finley, L/llC Harriett, llldUlallCC Mrs., h. Fairmount " w. J. Ave., Bentley, bey. Gen. limits. Agt., 514 Chadakoin Bldg.as J^J mm i—i;g ^J- op pirman, Firman, Finnegan, FIRST NATIONAL see Benjamin Michael, Farman F., laborer, BANK—F. and woodturner, Farnham. bds. E. 10 bds. Gifford, Steele. 154 pres.; Lakin E. Ave. Morgan, cashier, 222

Always Buy your Dry Goods of THE A. D. SHARPE CO. g, wpqJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 183 £2Hll.I. P I A N O Tft ENTIRE 6TH FLOOR 3 ' >Illijli A lAl^U \,\J. CHADAKOIN BUILDING §25 tFiscus, John H., porter, bds. 123 Fairmount Ave.o> o itiFish, John, teamster, bds. 10 Steele.Ol 25Fish, Myron A., (Emma), h. 376 Foote Ave.5C mFisher, Albert, (Minnie), sheet metalworker, h. over 387 Fairmount Ave. O r1Fisher, Bertha, widow Frank, seamstress, h. over 804 Washington. i.' wFisher, Ellen M., r. 17 College.•v nX HFisher, Fern V., toll clerk Home Telephone Co., r. 133 Lakeview Ave.FISHER & FISHER—Jerome B. and Marion H — attorneys, 501-504 WellmanBldgs.z Oo »m i—iCOFisher, Floyd, (Esther), steel casemaker, h. 24 Woodworth Ave.oFisher, George H., (Jennie), motorman J. St. Ry., h. 10 Metallic Ave. pFisher, Harry W., (Florence), conductor J. St. Ry., h. 63 Livingston Ave.Fisher, Jerome B., (Julia), supreme court reporter and Fisher & Fisher, h. a518 North Main.mzFisher, Jerome B., Jr., (Imogene P.), bookkeeper Penn. Gas. Co., h. 88 Prospect.a >m73Fisher, John M., machinist, bds. over 941 East Second.O w rFisher, Marion H.—Fisher & Fisher—r. 518 North Main.n w rrt mFisher, Mildred, waitress, rms. over 2% North Main.3 9Fisher, Minnie, widow David, dressmaker, h. over 416 Falconer.3 5Fisher, Reuben Fenton, r. 518 North Main.H n» >Fisher, Richard, pressman, h. 325 Fairmount Ave.rFisher, Ross, r. over 416 Falconer.oaFisher, Vilata M., r. 518 North Main.rn o 2!Fisher, William, clerk, r. 10 Metallic Ave.c H•o P9Fisher, William W., (Ella N.), oil producer, h. 133 Lakeview Ave.>V)Fisher, Zelda, waitress, rms. over 2% North Main.9oFisher, see Flisher and Fisler.soFisk, Charles, (Alma), electrician, h. over 125 Van Buren.UiFisk, Charles E., (Minnie), vice-pres. Pearl City Veneer Co., h. 82 Barrett. wFisk, Frank M., (May), contractor, h. 17 Potter Ave.Fisk, John, barber, 952 East Second, bds. do.r+ PIc/>Fisk, Theodore L., (Eda), farmer, h. 704 Buffalo.K 3Fisk, Wilbur, (Martha), driver, h. 704 Buffalo.o 3 rm %Fisler, Jacob, (Maryette), bricklayer, h. 653 East Sixth.o •nFitch, Harriet, rms. 417 Prendergast Ave.cKe3Fitzgerald, John J., (Annie M.), metalworker, h. 15 Eighteenth.S mTFitzgerald, Patrick, (Nora), stationary fireman, h. 131 Fairview Ave.nnFitzpatrick, Nancy, domestic, 416 Lincoln.G. a.Flagg, James R., real estate, Squier's Court, h. Frewsburg, N. Y.roFleetwood, Charles H., r. 601 Lafayette.3P.Fleischer.John, (Eva), metalworker, h. over 20 Willard.2 :*Fleming, Charles A., (Laura), detailer, h. 507 East Second.> oFleming, Henry, tinner, bds. 257 Forest Ave.51"Fleming, Roy, (Nellie), advertiser, h. 173% South Main.rr-•sFletcher, A. Brooks, publisher Country World, r. 552 West Third.H it'1Fletcher, Fred, (Martha), carpenter, h. 51% Tower.% ib >mmFletcher, Louise E., student, r. 5 Lincoln.K 1=8Fletcher, Milton J., (Nettie), principal J. High School, h. 5 Lincoln.Fletcher, Minnie E., teacher, h. 552 West Third.Fletcher, Thomas, (Hattie), cement sidewalk contractor, h. 32 Union Ave.Fletcher, William H., (Mabel), mgr. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Teacher's Agency, h. 424EVERY Flickinger, Fife, I Winsor. HAVE Fort, DEALER Mrs., Lou, Marie, Joseph Mary Eugene, THE Mrs., h. M., STRICTLY student, E., HAS over (Selestia), domestic, r. (Arminta), 14 THE 106 r. Stowe. PURE 309 Harrison. r. roofer, "BEST" Price. 112 metal * Price. h. /*11~ erector, DA1MT 112 Price. h. * Talk 309 HARRY Price. '* ovor LYONS with me- 9 ^O

Clark Hardware Co., Roofing and Building Papersm wy U 184JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.iE Pl-iiiiJ-iitnrii-i R*-^»*» WITHOUT A PEER IN THE WORLD*„ inautauqua prew 0Fbeer. Both PhonedFliege.Edward H MC, (Julia), bookkeeper, h. over 8 Center.O 0)a N Flink, Gust, (Matilda), metalworker, h. 452 Buffalo.Flisher, Jared B., oil producer, h. 612 Prendergast Ave.t Flisher, Leonora V., student, r. 612 Prendergast Ave.m Flisher, see Fisher.JS Flodine, Charles, woodworker, bds. 14 Arnold..0«1Flodine, Emil, metalworker, bds. 14 Arnold.m Florida, B. Franklin, (Margaret M.), stationary engineer, h. 12 Stafford Ave.V•«Floss Palace Bowling Alleys, G. W. Filsinger, mgr., 211 Cherry.T3in60. Flower, A. Pearl, bookkeeper, r. 44 Bush.a Flower, James G., (Hattie M.), mason, h. 44 Bush.wM M Flower, Jay C, mattressmaker, r. 44 Bush.S

Gloves, Hosiery and Underwear • The A. D. SHARPE CO. >JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 185 SB1-1II I PIANO CH NO CONTESTS C/3UlUll * l-*"».l'Vr V/V/. N0 FAKE CERTIFICATES »HI. j ^Ford, Mary, widow George B., h. 857 Prendergast Ave.m-f*Ford, Robert D., tinner, r. 966 Washington.mm)iFord, William H„ (Lottie), painter, h. 972 Washington.^3Fordyce, R. H., (Anna), h. 43 Fairmount Ave.J?Forer, Charles B., clerk, r. over 633 East Second.C*_Forer, Ellsworth D., (Minnie), creamery, 39 South Main and 633 East Sec- K^ond, h. over 633 East Second.^Forer, Ethel, student, r. over 633 East Second.YPForest, Hubert, (Emma), loomfixer, h. 4 William.Fornell, Charles G., plumber, r. 252 Prospect.mfiFornell, Edna C, dressmaker, r. 252 Prospect.^^Fornell, Elizabeth, clerk, r. 252 Prospect.mtZFornell, G. George, textileworker, r. 252 Prospect.'"Fornell, John D., clerk, r. 252 Prospect.Fornell, L. Mary, bookkeeper, r. 252 Prospect.^^Fornell, Myrtle T., domestic, 617 Prendergast Ave. £JFornell, Nicholas, (Christian), watchman, h. 252 Prospect.0JFornell, S. Elizabeth, clerk, r. 252 Prospect.mtForness, Lottie, widow John, h. over 55 Water.gForsbeck, Erick, finisher, h. over 28 Derby. \iForsbeck, Hannah M., milliner, r. over 28 Derby. 0}Forsberg, Ada H., r. 265 Prospect.NJForsberg, Charles G., (Ida C), janitor, h. 27 Colfax.SForsberg, Harry T., student, r. 27 Colfax. 2Forsburg, Henry E., draughtsman, r. 9 Walnut.Forsburg, see Fosberg and Fosburg.Forse, Olaf, (Matilda), laborer, h. 216 Hopkins Ave.Forse, Sophia, twister, r. 216 Hopkins Ave.Forsey, Robert, boilermaker, bds. 132 Barrett Ave. "15Forsgren, Emil, casemaker, bds. 199 Barrett.SForsgren, Nels, office clerk, bds. 125 Stowe.pjForslin, Margaret, weaver, bds. over 115 Park.Forslof, Anna, dressmaker, bds. 7 Maple. >Forslund, Hulda V., domestic, 130 Lakeview Ave.wGFosberg, Ada, dressmaker, r. 102 McKinley Ave.o HFosberg, Charles, (Anna), clerk, h. 39 Stowe. § 2Fosberg, Gust, office clerk, r. 39 Stowe.^qFosberg, Harry, student, r. 39 Stowe.s"qjFosberg, Henry C, (Elizabeth), draftsman, h. 21 Stowe.§ Fosberg, Jennie, clerk, r. 39 Stowe.* pjFosberg, Mary, seamstress, r. 39 Stowe. ""Fosberg, Richard, (Mary), retired, r. 25 College.*•>Fosberg, V. Emil, (Beulah), metalworker, h. over 39 Stowe.OFosburg, Alma O. T., dressmaker, r. 9 Walnut. £3Fosburg, August, (Reka), carpenter, h. 9 Walnut. ©COLONIAL Fosha, Foster, Fosburg, Fossum, That will James Ellen, George Fern, Earl Francis Edwin, Henry Herbert see Gustaf Ruth Eric Fred, net R., crack Forsburg, laundress, Mrs., A., M., PORCH E. L., (Anna), M., carpenter, E., printer, K., N., S., (Emma r. (Nellie bds. architect, student, open (Minnie clerk, 358 milliner, Forsberg COLUMNS machine 60 r. up—alio South E.), R.), bds. 114 120 r. Harrison.E.), r. 9 finisher,h. r. switchman West over 530 East Walnut. Porch Main. 9 ofreman, woodworker, and Walnut. Allen. 314 harry Eighth. Second. Bahuten Fosberg. Lincoln. Erie h. 33% and 10 lyons h. R.R., Thayer. Eleventh. Rail 105 Charles. over g Institute 124 Lakin St. & Ave. Erie Ry. **•]« 1—*s m»m £* ^^ ^m Ci © ^ E ^tf*

i Clark Hardware Co., Roofing and Building Papers!2 186 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.4>I <strong>Chautauqua</strong> BrewIt's good for you and it's good loryour family. Both Phones 268 J! Foster, Henry, (Mary), textileworker, h. 40 Mechanic.5 Foster, Lillian M., widow Homer, h. 114 West Eighth.§ Foti, Antonio, laborer, bds. 44 Franklin..2 Foti, Francesco, laborer, h. 44 Franklin.5) Foti, Giuseppa, (Rosa), laborer, h. 1058 East Second.f. Foti, Giuseppa, laborer, bds. 44 Franklin.•jj Foti, Joseph, finisher, bds. over 298 East Second.•t Foti, Sebastiano, (Louise), laborer, h. 62 Harrison.--. Foti, Sebastiano, laborer, bds. 45 Franklin.uf Foti, Tom, laborer, bds. 44 Franklin.oFowler,Foti, seeGeorgeFooti.C, (Mary), shipping clerk, h. over 379 Foote Ave.ffi Fowler, James I., (Laura W.), attorney, 4 Arcade Bldg., h. 20 Mechanic.|p2sFouse,FOWLER,Ruth,J,boxworker,SAMUEL, (Velmar. 2 StearnsS.), attorney,Ave.16-17-18 Wellman Bldg., h. 304d, -a Clinton."g . Fox, Almon, (Hannah), teamster, h. 324 Steele.« «8) Fox, Antoinette, widow Oscar, h. 819 Spring.J2 (ji Fox, Cassius H., (Ella), commercial traveler, h. 91 Hallock.o . Fox, Emma, widow William ,1„ r. 216 Winsor.S § Fox, Ernest B., bricklayer, r. 36 Grant.« .S Fox, Essie C, student, r. 36 Grant._ ~^ Fox, Florence M., weaver, r. 216 Winsor.X. 3 Fox, Frederick G., toolmaker, r. 305 Falconer.« (2 Fox, George E., (Nellie S.l, shipping clerk, h. 46 Eleventh.•g „ Fox, Harry, (Helen), axworker, r. 68 Ellicott.m~ -o Fox, James H., (Annie), plumber, h. over 250 Hallock.t! 2 Fox, John, (Mary), boilermaker, rms. 905 Washington.2 6. Fox, John A., (Mary), brickmason, r. 505 Clinton.„ Fox, Leland F., student, r. 36 Grant..-t J2 Fox, Leone, r. 305 Falconer.£ jji Fox, Louis, (Selma), teamster, h. under 322 Steele.. c Fox, Maud W., weaver, r. 216 Winsor.$> -q Fox, Rena, stenographer, bds. 6 Broadhead Ave..12 „ Fox, Sarah, widow James H., h. over 249 South Main.S j2 Fox, Theodore C, (Lena M.), cigarmaker, h. 305 Falconer.•g « Fox, William R., (Mary A.), water plant inspector, h. 36 Grant.O "i g Foy, John, coachman, 101 East Fourth."« O Foy, Lucinda, widow William, r. 11 Kidder.'•o u Foy, Raymond A., (Hattie M.), woodworker, h. 306 South Main.J2 j Francis, George, r. 330 Crossman.Francisco, Harrison, hostler, bds. over 226 East Second.Frank, Alta U., h. over 57 Charles.Frank, Charles, (Marcia), saloon, 113 East Second, h. Celoron, N. Y.Frank, Duane, teamster, h. 239 Hazzard.^h Frank, Dwight D., (Esther), teamster, h. 383% South Main.L_| Frank, Elton J., meatcutter, r. over 225 West Third.jj,. Frank, Emmett A., (Cora G.), meats, 225 West Third, h. over do.mrf o prank, George S., (Frances C), retired, h. 213 Broadhead Ave.mm, S Frank, Glenn A., (Ora)—Eckstrom & Frank, and attorney—h. 13 OrchardUw Ave.Wg Frank, Henry, (Rose), clerk, h. 178 Barker.fe§ FRANK, JOHN J., (Sarah E.), real estate and loans, 7 Hall block, h. over

Women's Coats and Suits. The A. D. SHARPE CO.QH I L L P I A N O CO.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.187 toLOWEST PRICES QTQ,EASIEST TERMS -,Frankina, Jose, (Atonina), hnisher, h. 151 Foote Ave.m*>Frankina, Nicolo, polisher, bds. 151 Foote Ave.^Franklin, Benjamin, baker, bds. 310 Jefferson.J3Franklin, Charles O., carpenter, r. 27 Tenth. C/5Franklin, Edward S., (Katherine), driver, h. 842 Washington.'~" toFranklin, Elvira, basketmaker, r. 27 Tenth.m*lFranklin, Florence B., telephone operator, r. 842 Washington.oFranklin, Harriet, widow Oscar B., h. 27 Tenth.oFranklin, Herbert W., electrician, r. 842 Washington.Frankson, Axel, (Selma), tailor, rm. 4 Opera House block, h. 224 Forest Ave.Frankson, C. Albin, (Sophie A.), finisher,h. 130 Colfax.Frankson, Ernest, (Tillie), tailor, h. 15 Linwood Ave.Frankson, Gust, tailor, bds. 224 Forest Ave.x/i *r\Frankson, Signa, domestic, 37 Broadhead Ave.g OFrantsen, Hilma, cloth mender, r. 115 Camp.g- WFrantzen, Carl, E., (Mary), salesman, h. 219 McKinley Ave.•< oFrantzen, Eric, metalworker, bds. 24 Phillips.g GFrantzen, Franzen, Carl, Christine, (Ida), Mrs., grainer, r. 108 h. 11 Hedges Partridge. Ave.a 5? < OFrantzen, Franzen, Carl Peter, V., (Lena), (Selma)—Lawson laborer, h. over & Franzen—h. 219 McKinley over Ave. 311 Bowen. ^ n OFrantzen, Franzin, Hugo, Peter, carpenter, laborer, bds. 6 over South 17 Valley. Main.S o EC nFraser, Frantzen, Henry Thure, C, (Anna), mason and metalworker, plasterer, h. h. 820 24 Phillips. Prendergast Ave.3 S pq QFray, Bessie, Mrs. cloth picker, r. 542 Allen. {£• |£Fray, Clarence A., driver, r. 335 Foote Ave.°- CFray, Fritz, woodworker, bds. 314 Stowe. p c~Fray, John A., (Louisa R.)—Segerdahl &. Fray—h. 335 Foote Ave.VFray, Walter, woodworker, bds. 314 Stowe.Fray, see Frey.^Frazier, William, cabinetmaker, bds. 6 South Main.x HFREDERICK (THE) HOTEL—F. H. Kohmann, prop.—5 South Main. | 2Frederickson, Albert, (Hannah), carpenter, h. 77 Tower.« gFrederickson, Albertina, weaver, bds. rear 9 Grandin.g HFrederickson, Andrew, (Hilda), carpenter, h. over 187 Barrett. Frederickson, Emil, freight handler, r. over 106 Willard.Jg O gFrederickson, Hannah, weaver, r. over 656 Barrows.Frederickson, John, (Gustava), laborer, h. over 656 Barrows.Frederickson, Theodore, cabinetmaker, bds. 30% Institute.Fredlund, Bernhard, (Esther), saloon and pool, 124 East Second, h. 609English.Fredlund, Charles, woodworker, r. 52 Bemus.Fredlund, Charles A., (Ida S.), saloon, 124 East Second, h. 8 Colfax.Fredlund, John, (Hannah M.), cementworker, h. 52 Bemus.jc/)3.OFredrickson, Andrew, metalworker, bds. 7 Bowen.toFredrickson, Herman, metalworker, bds. 320 Bowen.Fredrickson, John, metalworker, bds. 34 Whitley Ave.r—'Fredrickson, Selma, domestic, r. 334 Crossman.QFredrickson, see Frederickson.mj*Fredsall, Charles E., (Nellie), finisher,h. 121 Stowe. wFreeberg, Claus, woodworker, r. 58 East Cowden Place. ,,-. For Freeberg, Freeburg, Windows Axel, Frank, C, metalworker, (Matilda), (Hannah), and Doors woodworker, deliveryman, r. 26 see Palmer. h. HARRY h. 29 over Sturges. 541 LYONS Allen. £?* ^-h *»- ^

mmtClark Hardware Co., Roofing and Building Paperswj»00 188 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.fm_-£ rUantanmia Rvaut QUENCHES TH1RST.ACTS AS A MILD5< V^IiaULaUC|Ua PrcW TONIC, INDUCES SLEEP. BothPhoneir Freeburg, Elmer, woodworker, r. 26 Palmer.O Freeburg & Fidler—George C. and A. Howard—architects, 302-303 FentonV Bldg.fl1 Freeburg, George C, (Amelia A.)—Freeburg & Fidler—h. 26 Ninth.rjjj Freeburg, Gust, (Anna), cabinetmaker, h. 32 Tenth..mm Freeburg, Oscar L., (Emma), carpenter, h. 26 Palmer.rj Freeburg, Raymond, cabinetmaker, r. 32 Tenth.f-m, Freeburg, Walter, rubber, r. 26 Palmer.Ckm\ Freeburg, see Friberg.O Freed, Bessie, telephone operator, bds. 50 Ninth.£ Freed, Edith, wool picker, bds. 50 Ninth., Freed, Emma, widow John, h. 50 Ninth.C Freed, Gust, (Mary), laborer, h. 252 Baker.rT^ Freed, John P., (Johana), carpenter, h. 504 Allen.{£j Freed, Joseph H., (Hulda), screenworker, h. 103 Willard.r^ Freed, Neil, (Edith), clerk, h. over 32S Foote Ave.W Freed, Oscar, metalworker, bds. 50 Ninth.(A Freeman, C. Edgar, r. 524 Lakeview Ave.*m>iFREEMAN, CHARLES E., (Luella D.J, paints, oils and glass, 17 WestSecond, h. 810 Washington.Freeman, Charles W., (Jennie), tinsmith, h. 608 Barrows.^» Freeman, Fred H., (Lilah), linotype operator, h. 87 Hazzard.+J Freeman, George E., (Elizabeth), machine hand, h. 87 Hazzard.5 Freeman, George W., (Dorothea M.)—<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Oxypathor Co.—h. R. F.3 D. 82.© Freeman, Harry, commercial traveler, rms. 309 West Third.V Freeman, Henry E., retired, h. 524 Lakeview Ave.mm Freeman, J. Deloros, (Grace),—The Hub Restaurant—h. 717 Cherry.mt Freeman & Phillips—Deloros and Ralph B.—restaurant, 8 West Third.m Freeman, Sybil J., r. 524 Lakeview Ave.m French, Archie L., (N. Roole), professional entertainer, h. 287 Broadhead5j Ave.^S French, Eugene, (Clara),—French & Peterson—h. over 251 Fairmount Ave.mm\ French, Fred L., (Mae E.), second hand goods, 31 Forest Ave., h. 103 do.gj French, Mattie, widow Milton C, h. 223 Allen.jj French, M. Lucina, widow Oscar F., h. 76 Water.rj French, Nellie, auditor N. Y. Telephone Co., rms. 318 Prendergast Ave.French & Peterson—Eugene and Henry T.—grocers, 103 Fairview Ave.%-\ French, Virtue B., office clerk, r. 154 Hall Ave.*— Fretts, Daniel H., (Mary E.), commercial traveler, h. 833 Prendergast Ave.100 Fretts, Gaylord G., commercial traveler, r. 833 Prendergast Ave.fm Fretwall, William,, printer, bds. over 117 English.•J3 Fretzi, James, (Josephine), laborer, h. 433 Allen.**^ Frew, Ann E. F., widow J. H., h. 11 Broadhead Ave.^ Frey, Charles F., (Frederika), stonemason, h. 419 Newland Ave.g Frey, Gottleib, (Sophie), shoerepairing, 619 North Main, h. 29 Tenth.4) *3 Frey, Gust, woodworker, bds. 47 Charles.^i wTh« Mutual Renefir I if» Premium receipts to Jan. 1,<strong>1911</strong> - - - - 9367,143,488.68IIIC Frey, Ulliuai James, DClieill (Helen), L11C machine RETURNED hand, TO h. POLICY over 840 HOLDERS East Second. and funds en hand ferS m.^ Frey, ftf John Npwarlr woodworker, N I r. 419 future Newland payment Ave. to policy holders - - - - 9427,763,180.20mm* Frey, Ul Leonard, newam, upholsterer, a. J. r. 419 Newland F s TREADWAY. Ave. District Agent_5? Frey, Rose, widow John H., h. over 10 East Third.PQ mm **- ^« S rmFriberg, Frey, see Johanna, see Alrick, John, Henry, Charles, Fred, Fray. Freeburg. electrician, (Thora woodworker, finisher, widow K.), O. finisher,h. r. rms. 38 Peter, r. bds. 817 Utica. over 8 h. Jefferson. Thayer. 117 838 Thayer. Utica. East Second.

idraperies, shades, The A. D. Sharpe Co. ZJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 189 *~i: f-rHIT T PIANO CC. Columbia grafonolas WT1111-/1^ 1 lrVLTIW V^V7. RECORDS AND SHEET MUSIC m%\Frick, Herbert, (Grace), electrician, h. over 310 Price. J*iFrick, Jahn, (Olive), janitor No. 7 school, h. 1091 East Second. , "Frick, Joseph L., (Helen)—Peterson & Frick—h. 617 Washington.Frick, Nels, (Hulda), milk peadler, h. 35 Morton.Friedman, Asher, (Goste) .men's clothing, 19-21 North Main,, h. 311 WestThird. 0)Friedman, Sebastian, (Amelia), variety store, cigars and tobacco, 708 North m*Main, h. 610 do. 53Frink, Walter P., (Addie J.), clerk, h. 929 East Second.mm}Fritz, Emma widow Carl A., h. 34 Whitley Ave.Fritz, John .woodworker, r. 34 Whitley Ave. -Fritz, Joseph, laborer, bds. 539 Crescent.WFrizzle, Ira A., (Margaret), retired, h. 18 Park.JJFrizzle, Ruby M., student, r. 18 Park.Froding, Emil, (Hannah)—Jamestown Iron Works Co.—h. 40 Chapin.Froding, Estelle, clerk, r. 40 Chapin.Froding, Paul, machinist, r. 40 Chapin.Frosgren, Ida, domestic, 1159 Prendergast Ave.Frykman, Andrew T., (Ruth E.), pastor Sw. Mission Church,h.102 Chandler.Fuller, Abner D., laborer, h. 126 Water.Fuller, Archie, dray and baggage transfer, 29 North Main, h. 1051 Wash- «"ington.COFuller & Coates—G. Perry and Cassius D.—wholesale fruit and produce, 5-7West Second.f~\ toFuller, Edna B., clerk, r. 120 Price.* JFuller, F. Earl, student, r. 636 Camp. ©Fuller, Frank A., (Julia E.), contractor and builder, h. 120 Price. * ©Fuller, Fred H., (Jennie), milkman, h. 636 Camp.Fuller, Frederick A., Jr., retired, rms. 18 East Fourth.^Fuller, G. Perry, (Grace), groceries, 210 Fairmount Ave., and Fuller & ^Coates, rms. 190 Fairmount Ave.JT*Fuller, Guy H„ (Margaret), commercial traveler, h. 117 East Fifth. em.Fuller, Jessie A., teacher, r. 41 College. - -Fuller, John E., (Vera), conductor J. St. Ry., h. 11 Geneva.Fuller, Lettie, r. 1051 Washington.Fuller, Lizzie A., widow Horace G., r. 1051 Washington.Fuller, Pearl R., Mrs., teacher, r. 35 Charles.Fuller, Robert H., milkman, r. 636 Camp.Fuller, William R., (Idabel), postman, h. 325 Crossman.Fullerton, Elizabeth E., widow William J., h. 103 Fairmount Ave.PFullerton, Sarah E., milliner, r. 403 Fairmount Ave.Fulton Market Co.—Truax. Carl, Earl and Lawrence Lovejoy—fish and ^^oysters. 19 East Third.ifOiFunk, Carolina, widow Henry, r. 328 Steele.toFunk, C. H.. saloon, 18 East Second, bds. 121 West Fourth.(**r«« FURLOW, Furman, Furniture Furlow, Fusco, 513 112 Joe. HEMLOCK Chadakoin Berton G. Laura Lillian Martin East Louis, see Index Commercial ALFRED Washington, (Rose), Firman. Third. C, A., H., L., (Jennie), Co., student, clerk, Bldg. (Belle laborer, L., Palmer Agency (Anna (Mary), r. clerk, C), r. h. 18 K. LUMBER metal 25 H.), 16 Bassett. Co., h. Shankland, h. Water.Price. 200 attorney, publishers 39 erector, West Whitley mgr., h. 6 Second. Red Hall 16 Ave. ,jrsISsR, magazine Price. Book, block, F. h. publishers B. 18 Field, Bassett. mgr., over *^ ft tt* JJ* nr «SJj- & 2 m^

II Clark Hardware Co., Contractors & Mill Suppliesgw .a & 190JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.03 : .1! <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew Low in I^JL?extractc,»s.m..2Gaetano, Maruso, laborer, bds. 36 Harrison.Gafvert, Gust, (Matilda), ironworker, h. 6 Twelfth.m- "E Gage, Anna, teacher, bds. 423 Lincoln.3 Gage, Arthur G., (Cynthia), groceries, 880 North Main, h. 878 do.ml Gage, Dana, r. 1031 North Main.-3 Gage, Earl W., (Alice E.), optometrist, h. 116 Broadhead Ave.C« GAGE FURNITURE CO.—O. L. Bloomquist, pres.; W. L. Snow, sec. treas.;«sA. I. Lawson, mgr.—13 East Third.C ' Gage, Irwin R., student, r. 828 North Main.(8 Gage, '\yilliam, (Josie J.), police, h. 828 North Main.S Gagliano, Peter, (Anna), laborer, h. 217 South Main.^ . Gagliano, Sam, (Josephine), machine hand, h. 217 South Main.B"? Gagliano, Tom, (Frances), metalworker, h. 217 South Main.J2q Gaitor, Benjamin, laborer, rms. 8 West Seventh.•3 co Galbraith, Eliza, widow George J., h. 152 Stowe.««S Galbraith, S. Marilla, weaver, r. 152 Stowe.°oa Galbraith, Thomas F., carpenter, r. 152 Stowe.mmt Galbraith, see Gilbraith."2-i Galette, Joseph, laborer, bds. 15 Scott.•5J2 Galivan, Cornelius, (Mary J.), retired, h. 25 Hall Ave.mt o Galivan, James C, metalworker, r. 124 Lakin Ave.—a | Galivan, James F., (Katherine), bartender, h. 124 Lakin Ave.^EC Galivan, Thomas, (Mary), cattlebuyer, h. 13 Livingston Ave.of Galivan, William, r. 13 Livingston Ave..S e Galivan, Thomas H., metalworker, r. 124 Lakin Ave.2 Gallagher, De Raymond, metalworker, r. 620 Jefferson.jja, Gallagher, John, teamster, rms. over 33 Harrison."fix Gallagher, Margaret, widow Thomas, h. 620 Jefferson.«o Gallagher, Myrtle I., bank clerk, r. 620 Jefferson.Qca Gallagher, Ruby L., clerk, r. 620 Jefferson.Galloway, Fred J„ (Emma), oil producer, h. 348 Crossman.^, Galloway, John, (Sarah), retired, h. 405 East Fifth.JJj Galoti, Tony, laborer, bds. over 25 Water.R Ganey, Elloy, stationary engineer, rms. 416 West Third.ft Ganey, E. R., rms. 20 New Gifford Bldg.^^ Ganner, Barbara, widow Jacob, r. 830 Cherry,S^ Gante, Adolph, (Anna), stationary engineer, h. 22 Genesee.ft Garber. Anna, widow Frank, seamstress, h. under 776 East Second.2 Garber, Tena L., student, r. 611 Prendergast Ave.W Gardiner, Aliep, milliner, r. 305 Sprague.%--) Gardiner, Charles S., (Emma), bartender, h. 305 Sprague.Gardiner. Walter, tracing clerk J. C. & L. E. R. R., l. 305 Sprague.^~\ Gardner, Benjamin H.. (Nancy)—Gardner & Gardner—h. 10 Summer Place.O Gardner, Emma, widow Richard T... r. 10 Hall Ave. lGardner & Gardner—Benj. H. & Wilson B.—grocers, 36 Falconer.— Gardner, Gertrude M.. stenographer, r. 21S Lincoln.M Gardner, Grace C, stenographer, r. 218 Lincoln.J> Gardner, Harry E., (Georgianna), postman, h. 21S Lincoln.^ Gardner, James A., (Lucy J.), mechanical engineer, h. 25 Liberty.ft* N«5 m^mir/\ fl\ 22 g ¥ Llie Garfield, Gardner. *C Gardner, \-mim-.---0mm-m\m-.m-A IAlice Omar Waller. Tela, nWilson S M., Uteacher, N., rR. student, B., (Ellen aR. n(Josephine)—Gardner Ctracing rms. e .1.), r. w. under Connecticut civil 307 clerk, J. West engineer, Bentley, 629 r. Sixth. Prendergast 305 General ft Gen. Sprague. 19 Gardner—h. Agt., Strong. Life Ave. 514Ch»dakoinBUgIns. 12 Co, Summer Hartford, Place.

Always buy your Dry Goods of The A. D. Sharpe Co. \T*>JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 191 mHill's Piano School ES\rD WGarfield, Benjamin E., (Martha A.), h. Ill West Eighth. OGarfield, Clyde M., (Bertha M.), driver, h. 71 Hazzard.m-*\Garfield, Earl, painter, bds. 6 South Main.r»»jGarfield, Eliakim, (Ella F.), police, h. 121 Wilson Ave.^jGarfield, Florence E., textileworker, r. 31 Elliott Ave. *^Garfield, Frank E., (Dora B.), carpenter, h. 31 Elliot Ave.Garfield, Glenn H., metalworker, r. 31 Elliot Ave. f-4Garfield, Harry E., (Ida F.), cigarmaker, h. 121 Wilson Ave. {*Garfield, Horace A., (Charlotte F.), chef, h. 224 Forest Ave.Jfc»Garfield, Joseph M., detailer, r. 20 McKinley Ave.J^7Garfield, Merl W., metalworker, r. 31 Elliot Ave.C^Garfield, Robert M., (Agnes T.), dist. sales mgr. Acme Coal Co., h. 313 West »-^Third.^-*Garfield, Tina, widow Fred, h. 307 West Sixth.MGarfield, William E., (Nettie)—Faultless Grocery—2 Brooklyn Square, h. 920 SNewland Ave.Jr5QGarfinkle, Hyman, laborer, rms. 100 Harrison.^JkGargon, Jennie, domestic, h. 959 Jefferson.^tGarlock, Dora, r. 9 Cleveland Place.Garner, Mildred, student, r. 255 South Main.Garner, Rose, widow Thomas, nurse, r. 255 South Main.„ ^Garnet, Bessie, Mrs., dressmaker, r. over 310 East Sixth. » g-Garrett, Clara, weaver, r. under 157 Barrows. K *?Garrett, Jane, Mrs., h. under 157 Barrows.»jjpGarrison, Louise, (Minnie), junk dealer, h. 108 Harrison. v ~\Garrison, Margaret, Mrs., r. 21 West Eighth.jji' g'Garrity, Agnes, seamstress, r. 639 East Sixth. » ?Garrity, Frances, trained nurse, r. 639 East Sixth.g- >tjGarrity, Patrick"H., (Bessie), asst. supt. Erie R. R. freight depot, h. over 131 o 5"Fulton. -\ *Gates, Anna E., widow Oscar S., h. 44 Broadhead Ave. w g*Gates, Isabella R., widow Joseph J., r. 415 West Fourth.« aGates, Ora O., (Bertha S.), commercial teacher J. Business College, h. 807 g. g,Prendergast Ave. £. ?Gathercole, Lora T., widow David W., h. 301 Lakeview Ave. .< 3'Gaunti, John, (Rose), metalworker, bds. over 37 Harrison. " t*Gaup, Hatgi, rms. 713 Cherry.Gay, Burton M., (Edith M.I—Peterson & Gay—h. 822 Washington.^Gay, Nettie M., widow William J., h. 13 West Seventh.J"£Gaynor, William H., (Minnie L.). motorman J. St. Ry., h. 91 Fairmount Ave. ***-,Geer, Adelaide M., r. 19 Euclid Ave. J5*Geer, Anna B., widow Emerson F,. h, 216 Winsor.(m,Geer, Clifton M., (Blanche L.l, commercial traveler, h. over 112 Hall Ave.Geer, Ida B., Mrs. h. 299 Falconer.J"*Geer, Lester C, (Mary), weaver, h. 218 Winsor.C^3Geer, Louise E., teacher, r. 19 Euclid Ave.^^Geer, Ruth E., mender, r. 218 Winsor.^CGelia, Anthony, (Mary), framemaker, h. 18 Institute.^pGelia, Carrie, spinner, r. 18 Institute.OQGelia, Thomas, student, r. 18 Institute.«~r-Gelm, John P., (Ellen A.), oil producer, h. 636 Prendergast Ave. (_-For Gentile, Gentiline, Gemaly, George, Red James Annie, Frank, Joseph, Edna Frederico Sali, Clara, Cedar E„ bds. J., H., Mrs., (Victoria), metalworker, r. agt. O., (Henrietta), 713 bookkeeper, and 46 domestic, Spirella (Sebastiana), Grant. Cherry. Cypress confectionery, bds. Corset h. cementworker, h. over 9215 laborer, Shingles Crescent.Co., 116 East 12 rms. East Willard, h. First. h. 415 110 600 Third. SEE East Harrison. h. Foote 53 LYONS Third. Winsor. Ave. i* J-t SB r-r- ^ *Zi J2. QO cb

ID«mm.-a+mwOSmm"3-a-ms„Clark Hardware Co.192 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.Fine Cutlery and Toolsg <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew is making friends every day oGiambra, John, oiler, r. 42o Allen.•us aGiambra, Nardo, (Rosa), machine hand, h. 400 Allen..5^h e« «2'2is

THE A. D. SHARPE CO. for Rugs and Carpets «JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.ST193 09"IHill's Piano School E S T S S . 3£Gilson, HOME Arta, PHONE student, 691-K r. under 182 South Main.Pi^t 3^Gilson, Gifford M., (Lettie), conductor J. St. Ry., h. over 176 Fairmount Ave.GLANTZ & JOHNSON ?Gilson, Florence, widow Arthur, clerk, h. under 183 South Main. -^Gilson, - MAKERS Leslie, OF -(Nettie), ^* h. under 847 Prendergast Ave.~gTGiltinan, BRONZE, David BRASS P.. AND (Isabelle), ALUMINUM clerk, CASTINGS h. over W5 1103 Prendergast AveWGime, Sarah, comber, r. over 429 Allen. 44 12 HARRISON STREET ^J j?Gisslen. Gust, baker, bds. 12 Stowe. " ft ^Gitler, MODERN George, HARDWOOD laborer, bds. 128 Water. FLOORS A-U I vons to ^|Glady, Charles, Ar» not to (Lily), expentive cook, •• h. rou over may 126 think Water.J *^**° ^ C^Glans, John A„ (Anna), night watch, h. 309 Willard."^"«Glantz, GLANTZ Glans, rison. John Anna, & Albin. JOHNSON—William widow machinist, Theodore, , r. h. 309 and over Willard. Hugo 19 East A.—brass Second. foundry, 44% Har- CD GO Cr _

fig Clark Hardware Co.&.£ 194JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.Fine Cutlery and Tools\\l <strong>Chautauqua</strong> BrewWithout ^t^lZsot be,rfiH*H Glantz, Walter, laborer, r. over 19 East Second.3imm\ Glantz, William, (Josephine)—Glantz & Johnson—h. 106 Charles.jqU Glaser, Florence, r. 18 Grant.(,§ Glaser, Lena, r. 18 Grant.,©2 Glatz, Albert, photo engraver, r. 600 Allen.^ Glatz, Amelia, weaver, r. 600 Allen.5" Glatz, Harry, clerk, r. 600 Allen.JS "3 § Glatz, Ida, widow John, h. 600 Allen.» Glatz, Lillian, weaver, r. 600 Allen.Glatz, Rosa, twister, r. 600 Allen.g Glatz, Sadie, domestic, 110 Lakeview Ave."•" g Gleason, Dallas M., (Josephine), drayman, h. 12 Kingsbury Ave.3} g Gleason, Grace, stenographer, bds. 833 North Main.SKX -m Gleason, Glezen, Alta, Mary teacher, E., r. 12 r. over Kingsbury 408 East Ave. Sixth.g0, Gledd, Glezen, Lawrence, Corris, widow cook, James bds. 52 E., Prospect. h. over 408 East Sixth.mG +,X Globe Glenn, Cabinet Paul, r. Co.—T. 12 West E. First. Linderholm, gen. mgr.—veneered desks and coun-HS9 o Glenn, ter Rebekah tops, 27 Taylor. E., widow John A., r. 408 Lincoln.GLOBE PHOTO CO.—B. D. Amsdell, prop.—over 309 North Main. Gokey, Goggin, Aldrick, Kathryn machinist, M., furnished r. 851 rooms, North 215 Main. West Second, h. doW e Gokey Building, 12-22 West Third.3,2 Gokey, C. Ruth, student, r. 114 Lakeview Ave.°-> GOKEY, GEORGE F., (Louisa M.), real estate, 28 Gokey Bldg., h. 536 East"S a Second.2 *j Gokey, Irene, r. 851 North Main.h '£, Gokey, Marvin C.—Wm. N. Gokey Shoe Co.—r. 114 Lakeview Ave.o£ Gokey, N. Webster, student, r. 536 East Second.^ Gokey, Sarah, widow Albert, seamstress, h. 851 North Main.Gokey, William N., (Hattie M,). pres. Wm. N. Gokey Shoe Co., h. 114 Lake-_; view Ave.g Gokey, William N., Jr., (Floss), sec.-treas. Wm. N. Gokey Shoe Co., h. 910** Prendergast Ave.nj Gokey, Wm. N., Shoe Co., (Inc.)—Wm. N. Gokey, pres.; Wm. N. Gokey, Jr.,r.i g sec.-treas.—wholesale mfrs., 516 East Sixth.ff ss Gold, Joseph, nightwatch, rms. over 11 East Second.Ii., S Gold, Joseph, stationary engineer, h. 862 Spring.ft w Gold, Joseph M., Jr., warpdresser, r. 862 Spring.r»J J. Gold, Samuel, (Hattie), painter and paperhanger, bds. over 122 East Third.H Gold, Theresa M., aristoworker, r. 862 Spring.fi S Golden, Elizabeth, bds. 28 Hazzard.Z Golden Furniture Co.—C. P. Carlson, pres.; C. E. Moller, sec.-treas.—mfrs.^1 bedroom furniture, Jones and Gifford Ave.. Golden, Mary, picker, rm. 5, Opera House Block.^1 j Golden, Mary, rms. 20 East Second.U < Golden, Robert L., (Emily M.), watchman, h. 63 Newton Ave.E"1 x Golding, John, r. 10 Steele.s> - Goldstein, Abraham, oil producer, rms. over 211 North Main.S» Goldstein, Benjamin, (Annettal, commercial traveler, h. 216 Crossman.S |a Goldstein, David M., commercial traveler, r. 216 Crossman.P Goldstein, Harry, draughtsman, r. 216 Crossman.>E 2 r** rj w : The Goldstein, tablished oldest Lena, agency. 1867. r. 216 The Crossman. BRADSHAW'S best of companies. PIONEER The largest INSURANCE experience. AGENCY. Es-

Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. THE A. D. SHARPE CO. g 3,

ttB*:cifl Clark Hardware Co. Stoves and Furnaceso c3 § 196 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.m*xn -mH riinni-AiiniiA DMAIil Possesses all the attributes . ol purity and flavor that artIs tnautauqim crew^u^»«£-rCOGoudy, Jennie, widow Samuel P.—Goudy's Bath Parlors—h. TO East Third.Goudy, John, (Anna), conductor J. St. Ry., r. over 20 East Tnird.3 2 Gould, Ardella O., widow Frank E., h. 86 Liberty.Gould, Everett N., (Florence E.), metalworker, h. 5 Cook Ave.D,*" Gould, Jane M., widow Calvin, r. 143 Allen.-CS Gould, Julia, widow William, dressmaker, h. 805 North Main.'>. Gowan, Elizabeth, widow James, h. 975 Washington.H73 Gowan, James, (Stella), fireman, h. 985 Washington.^"v Grace, Albert H., (Estella), woodworker, h. over 153% Chandler.C o, Grace, Frank, shipping clerk, r. 929 North Main.'S « Graff, Gladys A., r. 218 Fairmount Ave..S 8 Graff, Joseph W., (Grace), sporting goods, 15 East Third, h. 516 Lafayette.H M Graff, Linnie M., Mrs., music teacher, r. 218 Fairmount Ave.E Graff, Minnie, widow A. H., dressmaker, h. over 219 Spring.>(3 Grafstrom, Axel V., (Julia), physician, 212 West Second, h. do.C/5t3 Graham, Alonzo, (Lena), coachman, h. 204 Allen.< miQ£ g Graham, Charles E., (Mayme), clerk, h. 1254 Prendergast Ave.j_|:JS Graham, Mary J., widow James B., h. 507 Winsor.O v> Graham, Cora, telephone operator, r. 301 South Main.C „ Graham, Raymond, twister, r. 204 Allen.H £ Graham, Earl A., (Alice S.), shipping clerk, <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Towel Mills, h. 1096 Si Graham, S. Catherine, widow David, h. 519 Lakeview Ave.Ss •" Lincoln.H.9 Graham, Thomas A., (Matilda), foreman finisher, h. 301 South Main.Graham, Gladys, clerk, r. 204 Allen.^ Graham, W. Herbert, (Marie M.), dyer, h. 542 Lakeview Ave.j^f Granath, Andrew, (Emma), carpenter, h. 14 Hedges Ave.

Women's Coats and Suits THE A. D. SHARPE CO. '-0CJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 197 *jtoHII I P I A N O C H ORGANS AND OLD PIANOSEUMAtmt 1 1J-1.X1V/ VV/» TAKEN IN EXCHANGEGrasser, Frank, (Bessie), h. 65 Eleventh. ^TGraves, George L., piano tuner, h. over 208 East Second.xGraves, Lewis, driver, bds. 203 West Second. C*Graves, Mary E., widow Piatt millinery, 315 West Third, h. do.m*[Graves, Sarah A., widow Wells, r. 315 West Third.CrGraves, Sarah M., milliner, r. 315 West Third. "*Graves, see Greaves.Gray, Frederick E.—<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Oxypathor Co.—rms. 223 West Third. {"JGray, Harry P., (Agnes)—Gray & Waite—h. over 201 East Second. J^Gray, James, (Libbie), farmer, h. 409 Baker.toGray, Lillian M., r. over 201 East Second. *^Gray, Mary F., milliner, r. over 201 East Second.ftGray, Mead, (Augusta), drayman, rms. over 60 Harrison.mmGray, Sarah H., Mrs., r. 189 Forest Ave. j?Gray, Thomas G., (Alice), veneerworker, h. 89 Hazzard.GRAY & WAITE—Harry and Perris B— liquors, 21 East Third.Gray, William H., (Eva), gardener, h. Reynolds Place.ftGraziano, Jessie, Mrs., r. 36 Harrison.CrGraziano, Joseph, (Dominica), groceries and mfr. macroni, 36 Harrison, h.do. . ,Graziano, Jubi, (Philomena), laborer, h. 36 Harrison.^gGreaves, Albert, (Annie S.), twister, h. 227 Bowen.^Greaves, Benjamin, (Sophia), weaver, h. over 44 Bush.jj*Greaves, see Graves. ~^Grebel, August J., (Jennie), machinist, h. 14 Summit.CPGreeley, Jane L., physician, 111 East Fifth, h. do.jSTGreen, Andrew ,foreman brickmaker, bds. 19 Crescent.NagGreen, Arthur, metalworker, r. 280 Willard.qGreen, Augusta, Mrs., h. 280 Willard. ,£2Green, C. Adelbert, (Linnora), lineman, h. over 32 Regent.^a#Green, Charles C, wool buyer, h. 23 Falconer.Green, Clifford F— F. F. Green & Son—r. 43 Fairmount Ave.^^GREEN, EDWARD J., attorney, over 301 North Main, h. 32 Broadhead Ave. ^yGreen, Eleanor M., student, r. 216 Winsor.ftGREEN, ELEAZER, attorney, over 301 North Main, h. 32 Broadhead Ave. ^.Green, Ella, librarian, r. 32 Broadhead Ave.NjGreen, Fred, (Ethel), laborer, h. under 867 Spring.X_Green, Fred F., (Ruth W.)—F. F. Green & Son—h. 43 Fairmount Ave. ~Green, F. F. & Son—Fred F. and Clifford F— wholesale butter and eggs,304 Washington. QJGreen, Herbert, metalworker, r. 280 Willard.^Green, James Hawley, (Hattie S.), retired, h. 144 Fulton. 3Green, Louise, picker, r. over 210 East Second.ft^Green, Louise C, r. 23 Falconer.Green, Marion, (Myrtie), bricklayer, h. 109 Weeks.Green, Markland I., (Anna K.), baggageman, h. over 8 South Main. £^Green, Martha, student, bds. 6 Broadhead Ave. 5—Green, Minnie A., widow Orlando D., r. 17 Fifteenth.ftGreen, Minnie C, nurse, 610 Lakeview Ave.rmGreen, Minnie R., widow David, r. 61 Twelfth.gfGreen, Robert, (Catherine), h. 11 Park.wi&AWED Green, Greendahl, Greene, Greenhault, 152 Una see Chandler, Edward Elizabeth, Greene. Ernest HEMLOCK Charles, Green. B., teacher, C, h. W., housekeeper, (Mary (Myrtle), do. (Hilda)—Jamestown LUMBER r. A.), 109 woodworker, laborer, Weeks. 6 Broadhead in.wS.k^Ry. h. under Commission h. Ave. 114219 Water. Chandler. *< Co., and groceries, , r-*t ft ^aw \ NJ qj © J

CO2OClark HardwareSS <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew

THE A. D. SHARPE CO. for Carpets and Rugs gmnJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.199 f ,_,, : 3gHlf T PT A M O P O PIANOS, ORGANS AND § gIHLIW ,(Lola Read), V^W. commercial traveler, h. PLAYER 15 West PIANOS End. bSSO 2Griggs, Welshan, student, r. 15 West End.Grimes, Anna, widow John, h. 333 Fairmount Ave.prjGrimes, Anna J., city stenographer, 4 City Hall, r. 383 Fairmount Ave. * p*Grimes, Genevieve bookkeeper, r. 333Fairmount Ave. 3 p]Grimes, Gertrude, bookkeeper, r. 333Fairmount Ave.n rtGrimes, John, bookkeeper, r. 333 Fairmount Ave.x-^Grimes, Mary, teacher, r. 333 Fairmount Ave. © £0Grimes, Mary, h. 312 Lafayette.n JS[Grimes, Sadie C, bookkeeper, r. 333 Fairmount Ave.J3Grimscold, Robert, draftsman, h. over 6 Stearns Ave.• C5Grimshaw, Catherine, widow John, h. 9 Bishop.OGrimshaw, Joseph, (Nellie), steward, h. 707 East Second.Griswold, Daniel, pres. Union Lumber Co., h. 10 Prospect.nGriswold, Daniel, (Amanda), shipping clerk, h. over 22 Bush.WGriswold, Edward, (Victoria), metalworker, h. 842 Lafayette.g £jjGriswold, Harry T., vice pres. Union Lumber Co., r. 10 Prospect.m- XGriswold, Martha T., sec.-treas. Union Lumber Co., r. 10 Prospect. © g;Griswold, Walter E., (Isadore), h. 117 Chandler. »Grohn, Carl, woodworker, bds. 149 Jones & Gifford Ave. » £3Gron, Bertha M., teacher, r. over 217 Spring.• WGron, Caroline M., widow Fred A., h. over 217 Spring.s hGron, Eris A., (Edith L.), machinist, h. 25 Whitley Ave.n XGronberg, Betty, widow Christian, tailoress, h. over 26 Linden Ave. g «Gronberg, Ellen, bookkeeper, r. over 912 East Second.

a Clark H a r d w a r e Co. Stoves and Furnaces2 200 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.OUs <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew, Low in alcohol, rich in extract05© M Guinnan, John J., bricklayer, r. 39 Eighteenth.Guinnan, Mary T., student, r. 39 Eighteenth.9 t Guinnan, Guinnip, William Patrick S., O., editor locksmith, Evening under News, 110 West r. 39 Eighteenth.Second, rms. do.Gulino, John, (Josephine), barber, 9 South Main, h. 25 Steele.-0. m Gundberg, C. George, bronzeworker, bds. 238 McKinley Ave.Gundberg, Ernest K., metalworker, bds. over 15 Myrtle._ Gunderman, Charles, electrician, rms. 309 West Third.« 1 Gundstrom, John, (Esther), machine hand, h. 554% East Second.co ,g Gundstrom, see Grundstrom.-a " Gundy, James W., driver, h. over 117 West Third.e Guniardo, Carrie, bds. 792 East Second.S Gunn, Anna J., trained nurse, 207 Foote Ave.*e • Gunnarson, C. Albert, (Nellie), butcher, h. 148 Baker..5 Gunnarson, David, rubber, bds. 23 Center."2 j Gunnarson, David T., (Emma)—Gunnarson & Holm—h. 57 Charles.od m Gunnarson & Holm—T. D. and A. W.—gent's furnishings, 112 North Main.(S »» Gunnarson, Martin, (Esther M.), Bernhard Hardware Co., h. 1 Kipp.S Gunnell, Carl, finisher, r. 410 Stowe.>.*. Gunnell, Eric, (Vera), painter, h. 414 Stowe.J g Gunnell, Fred J., (Mabel M.), finisher,h. over 101 Colfax.> ^ Gunnell, Olof, (Amanda), metalworker, h. 410 Stowe.J j< Gunnill, Arvid B., (Margaret), finisher, r. over 112 East Third._> Gurney Ball Bearing Co.—A. W. Kettle, pres.-treas.; Benj. Nichols, vice-^•3 pres.; F. W. Gurney, sec.—16 Scott.*pv Gurney, Fred W., (Jessie), —Gurney Ball Bearing Co.—h. 1047 North Main.S o Gustafson, Adolph, screen door maker, r. 36 Derby.2*0! Gustafson, Adolph, (Gerda), carpenter, h. over 114 Wescott.H3 Gustafson, Albin, (Nannie S.), carpenter, h. 224 Prospect.-g% Gustafson, Alfred, (Minnie), retired, h. over 173 Barrett Ave.fi^ Gustafson, Alice, textileworker, r. 109 Sampson.^ Gustafson, Alice M., domestic, 20 Thirteenth.*? a Gustafson, Alma, domestic, 305 East Fourth.•'-> 2 Gustafson, Alvin N., (Nellie E.), metalworker, h. 115 Price.1- c Gustafson, Amanda, widow Victor, laundress, h, 76 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.(3 " Gustafson, Andrew R., (Clara), cabinetmaker, h. 131 Thayer._•* Gustafson, Anna, textileworker, rms. 117 Chandler.g-g Gustafson, Anna E., clerk, r. 824 Washington.4> g Gustafson, Annette, cook, 520 Spring.§ g, Gustafson, Annie, picker, r, 73 Barker.UJ© Gustafson, Archie E., (Alma J.), electrician, h. 3 Mt. Vernon Place.Gustafson, Arthur, draughtsman, r, 1007 North Main.Gustafson, Arvid, (Alida), plasterer, h. 150 Baker.a Gustafson, August (Anna), monuments, 1091 North Main, h. 1007 do.f ^ Gustafson, Augusta, widow Gustaf P., r. 69 Allen.^•^ Gustafson, Augusta, textileworker, r. 109 Sampson.j^ Gustafson, Axel, (Anna), painter, h. 116 Park.4> Gustafson, Axel F. S., (Sigrid A.)—J. Cigar Co.—h. 69 Allen.**~i Gustafson, Axel W., (Ida W.), wood finisher,h. 109 Francis.23 Gustafson, Carl, (Mary), steel casemaker, h. 912 East Second.2 Gustafson, Carl, (Marie), carpenter, h. 77 Barker.jmm Gustafson, Carl F., (Gertrude J.), metalworker, h. 23 Valley.E-4 Gustafson, C. August, (Charlotte C), metalworker, h. over 232 Barrett.§ p—i •|_J SS ^ f-) 5P g Largest Victrolas. Gustafson, stock 860. Charles, Charles, Victor S7B. B., A., G„ F., Records (Mary), sidewalk (Anna), 8100. (Emily), (Sagrid (Martha (Anna), 8180. in metalworker, builder, T.), the cabinetmaker, metalworker, G.), 8200 painter, City stonemason, bds. liUUlldll Prlfmfln'« h. h. 55 h. 14 824 h. Steele. h. 228 Whitley 115 Washington.146 h. Baker. William. 252 Falconer. I> M,i-;r Place. rlUML Barrows. CfflM lHUIC

The A. D. Sharpe Co. for Rugs and Carpets >JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 201 BEHIT T PIANO Cf% ENTIRE 6TH FLOOR C/3IlllilJ * lr*.l^VT VVi CHADAKOIN BUILDING •—3>Gustafson, Charles J., machinist, r. 106 Steele.tm-tGustafson, Charles J., (Selma), carpenter, h. 87 Benedict.h^hGustafson, Charles T., (Bertha M.), stenographer, h. 97 Buffalo.mm,Gustafson, Charles W., (Selma), laborer, h. 15 Strong.mr*\Gustafson, Charlotte, widow Charles, r. 115 Lincoln.—\Z\Gustafson, Claus, (Mary), veneerworker, h. 5 Earl Ave.^SGustafson, Claus V., (Hilma)., metalworker, h. 607 Allen. g.Gustafson, C. Ludwig, (Susie), finisher,h. 105 Wescott. rV3Gustafson, Conrad, metalworker, bds. 42 Sampson.-_Gustafson, David, bricklayer, bds. 89 Tower.\r^.Gustafson, Edith G., student, r. 146 Falconer.^~~\Gustafson, Edward, woodworker, r. 109 Sampson. 35Gustafson, Edwin E.—J. Cigar Co.—r. 67 Allen. "*Gustafson, Ellen, weaver, rms. 715 East Second.NNGustafson, Elof G., laborer, bds. 56 Tower.J3Gustafson, Elsa, domestic, bds. 23 Center.rmGustafson, Emil, cabinetmaker, bds. 131 Thayer. —.Gustafson, Emil, woodworker, r. 109 Sampson.&Gustafson, Emil A., polisher, r. 36 Derby.*~tGustafson, Eric V., (Marie M.), metalworker, h. over 40 Bush.ftGustafson, Esther laundress, r. 76 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.MGustafson, Gerald T., stenographer, r. 97 Buffalo.gGustafson, Esther, textileworker, r. 22 Eagle.JTGustafson, Gustaf, (Wendla), engineer, h. 494 Crescent. -Gustafson, Fillmore, textileworker, r. 109 Sampson. J?Gustafson, Gustaf, (Sarah), cigarmaker, h. 132% Foote Ave.^Gustafson, Frank, (Teckla), bronze finisher,h. 372 Willard. toGUSTAFSON, GUSTAF 0., (Augusta), gen. insurance, 3 New Gifford Bldg., m--tGustafson, Fritz, (Augusta), bricklayer, h. 254 Broadhead Ave. "*h. 32 Fairfield Ave. S HGeorge, laborer, bds. 909 Newland Ave. -^Gustafson, Henrik, Helmer, (Anna), carpenter, contractor bds. 22 Phillips. builder, h. over 605 English. g ^3 ©George, woodworker, r. 109 Sampson.'•Q Gustafson, Hilda, weaver, bds. over 554% East Second.srgGustafson, Hilda, textileworker, rms. 117 Chandler. g | «Gustafson, est Ave Hjalmar, (Augusta)—Lundquist, Gustafson & Moe—h. 253 For- " w* ~Gustafson, Hulda, Mrs., h. 36 Derby.^Ijp,Gustafson, Ida, r. 109 Sampson.nGustafson, Ida S., cook, 610 Lakeview Ave.QGustafson, Ingrid, domestic, 143 Allen.OGustafson, J. Emil, (Amy), finisher,h. 30 Stowe. WGustafson, Jennie, domestic, 102 Chandler. 3Gustafson, John, (Hilda), teamster, h. 292 Harrison.Gustafson, John, cabinetmaker, bds. 42 Chapin.Gustafson, John, (Mary), machine hand, h. 224 Bowen. ^,4Gustafson, John A., r. 620 Camp.Gustafson, John F., (Hilda)—Jamestown Cigar Co.—h. 67 Allen.^Gustafson, John W., woodworker, r. 109 Sampson. X,Gustafson, Julia, laundress, 207 Foote Ave.\tmm~Gustafson, Julia, r. 156 Allen.NJGustafson, Julius, metal polisher, bds. 116 Barrows.ftGustafson, Lillian, textileworker, r. 87 Benedict.MGustafson, Lillian, domestic, 409 East Fourth, r. 372 Willard.mmGustafson, Lydia, domestic, 519 Washington.m+*Gustafson, Matilda, widow Charles, h. 109 Sampson.^Gustafson, Monghild, cloth picker, r. 607 Allen. 00Gustafson, Nathaniel, woodworker, r. 73 Barker.Ready Roofing & Building Paper .JTSL*, 8-£-•

iiH202 S JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.S S* <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew "^^^ffLSU" Y0Ur ,amily0,egGustafson, Olga, student, r. 67 Allen.• £2 aCe0"S§•.&3 J•Sato. mtOBhifm.s u~sa E

Women's Coats and Suits - The A. D. Sharpe Co.(X,JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.203 J3Hill's Piano School ° ^ % £ L >GO,#09Hager, Robert, metalworker, r. 330 South Main.S3Hagg, Eddie E., (Elma G.), teamster, h. under 105 Francis.p*jHagg, Gust, teamster, bds. 29 Highland Ave.ff,Hagg, Oscar, cabinetmaker, r. 51 Benedict.*"JHaggart, Catherine, trained nurse, bds. 338 East Third.eHaggas, George Everett, civil engineer, r. 14 Franklin.Haggas, Grace, widow Richard, r. 32 Maple.Haggas, Martha, widow Leech, h. 14 Franklin.Haggblad, Maria, widow Andrew, h. 43 Benedict. g> m mmHagglund, August, (Matilda), finisher,h. over 54 Chapin. 5Hagglund, Haginbotham, Carl, David, machine (Susanna), hand, r. laborer, over 54 h. Chapin. 120 Crescent.B S.O§" g JJHaglin, Hagglund, Oscar, Carl metalworker, E., (Eva),metal bds. grainer, 12 William. h. 54 Benedict.m. RHagglund, Haglin, Siegfried, John A., casemaker, (Constance), bds. clerk, 51 Baker. h. 254 Forest Ave.3 P^Haglund, Albin, metalworker, r. 65 Newton Ave. a, c«Haglund, Alfred, (Alfreda), metalworker, h. 9 Camp. w gHaglund, Andrew E., (Nanny), press hand, h. over "926 Newland Ave. ~" ^Haglund, Charles G., (Ida)—United Meat Market—342 East Third, h. 61 Mc- ^ J5Kinley Ave.g MHaglund, Edward, metalworker, bds. 126 Sampson.g nHaglund, Edwin, mechanic, bds. 52 Hamilton.a, CHaglund, Edwin, metalworker, bds. 126 Sampson. £. r"Haglund, Ellen, spinner, r. 65 Newton Ave. j c;Haglund, Fred, (A. Emma), bench foreman, h. 15 Vega. •

J| Clark Hardware Co., Contractors & Mill Suppliesmm 204JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.0)m< <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew - - Always pure and diliciousCO Haigh, Matilda, widow Louis, h. 9 Axtel.|Zj Hainsworth, Arthur, printer, r. 624 Foote Ave.QJ Hainsworth, William, (Anna), loomfixer, h. 624 Foote Ave.© Hajdeer, Behcteesh, sander, rms. over 7 Taylor.J Halberg, Ernest G., finisher, r. 9 Webster.Halberg, Frank, driver, r. 65 Ellicott.fl) Halberg, Gust, (Hannah), h. 65 Ellicott.•+J Halberg, Hannah L., h. over 39 Charles.CCj Halberg, Henry C, rubber, v, 9 Webster.W Halberg, Jennie F., textileworker, r. 9 Webster.Halberg, Lena, widow Henry, h. 9 Webster.Halberg, see Hallberg and Hallburg.Hale, Alfred E., (Helen), quartermaster 13th Sep. Co. armory, h. 9 Sherman.Hale, Elton E., music teacher, bds. 9 Strong.Hale, Helena J., stenographer, r. 810 Spring.Hale, John W., (Eliza), elevatorman, h. 810 Spring.Hale, W. F., (Mary Ann), h. 115 Allen.Haley, William, photographer, rms. Y. M. C. A.Haliker, Lydia, Mrs., h. 103 East Sixth.Hall, Alfred E., (Elizabeth), sec. J. Worsted Mills, 139 Forest Ave.Hall, Ann Eliza, h. 128 Forest Ave.Hall, Arthur, (Marguerite), steel casemaker, h. 1041 North Main.Hall, August P., (Eva D.), carpenter, h. 5 Culver.Hall, Bessie, teacher, rms. 415 West Third.Hall, B. F., (Maude), finisher,h. 188 Falconer.Hall Bros.—H. H. and D. M.—barbers, 221 Cherry.Hall, Carroll M., student, r. 139 Forest Ave.z Hall, Clarabell, Mrs., bds. 125 Fairview Ave.Hall, Claude, finisher,bds. 586 East Second.Hall, Claude P., clerk, r. 237 Buffalo.Hall, Clayton L., (Delia), commercial traveler, h. 24 Center.Hall, Dan H., commercial traveler, rms. 309 West Third.Hall, Duncan M., (Augusta)—Hall Bros.—h. 231 Fulton.Hall, Earl R., farmer, r. 237 Buffalo.Hall, Earl T., (Lizzie E.), clerk, h. over 1014 Prendergast Ave.^i HALL, EDWARD L., (Charlotte P.), wholesale lumber, 406-408 ChadakoinQm Bldg., h. 202 Forest Ave.Jg Hall, Elliot C, (Tirzah S.t, pres. J. Worsted Mills, h. 127 Forest Ave.Sj Hall, Emma, typewriter, r. 360 Fairmount Ave.$•£ Hall, Esther E., teacher, r. 314 Lincoln.W Hall, Ethel M„ student, r. 24 Center.Hall, Frederick P., (Lucy M.), pres. and gen. mgr. Journal Printing Co., h.U 211 Lakeview Ave.Cj Hall, Frederick P., Jr., student, r. 211 Lakeview Ave.m-f Hall, George E. (Mary E.), veneerworker, h. 14 Palmer.Ij Hall, Gust, finisher,bds. 128 Water.W Hall, Harold, student, r. 513 Spring.t* Hall, Henri M., treas. and bus. mgr. The Journal, r. 211 Lakeview Ave.0£ Hall! Herbert H., (Martha L.), saloon, 61 Winsor, h. 226 Allen.O Hall, Herman P., sudent, r. 5 Culver.S Hall, Howard H.—Hall Bros.—rms. 517 Lafayette.wa W fV! !Tt C_) , p*" Z £jj XmJ TU» Hall,' Ihe 01 m.t rlUtUal M..+...I Joseph, John Irene Irwin M......L Newark, T., D„ P., A., A„ Donafit Deneill retired, (Nellie), bds. (Louise h. r. N n. 139 128 J. I 313 LUC I r. it* Forest M.), . mgr. Prendergast 103 RETURNED future Premium cabinetmaker, Broadhead towel Ave.payment receipt, mill, Ave. F. TO Ave. S. to Hunt POLICY TREADWAY, to policy h. Jan. 233 Rd. holder! HOLDERS 1, Barrett. h. <strong>1911</strong> 315 District - .... - East and - As«at a fund, $427,763,100.20Sixth. $367,143,488.59on hand for

Always Buy your Dry Goods of THE A. D. SHARPE CO. 2>JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 205 pmm— mm.Oil I PTAINin Cf\ LARGEST AND MOST gmimlimi llAllU VV/« CAREFULLY SELECTED STOCK §5Hall, Kittie L., Mrs. h. 513 Spring. ©Hall, Laura, domestic, 117 Chandler.N^sHall, Leonard F., (Kate P.), farmer, h. 237 Buffalo.^Hall, Leroy, (Bernice), labor, h. 520 Forest Ave. ^*Hall, Levant M., advertising mgr. The Journal, r. 211 Lakeview Ave. SjHall, Lottie, widow Leonard, r. 212 Lincoln.ggHall, Lydia M., dressmaker, r. 233 Barrett.}•£•Hall, Maria M., widow W. C. J., r. 139 Forest Ave. g*Hall, Martha E., widow Aaron, h. 186 forest Ave. """*Hall, Mary, widow John ,laundress ,r. over 1 East Sixth. 03Hall, Maude, widow James B., spinner, h. under 820 East Second.m*rHall, Morgan W., architect, r. 186 Forest Ave.^_Hall, Sarah L., widow Samuel, h. 304 Prendergast Ave.(x>Hall, Shirley M., student, r. 139 Forest Ave.Q3Hall, Stiles C, (Jessie M.)—Consolidated Development Co.—h. 112 Forest ViAve. ©Hall, Stuart A., (Harriet I.), printer, h. over 133 Lakeview Ave.mmHall, Thomas, (Helen), loomfixer, h. 147 Cole Ave. m-> .Hall, Tirzah H., r. 127 Forest Ave.J^Hall, Van W., (Laura M.), machinist, h. 18 Derby. (~,Hall, Vincent, student, r. 513 Spring.Hall, W. Herbert, bookkeeper, r. 226 Allen. *0Hall, Wilkinson, (Martha)—J. Towel Mill—h. 360 Fairmount Ave. J2.Hall, William, (Nora), polisher, h. 1041 North Main.nHall, Witton W., (Alba), asst. supt. Art Metal Constr. Co., h. 364 Fairmount

IS Clark Hardware Co. Stoves and Furnacesoxan 206JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.jl <strong>Chautauqua</strong> BrewALWAYL^>.lNUEuarow£rSz, Halsall, J. Lloyd, (Edith M.), prescription clerk, h. 316 West Fourth.O— Halsall, Margaret, r. 316 West Fourth.*•§ Halstedt, Axel, lumber handler, bds. over 928 East Second..5^, Halverson, Hilma, r. 416 West Sixth."5 taw Haman, Kate, dressmaker, r. 112 Lincoln.Haman, Mary widow Henry, h. 112 Lincoln.__ Hambleton, Alvin L., express driver, r. 54 McKinley Ave.3 Hambleton, Corrinne, student, r. 54 McKinley Ave.>J • Hambleton, George W., (Emma), machinist, h. 54 McKinley Ave.•m Hambleton, Gerald M., commercial traveler, r. 26 Columbia Ave.g Hambleton, Thomas ,(Maude), machinist, h. 123 Weeks.Hambleton, William M., (Alice L.), electrician, h. 26 Columbia Ave.gP • Hamerly, Clara aristoworker, r. 202 Sprague.•-\ Hamerly, Samuel H., carpenter, h. 202 Sprague.«8 Hamilton, Almon, (Sarah J.), mechanic, h. 124 Cook Ave..5 Hamilton, Clara L., music teacher, r. 124 Cook Ave.Si-j Hamilton, Elijah H., (Mildred), caretaker, h. 153 Prospect.J2io Hamilton, Leroy, carpenter, r. 309 Palmer.S§ Hamilton, Roy, (Mary), woodworker, h. 7 Hamilton._m,-m Hamilton, Samuel C, (Elinor M.), asst. sec. Empire Voting Machine Co.,O » h. 517 Pine.

•si The A. D. SHARPE CO. for Rugs and Carpetso or-xJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 2070aBEST TRAINING FOR TEACHERSxt Hill's Piano SchoolAND PUPILS+a> Hand, Maude L., teacher, r. 33 Maple.QQ Hand, Nellie R., teacher, r. 33 Maple.£4 Hand, Ralph L., student, r. 108 King.•pal Hand, Sarah J., widow Levi, h. 33 Maple.Cl Hand, William L., (Mettie E.)—Jamestown Cabinet Co.—h. 108 King.^^ Handron, Clair, r. over 34 South Main.^a) Handron, Harriet, r. over 34 South Main.0} Handron, J. A., (Flora), hotelkeeper, h. over 34 South Main.ft Handron, Paul, student, r. over 34 South Main.i^T Haner, Florence I. teacher, bds. 119 Fulton.•^ Hangen, John, h. over 117 East Second.r*** Hangen, Phillip F., (Myrtle M.), painter, h. 34 Eleventh.Hanlon, John, carpenter, rms. 62 Allen Sq.01 Hannon, Bryda M., picker, r. 132 Fairview Ave.faa| Hannon, Cora, waitress Rathskeller, r. do.Hannon, Harry, lineman, rms. over 122 West Third.ft Hannon, James, (Margaret), firemanJ. F. D., h. over 198 Fairmount Ave.ft Hannon, Margaret C, stenographer, r. 132 Fairview Ave.»*-* Hannon, Mary E., winder, r. 132 Fairview Ave.CW

S h Clark Hardware Co., Contractors & Mill SuppliesOT CO .y U 208 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.§5xo- : <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew ls """SlgBft.8"" DAY0.£ CMg

Gloves, Hosiery and Underwear - THE A. D. SHARPE CO. QJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 209 09N^HlLiLi XI AINU CO. SYSTEM ONLY J5(ftHarford, John H., (Ethel), machine hand, h. 430 Allen.Haritou, Harry, tailor, rm. 21 New Warner Block.hflHarkness, Brainard T., (Effie), blacksmith, h. 23 Allen.J* mHarkness, Harriett M., r. 23 Allen.3Harkness, Louis T., (Myrtle M.), supt. Empire Voting Machine Co., h. 25Newton Ave.IHarmon, Frank A., (Anna L.), woodcarver, h. 136 Wilson Ave.ftHarmon, Mable, chief clerk National <strong>Chautauqua</strong> County Bank, rms. 567 ft.East Second.^mHarmon, William C, bookkeeper, h. over 33 Fenton Place.ft 09Harnden, Augusta M., teacher, h. over 311 East Sixth.ft toHarnden, George, painter and paperhanger, r. 311 East Sixth. —Harnden, H. Mae, teacher, r. over 311 East Sixth.Harns, Frank E., (Lena A.), driver, h. 168% Chandler.__Harper, Charles W., (Mayme), prop. The Oak Cafe, h. 510 Monroe. ""Harper, Fred, r. 23 Broadhead Ave. ^.Harper, Lois, r. 23 Broadhead Ave.^JHarr, Charles H., hotel clerk, rms. 315 East Third.kapriHarrington, Alfred N., musician, h. 21 West Eighth.L'JHarrington, Alice I., widow Edward, dressmaker, h. 211 West Fifth. {*}Harrington, Berdena A., student, r. 211 West Fifth.fm.Harrington, Bridget, widow Daniel, r. 601 North Main.^a^Harrington, Catharine W., widow Andrew M., h. 311 West Fourth.JHHarrington, Charles, machine hand, rms. over 615 North Main.f/'Harrington, Daniel, machinist, rms. 3 East Sixth.j ^Harrington, Fannie, Mrs., h. over 117 East Second.^jHarrington, Gertrude, pianist J. High School, r. 311 West Fourth.TJHarrington, Isabel, musician, r. 311 West Fourth. ^>Harrington, John F., (Lavina El, bookkeeper, h. 24 West Eighth.JJJHarrington, Lucy L., widow Augustus, French dry cleaning, 30 Derby, h. do. ^QHarrington, Margaret, musician, r. 21 West Eighth.Harrington, Margaret L., Mrs., janitress, h. 66 Ellicott. -.-.Harrington,GEO. A. HARRISMildred R„ Mrs., chambermaid Y. M. C. A., h.ALFRED213 EastT.Third,HARRISnoHarrington, T. J., (Margaret), lunch counter clerk, rms. 210 West Fourth. ji.3 *1Harris, HARRIS Albert BROTHERSJ., (Eva), draughtsman, h. 715 Washington.Harris, Albertina, widow W. Wholesale Henry, h. and 839 Retail North Main.g2Harris, BAKERS A. Leigh, — ICE (Helen), CREAM asst. ticket agt. Erie R. R., h. 229 Prospect. Tfr.Harris,Home PhoneAlfred504T.,212(PearlPineN.)—HarrisStreet BellBros.—h.Phone 88-w121 Fulton.

=s§ Clark Hardware Co. Fine Cutlery and ToolsaJftS___-~& 210JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.OQ2| <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew is making friends every dayCH•E- Harris, Jessie, dishwasher, rms. 311 Pine.$2* Harris, John, (Sarah J.)—The John Harris Co.—h. 126 Wilson Ave.CVlH HARRIS, JOHN CO. (THE)—John and Charles A. Harris—mfrs. KlenzolaJ-io and cleaning products, 23 Whitley Ave.Vg0 :|\ THE JOHN HARRIS CO.JS31 Whitley Avenuec 3 Manufacturers of Soap SpecialtiesSoap Chips, Scouring Pastes and Oil SoapsMm,

CARPETS, CURTAINS, fL. k T\ C1-. .. C* E 2draperies, shades, l He A., u. dnairpe \mrO. O gJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 211 _, £>aj r1HTT T P T A N O f O Columbia grafonolas s 3ILLLjLj 1 lrUHV7 V^Vy. RECORDS AND SHEET MUSICP 58p, -oHartley, Joseph, twister, (Sarah), r. woolsorter, over 108 East h. over Third. 17 Weeks§" Hartley, Maria, widow " Joseph, . h. . 34 . Foote Ave. ._ „. . HHartley, Martha A., widow George, h. over 108 East ThirdHartley, Susan, Mrs., r. S55 Lafayette.Hartley, William A., dresser, r. over 108 East Third.Hartley, see Hutley.Hartman, Harry A., (Adelle), upholsterer, h. 213 Fulton.wMroHHartman, Nellie, rms. 12 East Fourth.2Hartnoll, A., r. 18% Prather Ave. . r> fHartquist, Arthur G., screenmaker, r. 124 Park.r\iHartquist, August, (Matilda), stonecutter, h. 124 Park.mmHartquist, Dora E., r. 124 Park.ftHartquist, Emil A., screenmaker, r. 124 Park.f^Hartquist, Eric L., police, r. 124 Park.{/jHartquist, Ernest R., textileworker, r. 124 Park. r+Harvey, A. Addison, (Bertha M.), clerk, h. 293 Livingston Ave. OHarvey, Archie, r. over 148 Foote Ave. *£Harvey, Austin A., (Blanche M.), supt. J. St. Ry., h. 1210 West Sixth. ^Harvey, Edna, clerk, r. 34 Hazzard.r-*Harvey, Emily A., widow Joseph, h. 34 Hazzard.mmmm\Harvey, Fidelia, Mrs., h. over 148 Foote Ave. L. .Harvey, George, night watch, bds. 6 South Main.ffO*Harvey, May. trained nurse, r. over 148 Foote Ave.*-T*Harwood, Elsie, winder, r. 4 Palmer.j—^Harwood, John W., (Annie), loomfixer, h. 4 Palmer.m-i.Harwood, Lillian, winder, r. 4 Palmer.XHarwood, see Hayward.fJQHaser, Emma, milliner, rms. 18 Gifford block, 6 East Third.©Haskell, Archie, (Anna O.), fireman, h. 129 Bush. £;Haskell, Archie R., clerk, r. 410% Washington.J3Haskell, Maynard. student, r. 410% Washington. Q .Hassing, Ludwig H.. (Albertina), metalworker, h. 833 Newland Ave ^^Hassing, Thyra A., stenographer, r. 833 Newland Ave.Hastings, Emerick O., (May), plasterer, h. 345 South Main.oHastings, Horace, clerk, r. 1201 Prendergast Ave.Hatch, Adda H., widow Delos W., h. over 500 East Fifth.CTs ^ aF R E D E. H A T C H , DruggistHatch, Charles A., (Melissa H.), painter, h. 65 Eleventh. ^Hatch, Cora A., canvasser, 10 r. EAST 65 Eleventh. THIRD STREETh^Hatch, Makes Dorrill a K.. specialty student, r. of 328 TRUSSES East Fourth. and SUPPORTERS |fHatch, Frank D., r. 315 Spring. mm. f*} «>HATCH, FRED E., (HelenaDifficultB.l. drugscasesandsolicitedstationery, 10 East Third, h. 328 C/3 8East Fourth.Hatch, Fred E„ Jr., student, r. 328 East Fourth.nHatch, George M.. (Marjorie), confectionery and ice cream, 174 Fairmount s,.Ave., h. 38 West Eighth.Hatch, Helen O., r. 328 East Fourth.Hatch, Matthew V., (Sylvia), r. 174 FairmountAve.g3!? oCOLONIAL PORCH COLUMNS harry lyons § £That will not crack or open up—also Porch Baluster, and Rail Institute St. & Erie Ry. $s-f3*

S3 Clark HardwareCo., Roofing and Building PapersSim >• Hawkins, Hazel, musician, r. 300 West Eighth.Hawkins, Margaret, widow Calvin, h. 300 West Eighth.Hawkins, T. Allen, (M. Annie), piano and voice teacher, h. 124 Barrett.Hawkins, William N., (Georgianna A.), chef, Everett hotel, h. 610 West3> Sixth.-£.5 Hawkinson, F. Elmer, (Annie M.), laborer, h. 117 Fairview Ave.(jj5? Hawkinson, Johanna, Mrs., h. 814 East Second.O u Hawkinson, Rena, clerk, r. 814 East Second.£2*3 Hawkinson, Sam, (Sarah), drawing boss, h. over 207 Allen.mmf S Hawkinson, Sanford C, (G. Allene), motorman J. St. Ry., h. 4 McDannell2 " Ave.H 1? Hawks, William O., (Mary), janitor First M. E. Church, h. over 20 Foote2j Ave.§•§ Haworth, John W., (Lydia K.), retired, h. Ill Mechanic.*» Haworth, Martha O., r. Ill Mechanic.•jj "3 Hawthorne, Manley K., (Anna W.), motorman J. St. Ry., h. 128 Stowe.2 « Haycook, Samuel, (Alice L.), shoemaker, h. 23 Peach.U g Hayes, Fred G., h. 108 Palmer.gw Hayes, James A., (Selma), police, h. 817 Washington.~\ Hayes, John, (Bessie), freight handler, h. 129 Fairview Ave.rj « Hayes, John, (Katherine), laborer, h. 1 East Seventh.m"ji Hayes, John N., (Joanna), telegraph operator, h. 509% West Sixth.Kmt Hayes, John W., (Ethel M.), driver, h. 10 Terrace Place.eW* Hayes, Mary, waitress, 15 South Main.mmHaynes, Charles K., (Georgiana), optometrist, 31-33 Wellman BIdgs., h. 333gj Crossman.r_^ Haynes, Glenn, student, r. 333 Crossman.Haynes, James B., bds. 110 Water.HAYNES, WALTER H., (Myrtie), Fairmount Grocery, h. 112 Cook Ave.> Haynes, William J., (Jennie M.I. piano polisher, h. 48 Eagle.u Haynes, Winifred, student, r. 333 Crossman.m* TllP Hayward, Mutual Benjamin Rpnpf it W., I ifp (Jeanette)—Hayward Premium receipts & to Son—h. Jan. 1,<strong>1911</strong> Ill East .... Eighth. $367,g^ mm Hayward llie 1'lUlUai Block, Deneill 115-121 Llie West RETURNED Third. TO POLICY HOLDERS and funds on hand for> n Hayward, f Nourarlr Charles N W., I (Sarah future A.), payment spindle to oollev carver, holders r. 59 Hotchkiss. - - - 8427,783,180.20CH Hayward, 01 IieWarK, Clyde, n. teamster, J. bds. 14 Stowe. f. s. TREADWAY, District Agent^» Hayward, HAYWARD Ave. Ed., Ella, Fred GROCERY clerk, Mrs., .laborer, laundress, r. CO.—Orin 12 r. 59 Schuyler. Hotchkiss. h. B. over and 205 W. East G.—groceries, Second. 627 Prendergast

Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. THE A. D. SHARPE CO. 2!OJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 213 *^CrHill'c Piann ^/l li r..-al A NATIONAL TRAINING ^mil » riallO OtllOOlschool for pianists *»i•aHayward, Harry, (Alice), clerk, h. over 878 North Main. -~~Hayward, James S., (Mollie)—Hayward & Son—h. 811 Prendergast Ave.Hayward, Lynn E., r. 63 South Main.Hayward, Maude, Mrs., seamstress, h. 81 Allen Sq.Hayward, Minnie, widow Earl, dressmaker, 36-37 over 119 North Main,h. do.Hayward, Orin B., (Alice G.)—Hayward Grocery Co.—h. 236 Fulton. 0)Hayward, P. Freeman, teamster, h. 59 Hotchkiss.Nat*HAYWARD & SON—Benjamin W. and James S.—flour, feed and seeds, 24 ftEast Third.fsf.Don't Forget the "Old and Reliable" g/ FEED AND SEED STORE g,All kinds of Field and Garden Seeds, also a full line of Poultry Supplies.Give us a call. Prices as cheap as the cheapest^^,East 3d & Pine Sts. HAYWARD & SON Both Phones £ftHayward, Sylvia A., Mrs., r. 63 South Main.Qf)Hayward, W. Gifford—Hayward Grocery Co.—r. 236 Fulton.QQHayward, William W., bartender, h. 613 Spring.Haywood, see Harwood._Hazeltine, Abner, attorney, over 19 East Third, h. 7 Allen.Hazeltine, Alton E.—Hazeltine & Hovey—h. Warren, Pa. ' ftHazeltine, Clara, teacher, bds. 507 Spring.HAZELTINE, EDWARD L., physician and surgeon, 2 E. Fourth, rms. .18 do.Home phone 899-b.; Bell phone 125-w. Office hours, 11 to 12 a. m.,and 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m.Hazeltine, Fanny, widow Henry M., h. 226 Winsor. M?3 ^jHazeltine, Frances, boxmaker, r. 503 Newland Ave.ftHazeltine, Gertrude, h. 36 Cross.^1Hazeltine & Hovey—Alton E. and Clarence L.—garbage disposal con- ^Stractors, 142-144 Steele.Hazeltine, Laban, (Gertrude J.), physician and surgeon, 2 East Fourth, h. M*s111 East Sixth. ftHazeltine, Ray T., (Mabel), R. R. mail clerk, h. 7 Allen.laaiHazeltine, W. Herman (Edith), woolsorter, h. 503 Newland Ave.*•*.Hazzard, Catherine, r. 7 Lincoln._. 3Hazzard, Walter S., (Catherine M.), supt. Prudential Ins. Co., h. 234 Fulton. WHeald, Edith, bookkeeper, r. 26 Maple. £2HEALD, JOHN, (Ada), plumbing, gas and steam fitting,211 East Third, h.26 Maple. 'Heald & Marsh—Thomas and Leo G.—plumbing, rear 211 East Second.Heald, Thomas, Jr., (Edna J.)—Heald & Marsh—h. over 44 Foote Ave.Healy, Lawrence, teamster, bds. 283% South Main.Healy, Leslie, (Grace), teamster, h. 6 Center.Hearst, Walter, hostler, bds. over 226 East Second.Heath, Charles, rms. 320 Allen.Heath, Frank H., (Blanche D.), laborer, h. 623 Spring.Heath, Mabel, piano teacher, r. 810 North Main. ©ftMrg\Heath, Wilson, (Grace), farmer, h. 812 North Main.r-X^Heath, Winifred J., (Gertrude), deliveryman, h. 811 Spring.^^HEATHCOTE, WALTER H., (Anna), Jamestown Cash and Credit store, h.MODERN Hector, Heck, 163 John, Axel, Are Chandler. Anna, not HARDWOOD laborer, dressmaker, se 812 expenaiva Newland bds. 344 as FLOORS r. you 812 Ave. Steele. may Newland think — Ask Ave. LvOllS u JTTA\-m CO p- _£ M ml

£ Clark Hardware Co., Roofing and Building Papers214 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.£ <strong>Chautauqua</strong> BrewWITHOUT A PEER IN THE WORLDOF BEER. Both Phones 268r . Hector, Carl, steelworker, r. 812 Newland Ave.i. Hector, John L., (Charlotte), carpenter, h. 812 Newland Ave.< H e d , Axel, (Elvira), machne hand, h. 150 Baker.Hed, Carl H., woodworker, r. 25% Whitley Ave.laa] Hed, Otto,- (Hulda), woodworker, h. 25% Whitley Ave.f, Hedane, Edwin, metalworker, bds. 620 West Seventh.rm—i Hedberg, Abel, bds. 210 Hopkins Ave.Hedberg, Hilding, bds. 210 Hopkins Ave.rm Hedberg, John A., (Anna), metalworker, h. 310 Stowe.y-* Hedges, Nettie K., Mrs., r. 28 Union Ave.Z Hedin, Andrew O., h. 496 Willard.^mi. Hedin, Arthur, cementworker, bds. 167 Chandler.r__m] Hedin, Charles G., (Ulrika), ironworker, h. 128 Thayer.*• " Hedin, Charles G., metalworker, h. 47 Tower.*l**f Hedin, Edward, metalworker, bds. 8 Hanley.W^^ Hedin, Ethelyn, r. 47 Tower.Hedin, G. Fred, (Ida), casemaker, h. 816 Newland Ave.Npl Hedin, Hjalmar, (Anna), machinist, h. 254 Prospect.>m-1 Hedin, John Oscar, laborer, r. 496 Willard.Hedin, Ruth, student, r. 47 Tower.f, Hedlund, Arlene, mender, r. 216 East First.m>m Hedlund, Charles, (Ida), machine hand, h. 105 McKinley Ave.^J Hedlund, Emma, widow Eric, laundress, h. 216 East First.W Hedlund, Helen A., mender, r. 216 East First.Hedman, David, painter, r. 117 Palmer.GfJ Hedman, Elsie, boxmaker, r. 117 Palmer.Hedman, Jennie, dressmaker, r. 117 Palmer., Hedman, John E., (Hulda), metalworker, h. 117 Palmer.ja^", Hedman, P. Gust, (Emma), laborer, h. 314 Stowe.O Hedman, William, metalworker, bds. 169 Barrett.Hedstrom, G. A., (Hulda), h. 900 East Second.^"^ Hedstrom, Gust, ironworker, bds. 248 Hopkins.I""* Hedstrom, Harry W., (Nanny R.), carver, h. over 45 Bush.~\ Hedstrom, Rudolph H., (Minnie), machine hand, h. over 154 Baker.P^ Heelas, George L., (Louise), mgr. Lakeview rose garden store, h. 714 Wash-|aLa| ington.r^ Hegeman, Elbert A., r. 818 Prendergast Ave.JJ5 - - Wf Hegeman, Elizabeth M., widow John, h. 818 Prendergast Ave.QSj Hegg, Andrew, h. 407 English.UHeggmark,_ Heintz, Joseph,Frederick,(Jennie),laborer,laborer,bds.h.22810Barrett.Seventeenth.>m ^ Heitmueller, Frederick H., office clerk, r. 830 Cherry.P£ »Heggstrom,Heitmueller,Charles,Lucy, widowlaborer,Henry,r. 1055dressmaker,North Main.h. 830 Cherry.Qmm D o Heggstrom, Helberg, Carl Nels, E., (Signa), (Anna), polisher, metalworker, h. 1055 h. 452 North Chandler. Main.Xv Heggstrom, see Hagstrom. :S5 Hegren, I IFF Knut, T1VCTTP (Gertrude), ANrF finisher,h. Connecticut 69 General <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Life Ins. Ave. Co., Hartford, Conn

Gloves, Hosiery and Underwear - The A. D. SHARPE CO. g80 p3JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.215 r _r Xhii i pi a no rn N0 contests s £5niLii-m I 1/-*.1TIVJ \s\J. NO FAKE CERTIFICATES § •

DO•01en Clark Hardware Co., Roofing and Building Papersr-B 216 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.© X Na«Oh X V* It's good tor you and it's good lor0. N s <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew your family. Both Phones 268s AH OO NHenry, John, (Anna), clerk, h. 26 Price.ca Henry, Signe C, r. 616 Pine.Henze, Martin H., (Clara), commercial traveler, h. over 212 Sturges.• •« ' Hepstrom, Anna, laundress, bds. 1 Metallic Ave.-a. Hepstrom, Elvira, laundress, bds. 1 Metallic Ave.« ,•mm • Herbein, John, (Martha E.), bandsawyer, h. 14 Fourteenth.CO Herby, Edwin J.—J. Herby & Sons—r. 35 Fairmount Ave.COo • Herby, F. Charles—J. Herby & Sons—r. 35 Fairmount Ave.cdCGHerby, John, (Mary)—J. Herby & Sons—h. 35 Fairmount Ave."O Herby, J. & Sons—John, Edwin and Charles—wagonmakers and repairers,s« . 610 West Seventh.**> Heridan, William C, (Minnie C), drayman, h. 311 Winsor.s Herman, John, shoe repairing, 107 Fairmount Ave., rms. 628 East Sixth."O vU es Herman, John, (Helga), grainer, h. 405 Foote Ave.O OB Herman, Oscar, metalworker, bds. 28 Ninth.CQ «Hermanson, Carl W., (Carin), machinist, h. 8 Axtel.£"8 Hermanson, Dorothy W., Mrs., h. 12i Chapin.!* ?• Hermanson, Ernest, clerk, bds. 33 Eleventh.•J « Hermanson, Ivar, (Alma), machinist, h. over 54 Eleventh.m* > Hermanson, Hjalmer r. 23 Derby.•41*?«.vo O Jj Eckman's Hildum, Hildu, Hilding, wood, Sister, Edward Caroline, Ingeborg, Clifton N. Music Y. r. N., 205 B., Mrs., cloth (Ina West (M. Store cloth picker, Ellen), M.), Fifth. picker, stenographic -SETS!E!rfKSTr. h. over 14 h. Crossman.524 over Allen. reporter 524 Allen. The Journal, h. Lake-

Women's Coats and Suits. The A. D. SHARPE CO. >JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 217 SBUII I ¥>I A Mffc fTl lowest prices tyaniLtLt rlALHVJ \,\J. EASIEST TERMS «-3HILE8, AUBREY D., (J. Winogene)—<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Confectionery Co., and mmm*real estate—518 Chadakoin Bldg., h. 228 Winsor.mmf*Hill, Adelle L., widow Daniel, h. 508 East Fifth.^sHill, Ann, widow Thomas, h. under 26 Maple.mmmHill, Annie F., stenographer, r. 115 King.m\mtHill, Anna L., Mrs., piano studio, over 110 East Third, bds. 116 East Fourth. ^17Hill, Anna L., modeste, rm. 39 New Gifford Bldg., h. do.Hill & Aylesworth—Jennie and Flora—home baking, 707 North Main.Hill, Charles F., carpenter, r. 115 King.Hill, Earl H., pres. Hill Piano Co., and director of Hill's piano school, rms.405 West Third. XmHill, Edwin S., (Eliza), scrap cutter, h. Todd and Hunt Rd. ^ 5Hill, James M., Metalworker, h. 32 Fifteenth. "*Hill, Jennie N., Mrs.—Hill & Aylesworth—h. 835 North Main.^^Hill, John, woodworker, bds. 144 Euclid Ave.E1^Hill, Maud, r. 32 Fifteenth. 9HILL PIANO CO., (INC).—Earl H. Hill, pres.-treas.—sixth floor Chadakoin GOBldg.ftHILL'S PIANO SCHOOL, Earl H. Hill, director, sixth floorChadakoin Bldg. XHill, William C, (Helga), leather cutter, h. 21 Park. 3Hill, see Hills.VHillard, Laphram, (Mertie), h. over 108 Fairmount Ave.ftHillburg, Eric, painter, bds. 37% Cross.ftHiller, Bartie R., (Julia), agt. American Express Co., h. 913 East Second. ftHiller, Laford, (Mertie A.), h. over 104 Fairmount Ave.Hiller, Matilda, widow Andras, h. 319 Allen.Hiller, Nicholas U., (Jennie), carpenter, h. 216 West Seventh.Hillhouse, Mary H., Mrs., nurse, 315 West Fifth.Hills, Arthur E., (Julia), metalworker, h. 514 East Eighth. 2Hills, J. Lawrence, (Edith), asst. supt. J. St. Ry., h. 9 Van Buren.pQHills, Leonard V., (Nellie E.), carpenter, h. 170% Barrett.PJHills, Mary Ann, widow Henry G., r. over 514 East Eighth.Hills, Rhoda, widow George E., h. 195 Cole Ave. >Hills, see Hill. SB 2Hillstrom, Carl, laborer, bds. 780 East Second. | 2Hillstrom, David A., (Clara), sec.-treas. Crown Metal Constr. Co., h. 116% g gBarrett. *o ©Hillstrom, May A., student, r. 6 Forest Park.g*tSHilton, Annie S., teacher, rms. 118 Crescent.g pHimebaugh Bros.—J. M., L. B. and G. M.—mfrs. dining room furniture, 488 MPJHallock. w*Himebaugh, Clyde, (Mary), motorman J. St. Ry., h. 34 Hazzard. r>Himebaugh, George C, (Martha E.), machine hand, h. 212 Bowen. £Himebaugh, George M — Himebaugh Bros.—r. 13 Fairmount Ave.gHimebaugh, Joseph M., (Anna B.)—Himebaugh Bros.—h. 13 Fairmount Ave. gForHimebaugh,Himes, Ijinds, Hines, Himebaugh, Rind, Hindle, B3nd, Hinman, Hintze, Alice, Asa, Walter Anna, Richard, Windows Michael, Harry, Catherine, Carl, Ernest Alice, F. (Rose Henry,LeonLyle r. tailor, waitress, M„ (Lottie), 953 P., widow laborer, (Nora), B., A.),M.,commercial widow (Emily), East (Rebecca bds. (Helen(Francisprop. and Millard, r. laborer, teamster, r. Second. 601 Gideon, 15 over East clerk, C.)—Himebaugh South A.), West Doors traveler,E.),h. 227 h. Jamestown carpet harnessmaker, 715 h. Main.solicitor,over Seventh. 116 1343 South East r. 227 weaving, see Barrett. over East Second. Main. House, Southh.Bros.—h. 227 Second.18HARRY 309Partridge.Main. South 13 953 Palmer, Sherman. over East Main. LYONS 520 Second, h. West do.Fifth. £* do. ffa kssai *ja Qfj ^^ ©55P£ 2 mj

i Clark H a r d w a r e Co. Stoves and Furnaces2 218 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.M .C| <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew - Always Pure and DeliciousS Hioglin, Astrid, apprentice milliner, bds. 6 Orchard.* Hirschauer, Herman, (Adeline), retired, h. 614 Pine.§ Hirst, Herbert, (Clara), steam fitter,h. over 204 Allen.~ Histed, Ives J., (Ruth), freight agt. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Traction Co., h. over 35to Eleventh.£ Hitchcock, Albert, (Agnes), retired, h. 401 Palmer.•g HITCHCOCK, ARTHUR H., attorney, over 9 West Third, r. 557 East Second.g Hitchcock, Bessie M., stenographer, bds. 17 Cross.•^ HITCHCOCK, HORACE, (Martha R.), real estate and loans, over 9 West•g Third, h. 557 East Second.o Hitchcock, Leon C, (Cora), stenographer, h. 14 Genesee.rj Hitchcock, Walter, (Isabel), watchman, h. 117 Euclid Ave.Hitchner, Harriet, widow John, r. 143 Harrison.| Hitchner, John H., (Maude), telephone lineman, h. 117 Camp.u a Hitcome, Clarence, motorman J. St. Ry., bds. 203 West Second.t ^ Hjalm, Andrew E., (Alma D.), metalworker, h. 341 Falconer.•o Hjalmarson, John G., (Hilma F.), toolmaker, h. over 141 Superior.% $ Hjelm, Evert, (Augusta), metalworker, h. 356 Stowe.42 3 Hjerpe, Carl F., (Anna), wood carver, h. 119 Palmer.g Hjert, Anna, Mrs., millinery, 148 Foote Ave., r. 145 do..a c Hjert, Charles A., (Hulda), electrician, h. 204 Palmer.H J Hjert, Frank E., (Anna), machine hand, h. 7 Maple.0. J Hjertquist, Charles A., (Clara A.), bench boss, h. 37 Sturges.j2 .. Hjertquist, Charles M., (Anna M.), h. 211 Hazzard.~ « Hjertquist, Dora, weaver, r. 21.1 Hazzard.> £•" Hjertquist, Ella, r. 211 Hazzard.. ,2 Hjertquist, Julia, weaver, r. 211 Hazzard.•£ g Hjertquist, Oscar H., (Mina), finisher, h. 634, East Second.2 g_ Hjertquist, Roy L., weaver, r. 211 Hazzard.1/3 Hjertquist, Verne, metalworker, bds. 38 Sampson.J2 « Hjorth, Arthur W„ (Amy)—Wm. Hjorth & Co.—h. 410 East Fifth.'5 X Hjorth, William, (Clara)—Wm. Hjorth & Co.—h. 175 Forest Ave.f c Hjorth, William & Co.—Wm. Hjorth, A. W. Hjorth and R. M. Taylor—mfrs.u = wrenches, pliers and hardware specialties, 28 Taylor.8 m Hjorth, see Horth.S « Hoadley, Herman C, (Elizabeth), night clerk Erie R. R. freight station, h.•a '« Hoard, 311 Mary Lincoln. S., widow Lorenzo B., h. 105 West Fifth.rt t Hoard, Hoadley, Sarah Lewis, C, r. (Lillian), 105 West metal Fifth. pressman, h. 37 Sampson.*Zm "«i o Hoard, Hobbs, Hoag, Elizabeth, William Charles F., ,(Lydia widow rms. B.), Connecticut William, blacksmith, r. Ave 29 Price. 10 Harrison, h. 7 Forest Park.;g2«j3Hoag,Hobbs,May,Estella,r. 710Mrs.,Washington.h. 7 Pyre.CJ rt m it Hobson, Hoag, Seneca, Bert, fireman (Mary), J. driver, C. & L. h. E. 710 R. Washington,R., rms. 024 West Seventh.WasJHockenbery,Hoard, ClaudeLauraS., blacksmith,E., bds. 169i.Chandler.930 North Main.Oh •\% Hockett, Hoard, Frank, Fred, (Edith), r. Fairmount teamster, Ave., h. bey. 9 Briggs. limits.C/2 O § Hoard, Hockett, John John, L., student, commercial r. Fairmount traveler, Ave., r. 105 bey. West limits. Fifth.O, ^Hoard,Hockett,LunaJosephP., billingC, plumber,clerk,r.r.Fairmount105 West. Fifth.Ave., bey. limits.5 a Hockett, L. Eric, (Clara), commercial traveler, h. Fairmount Ave. bey.^ J limits.§ Hodges, Ralph, (Catherine), contracting carpenter, h. 401 Palmer.O Hodges, William D., (Minnie B.), carpenter, h. 391 Fairmount Ave.H ' '—

Always Buy your Dry Goods of THE A. D. SHARPE CO.OJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.219 toHILL P I A N O Tft ENTIRE 6TH FLOORIM.M.MUMU A M.*%.L-[\J \zVf. CHADAKOIN BUILDINGHodgkinson, Joseph, (Matilda), h. 463 Willard. ^Hodgson, Edith, stenographer, r. 134 Allen.r-JHodgson, Elizabeth J., professional nurse, r. 134 Allen. >Z3Hoeger, Charles, baker, bds. 310 Jefferson.C/JHotter, William M., (Fanny Ross), h. 303 West Third. £?"»Hoffman, Anthony I., (Barbara), butcher, h. over 120 East Third. [mHofgren, Lydia, Mrs., h. 154 Barrows.Hofsted, Anna E., bookkeeper, r. 17 West Seventh.^"\Hofsted, Peter A., (Lottie C.), lumberworker, h. 17 West Seventh. \*~Hogan, Mary, domestic, 527 Lakeview Ave.^Hogan, M. E., r. 953 East Second.Hogg, Alfred, (Elizabeth), dyer, bds. over 208 East Second.Hogle, Francis M., (Nellie N.), mgr. Jamestown Oil Co., h. 1145 Prend. Ave. w ijHogleen, Ovitt, metalworker, bds. 52 Prospect.a OHoglin, Arvid, finisher,bds. over 1021 East Second. g- •*Hoglund, Edla, domestic, 353 East Fourth. "< ©Hohn, John, (Segrid), laborer, h. over 202 McKinley Ave.£ SHokam, Norman, carpenter, bds. 1070 East Second.5r QHoldridge, Hokanson, Earle, Minnie ornamenter, A., asst. supt. bds. W. over C. A. 1023 Hospital, East Second. 207 Foote Ave. •o d. t-1Hoke, Holdsworth, Delia, Beatrice, weaver, rms. seamstress, 17 Warner r. 7 Blk. Ahrens Ave.9 o ^ GHoldsworth, Hokenson, Edward, Emma, (Corlina), widow Walter, carpenter, h. 49 h. Harrison. over 201 Falconer. ,g 73Holdsworth, Hokonson, Henry Harry, J., cabinetmaker, (Elizabeth), painter, r. 49 Harrison. r. 307 South Main. 2: Hollenbeck, Addison E„ (Abbie M.), h. 529 East Fifth.OHollenbeck, Delia, widow Daniel, r. 108 Crescent.toHollenbeck, George L., (Minnie B.), creameryworker, h. 105 Kidder.Hollenbeck, Helen E., widow Martin M., r. 134 Fulton.h^Hollenbeck, Iva B., teacher, r. 108 Crescent.Hollenbeck, Jacob S., (Nancy), farmer, h. 1208 West Sixth.m^.Hollenbeck, Jerome S., (Alice), motorman J. St. Ry., r. 1208 West Sixth. ^^Hollenbeck, Lucy, widow Washington, r. 807 Spring.^^EVERY HOLLENBECK, DEALER WAYNE HAS THE M., "BEST" (Anna D May), A | supt. M T N. Talk Y. it Telephone over with plant me. *^m 4*-1 dept., HAVE 306-312 THE STRICTLY Chadakoin PURE Bldg., h. * 213 AU West Fifth. * HARRY LYONS S3* ^~iHollings, James, (Louisa), metalworker, h. 409 Hazeltine Ave.

mitteClark Hardware Co., Contractors & Mill Snppliesmm 220 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.§ <strong>Chautauqua</strong> BrewQuenches thirst, acts as a mild tonic, inducessleep Both phones 268Hollings, John, (Ellen), grocer, 59 Harrison, 'h. do.Hollings, John W., (Betty), textileworker, h. 222 King.Hollings, John W., weaver, r. 409 Hazeltine Ave.U Hollings, Lillian, weaver, r. 409 Hazeltine Ave.rm Hollings, Lizzie, textileworker, r. 222 King.mm* Hollister, Florence, student, r. 304 Hallock.rja Hollister, Jay B., (Olive), commercial traveler, h. 304 Hallock.frm Hollister, Laurella, teacher, r. 304 Hallock.O-m Hollister, Marion, student, r. 304 Hallock.O Hollister, Myrtle, Mrs., cook, h. 24 Terrace PL35 Hollister, Norman A., student, r. 304 Hallock.- Holly, Belinda A., widow William, h. 93 Barker.C Holly, William, motorman J. St. Ry., rms. over 215 North Main.pj Holm, Alfred, metalworker, r. 75 Barrett.r_^ Holm, August A., (Augusta), veneerworker, h. 505 Camp.V3 Holm, A. William, (Sigrid)—Gunnarson & Holm—h. 515 Camp.6j3 Holm, Charles, (Hattie), woodworker, h. 242 Crescent.Qm Holm, Esther, clerk, r. 505 Camp.^m P. Holm, Gust, metalworker, rms. over 11 East Second.P i Holm, Jennie, domestic, Rathskeller, r. do.O Holm, Lydia, clerk, r. 505 Camp.»*» HOLM, RALPH C. G., (Bessie M.), news room, cigars and tobacco, 630 EastSecond, h. over 632 do.Holm, Reuben E., metalworker, r. 242 Crescent.Holm, see Holmes.Holman, C. Henry, retired, h. 220 Barrett.Holman, Frank H., (Annie M.), paperhanger, r. 220 Barrett.£j Holman, Orrin, (Augusta), cement walk builder, h. under 900 East Second.•J Holmbeck, Gottfried, (Selma), woodworker, h. 19 Pearl Ave.5* Holmberg, Allen, laborer, bds. 275 Willard.mj Holmberg, Anna E., weaver, r. 20 Crown.m Holmberg, Axel F., plater, r. 20 Crown.•W Holmberg, Carl L., toolmaker, r. 20 Crown.P Holmberg, Edith, student, r. 250 Bowen.C0 Holmberg, Elim, (Marina)—C. W. Swanson & Co.—h. 89 Prather Ave.Jm\ Holmber, Eric O., (Hulda), woodworker, h. 140 Stowe.'mi Holmberg, Ernest, clerk, r. 250 Bowen.— Holmberg, Ferdinand, (Anna C), shoemaker, h. 20 Crown.mm Holmberg, Gust—C. W. Swanson & Co., and cabinetmaker—h. 710 Foote,mi Ave.'Ot 4> Holmberg, John A., (Selma), drayman, h. 250 Bowen.C Holmberg, Mertie L. M., r. 710 Foote Ave.*P Holmberg, Ruth E., weaver, r. 20 Crown.ij Holmberg, Signa, boxmaker, r. 250 Bowen.^, Holmberg, Victor, (Louisa), laborer, h. 605 English.g Holmburg, Clara, Mrs., h. 266 Falconer.\~\ Holmburg, Emil C, toolmaker, r. 266 Falconer.^i Holmburg, Ethel C, textileworker, r. ^66 Falconer.mm Holmburg, John, carpenter, bds. over 212 East Second.Holmes, Albert, rubber, r. 612 Murray Ave.Holmes, Olof C, rubber, r. 225 Hazzard.Holmes, Andrew C, (Julia), commercial traveler, h. 825 Prendergast Ave.PQ W*** -> "•© fi Cg **• P m\ V TL> lite Holmes, HOLMES 01 ~f flags M..+iia1 MUtUal M.,U..L Newark, Benjamin Arthur, Carl, and AWNING Rnnafit Deneill furniture, hammocks, W., n. N R., J. packer, I Llie WORKS—M. ifa. (Emily), r. 228112-114 future RETURNED 612 Premium r. East 34 Murray dyer, payment Derby. Second, East receipts C. F. TO h. and Ave. a. Third. to POLICY 13 TREADWAY. bds. to policy Mt. H. Jan. 49 S. HOLDERS Vernon holders 1,1811 Liberty. Holmes—awnings, District -.... Place. and - - funds Afsnt - 1367,143,488.898427,783,180.20on hand tents, for

Always buy your Dry Goods of The A. D. Sharpe Co. WtoJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 221 9Hill's Piano School %p2X^snmi0B ?, ftHolmes, Carl P., (Sophia M.), rubber, rms. 141 Chandler. *SHolmes, Catherine L., artist, r. 825 Prendergast Ave.ChHolmes, Earl R., woodcarver, r. 60 Chapin.Jj*Holmes, Emil L., (Bernice G.), mgr. Crown Metal Constr. Co., h. 20 Terrace SPlace. 2Holmes, Emily W., teacher, r. 825 Prendergast Ave.^2Holmes, Frank, upholsterer, r. 612 Murray Ave.^3Holmes, Frank, (Hulda E.), finisher,h. over 441 Winsor.Holmes, Fred C., (Anna), woodworker, h. 612 Murray Ave.^^Holmes, Glen, laborer, rms. 25 Warner Bldg.^yHolmes, Grace, weaver, r. 37 Center.ftHolmes, Hazel, r. 199 Fairmount Ave.^m.Holmes, Henry S.—Holmes Awning Works—r. 135 Lakeview Ave.ftHolmes, Herman, (Louise), retired, h. 210 Baker.JiHolmes, Ida, domestic, 316 East Fourth. ~^Holmes, Ida L., widow Peter A., h. 225 Hazzard.Holmes, James, (Christina), cabinetmaker, h. 564 East Second.ftHolmes, John, metalworker, bds. 123 Fairmount Ave.MHolmes, J. Oscar, (Sophia C), laborer, h. under 144 Chandler. *~!Holmes, Joseph, (Emma), warp dresser, h. 37 Center.(awHolmes, Louis H., (Sadie G.), metalworker, h. over 154 Baker.Holmes, Mabel E., r. over 441 Winsor.^^Holmes, Martha, r. 37 Center.h JHolmes, Mary E., Mrs. cook, rms. 53 over 119 North Main.•"•Holmes, Mathias C, (Margaret)—Holmes Awning Works—h. 135 Lalteview 05Ave.CRHolmes, Olive M., r. 225 Hazzard.QfJHolmes, Raymond W., student, r. over 441 Winsor.Holmes, Richard G., (Bessie L.), machinist, h. over 29 Whitley Ave. _^Holmes, Rudolph A., decorator, r. 210 Baker. \2Holmes, Stafford C, packer, r. 34 Derby.ftOHolmes, Susan, Mrs., h. 34 Derby. . eHolmes, Taylor, r. 199 Fairmount Ave.Holmes, Tirzah, widow Levi, r. 12 Cook Ave.p-m^Holmes, Walter W., (Selma), foreman toolmaker, h. 72 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave. ft 09Holmes, William A., (Nettie), foreman finisher,h. 199 Fairmount Ave. 2Holmes, see Holm.Holmgren, Hannah A., domestic, 212 Lakeview Ave.Holmlund, Henry, clerk, r. 4 Willis.Holmlund, Perry, (Hannah S), finisher,h. 4 Willis.Holmlund, Rudolph, casemaker, r. 4 Willis.ftHOLMQUIST, CARL A. F.. (Charlotte H.), photographer, over 212-214 East ftSecond, h. do.Holmquist, Carl F., (Augusta), woodworker, h. 149 Thayer.Holmquist, Linda F., widow John A., h. 132 Barrett.Holmquist, Oscar, (Alma), machine hand, h. 18 Hedges Ave.Holmquist, Toga, (Hannah), laborer, h. over 23 Scott. q*Holmstrom, Edith, textileworker, r. over 316 Stowe.JJJHolmstrom, Emma, textileworker, r .over 316 Stowe.S3Holmstrom, Fritz, (Ellen), cabinetmaker, h. over 108 Pearl Ave.ft^Holmstrom, Svea, textileworker, r. over 316 Stowe.For Holt, Holmstrom, Holroyd, Red J. Charles Walter Millard Emil, Jeannette, Edmond Harry Cedar Warner, E., C, F., (Emma J., (Alma), (Mary (Myrtie), William, printer, and widow (Tilda), C), M.), carpenter, Cypress metalworker, woolsorter, r. shipping Fred meat 67 cabinetmaker, Taylor. W., cutter, h. clerk, Shingles h. 320 r. 67 h. 67 Tenth.103 Taylor.513 343 Ellicott. over East Price. SEE 316 Eighth. LYONS Stowe. wTjjf ft mm yg ^s4 Om ,> 3

I! Clark Hardware Co., Contractors & Mill Suppliesrt u 222JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.03 ,ii <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew Lowina&Sextractft pm.\7in Holt, Walter J., (Mildred F.), painter, h. 8 Lincoln Ave.©4 Holtgran, John, metalworker, rms. 12 Victoria Ave.ttew Holvertson, Sweeney, metalworker, h. 705 West Eighth.,g HOME TELEPHONE CO.-A. C. Wade, pres.; John H. Wright, sec. and*j gen. mgr.—310 Pine.,u Homer, Dora, textileworker, r. over 102 Barrows."g ' Homer, Glenni R., (Mary M.), electrician, 306 West Fourth, h. do.g Homer, Jane B., widow Eugene L., h. over 102 Barrows.•J Homer, Mable, r. 437 Baker..q • Homer, Smith, (Ida), farmer, h. 437 Baker.C Honduras, Michael, rubber, h. 10 New Warner Block.* Hooker, Hull M., (Annie), tailor, 10S East Third, h. 112 Broadhead Ave.too , Hooker, Marion D., student, r. 112 Broadhead Ave..5 Hooper, Albro H., (Clara D.), drug clerk, h. 704 Jefferson.+g Hooven, D. F., (May), veneerworker, h. 308 Steele.C Hoover, Albert, (Mary R.), laborer, h. Woodlawn Ave.E"> Hoover, A. P., (Emma), h. 1175 East Second.School, h. 1012 Prendergast Ave..g® 3,0 Hoover, HOOVER, Jerry L., driver, r. Woodlawn Ave.OVER, WALTON M., rep. International Correspondence School, r. 1012SO C© Hoover, Prendergast John K., driver, r. Woodlawn Ave.Ave.1-11. Hoover, Martha W., r. 1012 Prendergast Ave.2"" George, (Selma), bartender, h. 'S'u -E Hope, HOOVER, Maude, SAMUEL telephone S., (Martha operator, J.), r. div. over supt. 135 International Allen. Correspondence5 S Hopkins, Edward, (Elizabeth), switchman, h. 265 Steele.

draperi?sashades,The A. D. Sharpe Co. jj^JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 223Hill PIANO C(\ COMPLETE TUNING AND p*niLtlmi IlilllV/ tU.REPAIR DEPARTMENTHotchkiss, Alonzo S., (Ella M.), bartender, h. 905 Washington. \JHotchkiss, Edward W., (Laura), horseman, h. 5 Rowley Place.^^Hotchkiss, Edwin D., student, r. 635 West Eighth.NssjHotchkiss, Emerson H., real estate, h. 308 West Sixth.Hotchkiss, Henry A., (Nellie), prop. Lake House, h. 635 West Eighth.^Hotchkiss, Mary G., stenographer, r. 308 West Sixth.Hotchkiss, Maurice D., painter, r. 308 West Sixth.f""JHotchkiss, Walter W., (Mary S.), eye, ear and throat specialist, over 12 *"East Second, h. 195 Forest Ave.Hotchkiss, Willard C, (Nellie)—Bard & Hotchkiss—h. Falconer, N. Y.cHoughtaling, Ella, stockroom, clerk, r. 1021 East Second.Houghtaling, Libbie, widow of Charles, clerk, h. 1021 East Second. *"jgHoughtaling, Roy F., laborer, r. 1021 East Second.^Houghton, Gertrude, spinner, bds. 358 South Main.Household Fixtures and Appliance Co., (The), A. L. Tambling, prop., under337 East Second.Housen, Frank, laborer, 'bds. 50 Franklin.*s^housen, see Howson.Houser, James W., (Louise), cabinetmaker, h. 74 Hazzard. ,.Houser, John, teamster, bds. 283% South Main. 0Houser, Orrin G., (Margaret), commercial traveler, h. over 284 South Main, r g,Hovey, Clarence L., (Caroline)—Hazeltine & Hovey—h. Tidioute, Pa. g, g.Howard, Benjamin L., (Pearl), Puritan Restaurant, h. over 1037 North Main. » wHoward. C. T., Mrs., millinery, 101 Cherry h. do. »Howard, Dewitt C, (Cora B.), postman, h. 154 Hall Ave. |-

* ^ Clark H a r d w a r e Co. Stoves and FurnacesOT

The A. D. Sharpe Co. for Rugs and CarpetsJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 225ENTIRE 6TH FLOORHILL P I A N O CO.CHADAKOIN BUILDINGHult, Christine, Mrs., r. 488 Willard.Hult, F. Oscar, metalworker, bds. 312 Hazeltine Ave.Hult, Fred, laborer, r. 9 Hanley.Hult, Gust, h. 10 Eagle.Hult, John A., (Ellen), painter, h. 36 Pearl Ave.Hult, John A., (Nellie), machine hand, h. 170 Baker.Hult, Mary, cook, r. 113 Crescent.Hult, Minor, machine hand, r. 9 Hanley.Hult, Sophia, widow Andres, h. 113 Crescent.Hult, Warner G., metalworker, bds. 312 Hazeltine Ave.Hultberg, Adolph, metalworker, h. over 254 Willard.Hultberg, A. Fred, metalworker, bds. 5 Kinney.Hultberg, August E., (Minnie A.), lumberworker, h. 8 Peach.Hultberg. Axel, laborer, bds. over 187 Barrett.Hultberg, Charles A., (Matilda), painter, h. 220 Thayer.Hultberg, Jennie, Mrs., h. 52 Liberty.Hultberg, John A., (Matilda), art carver, h. 115 Steele.Hultberg, Lillian, r. 220 Thayer.Hultberg, Mabel J., helper, r. 8 Peach.Hultberg, Rose, bookkeeper, r. 5 Kinney.Hultgren, Agatha E., r. 13 Union Ave.Hultgren, Anna, widow Carl O., h. 13 Union Ave.HULTGREN, CARL O.—designer, 505-507 Chadakoin Bldg., r. 13 UnionAve.PATENT OFFICK DRAWINGSDRAWINGS FOR LINEA\ HALFTONE ClfTSHultgren, Carl O., (Hulda J.), metal polisher, h. 205 Barrett.Hultgren. Carlotta, clerk, r. 369 South Main.Hultgren, Flavia R., r. 13 Union Ave.Hultgren, J. Henry, (Matilda), finisher, h. 346 Bowen.Hultgren, Martin L., (Albertina), finisher, h. 369 South Main.Hultin, Carl, carpenter, rms. over 11 East Second.Hultin, Florinda, textileworker, r. 40 Chapin.Hultman, Charles, shoemaker, r. 227 Barrows.Hultman, C. J., (Carlotta), h. over 322 South Main.Hultman, Emil, (Emma), carpenter, h. 619 Lafayette.Hultman, Erick, shoemaker, bds. 64 Water.Hultman, Fanny, clerk, bds. 812 Jefferson.Hultquist, Alvin, metalworker, r. 244 Barrows.Hultquist, Anna H., textileworker, r. 23 Barrett.Hultquist, Arthur, cloth finisher, r. 203 Hazzard.Hultrimst & Benson, Henry and Edward, grocers, 317-319 Willard.Hultquist, Carl, clerk, 839 Prendergast Ave.Hultquist, Charles J„ (Teolinda), foreman Falconer Mfg. Co., h. 580 Willard.Hultquist, Clara, textileworker, r .244 Barrows.Hultquist, Clarence A., (Matilda C), prop. The Fair, h. 839 Prendergast Ave.Hultquist, Corrinne, textileworker, r. 244 Barrows.Hultquist, Ready Earl, Roofing bookkeeper, & Building r. 839 Prendergast Paper Ave.Hultquist, Eliza C, r. 356 Willard.HARRY LYONSInstitute St. & Erie Ry.srCOen»to*»COtoOWoO>HOso©n3t"-coco**tm.1 i©*4COr*rHmTpaaeCACh•1toto

£ I Clark Hardware Co., Contractors & Mill SuppliesHi *? 226 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.o.Si"« <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew - - Always pure and diliciousS aw Hultquist, Emil G., metalworker, r. 23 Barrett.tQo Hultquist, Ernest H., (Jennie M.), R. F. D. mail carrier, h. 705 Foote Ave.P*" Hultquist, Fred E., (Mary), textileworker, h. 23 Barrett.g Hultquist, Henry, (Jennie)—Hultquist & Benson—h. 356 Willard.•* Hultquist, J. August, (Hilda), foreman dyer, h. 203 Hazzard.•« Hultquist, Lillian C. V., r. 203 Hazzard.•g Hultquist, Milton, r. 580 Willard.v Hultquist, Oliver, (Ellen), dyer, h. over 207 Hazzard.jC, Hultquist, Swan G., (Ida C), laborer, h. 244 Barrows.** Hultquist, see Hulquist..5 Humbert, Frank A., tile and marble contractor, 215 West Second, bds. do.o 2 Humphrey, Euphenia V. widow Rolland H., h. 208 Lincoln.•S § HUMPHREY HOUSE, Yale W. Burtch mgr., 15-23 South Main.t3f£ Humphrey, Louis F., (Mary M.), mgr. H. P. Lally & Co., h. Celoron, N. T.VX Hunsicker, James M., (Marie), engineer Erie R. R., h. over 217 West Third.wo Hunt, Bessie, domestic, r. 1047 North Main.S°° Hunt, Charles, rms. 311 Pine._ Hunt, Charles A., (Adelaide), h. 1094 East Second.__\ Hunt, Clarence, bellman, r. over 19 East Second.H Hunt, Colvin, (Matilda), painter, h. 212 Hallock.Hunt, Cornelius, retired, h. 23 Allen.•> Hunt, Dora widow Elvin, h. 19 Terrace Place.~* Hunt, Earle, farmer, r. over 19 East Second.•§ Hunt, Eliza S., widow Freeman, h. 312 Allen.p-i Hunt, Elton C, (Edith C), commercial traveler, h. 124 ForeBt Ave.J£ g Hunt, Emily H., correspondence clerk, bds. 300 Winsor.*g.g Hunt, Eva, domestic, bds. 29 Ninth.*» _ Hunt, Florence, twister, r. over 19 East Second.^ | Hunt, Frank, (Charlotte B.)—Hunt & Shepard—h. 409 Cherry.© u Hunt, Fred C, (Flora B.), woodturner, h. over 123 Stewart Ave.+,-" Hunt, Glenn, (Jane), cabinetmaker, h. 14 Camp.*>"_\ Hunt, Guy, farmer, r. 19 East Second.§ ° HUNT, HERBERT L.—(Annetta), attorney, 25-26 Wellman Bldg., h. overEk,.**•- 404 East Fourth.Urn4J £" Hunt, H. Francis, (Effie M.), physician, 719 New Gifford Bldg., rms. 79 do.o*H Hunt, Maria, widow William, h. over 53 Prospect.. HUNT & SHEPARD—Frank and F. G.—veterinary surgeons and boarding© and transient stables, 214 Washington.i* %m> Hunt, Whitman HUNTINGTON P., laborer, h. 503 West Eighth. BROTHERSHunt, Dealers Willard in W., Bicycles, (Carrie), Sundries, pres. E. & Motor M. Cough Cycles, Drop Fishing Co. and Tackle, Turner Can-PS dy Co., h. 309 Lakeview Guns Ave. and Dry Cells£H Hunt, fe do William all kinds H., ot (Mary Repair A.), Work. coachman, Skates, h. Shears, 129 Lincoln. Knives and Lawn NowerHuntington, sharpened, Brooke, Keys (Eliza), Fitted warpdresser, and Locks fixed. h. 44 Foote Ave. 12 FOREST AVE._ HUNTINGTON BROS.—John and Talbot, sporting goods and bicycle repairing,12£ft s, Huntington, CurrieForestJ.,Ave.metalworker, r. 14 Fluvanna Ave.S Huntington, George W„ r. 15 West End.Huntington, Jane, widow Henry, h. 907 North Main.2 Call Bell 'phone 80; Home 70, when you need insurance or indemnity. Esjgtablished in 1867. BRADSHAW'S PIONEER INSURANCE AGENCY.

Women's Coats and Suits THE A. D. SHARPE CO. g 3SB *>JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 227W mmHTI.T. PIANO Cf_ ORGANS AND OLD PIANOS 3 3_._\.M.__J__J M. R*_l-\J \,\J. TAKEN IN EXCHANGE M pa, > -gHuntington, John—Huntington John, (Agnes), teamster, Bros.—r. h. 14 907 Fluvanna North Main. Ave. §Huntington, Robert, bleacher, r. 907 North Main.HHuntington, Susie, weaver, r. 907 North Main.Huntington, Talbot, (Lydia), Huntington Bros, and electrician, h. over 44Taylor.Hurlbert, George F., (A. Louise), prop. The Samuels, 13-23 West Third, a. do.Hurlbert, Julia, r. The Samuels.Hurlbert, Lamar, r. The Samuels.Hurlbut, Daisy F., student, r. 198 Fairmount Ave.I_Hurlbut, Frank, (Anna), paperhanger, h. 198 Fairmount Ave. 3 £JHurlbut, Hazel S., bookkeeper, r. 198 Fairmount AvefDHurlbut, see Hulbert.Hurley, Andrew J., clerk, r. 808 Jefferson.r-hfD ©Hurley, Edward Leo, student, r. 808 Jefferson.C/>Hurley, Michael E., (Margaret), casemaker, h. 808 JeffersonHurnberg, Jonas, blacksmith, bds. over 212 East Second.^Husband, John B., (Octavene A.), retired, h. 16 Cook Ave.m\*_Husband, J. Stuart, (Ellen), sec'y. The Camp Art Co., h. 60 Barrett. ftHusted, Clarence, painter, rms. 52 Harrison.Hutchinson, Bernice, r. 128 Park.,"HHutchinson, Charles W., (Minnie), estimater, h. 312 East Sixth. m.Hutchinson, William G., (Sarah), motorman J. S. Ry., h. over 41 College. (JOiHutley, Ann, widow John, r. 207 Allen. fmi X~Hutley, Arthur, woolsorter, r. 26 Elk. gZ EmV (A\re. WS5.m\Ickeringill, Harold, (Opena A.), foreman dyer, h. 11 Arnold.g nMS Ideal Ickeringill, . Nordh—mfgs. HEMLOCK Furniture Grocery, Sarah (The)—Newton Co.—Otto LUMBER pedestals E., ;__ widow F. and Lindholm, InirJ.kYETRy. John, & tabourettes, Co., r. 4 Wm. John Lincoln. S. Pearson, Allen Newton—219 Ext. || Sture F. West Nelson, Third. C. W. f* CO S , R 2. g- E

u 1 Clark Hardware Co., Contractors & Mill Suppliescds«Set. eo 228JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew IS nAKmUE?!eeEVERY DAV ^^ ^" S_j Thp Ingleson, Inn, INTERIOR llie Mlltll9l 01 nf windows, vice riUlUdl (The), newarK, Naiuarlr pres. AVbert, George Harry, Rpnpfit Walden METAL Deneill etc., and a. N textile R., (Mattie), 65-85 supt; i. I & Uie student, MFG. lfp Benson, worker, River. P. RETURNED foreman future Premium CO.—Gustav C. r. props., Carlson, r. 227 payment 227 spinning, receipt, F. TO Winsor. East S. to sec. Carlson, POLICY TREADWAY. policy Second and h. to 227 holder. HOLDERS treas.—mfrs. J.n. pres.; Winsor. and Dutrict 1, .... Tiffany Chas. and <strong>1911</strong> Aient fund, metal .1. $427,763,190.20.... Ave. Swanson,doors, handfor $367,14

Always Buy your Dry Goods of THE A. D. SHARPE CO. j>JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 229 Jj—— .—i mm.HII I PIA1MO CCi LARGEST AND HOST gM\~_\.LtLl riiillU \m>\J. CAREFULLY SELECTED STOCK gjINTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL—S. S. Hoover, division Osupt., 10-11-12 Wellman Bldg.•"**Interstate, Lumber Co., W. M. Mace, mgr., 27 Gokey Bldg. ^£Interstate Woolen Mills Co. -Remind f. canstrom and S3mmE. C. J. Swanson—tailoring, 7-8 Gokey Bldg. X.Ipsen, John, bds. 327 East Second. §£*Ipsen, Peter, (Hansine), night watch, h. under 869 Spring.•"*7pson, Andrew, machine hand, rms. over 11 East Second. 09Ipson, Charles, (Sophia), v. pres. and supt. H. P. Robertson Co., h. 601 West ChSeventh.,_Ipson, John H., (G. Gorea), sec. H. P. Robertson Co., h. over 601 West (X>Seventh. 03Ipson, Nicholas, cabinetmaker, rms. 617 Prendergast Ave.CflIpson, Y. F., rms. 323 East Second. ©Ireland, John, (Hattie), conductor J. S. Ry., h. 22 Fletcher Ave.JIRISH (GEORGE) PAPER CORPORATION—Emery R. Davis, mgr.—whole- gLsale paper, 19 West Second.J^Iroquois, Hotel, Owens & Tousley, props., 6 South Main.

g Clark Hardware Co. Stoves and Fnrnaces230 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.£5 <strong>Chautauqua</strong>Possesses all the attributes of purity and flavor that areBrew necessary for a perfect beerHBOTH PHONES 268Jackson, Ellis, (Martha), railroad fireman, h. 34 Hamilton.^^ Jackson, Elmer, (Anna M.), metalworker, h. 138 Euclid Ave.•^ Jackson, Ethel L., student, r. 251 Prospect.•^ Jackson, Fred H., (Amelia M.), laborer, h. 246 Broadhead Ave.t""* Jackson, George A., retired, r. 25 Liberty.kJ-l Jackson, Hattie domestic, 518 North Main.Jackson, Isabel, Mrs., h. over 880 Washington.rj Jackson, John E., (Anna C), grist mill, 46-48 Steele, h. over do.j_\ Jackson, Maggie, widow of Archie A., r. 152 Allen.^\ Jackson, Margaret, widow of Oliver C, r. 509 Lakeview Ave.HH Jackson, Maud M., student, r. 251 Prospect.^H Jackson, Olive, rms. 567 East Second.V-i Jackson, Stephen, retired, h. 124 Crescent.^h JACKSON, WALTER P., (Isabelle), dist. agent Mutual Life Insurance Co.[V| of N. Y., 5-6 Gokey Bldg., h. 509 Lakeview Ave.__HH Assets 572 Millions Established 1843Um* MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANYd OF NEW YORKS W. P. JACKSON, District Agent, 5-6 Gokey BuildingBell Phone 860-w Home Phone 15-k£_1 Jacobson, Amel C-, h. 22% Elk.i_jJ Jacobson,. Anna, seamstress, h. 26 Columbia Ave.r«-H Jacobson, Anna, textileworker, rms. 117 Chandler._mm Jacobson, Arvid, laborer, bds. 105 Francis.O Jacobson, Burnell, harnessmaker, r. 502 Newland Ave.Jacobson, Charles D., clerk, r. 106 West Eighth.yj Jacobson, Charles W., (Kate J.), clerk, h. over 110 East Third.f— , Jacobson, Ella E., bookkeeper, r. 106 West Eighth.JTj Jacobson, Elmer J., clerk, r. 106 West Eighth.mm Qm Jacobson, Emma, widow John, h. over 34 Willard.f-rl Jacobson, Emma C, textileworker, h. 22 Elk.^^ Jacobson, Emogene Z., student, r. 106 West Eighth. *Jacobson, Floyd E., reporter, Morning Post, r. 106 West Eighth.Jacobson, Frank, laborer, r. over 34 Willard.Jacobson, Frank A., (Jennie), woodworker, r. 34 Pardee Ave.Jacobson, George, (Selma), foreman woodworker, h. 502 Newland Ave.(AJaco'bson, Hannah S., stenographer, r. 26 Columbia Ave.Jacobson, Henock, furniture trimmer, bds. 64 Water.Jacobson, Henry C, (Gertrude H.), cabinetmaker, h. over 124 Winsor.Jacobson, Jacob F., (Aug-usta A.), woodworker, h. 218 Forest Ave.Jacobson, J. Alvin, (Anna), cigars and newsdealer, 1 South Main, rms. 4 over19 North Main.g Jacobson, J. August, (Ida J.), night watch, h. 105 Francis.q Jacobson, Joseph, rubber, bds. 21 Ellicott.g Jacobson, Judith, textileworker, r. over 34 Willard.S te Jacobson, Julia C, r. 22 Elk.H;S Jacobson, Juliet B., r. 218 Forest Ave.5 W — Jacobson, T ifc. TncilVS>n/*i> Lewis R., (Frances Connecticut H.), foreman General N. Life Y. Telephone Ins. Co,, Hartford, Co., h. Conn, 4125| ^j 03 l^UC Washington. lIlbUrdllLC ~ W. J. Bentley, Gen. Agt., 514 Chadakoin Bldg." 7* Jaco'bson, Mabel, domestic, 25 Liberty.Q_\ 1. Jacobson, Mabel B., telephone operator, r. 218 Forest Ave.as £3(3 Jacobson, Marcus F., blacksmith, r. 501 East Sixth.

THE A. D. SHARPE CO. for Rugs and Carpets ogCO I -JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.231 PsSHill's Piano School F0* IN ^PIANO - PLAYING i I m SJacobson, Marcus P., (Sophia), blacksmith, American Alley, h. 501 EastSixth.•2Jacobson, Oscar T., (Carrie), groceries, 701 North Main, h. 106 West Eighth. fmJacobson, Reuben, grainer, bds. 113 Hedges Ave.g £•»Jacobson, Selma, textileworker, rms. 117 Chandler.3 _T\Jacobson, Selma S., milliner, r. 26 Columbia Ave. rtJacobson, Susie, r. 15 Hazzard. x j!Jacobson, William, (Emma), baker, h. over 341 South Main.g SvJaco'bson, William, (Ida), metal worker, r. 141 Park.m f^Jaderstrom, Axel, toolmaker, h. 76 Highland Ave.E3Jaderstrom, John E., (Cora), tailor, over 31 North Main, h. over 75 Glasgow a QAve.PJaderstrom, Jonas, cobbler, 33 Barrett, r. 76 Highland Ave.Jaffrey, Beatrice, weaver, r. 252 Harrison. «Jaffrey, Seymour A., finisher, r. 252 Harrison. E2Jagger, Louis C, (Mary W.), pres. Jamestown Table Co., h. 30 Lakeview Ave. 3 aJagger, Mildred C., student, r. 30 Lakeview Ave. fj| 5*James, Anna M., h. over 116 Price.Sj? pJames, Clara, paper boxmaker, r. over 116 Price.E. nJames, Clarence, teamster, bds. 149 Jones & Gifford Ave. * C"James, Grace T., Mrs., dressmaker, h. over 35 McKinley Ave.", SJames, Hannah S., music teacher, r. 323 Price.s "jjJames, Henry, stonemason, bds. 529 West Third. £3 2James, Myrtie, Mrs., laundress, h. 16 Sampson. % p.James, S., Mrs., r. 14 Willard.j? rJAMESTOWN Jamestown Art BOTTLING Glass Works—H. CO. (Inc.)—P. TJ. Sundholm, F. Simon, prop.—art pres.; glass, H. store H. Cooper, fronts, g' vice bar lock pres.; floors,58 Francis Franklin. Dunn, sec. and treas.; 104 East Second and 603-609 ~\ ?3 » o OJamestown West Eighth. Bath Parlors—E. L. Rowe, prop.—Turkish, Russian and electric, S' H S?JAMESTOWN shower, tub BREWING baths, 102 CO. West (Inc.)—P. Second. F. Simon, pres.; H. H. Cooper, vice I§ j* m- gJamestown pres.; Francis Bill Building Posting Dunn, Co.—Ernest Co., sec; James 104 Cawcroft, East J. Waters, Second pres.; mgr., and Frank under 612-620 E. Samuels Wallace, West Eighth, Opera sec. S B eg SHouse. and treas.—407 Fenton Bldg. • s Jj 5.JAMESTOWN BOILER BUSINESS WORKS—J. COLLEGE G. ASSOCIATION O'Brien, prop.—boilers, LIMITED tanks (Inc.)— and S 2. Xrepairing, H. E. V. Porter, 712 Monroe. pres. and principal; A. J. Porter, sec. and treas.—315-317 *Jamestown Cherry. Book Bindery—Martin Merz & Son—mfr. blank books, over 202 w MJamestown North Main. Cabinet Co.—Fred M. Curtis, pres.; O. E. Anderson, treas. and " s -gen'l. mgr.; Oscar R. Pang, sec.—mfrs. dressers and chiffoniers, dressingtables and music cabinets, 771 East Second.__Jamestown Camera Club, Arcade Bldg., 30 South Main, R. Sanctuary, secre- 3 %tary, 85 Falconer.> ^Jamestown Carving and Mfg. Co.—Vernie F. Anderson, pres.; Herbert F. Eg $,Litch, sec. and treas.—carving and furniture, 40-48 Steele.XJAMESTOWN CASH OR CREDIT STORE—Walter Heathcote, prop.— £§ >ladies' ready-to-wear and furnishings, 101 East Second.9B OJamestown Chair Co.—S. P. Carlson, pres.; Leander Johnson, vice pres.; jflC. W. Swanson, sec. and treas.—20 Winsor. 2 am. -mMODERN Are not HARDWOOD so expensive as you FLOORS may think A gU I vons ~-OK%% | M__\lf \S119 a

5 is Clark Hardware Co., Roofing and Building PapersuZ 232JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.E5 riiaiitaiiniia Rraw Just what you want daily as a bevera*e withM WlaUlaUAjUa JL»1CW meaiS) summer and winter Both phones 268a .—g g , JAMESTOWN, West Third. CHAUTAUQUA & LAKE ERIE R. R.—J. C. Calisch, pres.;3 Jamestown J. S. Pevear Cigar (Buffalo), Co.—John gen. F. Gustafson, supt.; Geo. prop.; F. Asper, Axel supt.—Fairmount F. S. Gustafson, mgr.— Ave.« and wholesale West cigars, Eighth; snuff freight and office, matches, 70-80132 Steele; Foote Ave. city ticket office, 10555 ' JAMESTOWN CLUB (THE)—Sheldon B. Broadhead, pres.; Charles H.x Gifford, vice-pres.; Charles C. Wilson, sec; Roswell J. Bootey, treas.—__\ • 413 North Main.r2 Jamestown Cold Storage Co.—Harry Wilson and I. L. MacPherson—5 Taylor.^ , Jamestown Commercial Gallery—R. D. and Jay Pickard—commercial photo-"PC graphers, 320 Harrison.* Jamestown Commission Co.—E. W. Greendahl, prop.—wholesale fruit and*? " Produce, 152 Chandler.Jamestown Conservatory of Music—Samuel Thorstenberg, director—1-5£ a Wellman Bldgs.o ef JAMESTOWN CONSTRUCTION CO.—Charles Swanson, pres.; C. T. Cur-CQ S tis, vice pres.! F. C. Olson, sec. and treas.—general contractors and-Ja Wilders' supplies, 12-16 River.£"w 9 h JAMESTOWN COTTON MILL^-Thomas H. and Henry K. Smith, props.—g o cotton yarns, 56 Center..2 >• Jamestown J ACrockery M E S Store—H. T O W N A. Doering, ELECTRIC prop.—18 West Third. CO.•^ r «> JAMESTOWN ELECTRICAL CO.—William CONTRACTORSB. Pitts and William H. Knapp—2-3 electric contractors and electric and gas supplies and sporting goods,«£« 109 East Third. Gas and Electric Suppliesh c£ Sporting Goods 109 E. 3d St. Fishing TacklemtO G Jamestown Electric Mills (Inc.)—W. W. Campbell, pres.; Claude Campbell,S 2 vice pres.; W. G. Purdy, sec; C. M. Purdy, treas.—39-43 Tayloi-.fJO JAMESTOWN EMPLOYMENT BUREAU—J. A. Miller and J. F. Page, 30-31Gokey Bldg.e Jamestown Furniture & Mfg. Co., M. E. Towne, mgr., furniture jobbers, 13Holmes.JAMESTOWN GARAGE CO.—L. S. Apgar, pres. and gen'l mgr.; C. M.Nichols, sec. and treas.—205 Cherry.j^mf_Jamestown Holding Co., (Inc.) —C. E. Bailey, H. M. Preston and Wilson C.(Utm\I,, Price—105 Danielson, Winsor. treas.—mfrs., 99 Institute.JAMESTOWN HOUSE BARN—Frank W. Sternborg, prop.—209 Pine.e JAMESTOWN JAMESTOWN ICE CREAM CO.. (INC.)— ICE E. CREAM Walker (Warren, CO. Pa.), pres.;B. R. Walker, (Warren, Pa.), vice-pres.; W. A. Thompson, sec; C. F.g Manufacturers and Shippers of High Quality Ice Cream+-» Sherbets, Ices and Fancy Creams BOTH PHONESB FrifMAN'^ PIANOS, PLAYER PIANOS, VICTROLAS, VICTOR TALK-El/A.1 IHll l> ing MACHINES AND RECORDS NewWellman Building

Women's Coats and Suits - The A. D. Sharpe Co. >JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 233 SBJAMESTOWN LIGHTING & POWER CO.—A. N. Broadhead, pres.; A. S. {"•*Hill's Piano School 0MSyMgff0P 3>•JAMESTOWN IRON WORKS CO.—Chas. M. Nichols, Shirley S. Taylor, *-qLouis S. Apgar, Emil Froding and Oscar Peterson—machine shop, foun- findry and garage, 11 Shearman Place.mm.,prjHome Phone 1087 Bell Phone 296-1-2 (£?JAMESTOWN IRON WORKS CO. goFOUNDERS AND MACHINISTSc/aGeneral Automobile Repairing Brass, Bronze, Aluminum and Iron CastingsSupplies and Garage Repairing of all kinds m_—t•*Price, sec and treas.; F. W. Bullock, supt.—7-9 Race, office 316 North {3Main.(JJJAMESTOWN LOUNGE CO.—T. D. Hanchett, pres.; A. H. Greenlund, vice ftpres.; L. F. Cornell, sec.-treas.—38-58 Winsor.SJamestown Metal Furniture Co., commercial furniture in steel, 9-25 Taylor. *J*JAMESTOWN OIL CO.—F. M. Hogle, prop.—34 Institute.WJAMESTOWN PANEL & VENEER CO.—D. L. Moore, pres.; C. D. Pratt, JJvice-pres.; L. L. Ostrander, sec; J. N. Campbell, treas.—50 Steele. fmJAMESTOWN PHARMACY—Meredith & Meredith—Thomas H. W. and mmHarrison O.—8 East Second. v»Jamestown Publishing Co.—Charles J. C. Scholpp, mgr.—job printing andpublishers The Sentinel, over 28 North Main.*ijJamestown Razor Co., Ltd.—N. J. Safford, prop.—general repairing, under SJ121 West Third. mJAMESTOWN REAL ESTATE & RENTAL CO.—George W. Moore, mgr.—43-44 Wellman Bldgs. >Jamestown Realty Co.—Julius Lincoln, pres.; Chas. E. Anderson, sec.—5-6 SCGifford Block. | 2JAMESTOWN ROOFING CO.—Frank L. and Lucy L. Dickson—roofing con- * -mtractors, cigars and tobacco, 120 East Third.TJ©SOHome Phone 187 Bell Phone 68-J « P*JAMESTOWN ROOFING COMPANY S-"ROOFING CONTRACTORS ASPHALT ROOFING MATERIALS rgWaterproof Building Papers, Paroid Roofing. Anchor Brand Asphalt £•H. W. Johns-Manville Asbestos Roofing, Barrett Specification Roofing J-jProslate Red Roofing 120 East 3rd Street Cm _N-k,HJamestown Shale Paving Brick Co.—J. B. Fisher, pres.; John Mahoney, sec.-BED SPRINGS—Strong and well made and comfortable are one of your real £?•treas.; R. C. Cobbe, mgr.—Quarry road.t^necessities. When buying ask your dealer and insist on him getting for you, wJAMESTOWN SPRING BED CO. (Inc.)—C. W. Eckman, pres.; Lawrencethe famous Cot and Bed Springs made by us. All Springs are made under our *"SEckman, sec. and treas.—mfrs. spring beds, cots and cradles, 59 Harrison.personal supervision and guaranteed by—m-—JAMESTOWN SPRING BED CO. w59-61 HARRISON ST. BOTH PHONES JT*OAK andPINE Front Doors *i&k H A R R Y L Y O N S g-

i Clark Hardware Co. Fine Cutlery and Tools•a« 234 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.I <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew '^^^^.y your tamlly„ JAMESTOWN STEAM AND DRY CLEANING CO.—Oscar A. Ericson, prop.2 a —tailors and cleaners, 628 East Second.•m*gE£ Jamestown St. Ry. and <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Traction Co.—A. N. Broadhead, pres.;> George E. Maltby, gen'l mgr.—waiting room, 113% West Third, office2 and barns, West Third.JAMESTOWN TABLE CO.—L. C. Jagger, pres.; Chas. I. Moore, vice pres.;>. Thos. E. Perkins, sec; Richard Peart, treas.—145-153 Fairmount Ave.| Jamestown Towel Mill—Wilkinson Hall, prop.—Hunt Road.j JAMESTOWN TRANSFER CO.—Earl B. Newberry and F. W. Sterneborg—•*carting, storage and livery, 209-211 Pine.JAMESTOWN TRUCKING AND STORAGE CO.—Donelson & Root, props.—. J5 29 Forest Ave.£ J Jamestown Window Screen Co.—Charles Lindbeck, pres.; John Vanstrom,[g " vice pres.; Charles Swanson, sec; Emil F. Peterson, treas.—mfrs.„ screens, metal mantels and medicine ca'binets, 2-8 River.c | Jamestown Wood Finishing Co., (Inc.)—Ambrose E. Smith, (Olean), pres.-,M s treas.; John Dahlquist, vice-pres.-sec—Blackstone Ave.•Si JAMESTOWN WORSTED MILLS—Elliot C. Hall, pres.; A. E. Hall, sec;©iS sA. K. Briggs, treas. and gen. mgr.—mfrs. worsted dress goods and suit-.— „ ings, 335 Harrison._ a Jametor, Samuel, (Carrie), laborer, h. 286 Harrison.O. * Jamison, Charles E., osteopathic physician, 303-304 Chadakoin Bldg., bds.116 East Fourth.Jamison, Harry S., (Bessie), specialty showman, h. 500 West Eighth.'3 3 Jamison, Lewis G„ rms. 116 East Fourth.:» « Janson, Axel E., metalworker, bds. 214 Barrett.3 Jantzen, Fred, bds. 614 Pine.j3 H JaQuay, Clara M., Mrs., dressmaking, 80 New Gifford Bldg, h. do..5: JaQuay, Florence C, r. 80 New Gifford Bldg.-J§ .§ Jaquith, Ethel, r. Fairmount Ave. bey limit.3 Jarl, Agnes, cook, Fairmount Ave., bey limit.42 e. Jarl, Ruth, waitress, r. Fairmount Ave., bey limit.•S M Jarl, Charles Otto, (Mary P.), metalworker, h. over 10 Hall Ave.i-~ Jarl, G. Gust, (Hannah), janitor, h. 206 Charles."ca .mm ** . Jarl, G. Robert, student, r. 206 Charles.-Zm g tf •g Jarl, Ruth, tailoress, r. 206 Charles..S3 GO m = Jay, Joshua, textileworker, bds. 220 East First.m-3 E mio Jeffords, Charles L., (Matilda), twister, h. 35 Genesee.-a Jeffreys. George F., (Ella), h. 120 Newland Ave.S 1 Jehle, Gottleib, (Anna), supervisor Art Metal Construction Co., h. 549 West- | Third.%, £ Jenkins, Christina, widow James, h. 62 Liberty.Jenkins, Edna M., student, r. 6 Cowing.Jenkins, Frank F., dentist, Falconer, N. Y„ r. 6 Cowing.Jenkins, H. Bradford, grocery clerk, bds. 236 FultonJenkins, John, (Bertha M.), insurance, h. 110 Stewart Ave.Jenkins, Sarah, housekeeper, 250 Harrison.Jenkins, Theron P., (Mary), wheel assembler, h. 6 Cowing.**-< We Jenkins, represent William forty C, companies compositor with Journal $170,000,000 Press, r. assets. 62 Liberty.jg jS Jenkinson, Catherine, weaver, BRADSHAW'S bds. 157 Barrows. PIONEER INSURANCE AGENCY.

THE A. D. SHARPE CO. for Carpets and RugsCDJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.235 JT*HILL PIANO CO. " S S ' c fGO,-?paJenner, Amy L., r. 45 Barrett. g(Jenner, Charles A., (Mary) stereotype!- Morning Post, h. under 14 E. Fourth. £3?Jenner, Charles J., (Inez C), retired, h. 87 Prospect.OtJenner, Elias H., machinist, h. 45 Barrett.mjJenner, Frank H., (Minnie), conductor, h. 6 Seymour Ave.mm.Jenner, George C, (May B.), draftsman, h. 100 Cook Ave._^Jenner, Merrit J„ (Elizabeth B.), contractor, h. over 13 West Second. •Jensen, Andrew, aristoworker, h. 912 Newland Ave.Jensen, Andrew, (Ingra L.), laborer, h. over 5 Camp.JPJensen, Carl, carpenter, r. 531 Allen. 5Jensen, Charles P., carpenter, h. 127 Hall Ave. §" 2Jensen, Chris, (Iva), metalworker, h. over 52 Franklin."1 xJensen, Frank, (Anna), foreman, metalworker, h. 14 Maple.» aJensen, Hannah, paper boxmaker, r. 531 Allen.5T CJensen, Herman, carpenter, bds. 192 South Main."0 QJensen, Hugo, retired, r. 122 Stewart Ave. 3Jensen, James, (Ingra), packer, h. 531 Allen. 3 £2Jensen, John, laborer, r. 531 Allen. "3. »Jensen, John M„ (Goldie C), metalworker, h. 20 Forest Ave. -5" 2Myrtle.5 mJensen, Mary C, r. 127 Hall Ave. § £Jensen, Valdemar, (Anna)—Breed & Jensen—h. 97 Prather Aye. a £Jensen, Nels, (Anna), metalworker, h. 217 Barrett. *Jensen, Viggo, painter, bds. 846 Lafayette.? ^Jessup & Anderson—Mrs. Florence and Alma—millinery, 203 West Third.Jessup, Joe, (Florence), dyer, h. 41 Foote Ave. §5Jewett, Nicholas, (Bessie), barber, 9 West First, h. 824 North Main. 3 ^Jharl, Carl, (Beda M.), upholsterer, h. 15 Columbia Ave. f » WJim, Nick, barber, 15 Harrison, bds. do. 2 3Jimo, Nick, metalworker, bds. 121 Cross. g "Johanson, Vitus R. V., carpenter, bds. 31 Linden Ave.a hJohn, Peter, h. over 212 Washington. *• j>John, Sam, machine hand, h. 116% Harrison.§ rJohnson, Adelbert, (Ella), carpenter, h. 1091 East Second." rJohnson, Adelia E., clerk, r. 253 Prospect. a 2Johnson, Alene, cook, r. over 308 Pine. S >Johnson, Adolph, ca'binetmaker, bds. 649 East Sixth.i-o _\Johnson, Adolph, (Anna M.), metalworker, h. 30 Peach.g tnJohnson, Adolph, (Alma G.), cabinetmaker, h. 1026 Newland Ave.^Johnson, Adolph, machine hand, bds. 123 Stowe. »£*k JJE Q.

—\ Clark Hardware Co. Stoves and FurnacesOQ 23u JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.S r\,m-.4-m„m,„n D„A..T ALWAYS PURE AND DELICIOUSa <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew Both phones 268^« Johnson, Albert G., (May A.), carriages, farming implements and seeds, 34COSouth Main, h. 35 Mechanic.Johnson, Albert J., mgr. Chadakoin Mercantile & Adjusting Co., r. 273OJ Prospect.,_!, Johnson, Albert J., (Emily), steward Humphrey House, h. 547 East Second.Johnson, Albert J., (Emma W.), car inspector, h. 29 Bush.•o Johnson, Albert W., (Lillian), metalworker, h. over 716 Newland Ave.w \ Johnson, Albertina, domestic, 19 Fairmount Ave.•g s Johnson, Albertina, widow J. Henry, h. 6 Walnut.I^m Johnson, Albin, carpenter, bds. 103 Camp.• wfc Johnson, Albin, lineman, bds. 180 Fairmount Ave.£ Johnson, Albin, (Alida), woodworker, h. 279% South Main.a> Johnson, Albin, (Lydia), metalworker, h. 15 Victoria Ave.jjj Johnson, Arbin A., lineman, r. 619 West Seventh."QC Johnson, Albin J., (Josephine), metalworker, h. over 233 Barrett.u, Johnson, Alexander, (Maude), bartender, h. 201 East Third.© Johnson, Alexander, carpenter, bds. 1 Briggs.m-Z Johnson, Alexander, metalworker, bds. 239 Falconer.Johnson, Alexander, (Selma), meter repairer, h. Ill Hazzard.» Johnson, Alfred, laborer, bds. 128 Water.2 § Johnson, Alfred, (Emma), laborer, h. 1084 East Second.s2"S Johnson, Alfred, metalworker, bds. 123 Fairmount Ave.nwu Johnson, Alfred, metalworker, r. 77 Eagle.^ Johnson, Alfred, (Mary), laborer, If. 60 East Cowden Place.

Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. THE A. D. SHARPE CO. *Q—. {3JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.237 m_HTT T PTANO CC. entire 6th floor °nii^i^ x l-reiivy v^yy. chadakoin building . .Johnson, Andrew, laborer, bds. 17 Bishop.Johnson, Andrew, (Clara), retired, h. 168 Allen.Johnson, Andrew, (Matilda), h. 273 Prospect.Johnson, Andrew, la'borer, bds. 783 East Second.m-m-.3Johnson, Andrew, (Alma), laborer, h. 565 Allen. £—Johnson, Andrew, metalworker, bds. 239 Falconer.Johnson, Andrew, (Louisa), finishing boss, h. 60 Clyde Ave.Johnson, Andrew, packer, bds. 180 Fairmount Ave.t***jJohnson, Andrew, laborer, r. 161 Barrett.5^Johnson, Andrew A., (Sophia C). woodworker, h. 771 Buffalo.toJohnson, Andrew G., (Hilma), farmer, h. 660 Camp.^Johnson, Andrew J., (Anna L.), foreman toolmaker, h. 300 Hall Ave. ©Johnson, Andrew J., (Edla C. V.), groceries, 700 East Second, h. 107 do. ftJohnson, Andrew J., warpdresser, h. over 36 Regent.viJohnson, Andrew J., cabinetmaker, h. 21 Holman.Johnson, Andrew L., (Beda), metalworker, h. over 111 Stowe._.Johnson, Andrew L., (Christine), shipping clerk, h. 246 Crescent. B*Johnson, Andrew M., (Sophia), carpenter, h. 574 Allen.CrJohnson, Andrew O., (Hilma), laborer, h. 24 Tew.Johnson, Anna, twister, r. 1084 East Second. , ,Johnson, Anna, clothmender, bds. 581 Allen.'m-*~Johnson, Anna, textileworker, r. 8 Wehsl er.ftJohnson. Anna, textileworker, r. 35 Pearl Ave u /Johnson, Anna, widow John, r. over 148 Foote Ave.IiJohnson, Anna, widow August, h. 448 Chandler.CiJohnson, Anna, widow of John, h. Willard R. F. D. 82.m-iJohnson, Anna, student, r. over 24 Peterson.m_*dJohnson, Anna, twister, r. over 68 Thayer.ftJohnson, Anna, widow of Carl A., h. 263 Forest Ave.mftJohnson, Anna Mrs., laundress, h. 262 Forest Ave.Johnson, Anna, r. 410 Allen.Johnson, Anna, textileworker, bds. 239 Falconer.Johnson, Anna, textileworker, r. 13 English.Johnson, Anna, domestic, 205 Lakeview Ave. 05Johnson, Anna, domestic, 52 Lakeview Ave.Johnson, Anna B., textileworker, r. 183 Barrows.Johnson, Anna L., textileworker, r. over 52 Pearl Ave.Johnson, Anna M., r. 40 Holman.Johnson, Anna v., clerk, r. 60 East Cowden Place.Johnson, Anna W.. domestic. 27 Broadhead Ave. Q)J"J*p3chJohnson, Anton.-meatcntter, r. 31 Holman.ftJohnson, Anton E., (Esther), teamster, h. 1264 Prendergast Ave.^Johnson, Archie, (Anna), dyer, h. over 1210 E. Second.mm*Johnson, Archie A., (Mae L.), drug clerk, h. 800 Prendergast Ave.Johnson, Archie M., pressman, r. over 53 McKinley Ave.mmJohnson, Arlene, weaver, r. 33 Myrtle.3 hJJohnson, Arthur, lather, r. 210 Barrett.{J^Johnson, Arthur, (Emma). laborer, h. 1084 East Second.WJohnson, Arthur, laborer, bds. 8 Hanley.COJohnson, For Windows Arthur, woodworker, and r. Doors 15 Peterson. see HARRY LYONS »< COJohnson, Arthur H., (Anna), clerk, h. 60 Bemus.Johnson, Arthur Arvid, L., H., R., woodworker, J., bds. W., W„ machinist, (Ellen), (Mary), (Nellie), 116 (Rosa), (Jennie Wescott. wood metalworker, bds. r. machinist, T.), 247 carver, 29 express Crescent. Mrytle.h. h. over 100 agent, 114 16 Barrows. Crescent. Vega. 554% h. 434 East Maple. Second.ft f^_ ^^

11 Clark Hardware Co. Fine Cutlery and ToolsO X —-----—--——————————-—mm-m-mmmmmm—————--,mm———.—————aw 238JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.jj <strong>Chautauqua</strong> BrewWithout 'SXJ1S?ot beer»s3z Johnson, August, (Minnie), stonemason, h. 1078 East Second.O" Johnson, August (Charlotte), bushelman, h. 35 Pearl Ave.«?Jg Johnson, August, (Anna), metalfinisher, h. 763 E. Second.•S^, Johnson, August, (Amanda), printer, h. 246 Hazzard.«w Johnson, August, (Anna), laborer, h. 224 Crescent..2 Johnson, August (Sophie), cabinetmaker, h. 11 Jeffords Place.Ja Johnson, August, (Eliza'beth), woodworker, h. Ill Park.3 Johnson, August, (Mary), finisherh. 27 Lake.•m ' Johnson August, (Amanda G.), foreman Vart Land, h. 246 Hazzard.~3 Johnson, August, (Selma), lumber handler, h. over 225 Barrows.§ Johnson, August C, (Anna), finisher,h. 11 Stowe.Johnson, August C, (Emma), carpenter, h. 47 Wescott.j? ' Johnson, August L., (Hilda), woodworker, h. 106 Sampson.£ Johnson, August L., (Ida S.), metalworker, h. 18 Linden Ave.2 Johnson, August P., motorman J. St. Ry., bds. 10 Stearns Ave.•| Johnson, August S., (Minnie), mfr. cement blocks. Durant Ave, h. 1078 E.g *- Second.— g Johnson, August S., (Emma), carpenter, h. 31 Peterson.53 § Johnson, Augusta, widow Alexander, h. 310 West Seventh.wS Johnson, Augusta, textileworker, r. 304 Winsor.°aa Johnson, Augusta, twister, bds. 13 Partridge.w - Johnson, Augusta, widow Hans P., h. 4 Webster."g2 Johnson, A. Wilhelmina, r. over 101 E. Second..52 Johnson, Axel, (Toe), metalworker, bds. 123 Fairmount Ave.>-> » Johnson, Axel, (Esther), dyer, h. over 48 Water._ | Johnson, Axel, metalfinisher, bds. 836 East Second.^S Johnson, Axel, woodworker, bds. 220 Bowen.at Johnson, Axel. (Nellie), blacksmith, h. 173 Baker..5 e Johnson, Axel, metalworker, bds. 68 Chapin.% Johnson, Axel A., (Lena), metalworker, h. 29 Myrtle.«0- Johnson, Axel C, (Ida O.), metalworker, h. over 448 Winsor."3-.tmmiJohnson, Axel F., (Emma T.), drugs, 31 N. Main, h. over 101 E. Second.«| Johnson, Axel K., (Amanda), finisher,h. 73 Tower.Johnson, Axel R., (Hulda M.), cabinetmaker, h. 61 Ellicott.Johnson, Axel W., (Sadie), upholsterer, h. 639 East Sixth.^, Johnson, Axel, Z., (Emma), clerk, h. over 40 Sturges.JJJ/ Johnson. Axelina, widow Andrew, h. under 33 Wescott.M Johnson & Bard—Victor and Oscar—shoes. 201 E. Second.ft Johnson, Beda A., r. 85 Hedges Ave." Johnson, B. Edward, (Bernhardina), rubber, h. 142 Park.Johnson, Benedicta Mrs., textileworker. r. 9 Osborn.H Johnson, Bennie, metalworker, bds. 320 Bowen.2 Johnson, Berdina E., clerk, r. 515 Winsor.© Johnson,Johnson,Berger,Betty, r.finisher,41S Willard.r. 1084 E. Second.^_W Johnson,Johnson,B.Bernard,Gust, fireman,bds.(Nettie), teamster,238 McKinleyh. 400Ave.West Seventh.0> Johnson, Johnson,Berner, Birger,student, woodworker,r. 1381 bds.E 279.Second. V2 S. Main.TJlj Johnson, Bernhard, metalworker, bds. over 212 E. Second.O Johnson, Bernhard, 'bookkeeper, bds. 16 Morton.Cfl I ._ I ._~~~~ Connecticut General Life Ins. Co., 'Hartford, Conn.Johnson, Bernhard N., carpenter, r. 210 Barrett.i-5 LllC InSUranCe w. J. Bentley, Gen. Agt., S14 Chadakoin Bl«^ Johnson, Bernice, r. 33 Myrtle.M Johnson, Bernice, milliner, r. 57 Water.O !> m* Johnson, Bertha Bertil E., J., C, metalworker, stenographer, office clerk, r. r. r. 12 210 166 Fairfield Barrett. Baker. Ave.

The A. D. SHARPE CO. for Rugs and Carpets WT*Hill's Piano School "^«^ wJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 239 MJOHNSON BROS. & CO.—W. Russell, Ray C, and Everett D. Johnson and QElmer E. Waite—insurance and real estate, over 101 East Third. m-nHBell Phone S71-J. Home Phone 311 m-t*JOHNSON BROS. & CO. rFIRE INSURANCE, REAL ESTATE >AND MONEY TO LOAN Sg101 EAST THIRD STREETJohnson, C. A. Conrad, screenmaker, r. 246 Hazzard.Johnson, C. Albert, (Julia), carpenter, h. 207 Charles.ls»^Johnson, C. Albert, (Augusta), carpenter, h. 144 Broadhead Ave.^^Johnson, Calvin M., (Blanche), real estate, h. over 234 East Second.Johnson, Carl, metalworker, r. 106 Weeks.Johnson, Carl, (Hilma), woodworker, h. over 254 Willard.©p- eJohnson, Carl, (Elin), metalworker, h. over 117 King.a, glJohnson, Carl, laborer, bds. 581 Allen. 3' „Johnson, Carl, (Matilda), metalworker, li. under lor; Hazzard.B oJohnson, Carl, (Beatrice), metalworker, metalworker, bds. over h. 207 over East 111 Second. Curtis.a E! J < aJohnson, Carl, ,(Anna), (Lydia), metalworker, coachman, r. h. 1301098 S. Main. E. Second. oa 5' •flJohnson, Carl, woodfinisher, bds. 25 Palmer.g jJohnson, Carl, bds. 23 Derby.•» _Johnson, Carl, bds. 199 Barrett.W> sJohnson, Carl, bds. 7 Shaw Ave. a §Johnson, Carl, bds. 112 Tower. £• g-Johnson, Carl, (Florence), woodworker, h. 21 Wescott. JT 3.Johnson, Carl, laborer, rms. 337 E. 5th."^ oSJohnson, Carl A., (Josephine H.), metalworker, h. 5 Cook Ave..lohnsnn, Carl A., retired minister, h. 15 Terrace Place.Johnson, Carl A., printer, r. under 16 Orchard.Johnson, Carl A., paintpr. bds. 507 Chandler.J^sJohnson, Carl A., (Louipp). paintpr. h. 376 S. Main. ^?Johnson, Carl A., (Carolina A.), tailor, h. 161 Baker. «Johnson, Carl A., (Hildegard), foreman finisher,h. over 126 Hedges Ave. TOJohnson, Carl A., (Gertrude I.), metalworker, h. 11 Columbia Ave. *-*Johnson, Carl F., (Gertrude), meats, 121 Willard, h. 308 do. |>£Johnson, Carl F., metalworker, r. 52 McKinley Ave.Johnson, Carl G., (Hilda C), driver, h. 133 Prospect. -^Johnson, Carl H., (Malvina,—Lofgren, Lindquist & Johnson—h. 41 Wescott. "^fJohnson, Carl H., (Anna S.), finisher,h. over 72 Eleventh. g»Johnson, Carl I., (Augusta), sup't. Nat'l. Furniture Co., h. 118 Bush.

U5rtrm. Johnson, Charles, (Christina), h. under 41 Chapin.£ « Johnson Charles, woodfmisher, bds. 25 Palmer.« m. Johnson, Charles, metalworker, bds. 14 Arnold._ t| Johnson, Charles, metalworker, r. over 68 Thayer.g Johnson Charles laborer bds. 8 Fairfield Ave.mm Johnson, Charles, (Ida), metalworker, h. under .'.41 Foote Ave.. g Johnson, Charles A., (Emily), carpenter, h. 11 Axtel.m g Johnson, Charles A., (Ella), tailor, h. „±:* South Main.S < Johnson. Charles A., (Selma K.), bottler, h. 607 West Seventh.2 Johnson. Charles A., (Johanna B.), fruits and confectionery. 119 East*> 00 . Second, h. 824 Newland Ave.2'! c j£ Johnson, Charles A., (Selma), upholsterer, h. 116 Sampson.V * ~ c Johnson, Charles A., (Christine), aristo worker, h. 200 Prospect.6 c "% s Johnson, Charles A., (Hannah), vice pres. Atlas Furniture Co., h. .r>01 Crest;v " a cent.u O x O Johnson, Charles A., (Anna J.), laborer, h. 14 Wilton Ave." Johnson, Charles A., metalworker, bds. 393 Falconer.Johnson, Charles B., (Grace R.)—City Meat Market—h. 718 Newland Ave.Johnson, Charles E., (Matilda), carpenter, h. 703 Lafayette.Johnson, Charles E., (Hilma C), driver, h. 41 Chapin.Johnson. Charles C, (Emma), woodworker, h. under 105 Hedges Ave..* Johnson, Charles E.. (Mary E.), clerk, h. 308 Lincoln.O^1Johnson, Charles F„ carpenter, rms. 2:' Allen Square.Johnson, Charlps F.. (Elsie M.), machine hand, h. under 215 Fulton.Johnson, Charles F.. (Martina), metalworker, h. 1051 North Main.$M Johnson, Charles G.. (Ida), foreman woodworker, h. 14 Park.4) Johnson, Charles G.. (Rika), foreman Erie R. R.. h. 10 Stearns Ave.Mm Johnson. Charles G., (Jennie), cabinetmaker, h. 72 Hedges Ave.Jg Johnson, Charles G., (Gertrude), metalworker, h, over 365 Stowe.C3 Johnson, Charles I., (Ella), cloth finisher,h. 52 Linwood Ave.C(i Johnson, Charles J., (Hannah), woodworker, h. 13 English.1m Johnson, Charles J., (Emma)—Peterson & Johnson—h. 233 Hazzard.L_m: Johnson, Charles J., (Emma), carpenter, h. 12 Crescent.' Johnson, Charles J.. (Maude), dyer, h. over 114 King.ft Johnson, Charles K., (Matilda), carpenter, h. 251 Colfax.j£ mmm +-, fc* ^ CO 4) ft Q Frlt-man'c Johnson, LitAlllall Johnson. Christina, Charles Herman, S Mndr liusil W., S.. M., M.. widow (Hulda). StnrP (Anna), (Amyl (Minnie Charles, aiuic Henrv, — S.)—Elk metalworker, Johnson headquarters carpenter, G.). h. machinist, 112 over Furniture .t Tower.Wood—h. 102 pianos 51 Sampson. over Raker. Co.—h. 35 for and Whitley 1009 9 Vallev. high 420 player Newland Ave. Falconer. grade Ave. pianos

Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. THE A. D. SHARPE CO. QJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.XT241 P11:11'^. "~w.^.--.A-A G^U^v^.1 A NATIONAL TRAINING"I_•*Hill S rianO &CnOOl school for pianists ». Johnson, Christine, , widow Theodore, h. 10 Peterson.rmJohnson, Christopher, (Jennie), mason, h. 42 Mechanic.NrtJohnson, Christopher V., (Kate A.), metalworker, h. 29 Price. . ~Johnson, Clara, widow Carl J., r. 210 West Fourth.Johnson, Clara, textileworker, r. 35 Pearl Ave.t-mJohnson, Clara, dressmaker, r. 225 Barrett.fmkJohnson, Claus, (Beda), laborer, h. 156 Allen.ftJohnson, Claus A., (Alma), prop. Central Hotel, 14 South Main, h. do.aJohnson, Clayton, machinist, r. 513 Allen.^aaiJohnson, Clayton, (Sadie G), h. 506 Newland Ave.ftJohnson, Clayton O., draftsman, r. 711 West Eighth.ftJohnson, Clyde, metalworker, r. 824 Newland Ave. «?Johnson, Clyde, carpenter, h. over 49 McKinley Ave. j£Johnson, C. M., (Ethel), steamfitter, h. 1293 East Second.toJohnson, Conrad A., (Nellie), metal mantelworker, h. over 748 East Second.Johnson, Conrad T., (Hilda), metalworker, h. 153 Thayer.^^Johnson, Conrad W., (Eleanor), toolmaker, h. over 586 East Second. ^JJohnson, Constance, stenographer, r. 12 Crescent.ksislJohnson, C. Otto, (Helga), carpenter, h. 52 McKinley Ave.L'JJohnson, C. Raymond, spring setter, r. 233 Hazzard.^^Johnson, C. W., (Lena), carpenter, h. 118 Hazzard.f—m.Johnson, Dagmar, domestic, 309 East Second.ykWJohnson, Dave, r. 1054 East Second.5flJohnson, David, (Charlotte), real estate, h. 301 Winsor.rj'Johnson, David, sander, bds. 811 Cherry.j ^Johnson, David, packer, bds. 81 Hazzard.^jJohnson, Delia E., textileworker, r. 20 Vega.^~*Johnson, Dewey, (Villa), band sawyer, r. 63 Newton Ave.Johnson, Dora A., sorter, r. 229 Prospect.^—,Johnson, Dorothy, clerk, r. 79 Hedges Ave.r~*Johnson, E. Alfred, (Christine), woodworker, h. over 63 Falconer.Johnson, Earl C, screen doormaker, r. 116 Sampson. -.--Johnson, Ebba, stenographer, r. 824 Newland Ave. W©Johnson, Ebba, M. E., trained nurse, 207 Foote Ave.p3Johnson, Edith, domestic, 101 South Main. „Johnson, Edith, boxmaker, r. 837 Newland Ave.g2Johnson, Edith, textileworker, r. 47 Wescott.•$•>Johnson, Edith K., boxmaker, r. 18 Shaver.

£|7MClark Hardware Co., Contractors & Mill Suppliesi>X 242 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.SE-.«2S3",o2<strong>Chautauqua</strong>JohnsonJohnson.Johnson.BrewEdwin, woodworker, bds. 469 Willard.E. Gladys, student, r. 11 Elliot Ave.E. Imogene, r. 142 Prospect.Quenches thirst, acts as a mild tonic, inducessleep Both phones 268Johnson Fulton. Elisha S., (Annetta D.), boots and shoes, 119 North Main, h. 109Johnson. Eliza, widow John, r. 21 Ellicott.Johnson Ella N., r. 809 Cherry.Johnson. Ella N., r. 166 Baker.Johnson Ellen, dressmaker, h. over 304 Winsor..5. Johnson Ellen, textileworker, r. 377 Stowe.Johnson. Ellen, textileworker, r. Ill Park.Johnson Ellen, weaver, r. 215 Cole Ave.ofl- Johnson Ellen, laundress, r. 207 Foote Ave."a Johnson Elmer, machine hand, r. 426 Allen.(0 o Johnson. Elmer, (Signa), clerk, h. over 161 Allen.0)03 Johnson Elmer, cementworker, bds. 20 Pearl Ave.«Johnson Elmer, metalworker, r. 10 Peterson.HJohnson Elmer E., woodworker, r. 1264 Prendergast Ave.Johnson Elmer E., (Minnie S.), electrical chemist, h. 219 Price.Johnson Elmer J., (Emma L.), driver, h. 11 Hopkins Ave."8 Johnson Elof, (Sophie), teamster, h. 44 Vega.Johnson, Elof, (Matilda), gardener, h. 515 Winsor.•a > Johnson Elof, hostler, bds. 10 Steele.§g Johnson Elof, machine hand, bds. 8 Fairfield Ave.Johnson Emil, hotel clerk, bds. 14 South Main.H Johnson Emil, (Ida), commercial traveler, h. 175 Allen.09 a Johnson Emil, bds. 220 Bowen.Johnson Emit, (Sophia), veneerworker, h. over 238 Hall Ave.Johnson Emil, tailor, bds. 220 Bowen.Johnson Emil, laborer, bds. 783 East Second.Johnson Emil, (Hannah), stationary fireman, h. over 300 BarrowsJohnson Emil, (Freda), carpenter, h. 39 Hedges Ave.Johnson Emil, office clerk, r. 13 English.Johnson Emil C, (Laura E.), metalworker, h. 613 Winsor.Johnson Emil C, contractor and builder, r. 51 Kinney.Johnson Emil F., (Lena), carpenter, h. 311 Bowen.Johnson Emil J., foreman toolmaker, r. 12 Fairfield Ave.Johnson Emil T., (Mary), woodworker, h. 41 Bush.Johnson Emily, cook, bds. 6 Orchard.Johnson Emily L., widow Hermon O., h. sec. 12, over ilO East Second.Johnson Emma, domestic, 17 Cross.Johnson Emma, domestic, 205 East. Fifth.Johnson Emma, domestic, r. 1102 East Second.Johnson Emma, Mrs., weaver, h. 513 Allen.Johnson Emma C, widow John, h. 225 Barrett.Johnson Enoch C, (Anna), finisher,h. over 9 Grandin.Johnson Ephraim, metalworker, r. 14 Cowing.Johnson Eric, woodworker, h. under 100 McKinley Ave.Johnson Eric, (Blanche), woodworker, h. under 100 McKinley Ave.rn Johnson Fidelity, Eric, Judicial, (Amanda), Contract, laborer, Excise h. and 16 Palmer. all other forms of Bonds issued by55 Johnson Eric, (Esther), casemaker, BRADSHAW'S h. over PIONEER 65 Chapin. INSURANCE AGENCY.Johnson Eric F., (Martha), woodworker, h. over 124 Prospect.Johnson Eric G., (Hilma G.), casemaker, h. 3 Sturges.Johnson Erland Ernest, J.. woodworker, shipping machine (Olivia), (Hulda), finisher,h. hand, clerk, machine bds. bds. r. 52 513 42012 Sampson. McKinlev over hand, Allen. East 5 h. Walnut. Second. Ave. 322 Bowen.

Women's Coats and Suits. The A. D. SHARPE CO. g 3_ ~JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.243 _ rHILL P I A N O CO.73 rLOWEST PRICES g 2EASIEST TERMS P xp-oWJohnson, Ernest E., (Elsie A.), paperhanger, h. 7 Winsor. §MJohnson, Ernest T., draughtsman, rms. 16 East Fourth.wJohnson, Erwin H., (Alberta A.)—Oberg & Johnson—h. 413 Falconer.mJohnson, Esther, r. 426 Allen.• rJohnson, Esther, stenographer, r. 12 Crescent.MJohnson, Esther, weaver, bds. over 19 Orchard Ave.nJohnson, Esther, dressmaker, r. 154 Barrows.2Johnson, Esther, textileworker, r. 13 English.U> • oJohnson, Esther A., Mrs., music teacher, h. 204 Prospect.Johnson, Esther B., clerk, r. 134 King.Johnson, Esther M., textileworker, r. 251 Colfax.Johnson, Esther S., r. 104 Sampson._.Johnson, Etta M., bookkeeper, r. 273 Prospect.ftJohnson, Eva C, widow P. A., r. 246 Bowen.fr. 3Johnson, Evelyn M. I., r. 41 Bush.(fiJohnson, Everett D., (May E.)—Johnson Bros. & Co.—h. 25 Maple. f"+Johnson, E. Victorie, r. over 101 East Second. ©Johnson, E. Virginia, clerk, r. 263 Forest Ave.Johnson, Fletcher H., packer, r. 16 Johnson.srJohnson, Flora L., cook, h. over 308 Pine.Johnson, Florence, dressmaker, r. 824 Newland Ave.Johnson, Florence, dressmaker, r. 154 Barrows.Johnson, Florence, paper boxmaker, r. 79 Hedges Ave.Johnson, Florence L., stenographer, r. 393 Falconer.Johnson, Florence M., dressmaker, r. over 66 Liberty.^^Johnson, Floyd E., student, r. 836 Prendergast Ave.l_.Johnson, Frank, farmer, r. 1381 East Second.ftJohnson, Frank, (Annie), lunch counter clerk, h. 816 North Main.r*m.Johnson, Frank, metalworker, bds. 11 Cedar Ave.Johnson, Frank, r. 351 Foote Ave.J^j toJohnson, Frank A., (Nellie M.), carpenter, h. 393 Buffalo.ftJohnson, Frank A., student, r. 35 Mechanic.Johnson, Frank A., (Anna S.), chief of police, 7 City Hall, h. 393 FalconerJohnson, Frank E., r. 125 Stowe.Johnson, Frank G., (Caroline), laborer, h. 36 Ninth. -Johnson, Frank H., baker, r. 54 Liberty.OJohnson, Fred Frank A., J., (Hulda), (Mary), shipping woodworker, clerk, h. h. over 114207 Stowe. Chandler.2=r ^Johnson, Frank Fred J.,—Munson L., (Josephine)—Johnson & Johnson—r. & 839 Swanson—h. Washington. 70 Liberty.Johnson, Frank Fred L., O., (Mary), cabinetmaker, contractor h. 16 and Maltby. builder, h. 174 Barrett.^>'^Johnson, Fred Frank V., O., (Hulda), finisher,r. metalworker, 40 Holman. h. 514 Newland Ave.6, »•Johnson, Frank Fred W., O., (Augusta), (Emma), finisher,h. tailor, over 89i/, East Sherman. Third, h. 14 West End. ^*\ g"Johnson, Frederica, Frank O., (Matilda), dressmaker, metalworker, h. over 66 Liberty. h. 239 Forest Ave.-^n ^mJJohnson, Frederick Frank P., (Hannah), C, metalworker, packer, r. h. 53893 Hickory. East Second.-m- ;•' rmJohnson, Fredrika, Fred, woodworker, widow John, bds. carpet 123 Fairmount weaver, h. Ave. over 117 William.t/jJohnson, Fritz Fred, E., bds. (Beda), 112 Hazzard. cabinetmaker, h. 120 English. Jjje 3Johnson, FrecC Fritz H., metalworker, (Susiana), bds. carpenter, 239 Falconer. h. 37 Union Ave.£rJo

15 Clark Hardware Co., Roofing and Building PapersO e244 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY•£« ffiailtail/Ylia R l ^ W "'"S00'1 *•» *m* 9~ - Johnson, Gustaf Haddon, Gustava, Hannah, A., E., widow weaver, domestic, clerk, (Millie cook, r. Peter, bds. R.), 72 11 56 Allen. over Stowe. Falconer.retired, h. 40243 Holman. h. Crescent. 254 Forest Ave.

Always buy your Dry Goods of The A. D. Sharpe Co.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 245FINEST PRIVATE STUDIOSHill's Piano SchoolIN AMERICAJohnson, Harley F., (Lola B.), asst. cashier Sw. American National Bank,h. 918 Newland Ave.Johnson, Harmon J.,' clerk, r. 220 Broadhead Ave.Johnson, Harold, crater ,r. 27 Lake.Johnson, Harold W., draftsman, r. 105 Cook Ave.Johnson, Harry, metalworker, r. 174 Barrows.Johnson, Harvey, moulder, rms. 624 \vest Seventh.Johnson, Harvey 0., carpenter, r. 220 Broadhead Ave.Johnson, Hattie O., settlementworker, r. 393 Falconer.Johnson, Hazel, textileworker, r. under 33 Wescott.Johnson, Hazel C, pianist, r. 38 Charles.Johnson, Hazel M., student, r. 246 Hazzard.Johnson, Hedwig B., r. 296 Willard.Johnson, Helen, student, r. 31 Tower.Johnson, Henning, (Lydia), foreman woodworker, h. 329 Crescent.Johnson, Henry, metalworker, h. over 19 Catlin Ave.Johnson, Henry, (Harriet), teamster, r. over 915 Washington.Johnson, Henry, (Ida S.), h. 311 Monroe.Johnson, Henry, student, r. 1381 East Second.Johnson, Henry A., planer, r. 220 Broadhead Ave.Johnson, Herbert, r. 824 Newland Ave.Johnson, Herbert, metalworker, r. 115 Prospect.Johnson, Herman, (Bertha), textileworker, h. Z$y2 Cross.Johnson, Herman, metalworker, bds. over 212 East Second.Johnson, Herman, (Ellen), cabinetmaker, h. over 25 Myrtle.Johnson, Hetty O., cook, h. 216 East Third.Johnson, Hilda, r. 106 Weeks.Johnson, Hilda, boxmaker, r. 1084 East Second.Johnson, Hilda, r. 367% Foote Ave.Johnson, Hilda S., Mrs., h. 14 Cowing.Johnson, Hilda, widow Charles, h. 134j4 Foote Ave.Johnson, Hilda C, dressmaker, r. 216 East Third.Johnson, Hilda H., r. 202 Falconer.Johnson, Hilda J., widow Edward, h. 33 Myrtle.Johnson, Hilder, widow Carl, h. 14 Cowing.Johnson, Hilder E., r. 206 Linwood Ave.Johnson, Hildur, domestic, 7 Allen.Johnson, Hildur, mill hand, r. 11 Stowe.Johnson, Hildur, boxmaker, r. 1084 East Second.Johnson, Hilma, carpenter, bds. 7 Maple.Johnson, Hilma, domestic. 502 Lakeview Ave.Johnson, Hilma, bookkeeper, r. 174 Barrows.Johnson, Hilma, textileworker, r. 31 Tower.Johnson, Hilma, weaver, h. 123 Maple.Johnson, Hilma, domestic, 54 Lakeview Ave.Johnson, Hilma L., clerk, r. 12 Fairfield Ave.Johnson, Hilmer C, widow Alfred, h. 229 Prospect.Johnson, H. Oliver, plater, r. 105 Cook Ave.Johnson, Howard L., student, r. 308 Lincoln.Johnson, Hugo—Glantz & Johnson—bds. 41 Grant.Johnson, Hugo A., moulder, r. 53 Grant.Johnson, Hulda, textileworker, r. 4 Webster.For JOHNSON Johnson, ice, Red coal Ida, Hulda, ICE Cedar and'building weaver, domestic, & N., cook, COAL weaver, r. 15 411 79 h. CO.—M. South Cypress supplies, Hedges East 212 bds. Forest Main. 254 Second. R. Ave. 602-610 Falconer. Stevenson, Shingles Ave. West gen. Eighth. SEE mgr. LYONS and sec.-treas.—iSp3COm-*»top3ocChcomm.mm.tomm.353*srtoco2oChmT*io•a03mm»COCOr.o

S2 Clark H a r d w a r e Co.Q 246 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.Stoves and Furnaces2 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew, Low in alcohol, rich in extractJohnson, Ida, widow Henry, h. 281 Willard.Johnson, Ida, nurse, r. 153 South Main.Johnson, Ida, domestic, 10 East Fourth.Johnson, Ida, domestic, 100 Newton Ave.Johnson, Ida, h. over 300 Willard.Johnson, Ida, r. 112 Tower.Johnson, Ira W., (Minnie), stationary engineer, h. over 217 Spring.Johnson, Irene, boxmaker, r. 29 Myrtle.Johnson, Jacob P., (Leila M.), R. F. D. mail carrier, h. 11 Elliot Ave.Johnson, J. Albert, (Tillie), metalworker, h. over 222 Prospect.Johnson, J. Albert, collector, r. 273 Prospect.Johnson, J. Albert, carpenter, bds. 52 McKinley Ave.Johnson, J. Alfred, machine hand, r. 104 Sampson.Johnson, J. Alfred, (Ellen), machinist, h. 1 York.Johnson, J. Alfert, (Hedwig L.), laborer, h. 1014 Newland Ave.Johnson, Jalmer, cabinetmaker, h. 251 Crescent.Johnson, James, retired, r. 137 Barrows.Johnson, James, (Iolean), shipping clerk, h. 14 Maple.Johnson, J. Andrew ,(Ella), clerk, h. over 107 East Second.Johnson, J. Arvid, metalworker, bds. 116 Wescott.Johnson, J. August, (Hulda), machine hand, h. 5 Hedges Ave.Johnson, J. August, (Anna), hardware clerk, h. over 917 Newland Ave.Johnson, J. August, (Lena), laborer, h. 106 Weeks.Johnson, J. Edward, (Alida), lumber handler, h. 63 Hedges Ave.Johnson, J. Edwin, (Amelia S.), metalworker, h. 4 Orchard.Johnson, J. Emil, metal polisher, r. 31 Holman.Johnson, J. Emil, (Jennie), carpenter, h. 109 Newland Ave.Johnson, J. Emil, metalworker, bds. 32 Swan.Johnson, Jennie, widow Charles A., h. 76 Eagle.Johnson, Jennie, widow Carl, clerk, bds. 10 Thirteenth.Johnson, Jennie, dishwasher, r. 15 South Main.Johnson, Jennie A., widow J. A., h. 166 Baker.Johnson, Jennie C, r. 206 Linwood Ave.Johnson, J. Ernest, (Emy)—Martin & Johnson—and sec'y board of health, h.225 Allen.Johnson, J. Herman, (Alice), foreman woodworker, h. over 10 Sampson.Johnson, J. Martin, (Ida S.), collector First Lutheran Church, h. 448 Chandler.Johnson, J. Milton, physician and surgeon, 9-10 Barrett Bldg., h. 115 Prospect.Johnson, Joan, widow John, r. 139 South Main.Johnson, Johanna, widow John, h. over 47 Kinney.Johnson, Johanna, widow Gust, h. 7 Bowen.Johnson, Johanna, r. 566 Allen.Johnson, Johanna, widow John, r. Bigelow Ave.Johnson, John, woodworker, h. 37 Cedar Ave.Johnson, John, metalworker, bds. 12 William.Johnson, John, candymaker, bds. 58 Tenth.Johnson, John, woodworker, bds. 279j/, South Main.Johnson, John, laborer, bds. 135 Baker.Johnson, John, textileworker, h. over 243 Willard.Johnson, John, (Ida E.), veneerworker, h. 214 Thayer.Johnson, John, metalworker, bds. 180 Fairmount Ave.55"? 0g 3 ac° fc „j• « o 9 Lilre I Johnson, •£ inSUrallCe l-.-.-an/.o John, carpenter, woodworker, (Mina), metalworker, (Carolina), (Hannah), finisher,h. h. retired, bandsawyer, h. Connecticut w. 356 bds. 24 over Peterson. J. Price. 126 over h. Bentley, 34 174 Sampson. Eleventh.529 General Barrows. 161 Allen. Gen. Barrett. Life Agt., Ins. 514 Co., Chadakoin Hartford, Bldg. Conn.

Gloves, Hosiery and Underwear - THE A. D. SHARPE CO. gJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.247 rHILL PIANO CO. mE ~j~, owlt jj— amJohnson, John A., stonemason, rms. over 11 East Second.£ OJohnson, John A., (Naina), finisher,h. rear 9 Grandin. °> *-**,Johnson, John A., (Annie), laborer, h. 77 Eagle.Johnson; John A., (Hannah), machinist, h. over 1024 Newland Ave. I WJohnson, John A., (Ida), carpenter, h. 229 Forest Ave.S E"!Johnson, John A., (Ida), metalworker, h. 116 Cross. w SJohnson, John August, (Sophia N.), woodworker, h. 220 Broadhead Ave. 5 ~\JOHNSON, JOHN D., (Jeanette), paints, oils and wallpaper, 208 E. Second. § 3h. 115 Prospect. j* gJohftson, John E., (Enger C), metalworker, h. 12 Partridge. m ("}Johnson, John E., finisher, r. 40 Holman.EJohnson, John E., (Ellen C), metalworker, h. 80 Highland Ave.OJohnson, John E., carriage painter, h. over 53 McKinley Ave. ©Johnson, John F., (Hannah C), stonemason, h. 809 Cherry.Johnson, John F., (Matilda C), carpenter, h. 133 Prospect.Johnson, John G., h. 162 Baker.gJohnson, John G., (Selma), cement contractor, h. 55 Benedict. ~Johnson, John O., (Emma), stonemason, h. under 128 Thayer.WJohnson, John P., cabinetmaker, bds. 574 Allen. 2.9 b 5Johnson,Johnson,JohnJonasP.,A.,(Pauline),(Anna S.),locomotivelaborer, h.engineer,104 Sampsonh. 4 Cook Ave.Z.°*2r"Johnson, Jonas A., (Hannah S.), contractor, h. 12 Axtel.Johnson, John P., (Ebba), metalworker, h. over 346 Bowen. So {j? pqJohnson, Jonas E., (Matilda)—Anchor Furniture Co.—h. 148 Forest Ave.Johnson, John P., (Ella), carpenter, h. 221 Price.El gjJohnson,Johnson, 18 Jonas P., (Caroline), h. 15 Peterson.John P., carpenter, bds. 434 Falconer. "Johnson, Jonas Peter, (Christine), woodworker, h. 340 Willard.Johnson, John W., (Mary A.), paving inspector, h. 839 Washington.Johnson, J. Oscar, cabinetmaker, h. 311 Allen.wJjSJohnson, Joseph, steel polisher, bds. over 212 East Second.is poJohnson, Joseph, (Esther), machine hand, h. 10 Water. _•. >Johnson, Joseph E., (Wendla C), foreman tinner, h. 809 Cherry. H °|Johnson, Josephine A., nurse, 128 Forest Ave., r. 509 Newland Ave.OJohnson, Josephine M., clerk, r. 53 Hickory.XJohnson, J. V., Mrs., millinery, 211 West Third, h. 210 West Fourth.Johnson, J. Victor, (Montie R.), compositor, h. 210 West Fourth.Johnson, J. Victor, (Hannah), sewer contractor, h. 127 McKinley Ave. vJohnson, Judith C, textileworker, r. 31 Peterson.S-. pjJohnson, Julia, Mrs., seamstress, rms. 513 Spring.8,S-.Johnson, Julia T., r. 42 Mechanic. g. 3Johnson, Julius, carpenter, bds. 7 Grandin.5" jjfJohnson, Julius, sidewalk builder, bds. 55 Steele. to s * p.Johnson, Julius, metalworker, bds. 42 Chapin. n J?Johnson, Julius C, (Teckla), finisher,h. over 254 Falconer. E| gJohnson, Laura, waitress, r. 14 South Main.SJ srJohnson, Laura, clerk, bds. 6 Broadhead Ave.J? ifJohnson, LaVerne, student, r. 340 Willard.Johnson, Lawrence, (Agnes), toolmaker, h. over 6 Linwood Ave.Johnson, Lawrence H. A., screenmaker, r. 246 Hazzard.k5Johnson, Leafy, cook, 7 Harrison.g_Johnson, Leander J., woodworker, h. 142 Prospect. 2«qJohnson, Lela, stenographer, r. 161 Barrett.J^g-Johnson, Lena, picker, r. 192 South Main. . jj«3Johnson, Leo A., ornamenter, r. 219 Price. ^ j ,Johnson, Leonard, (Florence), laborer, h. over 52 Charles.-^XJohnson, Leonard B., clerk, r. 330 Palmer._jgReady Johnson, Levi Leri, Roofing W., domestic, electrician, 351 & East r. 504 Building Fifth. West Seventh. Paper *___ T£ p0§ MM „,

? * Clark Hardware Co., Roofing and Building PapersM .—Z 248JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.5 rVlAllf-ailOllA Rl-PW QUENCHES THIRST.ACTS AS A MILDN V^llaULdUqUd D l C W TONIC, INDUCES SLEEP. Both PhonesoNJohnson, Lillian A., stenographer, r. 161 Baker.Johnson, Lillie V., weaver, r. 330 Allen.Johnson, Louis, (Gertrude), h. 210 Hopkins Ave.si , Johnson, Louis J., (Augusta M.), clerk, h. 619 West Seventh.Jj ' Johnson, Louis W., cloth cutter, r. 116 Sampson.* Johnson, Louisa, widow August, h. 12 Fairfield Ave.*» ' Johnson, Louise, widow Felix, h. 53 Grant." Johnson, Louise, domestic, 412 Spring. S Johnson, Mamie, textileworker, r. 1014 Newland Ave.w 9 Johnson, Manley E., (Agnes E.)—Boston Dept. Store—h. 836 Prendergast"g < Ave.to . Johnson, Margaret, r. 376 South Main.•ee 5" Johnson, Margaret, picker, r. 513 Spring.U«.2"° Johnson, Maria, Marie F. widow C, widow Alfred, J. h. Emil, over h. 757 16 East Johnson. Second.as .S, Johnson, Martha, textileworker, r. 47 Wescott."g'a h cMaria G., widow William, h. 40 Barrows.« Johnson, Martha J., milliner, r. 246 Hazzard.g a Johnson, Marie, Martin, widow stainer, Nels bds. E., 30 h. Chapin. over 24 Peterson.rj§ Johnson, Martin, laborer, bds. 20 Stafford Ave.Johnson, Martin, bds. 34 Whitley Ave.. Johnson, Martin H., (Bessie), woodworker, h. under 36 Kinney.O Johnson, Martin O., (Esther A.), h. 204 Prospect.^•J Johnson, Mary, widow Andres, r. 239 South Main.Johnson, Mary, Mrs., r. under 119 Barrows.Sn Johnson, Mary, textileworker, r. over 110 McKinley Ave.,.*** Johnson, Mary F., widow Reuben, h. over 407 Cherry.©a Johnson, Mary J., widow Samuel, h. over 300 Winsor.CS Johnson, Matilda, weaver, r. over 47 Kinney.Cd Johnson, Matilda, widow August P., h. 57 Water.Jtm Johnson, Maude, bookkeeper, r. 513 Allen.S1"* Johnson, Maude L., r. 61 Fairmount Ave.Johnson, Melker, metalworker, bds. 11 Cedar Ave.S3 Johnson, Mildred, clerk, r. 10 Stearns Ave.^ Johnson, Milton M., (Anna), bartender, h. over 211 Crescent.a Johnson, Miner C, springworker, r. over 917 Newland Ave.+^ Johnson, Minnie, domestic, 307 East Sixth.CO Johnson, Minnie, r. over 63 Falconer.CPS nS§ Largest Victrolas, stock 860, Victor $76, Records $100, $160, in the $200 City CCJiman Frlfmail'c & HUMl MllCir ^ttiTr JIU1C

Gloves, Hosiery and Underwear - The A. D. SHARPE CO. >JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 249NO CONTESTSHILL P I A N O CO.NO FAKE CERTIFICATESJohnson, Minnie, domestic, 329 East Fourth, r. 48 Baker.Johnson, Minnie A., clerk, r. 125 Stowe.Johnson, Morris O., (Emma O.), metalworker, h. over 7 Ahrens Ave.Johnson, Morton G., stockroom clerk, r. 893 Bast Second.Johnson, M. Maude, clerk, r. over 101 East Second.Johnson, M. Sophia, widow Swan, r. 35 Whitley Ave.Johnson, Nellie R., cloth mender, r. 330 Allen.Nels, metalworker, r. 304 Winsor.Johnson, Nels, (Christine), r. 153 Stowe.Johnson, Nels A., (Amanda)—Universal Tool Co.—h. over 895 East Second.Johnson, Nels G., (Matilda), woodworker, h. under 116 Tower.Johnson, Nels J., metalworker, h. 202 Falconer.Johnson, Nelson E., (Mary A.), dentist, 1-2 New Gifford Bldg., h. 139 SouthMain.Johnson, Newton, conductor J. St. Ry., rms. over 215 North Main.Johnson, N. Gust., (Christine), metalworker, h. 125 Stowe.Johnson, N. O., (Johanna), lumber handler, h. 426 Allen.Johnson, Norman, driver, r. 11 Axtel.Johnson, N. Oscar, (Emma A.)—Anchor Furniture Co.—h. 96 Prather Ave.Johnson, Olaf, (Clara A.), tailor, h. 38 Charles.Johnson, Olga, textileworker, r. 16 Maltby.Johnson, Olive E., stenographer, r. 839 Washington.Johnson, Oliver, metalworker, r. over 5 Walnut.Johnson, 0. R., bds. 148 Forest Ave.Johnson, Oral E., (Elizabeth), bench foreman, h. 29 Palmer.Johnson, Oscar, (Lily), machine hand, h. over 104 Sampson.Johnson, Oscar, machine hand, bds. 44 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Johnson, Oscar, metalworker, rms. 215 West Second.Johnson, Oscar, (Elsie), plumber, h. 24 Fairfield Ave.Johnson, Oscar, A., bds. 220 Bowen.Johnson, Oscar, A., bds. 9 English.Johnson, Oscar, C, carpenter, bds. 850 Lafayette.Johnson, Washington. Oscar, metalworker, bds. 811 Cherry.Johnson, Oscar, C, steel (Signe casemaker, C), woodworker, bds. 8 Hanley. h. 156 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Johnson, Oscar, E., (Dina), machine coremaker, hand, bds. h. over 112 225 Francis. Bowen.Johnson, Oscar A., F., moulder, (Esther A.), r. 45 steel Chapin. casemaker, h. 317 Allen.Johnson, Oscar F., (Augusta)—Ohlquist (Dema), metalworker, & h. Johnson—h. 1014 Newland 711 Ave. West Eighth.Johnson, Oscar F., clerk, (Ida S.), bds. lather, 1106 Prendergast h. 172 Barrett. Ave.Jopnson, Oscar G., (Eva), (Alta Towne), bandsawyer, mgr. h. Reliance 108 Chandler. Clothing Syndicate, h. 825Johnson, Otto, (Mary), casemaker, h. 21 Utica.Johnson, Otto, woodworker, bds. 379% South Main.Johnson, Otto A., (Nettie L.), woodworker, h. 18 Shaver.Johnson, Otto P., (Hilma S.), contracting painter, over 12 East Second, h. 21Elliott Ave.Johnson, Paul, bandsawyer, r. 5 Hedges Ave.Johnson, Paul, (Otilia), metalworker, h. over 231 Bowen.Johnson, Paul G., metalworker, r. 70 Norton Ave.Johnson, Pauline S., cashier, r. 253 Prospect.Johnson, Pauline V., office clerk, r. 31 Peterson.Johnson, Pearl E., r. over 53 McKinley Ave.Johnson, Peter, stonemason, h. over 52 Pearl Ave.Johnson, Peter, machinist, rms. over 33 South Main.°£f Front Doors st&k HARRY LYONSm~_>tvacotoPSrt>3g

wCOc•cClark H a r d w a r e Co. Stoves and Furnaces250 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew - Always Pure and DeliciousJohnson, Peter A., (Hattie), laborer, h. 22 Peterson.Johnson, Peter A., (Hannah), carpenter, h. 134 King.Johnson, Peter J., (Christine), machine hand, h. 247 Willard.CflJohnson, Peter J., (Sanna), cabinetmaker, h. 455 Willard.Johnson, Peter M., (Albertina)—P. M. Johnson Co h. 61 Fairmount Ave.JOHNSON, P. M. CO. (INC.)—P. M. Johnson, pres.-treas.—department store,14-16 East Second.Johnson. Ralph A., (Angie T.) aristoworker, h. 35 McKinley Ave.Johnson, Ralph A., r. 35 McKinley Ave.Johnson Ralph W., student, r. 109 Fulton.Johnsonconer,RayN.C,Y.(Adelle H.),- Johnson Bros. & Co., and bank clerk—h. Fal-Johnson R. Edward A., cabinetmaker, r. 85 Hedges Ave.Johnson Regina, boxmaker, r. 1084 East Second.Johnson Richard, mechanic, bds. 489 Winsor.Johnson Richard, painter, bds. 15 Orchard.Johnson Richard, (Hannah), stationary engineer, h. over 628 Barrows.Johnson Richard, clerk, r. 115 Prospect.Johnson Richard E., dentist, 300-302 Chadakoin Bldg., r. 16 East Fourth.Johnson Rickard, metal finisher, bds. 836 East Second.Johnson R. Melvin, machine hand, r. 104 Sampson.Johnson Robert, bandsawyer, bds. 33 Myrtle.Johnson Rosa, cook, 15 South Main.Johnson Roy T., office clerk, r. 509 Newland Ave.Johnson Ruby A., telephone operator, r. 6 Walnut.Johnson Rudolph, bed springworker, r. 31 Peterson.Johnson Rudolph, (Lina), upholsterer, h. 40 Union Ave.Johnson Rudolph, r. 215 Cole Ave.Johnson Ruth, r. 112 Tower.Johnson Ruth H. E., clerk, r. 515 Winsor.Johnson Ruth L., stenographer, r. 114 Vega.Johnson, Sagrid A., teacher, r. 246 Hazzard.Johnson, Sagrid M., clerk, r. 134 King.Johnson, Sallie, textileworker, r. over 243 Willard.Johnson Sam, bench boss, bds. 828^4 Cherry.Johnson Samuel, (Elizabeth), h. over 232 East Second.Johnson Samuel, (Alma L.), carpenter, h. 915 Newland Ave.Johnson, Samuel A., (Christine), sander, h. 50 Water.Johnson Sarah A., widow William, r. over 67 Tenth.Johnson Sarah J., dressmaker, r. 66 Liberty.Johnson Seibert, woodworker, r. 31 Holman.Johnson Selma, towel weaver, bds. 25% Columbia Ave.Johnson Selma, domestic, 20 Bowen.Johnson Sidney, painter, bds. 320 Price.Johnson Sigfried, (Matilda), metalworker, h. 35 Barrows.Johnson Signe, student, r. 166 Baker.Johnson Simon, metalworker, bds. 10 Water.Johnson Sophia M., cook, 1381 East Second.Johnson Sophia S., widow Oscar, h. 31 Tower.Johnson Sophie E., textileworker, r. 251 Colfax.Johnson Sten A., (Christine), cabinetmaker, h. over 558 Allen.JohnsonMoney talks. Susanna, We have widow paid Per, over h. over $800,000.00 25 Vega. losses in our field.Johnson Sven F., r. over BRADSHAW'S 17 Valley. PIONEER INSURANCE AGENCY.Johnson Swan, (Lena), h. 8 Webster.JohnsonTheodore, & Tecla, Swan Swanson—Frank F., H., widow (Matilda), (C. (Hannah), Emilia), Charles, L. machine cementworker, veneerworker, and h. 53 Elmer hand, Hickory. B.—grocers, h. h. 247 over 106 Crescent. Lister. 168128 Barrett. East Second.

ARPETS, CURTAINS,DRAPERiEysHADEs, The A. D. Sharpe Co. OJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 251 toHILL PIANO CO.r-\COMPLETE TUNING AND QO.REPAIR DEPARTMENTJohnson, Theodore, (Alma), casemaker, h. 611 Monroe.-5JJ^Johnson, Theodore, polisher, h. 212 Washington.&Johnson, Theodore W., (Ida), carpenter, h. over 566 Allen. £3Johnson, Verne B., (Nellie B.), teamster, r. 8 Fifteenth. 'Johnson, Victor, machinist, rms. 212 South Main.Johnson, Victor, (Martina), cement walk builder, h. 32 Franklin.Johnson, Victor C, (Isabelle)—Johnson & Bard—h. 600 East Second.Johnson, Victor C, stationary engineer, h. over 21 Park.C/>tofmm^^».^PJohnson, Victoria, domestic, 20 Mechanic.Johnson, Viggo, cabinetmaker, bds. 11 Highland Ave.Johnson, Walter O. E., screenmaker, r. 246 Hazzard.Johnson, William, (Anna), painter, h. over 52 Hamilton.Johnson, William, (Olive), bartender, h. 99 Tower.

.2 Clark Hardware Co., Contractors & Mill Suppliesfj 252 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.-\ <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew Lowin jjgfgi\£extract»> ^ ~ — * ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ~ ^ ~ ^ ^ ~ ^ ~ •CO Jones, Alfred E., metalworker, r. 1018 Newland Ave.fi Jones, Alvira H., student, r. 106 Catlin Ave.CC) Jones, Amil C, (Selma), finisher,h. 24 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.© Jones, Andrew A., stonemason, h. 185 Baker.pj Jones, Andrew J., (Effie), retired, h. under 109 Cross.Jones, Anna, widow Samuel, h. over 231 Steele.Q) Jones, Anna, Mrs., h. over 1021 East Second.+j* CO Jones, Arthur E., r. 5 Pearl Ave.w Jones, Arthur E., draftsman, r. 196 Forest Ave.UJONES & AUDETTE—Edward F. and Charles L.—department store, 2-6 EastSecond.Jones, August, (Hulda), carpenter, h. 110 Benedict.Jones, August, (Anna), rubber, h. 12 William.£ Jones, August, (Amanda C), metalworker, h. 11 Garfield.fl) Jones, Augusta E., r. 185 Baker.my Jones, Austin A., (Christine H.), collector, h. 19 West Eighth.^* Jones, Axel, rubber, bds. 12 Hedges Ave.Jones, Axel R., (Selma), grainer, h. 19 Kipp.Jones, Bebee, student, r. Fairmount Ave., bey. limits.Jones, Benjamin C, (Irene), draughtsman, h. over 12 McDannell Ave.Jones, Bernhard, metalworker, r. over 1021 East Second.Jones, Bessie A., music teacher, r. 103 Allen.Jones Bros.—G. E. and E. A.—news room, cigars and tobacco, 126 EastSecond.JONES BROS.—Carl A., S. Alfred and J. Emil—grocers and furniture, 343-345 and 348 Allen.A HANDY STORE AROUND THE CORNER ISJONES BROTHERS343-345 348 Allen St. Home Phone 198GROCERY, FURNITURE AND RUGSS^Jones, CarlWeA.,handle(Selma)—Jonesmost everythingBros—h.you288need.Willard.Come and see usz " ~"Jones, Caroline, widow John, r. 358 South Main.

draperies, shades, The A. D. Sharpe Co. ^JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 253 WUTT T PTANO CCl COLUMBIA GRAFONOLAS _2llll-i-t 1 1.TV1.1W VA-/. RRCORDS AND SHEET MUSIC OJones, C. Melvic, finisher, r. over 548 Allen.Jones, Corrine E., widow Owen, h. 196 Forest Ave.ITJones, C. Oscar, (Josephine), commercial traveler, h. 60 Hazzard.*1Jones, C. William, (Emma), veneerworker, h. 33 Peach.Jones, Cyrus E., (Minnie)—Jamestown Table Co.—h. Fairmount Ave., bey. ©limits.^fjJones, Dama C, millinery, 1-3 Barrett Bldg., bds. 313 Prendergast Ave.Jones, Delbert C, (Effie M.), groceries, 217 Lincoln, h. do.Jones, Dorothy A., r. 9 Foote Ave.Jones, Dury, weaver, h. rear 204 Lafayette.Jones, Earl C, (Mildred F.), clerk, h. 28 Bush.Jones, Earl D., student, r. over 217 Lincoln.Jones, Edgar D., student, r. 107 Maple.Jones, Edith C, stenographer, r. 256 Willard.Jones, Edward, (May), metalworker, h. 106 Stowe.Jones, Edward F., (Caroline M.)—Jones & Audette—h. 16 Broadhead Ave.Jones, Edward V., metalworker, r. 1018 Newland Ave.Jones, Edward W., (Barbara), railroad engineer, h. 185 Fairmount Ave.Jones, Elial A., (Minnie)—Jones Bros.—126 East Second, h. 204 LakeviewJones, Elizabeth N., telephone operator, r. over 413 Winsor.Jones, Ellen, r. over 1021 East Second.Jones, Ellen D., widow Edward B., h. 212 Crossman.Jones, Ellen M., r. 1018 Newland Ave.& NN^sri* *'53ChGOJONES, ELMER A., (Helen B.), physician, office and residence, 20 Harri- (flson. Office hours 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p. m. Home phone 166; Bell phone443-w.rtJones, Elmer P., (Anna), finisher,h. 56 Chapin. c ftJones, Emerson H.. (Cecil E.), pastor Buffalo St. M. E. Church, h. 340 Fal- Ch ~coner.mJones, Emil J., metalworker, r. 1018 Newland Ave.P0 VJones, Emma D. widow Albert C, h. 107 Stowe.Q^Jones, Emory, r. Fairmount Ave., bey. limits.ftJones, Erick A., (Christine), metalworker, h. over 13 Victoria Ave. **Jones, Erland G., (Augusta L.), finisher,h. 11 Warner Ave.Jones, Ethel M., music teacher, r. 303 West Fourth.90,Jones, Everett F„ (Alice C), driver, h. 28 Twelfth.Jones, Francis S., (Lora M.), freight solicitor Penn. R. R., 105 West Third,h. 304 Washington. ftJones, Francis V., bookkeeper, r. 40 Flagg Ave.aJones, Frank A., (Tillie), bookkeeper J. Water Dept., h. 1024 Newland Ave. JfLJones, Frank T., (Helga)—Jones & Ahlquist—h. 320 Forest Ave. ^.Jones, Fred, metal polisher, bds. 18 Colfax.ftJones, Fred A., (Florence), clerk, h. 107 East Eighth. ~^Jones, Fred E„ bartender, r. 1200 East Second.Jones, Fred H., driver, r. 1018 Newland Ave.Jones, Fred L., (Minnie) contractor and builder, h. 5 Pearl Ave.Jones, Fred O., (Anna), vice-pres. Superior Furniture Co., h. 105 StewartAve.Jones, Fred S„ (Clara J.), emp. Johnson Ice Co., h. 123 Wilson Ave. «"*Jones, Freda, weaver, h. 80 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave. *-,,Jones, George, metalworker, r. over 1021 East Second.•***Jones, George E.—Jones Bros.—126 East Second, rms. corner Chicago and ft-,COLONIAL Jones, That Fairmount will Harry George Gilbert Gunnar, Harriet not PORCH crack O., S., F., L„ Ave. (Anna (Amelia) or (Hilda printer, teacher, open COLUMNS V.), up-.l.o C), E.), r. bandsawyer, spring 344 212 varnisher, foreman Porch harry Falconer. Crossman.setter, Bahutor. woodworker, h. h. lyons 70 222 over Benedict. and Price. 868 Rail ft h. East 120 Second. Institute Broadhead St. & Ave. Z~f> Ry. ft £••• NfJ a*? Sj aa "SftST

II Clark Hardware Co., Roofing and Building Paperso£ _3* 254 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.«>3 ,-m PU-m^.irtllV. R*-£>\A? WITHOUT A PEER IN THE WORLDg| L/liaUtaUqUa DreW OFBEER. Both Phones 268Co eoS3t§ Jones, Hattie B., r. 267 Fairmount Ave.O4 Jones, Henry, machine hand, bds. 953 East Second.saW Jones, Henry J., (Anna H.), constr. agent Art. Metal Constr. Co., h. 15 Gar-.g field.*J Jones, Henry R., finisher, r. 178 Barrett._» Jones, Hilda, widow Emil, h. over 245 Willard."fc ' Jones, Ida, widow Edward, h. 49 Hickory.g Jones, Ivah L., r. 212 Crossman.j Jones, Jacob H., (Selinda), wholesale farm and dairy products, 40 Flagg^ 1 Ave., h. do.C Jones, James H., (Margaret), h. 807 North Main.* Jones, J. Emil—Jones Bros.—343 Allen, rms. Y. M. C. A.-at , Jones, Jennie M., tailor, r. 1018 Newland Ave.,g Jones, Jennie M., clerk, r. 185 Baker.*j Jones, J. Fred, (Minnie Allen), mgr. Economy Oil Works, h. 9 Foote Ave.C Jones, John, woodworker, bds. 319 Allen.G-i Jones, John A., (Dora), metalworker, h. 20 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.§,£ Jones, John A., (Hannah)—Jones, Scharf & Lincoln—h. 11 McKinley Ave.Z3© Jones, John A., (Mary), The Jones saloon, 214 North Main, h. do."** Jones, John C, (Freda M.), stationary fireman, h. over 116 Bush.'g'u Jones, John C, (Mary J.), h. 8 McDannell Ave.00 Jones, John F., (Rose P.), insurance, 522 Chadakoin Bldg., h. 607 Lafayette.JS& Jones, John G., (Louisa), Kentucky Liquor Store, 116 East Second, h. overSo 205 do.3*" Jones, John P., (Johanna), stone contractor, h. over 548 Allen.i Jones, John P., (Minnie), carpenter, h. 178 Barrett.S o Jones, John P., (Emily E.), finisher, h. 106 Catlin Ave.^!* Jones, Joseph, bricklayer, r. 210 Sturges.- g Jones, Josie M.. widow John, r. 33 Eleventh.— g Jones, J. Richard, draughtsman, r. 807 North Main.hX Jones, Judith J., r. 548 Allen.J}"* Jones, Kinney, (Lydia A.), painter and paperhanger, h. 306 Steele.g« Jones, Lawrence, chauffeur, r. 49 Hickory.Qc§ Jones, Leon, (Helen), crater, h. 342i/> Steele.Jones, Leonard A., (Alma E.), stationary engineer, h. 95 Ellicott.Jones, Leonard F., (Anna K.), creamery, 1067 East Second, h. do.^*» Jones. Lloyd D., accountant, r. 412 Washington.C\ Jones, Lora E., student, r. 303 West Fourth.JJ3 Jones, Lora M.. Mrs., newsroom, cigars, tobacco and confectionery. 105 We^tjw Third, h. 304 Washington.CaW Jones, Louis K., (Cordova F.), bookkeeper, h. 215 Lincoln.S Jones, Ludwig metalworker, r. over 1021 East Second.Jones, Mabel R., library clerk, r. over 713 East Second.ft Jones, Madelyn, r. Fairmount Ave., bey. limits.ft] w\ ^•^ ^^ ,_*) m-

Always Buy your Dry Goods of THE A. D. SHARPE CO.fJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 255 {^HILL PIANO CO ENTIRE 6TH FLOOR °HIjUjLj M. IrtllV VxVf. CHADAKOIN BUILDINGJones, Nellie, Mrs., h. over 413 Winsor. *.jJones News Room—L. M. Jones prop., newspapers, cigars and confection- mm.ery, 105 West Third.^Jones (O. E.) Memorial Hospital, Barrett and Steele. "*"

in•* .2 COClark H a r d w a r e Co. Stoves and Furnaces256 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.H <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew ALWAYLZ>.lNUEUi:i^I „q g Jowett, Martha, widow John, r. 22 Ivy.ea n Jowett, Mary J., widow Alfred, h. 6 Crescent.Jowett, Myers, (Betsy), loomfixer, n. 39 Cross.JUDE, GEORGE W., (Pearl B.), attorney, 401-404 Wellman BIdgs., h. 301X' East Eighth.3 a Judson, Herbert, painter, r. 15 Franklin.m • Judson. Frederick L., (Mary), tailor, 15 Franklin, h. do.V Juel, John P., (Olive M.), cabinetmaker, h. 239 McKinley Ave.Bl X. Juel, Louis O., (Mary), clerk, h. 19 Baker.•vBbo Jugle, Clyde B„ (Florence C), foreman plater, h. 333% East Fifth.«abe MboJulin, Charles J., (Anna), tinner, h. 21 Linwood Ave.X"0•aJulin, Clarence, r. 21 Linwood Ave.« Julin, Frank C, steel doormaker, r. 21 Linwood Ave.0eOQab Julin, Joseph E., tinner, r. 21 Linwood Ave.fc Juline, B. Axel (Hilda), packing boss, h. over 928 East Second.V Juline, Judith, r. over 928 East Second.3«•"0VJull, Ella J., Mrs., dressmaker, h. 222 Chandler.uu» 0 Junto, Tony, laborer, bds. 121 Cross. KN Jurstedt, Charles, woodworker, bds. 93 Tower.«s 60 *A0 Kane, Jerry V., teamster, bds. 635 West Eighth.O OaKapple, Carlton, Sarah), flagman, J. St. Ry., h. 51 Hamilton.Kapreno, Antonio, (Eda), barber, 27 North Main, rms. 131 East Second.Karameto, Vani cook, 104 Harrison.Karlsten, Herman, (Maria), laborer, h. over 149 Thayer.ft Karlsten, Solomon, metalworker, r. over 149 Thayer.UKarponzi, 0)Christ, machine hand, r. over 235 South Main.Karr, William H., (Jennie), plectric light trimmer, h. 142 Falconer.Karr, see Carr.Kase, Kastenhuber, Emma E., George, Mrs., (Tekla), r. 537 East laborer, Fifth.under 507 Allen.Kase, Kaufeld, John Dorothy, E., woodfinisher, textileworker, bds. h. over 21821 Newland o East Ave. Second."~~ Kase, Kaufeld. Ralph Earl L., H.. printer, crater, r. r. 537 218 East Newland Fifth. Ave.ft Kase, Kaufeld, see J. Case. Philip, stock clerk, r. 218 Newland Ave.^Tcol^CC!toillni}lQVCIaKaufeld, Matie, widow Julius, h. 218 Newland Ave.Kauth, Elizabeth P. R., stenographer, r. 401 Forest Ave.Kauth, Valentine W., (Rosa), cigarmaker, h. 401 Forest Ave.Kay, Hannah, widow George, h. 41 Maple.Kayner, Charles A., (Christina), veneerworker, h. 100 Willard.Kayner. Johanna, widow Carl F.. r. 100 Willard.Kazer & Culver—W. W. and S. A.—rrenmery. 251 South Main.Kazer, John L., (Alma), driver, r. 31 Holman.B. .

Always Buy your Dry Goods of THE A. D. SHARPE CO.QJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 257 P3r-i|¥|I I PTATUn Cf\ LARGEST AND MOST N-IlJ.J~i.l-i I J.i-1.111/ \m-\J. CAREFULLY SELECTED STOCK toKazer, Wayland W — Kazer & Culver—h. 242 South Main.CnKearney, Anna, dressmaking and ladies tailoring, over 219 West Third, h. do.Kearney, James C, stockkeeper, N. Y. Telephone Co., bds. 46 Grant.3 Kearney, Katherine, office clerk, r. over 219 West Third.Keefe, Daniel F., (Esther E.), painter, h. 307 South Main.Keefe, Evelyn, student, r. over 80 Tower.ftKeefe, Florence mender, r. 37 Winsor.mmKeefe, Fred, r. over 80 Tower.*_-Keefe, Harrison, chainworker, r. 37 Winsor.ftV09toKeefe, Helen M., r. 307 South Main.Keefe, John, (Clara), warpdresser, h. over 640 Prendergast Ave.Keefe, May, weaver, r. 37 Winsor.Keefe, Myron A., (Anna), plumber, h. 358 Stowe.oKeefe, Olive M., student, r. 307 South Main.wKeefe, Robert F., (Verdie B.), packer, h. 937 East Second.oKeefe, Sam, (Rebecca), warpdresser, h. 37 Winsor. o . ,Keefe, Wallace, finisher,r. 37 Winsor. [TJKeefe, William, (Emily), loomfixer, h. over 80 Tower.Keeler, Charles S., flavoringextracts and perfumes, 412 East Sixth, h. do. ^^Keeler, Corisande J., h. 107 East Sixth.H ^JKeeler, Kate B., r. 107 East Sixth.Keet, Edna, r. 344 Fairmount Ave.OKeet, Frederick H., (Mary), finisher,h. 344 Fairmount A.ve. tt^lKeet, Harlow L., motorman J. St. Ry., r. 2iy2 Eleventh.\m~Keet, Thomas G., (Lucinda), carpenter, h. 2iy2 Eleventh.Ns^Keifer, Audrey L., messenger, r. over 586 East Second.Keifer, S. F„ (Alma), teamster, h. over 586 East Second.Keil, Fred, (Jane), supt. construction Home Telephone Co., h. 818 Cherry. JrtKeil Gust A., (Maude C), lineman, h. over 621 Prendergast Ave. ^ j "Keith, Nyda, teacher, r. 325 Crossman.Keleshi, Panteli, finisher,r. 231% South Main. ggKeleshi, Sotir, finisher,r. 231$^ South Main. o grKelleher, Jerry metalworker, bds. 635 West Eighth.m~"Keller, Andrew F., (Ethel), deliveryman, h. over 189 Cole Ave.«ptoKeller, Cora M., domestic, 18 Arnold.Jf*^Keller, George, woodworker, bds. 102 Broadhead Ave.S>Keller, Henry H., (Unis M.), lace curtains, 23 Winsor, h. do.Keller, Matthew, (Bargara), gardener, h. 186 Cole Ave.Kelley, Albert F., (Melissa E.), h. 28 Union Ave.Kelley, Duane J., (Alice M.), paperhanger, h. 35 Eleventh.Kelley, Earl W., (Alma T.), upholsterer, h. 13 Grandin. »»»4Kelley, Mary, waitress, rms. 416 North Main.Kelley, Sarah, widow Samuel, r. 35 Eleventh.mm*iKelley, see Kelly.mm* a^Kellogg, Adelaide T., widow Charles L., r. 333 East Second.^jr"*Kellogg, Alice, r. Ill East Sixth.JJJKellogg, Burton C, (Lola), decorator, h. 1101 North Main. 50 "IKellogg, David W., (Adelaide E.), carpenter, h. 22 Chamber.Ch toKellogg, EVERY DEALER Elizabeth, HAS widow THE Henry, "BEST" h. over O A 33 IMT Cross. Talkit over with me. ft .,Kellogg, I HAVE Jennie THE R., STRICTLY teacher, r. PURE over 33 *~ Cross. A\lll 1 HARRY LYONS m-_ ChKellogg, Mary, widow Andrew, h. over 564 East Second.^j*Kellogg, Kellogg.William Kells, Kelly, Michael Charles Elizabeth Edward Mary Pearl R., laborer, D., F., J., A., J., bricklayer, r. teacher, (Jennie), commercial picker, over r. 59 117 r. bds. police, Foote r. East 22 traveler, 1113 49 Chamber. Ave. Second. h. Ellicott. North 928 East Main. over Second. 117 East Second.t«J £2,

f| Clark Hardware Co., Roofing and Building Papers_0£ — — — ^ _^_____^___°"c/3 258JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.OQ " ~Mg niaiirnnmia Rrpw Just what you wantdaiIy as a bevera8e with"OX vHflUiamjUtt U1CW meals, summer and winter Both phones 268C C"* I •—,!—, ... .1.11 .1 II • I • I • ••-, , .,^H Kelly, John, rms. Y. M. C. A.m^ Kelly, John S., carver, r. 1113 North Main.NH Kelly, Joseph B., machinist, bds. 49 Elliott.J-ia Kelly, Joseph H., plumber, r. 1113 North Main.•S» Kelly, Katherine K., r. 1113 North Main.>. Kelly, Margaret, widow Patrick, h. 1113 North Main.•rj Kelly, Patrick, metalworker, r. 1113 North Main.w ' Kelly, Roy N., (Daisy), painter, h. under 625 Prendergast Ave.ma Kelly, see Kelley.*~ v> Kelsey, Albert P., postman, h. 615 Palmer..2 c Kelsey, Charles F., (Lena M.), bookkeeper, h. 615 Palmer.

STATIONERY, BLANK BOOKS, LOOSE LEAF GOODS, FILING DEVICESKetchum, Everett H., (Clara)—pres. and gen. mgr. E. H. Ketchum Co.—h. W JWomen's Coats and Suits - The A. D. Sharpe Co. 1©X XJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 259 « PCH mmHilPs Piano School om^AiA^0ii 11— W "0Kent, Ruth, laundress, r. 12 Schuyler. ^ §Kent, William L., (Maude), creamery, 158 Baker, h. 12 Schuyler.WKentuck, Charles A., (Hattie), laborer, h. 322y2 Steele.. Kentuck, Effie, r. 322 y2 Steele. •' £3Kepler, Sadie, widow Edgar, h. 827 Washington._ WKerner, Donovin, metalworker, r. 114 Peterson.•• hKerner, see Koerner.XKernick, Myrtle, clerk, bds. 6 Broadhead Ave.:- nKerr, Ernest, (Edith), painter, h. over 304 North Main.Kervin, Edward, (Lena), baker, rms. over 849 North Main.•****Kessler, E. C.—Ames-Burns Co.—rms. 108 Mechanic.ftKessler, Kestler, George, Ernest, finisher, commercial r. 311 traveler, South rms. Main. 165 Allen. 0 .Kestelat, Kestler, George, Julien, night (Gertrude), clerk, loomfixer, City Hotel, h. r. 216 do. Baker.

tt-eu s Clark Hardware Co., Contractors & Mill SuppliesCO 01sr.*«u ra»N m* —i <strong>Chautauqua</strong> 260 Brew JAMESTOWN IS MAK,NUSs)i68EVERY DIRECTORY.DAYG oIS co SOg^ Kiesshauel, Max, (Milda), metalworker, h. 129 Hotchkiss. n King, ( Ruth NoTiranlr A., student, ltf f r. future 612 Cherry. payment to policy holders .... $427,763,190.20King, ui Ruth newarn, M., student, a. j. r. 207 Palmer. F s treadway, DUtrict Aeem

Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. THE A. D. SHARPE CO. _*OJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.261 m_

£ Clark Hardware Co. Fine Cutlery and Toolso262 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.2g <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew is making friends every dayLbs] Kiocker, Henry, polisher, bds. 123 Fairmount Ave.L J Klomp, Rolland H., (Cornelia M.), metalworker, h. 21 Chamber.*t*r Klumbach, Hampton R., student, r. 302 West Fifth.^ klumbach, William E., (Verna R.), custom cutter, h. 302 West Fifth.*•"> Klumpp, Joseph W., (Caroline), saloon, 116 East Third, h. 53 Tenth.taaa] Knapp, Albert, (Anna), cementworker, h. over 210 Sturges.Knapp, Alice, widow Charles, r. over 12 Livingston Ave.OKnapp, Edward L., (Georgia)—Weber-Knapp Co.—h. 32 Grant._ Knapp, Ellen L., widow James, r. 848 North Main.*~w_ Knapp, Fayette A., (Fannie), dentist, over 209 North Main, h. 316 West£3 Third.H Knapp, Frank D., electrician, r. 405 West Seventh.Knapp, Henry S., laborer, bds. 8 Buffalo.mt*** Knapp, Jennie L., widow Frank A., h. over 112 West Seventh."7} Knapp, Laona B., student, r. 416 West Third.UaJ Knapp, Lewis D., drug clerk, h. 848 North Main.r—-\ Knapp, Martha A., dressmaker, h. 315 West Eighth.NN Knapp, Mary A., widow Hiram E., h. 504 East Fifth.Knapp, William H., (Mary E.)—J. Electric Co.—h. 405 West Seventh.f - . Knapp, see Knupp.•"^ Knight, Emily, widow Walter, weaver, h. 59 Hotchkiss.mm Knight, Harry, (Lillian), metalworker, h. over 841^4 North Main.rrj Knight, Robert, (Margaret), h. 808 North Main.SJ Knights of Pythias hall, third floor New Broadhead Block, South Main.m> m Knights of the Maccabees hall, third floor, over 101 East Third.Knorr, Clara, Mrs., cook, rms. 26 Allen Square.Z Knorr, George, (Lena), r. 708 Washington.^^ Knorr, George H., (Rosa), cigarmaker, h. 912 North Main.Cj Knorr, John A., (Margaret), barber, under 222 North Main, h. 708 Washing-+_\ ton.H Knowles, Cora E., manicurist and hair dresser, r. 11 Fourteenth.Knowles, Emil, metalworker, bds. 12 Flagg Ave.f| J Knowles, Eva B., telephone operator, r. 11 Fourteenth.-T~\ Knowles, George H., (Annie), twister, h. 201 Linwood Ave.P"""l Knowles, James H., (Elizabeth A.), h. 11 Fourteenth.Maa) Knowles, Sadie A., dressmaker, r. 11 Fourteenth.sBELLE H. KNOX, Pres.Mi f^r** Knowles, HIGH GRADE William, CLOTHING woodworker, bds. AND 12 Flagg FURNISHINGS Ave. FOR LADIES"TS

The A. D. Sharpe Co. for Rugs and Carpets agJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.pm263 c- _X >HILL P I A N O C O entire sth floor 1 >JTllUsLl J. 14-1.11 \S W . CHADAKOIN BUILDING S m* laKnupp, Daisy M., r. Winsor, corner Newton Ave.5iKnupp, Edward C, (Maude), commercial traveler, h. Winsor, corner Newton Ave.mmKnupp, Harry E., metalworker, r. Winsor, corner Newton Ave.* jmmKnupp, see Knapp.3 fr]Kochersperg, Clara, widow Charles, h. 408 East Eighth. Kofod, Arthur J., (Hulda S.), commercial traveler, h. 19 Jeffords.«>_Kofod, Bert G., photographer, r. 228 Falconer. » £2Kofod, Bertha M., r. 43 Charles.» mKofod, Delia E., domestic, 406 Lakeview Ave. , a 3Kofod, Fred C, (Lena), weaver, h. 445 Winsor.PI JJKofod, George A., (Christine), metalworker, h. 1007 North Main.ST nKofod, Harold, machine hand, bds. 11 Highland Ave. S £Kofod, Herman, woodworker, bds. Frink Ave.S'Kofod, James, (Petra), The Club saloon, h. 850 North Main.S. oKofod, John, (Louise), retired, h. 228 Falconer. w 2Kofod, Louis A., (Hansine), painter, h. 12 Grandin. •§ -gKofod, May, domestic, 10 Prospect. "H. >Kofod, Peter, (Annie), machinist, h. 43 Charles.g QKofod, P. George, (Maggie), cabinetmaker, h. 617 Foote Ave. ©Kofod, Theodore, (Lillian), shipping clerk, h. 107 Lister. ~Kohlbacher, Eva G., office clerk, r. 3 Lakin Ave.Kohlbacher, Fred M., (Minnie B.), cigarmaker, h. over 856 North Main. cpKohlbacher, Glenn J., draftsman, r. 3 Lakin Ave.atoKohlbacher, George J., (Ida M.), bookkeeper J. Street Dept, h. 3 Lakin Ave. a,!*Kohlbacher, Henry, (Minnie), janitor, h. 184 Fairmount Ave. % |Kohlbacher, George M., office clerk, r. 3 Lakin Ave. g. £Kohmann, Frederick W., (Katharine B.), prop. Hotel Frederick, h. 321 East s •Fifth. « ?Kohmann, George J., hotel clerk, 5 South Main, r. do.a gKolb, Blanche, dry plateworker, r. 1086 East Second. 3 g-Kolb, Mary, widow Henry, r. 1086 East Second. 3. g-Kordenbrock, Katherine, r. 304 West Eighth. 2 S.Kordenbrock, Mary, widow Fred, h. 304 West Eighth. *Korsthorst, Henry, (Hattie M.), dyer, h. 20 Forest Ave.MKorsthorst, Johanna, widow Henry, h. 63 Center.aKorsthorst, Edward, stationary fireman, bds. 63 Center.*•Korsthorst, Emma, waitress, r. 63 Center. 2Kortright, Eliza, widow John, furnished rooms, 217 West Second, h. do. 3 §Kostlevy, Charles A., (Lenna)—F. M. Stearns & Co.—h. 1202 Prendergast > 1Ready Kraft, Krantz, Keramer, Krant, Ave.Arvid, Henning, John, Alfred Charles William Roofing (Maria), (Ellen), A., G., H., metalworker, (Marion), machine bds. casemaker, & Building Rathskeller commercial bds. hand, bds. h. 11 h. 147 over Cedar Hotel. Paper Cross. traveler, 140y2 Ave. 19 Cedar Barrows. ,„.r„RRsI h. 241 Ave. Sprague. fll \~2 *, [qtq 2 W3I Hg pg a>5

_ Clark Hardware Co. Fine Cutlery and Toolsug 264JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.g <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew 1Vago*toryZZ^ste?r your ,amily»eq Krantz, Ebba W. L., dressmaker, r. 241 Sprague.Krantz, see Crantz.• Krieger, Henry T., (Emily E.), mgr. Union Lumber Co., h. 20 Chestnut.« i Kron, Andrew, (Hilma), metalworker, h. over 192 Falconer.3 Kron, Ellen, dressmaker, r. over 192 Falconer.* t Kron, Gust, lunch counter clerk, r. 25 Park.CQ ' Kron, Hedvig, textileworker, r. over 192 Falconer.os Krone, Fred A., (Lena), machine hand, h. over 34 Eleventh.Ji • Krone, Harry, clerk, r. over 34 Eleventh.5q Kruger, Frank J., (Rose), electrician, h. 869 Spring.mm, • Kruse, Henry, h. 224 Steele.G Krusen, John, (Myrtle), carpenter, h. over 124 East Second.a Krusen, Lee F., laborer, r. over 124 East Second.?? ' Krusen, Lynn J., night porter, r. over 124 East Second.a Kulberg, John, (Christine), laborer, h. over 179 Barrows.h « Kullberg, Alfred E., clerk, r. over 157 Prospect.§ o Kullberg, Arthur D., student, r. 157 Prospect.BQ 8> Kullberg, Emma C, widow Alfred, h. over 157 Prospect.-.x Kupresh, Fred W., (Louisa), laborer, h. 229 Hopkins Ave.£"o Kyle, William A., veneerworker, bds. 14 Palmer.gS.m pmm3 «•mt a ..5 Lu «Wo"WCO !hfm Oe*" Labrette, Joseph, laborer, bds. 15 Scott.j£ o Lackey, J. H., (Nellie), pumper, h. 1001 East Second.3 Lackey, Joseph L., clerk, r. 1001 East Second."§^ Lacy, James, machinist, bds. 110 Foote Ave.« _ Ladine, Charles, laborer, bds. 135 Baker.mt £" Ladue, William T., (Hortense), machine hand, h. 99 Barrett.,S~> Lafayette, The,—B. L. Lewis, prop.—rooming house, 205 Lafayette."£"§ La Force, William M., (Mary C), machine foreman, h. 380 Foote Ave.« o Lager, Albert, packer, bds. over 300 Willard.X Lager, Arthur, (Alice), bandsawyer, h. 558 Allen."3.2f Lager, Charles P., (Ida)—Mambert & Lager—h. 26 Chapin.Jj s Lager, Claude, bandsawyer, r. 26 Chapin.C § Lager, Julia, paperhanger, r. 26 Chapin.rjO LaSer. Pearl, paper boxworker, r. 26 Chapin.Lagerdahl, Carl, (Hulda), cabinetmaker, h. 112 Hazzard.Lagerdahl, Ernest, (Betty), cabinetmaker, h. 67 Center.• Lagergren, Carrie I., r. 22 Sampson.® Lagergren, Carrie, trained nurse, 207 Foote Ave.^ar Lagergren, E. Andrew, plumber, r. 22 Sampson.Lagergren, Florence E., stenographer, r. 22 Sampson.&J Lagergren, Frances M., student, r. 22 Sampson.q_i Lagergren, Joseph L., metalworker, r. 22 Sampson.22 Lagergren, Lena, widow Andrew, h. 22 Sampson.E. nJjJJ ^^ __ ,2 ft SP f->t ^ X rfi O) r-l,m««'n Lagerleaf, Lagerquist, tckman Gust, Adele, Axel Evelyn, Gust, Theresa Sophia, Signa Melita, U11A> s finisher, Music E., (Amanda), E., teacher, widow paper H., (Amelia C+««« student, bds. boxmaker, More r. John, r. E.), 8157 metalworker, HEADQUARTERS 157 Thayer.Allen. 212 contractor, 212 157 Allen.Allen. Prospect. 157 P,AN0S h. Allen. h. 157 212 FOR AND Allen. Prospect. HIGH player GRADE pianos

•g THE A. D. SHARPEOCO. for Rugs and CarpetsJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 265£ Hill's Piano SchoolFOR BEST RESULTSIN PIANO PLAYINGh Laidler, Martha, teacher, h. 1281 North Main.ft Lajara, Samuel, (Rose), laborer, h. 10 Whitley Place.CM Lajarquist, Edith, proof reader, r. 113 Crescent.CM Lajarquist, Edward, draftsman, r. 113 Crescent.•^ Lajarquist, Ellen, widow Charles, weaver, r. 113 Crescent.(J Lajoi, Mike, woodworker, bds. under 121 Cross.Lake, Carl J., (Anna M.), h. 131 Hall Ave.lr—i Lake, C. G. Leonard, metalworker, r. 131 Hall Ave.LAKE CITY LAUNDRY—Alexander B. Bentley, prop 12 West First.Lake, Clara M., telephone operator, r. 131 Hall Ave.||J Lake, Clarence H., (Belle E.), finance clerk postoffice, h. 120 Fulton.g LAKE HOUSE—H. A. Hotchkiss, prop.—635 West Eighth.2-

§E"SegClark H a r d w a r e Co. Stoves and Furnaces£ 266 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.<strong>Chautauqua</strong>Possesses all the attributes of purity and flavor that areBrewnecessary for a perfect beeru Landrigan, May E., r. 770 Foote Ave. BOTH PHONES 268• Landry, Edward W., conductor Erie R. R., h. over 584 East Second.E Landry, Matilda, r. over 584 East Second.> Lane, Andrew J., (Ellen E.), head sawyer, h. 112 Barrett.n Lane, Charles H., (Abbie), h. 420 West Eighth.Lane, Ernest, (Louise), painter, rms. over 6 Institute.Lane, Fred, Mrs., r. 43 College.•3 Lang, Anna B., stenographer, r. 15 Barrett.* Lang, Emil C, (Anna), casemaker, h. 202 McKinley Ave."> Lang, Stuart, (Louisa), sawyer, h. 32 Van Buren.Lang, William H., (Barbara), restaurant and pool room, 13 Steele, h. 15. JJ Barrett.g J Langdale, William, (Margaret), salesman, h. 615 Lafayette.a uLangdon, Anna Y., rms. 354 East Fourth.Langford, Alleine, r. Fairmount Ave., bey. limits."]2 | Langford, Edward R., (Mary)—Langford & Goodenough—h. Fairmount Ave.,*° I bey. limits."3 LANGFORD & GOODENOUGH—Edward R. and Eri H—jewelry, 6 Eastg" Third..« Langford, Mary L., r. 503 East Fifth.Jj S Langford, Rebecca, teacher, r. 503 East Fifth.mf x Lani, Patsy, (Marie), metalworker, h. 25 Steele.Lanhes, Andrew J., (Aleda G.), janitor Federal Bldg., h. over 536 Allen.j£ c Lanning, William, metalworker, bds. 1398 East Second..S3 .£ Lannis, Henry C, (Cora), machine hand, h. 3 East Sixth.^ J Lantelle, Sam, laborer, bds. under 121 Cross.mm .2 Laoni, Joe, (Sarah), macaronimaker, h. 784 East Second.„j"£ Laphy, John, (Mary), laborer, h. Lovell Ave."£ Laporio, Frank, oiler, r. 26 Water.3 - Laporio, Grace, drawer, r. 26 Water.fa o Laporio, Junta, (Joana), woolwasner, h. 26 Water.^j-1 Laporio, Paul, oiler, r. 26 Water.."Seo Laprofilli, John, laborer, bds. 539 Crescent.J§ Lapriore, Amasa, duffer, r. under 84 Steele.„ S Lapriore, George, laborer, h. under 84 Steele.g Ji Lapriore, Grazzia, duffer, r. under 84 Steele.g§ J Lapromario, Philomena, r. 84 Steele.m S Laquay, Henry L., (Eva), watchmaker, h. 17 Tenth.Laquay, Jerry, (Emeline), clerk, r. 17 Tenth."§ | Larcombe, William, (Dora), wheelwright, h. 35 Flagg Ave.* 3 Larmonth, Helen Mar, r. 401 East Sixth.-"to g Larmonth, James T., (Laura K.), insurance and real estate, h. 401 East.2 « Sixth."*g S Laroy, Edson, (Bertha), crater, h. under 820 East Second.—1 j LaRoy, Fred M., (Ella), lumber handler, h. 37 Flagg Ave.Laroy, see Leroy.S? •jjjg S_ = Ho ^3 q s,^ jCu J3

THE A. D. SHARPECO. for Carpets and RugsJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.267 GO,PIANOS, ORGANS ANDHILL P I A N O CO.PLAYER PIANOSLarson, Alfred, printer, bds. 341 Foote Ave.Larson, Algot J. E., (Ellen M.), foreman metalworker, h. 12 Columbia Ave.Larson, Alva, r. over 216 East Second.Larson, Andrew, (Hilda), foreman planing mill, h. 895 East Second.Larson, Andrew J., (Anna M.), contractor and builder, over 12 East Second,h. 160 Thayer.Larson, Andrew P., (Carolina), retired, h. 129 Palmer.Larson, Anna, widow John, h. 332 Palmer.Larson, Anna, r. 220% Sprague.Larson, Anna, cook, 15 South Main.Larson, Anna, hall maid, 207 Foote Ave.Larson, Arvid, r. 296 Barrows.Larson, Arvid, (Hilda), carpenter, h. 415 Bowen.Larson, Axel, (Dena), woodworker, h. 12% Tew.Larson, Axel H., (Annie L.), mattressmaker, h, 118 Water.Larson, Birger, (Sophie), metalworker, h. over 151 Park.Larson, Carl, crater, r. 81 Tower.Larson, Carl, bds. 210 Hopkins Ave.Larson, Carl A., meat cutter, r. 160 Thayer.Larson, Carl A., (Augusta), cabinetmaker, h. 296 Barrows.Larson, Carl E., (Betty), sheet metalworkers, h. over 42 Park.Larson, Carl W., (Cecelia), tailor, 30 over 119 North Main,h. 139 Euclid Ave.. Larson & Carlson—Victor J. and Walfred—merchant tailors, over 36 NorthMain.Larson, C. Fred, (Anna L.), metalworker, h. over 204 Prospect.Larson, Charles, (Freda), finisher, h. 127 Sampson.Larson, Charles, (Anna), metalworker, h. 1037 East Second.Larson, Charles, finisher, bds. 56 Chapin.Larson, Charles, stationary fireman, h. 621 West Eighth.Larson, Charles A., (Gertrude), picture framer, h. 205 Thayer.Larson, Conrad, (Emma), clerk, h. 840 Lafayette.Larson, Edith A., weaver, r. 63 Falconer.Larson, Edward, boilermaker, r. 14 Johnson.Larson, Elmer, spring setter, r. 81 Tower.Larson, Elmer, student, r. 28 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Larson, Elmer, woodworker, r. 296 Barrows.Larson, Elmer L., warp dresser, r. 14 Johnson.Larson, Emil, carpenter, bds. over 110 William.Larson, Emil, rubber, bds. 341 Foote Ave.Larson, Emily E., teacher, r. 231 Barrows.Larson, Fred O., (S. Evelyn), carpenter, h. over 325 Foote Ave.Larson, Gottfried, cabinetmaker, bds. 89 Tower.Larson, Gottfried, toolmaker, bds. over 208 East Second.Larson, Gust, (Hilma), tinsmith, h. 201 Front.Larson, Gust, (Esther), cementworker, h. 5 Flagg Ave.Larson, Hans, woodworker, bds. 56 Chapin.»-§OS13fji*mm-a. T1o on X>< B ©oa en33 u•a m•< rm X mA 9 n >I rrT r euXo3 a3n39ma MHCO >(0 rCD HX>CO 3»COttmLarson, Henrietta M., stenographer, r. 756 East Second.Larson, Henry, (Ellen), metalworker, h. over 181 Thayer.Larson, Henry, student, r. 116 Tower.HARRY LYONS Z**^Strimmeo Larson, Ida, widow h e Gust m lA., oh. c50 k <strong>Chautauqua</strong> l u mAve.b e rBAND SAWEDInstitute St. & Erie Ry. ChLarson, J. Alfred, (Margaret), rubber, h. 45 Hickory.Larson, J. Axel, (Emma J.), cabinetmaker, h. 258 Broadhead Ave.Larson, Jennie, Johanna, John, Jeannette, F., watchman, (Matilda), M., seamstress, metalworker, widow cook, Mrs., Gust, boarding r. woodworker, bds. 81 r. 705 Tower.h. 851 836^ 836y2 house, West h. Prendergast Eighth. 63 252 Falconer. Hopkins Ave.Ave. Ave,.CO

m—Clark Hardware Co. Fine Cutlery and Toolswo00 268 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.! S3 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew Without m£Z£Z 7 ot beerT Larson, John L., (Minnie), wobdworker, h. 261 Prospect.O Larson, John Oscar, metalworker, r. 332 Palmer.^ Larson, Josephine, weaver, h. over 369 Foote Ave.u Larson, Julia, waitress, 10 Steele.-_m Larson, Lars, (Fredericka), retired, h. 320 Bowen.m-m Larson, Lars A., (Amanda)—Nelson & Co.—h. 231 Barrows.rj Larson, Lilly, r. over 216 East Second.E-* Larson, Malvina, r. 189% Cole Ave.r--\ Larson, Nan, cook, r. 81 Tower.O Larson, Oscar, laborer, rms. Y. M. C. A.S Larson, Oscar, cementworker, bds. 20 Pearl Ave., Larson, Oscar, cabinetmaker, bds. 89 Tower.E Larson, Oscar A., student, r. 216 East Second.fj Larson, Oscar A., textileworker, r. 45 Hickory.5_j LARSON, OSCAR F., (Hulda), pictures and picture framing, 218 E. Second,5/3 h. over 216 do.W Larson, Oscar H., (Florence), wood finisher,h. 23 Twelfth.£*^ Larson, Peter, finisher,bds. 246 Crescent.^ Larson, Peter E., (Sophia), milkdealer, h. 28 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.i Larson, Plinnie, driver, r. 28 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Larson, Rasmus, (Carolina), woodworker, h. 81 Tower.•*» Larson, Roy, woodworker, bds. 102 Broadhead Ave."£ Larson, Selma, domestic, 204 West Fifth.J* Larson, Selma A., dressmaker, r. 836% Prendergast Ave.g Larson, Signe, textileworker, r. 296 Barrows.© Larson, Swan J., (Caroline), sashmaker, h. 10 Arnold.w Larson, Victor G., (Gusta), h. 127 Bowen.m Larson, Victor J., (Anna)—Larson & Carlson—h. 326 Price.m Larson, Walter, toolmaker, r. 28 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.mm Larson, William J., metalworker, r. 116 Tower.m Larson, see Lawson.m La Salle, Carl, (Dena), instructor languages J. High School, h. R. F. D. 81.-+j La Salle, Gertrude, musician, r. R. F. D. 81.J3 Laskarius, George, (Georgia), Sugar Bowl, h. over 8 East Second.0J Lassande, Charles, (Lena), mechanic, h. 9 Tew.mSS, Latoni, James, laborer, r. 435 Allen.r^ Latoni, Joseph, (Josephine), cloth filler,h. 435 Allen.Latoni, Mary, spinner, r. 435 Allen.C Latt, Harry, bookkeeper, rms. 117 Chandler.'** Lattin, George S., clerk, J. W. Graff, rms. 41 Hayward Block.'8D Laudenslager, Charles A., clerk, h. 264 South Main.fi Laudenslager, Harry B., bookkeeper, Clark Hardware Co., r. 22 Ellicott.'mt Laudenslager1, Tarence A., (Anna M., carpenter, h. 22 Ellicott.3 Laudi, Angelo, laborer, bds. over 25 Water.^, Lauffenberger, William J., conductor J. St. Ry., rms. 533 West Third.-* Laughlin, Leo C, bridgeworker, r. 824 Forest Ave.^f Laughlin, Mary J., Mrs., h. 824 Forest Ave.^*« Laurin, Ebba, r. 38 "Utica.mm Lausterer, Edna L., student, r. 201 Lakeview Ave.*_ Lausterer, William J., (Julia M.)—mgr. Empire Voting Machine Co.—h.-m. 201 Lakeview Ave.Lauth, Richard B., (Vepont), machinist, h. over 304 Winsor.*© _Z PQ•^ ^ (0 CD C j^ 2* Lavely, LaVier, ThP Lavery, llie nf Ul Mutual UUlUdl NauroKlr neWdm, William Mabel Maude Joseph, Anna see Rpnpf.. DeilClll Levier. O., G., A., N ll. T., (Emma cashier, J. T teacher, (Eva I Llie 37 ifp E.), Mechanic. r. future RETURNED Premium 2 r. metalworker, R. 2 payment R. Lincoln. receipts postal f< TO s. to POLICY TREADWAY, to policy clerk, h. Jan. 2 HOLDERS Lincoln. holders h. 1 <strong>1911</strong>, 212 District - Lincoln. .... and - - lunds Atent - $427,783,190.20$367,143,488.89on hand lor

The A. D. SHARPE CO. for Rugs and Carpets WtoJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.269 toHill's Piano School BEST TRTNnNGPcpLTEACHERS AND PUPILS?Law, David B., (Rose C), state meter inspector, h. 808 Prendergast Ave. TLaw, George, r. 4 Curtice.ChLawrence, Mott D., (Elizabeth), commercial traveler, h. 48 Liberty. ^T"Lawrence, Stanilaus, baker, bds. 26 Fifteenth.© MLawson, Adrian, carpenter, bds. 42 Chestnut.Lawson, Albert, metalworker, 'bds. over 406 Washington.Lawson, Alex I., (Lottie)—mgr. Gage Furniture Co.—h. 16 Columbia Ave.Lawson, Alfred T., (Matilda), woodworker, h. over 37 Wescott.Lawson, Alice, picker, r. over 224 Sprague.Lawson, Alice F., stenographer, r. over 774 East Second,Lawson, Amanda, r. over 111 Hazzard. 09Lawson, Amanda, widow Theodore, h. under 9 Barrows.Lawson, Amel, clerk, h. over 48 Prospect.»Lawson, Andrew E., finisher,h. 51 Tower.Lawson, Andrew G., (Charlotte), retired, h. 112 Bowen.Lawson, Andrew J., (Hulda), contractor and builder, 300 Wellman Bldg., h.18 Chestnut.Lawson, Andrew P., retired, r. 91 Prather Ave.ftLawson, Anna, r. over 48 Prospect.*^^Lawson, Anna F., picker, r. 223 East First. ***Lawson, Anton G., (Anna), carpenter, h. 127 Park.Lawson, Arline R., student, r. 23 Chestnut.^^Lawson, Arthur, laborer, r. 9 Barrows. £-Lawson, Arthur J., electrician, r. 59 Tower.qjLawson, August, (Amanda), toolmaker, h. 748 East Second. -*.Lawson, August, (Hannah), furniture trimmer, h. 380 South Main.j*"Lawson, Axel, (Hulda), bandsawyer, h. 249 Bowen.wLawson, Axel, machine hand, bds. over 308 Stowe.Lawson, Axel, metalworker, bds. 828% Cherry.o ^Lawson, Axel F. T., (Clara M.), cobbler, h. 1009 Newland Ave.o ^Lawson, Bert, toolmaker, r. 784 East Second.J»* mSLawson, Carl, (Ada), metalworker, h. 867 Spring.Lawson, Carl, rms. 507 East Second.^Lawson, Carl A., (Agda), police, h. Ill Wilson Ave.Jr3Lawson, Carl A., (Victoria), tinsmith, h. over 322% Foote AvegLawson, Carl E., casemaker, r. 9 Grandin.Lawson, Carl V., (Ida L.), packer, h. 257 Falconer.Lawson, Carl W., (Anna M.), metalworker, h. 303 Newton Ave.Lawson, Charles, rms. 507 East Second.Lawson, Charles, woodworker, bds. 319 Allen.ft S3Lawson, Charles A., (Eva), contractor and builder, h. 309 Newland Ave. a ^Lawson, Charles A., (Alice), commercial traveler, h. 37 Wescott. o *»*Lawson, Charles A., (Matilda), finisher,h. 23 Stark Ave.Lawson, °Zr Charles Front E., student, Doors r. 202 stock Broadhead H AAve.R R Y L Y O N S WJ $Lawson, Charles E., (Ida), gardener, h. Walnut Grove.Lawson, Delia, Charles Edith, Clarence Christine E., spinner, C, bookkeeper, milliner, J., F., V., O., W., A., L., textileworker, bds. (Johanna), chauffeur, h. (Mary), (Lottie widow moulder, (Hulda), over r. 223 r. 7127 r. 111 A.), East Hanley. Ole, woodworker, 23 r. teamster, Hazzard. freight Bowen. metalworker, 1009 r. h. 59 Chestnut. First. 317 16 Tower. Newland Cedar handler, East h. 1048 503 Fifth.Ave.326 Winsor. North 59 Forest Tower. Mam. Ave..^h~• ftd q^ W^

II Clark Hardware Co., Contractors & Mill SuppliesOX , __§w 270 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.«Wg| <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew - - Always pure and dilicious•Sjj Lawson, Edith E., textileworker, r. 59 Tower.O Lawson, Edward, R. R. mail clerk, bds. 77 South Main.*?£§ Lawson, Ella, milliner, bds. 145 Foote Ave.•S^, Lawson, Ella A., dressmaker, r. over 774 East Second.e»n Lawson, Ella M., mender, bds. over 40 Bush..2 Lawson, Elmer R., (Mabelle), clerk, h. 756 East Second.ja Lawson, Emil G., (Carrie), casemaker, h. 93 Lister.9 Lawson, Emma, teacher, r. 54 Water.•J ' Lawson, Ernest A., butcher, r. 326 Forest Ave.-} Lawson, Esther, milliner, r. 748 East Second.§ Lawson, Eunice Alleen, student, r. 112 Francis..Lawson, Frank, metalworker, bds. 5 Terrace Place.1? • Lawson, Frank E., (May N.), foreman E. J. Ashwell & Co., h. over 1603 Barrett.« Lawson, Fred A., (Ruth), textileworker, h. over 11 Cross.•5 Lawson, Fred C, (Elizabeth), agent, h. 150 Baker.6"^ Lawson, Fred L., (Jennie), packer, h. 96 Vega.^w Lawson, Freda M., trained nurse, r. 23 Chestnut.53 § Lawson, Frederick A., (Alice), salesman, h. 18 Grant.^g Lawson, Flora, milliner, r. 1048 North Main.©jg Lawson, Fritz R., (Signe), machine hand, h. over 308 Stowe,w . Lawson, George J., clerk, r. over 774 East Second."o2 Lawson, Gust, (Hilda), carpenter, h. 343 Van Buren..52 Lawson, Gustaf A., clerk, bds. 139 Chandler.iS h « Lawson, Gust P., (Josephine), cabinetmaker, h. 934 Newland Ave._ E Lawson, Harry L., metalworker, r. 59 Tower.3 33 Lawson, Hilma J., Lynn Art Parlor, 10 Institute, r. do.,f Lawson, Ida. C, widow Carl, weaver, h. 223 East First.C g Lawson, Imogene, student, r. 51 Tower."" o Lawson, Ivan, toolmaker, bds. 9 Shaw Ave.s a, Lawson, James Marvin, r. 112 Francis.-mx cd Lawson, J. August, (Josephine M.), finisher, h. 137 Superior. lawson, John, (Augusta), finisher,h. 9 Grandin._ Lawson, John B., (Anna B.), cabinetmaker, h. 16 Cedar Ave.Lawson, John B., (Mary), metalworker, h. 102 Sampson.Lawson, John E., (Jennie), groceries, 774 East Second, h. over do.Lawson, John F„ (Minnie E.), contractor, h. 202 Broadhead Ave.S Lawson, John M., (Agnes G.), ironworker, h. 14 Elk.Lawson. Lawrence R.. metalworker, r. 326 Forest Ave.ft Lawson, Leonard, r. 257 Falconer.r 1 Lawson, Leonard, (Alma), bench foreman, h. 7 Hedges Ave.^^ CO Lawson. Lillian, millinery, 748 East Second, r. do.mm Lawson, Lillian C, spooler, r. 7 Hanley.•Jj Lawson, Lillian M., telephone operator, r. 112 Francis.*J CB Lawson, T »tf ¥„..„,.,,„. Louise, clerk, r. Connecticut 7 Hanley. General Life Ins. Co., Hartford, Conn.»-J Lawson, Llie insurance Mabel V., r. 326 w. Forest J. Bentley, Ave. Gen. Agt., S14 Chadakoin Bigft Lawson, Magnus, r. 217 East Eighth.^ 7\ Or £ a M. _\ Lawson, Lawson. r,awson. Martin. Malcolm, Mary, Myra Marie. Magnus, C, H.. widow Mrs., L.. (Jennie), packer, domestic, (Teckla). teacher, (Minnie h. Charles, under bds. hostler, bds. 609 C. carpenter, 30 over ), h. East 18 drayman, Bush. over Columbia 308 Eighth. 406 r. 553 Stowe. 251 Washington.h. Allen. Ave. Willard. 112 Francis. '

Women's Coats and Suits THE A. D. SHARPE CO. C*>JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 271HILL PIANO CO organs and old pianos frjIlls— U 1, *•*-*•! ^Vf V/V7. TAKEN IN EXCHANGE *" •"Lawson, Nora A., milliner, r. 1048 North Main. j~3Lawson, O. Emil, office clerk, r. 48 Prospect.•"•J]Lawson, Ole, r. 306 West Eighth.*•£Lawson, Olof, (Christina), metalworker, h. 84 Highland Ave. ^|Lawson, Oscar, (Matilda), dyer, h. 7 Hanley. *^Lawson, Oscar A., (Estella W.)—Wiquist & Lawson—h. 42 Sampson.Lawson, Oscar R., driver, r. 9 Grandin.Lawson, Phillip, (Ellen), loomfixer, h. 340 Price.>aLawson, Ray P., (Annetta), carpenter, h. 208 Broadhead Ave.Jr*Lawson, Ruby E., textileworker, r. 59 Tower.J^LLawson, Ruth C, tailoress, r. 326 Forest Ave. «jLawson, Ruth L., spinner-, r. 137 Superior.Lawson, Ruth M., spooler, r. 51 Tower.^^Lawson, Segrid, sander, r. 380 South Main.P*lLawson, Selma, dressmaker, r. 362 Willard.Lawson, Sigurd, laborer, bds. 12 William.Lawson, Theodore, (Magdelene), metalworker, h. over 20 Whitley Ave.Lawson, Tilmer, machinist, r. 51 Tower.Lawson, Victor G., (Augusta), electrician, h. 127 Bowen.Lawson, Walter C, (Ida), sheet metalworker, h. 640 East Sixth.Lawson, Wilbur, metalworker, r. 934 Newland Ave.p, ^Lawson, Willard, bobbinsetter, r. 380 South Main.a g1Lawson, William J., ticket agent <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Traction & Union Ticket of- -• a g *"fice, r. 1048 North Main. 2. » S. j»Lawson, see Larson.P b n gLawyer, Linus, bottle labeler, r. 837 East Second. jjs' m- >i g-Lawyer, Luella, widow Albert J., h. 837 East Second. » rm ? H,,Lawyer, Maude, telephone operator, r. 837 East Second.g- tjLawyer, Merrill, cabinetmaker, r. 837 East Second. e 5'Lay, Grace G., widow Frank, h. 512 Jefferson. ^ *Lay, Oscar, (Matilda), cabinetmaker, h. over 568 Allen. M F*Laycock, Thomas, (Martha), carpenter, h. 28 Derby. "" -Laycock, William, (Hannah), h. 211 Prospect.Lazell, Biram S., (Tillie C), patternmaker, h. 56 Grant.Lazell, Paul W., bank clerk, r. 56 Grant. ' •? 5'Lazier, Arthur M., (Margaret M.), commercial traveler, h. 11 Crescent. ' *Leach, Ida C, widow John E., h. 16 East Fourth.Leach, Charles B., asst. storekeeper Art Metal Constr. Co., r. 16 East Fourth, mm,Leafstone, Lars, (Cora), finisher,h. 100 McKinley Ave. m£Leafstone, Samuel, (Velma E.), painter, rms. 15 Warner Block.>-*oLeafstone, T. E., Mrs., trained nurse, h. over 219 Spring.JSJ*Learn, Miles C, machinist, h. 244 Hopkins Ave.(t>Learned, Grace, student, r. 346 Crossman.Learned, William C, (Effie)—N. Y. Tea & Coffee Co.—h. 346 Crossman. J"j?Leasion, Joseph, laborer, bds. 435 Allen.*•**is*- Leave, Lebar, BANDSAWEDLeberg, Leburg, Lechner, Baron, Boeuf, Harry Sarah, Albert, G. J. John Carl, Oscar, Philip H. George, Harry, Axel, Elizabeth, W., metalworker, E., duffer, lllji (Josephine)—Leburg J., (Josephine), HEMLOCK H., (Albertina), (Clara), (Amanda), hostler, clerk, (Margaret), (Bessie), bds. doffer, *L'V-'>-/iv C), r. commercial under . r. r. 1022 machine draftsman, nightwatch, teamster, r. 1027 metalworker, wire 2 bricklayer, 2 435 East York. chief & Allen. hand, 1JVJ1 traveler, LUMBER Second.Carlson—h. N. b. over 225 Y. 1027 over **-»•—'*^ 802 12 Prospect. Telephone r. York.543 East 304 over East North Second.harrylyons 256 In.titute Co., Second. Main. Willard. h. St. 26 & Stowe. Erie II Ry. «0 ch ^mfm\ mm

to Clark Hardware Co., Contractors & Mill Snppliesug 272JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.s 0-Quenches thirst, acts as a mild tonic, induces<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brewsleep Both phones 268eq Ledger, George, (Mary G.), metalworker, h. 25 Hall Ave.Ledger, Margerite M., r. 25 Hall Ave.Ledue, Hildur, domestic, 601 Lafayette.^ Ledue, Joseph, Mrs., r. 216 Hopkins Ave.u ' Ledue, see Ladue.3 Lee, Arthur A., (Gertrude C), contractor, h. 108 Newton Ave.5 • Lee, Clinton D., (Lulu), nickel plater, h. 610 Camp.CQ Lee, Clyde, machine hand, r. 270 Hallock.w t Lee, Earl, machine hand, r. 270 Hallock.•£ ' Lee, Eunice, weaver, r. 436 Allen.qj Lee, Frank O., creamery, 10 Kidder, h. do.mm, ' Lee, George, (Grace), barber, h. 839 North Main.S Lee, George, (Annie), loomfixer, h. 5 Appleyard Place.* . Lee, George L., (Grace W.), barber, 14 West First, h. 837 North Main.5? Lee, Harry G., surveyor, r. 147 Prospect.3 Lee, Isaac, (Lena), laborer, h. 270 Hallock.u m Lee, J. Burdette, student, r. 10 Kidder.o SS Lee, Joe, (Nellie), roller coverer, h. 108 Tower.CQ « Lee, John A., (Mary E.), supt. of streets, under City Hall, h. 147 Prospect.•^ Lee, Julia, widow George, r. 10 Kidder.^c Lee, Orsell C, (Myrtle M.), metalworker, h. 39 West Fifteenth.» " Lee, Uriah L., (Mary), loomfixer, h. 436 Allen.•m t. Leebert, Powell, laborer, bds. 504 Crescent.j» Lees, Doris A., paper boxmaker, r. over 32 Center..•3 Lees, James, (Clara A.), cloth designer, h. 32 Center. .*!** Lees, Mary A., widow John T., h. over 32 Center.co o Lees, Travis H., finisher, r. over 32 Center.5"^ Leet, Charles S., (Lillian), recordkeeper K. O. T. M., over 101 East Third,£.8 h. 16 Bush.jjj Leet, Elsie E., teacher, h. 19 Euclid Ave.C** Leet, Fayette G., (Helen E.), laborer, h. 525 East Fifth.« ^ LEET, FRANK F., (Emma), photographer, 610 Fenton Bldg., h. 525 East«> mm a Lemmon, Fifth. C. J., (Eva L), commercial traveler, h. 616 East Second..5' Leet, Lendfors, Henry Edgar, C, (Cordelia metalworker, M.), bds. h. 1617 Richmond Bishop. Place.f* CO s Lendfors. Leet, Mary P. E., O., teacher, metalworker, bds. 16 bds. Richmond 17 Bishop. Place.-j CS " Lenhart, Lehmann, Lizzie, Alfred, widow (Ella Phillip, I.), commercial rooming traveler, house, 118 h. East 113 Chandler. Second, h. do.— |5 x Leiblad, Lenna, Alexander Mary A., W., widow (Alma)—Lenna Fred, r. 43 Tower. & Malm—h. 500 Winsor.r**1 g-g Leiburg, LENNA & Carl MALM—Alex, A., (Hattie), and woodworker, Carl J.—saloons, h. over 94727 E. Barrett. Second and 62 Winsor.~^ « c Lenna, Leif, John Oscar E., A., (Anna), (Hulda)—The grainer, h. Hub—h. 37 Morton. 835 Spring.§ ^ g_ Leindhal, Lenna, Oscar John L., A., (Hilda finisher, M.), r. prop. 122 Casino Cross. Cafe and wholesale liquors, 22-24OO S Leist, East Jacob, Second, (Florence), h. 1001 painter, Prendergast h. 94 Lister. Ave.> Leist, Lennox, John, Edward student, R., R. r. F. 94 D. Lister. mail carrier, r. 805 North Main.© • l.pnnox. Lemardo, Nettie Joe, (Mary), T., widow laborer, John R., h. 121 h. 805 Cross. North Main.+«» ^ Lenox, Mark, Robert John, E., carpenter, (Martena), bds. wagon 46-48 dealer, Steele. h. 58 Tenth.mJ Sg Lemon, Lenox Buffet Leonard, (The)—George blacksmith, Welshofer, bds. 239 Forest prop.—204 Ave. Cherry.rt n—1 FPKMAl\P

Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. THE A. D. SHARPE CO. QSrJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 273 0)m*Uill'o PinnA CaVi^^I A NATIONAL TRAINING _-Hill s riano school school for pianists £Leona, Sister, r. 205 West Fifth.Leonard, Charles, retired minister, r. 542 Allen.f"rtLeonard, Harriet R., widow Harley L., dressmaker, h. 217 Lincoln.Leonardi, Case, (Concetta), finisher,bds. 30 Water.Leonardson, Ture, (Elizabeth, metalworker, bds. 102 Lister.L.eonhart, Lewis F., (Iva), machinist, h. 338 East Third.Leopard, Frank J., (A. Charlotte), commercial traveler, h. 370 Foote Ave.Leopard, Lillian A., teacher, r. 370 Foote Ave.Lepar, C. Belle, kindergarten teacher, r. 329 Price.Lepar, Harry D., (Gertrude), boatbuilder, h. 15 Newton Ave.Lepar, Julia, widow William, h. 329 Price.Lepar, Loraine, widow Edward, h. 65 Taylor. -Lepp, Charles J., student, r. 13 Warner Ave.Lepp, John C, (Sarah E.), conductor J. C. & L. E. R. R., h. 13 Warner Ave.Lepp, William F., (Mary J.), engineer J. C. & L. E. R. R., h 20 Fairview Ave. "". m3QJfmCO»_ftftLepsesty, Gust, boarding house, 15 Harrison, h. do.^^Lerch, Florence, nurse, h. 616 Prendergast Ave.^JLernould, John (Clemons) weaver h. 521 Allen.i_siLerow, Benjamin A. mason, r. 168 Falconer.L'JLerow & Christensen—Henry H. and Swan T.—barbers, 60 Winsor. ^^Lerow, Edwin, (Nellie), contracting mason, h. 168 Falconer.mm.Lerow, Henry H., (Florence)—Lerow & Christensen—h. 48 Pearl Ave. y-m_Leroy, Charles D., (Ina), lumber inspector, h. 653 East Sixth.JjrtLeroy, Ernest O., (Georgina), machinist, h. 8 Cowing.fT*Leroy, Herbert H., (Julia), blacksmith, h. over 48 Flagg Ave.J^Leroy, Helena J., widow Frank, dressmaker, h. over 811 Prendergast Ave. ^jLeroy, John, (Abbie), paperhanger, h. over 964 Washington.m~\Le Roy, John, (Diana), h. under 890 East Second.^^Le Roy, John H., (Edith A.), butcher, h. 226% Crescent.J2Le Roy, Leon C, foreman metal pressman, r. 226% Crescent.^r~Le Roy, Levi B., (Mary), mfg. cement blocks, Falconer, N. Y., h. 49 HopkinsAve.eoaLe Roy, Mattie, widow Orrin, h. 964 Washington. noLe Roy, Myrtie R., r. 105 Kidder. £-3Le Roy, Paul, woodworker, r. 1 Bigelow Ave.^Le Roy, Pearl, twister, r. 1 Bigelow Ave.g2Le Roy, Richard, (Eunice L.), laborer, h. Allen Ext. > • p.Le Roy, Richard F., (Eunice L.), laborer, h. 581 Buffalo.

-ii Clark H a r d w a r e Co. Stoves and FurnacesJ>n —0,-9 274 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.jl <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew "'"Ig"-'G a —* Lewey, John, finisher, rms. under 32 Institute.too Lewin, Samuel B., (Maria H.), cigar mfr., 10 Warner Block, h. 626 Prender-N""* gast Ave..0 f. Lewis, Arden V., r. 224 Price.Lewis, Bertrand L., (Jessie), commercial traveler and prop. The Lafayette,^, h. 205 Lafayette.£ Lewis, Bryce, student, r. 351 East Fifth.0 Lewis, Byron S., (Emma), telegraph operator, h. 169 Chandler.2 Lewis, Charles F., (Margaret)—P. F. Lewis & Sons—h. 7 East Eighth.* Lewis, Clinton M., (Inez)—P. F. Lewis & Sons—h. 24 Crossman.B Lewis & Cobb—A. M. Cobb, mgr.—building lumber, 301 Chandler.'"" S£ g Lewis, Cornelia J., r. 351 East Fifth.$ | Lewis, E. C, Mrs., h. 9 Cleveland Place.SSx Lewis, Ernest E., lumber and real estate, 11-12 Gokey Bldg., rms. 24 over119 North Main.fi _ . Lewis, Eva, George, clerk, (Ethel), r. 533 baker, West h. Third. over 217 Spring.21§ Lewis, Grace Fay, (Nellie), M„ teacher, clerk h. American 228 Falconer. Exp. Co., h. 334 Foote Ave.Xt Lewis, LEWIS, F. HARRY Josephine, R., attorney, student, r. rm. 7 7, East Gifford Eighth. Bldg., over 8 East Third, h. 351_" » Lewis, East Fred, Fifth. fireman, r. 169 Chandler.'3 Lewis, Jennie R., student, r. 351 East Fifth.cm"OyLewis, Perrin F., (Harriett)—P. F. Lewis & Sons—h. 7 East Eighth.g LEWIS, North P. Main. F. & SONS—P. F., Charles F. and Clinton M — hardware, 802-804Sg| s P. F. LEWIS & SONSwe Hardware, Stoves, Paints, Oils, Glass, Etc.O °Also Jobbers in Roofing and Spouting4> 'H. Home Phone 82 No. 804 Main Street Bell Phone 1057-L• Lewis, Sadie, Mrs., rooming and boarding house, 533 West Third, h. do.O Lewis, Sarah, Mrs., cook, Rathskeller, r. do.^ Lewis, Sardius S., (Julia G.), commercial traveler, h. 821 Prendergast Ave.rn Lewis, W. Harry, student, r. 7 East Eighth.y Lewis, William, (Eva), laborer, h. rear 412 Monroe.U-,-, Liberty Printing Co., (Inc.)—Charles A. Johnson, pres.; C. Thurstone, sec;Um e C. E. Lindstone, treas. and mgr.—publishers Scandia, over 217 NorthO a Main.U j Lictver, John, cabinetmaker, bds. 105 Park.v Lidblod, Charles, (Stella), boatbuilder, h. over 10 River.Q ^ Liddie, Henry, machinist, bds. 108 Crescent.Z« < * = Liden, Charles G., (Olive), slasher, h. under 72 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.^! Liden, Robert G., metalworker, h. 72 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Lieblad, Charles L., (Augusta), supt. Bailey Table Co., h. 301 Allen.^ (S Lieblad, C. Ruby, Oscar, stenographer, (Lottie), cabinetmaker, r. 301 Allen. h. over 47 Benedict.£g a Lieblad, Liedblad, Gust Warner A., (Victoria), F., (Matilda), painter, sec.-treas. h. 47 Benedict. Marvel Furniture Co., h. 835ft Lieblad, East Pearl, Second. student, r. 301 Allen.^< Lightholder, Fred, weaver, bds. 3-5 Hayward Block.Ligon, Clyde, (Jessie), cigarmaker, rms. 223 West Third.> :rj Experience means much in writing insurance contracts. We have been2 writing them for 20 years. Bradshaw's Pioneer Insurance Agency.

Gloves, Hosiery and Underwear • THE A. D. SHARPE CO. g cX »JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 275 c« r*HILL PIANO CO.0NE SSYSTEM S - „NLY ONLY H S1 3Lilienblad, Nannie, widow O. Emil, dressmaker, r. 102 McKinley Ave. f" qLilja, Augusta, weaver, bds. 126 Hedges Ave.. gLilja, Ellen, twister, rms. 715 East Second.Liljeberg, Bertha, r. 12 Morse Ave.Liljeberg, Ellen I., seamstress, r. 12 Morse Ave.Liljeberg, Obert, (Carolina), woodworker, h. 12 Morse Ave.Lillibridge Building, 201-213 West Third.Lillibridge, Emma B., h. 201% West Third.Lillibridge, Frank G., (Lulu), real estate, h. 201% West Third.Lilliquist, David, tailor, bds. 104 Williams.(X)Lilliquist, Erick, metalworker, bds. 104 William. ^~Lilly, Harry, (Elizabeth), carpenter, h. 103 Steele.ftLilly, Orrin H., (Ida P.), carpenter, h. 122 Wilson Ave._>Limit (The) Saloon—John Carlson, prop.—33 South Main.—'Lincoln, Burdette C, (Mettie), insurance, h. 121 William.Lincoln, Carl, student, r. 116 Chandler.Lincoln, David A., (Minnie)—Henderson-Lincoln Undertaking Co.—h. 143 ftChandler.m_Lincoln, Hannah, r. 116 Chandler.

Clark Hardware276 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.Co., Roofing and Bnilding Papersfhaiitaiimia Rr>f-w It'8s°od for y°» and "'" good forV1 let U LCt U (J UCl UI C W your tamily. Both Phones 268MttCLindbeck, Conrad W., painter, r. 141 Broadhead Ave.C ui Lindbeck, Doretta C, r. 16 Columbia Ave.'•13 c Lindbeck, Edward C, (Edie C), paperhanger, h. 141 Broadhead Ave.p Lindbeck, Emil A., paperhanger, r. 230 Broadhead Ave.Q.0- Lindbeck, Esther C, student, r. 219 Prospect.mO-S Lindbeck, John W., sec.-treas. Pearl City Furn. Co., h. 16 Columbia Ave.t/)|2 Lindbeck, Lucille C., r. 230 Broadhead Ave.SJ Lindbeck, Mabelle cashier and bookkeeper, r. 141 Broadhead Ave.

draperies, shades, The A. D. Sharpe Co. ZJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 277 "TlChHIT T PTANO CC. Columbia grafonolas \Tflll~U 1 l.rt.lTl \J Kr>\J. RECORDS AND SHEET MUSIC m}Lindell, Ruby, student, r. 242 McKinley Ave. p2Linden, Carl A., (Elvira), veneerworker, h. 30 Anderson, ~rLinden, Charles A., (Hannah), metalworker, h. 39 Charles.Linden, Lars L., (Sophia), carpenter, h. 109 Newland Ave.-oLmder, Carl, factory helper, bds. 314 Price.Linder, Fred, (Hannah), painter, h. 101 Lister. 0)Lindergren, Bertha A., dressmaker, r. over 29 West Eighth.Lindergren, Emma C, widow Carl O., h. over 29 West Eighth.ijindergren, Gilbert E., (Anna), bookkeeper, h. 220 Sprague.Linderholm, Thure E., (Anna), gen. mgr. Globe Cabinet Co., h. 215 Barrows.Lindgren, Carl A., (Johanna), cabinetmaker, h. 159 Hopkins Ave._.e-Lindgren, Christian, (Christine), h. 134 Foote Ave. B»Lindgren, Christina Mrs., h. 341 Foote Ave.JjjLindgren, Esther J., toymaker, r. 159 Hopkins Ave.Lindgren, Gust, (Annie), woodworker, h. 6 Webster.Lindgren, Nellie, milliner, r. 341 Foote Ave.Lindgren, Peter M., (Hannah), blacksmith, h. 17 Hall Ave.COLindgren, Swantie, woodcarving, 70 over 107 North Main, h. do.Lindgren, Victor, (Clara), metalworker, h. over 1021 East Second.Lindgren, William, (Anna), laborer, h. over 6 Webster.Lindholm, Charles, (Matilda), driver, h. 5 Camp.oLindholm, Charles, metalworker, bds. 105 Lister.WWLindholm, Charles A., (Caroline), cabinetmaker, h. 74 Water.Lindholm, Elsie M., clerk, r. 74 Water. (0^Lindholm, Frank, steelworker, r. 46 Swan.Lindholm, Gust W., (Maria), shoemaker, candy and tobacco, 227 Willard, h.46 Swan.Lindholm, Harry, (Hilma B.), metalworker, h. 118 Price.Lindholm, Hattie M., clerk, r. 46 Swan.Lindholm, Herbert, casemaker, r. 46 Swan.^^Lindholm, Hugo, bds. 35 Flagg Ave.J3rLindholm, Jennie, clerk, r. over 160 Barrows.ftLindholm, John, (Mary), laborer, h. over 160 Barrows.MLindholm, Manley J., (Jennie I.), metalworker, h. 442 Buffalo. 2Lindholm, Myrtie, dressmaker, bds. 15 Shaver."'Lindholm, Myrtie, clerk, r. over 160 Barrows.Lindholm, Otto F., (Mary)—Ideal Furniture Co.—h. 125 Fairview Ave. .^Lindholm, Sophia, widow August, r. 105 Lister.^Lindlow, Elsie, domestic, 58 Franklin. 2srLindman, John A., (Hannah), cabinetmaker, h. 317 Van Buren.(_Lindoom, Arvid, bds. 22 Forest Ave.Lindor, Anna, r. 44 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave. *^Lindquist, Aaron metalworker, h. 357 Stowe. ~mLindquist, Albert, (Regina S.)—Shellberg & Lindquist—h. 442 Willard. CDLindquist, Albert, carpenter, h. over 581 Allen.ChLindquist, Alfred, (Jennie), carpenter, h. over 12 Myrtle.Lindquist, Alvin, office clerk, r. over 307 Allen.Lindquist, Amelia, weaver, r. 575 Willard.Lindquist, Andrew G., (Emma C), metalworker, h. 113 Francis.Lindquist, Edward, bds. 211 Lincoln.Lindquist, Ellen E., textileworker, r. 113 Francis.JBLindquist, Anna, domestic, 410 North Main.EVERY Lindquist, I HAVE DEALER Ed., Edith, Edwin Carl, Anna THE HAS cabinetmaker, E., woodworker, (Francesca), S., STRICTLY A., dressmaker, THE packer, Mrs., bushelman, "BEST" h. bds. PURE over stonecutter, bds. D r. over A r. 179 273 268 358 IMT 273 1/4111 309 Barrows.South Colfax. Talk Prospect. Winsor. h. it 17 Main. over Water. 1 with HARRY me. C LYONSCh*< «^ f_ -mm2

fg Clark H a r d w a r e Co. Stoves and FurnacesQ 278 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.£5 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew - Always Pure and Deliciousr. Lindquist, Emil C, (Minnie S.), chief engineer <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Steamboat Co.,C-' h. 220 Prospect.mm+* Lindquist, Ernest A., (Esther M.)—Lofgren, Lindquist & Johnson—h. 13^» Victoria Ave.mmm Lindquist, Ernest A., (Anna), shipping clerk, h. 375 Foote Ave.(_al Lindquist, Frank, upholsterer, r. over 307 Allen.Lindquist, Gust, metalworker, bds. 237 Willard.O Lindquist, Helga, weaver, r. 575 Willard.Lindquist, Henry, metalworker, bds. 32 Swan.y^i Lindquist, Henry A., (Amanda), moulder, h. 23 Barker.fj_j Lindquist, Johanna, widow Carl, r. over 12 Crown.r^ Lindquist, John, machine hand, h. 179 Barrows.~j Lindquist, John—Swanson & Lindquist—h. 25 Park.*^T Lindquist, John F., metalworker, r. 52 Pearl Ave.p7^ Lindquist, John P., (Sarah L.), stonemason, h. 52 Pearl Ave.!~m Lindquist, Lander, r. 19 Orchard Ave.JT^ Lindquist, L. Fred, steel casemaker, h. over 93 Barker.^^ Lindquist, Matilda, Mrs., h. 156 Allen.r Lindquist, Oscar, cementworker, bds. 352 Price.r-mm\ Lindquist, Oscar, (Ina), h. 101 Murray Ave.^J Lindquist, Oscar T., metalworker, r. 113 Francis.M Lindquist, Otto, lumber handler, bds. 352 Price._ Lindquist, Roy L., (Helen J.), finisher,h. over 309 Winsor.KJj Lindquist, Ruth A., r. 179 Barrows.Lindquist, Sophie, widow Charles J., h. over 22 Park.*~~ Lindquist, Sophie L., widow Charles, h. 575 Willard.Or--i Lindquist, Victor, mill hand, bds. 214 Buffalo.Urn Lindquist, Walter, electrician, bds. 310 West Seventh.^^ Lindquist, see Linquist.rXf^ Lindros, Anna, textileworker, r. 25 Vega.^T Lindros, Axel, hand carver, r. 43 Vega.\J Lindros, Charles A., (Elva), screenworker, h. 19 Pearl Ave.Lindros, Gustaf, woodworker, r. 25 Vega.Lindros, Hjalmar, supt. Golden Furniture Co., r. 43 Vega.Wm Lindros, Martin, cabinetmaker, r. 43 Vega.Pr*. Lindros, Matilda, weaver, h. 25 Vega.^^ Lindros, Matilda, widow Charles, h. 43 Vega.Lindros, Ossian, screenworker, r. 19 Pearl Ave.Lindsey, Charles G., (Melita B.), real estate, over 221 North Main, h. 121Lakeview Ave.Lindsey, H. C, Mrs., r. 271 Fairmount Ave.i Lindsey, Richard J., (Frances L.), farmer, h. 367 Foote Ave.Lindstone, Carl E., (Ingrid), treas. Liberty Printing Co., h. Warren, Pa.• Lindstrom, Albin, metalworker, r. 844 East Second.. 3Lindstrom, Alex. P., metalworker, bds. 275 Willard.i Lindstrom, Andrew, (Caroline), rubber, h. under 541 Allen.Lindstrom, Anna, widow John, h. over 200 Sampson.Lindstrom, Antone F., (Hulda M.), plater, h. 913 Newland Ave. Augusta, dressmaker, Connecticut h. 350 Bowen. General Life Ins. Co,, Hartford, Conn.Z LrfllC Lindstrom, lnSUrdllLc Axel, (Ida), blacksmith, - w. J. h. Bentley, 16 Union Gen. Ave. Agt., 514 Chadakoin Bldg.O Lindstrom, Axel E., (Belle), tailor, h. 1013 Newland Ave.%?, Lindstrom, Bertha C, student, r. 615 East Sixth.M S _ffl Qm-Z Do X < g> e1 Lindstrom, Charles, Carl Cora, W., P., widow J., (Maria), (Botilda), (Amanda), (Mattie), (Matilda (Anna), Edward, h. woodworker, painter, cabinetmaker, J.), metalworker, under milliner, contractor, 32 h. 844 Kinney. r. h. 254 East h. 12 208 200 Bishop. Willard. 13 Second. Strong. Palmer. Sampson. .

Always Buy your Dry Goods of THE A. D. SHARPE CO.m.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.H279 r XHII.l. PIANO C(\ ENTIRE 6TH FLOOR 3 >niUL. rlrtllU \,\J. CHADAKOIN BUILDING g Z, w r/3Lindstrom, Ebba, Mrs.—Moll & Lindstrom—r. 31 Livingston Ave. 2 OLindstrom, Edwin, (Selma), woodworker, h. over 148 Thayer.* _ILindstrom, E. George, (Marion Spears), linotype operator Journal Press, h.134 Euclid Ave. g mLindstrom, Emma, widow Gust, h. 909 Newland Ave. g £ZLindstrom, Enoch H., (Ella O.)— Nelson & Lindstrom—h. 617 East Sixth. w MLindstrom, Frances, boxmaker, r. 208 Palmer. 2 £3Lindstrom, Frederick F., student, r. 350 Bowen. O ]Z3Lindstrom, Fritz mattressmaker, bds. 42 Foote Ave. § 2Lindstrom, Genevieve, r. 208 Palmer. m (")Lindstrom, Gilbert metalworker, r. 51 Benedict. j,Lindstrom, Godfrey, r. 844 East Second. C.Lindstrom, Gust, (Christine), detailer, h. 615 East Sixth.OLindstrom, Gustaf, machine hand, bds. 581 Allen.Lindstrom,Lindstrom, John,Gustava,(MatildawidowC),Gust,stationaryr. underengineer,226 Steele.h. 29 Wescott.£•• f^Lindstrom, John, woodworker, r. 12 BishopLindstrom, Gustave A., (Matilda), cement sidewalk builder, h. 350 Bowen. ^Lindstrom, Mabel, r. 909 Newland Ave.Lindstrom, S Hulda, weaver, r. 12 Bishop. 25Lindstrom,oMatilda, student, r. 350 Bowen.Lindstrom, Ida, laundress, h. over 10 Crane.gLindstrom, Mauritz, student, r. 208 Palmer.Lindstrom, Ida, laundress, 7 Harrison. a J£Lindstrom, Myrtie, paper boxmaker, r. 208 Palmer.Lindstrom, J. August, (Ebba J.), Dartender, h. 31 Livingston Ave.fj" CLindstrom, Oscar, blacksmith, bds. over 5 Linwood Ave.p' OLindstrom, J. Emil, (Jennie), carpenter, h. 15 Shaw Ave.~ pjLindstrom, Oscar, finisher,bds. 8 Water. — OLindstrom, Oscar, bds. 5 Linwood Ave.g qLindstrom, Oscar C, toolmaker, bds. 15 Shaw Ave.;g XLindstrom, Rebecca, dressmaker, bds. 42 Foote Ave.e ^Lindstrom, Rudolph, metalworker, r. 51 Benedict. !» -5Lindstrom, Rudolph E., spring setter, r. 200 Sampson.OLindstrom, Ruth, novelty packer, r. 844 East Second. §5Lindstrom, Sture, metalworker, bds. 10 Water.Lindstrom, Tillie, stenographer, r. 350 Bowen.Lindstrom, Victor h. 24 Dearing.cpLindstrom, Victor J., (Edith S.), woodworker, h. 22 Scott.cr. tsLindtner, Anna M., widow Chris H., h. 105 Park.j§> zr.Lindtner, Hans, printer's apprentice, r. 105 Park. g. 3Lindtner, John P., printer, r. 105 Park.|' JLindtner, Margaret W., dressmaker, r. 105 Park. J"Lindwall, Renius F., (Emma), metalworker, h. over 206 McKinley Ave. c gLinendoll, Asa E., consulting engineer Salisbury Wheel & Mfg. Co., h. 617 £j §East Second. g, g!Linendoll, Harriett T., widow John, r. 617 East Second.n g_Lines Bros.—W. H. (Geneva, N. Y.), and S. V. Lines—boots and shoes, 202 o.PJttNorth Main.• rReady Lines, C. Stewart, Roofing mgr. & advertising Building Art Metal Paper Constr. Co., HARRV r. 32 Prospect. LYONS moLines, Edwin D., (Belle), sec.-treas. J. Metal Furn. Co., h. 40 Prather Ave. g.Institute St. & Erie Ry. PLines, Jessie F., r. 32 Prospect.2'*'Ling, Link, Lines, Etta, Esther Glenn Grover Ivar, Clyde Stephen woodworker, widow W., J., M., C. V., (Lena), (Hilda (Katherine), r. Freeman, (Frances over bookkeeper, M.), bds. 21 Derby. housekeeper, metalworker, B.)—Lines 12 printer, Kinney. h. h. 817 Bros.—h. 350 488% North 25 Foote Willard. Eighteenth.Main. 32 Ave. Prospect.(/jW JjO° j^g a-i ^f, H> gw

h Clark Hardware Co., Roofing and Building Papersen «°U y -_280JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.OpX^ r,Uailfall«lla R-~w QUENCHES THIRST.ACTS AS A MILD°* - V^naUtaUqU

Gloves, Hosiery and Underwear - The A. D. SHARPE CO. >JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 281 SBHII I PIANO CCm NO CONTESTS C*>1111_—I M. l.l_11Vr VV. N0 FAKE CERTIFICATES »H>Lofgren, Alfhild, student, r. 152 Sampson.mLofgren, Andrew, (Amanda), woodworker, h. 243 Crescent.m-iLofgren, Arthur G., office clerk, r. 193 Barrett.—_Lofgren, August J., (Christine L.), piano finisher,h. 193 Barrett. \_%60 Chapin. OLofgren, Axel H., toolmaker, r. 193 Barrett. —.Lofgren, Carl G., (Hulda), foreman painter, h. 152 Sampson.VPLofgren, Corinne, student, r. 102 McKinley Ave._ _Lofgren, Ellen C, boxmaker, r. 193 Barrett.~^~Lofgren, Elmer, casemaker, r. 9 Holman.j—_Lofgren, Emma, widow John, h. 238 Sprague. 25Lofgren, Eric, (Mary), metalworker, h. 9 Holman. "*Lofgren, Evelyn, domestic, 70 Prospect, r. 243 Crescent. . .Lofgren, Godfrey, (Selma)—Lofgren, Lindquist & Johnson—h. 28 Bush. X*Lofgren, Gust A., (Anna), foreman metalworker, h. 102 McKinley Ave. ~Lofgren, Hilding W., clerk, r. 243 Crescent. 0)Lofgren, John A. commercial traveler, r. 193 Barrett.ftLofgren, John A., (I. Louise), assembler, h. over 19 Park.CLofgren, J. Marie, boxworker, r. 9 Holman. v*LOFGREN, LINDQUIST & JOHNSON—Godfrey, Ernest and Carl J.—ladies' WLofgren, and men's Nina, tailors, picker, r. 510238 Fenton Sprague. Bldg.ft >•LOFGREN, Lofgren, Raymond, LINDQUIST student, r. & 60 JOHNSON Chapin. 8»gCLADIES' Lofgren, Robert, AND metalworker, MEN'S UP-TO-DATE bds. 243 Crescent. TAILORING§ J^S10 Lofgren, New Ruby, Fenton r. 102 Building McKinley Ave. Home Telephone 422-k so | SLofgren, Rudolph A., office clerk, r. 193 Barrett.° hjq Pi SfmLofgren, Victor, metalworker, r. 238 Sprague.g"pflLogan, Harvey, (Margaret), metalworker, h. 51 Livingston Ave. PILofman, Victor, (Betty), carpenter, h. 210 Thayer.s 'Logan, Lillian M., nurse, 318 East Fifth, r. 129 Fulton.oo*Logan, Margaret, Mrs., h. 217 East Sixth.ri>Lohnes, Frank, (Lida), cabinetmaker, h. 75 Barker. £*Lomando, Antonio, (Maria A.), metalworker, h. over 60 Tower.gLombard, Edward L., (Frances V.), woodworker, h. over 26 Fairview Ave. 2Lombard, Euphemia, widow James, dressmaker, r. 13 Lincoln Ave. g>Lombard, Florence, stenographer, r. 343 Fairmount Ave.HLombard, Mabel E., teacher, r. 343 Fairmount Ave.Lombard, Margaret, widow Joseph, h. 343 Fairmount Ave.Lombardo, Frank, (Rose), groceries, 203 Winsor, h. do.Lombardo, Joseph, metalworker, bds. 220 East First.^_Lombardo, Joseph, (Rosa), h. over 68 Tower.Lombardo, Joseph, clerk, r. 203 Winsor.CjLombardo, Josephine, Mrs., textileworker, h. 220 East First. £5sLombardo, °rd Front Sam, (Annie), Doors laborer, h. st&k 68 Tower. H A R R Y LYONS JJs g.Londahl, Charles P., carpenter, r. 347% Foote Ave.OLoneto, Angelo, laborer, bds. 29 Water.Loneto, Long, Albert, Tony, (Anna), (Garcia), cable laborer, splicer, h. 29 rms. Water. 533 West Third.~ ,*jq

_ Clark Hardware Co., Contractors & Mill Suppliesg 282 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.eo .I <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew Low in SftaS1extract2! Long, John, Chinese laundry, under 14 East Second, h. do.> Long, William, (Mabel), h. 309 West Second.§ Longnecker, O. H., r. 19 Valley.:§ Lonngren, John W., (Kate L.), printer, h. 23 Center.w Lonngren, Mary, widow John G., r. 23 Center.>; Lonngren, Viola M., student, r. 23 Center.•g Look, Warren B., (Agnes T.), supervisor Art Metal Constr. Co., h. 402 Westg Seventh.—> Loomis, Alton M., (Bertha M.), news editor Tri-Weekly Journal, h.j» 610 Lafayette.u Loomis, Levi, (Mary E.), farmer, h. Fairmount Ave., bey. limits.•— £ Looney, Catherine, widow Martin, h. 25 Seymour Ave.12 s Lopresto, Looney, Michael Jack, (Mary), J., (Margaret), stonemason, machinist, h. over h. 103 14 Summer Hazzard. Place.(2 3 Looney. Lopriore, Patrick, Michael, laborer, (Mary), r. 25 laborer, Seymour h. 84 Ave. Steele.•a Lopus, Henry D., (Phebe), carpenter, h. 329 Hallock.§ gjj Lord, Dora, Mrs., r. 256 Fairmount Ave.jy, 3 Lord, Eva, domestic, 215 Fairmount Ave.§ K Lord, Frank, (Jennie), hay presser and thresher, h. 1057 Washington..a a Lord, Hazel, clerk.r. 833 North Main.H c Lord, Merritt C, (Almeda N.), carpenter, h. 833 North Main.0« J Lord, Rosa, widow Samuel, bds. 626 Spring.j2 m. Lord, Vallonia, widow S. B., r. over 30 Bush.•2 •§ Lord, William J., (Dora), metalworker, h. over 256 Fairmount Ave.j> £"" Lordahl, Martin, musician, rms. Apart. E, 27 Forest Ave.. £ Lorentzen, Carl, (Alma), woodworker, h. over 29 Kinney.•J2 « Lorentzen, Hans P., (Ellen L.), cigarmaker, h. over 49 Liberty._ f _' c Lorentzen, Lott, John, Hans (Harriet), P., Mrs., barber, Bon under Ton Millinery, 34 North h. Main, over h. 4961 Liberty. Tenth.w Loucks, Lorth, Warren Anna E., H., student, (Ethel), r. driver, 612 Lafayette.£ w h. 56 Chapman.jjS * Loucks, Losee, R. Clayton T., h. Flat E., (Alice 8, Washington S.), metalworker, Bldg. h. 840 Jefferson.IS '3 "S ]£ Lott, Loucks, Edna Clifford C, hair G., dresser, (Esther r. J.), 61 express Tenth. messenger, h. 172 Chandler.•a "3 Loucks, Elizabeth, widow Newcomb, rooming house, 310 Jefferson, h. do.S t- Loucks, Elliot A., (Mary J.), mechanic, h. 612 Lafayette.« o Loucks, Fred D., (Huldah), foreman foundryman, h. 119 Palmer.:g « Loucks, Lillian, stenographer, r. over 67 Tenth.« « Loucks, Thomas M., real estate, over 215 North Main, rms. 12 East Fourth.Loucks, Wallace, (Mary), groceries, 67 Tenth, h. over do.• Loucks, William E., (Mary E.), moulder, r. 612 Lafayette.O Loucks, William, rms. 310 Jefferson.O Loumison, John, (Anna), salesman, bds. 416 North Main.k^ Lounsbury, Herman A., metalworker, r. over 54 Liberty.f, Lounsbury, Stanley H., machinist, r. over 54 Liberty.2 Lounsbury, Stephen A., (Adelaide S.), metalworker, h. over 54 Liberty.*Z* u Lounsbury, see Lownsbery2 9 Loupoolos, James clerk, rms. 14 East Fourth.(_)oa Love, Albert C, (Elizabeth), fireman J. F. D., h. 204 Samppon.f_] ds Love, Clarence, r. 331 Foote Ave.CU % Love, Emma M., photo printer, r. 69. Fairmount Ave.(/} § Love, Harold, clerk, r. 331 Foote Ave.Love, Harriet B., widow Herbert B., asst. librarian James Prendergast Free<strong>Library</strong>, h. 69 Fairmount Ave. vr-y $ Love, Henry F., (Minnie), sec.-treas. Diamond Furn. Co., h. 90 Prather Ave.5 Love, John, (Marina), vice-pres. Diamond Furniture Co., h. 108 Steele.OP

Always buy your Dry Goods of The A. D. Sharpe Co.OJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.283 toHill's Piano School ES]irmos ^Love, Louise B., artist, r. 69 Fairmount Ave. J"SLove, Otto, (Minnie), foreman Diamond Furn. Co., h. 331 Foote Ave. ftLove, Ralph, deliveryman, r. 331 Foote Ave. £3Love, Ruth, bookkeeper, r. 331 Foote Ave.CALovejoy, Carl C.—Fulton Market Co.—h. 7 West Fifteenth.toLovejoy, Charles R., (Mary E.), retired, h. 7 West Fifteenth.Lovejoy, C. Ray, Jr., (Grace), mgr. Lovejoy's Dry Goods Syndicate, h. 101Prendergast Ave.^"sLovejoy's Dry Goods Syndicate,—C. Ray Lovejoy, mgr.—111 West Third. \m~Lovejoy, Earl C.—Fulton Market Co.—h. 7 West Fifteenth.J-JLovejoy, Edwin G., (Caroline G.), clerk, h. 848 North Main.Lovejoy, Eva M., bookkeeper, r. 7 West Fifteenth.o. XLovejoy, Truax Gerald D., W., (B. clerk, Winifred)—Fulton r. 22 Catlin Ave. Market Co.—h. 75 Hotchkiss. "= co O —\Lovejoy, Lovelass, Lawrence Grace, drug J.—Fulton clerk, h. Market 311 Prendergast Co.—h. 7 West Ave. Fifteenth.8_ § O SLovietro, Lovejoy, Rosetta, Joseph laborer, Mrs., h. bds. 22 Catlin over 135% Ave. Chandler.5r QLowe, George H., (Margaret), oil producer, h. 610 East Seventh.•oLowell, Albert P., (Emma M.), timber buyer, h. 315 Spring.o pqLowerre, Caroline A., h. over 219 West Third..§ XLowerre, Charles A., hay shipper, r. over 219 West Third. ( ft £Lowery, Charlotte, weaver, bds. 216 Crescent.w QLowing, Alonzo R., (Anna), groceries, 843 North Main, h. 19 Tenth. ftLowing, Arthur, student, r. 19 Tenth.a ^Lowman, Joseph, (Berta), clerk, h. 508 East Seventh. re r"Lown, Charles H., (Emma D.), painter, h. 233 Fulton.^ rLown, George, (Margaret), fireman,h. over 1023 East Second. ? HLown, Lulu, student, r. over 1023 East Second.Lown, Maurice J., (Bertha B.), checker Erie R. R., h. 252 Fulton._.Lown, Reed, steel casemaker, r. over 1023 East Second. Lucas, Grace, telephone operator, r. 855 Prendergast Ave.' rLucas, Henry A., (Alice M.), commercial traveler, h. 10 Catlin Ave. 03 S>Lucas, L. Belle artist, r. 10 Catlin Ave.•= dLucas, Louis, (Florence), pres. Lucas Machine Co., h. 215 Fairmount Ave. w o >>Lucas Machine Co.—L. Lucas, pres.; F. M. Curtis, vice-pres.; D. A. Curtis, (g31gtreas.; F. G. Curtis, sec.—34 Taylor.£ coLucas, Mary, stenographer, rms. 226 Foote Ave.Lucas, Thomas W., (Mertie), commercial traveler, h. 227 Crossman.Luce, Caroline C, widow William G., h. 460 Buffalo.Luce, Deura A., (Bessie), breweryworker, h. 68 Tenth.Luce, Irwin, (Effie), drayman, h. 73 Cole Ave.Lucey, Margaret, widow Timothy R., h. over 105 Stewart Ave.Luduk, Olde, (Charlotte), blacksmith, h. over 140 Barrows.OLuduk, Stephen, metalworker, bds. over 140 Barrows.toLuguane, John, (Maria), laborer, h. 301 Crescent.HP-Lukens, Lurilla, widow Philip, r. 318 Prendergast Ave. h—Lumbard, For Red Michael, Cedar textileworker, and Cypress bds. 33 Shingles Scott. SEE LYONS C$Lumia, Peter, (Lenora), laborer, h. 33 Scott.m^mLunberg, Albin B., machine hand, r. 9 Howard. ***Lunberg, Jacob Lydia P. see William, Lundberg, C, S., spooler, woodworker, (Minnie), Lundborg r. 9 cabinetmaker, Howard. r. and 9 Howard. Lundburg. h. 9 Howard.~~h ^^ ^

•g Clark Hardware Co., Roofing and Building Papers£ 284 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.& <strong>Chautauqua</strong> BrewWITHOUT A PEER IN THE WORLDOF BEER. Both Phones 268Lund, Alfred, (Ida), polisher, h. over 23 Barker.G Lund, Andrew W., cigars, h. 6 Willard.J8 Lund, August, (Christine), laborer, h. 501 Stowe.© Lund, Augusta, Mrs., h. 50 Franklin.mm Lund, Carl, laborer, h. 14 Chapin.Lund, Charles, (Gustie), driver, h. 27 Warner Block.4) Lund, Christian, (Carrie), bandsawyer, h. 52 Ninth.co Lund, Ebbert J., (Genevieve), draftsman, h. 35 Peterson.Lund, Edwin E., (Beda), metalworker, h. over 5 Sturges.gj Lund, Emil, (Camilla), woodworker, h. 37% Tenth.JjJ Lund, Enoch C. O., (Alice), cabinetmaker, h. over 114 William.Lund, Gustaf A., (Augusta), pres. Alliance Furn. Co., h. 308 Willard.^^ Lund, Harry, (Rebecca), textileworker, h. 39 Weeks.CO Lund, Henry, (Gertrude), electrician, r. 831 North Main.4) Lund, Hilmer, screenmaker, bds. 103 Ensign.Q£ Lund, John, metalworker, bds. 501 Stowe.Lund, Oscar, woodworker, bds. Frink Ave.Lund, P. Olof, (Christine), machine hand, h. 9 Osborn.Lund, Samuel, (Christine), woodworker, h. 262 Colfax.Lund, Thure, machine hand, bds. 103 Ensign.Lundahl, Hilding, (Anna), cabinetmaker, h. over 161 Thayer.Lundbeck, Emma, textileworker, r, 164 Barrett.Lundberg, Ada, student, r. 608 Prendergast Ave.Lundberg, Arvid C, (Anna S.), rubber, h. 206% Chandler.Lundberg, Axel, (Agnes), woodworker, h. 116 Wescott.Lundberg, Axel W., electrician, r. 280 Broadhead Ave.Lundberg, Carl, steel casemaker, bds. 138 Virginia Boulevard.>* Lundberg, Carl A., (Beata G.), cabinetmaker, h. 26 Barrows.Lundberg, Carl F., (Josephine), veneerworker, h. 248 Barrows.Lundberg, Carl L., screen doormaker, bds. 136 Sampson.Lundberg, Charles F., (Matilda), metalworker, h. over 17 Grandin.Lundberg, Clara, widow Andrew N., h. 15 Stowe.Lundberg, David C, (Jennie A.), metalworker, h. 15 Cook Ave.Lundberg, John R., (CarolineI, finisher, h. 280 Broadhead Ave.Lundberg, Ellis, sander, r. 206% Chandler.Lundberg, Martha L., student, r. 280 Broadhead Ave.jZJ Lundberg, Emil, screenmaker, bds. 238 McKinley Ave.^j u Lundberg,Lundberg, „ _, Pauline,Henry „_. _ Mrs.,C, (Signa „ textileworker, bds.L.), bookkeeper, _ 130h. _ Summit.over _. 360 Foote Ave.w«T^Lundberg, Rose,Hjalmer, Walter textileworker, A., (Hannah), (Elma), toolmaker, r. 608 Prendergastbrassmoulder, h. 2 h. Barrows. Ave.312 Stowe.[_ •^J Lundberg, Lundborg, Ida, Carl clerk, O., (Sophie), h. 608 Prendergast finisher,h. Ave. 213 MyrtleJ_\ rH Lundborg, Lundberg, John, Dagmar Margaret (Albertina), P.. C, student, student, h. r. 237 r. 213 213 Willard. Myrtle. Myrtle.eft ^S* T Lundberg, ..^rTh^r.n. John AT r, ..rr E., r, ..«+(Selma), t~- r,l,. rl toolroom ,**,A- .. Q1Q foreman, T\/T.,«.-l h. over 48 Thayer.QmLundburg, Algot, (Esther T.), metalworker, h. 223 Prospect.. . Lundburg, see Lundberg and Lunberg.O Lunden, Henry E., metalworker, bds. 169 Barrett.g Lunderberg, Oscar, metalworker, bds. 12 William.Lundgren, Albert, carpenter, bds. 115 Wescott.t^ Lundgren, Algot, metalworker, bds. 22 Phillips.m Lundgren, Axel M., (Erma), teamster, h. under 212 Chandler.£* Lundgren, Bessie, r. 435 Willard.W Lundgren, Charles E., (Christine S.), metalworker, h. over 199 Barrett.V Lundgren, Charles E., (Carolina), machinist, h. 80 Tower.WW The Mutual Renpfit I ifp Premium receipts to Jan. 1,<strong>1911</strong> .... $367,143,48869mj llie 1'lUlUai Deneill Llie RETURNED TO POLICY HOLDERS and funds on hand formm nf Nauratil N I future payment to policy holders - - - $427,763,190.20^ 01 HeWarA, n. J. F. S. TREADWAY, District Agent

Women's Coats and Suits. The A. D. SHARPE CO. CAtoJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 285 toHILL P I A N O CO. fStterms EASIEST TERNS O oLundgren, Charles O., (Anna S.), milk dealer, h. 13 Tew. ChLundgren, Christine, widow Frederick, r. over 12 Linwood Ave.mTLundgren, Conrad, (Augusta), cabinetmaker, h. 932 East Second. ta-Lundgren, Edith A., student, r. 80 Tower.Lundgren, Elvira, domestic, 20 Harrison.QLundgren, Emma, widow Edward, h. 18 Prather Ave.rftLundgren, Fredericka, widow John, r. 65 Tower.Lundgren, Fritz, milk peddler, r. 13 Tew.TJLundgren, Gust E., metalworker, r. 13 Tew.Lundgren, Hilmer, metalworker, bds. 22 Phillips. 05Lundgren, Jennie M., type setter, r. 13 Tew.ft'Lundgren, Joseph C, machine hand, r. 80 Tower. ~Lundgren, Matilda, r. 220 Bowen.*•»>•Lundgren, Victor, metalworker, bds. 11 Garfield.Lundin, Andrew, (Mary), metalworker, h. 20 Stafford Ave.P5Lundin, Emma, textileworker, r. 20 Stafford Ave.ftLundin, Hennig, (Hilga), woodworker, h. 218 Forest Ave. £fLundin, Henry, metalworker, r. 20 Stafford Ave.m~-Lundin, John, metalworker, h. 1102 East Second.^^Lundin, John, (Flora), teamster, h. 10 Genesee. f-1Lundman, Charles J., (Anna), woodworker, h. 223 Bowen. ^—Lundman, Rosa, student, r. 223 Bowen. Q)Lundmark, Hannah B., widow Charles, h. 423 Newland Ave.0JLundmark, Jennie clerk, r. 423 Newland Ave.MJLundmark, Lillian, office clerk, r. 423 Newland Ave.Lundquist, Amanda, widow Gustav A., h. 507 Chandler.^•K oLundquist, Amanda, weaver, h. under 217 Allen.mmdLundquist, Amanda, Mrs., h. 601 Newland Ave.^ChLundquist, Andrew, (Anna S.), carpenter, h. 318 Price.LUNDQUIST, ARVID N., (Delia M.), hats, caps and gent's furnishings, 220 0»* PCNorth Main, h. 410 Lakeview Ave.ft*Lundquist, Carl A., (Ellen B.)—Elof Rosencrantz & Co.—h. 621 East Sixth.Lundquist, Charles E., (Minnie)—Lundquist, Gustafson & Moe—h. 31 Chapman.Lundquist, Christina, widow Carl, h. over 11 Victoria Ave.arcLundquist, Emma M., widow August, h. over 86 Liberty.Lundquist, Florence E., clerk, r. 318 Price.&Lundquist, Gideon, (Edith), rigger, h. 342% Steele.ftLundquist, Gust, metalworker, bds. 11 Warner Ave. ««*00Lundquist, Gustafson & Moe—Charles, Hjalmar and Bert A.—clothing and J^.gent's furnishings, 12 East Second.^_,Lundquist, Harold V„ clerk, r. 621 East Sixth.ftLundquist, John, (Belle), axemaker, h. 23 Tenth. m*Lundquist, Paul, (Anna), painter, h. over 64 Thayer.Lundquist, Sophie, widow Isaac P., r. 100 Willard.Lundquist, Theodore, woodworker, r. 23 Tenth.Lundquist, Victor J. student, r. over 11 Victoria Ave.-0Lundquist, William, (Justine), textileworker, h. 64 Thayer.Lundstedt, Carl, r. 127 Bowen.gjjLundwall, Amelia C, widow Solomon A., r. 17 Tew.ft,Lundy, Carl, woodworker, rms. 213 East Third.m^For Lundy, Lunn.Andrew, Lunn, ner Windows Alvin, Anna, Ernest Stella, & Joseph Block. Soderstrom—Joseph widow mfrs. cigarmaker, student, E. and B.—Lundy . cigars, mfr., Samuel, Doors over r. 76136 & dressmaker, Myrtle. Foote E. 12 Soderstrom—rms. see B. North Ave., and HARRY Main, J. h. Warner—tailors, 36 do. LYONS rms. Myrtle. 340 do. FooteAve. t\ 2-6 New War- "^ M*< {_, JB *Q 53 m

1! Clark H a r d w a r e Co. Stoves and Furnacesg*« S 286 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.«Sg| <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew, Low in alcohol, rich in extract"~in Luppieo, Mateo, (Nina), laborer, h. 36 Harrison.©4 Luppieo, Santo, (Rosa), fruit dealer, h. 94 Hazzard.*ew Luppieo, Sebastiano, laborer, bds. 36 Harrison..£ Luppieo, Tony, (Guiseppa), laborer, h. 36 Harrison.•£ Luppieo, Antonio, (Lucy), rubber, h. over 124 Harrison.o Luring, Peter, metalworker, bds. 112 Mechanic.jj ' Lutgen, Nicholas C, (Agnes), carpenter, h. over 6 Cross.g Lutz, Charles, commercial traveler, rms. Y. M. C. A._] Lutzhoff, Elmer E., (Blenda), commercial traveler, h. 28 Park.mm, • Lyke, Nathaniel, cook, h. over 16 Price.C Lyman, R. B. & Co.—M. Barrett, mgr.—stock brokers, 107 North Main.* Lyman, Sara C, widow Edward, r. 217 East Sixth.•at , Lynch, Agnes M., dressmaker, r. 720 Buffalo..5 Lynch, Edward, teamster, r. 625 Spring.•£ Lynch, James, driver J. F. D., r. 625 Spring.S Lynch, Katherine, widow Thomas, h. 720 Buffalo.'a mi Lynch, Minnie J., h. 625 Spring.£,£ Lynch, Nellie, clerk, r. 625 Spring.53 g Lynch, Patrick, plumber, r. 625 Spring.1-1 _ Lynch, Teresa, forelady shoemaker, r. 625 Spring.'g'S Lynn, Andrew, mattressworker, r. 219 Broadhead Ave.60 Lynn Art Parlor—Ellen U. Linnander and Hilma J. Lawson—art needle,2(0 work, 10 Institute.Co Lynn, Carl O., (Selma), mattressmaker, h. 103 McKinley Ave.2*" Lynn, Gust, (Erika), finisher,h. 206 Barrett.e Lynn, James, painter and paperhanger, bds. 306 Steele.3 o Lynn, J. Edward (Mary A.), machine hand, h. 113 Broadhead Ave."^!* Lynn, Julia, forelady <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Towel Mills, r. 206 Barrett.m. g Lyon, Fred E., (Emma V.), pressman, h. 244 Hopkins Ave.— g Lyon Furniture Agency—Bert G. Tiffany, mgr.—commercial reports, overfm£ 303 North Main.p®0< Lyon, George M., (Carrie R.), contractor, h. 31 Regent.&•£ Lyon, Hulda Mrs., h. over 20 Willard.Qgo Lyon, Leonard W., (Margaret), carpenter, h. 398 Falconer.oLyon, M. J., bds. 705 West Eighth.Lyon, Robert E., (Lena M.), mfr. confectionery, h. 410 West Eighth.^» Lyon, Sarah D., h. 234 South Main.ft Lyons, Albert, office clerk, rms. 423 Lincoln.Jjj Lyons, Albert N., bookkeeper, bds. 411 M Lincoln.to Lyons, Anna L., clerk, bds. 6 Broadhead Ave.ft* LYONS, HARRY G., (Marion P.), retail lumber, sash, doors, glass, paintsE a Mabee, n d Bernie varnishes, F., 26 (Rose), Institute, cabinetmaker, h. 13 Fulton. h. over 880 North Main.Lyric Mabee, Theater—H. Ernest E., A. (Frances), Deardourff, upholsterer, mgr.—201 h. East 133 Third. Crescent.Macbeth, Harry A., (Margaret J.), h. 401 West Seventh.Macbeth, Marion F., r. 401 West Seventh.MacDonald, Arvilla, widow Andrew, r. 63 East Cowden Place.MacDonald, Carrie, widow James, practical nurse, r. 59 Hotchkiss.MacDonald, Gust, (Amanda), plumber, h. 41 Frink Ave.ft ¥ «f I«oiiM«i¥i/n» Connecticut General Life Ins. Co., Hartford, Conn.m-_ Llie insurance w. J. Bentley, Gen. Agt., 514 Chadakoin Big

CARPETS, CURTAINS,DRAPERIES, SHADES, The A. D. Sharpe Co. g-JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 287 P?toIIII I Of \ 1\jr| fCm COMPLETE TUNING ANDniLtMJ lJ.j-_J.1V/ Ks\J. REPAIR DEPARTMENT mmMACDONALD, REYNOLD, (Maude), automobiles, garage and supplies, 1<strong>1912</strong>1 East Third, h. over 310 Pine. _TMacDonald, see McDonald. *^Mace, Charles W., (Katherine), retired, h. 15 East Sixth.Mace, William M., (Carrie G.), mgr. Interstate Lumber Co., 27 Gokey Bldg., tas

Clark Hardware Co., Contractors & Mill SnppliesuS 288 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.0. — . ," rilOllf Qlimi'l RimTsT Quenches thirst, acts as a mild tonic, inducesg v/Hduidmjud Drew 8ieep Both phones 268as — ,M Magnuson, Oscar, Hilma finisher,bds. C, bookkeeper, 912 r. E. 196 Second. Barrett.09 Magnuson, Petronella, widow Bror H., h. 7 Grandin.JB • Magnuson, Ruth M. E., student, r. 196 Barrett.-o Magnuson, Samuel, retired, r. 158 Barrows.Magnuson, Simon (Lottie), deliveryman, h. over 120 Prospect.Maharon, Agnes, student, r. 417 Murray Ave.g _ Maharon, Anthony J., clerk, r. 314 W. Sixth.Maharon, John, (Margaret), police justice, h. 417 Murray Ave.CO Maharon, John J., cigars and tobacco, 8 W. Third, r. 314 W. Sixth.•~\ ' Maharon, Julia, r. 417 Murray Ave.0 Maharon, Katherine, aristo worker, r. 417 Murray Ave.... i Maharon, Margaret A., aristoworker, r. 417 Murray Ave._g Maharon, Margaret A., r. 314 W. Sixth.~3 . Maharon, Mary A., stenographer, r. 417 Murray Ave.« St Maharon, Michael, (Bessie), brickmason, h. 314 W. Sixth.® Si Maharon's Smokery, cigars and smokers' supplies, John J. Maharon, prop.,w j? 8 W. Third.>;* Maher, Gertrude M„ r. 628 W. Fifth.g g Maher, Patrick, foundry and machine shop, 20-26 Taylor, h. 628 W. Fifth.> ^ Maher, Thomas F., (Catherine P.), machinist, h. 622 W. Fifth.j j< Mahoney, David, machinist, r. 508 Winsor.CO 2 > Mahoney, John, Edward (Ella), H., (Minnie contractor, F.), bricklayer, h. 225 Foote h. over Ave 731 Buffalo.-.5 ^"u Mahoney, MAHONEY, Edward JOHN J., J., (Marcella), (Mary), physician saloon, and 634 East Supt. Second, of Public h. Health, 618 do. h. 401w"19 Mahoney, Lafayette. Edward W., retired, h. 898 E. Second.£ " j! >, Mahoney, Evelyn Julia C, B., stenographer, r. 738 Buffalo. r. 508 Winsor.® g-g - Mahoney, John, Margaret retired, L., teacher, h. 508 Winsor.738 Buffalo.fm ~ B Mahoney, Mary A., teacher, r. 738 Buffalo.cd a Mahoney, Mary A., r. 508 Winsor. 'U« Mahoney, Matthew P., bookkeeper, r. 738 Buffalo.-m m Mahoney, Nellie, aristo sorter, rms. 307 W. Second.2 s Mahoney, Sarah, r. 898 E. Second.P g Mahoney, Thomas, (Margaret P.), contractor, h. 51 Falconer.» o, Mahoney, Thomas, Jr., (Elsie M.), mason, h. 731 Buffalo.U Mahoney, Thomas, Sr., retired, h. 738 Buffalo.Mainwaring, Benjamin F.. (Eva A.), laborer, h. 220 Fulton.. Mainwaring, J. Harley, clerk, r. 220 Fulton.© Maisen, Elizabeth Mrs., r. 714 Washington.%-} Maitland, David, (Emma), toolmaker, h. 830 Spring.Malar, Frank, laborer, bds. 223 E. First.5 Malar. Tom, laborer, bds. 223 East First.cX fm Malar, Tony, laborer, bds. 223 East First.Cm «« Malcom. Elizabeth, Mrs., r. 302 East Second.mm Malier, Gertrude L., stenographer, r. 860 N. Main.* Malier, James, (Alvena), lumberman, h. 860 North Main.o>Mallen, James, (Mary), h. 338 Forest Ave.Mallen. John, (Selma), finisher,h. 7 William.Mallory, Cora A., r. . 42 Grant.-fl FfVMAN'C Mallory, Dexter, PIANOS, wastesorter, PLAYER h. 42 PIANOS, Grant. VICTROLAS, VICTOR TALK-_X EXlvrl Mallory, Edith All d M., teacher, iNG MACHINES r. 42 Grant. AND RECORDSMallory. Sallie, widow John C, r. 42 Grant.NewWellmanBuildingW3 Malm, Adeline, widow John, h. Vega, cor. Benedict.

Always Buy your Dry Goods of THE A. D. SHARPE CO. __JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 289 P)HII I P I A N O Cfi LARGEST AND MOST"1J—XllMULt 1 Ai_l^\S V/V. CAREFULLY SELECTED STOCK toMalm, • Albert, , student, — r. Vega, cor. Benedict.(D_^Malm, Carl J.,—Lenna & Malm—rms. 62 Winsor.|TjMalm, Gust, (Tekla), metalworker, h. 151 Park.Malm, Henning, screenmaker, r. Vega, cor. Benedict.Malm, Minnie, student, r. Vega, cor. Benedict.Malmberg, Alfred—Malmberg & Anderson—bds. 25 Park.Malmberg & Anderson—Alfred and John—saloon, 115 E. Second.Malmberg, Carl, r. 405 Cherry.Malmberg, Gust, metalfinisher, bds. over 18 Partridge.Malmberg, Herbert W., (Hazel), clerk, h. 278 S. Main.Malmberg, Hjalmar, tailor, bds. 489 Winsor.Malmburg, Agnes, candymaker, rms. 309 W. Third.Malmburg, Alice, waitress ,rms. 309 W. Third.•3'ftmm£_ftCOft_Malmgren, Charles, (Hannah L.), h. 92 Water.Malmgren, Charles Mrs., midwife, h. 92 Water.t—jMalmquist, Charlotte, widow of J. August, r. 155 Barrett.JjjJMalmquist, C. Henry—Reid & Malmquist—h. 155 Barrett.[TjMalmquist, George A., carpenter, r. 155 Barrett.t^SMalmquist, Jennie, r. 155 Barrett.m^Malone, William V., (Elizabeth), printer, h. over 13 W. Second. W|Maloney, Frank C, (Ida), electrician, h. over 219 Hazzard—*_Maloney, Gertrude, teacher, bds. 6 Broadhead Ave\/fMaloney, Joe, (Nicolena), laborer, h. 110 Harrison. ^>Malstrom, Algert, (Alma R.), upholsterer, h. 51 Charles. ~«Maltby, Edward, student, r 503 E. Fifth. **-Maltby, George E., (Anna), gen. mgr. J. S. Ry. and <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Traction Co., ^jh. 503 E. Fifth. JSMaltby, George L., (Gladys B.), inspector J. St. Ry., r. 101 East Fourth. ^Manbert, Allen R., (Mary).—Manbert & Lager—h. 420 Foote Ave.«•Manbert, Fern, r. 420 Foote Ave. *. -.Manbert & Lager—A. R., and C. P.—shoes, 3 Brooklyn Square.OWManchester, Frank E., (Mary A.), metalworker, h. 28 Whitley Ave.gt"Manchester, Harry E., (Albourn), stationary engineer, h. 56 E. Cowden Place. —Mancino, Antonio, (Theresa), musician, r. 40 Twelfth.•-£.Manero, Guiseppa, laborer, bds. over 298 E. Second.p*JgManges, Edgar A., (Elza A.), engineer, Erie R. R., h. 106 Francis. "^Mann, Frank, (Martha), carpenter, h. 25 Walnut.^^Manning, Margaret Mrs., weaver, h. under 205 Allen. —Mano, Nicolo, metalworker, rms. over 5 Taylor. ^?Manross, Bert, (Myrtle), painter, h. over 26 Taylor.s*JManross, Charles E., (Alma), steamboat engineer, h. over 106 Fairmount ^Ave.^m*Manseigh, Ernest, (Gertrude), metalworker, h. 140% Barrows.^Mansen, Gertrude, r. under 756 E. Second.J*"*Mansen, Nils, cabinetmaker, h. under 756 East Second.CDMansfield, Fred W-. (Vinnie), electrician, h. 51 Franklin.COMansfield, Sheldon E., (Elsie), metalworker, h. 12 Cowing.ChManson, Emma, widow Charles, domestic, 615 Winsor.^Manson, see Munson.*""jManuel, Salvatora, (Mary), laborer, h. over 400 Allen._mtMANUFACTURERS' ASSOCIATION OF JAMESTOWN, N. Y., Cryus E. J2,Jones, pres.; R. J. Bootey, sec.-treas., over 213 North Main.urnEVERY Marino, Marcello, Marerri, MANUFACTURERS' I - tory HAVE DEALER Tony, and Frank, _ THE mill (Carmia), STRICTLY laborer, (Rosina), HAS supplies. SUPPLY THE . laborer, bds. 15 fruits, PURE "BEST" 539 N. CO.,—H. Main h. Crescent. 3 over E. D *. Third, A rti1' P. 121 IMT Duquette Cross. " h. 45 * Eleventh. Talkit and ;: HARRY I. over D. Avery—fac- LYONS with me. ft •*1-_> *** ch -m. cr

-1 Clark Hardware Co., Contractors & Mill SuppliesO-S 290JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.wfI <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew 1S "AK1NUg.?l.8EVERY DAYm bOoa Marirosa, Nicole, (Guiseppa), masontender, h. 36 Harrison.lO *§ Markel, Amanda, spinner, r. 41 Steele Ave.**_ Markel, Anna, spinner, r. 41 Steele Ave.Jj© Markel, Gustav, metalworker, r. 41 Steele Ave.e*«"H Markel, Minnie, twister, r. 41 Steele Ave.>• Markel, Waldmir, (Henrietta), commercial traveler, h. 41 Steele Ave.•3 Marker, Adolph, (Hansine), upholsterer, h. 308 Stowe." • Marker, Chris, (Marie O.),—Chris Marker & Son—h. 192 S. Main.«43 CM __ Marker, Chris & Son—Chris and T. A.—mfrs. pedestals and tabourettes, 192"" S. Main.,£ a Marker, Corydon.case maker, r. 308 Stowe.Marker, Henry, packer, r. 308 Stowe._ Marker, Lily E., textileworker, r. Ill Benedict.oZ Marker, Ludwig J., (Amanda), screenmaker, h. Ill Benedict.VX Marker, Myrtie, textileworker, r. 308 Stowe.to o Marker, Nettie A., textileworker, r. Ill Benedict.-3-6 $M Marker, Truman A.,—Chris Marker & Son,—r. 192 S. Main._ 5 Markham, E. B., h. Ill Camp.jS Markham, Edith G., Mrs., clerk, r. section 9, over 108 East Second.*"* Markham, Ethel M., boxmaker, r. 86 Victoria Ave.• Markham, G. Edith, ass't. sec'y. Y. W. C. A., r. over 622 Prendergast Ave.-2" Markham, Lucius, (Mary E.), pastor U. B. church, r. 86 Victoria Ave."Sj . Markham, Marsh, Carl, Sophia, (Laura widow A.), metalworker, John, h. over h. 622 over Prendergast 122 Crescent. Ave.~" m >. ' Markle, Marsh, Carrie, John C, student, (Minnie), r. 1086 barber, E. Second. h. 23 Fenton Place.«>H Markle, Marsh, Clark, Van M., (Fannie), (Alice), motorman, woodworker, J. h. St. 703 Ry., West h. under Eighth. 19 Langford.«S 5 "J Marsh, Markman, Daniel Carrie A., Mrs., (Margaret), trained nurse, woodturner, h. over h. 38 21 Willard. Crescent.O S § Marsh, Markowitz, Edson Alexander, O., (Diana), (Maitha), teamster, clerk, h. h. 68109 West Crescent. Fifteenth.s, u Marsh, Marks, Edward Adella Mrs., J., (Annie), h. 10 W. metal Eighth. contractor, h. 819 Lafayette.3j> Marks, Marsh, Leonard, Ellis, motorman. finisher,r. J. St. 12 Ry.. Tenth. rms. over 215 North Main.-> Marks, Marsh, Thomas Florence, H., picker, (Anna), r 101 carpenter, E. Second. h. 12 Tenth.U w aMarsh, Albert Fred S., C. (Leah), (Minnie), clerk, warptwister, h. 1086 E. h. Second. 129 Steele.U 8 = S Marsh, MARSH, George, JOHN tinsmith, T., (Lenore bds. F.), 811 plumber Washington. and steam fitter, 202 W. Fourth,mm Q | > Marsh, h. 10 Harry, Fourteenth. toolmaker, bds. 122 Crescent.[1* Z < Marsh, Herman, Katherine apprentice C. Mrs., matron cigarmaker, police r. station, 228 Hallock. h. over 101 E. Second.O-i mgfMarsh, James L„ Abertha, H., (Mary), stenographer, groceries, r. 801 811 Washington, Washington. h. over dor \ *•» Marsh, Leo G., Heald & Marsh, r. 811 Washington.* « Marshall, Elizabeth J. B„ BRADSHAW'S Mrs., osteopathic PIONEER physician, INSURANCE 503 W. Third, AGENCY. h. ao.

The A. D. SHARPE CO. for Rugs and Carpets g 3k—|JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 291 cc rHill's Piano School BEST trTnd gpu?Lteachers 11pgMarshall, Frank H., (Sophia H.), artist, h. 44 Lakeview Ave.goMarshall, J. S. Baird, (Bessie Hall), osteopathic physician, 503 W. Third, h. C/3do.H• rMartens, Hagen, (Rosa M.), draftsman, h. over 98 Colfax.Martenson, Bina, r. 222 Barrows.iMartenson, Otto, (Betty), carpenter, h. 308 Palmer.Marthaler, Joseph A., cigarmaker, rms, over 116 E. Third.Martin, Abraham J., (Alice),—Martin & Johnson—h. 109 Chandler.Martin, Archie J., (Fanny), chauffeur, h. 179 McKinley Ave.Martin, Charles O., pharmacist, r. 818 Washington.3Martin, Charlotte, widow Adelbert, h. 81S Washington. to £jMartin, Clarence R., student, r. 213 W. Fifth.Martin & Colburn—P. J. and C. D.—barbers, 116 N. Main.Martin, Duey L., (Sadie R.), Baptist minister, h. 213 W. Fifth.otoMartin, Earl, bookkeeper, rms. 318 Prendergast Ave. ~Martin, Gust, carver, 'bds. 102 Broadhead Ave.Martin, Helen M„ student, r. 213 W. Fifth.Martin, Jerome S., (Ida), finisher,h. 301 Willard.Martin, John, (Lydia), veneerworker, h. 10 Lake.ftMartin, John H., (Mattie), screenmaker, h. 847 Lafayette.Martin & Johnson—A. J. and J. E.,—shirt mfrs., over 204 N. Main.f^Martin, Lillian L., domestic, 1381 E. Second.•-*•Martin, Melville H., r. 115 Crossman.CfQMartin, Melville M., (Marian), ticket ag't. Erie R. R., h. Fairmount Ave., £T*beyond limits. ££Martin, Nels, carpenter, bds. 46-48 Steele.j-jMartin, Nelson H., (Ella), finisher,h. over 557 Allen. ~qMartin, Olos, (Anna), tailor, h, 48 Water.^^Martin, Perry J., (Kittie M.),—Martin & Colburn—h. 109 Lakeview Ave. ryMartin, Sophia, r. 16 Johnson.gMartin, Telia E., widow George, stamp clerk, P. O., r. Cheney's-on-Chau- *?tauqua.^^Martin, see Martyn and Martens.mmMartindale, John H., (Orpha), commercial traveler, h. over 513 Allen.UMartindale, Leslie, (Ina)), metalworker, h. 6 Crescent. ©Martindale, Merle, barber, bds. over 513 Alien.^Martindale, Stephen, r. 15 Fifteenth.fr.Martindale, Willard G., (Mabel B.), motorman, J. St. Ry., h. 15 Fifteenth. ^.Martinelli, Carmine, (Sarah), laborer, h. 539 Crescent.Martyn, John F., clerk, r. 516 West Fourth.^Martyn, Marius G., retired, h. 516 W. Fourth.qMARVEL FURNITURE CO.—Alfred A. Anderson, pres. and mgr., Oscar E. .Anderson, vice pres., Warner F. Liedblad, sec and treas.—mfrs. chif- w ^foniers and dressers, Allen Ext.j-jS;Marvel, Herbert, woolsorter, r. over 136 Water. ~ 5.Marvel, James, (Lavinia), woolsorter, h, over•136 Water^d-Marvin Elizabeth W., widow Robert N„ h. 2 West Fifth. »>Marvin, Henry C, (Belle B.), clerk, h. 223 Crossman. 2 5°tL"d MARVIN Front HOUSE—Mrs. Doors V. D. Everett, stock prop.—furnished HARRY rooms, LYONS 105 West |.»Second.rnaMarvin, N. R., photographer, rms. Y. M. C. A.^B.Mason, Marvin, Marooch, Mason! McKinley Henry, Bennie, Charles Selden Patsy, laborer, Ave. H., textileworker, O., r. (Gussie), 223 bds, bds. Crossman. over 301 foreman r. 135% 41 Crescent. Hopkins Chandler. Jamestown Ave. Lounge Co., h. over 149 ... ' © IT O 3*5' 3 BO" ^ -, *"„ O —

81Clark Hardware Co. Fine Cutlery and ToolscdN*rifaU nIt's good for you and it's good for your family*». 3N gS 292 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> VIiaUMalUJua Ultn Brew JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Both phones 268Puo©r. oo"5, Mason, John, carver, r. 41 Hopkins Ave.~

THE A. D. SHARPE CO. for Rugs and Carpets _*oJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 293 *SHill's Piano School ggrg'So ifMatson, John T., (Margaret), commercial traveler, h. 15 Chicago Ave. ,2Matson, Oscar, metalworker, bds. 4 East Newland Ave.^3Matson, Thaddeus, (Jennie), lumber salesman, h. 178 Hallock.Matson, Theodore, (Anna), baker, h. 60 Tenth.^_siMatson, see Matteson and Mattison.WMatten, Anna B., r. 252 Fairmount Ave.ftMatten, Arthur L., (Mary), machinist, h. 252 Fairmount Ave.m*.Matten, Caroline, telephone operator, r. 252 Fairmount Ave. £3Matten, Paul, machinist, r. 252 Fairmount Ave.t-tmMatters, William, (Mary), moulder, h. 415 Murray Ave.Matteson, Catherine, student, r. 289 S. Main._.Matteson, Ernest, laborer, rms. Y. M. C. A. B»Matteson, George E., (Myrtle E.), linotype operator, h. 59 E. Cowden Place. £3Matteson, Jennie Mrs., waitress, 15 S. Main, r. do.ft^Matteson, Luther B., (Ida B.), stationary engineer, h. 289 S. Main. *^Matteson, see Mattison, Matson and Mattson.Matthews, Belle Mrs., waitress, h. over 613 N. Main.^*\Matthews, Benjamin M., (Mattie A.), veneercutter, h. 39 Ridgway Ave. j ^Matthews, Elizabeth, clerk, r. 504 E. Fifth.ftMatthews, Lindo P., (Lulu), laborer, h. 65 West Fifteenth.Tf.Matthews, Mae, rms. 333 East Second.jffMattison, Harold, metalworker, r. over 79 Allen.Mattison, Jesse C, (Clara), financialrep., International Text Book Co., h.411 W. Third. f»\Mattison, Leo, bellman, Rathskeller, r. do.ikMattison, Selma, domestic, 70 Fairmount Ave. 2Mattison. Thankful E.. widow Fred. r. 411 West Third. 3'Mattison, see Matson, Matteson and Mattson. ^~Mattoon, Mariam L., widow Ransom A., r. 36 Tenth. 73Mattoon, Roma R., (Elinore E.), teacher, h. 36 Tenth.ftMattson, Axel, (Freda), toolmaker, h. over 29 Palmer.MMattson, Charles E., (Carrie), carpenter, h. 229 Willard._jMattson, Edna, r. 1381 E. Second. *^Mattson, Emil, (Mary), metalworker, h. 969 Jefferson.Mattson, John, (Mary C.), carpenter, h. 114 Peterson.p^Mattson, see Mattison, Matson and Matteson.aMauser, Robert, (Winnie), florist,h. 3 Howard Ave. wMawhir, Robert J., (Hattie), nighthostler J. C. & L. E. R. R., h. 837 Fairmount —AVe' mmMaxwell, Harry F., (Cora), farmer h. 206 Baker.WMay, Frank J., (Jennie C), stationary engineer, h. over 221 Washington. JJMay, John, (Alta), hostler, h. over 19 East Second.May, Mrytle E. Mrs., h. over 126 E. Second.t^Maybee, Frank, (Catherine), finisher, h. 860 North Main. ~TMayTbourne, Foster, (Eva), lumber salesman, h. 223 Fairmount Ave.£•*•Mayfield, Edward, sheet metalworker, rms. Y. M. C. A. ~Maynard, Perry C, (Rosa B.), laborer, h. Lakeview Ext. £^Mayo, H. B. G., (Grace E.), assignment engineer, N. Y. Telephone Co., h. 713 rmWashington.May's Theater, Isaac T. Bedell, prop., 309 N. Mam.Maze, Jack, laborer, bds. 492 Crescent.~'McAllister, Elizabeth ary plateworker, r. 214 Hopkins Ave.MODERN McCall, McAllister, McAspurn, McAvoy, McBride, Are Charles Caroline, William, Frank, E., Lydia, HARDWOOD not r. so C, bartender, 320 expensive textileworker. widow (Laura), (Grace), Steele. FLOORS a. James, rms. lumberman, you teacher, may 703 r. n. 214 think W. 750 K~\- h. Hopkins Eighth. 416 Buffalo. h. over Murray I VOns Ave. 308 Ave. Pine. X^O*av £**¥}a_J VTMAO ^m \m 50 ^^ QQ M QQ

g Clark Hardware Co. Fine Cutlery and ToolsQ 294 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.£ <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew~ Without\p^;C:al^otbeer

Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. THE A. D. SHARPE CO. aged iJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.295 r h_T4TI T PIANO Cd entire 6th floor §>lUl—- 1 Irll^lVf V/W. CHADAKOIN BUILDING n«• »ssMcGee, Max M., (Minnie), teamster, r. 107 Eleventh.r-mMcGee, William T., cigarmaker, r. 835 Washington.McGee, see Magee.fr]McGever, Anthony, (Mary), h. 164 Chandler. § f*McGever, Frank, boilermaker, r. 164 Chandler.3 fr]McGever, Margaret, boxmaker, r. 164 Chandler. C.McGillis, Margaret, picker, r. 214 Clinton.a HMcGinity, Jane, r. 24 Van Buren. § gMcGinity, John, (Lelia)—McGinity, Johnson & Co.—h. 28 Van Buren. n

is Clark HardwareCo., Roofing and Building PapersS Chatitanana Rrow Ju8t what youwant daily as a bevera«Z 296 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.r-HDl,~ Vila U. la mj Ua UlCn meals, summer and winter Both phones 268^§ McNallie, Christopher, (Martha), millwright, h. 10 Camp.McNeight, James S., (Genevieve), metalworker, h. over 25 Victoria Ave.MoPolin, Murty, (B. Anna), mining promoter, h. over 800 North Main.4> , McPolin, Murty J., bookkeeper, r. over 800 North Main.3 McTigue, Beatrice, student, r. 19 Valley.« McTigue, James, (Mary), sewer contractor, h. 19 Valley.CO ' McVay, James, retired, h. 48 Eleventh.as McVeigh, Edward, student, r. 12 Carroll.,2 • McVeigh, George, bartender, r. 123 Fairmount Ave.& McVeigh, Gertrude, student, r. 12 Carroll._ , McVeigh, James M., (Mary), stonemason, h. 12 Carroll.C McVeigh, John, stonemason, r. 809 Washington.« McVeigh, John, bartender, r. 123 Fairmount Ave.*? ' McVeigh, Joseph, fireman J. F. D., r. 309 Washington.•m McVeigh, Margaret, student, r. 12 Carroll.(2 ,; McVeigh, Mary, dressmaking, 2 East Fourth, h. 12 Carroll.g ef McVeigh, Paul, r. 12 Carroll.BQ IS McVeigh, Patrick, h. 809 Washington.m,x McVeigh, see McVay and MacVeigh.>>-e Mead, Bertha H., r. 20 Kingsbury Ave.4> § Mead, E. H., carpenter, bds. 26 Taylor.,£ >. Mead, Grace P., tailoress, r. 37 Thirteenth.•Jjj Mead, Isaac, (Elizabeth), teamster, h. 8 Seventeenth.> Mead, John L., student, r. 37 Thirteenth.sjU Mead, Leland S., laborer, r. 20 Kingsbury Ave.*f? Mead, Martha S., widow Lynn O., r. 415 East Fourth.fa.2 Mead, Myron J., (Frances M.), contractor, h. 37 Thirteenth..2 « Mead, Walter S., (Elinore), carpenter, h. 20 Kingsbury Ave.OT 2 Meader, George, (Julia), plasterer, h. 921 East Second.-3 2 Meahen, Allen, bookkeeper, rms. over 211 North Main.a Meas, John B., (Alice), tailor, 8 New Warner Bldg., h. Wheeler's Bend-on-M >. <strong>Chautauqua</strong>.Ct3 Meas, Juie F., tailor, ovei 10 East Third, h. R. F. D. 79.'"£"§ Meas, Ralph E., (Martha), tailor, r. Wheeler's Bend-on-<strong>Chautauqua</strong>.h-*ffl a Mechanic's Laundry, Cassius G. Campbell, prop., 31 Whitley Ave.u£ Mecusker, Horace R.— The Pullman Cafe—h. flat3, over 217 Washington."3.2? Mecusker, James, (Bertha), police, h. Washington Bldg.Jj B Mecusker, L. Grace, clerk, r. 811 North Main.G o Mecusker, Louisa M., widow Matthew J., h. 811 North Main.W3Jig Mecusker, Maretta, student, r. 516 Jefferson.S — Medbury, l Gae »- D., M„„:~ stationary C1-a«« fireman, r. 703 HEADQUARTERS West Eighth. FOR HIGH GRADE«S Medbury, tckman Julia, s widow nusic O. D., More nurse, h. 703 PiANOs West Eighth. and player pianos• Medi, Peter, filler, r. 127 Steele.©cm r_f J 5j m~ mm *5Medin, Henry, woodworker, bds. 16 Morton.Medz, Medley, Mee, Meehan, Megahey, Meli, Melin, Meli', Melhuish, John Frank, Joseph, Louis, Anna, Holliday, Richard, Etta John, William Charles F„ teacher, driver, laborer, (Emma), Mrs., Jr., L., (Josie (Lona), dressmaker, (Mary), (Emma), D., J., textileworker, bds. r. J.), D.), (Agnes), (Mary deliveryman, emp. 920 17 barber, 475 lineman, North machinist, Sherman. J. W.), over Crescent. laborer, St. r. h. bds. under Main. sec. 121 Ry., 301 68 r. 920 262 330 Eleventh. Weeks. Slone-Melhuish rms. Clinton, 14 North Colfax. 121 South 245 East 8-9 Weeks. Fairmount Second, Russell h. Main.do. Co., h. Block. Ave. h. 92018 North Strong. Main.

Women's Coats and Suits THE A. D. SHARPE CO. >JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 297 C—IHTT.T. PIANO CC. organs and old pianos c/alit—ILI M. l.f_l^\/ VV. TAKEN IN EXCHANGE »-3>Melin, Augusta M., widow Swante E., millinery, 209 West Third, h. 29 Cen- m-mter.mmMelin, John, woodworker, bds. 112 Tower.m-£\Mellor, David, warpdresser, r. 10 Ivy.m^mMellor, Fred, (Ada), warpdresser, h. 320 Allen.mmMellor, George, drawer, r. 320 Allen. ~?Mellor, Lewis H., (Ruby), clerk, h. 36 Ninth.^^Mellor, Mary E., cloth finisher,r. 320 Allen. rV3Mellor, Olive G., cloth finisher,r. 320 Allen. _~Melquist, Emma, widow Albin, h. 828% Cherry. ^~Melquist, Fred O., (Alvina M.), metalworker, h. 18 Fluvanna Ave.^~~\Melquist, Fritz O. T., (Anna), deliverman, h. 817 Jefferson. ~5Melquist, Hedwig, Mrs., h. 22 Forest Ave. "*Melquist, Joe L., (Selma), wallpaper and painting, h. 36 Ninth.N-*Melquist, Thurston, (Anna M.), teamster, h. 212 Forest Ave.ftMelrose, Bessie, r. 311 Foote Ave.rmMendez, Frank P., commercial traveler, rms. 409 West Third. J£Meng, Arthur, draughtsman, rms. 315 West Third.BMeniro, Tony, (Bessie), laborer, h. 8% Cheney. *~{Mensink, J. Howard, (Esther M.), watchmaker and optician, h. 18 East ftFourth.MMerchant, Carrie C, widow Richard T.. h. 141 Institute.JJ:Merchant, Charles C. commercial traveler, r. 141 Institute.toMerchant, Mary F., r. 141 Institute.toMeredith, Edith L., student, r. 302 Allen. **Meredith, George O., (Florence B.), commercial traveler, h. 302 Allen. „Meredith, Harrison O.—Jamestown Pharmacy—bds. 313 Prendergast Ave. mMeredith, Jackson C, (Carrie B.), agent Prudential Ins. Co., h. 33 Linden j*Ave. ~Meredith, Mary M., r. 405 Cherry.^MEREDITH & MEREDITH—Thomas H. W. and Harrison O.—props. James- aMerrill, William, (Lillian), laborer, h. 109 Weeks.pMerrill, William A., (Emma A.), h. 261 Broadhead Ave. £Merriman, Sheldon O., (Franc), mgr. F. M. Curtis Co., h. 116 Van Buren. gMerz, Benjamin, furniture, pictures and framing, 120 West Third, rms. da 2Merz, Frank, (Lena), pres. Union Trust Co., h. 6 West Sixth._jMerz, Lucy, student, r. 6 West Sixth.Merz, Mae, elocution teacher, 202 North Main, r. 11 Crane.Merz, Martin, (Anna)—Martin Merz & Son—h. 11 Crane. N—Merz, Martin, Jr., (Viola)—Martin Merz & Son—h. 8 Crane.p s ^ H E M L O C K L U M B E R , m £

„ Metcalf, Richard B., farmer, h. Fairmount Ave., bey. limits.>•m.miSoEi Clark Hardware Co., Contractors & Mill Supplies» 298 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.» _ _ ^ ^ ^ _ _ ^ _ _£ <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew - - Always pure and diliciousa Metcalfe, James, (Margaret), salesman, h. 8 Cowing.g Metcalfe, Joseph S., pool helper, r. 8 Cowing.% Metcalfe, Walter L., (Fannie G.), clerk, h. 42 Liberty.jg METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE CO., S. G. Greenman, supt., 504-506-508 Chadakoin Bldg.-I | METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE CO.c We will sell you the very best in Life Insurance at the lowest possible cost.Ita «>• g|will pay you to see us before you buy, and find out WHATNET COST OF LIFE INSURANCEIS THE3 Su S. G. GREENMAN, Supt. W. R. SCACE, Dept. Supt. B. J. RICHTER, Dept. Su_ oROOMS 504 TO 508 CHADAKOIN BUILDINGas 5 Metzger, May, Mrs., housekeeper, 100 East Eighth."3 < Meurer, C. C, (Anna), painter and paperhanger, h. 611 Washington.§ Meyer, Frank T., student, r. 26 Whitley Ave.'•S a Meyer, Frederick M., (Augusta), custom turning, 340 Steele, h. 26 Whitleya> ^ Ave.°* Meyer, George F., attorney, r. 26 Whitley Ave.so* c Meyers, Ada F., weaver, r. 125 Fulton."K g Meyers, Arthur, dyer, r. 125 Fulton."8 j Meyers, Bessie, weaver, rms. 141 Chandler.;$ » Meyers, Herbert, steelworker, r. 125 Fulton.-« Meyers, Mary, widow Joseph, h. 125 Fulton.-2 H Meyers, Mary M., trained nurse, r. 125 Fulton.•g Meyers, see Myers and Meyer.trt •§ Meyncke, William, (Etta), toolmaker, h. 246 Hallock... £ Michael, Peter, sander, rms. 10 New Warner Block.-£3tn Michelson, Frank, (Christine), painter, h. 211 Allen.'3 Michowska, Stefania, r. 59 Foote Ave.5/3 a, Mickelson, James, laborer, bds. 8 Maplewood Ave.*coj» Middleton, Smith, (Edith), warpdresser, h. 79% Barker.to g Midgley, David, machinist, r. 42 Water..2 5 Midgley, Emily, widow David, h. 42 Water.S Midgley, Emily, winder, r. 42 Water."O x Midgley, Joseph, apprentice plumber, r. 42 Water.« •£ Midgley, Mary, telephone operator, r. 42 Water.-. i Miles, Mary A., widow Stephen, h. 804 Prendergast Ave.

Women's Coats and Suits - The A. D. Sharpe Co.Hill's PianoJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 299SchoolORIGINAL METHODBEST RESULTSMiller, Emma, Mrs., rooming house, 311 Pine, h. do.Miller, Emmett W., attorney, over 102 East Third, r. 338 Crossman.Miller, Eva E., widow Joseph D., h. 433 East Fourth.Miller, Frank E., (Nanny), electrician, h. 926 Newland Ave.Miller, Fred, laborer, bds. 800 East Second.Miller, George, (Emma), cook, h. 311 Pine.Miller, George, Mrs., dressmaker, over 107 E. Third.Miller, Hans P., sailor, r. 95 Hallock.Miller, Hoyt, (Hattie), express deliveryman, h. under 857 Spring.Miller, Hugh E., asst. cashier Bank of Jamestown, r. 900 Prendergast Ave.Miller, I. T., rms. over 11 East Second.Miller, James F., clerk, r. 109 Van Buren.Miller, James F., (Florence E.), grocery clerk, r. 30 Fairview Ave.Miller, Jay A., Jamestown Employment Bureau, h. Frewsburg, N. Y,Miller, J. W., Mrs., dressmaker, h. over 107 East Third.Miller, Katheryn, r. 1343 East Second.Miller, Lois, clerk, r. over 176 Fairmount Ave.Miller, Louis M., (Olina), draftsman, h. 129 Fulton.Miller, M., (Nell), real estate, MARIE h. 857 Spring. S. MILLER, Graduate MasseuseMILLER, "MARIE S., widow John, and proprietor masseuse of and "THE Turkish BATHS" baths, 319 319 Cherry, St. h.do.ELECTRIC LIGHT CABINET BATHSNAUHEIM, SULPHUR. MEDICATED SALT & MUD BATHSSWEDISH MOVEMENT MASSAGESpecial Treatment for Neuralgia, Pleurisyand RheumatismNew and Complete EquipmentTwo AssistantsAppointments made for any timeHome Phone 1216 Bell Phone 913-L319 CHERRY STREETJUST ABOVE JAMESTOWN BUSINESS COLLEGE BLDG.CDm»GO•-353mt.*m.CDo. -ri•*! OXn o» a•0 n13 e Ui•a am* m*. < X>« a-mo>i.ro r cCAX 0 $3 n a"0 3m3 fnre Hto >5°BO H> XU 7.CCwMiller, Martha A., widow Robert E., h. 900 Prendergast.Miller, Matilda cook, 49 Prospect.Miller, Melvina E., widow Robert H., h. 227 South Main.Miller, Mollie, widow Thomas, r. 503 W. Eighth.Miller, Paul, metalworker, bds. over 199 Barrett.Miller, Robert J., clerk, r. 900 Prendergast Ave.Miller, Roxa E„ widow Charles, h. over 126 East Second.Miller, Roy E., bookkeeper, r. 20 Newton Ave.Miller, Sarah, dressmaker, r. 16 Harrison.Miller, William H., (Frances), lunch counter clerk, h. 14 William.Miller, William H., (Ida A.), —Butts & Miller—h., 338 Crossman.Miller, William J., (Eva), shoe cutter, h. 109 Van Buren.Miller, Winnifred E., cashier Home Tel. Co., h. over 311 rrendergast Ave.Millman, Roy G., lunch counter clerk, 20 North Main.Mills, Betsy Stearns, widow Solomon, h. 135 Barrett.°ZTd Mills, Cynthia, Front widow Doors Samuel, h. *&* 115 Crossman. H A R R Y LYONSCOfD4-zr.

-a Clark H a r d w a r e Co. Stoves and Furnaceso55 300 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.tma} /l _ _ „ j. _ __ _„ _ D„ _ _ „ Possesses all the attributes of purity and flavor that a3 tnautauqua Brew ""affirm!-***''^i Mills, Emily B., student, r. 135 Barrett.• Mills, James H. mechanic, r. 135 Barrett Ave.*? Milner, Gust, (Hilda), grainer, h. over 164 Barrett.CSI,_:Milner, Joseph, (Minnie), machinist, h. over 256 Crescent.Milton, Gust A., (Anna J.), tailor, h. 188 Barrett.Milton, Pauline, Mrs., weaver, rms. 162 Baker.•o Milwaukee Bottling Co.—J. Brewing Co. owners of—104 East Second.^ *j Minard, Mira S., textileworker, r. Woodlawn Ave.•*• '•§ Minard, Sarah A., widow Wallace S.. h. Woodlawn Ave.g^S Minich, Harry Scott, (Genevieve), gen. inspector J. St. Ry., h. 835 Spring.Btnz Mint (The)—John L. Swanson and Axel Anderson—saloon and poolroom,^J- 118 East Second.a> Minton, Peter J., (Anna H.), metalworker, h. 70 Thirteenth.]jjP Minton, Mamie H., twister, r. 70 Thirteenth.W> Mioria, Charles, (Angie), cloth finisher, h. 103 Hazzard."£ Mirage, Mike, (Mary), laborer^ h. 93 Hazzard.© Missito, Dominico, laborer, r. 323 Steele.S6Missito, Lorenzo, (Rosa), laborer, h. 323 Steele.Mistretto, John, (Santina)—Fred Diogiovanni & Co.. h. 25 Steele.1 Mitchell, Abram, (Hannah), loomfixer, h. 32 Barrows.*> IS b Mitchell, Bessie, Mrs., waitress, h. 10 Allen Square.«,,! Mitchell, Bridget, widow John, r. 162 Martin Road.ook Mitchell, Catherine, cashier, r. 22 Hazzard.Mitchell, Charles, laborer, r. Allen Ext.Mitchell, Charles, textileworker, r. 222 King.Mitchell, Earl L., clerk, r. 235 Jones & Gifford Ave.Mitchell. Fred. (Pauline), spinner, h. over 59 Foote Ave.Mitchell, George, (Willanna), aristo chemist, h. 22 Hazzard.Mitchell, John, textileworker, r. 222 King.~£ Mitchell, Nina F., r. 235 Jones & Gifford Ave.«j Mitchell, Samuel, (Augusta), locomotive engineer, h. 35 Hazzard.m< Mitchell, William D., (Louise C), packer, h. 235 Jones & Gifford Ave.- Mitzler, Charles, bricklayer, rms. 17-25 Russell Block.^n Mix, Fred W., (Sybil D.), piano tuner and salesman, h. 344% East Fourth.y> Mizsick, Andrew, finisher,bds. 56 Chapin.^Jj Moberg, Anna, bookkeeper, r. 69 Hazzard.*^t Moberg, Axel, laborer,, bds. 55 Steele.Q_, Moberg, James, metalworker, bds. 238 Barrett.jg Moberg, Peter A., (Charlotte), coachman, h. 69 Hazzard.5S Modica, Angelo, textileworker, bds. 33 Scott.W Modica, Frank, r. 120 East Second.w Moe, Arthur, commercial traveler, rms. Y. M. C. A.. ,. Moe, Arnt, rms. Y. M. C. A.[—I Moe, Bert A., (Emma)—Lundquist, Gustafson & Moe—h. 259 Forest Ave.CJ Moe, Marten, (Anna), tailor, h. 15 Mahone Place (Allen Park).m\_ Moeller, Bernard, metalworker, h. 1130 Prendergast Ave.Moeller, Ella, picker, r. 1130 Prendergast Ave.m$ The Moeller, Mutual see Rpnpf Moller. it I ifp Premium receipts to Jan. 1<strong>1911</strong>, .... $367,143,488.58rV Moffett, ,iIle rilllUai Charles Deneill A., (Emma), LUC RETURNED painter TO and POLICY paperhanger, HOLDERS h. and 828 funds Cherry. on hand for03 lr% Moffett, nt Naurarlr Floyd, (Ruth), N I metal future finisher, payment r. to 828 policy Cherry. holders .... $427,763,190.20© ^J Moffitt, 01 liewam, Chester, n. machinist, J. bds. over F- 117 s, East TREADWAY, Second. District Agenty " U C/JMohl, Mohr, Judith, Munroe see George, John Anna, Frank, Moll. A., picker, packer, textileworker, E., (Lottie), (Caroline), (Jennie), r. r. finisher,h. 10 18 finisher,h. metalworker, Steele. r. 113 63 Park. Hallock. 113 h. 338 Park. Forest Ave.

The A. D. Sharpe Co. for Rugs and Carpets |>JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY301 mmHILL PIANO TO ENTIRE 6TH FLOOR g_ItA—l—l M. M.±_L~\J \,\J. CHADAKOIN BUILDING §J-Mohr, Jacob, (Mary), trainman, h. 18 Steele. ©Molen, Emma, shoeworker, r. 59 McKinley Ave. **»Moline, Alma, domestic, 315 West Fifth._Moline, Charles, laborer, bds. 1057 Washington. "^Moll & Lindstrom—Mrs. May Haupin and Mrs. Ebba Lindstrom—millinery, _103% West Third. 3Moll, see Mohl.{_,Moller, C. Emil, (Alma), bookkeeper, h. 351 Foote Ave. 6*Moller, see Moeller..mFMona, Tanas, laborer, bds. 45 Harrison. O-Monarch Typewriter Co.—Harry F. Newton, agent—505-507 Chadakoin Bldg

IB Clark Hardware Co.oxFine Cutlery and Tools§05 302 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY»W11 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew is making friends every day"S55 jr Moore, Charles B., (Hattie E.), tinner, h. 900 North Main.©"" Moore, Charles I., (Georgianna), vice-pres. J. Table Co., h. 154 Forest Ave.wg Moore, Charles P., freight clerk, r. 900 North Main.3 4 Moore> Dwight L., (Dora E.)—J. Panel & Veneer Co., h. 114 Lakeview Ave.me. Moore, Enid A., student, r. 117 Church..m Moore, Floyd C, bookkeeper, r. 105 Prospect.,_ Moore, Fred D., (Julia)—Moore Bros.—h. 17 McKinley Ave.9 Moore, Fred D., Jr., (Ethel)—Moore Bros.—h. 21 McKinley Ave."J ' Moore, George W., (Maggie M.), mgr. J. Real Estate & Rental Co., rms. 43-—3 44 Wellman Bldgs.§ Moore, Heman H., (Catherine), machinist, h. 214 Chandler.C Moore, Herve C, r. 154 Forest Ave.*j? • Moore, Horace C, (Mary E.), milkman, h. 105 Prospect.3 Moore, Inez C, piano teacher, r. 105 Prospect.5® g Moore, James, (Alice), machine hand, h. under 15 Hazzard.Moore, Julia, Mrs., r. 120 West Third.-i Moore, Leon C, (Bertha H.), grocery clerk, h. Fairmount Ave., bey. limits.w Moore, Leroy, student, r. 214 Chandler.~ Moore, Lillian E., clerk, r. 900 North Main._ Moore, Mary J., widow John, millinery, Falconer, N.Y.,rms.941 East Second.o

THE A. D. SHARPE CO. for Carpets and Rugs W*JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 303 wHILL PIANO CO. TSETS,rD ~Morgan, Emil, cutter, h. 24 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave. (TW\Morgan, Eunice O., widow Benjamin T., h. 401 Lincoln.-m-MMorgan, Eva E., r. 169 Barrett.N"|Morgan, Eva O., clerk, r. 8 Stearns Ave.^jMorgan, Frank, (Sophia), stonemason, h. 11 Axtel.m\^Morgan, Genevieve, r. 10 East Fourth.Morgan, George (Bessie), packer, h. over 128 Thayer.kassjMorgan, George F., accountant, h. 551 Lakeview Ave.j_Morgan, George W., casemaker, r. 1027 Newland Ave. ^>Morgan, Georgianna, widow Peter, r. 10 Summit."L^.Morgan, Gertrude E., boxmaker, r. 24 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.ChCmMorgan, Hazel, r. 24 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.r—pMorgan, Henry A., (Hannah F.). metalworker, h. 76 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave. _2Morgan, Isabel, tailoress, over 114 East Third. 5Z/Morgan, John, student, r. 145 Barrows.Morgan, John A., (Anna), shipping clerk, h. 153 Stowe.Morgan, John M., (Louise C), retired, h. 169 Barrett.^_AMorgan, Laura, widow Elliott S., r. 551 Lakeview Ave.^SMorgan, Louise, Mrs., h. 8 Stearns Ave.Morgan, Mabel L., weaver, r. 8 Stearns Ave.Morgan, Marie, r. 10 East Fourth._ ffMorgan, Otto, stonemason, bds. 14 South Main. b g"Morgan, Raymond, waiter, res. over 114 East Third. -• **Morgan, Signe E., boxmaker, r. 8 Stearns Ave.» g1Morgan, Stella C, Mrs., h. 313 West Third. r

£ Clark Hardware Co., Roofing and BuildingZ 304JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYs <strong>Chautauqua</strong> B r e wIt's good for you and it's good foryour family. Both Phones 268en Morrissey, James J., (Hannah E.), retired, h. 147 Hall Ave.Morrison, Edward S., (Hettie I.), metalworker, h. over 150 Lakin Ave. LllL Motley, Mary, lllaUIVillll/Li widow William, w. h. J. 684 Bentley, Buffalo. Gen. Agt, 641 Chadakoin BldgO Motley, Selina, r. 684 Buffalo.Mott, Motley, Aaron Walter, V., woodworker, (Flora Russell), r. 256 commercial Crescent. traveler, h. 910 North Main.

CARPETS, CURTAINS,draperies, shades The A. D. Sharpe Co. SJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 305 PHIT T P T A N d CCl Columbia grafonolas jt-ILLi-A*— 1 lr\llVy K/\J. RECORDS AND SHEET MUSIC 2MOTT & ARMSTRONG—Frank H. and George T.—attorneys, 600-603 FentonCOBldg.hHMott, Frank H.—Mott & Armstrong—r. 910 North Main.. mMowkiel, Henry, machine hand, r. Elam Ave.Mowkiel, John, spinner, r. Elam Ave.3Mowkiel, Vincet, (Helen), metalworker, h. Elam Ave.Moyer, Alfred R., (Lorina B.), teamster, h. over 117 Fairview Ave.ftMoynihan, Bridget, r. 711 Lafayette.aMoynihan, Catherine E., student, r. 714 Lafayette.ft mmMoynihan, Cornelius J., (Helen), traffic mgr. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Traction Co., h. 21 ftPrice.Moynihan, Daniel C, (Minnie), toolmaker, h. under 1 Barrows.toMoynihan, Daniel C, (Margaret M.), foreman Erie R. R. freight house, h.25 Price. __Moynihan, Daniel J..(Catherine), foreman brickmaker, h. 714 Lafayette. ""Moynihan, Fred A., patternmaker, r. under 1 Barrows.^^Moynihan, Hannah, home bakery, 706 North Main, h. over do.\—yMoynihan, Jerry P., plumber, r. 714 Lafayette.b_siMoynihan, John F., (Mary J.), stationary fireman, h. 12 Royal Ave.L'JMoynihan, John P., (Alice S.), sec. Blackstone Mfg. Co., h. 22 Chestnut. ^|Moynihan, John W., tilesetter, r. 705 Lafayette.^*.Moynihan, Le'onore, r. 705 Lafayette.y^mMoynihan, Margaret M., teacher, r. 25 Price. ' J3rtMoynihan, Mary R., candymaker, r. 714 Lafayette.rj'Moynihan, Patrick, (Etta), mgr. Hurlbert-Samuels Hotel Co.. h. 33 Price. XS*Moynihan, Patrick, Sr., hotel clerk, h. 705 Lafayette.^Moynihan, Patrick, Jr., clerk, r. 705 Lafayette.*~IMoynihan, Thomas F., (Lina M.), gen. yardmaster Erie R. R., h. 908 Pren- dergast Ave.r-\-\Moynihan, William M., (Helen M.), h. 1109 Prendergast Ave.m*\JMozart Club, rms. 14 New Gifford Bldg.Mozart Theater—Marshall Peterson and M. L. Woods—12% West Third. a -.Mozzaro, Joseph, laborer, bds. over 29S East Second.m oMozzaro, Mary, duffer, bds. over 298 East Second. jil 3Muellally, Ella, r. 503 Clinton. „nMuff, Frank. (Minnie), winding boss, h. over 14 Franklin. N®Mulgreen, John, metalworker, bds. 154 Jones & Gifford Ave.^p

«aS Clark Hardware Co., Roofing and Building Papers4>_ • .acfl 306JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYu"* fM-il..fnit/Tru-a R«-q»*» WITHOUT A PEER IN THE WORLD-as uiautauqua Drew 0fbeer. Both Phones268CHyE-1 Munroe, Stella C, student, r. 141 Euclid Ave.in. Munson, Charles, (Emma), bandsawyer, h. 46 Ninth.•q Munson, Charles F., (Emma)—Munson & Johnson—h. 18 Cross.u ' Munson, Edwin, machinist, r. under 26 Bush.j3 Munson, Ellen, domestic, 510 West Fifth, r. 3 Lake.•M Munson, Elna, widow Mons, h. 254 Forest Ave..5 c Munson, John, (Nellie), h. 152 Chandler., Munson, Peter, (Otillia), teamster, h. 8 Maplewood Ave.^ x Munson, Sophia, r. 12 Whitley Place.T3 «)"§ £ e Munson, Murphy, .---. Francis Thomas, J., ..,.._. (Ellen levelman, M.), , bartender, r. 71 Barker. h. 272 South Main.4> O g a ". Munson, Murphy, Walfred Frederick, A., draftsman, casemaker, r. bds. 71 Barker. 238 McKinley Ave.

Women's Coats and Suits. The A. D. SHARPE CO. g 3_soH >JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY307 _, rHILL P I A N O CO. w->EASIEST TERMS W _»Murray, John J., Jr., plumber, r. 150 Fairview Ave. " " > —Murray, Martin J., (Mary)—M. J. Murray & Co.—h. 511 West Seventh. r OMURRAY, M. J. & CO.—M. J. Murray and E. A. Todd—plumbing, gas and wsteam fitting,122 West Third.HMurray, Nellie G., r. 150 Fairview Ave.Murray, William, (Catherine), metalworker, h. 29 Regent.2Musaro, Guiseppa, spinner, r. 45 Franklin.Musaro, Joe, (Guiseppa), sander, h. over 44 Franklin.oMusaro, Sebastiano, (Victoria), laborer, h. 45 Franklin.Musaro, Sam, spinner, 45 Franklin.agent, 5-6 Gokey Bldg.C/>Muzzy, Clara A., Mrs., dressmaker, h. 510 East Seventh.£^*Muzzy, Edith M., telephone operator, r. 510 East Seventh.wMuzzy, Ernest J., stenographer, r. 510 East Seventh.^Muzzy, F. Pearl, student, r. 510 East Seventh.mmMuzzy, Ruby E., student, r. 510 East Seventh.'""'Myers, Albert E., physician, 7-8-9 Wellman Bldgs., r. do.h—HMyers, A. Louise, Mrs., dressmaking, 26-27 New Gifford Bldg., rms. do. ^#Myers, Claude C, (Minnie), machinist, h. 101 Chicago Ave.fJQMyers, Cynthia, widow James, r. 226 Foote Ave.n—»MYERS, E. E. & SONS—Edgar E„ F. LaVerne and J. Floyd—props. Pearl ^City Laundry, 35-39 Steele.ft.Myers, Edgar E., (Minnie)—Pearl City Laundry—h. 131 McKinley Ave. ftMyers, Edwin D., (Maude), spinning foreman, h. 823 Cherry.f/QMyers, F. LaVerne, (Nellie F.)—Pearl City Laundry—h. 511 Newland Ave.Myers, Fred A., (Emma), bookkeeper, h. 600 Murry Ave. £JMyers, George, bandsawyer, h. 342 Steele.ftMyers, George, (Annie), loomfixer, h. 38 Ivy.fi.Myers, Gerald, emp. J. St. Ry., r. 19 Langford.Myers, James, Mrs., h. 9 East Fifteenth.mm*Myers, James M., (Jane), loomfixer, h. 45 Water.^^*Myers, J. Floyd, (Margaret J.)—Pearl City Laundry—h. 144 Forest Ave. WMyers, Josie, picker, bds. 650 East Sixth. Myers, Melinda, widow Sidney J., h. N 142 Allen.Myers, Rachel, widow Charles, r. over 104 Weeks. ~jMyers, Rhea, widow George, hair dresser, rms. 79 Allen Square.qNaeser, Elizabeth, domestic, 120 Fulton.mm ~~Myers, Robert D., (Belle), janitor opera house block, rms. 9 do. .Narrow Gauge Restaurant—Frank M. Stumpf, prop.—20 North Main. jSMyers, William, (Inez), emp. J. St. Ry., h. 19 Langford.Nash, .Edward, (Anna), helper, rms. 308 West Second. r' 3Myers, see Meyer and Meyers.w ijNash, John F., (Belle R.), shoemaker, h. under 904 East Second. 8Myregaard, William A., (Helen J.), cabinetmaker, h. 104 Cook Ave. g| |Nash, Matthew, shoemaker, h. over 119 Lincoln. CO -.Nash, Maurice A., waiter, r. over 119 Lincoln.g m^ENash, Myril, brakeman J. C. & L. E., rms. 624 West Seventh.3 5!For Windows and Doors see HARRY LYONS ||rH

CCA Clark Hardware Co., Contractors & Mill Snpplies*m~308 o a JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.iJ_r\j °rilQlli- J&~* i > Neilson, F NsuiniiL Ruby F., N boxworker, I future r. 3 payment Stearns to oolicv Ave. holders - - - $427,703,180.20Qh Neilson, 01 riewarKvn. Varner, metalworker, J. bds. 7 f. Bowen. s. TREADWAY, District Agent£mr\ ^^ -^ y_! QJ "^ Neilson, Nelson. Nelson, Ada, Albert. Adolph, Agnes, A. Albert, Walter, Fred. Frank. weaver, (Catherine (Christine), (Hannah), (Mary), (Augusta), (Ida), rms. bds. furniture, woodworker, over A.), veneerworker. carpenter, 16 polisher, <strong>Chautauqua</strong> pipefitter, 535105

Gloves, Hosiery and Underwear • The A. D. SHARPE CO. W. to.TAMESTWON DIRECTORY. 309 hii I pi a Nn rn N0 contests 2111—11- J. li-lllVf \s\J. N0 FAKE CERTIFICATES OfjNelson, Albert, woodworker, bds. 33 Tenth.fif.Nelson, Albert, (Ada), finisher,h. 24 Richmond Place. N—iNelson, Albin, crater, bds. Willard, R. F. D. 82.[J[JNelson, Alfred, (Mary), carpenter, h. 1160 Prendergast Ave._|Nelson, Alfred, (Emily), machine hand, h. 378% Willard.ONelson, Alfred, (Ida C), cementworker, h. 238 Barrett.*ftNelson, Alfred, (Johanna), textileworker, h. 751 English.Nelson, Alfred, r. 166 Baker,r-_Nelson, Alfred, (Johanna), woodworker, h. 751 English._**Nelson, Alfred, (Clara), printer, h. over 1101 North Main.WNelson, Alfred, (Hulda), laborer, h. 356 Price. K*Nelson, Alfred C, (Olga), metalworker, h. 330 Price. ~>Nelson, Alfreda C, seamstress, r. 15 Crown.ChNelson, Alga, weaver, r. 17 Wilton Ave.Nelson, Alva M. E., student, r. 227 Prospect. 03Nelson, Amanda, teacher, r. 1231 North Main.ftNelson, Andrew, woodworker, bds. 12 Kinney.m^Nelson, Andrew J., (Louise), machine foreman, h. 206 Sturges.mm*Nelson, Andrew L., metalworker, bds. 116 Cross.^^Nelson, Andrew O., (Anna), h. over 319 Allen. h 1Nelson, Andrew P., (Ida), laborer, h. 948 Washington.J"""*Nelson, Andrew P., (Sophia), metalworker, h. 15 Bush.PJNelson, Andrew \\\, (Anna)—Nelson Bros.—h. 614 Newland Ave.CONelson, Anna, housekeeper, 2 Morse Ave.QfJNelson, Anna, weaver, bds. 100 Tower.Nelson, Anna, weaver, r. 81 Hazzard.*f*\Nelson, Anna A., seamstress, r. 24 Crown.QNelson, Anna C, widow Gustaf, h. 1231 North Main. "Nelson, Anna C, widow William, h. 324 Willard.Nelson, Anna C, widow Peter, h. Willard, R. F. D. 82.WNelson, Arthur, tailor, bds. 11 Highland Ave.ftpNelson, Arvid, machine hand, bds. 17 Walnut.^Nelson, Arvid, shipping clerk, r. 152^ Allen.JJNelson, Arvid, woodworker, bds. 123 Fairmount Ave.^mNelson, Arvid A., office clerk, r. 109 Stowe.ChNelson, August F., (Mary B.), boots, shoes and repairing, 114 North Main, ^^h. 722 East Seventh. yQNelson, August F., photographer, r. 760 East Second.ftNelson, Axel, carpenter, bds. 215 McKinley Ave.^Nelson, Axel J., (Anna L.)—Nelson Bros.—h. 227 Prospect.JJ^Nelson, Axel W., (Emily), butcher, h. over 12 Morton. J3?Nelson, Bernice V., boxmaker, r. 322 Forest Ave. m*Nelson, Birger S., finisher, bds. 116 Barrows.*•?Nelson Bros.—Axel J. and Andrew W.—planing mill, sash and doors, 233- ~mTaT Nelson, 237 Front Caroline, Carl, Prospect.A., E., T., O. F., machine candymaker, laborer, steel (J. (Ruth), (Selma), Doors S., woodworker, (Anna), (Esther (Ida), (Ellen), Matilda), widow driver, casemaker, emp. bds. hand, rubber, finisher, Gustaf, W.), machine bartender, _i&- r. Floss 909 bds. 760 h. h. Newland r. h. 140 r. 22 Bowling 757 HARRY East 46 hand, 826 10% Charles.Barrows. Water. h. Peterson. East Sampson.Second. over <strong>Chautauqua</strong> h. Ave. alleys, h. Second. LYONS 6915 277 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Park. h. Falconer. over Ave. 1 232 Ave. East Second. "** ft^mm JJJ, JC** m*.__^^ yQ ^ M W

g Clark Hardware Co., Roofing And Building PapersQ 310 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.CC pliaiitaimiia Ri-pw Quenches thirst,acts as a mild•—• V^ndUldUqUd DreW TONIC, INDUCES SLEEP. Both PhonesLs*] Nelson, Catherine, widow Fred, r. 14 Valley.\_i Nelson, C. Axel, (Matilda A.)—Burland & Nelson—h. 18 Crown.^] Nelson, Cecilia H., seamstress, r. 438 Winsor. ,- Nelson, C. Edwin, student, r. 227 Prospect. 'p^ Nelson, C. Emil, (Otilia), vice-pres. Crescent Tool Co., h. over 157 Barrows.Us) Nelson, Charles, farmer, r. 227 Hazzard. \Nelson, Charles, foreman finisher, bds. 116 Barrows.O Nelson, Charles, (Violet), bartender, h. 104 Weeks.Nelson, Charles, rms. 841% North Main.'mt\m~_ Nelson, Charles A., (Christine), janitor, h. 209 Newton Ave.J5 Nelson, Charles A., (Ida), upholsterer, h. 44 Tower.H Nelson, Charles E., (Hilda)—Elite Furniture Co.—h. 311 Van Buren.Nelson, Charles F., metalworker, r. 219 Price.4t*t\ Nelson, Charles J., (Marie), finisher, h. 152% Allen."^J Nelson, Charles O., (Anna)—Golden Furniture Co.—h. 120 Bush.\_-\ Nelson, Charles T„ (Ella), driver, h. 1343 East Second.mmm Nelson, Christ, (Mary), driver, h. over 847 Washington.NN Nelson, Christian A., warp dresser, h. 114 Willard.Nelson, Christine, domestic, 344 East Fourth.rj . Nelson, Clara, picker, bds. over 21 Victoria Ave.^Tj Nelson, Clarence, machinist, r. Wellman Ave.mm Nelson, Clarence, student, r. 311 Van Buren.^J Nelson, Clarence L., (Mabel E.), metalworker, h. 19 Terrace Place.Tmi Nelson, Claus, (Johanna S.), janitor, h. 238 Hall Ave."- Nelson, C. Lawrence, clerk, r. 277 Falconer.Nelson, Conrad, metalworker, bds. over 757 East Second.^~ Nelson & Co.—Lars A. Larson and Gust A. Nelson—mfrs. dining tables, 48J"* Steele.C 3 Nelson, Dallas C, metalworker, r. 15 Bush.^m Nelson, Daniel, (Charlotte), deliveryman, rms. over 335 East Second.H Nelson, David, (Jennie), machinist, h over 780 East Second.. Nelson, David H., driver, r. 1160 Prendergast Ave.C^ Nelson, Edith L., seamstress, r. 438 Winsor.fT^ Nelson, Edward, (Esther), metalworker, h. over 53 Water.JT^ NELSON, EDWARD, (Elin), blacksmith, 132 Foote Ave., h. over 118 King.Urn :g« EDWARD NELSONp Horseshoeing and BlacksmithingWheelwright and General Repairing1 132 FOOTE AVENUElNelson, Edward, laborer, bds. over 510 East Seventh.• Nelson, Edward, bds. 33 Tenth.9 Nelson, Edwin C, (Ellen E.), finisher, h. 144 Stowe.jp mm CO Nelson, Emil, Elizabeth, metalworker, student, r. bds. 6 East 322 Newland Bowen. Ave.5 J> Nelson, Emil, Elizabeth (Hannah), S., domestic, woodworker, 9 Sherman. h. 438 Winsor.§ 0^-g Nelson, Emil Ella, student, A., (Anna), r. 214 finisher, Prospect. h. 115 Camp.«S Dri „ Nelson, Ella, Emil A., domestic, (Flora), 81 laborer, South h. Main. 30 Bush.Jg X CC c Nelson, I lfn Tnaiiwfin/ia Ellen, textileworker, Connecticut h. over 41 General Wescott. Life Ins. Co., Hartford, Conn.H j"_ mt* Nelson, Llie lH&UrailCe Ellen, weaver, r. w. 81 J. Hazzard. Bentley, Gen. Agt., 514 Chadakoin BigNelson, Elmer, (Emily F.), metalworker, h. 409 Newland Ave.

Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. THE A. D. SHARPE CO.HJAMESTWON DIRECTORY. 311Hill's Piano School A _E^g_g_ 15r X11 I- HC/3Nelson, Emil F., (Alma V.), metalworker, h. over 394 Falconer. « 0Nelson, Emma, Mrs., h. over 18 West Eighth.°> _\Nelson, Enfred O., mealworker, r. 31 Kinney.Nelson, E. Pearl, widow Axel, r. 514 Foote Ave.g MNelson, Erick, (Helen), carpenter, h. 234 Bowen. 3 £"!Nelson, Erin, (May), laborer, h. 22 New Warner Block. 2?Nelson, Ernest, metalworker, r. over 508 Newland Ave. J 2Nelson, Ernest, (Hulda), woodworker, h. 105 Lister. O 3Nelson, Ernest C, (Hannah), moulder, h. 142 Euclid Ave. § 2Nelson, Ernest L., bookkeeper, r. 209 Newton Ave. m ONelson, E. Rudolph, (Elveda C), clerk, h. 138 Fulton.gNelson, Esther, clerk, rms. 533 West Third.ONelson, Esther, domestic, 112 Church.ONelson, Eva, textileworker, bds. 105 Lister.Nelson, Eva C, widow John, h. 39 Wescott.f» _N E L S O N S T U D I O - Photographers |Nelson, Evelyn, spinner, r. 70 Benson. O Nelson, Frank O., (Anna O.), woodworker, h. 63 Hazzard. t?Nelson, Fred, shipping clerk, bds. 102 Broadhead Ave. gr £?Nelson, Fred, machine hand, bds. 110 Foote Ave.Nelson, Fred B., (Helen), dyer, h. 103 Cross.Nelson, Freda, Mrs., h. over 508 Newland Ave.Nelson, Frederick, (Ida M.), metal furniture packer, h. 13 Front. -^ "-.Nelson, George E., billing clerk J. C. & L. E. R. R., r. 77 Wellman Ave. g eNelson, George, Mrs., r. over 105 East Second. g 5.Nelson, George, finisher, bds. 102 Broadhead Ave.s £•Nelson, George, McC, (Grace), barber, under 201 West Third, h. 629 Pren- g g,dergast Ave. °"Nelson, Gertrude, widow Nils, r. 219 Price.Nelson, Gina, millinery, 50 Willard, h. do. £fNelson, Gunberg, dressmaker, r. 14 Bishop. o.MODERNNelson, GunnarHARDWOODA., (Edna), moulder,FLOORSh. over 100 Tower.ASL- I vons-%!.gNelson,AreGunnard,not >o expensivewaiter, r.as you84 <strong>Chautauqua</strong>may thinkAve.J^OJX a—J VllO[>§pNelson, Gunnard A., (Anna C), toolmaker, h. over 18 Grant.H'1Nelson, Gust, metalworker, laborer, . bds. bds. 8 Hanley. over 126 128 Sampson. Water. 757 East Second.Hr P3P5 Wfi prjw SO H> ^

in ««U blClark H a r d w a r e Co. Stoves and Furnaces312 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.~ <strong>Chautauqua</strong> BrewALWAYS PURE AND DELICIOUSBoth phones 268Nelson Gust, clerk, bds. 204 Lafayette.Nelson Gust, (Margaret), laborer, h. 575 Allen.Nelson Gust, (Amanda), woodworker, h. over 790 East Second.Nelson. Gust, (Sophia), metalworker, h. over 110 William.Nelson Gust A., (Minnie)—Nelson & Co.—h. 245 Barrows.Nelson. Gust A., (Lottie), metalworker, h. 241 Broadhead Ave.Nelson Hader, metalworker, r. 783 East Second.Nelson Hans, (Anna), watchman, h. 17 Wilton Ave.Nelson Hans, (Sophia), retired, h. 3 Mt. Vernon Place.Nelson Harold, deliveryman, r. over 239 South Main.Nelson. Harold G., r. 620 West Seventh.Nelson Hazel, student, r. 23 Cedar Ave.-Nelson Helen, widow John, r. 116 Cross.Nelson Helga, screenmaker, bds. 757 East Second.Nelson Helina, h. 242 Broadhead Ave.Nelson Herbert A., woodworker, r. 277 Falconer.Nelson. Herbert A., bookkeeper, r. 227 Prospect.Nelson, Herman, (Ellen), upholsterer, h. 88 Barker,Nelson, Hildur, r. 152% Allen.Nelson Hilma, domestic, 66 Hazzard.Nelson Hulda, weaver, bds. 93 Steele.Nelson. Hulda, weaver, r. 16 Camp.Nelson Ida, domestic, 101 East Fourth, r. 61 Franklin.Nelson, Ida, dressmaker, h. 330 Lincoln.Nelson Isaac, painter, bds. 224 Steele.Nelson J. August, (Emelia), woodworker, h. 14 Bishop.Nelson Jennie, weaver, r. over 157 Allen.Nelson Jennie, cloth mender, r. 81 Hazzard.Nelson Jennie, widow Thure, h. 314 South Main.Nelson Jennie H., bookkeeper, r. 16 West Eighth.Nelson J. Martin, (Frances), aristoworker, h. 114 Park.Nelson John, metalworker, bds. 341 Foote Ave.Nelson, John, machine hand, r. 17 Wilton Ave.Nelson John, (Carrie), h. over 274 Prospect.Nelson John, bartender, bds. 118 Institute.Nelson John, crater, bds. Willard, R. F. D. 82.Nelson John, driver, r. 368 Buffalo.Nelson John, metalworker, bds. 44 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Nelson John, finisher,h. 116 Barrows.Nelson John, metalworker, bds. 12 Peach.Nelson John, (Clara), machinist, h. 403 Fairmount Ave.Nelson John, (Hilda), metalworker, h. over 815 Newland Ave.Nelson John, (Hilda), tailor, 28 over 119 North Main, h. 24 Crown.Nelson John, (Emma), machinist, h. 398 Falconer.Nelson John A., (Mary C), metalworker, h. 11 Bush.Nelson John A., (Mary), carpenter, h. over 37 Morton.Nelson John A., (Andrea M.), teamster, h. 15 Charles.Nelson John A., (Emily), groceries, 14 North Main, h. 100 Prather Ave.Nelson Largest stock John Victor A., (Anna Records C), in metalworker, the City £ h. ^over ^ ' 107 5 Liberty. flsjgfc J ^ gNelson Victrolas, John $50, C, $75, (Louise), $100, lumber $150, $200 handler, h. 81 Hazzard.Nelson. John E., (Ida C), Elite Furn. Co., h. 303 Van Buren.Nelson John P., (Ida), carpenter, h. 109 Stowe.NelsonLawrence Leonard, Laura, John John" W., P., R., A. Mrs., metalworker, (Frances (Minnie E., (Pearl), R., r. h. bookkeeper, 948 Juliet. C), finisher, M. Washington.Oakley), tailor, r. 751 r. r. 245 h. 81 English. physician, Barrows. 620 Hazzard. West 525 Seventh. East Second, h. do.

Always Buy your Dry Goods of THE A. D. SHARPE CO. >JAMESTWON DIRECTORY. 313 S3•HII.I. PIANO TO ENTIRE 6TH FLOOR C/>"A1~—' A A-frll^*/ \*\J. CHADAKOIN BUILDING *-3>Nelson, Leonard, bds. 300 King.rnmrnNelson, Leonard, (Nina), painter, h. over 1 Hebner.mmNelson, Leonard, painter, r. 70 Benson.,mm\Nelson, Lillie M., boxmaker, r. 84 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.JSaNELSON & LINDSTROM—Martin R. and Enoch H — dry goods and no- ^2tions, 110 East Second.CNelson, Lottie, widow James, h. Wellman Ave. — ,Nelson, Louis, freight handler, bds. 280 Willard.~•*Nelson, Mabel, student, r. 206 Sturges._ _Nelson, Mabel, retoucher, bds. 6 Broadhead Ave.*^~Nelson, Marie, widow Henry, h. 6 East Newland Ave.^~~\Nelson, Marie, waitress, r. 207 Foote Ave.—-mNelson, Martin R., (Mabel W.), Nelson & Lindstrom, h. over 209 Newton Av. "*Nelson, Mary, widow Peter, h. over 12 Linwood Ave. .Nelson, Mary J., teacher, r. 114 Willard.Jj*Nelson, Matilda, Mrs., r. 114 Park.S3Nelson, Matt. P., woodworker, bds. 15 Charles. 0)Nelson, May, stenographer, r. over 12 Linwood Ave.ftNelson, Mildred, student, r. 24 Crown.ftNelson, Millie, picker, bds. 21 Victoria Ave.J3Nelson, Minnie, laundry worker, bds. 12 Grandin.fl»Nelson, Minnie, domestic, 31 Foote Ave.ftNelson, Myrtie M., stenographer, r. 6 East Newland Ave.aNelson, Nels, finisher,bds. 116 Barrows. mmNelson, Nels, mason, bds. 135 Baker.'"Nelson, Nels, r. 8 Water.Nelson, Nels A., (Matilda), stone mason, h. Flat 22, New Warner Block.Nelson, Oscar Nels J., L., (Mary), metalworker, laborer, r. h. 23830 Barrett. Barrows.jr!>Nelson, N. Gust, (Carolina), dyer, h. 56 Eagle. "0 nNelson, Otto, N. Holger, (Anna(Agnes C), retired, M.), machinist, h. 16 West h. Eighth. over 51 Tower.•- JjNelson, Otto, Olof, (Caroline), (Louise), h. finisher,h. 32 Kinney. 9 Linwood Ave. p] 2Nelson, Olof Per, H., (Lottie carpenter, M.), veneer bds. 37 worker, Tenth. h. over 237 Barrett.gjNelson, Peter, Oscar, carpenter, laborer, h. bds. 8 Waterman. 16 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.i> HNelson, Peter, Oscar, plumber, (Matilda), bds. woodworker, 105 Park. h. 9 Shaver.«gCNelson, Oscar, Peter G., metalworker, (Dora A.), bds. salesman, 154 Jones h. 500 & West Gifford Seventh. Ave.2 qNelson, Quist Oscar, W., (Matilda), (Julia), machinist, cigarmaker, h. h. 9 322 Shaver. Forest Ave.§ mmNelson, Raymond Oscar A., A., (Josephine), (Winifred), finisher,h. bookkeeper, 31 Kinney. h. over 12 Chandler. p^q »^Nelson, Reuben Oscar B., G., (Olida), (Frances h. E.), 717 deliveryman, Murray Ave. h. over 245 Barrows. g*0B ^^^Nelson, Reuben Oscar C, L., (Elizabeth), office clerk, drayman, r. 109 Stowe. h. Lindsey Ave. s S~ |3Nelson, Robert, Oscar F., laborer, (Ida L.), bds. police, 16 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> h. 97 Falconer. Ave.* 5Jo p]Nelson, Rudolph Oscar J. H., (Lottie), (Carrie), furniture laborer, trimmer, h. 36 Kinney. h. 763 East Second. «* mm-HARRY LYONSReady Nelson, Rudolph Roofing W., woodworker, & Building r. 39 Wescott. Paper - ? - _ "•) © -Nelson, Ruth, Otto, r. (Matilda), 206 Sturges. metalworker, h. 214 Prospect. Institute St. & Erie Ry. frnT12 ONelson, Ruth, weaver, r. 236 Steele. *^Nelson, Selma, weaver, r. over 157 Allen.»jp

i Clark Hardware Co., Contractors & Mill SuppliesS 314JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.CD©fl , .I <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew L in jg^^u extract2 Nelson, Selma, S., textile worker, r. 39 Wescott.5 Nelson, Sigerd A., twister, r. 11 Bush.S Nelson, Sgna, spinner, r. 15214 Allen..2 Nelson, Signe, nurse, 318 East Fifth.to Nelson, Sophia, widow Nels, r. 235 Baker.>; Nelson, Studio, Fannie F. Nelson, mgr., photographers, 326 East Third.•fj Nelson, Sture'F.—Ideal Furniture Co.—h. 239 Forest Ave.? Nelson, Sture F., (Annette), finisher,h. 116 Peterson.& Nelson, Swan, plasterer, bds. 126 Sampson.« Nelson, Swan, retired, r. 4 East Newland Ave."o Nelson, Swan P., (Matilda), machine hand, h. over 239 South Main.« Nelson, Theodore, (Hilda M.), metalworker, h. 10 Hopkins Ave.Nelson, Theodore, finisher,bds. 116 Cross.| Nelson, Theodore N., (Allene),—T. N. Nelson & Co.—h. 278 Falconer.2 § Nelson, Theodore R., (Selma), finisher, r. 4 Webster.£ £ NELSON, T. N. & CO., T. N. Nelson & Alfred Josephson, merchant tailors,•a "• over 9 West Third.§ g£ Nelson, Toby, metalworker, bds. 215 McKinley Ave.Cu42js Nelson,Nesel, Rose,Victor,domestic,(Matilda),909woodworker,North Main.h. 37 Tenth.gw _K Nelson,Nesmith,Walter,John J.,laborer,(Phoeber. 368Alice),Buffalo.agent Warren & Jamestown St. Ry., h..aS •§c Nelson,rms.Walter,28-29-30finisher,bds.New Gifford Bldg.110 Foote Ave.>|j£"c Nenno,Nesslund,Leon,Victor,(Florence),(Margaret),barber,bookkeeper,h. 306 Clinton.h. over 30 Grant.m £ Nestor, Ebba E., office clerk, r. over 211 Allen.•52 a Neu, Elizabeth, widow Phillip, r. 180 Fairmount Ave._ ^ Neu, see New.60 tzs Neustrom, Johanna S., widow Gust, r. 6 Briggs.j2 «r Neustrom, John, (Hilda), carpenter, h. over 25 Kinney.'3 "S Neustrom, Napoleon, (Allene), policeman, Erie R. R. station, h. 6 Briggs.f "c Neustrom, see Newstrom.$ .3 Neville, Henry, (Josephine), general practioner in chronic diseases, 327„ M East Second, h. 36 Liberty.§ « Neville, J. Charles, (Rose), asst. engineer, Jamestown water works, h. 840•a •« East Second.§ "§ Neville, Ruby B., teacher, bds. 121 Fulton."«j O New, Charles E., printer, h. 100 East Eighth.~ « New, John T., finisher,h. 228 Falconer.A « New, see Neu.Newberry, Earl B., (Bessie), Jamestown Transfer Co., h. over 204 E. SecondmJmi• Newberry, Franklin D., steamfitter, r. 18 Weeks.O Newberry, James O., (Ida M.), drayman, h. 18 Weeks.O

" E S S , The A. D. Sharpe Co. OJAMESTWON DIRECTORY.315 fDHILL P I A N O CO.COMPLETE TUNING AND 9QREPAIR DEPARTMENTNewton, Albert F., (Mary L.), retired, h. 21 Eleventh.J"tNewton, Blanche I., telephone operator, r. 21 Eleventh.ftNewton, Corrie A., widow George R., h. 404 Lincoln.mmNewton, Daniel, cottage cheese, 5 Baker Block, over 31 North Main, rms. do. C/>Newton, George A., (Alida L.), slate roofer, h. 307 Allen.C"*Newton, Harry F., agt. Monarch Typewriter Co., 505-507 Chadakoin Bldg. ^Newton, Helen, manicurist, 318 Prendergast Ave., rms. do.Newton, Hugh, (Lena), steel case maker, h. Wellman Ave., bey. limitNewton, Hiram, machinist, rms. 80 Allen Square. o ^\Newton, Marjory C, stenographer, r. 404 Lincoln.VT«itt4-.-.ti TJimli (fi-i—in 1 a + aal i-i o c o m 11rnv Vi TJrollnnon A iro Visa" limit N_ ^Newton, Maude H., stenographer, r. 21 Eleventh.Newton, Melvin, (Delia), janitor, h. 20 Richmond Place.Newton, Nathan P., Jr., (Minnie F.), piano mover, h. 842 North Main. m t,Newton, Nathan P., Sr., (Alice), piano mover, h. 66 Tenth.§ ONewton, Nellie G., office clerk, r. 404 Lincoln.g- '"Newton, Olive M., student, r. 21 Eleventh."< DNewton, Samuel D., (Mary W.),—Bentley & Newton—h. 16 East Fifth. S SNewton, William S., (Clara B.), prop. Ideal Grocery, h. 17 Derby.s? QNew Warner Block, 1-7 North Main. -gNew Gifford Bldg., 22-30 South Main.o gjNEW YORK TEA & COFFEE CO., Bessie Hall and William C. Learned, cof- ,§ Xfee and teas, 106 East Third. a t.NEW YORK TELEPHONE CO., Lewis J. Davey, dist. mgr., 113 East Third; w gdist plant supt., W. M. Hollenbeck,; 306-312 Chadakoin Bldg. S "New York & Western Oil Co.—C. M. Purdy, pres.; W. G. Purdy, sec—39-43 a oTaylor.g" rNicholas, William, packer, r. 109 Sprague. ^ ~Nichols, Benjamin, (Jane M.), vice res. Gurney Ball Bearing Co., h. 57 South ? GMain.Nichols, Bert, (Pearl), woodworker, h. 208 Jefferson.Nichols, Charles M., (Saidee)—Jamestown Iron Works Co.—h. 108 Barrett. Nichols, Watson, (Mertie), conductor, J. St. R. R. Co., h. 501 Clinton. ' rNicholson, Leonard, metal polisher, bds. 9 Grandin. CO 5.oNick. Joseph, hand sander, r. 127 Steele._ dNick, Mina, filler,r. 127 Steele. w SNick, William, finisher,r. 231 South Main. , |g gNickerson, A. J. (Mertie), bookkeeper, h. 136 Park.^ enNickerson, E. Gertrude, milliner, r. 220 McKinley Ave.Nickerson, Frank, (Lottie M.), machinist foreman, h. 220 McKinley Ave.Nicolo, Vanghel, finisher, bds. 104 Harrison.Nieman, Fritzof, (Margaret), screenworker, h. 26 Newton Ave.Niles, Herbert_A., (Florence C), bookkeeper, h. 15 Elk.Nisses, Louis, cook, r. over 235 South Main.Nisses, Thomas, machine hand, r. over 235 South Main.ONisson, Frederick, student, r. 7 Thirteenth.toNisson, COLONIAL William F., PORCH (Louise), contractor, COLUMNS h. 7 Thirteenth. t harry lyons ftThat Niti, will Bill, not finisher, crock or open bds. up-al.o 15 Harrison. Porch Balu.ter. and Rail Institute St. & Erie Ry. h— i^TNixon, Hannah, Mrs., domestic, h. over 251 South Main. (~)Nobbs, Garnet A., (Evelyn), Donelson Grocery Co., h. 43 Fairmount Ave. Nobbs,' Robert Hazel William Alton Mulford E., M., H., A., L., clerk, motorman (Lona), (Marian clerk, r. 913 r. teamster, I.), J. 814 Prendergast St. commercial Jefferson. Ry., h. bds. 814 Ave. traveler, Jefferson. 9 Forest h. Park 913 Prendergast Av.-«^^ J^ -s

-I Clark H a r d w a r e Co. Stoves and Furnacesco•M•—P* 316 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.« :^ <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew -- Always Pure and Delicious#. ^ - ^ — ^ — — ^ — — _ _ _ _ ^ _ _ _ ^ _ _2 Nobbs, Myrtle, waitress, rms. 54 Alien Square._ Nobbs, Ben, machine hand, bds. over 212 East Second.w Noble, Lelia E„ bds. 202 Broadhead Ave.4) ^03Noble, Ralph A., (Florence), express messenger, h. 806 Washington.Nocero, Frank, oiler, r. 14 Steele.Nocero, James, (Mary), carpenter, h. 16 Steele.0) Nocero, John, (Pearl), metal polisher, r. 16 Steele.Nocero, Joseph, clerk, r. 14 Steele.Nocero, Sam, mill hand, r. 14 Steele.^j Nocero, Mary, widow Anthony, h. 14 Steele.rjj Nohlberg, J. Albert, (Alma), painter and paperhanger, h. 110 William.Nohlberg, Knut, (Esther), painter, h. 516 Newland Ave., , Nohlberg, Gust N., (Ella), painter, h, over 110 Mechanic.C8 Nolan, Charles D„ bds. 330 South Main.4) Noon, Elizabeth, widow Patrick, h. 26 Maltby.fir* Noon, Elizabeth J., weaver, r. 26 Maltby.Noon, James E., (Gertrude), cigar mfr. 307 Allen, h. do.Noon, Mary A., weaver, r. 26 Maltby.Noon, Thomas, (Lillian), polisher, h. 228 Falconer.Norad, Carl W., (Tilda), carpenter, h. 231 Prospect.Norberg, Arvid P., (Ebba G.), pressman, h. over 119 Bowen.Norberg, Chester, brewer, r. 22 Price-.Norberg, TSdmund, woodworker, bds. 22 Phillips.Norberg, John, (Anna), cabinetmaker, h. 22 Price.>«oNorberg, Roy, clerk, r. 22 Price.Norberg, Siegfred, metalworker, bds. over 928 East Second.Nord, Alfred A., (Esther M.), hand carver, h. over 17 Kipp.Nord, Arthur M., student, r. 18 Bowen.Nord, August F., (Anna E.)—Union Furniture Co.—h. 116 BushNord, Carl B., screenmaker, r. 19 Park.Nord, Charles A., (Hulda M.), tailor, h. 19 Park.Nord, Edward C, (Rose)—Union Furniture Co.—h. 105 Bush.Nord, Ella C, student, r. 18 Bowen.Nord, Emil, (Christina), metalworker, h. 38 Hopkins Ave.2J Nord, Florence E., telephone operator, r. 19 Park.^0* o NORD FURNITURE CO.—John A. Nord—retail dealers,109-lll East Second."r1* Nord, John A., (Clara C), furniture, 109-111 East Second, h. 103 Bush.0* Nord, Julia A., widow Andrew P., h. 18 Bowen.Nord, Louisa, widow Andrew, h. 118 Bush.Nord, see Nordh.Norden, Elmer J., (Augusta M.), carpenter, h. over 59 Falconer.Norden, see Nordine and Nording._ _U^miNordendahl, Edith, picker, r. 13 Flagg Ave.Nordendahl, Gust, metalworker, r. 13 Flagg Ave.Nordendahl, Jonas A., (Christine), metalworker, h. 13 Flagg Ave.Nordh, Carl W., supt. Ideal Furniture Co.. rms. Y. M. C. A.Nordh, see Nord.Nordin, Albert, (C. Josephine), stationary fireman, h. 103 Colfax.-_. Nordin, Arthur, milk peddler, r. 103 Colfax.Qm\ Nordin, Edwin, delivery boy, r. 103 Colfax.mm Kk—e 0) m~] rV !T? (^ ^5 . . Tho Nording, lne Nordine, 01 nt rauiuai Mnrnal lieWarK, Nauronlr J. Henry, Gus, Mildred, Axel, Olof, see Walfred, Oscar, Dentlll Ronofir Norden (Christine), retired,

Gloves, Hosiery and Underwear - THE A. D. SHARPE CO. ZoJAMESTWON DIRECTORY.317 TlHILL PIANO CO. """s^om.v |Nordland, Evald O., (Pauline A.), foreman veneerworker,h.over 209 Barrett, ©Nordland, Gustaf A., metalworker, bds. over 209 Barrett. ~^Nordland, Walter G., veneerworker, bds. over 209 Barrett.Nordling, Carl, metalworker, bds. 37% Cross.Nordling, Peter, bds. 112 Mechanic.Nordlund, Gotthard, (Marie), plumber, h. over 152 Park.WNordlund, Helmer, (Ellen), metal painter, h. over 105 Wescott.Jjjj*Nordquist, Oscar, woodworker, bds. 14 Orchard. £3Nordquist, see Norquist.f-imNordstrand, Anna, picker, r. over 1021 East Second.Nordstrand, Axel, (Emma), cabinetmaker, h. over 1021 East Second. ft«Nordstrand, Carl, (Hilma), cabinetmaker, h. 37% Cross.fl»Nordstrand, Ragnhild, picker, r. over 1021 East Second.JJNordstrom, Adolph P., (Christina C), groceries, 323 Newland, h. do. fm,Nordstrom, Arthur R., student, r. 323 Newland.*"^Nordstrom. C. Albert, clerk, r. 323 Newland Ave.Nordstrom, August F., (Ida), laborer, h. 115 Crescent.^*SNordstrom, Emil G., cabinetmaker, r 14 Colfax.J^NORDSTROM, FRANK G. A., (May F.), jewelry, 213 North Main, h. 311 _TEast Sixth.jtGOOWho sells the best DIAMONDS for the lowest prices in the city ?F. G. Who NORDSTROM, sells the best WATCHES 213 Main for St. the lowest Bell Phone prices 1044-J ? f*\Who does the best ENGRAVING and REPAIRING ? *Nordstrom, Jonas P., Who (Augusta sells the C), best bronze JEWELRY? patternmaker, h. 14 Colfax. _jNordwall, Andrew, (Tilda), sash and doormaker, h. 177 Barker.toNordwall, Evelyn P. M., chocolate dipper, r. 177 Barker.*•{Noren, August W., (Anna A.), metalworker, h. over 28 Peach.ftNoren, Beda, domestic, 820 Newland Ave.Noren, Carl E., (Matilda), carpenter, h. 17 Hedges Ave.^^Noren, Claus, metalworker, bds. 16 Whitley Ave.*»^Noren, Gust, (Bertha), carpenter, h. under 32 Bush.ftNoren, Lillian, musician, r. over 347 Bowen.Noren, Oscar N., (Matilda), metalworker, h. over 347 Bowen.Norene, Betty, weaver, bds. 10 Webster.Norene, Esther, domestic, 522 East Second.QQ ChNorene, Jennie C, clerk, r. 448 Allen.Norene, Mary A., r. 448 Allen.Norene, Peter, h. 448 Allen.Norgren, August P., (Hulda), laborer, h. 131 Baker.Norgren, Conrad, woodworker, bds. 10 Morse Ave.Norgren, Oscar, woodworker, r. 131 Baker.Norlander, Andrew, (Carrie), cabinetmaker, h. 275 Willard.*~f*Norling, Jennie M., r. 220 Price.mNorling, John, carpenter, h. 220 Price.JjLNorling, O. William, (Emma), carpenter, r. 58 Falconer. ~Norman, Aaron, (Anna), machine hand, h. over 15 Linwood Ave.^^Norman, Andrew G., (Anna L.), woodturner, h. 230 Barrows. *»»3Norman, Edna C, student, r. 230 Barrows.ftNorman, Elof, clerk, bds. 547 East Second.mmNorman, Evan L., printer, r. 230 Barrows. m*For Norman, Red Selma, Herman, Cedar widow machine and John, Cypress hand, h. 369 bds. Stowe. Shingles 253 Prospect. SEE LYONS «< ft^ f- ^^

1| Clark H a r d w a r e Co. Stoves and Furnacesog« o S18 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.«|"cl <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew, Low in alcohol, rich in extractto tPt-Sn Norquist, A. C. Co.—A. C. Norquist, pres.; F. O. Norquist, sec.-treas.—mfrs.©•4 bedroom furniture, 415-421 Chandler.m^n Norquist, August C, (Augusta)—A. C. Norquist Co.—h. 20 Bowen.,g Norquist, Charles J.—A. C. Norquist Co.—rms. 516 East Second.*g Norquist, Clyde L., (Ada J.), asst. supt. A. C. Norquist Co., h. 16 Foote Ave.mO « Norquist, East Second, Earl C, P. student, O. Box r. 135. 20 Bowen.'E 3 • Norquist, Emma Carr, Mrs., trained nurse and Swedish masseuse, h. 600j Norquist, Frank 0., (Josephine W.)—A. C. Norquist Co.—h. 779 E. Second._ i Norquist, Judith J., r. 779 East Second.p Norquist, Marcus J., (Jane E.)—Peerless Furniture Co.—h. 129 Van Buren.a Norquist, Mary, widow John, h. 110 Stowe.«t) t Norquist, Ralph A., student, r. 20 Bowen.G Norquist, see Nordquist.•g Norris, Myril, driver, bds. 8 Eleventh.C Norse, Merle, teamster, r. 72 Eleventh.'Pmi North, Dick, (Angeline), laborer, h. Martin Road.§^ North, Gales F., (Catherine), laborer, h. 214 Hopkins Ave.H© North Side Meat Market, Axel E. Lindbloom, prop., 703 North Main."* * North, Torrence, farmer, r. Martin Road.'g'u Northrop, Bert, plasterer, bds. 10 Steele.co Northrop, Delia J., widow John, h. over 8 West Seventh.

Always buy your Dry Goods of The A. D. Sharpe Co. F1JAMESTWON DIRECTORY. 319 J^Hill's Piano SchoolCDFINEST PRIVATE STUDIOSIN AMERICANyberg, Alvin, (Sally), photographer, h. over 230 East Second. X*Nyberg, Ellen, rms. 19 Winsor.^TNyberg, Fritz, (Helga M.), finisher,h. over 36 Crown. **?Nyberg, Helen, waitress, r. over 19 Winsor.Nyberg, Ida, h. 566 Allen.m^Nyberg, Julia, domestic, r. 230 Price.LNyberg, John A., (Ida), sheet metalworker, h. over 1031 North Main. ftNyberg, Jonas, metal finisher, bds. 23 Center.ftNyberg, A. Louise, widow Carl, h. over 106 McKinley Ave.SNyberg, Charles O., (Grace), groceries and meats, 271 Fairmount Ave., h. ^ m*407 West Fourth. f*—Nyburg, Alfhild, bds. 55 Franklin.mtNyburg, John, bds. 55 Franklin.Nyburg, John F., (Hilma M.), salesman, h. 106 McKinley Ave.Nyburg, Myrtie C, student, r. 106 McKinley Ave.Nye, John, crater, rms. 62 Water.ONygren, Axel E., (Anna), finisher,h. 244 Bowen. r* 5.Nygren, Emma, widow John, h. 16 Whitley Ave. o. *rNygren, John, (Emma), machine hand, h. 126 Hedges Ave. » g>Nygren, Ludwig, finisher,bds. 116 Wescott. — jjNygren, Mandus J., conductor J. St. Ry., r. 16 Whitley Ave. sf g-Nygren, Oscar, (Ida), finisher,h. 116 Wescott. » ?Nyholm, Christina, Mrs., textileworker, h. over 111 Benedict. j-Nyholm, Edward, emp. J. St. Ry., r. 5 Webster. o 3Nyholm, Fred F., (Ida), finisher,h. 5 Webster. i\ »Nyholm, Signe, spinner, r. 5 Webster.a rNylander, Andrew P., (Amelia A.), finisher,h. 26 Chapman. —-Oberg, Charles E., (Levina), upholsterer, h. 126 Colfax.-ff\Nystrom, Martin, oiler, r. 31% Hazzard. £QOberg, Charles G., (Hannah), metalworker, h. over 434 Falconer.VJJNystrom, Olof, (Hilda), metal screenmaker, h. 31% Hazzard.•0Oberg, Charles W., (Pauline), retired, h. 11 West Cowden Place.ChNystrom, COLONIAL Victor, metalworker, PORCH bds. COLUMNS 25 Palmer. HARRY LYONS | ^1 „OBERG, CLYDE S., (Clara)—The Oberg Transfer—103 West Fourth, h. do.That will not crack or open up-also Porch Balu»ter» and Rail Institute St. & Erie Ry. g

& Clark Hardware Co., Contractors & Mill Suppliesug 320JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.i <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew IS MAK,NUS?i68EVERY DAY£ 5CO © en Oberg, Edith M., spinner, r. 262 Prospect.Oberg, Eric J., springsetter, r. 11 West Cowden Place.Oberg, Gertrude M., packer, r. 238 Bowen.«eo , Oberg, Gotfried W., office timekeeper, r. 228 Barrett.Oberg, Gunnard A., (Judith), machinist, h. over 38 Vega.Vi Oberg, Gust A., (Anna), metalworker, h. 238 Bowen.Oberg, Herman C, metalworker, r. 11 West Cowden Place.Oberg, Hilda E., weaver, r. 11 West Cowden Place.4) • Oberg, Hulda A., r. 32 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave."3 Oberg, John, cementworker, bds. under 788 East Second.50 , Oberg, John, (Emma), carpenter, h. 228 Barret."]3 Oberg, John, laborer, bds. 24 Scott.— Oberg, John M., machinist, r. 32 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.•oe ' John P., tailor, h. 32 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.MSOberg, Selma C, widow Nels O., h. over 126 Colfax.,g'•5 Oberg, Joseph Signa M., S., spinner, machinist, r. 262 r. 32 Prospect. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.~3 £" £• O'Brien, Agnes, office clerk, bds. 826 Washington.-3 g O'Brien, Annie M., bookkeeper, bds. 826 Washington.~ O'Brien, Charles, la'borer, r. 1068 North Main.O'Brien, Edward J., plumber, bds. 826 Washington.J t. O'Brien, Genevieve, r. 116 Water.m— O'Brien, James V., plumber, bds. 826 Washington.5 o O'Brien, John G., (Ada S.)—Jamestown Boiler Works—h. 816 East Second.GO g O'Brien, Joseph W., Warpdresser, r. 116 Water."W< O'Brien, Katherin, weaver, r. 826 Washington.§ . O'Brien, Loretta, rms. 107 East Sixth._•£ O'Brien, Lyde—Haas & O'Brien—r. 1068 North Main.—— G-. -artO'Brien, Rose Anna, widow Joseph, r. 106S North Main.«.2f O'Brien, Margaret Rose S„ Mrs., C, seamstress, h. 116 Water. bds. 826 Washington.'faH §J c O'Brien, William Michael, P.. (Florence), student, l. laborer, 826 Washington. h. over 54 Franklin.C et § a Ochipito, O'Brien, Tomaso, Patrick J., (Mary), (Margaret), laborer, tailor, h. 131 h. Harrison. S26 Washington.rjj- Ochs, Frank A., (Lulu)—Ochs & Striker—h. 507 West Fourth.Ochs & Striker—Frank ,-\. and Jacob—liquors, 3 South Main.. O'Connell, Catherine, widow Michael, h. 502 West Sixth.© O'Connell, Daniel, (Hilda C), metalworker, r. 412 West Sixth.K_i O'Connell, Ella, h. 508 West Seventh.O'Connell, Ella F., bookkeeper, r. 109 Steele.Jm O'Connell, John, (Harriett), brakeman Erie R. R., h. 109 Steele.*> O'Connell. John F., metalworker, h. 412 West Sixth.CQ O'Connell, L. Bernice, r. 109 Steele.CS O'Connell, Mabel H., teacher, r. 109 Steele.CO O'Connell, Margaret, r. 502 West Sixth.JZm O'Connell, Maurice, locomtive engineer, r. 412 West Sixth.C* O'Connell, Michael, painter, r. 412 West Sixth.O'Connell, Michael C, (Ella T.), upholsterer, h. 507 West Seventh.C3 O'Connell, Patrick D., boilermaker, r. 508 West Seventh.gg O'Connell, Thomas J., machinist, r. 502 West Sixth.CO a FrifMAN'^l O'Connor. Joseph, firemanErie PIAN0S- PLAYER R. R., bds. PIANOS, 311 West VICTROLAS, Second. VICTOR TALK-«_» 2 Ell/IU Odell & 1/ill Doolittle—Mary Ij INC MACHINES E. and George AND S.—groceries. RECORDS 344 NewWellmon East Third. Buildim50 Odell, Elmer, laborer, bds. 2 Reynolds Place.

THE A. D. SHARPE CO. for Carpets and Rugs «JAMESTWON DIRECTORY. 321 P*1HILL P I A N O CO. TSeTSosnd 3fODELL, HENRY W., (Lenna I.), oil producer, over 101 East Second, h. 519GO^-mWashington.[TjOdell, Inez, clerk, r. 104 Fairmount Ave.•Odell, Mary E., widow Josiah—Odell & Doolittle—r. 49 Grant.Oden, Mary, widow Nels, r. 26 Scott.3O'Donnell, George, bartender, r. 34 Thayer. ft (^"O'Donnell, Kate, Mrs. h. over 24 Thirteenth.O'Donnell, Richard B.. (Imelda), solicitor N. Y. Telephone Co., h. over 111East Second.O'Donnell, Rose, nurse, 211 Lakeview Ave., r. 34 Thayer.Ogden, Allen R., groceries, 383 South Main, h. do..OGDEN, HORACE G., (Gertrude M.), pastor First M. E. Church, h. 345 EastThird.Ogden, Jesse L., student, r. 345 East Third.Ogden, Robert, (Mittie), loomfixer, h. under 36 Franklin.to"ftGOs_Oger, Fred, (Nellie), cabinetmaker, h. 19 Utica. . .oOgilvie, Daniel G., (Robina)—Treat & Ogilvie—h. 114 Kidder.[T|Ogilvie, Elizabeth C, r. 114 Kidder.Ogilvie, Howard H., chauffeur, r. 114 Kidder. > —Ogilvie, William J., shipping clerk, r. 114 Kidder.Q5HOOgren, D. Paul, student, r. 115 Barrows.Ogren, Ernest, (Hilda), h. 226 South Main.Ogren, George, mill hand, rms. 46-4S Steele.Ogren, Helen, milliner, bds. over 245 Crescent.Ogren, J. Peter, (Anna M.), carpenter, h. 115 Barrows.N*»jOgren, Ludwig C, toolmaker, bds. over 245 Crescent.Ogren, Sidney, sheet metalworker, bds. 193 South Main. .O'Hagan, Elizabeth, widow Michael, h. 61S% Jefferson5yO'Hagan, Mary, dressmaker, r. 618% Jefferson. ^»O'Hara, Edward, filling warmer, bds. 3-5 Hayward Block.O'Hara, John, machine hand, bds. 3-5 Hayward Block.gtqOhlin, Carl F., (Karin), stonemason, h. 33% Linden Ave.3^Ohlin, John, (Edith S.), mgr. Stranburg Music House, h. 138 Forest Ave. w —Ohlman, Oscar, (Ellen), metalworker, h. over 261 Falconer. »gOhlman, see Olman.• •Ohlquist, Axel G., (Signe), shoe clerk, h. 510 Newland Ave.mt*$Ohlquist, J. Arthur, r. 839 Spring.toOhlquist, Ernest, bds. 409 Newland Ave.GO m—-Ohlquist, John O., (Anna)—Ohlquist & Johnson—h. 839 Spring.^*SOHLQUIST & JOHNSON, (INC.)—John Ohlquist. pres.: Of-rar F. Johnson, Hsec.-treas.—men's furnishings, 219 North Main.Ohlquist, see Olquist.Ohlsen, Harry E., (Addie), linotype operator, rms. 318 Prendergast Ave.Ohlson, Betty, Mrs., furnished rooms, 314 West Second, h. do.Ohlson, Edwin S., bandsawyer, r. 314 West Second.ftOhlson, see Olson.Ohman, Oscar, (Edith), laundryman, h. 75 Barker.Ohnstrand. Charles C, (Matilda), shipping clerk, h. 37 Cross.Ohnstrand, Lillian, stitcher, r. 37 Cross.Ohnstrand, Mabel, r. 37 Cross.fOhnstrand, Ruth, boxmaker, r. 37 Cross.J3T°P^nd Olander, Olander. Okerlind, Okes,son, Olds, h. Grace Ernest, 29 Emil, Frank Front Nels, Charles Center. M., lunch clerk, E., (Johanna), student, A., (Nellie), Doors counter r. (Elvena Ill r. 32 metalworker, tailor, William. clerk, s/ock A.), Ellicott. cashier h. rms. Ill HARRY 17-25 William. h. Swedish 130 Russell LYONS Summit. American Block. % National Bank, ft., ft* *~t ^m m^. ~faW

£j Clark Hardware Co. Fine Cutlery and ToolsSenft-e 322JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.«! _«* <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew is making friends every day•ga .—"" Olds, Harley C, (Daisy K.), painter, h. 3 Pullman.lO© Olds, Mary, widow Jasper, rooming house, 17-25 Russell Block, h. do.W" © Olds, William H., (Dessie B.), groceries, 34 Willard, h. 32 Ellicott.J; Olgrahl, Oscar E., (Emma S.), plasterer, h. 12 Fairfield Ave." Oliver, Nettie G., teacher, rms. 412 Winsor.>. Oliver, Robert J., salesman Grand Bay Land Co., rms. 401 East Fourth.& OUis, Edward, metalworker, bds. 285 Livingston Ave.w Ollis, William, draughtsman, bds. 285 Livingston Ave.JB Ollis, see Allis and Ellis.•** Olman, Albert N., (Amanda), foreman steel casemaker, h. 169 Allen.G Olman, see Ohlman.j, § Olmstead, Addison, r. 54 Ninth. § Olmstead, Ernest, (Lucy), hostler, h. 54 Ninth.*g£ Olmstead, George, (Bessie), metalworker, h. 900 Lafayette.Oj! Olmstead, George L., student, r. 508 East Sixth.•u-g Olmstead, Louis S., (Jean), purchasing agent, Jamestown Lounge Co., h. 508Sod East Sixth.mm Olmstead, Stanley, draftsman, r. 508 East Sixth.JJ -a Olmstead, William, (Delia), motorman J. St. Ry., h. 95 Fairmount Ave.f5 Olofson, Carl, machine hand, "bds. 36 Union Ave.Olquist, Siegfried, metalworker, bds. 15 Orchard.^ Olquist, see Ohlquist._" Olsen, August P., pres. Diamond Furniture Co., h. 63 Barrett.'« Olsen, Ellen J., teacher dramatic arts, r. 63 Barrett.. Olsen, Evelyn I., r. 63 Barrett.So Olsen, George K., (Caroline)—Woodhead, Olsen & Riley Co.—h. 129 Hallmm (j Ave.S'> Olson, A. G., (Augusta), plasterer, h. 400 Foote Ave.u o Olson, Albert, springworker, r. 32 Benson.g JJ Olson, Alice G., office clerk, r. 120 Hall Ave.x Olson, Amelia E., widow John, h. 12 Stowe.W]2 Olson, Andrew, r. 829 Washingtonq a Olson, Andrew, deliveryman, r. 561 Allen.*< H Olson, Andrew, laborer, rms. over 117 East Second.® >» Olson, Andrew, (Elna), finisher,h. over 815 Jefferson.?H Olson, Andrew, driver, r. 22 Chapman.Olson, Andrew, (Christina), contractor and builder, h. 329 Willard.Q Olson, Andrew W., (Severine), finisher,h. 120 Lakin Ave.*,) Olson, Anna, spinner, r. 561 Allen.Olson, Anna, domestic, 600 Prendergast Ave.U Olson, Anna, textileworker, r. 12 Stowe.W Olson, Anna, weaver, r. over 235 Steel.m*-o A » Olson, Anna L., widow Andrew P., r. 493 Willard.X mmoa E Olson, Anton E., (Nettie C), mason, h. 27 Maple.§ o £S Olson, Olson,Arthur Carl, screenE., (Margaret), door maker,grainer, r. overh. 14over Colfax.134 Hedges Ave."^ Olson,Olson,August,Carl, mason(Mary),tender,driverbds.J. F.118D.,Hazzard.h. 219 Forest Ave.ftvm Olson, August, (Anna), machinist, h. 610 Newland Ave.gr jy £ The Olson, best Axel, of insurance r. 561 Allen. is not too good. We furnish it.2 mgf Olson, Axel, (Hulda), cementworker, BRADSHAW'S h. over PIONEER 632 East INSURANCE Sixth. AGENCY.Olson, Axel W., (Edith S.), stationary engineer, h. 120 Hall Ave.^1 ~ Olson, Bertha, domestic, 15 East Sixth.W H X | Olson, C. Betty Bertha, Amel, A., A., (Ellen), D., textileworker, (Lena teacher, r. 36 M.), Bush. 204 r. metalworker, 211 Lafayette.r. 12 Prospect. Stowe. h. 236 Falconer.

The A. D. SHARPE CO. for Rugs and Carpets g2JAMESTWON DIRECTORY.323 g rHill's Piano School BEST T*lEAC"E*s 11W TJOlson, Carl, metalworker, bds. 45 Chapin. ^ §Olson, Carl, laborer, (Mary), toolmaker, bds. 248 Hopkins h. 800 Ave. Lakeview Ave.W• WOlson, Carl, rubber, bds. 5 Terrace Place.rOlson, Carl, (Inez), upholsterer, h. under 511 Allen.nOlson, Carl, metalworker, bds. 52 Thayer.. nOlson, Carl, metalworker, bds. 9 East Newland Ave.HOlson, Carl Edwin, (Emma M.), aristo chemist, h. 16 Camp.Olson, Carl J., (Augusta), finisher,h. 120 Falconer. ,Olson, Carl O., (Hannah), laborer, h. 145 Superior. q*Olson, Caroline, r. 1381 East Second.mOlson, Charlie, laborer, Ws. 120 Hall Ave.gOlson, Charles, (Edla), h. over 28 Bush. g*Olson, Charles, (Mandy), metalworker, h. 313 Willard. %+Olson, Charles A., (Hannah), metalworker, h. 338 Forest Ave. ©Olson, Charles E., (Annie), cooper, h. 41 Park.gOlson, Charles J., (Hilma L.), cabinetmaker, h. 96 Falconer. 2Olson, Charles R., (Sarah), tinner, h. Fairmount Ave., bey. limits. m*Olson, Charles V., (Selma), metalworker, h. 40 Ninth. ^*Olson, Christian, (Ida), metalworker, h. 851 Prendergast Ave.>--•Olson, Christina, widow Peter A., h. 109 Bowen.H^mOlson, Christine, widow Gustaf, r. 912 East Second. m>Olson, David, painter and paperhanger, bds. 119 William.mm.Olson, David, (Alma), metalworker, h. over 241 Sprague.S3Olson, David M., (Annie), finisher,h. over 116 Park. GOOlson, Dora, textileworker, bds. 42 Sampson. 09Olson, Edith M., spinner, bds. 170 Baker.J3Olson, Edward, (Emily), metalworker, h. 402 Stowe.{_,Olson, Ellen, clerk, r. 12 Stowe.^^Olson, Ellen E., student, r. 113 Buffalo. ~3Olson, Emil, metalworker, h. 199 Barrett. ©Olson, Emil B., student, r. 1381 East Second.^Olson, Eric, (Anna), metalworker, h. 183 Barrows. (->Olson, Eric W., (Anna M.), real estate, h. 113 Buffalo.»-JOlson, Erick, laborer, bds. 63 Hallock. —Olson, Erick A., (Alma C), wholesale dealer Butterine, 9 West Second, h. ^J36 Bush. POlson, Erick W., (Anna M.)—Olson Realty Co.—h. 113 Buffalo.Olson, Ernest, metalworker, r. 47 Vega.COJflOlson, Ernest, packer, r. over 447 Allen.gj gOlson, Ernest A., clerk, h. 618 Spring._Olson, Esther, r. 32 Benson.2 5aOlson, Esther C, student, r. 211 Prospect.% XOlson, Esther D., clerk, r. 338 Forest Ave.JJ, KOlson, Eva, h. 13 East Second.a HOlson, Florence, r. 150 Sampson.j^ SOlson, Frank O., Agnes), mattressmaker, h. 604 Newland Ave.-• wOlson, Frans A., (Emma C), painter, h. 101 Bush.OOlson, Fred, rubber, bds. 230 Hazzard.5* wOlson, Fred, metalworker, bds. over 59 Falconer.3 HOlson, Fred C— Jamestown Construction Co.—h. 47 Newton Ave. * uOlson, Freda, twister, r. 313 Willard.• g&rimmed Olson, Fritz, George, finisher,r. HEMLOCK V., clerk, office teamster, (Julia), . clerk, r. woodworker, 47 bds. 313 LUMBER pres. Vega. r. Willard. 199 7 Level Grandin. . Barrett. h. in."wr.RsT.kYErieSRy. Furniture over 110 Co., Benedict. h. over 110 Benedict. F "* j* *—m-* gig mf ~ < 3 -- CO

m~>u BCBN-t,l3nbeeo%£ mlm *G a£2 ccd .Clark Hardware Co., Contractors & Mill Supplies324 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.<strong>Chautauqua</strong> BrewOlsonOlsonOlsonOlsonOlsonOlsonOlsonOlsonOSOlsonOlsonOlson83Olson*s OlsonCO OlsonOlson• PS* Olson *"*C >.Always pure and diliciousGertrude, weaver, r. 52 Thayer.Gertrude, r. 22 Chapman.Gilbert C, draughtsman, r. 43 Foote Ave.Gust, (Ida), supt. Banner Furniture Co.—h. 66 Steele Ave.Gust, driver J. F. D., h. 219 Forest Ave.Gust, (Johanna), metalworker, h. 214 Buffalo.Gust, (Louise), machine hand. h. over 220 Thayer.Gust F., weaver, r. 145 Superior.Gust P., (Ida)—Olson & Sutcliffe—h. 15 Shaver.Gustaf, woodworker, bds. 7 Fulton.Harold L., student, r. 47 Newton Ave.Harold P., finisher,r. 342 Bowen.Hazel, spinner, r. over 447 Allen.Helmer, polisher, bds. over 248 Barrows.Henning, draftsman, r. 22 Chapman.Henry, carver, r. 120 Falconer.Henry, metalworker, bds. 142 Euclid Ave.Henry, plumber, r. 23 Colfax.Hilda, widow Charles, h. 52 Thayer.Hilmer, metalworker, bds. 52 Thayer.Hjalmar E., metalworker, bds. 230 Hazzard.Howard E., student, r. 47 Newton Ave.Hulda, textileworker, bds. 112 Mechanic.Ivar, packer, r. 313 Willard.Jacob, (Mary), plasterer, h. 402 Hazeltine Ave.Jennie, domestic, 165 Forest Ave.Jennie E., clerk, r. 338 Forest Ave.Jennie K., dressmaker, l. 109 Bowen.Jennie S., Mrs., r. 47 Newton Ave.Johanna, widow John S., h. 32 Benson.John, (Anna), carpenter, h. over 447 Allen.John, wire screenmaker, bds. 18 Linden Ave.John A., (Agnes A.), retired, h. 211 Prospect.JoTin A., (Bettie), fireman J. F. D., h. 28 Ninth.John A., laborer, h. 335 Price.Josephine, widow Andrew, r. over 235 Steele.J. Otto, (Mary), metalworker, h. 23 Colfax.Judith, dressmaker, r. 22 Chapman.J. Victor. (Freda S.), meatcutter. h. 23 Lake.Leonard, (Gertrude), machinist, h. 316 Stowe.Lewis, rms. 212 South MainLillian L., bank clerk, bds. 109 Maple.Lilja R., metalworker, r. 145 Superior.Louise, widow Andrew H., h. 201 Barrett.Ludwig, (Emma), retired, h. 150 Sampson.Luther H., painter, r. 101 Bush.Manto, metalworker, r. 23 Colfax.Olson00 Olson«e Olson,. e Olson.S3 OlsonOlsonOlsona* OlsonMOlsonOlson©.aOlsonOlsonU » Olson•o OlsonOlsonHgOlsonW _Olsonwe OlsonXm% OlsonOlsonOlsonCO OlsonOlson© OlsonKm OlsonOlsonOlsonOlsonmm Olson> OlsonUJOlsonOlson Mabel I. T., textileworker. r. 66 Steele Ave.*OlsonThe MutualMartha,Benefittextileworker,Life S^ssJ-'i^L-J--,.'..r. 47 Vega.!»»_—.• -.$367,143.488 59eoRETURNED TO POLICY HOLDERS and funds on handforOlson of Mary, Newark, r. N. 13 J. Webster. future payment to policy hoWers .... $427,763,190.20Olson Mary, weaver, r. 201 Barrett. F. S. TREADWAY, District AeentOlson Matilda, widow John, r. 335 Price.OlsonMerribel Nels, Olga Olivia Myrtie A., E„ cementworker, A., E., groceries, H., student, clerk, r. r. 173 r. 15 1381 h. 36 137 Shaver. Barrett, 112% Bush. Fast Prospect. Hazzard. Second. r. 22 Chapman.

Women's Coats and Suits - The A. D. Sharpe Co. "TJCJAMESTWON DIRECTORY. 325 *-{Hill's Piano School 0R^Aj_SSm °m^m\Olson, Ollie, laborer, rms. 212 South Main.OLSON, OLOF A., (Anna), attorney, 11 New Gifford Bldg., h. 137 Prospect.»Olson, Oscar, (Theodora), carpenter, h. over 503 Foote Ave. 3Olson, Oscar, metalworker, bds. 314 Stowe.m+.Olson, Oscar, metalworker, bds. 144 Euclid Ave.•+Olson, Oscar, (Minnie), painter, h. Carolina.Olson, Oscar O., real estate, 1-4 Allen Square, rms. 23 do.^^Olson, Oscar S., (Anna J.), groceries, 300 Foote Ave., h. 108 Mechanic. \JOlson, Otto V., metalworker, bds. 9 Cleveland Place. ' ftOlson, Peter, (Hannah), teamster, h. 222 Chapman.^Olson, Peter, (Hannah A.), stationary engineer, h. over 14 Colfax.JjOlson, Peter, (Ida), finisher,h. 43 Foote Ave. ©Olson, Peter, (Elsie), laborer, h. 131 Baker.toOlson, Ragnvald, packer, bds. over 187 Barrows. "*Olson, Raymond C, office clerk, r. 47 Newton Ave.Olson Realty Co.—E. W. Olson, Gust Olson (Pittsburg)—real estate, 18 Bar- _rett Bldg., over 203 Cherry.JJ1Olson, Reuben E., metalworker, r. 83 Ellicott. ~^Olson, Rudolph, student, r. 22 Chapman.Olson, Rudolph A., metalworker, r. 66 Steele Ave. *—-\Olson, Ruth, domestic, 276 Fairmount Ave.***-tOlson, Sally, domestic, 401 East Sixth.ftOlson, Samuel W., student, r. Fairmount Ave., bey. limits.m*>Olson, Sanford, (Anna), veneerworker, h. 47 Vega.sas^Olson, Selma, dressmaker, rms. under 629 Prendergast Ave.NsjsiOlson, Selma M., dressmaker, r. 109 Bowen.XOlson, Sophia L., widow Magnus, h. 83 Ellicott._JOlson, Stella M., bookbinder, r. 120 Hall Ave. ©Olson & Sutcliffe—Gust P. and Herbert—groceries, 216 East Second. *ft 3Olson, Swan, (Ellen), laborer, h. 561 Allen.ChOlson, Tillie, dressmaker, r. 22 Chapman.Olson, Victor, (Freda), meats, 171 Barrett, h. 23 Lake.H_Olson, Victor, (Marie), h. 108 William.JrOlson, Walfred, (Ellen), woodworker, h. 366 Buffalo._JOlson, Walter, r. 561 Allen.Olson, Walter H., student, r. 27 Maple.Olson, William A., clerk, r. 15 Shaver.Olson, Willie, farmer, r. 1381 East Second.Olstrom, Agnes, domestic, 70 Prospect, r. 24 Vega.Olstrom, Albion, metalworker, bds. 1 East Newland Ave.Olstrom, Alfred, carpenter, bds. 1 East Newland Ave. £3Oman, Anna C, widow John, h. 22y2 Bush.^Omica, Tony, (Mary), woodworker, h. 8% Cheney.*•"O'Neil, Bernard, machinist, r. 120 Water.O'Neil, Cornelius, machinist, r. 120 Water.3 .mmO'Neil, Hannah, widow John, h. 7 Hazzard. m*O'Neil, John H., (Selma), mechanic, h. 14 Palmer. £^O'Neil, Margaret, drawer, r. 120 Water.J«»°%F O'Neil, Margaret Front A., widow Doors Barney, »&* h. 120 Water. H A R R Y LYONS COO'Neil, Patrick, r. 120 Water.COO'Neil, Ulric, foreman Erie R. R., r. 113 Sprague.Opdyke, O'Neill, Onostos, Onere, Ormes Gracia, Cornelius Edward, Wilbur, George, spinner, F., (Lulu), sander, (Ethel), F., (Ida physician, . r. R.), electrician, r. barber, over 231 retired, 318 44 South h. Franklin. North h. 17 Main. 208 West 527 Main, East Lakeview Fourth. r. Eighth. 408 West Ave. Fifth.'ft'05 ^^

Eg Clark Hardware Co. Fine Cutlery and Tools326 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.K <strong>Chautauqua</strong> BrewWithout a peer in the world of beerBoth phones 268H ORMES, FRANK D., (Pauline), physician, 318 North Main, h. 513 Lafayette.Office Hours: 1 to 2, 7 to 8 P. M.Bell 'Phone 475'J—office; 464-W—Res-*£*? idence.^ Ormondroyd, Harry, r. 252 Barrows.mm Ormondroyd, Josephine widow Smith, r. 252 Barrows.^Sm Orphanage, Gustavus Adolphus—John Swensson, supt.—1381 East Second.Orr, Austin J., (Elizabeth M.), local mgr. Standard Oil Co., h. 112 WestO Eighth.Osbeck, Christina,, widow J. August, h. over 143 Park.I^- Osbeck, J. Fred, screenmaker, r. over 143 Park.£^ Osberg, Anna, widow Gust, h. 628 Barrows.r. Osberg, Hilma, textileworker, r. 628 Barrows.^T Osberg, John, (Matilda), loomfixer, h. 700 Barrows.m\\^* Osborn, Lewis S., (Ella S.), machine hand, h. 14 Hammond.r7^ Osborne, Ralph, (Helen), shipping clerk, h. over 100 East Eighth.?»H Osbourn, Nelson T., (Josephine), real estate, h. 63 Prospect.^^ Osen, Peter, (Anna), carpenter, h. 378 Willard.^^ Oser, Henry H., (Annie), clerk, h. over 36 Van Buren.r Oser, Jacob, (Frances), cobbler, h. 36 Van Buren.mm Osgood, William H., (Mina), drayman, h. 60 Tenth.^J O'Shea, Josephine, stenographer, r. over 325 East Second.WOsman, Svea, dressmaker, rms. 229 Fulton._ Osmar, Ysmahil, rms. 713 Cherry.C/J Osmer, John Alden, (Frances), vice-pres. Proudfit Clothing Co., h. 401 EastFourth.*-^ Osmer, Margaret E., widow Richard A., r. 27 Fairmount Ave.*^j-* Osmer, Richard H., student, r. 514 Jefferson.^_P Osmer (The), furnished rooms and board, 413-417 West Third.^_\ Osmer, William P., (Berdena), treas. Proudfit Clothing Co., h. 514 Jefferson.Omf^ Ossman, Ostrom, Adolph, Usen, rms. (Matilda), 713 Cherry. stationary engineer, h. 35 Vega.^mm'Ostrom,Ost, Maude,Albin,domestic,woodworker,426 Lincoln.r. 35 Vega.C^Q^Oste,Ostrom,Frank,Albin,(Julia),bds. 199sheetBarrett.metalworker, h. over 764 East Second.fT^| Ostrander,Ostrom, Alfred,A. Glenn,bds. 199(ElizabethBarrett.E.), stationary engineer, h. over 29 WhitleyrzTOstrom,Ave.Axel L., (Signe), woolsorter, h. 214 Barrows.iOstrander,Ostrom, AxelLewisT., (EllaL., (Harriett),K.), metalworker,sec. Jamestownh. 35 ElliottPanelAve.& Veneer Co., h. 412Ostrom,WestCarlThird.R., warp dresser, r. 516 Foote Ave.i Ostrom, Claus, (Matilda), cabinetmaker, h. over 11 Partridge.Ostrom, Emma E., r. 76 Fairmount Ave.i Ostrom, Fred, bds. 404 Lafayette.Ostrom, Levi S., textileworker, r. 516 Foote Ave.Ostrom, Peter F., (Christine), machine hand, h. 516 Foote Ave.LO Ostrom, Peter G., h. 76 Fairmount Ave.55 Ostrom, William, laborer, bds. 14 South Main.O Ostrom, William J., (Emma), metalworker, h. 231 Bowen.S Ostrum, John, laborer, h. 730 East Seventh.g ^ Ostrum, Minnie, r. 730 East Seventh.Sj3 Otander, Carl Elmer, (Mary S.), lumber handler, h. 430 Allen.3 Otander, C. Elmer, woodworker, r. 430 Allen._jM Otander, C. Ernest, teamster, r. 430 Allen.§• Otander, John A., (Carrie), teamster, h. 219 Chandler.0£-g Otterbein, Martha, r. 864 Spring.*-) O Ottoson, Gust C, (Ellen)—Jamestown Employment Bureau—h. 614 E. 2nd.ffi Cm* E 3| Llie ¥ «C insurance Im on ••« w/«/» w. Connecticut J. Bentley, General 1 Gen. Lite Agt., In8. 514 Co., Chadakoin Hartford, Conn. Big

Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. THE A. D. SHARPE CO.HCD 33nnJAMESTWON DIRECTORY.327t- ta-HILL P I A N O C O ENTIRE 6TH FLOOR \•o > 33llli_i_ X ±.rlilV7 \mr-\J. CHAnAKOIN mm.niNr. m

a Clark Hardware Co., Roofing and Building PapersM .—5 328 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.aZ- Chantanana Rrpw Just what youwant daily " a bevera«e withN V/liaUtttUlJUtt UlCI/V meals, summer and winter Both phones 268»co ® Palmgren, Peter A., (Emma), woodworker, h. 115 Stowe.4> , Palmiter, Palmquist, Samuel, Elsa, weaver, (Fannie), r. 27 machinist, Wescott. h. 331 East Second.3 Palmquist, Albert Freda, J., r. 27 (Christine), Wescott. carpenter, h. 27 Wescott..g _ Palmquist, John G., (Gertrude), toolmaker, h. over 165 Falconer.CQ ' Palmquist, Melker K., confectionery, 48 Willard, r. 27 Wescott.w Palmquist, Nels A., (Ethel B.), machinist, h. 444 Chandler.-m • Pandeli, Satir, (Thomais), shoemaker, 27 North Main, h. 231 South Main.J§ Pang, Arthur, (Mabel J.), postman, h. 29 Twelfth.mm, • Pang, Oscar R., (Gertrude), sec. Jamestown Cabinet Co., h. 234 Falconer.G Papa, Ben, (Difrancesca), machine hand, h. 93 Hazzard.* Papa, Christ, shoe shine, 1 Taylor, rms. over 5 do.g? ' Papa, Francesca, laborer, r. 37 Harrison.a Papa, Joe, sander, bds. 106 Foote Ave.it oi Papa, Vangel, machine hand, r. 127 Steele.§ a? Pappaylo, Heliam, filler,bds. over 45 Harrison.CQ SS Paquin, Charles, clerk, r. 54 Allen.mx Paquin, Elizabeth, widow Joseph, h. 54 Allen.jJ'S Paquin, Herman, (Edna G.), groceries, 83 Allen, r. over 217 Spring.g a Paquin, Martin J., (Catherine), watchmaker, h. over 14 Barrows..2 >. Paquin, May, clerk, r. 54 Allen."•^ « Paquin, Teresa, nurse, r. 54 Allen.# J5 Pardee, Eudora K., widow Myron W., vocal teacher, h. 358 East Fourth.&v Park, Ada P., student, r. 40 Virginia Boulevard.W ca +* u Parker, Park, Douglas Edna, Mrs., R., (Cornelia), spooler, rms. lumber 8 Hayward inspector, Block. h. 40 Virginia Boulevard.•-\% £jc2 Parker, Park, Jennie, George widow W., (Hilma Oscar, D.), h. 9 painter, Cleveland h. 67 Place. Fifteenth.+* u'2 Park, Parker, L. Harry J., laborer, E., (Carrie), r. 9 Cleveland clerk, h. Place. 2 Isabella Ave.P tj g Park, Parker, Myers Harry J., G., painter, metalworker, r. 9 Cleveland r. 29 Mechanic. Place.~2*t i) o. Park, Parker, Raymond, Jane, widow (Frances), Charles, lumberman, h. 21 Fenton h. Place. 85 Barker.u° § PARKER, Park, Zoa JASON, E., r. 40 (Florence Virginia Boulevard.W.) physician, 5 New Gifford Bldg., and sec.„ >. Park, Hospital see Parks. commission, h. 35 Maple.C-o . Parker, Parker, Arthur Jennie, R., domestic, bds. 415408 West Lincoln. Third.'S-a OParker, Jesse Charles P., D., (Anna (Sylvia), W.), retired, teamster, h. h. 950614 Washington.English.~^ a a Parker, Loucious Earl J., student, B., (Carrie r. 29 R.), Mechanic. commercial traveler, h. 8 West Eighth.Parker, Merritt .1., (Amanda ,C), h. 922 North Main.jj* Parker, R. Emerson, (Daisy M.j, chiropractor, flat A, 27 Forest Ave., h. do.-~ Parkinson, Alice, h. 7 Water.CO Parkinson, Charles, (Lillian), woolsorter, h. 290 South Main.fm Parkinson, Edith, r. 7 Water.Cd Parkinson, Florence M., stenographer, r. 7 Water.mJ_~\ Parkinson, Lilly, r. 7 Water.K* Parks, Allene, student, r. 26 Taylor.—m Parks, Charles E., clerk, h. 516 East Second.S Parks, C. M., widow Clifton, h. 26 Taylor.^ Parks, Ella, r. 516 East Second.\W ,_* "^5 © 4> Fnlmnn'r LCKUlan Parks, Marjorie, see Mabel, Mnef/i Park. S Mrs., Ctnra rlUMC student, r. HEADQUARTERS over r. Oiore 217 over Spring. 217 FOR Spring. HIGH pianos GRADE and player pianos

Women's Coats and Suits THE A. D. SHARPE CO. >JAMESTWON DIRECTORY. 329 SCHII Is PIAlNIfl CH ORGANS AND OLD PIANOS C/aniULli IHllU V\/. TAKEN IN EXCHANGE "—3u>Parnham, Ralph E., (Bessie), commercial traveler, h. over 22 Fairmount Av. »—jParosolito, Antonio, laborer, bds. 44 Harrison.m-mParosolito, Carmello, (Sebastiana), h. over 298 East Second./mm,Parosolito, Francesco, h. 44 Harrison.m-mParosolito, Giuseppa, laborer, bds. 44 Harrison.mmParosolito, Giuseppa, laborer, bds. 45 Franklin. ~7Parosolito, Josephine, spooler, r. 44 Harrison.q_Parosolito, Sebastian, (Sebastiana), laborer, h. over 298 East Second. *V*Parota, Joe, finisher, bds. 12 Waterman.r-f*Parqutte, Albert, roofer, bds. 309 Price.)_»,Parresirik, Sebastian, r. 810 West Eighth.\_iParrott, Rufus A., (Minnie), hats and men's furnishings, 110 North Main, jj—5h. 504 East Second.Parrott, R. A., Mrs., millinery, 318 North Main, h. 504 East Second. m-MParson, Alexander, (Eva V.), order clerk Wilcox, Burchard & Co., h. over 20 ftBush.rmParson, A. T.\ (Bessie), h. 113 Mechanic.JJjParson, Carl, polisher, bds. 167 Chandler.m-*Parson, Carl J., upholsterer, r. 41 Anderson. *SParson, Carl O., metalworker, bds. 167 Chandler.ftParson, Evelyn A., textileworker, r. 41 Anderson.mtParson, Frank L., (Hulda), metalworker, h. 227 McKinley Ave. J*Parson, George, (May), driver, h. 23 Pennsylvania Ave.toParson, Gust, (Johanna), dyer, h. 41 Anderson.CDParson, Hilmer J., upholsterer, r. 41 Anderson. "*Parson, John E., (Crena), overlooker, h. 8 Chapin._Parson, Julia A., r. 41 Anderson. g

cUit HahsC Possesses all the attributes of purity and flavor that areo 6 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brewnecessary for a perfect beerDm00BOTH PHONES 268Patch, Matilda, widow Samuel, rms. 625 Prendergast Ave.>. 2Paterniti, Antonino, finisher, bds. 12 Harrison.ZS| Paterniti, Carmody, (Buttafaro), wool washer, h. over 20 Institute.£oCO> Paterniti, Concetta, spinner, bds. 12 Harrison.•e Paterniti, Frank, laborer, bds. over 79 Water.Bo > Paterniti, Frank, (Mary), barber, under 6 South Main, h. 131 Foote Ave.mm >. "w t-l Paterniti, Joe, (Lena), laborer, h. 48 Harrison.3a •^ Paterniti, John, bds. 36 Harrison.ZCO HClark H a r d w a r e Co. Stoves and Furnaces330 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.Paterniti, Rosa, drawer, h. over 20 Institute., tn Paterniti, Rozario, (Rose), laborer, bds. over 34 Harrison.-Xh Patric, Mary, bookkeeper, r. 216 West Seventh._9 U Patric, Norman L., shipping clerk, h. 216 West Seventh.-w Patt, Mary, aristoworker, r. 650 Buffalo.rt EPatt, Mary, widow Richard, h. 650 Buffalo.Cfl ,fi 9rt «Patt, Thomas J., bricklayer, r. 650 Buffalo.outs 9a* asenCQ« j£ 0Patterson, Elbert H., (Katherine D.), painter J. St. Ry., h. 9 Eighteenth.Patterson, Frank B., (Catherine A.),supt.Maddox Table Co.,h.over 58 Grant.Patterson, Frederick M., (Clara A.), clerk, Hotel Frederick, h. 414 Lincoln.Patterson, Margaret M., r. 3 Lakeview Ave.Patterson, Mildred, rms. 406 Washington.Patterson, William C, (Jane M.), oil producer, h. 3 Lakeview Ave.Patti, Francesca, drawer, r. 36 Harrison.Patti, Salvatora, laborer, bds. 62 Harrison.-Patti, Sam, (Lena), finisher, h. 62 Harrison.Patti, Sebastiano, laborer, bds. 43 Harrison,Paul, Catherine, picker, r. 987 Washington.Paul, Clara M., telephone operator, r. 516 Palmer.Paul, Ella M., stenographer, r. 516 Palmer.•g Paul, George L., student, r. 516 Palmer.'X „ Paul, Holland F., (Rose), hackman, 21» Cherry, h. 516 Palmer.c/a "8 Paul. Lilly, bds. 338 East Third.£ S Paul, Nicholas, (Martha), deliveryman, h. 987 Washington.."S » Paul, Nicholas, baker's helper, r. 987 Washington..% Paulowitsch, George, (Alita), bronzer, h. 230 Hallock.„ s Paulson, Andrew J., (Hilda C), farmer, h. 95 Martin Road.g £ Paulson, Gottfried, (Amelia), toolmaker, h. 199 Baker. .-J jjg J Paulson, Sigfred L., (Anna), metalworker, h. over 36 Regent.P E A R L CITY L A U N D R Y&

THE A. D. SHARPE CO. for Rugs and Carpetsa.JAMESTWON DIRECTORY.331 JT*GO,Hill's Piano School F^ S ^ S S , -fPearson, Arvid, metalworker, bds. 169 Barrett. SIPearson, August, (Dora), metalworker, h. 5 Forest Park. %+-,Pearson, Bertha L., r. 53 Harrison.OPearson, Charles, (Ida), h. 220 McKinley Ave.mmPearson, Emil, Charles metalworker, T., (Bertha M.), rms. clerk, 329 Crescent.h. 84 Victoria Ave.Pearson, Eric, upholsterer, rms. 22 Elk.ePearson, Eric, upholsterer, bds. 206% Chandler.Pearson, John, metalworker, bds. 21 Utica. j?Pearson, John—Ideal Furniture Co.—h. 239 Forest Ave. 5Pearson, Mabel, telephone operator, r. 5 Forest Park.n S1 J5 XPearson, Matilda, widow Robert, h. 112 Mechanic.B oPearson, Myrtle D., Mrs., clerk, h. 12 Hayward Block.0) cPearson, Nels, metalworker, bds. over 15 Hazzard.-d nPearson, Pete, metalworker, bds. over 15 Hazzard.3otuPearson, Robert, h. 82 Allen Square Bldg.Pearson, Thomas, (Anna Mary), loomfixer, h. 53 Harrison.xlH-XPEARSON, WILLIAM, (Esther H.), livery, boarding and transient barn, 409 wWashington, h. over do.ft. n9n>Pearson, see Person, Persons and Pierson.8. PPeart, Richard, (Carrie), treas., Jamestown Table Co., h. 225 Forest Ave. ct-Peck, Frank E., Mrs., r. 227 South Main.e rPeck, Henry, bds. over 226 East Second.CO HPeck, Joseph R., (Ella J.), contractor, h. 110 Hall Ave.n > XPeckham, Almira J., widow William G., h. over 24 Cross.eo V,Peckham, Jane, widow Lauriston, r. 329 Crossman.CO 09PECKHAM, VERNON E., (Helen C), attorney, 28-30 Wellman Bldgs., h. 329 50Crossman.Pecor, Marie, Mrs., h. 163 Barrett.Pecor, Harriet M., teacher, r. 163 Barrett.PEDERSEN, CARL C, (Ida C), architect, over 2-6 East Third, h. 519 EastSixth.HOME PHONE Office 905-Res. 761-B BELL PHONE 129-1 ^C. C. PEDERSEN oArchitect g?Office over First National Bank Corner Main & Third Streets Pedersen, Florence C, r. 519 East Sixth. ^>Pedersen, see Peterson. • OSPeebles, Edward R., (Marie V.), spindle carver, h. 38 Peach.Peepa, Louis, laborer, bds. 121 Cross.»f- ^Peirson, Peerless Nels, Furniture carpenter, Co.—A. rms. C. 125 Norquist, Baker. pres.-treas.; F. O. Norquist, vicepres.—mfrs.gldining room furniture, River.pPeet, uClifton E., H chauffeur, E M L Orms. C Y. K M. LC. UA.M B E R , T ^ T r ~BAND Peirce, SAWED Elbridge •*•*•-—-• G., (Florence), M.m-m-—mm office mgr. Hall & Co., h. Institute 112 Church. St. & Erie Ry. i^Peirson, Charles G., (Ida), laborer, h. 245 Baker.

0Q 332CSClark HardwareCo., Roofing and Building PapersJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY< ^lldU ltl m| **«* ^J* C W your lam ly. Both Phones 268OPenard, W. A., violin teacher, rms. 329 East Second.Penfield, Augusta E., r. 36 Prospect.Penfield, Eunice M., r. 36 Prospect.r.-f Penfield, Henry S., commercial traveler, h. 36 Prospect.rj) Penfield, L. Mason, r. 36 Prospect.m-* Penfield, Scott H., (Elizabeth), pres. Salisbury Wheel & Mfg. Co., h. 312yj West Fifth.E—" Penfield, Theodora C, artist, r. 36 Prospect.mm\ Penfold, Arthur H., (M. Jane), steward New Everett hotel, r. do.jjjjj PENFOLD, JOHN E., prop. New Everett hotel, 11-13 West First, h. do.c*St.w%H HOTEL DE CELORONUiON CHAUTAUQUA LAKEc9omeCOmTcd•*-»9C8mee•00mm.—tmC•mm6-•^Jp—imm C0CO cdJOHN E. PENFOLD, Mgr.FINELY FURNISHED ROOMS EXCELLENT CUISINEA LEADER IN THE $2.00 AND $2.50 PER DAY CLASSIN BUSINESS CENTER NEAREST TO ERIE STATIONPenhollow, Earl B„ r. 209 South Main.Pennell, Emeline I., widow Ezra, r. 20 Martin Road.Pennell, Florence K., student, r. 31 Falconer.Pennell, Leonard S., (Ida M.), stationary engineer, h. 31 Falconer.Pennock, Alice L., telephone operator, r. 69 Thirteenth.Pennock, Arthur J., (Mary), woodcarver, h. 69 Thirteenth.Pennock, Clara, widow Jonathan, h. 209 East Sixth.Pennock, Effie M., dressmaker, r. 209 East Sixth.Pennock, Flora L., dressmaker, r. 209 East Sixth.>< Pennock, Francis E., (Dorothy), h. 209 East Sixth.3 Pennock, Frank A., (May), h. 610 Prendergast Ave.OQ„!*» "•? ^ CO Tho llie nt 01 Mutual 1'lUtUai Noumnlr liewarK, Ren DeilCUl of N 11. it J. I L1IB I ife future RETURNED Premium payment receipts F. TO S. POLICY to TREADWAY, policy to Jan. HOLDERS holders 1<strong>1911</strong>, District .... - and - funds - Agent - $427,783,190.20on $367,143,488.59hand for

The A. D. Sharpe Co. for Rugs and Carpets j£JAMESTAVON DIRECTORY. 333 mmHIT J* PIANO TO ENTIRE 6TH FLOOR 5Ills—s_ X 1^_1^VT V^V/s CHADAKOIN BUILDING g-Pennock, L. P., Mrs., h. 358 East Fourth. OPennock, Marjorie, r. 610 Prendergast Ave. ***PENNOCK, WILLIAM J., physician and surgeon, 309-311 Chadakoin Bldg., r.610 Prendergast Ave.Pennoyer, Charles AV., clerk, r, over 421 East Second.PENNSYLVANIA GAS CO., Eugene M. Schlaudecker, mgr., 110 East Third. >a srPeople's Bottling Co.—Bjork & Eckstrom—57 AVinsor.*•"PEOPLE'S CREDIT CLOTHING CO.—Isaac R. Samuel, mgr—ladies', men's g*and children's clothing, 11 East Third.PERKINS, DARWIN C, (Margaret), physician. 405 Chadakoin Bldg., h. 803 09Lafayette. A HUB

Ii Clark Hardware Co.OXFine Cutlery and Tools«« 334 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.mSu .•of? II <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew "''^'ZT^eltet YOUr tamilyJ3z Peterson, A. Arthur, clothing clerk, r. 1021 Newland Ave.O" Peterson, A. Bartholdi, student, r. 342 East Fifth.«j£§ Peterson, Abel, laborer, bds. 1117 Newland Ave.•54 Peterson, Abel E., (Mary), clerk, h. 618 East Sixth.am Peterson, A. Clyde, (Bertha B.), police, h. 45 Prospect..3 Peterson, Adolph, clerk, bds. 114 Isabella Ave.X. Peterson, Adolph, metalworker, r. over 219 Willard.9 Peterson, Agnes, clerk, r. 16 Valley.J • Peterson, A. John, (Sophie),—A. J. Peterson & Son—r. 835 Spring."g PETERSON, A. J. & SON—A. J. & J. C—clothing and gent's furnishings,« 208 North Main.w Peterson, Albert, (Hilma), finisher, h. 378 Foote Ave.S ' Peterson, Albert, (Blerida), woodworker, h. over 415 West Eighth."•3 Peterson, Albert A., (Florence C), carpenter, h. 843 Prendergast Ave.p Peterson, Albert G., clerk, bds. 507 Chandler.g . PETERSON, ALBERT W., (Ida C), groceries, 4 Brooklyn Square, h. 1609 ^ Forest Ave.So Peterson, Albin, carpenter, bds. 75 Highland Ave.® Peterson, Albin A., (Amelia E.), finisher, h. 12 Peach.°q~> Peterson, Albin E., carpenter, r. over 323 Newland.co Peterson, Alfred, (Amanda), laborer, h. 195 Baker.i2«0 Peterson, Alfred, (Hannah C.)—Peterson & Johnson—h. 534 Winsor.Co Peterson, Alfred, (Hilda), metalworker, h. 324 Forest Ave.2"T! Peterson, Alfred J., (Etta), laborer, h. over 216 Bowen.g Peterson, Alfred R., toolmaker, r. 18 Elk.3 o Peterson, Algert, (Tina), machinist, h. over 920 Newland Ave.

Always Buy your Dry Goods of THE A. D. SHARPE CO. IT>JAMESTWON DIRECTORY. 335 uHUT PTA1MO Cfi LARGEST AND MOST M*«*—*-* 1 lrt.llU V/Vf. CAREFULLY SELECTED STOCK L "Peterson, August, h. 541 Allen.\TlPeterson, August, metalworker, bds. 19 Crescent.HPETERSON, AUGUST, (Clara E.)— Peterson's Wine House—h. 70 FairmoundAve.t^lPeterson, August, lunch counter clerk, bds. 46-48 Steele.^SPeterson, August C, (Hildora), supt. Level Furn. Co.—h. 25 Peterson. _Peterson, August J., (Ida C), cabinetmaker, h. 475 Willard.Peterson, August J., (Anna)—Peterson & Gay—h. 814 Washington.Peterson, August M., (Christine M.), stationary engineer, h. 122 Hall Ave.Peterson, Augusta, widow Otto, h. 122 Cross.Peterson, Axel, (Louise), foreman woodworker, h. 15 Jeffords. .Peterson, Axel, (Hilda), machine hand, h. 68 Vega.Peterson, Axel, metalworker, bds. 46-48 Steele.Peterson, Axel G., machinist, r. over 132 Prospect.Peterson, Axel T., (Hilda A.), finisher, h. 12 Whitiley Place.Peterson, Axel W., (Josephine B.), mechanic, h. 22 Newland Ave.Peterson, Beda, student, r. 134 Hedges Ave.j"*^ >C^^^^p»CPeterson, Benjamin W., (Emma), cabinetmaker, b. over 215 Barrows. ^Peterson, Bernard, (Cecilia N.), finisher,h. under 20 Bush.Peterson, Bertha, clerk, r. 140 Park. 0Peterson, Bertha, seamstress, r. 22 Chapin. C" g,PETERSON BROTHERS & JOHNSON—-C. M. Alfred and John A. Peterson a g.and Manley E. Johnson, props.—Boston Dept. Store, 100-102 E. Second. g>.wPeterson, Carl, (Anna), machine hand, h. over 13 Orchard. r 3Peterson, Carl, woodworker, bds. 239 Forest Ave. 5' 2.Peterson, Carl F., (Signe), machine hand, h. 14 Morse Ave. "g 8Peterson, Carl G., (Anna), woodworker, h. 181 Thayer. 3. "^Peterson, Carl G., roofer, r. over 323 Newland Ave. * g-Peterson, Carl J., (Christina), metalworker, h. 18 Chapin.c aPeterson, Carl J., metalworker, bds. 11 Cedar Ave. v ~ -mPeterson, Carl J., (Louise), laborer, h. 57 Chapin. 2Peterson, Carl O., (Orla M.), clerk, h. 49 Ellicott.g SPeterson, Carl O., (Lottie), teamster, h. 780 East Second.£ aPeterson, Carl W., (Hilda G.), cabinetmaker, h. 144 Euclid Ave. ,«• g-Peterson, Caroline, widow Hans, h. 25 Ninth. • «Peterson, Charles, (Anna), h. 731 East Second.Peterson, Charles, bartender, bds. 12 Peach._Peterson, Charles, metalworker, bds. 358 South Main. G?Peterson, Charles, (Hilma), metalworker, h. over 219 Willard. E5|Peterson, Charles, laborer, bds. 128 Water.*-•Peterson, Charles, (Hildu S.), metalworker, h. 17 Valley.S2Peterson, Charles A., (Nellie L.), machine hand, h. 39 Hazeltine Ave.Peterson, Charles A., (Anna), painter, h. 122 Tower.!•—>Peterson, Charles A„ (Alma), foreman woodworker, h. 16 Vega.COPeterson, Charles A., (Amanda), printer, h. 51 Benedict.EVERY Peterson, Peterson! I HAVE DEALER Charles THE STRICTLY A., E„ E., H., HAS M„ G., M., J., O., . woodworker, carpenter, (Sophia), (Augusta), (Hulda), glass (Sarah (Denelda (Lena)—The (Henrietta), (Emma (Hannah), (Albertina), THE PURE setter, "BEST" M.), L.), rubber, M.), carriage r. retired, woodworker, dyer, restaurant, carpenter, r. metalworker, bds. 35 Pullman fireman, O 16 Peterson. h. 507 h. /Alii Orchard. A finisher, h. 911 Iover Douglas Chandler. Cafe—h. Peterson. M317 188 909 T 111 128 Winsor, 16 Hall Talk Falconer. Washington. 20 Place. Fairview over Bowen. Twelfth. HARRY Ave. it 109 over 7 East Ave. Cross. LYONS with Second, me. •— _-/.,§ i-* TT**

1/5•* ."- H336 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.°lX a" - <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brewo- --- Always Pure and DeliciousX n Peterson, Charles O., (Christina S.), meatcutter, h. 12 Whitley Ave.O o Peterson, Charles O., millhand, rms. 308 West Second.ea cm_22 •1 ?a be.5 -Oo «M >,*. »m. >_ TJc 2M 3£

Gloves, Hosiery and Underwear - The A. D. SHARPE CO. r.mTJAMESTWON DIRECTORY. 337 Q)HILL P I A N O C O NO CONTESTS J—**"•*—' * tfMlV VU. N0 FAKE CERTIFICATES to• — 50Peterson, Emil E., (Aleda J.), tailor, h/ 236 Barrett.PETERSON, EMIL F., (Augusta E.), groceries, 43 South Main, h. 151 Pros- hrlpect.J.1 JPeterson, Emma, widow Alfred, h. over 6 East Newland Ave.Peterson, Emma, (Ernest), boarding house. 55 Steele, h. do.mPeterson, Emma, Mrs., cook, r. 14 South Main.t_jPeterson, Emma C, widow Charles O., h. 319 Bowen.ftPeterson, Eric, (Alma), cabinetmaker, h. 33 Ellicott.piPeterson, Erick, metalworker, bds. 11% Franklin.^_Peterson, Erick M., (Pearl), water rubber, h. over 205 East Second. ftPeterson, Ernest, grainer, bds. 126 Linwood Ave._Peterson, Ernest J., clerk, r. 140 Park.ffPeterson, Estella, dressmaker, r. 210 East Fourth.jgPeterson, Esther, paper boxmaker, r. 516 Allen.toPeterson, F. Langdon, (Carrie R.)—Falconer Veneer Works—h. 811 North **Main. i _Peterson, Florence, textileworker, r. 22 Chapin. t"1Peterson, Florence, dressmaker, r. 218 Crescent.mZLPeterson, Florence, stenographer, r. 6 East Newland Ave.L'JPeterson, Florence, r. 11 Peterson.*^SPeterson, Florence, r. 70 Fairmount Ave.^s*.Peterson, Florence, bds. 113 Park.^mJPeterson, Florence A., laundryworker, r. 149 McKinley Ave.JjfjPeterson, Florence D., boxmaker, r. 18 Elk.j'j'Peterson, F. Oscar, (Mary L.),*drugs, 700 East Second, h. 63 Chapin. ^>Peterson, Frank, (Catherine), h. 139 Stowe. ,-,Peterson, Frank, machine hand, bds. 516 Allen. *"3Peterson, Frank, metalworker, bds. 126 Sampson.^*^Peterson, Frank draftsman, rms. 121 Buffalo.^"LPeterson, Frank, rms. over 837 Washington.yQPeterson, Frank T., E., call (Esther fireman M.), J. sales F. D., mgr. rms. Interior 28 Fenton Metal Place. Furniture Co.,Peterson, h. 3 Maple. Frank F.—Peterson & Frick—r. 617 Washington.3 am.PETERSON, FRANK FREDERICK G., (Emma), R., (Edith), cigars attorney, and tobacco, 604-605 expert Fenton razor, Bldg.,h.l05 shear MoChandler. knife grinder, 28 North Main, and creamery, 174 Chandler, h. 168 E3PETERSON Chandler. & FRICK—F. F. & J. L.—monumental work, 505-507 Chada- „n m~*Jkoin Bldg.N® mmFRANK G. PETERSON . S*k—•Home Phone 759 BARBER'S SUPPLIES*SPETERSON Agent for the Great & FRICK Jap Dandruff °- Remedy. Expert Razor, Safety Razor Blades and mmArtistic Shear Grinder. Monument Always on Work hand a jj choice stock of Imported and Domestic WCigars OFFICES and Tobacco. 505-507 Fresh CHADAKOIN supplies received BLOCK daily.Sj s*J0A4r RESIDENCE Front 168 CHANDLER Doors ST. *&- HARRY LYONS % STORE 28 ARCADE BUILDING

51 Clark Hardware Co. Stoves and Furnaces§,£ 338 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.*§ <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew «»at»^j»-.BHag Peterson, Fritz, (Hilda C), machine hand, h. 516 Allen.£**; Peterson & Gay—August & Burton M.—Troy Hand laundry, 705 No. Main.eqW Peterson, G. Emil, (I. Belle), draftsman, h. 10 East Fifteenth.Sh® Peterson, George A., art glassworker, r. 129 Park.(**- Peterson, George B., (Millie A.)—Falconer Veneer Co.—h. 231 McKinley>. Ave.*j Peterson, George F., (Gertrude P.), steamfitter, h. 30, Eleventh.mG '3 , Peterson, Gilbert, metalworker, r. 138 Park.£ Peterson, Gilbert A., student, r. 534 Winsor.Peterson, Gilbert A., (Adena N.), electrician, h. 612 Front.p Peterson, Glenn, woodworker, r. 205 Hotchkiss.•- S Peterson, Grace L., teacher, r. 90 Hazzard.$ § Peterson, Gunnard, finisher, bds. 11% Franklin.23^ Peterson, Gust, driver, r. 6 East Newland Ave.§ Peterson, Gust, (Minnie), woodworker, h .104 William.•m£ Peterson, Gust, (Alma), finisher, h. 189 Cole Ave.H 2,g Peterson, Gust, metalworker, bds. 11 Cedar Ave.-a Peterson, Gust, laborer, r. 218 Crescent.« Peterson, Gust A., (Anna O.), metalworker, h. 224 Forest Ave._ Peterson, Gust B., crater, r. 16 Orchard.^Peterson, Gust C, (Hildora), supt. Level Furniture Co., h. 25 PetersonPeterson, Gust W., (Hilma E.), crater, h. 25 Kinney.Peterson, Gust W., finisher,bds. 12 Whitley Place.Peterson, Gustaf, (Hilda), metalworker, h. over 219 Allen._ Peterson, Gustava, widow Erick, r. 252 South Main.£ 2 Peterson, Gustava C, widow Andrew, r. 463 Willard."g '> Peterson, Harold R., veneerworker, r. 811 North Main.« o Peterson, Harry, (Selma), lumberworker, h. 231 Prospect.u JJ Peterson, Hazel, clerk, r. 138 Park.§J» Peterson, Hazel E., spinner, r. 87 Ellicott.^"9 Peterson, Hedwig, r. over 93 Barker.• Peterson, Henry M., (Elsie C), laborer, h. 16 Valley.,*H Peterson, Henry T.—French & Peterson—h. 11 Hall Ave.? Peterson, Herbert, (Hilda), laborer, h. over 214 Buffalo.Peterson, H. Harry, driver, r. over 323 Newland Ave.q Peterson, Hilda E., twister, r. 16 Orchard.lj Peterson, I. Alfred, (Hannah C), real estate and cattle dealer, h. 534Winsor.Ui ^m , Peterson, Ida, Johanna cook, M., bds. widow 216 East Charles First. G., h. 17 Tower.U r[jj u J Peterson, Imogene John, R. E., R. r. yardman, 92 Barrett. bds. 123 Fairmount Ave.ting S jj Peterson, J. John, Albert, finisher,bds. (Caroline), 189 laborer, Cole h. Ave. 11 Mt. Vernon Place.mm < w Peterson, J. John, Albert, (Ida), (Emilia), woodworker, upholsterer, h. 205 h. Hotchkiss. 12 Barrows.© ^55 ^ Peterson, James, John, (Mary), (Ricia), h. stationary 1064 East fireman, Second. h. 42 Ninth.W 0£ S . Peterson. Peterson, James John, metalworker, A., driver, bds. bds. 45 102 Prospect. Lister.gm. ftm jj Peterson, John, James (Tillie), C, (Nettie)—A. carpenter, J. h. Peterson 140 Park. & Son—h. 105 East Eighth.S„ ^ m Peterson, J. John, Axel, plumber, (Ingrid), h. carpenter, over 148 Sampson. h. 120 Sampson.~j aPeterson, J. John, Fred, laborer, (Selma rms. M.), under machine 632 hand, East Sixth. 143 Park.^< >S Peterson, __ Johanna, seamstress, rms. 164 Chandler.nj The oldest agency. The best of companies. The largest experience. Es-_; tablished 1867. BRADSHAW'S PIONEER INSURANCE AGENCY.

Always Buy your Dry Goods of THE A. D. SHARPE CO. gS; X *>JAMESTWON DIRECTORY.339 „ ^cfl rHTT.I, P I A N O C(m ENTIRE 6TH FLOOR 6 2A1A—I—I Peterson, John, M. AJ-VlfJVr (Alma B.), foreman \,\J. metalworker, h. CHADAKOIN 42 Chapman. BUILDING g po §Peterson, John, metalworker, bds. 800 East Second. •. "0 P)Peterson, John, h. 644 East Sixth.Peterson, John A.—Riverside Hotel—h. do.Peterson, John A., (Lillian)—Boston Dept. Store—h. 533 East Fifth.Peterson, John A., (Hulda), laborer, h. 156 Stowe.Peterson, John A. (Esther), bartender, h. over 52 Vega.Peterson, John A., (Matilda), shoe shop, 7 Steele, h. 112 Cheney.Peterson, John A., (Hildegard), carpenter, h. 51 Baker.Peterson, John A., (Sarah), upholsterer, h. 22 Chapin.^^—Peterson, John A., (Hilda V.), woodfinisher, h. 49 Hazzard. »mPeterson, John F., (Mary), h. 529 Allen._Peterson, John O., twister, bds. 114 Isabella Ave.ftPeterson, John Alfred, (Hilda), woodworker, h. 246 Bowen.f^Peterson, John F., woodworker, r. 208 Forest Ave.C/jPeterson, John O., (Hilda H.), machine hand, h. 246 Broadhead Ave. r+Peterson, John Josephine, P., (Lena), Mrs., laborer, r. 444 Allen. h. 218 Crescent.OmTPeterson, & J. Johnson—Alfred Martin, (Clara C), and machinist, Charles J—.real h. 77 Ellicott. estate, under 100 East ^Peterson, Second. J. Pauline A., r. 128 Fairview Ave.i_. mPeterson, John Julia, W., stenographer, (Hilda C), r. carpenter, over 837 h. Washington.179 Forest Ave. m* J_Peterson, John Julius W., E., (Matilda), call fireman bartender, J. F. D., h. rms. over 28 107 Fenton East Second. Place.mm fJQ^Peterson, J. Joseph, Victor, (Matilda), (Eva), machine tailor, h. hand, over h. 1128 Bowen. Linden Ave.L JPeterson, Karl, Josephine, (Hannah widow S.), Charles pres. and C, h. gen. 230 mgr. Forest Crescent Ave. Tool Co., h. 40 mq* £jKinney.ftPeterson, Lawrence W., clerk, r. 229 Steele.© r*>.Peterson, Leonard, (Matilda), tailor, h. 134 Hedges Ave.^^Peterson, Leonard, metalworker, h. over 6 East Newland Ave.Peterson, Leonard A., (Lillian), metalworker, r. 319 Bowen.Peterson, Leonard, metalworker, r. 18 Chapin. -tPeterson, Lewis L., machine hand, r. 130 Water. \%Peterson, Lily, student, bds. 75 Highland Ave.^Peterson, Linda, laundryworker, bds. 149 McKinley Ave.mm*Peterson, Lorena N., student, r. 236 Barrett.Peterson, Louisa, widow Samuel, h. 10 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave. (~*)Peterson, Louise, widow Peter, r. rm. 96, Allen Square Bldg.qPeterson, L. Ruth, student, r. 277 Prospect. .Peterson, Ludwig, metalworker, bds. 11 Cedar Ave.Peterson, Mabel, student, r. 15 Jeffords.i_,cPeterson, Mabel, domestic, r. 218 Crescent.Ci3Peterson, Mabel J., spooler, r. 179 Forest Ave.•>£•Peterson, Mabelle C, r. 814 Washington. • ~Peterson, Magnus, (Esther), veneerworker, h. over 227 McKinley Ave. sr-. g«.Peterson, M. Alfred, (Ida C), laborer, h. 87 Ellicott.HARRY LYONSgj.§ 0Ready Roofing & Building Paperg"Peterson, Mamie, textileworker, r. 129 Park.Institute St. & Erie Ry. $3*^$Peterson, Marguerite, student, r. 790 East Second.Peterson, Marguerite Matilda, Marshall Martin, Martha, L., C, (Minnie), Mrs., h. W„ packer, r. G., 22 (Clara h. 156 Eagle. r. 54 emp. Stowe. r. 105 Franklin. E.),—Peterson 17 Chandler. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Tower. Steamboat & Woods—h. Co., 610 h. Jefferson. 1 Front.r^nCOjj

jg Clark Hardware Co., Contractors & Mill Supplieso co © 340 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.enQuenches thirst, acts as a mild tonic, induces|^ <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew sleep Both phones 268COPeterson, Matilda, widow August, r. 411 Allen.SO .Peterson, Matilda, r. under 157 Allen.•+3 C -cPeterson, Maude M., laundryworker, r. 149 McKinley Ave.§_ Peterson, Maude V., spooler, r. 179 Forest Ave.oP* Peterson, May L., bookkeeper, bds. 139 Chandler.C/D£ Peterson, Melvin, paperhanger, bds. over 644 East Sixth.

draperies, shades The A. D. Sharpe Co. ZJAMESTWON DIRECTORY. 341 *j—— , chHIT T P T A N O CC. Columbia grafonolas mTlll_

!£ Clark Hardware Co., Contractors & Mill Supplieswmm\ ' • •Q 342 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.£ <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew IS nAKM%I^S2esEWERY DAYH Phillips, Glenn P., (Birdie), drug clerk, h. 405 West Sixth.Phillips, Harold, textileworker, r. 308 West Second.< Phillips, Harry P., (Ella M.), machinist, h. 250 Hallock._ Phillips, Jane, widow George, r. 108 Newton Ave.^j Phillips, Jessie W., r. 501 Lakeview Ave.fi Phillips, Joseph, lather, rms. 311 Pine.m-* Phillips, J. W—Akin & Phillips—rms. 307 West Second.Phillips, Leanda, widow Myron, r. 63 South Main.-•**} Phillips, Legrand A., (Jennie L.), shipping clerk Tinkham Bros., h. 1 Ter-^_ race Place.^ Phillips, Leonard R., (Nettie M.), fireman J. F. D., h. 413 Winsor.^•4 Phillips, Lephe L., widow Corydan J., r. 1 Terrace Place.tss] Phillips, Lorena, nurse, 101 Liberty.*•_ Phillips, Marvin F., (Florence C), watchman, h. 504 Willard.•CT Phillips, Mary K., widow Cassius, furnished rooms, 308 West Second, r. do.W Phillips, Milton E., (Florence A.), draftsman, h. 146 Stewart Ave.Pnulips, Moss W., student, r. 501 Lakeview Ave.^""j Phillips, Olive, widow Alvin, h. over 54 McKinley Ave.**•* Phillips, Ralph B., (Mildred)—Hub Restaurant—h. 10 Allen Square Bldg.,over 119 North Main.f*! Phillips, Ralph M., (Clara), vice-pres. Phillips Barrel & Machine Co., h. 53»** McKinley Ave.^j Phillips, Raymond L., clerk, r. 308 West Second.U Phillips & Siawson—Fred W. Phillips—gen. repair and machine shop, rear211 East Second. iWJ Phillips, Vearland M., (Petra), janitor Arcade Bldg., h. 10 Axtel.Phillips, Wesley, bartender, rms. 307 West Second.tm— PHILO BURT MFG. CO.—R. Jay Barrows, Jr., sec.-treas.—mfrs. spinal apf**rlpliances, 409 North Main.O Philo, Stewart W., (Clara), rating clerk J. C. & L. E. R. R., h. 81 Fair-^^ mount Ave.p| Philo, William B., office supt. Empire Furn. Co., rms. over 107 East Second.B"^ Phoenix, William E., nightwatch, h. over 27 Walnut.r i Pickard, Arthur, r. over 45 Water.W PICKARD, CLARE A., (Rachael Giles), attorney, over 102 East Third, h. 611Prendergast Ave.r^ Pickard, Clifton G., student, r. 615 Prendergast Ave.JT3 PICKARD, HORACE T., (Delia A.), prop. New Allen Square Hotel, 16-22\J_\ West First, h. do.U Pickard, Jay, (Pearl)—J. Commercial Gallery—h. 12 Crossman.Pickard, Jay, Jr., office clerk, r. 11 Crossman.Qm* Pickard, John J., (Berdena), clerk, h. under 419 West Third.Pickard, Joseph, (Mary), bosspicker, h. over 45 Water.Pickard, Leon, r. 11 Crossman.Pickard, Lewis L., student, r. New Allen Square Hotel.j Pickard, May D., clerk, r. New Allen Square Hotel.I PICKARD, RAY F., (Blanche L.), attorney and justice of the peace, 7 GiffordBldg., over 6 East Third, h. 312 Crossman.jjg | Pickard, •£ Inamiafi/i- Richard D., (Mary)—J. Connecticut Commercial General Gallery—h. Life Ins. 11 Co., Crossman. Hartford, Conn.CO

Cloves, Hosiery and Underwear - THE A. D. SHARPE CO. g• n pqJAMESTWON DIRECTORY.343 r _t JJJHILL PIANO CO. 0NE SYSTEM ONLY 1 -!b r/3Pierce, Edwin F., commercial traveler, rms. over 211 North Main.2 OPierce, Maria, widow Nelson, r. over 226 East Second.* _JPierce, Martin J., (Delia), clerk, h. over 34 North Main.Pierce, Parker E., (Estelle B.), broker, over 114 East Third, h. 511 East graSecond. Thomas J., (Caroline S.), loomfixer, h. 603 East Seventh."02 oPierce, Tibbits C, (Lena), commercial traveler, h. Hanford Ave. o — JPierce,,see Peirce. § 2Pierson, August, screenworker, bds. 26 Chapman. m C.Pierson, Hilda, domestic, 416 West Sixth. j£Pierson, see Pearson, Person and Persons.OPihl, Peter, (Eline), blacksmith, h. 100 Charles.OPihlblad, Carl, (Anna), laborer, h. 944 East Second.Pihlblad, Carl, (Selma L.)—Colander & Pihlblad—h. over 129 Bush.Pihlblad, Ebba, clerk, r. 7 Orchard. §Pihlblad, Frank H., (Christine), metalworker, h. over 6 Orchard.ZPihlblad, Gust, (Florence), finisher, h. over 15 Stowe.gPihlblad, John, (Maude), fireman J. F. D., h. over 718 Newland Ave. a J£Pihlblad, John E., (Edith J.), laborer, h. over 178 Barrett.°" rPihlblad, William, (Anna), machine hand, h. 7 Orchard.y P3Pihlblad, see Piehlblad.S. gPike, Hattie, Mrs., h. over 30 Stowe. 3 r>Pillsbury, Fred, (Lilly), contractor, h. 310 Pine.j- ^Pillsbury, Guy C, (Lona), brickmason, h. 18 Tenth. H 3Pillsbury, Ivan, r. 310 Pine. R" >Pillsbury, Laurel, r. 18 Tenth. ft rPillsbury, Louis A., (Annette), cementworker, h. 116 Hazzard.n OPillsbury, Otis, foreman packer, r. 116 Hazzard.— OPillsbury, Richard, student, r. 18 Tenth.g> gPillsbury, Walter, (Ida), clerk W. F. Express Co., h. 116 Hazzard.;a poPine, P. N., finisher,bds. 116 Harrison. a >Pingrey, Clarence A., (Glenna N.), grocery clerk, h. Ill Camp. £jPintago, Tom, (Santa), laborer, h. 36 Harrison.OPire, O E., carpenter, rms. 309 West Second.^Piscari, Sebastiano, (Sarah), laborer, h. over 79 Water.Pitts, George B., (Lucy S.)—Clark Hardware Co.—h. 14 Lakeview Ave.Pitts, John Edwin, (Agnes A.), insurance, h. 519 Winsor. w ,Pitts, J. Wesley, express messenger, r. 519 Winsor.„ pjPitts, Mattie B., r. 519 Winsor. g> „Pitts, Sarah A., r. 519 Winsor. ft 3Pitts, William B., (Minnie)—Jamesown Electric Co.—h. 20 Thirteenth. o «•Pixley, Catherine, widow Alfred, r. 346 Crossman. »Plasch, Frank, (Nora E.), metalworker, h. 214 Clinton. J? £Polama, Charles, (Mary), metalworker, bds. 31 Scott.3 gFor Polatz, Red John .laborer, Cedar bds. and 504 Cypress Crescent. Shingles SEE LYONS g g; 8Polfin, Constant, (Fern), loomfixer, h. 5 Hopkins Ave.S" rePorter' Pond, Pool, Pollard, Poole, Pollard,Swan, Charles, Gust, Anna Arthur Albert, Lerena, Edith Fred, Smith,Ada,tinner, metalworker,widowwidow J., (Susanna), ,r. (Matilda), E (Eliza), (Clara), r. 451 (Mary), (May over bds.Samuel,William, West hostler metalworker, 513 632 E.), painter, bds. warp dyer, Second. finisher,h. Allen. Eastweaver,over boarders, Erie dresser, h. Sixth. over 212 R. 632h. R., 208 East h.under 3-5 847 7 h. Todd 282 East Hayward Prendergast 451 Second. Sixth. South525Ave. West Second.Allen.Mam. Block, Second. Ave. h. do. •*?;>

& Clark Hardware Co., Contractors & Mill Suppliesu —g 344JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.E ___ _s <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew - - Always pure and diliciousa_n Porter, Elmer E., (Myra), nightwatch, h. 869 East Second.Porter, Elvira L., (Spencer O.), dressmaking, 76 over 109 No. Main, h. do.Porter, Glenn F., laborer, r. 869 East Second.j5 Porter, Hubert E. V., (Grace E.), pres. and principal Jamestown BusinessJg ' College Association, h. 209 West Seventh.-o Porter, James, (Myrtle), teamster, h. 906 Jefferson.5 ' Porter, Lucy M., student, r. 869 East Second.W Porter, Mary E., milliner, r. 869 East Second.* , Porter, May A., widow Charles, h. 508 East Fifth.•— Porter, Oneita A., milliner, r. 508 East Fifth.CO Porter, William J., theater property man, bds. 3-5 Hayward Block.-g ' Ports, Adam, contractor and truant officer Jamestown Public Schools, h:G ill Crossman." • Ports, Stella M., teacher, r. Ill Crossman.p Post, Clyde, upholsterer, r. over 45 Hazzard.mg Q Post, Earl, cabinetmaker, r. over 45 Hazzard.jg {jf Post, Eugene A., (Sarah A.), mechanic, h. over 220 Lincoln.© g Post, Frank, boxmaker, bds. 26 Wilson Ave.PQjj Post, Helen, widow Truman, h. 37 Eighteenth.£-. Post, Jerome W., (Lida), laborer, h. over 45 Hazzard.•at u g POST PUBLISHING CO.—R. C. Sheldon, pres.; A. C. Wade, vice-pres.; Ed-* ^ ward L. Allen, sec. and managing editor; R. K. Beach, treas. and bus.•3 J mgr.—publishers Morning Post, 17-19 Steele.> POSTAL TELEGRAPH & CABLE CO., W. A. Sterner, local mgr., 201 West.u Third.QiJ Potter, Bert M., (Mary), bartender, rms. 853 North Main.g,o Potter, Blaine, surveyor, r. 618 Spring.o x Potter, Caroline E., widow Stephen, h. 6 Institute.0} 5 Potter, Catherine A., widow Rodney, h. under 13 Hazzard.^5 Potter, Everett W., (Eunice H.), driver, h. 86 Victoria Ave.S Potter, George T., (Anna S.), roofer, h. 10 Fairview Ave.* £, Potter, George W. ,(Bertha), real estate and insurance, h. 618 Spring.gf.2 Potter, Howard W., (Margaret I.), commercial traveler and <strong>Chautauqua</strong>•_-^ Remedy Co., h. 540 Lakeview Ave.h a Potter, Mark P., (Anna), painter, h. over 20 West Seventh.^ — Potter, Rodney, finisher, r. under 13 Hazzard.-m_ Potter, Willard, (Lida), plasterer, h. 30 Genesee.g-g Pound, Charles C, (Ella M.), plumber, h. 30 Twelfth.» e Powell, Ethel L., stenographer, r. 116 Lincoln.§2, Powell, Fred T., retired, h. 37 Mechanic.55O Powell, John C, (Emma), wool carder, h. 116 Lincoln.Powell, Robert N„ (Cal), h. 842 Spring.^ Powell, Sarah A., r. 116 Lincoln.r~| Powell, William, electrician, r. 116 Lincoln.^-* Powers, Frances C, r. 51 Falconer., Powers, Joseph, (Anna), blacksmith, h. 824 North Main.5j Powers, Leon J., (Ada), cigars and pool, 8 South Main, h. 225 Crescent.C4_h Powers, Lorenzo Delos, (Mary J.), funeral director, 116 Pine, h. do.J2 Powlo, Carmel, laborer, rms. 435 Allen.X Powlo, Carrie, duffer, rms. 435 Allen.St Prather, Abraham S., (Martha F.), retired, h. 863 Prendergast Ave.b2|J — i-5 +•* mm^ O SR g S3 Largest Victrolas, PRATHER, Pratt, Prather, 354 Charles Carrie, Clayton Arthur stock East Julia, $80, JOHN Victor E., widow Fourth. M., D., S., $76, (Edith), vice-pres. (Elizabeth), (Jessie H., Records Orlin $100, Homer (Margaret I.), commercial W., $160, in Jamestown C, steamboat the painter, h. .12 $200 M.), City Apart. Eleventh. traveler, real Panel LitlUlldll Fplfmjm'o engineer, 26 B., estate, Eleventh. & 27 rms. Veneer Forest over 417 S 857% Co., Prendergast M,,ojr i'lUdlL 101 Ave. North h. East R. F. Third, Main. CfAfP lHUIC D. Ave. 75. h.

The A. D. Sharpe Co. for Rugs and Carpets >JAMESTWON DIRECTORY. 345 jpCHTT.T. PIANft Tft ENTIRE 6TH FLOOR &111UU 1 l.£-_l^\/ VU. CHADAKOIN BUILDING *"9j^,Pratt, Dudley D., (Anna), bds. 216 West Seventh. 1—3Pratt, Eugene, laborer, h. 581 Buffalo.NyjPratt, Floyd M., (Annie), laborer, h. 227 South Main.mm,Pratt, John S., (Dora L.), supt. weaver, h. 866 North Main.m-mPratt, W. A., (Dora R.), rms. 416 North Main. p~Pratt, William H., (Lucy J.), carpenter, r. 810 Forest Ave.ym-e mV-,Prendergast Block, 301-309 North MainPrendergast, (James) <strong>Library</strong>, Lucia T. Henderson, librarian, 102 W. Fifth.Prescott, Robert A., (MaeA BI.),EcommercialP R Etraveler,S E Nh.T824 Prendergast Ave.PRESENT, ABE., JEWELER pawn broker, AND over 38 PAWN North Main, BROKER rms. 217 West Second. 3WATCHES, DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY (£38 Main Street C: "1Preston, Calvin E., (Mary), carpenter, h. 8 Hunt Road. B»Preston, Charles A., (Marguerite), paperhanger, h .116 Price.JJPreston, Homer M., (Stella), oil producer, h. 315 West Fifth.aPreston, Obadiah, stonecutter, bds. 46 Water. «Preston, Ralph, ,. 203 East Fourth.*•'Preston, R. Bertha, h. 203 East Fourth.Preston, T. Martha, widow George, h. over 8 Bowen.Price, Albert S., sec.-treas. Jamestown Lighting & Power Co., h. 310 LakeviewAve. ""1Price, Amy E., widow Wilson A., r. 310 Lakeview Ave. ^qPrice, Edward C, clerk, r. 35 Falconer.I'MPrice, Fannie .office clerk, rms. 217 West Second. s £3Price, Fred A., (Emily A.), carpenter, h. 35 Falconer.MMPrice, Gaylord W., (Florence), electrician, r. 9 Catlin Ave. a"Price, Hattie, widow Adam N., r. 907 Prendergast Ave.*•>Price, Henry C, (Florence A.), h. 225 East Eighth. £Price, James H., (Lillian A.), real estate, h. 628 East Sixth.gPrice, J. Irving, machinist, r. 628 East Sixth.gPrice, Louise 0., r. 300 East Sixth. ) 55Price, Marion J., (Bertha), aristoworker, h. 113 Hallock.HPrice, Ned S., (Ina A.), h. 15 Bassett.Price, Olive L., weaver, r. 628 East Sixth.©Ready Roofing & Building PaperPRICE, ORSELL C, attorney, over 101 West Third, Institute HARRYLYONSr. 225 East St. Eighth. & Erie Ry. m~* «Price, Oscar F., (Elizabeth O.), city treasurer, h. 300 East Sixth.i_*Prido, Priestly, Prince,Price,Price, PRICE, WalterWallaceTony, Annie, Avis Bessie WILSON Tom, C, (Francesca), S., widow M„ (Ann),C,cloth (Bertie) C,shadepaper attorney, John, mender, bosshanger,boxmaker .laborer, finisher,h. drawer, r. 404-405-406 r. 67r.100 Barrett. h'. ,r.628h. Howard. 67 636 409 3EastBriggs. Barrett. Fenton Palmer. EastSixth.Sixth. Bldg.,r.310 Lakeview Ave. Jjq g» -j^ S9 £•» £j

_ Clark H a r d w a r e Co. Stoves and Furnaces8 346 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.v•an ,c| 2 Prince, <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Eber, (Velma), Brew horseman, - h. Always Walnut Grove. Pure and Delicious5 Prince, George F., (Iva M.), metalworker, h. 67 Barrett.£j Prince, James, (Annie), h .130 Institute..2 Prince, Joe, (Josephine), laborer, h. 784 East Second.to Prince, Lafayette, (Carlie), farmer, h. 100 Howard.£ Prince, Sarah, spooler, r. 130 Institute.•§ Prince, Tony, sacking boss, r. 130 Institute.? Prine, Jay W., (Eva S.), woodcarver, h. 17 Eighteenth.mX Pringle, Effie, Mrs., r. 116 Price.« Privatera, Giuseppa, (Antonio), laborer, h. under 429 Allen.ij Privatera, Joe, r. under 429 Allen._ Privatera, Mary, duffer, r. under 429 Allen.Probst, Amandus M., (Anna)—Van Every & Probst—h. over 19 W. Second.S Probst, Ernest C, draughtsman, rms. over 107 East Second.£ § Proctor, Arthur, (Hazel), conductor J. St. Ry., h. over 630 East Second.lg ^ Proctor, Ben, (Elizabeth), dyer, h. 12 Elk.•a Proctor, Clark, woolsorter, r. 12 Elk.§ g£ Proctor, J. Darrell, (Ora), carpenter, h. 128 Park.w 3 Proctor, Lillie, weaver, r. 12 Elk.g °" Proctor, Pauline, weaver, r. 12 Elk..y c Prosser, Arthur W., woodworker, r. 155 Weeks.% c Prosser, Donald W., clerk, rms. 713 Washington.Cu j Prosser, David W., (Laura L.), commercial traveler, h. 9 Strong.w" i. Prosser, Louis W., (Alice), wood carver, h. 155 Weeks..2 •{§ Prosser, Maude E., textileworker, r. 155 Weeks.> i* Prosser, Sarah E., Mrs., h. 102 Barrows.m & Prosser, Willis P., (Sarah C), carpenter, h. 100 Lakin Ave.•C g PROUDFIT CLOTHING CO. (INC.)—W. H. Proudfit, pres.; J. A. Osmer,2 g, vice-pres.; F. H. Broadhead, sec; W. P. Osmer, treas.—206 N. Main."[w Proudfit, William H., (Ellen H.), pres. Proudfit Clothing Co.—h. 213 Easi.•§ _ Fourth.j5j>2 Prout, Alfred P., contractor and supervisor, bds. 215 East Third.- e Provancha, Alex., (May), machinist, h .175 Livingston Ave.

THE A. D. SHARPE CO. for Carpets and Rugs OJAMESTWON DIRECTORY.347 toPIANOS, ORGANS AND CfOm*HILL P I A N O CO.PLAYER PIANOS ^_2Putnam, George H., (Ravina I.), chauffeur, r. 113 Liberty.JT*Putnam, Georgia, domestic, 116 East Fourth, r. 107 Hazzard.XPutnam, Horace A., (Laura P.), hackman, h. 113 Liberty.n3Putnam, Leo D., clerk, r. 48 Broadhead Ave.C/>Putnam, Leon C., (Bessie), solicitor International Correspondence School, f-\'rms. 415 West Third.lm%Putnam, Louis Andrew, (Hilma V.), postoffice clerk, h. 17 Tew.Putnam, Mortimer, (Julia), carpenter, r. 219 South Main. f )Putnam, S. S., bds. Ill East Second._Putnam, W. Crandall, telegraph operator, r. 115 West Eighth. 7"Putnam, William D., reporter The Journal, rms. 75 Fairmount Ave.Pyagga, Dominic, (May), laborer, r. over 292 Harrison.Pyagga, Mike, laborer, r. over 292 Harrison.w iiPyagga, Tony, (Carla), laborer, h. over 292 Harrison. s 2Pyle, W. A., r. 63 Taylor. g* "Q-= Do aa i-iQueding, Jacob, collector, rms. 13 Wilson Ave.•Quigley, Nora, widow Andrew, r. 225 Foote Ave.s g_ < PQuinlan, James M., (Myra), police sergeant, h. 630 Spring. --.oQuirk, Kate, clerk, r. 40 Van Buren. ° §3Quirk, William, (Mary), metalworker, h. 40 Van Buren.Quist, Carl F. ,(Selma), woolsorter, h. 307 Price.^Quist, Charles, (Augusta), stonemason, h. 39 Oak.pjQuist, David, (Petrea), furniture clerk, r. 39 Oak. g>Quist, Edward, machine hand, bds. 259 Forest Ave.3 gQuist, Frank, metalworker, bds. 752 East Second._ pj rQuist, Oscar, (Tillie), h. 234 Sprague.5 E. H -4Quist, Oscar .shipping clerk, bds. 257 Forest Ave. Quist, Otto, rubber, bds. 547 East Second.W HmW C aZ,Radley, James, (Florence E.), commercial traveler, h. 41 Cross.^^k S»Raeon, Charles, (Mary), shoe repairing, 781 East Second, h. 1029 do. ^^Raffa, Tom, (Rosalia), sander, h. 43 Harrison.h_,Ragugino, George, (Assunto), laborer, h. 412 Allen. J3%Rahm, Carl, laborer, r. 42 Eagle.f*jRahm, F. Emil ,upholsterer, r. 42 Eagle. f£Rahm, Gerda, textileworker, r. 42 Eagle.Rahm, John A., (Mary), stationary engineer, h. 42 Eagle.|__Rahm, William, woodworker, r. 42 Eagle.00 ^m.Rainey, Bridget, widow Walter, h. 28 Institute.wRainey, Julia, cook, r. 28 Institute.Rainey, Margaret, r. 28 Institute.Rainey, William, upholsterer, r. 28 Institute.4^Rainey, Wilson, laborer, h. 705 Camp.°itr Raisig, Eleanor Front Dow, student, Doors r. 72 stock Allen. H A R R Y LYONS

uoClark Hardware Co., Roofing and Building Papers55 348 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.a <strong>Chautauqua</strong> B r e wIt's good for you and it's good foryour family. Both Phones 268^ Raistrick, Albert L., (Lillian K.), bookkeeper, h. 90% Barrett.• Raistrick, Anna M., trained nurse, 207 Foote Ave.&f Raistrick, Arthur, office detailer, r. 90 Barrett.CJ Raistrick, Emily, widow John, h. 90 Barrett.mj^ Raistrick, James W., (Bertha), warp twister, h. 131 Stowe.Raistrick, John, (Edith E.), warp twister, h. 5 Peach.•-, Raistrick, William, (Alice), woolsorter, h. 83 Hazzard.| Raker, Wilbur K., (Lulu M.), mgr. cloak dept. A. D. Sharpe Co., h. 837 La-* s fayette.§-»• Rakitska, Ralph, see J., Rolph. dyer, h. over 3 Race.pswz 4> Ralph, Ramlow, Karl, Carl, (Elizabeth cigarmaker, E.), h. machinist, 508 Foote h. Ave. 31 Fluvanna Ave.*P Ramsburg, M. J., rms. 6 Broadhead Ave.©D Ramsay, John R., (Isabelle M.), master mechanic, h. 29 Mechanic.•g Ramsey, Charles C, (Maggie J.), bill distributor, h. 1015 North Main.O Rang, Axel, finisher,bds. 23 Center.& Randall, Bee, domestic, 344 East Fourth.Randall, Charles, (Katharine), clerk, h. over 833 Washington.t Randall, Dorothy, student, r. 295 South Main.^ e Randall, Earl E., vulcanizer, r. 295 South Main.•S^j Randall, E. Clifford, (Edith F.), varnislier, h. 10 Arnold.oo 4> 8 Randall, Frank M., custodian Prendergast <strong>Library</strong>, h. 60 Water.Mtou •mm Randall, Helece R., stenographer The Journal, rms. 331 East Second.-t Randall, Jane S., widow Edward, h. 15 Kidder.UJ Randall, Mary A., r. 60 Water.yRandall, William E., (Nellie M.), stationary engineer, h. 295 South Main.Randan, Helgre, bds. over 331 Allen.Rankin, Sallie L., stenographer, bds. 12 Chestnut."J3 Ransom, Marion, h. over 800 North Main.

Women's Coats and Suits - The A. D. Sharpe Co. g>ftJAMESTWON DIRECTORY. 349Hill's Piano School 0MS£aSe!!5S0D oRawnsley, Ada, weaver, r. 624 Foote Ave.ChRawnsley, James, (Clara), fillingboss, h. 624 Foote Ave. < JJJ-Rawson, Clark H., (Minnie), dentist, 6-7 Barrett Bldg., h. 701 East Second. mRawson, Fred H., (Klahr L.), real estate, h. 411 Pine.fmRaymond, Guy, (Verndotte), paperhanger, h. 17 West Fourth.JxRaymond, Seth S., (Ada H.), woodworker, h. Lakeview Ave. Ext.m3Raynor, Charles F., (Alice), carpenter, h. 234 Fairmount Ave.^^Reading, Richard, commercial traveler, bds. Everett Hotel.^HReagle, George E., (Lillian C), wallpaper and paints, 561 East Second, h. m61 East Cowden Place. {2.Reagan, Daniel T., (Mary J.), metalworker, h. 22 Catlin Ave._Reagan, John, upholsterer, r. 9 Seymour Ave. J*Reagan, Margaret, widow John, h. 9 Seymour Ave. ^"Reardon, Anna, widow John, h. Fairmount Ave., bey. limits. q%Reardon, Dennis, (Ellen), laborer, h. 313 Steele.jJJReardon, Edmond, laborer, r. 313 Steele. ~Reardon, Kathleen, rms. 315 Spring.^^Reardon, Mary, duffer, r. 313 Steele.Rearick, Bessie M., stenographer, r. 17 Sherman.^^Rearick, Grace E., r. 17 Sherman.^^Rearick, Henry J., (Adella E.), carpenter, h. 17 Sherman.mRed Book (The)—Frank B. Field, mgr.—513 Chadakoin Bldg.JrRedmond, Eva, Mrs., h. 1031 North Main.yjjRedrick, Max, baker, bds. over 208 East Second.WOReech, Patrick, (Angeline), finisher,h. over 30 Institute. —.Reed, Andrew, (Emma), dyer, h. over 545 Allen.HReed, Arthur H., (Cora), clerk, h. 19 Eleventh.ftReed, Axel, (Mary), packer, h. 108 Lister.•Reed, Bessie B., music teacher, r. 609 East Seventh. q*Reed, Caroline, widow Frederick, r. 108 Lister.•**Reed, Charles D., (Mabel B.), pastor Calvary Baptist Church, h.16 Hall Ave. ©^Reed, Charles F., (Christina), cement sidewalk builder, h. 16 Wilton Ave. ftReed, Eleanor M., r. 315 West Third._Reed, Elizabeth, widow Richard, r. 26 Eleventh. J*Reed, Esther T„ spinner, r. 16 Wilton Ave. *Reed, Frank R., (DeEtte F.), finisher,h. 310 Lincoln. MReed, Hilga, r. 127 Linwood Ave.jj*Reed, Joe, barber, 33 Harrison, bds. 105 Foote Ave.QReed, John B., (Christine), veneerworker, h. 127 Linwood Ave.ftReed, Lemuel C, (Celestia), funeral director, under 311 Pine, h. 609 East tmmSeventh.__*Reed, Tillie M., domestic, r. 16 Wilton Ave.J3Reed, see Reid. . JO,Reeder, Charles H., machinist, r. 343 Falconer.Reeder, Harry E., (Clara), postman, h. 55 Ninth.OQReeder, Herman, (Ellen), finisher,b. under 571 Allen. »*•Reeder, John T., upholsterer, r. 343 Falconer.MReeder, Thomas E., captain of police, h. 343 Falconer.WReese, Alma E., matron Agnes Assn. Home., 6 Broadhead Ave.ftReeves, Warren L., retired, bds. 10 Steele.m*.Regas, Harry K— Sugar Bowl—r. 814 North Main. ^~°^nd Rehn, Rehn, Rehnberg, Rehnborg,John,Oscar, see Front Rein. August Albert, Alvan Ethel seeh.(Mary), Renberg.overH., Doors R., J., (Sophia),36student, screen (Mary carpenter,Pearl stock doormaker, I.), aristoworker, r.Ave.10 metalworker, h. Terrace 22 HARRY Pearl bds. h. Place Ave. 136 230 h. LYONS 10 Sampson. Hazzard. Terrace t\ Place. (JO, _* mm£•*mQ HQ u

"e*3 fliaiiraiimia RraiA7 Just what you want daily as a bevera1! Clark Hardware Co., Roofing and Building Papersg« ;£ a 350 ) JAMESTWON DIRECTORY.og«S «MUldUtj Ud PI C W meals, summer and winter Both phones 268~im Reid, Alexander H., (Alice I.), textileworker, h. under 14 Maple.©•4 Reid, Allan G., printer, r. 79 Hazzard.•etn Reid, Ivo—Reid & Malmquist—rms. 14 East Third..5 Reid, John, landscape gardener, bds. 114 Kidder.REID & MALMQUIST—Ivo LADIES' and AND C. Henry—restaurant, GENTLEMEN'S 14 East Third.•gw'5 •mO9ma§ REID & MALMQUIST, Props.ft E ,+5pRestaurant arid Oyster House14 EAST THIRD STREETReid, Robert, Jr., r. 79 Hazzard.Reid, Robert, (Mildred), shipping clerk, h. 79 Hazzard.3 in Reid, see Reed.ZT, © Reilly, Mae H., r. 533 West Third.•""jJU— oRein, Arthur, metalworker, rms. Y. M. C. A.«gTJ Rem, Melvin L., rms. WY. HM. Y C. A. F»AV MORE-ii CO SUITS Reiter, E. (Sophia), - OVERCOATS junk dealer, h. over 946 East - Second. RAINCOATS»w" Reiter, Morris, (Freda), metal dealer, h. 248 South Main.I| $9.99 J V ffefc, $1«923 RELIANCE CLOTHING SYNDICATE—Oscar C. Johnson, mgr.—men's'~ clothing, 312 North Main.^« Remington, Charles D., student, r. 504 East Fifth.ft Remington, Cora I., widow Renaldo, weaver, h. 504 East Fifth._| Remington, Merle A., farmer, r. 504 East Fifth.CO Remington, Mildred B., student, r.'504 East Fifth.£_l Remington, Oramon, machinist, bds. over 11 Cross.S Remington, Roberta F., textileworker, r. 504 East Fifth.Remington, William A., electrician, r. 504 East Fifth.ft Renagdo, Axel F., (Elsie S.), carpenter, h. 5 East Newland Ave.-^ Renberg, Adolph, (Emma), carpenter, h. 223 Steele.>-w Renberg, Walter, bookkeeper, r. 223 Steele.^^I Renberg, see Rehnberg..m-* Renner, James E., (Maude A.), metalworker, h. 6 Elk.f~*^ Restevo, Sam, (Julia), stonemason, h. 26 Water.^•^ Rew, Charles, lunch counter clerk, rms. Y. M. C. A.CRew, Nellie, Mrs., weaver, rms. 55 Allen Square.Rex, Alex., Mrs., r. 38 Hall Ave.^ Rexford, E. Lee, (Maude), mechanic, h. 11 Charles.r** Rexford, Sherwood E., r. 11 Charles.O Rexford, Warner S., (Mary), attorney, 408 Fenton Bldg., h. Bemus Point,-mt N. Y.ft I-J ft GO S T •/• L lnSUrdllCe A. Clinton Axel, Harrison, (Catherine I., Connecticut (Bertha (Ethel), - E.), M.), w. mgr. woodworker, General laundryman, J. Barrett Bentley, Life Realty Gen. h. h. Ins. 303 234% Agt., Co., Crescent. Co,, Sprague. h. 51405 Hartford, Chadakoin East Fourth. Bldg. Conn. .

Women's Coats and Suits THE A. D. SHARPE CO. E*»JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.351 PT*. ftHII .1. PI A NO CC\ ORGANS AND OLD PIANOSA11—1—I _ A^-_liyy V/Vf. TAKEN IN EXCHANGE ^Reynolds, Conrad, (Jane), sander, rms. 141 Chandler. Jj£Reynolds, Edward W7, (Agnes), woodworker, h. 411 West Fourth.^jReynolds, Harvey F., (Ellen C), retired, h. 209 Forest Ave.^HReynolds, Lewis, (Mabel), clerk, h. 610 Cherry.Reynolds, Margaret, r. 308 West Fifth.rReynolds, William, r. 308 West Fifth.Reynolds, William R., (Helen B.), business mgr. Broadhead Worsted Mills, ftsec. J. St. Ry. Co., h. 308 West Fifth.ftRheinhart, Jacob, student, r. 311 West Fourth.HRheinhart, see Rhinenart.J3Rhenard, Hazel M., treas. Samuels Opera House, r. 211 West Sixth. ^^Rheubottom, Jennie, Mrs., clerk, r. over 836 Washington.MRhinehart, William W., (Cynthia), laborer, h. under 325 Foote Ave. ^iRhinehart, see Rheinhart.^"iRhoades, James, (Alice), carpenter, h. 93 Fairmount Ave.Rhodes, Ada, Mrs., dressmaker, h. 410% Washington.ORhodes, Bessie, Mrs., domestic, rms. 22 Allen Square. t" 5.Rhodes, Byron J., (Edith)—The Sunshine Bakery—234 East Second, h. a X-Beechwood-on-<strong>Chautauqua</strong>.g' wRhodes, Charles H., (Hattie H.), insurance and monumental works, 9 Cook -. 5Ave., h. do.3i' -•Rhodes, Fred L., (Minnie E.), contractor and builder, h. 1047 Washington.

_ Clark Hardware Co., Roofing and Bnilding Papersug 352JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.{L,- Pknii+niisvui Rvo,i, WITHOUT A PEER IN THE WORLDS V-/ildUldUqUd DieW 0F BEER. Both Phones 268os® Richardson, Charles A., (Lucy), machinist, h. 220 Fairmount Ave.en Richardson, William, (Jennie E.), h. 607 Washington.Richey, Mildred, nurse, 207 Foote Ave.«> • Richter, Bernard J., (Delia V.), deputy supt. Metropolitan Life Ins. Co., h.3 ,25 Kingsbury Ave.5 , Richter, Elizabeth J., student, r. 25 Kingsbury Ave.GO ' Richter, Frank A., (Phoebe,), foreman metalworker, h. 404 West Eighth.aa Richter, Marie E., student, r. 25 Kingsbury Ave.Richter, Theresa M., student, r. 25 Kingsbury Ave.Rick, Antoinette, teacher, r. 287 Hallock.Rick, Bertha E., teacher, r. 287 Hallock."9G Rick, John, (Elizabeth), retired, h. 287 Hallock.* Rick, Julius D. F., (Mildred M.), sec.-treas. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Refrigerator Co., h.^ '14 Royal Ave.Ricker, Levant E., (Ina), real estate, h. 13 McKinley Ave.S & Rickerson, James E., (Luella M.), conductor J. St. Ry., h. 307 West Eighth.o af Ridder, Carl J., (Lotten), metalworker, h. 50 Wescott.CQ tt Ridder, Carl S., carpenter, r. 50 Wescott.mx Ridder, Edwin H., painter, r. 50 Wescott.j£""d Ridder, Joseph TJ., (Gerda), mechanic, h. over 50 Wescott.a a Ridell, Amy W., r. 310 East Fourth..5 >. Ridell, Edwin Archie, (Ethel R.), correspondent, Art Metal Constr. Co., h.J g 820 Spring. s__ Ridell, Frank R., (Susan W.), sales mgr. Art Metal Constr. Co., h. 310 East61» Fourth.fg^, Ridell, see Rydell.g, Rifenberick, Anna, weaver, h. over 35 Myrtle.p£ Rightmyer, H. Bertram, (Bertha), bricklayer, h. over 188 Falconer.'3-o Riker, John C, laborer, r. 18 West Eighth.£j § Riker, Ophelia A., widow Charles, h. 18 West Eighth.U *> Riley, Alfred, (Sarah Ann), warp dresser, h. 42 Foote Ave.—«•§> Riley, Caroline, widow Louis L., r. 625 Prendergast Ave.2 '2 Riley, Charles, painter, bds. 800 East Second.2 g Riley, Edward M., (Lucy), electrician, h. 625 Prendergast Ave.o a. Riley, Henry—Woodhead, Olsen & Riley Cot-'® Riley, Louise, bookkeeper, r. 42 Foote Ave.Riley, Walter, patternmaker, r. 42 Foote Ave.. Rimph, Jerome, (Anna), retired, h. 216 Broadhead Ave.r. 42 Foote Ave.O Rinaldo, Charles J.. (Selma A.), carpenter, h. 16 Fairfield Ave.rj> Rinella, A., (Mamie), fruits, 45 South Main, h. do.C/5 Ring, August, (Otilia), screenworker. h. over 19 Pearl Ave.mm Ringquist. Carl A., (Anna), metal polisher, h. over 796 East Second.„y § Rinkle, Frlfimiii^ Clarence, Miniir (Elizabeth), StnrP chief clerk headquartfrs United Cigar Stores, for high h. over grade 207_r 5J3 LCKUldll East Second. a rlUML a lore pianos and player pianosgm Riolo, Joseph, laborer, bds. over 298 East Second.CO Riolo, Sigroniso, wool washer, bds. over 68 Foote Ave.fr"* mm S © _, j> Risch. Risco, Risley, George, Charles, Benjamin George. Floyd Horton, Forest Carl I., B., finisher, (Sabest), (Josephine), (Effie (Hope), F., tailor, (Ada), (Mary), R.. finisher, bds. laborer, r. clerk, foreman 801 florist, wheel 24 Cherry.Dexter.h. veneerworker, 886 492 801 bolter, h. over Washington.Cherry. Crescent. h. 263 over Fairmount h. 820 676 East Buffalo. Ave. Second.

draperies, shades. The A. D. Sharpe Co. QJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 353 03: rm,Uff T PIAIMH Cf\ COMPLETE TUNING AND _-•niliU 1 1H11 \J \,\J. REPAIR DEPARTMENT )_CORisley, William H., (Minnie F.), conductor J. St. Ry., h. 510 West Fifth. ^.Rivers, Charles, florist, bds. 123 Fairmount Ave.C"JRivers, Clarence, florist,bds. 123 Fairmount Ave. 3 •Riverside Hotel—John A. and Rainey C. Peterson, props.—117-123 FairmountAve.Rizorio, Adgido, (Rosario), finisher,h. 37 Harrison.ftRizzo, Angelo, textileworker, r. over 121 Cross.Rizzo, Sebastiano, textileworker, h. over 121 Cross.Rizzo, Santo, laborer, h. over 121 Cross.Rizzo, Tony, (Carmile), laborer, h. over 121 Cross.Roach, Ella, telephone operator, r. 17 East Second.Roach, Emily, clerk, r. 17 East Sixth.WCO oRoach, Oscar, plumber, r. 1000 North Main.to oRoach, see Roche. "Roark, James, (Mary), boarding house, 10 Steele, h. do.Robbins, A. Jerome, (Ida H.), physician, over 304 North Main, h. do.>Robbins, Arvilla, stenographer, r. 129 Steele.hrtRobbins, Clarence, veneerworker, bds. 15 Flagg Ave.oRobbins, Frank, (Mary), veneerworker, h. 921 East Second.Robbins, Frank, Jr., veneerworker, r. 921 East Second.Cm^^seaRobbins, Gem, (Rose), woodworker, h. over 9 Pullman.Robbins, Maria, widow Findlay W., domestic, r. 833 Washington.Robbins, Mason, (Lucy), nightwatch, h. 21 Langford.Robbins, Samuel B.—Star garage—h. 2. Squire's Court.Roberts, Archie W., student, r. 116 Prospect.^"^on^JRoberts, Charles L., (Edna E.), barber, h. over 859 Spring. "—fRoberts, Daniel, (Martha J.), carpet layer, h. 885 Washington.^^Roberts, Dorothy M., r. 47 Fairmount Ave.Roberts, Frances A., widow DeWolton, r. 11 Van Buren.Roberts, Gertrude, musician, r. 85 Washington. "Roberts, Imogene O., student, r. 116 Prospect.BBJBRoberts, John E., (Ella A.), electrician, h. 116 Prospect.2ERoberts, Louis L., (Dora C), carpet layer, h. over 5 Fourteenth.pjE"Roberts, Lynn A., (Florence), carpenter, h. 114 Sampson._Roberts, Melissa B., widow Albert H., r. 11 Bishop. — f-ROBERTS, ROY. G., dentist, 500-502 Chadakoin Bldg., rms. 12 East Fourth. KjgRoberts, Theodore M„ (Mary), bookkeeper, h. 47 Fairmount Ave.Roberts, William F., metalworker, r. 11 Van Buren.^^Roberts, William H., foreman finisher, r. 885 Washington.^^Robertson, Amos T., (Julia A.), conductor J. St. Ry., h. 149 Jones and Glf- ^?ford Ave.^JFor Robertson, Windows DeForest, baker, and r. 223 Doors South Main. see HARRY LYONS % ~Robertson, Edith A., r. 205 Lafayette. ^|Robertson, Henry P., (Lucy C), pres. H. P. Robertson Co., h. 35 LakeviewRobertson, Robinowitz, Robertson. Robinson! Robinson, Robinson. Ave. pres.; beds, 30-38 Alice, George Jean Hettie. Mary, Frank, H. John, Peter Oliver Jacob, P., Steele. E., W., H. weaver, r. C, Co.—H. (Hannah), bds. D., widow (Violet), dressmaker, 822 (Sarah), Ipson, (Jennie), (Lena), (Catherine), 252 North h. Harvey P. sec.—mfrs. Hopkins metalworker, 822 canvasser, Robertson, carpenter, Main. barber, North r. W., 8 polisher, West Ave. under parlor Main. dressmaker, h. pres. h. 39 223 Seventh.over 14 Twelfth.829% and South 853 East 18 treas.; library Spring.Lafayette.Waterman. Main. Third, 8 West Charles tables h. Seventh. 615 and Ipson, Pine. folding vice^JJJ»tCh •'S IT"* ^m CO to ~D h—i __ V/J m-^ u M

*_ Clark Hardware Co., Contractors & Mill Supplies

Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. THE A. D. SHARPE CO. ggJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 355 - £Hill's Piano School " l_ffSJ_S. 51Rogerson, Victor C, (Hannah M.)—Warren Construction Co.—h. 15 Lincoln.Rohde, Allis I., office clerk, r. 418 East Fifth.§Rohde, Carrie J., widow Emil O., h. 418 East Fifth.Rohde, Clare E., teacher, r. 418 East Fifth.Rohde, Martinette H., librarian, r. 418 East Fifth.Rohlin, Charles E., (Hilda L.), machine hand, h. 248 Hazzard.Rohlin, Oscar G., (Emily), tailor, rm. 1 over 15 North Main, h. 12 MyrtleAve.Rohn, John, (Gustava), woodworker, h. 274 Fairmount Ave.Rohn, Pauline, r. 274 ±.-airmount Ave.

u eONS_9M 356_© fi <strong>Chautauqua</strong>Clark Hardware Co., Roofing and Building PapersJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.QUENCHES THIRST.ACTS AS A MILDBrew TONIC. INDUCES SLEEP. Both Phoneseo0"eL, R°sen> Nathan, veneerworker, r. 37214 Buffalo.06 x R°sen> Nick, veneerworker, r. 10 Hayward.•g Rosen, Thomas, fruit peddler, r. 372y2 Buffalo.•3 03 „ Rosen, Tom, junk peddler, r. 10 Hayward.m >, Rosenberg, Joseph A., (Grace L.), insurance agent, h. 170 Barrett.MS Rosenberg, William, (Hilda), tinner, h. 21 Jeffords.^•2 Rosenberg, see Roseberg.tS» Rosenblad, Albin J., (Ellen), metalworker, h. 21 Jeffords..£ » Rosencrantz, Elof, (Wilhelmina)—E. Rosencrantz & Co.—h. 21 Allen.9 J ROSENCRANTZ, E. & CO.—Elof Rosencrantz and Carl A. Lundquist—2 g general hardware, 2 South Main.«! ;8* ELOF ROSENCRANTZ & CO.5 B WHOLESALE AND RETAILW » HARDWARE, STOVES, RANGES, TINWARE, PIPE, VALVES AND FITTINGSCw Rosencrantz, Paul B., (Maude), pres. Banner Furniture Co., rms. 57-59 Nem£^Factory and Plumbing Supplies, Gas Fixtures, Paint, Etc.G 3 Home Phone 181 2 SOUTH MAIN ST. Bell Phone 18-J• PN m->G >• .S Gifford Bldg.„?.E Rosendahl, Edwin, driver, r. 203 CrescentSS^ Rosendahl, John O., (Hilma), painter, h. 203 Crescent.qu Rosendahl, Roland, clerk, r. 203 Crescent.H"3 Rosengren, Annie C, milliner, r. 119 Willard.^S Rosengren, Carl A. E., r. 119 Willard.Sw Rosengren, Emma J., widow August E., h. 119 Willard.E-i > Rosengren, George A. W., r. 119 Willard.25 3 Rosengren, Rachel A., laundryworker, r. 119 Willard.O-g Rosenquist, Anna, r. 221 Weeks.u*a Rosenquist, Arthur, metalworker, r. 221 Weeks.J "a Rosenquist, Elof, metalworker, r. 221 Weeks._ a Rosenquist, F. August, (Mary H.), vice-pres and supt. F. M. Curtis Co., h.R g over 246 Crescent.jgW Rosenquist, Hjalmar, metalworker, r. 221 Weeks."g Rosenquist, Oscar, metalworker, r. 221 Weeks.it a Rosenquist, Signa, domestic, 400 West Fifth.[jj-g Rosenquist, Theodore, (Nellie), h. 221 Weeks.33 5 Rosier, Margaret, widow Robert A., h. 203 West Eighth.Ki.> Rosier, Marie A„ student, r. 203 West Eighth.Ross, Anna M., widow Emery A., h. 415 Lincoln._j Ross, Bruce, packer, bds. 10 Peterson.r^ Ross, Charles, (Frances), laborer, r. 25 Water.^^ Ross, Clara C., teacher, r. 415 Lincoln.mm* Ross, Claus, lather, r. 35 Hopkins Ave.^2 Ross, Elizabeth, widow George, r. 29 College.mm* Ross, Emmett H.—Weeks & Ross—r. 237 Fairmount Ave.2 Ross, E. Winfield,. (Feme L.), wholesale hardwood lumber, 305 Chandler, h./S* 520 Winsor.^^ Ross, Florence, dressmaker, r. 35 Hopkins Ave.q2J Ross, Harriet, domestic, r. 35 Hopkins Ave.fm pp> u bZj gJJ* QJ ^ X TUo Ross, lie M.ifiml Ave. 01 .mt nillUai Warner, Jane Warren, NoutokV fieWarK, Rannfit N., DeneiU widow (Hilda), (Margaret)—Warren N 11. J. I Llie William, lfo metalworker, Premium future RETURNED h. payment 237 receipts F. TO Ross h. Fairmount to 5. 35 POLICY policv TREADWAY, Hopkins Lumber to HOLDERS holders Ave. Jan. Ave. Co.—h. 1,<strong>1911</strong> District - and - funds - 610 Agent - $487,783,190.20- on Lakeview - hand $367,14 for

Women's Coats and Suits. The A. D. SHARPE CO. *VJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.357 m%]HILL P I A N O CO.toLOWEST PRICESEASIEST TERMSRoss, (Warren) Lumber Co.—Warren Ross and H. R. Black—lumber, Monroeand Isabella.»Rosseau, Sarah, widow Joseph, r. 8 Schuyler. C*Rossing, Brewer A., (Anna S.), cabinetmaker, h. 89 Tower.m-*ROTH, LEE A., dentist, 500-502 Chadakoin Bldg., rms. 12 West Sixth. ChRounds, Claude, laborer, bds. 394 Falconer. "*Rounds, Frank M., (N. Ethel), lumber inspector, h. 394 Falconer.Rouse, Dora E., widow Manning, matron Erie R. R. station, h. over 10 East _JSecond.Jj^Rowe, Ahart S., (Susie F.), polisher, h. 412 East Fifth.toRowe's Bath Parlor—E. L. Rowe, prop.—baths and massage, under 201 ^Cherry.ftRowe, Elbert L., (Ada)—Rowe's Bath Parlors—h. over 61 Fairmount Ave. mmRowe, Huldah, widow Herbert, seamstress, h. over 120 East Third.Rowe, Robert N., clerk, bds. 101 East Second.Rowland, Hannah, widow George W., r. Lakeview Ave. Ext.Rowley, Bessie A., trained nurse, 207 Foote Ave.fORowley, Cecil G., laundryman, over 110 East Third, h. do.ChRowley, C. Lynn, (Elizabeth Moss), teller National <strong>Chautauqua</strong> CountyBank, h. 868 Spring.Rowley, Jay, lunch counter clerk, rm.s over 118 East Second._wRowley, Katie, widow Denman, h. over 705 North Main. ,—.Rowley, Mary E., student, r. 110 East Third.ftRowley, Merritt B., (Emma A.), prop. Brooklyn Meat and Fish Market, h. 36 ^_Mechanic. £^Rowley, Roswell, (Bertha M.), retired, h. 108 Fairview Ave.pTRowley, Thomas F., (Agnes P.), hats and men's furnishings, 16 East Third, NJh. 413 Prendergast Ave. ftRoyal Theater, Joseph C. Brown, prop., 26 North Main.f2mRuckman, Frank O., (Alma), bartender, h. 719 East Second. *WRuckman, John M., (Hattie S.). metalworker, h. 6 Morse Ave.Rudd, George H., dyer, bds. 8 Fairview Ave.^—mRuden, Charles O., sheet metalworker, r. 29 McKinley Ave. ~3Ruden, Louis E., (Elizabeth C), foreman Koehl Printing Co., h. 29 McKinley ftAve.Mai.Rudolph, Benjamin, woodworker, r. 211 West Fifth.ftRudolph, George, woodworker, r. 211 West Fifth.JJlRudolph, Helen, clerk, r. 211 West Fifth. —Rudolph, John, (Flora), laborer, h. 1 Metallic Ave.Rudwall, Ruggles, Sophia, William, Mrs., (Ellen), h. 149 machinist, Allen. h. 128 Colfax.ftCORufini, Ruggles, Antonio, Synthia, (Sisina), r. 149 Allen. shoemaker, h. 25 Steele.uRugg, Rugh, C. George, Arthur, carpenter, (Bertha), rms. commercial 105 West traveler, Second. h. over 6 Partridge. S3Rugg, Rulifson, Catherine, J. W., architect, widow Clayton, 208 Squier's h. 34 Court, Thayer. h. Fairmount Ave., bey. limits, ^_ mmRugg, Rulifson Clayton, & Wilson—J. office clerk, W. and r. 34 Floyd Thayer. B— architects, Squier's Court.*^JRugg, Rummer, Corydon Earl R., A., chauffeur, (Jennie M.), r. 37 mfr. Hamilton medicines, 744 East Second, h. do. ORugg, Rummer Fidelia, Frank widow H., (Bertha), Corydon, automobile r. 412 West livery, Fifth. 37 Hamilton, h. do.Jjj ^SRugg, Rumple, Harold Harmon C, (Victoria F., (Ella A.), D.), bartender, h. over 714 bds. North 744 East Main. Second. ft ^-Rugg, Rundell, James, Ernest stockclerk, J., (Ethel r. M.), 34 Thayer. foreman N. Y. Telephone Co., h. 837 Prender- mftRugg, gast Marjorie, Ave. student, r. 34 Thayer.ft -g.COLONIAL PORCH COLUMNS harry lyons 5jThat will not crack or open up-aUo Porch Balu.ter. and Rail Inttitute St. & Erie Ry. *"i

g Clark H a r d w a r e Co. Stoves and FnrnacesQ 358 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.S3 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew, Low in alcohol, rich in extract^•4 Rundell, Fred, lineman, bds. over 2% North Main._d Rundell, Robert, bartender, bds. 220 Newland Ave.^E Rundquist, Matilda, widow Andrew, h. 428 Winsor.1 Rundquist, Ruby' R., teacher, r. 428 Winsor.{•^ Rush, Charles T., (Carlie B.), toolmaker, h. 16 East Fifteenth.Un Rush, Lewis, filler,r. 127 Steele.Rushworth, Abraham, (Josephine), warpdresser, h. 109 Maple.O Rushworth, Anne B., bookkeeper Wm. Koehl Co., r. 18 Franklin._ Rushworth, Benjamin, (Alice), warp dresser, h. over 145 Prospect.l^_ Rushworth, Elizabeth, widow Isaac, h. 18 Franklin.Xm Rushworth, Frank E.—Rushworth & Son—r. 18 Franklin.H Rushworth, Harry, (Bessie), carver, r. 529 West Third.Rushworth, Lydia A., r. 9 King.mt*_ Rushworth, O. Nelson, (Isabelle D.), pres. Farmers & Mechanics Bank, h. 127^1 Lakeview Ave.b_] Rushworth, Raymond L., watchmaker, r. 18 Franklin.X RUSH WORTH & SON—-Frank Rushworth, mgr.—general machine repairing,113 Foote Ave.Sj RUSHWORTH & SONl_} MACHINE SHOPC/jAll kinds of light and heavy machinery built, rebuilt and repaired, Rear 113 FOOTE AVE. Also gas engine repairing BELL PHONE 601-wz,f] Ruslink, Cornelius, (Nellie), finisher, h. over 74 Water.^^ Ruslink, Edward, upholsterer, bds. over 74 Water.H Russell Block, 113-113y2 West Third.Russell, Charles H., (Eva C), hostler, h. 786 East Second.^J Russell, Estelle, widow Walter B., r. 21 Bassett.W Russell, Eugene E., (Edith B.), carver, h. 42 Peach.Russell, Frances, waitress, r, under 30 Institute.tU Russell, Henry T., finisher, r. 115 Barrett.f^ Russell, James A., (Margaret S.), agt. Metropolitan Life Ins. Co., h. Lake-•••J wood, N. Y.[_] Russell, John C, (Mary), hide dealer, h. 544 Crescent.^ Russell, Louis H., (Sarah D.), clerk, h. 115 Barrett.m*m\ Russell, Thomas, (Inez L.), florist,810 Forest Ave., h. do., Russell, Wallace G., office clerk, h. 21 Bassett.Russo, Francesca, spinner, bds. 12 Harrison.Russo, Joe, (Rose), r. 103 Water.Russo, Joe, (Mary), laborer, h. 6 Waterman.S Russo, Joseph, gardener, 527 Lakeview Ave.SOB Russo, Ikjail,m-AJAA.aAAAi.CA., Tony, (Grace), H1UUII finisher,h. ^ul^UllUU, *i. over A. u 131 ^ A Foote A Ave.yj .9 Ryan, Rustler, Josephine, G. S., Mrs., clerk, r. 39 r. 1042 South North Main. Main.33\\ jr •3* rnRyan, ~.Kate, F. Berton, widow (Jennie), John, h. driver over 21S J. F. Falconer. D., h. 218 Falconer.q X >,Ryberg,Ryberg, Ryan, Frank Olof,Sigfried, M., (Ella), surveyor, padmaker,laborer, r. r.h. over over234218 Buffalo.20 Falconer. Willard.-• .y, S Ryan, Ryblom, James, Nels, (Elizabeth), (Anna), woodworker, cloth finisher,h. h. 82 Hedges 10 Crane. Ave.55 o Rydeen, Ryan, Johanna, A. J., furnitureworker, widow Jeremiah, h. h. over 1042 13 North Hazzard. Main.S^ Rydeen, Ellen, drawer, r. over 13 Hazzard.mm _ _ _ _ ^_ ¥ *f Jw%onwtn—-tm Connecticut General Life Ins. Co., Hartford, Conn.^ Llie insurance w. J. Bentley, Gen. Agt., 514 Chadakoin Big

Always buy your Dry Goods of The A. D. Sharpe Co. g. »wJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 359 r —Hill's Piano SchoolFINEST PRIVATE STUDIOS oIN AMERICA nRydeen, Hilma, drawer, r. over 13 Hazzard.Rydeen, Sigrid, drawer, r. over 13 Hazard.Rydell, John A., (Jennie), blacksmith, h. 46 Wescott.fHRydell, see Ridell. g p*Ryden, Arvid, (Caroline), painter, h. 150 Park.g fr]Sabastyano, Reale, woodworker, r. over 121 Cross.oSabastyano, Weado, Mrs., h. over 121 Cross.Sack, Frank L., (Delia M.), musician, h. 217 Fulton.gSackelorides, Louis, tailor, rms. 17 New Warner Block._ _Sackrider, John Raymond, (Margaret S.), eye, ear, nose and throat spec- 5 Wialist, 5-7 Barrett Bldg., h. 27 Allen.fj gSackris, C. Leon, (Florence), painter and decorator, h. over 27 Stowe. « PSadler, LeRue, draftsman, bds. Ill Broadhead Ave.E. _Saeli, George, porter, r. 122 Harrison.j tSaeli, Giuseppa, (Louisa), grocer and notary public, 122 Harrison, h. do. B. HSaeli, Sam, winder, r. 122 Harrison.5 ASafford, Fred, driver, rms. 2 Warner Block. E 2Safford, Glen L., (Goldie), barber, under 215 North Main, h. 208 West % 2Eighth.J? rSafford, Nelson J., (Grace)—Jamestown Razor Co.—h. 9 Hammond. fi' nSafford, see Stafford. f- §Sage, Blanche E., boxmaker, r. 22 West Seventh.g hitSage, Charles E., (Anna O.), veneerworker, h. 22 West Seventh.5 _Sage, Earl E., r. 22 West Seventh.~ Sage, Ethel F., r. 22 West Seventh.Sage, Ralph G., (MabelC. F.C), veneercutter,S A G E Rh.D103ACookH LAve.ifSAGERDAHL, C. FRED, (Sophia), carriage and automobile painting, 234%East Second, h. 810 Cherry.s 8Practical Carriage and Automobile Painting »j234 1-2 EAST SECOND STREET § |*mm -TSagerdahl, Edna, clerk, r. over 810 Cherry.iSagerdahl, Fred, (Sophie), painter, h. over 810 Cherry.Sagerdahl, Harold, (Lulu), metal finisher, h. 91 Barker. 9Sagerdahl, see Segerdahl. *"Sagerstrom, Alex., rubber, bds. 757 East Second. 2Sagerstrom, Gust, (Bada), bookkeeper, h. 648 East Sixth.g gSagorny, John, (Gotilba), rubber, h. 31 Hopkins Ave. >iSagurney, William F., (Flora), machinist, h. over 112 Cross.S3^Sahlstrom, Leonard L., (Anna), machine hand, h. 20 Pearl Ave. * -gSahlstrom, Mamie, billing clerk, r. 20 Pearl Ave.CA gSalander, Alexander H., (Grace), vice-pres and sec. Ideal-Peerless Laundry, Jg gh. ill Allen. nWSalander, Arvid, (Minnie), metalworker, h. 29 Kinney.m aSalander, Augusta, nurse, r. 112% Hazzard.H CMODERN HARDWOOD FLOORS — ^sk LvOIlS 1Arc not >o expensive «• you may think J A

Clark Hardware Co.Fine Cutlery and Tools_ g 360JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.OS£* <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew is making friends every daymm mm .s estq « Salander, Miriam, r. Ill Allen.CO § Salander, see Selander.Sales, Harry A., (May), paperhanger, h. 2 Rowley Place.Sales, Willis E., (Myrtle M.), shipping clerk, h. 12 Dexter.Salia, Sebastiano, laborer, bds. 36 Harrison.2 Salin, David, woodworker, r. 39% Cross.3 ' Salisbury, A. Laura, r. 28 Regent.£ Salisbury, Clark W., (Almira)—Salisbury & Son—h. 901 North Main.*2 . Salisbury, Claude C—Salisbury & Co.—r. 901 North Main.JjS •Salsbury,Salisbury,Ed.,Johnpainter,H., (Margaretbds. 203E.),Westmetalworker,Second.h. 28 Regent.u Salisbury, Mary C, Mrs., nurse, r. 28 Regent.J5 MS x . Salisbury, & Elma, Son—C. r. 901 W. North and C. Main. C.—gas engines and repairing, 14-16 Twelfth.~g "2 -• SALISBURY Salisbury, George, WHEEL Mrs., & r. MFG. over CO., 304 (Inc.)—S. North Main. H. Penfield, pres.; E. D. Cook,g g vice pres. and supt.; Erwin D. Shearman, treas. and gen'l mgr.; Ansax drew Davis, sec.—automobile wheels and axles, 6 Tiffany Ave.x » Sallman, Carl J., laborer, bds. 56 Tower._- t> -x Salupa, Carmia, dyer, r. 10% Whitley Place.Salva, Guiseppe, (Santa), laborer, h. 124 Harrison.Salva, Tony, laborer, bds. 43 Harrison.v 2Salvation Army Citadel, 123 East Third.U 9Sample, Chester H., screenworker, r. o32 Lakeview Ave._ Sample, Clayton L., (Anna), draughtsman, h. 9 Geneva.g < Sample, Frank, insurance agent, bds. 310 Jefferson.o Sample, Samuel J., (Miriam J. H.), retired, h. 532 Lakeview Ave.w Sampsell, Benjamin F., (Angeline), asst. supt. Prudential Life Ins. Co., h.~{ x 213 West Fifth.a -g Sampsell, Chauncey, student, r. 213 West Fifth.[J t» Sampson, Albert, laborer, r. 114 Barrows.•x % Sampson, Albion W., (Clara A.), cabinetmaker, h. 865 North Main.3 * Sampson, Alida A., paper boxmaker, r. 148 Foote Ave.w tt Sampson, Alma M., paper boxmaker, r. 148 Foote Ave."g '3 Sampson, Andrew G., (Benda C), laborer, h. 261 Falconer.g g Sampson, Andrew M., wood turner, r. 865 North Main.i) o. Sampson, Bertha, telephone operator, r. 57 Water.O O Sampson, David, (Mary A.), retired, h. 127 Chandler.• Sampson, David, metalworker, r. over 16 Hedges Ave.O Sampson, Edward, textileworker, r. over 16 Hedges Ave.M Sampson, Elof, (Anna), woodworker, h. over 16 Hedges Ave.^^ Sampson, Eric G., (Ellen C), metalworker, h. 119 Broadhead Ave.^ Sampson, Esther, clerk, r. 15 Hedges Ave.ft Sampson, Esther, r. over 16 Hedges Ave.%^m, Sampson, Frank L., (Mabel), machinist, h. over 58 Thayer.tf) Sampson, George L., metalworker, r. 57 Water.ft Sampson, George O., (Lizzie M.), aristoworker, h. 21 College.mt Sampson, Henry F., (Clara), cabinetmaker, h. 113 Bush.t^ Sampson, Hilda, textileworker, r. over 16 Hedges Ave.p. Sampson, Hilda, Mrs., h. 830 Newland Ave.~"^ Sampson, H. Lloyd, metalworker, r. 114 Barrows.-., Sampson, John, fish peddler, r. 158 Barrows.C Sampson, John, metalworker, r. over 16 Hedges Ave._; Sampson, John, (Emma), h. 114 Barrows.5T Sampson, John T., (Matilda C), stationary engineer, h. 117 Bush.I—5 "tjj rtl m S *G Ll/IYI FrifMAN'Q Sampson, lilll Lillian, Margaret, Laura Lottie, i> E., widow clerk, ing PIANOS, paper telephone MACHINES r. Fred, 15 boxmaker, PLAYER Hedges h. operator, 15 AND Hedges Ave. r. PIANOS, 815 RECORDS r. Ave. 57 Washington.Water. VICTROLAS, NewWellman VICTOR Building TALK-

Always Buy your Dry Goods of THE A. D. SHARPE CO. >JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 361 p3HTI T PI A MO CC. LARGEST AND MOST CrfOFlll-ll_ l^l>i.llVy \r-\J. CAREFULLY SELEClED STOCK _"3^Sampson, Martha, clerk, r. 15 Hedges Ave.mmSampson, Martin A., (Florence Jj, trimmer, h. 158 Barrows.tmlmSampson, Mary, widow John, h. over 148 Foote Ave.mm.Sampson, Nettie Elizabeth, h. 203 McKinley Ave.j ^Sampson, Swan, (Freda), polisher, h. 6 Linwood Ave.mmSampson, Theodore R., bookkeeper, r. 117 Bush. C?Sampson, William, laborer, r. 830 Newland Ave.^^Samson, Louis, machine hand, r. Falconer ext.e^Samson, Mildred, r. Falconer ext. - —Samson, Percy R., (Libbie), machine hand, h. Orphanage."SI?Samson, Walter, veneerworker, r. Falconer ext.)*_jSamson, William, (Catherine), laborer, h. Falconer ext.CO«—5Samson, William, mechanic, r. Falconer ext. "*Samuel, Isaac R., mgr. People's Credit Clothing Co., rms. over 211 NorthMain.Samuels, Charles, (Clara), real estate, Russell Block, h. 512 West Third.Samuels, Lillian, r. 512 West Third.^Samuels (The)—George F. Hurlbert, prop.—13-23 West Third. ~Samuels Opera House—Charles Samuels, prop.; Reiss Circuit Co., lesee; J.J. *JWatters, mgr.—22 East Second.ftSamuelson, Alfred, (Louise)—Samuelson & Carlson—h. 252 South Main. wSamuelson, Alice L., bookkeeper, r. 252 South Main.SjSamuelson, Axel, veneerworker, bds. 8 Fairfield Ave.toSamuelson & Carlson—Alfred and Charles E. Samuelson and Fred J. toCarlson—meats, 261 South Main. "*Samuelson, C. Axel, CEdith), driver, h. over 142 Park. „Samuelson, Charles E., (Selma)—Samuelson & Carlson—h. 257 South Main. miSamuelson, Claus, (Anna), woodworker, h. 22 Richmond Place.SBSamuelson, Edward W., (Emily), shipping clerk, h. under 76t East Second. P*Samuelson, Ellen, widow Carl, r. 16 Valley.^Samuelson, Frank E., (Josephine), finisher, h. 548 Allen.ffi2Samuelson, Fred A., (Nellie O.), machinist, h. 19 Valley.o ^Samuelson, Gust, carpenter, h. 103 Wescott. g ©Samuelson, Gust, spindle carver, r. Ia7 Broadhead Ave. 3 .Samuelson, Helge G., (Anna E.), hand carver, h. Willard, R. F. D. 82. jf©Samuelson, Henry, metalworker, r. 6 Hanley. § 2Samuelson, John, (Matilda), laborer, h. 128 Water. » P"Samuelson, John, (Bertha), h. 15 Palmer.«.nSamuelson, John, (Augusta), finisher,h. 434 Falconer. V^Samuelson, John, emp. Chaut. Steamboat Co., bds. 1 Front.nSamuelson, John A., wood carver, rms. 21 Allen Square.nSamuelson, John O., (Augusta), laborer, h. 16 Union Ave.OSamuelson, Martin A., (Selma C), blacksmith, h. 27 Chapman.WSamuelson, Martin G., student, r. 252 South Main. 2Samuelson, Mary, widow Andrew, h. 6 Hanley. **Samuelson, Samuel, rubber, bds. 1 Front.Samuelson, Samuel, metalworker, bds. 47 Hazzard.^^Samuelson, Samuel A., (Clara), cabinetmaker, h. 137 Broadhead Ave.Samuelson, Samuel P., retired, r. 401 Forest Ave.Atm.Samuelson, Signa, domestic, 265 Falconer.h JSamuelson, Sybil A„ r. 252 South Main.ft£EVERY Sanburg' Sanburg, Sanborn,' Samuelson, 1 HAVE DEALER Elsie Gust Harry Helen John, Sadie THE Thurston Arthur, C, mgr. R., STRICTLY E., HAS (Anna student, housekeeper, metalworker, twister, of S., THE works, B.), clerk, ^ r. PURE r. "BEST" 26 concreteworker, Art 26 21 r. Thirteenth.r. Metal 137 Victoria 26 O * Broadhead Thirteenth.Constr. A 4 IAve.' Mh. Co., T * 26 Ave. Talk Thirteenth.rms. HARRY it over over 37 LYONS Hamilton, with me. ft to __ M»* © ^ QQ

a Clark Hardware Co. Stoves and Furnacesg 362JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.£ /11_ ,_. _«_._ „ .—.„ «. Du_—.. Possesses all the attributes of purity and flavor that a£ tnautauqua Drew nec%ffi%i&%t$geTSanburg, Joseph A., (Alma E.), woodworker, h. 124 Prospect.2 S Sanburg, William R., r. 26 Thirteenth.m*| Sanburg, see Sandberg and Sandburg.g Sanctuary, John Thomas, (Susanna), wool sorter, h. 85 Falconer.e~ Sanctuary, Rudolph, designer, r. 85 Falconer.o Sanctuary, Vernon, designer, r. 85 Falconer.E f_ Sandberg, Aaron, (Ada), metalworker, h. 121 Palmer.1 i Sandberg, Alma, clerk, r. 23 Stowe.9 j Sandberg, August, vice pres. Alliance Furniture Co., r. 23 Stowe.3 Sandberg, August A., bookkeeper, r. 23 Stowe.Sandberg, Augusta, Mrs., weaver, r. over 10 Crane.» Sandberg, Charles P., (Selma E.), contractor and builder, h. 119 English.eg g Sandberg, Corrinne, milliner, r. 23 Stowe.-a 3 Sandberg, Emily, widow Alfred, h. 23 Stowe.t*"' Sandberg, Emma, r. 44 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.~5 k Sandberg, Esther, r. 121 Palmer.es | Sandberg, Gust, (Anna W.), meats, 152 Baker, h. 20 Colfax.ee £ Sandberg, Hjalmer, student, r. 23 Stowe.« < Sandberg, Hulda A., stenographer, r. 23 Stowe.S Sandberg, I. F., cabinetmaker, rms. Y. M. C. A.£ 3 Sandberg, J. Hjalmer, (Freda), machine hand, h. 325 Price.a» x Sandberg, John, (Ida), toolmaker, h. over 771 Buffalo.°" Sandberg, Louis, (Nellie), contracting stonemason, h. 27 Palmer.eo e Sandberg, Mabel, stenographer, r. 23 Stowe..2 c Sandberg, Oscar F., mechanic, r. 47 Charles.^ J Sandberg, Otto T., (Amanda), metalworker, h. 141 Park.^ | Sandberg, Paul, student, r. 20 Colfax.•-« Sandberg, Peter, groceries, 226 Crescent, h. do._ Sandberg, Robert E., (Lydia), detailer, h. over 40 Thayer.•_ Sandberg, Swan, (Ida C), vice pres. Swedish-American Land Co., h. 116te. 1 William.- t Sandberg, Vera, widow Albert, h. 44 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.+3 »j Sandberg, William, (Anna), metalworker, h. 27 Livingston Ave.SjJ Sandberg, see Sandburg and Sanburg.^ « Sandbloom, Gust, metalworker, bds. 253 Forest Ave.*S m\ Sandburg, Bengt, (Hilma), teamster, h. SO <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.egjj Sandburg, Charles, (Hilda), metalworker, h. 110 Palmer.i=j 3 Sandburg, Charles A., (Ella M.)—Anderson & Sandberg—h. 13 Orchard Ave.— Sandburg, Hilma, textileworker, r. 218 Thayer."2 -**^* Sandquist, Sandburg, see Bertha, Sandberg picker, and r. 140 Sanburg. Euclid Ave.es-J Sandquist, Sanders, Dorothea, Charles, widow (Hilma), John, machine r. 601 hand, West h. Seventh. 112 Cross.-m t Sanders, James P., (Clara I.), tailor, h. 567 East Second.,2* u Sanderson, Axel E., (Anna), metalworker, h. 220% Sprague."W J Sanderson, Lenas, metalworker, bds. 547 East Second._3 j Sandgren, Anna, widow John, r. 719 East Second.Sandgren, Charles, (Anna M.), bench foreman, h, 140 Barrett.XUSandgren, Hilmer, casemaker, bds. 140 Barrett.Sandgren, Victor, casemaker, bds. 140 Barrett.Sando, Tony, (Rosie), laborer, h. 143 Baker.-J- C° 5 Uu 2 85 Sandstrom, We Sandquist, represent Oscar, Sigfried, Hedvig, Carl, Emil, Oscar, forty teamster, metalworker, (Lily), companies cabinetmaker, stenographer, cabinetmaker, BRADSHAW'S bds. with bds. 828% h. bds. $170,000,000 199 850 Cherry. 20§y2 206% h. Barrett. PIONEER Lafayette. 474 Chandler.Willard. assets. INSURANCE AGENCY.

Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. THE A. D. SHARPE CO.(X,JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.363 J_\HTI T P T A N O - C H entire 6th floor 1-3 GO1111__ 1 1.T11.1IW KsVJ. CHADAKOIN BUILDING "109Sandstrom, Henrietta, student, r. over 219 McKinley Ave.SSSandstrom, Herman, laborer, bds. 952 East Second.S5oSandstrom, John, (Gustava), woodworker, h. 376 Stowe. (*>Sandstrom, O. William, finisher, r. 215 Hazzard. m\Sandwall, Carl, r. 231 Steele. ^—Sandwall, Claude, finisher,bds. 231 Steele. ^^Sandwall, C. R., (Charlotte), metalworker, h. 231 Steele. .Sandwall, Walter, r. 231 Steele.Sanford, Anna C, widow John, h. 400 Lafayette. g>Sanford, George L., (Mary R.), h. 145 Foote Ave. 5Sanford, John, student, r. 400 Lafayette. o" 3Sanford, Walter F., (Nora K.), drugs, 200 Cherry, h. 21 Whitley Ave. ^ §Sanford, see Stanford." _Sapano, Joseph, (Grace), laborer, h. 10% Whitley Place. X -.Sapiera, Vincenzo, (Sigorina), laborer, h. 44 Franklin. -g 3Sarch, Sam, (Josephine), laborer, h. under 786 East Second. g P*Sarsoni, Dominic, (Rosa), laborer, h. over 4 Waterman.g wSarsoni, Mary, spinner, r. over 4 Waterman. "O 2Sauftleben, Charles, (Mary), spindle carver, h. 640 East Sixth. Jf

~ Clark Hardware Co. Fine Cutlery and Tools-rmJ- 364 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.« <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew H'a^dtorYZT^el°^tYOUr Iamily«. ""——~——~—m———————————mmmmmmm.^_^^_^^_^^_JO Schenck, David W., (Mabel G.), asst. sales mgr. Bailey Table Co., h. 118C Broadhead Ave.Cd Schenck, Florence K., bookkeeper, r. 295 Hallock.© Schenck, Henry G., student, r. 295 Hallock.•J Schenck, Peter, (Julia A.), clerk, h. 295 Hallock.Schermerhorn, Mary, widow William, h. 1 Woodworth Ave.

The A. D. SHARPE CO. for Rugs and Carpets j>JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 365 mmmHill's Piano School BEST TRA\rCHERS |Schwartz, Harry T., (Mabelle), laborer, h. 10 Genesee. ©Schwartz, William, (Minnie), h. 8 Lindsey Ave.*m-Schwartz, see Swart and Swartz.^mSchwein, Louis L., (Ida M.), barber. 602 North Main, h. 860 Spring. ^*Schwob, George, (Gertrude), express driver, h. over 386 Willard. £]Schwob, Jacob, (M. Elizabeth), retired, h. 826 Prendergast Ave.m-fSchwob, William H., metalworker, r. 826 Prendergast Ave.mm.Scofieid, Anna, Mrs., weaver, h. over 38 North Main.mm*Scofieid, Clark, metalworker, bds. 1113 Prendergast Ave. m*SCOFIELD, ERA M., (Letitia D.), physician and surgeon, over 11 East £JThird, h. 607 Washington.«-t-Scofield, Jane W., widow Piatt W., r. 342 East Fifth. „^Scofieid, John W., (Ida A.), metalworker, h. 1113 Prendergast Ave. J^Scofieid, Louise M., Mrs., h. 11 Van Buren.P3Scofieid, Margery, r. 48 Hamilton. C«Scofieid, Raymon, (Myrtie), h. 209 South Main. ©Scofieid, Royal, metalworker, r. 48 Hamilton.S3Scofieid, William, (Nellie), motorman, h. 48 Hamilton. J*Scorman, Marie, chambermaid, 5 South Main. ^£Scott, Andrew, (Hulda), laborer, h. 28 Peterson.^Scott, Charles F., (Amanda), teamster, h. 8 Walnut.Scott, Clafa, milliner, r. 145 Allen.^3Scott, Clara M., telephone operator, r. over 80 Falconer. J2.Scott, Forest, (Catherine), bottler, h. 10 Highland Ave.nScott, Frank A., office clerk, r. 5 Clarke Ave. (bScott, Frank O., (Christine L.), nightwatch, h. 610 North Main. **Scott, Frank W., musician, r. 858 Prendergast Ave.Scott, Gavin W., plumber, h. over 80 Falconer.Scott, George A., pressman The Journal, r. 858 Prendergast Ave.Scott, Grace G., r. 5 Clarke Ave.Scott, Gust, (Jennie C), engineer, h. 536 Allen.^m-mScott, Hannah, widow- Oscar, h. 145 Allen.

|§ Clark Hardware Co. Fine Cutlery and ToolsOX -»Mfflo3 366JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.1| <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew Without ^^"J ot beerT3jg CO H Seaburg, August H.—Seaburg Mfg. Co.—r. 123 Steele.©"" Seaburg, Edith, weaver, r. 562 Allen.•m® Seaburg, Ernest J., (Genevieve)—Seaburg Mfg. Co.—h. 475 Willard..5,$ Seaburg, Esther T., r. 123 Steele.«« Seaburg, Evald B., (Johana)—Seaburg Mfg. Co.—h. 123 Steele..3 Seaburg Mfg. Co.—Evald S. Seaburg, pres.; August H. Seaburg, vice pres.;J5 Victor B. Seaburg, sec; Ernest J. Seaburg, treas.—mfrs. parlor, library9 tables and pedestals, cedar chests and medicine cabinets, 124-126 Steele.J • Seaburg, Oscar T.—Seaburg Mfg. Co.—r. 123 Steele.no 09 Seaburg, Victor B.—Seaburg Mfg. Co.—r. 123 Steele.jg Seager, H. L., magnetic healer, rms. 415 West Third.Seagren, Axel, (Selma), metalworker, h. 16 Barker.^ i Seagren, Carl, (Tekla), metalworker, h. over 106 Charles.;g Seagren, Emil, metalworker, bds. 1078 East Second.« Seaholm, Charles, (Ida), sheet metalworker, h. 239 South Main..£ Sealey, Catherine E., baker, r. over 50 Eleventh.£-; Sealey, Ellen, widow Hiram M., h. over 50 Eleventh.,2 m Sealey, Gertrude, canvasser, r. over 50 Eleventh.3£q Sealey, Otis, Jr., machinist, bds. over 50 Eleventh.„,- Seaquist, Signe, textileworker, bds. 217 Newland Ave.©!g Sear, Clyde, machinist, bds. 112 Tower.„ w o . Search, Sam, (Josephine), laborer, h. over 33 Scott.

THE A. D. SHARPE CO. for Rugs and Carpets r>JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 367Hill's Piano School F°NR SJggk WSelander, Lisa A., r. 816 Newland Ave. ^mSelander, see Salander.NNSelfridge, Jane, widow James, h. over 411 Cherry.m-%Selin, Gust, cabinetmaker, bds. 131 Thayer. >|Sellberg, Enoch, plumber, bds. 147 Cole Ave.m*\\~Sellew, Walter A., (Rebecca E.), bishop Free Methodist Church, h. 68 Falconer.i_4Sellman, Andrew, (Erika), foreman packer, h. 125 Weeks._Sellman, Oscar A., (Hilda M. H.), metalworker, h. 29 Columbia Ave.^JiSellman, see Selman. ]T7Sellstrom, Alice, stenographer, r. 304 Forest Ave.^jSellstrom, Anton, (Josephine), metalworker, h. 37 Chapin.r-—iSellstrom, Axel F., (Anna S.), groceries, 201 Forest Ave. h. 66 McKinley *-m_Ave.^3Sellstrom, Carolina S., widow John F., h. 208 Forest Ave.^—.Sellstrom, Charles A., retired, h. 304 Forest Ave. ~7Sellstrom, Clarence, messenger, r. 173% South Main. .^1Sellstrom, Elmer W., supt. Dahlstrom Metallic Door Co., r. 611 Jefferson. ^NSellstrom, Emma, dressmaker, r. 37 Chapin.Sellstrom, Eva B., picker, r. 173%. South Main.SELLSTROM, FABIAN, (Emily E.), meats, 17 East Third, and vice pres. &Dahlstrom Metallic Door Co., h. 611 Jefferson. 6 g"Sellstrom, Fritiof, (Jennie), cabinetmaker, h. over 42 Chapin. & **Sellstrom, George W., (Mary), grocery clerk, h. 105 McKinley Ave.» wSellstrom, Jennie M., r. 37 Chapin.tr JJSellstrom, May E., music teacher, r. 611 Jefferson.5' £•Sellstrom, Theodore, steel casemaker, bds. 55 Steele. » ?Sellvin, Anna, widow Peter A., h. 21 East Eighth.g- tiSellvin, Ernest R., messenger Wells Fargo Exp. Co., r. 21 East Eighth. c 5"Sellvin, Florence E., stenographer, r. 21 East Eighth. J; *Sellvin, Hugo E.—Mason News Co.—h. 21 East Eighth.wjr*Selman, Abraham, machine hand, rms. 92 Steele.~t cSelman, see Sellman. g. g,Selquist, Carl A., (Ebba H.), car repairer Erie R. R., h. 19 Victoria Ave. E. %Sentinel (The), Charles J. Scholpp, prop., Prohibition newspaper, over 28 S 5'North Main. ' "Service, Clarence J., (Vinnie). woodworker, h. over 1111 East Second.Service, Flora T., student, r. 1111 East Second.m^mService, Florence E., student, r. 1111 East Second.J5JSessions, Alice M., r. 118 Church. >-»Sessions, C. Reed, cattle buyer, h. 118 Church. J5*Sessions, Edgar W., stenographer, r. 352 East Fifth.f->Sessions, Faith B., widow Frank E., h. 352 East Fifth.Setterlund, Arvid, (Myrtle J.), carpenter, h. over 86 Liberty.J*Setterlund, Axel, (Ida), cabinetmaker, h. 222 South Main.•>*Ssawed Setterman, Sewell, Sexton, Setterlund, Setterwall, Setzer, Severson, John, James Lila Marion J. _, Timothy, William, Daniel, HEMLOCK Edward, P., Arvid, Clayton Milton Eric, Charles, A., Mrs., (Maude), P., A., telegraph r. (Mary plumber, h. (Sadie), E., (Myrtle), over home stenographer, (Anna), woodworker, 1003 LUMBER candymaker, metalworker, J.), rubber, , 150 bakery, North operator, stonemason, r. woodworker, lumber Foote h. 1003 : i„."ttReRsIkY&^Ry. h. 24 Main. 130 r. over Ave. Derby. North handler, r. 136 over h. Foote 22 1003 22 310 h. Park. Bush. 150 Main. over 22 Ave., East North Bush. Foote 189% 150 Second. Main. over Ave. Foote Cole do. Ave.|S —— ch J*^. X ?Jj m-mi SS-ifp fl- ,„ W ^

w Clark Hardware Co., Contractors & Mill Suppliesu-r, a. 368JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.Quenches thirst, acts as a mild tonic, induces= <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew sleep Both phones 268a§ Sexton, Michael, bricklayer, r. 1003 North Main.Sexton, see Saxton.Seymour, Belle, Burton clerk, W., (Clara), r. 611 Lafayette.physician, 617 East Second, h. do.4> ' Seymour, Freeman H., (Marie H.), jeweler, h. over 311 Prendergast Ave.3 Seymour, Hazel A., stenographer, r. 611 Lafayette.* i Seymour, James A., (Augustie), upholsterer, h. 339 Price.CO Seymour, James F., (Frances E.), retired, h. 26 Fairview Ave.in t Seymour, Leah, r. 611 Lafayette.m-\ ' Seymour, Lottie T., widow George, hairdresser and hair goods, 433 East_ Fourth, h. do._ • Seymour, Mercedes M., office clerk, r. 433 East Fourth.B Seymour, Pearl, student, r. 339 Price.* i Seymour, Willis E., (Iva), plumber, h. 603 Lafayette.*? Seymour, Willis E„ Sr., (Caroline), clerk, h. 611 Lafayette.;g Shackleton, John, cigarmaker, 110 Tower, r. do.~ $> Shafer, J. M., rms. 210 East Fourth.§ Si Shafer, Myra B., clerk, r. 118 Price.CQ a Shafer, R. Edwin, (Amanda), harnessmaker, h. 118 Price.-|f Shafer, Thomas I., (Katie A.), finisher,h. 110 East Second.^"e Shaffer, Charles H., (Katherine), plumber, h. over 35 Cross.g Shaffer, see Shaver..2 u Shaka, Vido, tailor, bds. 104 Harrison.m* > Shanahan, John, mason, h. 168% Chandler.#"5 Shanahan, John F., laborer, r. 764 Buffalo.v~ Shanahan, Margaret A., bookkeeper^. 764 Buffalo.m § Shanahan, Mollie H., stenographer, r. 764 Buffalo.§"£ Shanahan, Morgan G., bricklayer, r. 764 Buffalo.*» o Shanahan, Theresa C, student, r. 764 Buffalo.m 3 Shanahan, Thomas, (Nora), millwright, h. 764 Buffalo."§** Shanahan, Thomas H., student, r. 764 Buffalo.es . Shanahan, William B., (Anna M.), bricklayer, h. 520 Crescent.•-tm Shane, Hilda, domestic, 316 East Fifth..S"0 Shankland, Carrie, office clerk, r. 506 East Sixth."El- Shankland, Palmer K., (Mary M.), mgr. Furniture Index Co., h. 506 East« « Sixth.^_\x Shanley, Nellie E., dressmaker, 309 West Second, h. do.to .j- Shannon, Agnes, student, r. 15 Prospect.aS B Shannon, Harriet E., teacher, r. 5 Strong.C » Shannon, Mary, widow William A., h. 5 Strong.yj^1 Shannon, Robert, woodworker, bds. 24 West Eighth.Shannon, William, metalworker, bds. 416 Murray Ave.• Sharnlund, Ebba, domestic, 408 East Eighth.© Sharp, Clifford, carpenter, r. 5 Geneva.^-} Sharp, Clovis M., (Minnie), carpenter, h. 5 Geneva.^ Sharp, Florence M., office clerk, r. 862 Prendergast Ave.Kg Sharp, Floyd H., bookkeeper Chatfield & Armitage, h. 862 Prendergast Ave.*-** Sharp, Lizzie, widow Fred, r. 862 Prendergast Ave.rfy Sharp, Lortema A., bookkeeper, r. 862 Prendergast Ave.(^ Sharp, Milton, carpenter, r. 5 Geneva._S Cm Sharp, Eckman's M. L., (Mabel), Music bookkeeper, Store h. 341% PIANOS. Foote Ave. AND PLAYER PIANOS„*"*, Sharp, Ray C, draftsman, r. 862 Prendergast Ave.B—• SHARPE, A. D. CO., (THE), (INC.)—George W. Sharpe, pres.; F. J. Snow-55 -r-> SP V _, __ — Sharpe, Sliarpe, Sharpe. •* ball, *»«.«. John Edna Vern, Elizabeth George sec.-treas.—dry B., R., (Alma), HEADOUARTFRS W., warp r. M., 508 (Lucy), r. twister, barber, East goods, 508 pres. Second. East h. bds. 203 A. 18V. FOR Second. 3 North D. Appleyard Prather Sharpe HIGH Main. Co.. GRADE Ave. Place. h. 508 East Second.

Women's Coats and Suits - The A. D. Sharpe Co.QJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 369 0}Hill's Piano School ""gffikSSg to, . . rmSharpies, Cora, widow James, r. 210 West Seventh.Sharpies, Harry J., (Florence L.), police, h. 210 West Seventh.NHShattuck, George W., (Melissa), r. Ill Allen."• JShaver, Carrie, domestic, r. 283% South Main.Shaver, Emeline, widow James, h. over 710 North Main._|Shaver, Frank, George plaster H., r. 314 mason, Allen. r. 80 Fairmount Ave.^_|toShaver, Grace George, O., (Delle milliner, M.), r. paperhanger, 314 Allen. h. 75 Glasgow Ave.ftCVinTTm. Shaver, H. ^AnP^A A., (Orlinda), XT y Q 1 A real All..*. estate, h. over 8 South Main.Shaver, Ida, widow Charles, h. 80 Fairmount Ave.Shaver, Louis M., painter, r. 80 Fairmount Ave.Shaver, Louisa V., widow Edward, h. 415 East Fourth.ft ^TShaver, Roy F., packer, r. 314 Allen.Shaver, Rose, telephone operator, h. over 710 North Main. "*Shaver, William, (Anna), farmer, h. 314 Allen. .Shaver, see Shafer and Shaffer. ^"1Shaw, Archie, packer, r. over 200 Washington.t—mShaw. Beulah, head surgical nurse, W. C. A. Hospital.L'JShaw, Carrie L., widow Lyman M., r. 37 Van Buren.*^*\ OP0Snaw, Charles T., (Estelle A.), pastor First Presbyterian Church, h. 332East Fourth.Shaw, Ella, r. 115 Crossman.Shaw, Ellen M., r. 142 Foote Ave. .^Shaw, Enoch, (Mary Ann), warp dresser, h. 610 East Second.^^Shaw, Flora, widow Thomas, h. over 200 Washington. ~^Shaw, Henry, messenger, r. over 11 West Second.m^Shaw, Irwin, (Ferol), blacksmith, r. 921 East Second.f^\Shaw, James S., (Helen D.), supt. Allen Square Bldg., h. over 11 W. Second. JjJ*JShaw, John B., (Emma M), stock broker, real estate and city assessor, h. SQ605 North Main.Shaw, Joshua, (Dinah), warp dresser, h. 136 Foote Ave.a^Shaw, Pruda, widow Albert, h. Ill Van Buren.PJ©Shaw, Viola E., widow Allen J., h. 136 Euclid Ave.^3Shaw, Walter, (Amelia L.), groceries, 222 Price, h. 142 Foote Ave. —wShaw, Walter F., civil engineer, r. 142 Foote Ave.ggShawgo, Charles, laborer, bds. 260 Steele.T^Shea, Fred C, (Maude), metalworker, h. 824 North Main.

a | Clark Hardware Co., Roofing and Buildingfewft-w 370JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.wjS_§H Pkiitfifiofn-i RVOt»! WITHOUT A PEER IN THE WORLD"- Lnautauqua tsrew ofbeer. Both Phones 268e a* Shearman, John C, office clerk, r. 65 Liberty.I0o Shearman, Lucy A., widow Edward, h. 327 Foote Ave.N"" Shearman, Merle, (Audrey P.), livery and transient stables, 29-33 Steele, h.u 108 Cook Ave.oS Shearman, Warren M., (Anna), telephone lineman, h. over 228 Sprague.>, Shearman, see Sherman and Shurman.+Z Shedd, Edward H., (Sarah), painter and paperhanger, h. 784 Spring.° Sheffstaff, Shedd, Elizabeth Jay, (Minnie), F., r. 504 switchman, West Third. h. over 226 Steele.2 g Shedd, Shelander, Jennie Charles F., widow J., (Louisa), William lumber, D., h. 504 h. West 165 Barrett. Third.•*•> SHEDD, LEWIS F.. (Julia), lumber and coal, Monroe and Isabella, h. 16G West Sixth.mm ~ ~,$1 , ._....SS.fi Shelander, Margaret, textileworker, r. 165 Barrett.Z°l Sheldon, Belle B., bookkeeper, h. 612 Front.+»£ Sheldon, Charles H., bookkeeper, rms. 333 East Fifth.[gaj Sheldon, Florence, r. 23 Richmond Place.-a Sheldon, Harry P., (Mary M.), second vice-pres. National <strong>Chautauqua</strong>a County Bank, h. 70 Prospect.fi Sheldon, Leonora E., widow Alexander, h. 219 Foote Ave.Sheldon, Mary, widow Porter, h. 70 Prospect.• Sheldon, Ralph C, (Isabelle M.), pres. American Aristotype Division, Eastj?man Kodak Co., h. 110 Lakeview Ave."5 Shelgren, P. Alfred, (Anna S.), finisher,h. under 410 Winsor."" Shelgren, Samuel, (Emma), stationary engineer, h. 140 Thayer.$"SJ Shellberg, Adele S., r. 35 Bush.SB g Shellberg, Clara I., student, r. 35 Bush.g-| Shellberg, Emil, (Alfreda C.)—Shellberg & Lindquist—h. 38 Bush.. g SHELLBERG & LINDQUIST—Emil and Albert—contractors and builders,3 8 137 Water.°,a Shellberg, Theodore G., (A. Louise), finisher,h. 430 Winsor.•g-a Shellburg, Carl A., (Anna C), bricklayer, h. 32 Bush.« § Shellstrom, Charles V., (Selma A.), metalworker, h. 16 Newton Ave.2 *> Shellstrom, Frank C, office clerk, r. 16 Newton Ave.o"^, Shellstrom, Mabel A., stenographer, r. 16 Newton Ave.^> Shelters, Bertha, office clerk, r. over 509 Clinton.Shelters, Eugene A., (Minerva), draughtsman, h. 224 Van Buren.m-! Shelters, Hannah, widow George, h. over 509 Clinton. !S Shelters, Harry K., (Mary A.), draftsman, h. 316 West Seventh.Shepard, Franklin G., (Louisa M.l—Hunt & Shepard—h. 319 Jefferson.[y Shepard, Jane, widow Wight, r. 516 Jefferson.|y Shepard, Rosamond, student, r. 319 Jefferson.b-.-, Shepard, Roy M., (Minnie F.), conductor J. St. Ry., h. 29 Eleventh.Urn | Shepardson, Floyd, mechanic, bds. 209 Barrett.O 5 Shepardson, Wales E., (Bettie D.), stationary engineer, h. 423 Lincoln.q« SherMailf Albert Lt.j < Mertie M.), bookbinding and blank bookg 3s mfr., over 16 West Second, h. 322 Foote Ave.mm* Sherman, F. Louise, r. 415 East Fourth.Sherman, James D., (Mary), stationary engineer, h. over 559 Buffalo.^1 % Sherman, John B., metalworker, h. S84 Washington.W E"" yji K *S P r*" 5g SjX \ m J *% Sherman, Sherred, __ Sherwin, Shields, Fire, other Life, J. Hugh Jonathan, Eva, see Nancy kind Accident, Wesley, Shearman J., Mrs., of J., insurance (Jennie retired, clerk, widow r. Liability, 409 and BRADSHAW'S G.), r. Cherry. Moses, furnished Shurman. 114 rafr.cement 5 Boiler, : Lakin Buffalo. r. 85 by Ave. Glass, Fairmount PIONEER blocks, Occupancy, ____.______,__, h Ave. INSURANCE 114 Marine Buffalo. and AGENCY. every -

Gloves, Hosiery and Underwear - The A. D. SHARPE CO. g 3X X

M Clark Hardware Co., Contractors & Mill SuppliesO fi-. — . ,3 § 372 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.'en_" <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew - - Always pure and diliciousCO Silsby, Agnes, r. 507 Allen.d «j Silsby, Alton, (Lutie), carpenter, h. over 39 South Main.gg_Silsby, Charles M., (Minnie E.), contractor, h. 339 Falconer.Silsby, Lida, Mrs., Janitress, r. under 507 Allen.&°- Simmergren, Alice, h. 108 William.mO-S Simmergren, Benjamin, metalworker, r. 108 William.. Simmons, Adelbert, (Hattie), painter, h. Violet Ave.rm\±* Simmons, Adelbert P., (Florence E.), retired, h. 3 Forest Park..g I MHUIlOllS, ArthUr II., (Mabel), agent Perfection Flatiron Co.,g « 29 Gokey Bldg., h. 215 East Third.C u Simmons, Frank, (Fannie), engineer, h. 32 Institute.g Simmons, Frank C, (May L.), motorman J. St. Ry., h. 3 Forest Park.o Simmons, Harriet, student, r. 32 Institute.rfiu Simmons, Harry F., (Elizabeth M.), prop. Chadakoin Cafe, h. 709 W. Eighth.P^e Simmons, Harry F., Jr.—Chadakoin Cafe—r. 709 West Eighth.q J Simmons, Mabel E., Mrs., r. 101 West Fourth.f-ijS Simmons, Pearl, bookkeeper, rms. 105 West Fifth.O.SP Simmons, William A., r. Violet Ave. Simon, Philip Frederick, (Babette), pres. Jamestown Brewing Co., h. 315Z «T Clinton.OJ? Simpson, Andrew, (Ida), metalworker, h. over 837 Newland Ave.^ S Simpson, Bertha, laundress, r. over 296 Falconer.O Simpson, Charles, (Ellen), metalworker, h. over 139 Park.H-3 Simpson, Frank F., barber, r. 43 Royal Ave.2*$ Simpson, Harvey, (Martha), h. 18 Waterman.|y Simpson, Henry A., (Grace), machinist, h. 8 renter.m-?^ Simpson, John J., (Blanche M.), carpenter, h. 43 Royal Ave.g Sims, Ida, Mrs., picker, rms. 100 Harrison.l ? Singer Sewing Machine Co., R. L. Siawson, mgr., 207 Cherry.fjj JJ Sirrine, Mildred, bookkeeper, bds. 413 Falconer.{_ g Sisson, Alton P., student, r. Ul Price.33 3 Sisson, Fred, stock clerk, rms. 333 East Fifth.C/3u< Sisson, George W., (Lillian M.), coal and lumber, Ul Price, h. do.Sisson, Jeannette, Mrs., h. 311 Prendergast Ave.. Sjoholm, John, (Segrid), h. 60 Tenth.O Sjobloom, Swan, laborer, bds. 8 Fairfield Ave.r_ Sjogren, Sofi, widow Peter, r. over 96 Water.^^ Skandia—Gustaf Anderson, editor—weekly Swedish newspaper, over 217-i--. North Main.t/5 Skans, Amel, (Minnie), miller, h. 517 Camp.*_> \mt Skans, Frank A., (Louise), wool sorter, h. 4 Hebner.Skinner, Herbert, (Lettitia), contractor. Ii. over 838 North Main.ft Skans, Gordon, r. 517 Camp.> Skinner, Loren P., (Cena), conductor .1. St. Rv., h. 219 Allen.V-i Skans, Leonora, textileworker, r. 4 Hebner.Skinner, Ruth W., stenographer, bds. 004 Palmer.Q^ Skari, Joe, (Mary), sander, h. 45 Franklin.mm Tlin Skellie, Mutual Lavinas, Ronofit (Isabella), I ifn Premium groceries, receiots 853 North to Jan. Main, 1.<strong>1911</strong> h. 211 .... East $367,143,4Eighth.«K| C~ Skellie, 1'lUMiai Monroe, Deneill (Etta Ijlie M.), RETURNED grocery clerk, TO POLICY h. 212 HOLDERS Fulton. and funds on hond for^*3 > n Skiff, f Bertha Nanravlr R., N kindergarten I' -future teacher, payment r. to 303 )ioliov West holders Second. - - --- $427,783,190,20^. Skiff, 01 Mason newarK, M., 11. (Mary), J. vice-pres. Bank F. S. TREADWAY, of Jamestown, District h. 303 Agent W. .... Second.«^ Skinner, Clara, Mrs., r. 32 Broadhead Ave.

The A. D. Sharpe Co. for Rugs and Carpets CAtoJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 373 ^HI! J, PIANft Cfi ENTIRE 6TH FLOOR __111 J—J- 1 l.fr_m_F \,\J. CHADAKOIN BUILDING _PSkipper, Daniel L., (Annie), nursery stock, 125 Van Buren, h. do. wSkipper, J. Harvey, (Alta M.), bookkeeper, h. 196 Forest Ave. *5Skipper, May Evelyn, stenographer, r. 125 Van Buren.ChSkiver, E. S., Mrs., r. 356% East Fourth.J^Skoglund, Almet, metalworker, r. 721 Camp.mSkoglund, Frank L., (Augusta), laborer, h. 721 Camp. 2Skogren, Andrew, (Mary), metalworker, h. 43 Sturges.^2Skoog, David N., (Seraphia), metalworker, r. 37 Sampson.^3Skooglund, Edwin, (Tillie), carpenter, a. 24 Park.Skow, Hedwig, weaver, rms. over 199 South Main.Skun, Angelo, laborer, bds. 21 Cross.tmmtSkurski, Agnes, spinner, r. 218% Crescent.WSkurski, Albert, (Josephine), shoemaker, 49 Winsor, h. 218% Crescent. fOSlack, Harriet, Mrs., h. over 335 East Second._*•Slater, Grace, domestic, r. 22 East Third.ftSlater, William A., poultryman, h. Fairmount Ave., bey. limits.mm}.Slater, William L., (Helen), contractor and builder, h. Fairmount Ave., bey.limits.Slattergren, Amos, r. 556 East Second._.Slattery, Anna, dressmaker, r. 401 West Sixth. B»Slattery, Bridget, widow John, h. 401 West Sixth.ftSlattery, Elizabeth, r. 401 West Sixth.^Siawson, Rufus L., (Daisy), mgr. Singer Sewing Machine Co., h. 115 Wilson. m+*Ave.Siawson, Samuel E., (Inez A.), marble and granite dealer, 9 Lakin Ave., h.do. £}Slayton, E. O., (Iva), h. 6 Culver.__Slayton, Helen, widow Robert, h. 39 Hamilton.ftSliter, Charles H., (H. Rose), Erie R. R. watchman, h. 32 Sampson.rmSlocum, James B., laborer, r. 153 Prospect.jfmSlocum, Jonathan H., (Eliza I.), retired, h. 153 Prospect.WJSlocum,. John, laborer, bds. 310 Jefferson.Slocum, John N., painter, bds. 310 Jefferson.Slocum, Thomas, (Mollie), teamster, h. 1343 East Second.^^Slone, Clarence A., (Mary), pres. Slone-Melhuish & Co., h. 108 E. Eighth, ftSLONE, MELHUISH & CO., (INC.)—C. A. Slone, pres.; C. D. Melhuish, J*sec.—gen. insurance and loans, over 303 North Main.Slone, William W., r. 101 East Eighth.Slosberg, Burt H., clothing clerk, r. 136 Barrett.JJ»Slosberg, Lewis H., (Ida), clothing and gent's furnishings, 5-7-9 East Second, Oh. 136 Barrett. *SSmall, Charles H., (Cora), pastor First Congregational Church, h. 316 EastFourth.Smart, Alice A., widow George W., h. 618 Jefferson.fmtSmart, Arden N., baggageman, r. 618 Jefferson.WSmart, Clyde H., baggageman, r. 618 Jefferson.ftSmatz, Joseph, (Mary), woodworker, r. 581 Buffalo._•Smedberg, John, (Minnie), electrician, h. 18 Genesee.ftSmedberg, Oscar, motorman J. St. Ry. r. 18 Genesee.mm}.Ready Roofing & Building Paper . _ _ _ ? " . * &Smedley, William N., (Grace A.), motorman J. St. Ry., h. 5 Lakin Ave. rmSmiley, Clyde M., (Lottie), upholsterer, r. 419 Newland Ave.Smiley, Frank, (Louise), contractor, h. 620 Pine.Smiley, Smith! Smith, 'Adelbert, Alfred Albert, Frank Lloyd William Sanford A., J., J, (Myra), G., E„ farm brakeman, (Catherine (Jennie (Grace (Clara hand, conductor E.). B.), M.), r. A), painter, 306 Fairmount metalworker, insurance J. mortorman West St. h. Ry., Eighth. 306 Ave., agent, J. h. West 411 St. 116 bey. h. West Ry., Eighth. 150 Hall limits. Lakin h. Fourth Ave. 229 Ave. Fulton. ft.,-^ _ ^

EgClark Hardware Co., Roofing and Building Papers374 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.25 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> BrewIt's good {or you and it's good foryour family. Both Phones 268r. Smith, Allene L., dressmaker, r. 805 Cherry.~J Smith, Alva A., (Minnie), metalworker, h. 8 Summer Place.*T Smith, Amy E., artist, r. 26 Chestnut.^j Smith, Anna, picker, bds. 19 Genesee.*^*i Smith, Anna, stenographer, rms. 415 West Third.£_4 Smith, Anna G., widow Hiram, h. 142 Forest Ave.Smith, Anna V., r. 147 Cook Ave.O Smith, Annie E., clerk, r. 645 East Sixth.Smith, Alva, boxmaker, r. 24 West Fifteenth._^ Smith, Arthur, (Clara J.), barber, 152 Foote Ave., h. over 136 do.£J Smith, Arthur, furniture packer, r. 21 Barrett.r^ Smith, Arthur, (Annie), packer, h. 22 Park.~7 Smith, Bateson R., r. 118 Tower.i^T Smith, Bernice B., student, r. 8 Summer Place.r_"1 Smith, Bessie G., teacher, r. 17 Hazzard.W Smith, Beth D., bookkeeper, r. 213 Barrett.H^ Smith, Blanche, laundry sorter, r. 400 Hazzard.^^ Smith, Blanche J., dressmaker, r. 805 Cherry.r Smith, Brightman, Jr., (Olo), machinist, h. 102 William.t*M Smith, Brightman B., (Ella C), cementworker, h. 213 Barrett.^J Smith, Carl, laborer, bds. 7 Grandin.W Smith, Charles A., (Amanda), woodturner, h. over 533 Winsor._ Smith, Charles F., (Katie), clerk, h. 333 Hazzard.\mfj Smith, Charlotte, widow Henry, h. 117 Lincoln.H Smith, Chester, (Edna B.)—National Calculator Co., New York—r. 921^— North Main.O^-HSmith, Claude, metalworker, r. 25 West Fifteenth.Smith, Clyde, (Esther), metalworker, h. over 255 South Main.Smith, Clyde, (Frances D.), conductor J. St. Ry., h. 21% Whitley Ave.Smith, Clyde G., rug weaver, r. 1 Hotchkiss.r .. Smith, David, (Rose V.), real estate, h. 105 Liberty.f>J Smith, Dewitt C, (Lucia), hackman, h. 308 Clinton.fV^ Smith, Edgar, upholsterer, r. 21 Barrett.S?* Smith, Edgar, (Lelia), lather, h. 790 East Second.rmm SMITH, EDMUND B., real estate, 6 Hall Block, over 7 West Third, h. 623Q_ Newland Ave.W^^ Smith, Edmund S., (Lelia A.), office clerk, h. over 424 East Sixth.Smith, Edward L., barber, r. 328 Steele.P^ Smith, Edward M., (Nellie E.), agent Wells Fargo Exp. Co., h. 102 NewtonAve.Smith, Elizabeth, r. 127 Allen.IIISmith, Ellery, metalworker, bds. under 310 Jefferson.Smith, Elmer E., (Grace), h. 110 Stowe.Smith, E. Veda, r. 213 Barrett.Smith, Ewart E., draftsman, r. 33 Euclid Ave.Smith, Fay M., (Alma), metalworker, h. 400 West Eighth.Smith, Florence, weaver, r. 21 Barrett.Smith, Floyd H., (Emily)—Smith & Kinne—h. 30 West Eighth.CQ Smith, Frances, stenographer, r. 79 Allen.rZ Smith, Frances, stenographer, bds. 17 Cross.O Smith, Francis, (Margaret), retired, h. 266 Barrett.2 Smith, Frank, chauffeur, 611 Prendergast Ave.2 S^ _M g-g X 3J 5 3 O g- b Llie Smith, I .fn Fred, Frank, insurance InmiHnniiA A., (Elizabeth, (Delia), (Ruth Anson, B., (Lillian), (Hannah), (Abbie), H.), (Sarah), teamster, loomfixer, laborer, weaver, w. Connecticut carpenter, sheet J. h. h. Bentley, h. 701 metalworker, under h. 606 1090 130 East h. General Cherry. 24 108 Fairview East Gen. Second. Fifteenth. Steele. Life Second.Agt., over Ave. Ins. 514Chadakoin 10 Co., Lake. Hartford, Conn. Big.

CARPETS, CURTAINS, TL A r> Cl_ — ~ Hdraperies, shades 1 he A. U. onarpe Km-O. xnggJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.375 r _.___ ~xHTT T PTANO CC\ Columbia grafonolas 3 >illL/lw 1 liAlXVy \s\J. RECORDS AND SHEET MUSIC gZ— m C/3Smith, Fred B., (Izora M.), saloon 23 Forest Ave., h. 414 West Eighth. j OSmith George, Mrs., h. 21 Barrett.o> _\Smith, George, clerk, r. 97 Buffalo.Smith, George, rms. under 411 West Third. a \~\Smith, George C, (Loretta), h. 89 Fairmount Ave.%XmSmith, George F., (Anna), electric light trimmer, h. 400 Hazzard. B SSmith, George J., (Grace A.), upholsterer, h. 116 Hall Ave."-%_\Smith, George R., (Cora M.), motorman J. St. Ry., h. 419 West Third. o 3Smith, George W., gardener, r. 97 Buffalo. z ~|Smith, Gertrude E., telephone operator, r. 147 Cook Ave. m f)Smith, Gordon, machine hand, r. 333 Hazzard.!•?Smith, Grace, boxmaker, r. 24 West Fifteenth.OSmith, Gust E., (Elizabeth), metalworker, h. 147 Cook Ave.OSmith, Harold, (Grace), clerk Wells Fargo Exp. Co., r. 805 Cherry.Smith Harold, clerk, r. 333 Hazzard.Smith, Harvey E., cementworker, bds. under 310 Jefferson.QSmith, Hazel J., (Abbie), lather, r. 790 East Second. 5Smith, Henry, (Amelia), polisher, h. 760 Foote Ave. k. 9 OSmith, Henry, (Martha), driver, h. 139 Institute. § 2Smith, Henry C, (Carrie), foreman Erie R. R., h. over 539 West Third. °- pSmith, Henry K.—Jamestown Cotton Mills—r. 500 East Sixth.O HSmith, Herman F„ (Mary), grocer, h. 1027 North Main.K. gSmith, Howard A., dentist, over 306 North Main, rms. do. ji 5Smith, H. R., bottler, rms. 6 South Main.— ASmith, Ida, widow LeRoy, nurse, r. 17 Hazzard.|L SSmith, James, (Susan), laborer, h. 398 Hallock.~ gSmith, James B., (Bertha), bartender, h. 199 South Main.g. r. p uSmith, & James Kinne—Floyd E., (Harriet H. A.), and rug Cyrus—book weaving, 1 and Hotchkiss, job printers, h. do. over 100-102 aSmith, East James Third. G., (Addie), commercial traveler, h. over 203 East Second £ |?Smith, James Laura, W., widow (Jennie Harrison, M.), foreman r. 65 Tenth. finisher,h. 18 Shaver. cp w §Smith, Laura Jeannette B., h. Rice, 180 widow Fairmount Ezra, Ave. h. 424 East Sixth.g •a ST poSmith, Jessie, Lawrence, r. 500 stationary East Sixth. fireman, r. 21 Barrett. _ j? > g"Smith, L. John, C. &(Annie), Bro. Typewriter shoemaker, Co.—Frank h. 19 Genesee. C. Hopkins, rep.—29-30 Barrett $ g. Q °"Smith, Bldg. John, h. 880 Norm Main.OSmith, Lillian, John E., dressmaker, shoe repairing, h. over 939 East 615 Lafayette. Second, bds. 311 Pine.M XSmith, John Loania F., J., (Rose widow B.), Norman plumbing C, nurse, inspector h. over city 110 of Cherry. Jamestown, h. 416 g_ wSmith, Foote Lorenzo Ave. D., farmer, r. 266 Barrett.^ijSmith, Loring L., r. 411 Lafayette. , ^5-Smith, Joseph, (Victoria), sander, h. 14 Flagg Ave.enSmith, Louis, (Florence), wool sorter, h. 78 Water. L °Smith, Joseph, Louis, (Agnes), (Anna), warp steelworker, twister, h. h. 331 Euclid Murray Ave. Ave.K- jt,> -jSmith, Louis Julia E., B., widow (Fanny Robert M.), clerk, F., h. h. 2612 Chestnut. Terrace Place. & 2W ft ^EVERY Smith, Luella, Julian DEALER I., teacher, (Mary HAS THE bds. H.), 6 "BEST" carpenter, Broadhead D h. AAve.252 I MHarrison. T Talk '* over with me g. XjO ^g 3Smith, I HAVE Junie, Margaret, THE Mrs., STRICTLY weaver, r. 1160 bds. Prendergaast PURE 19 Genesee. * /^llll Ave. I HARRY LYONS o prjg " OSmith, Margaret V., over 113 East Second.prjM

ii Clark Hardware Co. Stoves and Furnacesug 376JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.a Chautanqua Brew ALWAYS PURE AND DEL1C10USBoth phones 288® Smith, Mary D. R., widow Hobert D., ladies and misses' tailoring, 29 College,r. do.Smith, Matthew T., (Carrie E.), upholsterer, h. 314 West Seventh.« , Smith, Matilda C, r. 127 Allen.3 Smith, Matilda C, widow Gust F., h. 10 Morse Ave.B Smith, Maude, rms. rear 310 Pine.CO ' Smith, Maude, textileworker, r. over 231 McKinley Ave.jb Smith, Mervin, (Elizabeth), r. 411 Lafayette.£ • Smith, Michael, laborer, r. 199 South Main.jg Smith, Minerva E., widow James, h. 805 Cherry.,_ , Smith, Mira, widow George L., picker, h. 328 Steele.p Smith, Myra, Mrs., prop. Empire Restaurant, 121 West Third.* Smith, Nettie A., widow Alexander D., h. 25 West Fifteenth.?? ' Smith, Otto, salesman, rms. Y. M. C. A.•m Smith, Pearl C, (Florence L.), driver, h. over 30 Bush.6 ai Smith, Phillip, upholsterer, bds. 314 West Seventh.§ 3> Smith, Reba H., student, r. 213 Barrett.03 §S Smith, Rena, clerk, r. 10 Morse Ave.m.x Smith, Richard, (Jane), loom fixer,h. 28 Victoria Ave._-s Smith, Ruth Hutley, Mrs., millinery, 1090 East Second, r. do.5 | Smith, Samuel O., (Sarah), retired, h. 22 Derby..5 s» Smith, Sarah, widow Joseph, weaver, h. 67 Center.>J S Smith, Shirley I., r. 333 Hazzard.> Smith, Sidney A., r. 500 East Sixth.V « Smith, Spencer, (Edith A.), foreman drawer, h. 343% Falconer.tg* cd SMITH, T. HENRY, (Ellen)—Jamestown Cotton Mill—h. 500 East Sixth.£, Smith, Wathea, r. 322 East Third.g,g e?,g Smith, Thomas Wells B., B., (Ella), (Isabella), farmer, warpdresser, h. 701 East h. Second. 645 East Sixth.'£-- -2 a Smith, Thomas Willard, H., carpenter, (Minnie r. A.), 266 overlooker, Barrett. h. 418 East Fifth.50 g § 3 Smith, William, Walter, sash (Jane), and porter, blindmaker, h. under bds. 211 837 Allen. East Second.V« -3% Smith, William, Walter, C, (Delia), (Mary), metalworker, bricklayer, h. 308 118 West Tower. Eighth.m«c 6 Smith, William, Walter D., (Hannah), printer, r. bartender, 213 Barrett. h. 18 Waterman.*'E Smith, William, (Martha), motorman, h. 216 Crescent.2 s Smith, William, (Bessie), bartender, h. over 519 West Third.§2, Smith, William, (Anna), bartender, r. 18 Waterman.Oo Smith, William, (Anna), carpenter, h. 17 West Fifteenth.Smith, William A., (Gipsey), dentist, 300-302 Chadakoin Bldg., h. 15 TerracePl&c©.O Smith, William B., (Ida M.), lather, h. 29 College.r\ Smith, William G., (Mary), gardener, h. 97 Buffalo.^^ Smith, Wiliam L., (Anna), h. over 90 Liberty.lm Smith, William W., (Kate C), vice-pres. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Refrigerating Co., h. 16mOA> Maple.^J Sneible, Blanche, Mrs., r. 39 Foote Ave.-m Snell, Laird W., (Laura), rector St. Luke's Episcopal Church, h. 410 Northmmf Main.mm Snow, Alice Johann, student, r. 356 East Fifth.E1 Snow, Edwin, r. 406 West Second.— Snow, Leon L., (Laura), sales agent National Biscuit Co., h. over 213 WestF Fifth.»5 SNOW, LOUIS H., (Belle G.), physician, over 105 East Second, h. 356 EastO Fifth.rf} Snow, Marion C, electrician, r. 409 Lakeview Ave._£ _\ § Vietrolas. Largest stock SBO. Victor S7B. Records S100. $180. in the 8200 City LiWUltdll prLman'„ O TlUMt Miioir iJlUlC CfAfP

Women's Coats and Suits THE A. D. SHARPE CO. >JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 377 EGHILT. PIANO CC. ORGANS AND OLD PIANOS Wi*"*—— * *•*•—l^V* VV>« TAKEN IN EXCHANGE »—3—— — _ ^Snow, Wallace L., (Jennie), sec.-treas. Gage Furniture Co., and Regal Fur- i—jniture Co., Falconer, N. Y., h. 409 Lakeview Ave.mSnowball, Frederick J., (Henrietta), t,ec.-treas. A. D. Sharpe Co., h. 40 Cross. J* __Snowball,KJUWXUU*..,-.Margaret« U»w, V'"""^;iv,»i^l-,A., student, r.*».J.40 Cross.U11U1UU1U ^'^'l "^J • "i"iW. *~"4Snowdon, Snowdon,Thomas,Earl Mary O., Frances, (Eva(Annie),A.), bookkeeper,chef,metalworker,h. Fairmountr. Fairmount h. 304Ave.,Prendergast Ave.,bey.Bey.limits.limits. Ave.m—^ ^^Snowdon, Remsen, agent American Exp. Co., r. Fairmount Ave., bey. limits. r\°Snowdon, Sophie W., teacher, r. Fairmount Ave., bey. limitsSnyder, Emily M., widow Lucius, r. 26 Center.Snyder, Eugene, (Eliza), metalworker, h. 1333 East Second.|*_Snyder, J. G., r. 608 North Main. 35Snyder, Edward, r. 341 Foote Ave. "*Socialist Headquarters, third floor over, 100-102 East Third.^^Sode, Herman, woodworker, r. 37% Tenth.JjSoderberg, Ellen S., student, r. over 934 Newland Ave. 3Soderberg, Harry R., machinist, r. 5 Sturges.CQSoderberg, John A., (Sophie), packer, h. over 934 Newland Ave.ftSoderberg, John E., (Anna), woodworker, h. 120 Bowen.CSoderberg, John H., (Freda), blacksmith, h. 5 Sturges. v?Soderberg, L. Eric, (Hildu), janitor, h. over 123 Chandler.Soderberg, Marcus J., clerk P. O., r. 120 Bowen.J3Soderberg, Otto C, (Laura), postman, h. 365 Price.ftSodergren, Eric, metalworker, bds. 24 Peterson.ftSoderling, John, (Anna S.), machine hand, h. over 215 Prospect.Soderquist, Anna, widow Lars, h. 58 Thayer.Soderquist, Charles, (Marie), contractor and builder, h. 138 Hedges Ave.Soderquist, Gust W., (Anna), contractor and builder, h. 130 Hedges.Soderquist, Helena, widow Carl, r. 243 Broadhead Ave. 2Soderquist, Hjalmer, (Anna1), machine hand, h. over 138 Hedges Ave.SOSoderquist, John, carpenter, r. 58 Thayer.WSoderquist, John, (Amanda), woodworker, h. over 13 Orchard Ave.Soderquist, Peter A., (Anna), contractor, h. 282 South Main. J*Soderquist, Signa, r. 282 South Main.SiSSoderstrom, August, (Elma), metalworker, h. 812 Jefferson.| qSoderstrom, Joseph, boxmaker, bds. 812 Jefferson. % 3Soderstrom, J. Werner—Lundy & Soderstrom—bds. 217 East Third.noSoderstrom, Ragnhild, domestic, 442 Willard.g"BBSolek, Katie, spinner, r. over 59 Foote Ave. g £3Solliday, Benjamin K., (Cornelia), mining, h. 872 North Main.umSolomanson, Charlotte, domestic, r. 608 West Sixth.eo"Solomanson, John, h. 608 West Sixth.*•>Solomanson, Matilda, r. 60S West Sixth. £3Solomon, Leonard, carpenter, rms. 117 Allen.gSolomonson, David L., (Selma), contracting electrical engineer, h. 614 East pjSecond. 58Sonneiser, Marie, clerk, r. over 545 East Fifth.HSorber, Hiram A., (Elizabeth), machinist, h. 230 Price.Sorenson, John P., (Sophie), stationary engineer, h. 30 Chapin.Sorenson, William, bds. 104 William.MODERN Sotir, Neck, waiter, HARDWOOD r. 15 Harrison. FLOORS __ ^sk Lvons i_* HSotir, T. Are H., not cobbler, »o expeniivo rms. u Kent you may Block, think 27 Forest Ave. * mmrmm m^j v u u ^f"South Side Creamery, E. P. Sterns, prop., creamery and grocery, 60 Har- ~JSouthwick, Southern Southland, rison. Lumber M. Leslie, Cassius Sylvia, Eugene, Co.—John widow (Estelle), H., (Minnie stationary Jerome, E. r. M.), and 109 engineer, r. finisher,h. Oscar Foote 109 Foote E. Ave. h. Anderson—18-19 109 flat3, Ave. Foote New Ave. Warner Barrett Block. Bldg. ft-) m*-, JJa 3 ©

i Clark HardwareCo., Roofing and Building Papersg 378 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.onI Chantannna Rrour Just what youwantdaily as a bevera6e with£ V/UdUtaUqua UlCW meals, summer and winter Both phones 268SI Spaling, John, (Mertie), bartender, h. over 860 North Main.2 Sparks, William J., timekeeper, bds. 19 Crescent.Spaulding, Albertus E., (Miranda), handsander, h. 275 South Main.:§ Spaulding, Blanche, clerk, r. 275 South Main.

Always Buy your Dry Goods of THE A. D. SHARPE CO. OcrJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.379 toHTI.I. PTANfl P A ENTIRE 6TH FLOOR Cfft* **—•—• * J..*-*.!^ V \/VP. CHADAKOIN BUILDING -^Sprague, Clarence J., (Minnie T.)—Sprague Bros.—h. 15 Fluvanna Ave. j"Sprague, James L., (Margaret), wallpaper, 104 East Third, h. 336 Foote Ave toSprague, Lynn Tew, magazine and newspaper writer, r. 614 Spring.m*Sprague, Willis Mary A., W., widow (Florence George H.), W., postoffice h. 101 Broadhead clerk, h. 17 Ave. Grandin.fC\Spreter, Catherine, r. 517 East Second. \^Spreter, Harriet, r. 517 East Second.OSprinchorn, Ulrich, (Hertha)', pipe fitting and tinning, under 628 East Second,h. 337 East Fifth.Spring, Edward W., (Zelpha B.), vice-pres. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> School of Nursing, h. 73 -g406 Lakeview Ave. § OSpring, Lilly B., music teacher, h. over 221 Van Buren.g- xSpring, Sybil T., widow Henry D., r. 94 Liberty."< OSpring, Zilpha, student, r. 406 Lakeview Ave.Q SSpringer, William, cementworker, bds. 1200 East Second.5? QSpute, Fred, metalworker, bds. 44 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.•aSquier's Court, 110-112 West Third.3 gSquier, Edward J., (Minnie L.), h. 140 Summit.,§ XSquier, James I./(Emeline), farmer, h. 623 Palmer. tt *jSquier, Mabel N., teacher, r. 140 Summit. p C)SQUIER, ZIBA L., (Roxia), insurance and investments, 203 Squier's Court, 3h. Lateron-on-<strong>Chautauqua</strong>. S QStaff, Charles R., (Elizabeth), painter, h. 416 Falconer.8* rSTAFFORD, A. H. & SON—Austin H. and James P.—real estate, insurance, ^t"1notary public and pension attorney, rm. 1, Gifford Bldg., over 2 East ? CThird. 5°Stafford, Alta, Mrs., h. 701 West Eighth.Stafford, Austin H., (Louisa M.)—A. H. Stafford & Son—h. 500 East Fifth. ^Stafford, Beatrice, r. 272 Prospect.3! HStafford, Bert, bill poster, r. over 210 East Second. | 2Stafford, Bert, bartender, rms. over 8 East Second. re PJStafford, Charles, (Viola), yardman, h. over 954 Washington. g -3Stafford, Claud, (Jessie A.), laborer, h. 709 West Eighth.

Clark Hardware Co., Contractors & Mill SuppliesQQ 380 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.| <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew 's MAK!Wl^lDf68EVERY DAY

Y o u ris S a f e H e r e1^ The new Star Garage is absolutely fire-proofand is one of the most complete buildings ofits kind in Western New York. The floor issufficient to accommodate forty cars. ,7Your Automobile is Safe HereBecause: (') The building is fireproof and therefore the dangerfrom fire is practically eliminated.(2) The management is efficient and a careful watch iskept on everything that goes on in the garage. Thereis no feeling of uneasiness when your car is left in ourcare.(3) Our mechanics are the best to be had and the departmentis in charge of a superintendent. You run no riskwhen you leave your car with us for repairs.WE SELL AUTOMOBILES ANDSUPPLIES OF ALL KINDSAgents for the Velie Cars, Ford andStearns Silent Knight^ Before buying a car, in all fairness to yourselfwe ask you to investigate the merits of theVelie. Ask the man who owns a Velie. Weshould be pleased to demonstrate the car toyou.The Star GarageEAST FIRST STREET

FREDERICK P. HALL ...PresidentGUST C. MAGNUSONVice jPresident and ManagerHENRI M. HALL .....TreasurerLEVANT M. HALL '. . '. . ........ Secretary,A THOROUGHLY EQUIPPEDPRINTING ESTABLISHMENTWHEREIN IS DONE THEBETTER CLASS OF WORK^ High grade Catalog, Book andCommercial Printing.

THE A. D. SHARPE CO. for Carpets and Rugs Cfi—~ toJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 381 (DHILL PIANO CO. TS^Sf ?_ . ^Starkweather, Linda, widow George B., r. 206 Baker.^L.Starkweather, Triphena, widow Leroy, r. 340 Steele.*ZmStarleave, Ed., r. 341 Foote Ave.«•'Starleve, David L., (Victoria), screen doormaker, h. over 13 Charles. *iStarmer, Chester, laborer, bds. 135 Baker.ftStarmer, see Stormer.ta_Starr's Art Shop—Mrs. H. E., Misses Mabel and Eslie—art needle workand crocheting, 120 West Third.^-mStarr, Ellen L., widow Samuel F., r. 112 Chandler.VStarr, Eslie—Starr's Art Shop—r. Lakewood, N. Y. 0)Starr, Hulda E., widow Amasa—Starr's Art Shop—h. Lakewood, N. Y. £•*•Starr, Mabel—Starr's Art Shop—r. Lakewood, N. Y. £3Starstrom, Alfreda, drawer, r. 783 East Second.ftj,Starstrom, Anna, twister, r. 783 East Second.Starstrom, Hilda, Mrs., h. 783 East Second.ftStarstrom, Signa, student, r. 783 East Second.ftStead, William, (Blanche), bosspicker, h. 760 Foote Ave. ~ZStearns, Alice P., r. 62 McKinley Ave. ~—Stearns, Charles W., carpenter, bds. over 2y2 North Main. -^Stearns, Frank M„ (Harriet M.)—F. M. Stearns & Co.—h. 1134 Prender- fcjgast Ave.I—»*STEARNS, F. M. & CO.— Frank M. Stearns and Charles A. Kostlevy— 0}plumbers, gas and steam heating, 320 North Main.QQStearns, Frank W., (Maria), clerk Erie freight office, h. 16 McKinley Ave. 0JStearns, Gertrude M., r. 62 McKinley Ave.Stearns, Gretchen D., r. 1134 Prendergast Ave.^*\Stearns, Harriet R., clerk, r. 114 Forest Ave.aStearns, James W., (Mary I.), h. 62 McKinley Ave. "Stearns, John, (Alice), carpenter, r. 33 Hazzard.Stearns, John J., driller, r. 14 Axtel.ftStearns, Lincoln M., (Rodella M.), asst. sec. Art Metal Constr. Co., h. 410 ^r*West Fifth. 2Stearns, Shirley I., bookkeeper, r. 1134 Prendergast Ave. 2Stearns, William D., teamster, bds. 441 Winsor. £Stearns, see Stern and Sterns. (-*}.Stebbins, Earl, tin pressman, r. 203 Hallock. ^.Stebbins, Ethel, clerk, r. 203 Hallock.^QStebbins, Irma, student, r. 203 Hallock.f_Stebbins, Jesse, (Nettie), fireman, h. 203 Hallock.5fStebbins, John E., (Nellie), farmer, h. 203 Hallock.gStedman. Eusebie, widow Spencer, r. 28 Center. c~Stedman, George W., (Mary E.), finisher, h. 198 Hopkins Ave.MSteele, A. Frank, (Mary), h. 418 West Eighth.«•»Steele, Ida, widow Francis, r. 14 William. ~mSteers, Maria B., Mrs., h. 214 Winsor.g_Stefana, Annie, r. 132 Harrison.jFStefana, Gionono, (Fannie), laborer, h. 132 Harrison.^^Stefin, Louis, laborer, bds. 139 Baker.QQStein, Axel, woodworker, bds. 16 Morton.ftStein, Carl, carpenter, bds. 253 Prospect. g.Stein, Clarence (Irene C), h. 216 Steele.mm%r Stemple, Stein, Steinholm, Stell, view Front Joseph, Louis Frank Gertrude, Harry, Ave. Emil, R., W., W., Doors rAnna), bookkeeper, (Olga (Louise), machine painter, spooler, spinning T.), SToncK r. hand, contracting chauffeur, r. r. 700 226 700 boss, bds. Lakeview Hopkins HARRY Lakeview h. 547 painter, over under East Ave. Ave. LYONS 520 Ave. 165 9 Second. Foote North Falconer. 1 Ave. Main, h. 700 Lake- /{_ *~ ft «_ I_, f^ M W

11 Clark Hardware Co. Stoves and Furnaces•§_cs S 382JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.«?g| <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew - Always Pure and Delicious53 eo Stemple, Henry, (Gertrude), laborer, h. 226 Hopkins Ave.©4 Stemple, Louise, twister, r. 226 Hopkins Ave._w Stemple, Mary, spinner, r. 226 Hopkins Ave.,5 Stenander, August, (Emma), cabinetmaker, h. liy2 Franklin.+g Stenander, Carl, metalworker, r. liy2 Franklin.,v Stenander, Emil, (Hildur), cabinetmaker, h. 5 Linwood Ave.j" ' Stenander, Gertrude, r. liy2 Franklin.g Stenander, Gust, (Carrie), cabinetmaker, h. over 226 Hazzard.•J Stephens, Amelia W., widow Edgar W., h. 517 Prendergast Ave.mg > Stephens, Charles G. H., attorney, r. 517 Prendergast Ave.S Stephens, Havena T., r. 517 Prendergast Ave.® Stephens, see Stevens.mt , Stephenson, Burns, bds. 533 West Third..5 Stephenson, Oscar, (Hilda), metalworker, h. over 143 Falconer.•{j Stephenson, see Stevenson.G Sterling, Josephine, doffer, r. rear 14 Ninth.'S^ Stern, Bertha C, r. 511 Lakeview Ave.9 io Stern, Edith S., bookkeeper, r. 511 Lakeview Ave.~3g Stern, Nathan, (Lina), prop. The Famous, h. 511 Lakeview Ave.'"*_ Stern, Rena A., r. 511 Lakeview Ave.*S"3 Stern, see Sterns and Stearns.05 Sternborg, Frank W., (Myrtle)—Jamestown Barn—h. 110 Liberty.,^ed Sterner, William A., (Violet May), local mgr. Postal Telegraph & Cable Co.,(So h. over 16 Newton Ave.j2j"" Sterns, Edwin P., (Sarah E.), prop.South Side Creamery,60 Harrison, h. do.| Sterns, see Stern and Stearns.So Stevens, Clair Mrs., r. over 406 Washington.^ , Stevens, Duane E., (Signa), assembler, h. over 572 Allen.-. g Stevens, Ernest P., (Anna), barber, 102 Fairmount Ave., h. do.•"" § Stevens, Flossie, drawer, r. 572 Allen.*»-S Stevens. Frank W., (Mary M.), chairman Public Service Commission, NewJ8*; York, and attorney, 46 Fenton Bldg., h. 27 Allen.g 5 Stevens, Louise, bds. 304 West Third.OB Stevens, Martha L., widow Jay, bds. 835 North Main.Stevens, Melford, (Anna), supt. Lakewood Ice Co., h. Lakewood, N. Y.j^ Stevens, Morris L., (Genevieve), driver, h. over 100 Willard.[m** Stevens, William, pressman, r. over 572 Allen.ft Stevens, William M., r. 37 Tenth.g Stevens, William P., (Katherine), AGENCYcommercial traveler, h. 509 Washington.*—* STEVENS, WILSON, OVER (Maude 119 M.), NORTH gen. MAIN insurance, STREET 5-6 Allen Square Bldg.,ft . h. 310 Foote Ave.•S> g Stevens, see Stephens.—© E* WILSON Stevenson, STEVENS Charles, (Bertha), metalworker, h. 238 Crescent.__ O INDEPENDENT Stevenson, Clare, GENERAL widow Albert, INSURANCE dressmaker, h. 409 West Sixth.-br) Stevenson, Hannah M., textileworker, bds. "21 Stowe.fJJ Stevenson, John, (Mary), waste sorter, h. 622 East Second.ft Stevenson, John A., (Johanna), h. 321 Stowe._ Stevenson, John P., (Anna), casemaker, h. 210 Colfax.g _ _ _ _ft * •£ 1 t-.m-. Connecticut General Life Ins. Co., Hartford, Cornr-~ L.1F6 inSlHra-nCe VV. J. Bentley, Gen. Agt., 514 Chadakoin BWg.

Gloves, Hosiery and Underwear - THE A. D. SHARPE CO. f- P5JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 383HILL P I A N O CO.ONE PRICESYSTEM ONLYStevenson, Louise, widow Alonzo, h. 208 Jefferson.Stevenson, Mayne Reid, (Cora Keefer), sec-treas. Maddox Table Co., sectreas.Lakewood Ice Co., h. 203 Van Buren.Stevenson, see Stephenson.Steves, Catherine, nurse, r. Falconer Ext.rSteves, Ethel, widow Jerry J., h. Falconer Ext.Stewart, Alpine A., (Mary), plumber, 114 West Second, h. 1000 North Main, ftStewart, Anna M., widow William, h 644 Foote Ave.ftStewart, Annie, home baking, under 338 East Third, h. do.XStewart, Cecil V., (Lillian), foreman Morning Post, h. 16 Hazzard._Stewart, Elizabeth M., Mrs., h. 819 Prendergast Ave.QyStewart, Guy C, (Jessie J.), teamster, h. 12 Sixteenth.uStewart, Laura, r. 805 West Fifth.TStewart, Mabel E., r. 819 Prendergast Ave.^SStewart, Raymond E., plumber, r. 1000 North Main.Stewart, Robert P., (Eva), dyer, h. 9 Genesee.OStewart, Samuel C, (Alma), toolmaker, h. 12 McDannell Ave.P* §•Stewart, Theodore, (Nancy E.), janitor High School Bldg., h. 8 Institute. g: *•Stewart, William J., (Bessie), electrician, h. 113 Broadhead Ave. » g>Stewart, William J., salesman, r. 819 Prendergast Ave.— gStewart, see Stuart.jg §•St. Germain, Louis A., (Edith), chauffeur, 72 Allen, rms. over 20 Derby. « ?Sthifano, Sam, (Teresa), laborer, h. 286 Harrison. 5* o.Stick, John, blacksmith, bds. 10 Steele. e 3Stillman, Ida V., widow Rhierson S., h. 329 East Second. % %Stillson, Judith, domestic, 99 Barrett.~ cStilson, Benjamin A., (Maude), clerk, h. 1390 East Second. o §Stilson, D. Earl, (Catherine), manual training teacher J. schools, h. 1388 3.East Second.j; aStilson, Elias B., (Sarah), carpenter, h. 1390 East Second. ** g-Stilson, George W., (Elizabeth), carpenter, h. 419 Lincoln.•»Stilson, Henry, rms. over 718 East Seventh.Stilwell, Fred S., (Anna S.), horseman, h. under 224 Crescent.^^Stine, Clarence, brakeman Erie R. R., bds. 311 West Second.JjlStitt, Alvin D., (Florence B.), sec. Falconer Mirror Co., Falconer, N. Y., h. m*s34 Chestnut. t—• mtStitt, Austin W., (Allene D.), supt. Falconer Mirror Co., Falconer, N. Y., h. to416 Lincoln. toStitt, William F., (Sarah M.), pres. Falconer Mirror Co., Falconer, N. Y., h.78 Liberty. m-i.Stocker, Ella J., widow Laverne—The <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Boarding House—304 W. JQThird, h. do.Stocker, Frank L., chauffeur, r. 304 West Third.Stocker, T. Lawrence, (Myrtle E.), contractor, h. 8 Hall Ave.Stockwell, Ada, practical nurse, bds. over 750 East Second.Stockwell, Amelia, dressmaker, h. over 750 East Second.toStockwell & Co D. S. & I. A. Stockwell and L. A. Warn—grocers, 1001 COEast Second.Chif?Stockwell, D. S — Stockwell & Co.—r. 1001 East Second.For Stockwell, Red Fay, Cedar r. over and 1001 East Cypress Second. Shingles SEE LYONS 1 *Stockwell, Harrison, r. 750 East Second._•Stockwell, Ivan A., (Alta)—Stockwell & Co., and Driving Park Hotel— Stoddard! Stoeltzing, Stoddard, 1200 East Lafayette, Florence, Henry, Verne Mary, Arthur, Second, widow W„ (Mary), student, telephone (Bertha), h. Otis, do. painter, r. housekeeper, 613 operator, conductor painter, East h. 15 h. Eighth. r. J. Crossman.Lindsey 511 15 St. Crossman.North Ry., Ave. h. Main. 75 Livingston Ave.~,CO f"f- *-*>• •\J2to

s h Clark Hardware Co., Roofing and Building Papersto m ,_ g 384JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY._ ^ rii«Mifonmio R*_ur QUENCHES THIRST.ACTS AS A MILD* - —flaULaUqUcl DreVV TONIC, INDUCES SLEEP. Both Phone.X cniq g Stoeltzing, Dorothy, student, r. 613 East Eighth.CQ n Stoeltzing, Lewis, electrician, r. 613 East Eighth.Stoeltzing, Richard D.—Lynndon Worsted Mills, Falconer, N. Y.—h. 613East Eighth.Stoeltzing, Roy L., student, r. 613 East Eighth.j Stoffal, Martha, widow Joseph, r. 3 East Sixth.3 ' Stohl, Gust, (Ruth), police patrol driver, h. over 206 Sturges.£ Stohl, Louise, widow Gustaf, h. under 129 Bush.* • Stohlberg, Carl T., (Hildur), metalworker, h. 258 Falconer.J> Stohlberg, Oscar S., (Hilda M.), machine hand, h. 11 Columbia Ave.J5 . Stole, Erick, bds. 112 Hazzard.•o g, Stoltz, Herman H., (Flora E.), compositor, The Journal, h. 76 Barrett.g g, Stoety, John F., (Anna), h. 271 Fairmount Ave.M jjf Stone, Alfred W., teamster, r. 20 Price..S x Stone, Ara V., (Nellie E.)—Hanson & Stone—h. 18 Columbia Ave."2 "g Stone, Arthur M., (Florence A.), correspondence clerk, h. over 30 Grant.% a Stone, Carrie M., widow William F., r. 112 Church.CO £. Stone, Charles, (Lena C), woodworker, h. over 106 Hedges Ave.£ S Stone, Emil, (Emily), finisher,h. 25 Ninth.o -x Stone, Emma, widow Alfred J., h. 20 Price._ 4i Stone, Esther, domestic, 78 Liberty.v Stone, Eva, boxmaker, r. 25 Ninth.•rn Stone, Frank A., mechanic, r. 251 Fulton.g Stone, Fred C, (Adelaide), optometrist and optician, over 202 North Main,J3 h. 304 East Third.£ < Stone, Fred K., electrician, r. 304 East Third.S Stone, Gust F., (Hulda A.), laborer, h. 609 West Seventh."* _ Stone, Harold S., (Minnie L.), lumberworker, h. •over 8 East Newland Ave."§ jj Stone, Jessie, Mrs., r. 20 Price.B -o Stone, John. (Celia), gardener, h. 118 Palmer.B "2 Stone, Lavina, widow Henry, h. 14 Ninth.'•; a Stone, Levi M., (Florence), contractor, h. 251 Fulton.* *i Stone, Marguerite E., telephone operator, r. 609 West Seventh.Z .*> Stone, Robert K., student, r. 304 East Third.g B Stone, Ronal, r. 254 Hallock.fi S Stone. William H., (Nellie D.), supt. detail dept. Art Metal Constr. Co., h.« * 254 Hallock.° ° Stone William S., (Mary E.). retired, n. 526 Winsor.• Stoneberg, Edward J., (Lottie M.), motorman J. St. Ry., h. 241 South Main.O Stoneberg, F., Mrs., dressmaker, rms. 257 South Main.fj Stoneberg, John G., (Josephine), cabinetmaker, h. 33 Anderson.^^ Stoneberg, Tekla, textileworker, r. 33 Anderson.Jm Stonehouse, Harriet V., widow John, h. 333% East Fifth.Q^ Stonehouse, Helena M.. teacher, r. 333% East Fifth.mJm Stonehouse, Willard A., clerk, r. 333% East Fifth.W Stoner & Berry—Lynn H. and Mark—saloon, 17 East Second.im Stoner. Eugene M., (Irene), contractor and builder, h. 1112 East Second.flj Stoner, Harold W., (Evelyne), bricklayer, HEADQUARTERS h. 1096 East Second. FOR HIGH GRADE4 im Stoner, Eckman's Lynn H., Music (Mattie)—Stoner Store &- Berry—h. PIANOS 850 AND Prendergast PLAYER Ave. PIANOSr | Stoner, Sarah J„ widow Isaac J., h. 305 Crescent."• Stoop, Alphonse, weaver, bds. 521 Allen._fi C ^ 5 tf) 4) ft mx Stormer, Stoop, Storey, Jennie, Jay Margaret, John, Emma, Flora, Anna, Henry. W., weaver, (Louise*, spinner, (Helen Mrs., (Rose), textileworker, dressmaker, r. E.), r. finisher, moulder, 521 208 billing Allen.Jones r. h. h. 1+8 clerk, 148 208 & 304 Jones Gifford h. Prendergast 101 && Ave. Gifford Maple.Ave.

The A. D. SHARPE CO. for Rugs and Carpets «. SJ*JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.385 PHill's Piano School BEST trTnd cpSsteachers o50Stormer, Morris, finisher,h. 148 Jones & Gifford Ave. ^.Stormer, Sylvia, student, r. 208 Jones & Gifford Ave.flTjStormer, William—Eagle Foundry and Machine Co.—rms. 624 W. Seventh. •Stormer, William E., (Alice H.), fireman J. F. D., h. 21 Eighteenth. , ,Stormer, see Starmer. 2»Storum, Ed., laborer, rms. over 118 East Second.^jStoutenburg, Frank, (May), breweryworker, h. 825 Spring.JTStover, Helen, r. 333 East Second.J^Stow, W. Arthur, city auditor, h. 121 Bush.5jStowe, Dorothy A., student, r. 121 Bush.JJ?Stowe, D. William, (Ellen L.), bookkeeper Jamestown Lounge Co., h. 121 jj*Bush.COStowe, Hazel B., r. 121 Bush.toStraight Dry Plate Co.—J. W. Davis, pres.-treas.; A. E. Prince, sec.—Tyril. "*Straight, George A., laborer, r. 114 West Second.wStraight, Lorena M., widow B. A., r. 520 Winsor.^i?Straight, Walter E., (Anna), blacksmith, h. 114 West Second.HHStranahan, Florence, widow Gilbert, r. 10 Martin Road.^^STRANBURG'S MUSIC HOUSE—Oscar Stranburg, prop—6 West Third. VJStranburg, Oscar, (Mary)—Stranburg's Music House—h. 171 Forest Ave. t^^Stranburg, Swan G., (Hildu B.), metalworker, h. over 618 West Seventh. JjjjStranburg, see Strandburg.^QStrand, Adah, domestic, 508 East Second.l^Strand, Adla S., widow Charles, h. 215 Prospect.r-*~Strand, A. John, laborer, rms. 17-25 Russell Block.^JStrand, Carl 0., (Josephine), finisher, h. 36 Linwood Ave.^3Strand, Charles, (Hilda), carpenter, h. 37 Chamber.^JStrand, Charles O., (Anna L.), carpenter, h. 224 Prospect._•]Strand, Emil, (Hulda), coachman, h. 115 Park.**mStrand, Ellen, r. 224 Prospect.Strand, Ernest, machine hand, r. 224 Prospect.BBgStrand, Ernest, chauffeur, r. 36 Linwood Ave. 2|2Strand, Gunnar, machinist, r. 36 Linwood Ave.tq^"Strand, Harold M., student, r. 117 Maple.wgStrand, Hurlburt, machine hand, r. 36 Linwood Ave. ***Strand, John, coachman, 344 East Fourth.&**Strand, John A., (Freda), finisher,h. 135 Baker.Strand, Martin, (Ella), machinist, r. 401 English.^^Strand, Oscar, (Augusta N.), stonemason, h. 117 Maple.^^Strandburg, Ella, weaver, r. 225 Willard. ~?Strandburg, Frank O., (Christine), pres. Atlas Furniture Co., h. 57 Liberty. ^1Strandburg, Lester L., commercial traveler, r. 57 Liberty.Strandburg, Lottie, textileworker, r. 225 Willard. ^|Strandburg, Louise, widow Frank L., h. 225 Willard.^'Strandburg, Mary, r. 225 Willard._*"•Strandburg, Paul S., draftsman, r. 57 Liberty.toStrandburg, Stella, r. 57 Liberty.GOStrandburg, see Stranburg.Chgiro- Stratton, Charles H E., M(Rose L OA.), C K retired, L Uh. M36 BFairmount E R J_~._\m Ave.%Stratton, Earl, clerk, r. Y. M. C. A.N^Stratton, Ella, widow Cephas, h. 43 College.mmStrauss, Stravato, Strawberg, Stratton, Straughen, Strawberg; Benjamin, Ruth, John, Robert Clarence, Albertha, C. Charles Bvron, laundress, (Rose), J., road C, woodworker, student, laborer, (Mary), (Helena), work 207 inspector, r. meter Foote 210 h. 821 metalworker, r. 29 Hopkins inspector, 210 Ave. Lafayette. Water.Hopkins over Ave. h. 14210 821 Ave. South Lafayette. Hopkins Main. Ave. ft. to m*t \£J m£ __ m Ch T

£| Clark Hardware Co., Contractors & Mill SnppliesB-W 386 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.oQ2 OS /11iniiaLnii/flia RtiAfAT Quenches thirst, acts as a mild tonic, induces"3 l/HdUldlUJUd DreW 8ieep Both phones 268eH•a^m Strawberg, Minnie, textileworker, r. 210 Hopkins Ave..S^; Streed, Adolf, metalworker, r. over 212 Bowen.5§W Streed, Elof, (Nellie), laborer, h. over 212 Bowen.(.§ Streed, Inar, metalworker, r. over 212 Bowen.5*2 Streed see Strid.^ Streeter, Medora, Mrs., r. 114 West Eighth.•5" Strickland, Blanche N., clerk, r. 3 East Seventh.'3 , Strickland, Francis L., (Louisa), bookkeeper, h. 1060 Washington.0> Strickland, Gerald A., machinist, r. 3 East Seventh.5 Strickland, Josephine, widow Parker, h. 3 East Seventh.P Strickland, Leland, clerk, r. 1060 Washington.•-" 2 Strickland, Leroy, deliveryman, r. 1060 Washington.$} § Strickland, Lillian M., paper boxmaker, r. 3 East Seventh.SS* Strickland, Maynard, farmer, r. 1060 Washington.g1, Strickland, Ralph, bookkeeper, r. 1060 Washington.+jg Strickland, Roy W., (Agnes), bookkeeper, h. 24 ,Thirteenth.go Strickland, Willis L., (Louella), contractor, h. over 25 Twelfth._B Strid, Adolph G., (Julia S.), rubber, h. 11 Tew.4> Strid, Herman, woodworker, bds. 112 Tower.-G Strid, Oscar, woodworker, bds. 112 Tower.""• Strid, see Streed.^, Striebig, Frances, widow Joseph, r. 380 Foote Ave.S3 Strikenburg, Anna, music teacher, r. 610 Jefferson.£ . Strikenburg, Ella, widow John, r. 610 Jefferson.„ 5 Strikenburg, Ina, stenographer, r. 610 Jefferson.» c Striker, Jacob, (Emma E.)—Ochs & Striker—h. Warren, Pa.«g'S Strimdahl, Charles, (Anna), woolsorter, h. over 8 Linwood Ave.§ § Strimgren, George, laborer, bds. 952 East Second.b ° Stringer, D. R., (Anna), electrician, h. 50 Hazzard.o §J> Strobel, Stromburg, Louis Emma, H., (Margaret), domestic, 32 messenger Broadhead W. Ave. F. Exp. Co., h. over 19 West^ "P Stromdahl, Second. Alfred D., (Caroline), farmer, h. 55 Water.pj in a Stromdahl, Strobel, Maude Elmer, I., electrician, milliner, r. r. over 55 Water. 19 West Second.Wg § *i Stromdahl, Strom, Gust, Ernest, machine (Maud hand, L.), bds. finisher,h. Ill Wescott. 223 Winsor.Urn ^ >. g Strom, Stromdahl, Henry, Louis, bds. laborer, 5 Beechview r. 55 Ave., Water. (near Buffalo).U-,% «H Stromberg, Stromer, Oscar, Allen, carpenter, sheet metal rms. worker, over r. 11 Y. East M. Second. C. A.O ^ " Stromgren, Stromberg, Anna, Dorothea, widow r. Emil, 1381 East h. over Second. 243 Crescent.W . Stromberg, Stromgren, Emelia, Joseph, farmer, teacher, r| r. 1381 over East 243 Crescent. Second._. " Stromberg, Strong, Anna, Nellie, widow bookkeeper, Herman, r. h. over 7 Sampson. 243 Crescent.9^ Strong, Charles W., (Sadie A.), purchasing agent Art Metal Constr. Co.,_j h. 122 Euclid Ave.^« Strong, Clarence, student, bds. 559 East Second.^f , Strong, Clarence, (Bessie), metalworker, h. 174 Fairmount Ave.^ j Strong, Claude E., (Lina H.), bookkeeper, h. 915 Prendergast Ave.X s Strong, Clyde L.. stockkeeper, h. 8 Norton Ave.w Strong, Ernest R., (Helen), sheet metalworker, h. 8 Linwood Ave.vj5J Strong, Frank H., (Laura C.t, stockkeeper, h. 269 South Main.n* Strong, Fred, (Mary C), carpenter, h. 8 Norton Ave.Q« Strong, Fred, (Ethel M.), metalworker, h. over 122 Stewart Ave.sj,id Strong, Herman A., emp. Mechanics Laundry, r. 8 Norton Ave.•"s Strong, John A., (Freda), driver, h. 54 Franklin.£ *f_ Jg Money talks. We have paid BRADSHAW'S over $800,000.00 PIONEER losses in INSURANCE our field. AGENCY.

CARPETS, CURTAINS, TPU** A ~» CU *--.-..-. C«. S2DRAPERIES, SHADES, 1 tlC A. V. MiarpC I/O. ggJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 387 Q ^—^—^————^—————————————————^—m————m— " P||f| I PI A IVO ffl COMPLETE TUNINGREPAIRAND w_DEPARTMENT SSTRONG, LOUIE C, real estate, 1-2 Gokey Bldg., h. 213 Clinton. 2 gStrong, Mary E., widow Gilbert, h. 428 East Sixth.. WStrong, William O., clerk, r. 7 Sampson.Strongvishus, Sister, r. 205 West Fifth.Stroth, Esther J., mender, r. 106 Cross.Stroth, John A., (Sophia), blacksmith, h. 106 Cross.Stroiise, Charles, (Martha), molder, rms. 210 West Fourth,Strouse, see Strauss.Strum, Andrew, student, r. 1381 East Second.Strunk, Earl M., farmer, h. Fairmount Ave., bey. limits. s .Strunk, Frances B., widow Marshall, Christian Science practitioner, 413 r_West Third, h. do._Strunk, Maude, stenographer, r. Fairmount Ave., bey. limits.ftStuart, Blanche N., office clerk, r. over 7 Hall Ave.^ftStuart, George H., (Rose B.), foreman Eastman Kodak Co., h. 628 Palmer, (/jStuart, Nettie, widow S. Louis, h. over 7 Hall Ave.ChStuart, Rodney M., (Carrie), clerk, h. 35 Myrtle. ©Stuart see Stewart. 3Sturdevant Machine Co.—H. C. Sturdevant pres.—gen. mgr.—mfrs. Textile •>£.machinery parts, Chaut. Worsted Mills.•j»Sturdevant Monument Works—E. A. Sturdevant, prop.—200 Washington. 3 g^ DFor Sturdevant, Windows Orlando J., and laborer, Doors h. 207 Sturges. see HARRY LYONS &>g" ||Sturdevant, Wesley J., (Matilda), foreman <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Worsted Mills, h. 3 ,.Ill Bowen.Sturdy, Suderquist, Suckow, Suderlund, George, Carlo, Edward, Edmond, Minnie, Helen, Charles clerk, widow (Minnie), r. (Mary), L., 296 r. (Julia Charles, 129 weaver, Barrows. h. loomfixer, Prospect. 341 C), r. h. South janitor, 100 117 h. Lakin King. Main. 129 h. 345 Prospect. Ave. Price.(/>!»r"-" mm g. S*s G0n ~ $ _

©isu sClark Hardware Co. Fine Cutlery and ToolsSN 388 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.fc.o2» <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew is making friends every daya |§"5, Sugar Bowl—H. K. Regas and George Laskarius, props.—fruits and con-04 x fectionery, 7 South Main.0 o Sugden, Laura L., seamstress, r. 17 West Cowden Place.•mOO Sugden, Mary E., seamstress, r. 17 West Cowden Place.-m >, Sugden, Mary J., widow William, h. 17 West Cowden Place.10 £ Sugden, Pearl S., stenographer, r. 17 Cowden Place.„•§ Sullivan, Alice T., student, r. 8 Whitley Ave.«P« Sullivan, Daniel, (Mary), metalworker, h. 844 Lafayette..5 » Sullivan, Dora A., teacher, r. 8 Whitley Ave.3 d M Sullivan, Jay Ellen B., M., (Esther bookkeeper, M.), stationary r. 8 Whitley engineer, Ave. h. 120 Stewart Ave.2 | 3 Sullivan, Irene John J., S., student, (Ellen M.), r. 314 mason, West h. Fifth. 8 Whitley Ave.Sullivan, Mary E., widow Daniel, h. 314 West Fifth.«-«>~\ Sullivan, Nora, r. 217 Steele.jg a Sullivan, Paul R., student, r. 314 West Fifth.3 Sullivan, Thomas, upholsterer, r. 217 Steele.»•§ Sulo, All, filler,h. over 7 Taylor.Bj Summers, Charles W., (Gusta M.), finisher, h. 8 Seventeenth.'2 >< Sundberg, Alexander, (Bernhardina), metalworker, h. 91 Eagle.GitHSundberg, Alfred, driver, r. 203 Willard.- Sundberg, Carl, (Esther), metalworker, h. 153^ Chandler.Si Sundberg, C. Gust, (Amelia), sheet metalworker, h. 606 Newland Ave.03;§ Sundberg, Charles J. L., (Prudence), machinist, h. 216 Baker.OS'S Sundberg, Claude A., (Margaret), bronzeworker, h. over 237 McKinley Ave.©^ Sundberg, Elmer, woolsorter, r. 203 Willard.^"g Sundberg, Florence G., cashier, r. 228 Sprague.-Z\it Sundberg, Frances, boxmaker, r. 15 Highland Ave.P£ . Sundberg, Fred, metalworker, bds. 46-48 Steele.H |f Sundberg, Joseph, metalworker, bds. 263 Forest Ave.??x Sundberg, Peter, (Ida J.), woodcarver, h. 228 Sprague.3"o Sundberg, Peter E., (Anna), toolmaker, h. 15 Highland Ave."2 Sundberg, Selma, r. 203 Willard. *J2 g Sundberg, William, meatcutter, h. 203 Willard.[_j g Sundeen, Axel, (Emily), finisher,h. 217 Newland Ave.U » Sundell, Andrew, gluer, bds. under 30 Institute.35W Sundell Bros.—Carl J. and Elvin L.—meats, 2 Forest Ave.,,1; Sundell, Carl J., (Catherine C.)—Sundell Bros.—h. 108 Francis.jy a Sundell, Charles E., (Mary), metalworker, h. 59 Franklin.WiS Sundell, C. Oscar, (Ida), cabinetmaker, h. 101 Ensign.B3|S Sundell, David, (Minnie), asst. supt. Marvel Furn. Co., h. 337 Van Buren.OT^ Sundell, Elvin L., (Margaret E.)—Sundell Bros.—h. over 105 Charles.. Sundell, Gustaf, (Augusta), turner, h. 219 Barrows.© Sundell, Knut, cabinetmaker, bds. 101 Ensign.f^,? Sundell, Oscar H., (Josephine O), woodturner, h. 205 Sturges.Sundell, Roger, snipping clerk, r. 219 Barrows."t2 Sundell, Theodore, (Sigridl, metalworker, h. over 104 Charles.

Always Buy your Dry Goods of THE A. D. SHARPE CO. 2!oJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.389l"Tl• " ChIII J I P T A N O f O LARGEST AND MOST £j*"A*-1—' * t^xl^lvy \*\J. CAREFULLY SELECTED STOCK mt]Sundholm, Herbert U., (Fannie S.), prop. Jamestown Art Glass Works,, h. ©58 Franklin. 'ftSundman, Alexander, (Gustie), teamster, h. 35 Tower.Sundquist, Andrew A., (Augusta), machine hand, h. 418 Willard.has)Sundquist, Arthur J., (Marie), machinist, h. over 238 Barrows.' ^Sundquist, Carl B., (Amanda), finisher, h. 15 Park.ftSundquist, Charles G., (Ella), supt. Municipal Light plant, h. 295 Willard. n*sSundquist, Charles G., (Hulda), water rubber, h. 136 Sampson.ftSundquist, Charles J., (Linda), boiler repairing and blacksmithing, 306 Har- m+rison, h. 238 Barrows.^^Sundquist, Clara, weaver, bds. over 554% East Second.Sundquist, Deward O., (Clara), electrician, h. over 300 Foote Ave. 0)Sundquist, Douglas C, (Elizabeth), h. 987 Washington.ftSundquist, Ernest, blacksmith, r. 238 Barrows.2Sundquist, Florence, textileworker, r 238 Barrows.STSundquist, Frank A., (Ida C), furnitureworker, h. 105 Francis.Sundquist, Roy, metalworker, r. 295 Willard.Sundquist, Ruby, Mrs., cleaning and clothes pressing, 22 Institute, r. do.Sundstrom, C. John, (Emma), metalworker, h. 312 Hazeltine Ave.Sundstrom, Henning, metalworker, r. 312 Hazeltine Ave.Sunshine Bakery (The)—B. J. Rhodes, prop.—234 East Second.COSuperior Furniture Co.—Frank O. Norquist, pres., Fred Jones, vice pres. and COsupt.; Austin Anderson, secy .-treas., mfrs. extension tables, Jones &Gifford Ave.^mSuppica, Tony, (Angie), laborer, h. 48 Foote Ave.^ JSussdorf, William, metalworker, bds. 234 Hallock.OSutcliffe, Alice, r. 11 Thayer. £*Sutcliffe, Arthur, (Sarah), metalworker, h. 3% Winsor.^Sutcliffe, Craven, warp dresser, bds. 13 Shaver.mftSutcliffe, Cyril B., steamfitter, bds. 13 Shaver. 51Sutcliffe, Harold, textileworker, r. 11 Thayer.Jj*Sutcliffe, Herbert—Olson & Sutcliffe—bds. 13 Shaver. ftSutcliffe, John H., (Sarah), warp dresser, h. 11 Thayer. ^«4Sutcliffe, Louise, dressmaker, r. 11 Thayer.^Sutcliffe, Rhoda, dressmaker, r. 11 Thayer.Sutcliffe, Ruth, dressmaker, r. 11 Thayer. *"*9Suter, Anna, r. under 307 Allen.OSuter Everett, r. Y. M. C. A.NjSuter, George, (Rose), cigarmaker, h. under 307 Allen.Suttle, Abel, (Aina), weaver, h. Birch. q%Suttle Alice, r. 139 Institute.Jj^Suttle, Eliza, weaver, r. 32 Barrows.mmSuttle, Hubert, weaver, r. 10 Axtel.Suttle, Martha A., widow George, h. 10 Axtel.mmSuttle, Ruth, weaver, r. 10 Axtel.£j,Sutton, Fred J., (Mildred), stenographer, h. over 533 East Fifth.MSvedberg, Gust, (Elinore), carpenter, h. 121 Buffalo. J»EVERY Svedberg, DEALER Hilda, stenographer, HAS THE "BEST" r. 121 D Buffalo. A IMT Talkit over with me. ft_ toSvdene, Ernest, metalworker, r. 503 Foote Ave.(flI HAVE THE STRICTLY PURE * flllM 1 HARRY LYONS COSvdene, Erick, (Edna), veneerworker, h. 503 Foote Ave.Svdene, Erick, Jr., solicitor, r. 503 Foote Ave.Swager, Swallow, Swan, Swallender, Svendsen, h! 706 Anna, Arthur, Bert Jessie, Ellen, William Lakeview C. r. J., (Sadie Gust, over widow (Lulu), office P., 21 Ave. (Hulda L.), (Inge clerk, Benjamin, Weeks.asst. C), W.), r. h. over cashier salesman, 40 weaver, draftsman, Taylor. 119 National Barrows. h. h. over h. under 303 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> 119617 West Barrows. Prendergast Eighth. County Ave. Bank,m.J* J^ NJ g? ^^ 00 _•

tt Clark Hardware Co. Fine Cutlery and Tools390 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.for you and it's good for your family£ <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew It8good Both phones ,268Swan, August P., (Jennie F.), machine hand, h. Curtis.Swan, Axel, (Alida), hand carver, h. 10 Weeks.Swan, Carl, metalworker, rms. 337 East Fifth.Swan, Carl G., (Ida A.), metalworker, h. over 133 Stowe.Swan, Edward, sawyer, bds. 489 Winsor.Swan, F. Oscar, (Susie L.), machine hand, h. 51 Hedges Ave.Swan, George, metalworker, bds. 310 West Seventh.mm Swan, Gust A., (Alva C), metalworker, h. 26 Sampson.Sw*an, Harry, metalworker, bds. 310 West Seventh.Swan, Jesse, carpenter, r. 25 Utica.2^1 Swan, John, h. over 21 Weeks.^^ Swan, Lucy Jane, widow Alonzo, r. over 13 Ross.t_l Swan, Pearl, waitress, h. over 122 West Third.- _ Swan, Richard, bds. 311 Pine.*t*t Swanlon, Gust, cigars and tobacco, 20 East Second, h. 148 McKinley Ave.W Swanson, Adolph, (Hulda), laborer, h. over 23 Kinney.Swanson, Agnes, twister, r. 239 Falconer.^pt Swanson, Albert, textileworker, r. 33 Winsor.m-1 Swanson, Albert, bookkeeper, bds. 1058 North Main.Swanson, Albert, metalworker, bds. 620 West Seventh.f, Swanson, Albert A., groceries, 943 Newland Ave., r. 100 McKinley Ave.*** Swanson, Alberta, textileworker, r. 28 Clyde Ave.^J Swanson, Albin H., veneerworker, r. 108 Hedges Ave.W Swanson, Alex, (Mary), machine hand, h. 46 Charles.Swanson, Alfred, laborer, r. under 202 Falconer.CO Swanson, Alfred, bds. 31 Barrett.Swanson, Allene, r. 533 East Fifth.tj _ Swanson, Alma, widow Arvid, h. 24 Scott.f**rl Swanson, Alveda, textileworker, r. 26 Vega.O Swanson, Amanda, r. 207 Barrows.^^ Swanson, Amel A., (Ida), teamster, h. 26 Linden Ave.^"j Swanson, Andrew, (Annie), retired, h. over 34 Myrtle.I?"* Swanson, Andrew, (Andrea), laborer, h. 26 Victoria Ave.\^J Swanson, Andrew, (Mary), nightwatch, h. 26 Vega.r - Swanson, Andrew J., (Hattie C), iaborer, h. 18 Colfax.W"l Swanson, Andrew M., carpenter, h. 108 Hedges Ave.Cl Swanson, Andrew P., (Martina), cabinetmaker, h. 135 Camp.JH Swanson, Anna, widow Albin, h. 33 Winsor.Mas] Swanson, Anna, domestic, r. 558 East Second.HI Swanson, Anna, r. 20 Newland Ave.Jf* Swanson, Anna, textileworker, r. 115 Wescott.PL^ M owau&uu, Swanson, Anna, AHCigu spinner, ii.., uuunnccf r. 23 Eagle. ci, a. uoa-aca,al^a,a..m S> Swanson, Arthur, Anna, twister, carpenter, r. 1001 bds. Washington.909 Newland Ave.£:§ Swanson, Anna, Arthur, spinner, machinist, r. 17 r. Walnut. 33 Winsor.wa . Swanson, Arthur, Anna, bds. metalworker, machine 410 Allen. hand, bds. r. 28 167 Clyde Chandler. Ave.SB" )&•» Swanson, Arthur Anna, r. A., 135 bundle Camp. boy, r. 224% Crescent._•§ I Swanson, Arthur Anna, r. K., 205 (Selma Hotchkiss. A.), teamster, h. 17 Terrace Place.go Swanson, Anna B., widow John E., h. 13 Partridge.fc TSwanson,'£Q TriC11Vts««^£»Anna C, picker, r. 77ConnecticutLiberty.General Life Ins. Co,, Hartford, Conn.OT5Swanson,L/lIt 1115111A. Peter,dllCc(Mary L.)," w.laborer,J. Bentley,h. 510Gen.ForestAgt.,Ave.514 Chadakoin Bldg.Swanson, Archie, student, r. 1381 East Second.Swanson, Arleigh K., bookkeeper, r. 68 Barrett.

Women's Coats and Suits. The A. D. SHARPE CO. _jCO MM"PIJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 391 f „HILL PIANO CO. l=ftS JSa> mtlSwanson, August, (Hedwig), cabinetmaker, h. 352 Price. ® 2Swanson, August, pianomaker, bds. 317 East Fifth. *-*Swanson, August W., metalworker, r. over 54 Benedict.mmSwanson, Axel, metalworker, r. 34 Flagg Ave. g p«Swanson, Axel, finisher, bds. over 780 East Second. 3 p]Swanson, Axel, woodworker, bds. 9 East Newland Ave.n CWSwanson, Avel, deliveryman, bds. 46-48 Steele. x m.Swanson, Axel H., (Alice M.), shipping clerk, h. over 220 Barrows. ® 58Swanson, Axel L., blacksmith, bds. 27u Broadhead Ave. m 55Swanson, Axel O., (Amanda), finisher, h. 220 Barrows.J3Swanson, Benedicta, widow August, h. over 72 Hedges Ave.a nSwanson, Bernard G., laborer, r. 131 Wilson Ave.OSwanson, Bertha, r. 73 Benson.Swanson, Bertha M., boxmaker, r. 46 Charles.nSwanson, Bertha P., emp. Falconer Mfg. Co., r. 220 Barrows.WSwanson, Birdie, chamber maid, 7 Harrison.g HSWANSON, C. A. DRUG CO.—C. A. Swanson, pres.-treas.—200 North Main. a. xSwanson, Carl, packer, bds. over 120 Sampson. O >Swanson, Carl, metalworker, r. 73 Benson. o,Swanson, Carl A., (Josephine), shoes, 41 South Main, h. over 45 do. ffi |3Swanson, Carl G., (Florence E.), pres.-treas. Ideal-Peerless Laundry, h. 27 • WPark. S" 4Swanson, Carl G., (Amanda), metalworker, h. 245 Crescent. RJ 2Swanson, Carl H., woodworker, bds. 9 East Newland Ave.~ QSwanson, Carl H., (Bertha), metalworker, r. 137 Wilson Ave.jj- pSwanson, Carl J., (Hilda E.), h. 164 Stowe.S' nSwanson, Carl J. O., (Hilda), finisher, h. 28 Kinney.S. oSwanson, C. Axel,.(Matilda), metalworker, h. 546 Allen.g> as? jjjSwanson, C. Emil, (Ellen C), carpenter, h. 42 Chestnut.-i XSwanson, Charles, (Anna),—Jamestown Construction Co.—h. 349 Foote Ave. — e3 PrSwanson, Charles, metalworker, r. over 72 Hedges Ave. g 3Swanson, Charles, lineman, bds. 55 Steele. 2Swanson, Charles, (Amanda), stonemason, h. 17 Walnut.coSwanson, Charles A., (Hilda A.), pres.-treas. C. A. Swanson Drug Co., h. 639Prendergast Ave.JPSwanson, Charles A., metalworker, r. 291 Willard.Swanson, Charles A., (Christine H.), foreman Jamestown Table Co., h. 29West Eighth. / §.5Swanson, Charles E., (Anna), carpenter, h. 339 Van Buren.g-JfSwanson, Charles E., (Mattie), metalworker, h. over 156 Stowe. s "Swanson, Charles J., (Annie), bartender, h. 936 Newland Ave.

Clark Hardware Co., Contractors & Mill Supplies392 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.a <strong>Chautauqua</strong> BrewAlways pure and diliciousSwanson Edward C, barber, r. 28 Scott.Swanson Edwin, toolmaker, r. 33 Winsor.Swanson. Blester A., commercial traveler, r. 639 Prendergast Ave.Swanson Elizabeth, widow Gust, h. 28 Scott.Swanson, Elliot L„ student, r. 131 Wilson Ave.Swanson Elmer, woodworker, bds. 280 Willard.Swanson Elmer A., r. 29 Linden Ave.Swanson Elmer B., (Hulda S.)—Johnson & Swanson—h. 110 Church.Swanson, Elnora J., r. 128 Euclid Ave.Swanson Elvira N., twister, r. 510 Forest Ave.Swanson Emil G., (Armeda), clerk, h. 34 Anderson.Swanson Emma, domestic, 129 Van Buren.Swanson Emma, r. 45 Chapin.Swanson, Emma, domestic, 540 Lakeview Ave.Swanson, Enoch C. J.—Interstate Woolen Mills Co.—r. 18 Colfax.Swanson Erick, woodworker, bds. 51 Linwood Ave.Swanson, Erick, metalworker, r. 17 Walnut.Swanson. Ernest, (Mary), metalworker, h. over 22 Pearl Ave.bwanson, Ernest T., deliveryman, r. 11 Morton.Swanson Esack, truckman, bds. over 251 Crescent.Swanson Estelle V., student, r. 639 Prendergast Ave.Swanson, Esther, novelty finisher, bds. 11 Franklin.Swanson Esther, picker, r. 912 East Second.Swanson, Ethel M., domestic, 115 Maple.Swanson Frank, laborer, bds. 757 East Second.Swanson, Frank, (Ethel M.), clerk, h. 902 Prendergast Ave.Swanson Frank, (May), carver, h. 723 East Second.Swanson Frank, woodworker, bds. 280 Willard.Swanson: Frank, (Elma T.), woolsorter, r. 20 Newland Ave.Swanson FrahK, cabinetmaker, bds. 18 Water.Swanson Frank O., (Tillie), cabinetmaker, h. 118 King.Swanson Frank O., (Emma), laborer, h. 115 Wescott.Swanson, Frank O., (Olga A.), blacksmith, h. over 114 Crown.Swanson Fred, (Helen), cementworker, h. 232 Barrett.Swanson, Fred, (Josephine), oil producer, h. 829 Washington.Swanson, Fred A., (Blanche E.), contractor, h. 22 Buffalo.Swanson, Fred C, (Jennie S.), teamster, h. 29 Linden Ave.Swanson, Fred J., (Freda W.), metalworker, h. over 7 Cross.Swanson Frederick, metalworker, bds. 7 Fulton.Swanson F. William, (Delia M.), toolmaker, h. over 148 McKinley Ave.Swanson, Garfield A., driver, r. 904 East Second.Swanson, George C, toolmaker, r. 46 Charles.Swanson, George E., toolmaker, r. 11 Morton.Swanson, George L., r. 29 Linden Ave.Swanson, George T., student, r. 222 McKinley Ave.Swanson, Gertrude N., twister, r. 510 Forest Ave.Swanson, Gunnar, r. over 7 Cross.Swanson Gunnar, quilter, h. 7 Cross.FrifMAlVPQSwanson Gust, (Hannah)—SwansonPIAN0S- PLAYERMusicPIANOS,Store—h.VICTROLAS,16 WestVICTOREnd.TALK-Swanson, Ll/lYiTlilllGust,3cementINGcontractor,MACHINESbds.AND1058RECORDSNorth Main.NewWellman BuildingSwanson, Gust, contractor and trucking, h. 14 Stowe.Swanson Gust A., (Josephine), stationary fireman, h. 11 Morton.Swanson,Hans Harold Harry, Gust Hattie, R., S., P., music domestic, A., planer, (Selma (S. (Eba), r. Cecilia), teacher, 29 r. M.), elevatorman, r. Linden 510 558 metalworker, textileworker, r. Forest East Ave. 13 Partridge. Second. h. Ave. 299 h. h. Crescent. over 9 East 530 Newland Winsor. Ave.

THE A. D. SHARPE CO. for Carpets and Rugs >JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.393 COHILL PIANO CO. TL0ASYE°RRSsofD 3Swanson, Helen, r. 18 Colfax.>•fiSwanson, Henry, metalfinisher, bds. 63 Chapin.mmSwanson, Henry A., metalworker, r. 291 Willard._£Swanson, Henry S., (Mabel P.), paving contractor, r. 68 Barrett.m£,Swanson, Herman, (Augusta), machine hand, h. over 54 Benedict.2lSwanson, Herman, (Bessie), h. 2tiy2 Fairview Ave. C

a' Clark Hardware Co., Roofing and Building Papers•as394 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.cQUENCHES THIRST.ACTS AS A MILD0) <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew TONIC, INDUCES SLEEP. Both Phone.EaSwanson, Leonard A., r. 29 Linden Ave.fl,jj Swanson, Leonard C, (Edith E.), finisher,h. over 224 Crescent.>«|j Swanson, Leonard F., metalworker, r. 128 Euclid Ave.g> Swanson, Leroy, bricklayer's apprentice, r. 28 Clyde Ave.g Swanson, Lillian G., domestic, 21 Newland Ave., r. 11 Morton.•- Swanson & Lindquist—John Swanson and John Lindquist—saloon, 6 Northg ^ Main.Swanson, Louisa, widow Peter, r. 434 Falconer.Swanson, Louise, Mrs., r. 9 Linwood Ave.Swanson, Lyle J., stereotype operator, r. 68 Barrett.Swanson, Lynn, (Grace), textileworker, h. 504 East Fifth.jg Swanson, Mabel A., clerk, r. 131 Wilson Ave.» g Swanson, Malcolm, (Anna C), woodworker, h. 77 Liberty.jjj u Swanson, Marion D., (Fredella), motorman, h. 43 Baker.t*m Swanson, Martin, metalworker, bds. 311 Newton Ave."g k Swanson, Mary, domestic, h. 558 East Second.

The A. D. Sharpe Co. for Rugs and CarpetsJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.395 J_\H I L L P I A N O C O ENTIRE 6TH FLOOR GO p-3«"-**-' * 1^*.11\/ \s\S. CHADAKOIN BUILDING mm— fisSwanson, Richard, r. 904 East Second.S3Swanson, Richard, (Hartha)—Elk Furniture Co., Falconer; N. Y.—h. 309- ££.310 Fenton Bldg. «Swanson, Robert G., (Olga B.), cement contractor, h. over 222 McKinley ••*Ave. ,-Swanson, Royal C, electro plater, r. 330 Allen. ^?ewanson, Rudolph H., hand carver, r. 80 Hazzard. .Swanson, William Robert, teamster, r. 1001 Washington.Swanson, Selma, domestic, 9 Prospect.g1Swanson, Selma, milliner, r. 514 Newland Ave. 5Swanson, Selma, r. 73 Benson.§" ^Swanson, Selma A., clerk, r. 77 Liberty. ""' §Swanson, Sherman, mechanic, r. 15 Kinney.? _Swanson, Signe, textileworker, r. 13 Pardee Ave.g" cSwanson, Sophia, domestic, 207 Price. -g 3Swanson, Sophia, r. 218 Thayer.g WSwanson, Sophie, r. 1058 North Main. 3 w>Swanson, Swan, (Matilda), metalworker, h. 34 Flagg Ave."g. gjSwanson, Swan, (Maude), loomfixer, h. over 258 Willard. ^*

~ Clark Hardware Co., Contractors & Mill Supplies•m* ' ~~~fi 396JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.& <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew IS MAKiNUS?f68EVERY DAY»* — ~ — " — ^ ^ — — — — — — — — — — — — — ^ — — > ^ — ^ — —J2 Sweeney, Harry T., (Luella), machinist, h. 210 Linwood Ave.m Sweet, Albert L., (Augusta D.), retired, h. 10 Charles.O _ Sweet, Annetta, widow Stephen, nurse, r. 14 Axtel.Sweet, Belle, Mrs., chief operator Home Telephone Co., h. over 311 PrendergastAve.Sweet-Clarke uo. (Inc.)—J. M. Sweet, pres. Wm. Koehl, vice-pres.; T.JamesO Clarke, sec.-treas.—mfrs. hardware specialties, over 104 East Second.X Sweet, Finley B., (Angeline), h. 711 East Second.~ Sweet, Florence B., vocal teacher, r. 10 Charles.05 Sweet, Fred M., stonemason, h. 14 Axtel.[•I Sweet, Helen M., widow Isaac, h. 22 West Eighth.Sweet, John M.—Sweet-Clarke Co.—h. 42 Charles.~ft Sweet, Samuel, (Regina), retired, h. 201 Forest Ave.g) Sweet, Sarah, Mrs., cook, rms. 92 Allen Square.Q£ Sweetin, James B., (Matilda C), finisher,h. 237 Barrett.Sweetland, James, (Gayle H.), pianist, h. 8 Fulton.Sweetman, Thomas, freight handler, rms. 62 Water.Sweezy, Herbert L., (Althea), second hand goods, 613 North Main, h. 54East Cowden Place.Swenson, Swen O., (Thora M.), United Meat Market, 1 Brooklyn Square, h.164 Barrett.Swenson, William, (Emma), pastor Swedish M. E. Church, h. 10 Foote Ave.Swensson, John S., (Maria E. C), supt. Gustavus Adolphus Orphans' Home,1381 East Second, h. do.Swensson, Signe A. I., student, r. 1381 East Second.Swensson, see Swanson and Swenson.P* DR. SWETLAND E. J. SWETLAND & ANDERSON—E. J. and Charles E — DR. dentists C. E. over ANDERSON 2 EastThird.«j SWETLAND & ANDERSON02 DENTISTSOmiOver First National BankCor. Main and Third StreetsSwetland, Evander, (Sarah E.)—Swetland & Anderson—h. Clement Park-onr_\<strong>Chautauqua</strong>.yj Swift, Charles D., salesman, r. 19 West Seventh.^j Swift & Co., wholesale meats—William L. Booth, mgr., 33 Institute.rm} SWIFT, Seventh. J. D., (Mettie R.) local rep. Jacob Dold Packing Co., h. 19 WestH """"-"• Swomsted, Lulu, r. over 174 Fairmount Ave.Om_\ Sword, Eric, finisher,bds. 169 Barrett.£H Sykes,Maria C, r. 653 Lakeview Ave.Sykes, William, (Martha C.),—Eagle Foundry & Machine Co.—h. 653 Lake-L* view Ave.Jar Syren, Harold L., toolmaker, r. over 162 Baker.fll Syren, John A., (Minnie C), musician, h. over 162 Baker.K-J Szcenski, Jenmen, (Mary), rubber, h. 67 Foote Ave.COrV The »MC I'llUUdl Mutual Benefit UCIieill Lite Lille r^tijrnedtopolicy RETURNED TO POLICY holders"anHOLDERS and funds on han.W Tlin nt Mi.+nol Nmunnlr Ronafit N I ifo future Premium payment receipts to to policy Jan. holders 1<strong>1911</strong>, - - - -9387,143,488.69$427,763,190.20!T? mj «t N„..,„„], future payment to policy holders .... S427,763,lf01 HeWarK, tt.J. f. S. TREADWAY, District and funds Agent on hand for

Women's Coats and Suits - The A. D. Sharpe Co. j£JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 397 m-mHilFs Piano School 0W£_yi_SS0P |T ~»-

II Clark Hardware Co. Stoves and FurnacesOX, ___«73 398 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.«B1| <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew ALWAYL^Lr2eD8EUC10US\Xjz Terry, Arthur S., (Hilda), shipping clerk, h. over 128 East Second.O" Terry, Charles T., (Rhoda L.), conductor J. St. Ry., h. 102 William.*e® Terry, Eva A., r. 9 Price..5 4 Terry, F. C, r. Y. M. C. A."5 co Terry, Florence E., stenographer, r. R. F. D. 77..2 Terry, Grace, clerk, r. over 105 East Second.J5 Terry, Grant T., (Diana C), laborer, h. over 35 Seventeenth.9 Terry, Leroy O, asst. cashier Erie freight station, h. over 105 East Second.•J • Terry, Louise, h. 9 Price.-g « Terwilliger, Minnie, r. Fairmount Ave., bey. limits.jjj Terwilliger, Wesley, (Annie M.), cabinetmaker, h. Fairmount Ave., bey.limits.1? e • Teudesmann, E. Albert, woodworker, r. 112 West Seventh.m Teudesmann, Henry O, (Edna), metalworker, r. over 112 West Seventh.g Teudesmann, Minnie, Mrs., h. over 112 West Seventh.Tew, Cora S., Mrs., r. 70 Prospect.£-i Tew, Dorothy S., r. 70 Prospect.JEJio Tew, George W., retired, bds. Humphrey House.S§ Tew, Harvey W., (Susan G.), h. 205 Van Buren._= Tew, Willis, retired, h. 204 West Fifth.o"g Tewey, Anna, Mrs., h. 358 South Main.9 . Tewey, Charles W., drayman, r. 358 South Main.ts2 Tewey, George, bookkeeper, r. 358 South Main.•52 Tewey, Mary, telephone operator, r. 358 South Main.i*i tu Thanus, Spiro, student, r. 139 Baker.g Thatcher, Ethie P., millinery, 100 East Third, r. 6 Cross.iiiatcher, Mary E., widow Orestes J., h. 6 Cross.Thatcher, Olice L., widow Pierson, domestic, 213 Clinton.p | Thayer, Alanson, (Lucie A.), retired, h. 370 Falconer."" o Thayer, Allen A., (Emma), janitor City Bldg., h. 509% West Sixth.Jj£ Thayer, Bertram M., (Bernice B.), fireman J. F. D., h. 24 Dexter.•2^ Thayer, Donald P., (Jennie), carpenter, h. 225 East First.S-g Thayer, Jennie P., widow A. J., r. 28 Kingsbury Ave.Ob Thayer, Manley, retired, r. 213 West Second.Thayer, Melissa, widow James, r. over 25 Twelfth..^ Thayer, Mildred, r. 617 Pine.*^ Thayer, Ralph W.. (Gladys A.), jewelry and repairing, 121 West Third, h.ft 611 Washington.mm Thelander. Gustaf E., (Annie), painter, h. 9 Bishop.j* Thelander, Peter M., r. 110 McKinley Ave.Ml Thelander, Walter E., (Mary), finisher,h. 216 Bowen.E Themelis, George, bakery, 6 Race, r. 35 Steele.Thierfeldt, Ida. widow Louis, h. 75 Bemus.ft fhima, John, finisher,bds. 104 Harrison.f ^ Thimelis, George, baker, h. 35 Steele.^m* i mrteenth Separate Co. Armory, 40-46 South Main.^m Thorn, Hettie, Mrs., millinery, 28 Fairview Ave., h. do.*r—t Thorn, William, r. 254 Harrison.^^ Thomas, Charles H., (Anna L.), gardener, h. 507 Palmer.Thomas, Edward B.. (Emma C), auditor W. F. Exp. Co., h. 414 Jefferson.ft Thomas, Floyd, barber, rms. 215 West Second.rj THOMAS, FRANK A., (Kate L.), cleaners and dyers, 15 Gokey Bldg. andft m- "*"| P O C\ 2 ST GO ¥ «f THOMAS, Thomas, Llie ' IiioiiMrti'wirt 47 South inSUrailCe John. George Joe, Herbert Josephine JOHN Main, machine (Abigail), W., L., M.. S., h. "(Ella), horseshoer. (Lura), 345 r. hand. ronhecticuf retired, 109 w. Foote dyers r. plumber, J. Allen. 231 Bentley, 118 h. Ave. and South 42 General West r. cleaners, Allen. 343 Main. Gen. Fourth, Foote life Agt., h. r. Ins. 343 Ave. over 514 Foote Co., 6 Chadakoin East Ave. Hartford, Third. Big Conn.

Women's Coats and Suits>THE A. D. SHARPE CO. r1JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 399HILL PIANO PO ORGANS AND OLD PIANOS hri***—i*J * 1-M.1H/ \s\Jm TAKEN IN EXCHANGE L JThomas, Mary, widow Frederick, r. 114 Bowen. ^JThomas, Nathaniel E., (Lizzie), aristo printer, h. 109 Allen.N—IThomas, Ralph H., reporter The Journal, r. over 842 East Second.m-iThomas, Samuel, (Eliza), stonecutter, h. over 842 East Second.Thomas, Simon, finisher,r. 231% South Main.Thomas, Susan H., widow James H., music teacher, h. over 133 Lakeview rAve.Thomas, Susan T., weaver, r. over 133 Lakeview Ave.>Thomas, Velda, clerk, h. 632 Palmer.c T^Thomas, William G., (Emma W.), commercial traveler, h. over 215 West _—Fifth.C^Thompson Candy Co.—L. H. Thompson, prop.—wholesale mfrs., 4-6 Holmes.Thompson, David M., (Sarah), chief engineer J. Lighting & Power Co., h.15 Myrtle. MThompson, Earl C, (Eva C), electrician, h. 868 Washington.^HThompson, Edwin G., (Lena M.), carver, h. 40 Bush.^0Thompson, Ethel, r. 214 Clinton.Thompson, Fred A., teamster, r. 410 Washington.Thompson, George M., (Harriet J.), real estate, h. 26 Twelfth.Thompson, Helen H., r. 123 Lakeview Ave.Thompson, H. Marvin, (Julia), milkman, h. 610 Camp._ pThompson, Jane, widow Fred R., h. 616 Prendergast Ave. f S-Thompson, John A., (Ida M.), teamster, h. 410 Washington. « *"Thompson, John C, finisher, bds. 868 Washington. / » g>Thompson, Joseph, freight inspector, h. 112 Crossman. t" ~Thompson, Levant H., (Margaret)—Thompson Candy Co.—h. 79 Allen. 5' g-Thompson, Louise R., housekeeper, r. 208 West Fourth. a 9Thompson, Marjorie E., clerk, r. 26 Twelfth.£• >ijThompson, M. E., Mrs., millinery, 79 Allen, r. do. o 5'Thompson, Minnie, Mrs., h. over 4 Barrows. Ej *Thompson, Nina M., stenographer, r. 26 Twelfth.M rThompson, Norman R., (Kate), accountant, h. 50 Allen.** aThompson, Philena S., widow Frank, seamstress, h. 14 Allen Suare Bldg., ». §,over 119 North Main. E. 2Thompson, Samuel W., (Emily), dry goods, 307 North Main, h. 123 Lake- ^ g"view Ave. MO ^*Thompson, Seth W., (Emma L.), retired, h. 609 Lakeview Ave.Thompson, W. Addison, (Lillian P.), sec. Jamestown Ice Cream Co., h. 14 ^mFourteenth.m-t-,Thompson, William, broker, 524 Chadakoin Bldg., r. 214 Clinton.i—tsThore, Axel, decorator, bds. 101 West Fourth. £5*Thore, Anna, Mrs.,, domestic, rms. 91 Allen Square.(x>Thoren, Arthur, messenger, r. 37 Broadhead Ave.^Thoren, August, veneerworker, r. 8 William.Thoren, Carl, (Emma C), finisher, h. 612 Winsor.Thoren, Edward, (Anna), machinist, h. 60 Hunt Road.^^Thoren, Effie C, student, r. 612 Winsor.^Thoren, G. Richard, metalworker, h. 37 Broadhead Ave. (->Thoren, Theodore, cabinetmaker, bds. 110 Foote Ave.CAThorenson, Are Mr., not to janitor, expensive h. at 64 you Water. maychThorenson, Adolph, machine hand, bds. 1 Briggs.m-mThorenson, Charles, steel casemaker, bds. 1 Briggs.MODERN Thornblad. Thornblad, Thornton' Thorp, Thorman, 'luorne \ James, A— Malcoln, Charles Vearon, HARDWOOD Joseph, Albert, George, not >o (Emogene), eXDenuve (Laura)—Lindstrom F., (Delia), (Anna), toolmaker, (Mina FLOORS L.), a» worsted . metalworker, mechanic, you E.), barber, r. may 6 woodworker, Orchard finisher, think __ & h. 174 h. ^sk Thorne—h. 703 6 h. Livingston Orchard. West h. 193 Lyons over South Eighth. 254 16 Ave. Main. Willard. 11 Whitley Ave. J»«,..-gX Ch Jf^ £J C/i 1/1 CO

^ Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. THE A. D. SHARPE CO.un m —^^ U 400JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.mm _____^_____«________________^^^_^^^___^_^_I^HTIT PTANO Cd entire 6th floor°*-\ 111L jJJ S _ largest Tobias, Victj-olas, Tobone. Todd, Evlyn stick Charles, Joe, $50, A., (Mary), Victor $78, veneerworker, (Helen)—M. $tOO, dyer, Records h. $180, J. 81V2 in bds. Murray $200 the Water. 16 City Sampson. IjUUU«M & Co.—h. prly-mQn'„ 341 & Crossman. llUMl MI1cir CfnfA UlOIC

Always buy your Dry Goods of The A. D. Sharpe Co.QJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.401 PHilPs Piano School FIN%TMLSTUDI0S S5QTodd, Frederick P., (Mary), loan agent, 11-12 Gokey Bldg., h. 408 East Eixth.Todd, Lathrop, (Elpha), optician, h. over 2 Livingston Ave.fmtTodd, Mary A., trained nurse, h. over 26 Stowe.~ mTODD & YOUNG—Fred P. and Clark H — brokers and loan agents, 11-12Gokey Bldg.*^—\Todora, Salvatora, laborer, bds. 12 Harrison.^_jTodusso, Thomas, (Flora), finisher, rms. 59 Allen Square.ftToli, Nose, polisher, h. under 32 Institute.fmTolson, Albert, (Sarah J.), h. 495 South Main.£_iTolson, Herbert, weaver, r. 495 South Main.ft GOTolson, Jesse, finisher, r. 495 South Main.CD ftTolson, Norris, (Jessie), driver, h. 67 Center. -Tompkins, Bert A., (Florence A.), steel casemaker, h. 37 Van Buren.Tompkins, Claude B., (Ethel), bench boss, h. 119 West Fourth.Tompkins, Frances E., widow Frank, dressmaker, r. 333 East Second. ""Tonas, George, filler,r. over 212 Washington. ^^Tonge, Edgar, yardman Erie R. R., bds. 14 Seymour Ave.PJTony, Bill, rubber, r. 109 Sprague.mToombs, Floyd, (Bertha), driver, rms. 223 Fairmount Ave.L'JToothill, Anna M., widow Richard E., h. 620 East Sixth.**^Toothill, Ernest G., (Pearl B.), foreman spinner, h. over 718 East Seventh, mmmToothill, Gladys, student, r. 620 East Sixth.WTopper, Carl E., (Hilda), woodworker, h. 4 East Newland Ave.5flTopper, Joseph, (Elizabeth), laborer, h. 823 Cherry. r*Tordoff, Charles, (Ethel), wool sorter, h. over 304 Willard.L^Tordoff, Edith, r. 113 Weeks.jTordoff, Edward, metalworker, r. 113 Weeks. ~-Tordoff, Samuel, Tordoff & Son, r. 113 Weeks.QTordoff, Schofield, (Polly), Tordoff & Son, h. 113 Weeks.JJJTordoff & Son.—Schofield and Samuel—plumbing and gas fitting, under 39 ^QSouth Main.Tornell, Joel, (Ethel M.), chief clerk, Erie R. R. yard office, h. 6 Cook Ave. -g-.Tororo, Colgero, driver, bds. 36 Harrison.WoTororo, Giuseppa, driver, bds. 36 Harrison. C«3Torrance, Glenn A., driver, r. 114 Buffalo.^Torrance, William A., (Jennie C), principal East Second Street Grammar j»2School, h. 39 Falconer.^£$Torrens, James B., (Katherine), salesman, h. 813 Jefferson.

-§ Clark Hardware Co. Stoves and Furnaces\,x&^ 402JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.«£ <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew, Low in alcohol, rich in extractrrj X __________________________________________________Gt_^H Towle, William E., photo engraver Journal, r. 61 Liberty.{^[2 Towne, Charlotte A., widow Rufus, h. 37 McKinley Ave.My Towne, Morris E., (Effie), pres. M. E. Towne Furn. Co., h. 400 Lincoln.j-ne Towne, M. E. Furniture Co., (Inc.)—M. E. Towne, pres.; Alta M. Johnson,vS° sec.-treas.—furniture jobbers, 13-23 Holmes.a^ Townsend, Elmer C, (Althea), typewriter supplies, Gokey Bldg., h. over.•g 103 Cook Ave.• Townsend, James G., retired minister, h. 31 Euclid Ave.J-; Townsend, Jessie J. N., Mrs., music teacher, h. 107 Barrett.•*- w TOWNSEND, JOHN G., (Christine), carpet cleaning works, 31% Linden.S c Ave., h. 31 do.,_>_ Townsend, Lynn S., (Jessie J. N.), painter, h. 107 Barrett.j^Cu Townsend, Madeline G., r. 31 Euclid Ave.gjs Townsend, Marjorie, student, r. 31 Linden Ave., Trainor, Bernard G., (Catherine), postman, h. 9 Peach.!3 Trainor, Bridget, widow James, h. 104% Weeks.4§ Trainor, Charles F., metaTpolisher, r. 104% Weeks.a> . Trainor, Francis O., (Mary T.), cigarmaker, h. over 11 East Fifteenth.jg'S Trainor, George E., (Jennie S.), warpdresser, h. 209 Sturges.© c Trainor, Gertrude V., milliner, r. 9 Peach.W? Trainor, Jane Ann, r. 104% Weeks.b o Trainor, John J., foreman textileworker, r. 9 Peach.O JJ Trainor, John J., (Mary), warpdresser, h. 54 Grant.+.J. Trainor, Joseph, (Johanna)—McGinity, Johnson & Co.—h. 35 Grant.$•§ Trainor, Patrick, (Catherine), loomfixer, h. 360 Price.2 !• Trainor, Thomas, woolwarper, r. 104% Weeks.m* Trampleasure, Calvin, draftsman, r. 649 Prendergast Ave.;> £" Trampleasure, Henry T., (Mary E.), textileworker, h. 649 Prendergast Ave.m*t* Trampleasure, Lillian, music teacher, r. 649 Prendergast Ave.• Trantum, Arthur L., (Jane C), second hand goods and broker, 29 NorthO Main, h. 410 Winsor.O Trantum, C. Revelle, driver, r. 105 Cross.r_m Trantum, Guy M., (Grace), clerk, h. 109 Mechanic.S g Trantum, L. Pearl, r. 410 Winsor.£r 5 Trantum, Sarah E., widow George P., r. 109 Mechanic.nT < Trantum, William E., (M. Marilla), machinist, h. 105 Cross.q ^ Trask, Agnes, h. over 245 Fairmount Ave.fj . Trask, Eugene, teamster, bds. 283% South Main.. Trask, Levi, (La Belle), deliveryman, h. 272 Prospect.Q \\i Traver, E. Claire, student, r. 104 Buffalo.>^ Traver, Emerson M., (Myrtle I.), plasterer, h. 104 Buffalo.\If Travis, Irvin, woodworker, bds. 248 Hopkins Ave.^ TREADWAY, FRANK S., dist. mgr. Mutual Benefit Insurance Co., bds. 116 ry £ M d w u tn S $ Treat, Treadway, TREAT We Treff, ton. Pine. represent Rudolph H. Charles C. & Vincent. Doris, Wesley OGILVIE—C. forty E., L., student, (Bertha), (Lottie P., (Mamie), companies (Grace), r. BRADSHAW'S E. R.),—Treat 34 night police, and Price. with laborer, D. agent $170,000,000 h. G— & 47 W. PIONEER Ogilvie—h. wholesale Pearl 31 F. Cedar Express assets. Ave. fruit INSURANCE Ave. 34 Co., Price. and h. over produce, AGENCY- 229 Ful-208 •

THE A. D. SHARPE CO. for Rugs and Carpets 132 x2 _,JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.403 _ rHiirs Piano School K J S S . * 1. t,Treff, Carl O., (Matilda), woodworker, h. 11 Eagle. 5 9Treff, Dora, weaver, r. 11 Eagle.r MTreff, John, cabinetmaker, r. 11 Eagle.r _Treff, Theodore, pressman, r. 11 Eagle. o ~H2• oTreff, Thyra E., r. 11 Eagle.Tresca, Razzario, (Mary), woolwasher, h. 33 Franklin.Tresca, Sam., comber, bds. 33 Franklin.Tresca, Sebastiana, spinner, bds. 33 Franklin.Tresca, Sebastiana, duffer, bds. 33 Franklin.Tresca, Tony, (Angeline), laborer, h. 33 Franklin.t,^Tress, Joe, (Sarah), retail fruit, 792 East Second, h. do. £jTrimm, Lee S., (Bessie), artist, h. 931 Newland Ave.t_Tripi, Clara, twister, r. 33 Franklin.ftTripi, James, barber, bds. 25 Steele.f^Tripi, Lucy, spinner, r. 33 Franklin.C/> 3Tripi, Sam, (Rosa), laborer, h. 33 Franklin. £+Triscuit, Ernest J., (Abbie), deliveryman, h. 5 Federal.OTrogen, Edith, domestic, 518 North Main.

Ii Clark Hardware Co. Stoves and FurnacesO eO o 404 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.*~_nUj /^l-_„ 4. _.___„_ Du~... Possesses all the attributes o! purity and flavor that ar%* <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew "^i^Sn^8"(fl«mA Turk, Archie, R. R. clerk, bds. 811 Spring.C ui Turnberg, Frederick, (Albertina), machinist, h. over 120 William.V c Turnberg, Sven A., (Christina), laborer, h. 120 William.qJs Turnbloom, Frank E., (Ellen), metalworker, h. 1106 East Second.ofim Turnbloom, Johanna, Mrs., h. under 56 Tower.CO£ Turnbloom, Oscar, laborer, r. under 56 Tower.t/ijg Turncrantz, Henning, (Minnie), metalworker, h. over 313 Willard.S£ Turnell, Edwin, (Hulda), packer, h. over 59 Franklin.(0 >, Turner, Alice J., widow Frank P., dressmaker, r. rear 10 West Sixth.Wi- Turner Candy Co.—W. W. Hunt, pres mfrs., 4 Arcade Bldg., 24 N. Main.^j." Turner, Charles F., (Anna), metalworker, h. over 19 Cleveland Place.Co. Turner, Clarence L., (Kathryn,) police, h. over 920 North Main.'S « Turner, Floyd, (Mary), stonemason, h. Warner Blk.C « Turner, Frank B. Cleaning Co.—Frank Vogel, mgr.—hats and clothing£m 8 cleaning, 213 West Third.g Turner, Fred P., (Signa)—Turner & Son—h. 347 Van Buren.-(5 Turner, Glen, (Myrtle), confectioner, h. 9 Barrows.CO-. Turner, James W., (Bessie), homebaking, 211 East Second, h. 31 Falconer.0£ c Turner, John, (Elizabeth), wool sorter, h. 46 Foote Ave.O « Turner, Joseph E., draughtsman, r. 46 Foote Ave.H_ Turner, John L., (Bertha H.)—Turner Candy Co.—h. 20 Sherman.r_i *t^2j Turner, Lillian A., r. over 562 East Second.gjjj*1 Turner, Myron, (Emily), farmer, h. 11 Price.h»i Turner, Paul G., (Melicent E), draftsman, h. 122 Lakin Ave.3 & Turner, Peter—Turner & Son—h. over 562 East Second.rjS Turner, Peter A., (Hannah C), packer, h. 318 Stowe.q Turner, Sarah A., Mrs., dressmaker, r. 608 West Sixth.^•3 Turner & Son—Peter and Fred P.—grocers, 632 East Second.e_55 Turnfelt, Herman, machine hand, bds. 132 Barrett.W Turnquist, Andrew, (Teckla), wood finisher, h. 409 Palmer._ •£ Turnquist, Ebert, wood finisher,r. 409 Palmer.r_ s Turnquist, Freda, widow Gust, h. under 78 Ellicott.H o Turpyn, Adolph, h. 504 Foote Ave.W g Tushy, Spiro G., filler, rms. over 7 Taylor.jy5(2 Tusso, Bacilius, laborer, bds. 435 Allen.Twainezak, Mikotuj, (Henrietta), machine hand, h. 59 Foote Ave.• Tweedale, Ann E., r. 404 Lafayette.© Tweedale, Bertha M., r. 106 Liberty.sJ Tweedale, Frank, (Lottie), bookkeeper Empire Worsted Mills, h. 23 Maple._)—x Tweedale, Isaac, (Eliza), woodworker, h. 404 Lafayette.t/3 Tweedale, John, insurance agent, h. 106 Liberty.»"* Tweedale, Tyrell, Peter, Martha finisher,bds. M., stenographer, 1054 East r. Second. 106 Liberty.7_ >. Tyler, Tyrrell, Florence Lewis D., E., (Margaret), student, r. 512 postman, West Seventh.209 West Eighth.H. Tyler, Tyrrell, Frank Robert B., S., student, upholsterer, r. 512 r. West 209 West Seventh. Eighth.wTyler, Henry, carpenter, bds. 33 Hazzard.(bl 5 Tyler, Tlio Mutual James, Roll florist, of it I bds. ifo 123 Premium Fairmount receipt, Ave. to Jan. 1, <strong>1911</strong> .... $367,143.48859^^ l~J Tyler, llie nt i'lUlliai Viola Nnurawlr DeilCllt E., N student, I Llie r. future RETURNED 512 payment West TO Seventh. to POLICY policy holders HOLDERS - - and >' . funds - $427,763,190.20on hardfor> >% Tyler, oi William fiewarn, H., n. j. (Ella L.), groceries, f. s. 512 treadway, West Seventh, outnct h. a*«k do.

Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. THE A. D. SHARPE CO.Hill's PianoJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.Schoolu405 CA NATIONAL TRAININGSCHOQL FOR PIANISTSUhlin, Amelia R., textile weaver, bds. 183 Barrett.Ulander, Axel, (Victoria), bench boss, h. under 748 East Second.Ulander, Jennie, mender, r. over 124 Crescent.Ulander, Sophia, widow Peter, h. over 124 Crescent.Ulene, David, cabinetmaker, bds. 6 South Main.Ullary, Ada, widow William, dressmaker, h. 208 Jefferson.Ullary, Glen, student, h. 208 Jefferson.Underwood, Adella G., music teacher, r. 415 Lakeview Ave.Underwood, Albert, (Hulda B.), retired, h. 359 Baker.Underwood, Albert T., r. 85 Prospect.Underwood, Anna E., stenographer, r. 359 Baker.Underwood, Belle M., r. 359 Baker.Underwood, Bertha A., trained nurse, r. 359 Baker.Underwood, Clarence S., fireman J. F. D., r. over 13 McKinley Ave.Underwood, Cyrus, (Julia A.), oil producer, h. 415 Lakeview Ave.Underwood, Edward, clerk, r. 321 Crossman.UNDERWOOD, EDWARD L., (Phene), crockery and variety store, 221North Main and 7 West Third, h. 321 Crossman.Underwood, Ella, Mrs., h. 703 West Eighth.UNDERWOOD, FRANCIS J., (Elizabeth), factory and mill supplies, 20Briggs, h. 85 Prospect.BOTH PHONES 1040 20 BRIGGS STREETF. J. UNDERWOODMANUFACTURERS' SELLING AGENTCanvas StitchedChamoisFACTORY AND MILL SUPPLIESBeltingLeather BeltingRubber BeltingSand PaperGlueCurled HairPaperTwineVarnishShellacAlcoholSubturpTurpentineVarsolveLinseed OilStainsSpongesPumice StoneRotten StoneBrushesWasteExcelsiorCastorsBroomsMossBuilding PaperRoofing PaperDetachable FrictionHingesMachine ScrewsWood ScrewsTacksCOLONIAL PORCH COLUMNSThat will not crack or open up—abo Porch Balusters and RailLoose PulleysWood Split PulleysSawsFilesCement Coated NailsBearing MetalPackingCylinder OilEngine OilA full line of BeltingExcelsior, Sponges,Chamois, Auto Oil,Rotten Stone, Glue,Waste, PumiceStone, LubricatingOil, "K" Oil Cans,Wood Split Pulleys,Brooms, Varsolve instock.HARRY LYONSInstitute St. & Erie Ry.toCD

£ Clark Hardware Co. Fine Cutlery and ToolsO406 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.& <strong>Chautauqua</strong> BrewWithout a peer in the World of beerBoth phones 268£••4 Underwood, Fred E., plumber, r. 359 Baker.\_H Underwood, Harry L., (Victoria), sewing machine agent, h. over 13 Mc-^J Kinley Ave.~ Underwood, James R., commercial traveler, r. 321 Crossman.S?* Underwood, Jane, r. 415 Lakeview Ave.Us4 Underwood, Percy D., meatcutter, r. 703 West Eighth.Underwood, Stanley, clerk, r. 321 Crossman.O Underwood, Waite R., (Mary C), oil producer, h. 33 Broadhead Ave._ Underwood, Wilbur, weaver, r. 703 West Eighth._lr*_ Ungren, Christine, widow Ludwig, h. 29 Warner Blk.Xm Ungren, Esther, dentist's assistant, r. 29 Warner Blk.H Union Furniture Co.—F. O. Norquist, pres.; A. F. Nord, vice-pres.; E. C.Nord, sec.-treas.—mfrs dining room furniture, 234 Crescent4t*f Union Lumber Co.—Daniel Griswold, pres.; Harry T. Griswold, vice-pres.;TtJ M. T. Griswold, sec.-treas.—41 Shearman Place.m—\SUnion News Co.—Louis W. Schine, agent—Erie Depot, West First.Union R. R. Ticket Office—W. J. Lawson and George L. Chase, agents—j.13% West Third.UNION TRUST CO.—Frank Merz, pres.; Frederick P. Hall, vice-pres.;fr . Harry L. Briggs, cashier; George R. Butts, asst. cashier—211 N. Main.^^ United Cigar Stores Co.,—C. F. Rinkle, chief clerk—cigars and tobacco, 217*aj North Main.£j UNITED MEAT MARKET, (inc.), 1 Brooklyn Square, 855 North Main and77m\Urn342 East Third."' Universal Tool Co.—Nels A. Johnson, prop.—mfrs. 748 East Second.Unsworth, Ellen, office clerk, r. 1 Shaw Ave.tf v*_~V_ Unsworth, John W., (Sarah E.), foreman textileworker, h. 1 Shaw Ave.UJ5i\ Unsworth, Mary, widow Ralph, rms. 20 Maple.(J f-m Vacanti, Unsworth, Louis, Mary, (Josephine), office clerk, laborer, r. 1 Shaw h. 44 Ave. Franklin.mm Vackstrom, Upton, Mary Cecilia, A., widow r. 265 John, Broadhead h. 703 West Ave. Eighth.H 1 Upton, Vackstrom, Ross Franz H., r. J., 21 (Charlotte East Eighth. J.), tailor, h. 265 Broadhead Ave._ » Vackstrom, Urch, Charles Gust, M., textileworker, (Addie), machine r. 265 hand, Broadhead h. 144 Allen. Ave.Km.} Usher, Vackstrom, Lucy Ruth, J., widow weaver, Allen, r. 265 r. 130 Broadhead South Main. Ave.I Vail, Spencer R., (Mame R.), lineman, h. over 33 West Fifteenth.Valanti, Clara, r. 220 East First.Sp Valanti, Phillip, (Ida), metalworker, h. 220 East First.S_ g> Valine, Valentine, W., Robert r. 529 Allen. B., (Julia M.), asst. wire chief N. Y. Telephone Co., h.S -153 Prospect.mZ'-v Valkenburg, Ora, clerk, rms. 507 East Second.#'3 Valone, Andrew, bds. 5 Beechview Ave., (near Buffalo).I* Valone, Peter, (Minnie), textileworker, h. 400 Allen.my Jj Van, James, tailor, 19 Forest Ave., bds. 104 Harrison._t r% Vanalo, Angelo, laborer, bds. over 33 Scott.X_ I IFF IlVCITP ANfF Connecticut General Life Ins. Co., Hartford, Conn^ LIFL lllaUlVAlll/Li W. j. Bentley, Gen. Agt, 541 Chadakoin Bldg

DRAPER^Est'sHADEs The A. D. Sharpe Co. xJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 407• '-mmHTT T PTATVrn C d Columbia grafonolas g£I LLLjLmt l IJrXiy W V/W. RECORDS AND SHEET MUSIC § \-\VENBLOW, FRANK A., (Maude), tinroofer, under 29 North Main, h. 31 »0Barrett.^ W*,Home Phone 484-k 29 MAIN STREET Next to Erie Station O f-iF. A. VENBLOW SoContractor in all kinds of Sheet Metal Work and Repairing o d'Tin, Galvanized Iron, Slate and Paper Roofing. Spouting and Factory Piping — CmSkylight Work £ O»nVenblow, Lawrence R., metalworker, i. 31 Barrett. 0Venblow, Louise, widow John, h. over 31 Barrett.Vanderburg, Anna S., widow John, bds. 417 East Second.Van Dersander, Joseph, (Anna), laborer, h. over 1102 East Second.Van Dervoort Charles R., (Sarah), commercial traveler, h. 841 East Second.Van Dervoort, Sherman B., pres. Vandervoort Supply Co., h. 841 EastSecond.VAN DERVOORT SUPPLY CO.—S. B. Vandervoort, pres.; C. R. Vandervoort,sec.-treas.—cement block mfr. and building materials, Monroeand Isabella Ave.Vanderwarker, Edwin S., (Ella A.), laborer, h. 64 Grant.Vanderzand Peter, carver, h. over 164 Chandler.Vanderzanden, Joseph, bds. 1102 East Second.Van Derwark, Frank G., (Mary), machinist, h. 1275 East Second.Van Derwark, Mildred, student, r. 1275 East Second.Van Derwark, Roy, finisher, r. 1275 East Second.Vandewark, Charles L., (Olive B.), sec. Straight Dry Plate Co. and conductorJ. St. Ry., h. 809 East Second.Van Dusen, Anna, Mrs., h. over 853 North Main.Van Dusen, Charles, messenger, r. over 853 North Main.Van Dusen, Charles D., (Annabel), blacksmith, 15 Forest Ave., h. 211 do.Van Dusen, Ethel M., music teacher, r. 211 Forest Ave.Van Dusen, Floyd A., student, r. 211 Forest Ave.Van Dusen, May B., Harper method scalp treatment and massage, 204-205Squier's Court, bds. 333 East Fifth.Van Dusen, Nellie G., florist, r. 328 Allen.Van Dusen, Paul, telegraph operator, r. over 853 North Main.Van Dusen, Raymond, chauffeur, r. over 853 Nortn Main.Van Dusen, T. Erwin, messenger W. F. Express Co., r. 328 Allen.Van Dusen, Theodore, (Frances A.), undertaker, 328 Allen, h. do.Van Every, Charles, (Estella)—Van Every & Probst—h. 25 Sturges.Van Every, Francis, furniture varnisher, r. 25 Sturges.VAN EVERY & PROBST—Charles and M. W.—roofing and furnace work,302 East Second.Van Gelder, Elmer, (Clara), teamster, h. over 21 East Eighth.Van Gelder, John C, (Mary S.), carpenter, h. 8 Eleventh.Vanham, George, (Sophia), combing boss, h. 11% Jeffords Place.Vanham, Lupton, (Emma), machinist, h. 384 Buffalo.EVERY Vanham, DEALER Maggie, HAS weaver, THE r. "BEST" 11% Jeffords O A Place. 1 M T Talk it over withVanirio, I HAVE Sebastiano, THE STRICTLY laborer, PURE h. 36 Harrison. * /"*H^ 1 HARRY LYONSVanirlo, Sigorina, duffer, r. 36 Harrison.Van Namee, Fred D., (Bertha A.), real estate, h. 305 Winsor.Van Namee, Roscoe F., (Esther), commercial traveler, r. 305 Winsor.Vanne, Ave. Scoter, Restaurant Barbagiono, Myron (The) S., laborer, —W. (Jennie), R. bds. Van sec. over Vleck, Clark 298 prop—206-208 East Hardware Second. Co., Cherry. h. 28 Livingstono m2wWaX>p. O mf, rre3w33 2H nTO tm}oIr/i o zc H•a X >re nti. mioXCflUi£ PIo 3mm o 3 ST \aO »qcSiG 33 B-reo.P.*N33B.3 IS_SS"1w_>?0oMM%?ao

_ Clark Hardware Co., Contractors & Mill Suppliesu —2 408 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.\\ <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew Low in gggi.at1 extractVan Stee, Albert, (Minnie M.), spindle carver, h. 220 Lincoln.Van Stee, Jacob, (Anna)—American Carving Works—h. 10 Stowe.a> , VanVanSteenburg,Steenburg,Ida,Burtwaitress,W., motormanrms. 1-2-3J. St.RussellRy., rms.Block,1-2-3 Russell Block.3 Van Steenburg, Pearl, rms. 1-2-3 Russell Block.jj Vanstenacher, Frank, weaver, bds. 521 Allen.TO ' Vanstrom, John, (Adelina)—Jamestown Window Screen Co.—h. 444 Allen.oi Van Syckle, Blanche, Mrs., mender, h. over 405 Cherry.CO £ • Van Syckle, Leo, r. over 405 Cherry.-3 " Van Syckle, Lynn, clerk, r. over 405 Cherry.Van Tuyl, Fred H., (Edyth I.), office clerk, h. 1 Cook Ave.p Van Tuyl, Henry, (Garphelia), clerk, h. 251 Fairmount Ave.ffl Van Vleck, Albert A., (Mary H.), insurance, h. 210 West Sixth.*? ' Van Vleck, Grace, widow William, bds. 205 Lafayette.;g Van Vleck, Jessie H., cashier Clark Hardware Co., r. 7 Hall Ave.u ai Van Vleck, Sarah, widow Orville, h. 7 Hall Ave.§ a1 Van Vleck, Walter, metalworker, r. 7 Hall Ave.CQ es Van Vleck, William R., (Helen)—The Van Restaurant—h. over 11 W. 2ndm.x Varley, Amanda, widow John, n. over 227 Winsor.£"•0 Varley, Arthur, electrician, r. 10 Ivy.o § Varley, Bert, (Myrtie), plumber, r. 10 Ivy..2 >. Varley, Joseph, (Anna), plumber, h. 329 South Main.m-t Sj Varley, May, r. 227 Winsor..5 Vart Land Publishing Co., publishers Vart Land (Swedish Weekly)—S. A.«jjo Carlson, mgr.; Richard Berggren, editor—over 14-16 West Second."%~[ Vasbinder, C. E., (Maude M.), supt. Vandervoort Supply Co., h. 205 Allen.•as *•& pg Vawter, Vasi, Panto, Harry laborer, L., (Lilly rms. M.), over draughtsman, 5 Taylor. h. 52 Tenth.'H-a -wos Vasil, Vedonza, Andrew, Carmel, sander, laborer, r. over bds. 212 48 Harrison. Washington.M £ -2 g Vasil, Veit, Elizabeth Sotir, comber, A., student, h. over r. 451062 Harrison. East Second.-3^ U-w Veit, Vassil, Peter, Thanas, (Margaret laborer, A.), h. 139 loomfixer, Baker. h. 1062 East Second.-m-_ § Velan, Vaux, Alice, Vito, (Mary), textileworker, laborer, h. h. over 217203 South King. Main.£ ti c Vaux, Velander, Charlotte, Axel, carpenter, textileworker, bds. r. 547 over East 203 Second. King.jjj e Vella, Michelo, (Phillipa), lumber handler, h. 292 Harrison.4>ja. Vella, Teresa, twister, r. 292 Harrison..m-O vendell, Ricard, (Minnie), finisher,h. 483 South Main.Venman, Alma V., student, r. 705 Buffalo.. Venman, Andrew, (Mary), vice-pres. Liberty Printing Co., h. 705 Buffalo.© Venman, Ethel L., student, r. 692 Buffalo.r 1 Venman, John H., (Louisa), cabinetmaker, h. 692 Buffalo.^^ Vanman, Marie, domestic, 130 South Main.Em Venn, William, (Catherine), baker, h. 365 Falconer._ft? Vensel, Emanuel, (Ivfellie), clerk, h. over 707 North Main.~£3 Venstrom, Alfred, steel pressman, r. 477 South Main.gj Venstrom, Erick, (Anna), machine hand, h. 477 South Main.mmf Venturo, Sebastiano, laborer, bds. over 298 East Second.fm Vernon, Dixon S., (Emma C), toolroom foreman, h. 29 Park.£•* Vernon, Frank S., (Helen), toolmaker, h. 910 Washington.• Vernon, Virginia, widow Harry S., r. 910 Washington.B Vicario, Sam, (Conti), finisher,bds. 37 Harrison.^ S Frlfman'c Vicklund, Emma, MiK.r widow Carl StnrP O., seamstress, headquartirs h. over 347 for Allen. high grade2 © Vicklund, LiCllIIldll John, a rlUMl metalworker, oiorc bds. 524 Sturges. pianos and player pianosVickstrom, Aaron, bartender, rms. over 8 East Second.Victors, Charles, woodworker, bds. 311 Newton Ave.

Always Buy your Dry Goods of THE A. D. SHARPE CO. >JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 409 SCX fcjHILL PIANO CH ENTIRE 6TH FLOOR *>_\M-mM.Km.MU M. M.±_1-\\J \,\J. CHADAKOIN BUILDING HiVimmerstedt, Andrew H., (Amanda L.), metalworker, h. 48 Charles. »—]Vimmerstedt, Carl, (Christina), retired, h. 828 Newland Ave.mjm^Vimmerstedt, Eric H., toolmaker, r. 828 Newland Ave.mm,Vimmerstedt, Gust C, (Minnie), patternmaker, h. 815 Newland Ave. mmVincent, DeForest R., textileworker, r. 22 Stafford Ave. £2Vincent, Earle R., (Minnie), machine shop, 152y Foote Ave., h. over 83 m\7Allen.OoVincent, Edwin C, (Sarah E.), drayman, h. 29 Hopkins Ave.*~^Vincent, Frank, boss spinner, r. 29 Hopkins Ave.r/jVincent, George, (Mabel)—Vincent Transfer Co.—h. 39 Hopkins Ave. )_,Vincent, Julia A., widow Herbert V., h. over 83 Allen.J2^Vincent, Lewis, (Lottie)—Vincent Transfer Co.—h. 4 Flagg Ave.^~mVINCENT TRANSFER CO.—Simeon, William, Lewis and George Vincent—general draying and piano moving, 110 West Second. |^VincentTransferCompanyOffice110 W. 2dStreet. fBoth Phones910LIGHT AND HEAVY DRAYING AND BAGGAGE TRANSFER >Piano Hoisting and Moving a Specialty —t_—.0 _i oVincent, Simeon, (Mary)—Vincent Transfer Co.—h. 10 Flagg Ave. % gVincent, William, (Minnie),—Vincent Transfer Co.—h. 22 Stafford Ave. hs©Vincent, William R., drayman, r. 22 Stafford Ave.g"B0Vinculo Realty Co. (The), (Inc.)—J. W. Eckman, pres.; Charles Lindbeck, 3 j3sec.-treas.—606-607 Fenton Bldg._MVining, Barbara, widow Elvin, h. 878 Washington. w"Vining, Hattie, widow Horace, weaver, h. under 836 East Second.*•>Vinsryg, Peter, machine hand, r. 185 Barrows. £3Vinsryg, Ralph, machine hand, r. 185 Barrows.gVinsryg, Rasmus, (Mary), carpenter, h. 185 Barrows.gVinsryg, Rena, twister, r. 185 Barrows.5gVinton, Charles L., (Mary A.), driver, h. 113 Mechanic.HVinton, Esther L., laundress, r. 113 Mechanic.Vipan, Richard C. H., (Cornelia C), instructor Jamestown Business College,h.' 516 Jefferson.MODERN Vishnia, John, HARDWOOD shoe shine, 9% East FLOORS Second, rms. _ over 204 Ask North Lyons Main. m—\ _-Vishnia, i,. Tom, not shoe .o ezoeuive shine, — rms. you over may think. 204 North Main.J ** ^^^ «^sVitanza, A., r. 44 Harrison. £JVogel, Frank, (Frances), mgr. Frank B. Turner Cleaning Co., h. 302 Clinton,Voitsky, Vollmer Voigt,' Von Alton, During, Hannah, John, Clyde, Edward, George, (Mary), (Nellie), domestic, bricklayer, bronzer, woodworker, local 500 rms. East rep. rms. 85 Home Sixth.Fairmount 1126 West Telephone Fifteenth. Fourth. Ave. Co., h. 869 No. Main.mm,£_ QQ £*a w

_ Clark Hardware410 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.I <strong>Chautauqua</strong>Co., Roofing and Building PapersB r e wIt's good for you and it's good foryour family. Both Phones 268ja Vought, Frank, (Adella M.), bookkeeper, h. 310 West Fourth.> Vullo, Mr., (Maggie), h. 423 Allen.S\ wSt Wachten, Flora, widow Henry C, r. 30 Foote Ave.>^ Waddington, Frank, (Martha), machinist, h. 22 Phillips.rf WADE, ARTHUR C, (M. Frances), attorney, 13-14-15 Wellman Bldgs, h.u 351 East Fourth.g Wade, C. Ethel, bookkeeper, r. 69 Grant.Wade, Charles E., (Lilly T.), stockkeeper <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Towel Mill—h. 69/_ a Grant.S2 § Wade, Clabert G., (Amelia), machinist, h. 164 Chandler.j? £ Wade, Ella M., widow A. E., dressmaker, h. 60 Broadhead Ave.-. *"• Wade, Elmer J., (Marjory)—Bly & Wade—h. 100 Cook Ave.§ a Wade, Gertrude M., dressmaker, h. 20 Forest Ave.«j a Wade, Oliva G., stenographer, r. 69 Grant.g °* Wade, see Waid and Waite..a e Wadsworth, Charles H., (Fannie), designer Jamestown Worsted Mills, h. 9C | West Sixth.Cu 3 Waff, Emil, (Ida), machine hand, h. 40 Flagg Ave.j2 JJ Waff, Fred, (Augusta), machine hand, h. 12 Flagg Ave..2 •§ Waggoner, Cecil I., clerk, r. over 211 North Main.> H Waggoner, George N., (Florence V.), produce dealer, h. 9 Seventeenth.^ « Waggoner, Lily C, r. 9 Seventeenth.£ "S Waggoner, Mahlon, (Blanche E.), coachman, h. over 211 North Main._ 2 Waggoner, Marvin F., engineer, r. 9 Seventeenth.Vi in Wagner, Annie, textileworker, r. over 16 Willard.j2 „j Wagner, John, metalworker, r. over 16 Willard.s « Wagner, Stanley, (Elizabeth), metalworker, h. over 16 Willard.w -g Wagnstrom, Car,l O., (Emma), tailor, h. 300 Willard."j> i. Wahlgren, Charles F., (Minna K.), clerk, h. 17 Linden Ave.j§ ffl Wahlgren, Edwin, sander, bds. 341 Foote Ave.§ g Wahlgren, Harry C, (Hettie), draftsman, h. 25 Columbia Ave.-3 -a, Waid, Bert P., press hand, bds. 937 East Second.| V Waid, Laura M., widow Ira L., r. 937 East Second.'» d Waid, see Wade and Waite..2 a Wait, Caroline, widow William, r. 418 Falconer.« t% Waite, Arthur, (Grace), loomfixer, h. over 112 William.-1 >J Waite, Burton, (Elizabeth), freight handler, h. 123 Clyde. Ave.Waite, Catherine, Mrs., h. 413 Cherry.O Waite, Charles M., bank clerk, h. 308 Livingston Ave.O Waite, Claire J., (Ora), metalworker, h. 226 Hazzard.Waite, Clinton, (Gertrude), stationary fireman, h. under 71 A]len.f_ Waite, Effie, domestic, 609 Lakeview Ave.r^ Waite, Elmer E., (Laura A.)—Johnson Bros. & Co.—h. 217 Lovell Ave._j g Waite, Everett L., (Ellen), metalworker, h. 280 South Main.*£ o Waite, Fay N., cook, r. 82 Barrett.{_) M Waite, Florence, winder, r. over 112 William.r-r-] a Waite, Flossie C., student, r. 1081 Second.p t B Waite, Forest B., (Hazel), foreman Jamestown Lounge Co., h. 15 Newlandr/3 2 Ave.E-> X^3 O

Gloves, Hosiery and Underwear - The A. D. SHARPE CO. Oa*JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.411 to. (-{HIT I P I A N O C d NO CONTESTS GfalllUIJ _ ll_mVJ \m-\J. NO FAKE CERTIFICATES >Waite, Ralph E., (Mertie L.), commercial traveler, h. 415 Foote Ave. m*.Waite, Raymond F., student, r. over 618 Newland Ave. £JWaite, Reid A., clerk, r. 618 Newland Ave.ftWaite, Samuel J., (Thumasine), deliveryman, h. 134 Institute.C/iWaite, Sidney, rms. 411 West Third.Jjt*Waite, William E., (Julia), city salesman Granger & Co., h. 4 Isabella Ave. o 2Waite, William G., r. 212 Fulton.Waithe, Eva, telephone operator, bds. 6 Broadhead Ave.Walberg, Walden, Fred Hilga, H.—Walden Mrs., h. 58 & East Benson—r. Cowden East Place. Second and Tiffany Ave. g ^ OWalburg, WALKER, John, ALBERT (Ida), A., clerk, (Clare), h. 167 contracting Allen. painter, 3-5 East First, h. 11 a. O XWalden, West Alice Eighth. A., widow Frank W., h. 862 North Main. -5 * qWalden Walker, & Albert Benson—Fred A., Jr., student, H. and r. 11 C. West J.—props. Eighth. The ( Inn, East Second and Q CWalker, Tiffany Annie Ave. M., weaver, r. 1259 North Main.= OWalker, Asa Chauncey C, toolmaker, H., painter, r. 1259 r. 11 North West Main. Eighth. r. 3 ^n aWalker, Austin, (Christine), h. 114 Steele.3 gj XWalker, Cyril B., (Jane), printer, h. 16 Ivy.a

-m« Clark Hardware Co. Stoves and FurnacesOQ 412 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew - Always Pure and Deliciousr Wallin, Albin, finisher,bds. 33 Myrtle.® Wallin, John, machinist, r. under 161 Allen.*m Wallin, Margaret, twister, r. under 161 Allen.qj Wallin, Olof, (Bertha), cabinetmaker, h. under 161 Allen.yj Wallin, Oscar, (Matilda), laborer, h. over 329 Willard.^J Walnauthj Frank, (Grace), chauffeur, h. over 878 North Main.t^f Walquist, Teresa, weaver, rms. 715 East Second.I—i Walradt, Cherline L., widow William J., bds. 352 East Fifth.P-* Walsh, Anna, dressmaker, r. over 321 North Main.g Walsh, Elizabeth, clerk, r. over 321 North Main.m-Z Walsh, Frances, widow Martin, h. over 321 North Main.- | Walsh, Margaret E., student, r. 857 Prendergast Ave.S Walsh, Minnie N., Mrs., h. 857 Prendergast Ave.r^ Walsh, Sarah, widow Charles, reeler, r. 1333 East Second.5_ Walsh, Thomas J., (Carrie), brakeman, h. 35 Ninth.S/5 Walsh, William R., (Mary), printer, h. 50 Fairmount Ave.W Walsh, see Welch.Walsted, Abert, (Clara), polisher, h. 85 Cole Ave.Walters, Antonius, (Priscilla), painter, h. over 613 North Main.i Walters, Clara, milliner, bds. 6 Broadhead Ave.^ Walters, John H., (Jane), treas. Phillips Barrel & Machine Co., h. 323 Hazjjzard.g Walters Robert O., mgr. Western Union Telegraph Co., r. 12 East Fourth.m Walther, Albert B., (Albertine), metalworker, h. 41 Maple.q Walton, Turner, (Ellen), weaver, h. 308 East Second.-_\ Wample, Edith M., bookkeeper, r. 815 East Second.Wample, Ida E., widow James L., h. 815 East Second.CCt Wample, see Wemple.H Wanda, Bertha, office clerk, r. 716 Monroe.t- Wanda, Elizabeth, student, r. 716 Monroe.0 Wanda, Helen, r. 716 Monroe.CC] Wanda, Joseph, student, r. 716 Monroe."ft •©a Wanda, Joseph F., (Sophia), teamster, h. 716 Monroe.— G Wanda, Josephine, domestic, 48 Liberty, r. 716 Monroe.2 Wanda, Martha, clerk, r. 716 Monroe.pM Ward, Carlotta M., teacher, h. over 20 Cross.mi G Ward, Cathleen S.,—M. W. and C. S. Ward—r. 518 West Fourth._ Ward, Grace, widow Joseph, r. 27 Price.,m Ward, Kate E., office clerk, r. over 20 Cross.Ward, M. Gerald, (Louise), cabinetmaker, h. over 115 Crossman.Ward, Michael W.—M. W. & C. S. Ward—h. 518 West Fourth.Ward, M. Levina, widow Sylvarius R., h. over 506 Prendergast Ave.Ward, M. W. & C. S.—Michael W. and Cathleen S— cabinetmakers, 516G Warner, Adelle, widow William, h. 621 Lakeview Ave.Warner, West Amanda, Fourth. Mrs., h. over 55 Charles.ed Ware, Warner, Evelyn Block, L., 9-21 music North teacher, Main. r. over 125 Fulton.^« Ware, Warner, Josephine Carl, woodworker, A., widow William r. over 55 A., Charles. h. over 125 Fulton.*£% 3 Waring, Warner, Edward, Carl, bds. (Maria), 1106 East dyer, Second. h. 27 Derby.OQ | Waring, Peter, metalworker, bds. 219 East First.mm to Tho Warn, Mutual Andrew, Rpnefir (Hattie), I \fm supt. Premium Martin receipts estate, to Jan. Fluvanna, 1,<strong>1911</strong> .... h. 43 Linwood »367,143,488.B9 Ave.,** J Warn, llie riUlliai Leonard Deneill C, (Eva Llie L.), RETURNED driver, h. TO 307 POLICY Winsor. HOLDERS and funds on hand forCO < Warn, nf Nawavlr Luther A., N (Inez)—Stockwell I future payment & Co.—h. to policy 1001 holders East .... Second. 9427,763,190.20mm p> Warn, 01 newarlt, Pearl, clerk, a. J. r. 43 Linwood Ave. F. S. TREADWAY, District Agentmm TTTn,„A„ AA*nVtn nrl^n^, TI7I1H., 1. C01

Gloves, Hosiery and Underwear - THE A. D. SHARPE CO. W_toJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.413 toHILL PIANO CO. 0NE psR*EK_ „Nly ?Warner, Esther, domestic, r. Fairmount Ave., bey limits.Warner, F. E. Gifford, commercial traveler, r. 621 Lakeview Ave. mTWarner, Hazel, cook, bds. 1200 East Second.Warner Home for the Aged, Mrs. Eleanor J. Dow, pres., 110 Forest AveWarner, J. Rutzen, bank clerk, r. 621 Lakeview Ave. ©Warner, Margia, stenographer, r. 26 Genesee.*ftWarner, Mary, r. 4 CrossWarner, Mary H., widow Lucius B., r. 2 West Fifth.Warner, Matthias, (Janosene), gluer, h. over 227 Hazzard.Warner, Oscar, (Anna), metalworker, h. 23 Delaware Ave.Warner, Oscar, (Delia), blacksmith, h. 26 Genesee.Warner, Otto, rms. Washington and West Second.Warren, Leonard, machine hand, r. 200 Allen.NPjm*.*'\mChWarner, Percy B., (Bessie), sewing machine agent, h. 616 Cherry. Q- _.Warnstorff, Edwin L., (Anna O.), real estate, 201-203 Squier's Court, h. "Beechwood-on-<strong>Chautauqua</strong>. 3Warr, Helen T., widow Jesse, bds. 404 Lafayette.Warren Cafe, 10 South Main.WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO.—B. E. Davis, M. E. Paddock and VictorC. Rogerson—building contractors, 25-26 Gokey Bldg.Warren, Edward, (Nellie), supt. Wm. Hjorth & Co., h. over 35 FairmountAve-rmWarren, Edward, (Etta), granitecutter, h. 314 Jefferson.WWarren, Enos A., (Ella R.), teamster, h. 1059 Washington.COWarren, Hannah W., widow Edward, r. 424 Winsor._Warren, Helen, r. 200 Allen.^_Warren, Hiram P., r. 1059 Washington.ft mmWarren-Jamestown St. Ry.—John J. Nesmith, terminal agent, 22-24 South • ChMain.m..Warren, J. Belle, milliner, r. 52 Hazzard. V*Warren, Lester E., (Jessie), teamster, h. 861 North Main. ^*Warren, Lucian J., (Bernice S.), teller Bank of Jamestown, h. 224 Fulton, ftWarren, Paul C, student, r. 511 East Seventh.Warren, R. H., (Alice), pastor Free Methodist Church, h. 511 East Seventh.Warren, William A., (Josephine), mfr. tables, 52 Hazzard, h. do.Washberg, Albert F., (Engla F.), painter, h. 210 Falconer.Washberg, Glenn, (Myrtle), teamster, h. over 101 Bush.Washburg, Alice E., music teacher, r over 409 Newland Ave.DO ftWashburg, Charles, (Anna), stationary fireman, h. 6 Culver.ftWashburg, Lawrence E., (Bessie G.), crater, r. 650 Buffalo.J5jWashburn, Abbie G., picker, r. 28 Hazzard. **.Washburn, Charles E., (Adolphine), textileworker, h. over 12 Barrows. ftWashburn, Cora, r. 28 Hazzard.*-_Washburn, Cordelia S., h. 100 Harrison.

II Clark Hardware Co., Roofing and Building Papers§» 1«« 414 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.8j11 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew Just what you want daily as a beverage with

The A. D. SHARPE CO. for Rugs and Carpets fJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 415 X"Hill's Piano School BEST trTnDngpu0pLteachers 1.

W h Clark Hardware Co. Fine Cutlery and Toolseo «S W 416JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.o|£ „ <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew is making friends every dayX Mg g Welles, Merrill C, student, r. 509 West Fourth.aa n Welles, see Wells.Wellington, Levi, (Helen), laborer, h. 833 Washington.Wellman, Alden S., (Jennie E.), milk peddler, h. 15 Lovell Ave.Wellman, Ariel H., (Amanda A.), R. F. D. mail carrier, h. 73 Thirteenth.g Wellman, Arthur M., (Ada O.)—Wellman Bros.—h. 711 Washington.3 ' Wellman, B. DeLeo, student, r. 130 Fairview Ave.£ WELLMAN BROS W. D., E. E. and A. M.—drugs and stationery, 101 WestM . Third._ Wellman Buildings, 101-103 West Third and 211-213 Cherry.Jj Wellman, Charles, (Abbie), gluer, h. 130 Fairview Ave.•o m Wellman, Clarice L., student, r. 703 Washington.§ u WelIman. Elmer E., (Bertha F.)—Wellman Bros.—h. 707 Washington.M t« Wellman, Jessie I., student, r. 15 Lovell Ave..5 -o Wellman, M. Stella, duffer, r. 15 Lovell Ave."2 mg Wellman, Walter, stenographer, bds. 19 Crescent.§ a Wellman, Warren D., (Dora), physician, 2 Wellman Bldg., and Wellman«5 £ Bros., h. 703 Washington.£ a Wells, Adelbert C, (Lillian O.), salesman, h. 5 Hotchkiss.Z _ WELLS FARGO EXPRESS CO.—E. M. Smith, agent—115 North Main.•% .% Wells, Helen widow Adelbert E., r. 405 West Seventh._, Wells, John, (Annie), painter, h. 300 East Eighth._ Wells, Martha, r. 283^ South Main.g Wells, Merl, (Mary), stationary fireman, h. over 7 Hunt Road._ tj Wells, Susie, r. 87 Steele.g < Wells, see Welles.o Welner, William C, (Ida), salesman, h. over 401 West Sixth.

Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. THE A. D. SHARPE CO.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 417 PHTI T P T A N O CCl entire 6th floor stn.LI-l_ ri/AINU _\J. chadakoin building J5. _ qqWescott, W. Monroe, (Henrietta L.), clerk, h. 273 South Main.^_Wescott, see Westcott.fljWesley, Frank, r. 20 Newland Ave.•Wess, Axel H., (Jennie A.), teamster, h. 124 Winsor. , 05 ,Wessler, E. William, r. 103 McKinley Ave. 3|West, Charles, foreman H. J. Lyon Lumber Co., bds. 372 Willard.West, Clark D., (Frances), optometrist, over 12 East Third, h. do.West, Edson L., dentist, over 12 East Third, h. do.West, Fritz E., painter, r. 132 Euclid Ave.West, G. B., (Elizabeth), trainman, h. 382 Foote Ave.West, Gust A., (Amanda), painter, h. 132 Euclid Ave.West, Harold V., grainer, r. 132 Euclid Ave.^^to*VWWest, J., carpenter, bds. 26 Taylor.toWest, James L., (Alice M.), farmer, h. 412 Lincoln.*•West, Mabel E., stenographer, r. 412 Lincoln.mmWest, Margaret E., student, h. 412 Lincoln. ~/Westberg, Lillian, Mrs., waitress, bds. 29 Palmer.hHWestburg, Arthur, conductor, bds. 52 Hamilton.^^Westbury, Carl, lumber handler, bds. 112 Hazzard.IJWestcott, Almon D., (Virginia F.), commercial traveler, h. 146 Prospect. ^^Westcott, Eugene A., (Florence), huckster, h. 4 New Warner Bldg.h2Westcott, see Wescott. ~7Westerberg, Frederick, woodworker, bds. 167 Chandler.l^Westerberg, William, woodworker, bds. 167 Chandler.p-**Westerdale, Augusta, domestic, 4 Lakeview Ave.^JWesterdale, Carl, (Hattie), metalworker, h. over 855 East Second.^^Westergren, Axel, (Emma), laborer, h. 114 Palmer.^JWestergren, Bertha, milliner, r. 114 Palmer._riWestergren, David, laborer, r. 114 Palmer. ^*Westergren, Elmer, laborer, r. 114 Palmer.Westerland, Esther, domestic, 543 Lakeview Ave.XXWestern, Charles H., (May), metalworker, h. 55 East Cowden.2j2WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO., R. O. Walters, mgr., 301 North Main. pjrWestervelt, Reuben, (Lina), wire chief N. Y. Telephone Co., h. 310 Clinton, ^gWestin, J. Ephraim, (Signe), metalworker, h. over 303 Willard.•?£.Westling, David, laborer, bds. 912 East Second.r*kWestling, Edith E. E., r. 167 Chandler.Westling, Fred G., (Matilda), woodworker, h. 167 Chandler.^^Westlund, Eric L., (Hulda), shoemaker, h. over 415 Newland Ave. -^Westman, Charles P., (Ethel), h. 72 Cole Ave.WWestman, John A., (Signa), gen. mgr. Dahlstrom Metal Door Co., h. Curtis. ^JWestphal, Oscar, barber and pool, 47 South Main, rms. 28 Fenton Place. ^Westrom, Andrew F— Westrom Bros.—r. 408 Lafayette.^jWestrom Bros.—Andrew F. and John F.—liquors, 13 East Second.^^Westrom, Clarence M., sheet metalworker, r. 131 Barrows._""*Westrom, Edward H., textileworker, r. 131 Barrows.toWestrom, John, laborer, r. 128 Stowe.COWestrom, John F., (J. Belle)—Westrom Bros., h. 408 Lafayette.mm.Ready RoofingS Building Paper In.u"tRsI£Westrom, Louis W„ express deliveryman, r. 131 Barrows.Westrom, Minnie, music teacher, r. 408 Lafayette.*•£Westrom, Wetzler, Wethergreen, Whalen Whatley, Wheaton,Westrom,Wharton Whatford, Anna, Bertha, 'Florence, Charles see OliveWilliam Judith, Wistrom bookkeeper, H., M., bds. _ H.,J.,hallmaid, widow (Elizabeth), 1102 domestic,(Anna(Edith), and East Hiram, , bds. Wistran.D.),207 woolsorter, Second. Fairmount elevator 1154cabinetmaker,Foote r. 36 Prendergast Ave. Center. man, h. Ave., under h.h.bey. 171%131Ave. 842Barrows.limits. = HARRY South East Second. Main. LYONS Erie Ry. ftC^. \J2 NjM* Ch m *w

fij Clark Hardware Co., Roofing and Building Papersfewmm-t my 418JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.WITHOUT A PEER IN THE WORLD£* <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew OF BEER. Both Phones 268Co® Wheeler, Allen, (Blanche), metalworker, h. 511 Allen.KJ© WHEELER & BARKER—Mrs. E. A. and Mrs. Blanche—millinery, 315 Pine.N*" \•2 WHEELER & BARKER£ MILLINERYPopular among the many business enterprises in the city is the up-to-dateJg Millinery establishment conducted by Mrs. E. A. Wheeler ahd Mrs. Blanche+- Barker at 315 Pine Street. Although established only last March it has.2-a already found favor with the public.g§JSjS Wheeler, Bertram C. LaVerne, A., (Vina (Nettie), D.), pressman, machine hand, h. 346 h. Foote 247 Fairmount Ave. Ave._ 0 'X 0. _ Wheeler, Clyde C, (Cora L.), carpenter, h. 441 Winsor.u gjj Wheeler, Don Howard, piano teacher, r. 315 Jefferson._ Wheeler, E. A., Mrs.—Wheeler & Barker—h. 310 East Sixth.4, Wheeler, Elton A., r. 247 Fairmount Ave.tm_\\ Wheeler, Eugene H., (Edith S.), solicitor N. Y. Telephone Co., h. 54 Blanchard.WHEELER, FRANK S., (Grace), special county judge and attorney, over215 North Main, h. Fairmount Ave., R. F. D. 77.Wheeler, Henry C, (Susie), carpenter, h. 811 Lafayette.Wheeler, Lois C, student, r. 310 East Sixth.Wheeler, Thomas, laborer, bds. 280 Steele.Wheeler, Vina D., Mrs., shampoo parlors, 247 Fairmount Ave., h. do.Wneelhouse Bros.—George P. and John W.—saloon, 143 Harrison.Wheelhouse, George, (Rebecca), warpdresser, h. 35 Center.Wheelhouse, George P., (Ada)—Wheelhouse Bros.—h. 143 Harrison.Wheelhouse, John, shoe repairing, 68 Foote Ave., r. 35 Center.Wheelhouse, John W., (Cora)—Wheelhouse Bros.—h. 143 Harrison.Wheelhouse, John W., millhand, r. 35 Center.Wheelhouse, Josephine, widow Arthur, h. 65 Benson.Whitaker, Ernest, (Bridget), paperhanger, h. 613 Monroe.Whitcomb, James W., (May), carpenter, h. 510 Hallock.Whitcomb, William, (Mary), mechanic, h. 32 Twelfth.White, Ada, widow John, r. 327 Price.White, Alan H., (Grace R.), printer, r. 14 Lincoln.White, Andrew P., retired, h. 14 Lincoln.White, Andrew W., (Margaret R.), commercial traveler, h. 145 Prospect.White, Charles S., (Lauretta), h. over 708 North Main.White, Claude E., (Maude), bookkeeper Wilcox-Burchard Co., h. 73 Liberty.White Cross School of Nursing, (Inc.)—W. E. Goucher, D. D. S., pres.; H.O. Meredith, vice-pres.; S. C. Hall, sec.-treas.; W. J. Pennock, M. D.,dean—414-416 Chadakoin Bldg.White, E. D., bds. 734 East Second.White, Edna M., telephone operator, r. under 413 West Third.White, Elvira L., widow Herbert T„ millinery, 330 East Third, h. do.White, Emerson W., (Bertha M.), lumber inspector, h. 101 Cook Ave.White, Frank H., book and job printing, over 101-103 North Main, h. 14Lincoln.White, Fred, fillingboss, bds. 38% Foote Ave.White, George C, metalworker, r. 142 Broadhead Ave.White, George W., (Kate E.), sec. N. P. L., 6 Hall Block, over 7 West Third,The oldest White, h. tablished agency. 188 James, Grace, Herbert Falconer. 1867. office The A., over best student, clerk, 708 of BRADSHAW'S r. North companies. r. 40145 Main. Prospect. The PIONEER largest INSURANCE experience. AGENCY. Es­

Women's Coats and Suits - The A. D. Sharpe Co. g2

o —W G«NClark Hardware Co., Contractors & Mill Suppliesu420 aw X Tin Wight, Wiegand, Wiggins, Wigren, lite Mnhi.l 01 «« rTimial NnnravL newarK, see Polly Charles, Aaron, Ponntit Miranda, Daniel Wright. Denetlt J., handsander, laborer, widow K PI. F., 1 widow J, I mechanical ifo LIM Reuben r. Premium John future RETURNED 163 bds. Barrett. W., H., engineer, payment 337 receiots h. F. TO 163 Willard. 134 S. POLICY to Barrett. r. nolicv TREADWAY, Allen. Fairmount to HOLDERS Jan. holders 1, District Ave., - and <strong>1911</strong> - lunds - bey. Agent 8427,763,180.20... on limits. handfor -. $367,14 -

THE A. D. SHARPE CO. for Carpets and Rugs W• wJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.421 &HILL PIANO CO. plAS£RS>r _Wigren, Amelia, r. 400 Stowe. ©Wigren, Anna, domestic, 31 Euclid Ave. "SWigren, Charles J., (Ida), meatcutter, h. 32 Eagle.ChWigren, Gust, (Mabel), contractor, h. 40 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.5^Wigren, Swan, (Beda), weaver, h. over 516 Newland Ave.SWihlborg, Axel, r. 516 Hazzard. 2Wihlborg, Edith, drawer, r. 516 Hazzard. .~>Wihlborg, Hattie G., widow Nels P., h. 516 Hazzard. *WWihlborg, Victoria, r. 516 Hazzard.Wilber, Henry R., (Bessie A.), pres. Ames-Burns Co., h. 225 Winsor.Wilbur, Catherine, widow Philo, r. over 21 East Eighth.^mtWilbur, Grace E., student, r. 213 Fulton.^9Wilbur, Mina, Mrs., cook, h. rear 310 Pine. 0}Wilbur, Ralph E., textileworker, r. 213 Fulton.N*»Wilcox, Alfred, (Clara), real estate, h. over 174 Fairmount Ave.|ZtWilcox, Andrew L., (Edith), sand contractor, h. 32 Regent.^t»Wilcox, Burchard & Co.—Frank A. Wilcox, Seneca B. Burchard, Miner S.,Harlow J., Mary R., and E. B. Crissey Est.—wholesale groceries, 17Sherman Place._.Wilcox, Celestus L., lumber salesman and collector, rms. 309 Price. P»Wilcox, Charles, (Rose), blacksmith, r. 214 Clinton.ftWilcox, Edward P., (Fannie S.), retired, h. 100 Falconer.^Wilcox, Edward S., (Anna M.), contractor and builder, h. 408 Stowe. m-—Wilcox, Ernest O., office clerk, r. 12 Eighteenth.Wilcox, Etta, widow Harrison, h. over 615 North Main.Wilcox, Frank, tinner, r. 19 Chicago Ave.

jjg- Clark Hardware Co., Contractors & Mill SuppliesQ 422 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.S <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew IS LFS8EVERY DAYWiley, Herbert R., (Mary L.), merchant tailor, 1 Wellman Bldgs., h. 510E- Clinton.< Wilhelm, Emil, (Margaret M.), bookkeeper, Jamestown Brewing Co., h. 413^j Wilhelm, West Henry Eighth. B., (Rachel A.), commercial traveler, h. 46 Grant.Wilhide, Charles, draftsman, bds. 862 Prendergast Ave.Wilkes, Lena A., r. 2 Forest Park.o Wilkes, Lewis F., (A. Elizabeth), truckman Erie R. R., h. 2 Forest Park.Wilkes, Mildred, domestic, 107 Maple.h—I Wilkinson, Agnes I., clerk, r. 46 Hazzard.H Wilkinson, Joseph C., printer, r. 46 Hazzard.Wilkinson, Margaret, widow Fred, h. 46 Hazzard.

Always Buy your Dry Goods of THE A. D. SHARPE CO. ga iJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 423 e- _• 3*HIT I P I A N O ffl LARGEST AND MOST o>MM-lmLiMU 1M.I_L~.SJ \,SJ. CAREFULLY SELECTED STOCK b?— -~*.Williams, Susie A., Mrs., h. over 136 Barrett. • 2Williams, Thorp, (Bensie), popcorn vender, h. 752 East Second.~•Williams, William C, (Lettie), musician, h. 226 Steele. • mWilliamson, Andrew, carpenter, r. 206 McKinley Ave.g miWilliamson, Anton, carpenter, r. 206 McKinley Ave. 3 p]Williamson, Elna, widow William, h. 206 McKinley Ave.w rtWilliamson, George H., (Hattie), teamster, h. over 857 Spring.!g HWilliamson, Herbert S., (Bridget A.), deliveryman, h. rear 10 West Sixth. e £0Williamson, Jessie, kindergarten teacher, r. Ill Barrows. h 5Williamson, Mary J., widow Samuel, h. over 723 East Second. 5Williamson, May, dressmaker, r. over 723 East Second. » f.Williamson, Samuel, (Lucy A.), h. Ill Barrows. ©Willing, Mary A., Mrs., rep. New York Viavi Co., 419 West Third, h. do. *Willman; George J., (Ruth), bookkeeper, h. over 412 Lafayette.nWillis, D. E., (Marie), lineman, h. 15 Hazzard.WWillis, Edward C, (Harriett), milkman, h. 212 Lafayette.gfjjWilloughbee, Harriet A., mender, bds. 85 Falconer.o. xWilloughby, Russell R., student, r. 11 Newland Ave. © j*Willoughby, Russell R., student, r. 11 Newland Ave.g_Willsie, Bert M., (Lillian A.), horseman, h. 131 Euclid Ave. • £3Willsie, Eva R., dressmaker, h. 12 Scott.» HWillsie, Leo J., (Mary B.), chauffeur, h. 39 Eleventh.5* HWillsie, Rhoda M., h. 12 Scott.a BWillsie, see Wiltsie. 9 «Willson, Mildred B., student, r. 99 Barrett.§• FWillson, Nathan M., (Bernice L.), sec.-treas. Pearl City Veneer Co., h. 99 g-Barrett. E. 8Wilson, Albert C, (Esther J.), R. F. D. mail carrier, h. 225 Broadhead Ave. n 2Wilson, Allen, janitor Trantum Flats, h. 705 West Eighth. i% 2Wilson, Arthur E., student, r. 11 Liberty. "g. J>Wilson, Charles A., millhand, r. over 211 North Main.g QWilson, Charles C, (Mary H.), mgr. John T. Wilson estate, h. 316 East 2Fifth. w>Wilson, Charles D., (Elizabeth R.), custodian Masonic rooms, h. 607 Pine.Wilson, Charles N., (Florence I.), commercial traveler, h. over 223 Winsor. nWilson, Cornelius, (Clara), florist,h. 13 Ross. jfjjWilson, Elde S., barker, r. over 115 East Second.FgWilson, Elizabeth A., r. 319 Jefferson.g.g.Wilson, Ernest, student, r. 68 Tenth. |* £Wilson, Etta, Mrs., h. over 115 East Second. >qWilson, Floy B.—Rulifson & Wilson—r. Fairmount Ave., bey. limits. a BWilson, Fred, lunch counter clerk, rms. 17-25 Russell Block. * g,Wilson, Fred H., (Angie), chief Jamestown Fire Dept., h. 333 Allen. g g.Wilson, George C. h. 310 East Sixth.J? •Wilson, George F., driver, r. 219 Broadhead Ave. g,Wilson, Grace, widow Samuel W., r. 312 West Fourth.Wilson, Harry, (Clara S.)— Jamestown Cold Storage Co.—h. 101 South E*EVERY DEALER HAS THE "BEST" D A INT Ta,k U OTer with me- IMain. °"Wilson, I HAVE Harvey THE STRICTLY T., (Elsie A.)—Field PURE ~ & t\m\l~ Wright Co.—h. 1 HARRY 101 Liberty. LYONS g 3Wilson, Hugh O, (Marie A.),—treas. Turner Candy Co.—h. 350 Falconer. jj gWilson, James, steel casemaker, bds. 304 West Third. > 1Wilson, James, Jessie, John, J., H.,- (Florence), W., cloth veneerworker, (Elizabeth), (Wilhelmina), h. (Rosella), mender, 23 Crossman. bartender, foreman retired bds. mattressmaker, 31076 pastor spinner, h. Fenton over East Christian Place. h. 219 Second. h. 343y2 Spring. over Church, Falconer. fll 36 Myrtle. h. 11 Liberty.g frl HeJ _« -g > 0 _ M

co Clark Hardware Co., Contractors & Mill Supplies63 :*Z 424 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.s <strong>Chautauqua</strong>BrewQuenches thirst, acts as a mild tonic, inducessleep Both phones 268a§ WILSON, JOHN T., ESTATE OF.—Charles C. Wilson, mgr—lumber, sashand doors, 131 Winsor.Wilson, John T., (Minnie), laborer, h. 239 Forest Ave.nj Wilson, John Thompson, (Harriet C), retired, h. 28 Fairmount Ave.j) ' Wilson, Katherin, student, r. 333 Allen.2 Wilson, Katherine, stock clerk Maddox Table Co., h. over 71 Allen..2 i Wilson, Louis H., (Rouie), lumber inspector, h. 10 Park.CO Wilson, Mary A., widow Sanford, r. 107 Allen.g , Wilson, Mary I., r. 333 Allen.«8 ' Wilson, Minnie E., stenographer, bds. 108 King.r~\ m Wilson, WILSON, Randall, WILLIAM (Maud), W., (Ida foreman M.), twister, tinsmith r. and 343% roofing, Falconer. 107 West'Fourth,-g •00' Wilson, h.' Fairmount Sarah E., Ave., textileworker, bey. limits. r. 13 Ross.S G Wilson, Stella, r. 10 Park.1| W.W.WILSON~\x CORNICE WORK, SKYLIGHT, STEEL CEILING AND ROOFING OF ALL KINDS>*~i SPOUTING, SHEET METAL WORK AND GENERAL REPAIRS» £ FURNACE WORK A SPECIALTY^ 5 Home Phone 499-K West 3rd St., Rear of Chadakoin Bldg. Office 107 W. 4th>o-i Wilson, William W., (Carrie M.), woodworker, h. 152 Thayer.«•§ Wiltsie, Altheda, Mrs., h. 117 Allen.fc"" Wiltsie, Arthur W., clerk, r. over 612 Prendergast Ave.•w o Wiltsie, Charles C, (Pency C), toolmaker, h. 38 Flagg Ave.OT 3 Wiltsie, David H., student, r. 22 Fairmount Ave."9^! Wiltsie, Edward, cementworker, bds. 1200 East Sevond.a . Wiltsie, Harry, veneerworker, r. 26 Wilson Ave.Wo" Wiltsie, Harry T., (Dessie), finisher, h. 58 Water.G-) "Wiltsie, Lawrence W., (Caroline)—attorney and Abrams & Wiltsie—h. 22"£~\ Fairmount Ave.« a Wiltsie, Leon F., clerk, r. 612 Prendergast Ave.w2 Wiltsie, Mabel, textileworker, r. 219 McKinley Ave."ed .2? Wiltsie, Martha C, widow Charles II., r. 311 Prendergast Ave.a * Wiltsie, Mary A., Mrs., h. over 612 Prendergast Ave.G ~ Wiltsie, Mary O, widow Melvin, r. 101 Connecticut Ave.£ § Wiltsie, Melvin C, (Eliza L.), farmer, h. 101 Connecticut Ave.Wiltsie, Reuben A., driver, r. 101 Connecticut Ave.. Wiltsie, see Willsie.© Wiltzthe, Paul, metalworker, bds. 149 Jones & Gifford Ave.~^ Wimmermark, Jennie, textileworker, r. Ill Newland Ave.Wimmermark, John A., (Christina), sander, h. Ill Newland Ave.fm Wimmermark, Lambert C., (Minnie B.), lineman, h. 264 Broadhead Ave. Winberg, Axel A., (Hulda), finisher, h. 153% Chandler.r/_ Winberg, see Winnberg.Cj Winblad, Eva, student, r. 1381 East Second.CO Winchester, Florence, bds. 228 Hallock.J^m Winchester, Frank, (Susie), R. F. D. mail carrier, h. 43 Ninth.~mm*- Winchester, Leonora, widow Charles J., h. 59 Broadhead Ave.Winchester, Louis, r. Y. M. C. A.e3 FPJCMAN'*! PIANOS, PLAYER PIANOS, VICTROLAS, VICTOR TALK­CS Windahl, Carl, (Hannah), metalworker, h. 80 Highland Ave.ING MACHINES AND RECORDS NewWellman Building^ Windahl, Charles W., (Alice), metalworker, h. 112 Palmer.a Windahl, Olive G., domestic, 611 Prendergast Ave.4_ Windsor, Emma E., h. 417 Prendergast Ave.& VI Windsor, Florence, r. Fairmount Ave., bey. limits.

Women's Coats and Suits THE A. D. SHARPE CO. >JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 425 SBHII.I. PIANH CC. ORGANS AND OLD PIANOS C/aM.MMMUMU 1 li-_l^V/ \s\J. TAKEN IN EXCHANGE J-3— ^Windsor, John W., (Helen), retired, h. Fairmount Ave., bey. limits. *--}Windsor, Leon A., r. 417 Prendergast Ave.m]mWindsor, see Winsor.mm,Wing, Helen, widow Pratt, h. 409 Cherry.m^WINNBERG & BATCHELLER—John M. and Levant—City Drug Store, 113 SNorth Main.wCITY DRUG STORE ^WINNBERG & BATCHELLERft^PRESCRIPTION FILLING A SPECIALTY5SReliable Drugs and Medicines. Toilet Articles. Perfumery113 NORTH MAIN STREET £j«~Winnberg, Huda M., r. 39 Mechanic. J~Winnberg, Jennie G., r. 39 Mechanic. ~Winnberg, John M.—Winnberg & Batcheller—h. 39 Mechanic.mt\Winnberg, Laura M., widow J. G., r. 39 Mechanic.ftWinnberg, see \vinberg.wWinroth, Arthur C, metalworker, r. 255 Prospect._*Winroth, Charles F., (Hilda A.), stationary engineer, h. 255 Prospect. toWinroth, Ethel M., clerk, r. 255 Prospect.toWinsell, Andrew, (Ellen), woodworker, h. 353 Stowe. "Winsell, Anna, textileworker, r. 353 Stowe.Winslow, Josie, rms. 45 Allen Square.mWinsor, Amelia C, widow Henry M., h. over 207 East Second.SBWinsor, Clinton B., (Emma E.), supt. construction Jamestown Public P*Schools, h. 340 East Fourth.^Winsor, Frank D., commercial traveler, r. over 207 East Second.aSWinsor, H. Clem, bartender, h. 705 West Eighth.§ ^Winsor, Helen A., artist, r. 503 East Second. 3 ©Winsor, Jennie G., Mrs., cook, h. Apart. D., 27 Forest Ave. 3Winsor, see Windsor. 52Winterbottom, Ashton, (Anna), cloth finisher,h. 67 Center. g gjWinterburn, John A., (Ada), warptwister, h. under 207 Allen. » P"Winters, James S., (Ivy), laundryman, h. 11 Newland Ave.oP*Winzell, Axel, (Bertha), metalworker, h. over 248 Buffalo. ?.Wiquist, Cecil bds. 149 Baker.*"f5Wiquist, David, clerk, r. 149 Baker.nWiquist, Flavia, telephone operator, r. 149 Baker.gWiquist, Hilda, student, r. 149 Baker.WWIQUIST & LAWSON—Otto W. and Oscar A.—clothing and men's furnish- 2ings, 9 North Main.•"*Wiquist, Otto W., (Alma E.)—Wiquist & Lawson—h. 149 Baker.Wise, George, (Cornelia), building mover, h. 902 Lafayette.^^Wise, Theodore O., buildingmover, r. 902 Lafayette.Wise, Wilbur, (Grace), building mover, h. rear 9 Tenth.mmWistran, John M., (Emily), veneerworker, h. 15 Wilson Ave.MWistran, Mabel C, student, r. 15 Wilson Ave.ft£Wistran, Maud E., r. 15 Wilson Ave.p^mWistran, Theodore C, metalworker, r. 15 Wilson Ave.qWistrom, Peter M., (Otila), cabinetmaker, h. 101 Wescott.SMODERN Wolf, Wistrom, Woite, WITKOP-HOLMES Ed., Ab. Are see Ruth, HARDWOOD metalworker, F., not Westrom. (Selma), to textileworker, expensive CO., foreman bds. (INC.)—Walter FLOORS a» you 839 r. mey Lafayette.picker, 101 think _ Wescott. Ask Beaty, h. over Lyons mgr.—grocers, 574 Allen. S- 4-6 Steele. J ** mm* QJ^ C\

2 Clark Hardware Co. Stoves and Furnaces» 426 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.I Chautauqiia Brew "•""ll"^'.0"5Wolf, Frank, (Ella), engineer, h. 19 Derby.Sx 5 Wolf, Harry V., finisher,r. 19 Derby.2 £ Wolf, Hjalmar, (Elma), plumber, h. 16 Williams.tm % Wolf, Jessie, laundress, r. under 30 Institute.G = Wolfe, Earle, r. 116 East Third.a Wolford, Alex, (Elizabeth T.), metalworker, h. 20 Whitley Ave.E ^ Wolford, Daisy, clerk, r. over 562 East Second.G £ Woll, Ernest, woodworker, r. 210 Linwood Ave.a £ Woll, Floyd, packer, r. 210 Linwood Ave.U 3 Women's Christian Association Hospital—Nettie A. Romans, supt.; Minnie9) A. Hokanson, asst. supt.—207 Foote Ave.« Wood, Carl O., (Edith E.)—Johnson & Wood—h. 11 Hall Ave.so g Wood, Charles E., (Maude), barber, 2 West Third, h. 403 Monroe.3 C Wood, Charles H., (Zella L.), conductor J. St. Ry., h. 50 Charles.— Wood, Cora, widow Albert C, h. 29 Ninth.~B « Wood, Esther, student, r. 50 Charles.ce | Wood, Euretta, widow Charles, r. 401 Clinton.

DRAPERIETSASHADES, The A. D. Slia^C CO. ^• (x>JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.427 J_. GOU||| PfANO Cf\ COMPLETE TUNING AND _£M7RM.M_Ma M7l.±_L~lSJ Sm-SJ. REPAIR department r-tP9Woods, Eric, meatcutter, bds. 34 Whitley Ave. 53WOODS, HENRY S., (Cecilia), prop. The Osmer, 415 West Third, h. do. JS-Woods, James J., draftsman, r. 109 Hall Ave.Woods, John, (Mary), farmer, h. 49 Eleventh. *"5Woods, John, (Mary), laborer, h. 516 Monroe. ,-Woods, John C, metalworker, r. 49 Eleventh.^JWoods, Leslie M., (Mercie A.), teamster, 16 West Fifteenth. ?Woods, Margaret, widow Patrick, h. 109 Hall Ave.Woods, Margaret E., stenographer, r. 49 Eleventh. w> rpgWoods, May M., stenographer, r. 516 Monroe. 5vvpods, Michael L.—Peterson & Woods—h. 49 Eleventh.§" gWoods, Michael, (Hannah), h. 866 Washington. "* §Woods, Rose, basketworker, r. 49 Eleventh.£ _Woods, see Wood. — §Woodward, Cecil, cloth mender, r. 113 Sprague.Woodward, Emerson H., (Mary), real estate, h. 190 Fairmount Ave. g"Woodward, Floyd, motorman J. St. Ry., r. 190 Fairmount Ave.g wWoodward, Harry, (Pearl), lumber handler, h. over 37 Flagg Ave. "g, £jWoodward, Lazelle, (Alberta), veneerworker, h. 106 Barker. ^

m% Clark Hardware Co., Roofing and Building PapersPS 428JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.

Women's Coats and Suits. The A. D. SHARPE CO. |>JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 429H I L L P I A N O CO.LOWEST PRICES S3EASIEST TERMS §"Young, A. Marie, clerk, r. 429 Lincoln. ©Young, Annabelle, laundress, r. 1033 North Main.*"•»Young, Charles A., (Amanda H.), rubber, h. 14 Wilton Ave.^^Young, Clark H., (Lovinda A.), real estate and loans, 11-12 Gokey Bldg., h. "J-112 West Seventh. ftYoung, C. Oscar, (Edith), driver, h. 136 Water. »Young, Dana, (Mabel), painter, h. 417 East Fifth.mi.Young, Daniel, (Charlotte), teamster and iceman, h. 1033 North Main. "** .Young, Elizabeth, widow James M., h. 12 Water. m*Young, Emily, widow Charles W., h. 429 Lincoln.gjYoung, Florence, student, bds. 6 Broadhead Ave.r-mYoung, Fred, (Viola), foreman, brickmaker, h. 17 Jeffords.Young, George A., (Flora), postman, h. 400 West Eighth. 2Young, Gilbert J., tailor, r. 11 Bush. g£Young, Gust, (M. Emily), teamster, h. 11 Bush. -qYoung, James M., (Mary A.), police, h. 11 Ninth.OYoung, Jennie, dressmaker, h. over 405 Winsor.fSxoung, Jerry G., (Esther), steel casemaker, h. 347 Price. 08Young, Jessie, bookkeeper, Journal, r. 633 Winsor. O"Young, Mabel V., spinner, r. 11 Bush.JST-Young Men's Christian Association—Elliot C. Hall, pres.; C. W. Cunningham,gen. sec; M. W. King, physical director; C. Floyd Hosmer, sec. *-**,boys' dept.—East Second, cor. Prendergast Ave. *SYoung, Minal E., (Emma J.), chief clerk Standard Oil Co., h. Lake St., Cel- J5*oron, N. Y.(t.Young, Nels P., r. over 323 Newland Ave."fiYoung, Youngberg, Oscar, August, bds. 220j^ (Ellen), Sprague. metalworker, h. over 215 Bowen.Young, Youngberg, Robert Ernest, W., (Emma), metalworker, bandsawyer, bds. 167 h. Chandler. 1208 East Second.*-tYoung, Youngberg, Simon, John, bartender, (Anna), rms. meter 7 Cross. inspector, h. 118 Institute.' J^Young Women's Christian Association—Mrs. W. H. Proudfit, honorary president;Miss Havena Stevens, sec; Miss Jessie Smith, treas.; Miss Kath-Younggren, Agnes, textileworker, bds. 116 Barrows.Jl-Younggren, erine D. Albin, Cole, gen. machinist, sec.—401 r. over North 47 Main. Wescott._**j NjYoung, Younggren, Zilpha, Anna, Mrs., textileworker, h. 633 Winsor. over 47 Wescott.' ft aYounggren, •Vr... *.«.!.r.mrr Edward Anff,,r.f rf'EMl.iTl'*TY1 J., (Bessie), crater, O t Q 1 Wr>T* h. VftV over \i 60 nVCAJ- Bemus. 91F» RnWATI ^ ^*fYounggren, Hannah, widow Carl G., r. 116 Barrows. ~**Younggren, Louise, bookkeeper, r. over 47 Wescott.^^Younggren, Nettie A., widow Charles, h. over 47 Wescott.HQYoungmark, Tillie, textileworker, r. 280 Willard.ftYoungquist, Agnes E. E„ student, r. 362 Foote Ave._.Youngquist, Carl O., (Hannah)—Peterson & Youngquist—h. 362 Foote Ave. ftYoungstedt,' Elsie A., cashier, r. 120 Euclid Ave.X_Youngstedt, Otto A., (Selma O.). machinist, h. 120 Euclid Ave.

II Clark Hardware Co. Fine Cutlery and ToolsOX(OH _W 430JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.ll <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew ^^^^J^JJT your tamilyosfe!ZSg Zetterman, Carl, (Vina), molder, h. over 3 Holman.O1-1 Zetterman, Eric G., (Anna), polisher, h. 43 Holman.*«» Zetterman, Ernest, packer, r. 43 Holman..5 j, Zetterman, Swan, finisher,r. 43 Holman.«eo Zewilli,Zimbard,Sebastiano,Clement, rubber,(Mary),bds.laborer,overh.208overEast1058Second.East Second.JjSoZuckerman, Benjamin, (Delia),—National Specialty Co.—h. 148 McKinley9 Ave.•4 • Zuckerman, Samuel, Jr., (Esther),—National Specialty Co.—h. 245 Broad->0 head Ave.g a Zuzze, Sam, (Mamie), barber, h. 25 Steele.G Zylyf, Bektash, finisher, rms. 92 Steele.GTHE COMBINED CIRCULATION OF THE-2

The A. D. Sharpe Co. for Rugs and Carpets fCELORON DIRECTORY. 431H I L L P I A N O C O ENTIRE 6TH FLOOR _T_***•—»*- * *i-H^Vy V>V7. CHADAKOIN BUILDINGoTHE JOURNAL'S CELORON DIRECTORY H<strong>1911</strong>-12>VILLAGE OFFICERS.aPresident—W. G. Price. 222Clerk—E. B. Daugharthy.Treasurer—John A. Johnson.^^Collector—West Prank."SQTrustees—Guy Lawson, Alva Smith, George E. Chase, George B. Hinman.Board of Health—Charles O. Johnson.Board of Education—Alva Smith, W. W. Wilson, Elmer Gifford.Celoron Hose Co.—Fred Nelson, secretary; Charles O. Johnson, treasurer.Board of Health—Charles O. Johnson, pres.; Minal Young secretary; John ©A. Johnson. ST S.Board of Education—Alva Smith, W. W. Wilson, Elmer Gifford, Fred Nelson ft ~and W. G. Price.3 coftAdams, J. Augusta, Mrs., h. Chadakoin and Conewango Ave. „ gAnderson, Benjamin, peddler, bds. Venice. * -Anderson, Fred H., (Anna), steel cabinetmaker, h. Smith. o 3Anderson, William C, finisher,r. Venice. g §Applegate, Harry A., (Elizabeth), machinist, h. Conewango Ave.iArlington Hotel, Charles Frank, prop.w oArnold, Clarence N., machinist, r. Burtiss. a §Arnold, George T., (Evelyn), emp. Everett Hotel, h. Burtiss. «• a.Arnold, Horatio N., (Emma), grocery clerk, h. Burtiss. J? 2.Avenue Hotel—Frank F. Moynihan, prop.—h. Allegheny Ave. "^ ,§Bachelor, Charles, (Hattie Belle), laborer, h. Waverly Ave.Bachelor, Floyd S., r. Waverly Ave.Barker, Marion E., (Minnie), police, h. Chadakoin.ft}Ball, Chauncey A., (Mabel), machinist, h. Jackson Ave. **9Ballard, Emma, widow Phidello, r. Dunham Ave.mm.Bargar, Louis T., (Elizabeth)—Huntington-Bargar Machine Shop—h. Boule- rtvard, Lake front. —Beardsley, F. M., (Percie), aristoworker, h. Maple.»_Benchley, Susan, widow Hayden, r. Scofieid. £^Bilquist, Charles (Florine), upholsterer, h. Melvin Ave.Billquist, Gust, (Hilda), painter, h. Melvin Ave.-mpBlake, Lillian, widow Frank, domestic, r. Duquesne.""tBlanchard, Austin F., (Lizzie), paperhanger, h. Venice.ggBloomquist, Olive, widow Frank, r. Jackson and Eighth.,_+.Boss, Hans, (Mary), painter and decorator, h. Boulevard.^^Boss, Hermandina, r. Boulevard.^JJBoyd, Edward P., (Laura), h. Venice.i^Bradway, Millard, (Genevieve), chauffeur, h. Lake. G«Bratt, Clayton A., (Mary), machinist, h. Chadakoin.chReady Brazee, Bratt, koin. Orsemus, Maria, Theodore, Roofing Mrs., (Marie (May midwife, & E.), B.), Building janitor h. bds. Chadakoin. Melvin Vandergrift Paper Ave. Block, J_~Z Jamestown, 1 „, h. 13 Chada ^ -*+ rm

i Clark Hardware Co. Stoves and Furnacesug 432CELORON DIRECTORY._Possesses all the attributes of purity and flavor that areii <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brewnecessary for a perfect beerBOTH PHONES 268® Brookhouser, Albert, (Maude), butcher, h. Scofieid.Brooks, Hattie, picker, r. Venice.Brown, Fred, (Lena), hostler, h. Venice.co« i Canfield, Roy, (Pearl), sign painter, h. Dunham Ave.3 Canfield, William W., (Myrtle), lineman, h. Dunham Ave.5 , Carlson, Carl W., (Henrietta), contractor, h. Burtiss.CO Carlson, Charles, (Maude), woodworker, h. Duquesne Ave.g Carlson, Emil, toolmaker, r. Lake.«S ' Carlson, Helga, r. Lake.g§ Carlson, Lena, widow John. h. Lake.-g • Carrier, Robert, (May), metalworker, h. Edgewater.SCeloron Hose Amusement House Co.—A. and Town N. Hall, Broadhead, Lake. pres.; George E. Maltby, gen.-3 * . Celoron mgr. Public School, cor. Allegheny Ave. and Seventh.j* « Celoron Theater—James J. Waters, mgr._§ •«? Chadakoin Boat Co.—Harry Lepar, prop.—Boulevard Lake Front.S3 G m Chase, George E., (Laura B.), musician, h. Melvin Ave.mX Clapp, John F. V., (Eline), metalworker, h. Duquesne.£"* Comstock, E. L., night watch, h. Dunham Ave.J> a Comstock, Jessie, r. Dunham Ave.•Z >> Conet, Edwin, porter, r. Edgewater."•" g Conet, Fred N.—gen. agt. Johnson Harvester Co.—h. Edgewater.,3 Conner, Wells J., (Elvira), carpenter, h. Venice.*>,§ Copeland, Herbert, (Emily), teamster, h. Boulevard.COO cs b Cowden, K. Z., (Iva), grocery, h. Boulevard.£g• Cutting, Lucien'E., (Francelia), laborer, h. Duquesne Ave.G-a Darling, C. Eldreth, machinist, h. Burtis.'u'c DauSnarthy. Elson B., (Julia), cementworker, h. Scofieid.— a Dean, C. W., plumber, h. Dunham Ave.UJ Dix, Victor E., (Josephine), lather, h. Edgewater._Sf Dossinger, Frank, (Alice), b. Allegheny Ave.J« e Doxey. Benjamin F., (Clara), h. Burtiss.p § Drotts, Florence, r. Boulevard.• £• Drotts, Matilda, widow Peter, h. Boulevard.Dupee, Samuel. (Sarah), retired, h. Lak

Gloves, Hosiery and Underwear - THE A. D. SHARPE CO. Q. 5rCELORON DIRECTORY.433 P3HILL PIANO CO. %5_-_ i— • COGardner, Florence, seamstress, r. Linwood Ave.Gardner, Rexford, cementmason, r. Dunham Ave.HrtGill, William, (Maude), metalworker, h. Chadakoin.TGotts, Fred W., carpenter, bds. Smith Ave.Gray, Charles, (Mary M.), h. Scofieid.3Gustafson, Carl, prop. Hotel Du Nord, h. Boulevard.Halliday, Mary, widow Lyman, r. Venice. - ftHeath, Frank, (Blanche), drayman, h. East Ave.ftHeaton, Orville, (Cora), painter, h. Burtiss.*•—Hess, Milton, (Annie), carpenter, h. Duquesne.ft coHickock, Charles, (Katie E.), designer, h. Boulevard.ft toHilckman,- Paul F., (Julia), ironworker, h. Duquesne Ave.Hinman, David G., (Marion), laborer, h. Burtiss.Hinman, George B., (Lulu), clerk and musician, h. Maple._Holiday, Henrietta, Mrs., prop. Keystone Cottage, h. Dunham Ave., andBoulevard.wWm.Holmes, Clara, r. Ball Ave. \^Holmes, John, loomfixer, h. Ball Ave.f--i.Hooven, David F., (May), veneerworker, h. Smith and Duquesne.^JHotel De Celoron, John H. Penfold, prop.v JHotel Du Nord—Carl Gustafson, prop.—Boulevard.^*}Howard, Anna, r. Scofieid.J"JHoward, Elizabeth, widow James, h. Scofieid.pQHoward, Jennie, widow Abner, r. Dunham Ave.t»^Howard, William J., rubber, r. Scofieid.Tw**Howies, Claude, (Anna), machinist, h. Duquesne.^JHuber, Jennie, widow Charles, h. Scofieid." •*Humphrey, Louis F., (Mary), grocery clerk, h. Boulevard.tjHunt, Jay, (Gertrude), machinist, h. Chadakoin.\-mtHuntington-Bargar Machine Co.—Lewis T. Bargar, prop.—Boulevard, lake ^Wfront.Huntington, John, (Harriett), warp dresser, h. Waverly Ave. «sImperial Hotel, Burt J. Odell, prop., cor. Boulevard and Dunham Ave. [22Jamestown Wheel & Mfg. Co., Jackson Ave. . C"gJohnson, Arthur, laborer, r. East Ave.>-wJohnson, August, (Louisa)—Empire Furniture Co.—h. Allegheny Ave. ^ —Johnson, Augusta, Mrs., h. Scofieid.^PSJohnson, Bernard G., r. Allegheny Ave. "^Johnson, Charles O., (Matilda), chief police, h. Dunham Ave.^^Johnson, Ella r. Chadakoin.mT ^TJohnson, Fred, (Josephine), machinist, h. East Ave.I—•^PJohnson, Hilda L., clerk, r. Allegheny Ave.^JJohnson, Hilda M., domestic, r. Allegheny Ave.^**Johnson, John A., insurance, r. Allegheny Ave.Johnson, Levi F., (Matilda A.), emp. Celoron grounds, h. Chadakoin.^Johnson, Margaret, pianist, r. Scofieid.*z~Johnson, Marie E., r. Dunham Ave.•Johnson, Ruby E., r. Chadakoin.Johnson & Oberg—E. H. and C. B—meats, Boulevard.^JJones, Ellsworth W., (Sarah B.), emp. Lakewood Ice Co., h. Jackson Ave.Kelly, Fred E., (Cora), carpenter, h. Scofieid.For Keystone Knox, Kropf, Kronenlein, Lagerdahl', Lakeside Krumeich, Red George Mary, Elizabeth Boat Cottage, Cedar Joseph, Clara, Leonard r. W., Club, Dunham M., widow furnished and (Isabelle), foreman Walton Mrs., G., Ave. Cypress Joseph, (Josephine), h. metalworker, rooms, Ave., h. Lake. Dunham r. lake Allegheny Dunham Shingles baker, front. Ave. bds. Ave., h. Ave.Duquesne. SEE and Boulevard. LYONS Ave. %\g JT J" M* _*

£'g Clark Hardware Co. Fine Cutlery and ToolsJjflSO-W 434CELORON DIRECTORY.oQ .w| <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew is making friends every dayBH•K Lawson, Charles, laborer, bds. Duquesne Ave.i©. Lawson, Lois, r. Duquesne.+J Lawson, Thaddeus, clerk, r. Duquesne.w i Lawson, Thomas, r. Duquesne.JB Lawson, William, r. Duquesne.*• Lehman, George N., (Mabel L.), supt. Webber-Knapp Co., Jamestown, h.G Melvin Ave.'jj g Lehman, Marie, widow Michael, r. Melvin Ave.,2 2 Leid, James, (Nina), metalworker, h. Waverly Ave.«gj£ Leslie, David, machinist, h. cor. Allegheny Ave. and Dunham Ave.o Lind, John, (Christina), metalworker, h. Boulevard.•m*! Lindholm, Claus F., (Augusta), grocery, h. Boulevard.4> pa Lock, Charles F., (Blanche E.), job printer, h. cor. Scofieid and Allegheny•* Ave.JJ Lorenz, Alta, widow Charles, h. Allegheny Ave.j£ Lorenz, Ray, (Edith), mirrorworker, h. Duquesne Ave.. Lovejoy, Cad, porter, r. Boulevard.&"• w a Lowe, Alice, weaver, r. Chadakoin.•g Lowe, Mary Ann, widow Thomas, h. Chadakoin.-S-j *>i[f- Lowe, Mary E., dressmaker, r. Chadakoin.V g Lowe, William R., weaver, r. Chadakoin.«2 .S Lydon, James W., (Samantha), metalworker, h. Smith Ave.o g Marsh, Arthur J., (Georgia), mechanic, h. Smith Ave.W"*» w g a Mattison, „A.VJ AAAAAAVAA, Theodore, A.AAA.A+AA A.., prop. M..A.AA.J Hotel IV.,, V Du A VJ V Nord, . B'Ut r. Boulevard. iiUm P o g Myers, McGinnett, Erwin, Samuel, (Eva),(Allie), machinist, deliveryman, h. Dunham h. Ave. Boulevard.y ©;f as Melvin, Nelson, Alene Bernard, I., student, (Lillian), r. metalworker, Melvin Ave. h. Jackson and Eighth.t ^ G Nelson, Melvin, Amanda, Fred, (Katie), r. Smith warper, Ave., h. Maple.S 7 j Newton, Melvin, Charles Anna, widow L., (Kate John, M.), h. Justice Chadakoin. of the Peace, h. Melvin Ave.g ~ u Methodist Nichols, Etta, Episcopal Mrs., novelty Church, finisher,h. cor. Scofieid Boulevard.and Conewango Ave.ft feNichols, Miller, Alfred, Isaac, lunch (Alice), counter metalworker, clerk, r. h. Melvin cor. Boulevard Ave. and Venice.j~ Miller, Nichols, Bettie, Walter, widow (Hattie), Charles, cementworker, h. Venice. h. Dunham Ave.m^ ^j Noyes, Miller, Floyd Morton J., L., (Mollie), grocer, waiter, h. Duquesne. h. Venice.. Oberg, Monroe, David, George (Genevieve), H., wholesale toolmaker, photo post h. Lake. cards, Jamestown, h. Boulevard.© *tt] J Moose O'Dell, Club Burt House, J., (Estella), Jackson prop. Ave. Imperial Hotel, h. Boulevard.Km) U < Morris, O'Neil, Margaret, Lynn A., student, Mrs., h. r. Venice. Lake.H * Morse, Pelton, C. John E., C, Boat (Delia Garage, G.), Morse carpenter, Road, h. lake Scofieid. front.^^ H Moynihan, Peterson, Charles Frank F., A., (May (Ida), R.), metalworker, prop. Avenue h. Hotel, Chadakoin. h. Allegheny Ave.ftai Peterson, Gust, (Eunice), machinist, h. Linwood.K w Peterson, Henry, (Mary E.), machinist, h. Scofieid.O ° Peterson, Mandus, bds. Maple.r* m Penfield, Lillian, widow Thaddeus, h. Waverly Ave.£E 2 r.-i Experience writing means them for much 20 years. in writing Bradshaw's insurance contracts. Pioneer Insurance We have Agency. been

Always buy your Dry Goods of The A. D. Sharpe Co. ||CELORON DIRECTORY. 435 o ^Hill's Piano School ^ SaO XPenhollow, Elowyn S., (Emma), carpenter and builder, h. Dunham Ave. 5 oPenhollow, Jesse A., carpenter, r. Dunham Ave.F

O0.mGOT Clark Hardware Co., Contractors & Mill SuppliesO GO O436 CELORON DIRECTORY.c_ a"ot <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew Low in SSS^tJ extractHaCO^j: Thurber, Evan, metalworker, r. Lake.C «> Thurber, Genoa E., clerk, r. Lake.^S g Thurber, Hilton S., (Mary J.), contractor and builder, h. Melvin Ave.§j= Thurber, Hiram P., (Lucinda), retired, h. East Ave.O.6* Thurber, Lyle, machinist, r. Melvin Ave.^5 Thurber, Maryon, carpenter, r. Melvin Ave.«)(§ Thurber, Mildred L., clerk, r. Lake.> Towne, George E., h. Lake.J% >. Turnquist, Charles, clerk, r. Dunham Ave.wiS Turnquist, F. Arthur, clerk, r. Dunham Ave.fcjj'5 Turnquist, Frank, (Matilda), grocery, Dunham Ave., h. do..S & ^an Namee, Martin, (Lena), detailer, h. Boulevard."5 « Vincesguerra, James, lunch counter clerk, h. Boulevard..£ « Vine, Annie, r. Scofieid.F< .H Vine, Elijah, musician, h. Scofieid.£ Vine, Harry, packer, r. Scofieid.., Webb, William M., (Myrtle), ball player, h. Melvin Ave.Sot Webster, Melissa, widow Moses, h. Chadakoin.^ . Wells, Cassie .textileworker, r. Scofieid.q S West, Richard, (Hattie), laborer, h. Conewango Ave.(_);§ Westerburg, Charles A., (Lida), well driller, h. Dunham Ave.'S Westerman, (The), Mrs. C. H. Westerman, prop., boarding house, Conem-tZ.wango Ave.

Always Buy your Dry Goods of THE A. D. SHARPE CO. WtoFALCONER DIRECTORY.437 ""SHILL PIANO C(\ ENTIRE 6TH FLOOR \TIM.M.M_a_\ _ _,fr_l^V/ \,\J. CHAD aKQIN BUILDING m_]THE JOURNAL'S FALCONER DIRECTORY *<strong>1911</strong> -12 JVILLAGE OFFICERS.mmChPresident—Judson S. Wright.Trustees—Charles A. Carlson, Charles Dennison, C. O. Carlson, H. L. Ames, ftTreasurer—Erie Sample.MCollector—Guy C. Tracy._Clerk—F. R. Ford.Q_Street commissioner—C. A. Carlson.Chief of Police—George J. Griggs. ,—.Fire team driver—Arthur Murkett.h JBoard of Health—Ernest A. Wiborg, president; Harvey Jones, secretary. _•'Health officer—W. O. Smith, M. D.PVillage attorneys—Edson & Crosby.COBoard of Education—A. J. Tiffany, pres.; Fred R. Ford, clerk; Oscar Wiborg, jflMrs. Kate Ensign, Mrs. Jessie Johnson, George Peterson, George R. oRaynor, principal; E. H. Sample, treasurer.^^3-Postmaster—Emil A. Peterson.\ JFalconer Hose Co., No. 1—-Pres., O. J. Rawson; sec, F. W. Asker; treas.,S. T. Benson; trustees, Charles Johnson, John Kroon, Charles Larson;foreman, Ollie Olson; firstasst. John Burns; second asst., John Kroon. .Meets first Monday of every month.*ftProtected Home Circle, No. 224—Meets every alternate Thursday evening 09in I. O. O. F. hall. Post president, Lizzie Haywood; president, D. W. ftElderkin; sec, Mrs. Eva. Elderkin; treas., Frank Lawson; trustees, ^_Lizzie Haywood, Kate Ensign, P. H. Mansfield. *^Ellicott Tent, 76, K. O. T. M — Commander, S. T. Benson; lieut. comm., O. H.Hayward; recordkeeper, H. C. Shultz; chaplain, F. R. Ford. ¥**$Chadakoin Lodge, No. 130, I. O. O. F.—Meets every Friday in Odd Fellows' fthall. Officers: Noble grand, Earl Woodard; vice grand, Oscar Swan; NJrec-treas., George Tregea; fin.-sec,George H. Benson; treas., AlbertAnderson. Organized March 3, 1899.Moon Brook Rebekah Lodge, No. 293, I. O. O. F.—Meets every second andmm.3fourth Tuesday night in Odd Fellows' hall. Officers: Noble grand,Daisy Griggs; vice grand, Mrs. Ida Tarr; rec. sec, Mrs. Etta Ford;fin. sec, Mrs. Laura Tregea; treas, Mrs. Hazel Kroon. Membership90. Organized Feb. 3, 1903.Swedish Brotherhood—Meets every alternate Thursday night in I. O. O. F.hall. Officers: S. M., John Anderson; V. S. M., Carl Peterson; F. S.,Elof Johnson; V. F. S., Charles Holmes; P. S., Gust Carlson; V. P. S., £_Andrew Olson; chaplain, Emil Johnson. Membership 50. Organized QJSeptember, 1899.Ellicott Hive, L. O. T. M.—Meets every alternate Wednesday afternoon in ftMODERN I. O. O. F. HARDWOOD hall. Organized February, FLOORS 1893. — Officers: ^sk Past Lyons lady comm., £ W^Mrs. Are Frances not so Seymour; expensive _ lady you may comm., think. Mrs. Mary Van Derwark; lieut. J lady ~~r Mlcomm., Mrs. Louisa Chase; recordkeeper, Mrs. Chena Wilson; finance- .-keeper, Mrs. Elizabeth Dailey; chaplain, Mrs. Ellen F. Woodward. yySwedish A Holm; strom'; R Temperance hall T. guard, K., S. Victor M. T., Society—Meets Hager. Oscar Holm; Bard; R. S., V. first Rudolph T., and Charles third Hoglund; Johnson; Monday capt., evenings F. S., O. Alfred Holm- in G. mm JD ZT mt Nj

g Clark Hardware Co. Stoves and FurnacesQ 438 FALCONER DIRECTORY.£5 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew - Always Pure and DeliciousH Abbey, Charles G., (Ella), advertising solicitor Jamestown Morning Post, hNorth Work.-m4 Adams, Erick, woodcarver, r. Central Ave.;Jj Adams, Gust, (Anna), machine hand, h. Davis.m_\ Adams, Oscar, (Beda), cabinetmaker, h. 308 Central Ave.f, Adams, S. Matilda, r. Central Ave.m-*\ Aikin, Willis H., jewelry, 23 East Main, h. Ashville, N. Y.Alexis, Anders, (Hannah), carpenter, h. Harrison.-m\ Alexis, Anna, r. Harrison.mtw Alexis, Edwin, laborer, r. Harrison.^ Alexis, Ivar, student, r. Harrison.»_4 Allen, Mason M., (Ann), retired, h. 130 West Main.f_f Alma, John, (Harriet;, retired, h. East Falconer.•_, Almquist, Peter, laborer, r. 241 Harrison.•^ AMERICAN MFG. CONCERN—W. T. Falconer and A. C. Davis—advertisingW novelties, near Work.Ames, Hermes L., (Minnie)—sec. Falconer Milling Co.—h. East Main.KAmes, Mertie, student, r. East Main.Anderson, A. L. & Co.—Albert L. and T. H. Anderson—grocers, 25 Main.Um* Anderson, Alfred J., (Mattie), carpenter, h. Harrison.p, Anderson, Albert, painter, bds. Harrison.r*jAnderson, Albert L., (Anna)—grocer, 25 Main—h. 115 East Falconer.Anderson, Amil, (Matilda), mirrorworker, h. 115 West Lister Ave.Anderson, Andrew, machine hand, h. Work._ Anderson, Andrew, (Caroline), machine hand, h. 15 Harrison.CrQ Anderson, Andrew T., (Josephine), carpenter, h. Harrison.Anderson, August, (Eva), h. over 17 West Main., Anderson, Augustus, (Tilda), carpenter, h. Everett.j*^, Anderson, Axel, (Sadie), machine nana, h. 263 Harrison.O Anderson, Blanche C, widow Conrad, h. 14 East James.^^ Anderson, B. Oscar, (Sophia), farmer, h. 722 North Main.f^ Anderson, Bros.—Leonard and T. H. Anderson—furniture, 7 East Main.P^ Anderson, Charles, (Mary), machine hand, h. 25 Harrison.r \ Anderson, Charles P., confectionery, cigars and tobacco, 23 West Main, h.W Jamestown, N. Y.Anderson, Christina, widow Gust, h. Carter.[Jl IJJ3yL%\W_QL4Anderson, Clarence, (Bernice), milk dealer, h. Work.Anderson, Cutler, machine hand, bds. Work.Anderson, Emil, clerk, r. 15 Harrison.Anderson, Florence, twister, r. Harrison.Anderson, Frank L., (Jennie), h. East Everett.Anderson, Frank L., (Augusta), mill hand, h. Harrison.Anderson, Fred, noveltyworker, r. 143 West Main.Anderson, George L., (Anna), gardener, h. over 19 Main.Anderson, Harry, r. East Everett.Anderson, Harry, carpenter, h. West Ave.i Anderson, Heda, Mrs., h. Harrison.*- o Anderson,Anderson,PeterHenryA.,P.,carpenter,gardener,h.bds.EastEastEverett.Main.lZ Anderson, ¥ l8m ~—~-.-m~ Jamie L., — A-n (Martha), Connecticut woodworker, General h. Life 114 Ins. East Co., Everett. Hartford, Conn.OT 5 Anderson, Lite insurance John E., (Hulda), w. machinehand, J. Bentley, Gen. h. 405 Agt., Work. 514 Chadakoin Big£5 Anderson, John W., (Hannah), h. over 29 East Main.2 Anderson, Joseph E., (Amanda), h. North Work.S g> Anderson, Leigh W., carpenter, r. Harrison.wa £:- Anderson, Lottie Leonard, Milton Mary, Oscar clerk, A., L., F., (Juliet)—Anderson student, (Dessie r. Etta), 430 M.), r. North over machine drayman, Work. 19 Bros.—h. West hand, Main.317 134 North West East Work. Ave. Falconer.

Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. THE A. D. SHARPE CO. m.60 fTJFALCONER DIRECTORY.439 r _._rjj;HiU'c Pionn Qsilktfwl A NATIONAL TRAINING x>n m s riano scnool SCH0QL F0R PIANISTS g^- Hr/iAnderson, Sophie, widow Anders, h. Work.2 OAnderson, S. Oscar, (Hannah), farmer, h. Ross.* ^Anderson, Theodore H— Anderson Bros.—h. Carter and Harrison.Anderson, Walter, machinist, bds. Almet Ave.* MArnold, Walter W., student, r. 133 East Falconer. § CArnold, Wesley, (Mary T.), engineer, h. 133 East Falconer. « SArthur, Charles K., (Alice), farmer, h. East Main. 2 2Ash, Almon A., mirrorworker, r. Delaware Ave. O 2Ash, Metta, Mrs., h. Delaware Ave. § 2Asker, Fred W., (Mabel), plumber, h. over West Falconer.i- QAsker, Leonard, (Gertrude), plumber and bicycle repairer, 15 East Main, Sand prop. Spot Kash Store, h. 16 East James. C.Asto, John, (Laura), laborer, h. West Lister Ave.OBacklund, John E., (Margaret), wood turner, h. 127 East James.m, ~Badgley, Dewitt, (Grace)> noveltyworker, h. East Everett._9Badgley, John, sawyer, r. East Everett. £jBard, Hulda, widow Charles S., h. East Falconer. !1 2Bailey, Jacob, (Grace), plumber, h. Harrison. §Barker, Lansing, (Matilda), h. South Work.fp QBaker, Fred, (Hulda), painter and paperhanger, h. Central Ave.BBarlow, John, (Josephine), laborer, h. Lister Ave.g- PBalder, Fritz, (Millie), foreman finisher,h. 215 East Falconer. § 5Barmore, Clara, widow John, h. 15 East Everett.?;• ^Ball, Lettie, novelty printer, rms. East Pearl.°* rBarnes, Ernest, noveltyworker, h. West Mosher.~- OBals, Henry, (Minnie), laborer, h. Covey.? pjBattaglia, Lawrence, (Mary), fruit and confectionery, 37 West Main, h. do. w 3Baptist Church, Homestead.SL PBecker, Fred, (Nettie), laborer, h. West Everett.n goBarber, Florence, student, r. Mason. ~Becker, Ruth M., r. West Everett. s >Barber, Guy, (Hattie), engineer, h. Everett.Benedict, Matilda, widow Hiram, h. Main. QBenedict, W. C, pres. Falconer Towel Co., r. Findley, Ohio.OBenson, Andrew, r. 306 Harrison.WBenson, Cameron, student, r. East Falconer.Benson, H. Elmer Carl, E., music (Georgiana), teacher, machine r. North ^hand, Work. h. East Falconer. j*Benson, James George H., (Alice (Lulu)—insurance, L.), farmer, h. real North estate Work. and telegraph office, h. 5 £ w |?Benson, East John Main. A., (Lucy)—Benson & Johnson—h. 218 East Pearl. £J tt. § pjBenson, Grace & Johnson—John A., h. 103 Falconer. A. Benson and Otto B. Johnson—gent's furnish- g g. ff „Benson, ings, Gust, 11 East (Anna), Main. machine hand, h. 107 East Everett. g. a n §Benson, Rose, Harold widow S., student, John, r. r. Falconer. 101 East Everett. o. o S-Benson, S. T. & Co.,—S. T. Benson and James A. Hughes—gen. contractors,South Work—h. 101 East Everett.MBenson, Sydney T., surveyor and S. T. Benson & Co., contractors, h. North -_Work, h. 215 Harrison.

8 h Clark H a r d w a r e Co. Stoves and Furnacesm mSUW 4405z _zFALCONER DIRECTORY.O —£* <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew, Low in alcohol, rich in extractX N_ e> Bergland, Albin, (Alma), machine hand, h. Outlet._ § Bergren, Emil F., (Sigrid), pastor Swedish Lutheran Bethlehem Church, h.West Lister Ave.Bernard, Henry, machine hand, bds. South Work.Bertrand, Maude, drawer, r. South Work.J Bingham, Elvin, student, r. Allen Ext.x ' Bingham, George R., (Josephine), woodworker, h. Allen Ext.£ Bjork, Benle, (JUlizabeth), milk peddler, h. Harrison.w . Blackmar, Helen, music teacher, r. East Mosher.jo Blackmar, Lucy A., widow Seth, h. East Mosher.J» . Blanchard, Robert H., Jr., (Myrta), clerk, h. Harrison.-g g. Blood, Ernest L., (Pearl), machinist, h. North Dow.g « Blood, Jeff N., (Gertrude), brick mason, h. West Main.„ oo Bloomquist, Alex, bookkeeper, bds. South Work..g x Bloomquist, Eli, (Amanda), carpenter, h. Harrison."2 "O Bloomquist. J. Edgar, (Mary), woodcarver, h. lo East James.g § Bloomquist, Melvin A., grocer, 17 West Main, bds. Work.m >, Bowman, Catherine, r. West Main.£ « Bowman, David, (Anna), painter, h. Delaware Ave.i _ Bowman, Elizabeth, r. West Main._ .§ Bowman, Lewis L., (Mary), engineer, h. 211 West Main.u Boyd, Gertrude, student, r. Central Ave.

The A. D. SHARPE CO. for Rugs and Carpets >FALCONER DIRECTORY. 441 E—IHill's Piano School BEST trTnd cpu°pLteachers 3>Cannon, Charles H., (Evanette), farmer, h. Everett.mmCannon, Edward R., mill hand, r. Everett.^-jCardot, Andrew, (Hattie), janitor high school, h. East Pearl..miCardot, Ellen J., widow Charles, r. 121 East Main.JZ^Carlquist, Petros, cabinetmaker, bds. Almet Ave.mmCarlson, Alexander, (Jennie), finisher,h. North Dow. ~?Carlson, Arthur, stonemason, bds. Lynndon Boulevard. a—Carlson, Blaine—Falconer News Co.—9 West Main; r. Work. ***~*Carlson, Carl A., (Bettie), foreman Regal Furn. Co., h. 263 Harrison. r_f\Carlson, Carl E., bds. West Ave.\r^,Carlson, Charles A., (Blanche E.), sec.-treas. and mgr. Falconer Towel Mill, ^_h. 241 West Main. ^35Carlson, Charles J., (Christina), sander, h. Harrison.Carlson, C. O., (Mary), laborer, h. 57 East Harrison.^^Carlson, Einer, dry cleaning works, r. 440 Winsor, Jamestown, N. Y. JJ^Carlson, Elmer, noveltyworker, r. Harrison. 3Carlson, Ernest A., student, r. 263 Harrison.COCarlson, Frank, (Olga),, h. East Falconer.ftCarlson, Gotfried, factoryworker, h. East Falconer.SCarlson, Gustaf T., (Emmy), woodworker, h. Almet Ave.^Carlson, Lillian, winder, r. Harrison. £*Carlson, Oscar F., (Matilda), laborer, h. South Alberta.ftCarpenter, Bert W., (Emma), machinist, h. North Work.ftCarson, James, (Katherine), cabinetmaker, h. Harrison.ftCarter, Cyrus M., foreman, h. 40 West Main.Cass, Jane A., widow Willard, r. 120 East Main.Chamberlain, Ellen E., widow Delos, bds. Main.Chandler, Bessie, winder, bds. West Everett.Chandler, Frank L., sander, r. West Everett.^Chandler, George B., h. West Everett.SSChapman, Harry, emp. Erie R. R., bds. East Main.piChapman, Norton W., (Maud), mill hand, h. 113 East James.Chappel, Kenneth, freight handler, bds. South Work.gjChase, Clara, Mrs., cook, h. over 31 West Main.B2Chase, Donald S., stenographer, r. over 13 Main.§ qChase, Effie E., teacher, r. over 13 Main.a gChase, Eugene, student, r. over 31 West Main."BOChase, Frank W., (Louisa), drygoods and undertaker, h. over 13 Main. g*WChase, Guy G., stenographer, r. over 13 Main. g f*Cnautauqua Planing Mill Co., (Inc)—B. F. Merriam, pres.; J. A. Ruckman, MP3sec.-treas.—mfrs. doors, sash, blinds, interior trimmings, Falconer. eo<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Worsted Mills—Fletcher Goodwill, pres.; H. J. Goodwill, sec- *>treas.; W. T. Falconer, vice-pres.—Lister Ave.nCheney, Amanda, r. Main.qClark, Annis, widow James P., h. 14 West Falconer.pjClark, David J., (Coraline), retired, h. 131 West Falconer._Clark, Isabel M., widow Francis D., r. 109 North Dow.HCleland, Clyde (Ida), machine hand, h. 15 West Mosher.Cleland, Hazel, office clerk, r. 15 West Mosher.Cleland, Stella P., r. 15 West Mosher.Cleland, Mandaville, mill hand, r. West James. *—*Bibw Coe Cole Connely, Cobb, Harriet, Erwin Raymond Luna, Marshall, Charles, HEMLOCK F., D., ball r. widow (Emma), 22 machinist, E., V., (Eva), player, West nightwatch, carpenter, LUMBER Charles, bds. nightwatch, Mosher. bds. 1 120 West J_;._„ r. Kimball h. Harrison. East Kimball h. Main. Mosher. Harrison. Main. Ave. | Ave.ft* g* _g ga g^

& Clark HardwareCo., Roofing and Bnilding Papers5 riiaiitanniia Rraur Ju8t what youwant daily a8 a beverase wg 442 FALCONER DIRECTORY.•at ,> VitaUtamjUa HICW meals, summer and winter Both phones 268H Conroe, Fred, (May), stationary engineer, h. East Everett.> Conroe, James M., (Melvina), h. East Everett.§ Conroe, William H., (Gertrude), finisher,h. over 138 East Falconer.is Cook, Harry, (May), engineer, h. Merriam. £ Cooper, Frank, (Emma), glass polisher, h. 116 East Falconer.Corcoran, Paul E., (Hannah), painter, h. over West Main.Couter, Theodore, laborer, bds. 17 Harrison.~ Cowan, Roswell F., (Lena), night clerk, h. Allen Ext.-\ Cowden, Willis E., (Flora), electrician, h. East Main.«f Cowic, Samuel, machine hand, bds. Almet Ave.o Cox, Phoebe, widow George, r. West Main.« Crandall, Allene O., student, r. 102 West Falconer._ Crandall, Frank A., (Sophia), h. 102 West Falconer.«j?3 Croston,Crandall,James,Vernie(Anna),T., student,woodworker,r. 102 Westh. AlmetFalconer.Ave.g &3Culver,Crawford,ClarenceTravis,V.,(Millie),(Mary),farmer,machinist,h. Westh. NorthMain.Dow.jg.BSgCrick,Culver,Flora,Joseph,widow(Maggie),Henry,mirrormender,buffer,h. Merriamh. Harrison.Block, Main.^3^"^JCrosby,Curtis, Nellie,HarleywidowN., (Inez)—EdsonA. Eddie, h.&AlmetCrosbyAve.and Surrogate <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Co.0.S «J Dailey,—h.Charles229 EastW.,Main.(Lena), plumber, cor. Work and Falconer, h. Westre «• J2 Qfl James..2 •§ Dailey, Clayton B., (Aleze)—W. M. Dailey & Son—r. 28 James.;> t* Dailey, Howard A., chauffeur, r. 28 West James.. ja Dailey, Wayne M.,—W. M. Dailey & Son—h. 28 James..2 a Dailey, W. M. & Son—W. M. and Clayton B. Dailey—hardware, 15 Main.2 £> Dalrymple, Charles S., (Rose), lumber sealer, h. Almet Ave.w cfl Darling, Orion, (Blanche), lumberman, h. 127 East Falconer.j2 j; Daugherty, Daniel, (Dell), mirrorworker, h. Harrison.'3 tJ Daugherty, Guy, student, r. Harrison.5° "a Davis, Alfred C, (Ethel),—American Mfg. Concern—h. West Main andg j2 Homestead.% & Davis, Genevieve, student, h. West Main.§ >2 Davis, Hattie, widow Benjamin W., h. North Work.•o "« Davis, Herbert W., (Florence), physician, 31 Davis Block, h. West Main.I IS Davis, James, (Kate)—Straight Dry Plate Co., Jamestown—h .Work." U Davis, Murray H., (Laura J.), contractor and builder, h. North Work.•i

THE A. D. SHARPE CO. for Rugs and Carpets OFALCONER DIRECTORY. 443 toHill's Piano School F°S plmwpSiyinc _jDijohn, Frank, (Josephine), saw mill hand, h. West Main. JT*Drew, Mary, widow George, h. West Falconer.ftDrummy, Michael, (Susan), retired, h. 22 Harrison. (3Drummy, Nellie E., r. 22 Harrison.f/>Dunham, Dascum, (Ella), laborer, h. Work.>r\'Dunham, Lottie M., bookkeeper, r. Work.m-^Dunkirk, A. V. & P. R. R. station, East Everett.Dye, Helena, Mrs., towel folder, r. West Lister Ave. (**}Dyer, Charles, glassworker, r. Lynndon Blvd.qDyer, George F., (Catherine), mirrorworker, h. Work. .Dyer, Hazel I., student, r. Delaware Ave.Dyer, Joseph H., (Emma), machine hand, h. Delaware Ave.Eastman, William, (Nettie M.), machine hand, h. East Pearl. w **\Eckbloom, Axel, (Lena), mill hand. h. 306 Harrison.§ OEckbloom, George, farmer, r. 306 Harrison.§•Eckbloom, Mabel, music teacher, r. 306 Harrison. **; £EDSON & CROSBY—Walter H. and Harley N— attorneys, over Postoffice. »>. SEdson, Walter H., (Florilla)—Edson & Crosby—h. 109 Dow.~ gElderkin, D. Webster, (Eva), meat market, 10 East Main, h. over 4 do. •%Elderkin, William S., student, r. over 4 East Main.2 hElk, Ernest, veneerworker, bds. Hotel Lynndon. ~ 5Elk Furniture Co. (Inc.)—Frank Jacobson, pres.; Richard J. Swanson, sec- £ 2treas.—Blackstone Ave.u pqEllenberger, Bert, (Bessie), mirrorworker, h. Wdrk.jf nEly, Samuel, (Victoria), h. Work. g_ >Ensign, Catherine, widow William, teacher, r. 75 East Main. re PEverett, Melvin, retired, r. Main. -mEverett, Walter, retired, h. 17 East Everett. ? ~\Everhart, Perham, (Grace L.), mason, h. Work.Falconer High School, North Work.^Falconer Hose Co., cor. Work and Everett. E. H 2Falconer Iron Works—G. L. Gilbert and B. L. Klock—West Main. XFalconer Milling Co.—Pres., H. F. Jones; vice-pres., E. Johnson; sec, g SH. L. Ames; treas., O. B. Johnson. re 1X1 hFALCONER MIRROR CO.—Pres.-treas., W. F. Stitt; vice-pres., A. W. Stitt; g Hsec, Mfg. A. Co.—h. D. Stitt—Lynndon Jamestown, N. Blvd. Y. . 9 ,*->. >Falconer, News W. T., Co.—Blaine Mfg. (The)—W. Carlson, prop.—9 T. Falconer West and Main. A. C. Davis—mfrs. \^ £Falconer apiarian Pharmacy—Robert supplies. R. Street, prop.—33 West Main.L-Lg WFargo, Falconer Addison Print A., Shop—H. (Lottie), C. laborer, Mills, prop.—publisher r. East Everett. Falconer Bulletin and pJ»Fay, job Elizabeth printing, J., 127 noveltyworker, West Main. r. West Main." OFalconer Fay, William, Towel (Ellen Co.—Pres., C), h. C. West W. Benedict; Main. sec.-treas., C. A. Carlson. ,©Falconer Fay William Veneer C, finisher, Co., (Inc)—George r. West B. Main. Peterson, pres.; F. L. Peterson; sec; 4Felton, C. D. Delia, Pratt, widow treas.—Allen George, h. Ext. over 2 East Main.l-mFalconer, Felton Frank, William lumber T., (Kate)—American handler, r. over 2 Mfg. East Concern Mam. and W. T. Falconer QFinch,'Roy, (Vangie), engineer, h. Everett^jFinnerty, Thomas (Nellie), machine hand, h. Alberta »,.,.-,„FIRST NATIONAL BANK—M. W. Neate, pres.; E. H. Sample, cashier—19Fisk Howard J., (Belle M.), Beuna Vista poultry yard, r. North Work.

m-< Clark HardwareCo., Roofing and Building Papers-Si fhfllltail—119 FIrour It's good for you and it's good f0Q 444 FALCONER DIRECTORY._^ —§ maUiaW|Utt P r C W yourfam.ly. Both Phones 268^i Ford, Elmer R., student, r. 121 East Main.• Ford, Ernest C, student, r. 121 East Main.C"? Ford, Fred R., (Etta), clerk, J. C. & L. E. R. R., Jamestown, h. 121 E. Main.C Fuller, Walter L., job printing, 29 East Main, h. over do."3 Fullerton, Earl, (May)—Kelly & Fullerton—h. East Everett.+* Gaeta, Dominic, (Rosa), wool washer, h. West Main.gj Gaeta, Josephine, twister, r. West Main.Gaeta, Lena, winder, r. West Main.n Gage, A. I. Milton, student, r. South Alberta.£% Gage, David E., packer, r. S. Alberta.Gage, Ernest C, laborer, r. South Alberta.t* Gage, Jennie, Mrs., h. South Alberta.p** Gage, Mary A., student, r. South Alberta.21 Gardner, Bessie, teacher, h. East Main.^ Gibson, Allie, packer, r. Davis.«J Gilbert, Gardner L., (Genevieve)—Falconer Iron Works—h. 23 East James.H Gordon, Elizabeth, student, r. 125 Harrison.~, Gordon, Gustaf E., (Sigrid), pastor Swedish M. E. Church, h. 125 Harrison.^ Gordon, Marie C, widow Gustaf, r. 125 Harrison.-_) Gordon, Ruth, r. 125 Harrison.Gould, Charles, (Jane), h. East Mosher.rn Gould, Jay, chauffeur, r. East Mosher.rN Gould, Jennie, packer, r. East Mosher.Tj Grandin, Frank G., (Emily E.)—Peterson & Grandin—h. West Main.^! Grandin, Fritz, cobbler, bds. Kane Ave.m^ gf* tj~ U r/3 rV r\ ^J ~m AX fiO Thn Grout, Green, Gray, Griggs, Grimshaw, Gustafson, IMC Mutual at 01 Everett. riUlliai Winfield, Robert, Nawarlr newam, James, Esther, Daisy George Ronpfit Edith, George, Hattie, Joseph Deneill M., machinist, (Matilda), widow J., (May), n. W novelty teacher, I (Dora), Mrs., (Nellie), i. veneerworker, I if« Llie Joseph, machine Premium h. bds. printer, future RETURNED r. justice woolsorter, Work. 16 East 143 r. West hand, payment receipts East West bds. of h. Everett. F- TO the Mosher. Phetteplace.h. South Falconer. Si h. to POLICY Main. West peace policy Carter. TREADWAY. to Alberta. Jan. Everett. HOLDERS and holders chief 1,<strong>1911</strong> .... District and of .... funds police, Agent $427,763,190.20$367,143,488.on h. hand East for

CARPETS, CURTAINS, T_ \ T\ Ol_ - ~ *_•DRAPERIES, SHADES I lie A. U. jnafpe S_Q. ^FALCONER DIRECTORY. 445 *1HILL P T A N O CC. Columbia grafonolas 5Tx±m.m_i_ m. ini^W \s\J. RECORDS AND SHEET MUSIC •••{Gustafson, Herman, (Augusta), finisher h. West Main. _ZGuttridge, Frank, bds. 11 East Everett. "JHaight, Albert H., woodworker, r. Work.Haight, Charles, (Alene), finisher, r. Strickland Block.MHaight, Frank G., (Frances), finisherh. West Main. ^0Haight, Frank, Jr., clerK, r. West Main. 09Haight, George A., woodworker, r. Work.mm.Hall, Achsa E., widow Hiram, r. 10 Davis. £JHall, Frank E., (Nora), night watch, h. Harmon Ave.ft}.Hall, Harrington, Fred, machine Alexander, hand, (Rilla), r. Harmon h. East Ave. Everett.o-Hall, Harrington, Samuel, Denzel woodworker, M., (Anna), h. Strickland teamster, Block, h. South West Work. Main._Hapgood, Harris, Claude L. Adelle, R., (Alice), Mrs., h. electrician, over 29 Main. h. 12 Merriam.P»Hardinger, Harris, North Hoyt Work. Frank C, (Carrie A., (Carrie), J.), wallpaper carpenter, and h. S. paints, Alberta. 23 East Main, h. 114 £3 £»*Hartson, North Chancelor Work. L., (Elvira), machinist, h. West Main.Hartson, Fred M., (Lulu), stationary engineer, h. 219 East James.Hartson, Pearl, noveltyworker, r. West Main.Hartson, Vernelle C, machinist, r. West Main.Hartwell, Fred E., (Anna), machine hand, h. 24 East Main.Hartwell, Hattie M., h. 24 East Main.Hartwell, Louis, roofer, r. 24 East Main.Harwood, Jeff, crater, bds. West Ave.Haskins, Alice, winder, r. North Dow.Haskins, Doyle, (Myrna), noveltyworker, h. North Dow.Haskins, Henry, machine hand, r. North Dow.Haskins, Martha, widow Henry h. North Dow.Hawley, Marcus, machine hand, bds. Carter.Hawthorne, Wilbur, machine hand, bds. Harrison.Hawthorne, William, (Jessie), noveltyworker, h. Davis.Hayward, Osmer H., (Lizzie), mechanic, h. East Everett.Hayward, Raymond, (Glenna), bookkeeper, r. Everett.Heckathorn, A. L., (Lucy), laborer, h. 112 East Mosher.Heckathorn, Edna, student, r. 112 East Mosher.NJCOCO©f*\XTto*~\to ^^J3rftH^Heckathorn, Irene, student, r. 112 East Mosher.mmHeminger, Ellen C, Mrs., practical nurse, h. over 15 West Main.S XHeminger, Lois, teacher, r. over 15 West Main.C5Herrick, Frank A., (Florence), mirrorworker, h. Harrison.Herrick, William T., machinist, bds. 305 West Ave.--^Higgs, J. Bert, (Grace) j mill hand, h. Elm.v~*Hill, Harvey J., (Elizabeth), finisher,h. Taylor. CDHill, Laura, teacher, r. Taylor.ChHiller & Braley—Clyde B. Hiller and Mrs. Lizzie Braley—grocers, SouthDow.Hiller, Clyde B.,—Hiller & Braley—r. South Dow.Hiller, Nancy, widow Lee, r. West Main.ftmHiller, Nettie, teacher, r. West Main.JT?Hine, Alfred, (Violet), carriage and implement dealer, Main, h. do.VIEVERY Hine, Hinei Hitchener, I HAVE Frank, Gilbert, N. Ellen DEALER Agnes, -THE James Lavinia, Frank, Margaret E., (Mary), student, telephone STRICTLY L., HAS (Melinda), student, A., mirrorworks, mirrorworker, r. THE spooler, West operator, PURE r. mill "BEST" r. West Main.h. hand, h. West r. */^ll^l Main. h. Hine.p h. Main. A West IKJ'T Main. Talk HARRY it LYONS over with ft Ch >_ *< -^ Q ^ me

- _ Jenkins, Frank F., dentist, over 29 West Main, r. 6 Cowing, Jamesown, N. Y.JI Clark Hardware Co. Fine Cutlery and Tools055 1cd «j 446 FALCONER DIRECTORY."3"W '*- rhniifnnniin Dmavit Without a peer in the world of beer§s <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew Both phones 268(Am\Xn Hodges, Arthur, (Hazel), carpenter, h. East Falconer.O4 Hogland, Mathew, (Hannah), mill hand, h. Harrison.*bw Hogland, Rudolph, woodworker, r. Harrison..g Holbrook, Sanford A., (Hittie), farmer, h. over 13 West Main.*J Holman, Will, (Jennie), Meadow Brook Mill, r. Phetteplace._w Holman, William S., (Mary), retired, h. Phetteplace.*j ' Holmberg, Alfred, (Mertie), machinist, h. East Everett.g Holmberg, John, (Christine), h. Kane Ave.•J Holmes, Anders J., (Ida), gluer, h. West Falconer.mm, • Holmes, Charles, (Josephine), shipping clerk, h. Delaware Ave.C Holmes, Gust, (Ellen), telegraph operator, h. over 308 Central Ave.* Holmes, Jonn, (Emma), laborer, h. Railroad.— , Holmes, Walter, r. Delaware Ave..5 Hooker, Albert G., (Jennie), attorney, North Work, h. 211 Last James."g Hopkins, Ernest, sawyer, bds. East Main.G Horan, Thomas, (Elizabeth), mirrorworker, h. Harrison.G-i Horan, Thomas P., deliveryman, r. Harrison.9ia Hotchkiss, Willard C, (Nellie), barber, h. Main.Sg Hotel Lynndon—G. E. Densmore, prop.—Junction."*— Hough, Bert L., (Flossie), adv. mgr. Abrahamson-Bigelow Co., Jamestown,'g "3 h. North Work.00 Hough, Deforest, (Ada), farmer, h. Mason.Jg

Gloves, Hosiery and Underwear - The A. D. SHARPE CO. _*»FALCONER DIRECTORY. 447 ^ftHIT I PIANfl Cfl NO CONTESTSMMXMmtMmt M. M.±_L-\J WV. NO FAKE CERTIFICATES mmJohnson, Axel, laborer, bds. West Main. _»Johnson, Axel E., machinemaker, r. Lynndgn Blvd.^TJohnson, Carl E., (Augusta), milkman, h. 332 East Main. *^Johnson, Carl G., machinist, r. 110 Harrison.Johnson, Charles, (Johanna), laborer, h. 14 Cross.ho4Johnson, Charles, glassworker, bds. Harrison.L^Johnson, Charles J., (Carolina), laborer, h. Lynndon Blvd.ftJohnson, Charles J., (Hannah), gluer, h. Harrison.ftJohnson, Charles J., (Louise), wool sorter, h. West Main.ftJohnson, Charles L., (Louise), machine hand, h. West Main. ~Johnson, Conrad W., mirrorworker, r. Lynndon Blvd.gL,Johnson, Edwin, (Tuna), vice-pres. Falconer Milling Co., h. Levant.mmJohnson, Edwin R., noveltyworker, r. Harrison.J_Johnson, Elmer, laborer, bds. West Main. *^Johnson, Florence, domestic, r. East Falconer.Johnson, Elof, (Nettie), finisher,h. 138 East Falconer. ©Johnson, Elsie, student, r. West Main. E" S.Johnson, Emil, (Jennie), handsander, h. East Falconer.SL WJohnson, Erwin H., (Lottie N.), cabinetmaker, h. Harrison.»' wJohnson, Ethelyn, office clerk, r. Work.„ iJohnson, Freda, mill hand, r. 14 Cross.Johnson, Gust, laborer, bds. West Main. *8 »Johnson, Gust A., (Caroline), lumberman, h. 110 Harrison. g-Johnson, Ira H., (Jennie), blacksmith, h. North Work. e 33' s »•Johnson, Jennie M., bookkeeper, bds. 107 East Everett.\ gJohnson, Jennie M., dressmaker, r. Lynndon Blvd. -, -mJohnson, J. Gust, (Caroline), night watch, h. Almet Ave. "g 2Johnson, John, r. 215 East Falconer. 2. 5Johnson, John A., (Sophia), mill hand, h. Harrison.— aJohnson, John A., (Hedda), cabinetmaker, h. East Main. •< 2.Johnson, John P., (Anna L.), laborer, h. West Main.3Johnson, John W., (Ora E.), machine hand, h. 212 North Work.toJohnson, K. Evelyn, office clerk, r. North Work.^SJohnson, Lillian, noveltyworker, h. West Harrison.Jj?Johnson, Lillian I., r. 121 East Falconer.^^Johnson, Lynn A., mirrorworker, r. Work.m*.Johnson, Murray E., student, r. Harrison.ftJohnson, Nels Peter, (Sophia O), laborer, h. Kane Ave.ftJohnson, Oscar, (Mollie), cabinetmaker, h. 121 East Falconer.Johnson, Otto B., (Helen),—Benson & Johnson—h. West Falconer. ^*Johnson, Percy G., bobbin setter, r. Harrison. -a |^Johnson, Peter, (Anna), laborer, h. Main.S e°^nd Johnson, Peter, Front (Sophia Doors E.), laborer, stock h. Kane. H A R R Y L Y O N S I *PINEJohnson, Ray C, (Adele H.)—Johnson Bros. & Co., Jamestown—h. 32 WestMain.Jones, Johnson, Jollie, Jones! West Falconer. Ed. Arthur, Harvey Francis Florence Helen W. Victor, William, Regina, Main. F., Russell, M., F., farmer, A., (Hattie A., machine cook, A., student, (Estelle), r. (Pearl), r. Almet (Lillian), (Jessie West r. M.), 347 hand, West r. bicycle Ave. billing pres. Falconer. C.)—Johnson Harrison.Falconer, machine Main. bds. repairer clerk, 138 hand, East Erie Bros. Milling h. Falconer. over h. R. & Harrison. R., Co., 347 ,,„ Jamestown, Harrison TI Jamestown—h. West . Falconer. West 132 MO ~~~ f~^ m+. gj ^- J" ~J _0 M

mi Clark Hardware Co., Contractors & Mill Suppliesin[g -—Z 448 FALCONER DIRECTORY.E —— . _s <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew - - Always pure and diliciousOS ' —NJones, Isaac M., (Laura), laborer, h. Lynndon Blvd.Jones, James, laborer, r. 347 Harrison.Jones. John P., (Zylpha), grocer, h. 347 Harrison.~l Jones, Mary M., r. 347 Harrison.J> ' Jones, Phillip F., laborer, r. Lynndon Blvd.-o Jones, Ralph E., (Gertrude A.)—Jones & Stone—h. James.5 • Jones, Raymond D., drawer, r. over 43 West Main.W Jones, Rodney A., bobbinsetter, r. Lynndon Blvd.g , Jones & Stone—Ralph E. and John B— meats, South Work.•g Kading, Fred W., (Alma), mirrorworker, h. Harrison.W t Kane, John M., (Lottie), woodworker, h. Falconer.-g ' Kane, Mary, widow Patrick, h. Kane.G Keister, Ed., laborer, bds. Hotel Lynndon.• Kelley, Archie, machine hand, bds. Work.p Kelly & Fullerton—John and Earl—restaurant and ice cream, 21 East Main.% „ Kelly, John, (Nettie)—Kelly & Fullerton—h. North Work.«« % Kelsey, E. E., (Elesta D.), retired, h. 311 Main.o _ Kemp, Frank, (Ethel), mirrorworker, h. over 29 West Main.M,g Kennedy, Cams, chef, h. East James.£-i Kennedy, O. C, (Mary), h. West Main.fag Kennedy, Susan, Mrs., cook, h. East James.3; ^, Kennel, Sam, (Juliet), mirrorworker, h. Junction.j 5 Kennel, Grace, spinner, r. Junction..2 Kennon, Cordelia C, widow Curtis, h. 128 West Main.«5 Kimball, Edgar D., contractor and builder, r. Harrison.Kimball, Frances, widow Marcellus, h. Harrison.go King, S., gardener, h. Second Ave.© - Kittell, Carrie, widow James M., h. over 212 West Falconer.5JS Kittell, Elsie, student, r. 212 West Falconer.-g^ Kittle, Runkle, (Lillian), noveltyworker, h. Harrison.G Klinger, Irene, h. over 29 East Main.* £, Klinger, Inez, r. over 29 East Main.fgj* Klock, Bert L., (E. Madge),—Falconer Iron Works—h. West Main.hS-o © Knapp, Charles, factory hand, r. Mason.m? fa g Knapp, David, (Elizabeth), teamster, h. Mason.im U •« Kreiger, Brownie, bobbinsetter, r. Kane Ave.-m_ Kreiger, Max, bobbinsetter, r. Kane Ave.*c Kreiger, Tony, (Mary), laborer, h. Kane Ave.® mt G Kreiter, Mildred, stenographer, bds. East Everett.(p, ed Kroon, John W., (Hazel H.), foreman finisher,h. 117 East Falconer.\Lm-\ Kroon, Larson, Ruth Charles C, H.. printer, woodworker, r. 117 East r. 101 Falconer. West Lister Ave.Lackey, Larson, Eleanor William I., V., seamstress, (Alice), lumber r. 101 handler, West Lister h. Lynndon Ave. Blvd.mm Ladota, Larson, Jack, Hildegard (Nora), T., student, dyer, h. r. West 101 Everett. West Lister Ave.S Lafferty, Larson, Hilma Alonzo R, B., seamstress, (Anna), machine r. 101 hand, West Lister h. East Ave. Falconer.IS Lagerblad, Larson, Lars, Frank, (Emma), (Emma), steel boxmaker, casemaker, h. h. East Williams. Falconer.© Lagerblad, Lawrence, Bacil. Roy A., (Mary), r. East laborer, Falconer. h. South Alberta."^ q} Lawrence, Mantia, Frank, Josephine, laborer, h. over r. South 35 West Alberta. Main.mm q) Larson, Lawrence, Alma George, C, r. engineer, 101 West bds. Lister North Ave. Dow.«3 J2 prifMAlV'Q Larson, Andrew PIANOS, P., PLAYER (Marie), PIANOS, machine VICTROLAS. hand, h. 101 VICTOR West Lister TALKtmmAve.LSJl\l Larson, ItllS Anna E., C- r. inc 101 MACHINES West Lister AND Ave. RECORDS NevWellman BuildingLarson, Carl, (Jennie), laborer, h. 430 North Work.

Women's Coats and Suits. The A. D. SHARPE CO. «srFALCONER DIRECTORY. 449 09H I L L P I A N O CO. _ _ 5 S S gLawrence, Gifford C, R. R. clerk, bds. South Work. ^—Lawrence, Luman L., (Catherine), lumber joiner, h. West Falconer. _~\Lawson, Augusta, h. 241 Harrison.•Lawson, August F., (Anna), lumberman, h. East Mosher. , ,Lawson, Charles H., laborer, bds. West Ave. 25Lawson, Edward, (Nettie), machine hand, h. East Falconer.Lawson, Frank J., mechanic, r. East Everett.Lawson, Fred, mirror works, r. Harrison.Lawson, Matilda, widow Augustus, r. Everett.Laycock, Martha, widow James, drawer, h. North Dow.Lind, Sophie, h. Harrison.Lindberg, Carl E., (Jessie), hardware and plumbing, Davis, h. over do. WLinkey, William C., (Margaret), mirrorworker, h. East Mosher.toLinsteadt, Ellen, housekeeper, r. 102 Harrison.*• wLong, Arthur, (Elizabeth A.), machinist, h. East Falconer.CmLong, Lawrence, (Ellen R.), mirrorworker, h. Work.oLoucks, Charles H., (Myrtle L.), machinist, h. West Main.HrtLoucks, Eleanor E., widow John, r. West Main.LLoucks, Evaline, r. oyer 4 East Main.>Loucks, Florence, student, r. over 4 East Main.^^Loucks, J. H., (Joanna), h. over 4 East Main.^^Loucks, Perry C., veneerworker, r. West Main.oLoucks, Thomas M., student, r. ESist Everett.Lundeen, Mary, domestic, r. West Main.Lundgren, Gust, (Olga), machine hand, h. West Lister Ave.r-t~Lunn, Axel, laborer, bds. West Main._--tLydell, Francis B., (Lida), farmer, r. Work.^JLydell, Iva, r. Work.Lydell, Lucius R., variety store, 13 East Main, bds. North Work.Lydell, Lulu, clerk, r. South Work.Lynndon Mirror Co.—E. A. Peterson, pres.; B. H. Tefft, sec.-treas.; Edwin gwForsberg, supt._E"Lynndon Worsted Mills—R. D. Stoeltzing, pres.; Grant Forbes, vice-pres.; grJohn Ahlstrom, sec.-treas.—Work.wgLyon, Dennis E., machine hand, r. East Pearl. 7*£Lyon, Edna, Mrs., postoffice clerk, r. Pearl.Pi-£Lyon, Edward A., (Adaline), laborer, h. East Everett.Lyon, George W., (Mary), machine hand, h. 142 East Falconer.^^Lyon, Simon, (Hattie), woodworker, h. 101 Harrison. -^Macey, Walter, (Nellie), wool sorter, h. Alberta.

*| Clark Hardware Co., Roofing and Bnilding Papers~u~\ 450 FALCONER DIRECTORY.o o Merriam, Bert F., (May), pres. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Planing Mill Co., h. North Work."1 rtiaiitanmia FWw QUENCHES thirst,acts as a mild^_ v^iiaULciuqua. urew tonic, induces sleep. BothPhoneiCH19 h McCaffery, Andy, laborer, bds. 19 East Everett.,^^2 McCain, Agnes, teacher, r. Delaware Ave.NH McCain, Carrie, stenographer, r. Delaware Ave.j-ne McCain, Gertrude, r. Delaware and Lynndon.,2© McCain, Hervey C, (Jennie), sander, h. Delaware Ave.p^1-1 McCain, Thorne M., woodworker, r. Delaware Ave.£ McCain, Violet, dressmaker, r. Delaware Ave.u • McCall, Fred B., (Lulu), machinist, h. Harrison.jij McClenahan, Francis T., (Mary F.), woodworker, h. 133 East Falconer.*- „ McClenahan, Frank T., TJ. S. navy, r. 133 East Falconer..S a McCutcheon, Charles A., (Emma), mechanical engineer, h. 103 North Dow.'Ztx Mead, Walter, finisher, r. Almet Ave.Ajcu Meleen, Edwin, (Jennie), section foreman, h. 303 West Ave.*g_ Melin, Claus, (Ida), packer, h. over 332 East Main.+PJ00 Merriam, Emogene, r. North Work.a> Merriam, Frank O., (Carrie)—<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Planing Mill Co.—h. West Main.•° Merriam, Fred D., (Belle), shoe store, h. 202 Main.JB Merriam, Gladys, r. West Main.£_ Merriam, Hazel, student, r. 22 West Mosher.Merriam, Lorinda, widow Forest T., h. 22 West Mosher.-^ Merriam, Louania, novelty printer, bds. 11 East Everett.~S Merriam, Lucius E., (Agnes R.), lumberman, h. West Main.-q Merriam, Ruth, office clerk, r. 22 West Mosher.4, . Messenger, Philetus, (Elizabeth), engineer, h. Work. Morris, Sophie, winder, r. West Main.P£ u Mosher, Archie D., (Jessie), machinist, h. West Main.Q M Mosher, Clyde, laborer, r. 10 Davis.^i KjgWe represent forty companies with $170,000,000 assets.BRADSHAWS PIONEER INSURANOE AGENCY.

THE A. D. SHARPE CO. for Carpets and Rugs 11-—• 3>FALCONER DIRECTORY.451 g-mHILL PIANO CO" "TvSr 11, - O13Mosher, Harry, student, r. 54 West Mosher. ^ §Mosher, Henry E., student and correspondent The Journal, r. 54 W. Mosher. r MMosher, Stiles B., retired, h. 54 West Mosher.Munson, Charles, (Jessie), clerk, h. South Merriam.Munson, Jennie mill hand, r. Harrison.Munson, Matilda, widow John, r. Harrison.Muntz, Hallee H., (Margaret), lineman, h. over 101 West MainMurch, G. Addison, (Maude A.), jeweler, h. Delaware Ave.Murch, George, station agent, h. Delaware Ave.Murch, Lulu, h. Delaware Ave.t_^Murkett, Arthur C, (Evelyn), fire team driver, h. 10 Davis. £jMurnan, Patrick, retired, r. Main.ftMurphy, William, (Mary B.), metalworker, h. West Everett.o XMurray, Nelson, Amanda, John, (Mabel), missionary, machine h. hand, Harrison. h. Almet Ave.fX) ^Myers, Nelson, John August, E., (Ellen), (Geneva), brickmaker, machine hand, h. Harrison. h. Harrison.C/> mNeate, Nelson, Menzo Charles, W.. carpenter, (Blanche), bds. pres. West First Main. National Bank, Falconer, N. Y., h. *-*Nelson, Levant. Charles, r. Harmon Ave.MNelson, Rosalyn, r. Harmon Ave.J_.Newman, William, (Grace), lumber inspector, h. Harrison.rtm,Newton, A. R., (Mary), groceries, 9 East Main, h. East Main._-tNewton, Emma, widow Clayton, r. 56 East Everett.J^Nickerson, Charles H., (Marietta), machine hand, h. West Main. ^.Nickerson, Grover, (Ethel), benchworker, h. over 20 West Mosher. ftNicosia, Anna, duffer, r. West Main.(JQ,Nicosia, Mary, duffer, r. West Main.Nicosia, Sam, (Josephine), laborer, h. West Main. £JNordstrom, North, Gurney Augusta, H., (Bessie), spinner, prop. r. Junction. The Tavern, Main and Work, h. do. ftNordstrom, Oddy, William, Ernest, (Emma), (Hilda), machinist, laborer, h. h. East Junction. James.o Q-Nordstrom, Odsonia Mills Hugo, (Jamestown laborer, r. branch Junction. of Cleveland Worsted Mills), James ^Nordstrom, Simpson, Ivar, mgr. noveltyworker, r. Junction.to ^HTVT Olds, 4.1. Horace /I „.. P., XT (Mary), /Dnncln^ machinist, nm-TA Til h. £A TQVOrTl West Main. M 51 1 Tl ft Tlf\ Wnrlf . Yl Art. fit —^Olson, Albin, (Hilma), woodturner, h. West Main.^^^Olson, Aleck, h. 271 Harrison. ~JOlson, Amel, finisher,h. Harrison. QOlson, Andrew, (Nettie M.), weaver, h. West Main. .Olson, Anna, widow Carl, h. Harrison.Olson, Axel, finisher,r. Cross. w 3Olson, Edwin, milk peddler, bds. Carter. & -Olson, J. Emil, finisher,r. Harrison. ^ s-Olson, John, watchman, h. 271 Harrison. o a-a crOlson, John A., (Jennie), lumber handler, h. East Pearl. £ «w to ftOlson, John A., gluer, h. 205 East Falconer 3,3- s?to ftOlson! L. J., (Julia), plumbing, 7 Work, h. Central Ave. * «>3Olson, Mabel, r. 205 East Falconer.f.Olson, Ollie, (Carolina), laborer, h. Cross.can 5*Olson, Ollie (Elva), machine hand. h. Harrison.01*srOlson, Sigpa, spinner, r. Cross.•0 zrOlson, Victor, bobbin setter, r. Cross.=r0"ST Olson PINE William, Front noveltyworker, Doors r. Cross „&* H A R R YOrhm' Herbert machine hand, bds. 121 East Main.Osbm-'n William G., (Mamie), mirrorworker, h. 7 East Everett.L Y O N S0n Srm.

~-gClark HardwareV GCo. Stoves and FurnacesCBNBjj» Possesses all the attributes of purity and flavor that are3N 452 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> FALCONER DIRECTORY. BrewCfaS«» uiauiauqua Drew -rsffi^-t^^G Gg* Oswald, Harry B., laborer, r. East Everett.0£ ? Oswald, John, laborer, r. East Everett.•g Oswald, William, (Anna), h. East Everett..Sbj Parker, Merretta S., widow James A., h. West Falconer.J£ £ Parker, William, woodworker, bds. Almet Ave.t( Payne, Julius, (Mary), carpenter, h. East Main.-g g Pearson, Borie, (Olivia), mirrorworker, h. 115 West Lister Ave.« Pease, Hattie, widow Miles, h. over 10 Davis.mX Pease, Hazel, factoryworker, r. over 10 Davis.^•3 Percy, Elmer C, (Velma), machine hand, h. West Main.•a': Persell, Whitney L., (Grace), shipping clerk, h. East Pearl.pit Peters, Herbert, (Alice May), spinning boss, h. Strickland Block, West Main.pOT„ Peterson, Charlotte, widow Frank A., h. West Falconer.& Peterson, Charles J., (Anna), trimmer, h. 20 East James.• .5 Peterson, Clarence, machine hand, r. West Main.SS^ Peterson, Clayton H., (Minnie), motorman J. St. Ry., h. West Main.©w Peterson, Elmer, (Ida)—South Side Meat market—h. Carter.i-~. Peterson, Emil A., (Anna)—postmaster and Peterson & Grandin—h. 31^t 2 West Falconer.2W Peterson, George, (Tilla)—South Side Meat market—h. Work.IS «> Peterson & Grandin—Emil A. and Frank G.—boots and shoes, 4 East Main.S5;3 Peterson, Gust E., (Emma), machine hand, h. Harrison.©•§ Peterson, Gust G., (Amanda), foreman planing mill, h. West Main.u"a Peterson, Paul, metalworker, r. Harrison.J'a Peterson, Sherman, deliveryman, r. South Work.^1 e a Peterson, Winfred, student, r. West Main.f^ ~m> § Pfleeger, Fred, (Gary), teamster, h. 9 East Everett.B» Pfleeger, Karl noveltyworker, r. 9 East Everett.~\ Pfleeger, Merle, machine hand, r. 9 East Everett.£? a Phelps, Bert, finisher,r. Main.fjj-g Phelps, Nina, r. Main.«U o Phetteplace, Allen, (Hallie), noveltyworker, h. Davis.CQ^ rgt Pihl, Phetteplace, Peter V., Frank (Elene), M., carpenter, blacksmith. r. North 35 Mosher. Work, h, Jamestown, N. Y.^^ Phetteplace, Piatt, Mary A., George, widow (Mollie), Joseph, h. 35 West Mosher. Mosher.,»» Phetteplace, Polly, William, John, machine mill hand, h. bds. Davis. South Work.mm Phillips, Porter. George Henry, H., (Blanche), (Frances), laborer, foreman, h. 209 h. 125 West West Ave. Falconer.2£ Post Phillips, Office^Emil Jerome B., A. (Anna Peterson, L.), finisher,h. postmaster—29 56 East West Everett. Main._2 -\m» Phillips, Pratt, Susan John J„ Noble, widow mirrorworker, Thomas J., h. r. Pearl. Delaware Ave.\— J5 VUm. Phillips, M.i+iinl Sarah Panofit J., widow I it* Jerome Pre«nlnm B., r. rece'Dtd 133 East to Falconer. Jan. 1 <strong>1911</strong>, - - - - $3• X Phillips, IM MUtUai William Deneill P., Llie (Jennie RETURNED N.), laborer, TO POLICY h. Delaware HOLDERS Ave. and funds on hand forI^Z 2 Piatso, r.t Naiuanlr Sam, (Vincezuena), N 1 future polisher, payment h. Central to nollev holders Ave. - - - - $427,763,180.20_* ^ Piazzo, 01 WeWarK, Joe, (Jennie), W. J. finisher,h. Central F,S, TREADWAY, Ave. District Agent^^ Picker, Elda, student, r. East Main.

Women's Coats and Suits THE A. D. SHARPE CO. ^_ CFALCONER DIRECTORY. 453 *SHfl.I. PIANft CC% ORGANS AND OLD PIANOStoM.M.M.MJMU M. X±~.l~\\J \s\J. TAKEN IN EXCHANGEPreston, Percy, bookkeeper, bds. 15 East Everett.•-0Price, Merrick, (Anna), farmer, h. Work.Pritchard, Harry, (Alice), mill hand, r. Main. m"Pritchard, Stella, Mrs. h. Main.m-\Pullan, James, (Martha M.), listing boss, h. West Mosher.%^"Pullan, Wiltord, (Rebecca), machinist, r. West Mosher.Quaint, Bernice, music teacher, r. North Work.Quaint, Dana, (Nina), farmer, h. North Work.^JRamsey, Charles A., (Cora),) plumber's helper, h. West Main.2^Ramsey, Earl, machine hand, r. West Main. v ~'Ramsey, Roy J., laborer, r. West Main.^Randall, Claude, painter, bds. Delaware Ave.ftRandall, Clayton M., blacksmith, bds. Delaware Ave.ftRawlings, Arthur J., (Bertha), teamster, h. West Lister Ave.jRawson, Oscar J., (Elizabeth L.), groceries, 2 East Main, h. Central Ave.Raynor, George R-, (Grace), principal High School, h. 302 Main.Ream, Archie, (Ella), mirror worker, h. North Work.VOReed, Clement J., (Myrtle), D. A. V. & P. R. R. agent, h. North Phette- &•place.Reed, David, (Cora), finisher,h. East Main. , ,Reed, William, (Lizzie), machinist, h. over 27 East Main.2SReese, Charles, (Lida), finisher,h. East Everett. ftRegal Furniture Co.—Otto L. Bloomquist and W. L. Snow—mfrs. Work. ftRenton, George, (Mary), factory supt. h. Harrison. ~~.Rhinehart, George, Jr., (Isabella), machine hand, h. Kimball Ave. ~^Rhinehart, Henry, (Maude), cabinetmaker, h. Work.JjRhinehart, Henry Mrs., Turkish baths, h. Work.r-\Rhinehart, Walter, (Edith), cabinetmaker, h. East Everett.ftRice, Fred, driver, r. West Main.Rider, Alton, (Eva), restaurant, h. 19 East Everett.Rider, Elbert J., (Nellie), h. 116 North Work.Rider, Emily, widow Philo, r. Harrison.Rider, Leon L., (Anna), shipping clerk, h. 17 Everett.Rider, Margaret, finisher,r. over 19 East Everett. ftRiley, Charles M„ (Emily), pastor First Baptist Church, h. West Main. *m.Robbins, Joe, (Olive), barber, Main, h. 116 East Falconer.ftRobbins, Mason, (Lucy), night watchman, h. East Falconer.^Robbins, Niles W., carpenter, r. over 15 West Main.Robinson, Frank P., (Alice), contracting carpenter, h. 33 Mosher.Roman, Albert, finisher,r. Almet Ave. ftRoman, Constinsia, Mrs., h. Almet Ave._Ross, George, (Hilma), woodworker, h. West Falconer.JJRowland, B., (Gertrude), finisher,r. 217 West Ave. ~*Rowland, Fred E., (Hattie), lumber handler, h. 217 West Ave.Ruckman, Alma M., dressmaker, r. 16 Harrison.Ruckman, A. Oscar, (Augusta), machine hand, h. West Lister Ave.g^Ruckman, Bertha, mill hand, r. 102 Harrison.mmRuckman, Carrie, r. 102 Harrison.ftRuckman, Charlotte, widow Claus, h. 16 Harrison.rm^uckman, Ella, r. Harrison.r/\Ruckman, Frank, machine hand, r. 102 Harrison.Ruckman, Herman, (Lottie), woodworker, h. 135 Harrison.MODERN Ruckman, Russell, Sage, North George, Are Frank, HARDWOOD J. Phillip, Hilma, Swanty, Work. not Albert, (Laura), »o(Mabel), expensive finisher,h. student, machinist, (Emma), noveltyworker, FLOORS mill a. r. you 102 r. hand, 135 sec.-treas. may 102 „ _ think Harrison. h. Ask h. Work. , 428 .<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Lyons North Work. Planing 5 Mill Co., tf h. T3 \ ft ^ p 2 A -—

jjg Clark Hardware Co., Contractors & Mill SnppliesQ 454 FALCONER DIRECTORY.Or*4, fliniifnnmin Rmavit Quenches thirst, acts as a mild tonic, inducesXm 1/lldUldlUJUd PfCW 8ieep Both phones 268r Salisbury Wheel & Mfg. Co., Tiffany Ave.C^ Sallburg, Carl G., (Ellen), stonemason, h. Harrison.^< Sallburg, Christina A., duffer, r. Harrison.^S Sample, Erie H., (Emma), cashier 1st Nat. Bank of Falconer, h. 201 East__ Main.u*Sample, Ethel, bank clerk, r. East Main.Samuelson, Hulda, missionary, r. Harrison.Sanderson, Alice C, r. Williams.Sanderson, August, machine hand, h. Williams.Sanderson, Edith, picker, r. Williams.Sanderson, Reuben', noveltyworker, r. Williams.Sanderson, Selma, spinner, r. Williams.UJSaylor, Floyd M., (Donna), tailor, cleaning and pressing, under 19 WestMain, h. over 17 do.Schrader, Glenn A., (Elizabeth), carpenter, h. East Everett.Schobey, Elmer J., (Etta), laborer, h. West Main.^^ Scholine, Josephine, Mrs., h. West Main.^H Scholine, Rosa, spinner, r. West Main.^^ Seaholm, Charles, (Augusta), mill hand, h. 343 Harrison.Sealy, Ashley D., milkman, bds. Carter.UU Selin, Arthur J., finisher,r. 360 Harrison.1 bellstrom. rred, (Mattie), electrician, h. East Everett.^r~l Severson, Oscar M., (Grace), civil engineer, h. 11 East Falconer.V—i Shauger, George, (Iva), mirrorworker, h. 26 West Mosher.Q/5 Shauger, William H., (Nancy), agent, h. East Everett.Shaw, Cap, (Flora), h. 225 East Main.+— Shaw, Clyde, freight handler, r. 225 East Main.~^x Shaw, Luke T., (Florence), teamster, h. East Falconer.O Shearer, Laura, widow John, r. Allen Ext.Shelters, Martha C, widow Edwin, h. West Falconer.p^ Shreve, Archie, cabinetmaker, r. 5 East Everett.\mm Shreve, Carrie, Mrs., h. 5 East Everett.U Shreve, Clifford, (Flora), woodworker, r. 5 East Everett.Shreve, Clyde, mill hand, r. 5 East Everett.f_J Shreve, May E., r. 5 East Everett.fr . Shultz, George R., student, r. Delaware Ave.\Tj Shultz, Herman C, (Georgie), station agent Erie R. R., h. 11 East Falconer.Qm Shultz, Sarah, Mrs., pastor Wesleyan Methodist Church, h. Delaware Ave.rT1 Simmons, Alice N., widow Lester, h. 120 East Main.fT* Simpson, Ida, widow Nathan, h. 216 East Falconer.DU Simpson, James, (Emily), supt. Lynndon Worsted Mills, h. Central Ave.Simon, Bagoni, (Angeline), woolwasher, h. West Main.• Slater, J. Purl, (Elizabeth), production clerk Salisbury Wheel & Mfg. Co.,h. Harrison.• Smith, Chester, (Elizabeth), machine hand, bds. 11 East Main.Smith, D. Bert, student, r. Falconer and Homestead.I Smith, Earl, machine hand, bds. 1 West Main.Smith, Earl, r. over 11 East Main.

Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. THE A. D. SHARPE CO. gSwFALCONER DIRECTORY.455t- „_«50 sH N T P T A N O P O entire 6th floor \>yyvx-aVu w yj\_\\j yjyj. chadakoin building ««~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~—~~~~————————————————• a 3?Spaturro, Mary, twister, r. West Lister Ave.• SSpence, EdwinJ., (Rose Ann), glass beveler, h. 144 West Falconer. -"Spence, John W., (Carrie), packer, h. East Pearl.frtSpink, Carl C, (Ethel), conductor J. St. Ry., h. West Lister Ave.g mmSpot Kash Store—Leonard Asker, prop. 5 and 10c store, 19 East Main. 3 fr]Spoto,Stamps,James,Claude,(Colozero),machine hand,machinebds.hand,East Main.Z mmh. West Lister Ave.wrtSpoto,Staples,Sam,Alton,(Guiseppi),r. Westlaborer,Everett._nh. Lister Ave.__3 HISprague,Staples,Fred,Clifford,stationarystudent,engineer,r. Westbds.Everett.15 East Everett.g p0« rtStaples, Hattie M., drawer, r. West Everett.OStaples, John, laborer, r. West Everett. *Staples, Richard, (Dema), teamster, h. West Everett. «Start, Merle, mirrorworker, h. Harrison.PJStart, William, (Minnie), mirrorworker, h. Harrison. g £gSteam and Dry Cleaning Works—Einer Carlson, mgr.—101 West Main. &• xStein, Anna, widow Matthew, h. West Main.© feStein, Anna, twister, r. West Main. g.Stein, Sagrid, drawer, r. West Main. 2 £3Stone, John B., (Lillian L.)—Jones & Stone—h. Ill East Main.• MStorer, Daye, (May), engineer, h. Allen Ext. if 5' 9Stratton, John, (Amanda), mirrorworker, h. Harrison.gj XnStreet, Robert R., (Lorena L.), prop. Falconer Pharmacy, h. Work.Strickland Block West Main.Strickland, Orrin F., (Virginia), carpenter, h. Main.6- mSummerson, Ralph, (Bertha), laborer, h. Work. E. 0Supreme Furniture Mfg. Co., (Inc.),—Ollie Olson, pres.; E. A. Peterson, w 2treas.-mgr.—Lynndon Blvd. ma 50Swan, Anna, Mrs., boarding house, West Main, h. do."§;J*Swan, Herman, (Elizabeth), machine hand, h. East MainSwan, Oscar, (Fanny), millhand, h. Work.Swanson, Anna, widow Olof, h. East Pearl. 5Swanson, Anna, widow John, h. Harrison.Swanson, Alfred, laborer, bds. West Main.g>MSwanson, Carl, factory porter, r. 25 West Falconer. £.»Swanson, Charles A., carpenter, h. Harrison.mSSwanson, CharlesJ., machine hand, r. Harrison. o §Swanson, CharlesJ., (Johanna), metalworker, r. West Falconer. g-»Swanson, Clyde D., (Florence), carpenter, h. Harrison. s "Swanson, Edward C, (Blanche), machine hand, h. East James. 5 j?Swanson, Frank L., machine hand, r. Harrison. | |Swanson, Harold, lumber handler, h. East Pearl. g 5"Swanson, Harry, lumber handler, r. East Pearl. g- ?Swanson, Hulda J., r. Harrison.*>•*•Swanson, Oscar A., machine hand, r. Harrison. °*Swanson, Richard E., (Selma), machine hand, h. Harrison.MSwanson, William H., machine hand, r. Harrison.jfSwedish Evangelical Lutheran Church, cor. Carter and West Lister Ave.Swedish Lutheran Church, Lister Ave._Ready Swedish Methodist Roofing Church, & Building Harrison. PaperHt gSweet, Beulah, Mrs., teacher, r. 301 Central Ave. >iSweet, Mildred teacher, r. 301 Central Ave. g *,Sweet, Mildred L., student, r. Central Ave. „„.,„., . ,« 2Swift, Sweet, Sweet! Charles Maybelle, Perry Oscar Herbert __ W., B., M., C, student, (Lura), (Ella), apprentice (Alice), carpenter r. mason, 13 East h. h. and r. James. 13 constable, 13 James. East James. n. Institute 301 HARRY Central St. LYONS & Ave. Erie Ry. mm W w -m c* g. o S »g a M -\g g

_ Clark Hardware Co., Contractors & Mill Supplies55 456 FALCONER DIRECTORY.=j <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew Lowin ggjg&gextracts Sylvester, Mary, widow Edward, r. 101 East Everett.*! Tambling, Albert L., (Kate N.), —Household Fixture & Appliance Co.,Jamestown, N. Y.—h. 306 Vvest Main.oo Tanner, Bertha L., r. East Everett.J& ' Tanner, Horace J., (Kate), supt. Jamestown Mantel Co., h. East Everett."§ Tanner, Tarr, Grant Wave D., D., (Ida), (Mabel), livery, machine h. Last hand, Main. h. 14 Merriam.COTavern, (The)—G. H. North, prop.—Main and Work.S , Taylor, Eugene W. (Genevieve), blacksmith, h. West Falconer."3 Tedesco, Rosa, spinner, r. West Main.CQ Tedesco, Thomas, (Sarah), bricklayer, h. West Main."9 ' Tent, Bartlett B., mirrorworker, r. 49 Harrison.§ Tefft, Byron H., sec.-treas. Lynndon Mirror Co., h. 49 Harrison.•mm • Tefft, Jennie, widow Elias, h. Harrison._B Thayer, Bert, (Hattie), machine hand, h. West Main.•3 . Thelander, Axel B., (Ethel), wood turner, h. East Pearl.B Si Thelander, Carl O., (Christine), tailor, h. Ross.* Si Thompson, Hiram A., (Julia), weaver, h. 143 Main.*m af Thompson, Ivan H., reporter Morning Post, r. 143 West Main.j£;f Thornton, Veron S., (Delia), barber, h. 303 West Ave.gc Tiffany, Albert J., (Carolyn C), retired, h. Main.> a Tiffany, John H., (Jessie W.), real estate, h. Allen and Whitman Place.j [T Tiffany, John Harold, student, r. Allen and Whitman Place.Tregea, G. Earl, clerk, r. 121 West Falconer.0*"1 2 Tregea, Tracy, Guy George C, A., (Otilia), (Laura), machine stationary hand, engineer, h. North h. Work. 121 West Falconer.5q .3 o Tregea, Tracy, Jane, Ida V., Mrs., student, r. Tiffany. r. 121 West Falconer.__T3 9 Tregea, Travis, Ervie, W. Albert, finisher,bds. machine hand, Almet Ave. r. 121 West Falconer.to P*t b Turnell, Thure, (Eva), laborer, h. North Dow.m~ * . Turner, Bertha, school teacher, r. Second Ave.*eJJ" Turner, Charles W., (Lillie), engineer, h. Elm..5 ~* Turner, Edgar, machine hand, r. Second Ave.•£"§ Turner, Frank, (Samantha), carpenter, h. Second Ave.« a Turner, George M., (Louetta), pres.-treas. Jamestown Mantel Co., h. 101X Central Ave.~gSf TURNER, GILBERT, (Irene S.)—Jamestown Mantel Co., and cement vault§J * and block mfr.—h. East Main.G o Turner, Walter, machine hand, r. Second Ave.Jo O Underwood, Elliot M., (Ruby), accountant, h. East Main.~m) Upton, " "*" 43 Allen "west"Main7 E., (Montez), carpenter, h. over 15 West Main., Valone, VanDewark, John, Bernie, (Laonca), (Eunice), barber finisher,h. shop, 27 Main, East h. Main. Main.53 Van Valone, Derwark, Sam, (Rosa), Ella, widow laborer, John. h. h. West 305 West Main. Ave.C4_« Van Derwark, Earl, Alfred, finisher,bds. (Jennie)—E. South N. Van Work. Derwark & Son—meats, h. over£2 Van Derwark, Gladys, r. 305 West Ave.X VanDewark, Harris, finisher, r. East Main.|2 Van Derwark, Howard, finisher, r. 305 West Ave.c^J Varmee, Edwin D., (Florence), machinist, h. Cross.*" Vining, Nathan, (Mary), harness, 37 East Main, h. 25 Falconer._| Vollentine, Sullivan W., (Lorena J.), elevatorman, h. Allen Ext.|> Wade, George E., (Lulu), laborer, h. rear Carter.X Waid, Burton, farmer, r. over 27 East Main._X Waid, Laura, widow Ira, h. over 27 East Main.V9 Waite, Hiram, gardener, r. West Harrison.4> Waite, Mildred, winder, r. South Work.ggi-tJlargest.tock Victor Records n the CityVictrolas, $50, $75, $100, $160, $200Fplfman'o Miiofr1-tlUlldll O 11UML

draperies, shades The A. D. Sharpe Co. s^FALCONER DIRECTORY. 457 S—1HFT T PTANO CCl Columbia grafonolas c/*AAA1__« I lir\lM\J KsVJ. RECORDS AND SHEET MUSIC •—3Waite, Myron, (Minnie), machine hand, h. Work.Waite, Uriah S., laborer, r. West Harrison.-rimmWaiDorg, liust, (Anna), section loreman Erie R. R., h. West Lister.)_^Waiter & isentley—Ira H. and George VV.—livery and transient stables, __South Work. ~3Walker, Jb.phriam I., (Anna), Falconer Veneer Co., h. Lynndon Blvd.OWalker, horton, (Jennie), hostler, h. Harrison.Walker, Ira H., (Jennie)—Walker & Bentley—h. Harrison. J3°Wallen, Jay A., (Abertina), cobbler, h. Williams.__.Wallen, John, noveltyworker, r. Williams.*•£•*Walrod, Walter, (Gladys), machinist, h. Elm.\m~\Ware, Andrew, woodworker, bds. 7 East Everett. 1—5Warren, George H., (Elizabeth), machine hand, h. Tiffany Ave. "*Washburn, John C, retired, r. 14 West Falconer.^^Wayne, William, (Mamie), foreman noveltyworker, h. East Everett. ftWeaver, Ola, domestic, r. West Main.mZWebeck, Charles, h. Harrison.J2Webeck, John, (Anna B.), watchman, h. Harrison.CWebeck, John, Jr., night yard conductor, bds. Harrison.NJWells, Joseph, coal dealer, bds. Mason.ftWells, Samuel Q., (Josie), bookkeeper, h. 123 East Everett.MWesleyan Methodist Church, First and Lynndon Park._jWest, Alrick, (Bessie), machine hand, h. Harrison.toWestling, Edwin, (Gladys), woodworker, h. South Work.toWeston, Frank, laborer, bds. Hotel Lynndon. "*Wheeler, Oliva, r. East Everett. „Wheelock, L. D., (Mary), mirrorworker, h. East Falconer.mWhelpley, Amos, (Laura), machinist, h. West Ave.5JjWhelpley, Erie E., (Ella), teamster and lumberman, h. Elm. P*Whelpley, Florence G., student, r. Elm.^Whelpley, Lincoln R. L., teamster, r. Elm.-.^White, Charlotte A., Mrs., h. Lynndon Blvd.§ hWhite, Frances E., student, r. Lynndon Blvd.g OWhite, M. Enid, r. Lynndon Blvd.^3Wiborg, Ernest A., (Hulda), grocer, Williams, h. over 15 Harrison. S-0Wiborg, Oscar T., (Anna), groceries, flour and feed, cor. Work and Har- § £5rison, h. Harrison.aJ-"|Wielgoszynski, Steve, bobbin setter, bds. Kane Ave.eoP3Wightman, Ray, (Nellie), finisher,h. over 2 East Main. £•>Wijkmark, Fred, (Julia), finisher,h. East Main. ~nWilcox, Abijah T., paperhanger, r. 12 East Main.gWilcox, Avery, teamster, h. North Work. 9Wiles, Lyman A., (Bertha), laborer, h. West Everett.WWillets, Walter, machinist, h. Harrison.ZWilliams, A. E., carder, r. 103 West Main. ^*Williams, Bert A., (Grace), hosier, h. West Main.Williams, Delia, Mrs., r. South Work.^^Williams, Nettie, Mrs., millinery, 12 East Main, h. do.Winslow, David, (Anna S.), mill hand, h. East Everett.AWilson, Ray H., (Chena J.), solicitor, h. over 25 Main.JjWolcott, Theodore E., (Sarah), retired, h. East Falconer.X^Wood, Harry R., spinner, r. East Main.i-tgEVERY Wood, Woodford Woodard, I alley HAVE Lois Lelia, John, Robert, DEALER : garage—Work Amusement Earl THE E., spinning, widow (Maria), C, spinner, STRICTLY HAS (Lilla Glenn, Enterprises—Woodford r. THE r. machine and M.), • East h. PURE "BFST" Everett. foreman over Main. hand, 4 p* East gluer, h. A/Alll East lMain.h. Mtheater, Main. 11 T 1 Falconer. Talk skating HARRY it over rink, LYONS with bowling me (-. ft to _** P\* ^~ UTJ ^. o w

•aU2Clark Hardware Co., Contractors & Mill Supplies458 FALCONER DIRECTORY.<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew - - Always pure and dilicious„ Woodford, Charles, (Jessie)—Woodford's Amusement Enterprises—h. Evoerett.2m g Woodford, Lulu M., theatricals, r. East Everett.G j> Woodford, Maude, r. East Everett.O a Wright, Charles, machine hand, bds. Hotel Lynndon.m. Wright, J. C, (Nettie), packer, h. 109 East James.„ Wright, Judson S., (Effa M.)—Field & Wright Co., Jamestown—n. 30 West| Main.S Wright, William, laborer, bds. Hotel Lynndon.g . Yerdon, Roy C, (Daisy), machinist, h. North Dow.•? Yerdon, Florence B., bookkeeper, r. North Dow.U. — S Yerdon,Yerdon, Young, George,Willis L.,Gilbert finisher,h.bookkeeper, r. North Bow.J., (Arie), machinist, East Main. h. North Dow.g9g Young,Yerdon,Mary,John L.,widow(EdithRobert,E.), oilh. Eastproducer,Main.h. North Dow.« | Young, Robert, machine hand, r. East Main._ £ Youngs, Richard, laborer, bds. West Main.emt£m•OS.2 «A J^ -TF you find errors in this directory, youJ^ will confer a favor by reporting samet^ •gto the publishers. In spite of a thor-«| ough canvass and great care in preparation'r%of the book, there are bound to be some"« s errors or omissions in a work of this size., s Knowledge of such errors will prevent theirrepitition in the next issue.

Gloves, Hosiery and Underwear - THE A. D. SHARPE CO.• LAKEWOOD DIRECTORY.459 Zj*H I L L P I A N O CO. 0NEPRICE SYSTEM ONLY _\mmTHE JOURNAL'S LAKEWOOD DIRECTORY53-fi<strong>1911</strong> -12mms

•3 Clark H a r d w a r e Co. Stoves and FurnacesCO•M(3 460 LAKEWOOD DIRECTORY.Qmm <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew, Low in alcohol, rich in extract2 Buzby, Granville R., sec. Atlantic Engine & Machine Co., bds. LakeviewG Ave.w Carlburg, Victor E., (Mertie), carpenter, h. Lakeview Ave.© Carlson, Andrew, (Sophie), h. Fairmount Ave.mi Carpenter, Bernard F., (Samantha), carpenter, h. East First.Carpenter, Florence E., student, r. East First.© Carpenter, Fred G., (Lucy), h. East First.*jj Carpenter, Laverne L., (Gertrude), carpenter, h. Highland, Gifford Park.ff Case, Pardon G., (Frances), laborer, h. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.g) Chandler, Abigail E., widow John, h. Altaway Ave.rj <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Lake Stock Farm—Henry W. Odell, prop.—Ashville Ave.<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Traction Co.—W. H. Reid agent,—cor. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> and Summit.--, Aves.CCJ Cherry, Allie B., widow Edsall, h. Summit Ave.4) Cherry, Bernhard, student, r. Summit.Q^ Cherry, Phoebe, widow Henry, h. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Chipps, Hortense widow Justice E., r. Ohio Ave.Clark, Delbert T., (Anna), laborer, h. Lakeview Ave.Clark, Greene, (Ann), h. Lake front.Clark, Harry, (Alzada), carpenter, h. Highland.Clayson, Martha, laundress, h. East Second.Congregational Church, Summit Ave.Cornish, Noah, h. West First.Cornish, Susanna, widow William, h. West First.Country Club—S. B. Broadhead, pres.; W. C. Price, sec.-treas.—Terrace andFront.Crason, Martha, domestic, h. Second Ave.Cole, E. B.,—Lakewood Coal & Wood Co., <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave—h. FairmountAve.Cowing, Howard, (Marian), plumber, h. Lakeview Ave.Cowing, Martha A., widow Ransom, h. Asnville Ave.Cowing, Ransom T., (Lottie A.)—lime, cement, coal and building supplies,i^"" <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.—h. Lakeview and Fairmount Aves.K* Crandall, Jeannette, widow Joel A., r. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> and Summit.uJ2[ Davis, Anna W., widow Galusha M., h. Shadyside Ave.mm* Daugherty, Clifford, student, r. Lakeview Ave.Jr^ Daugherty, E. J., (Elizabeth), special tax commissioner, h. Lakeview Ave.j_ Daugherty, Fern, student, r. Lakeview Ave.04fr~\ Dean, Mary, Mrs., dressmaker, h. Lakeview Ave.CS^Dean, Samuel, (Nellie), laborer, h. Lakeview Ave.Devereaux, Augusta, widow William, h. Verrace.Diffin, Frank, (Isabel), pres. Atlantic Gas Engine Co., h. Lakeview Ave.Dolan, Earl, (Clara), night watch, h. Lakeview Ave.Fleek, Clara, widow Edward—Lakewood Home Bakery—h. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Z - ^ Dole, Mary, M., dressmaker, h. East First.. m Fleek, Donald John, news agent, r. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.W Dorr, Harry H., (Clara), civil engineer, h. Lakeview Ave.mm Fleek, Fayette, (Cynthia), retired, h. Summit Ave.•rf Edmunds, Edward, (Minnie;, laborer, h. Fairmount Ave.w Fleek, Floyd F., laborer, r. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.rm Ellmore, Edna, domestic, r. Lakeview Ave.CO —- Erie R. R. Station—S. M. Bryant, agent—<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave., and West First.WTheTfc«MutualMnfnolBenefitPnnafitLife1 ifnSEtoSKeS'^polkyPremiumj'eceipts to Jan.'holders1,<strong>1911</strong> -_?^ Everdon, «( NftYiTo.il. Florence, N waitress, I future r. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> payment to policy Ave. holders ... - - - $427,763,190.20$367,143,488.59-J Everdon, 01 neWarii, James, a. (Eleanor), i. carpenter, F. h. S. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> TREADWAY, Ave. District and funds Agent on hand forO Fitch, Harold F., apprentice draughtsman, r. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.£m 5»J Fitch, h. Julia Jason do. A., A., widow toolmaker, Franklin, r. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> prop, Lakewood Ave. House, <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.,

The A. D. SHARPE CO. for Rugs and Carpets Ul. toLAKEWOOD DIRECTORY.461 toHill's Piano School BEST trTnd GPUpfLsTEACHERS zFleek, Glenn B., clerk, r. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave. OFosburg, Fred, (Anna), foreman machinist, h. Beechwood, near depot. m%\Franklin, Benjamin, h. cor. Highland and Gifford Aves.(•+.Freeman, Anna, dressmaker, r. Lakeview Ave.Cm*Gerron, Alice, milliner, r. Lakeview Ave.EGerron, John, (Anna), landscape gardener, h. Lakeview Ave._Gifford, Jerry, (Caroline), farmer, h. Gifford Ave.OGill, Alice J., Mrs., h. <strong>Chautauqua</strong>.rftGornall, Fanny, widow William H., h. Summit.Gornall, Rose, r. Summit.Grant, Frank E., (Delia), painter, h. Lakeview Ave.,_jGreen, Hattie P., Mrs., h. East Third Ave. ~JGreenlund, Olof, (Hildur H.), h. Beechwood.ftGron, Charles, livery, Altaway, h. Summit Ave.m*.Gron's Livery—Charles Gron, prop.—Altaway Ave.ftGron, William, (Lillian), livery, h. Lakeview Ave.Zi.Gunton, Glenn, (Sadie), farmer, h. Lakeview Ave.* 'Gutteridge, Lewis, laborer, h. Shadyside Ave.Hale, Charles, (Nellie), h. Gerald Ave., Beechwood.Hall, Andrew, carpenter, bds. New Holbrook House. 0)Hall, August A., (Flora),—The New Holbrook Hotel—<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave., h. _do.XHammond, Timothy, (Josephine), pastor U. B. Church, h. Pleasant View C—Ave.Hazzard, Mary widow Robert, h. Terrace Ave.Hazzard, Sarah, r. Terrace Ave._**Holly, Christ, r. Clement Park.**mHolly, William, r. Clement Park.mHerrick, Christopher G., (Alice), retired, h. Ohio Ave.JJTHerrick, Ralph H., piano tuner, r. Ohio Ave.*j"Hewes, Lulu W., widow John, h. Altaway Ave.WHildum, Clifton N.. (Ina)—stenographic reporter Jamestown Journal, h.Shadyside Ave.Holbrook Hotel (New)-—August A. Hall prop.—<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.C^Holbrook, Melville C, (Addie), carpenter, h. East Third.a-.Holbrook, Nettie I., teacher, r. East Third.J^Houghtaling, Sarah A., widow Horace, h. Ohio Ave.Howard, Mollie, Mrs., h. East Second.Howley, Chris, h. Ashville Ave. N4>Howley, William, r. Ashville Ave.OHoyt, Adeline, Mrs., h. West Third.NjIngerson, Lewis, (Lena), h. Southland Ave.Jagger, James, fisherman,h. Sherman's Bay.lANDSAWED HJohnson, Bridget, HA-^-"-^^1*- E M L O C Kwidow Ludwig, r. Third. ^^I'l^lV L U M B E R _«__„_„.*. .09 wJohnson, Carl A., (Gerda), gardener, h. Shady Side Ave.VDRY__ Johnson, Johnston, Kazer Keeler, Kendall, Kent Klomp, ville House, F. Albert, Hilbert, John Gertrude, „„ Ave. Henry Gust, Josephine, Corinne, Frank J., Eliza, UI7MI (Eliza), Terrace. (Johanna), P., teamster, (Anna), A., G., deliveryman, widow Mrs., millinery, (Almeda (Julia)—Atlantic (Sophie), widow CmCK laborer, laundress, William, section farmer, r. Augustus, A.), Ashville T r. mgr. h. Summit. TTJVfRFR boss, New h. Shady h. Ashville East <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Subway Road. Gas h. England r. Side West Summit. Third. Engine Road. HARRY Road.Ave., Second. cottage, — Lake Co., Beechwood. LYONS Stock Pennsylvania Ohio Ave. Farm, "• h. Ave. Ash- !_• rm £•_ mm. £3 ft 0} t-*^

jE Clark Hardware Co., Roofing and Building PapersOKoM Sw 462LAKEWOOD DIRECTORY.to Chat.-taftn 11a Rruiw It'»8°od ,or y°u and its 8°°d for§g IsIldUlClUIJlId D r e W yourfamly. Both Phones 268ojg13 25 Klomp, Peter, metalworker, r. Ashville Road.O"" Lakewood Coal & Wood Co.—Peterson & Cole, props.—<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.*•* Lakewood Golf Club—James MacGregor, golf professional (in charge); J. M..5 j, Wright, chairman—<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave."Sw Lakewood Grocery Co.—C. W. Marsh and A. G. Lowe—<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave..8 Lakewood House—Mrs. Julia A. Fitch, prop.—<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Jj Lakewood Postoffice, —R. H. Maxson, postmaster—<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.9 Lakewood School No. 1, Highland Ave.j • Lanning, George, (Tule), h. Ashville Ave.HB Lockwood, Melzar A.. (Mary F.), h. Lakeview Ave.G Lorenz, William D., (Annie),—Sherman's Bay Boat Livery—h. Sherman's* Bay.*f • Lowe, Alfred G., (Amy)—Marsh & Lowe—h. Highland and Lake Front.53 Lowe, Elizabeth A., r. Ashville Ave.ed Lowe, James B., (Carrie), farmer, h. Ashville Ave..5 Lowe, Walter, student, r. Fairmount Ave.E-i Lund, Arthur, contractor and builder, r. Beechwood, near Depot.j^io Lund, Axel William, (Christina), contractor and builder, h. Beechwood, nearS § Depot.,_— Lund, Margaret, clerk, r. Beechwood.o"8 Lund, Raymond, clerk, r. Beechwood, near Depot._ . MacGregor, James, golf professional, bds. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.•o® Mallen, Timothy J., (Addie)—Jamestown House—r. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.,5® Maring, Andrew J., (Selenea), h. Lakewood Ave.fee} 0 Maring, Myrtle R., clerk, r. Lakeview Ave. e_ I Maring, Walter A., school teacher, r. Lakeview Ave.3j§ Marsh, Clarence, student, r. Bentley Ave." ,- Marsh, Claude, r. Bentley Ave.p « Marsh, Claude A., marine TJ. S. navy, r. Lakeview Ave."" o Marsh, Clement W., (Mae)—Lakewood Grocery Co.—h. Third.s

Always Buy your Dry Goods of THE A. D. SHARPE CO. \7*^LAKEWOOD DIRECTORY. 483 uHILL PIANO CO ENTIRE 6TH FLOOR hrf***—*" * ""*-^VJ ~m>SJ. CHADAKOIN BUILDING L mPeck, Henry, retired, bds. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave. (^Peer, Catharine, widow Stephen, r. Ashville Ave.t—tPerkins, Jean E., telegraph operator, h. Terrace Ave.^JPerkins, Leonard, painter, r. Terrace Ave.\~_\Perkins, Martin D., (Melinda), painter and decorator, h. Terrace Ave. m*fPersell, Charles B., (Bernice), principal Lakewood school, h. Summit AvePersell, Fred S., (Carolyn), wool buyer, h. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.t-m-\Peterson, Andrew, (Christine), woodworker, h. Boulevard, Beechwood. ~^Peterson, Daniel—Lakewood Coal and Wood Co., <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.—bds. _»Lakewood House. F~Peterson, John S., (Emily), machinist, h. East Third.C_Phillips, Fred E., h. cor. Highland & Gifford Aves.r~mPhillips, Fred E., (Lina), boat livery, h. Gifford Ave. *—*Phillips, James L., (Jennie), mason, r. Lakeview Ave. _1Pike, Jennie B., widow James, r. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.JjjJPike, Wallie R., (Annie), laborer, h. Fairmount Ave.pORead, Austin T., h. Ashville Ave. ^|Read, Isabelle L., r. Ashville Ave. *"%Read, Katherine M., dressmaker, r. Ashville Ave.Reeves, Mary, confectionery and Indian baskets, r. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Reid, Grayce F., telephone operator, r. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.OReid, W. H., (Florence A.), agent <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Traction Co., h. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> S> jjHouse. S: >rRew, George, (Permelia), general store, <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave., h. over do. 8 wRew, Glenn D., (Ella), janitor school building, h. West Third. t« 3Rhodes, Byron G., (Mary E.)—Sunshine Bakery and grocery—h. Beech- ET §•wood.» •Roberts, Ella S. widow Henry P., r. Shady Side Ave. — «qRussell, Archibald F., (Olive), painter, h. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave. 0 5"Russell, James A., (Margaret), bookkeeper, h. Summit Ave.* •Russell, James D., (Alice), promoter, h. Ohio Ave. w r*Russell, Winifred, r. Ohio Ave. "a |Seymour, John A., (Hannah), electrician automobile garage, Summit Ave n \h. do. E. 2Seymour, Martha J., telephone operator, r. Summit. Si a*Shanley, Thomas, (Chris), oil producer, h. Lakeview Ave." 'P-Sherman, William, farmer, r. Ashville Ave.Skinner, Elmer, (Jessie), retired, h. Lake.mmm,Sliter, Evan F.—The Spencer—h. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave. J5£Smith, Burdette, (Geraldine), h. Bentley Ave.m¥aSmith, D. Arthur, stenographer, r. Gifford Ave.J5j*Smith, Era S., variety store, r. Gifford Ave.fpSmith, Fanny, Mrs., r. Subway Ave., Beechwood._Smith, Floyd, clerk, r. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.J""JSmith, Mildred, bookkeeper, h. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.•>*Smith, Minnie, widow Arthur E., h. Gifford Ave.^Smith, Thomas, (Sophronia), retired, h. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.^KSolomonson, John, (Agnes), boss filler,h. Crescent and Boulevard, Clement m.Park._>Spencer, (The)—E. F. Sliter, prop.—rooming house, <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave. chSprague', Alonzo, (Clara), pastor United Brethren Church and carpenter, h. _^|Lakeview Ave.n—.MODERN Stevens. Stockton, Sprague, Stevens, Stiles, Lavern, Are Melford, Theresa Norman, Howard, Estella, Myrtle, HARDWOOD not eo (Augusta), eiperoivto r. chambermaid, M., peddler, (Anna), r. Lakeview r. Terrace FLOORS as carpenter, ice, r. ywu East h. may r. Ave. Terrace <strong>Chautauqua</strong> First. think. „ h. Ask Ohio Ave. Ave., Lyons Beechwood. li • •—•— m~j w..w *g JJ^. C/i T* J^

Clark HardwareOSCo. Stoves and Fnrnaces_ 464 LAKEWOOD DIRECTORY.- rii»,,^.,/..,n C/it.t ALWAYS PURE AND DELICIOUSs <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew BothPho„e8268Stockton, William F., (Eva), carpenter, h. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Storrs, Harriet, widow Henry, h. Shadyside Ave.Swart, Ada A., r. Third.jj Swart, Archie C, (Eva), teamster, r. East Third.» ' Swart, C, Alfred, (Rose), machinist, h. Summit Ave.3 Swart, Charles C, (Polly J.), teamster, h. East Third.jS ' Tabor, Guy, (May), iceman, h. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.CO Taber, Harry A., (Mina), butcher, h. Lakeview Ave.w , Tabor, Roy L., (Bessie W.;, meat cutter, h. Highland Ave.«2 •9 Tabor, Thomas, Stephen Kezia N., L., widow (Ida), h. Elijah <strong>Chautauqua</strong> G., r. New Ave. Holbrook House.05 G Tenney, Thomas, Albert Perry A., E., caretaker (Ella J.), Kent groceries, House, <strong>Chautauqua</strong> h. East Second. Ave., h. do.a Tochterman, Elizabeth, r. Linwood Ave., Clement Park.•at Tochterman, Frederick C, r. Linwood Ave., Clement Park.G.mfa »Truver,UnitedLeona,BrethrenwidowChurch,Charles,Secondh. FairmountSt.Ave.-mo„_ Union Congregational Church, Summit Ave.PO^ Veness, John H., (Eliza), carpenter, h. Third.£-3 Veness, John I., music teacher, r. Third.fag Walden, Frank, (Alice), h. Ashville Ave.•t S* m ^, Ward, Perry, (Sadie), plumber, h. Third.mm ' S Warner, Bessie O., dressmaker, r. Bentley Ave.Warner, Eula A., r. Bentley Ave.."3 Warner, Frank, (Mary), plumber and engineer, r. Third._* Warner, Roy, laborer, r. East Third.go Warner, Velva, teacher, r. Third.o"x Warner, William, (Eva), laborer, h. Bentley Ave.££2 Warnstorf, Edwin, (Anna O.), real estate, h. Beechwood, near Depot.— 2 Waters, Calvin G., (Phoebe B.), timber dealer, h. East Third.C Wells, Nettie C, widow Frank E., h. East Third._* >. Whitford, Wescott, Herman Clyde, milk A., (Catharine), peddler, r. Ashville upholsterer, Ave. h. Highland Ave._•* 'mS Westman, Whitford, Edward, Swan J., (Ella), retired, farmer, r. Beechwood. h. Lakewood Road.•m_m 2 'g Westrom, Whitford, Adolph Raymond, F., student, (Helen S.), h. Lakeview h. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave. Ave.fa « G c . c Wicks, White, Charles Cora Agnes, J., H., teacher, domestic, (Florence r. h. Ohio East R.) Ave. h. Third Ohio Ave. Ave.4) a ja,u w® Wicks, Mary E., student, r. Ohio Ave.. Wiggers, Effa M., student, r. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.~J> © Wiggers, John G.. (Anna C), dry goods, <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave., h. do.mmWilliams, A. Emmett, (Ella B.), farmer, h. Ashville Ave.Wiltsie, George L., (Matie), laborer, h. Gifford Ave.4* Winch, Harry J., (Ella), farmer, r. Ashville Ave.rfi% Winch, Joel H., (Eliza), farmer, r. Ashville Ave.m~* Wood, Ethel, stenographer, r. Shadyside Ave.r* Wood, Fred S., farmer, r. Shadyside Ave.E—i Wood, James H., (Lucy V.), electrician, h. Shadyside Ave.Woodburn, John W., (Polly M.), electrician, h. Shadyside Ave.5 Wright, J. M., chairman Lakewood Golf Club, r. Pittsburgh, Pa., and Lakeplwood, N. Y.© Young, Fanny, Mrs., h. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.W3 Young, James E., bds. <strong>Chautauqua</strong>.BEckman s Music StoreHEADQUARTERS FOR HIGH GRADEPIANCS AND PLAYLR PIANOS

Always Buy your Dry Goods of THE A. D. SHARPE CO. QLAKEWOOD DIRECTORY.\T465 flB1^HILL P I A N O C O LARGEST AND MOST J—* " " " * *^m.l^VT \s\J. CAREFULLY SELECTED STOCK \_• — (DCOTTAGE OWNERS,' SUMMER RESIDENTS. MAlbro, Frank, Highland Ave., (Bust, N. Y.)P3Alden, M. B., Boulevard, Beechwood, (Jamestown, N. Y.) *Aldrich, T. H., Mrs., Terrace Ave., (Binghamton, Ala.)^mMAnderson, Alfred, Lake front, Beechwood, (Jamestown, N. Y.)2SAnderson, Edward, Boulevard, Beechwood, (Jamestown, N. Y.)^jAnderson, Ed. and John Jaderstrom, Lake front, Beechwood, (Jamestown, 2?N. Y.) toAtwood, Elmer, Highland Ave., (Jamestown, N. Y.)SjAull, William F., <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave., (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1?Bedell, I. T., Sherman's Bay, (Jamestown, N. Y.)Bellows, George, Sherman's Bay, (North Clarendon, Pa.)COBender, William J., Mrs., Beechwood, (Jamestown, N. Y.)toBenson, Bennie, Gerald Ave., Beechwood, (Jamestown, N. Y.)"•Blazier, Rachael, Mrs., Highland Ave.Brandine, Gustaf, Clement Park, (Jamestown, N. Y.)_JBroadhead, Fred, Lake front, (Jamestown, N. Y.)JjjjBroadhead, S. B., Lake front, (Jamestown, N. Y.)PjBuckley, James, Oakland Ave., Clement Park, (Jamestown, N. Y.)^*.Bullock, Frank, Clement Park, (Jamestown, N. Y.) \mBurtch, Y. W., Lake front, Shady Side, (Jamestown, N. Y.) \^Bush, Frank B., Lake front, Clement Park, (Jamestown, N. Y.)m_*\Butler, H. E., Oakland Ave., Clement Park, (Jamestown, N. Y.)_^Butman, Luther M., Clement Park, (Jamestown, N. Y.)^^Carlson, Charles D., Gerald Ave., Beechwood, (Jamestown, N. Y.) ~ .,Carlson, Charlie, Lake front, (Jamestown, N. Y.)^"JCarlson, John W., Boulevard, Clement Park, (Jamestown, N. Y.)^^Carlson, Swante, (Jamestown, N. Y.)JJClapp, J. M., Mrs., Lake front. (Washington, D. C.)pyClemons, W. L., Gerald Ave., Beechwood, (Jamestown, N. Y.)Cole, E. B., Pleasant View Ave., Clement Park, (Lakewood, N. Y.)B!_Cole, Jay A. and Lynn, Lake front, Beechwood, (Jamestown, N. Y.) rn©Cowan, Herbert F., Sherman's Bay, (Jamestown, N. Y.)£I3CCrain, Mary, Mrs., Clement Park, (Jamestown, N. Y.) —BCrawford, Carroll E., Lake front, (Emlenton, Pa.)ggDavis, A. E., Boulevard, Beechwood, (Jamestown, N. Y.)r^Darling, Frederick, Sherman's Bay, (Warren, Pa.) 3;Dawson, Fred L. W., Lake front, Beechwood, (Jamestown, N. Y.)Deunigan, Ned, Sherman's Bay, (Clarendon, Pa.)|_kDerby, John, Lake front, (Jamestown, N. Y.),*--sDole, Mary, Mrs., Southland Ave., (Jamestown, N. Y.)mt*Doubleday, J. W.. Lake front, (Jamestown, N. Y.) ^|Droullard, Gardener. E., J. P., Highland Mrs., (Estate), Ave., (Jamestown, Pennsylvania N. Y.) Ave., (Nashville, Tenn.) _-Gardner Dunihue, Charles William, Olive Lake Ave.. front, Beechwood, Clement Park, (Jamestown, (Jamestown, N. Y.) N. Y.)V#J ^Gardner' Ellis, Anthony, E B.. Lake Terrace, front, (Jamestown, Gifford Park, N. Y.) (Youngsville, Pa.)Ch ^_Garfield' Engle, Homer Fred V.. H., Sherman's Mrs., Lake Bay, front, (Clarendon, (Jamestown, Pa.) N. Y.)^""« _\. Engwood, J., Highland Ave., (Warren, , Pa.)CDEVERY Fellows, DEALER Harry, Sun HAS Set THE Park "BEST" (Buffalo, D N. A Y.) 11UT Talk it over with me. to «Fenner, I HAVE James THE R., STRICTLY Lake front, PURE (Jamestown, _ * * N. U ^ Y.) - HARRY LYONS ~~l r*Fenton, Lawrence, Lake front. (Jamestown, N. Y.) [yFrederickson Gallagher Fenton. Frank John Martin Margaret, J Albert, Olive L.. Lake Ave., Lake Boulevard, front, Beechwood, front, (Jamestown. Clement Beechwood, (Jamestown, Park, N. Y.) (Jamestown, N. Y.) N. Y.)*m. I"J ^

-! Clark Hardware Co., Contractors & Mill SuppliesmM j£ • - - ....§.-_ 466 LAKEWOOD DIRECTORY.i.-g x<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew IS """".hRSSJ1" dayG " Gilbert, Albert, Lake front, (Jamestown, N. Y.)!§§ Gilbert, Oscar F., Harlem Ave., Clement Park, (Jamestown, N. Y.)W* Goucher, W. E., Dr., Lake front, (Jamestown, N. Y.)fa Goodenough, Erie, Clement Park, (Jamestown, N. Y.),2 Graff, Joseph W., Lake front, (Jamestown, N. Y.)^, Gray, Margaret Stewart, Mrs., Pennsylvania Ave., (Pittsburgh, Pa.)*j Greenlund, A. H., Lake front, (Jamestown, N. Y.)*> Greenlund, Christian, Lake front, Clement Park, (Jamestown, N. Y.)J2 Greenwood, Enoch, Lake front, (Jamestown, N. Y.)•** Groesbeck, H. J., Dr., Terrace Ave., (Cincinnati, O.)g Groesbeck, Telford, Pennsylvania Ave., (Cincinnati, O.)'v § Gron, Bertha, and Mrs. H. J. Paquin, Lake front, Clement Park, (James-Jj g town, N. Y.)'gjlj Gustafson, Emil, Boulevard, Beechwood, (Jamestown, N. Y.)u X Haagstrom, Nels, Boulevard Ave., Squier Park, (Jamestown, N. Y.)_ o Hall, Alfred E., Lake front, Clement Park, (Jamestown, N. Y.)o1- Harnden, Mae, Lake front, Beechwood, (Jamestown, N. Y.)Haynes, Charles K., Dr., Lake front, Clement Park, (Jamestown, N. Y.)J. Herrick, Charles W., Lake front, (Jamestown, N. Y.)H Herrick, C. G., Ohio Ave., (Jamestown, N. Y.)Hibbard, Frank, Lake front, Beehchwood, (Jamestown, N. Y.)>. Howard, Charles L., Highland Ave., Gifford Park, (Jamestown, N. Y.)S3 Hultquist, Gust, Gerald Ave., Beechwood. (Jamestown, N. Y.).§ Hunt, Willard W., Lake front, Clement Park, (Jamestown, N. Y.)VmA Jaderstrom, Axel, Lake front, Beechwood, (Jamestown, N. Y.),» g Johnson, Arthur W., Lake front, Beechwood, (Jamestown, N. Y.)•g fiJohnson, E. L., Front Ave., Clement Park, (Jamestown, N .Y.)w i Johnson, Gust, Gerald Ave., Beechwood, (Jamestown, N. Y.)fa g Johnson, John, Lake front, (Jamestown, N. Y.)§ „ Jones, G. John, Lake front, (Jamestown, N. Y.)+j-° Jones, John G., Lake front, Clement Park, (Jamestown, N. Y.)»"§ Jones, William R. and Charles A. Eckstrom, Lake front, Beechwood,O s (Jamestown, N. Y.)*••- Jorgenson, Nels, Lake front. Beechwood. (Jamestown, N. Y.)mm 4J £" Kennedy, H., Lake front, (Jamestown, N. Y.)_?H-•J Lawson, Charlie F., Lake front, (Jamestown, N. Y.)King, Ellen, Mrs., Gifford and Highland Aves., (Belmont, N. Y.)mm , r. Lawson, King, W. John, E., Lake Lake front, front, Beechwood, Beechwood. (Jamestown, (Jamestown, N. N. Y.) Y.) ^ft S 2 Kleist, Lawson, Charles, John E., Lake Lake front, front. Beechwood, Gifford Ave., (Jamestown, (Jamestown, N. N. Y.) Y.)W "? Lakeview Lawson, Minnie, Fishing Mrs., Club, Lake Lake front, front, Beechwood. Beechwood. (Jamestown, N. Y.)Q " Langford, Laycock, Mrs., Marv. Ohio Rebecca Ave., and (Jamestown, Blanche. Glenn N. Y.) Iris, Lake front (Jamestown,W 2 ^ Lazelle, N. Y.) Biram S., Lake front. Gifford Park, (Jamestown, N. Y.l~m ^J Lawson, Lehmer, Andrew J. D., Mrs., J., New Harlam York Ave., Ave., Clement (Cincinnati, Park, O.) (Jamestown, N. Y.)^ Lemont. S. M., Ohio Ave., (Louisville. Ky.)^1 =3 Lewis, Byron, Mrs., Highland Ave., (Panama, N. Y.)W X Lindquist, August, Highland Ave., (Jamestown, N. Y.)*"* •£ Lindstrom, Elmer. Lake front. Beechwood, (Jamestown, N. Y.)^ S Lorentzen, Hans P., Lake front, Beechwood, (Jamestown, N. Y.)S ^ Lowe, James B., Highland Ave., (Lakewood, N. Y.)§ .2 Lundberg, John, Glenwood Ave., Clement Park, (Jamestown, N. Y.)-2 E Lundquist, C. A., Lake front, Clement Park, (Jamestown, N. Y.l*** Lundquist, John G., Lake front, Beechwood, (Jamestown, N. Y.)_ The best of insurance is not too good. We furnish it.5 BRADSHAW'S PIONEER INSURANCE AGENCY.

CARPETS, CURTAINS, T«U«. A Tl CUm-m-,-..-. C* £ 2DRAPERIES, SHADES, I HB A. I). Mtarpe 10. g gLAKEWOOD DIRECTORY. 467 « rHII I PI A M A PCI COMPLETE TUNING AND « 11M.S.M-JH M7M.4~.LMSJ S-rSJ. REPAIR DEPARTMENT ox— . . n -oMace, Charles, Sherman's Bay, (Jamestown, N. Y.) j£ „Mackey cottage, Edward Morgan, Lake front, (Jamestown, N. Y.)WMaltby, George E., Glenn Iris, Lake front, (Jamestown, N. Y.))Marshall, Frank H., Lake front, Clement Park, (Jamestown, N. Y.)McCloskey, John P., Lake front, Beechwood, (Jamestown, N. Y.)McCord, Mrs., Terrace Ave., (Elizabeth, N. J.)McLean, William, Orchard Lodge, Sherman's Bay, (Jamestown, N. Y.)Miller, M., Clement Park, (Jamestown, N. Y.)Moore, George H., Mrs., Ohio Ave., (Louisville, Ky.)Montgomery, James, Sherman's Bay, (Kane, Pa.)T^Morris, Mary E., Lake front, Clement Park, (Bradford, Pa.)SMosher, Ralph, Lake front, Beechwood, (Jamestown, N. Y.) 53Munger, Ben, Gerald Ave., Beechwood, (Jamestown, N. Y.)

•QtmiSCO K Clark Hardware Co., Roofing and Building Papers*mog'W{§ JJ 468 LAKEWOOD DIRECTORY. WITHOUT A PEER IN THE WORLDIS <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew OF BEER. Both Phones 268co^s Spencer, Frank, Gerald Ave., Beechwood, (Jamestown, N. Y.)B yj Sprague, James L., Lake front, Beechwood, (Jamestown, N. Y.)*5 g Stennett, Benj. W., Sherman's Bay, (Corry, Pa.)5J3 Stevens, William P., Highland Ave., (Jamestown, N. Y.)O.0" Strandburg, Frank O., Sherman's Bay, (Jamestown, N. Y.)CO _ Strom, Peter E., Lake front, Clement Park, (Brooklyn, N. if.)i/i l§ Strong, Anna, Mrs., Oakland Ave., Clement Park, (Jamestown, N. Y.)SJ Swanson, Fred A., Harlem Ave., Clement Park, (Jamestown, N. Y.)^ >. Swetland, E. J., Dr., Clement Park, (Jamestown, N. Y.)cS Tho Mutual Ronofit I iffl Premium receipts to Jan. 1,<strong>1911</strong> .... $367,143,488.69CZ llie nilluai Deneill UUC RETURNED TO POLICY HOLDERS and funds on hand fornf Naursvlr N I future payment to policy holders • • • -$427,763,190.2001 IieWarK, a. J. f. s. TREADWAY. District Atent

RURAL FREE DELIVERY ROUTES. 469JAMESTOWN, N. Y.RURAL FREE DELIVERY ROUTESROUTE 75Out Fluvanna Avenue to Town Line road; north to Towerville; returnthrough west part of Ellicott. *Property owner.* Aiken, J. L.'Austin, M. E.Arnold, J. Q.*Bly, E. R.*Beach, F. E.*Blackmar, R. A.*Book, J. W.•Blackmar, F. W.Blakely, Geo.*Benson, A. W.*Bottomly, John*Bushy, C. H.Carr, E. F.•Cedarquist, C. G."Coney, D. F.•Clark, Almond•Chambers, R. S.Coan, Glen•Cedarquist, Geo.Cedarquist, F. A.•Cedarquist, W. G.Cedarquist, A. E.•Clark, Glen D.•Carlson, J. C.•Camp, W.•Clark, C. W.•Chapin, J. S.•Clark, M. F.•Coan, D. H.Driscoll, Roy•DeRess, W.Edwards, B. C.•Erickson, C. A.•Eckman, OskarFerguson, U. S."Allison, •Fish, J. Fred C.A. H. WELLMAN, Carrier.Ferguson, E. C.•Furlow, J. W.•Gordon, F. W.•Gates, A. C.•Griffith, J. E.•Hollenbeck, C. D.•Houghtaling, E. J.•Hoaglund, E. C.•Haskins, Mrs. A. A.Hooper, Fred M.•Hooper, M. S.Hooper, Clarence•Heath, H. B.•Johnson, E. L.•Johnson, J; F.•Johnson, HansJohnson, FredKnapp, Mrs. J.•Kolander, T.Knight, Miles•Loun, JohnLove, S.•Lord, S. A.Lord, FrankMarkham, Hiley•Miller, L. C.•Mullard, Geo.•McNaughton, G.•McNallis, D. H.•Near, John•Nelson, John•Near, ROUTE Mrs. L. 76 N.•Nickerson, C. H.•Near, H. L.Near, O. M.Peterson, Berry, C. A. E.•Phillips, Roy•Phillips, C. H.•Pratt, J. W.Pratt, C. D.•Pratt, L. S.•Rhodes, ScottRowley, C. A.Spitzer, R.Swekin, J. W.•Sager, L. W.Sunholm, JohnSteadman, Clinton•Smith, Herman L.•Swanson, J. L.•Smith, C. A.•Salisbury, O. M.Salisbury, Frank•Shaw, F. W.•Swanson, J. P.•Strickland, F. L.•Strunk, F. W.•Sherman, H. W.Soules, L. F.•Smiley, G. W.Smith, H..L.•Strunk, Hoyt•Tower, A. D.•Thayer, S. M.•Vetter, G.Williams, Mrs. Hettie•Warren, E. A.•Waite, J. A.West Oak Hill to Gerry; return Main Street. •Wetzel, *Property James owner.EDWARD R. LENOX, Carrier.Waid, W. D.•Walgren, C.•Young, Davis, Lynn Mrs. Helen•Ferrin, •Anderson, S. Albert Pierce, Cedarquist, H. A. G. A. •Erwin, J. H.•Bitley, Geo.•Crouch, T. W.•Frost, Mrs. Jenette•Blanchard, C. A. •Cederquist, Carl Griffin, W. C.•Blanchard, E. V. •Cederquist, Albert •Heath, J. F.•Blanchard, F. C. •Cedarquist, Peter •Heath, B. E.•Bloomquist, J. M. •Cederquist, Geo. •Hilary, F. A.•Bates, J. L.•Carlson, Gust•Howard, W. P.Bassett, G. A.•Clark, Mrs. Kate •Harrison, L. F.Brown, F. W.•Dahlgren, Anton •Hoard, Lee

470 RURAL FREE DELIVERY ROUTES.•Hoard, E. C.•Holaday, J. N.•Huntington, John•Jacobson, P.•Laidler, Miss MaryLinphard, Carl•McAdam, John•McCullough, E.•Miller, W. N.Miller, C. A.McDonald, A. P.Morton, Samuel•Moore, A. P.•Moon, Wallace•Melquist, Gust•Nelson, Mrs. Mary•Patterson, F. W.•Peters, G. G.•Perring, F.•Pratt, M. B.•Reichel, G. A.•Smith, E. E.Scott, L. T.•Sundell, C. J.•Swanson, Ben•Stewart, ROUTE A. 77•Strunk, Alvin•Swanson, Gust•Smith, E. D.•Sanford, D.•Thompson, W. A.•Turner, G. N.•Turner, F. E.•Travis, E. A.Ward, T. A.•Ward, H. A.•Wade ,J. L.Walker, A. G.West to Lakewood; west part of Busti returning on Hunt Road. •Perty owner.LLOYD J. BABCOCK, Carrier.•Aflen, lvirs. Nellie•Albro, C. D.•Alexander, J. J.•Alexander, Jake•Anderson, C. O.•Anderson, A. P.•Anderson, Alfred•Bohall, J. W.•Barth, L.•Bibcock ,L. J.Bartlett, L.Bradigan, H.•Butler, F. H.•Brown, S.Brown, CharlesBills, M.•Butler, O. B.•Carpenter, Glen A.•Chase, Harry H.•Carlson, A.•Carlson, Mrs. Minnie•Cornell, W. T.•Cafe, A.•Carlson, F. W.•Cree, A.•Dahlbeck, Fred•Davis, F. C.•England A.•Eckholm, D. E.•Foster, J. A.•Hockett, L. E.•Hardwick, E.•Hart, L. C.•Hale, C. S.•Hand, W. H.Hopkins, A. B.•Johnson, A.•Johnson, F. A.•Johnson,, A. W.Jolls, A.Johnson, F. G.•Jaderstrom, Chas.•Jaderstrom, Erick•Jolly, J. F.•Johnson, Alfred W.Kent, M. H.Kern, F.•Loffredo, Dr. E.Lawson, R.•Lewis, N. D.•Lawson, A. J.•Loomis, L.•Martin, M. M.•McMillan, A. J.•Metcalf, R.•Moore, L. C.McCue, Mike•Mead, H. D.•Mead, W. P.Noble, R. J.•Oberg, E.•Olson, Mrs. C. R.•Ohman, Carl•Ploss, G. W.•Peterson, W.Pickett, F. H.Palmer, F. S.•Palmeter, J. R.•Parkhurst, W."Rulifson, J. W.•Russell, M.•Strunk, H. S.Shearman, E.•Simmons, H. W.•Stratton, A.•Shearman, W. W.•Shearman, W. J.Shearman, Mrs. S. B.Smith, W.•Sprague, H. N.•Slater, W. L.•Strunk, E. M.•Sherman, I. A.•Tuttle, P.•Tibbets, A. J.•VVeigand, C. F.•Windsor, J. W.•Woodard, A. M.•Worden, Mrs. A. L.•Wicks, A. W.•Foster, J. B.•Newton, H. M. Winch, M. J.•Gifford, A. J.•Nelson, ROUTE Mrs. Lottie 78 •Winch, J. H.•Gifford, Out Baker M. G. Street through Nutt, Root Alvin Settlement, south •Wood, to Busti, ,.-. returning S. by•Gustafson, Kent farm. A. *Property owner. •Northrop, E.White, G. W.JACOB •Griffin, P. E. JOHNSON, C. Carrier. Northrop, K.•Winchester, T. B.Gifford, Elmer C. •Nutt, M. W.•Haskins,•Anderson,B.C. A. Anderson, Andrew•Nutt, D. L.•Anderson, Mike•Anderson, AugustAnderson, Chas.•Anderson, E. S.•Ayers, H. W.•Backlund, A. P.•Bucklin, E. L.

RURAL FREE DELIVERY ROUTES. 471Buckley, A. P.Benson, D.•Carlson, A.Crosby, M.•Cowing, F.•Crazs, J.•Cree, C.•Cole, W. J.•Congelton, Mrs. E. M.•Carlson, John•Douglas, E.•Denn, L. H.•Erbin, A.•Eaton, A. E.•Ecklund, E.Ecklund, J.•Emroy, Wm.Ellis, G.•Forsander, A.•Gray, J.•Hillgren, C.•Henry, C.•Hazeltine, A. J.•Johnson, E.Johnson, G.•Kofod, J.King, J.•Lindquist, C. A.Lewis, B. F.•Lindquist, F.•Lavins, A•Larson, A.•Malmberg, B.Marshall, J.Nelson, Albert•Nygren, A.•Nelson, H.•Nelson, N.Nelson, M.•Palmer, J. S.•Peterson, C. V.•Pryor, T. R.•Pearson, Wm.•Pearson, Axel•Palmer, J. G.•Peterson, C. E.•Peterson, J.•Rang C. P.•Root, H.Root, F. H.•Root, Chas.Stockton, A. C.•Shepard, R.Smith, H. R.Smith, A. G.•Swan, A.•Sigular, C.•Standish, W. E.•Trask, C.•Underwood, F.•Wiltsie, W. F.•Wilcox, G. F.•Westerberg, C. A.•Whiting, FredROUTE 79South on Forest Avenue to Busti; southwest part of Busti, returning byTown Line road. *Property owner.•Anderson, Gust•Anderson, Mrs. A. G.•Anderson, G.•Anderson, A.•Andrews, H.•Anderson, T.•Anderson, A.•Anderson, O.•Anderson, A. J.Brown, J.•Boswell, F.Burton, J.•Broadhead, J. W.•Becker, E.Benson, D.Broadhead, GuyBrookmyre, S.Burk, C. P.Blodgett, C. R.•Curtice, A. L.•Cole, J. B.•Crandall, A.•Crandall, J. D.•Carlson, C. J.Carlson, N. P.•Cederquist, C.•Crick, W. W.•Donlon, JohnDevereaux, V.•Ecklund, •Ellem, Fotson, Chas. A. E.ERNEST H. HULTQUIST, Carrier.•Fosberg, E.•Forsburg, E. S.•Fox, M. W.•Garfield, F.Greene, Rev. J. P.•Greenwood, J. W.Holdridge, H.•Hazzard, S. M.•Hanson, J.•Hazeltine, John•Johnson, J.•Johnson, Otto•Johnson, C. A.*KIurnp, W.•Klump, joe•King, G. E.•Kellogg, W.•Kidder, S.•Lawson, J. B.•Lindberg, J. A.•Lindell, J.•Lindquist, A.•Lawson, G.•Laughlin, L. C.•Lunn, V.•Lewis, C.•Meas, J.•Mitchell, O. D.•Morgan, G.•Meredith, •Norby, Northrop, N. F. J. J.•Nordk, C.•Neilson, C. P.Odea, M.Odell, O.•Porte, C.•Potter, W. J.•Phillips, J. J.•Pearson, V.•Pilling, H. W.•Pangborn, B. J.•Peterson, A.•Reed, Chas.Ras, G.•Russell, Tom•Stone, N. A.•Swanson, P.Smith, Chas A.•Shaw, F. W.•Sanbury, J. W.•Smith, W.•Stevens, W. B.•Stoddard, H. D.•Tuttle, E.•Weiland, H.•Wing, E. D.•White, B.•Wellham, Mrs. B.•Vanstrom, E.•Walkup, V.•White, •Young, J. Allen

472 RURAL FREE DELIVERY ROUTES.ROUTE 80On Baker Street, over west Swede Hill to Busti, south to State Line,west to Town Line and return by Kent farm. *Property owner.ALBERT C. WILSON, Carrier.•Anderson, Andrew•Averill, S.Allen, J.•Averill, Jim•Andrews, E. D.•Bradway, L. J.•Boswell, Elmer•Bruce, C. J.•Bennett, Dr. A. J.•Boswell, Lewis•Burton, Miss E. May•Babcock, G. B.•Baker, A.•Curtis, C. F.•Curtis, C. F.•Covey, M. W.•Crick, Del•Clark, Mrs. E.Cleland, Miss MattieCasselman, Mrs. S.•Durlin, GlenDevereaux, H.Dahlbeck, JohnDu Bois, F. H.•De Veliger, Bert•Donelson, John•Frank, J. D.Frank, Mrs. MyrtieFarrear, Arthur•Fosburg, S. E.•Fosburg, E. A.•Gallup, Miss Flora•Gustafson, OscarGarfield, A. P.•Gourley, S.•Hazeltine, A. M.Hagstrom, C.•Howard, V.Holmes, OttoHolmes, Hilmer•Hayes, John•Hultin, J. D.•Harter, F. J.•Irvin, Mrs. C. S.•Johnson, J. P.•Jones, Chas.•Johnson, A. F.•Johnson, J. P.•Johnson, Miss May•Jenson, J. A.•Jones, Mrs. Ida•Jones, A. G.•Johnson, H.•Jackson, G. W.•Krantz, Emil•Kliest, E.•Lund, A.Lindstrom, G.Lundgren, Chas.•Mattison, Mrs. SarahMattison, Chas.•Morgan, A.•Malmberg, Chas.Moon, ROUTE V. 81•Nyberg, F.•Northrup, R.Nelson, A.•Page, Mrs. Lilly•Peterson, L.•Pearson, Rev. E. M.•Parsons, A.Rinell, Rev. J. A.•Rich, F.•Robin, Wm.Rowland, F. E.•Rhinehart, R. L.Robbins, E. L.•Shepard, E. L.•Sibley, Rev.Stoddard, M. C.•Stoddard, O. J.•Salley, R. A.•Smiley, R. E.•Swanson, A.•Smith, E. E.•Swart, E.Sundholm, Chas•Stanford, V.•Simmons, RaySmith, D.•Trask, M .E.•Wigren, Wm.Walrod, C. A.•Walrod, J. M.Wright, I. P.•Wiquist, Paul B.Washburg, A.•Wing, H.Young, S.Out Martin Road to Kiantone, taking southwest part of Kiantone, returing by Foote Avenue. *Property owner.BERNE B. BISSELL, Carrier.•Collen, •Abers, Ben Gust•Anderson, F.•Anderson, D. L.•Anderson, O.Anderson, W.•Anderson, M. A.•Bendall, Wm.•Bolin, A.•Bucklin, F.Bragg, L. D.•Bratt, E. C.•Bacon, J. L.•Carlson, A. P.•Cole, A. P. C.•Coleman, L. A.•Crandall, A. J.•Creal, C. L.•Coons, Geo. H.•Cooper, Wm.•Carlson, A. J.•Decker, I. A.•Duell, Ezra•Deny, Mrs. Catherine•Dysbowskl, S.•Eaton, E. G.•Eaton, A. D.•Fish, M. A.•Fris, John•Frederickson, A. L.•Ferry, T. C.•Fuller, Geo. W.•Gustafson, G. E.Gardner, Chas.•Golding, E.•Heaton, J. W.•Hamilton, E. J.•Hamilton, E. G.•Hahnstrom. Ed.Hoard, Carl•Houghwot, L. R.•Hegberg, A.Hunt, Rev. C. C.•Hamilton, Ellis•Hale J. E."Hart, Mrs. Laura•Hall J. M.•Holcomb, W. L.•Iwanczack, T.•Jacobson, Swan•Johnson, J. P.•Johnson, C. L.•Kidder, Geo C.•Kendell, M.

RURAL FREE DELIVERY ROUTES. 473•Knapp, I. O.•Landrigan, Miss MaryLindstrom, Carl•Learn, Mrs. J. S.•Lilly, C. E.Liedholm, C. A.•Lundgren, C. O.•Markeil, V.•Morse, W. B.•McCoy, E. G.•McCall, J. V.North, N. S.Nelson, P. A.•Oger, A.•Paulson, A. J.Parkhurst, M. N.•Prosser, W. B.•Pang, P. S.•Penfield, Chas.•Perry, J. C.•Peck, G. A.•Pennell, Mrs. E. J.Preston, J.•Rosengreen, J.•Roberts, C.•Swanson, Mrs. Esther•Stearns, W. J.•Smith, D. E.•Sebum, J.•Stohlkratz, J. W.Smith, J. J.Stead, Wm.Treadway, Chas.•Townsend, Francis•Townsend, Elmer•Van Namee, B.Vinton, JamesWolfe, H. H.•Wright,i.i. C.•Waite, Ira•Waite, Earl•Withers J. W.ROUTE 82Out Willard Street through Peck Settlement to Frewsburg, to Prendergastfarm, returning through Kiantone by Spencer farm and Camp Street.•Prope'rty owner.FRANK A. WINCHESTER, Carrier.Anderson, Axel•Anderson, A. A.•Anderson, Aug.•Anderson, C. A.Anderson, O. C.•Anderson, Nelson•Anderson, Elix•Aiken, Rastus J.•Aiken, D. C.•Aiken, E.•Anderson, Aug.•Bordene, Gust•Bootey, O. A.•Brustrom, O. C.Braley, C. E.•Brown, Wm.Braley, Earl•Bratt, F. E.•Barnes, J. W.•Brustrom, C. A.Benson, Alford•Bilquist, Ed.•Bostrom, O. A.•Bush, H. L.•Burgeson, Gust•Carlson, John•Carlburg, Aug.•Carlson, F.•Castle, J. B.•Carlson, F.•Carter, G. W.•Cobb, •Carlson, •Coe, •Cheney, D. Ray L. M. C. Carl H. E.•Dennison, MinerDowd, E.•Dowd, J. M.•Dahl, J. P.•Danielson, C. E.•Engman, Eugene•Erickson, Mrs. Chas.•Fuller, Fred•Frissell, W. P.•Fuller, Carl•Gould, A. A.Griggs, N. B.•Garfield, James•Golden, E.•Howard, R. C.•Hale, Chas.Hoard, C.•Halladay, Alonzo•Hegg, J.•Holm, A. W.•Holm, G. A.•Johnson, Jacobson•Johnson, A. J.•Johnson, Algart•Johnson, Swan•Johnson, Gust•Johnson, Andrew•Johnson, F. O.•Larson, E.Lee, D. C.•Linquist, Miss Sophia•Linderstrom, •Nelson, •Mack, Moon, T. A. Alfred S. T. John•Nelson, Mrs. Anna•North, Sherman•Ogren, Alfred J.•Peck, Judson•Quaintance, Thos.•Raney, W. B.•Spencer, ListonSeekins, Francis•Smith, Chas.Swanson, J. A.•Strong, S. C.•Swanson, Elmer•Skaglund, Frank•Skans, Emil•Skans, Frank•Samuelson, E. C.•Swanson, NelsSimmons, C. L.•Swanson, John•Swanson, John•Townsend, Wm.•Thompson, H. M.•Van Dusen, Jud.•Young, Albert R.Watson, Wm.•whitaker, J. B.•Weiss, Mrs. Geo.Wiltsie, S. A.•Wilson, J.•Wiborg, Chas.•Wares, A. A.•Wares, •Woodard, B. L. E. C. H.

474 RURAL FREE DELIVERY ROUTES.ROUTE 83Out Curtis Street, taking East Oak Hill, Buffalo Street through Hartsonneighborhood and return on Allen Street to City Line. "Property owner.HOWARD M. WILSON, Carrier.Anderson, Walter•Aiken, H. W. H.•Aiken, Bert•Ames, E. W.•Anderson, N. E.•Anderson, O. F.•Anderson, AlfredAllenson, Gust•Anderson, Alfred•Asker, JohnBerg, Charles•Berg, Fred•Bjork, Aug.•Brownell, Jerome•Burke, Charles•Russell, K. C.Bjork, Benj.•Chanhan, Thomas•Crandall, Eugene•Crandall, John M.•Conroy, Robert•Dahl, Nels•Dahl, Nels•Danielson, G. C. E.•Dobbin, E. F.Evart, F. S.•Eckman, Albert•Eddborg, J. E.•Ellis, Charles•Fuerman, CharlesFisk, TheodoreFisk, Wilbur•Forbes, G. A.•Hanson, N.•Hunt, A. D.•Hopkins, Mrs. J. M.•Hunt, Mrs. Martha•Hildum, Archie W.•Harris, Mrs. FrancesJacobson, George•Johnson, John M.•Johnson, GustJohnson, A. A.•Johnson, John A.•Lawson, Gust•Lydell, R. J.•Lydell, W. N.Le Roy, Richard•Lynch, Mrs. K.LeRoy, Gust•Lawson, Eric•McGee, Orville•McGee, Stanley•Malioney, Thos. Jr.•McAvoy Mrs Caroline•Motley, Mrs. MaryMore, Frank•Melquist, Wm.Melquist, P. A.•Melquist, Charles•Matteson, Amel•Malmgren, JohnNelson, Hans•Olson, Bert•Olson, O. T.•Peterson, Chas. E.•Palm, Charles•Phillips, MorrisPratt, Eugene•Pratt, Thomas•Quaintance, FredRisley, Carl•Rodda, O. E.•Sanburg, John•Strickland, Chas.•Sutton, Marvin•Smith, JohnSherman, Dean•Staple, F. C.•Stowe, Fred•Swan, Gust•Venman, John H.•Venman, Andrew•Walgren, Pete•Westman, John A.•Woodard, EmeryWoodruff, S. B.Walrod, Walter•Whelpley, E. E.•Wample, John•Wample, M. B.•Woodard, WillardMAKERS OF THE BETTER CLASS OFBOOK AND CATALOG WORKPrinters of this Book.

JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 475THEJOURNAL'SCLASSIFIED BUSINESSDIRECTORYPersons whose names are printed in capitalletters are patrons of this workACCOUNTANTS.(Public.)AINGE, W. ELY, AUDIT CO., 15 EastFourth.ADJUSTING.CHADAKOIN MERCANTILE & AD­JUSTING CO., 43-44 Wellman Bldg.ADVERTISING.ANDERSON'S , ADVERTISING SER­VICE, 17-18 Gokey Bldg.AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS.(Dealers.)CLARK HARDWARE CO., 109 NorthMain.JOHNSON, ALBERT G., 34 SouthMain.Lenox, Robert, 58 Tenth.LUNDQUIST, C. A. & CO., 2 SouthMain.ARCHITECTS.Freeburg & Fidler, 302-303 FentonBldg.HULTGREN, CARL O., 505 ChadakoinBldg.MASON, JOSEPH, over 10 East 3rd.Morse, Arthur O., 500 Fenton Bldg.PEDERSON, C. C, over First NationalBank.ARISTO PAPER.(Manufacturers.)AMERICAN ARISTOTYPE DIVISIONEASTMAN KODAK CO., 56 Prospect.ARTISTS.Butler, Bertha, over 21 West Second.Holmes, Catherine L., 825 PrendergastAve.Lynn Art Parlor, 10 Institute.Marshall, Frank H., 44 Lakeview Ave.Penfield, Theodora, 36 Prospect.Winsor, Helen, 503 East Second.ART STORES.Art Glass Works, Herbert U. Sundholm58 Franklin.Aldrich Art & China Co., 302 North•Rradburn & Moon, 207 East Second.Cawcroft & Co., 107 East Third.Larson O. P., 218 East Second.ART STUDIOS.(China and Water Color.)Butler, Bertha, over 21 West Second.ART NEEDLEWORK.BROOKES & CEASE, 317 Pine.Lynn Art Parlor, 10 Institute.Starr's Art Shop, 120 West Third.Winnberg, Jennie, 39 Mechanic.ATTORNEYS AT LAW.Armstrong, George T., 600-603 FentonBldg.Bates, Royal M., 306 Fenton Bldg.Bootey, E. R., over 2s North Main.Cameron, W. S., 307 Fenton Bldg.CAWCROFT, ERNEST, 408 FentonBldg.Clapp, M. L., 13-14-15 Wellman Bldg.COOKE, E. F., 22-23 Barrett Bldg.CROSBY, ERASTUS, over 221 NorthMain.CURTIS, FRANK G., 504-506 FentonBldg.CURTISS, J. DELEVAN, 304-305Fenton Bldg.Dean, Benj. S., 600-603 Fenton Bldg.Durand, L. T., 13-15 Wellman Bldg.LDSON & CROSBY, Falconer.Fancher, Leon L., over 12 East 2nd.FISHER & FISHER, 501-504 WellmanBldg.Fowler, J. L, over 28 North Main.FOWLER, J. SAMUEL, 16-18 WellmanBldg.Frank, Glenn A., 32-34 Gokey Bldg.FURLOW, ALFRED L., 6 Hall Block.GREEN, EDWARD J., over 301 NorthMain.GREEN, ELEAZER, over 301 NorthMain.GROVER, CHARLES S., 400-401 FentonBldg.HANCHETT, L. L., over First NationalBank.Hazeltine, A., over 19 East Third.HITCHCOCK, ARTHUR H„ over 9West Third.HUNT, HERBERT L., 25-26 WellmanJONES, JUDE, JENKS, Bldg. Bldgs.GEORGE CLAYTON A. FRANK, W., M., 401-404 37-39 503 WellmanFenton

476 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.Kettle, Arthur W., 500-502 FentonBldgs.KING, WILLIAM E., 43-45 WellmanBldgs.LEWIS, HARRY R., 8 Ginord Bldg.Miller, E. W., over 102 East Third.MOTT, FRANK H., 600-603 FentonBldg.OLSON, OLOF A., 11 New GiffordBldg.PECKHAM, VERNON E., 28-30 WellmanBldgs.PETERSON, FREDERICK R., 604-605Fenton Bldg.PICKARD, C. A., over 102 East Third.PiCKARD, RAY F., 7 Gifford Block.PRICE, CHESTON A., 507 FentonBldg.PRICE, WILSON C, 404-406 FentonBldg.PRICE, ORSELL C, 25-26 WellmanBldgs.Rexford, Warner S., 408 Fenton Bldg.STAFFORD, JAMES P., over FirstNational Bank.Stevens, Frank W., 400-406 FentonBldg.WADE, A. C, 13-15 Wellman Bldgs.WEEKS & ROSS, 400-402 ChadakoinBldg.WHEELER, F. S., over 215 No. Main.WIBORG, CHARLES H., 400-401 FentonBldg.Wicks, J. G., 5 Hall Block.WILTSIE, L. W., over First NationalBank.WOODFORD, D. D., 23-24 Gokey Bldg.ATTORNEYS.(Patent.)Baldwin, S. Arthur, 500-502 FentonBldg.ATTORNEYS.(Pension).HANCHETT, L. L., over First NaionalBank.STAFFORD, A. H. & SON, 1 GiffordBlock, over First NatT Bank.WHITMORE, CHARLES W., 28-30Wellman Bldgs.AUCTIONEERS.CANFIELD, HARRY J., 314 NorthMain.AUDITORS.AINGE, W. ELY AUDIT CO., 15 EastFourth.AUDITING & COLLECTING CO., 29Gokey Block.AUTOMOBILES.BARKER, FRICK, JAMESTOWN Chadakoin Court. Cherry. J. C. L„ Garage, T., 505 GARAGE 825-829 Chadakin rear Monroe. CO., Bldg. Squier's 205MACDONALD, R., 119-121 E. Third.STAR GARAGE, 107 East First.AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING.Chadakoin Garage, rear Squier'sCourt.Huntington-Bargar Machine Co., CeloronRoad.JAMESTOWN GARAGE, 205 Cherry.JAMESTOWN IRON WORKS CO.,Shearman Place.MACDONALD, R., 219-221 E. Third.Salisbury & Son, 14-16 Twelfth.AWNINGS, FLAGS AND TENTS.(Manufacturers.)HOLMES AWNING WORKS, 112-114East Third.BAKERS.(Retail.)Caceres, Mrs. E., 148 Foote Ave.CLARKE, GEORGE F., 13-19 RichmondPlace.Ernewein's Bakery, 106 FairmountAve.HARRIS BROS., 212 Pine.Hill & Aylesworth, 707 North Main.JONES & AHLQUIST, under 8 WestThird.Moynihan, Hannah, 706 North Main.PETERSON, FRANK G., 174 Chandler.Pickles, Sarah, 108 Foote Ave.Sewell, Mrs. J. P., 150 Foote Ave.Stewart, Annie, East Second & Third.Sunshine Bakery, 234 East Second.Themelias, George, 6 Race.Turner's Home Bakery, 211 EastSecond.BAKERIES.(Wholesale.)CLARKE, GEORGE F., 13-19 RichmondPlace.HARRIS BROS., 212 Pine.JONES & AHLQUIST, under 8 WestThird.National Biscuit Co., 217 Spring.Sunshine Bakery, 234 East Second.BALL BEARINGS.(Manufacturers.)Gurney Ball Bearing Co., 16 Scott.BANDS AND ORCHESTRAS.Barth's 13th Separate Co. Band.Blinn's Orchestra.Bratt's Orchestra.Chase's Orchestra.First Lutheran Church Band.Italian Band.Sack's Orchestra.BANKS. FARMERS Main. 215 North OF AND JAMESTOWN, Main. MECHANICS 216 BANK, North

JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 477FIRST NATIONAL BANK, EastBATH8.Third and Main.(Turkish—Electric.)NATIONAL CHAUTAUQUA COUN­ GOUDY, MRS. SAMUEL P., over 20TY BANK, 201 North Main.East Third.SWEDISH - AMERICAN NATIONAL MILLER, MARIE S., 319 Cherry.BANK, 100 North Main.UNION TRUST CO., 211 North Main.BARBERS.Adams, O. O., 123 Fairmount Ave.Bard & Hotchkiss, under 211 NorthMain.Crogalo, Phillip, 203 Winsor.Cross, Bert S., 5 Steele.Dahlquist, A .S., under 8 South Main.Demarko, John, 201 Winsor.Dryburgh, W. G., 13% North Main.Erickson, L. J., 1 Brooklyn Square.Fisk, John, 952 East Second.Giegerich, J. D., 709 North Main.Gulino, John, under 9 South Main.Hall Bros., under 101 West Third.Hansen, H. M„ 3 West Third.Heintz, John, 939 East Second.Jewett, Nicholas, 9 West First.Kapreno, Antonio, 27 North Main.Knorr, John A., 222 North Main.Lee, George L., 14 West First.Lerow & Christensen, 60 Winsor.Lott, John, under 34 North Main.Martin & Colburn, 116 North Main.McMahon, Thomas G., 313 Winsor.Meli, Joe, under 14 East Second.Morgan, Almond F., under 200 NorthMain.Nelson, George McC, under 201 WestThird.Nick, Jim, 15 Harrison.Paternite, Frank, under 6 So. Main.Reed, Joe, 33 Harrison.Robinson, John W., under 14 E. Third.Rose, Harry, under 21 Forest Ave.Safford, Glen L., under 215 No. Main.Sayers, Henry, over 119 E. Second.Schwein, L. L., 602 North Main.Smith, Arthur, 152 Foote Ave.Stevens, E. P., 102 Fairmount Ave.Tobias, A. H„ 318 Harrison.Westphal, Oscar, 49 South Mam.BICYCLES.(Dealers and Repairers.)Graff, J. W., 15 East Third.Pew, Charles H., Ill East Third.HUNTINGTON BROS., 12 Forest Ave.BLACKSMITHS & HORSESHOERS.Bender, Wm. J., 208 Washington.Berg, John, 38 Institute.Berkowdz, Leo, 946 East Second."Findlay, John N., 105 Foote Ave.Hoard, William J., 10 Harrison.HOLLANDER, NELS, 112 Harrison.Little, Simon S., rear 208 W. Fourth.NELSON, EDWARD, 132 Foote Ave.Sundquist, Charles, 306 Harrison.THOMAS, JOHN M., 118 W. Fourth.VanDusen, Charles D., 15 Forest Ave.BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS.Merz, Martin & Son, over 202 NorthMain.SHERMAN, A. E., over 16 West Second.BOARDING HOUSES.CHAMPLAIN, MRS. C. A., 203 WestSecond.<strong>Chautauqua</strong>, The, 304 West Third.COLE, M.J., 311 West Second.Davis, Mrs. E. G., 313 PrendergastAve.Davis, Mrs. H. A., 116 East Fourth.Evans, Mrs. E. E., 217 East Third.Leet, F. G., 525 East Fifth. .MARVIN HOUSE, MRS. VIOLA EV­ERETT, 105 West Second.Peterson, Mrs. Emma, 55 Steele.Roark, James, 10 Steele.Robertson, Mrs. Amos T., 149 J. & G.Ave.OSMER, THE, 413-417 West Third.BOILERS.(Manufacturers and repairers.)JAMESTOWN BOILER WORKS, 712Monroe.Wickfield, Richard N., under 24 E. 3d. Sundquist, C. G„ 306 Harrison.Wickfield, R. N., Jr., under 113 NorthBOOK BINDERS.Main. . , Merz, Martin & Son, over 202 NorthWood C. E„ under 2 West Third.Wright, William H., 28 North Main.BARRELS.(Manufacturers.)Main.SHERMAN, A. E„ Journal Bldg., over16 West Second.BOOKS AND STATIONERY.Phillips Barrel & Machine Co., 11-13 CLARK, FRANK M., 300 North Main.BATH (Tub GOUDY, Jamestown MILLER, Harrison. Cherry. PARLORS. and MRS. MARIE Shower.) \ Bath S. P., Parlors, S., 319 over Cherry. under 20 E. Third 201 KETCHUM, MASON MEREDITH HATCH, North Second. Main NEWS F. E., & and H. 10 CO., MEREDITH, East Co., 148 West 24 East Third. North Third. Third, S Main. East 10

478 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.Quiding, Mrs. Ida G., 292 Willard.SWANSON DRUG CO., 200 N. Main.WELLMAN BROS., 101 West Third.BOOTS AND SHOES.(Dealers.)ANDERSON, CHARLES J., Cor. Mainand Third and 103 East Second.ANDERSON & SANDBURG, 108 No.Main.Bealer & Son, 9 East Third.Bergren, August L., 116 Willard.Bly & Wade, 306 North Main.BROWNELL SHOE CO., 12 W. Third.BURLAND & NELSON, 108 East Second.Colander & Pihlblad, 3 North Main.Hansen, H. P., 4 West Third.Johnson & Bard, 201 East Third.Johnson, E. S., 119 North Main.Jones, A. M., 117 East Second.Lines Bros., 202 North Main.Manbert & Lager, 3 Brooklyn Square.NELSON, AUGUST F., 114 No. Main.PETERSON & YOUNGQUIST, 21 E.Second.Swanson, Charles S., 11 South Main.SWANSON, C. W. & CO., 4 No. Main.BOOTS AND SHOES.(Repairs.)Anderson, Oscar, 212 West Third.Caesar, Carl, 117 William.Bloom, Samuel A., 100 Barrows.Bloomstrand, A., 6 Fenton PI.Corke, Joseph, 121 West Third.Costino, Frank, 14 Willard.Digiovanni, Fred & Co., 706 EastSecond.Dispero, Tony, 29 North Main.Duffy, Christopher, 315 Winsor.Frey, G., 619 North Main.Hansen, H. P., 4 West Third.Herman, John, 107 Fairmount Ave.Jaderstrom,J., 33 Barrett.NELSON, AUGUST F„ 114 NorthMain.Oser, Jacob, 853 North Main.Peterson, John A., 7 Steele.Raeon, Charles, 7S1 East Second.Silvio, Chinsano, 804 West Eighth.Skurski, Albert, 49 Winsor.Smith, John E., 939 East Second.Sotir, Panden, 27 North Main.Sotir, T. H., 3 Taylor.Toscan, James, rapid repair shoe shop1 East First.Wheelhouse, John, 68 Foote Ave.BOOTS BREWERIES.Gokey, JAMESTOWN 620 West AND Wm. (Manufacturers.)Eighth. SHOES. Shoe BREWING Co., 516 E. CO., Sixth. 61LVBOTTLERS.COWAN BROS., 7 Harrison.JAMESTOWN BOTTLING CO., 603-609 West Eighth.MILWAUKEE BOTTLING CO., 104East Second.PEOPLE'S BOTTLING CO., 57 Winsor.BRICK MANUFACTURERS.Jamestown Shale Paving Brick Co.,Quarry Road.BROKERS.Baker, C. W., 524 Chadakoin Bldg.Barrett, E. W., 107 North Main.Frank, J. J., 5 Hall Block.Hitchcock, H., over 9 West Third.Pierce. Parker, over 114 East Third.PRESENT, ABE, over 38 North Main.Thompson, Will, 524 Chadakoin.Todd, Fred P., 11-12 Gokey Bldg.Trantum, A. L., 29 North Main.Young, C. H„ 11-12 Gokey Bldg.Whitmore, C. W., 28-30 Wellman Bldg.BUILDING MATERIALS.CHAUTAUQUA LUMBER CO., Monroeand Isabella Ave.CHAUTAUQUA REFRIGERATINGCO.. 66 Foote Ave.JAMESTOWN ROOFING CO., 120 E.Third.JOHNSON ICE & COAL CO.. 610 W.Eighth.LYONS, HARRY, 36 Institute.SHEDD, L. F., Cor. Isabella and MonroeAve.VAN DERVOORT SUPPLY CO., Monroeand Isabella Ave.BUILDING MOVERS.Denslow. W. T., 551 West Third.Lee, John A.. 147 Prospect.Wise, George. 90:' Lafayette.BUSINESS COLLEGE.JAMESTOWN BUSINESS COLLEGE,317 Cherry.BUTTER AND CHEESE.(Wholesale.)Green, Fred F. & Son., 304 Washington.,Peck, Daniel, 24 South Main.CARRIAGES.(See Wagons.)CARPET CLEANING WORKS.Parsons, Daniel G.. 830 PdcrnergastAve.TOWNSEND, JOHN G., ?-\y LindenAve.CARPETS ABRAHAMSON-BIGELOW 114-116-118 AND West DRAPERIES. Third. CO. (The)

JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 479BOSTON DEPT. STORE, 102 EastSecond.DUFFEE, E. E., 20-22 West Third.FIELD & WRIGHT CO., 100-108 No.Main.Halliday, Rose, Mrs., 132 Foote Ave.HOLM, RALPH C. G., 630 East 2nd.Jacobson, J. A., 1 South Main.JAMESTOWN ROOFING CO., 120 E.Third.GAGE FURNITURE CO., 13 E. Third. Johnson, Charles A., 119 East Second.JOHNSON, P. M., CO., 14-16 EastSecond.JONES & AUDETTE, 2-6 E. Second.Jones Bros., 126 East Second.Jones, L. M., 105 West Third.Lamson, S. W., 211 East Second.NORD FURNITURE CO., 109-111 Lund, Andrew W., 6 Willard.East Second.SCHOLIN FURNITURE CO., 203 E.Second.SHARPE, A. D. CO., THE, 203 NorthMain.CARPET WEAVERS.Hart, Mrs. Laura, 7 Breed.Hinds, Catherine, Mrs., 309 Palmer.Johnson, Fredericka, Mrs., 117 William.Smith, J. E. & Son, 1 Hotchkiss.CATERERS.Allen, Isidore L., 163 South Main.ANDERSON, MRS. J. G., 28 LindenAve.Bassett, Mrs. L. E., 317 East Fifth.Falconer, Etta M., 240 Fulton.Hult, Marie, 113 Crescent.Tiffany, Mrs. Ella S., over 16 Maple.CEMENT STONE MANUFACTUR­ERS.VAN DERVOORT SUPPLY CO., Monroeand Isabella Ave.CHINA PAINTING.Barlow, Mrs. B. A., over 324 FooteA.V6.BUTLER, BERTHA, over 21 West 2d.CHIROPODISTS.ROCKWELL, MRS. S. E., over 38North Main.CIGARS.(Manufacturers.)Cooper, Fred C, 210 Chandler.Maharon, JohnJ., 8 West Third.MASON NEWS CO., 8 North Main,10 East Third and 14 West Third.McCormick News Co., 113 W. Third.Palmquist, Melker, 48 Willard.PETERSON, FRANK G., 28 N. Main.Powers, L.J., 8 South Main.Swanlon, Gust, 20 East Second.United Cigars Stores Co., 217 NorthMain.Weeks, Charles E., 5 West Third.CIGARS AND TOBACCO.(Wholesale.)GUENTHER, HENRY, 126 East 2nd.Jamestown Cigar Co., 132 Foote Ave.Tinkham Bros., 205 Cherry.Wicander, E. Cigar Co., 109 West 2nd.CIVIL ENGINEERS.Bentley & Newton, 422-424 ChadakoinBldg.Burns, E. C, 417 Spring.Jones, Clyde G., 16 City Hall.CLOTHIERS.Baker, George E., 109 West Third.FAMOUS, THE, 5-7 North Main.Friedman, Asher, 19-21 North Main.Gunnarson & Holm, 112 North Main.Hooker, H. M., 108 East Third.JONES, SCHARF & LINCOLN, 210North Main.LUNDQUIST, A. N., 220 North Main.Lundquist, Gustafson & Moe, 12 EastSecond.GUENTHER, HENRY, 126 E. Second. OHLQUIST & JOHNSON, 219 NorthJamestown Cigar Co., 132 Foote Ave.Lewin, Samuel B., 10 Warner Block.Lunn, Andrew, over 12 North Mam.i\eilson, Christian, 49 South Mam.Noon, James E., 307 Allen.Shackleton, John, 110 Tower.Tinkham Bros., 205 Cherry.Wicander, E. Cigar Co., 107 West 2nd.Main.Parrott, R. A., 110 North Main.PEOPLE'S CREDIT CLOTHING CO.,11 East Third.PETERSON, A. J. & SON, 208 NorthMain.PROUDFIT CLOTHING CO., 206 No.Main.CIGARS AND TOBACCO.RELIANCE CLOTHING SYNDI­(Dealers.)Beardslev, P. Elmer, 25 Forest Ave.Bentley, B. A., 214 West Third.CATE, 312 North Main.Rowley, Thomas F., 16 East Third.Slosberg, L. H„3-9 East Second.Bottini Carlson Constantino, Fddv Friedman, Fred Louis, Alice, S„ S., P., 768 Mrs., 24 12 31 East North South 952 Third. East Main.Second. COAL, WIQUIST JOHNSON ACME CHAUTAUQUAEighth. CO., COKE 66 COAL Foote & ICE LAWSON, AND CO., (Dealers.) & Ave. WOOD. COAL 28 REFRIGERATINGWellman 9 CO., No. Main. 610 Bldg. W.

480 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.Johnson, Albert G., 30 South Main.SHEDD, L. F., Cor. Isabella and MonroeAve.Sisson, George W., Ill Price.COFFEES AND TEA8.Directoyou Co., over 7 East Third.GRAND UNION TEA CO., 117 NorthMain.NEW YORK TEA & COFFEE CO.,106 East Third.COLD STORAGE.CHAUTAUQUA REFRIGERATINGCO., 66 Foote Ave.Jamestown Cold Storage Co., 5-7 Taylor.COLLECTION AGENCIES.AUDITING & COLLECTING CO., 29Gokey Bldg.Todd & Young, 11-12 Gokey Bldg.COMMERCIAL AGENCIES.BRADSTREET'S (I. L. Daye), 415West Third.Furniture Commercial Agency Co.,(The Red Book), 513 ChadakoinBldg.Lyon Furniture Mercantile Agency,over 303 North Main.COMMISSION MERCHANTS.iuller & Coates, 7 West Second.Jamestown Commission Co., 152Chandler.TREAT & OGILVIE, 208 Pine.CONFECTIONERS.(Manufacturers and Wholesalers.)CHAUTAUQUA CONFECTIONERYCO., 518 Chadakoin Bldg.Constas-Sanford-Lambros Co., 9 WestThird and 121 North Main.Davis, Backus & Co., 18 Shearman PI.E. & M. Cough Drop Co., rm. 4 ArcadeBldg.Rath, W. M., 207 West Third.Thompson Candy Co., 4-6 Holmes.Turner Candy Co., over 24 NorthMain.CONFECTIONERS.(Retail.)Bloom, August 100 Barrows.Bottini, Louis, 12 North Main.Constas-Sanford-Lambros Co., 9 WestThird and 121 North Main.Crowe, Elizabeth, 141 Harrison.Eskerberg, Ellen, Mrs., 138 VirginiaBlvd.George, Frank, 12 Willard.HARRIS BROS., 212 Pine.Hatch, G. M., 174 Fairmount Ave.Jamestown Johnson, Jones, Lamson, Second. Mrs. S. Charles Candy W., L. M., 209 A., Kitchen, 105 East 119 West East Second. 222 Third. Second. EastLindholm, Gust W., 277 Willard.Lund, Andrew W., 6 Willard.Marcello, Frank, East Third & Main.Rath's, 207 Wesi. Third.Sugar Bowl, 7 South Main.Turner, Glen 9 Barrows.CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS.Anderson, A. Frank, 305 Winsor.Arter, William O., (cement), 1052 N.Main.Bloomquist, Peter G., (mason), 360Foote Ave.Card, G. S., (sand), 216 Hallock.Calahane, J. P., (pine line and paving),10% Crane.Clark, Millard F., 374 Foote Ave.CONSOLIDATED DEVELOPMENTCO., 403-404 Chadakoin Bldg.Fisk, Frank M., 17 Potter Ave.HAAS, CHARLES C, 22-23 BarrettBldg.JAMESTOWN CONSTRUCTION CO.,12-16 River.Jenner, M. J., over 13 West Second.Johnson, Alfred J., 210 Barrett.Johnson, Christopher, 42 Mechanic.Jones, Fred L., 5 Pearl Ave.Jones, John P., 178 Barrett.Lagerquist, Axel A., 212 Prospect.Larson, Andrew J., over 12 E. Second.Lawson, Andrew J., 300 WellmanBldg.Lawson, Charles A., 309 Newland Ave.Lawson, John F., 202 Broadhead Ave.LINDBECK, CHARLES, 12-16 River.Lindquist, Albert, 442 Willard.Mahoney, James, Jr., 520 AVinsor.Morse, Andrew O., 642 Winsor.Morse, Charles E., 150 Chandler.Mullen, Peter H., 1022 North Main.Nisson, William F., 7 Thirteenth.Ports, Adam, 111 Crossman.Rogerson, David M., 120 Barrett.Sharp, C. M., 5 Geneva.Shellberg, Emil, 35 Bush.SHELLBERG & LINDQUIST, 137Water.Stockton, T. L., 8 Hall Ave.SWANSON, CHARLES, 12-16 River.Swanson, Fred A., 22 Buffalo.Swanson, John C, (paving), 68 Barrett.WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO., 25-26 Gokey Bldg.CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS.<strong>Chautauqua</strong> School of Nursing, 210East Fourth.CORSET COTTON INTERNATIONAL, White Walkup, Ashwell, Bldgs. 416 Chadakoin MAKERS. YARN Cross Hattie, E. J. CONVERTERS.School & 904 Bldg. Co., North of 10-12 113 Nursing. Foote Main. Wellman Ave. 414-

COTTON WARP AND BATTING.(Manufacturers.)JAMESTOWN COTTON MILLS, 58Center.CRACKERS.(Wholesale.)National Biscuit Co., 217 Spring.CREAMERIES.Anderson, Earl R., 340 East Third.Bissell, Carrie, Mrs., 830 North Main.Bracey, Ira B., 322 Newland Ave.Day, H. Mead, 845 East Second.Forer, E. D., 633 East Second and 39South Main.Homer, Glenni R., 306 West Fourth.Kazer & Culver, 251 South Main and7 Cowden Place.Jones, Leonard F., 1067 East Second.Kent, W. L., 158 Baker.Lee, F. O., 10 Kidder.PETERSON, FRANK G., 174 Chandler.Rich Milk Co., 23 Steele.South Side Creamery, 60 Harrison.Whitehead & Son, 2 Livington Ave.CROCKERY& HOUSEFURNISHINGSAldrich Art & China Co., 302 NorthMain.Hultquist, C. A., (The Fair), 18 EastThird.Jamestown Crockery Store, 18 WestThird.UNDERWOOD, E. L., 221 North Mainand 7 West Third.CUSTOM TURNING.American Carving Works, 200 Crescent.JAMESTOWN CARVING & MFG. CO.44-48 Steele.Meyer, F. M., 340 Steele.DENTISTS.Almy, J. E., 2 East Fourth.Beal, M.J., over 10 East Third.DRAKE, L. R., 500-502 Chadakoin Big.Girvin, Walter, over 16 East Second.Goucher, W. E., 3 Hall Block.Granger, R. J., 8-9 Barrett Bldg.HART, F. C, over 34 North Main.Johnson, N. E., 1-2 Gifford Bldg.Johnson, R. E., 300-302 Chadakoin Big.Johnston. E. T„ 300-302 Chadakoin BigKnapp, F. A., over 209 North Main.Monroe, F. A., 46-48 Wellman Bldg.Rawson, C. H., 6-7 Barrett Bldg.ROBERTS, R. G., 500-502 ChadakoinROTH L. A., 500-502 Chadakoin Bldg.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 481DESIGNERS, COMMERCIAL.HULTGREN, CARL O., 505 ChadakoinBldg.Morse, Arthur, 500-502 Fenton Bldg.DRAYMEN.(Headquarters, 7 Taylor.)AMES TRANSFER CO., under 101 E.Third.CHAUTAUQUA STORAGE &TRANSFER CO., West Second.COX, GEORGE, 319 Hazzard.COX, ROBERT, 10 Steele.Covey, A. M., 221 Crossman.COVEY, FRANK, 24 Woodworth Ave.CURTIS, ROY, 225 Broadhead Ave.Frank, Dwight D., 283% South Main.Fuller, Archie, 29 North Main.Gleason, David M., 12 Kingsbury Ave.Haupin, Carl, 605 West Seventh.HOLMBERG, JOHN A., 250 Bowen. 'HOYT, R. L., 915 Washington.LUCE, I. W., 73 Cole Ave.JAMESTOWN TRANSFER CO., 209Pine.McGee Max, 107 Eleventh.MORGAN, THEODORE, 10 Summit.Newberry, E. B., 204 East Second.NEWBERRY, J. O., 18 Weeks.NEWTON, NATHAN P., Jr., 842North Main.NEWTON, N. P., Sr., 66 Tenth.OBERG TRANSFER CO., 103 W. 4th.TEWEY, CHARLES W., 358 S. Main.VINCENT, E. C, 29 Hopkins Ave.VINCENT TRANSFER CO., 110 WestSecond.DRESSMAKING.Ahlberg, Emma, 224 Broadhead Ave.Anderson, Nancy, 20 Linden Ave.Arnold, Mrs. C.J., 223 West Third.Barker, Bertha, 135 Chandler.Barrows, Bertha, 623 Palmer.Beaver, Nellie, 103 Steele.Beckstrand, Lily, 474 Willard.Bell, Mrs. J. E., 516 East Fifth.Berg, Isabelle F., 373 Falconer.Bergquist, Linnea, 16 Eagle.Burnett, The House of, 305-314 WellmanBldg.Calahane, Elizabeth, 46 Center.Carpenter, Julia P., 14 Scott.Clark, Mary E., 325 Foote Ave.Dawson, Mrs. Ella, 38 West Eighth.Dorn, Laura F., 338 East Third.Dreyer, Ida C, 104 Stewart Ave.Ecklund, Jennie, 311 Newton Ave.West, Smith'Howard SWETLAND National E. W L., A., Bank. & over 300-302 A., ANDERSON, 12 over East Chadakoin 306 Third. No. over Main. Bldg. 1st Hill, Eckman, Erickson, Haman, Harrington, Eddy, Fay, Hayward, 27 Forest Mrs. Anna, Kate, Hannah, Mrs. Fanny Alice, Ave. F. 112 39 Christine, Charles S., E., Lincoln. 211 New 229 514 12 West Fulton. W., Prendergast Gifford Institute. Apart 59 Fifth. Hotch- E., Bldg. Ave.

482 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.Johnson, Ellen, over 304 Winsor.Johnson, Frederica L., 66 Liberty.Johnson, Hilda C, 216 East Third.Johnston, Mrs. Alice, 40 Prospect.Jull, Ella J., 222 Chandler.Kingman, Mrs. Frank J., 215 Fulton.Kearney, Anna, over 219 West Third.Knapp, Martha P., 315 West Eighth.Knowles, Sadie A., 11 Fourteenth.Larson, Selma A., 836% Prend. Ave.Leonard, Harriet R., 217 Lincoln.LeRoy, Mrs. Helena J., over 811Prend. Ave.Lindstrom, August, 350 Bowen.Lunn, Anna S., 36 Myrtle.Lynch, Agnes N., 720 Buffalo.Magnuson, Anna E., 196 Barrett.McCall, Mrs. Julia, 12 Water.McVeigh, Mary, 2 East Fourth.Meehan, Etta, 302 Clinton.Merrill, Ida M., 261 Broadhead Ave.Miller, Bessie, 433 East Fourth.Miller, Sarah M., 16 Harrison.Myers, A. Louise, 26-27 New GiffordBldg.Myers, Mary M., 417 Prend. Ave.Olson, Selma, 629 Prend. Ave.Olson, Selma, 109 Bowen.Parsons, Matilda, over 32 Willard.Perkins, Mrs. Matie, 851 Prend. Ave.Peterson, Florence, 218 Crescent.Rowe, Huldah, 120 East Third.Smith, Lillian, 615 Lafayette.Stormer, Mrs. Emma, 304 Prend. Ave.Sutcliffe, Rhoda, 11 Thayer.Swanson, Mrs. T. E., 305 Foote Ave.Thum, Alberta L., 94 Liberty.Tompkins, Mrs. F., 333 East Second.Vickland. Emma, 1 Winsor.Wade, Ella M., 60 Broadhead Ave.Willsie, Eva R., 12 Scott.Young, Jennie, 405 Winsor.DRUGS AND STATIONERY.CLARK, FRANK M., 300 North Main.HATCH, FRED E., 10 East Third.Johnson, Axel, F., 31 North Main.MEREDITH & MEREDITH, 8 E. 2nd.PALMETER, FRANK W., 9 S. Main.Peterson, F. Oscar, 700 East Second.Sanford, Walter F., 200 Cherry.SWANSON, C. A., DRUG CO., 200 No.Main.WELLMAN BROS., 101 West Third.WINNBERG & BATCHELLER, 113North Main.DRY GOODS.ABRAHAMSON-BIGELOW CO., THE,BOSTON ANDERSON, Burklund, DELANEY DUFFEE, 114-116-118 North East Second. Second. Main. DEPARTMENT E. John & West E., A. THROOP, A. 20-22 C. Third. && West Co., C. 16 STORE, 215-217 A., Third. No. 212-214 Main. East 102JOHNSON, P. M. & CO., 14-16 EastSecond.JONES & AUDETTE, Cor. Main andEast Second.Lovejoy Syndicate, 111 West Third.NELSON & LINDSTROM, 110 EastSecond.SHARPE, A. D. CO., THE, 203 NorthMain.Thompson, S. W., 307 North Main.DYERS AND CLEANERS.(Clothes.)DAHLBECK, GUST, 23 Gokey Bldg.ENGSTROM, J. C, over 107 NorthMain.ERICSON, O. A., 628 East Second.Imus Bros., 119 West Third.Harrington, Mrs. A. S., 30 Derby.MORRISON, J. F., 16 East Third.Turner, Frank B. Co., 213 West 3rd.THOMAS, FRANK A., 47 S. Main.ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES & ELEC­TRICIANS.CARPENTER, E. L. & CO., 217%Washington.HANSON ELECTRIC CO., 7 ArcadeBldg.Household Fixture & Appliance Co.,,337 East Second.JAMESTOWN ELECTRIC CO., 109 E.Third.ECLECTIC AND MAGNETICHEALING.BURGETT, MRS. M. E., over 108East Third.EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES.JAMESTOWN EMPLOYMENT BU­REAU, 30-31 Gokey Bldg.ENGRAVERS.(Photo and Copper Plate.)JOURNAL PRINTING CO., 12 WestSecond.ELECTRO PLATERS.Weber-Knapp Co., 441 Chandler.ELECTRIC LIGHT PLANTS.JAMESTOWN LIGHTING & POWERCO., 9-11 Race, office 316 No. Main.MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC LIGHTPLANT, 132-136 Steele.ENGINES, GAS.(Manufacturers.)JAMESTOWN IRON WORKS CO., 17Shearman Place.EXPRESS COMPANIES.American Express Co., 103 No. Main.WELLS FARGO & CO., 115 No. Main.EXTRACTS AND PERFUMES.Keeler, C. (Manufacturers.)S., 412 West Sixth.

FACTORY AND MILL SUPPLIES.(See Mill Supplies.)FILES.(Manufacturers.)Moore Bros., 11-13 East First.FISH AND OYSTERS.Brooklyn Fish and Meat Market, 2 No.Main.Fulton Market Co., 19 East Third.Gandy, J. A., 202 Cherry.FISHING TACKLE.GRAFF, J. W., 15 East Third.JAMESTOWN ELECTRIC CO., 109East Third.FIVE AND TEN CENT STORES.Knox, S. H. & Co., 204-205 North Main.McCrorey, J. G. & Co., 207-209 NorthMain.FLORISTS.BARTLETT, B. A., Greenhurst-on-<strong>Chautauqua</strong>.Dorman, Fred A., 16 Tenth.Hahne. Elias, 855 East Second.LAKEVIEW ROSE GARDENS, FairmountAve., office 304 North Main.Worden, Elliot W., 45 Thayer.FLOUR AND FEED.GRANDIN, D. H. & CO., 28-30 E. 1st.HAYWARD & SON, 24 East Third.Jamestown Electric Mills, 39-43 Taylor.FOUNDERS.Anderson Bros., 5 Race.Eagle Foundry & Machine Co., 115Jones & Gifford Ave.GLANTZ & JOHNSON, 44% Harrison.JAMESTOWN IRON WORKS CO., 11Shearman Place.Maher, Patrick 20 Taylor.FOUNDERS.(Bronze-Brass, Etc.)GLANTZ & JOHNSON, 44% Harrison.FRUITS.(Wholesale.)Fuller & Coates, 7 West Second.Jamestown Commission Co., 152Chandler.Rinello, A., 45 South Main.TREAT & OGILVIE, 208 Pine.Tsivitse Bros., 19 Forest Ave.FRUITS.(Retail.)Bottini, Louis, 12 North Main.Constas-Sanford-Lambros Co., 9 WestThird and 121 North Main.George, F., 12 Willard.Johnson, Lamson Marcello, S. Charles Frank, W., 209 Main A., East 119 and Second. E. East Second. 3rd.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 488Renello, A., 45 South Main.Sugar Bowl, 7 South Main.FURNITURE.(Retail.)BOSTON DEPARTMENT STORE, 102East Second.FIELD & WRIGHT CO., 100-108 NorthMain.GAGE FURNITURE CO., 13-17 EastThird.Holmes, Carl, 228 East Second.JONES BROS., 343-345 Allen.Nelson, A. Frank, 105 East Second.NORD FURNITURE CO., 109-111 EastSecond.SCHOLIN FURNITURE CO., 203-205East Second.FURNITURE.(Manufacturers.)Alliance Furniture Co., (bedroom furniture),611-615 Allen.American Carving Works, (tables),200 Crescent.Anchor Furniture Co., (pedestals andtabourettes), 12-16 Holmes.Anderson, Ernest A., 26 South Main.Anderson, Frank, (pedestals and tabourettes),745 Foote Ave.ART METAL CONSTRUCTION CO.,(metal office furniture), 95-105 Jones& Gifford Ave.Atlas Furniture Co., Inc., (dressersand chiffoniers), Allen.BAILEY TABLE CO. (The), (tables),105 Winsor.Banner Furniture Co., (bedroom anddiningroom furniture), 84-92 Steele.BREED-JOHNSON FURNITURE CO.,(desks and bookcases), 129 Jones &Gifford Ave.Cadwell Cabinet Co., (telephonebooths), 117-123 Foote Ave.Crown Metal Construction Co., (commercialfurniture), 120 Steele.CURTIS, F. M. CO., (The), (diningand bedroom furniture), 34 Scott.DAHLSTROM METALLIC DOORCO., Buffalo and East Second.Diamond Furniture Co., (parlortables), 46-70 Taylor.Eagle Furniture Co., .(The), (pedestalsand tabourettes), 61 Water.ELITE FURNITURE CO., (libraryand parlor tables), 516 West Fourth.EMPIRE FURNITURE CO., (bedroomfurniture), 118-124 Foote Ave.Globe Golden Himebaugh Ideal INTERIOR tallic tabourettes), and ture), chiffoniers), Furniture counter Cabinet specialties), 488 Bros., METAL Hallock. tops), Allen 151 Co., (dining J. 65-85 (veneered MFG. 27 Ext. (pedestals &(dressers Taylor. River. G. room CO., Ave. furni­desks (me­and

484 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.Jamestown Cabinet Co., (bedroom),771 East Second.Jamestown Carving & Mfg. Co., (general),40-48 Steele.Jamestown Chair Co., (chairs androckers), 20 Winsor.JAMESTOWN LOUNGE CO., (Inc.),(lounges and couches), 38-46 Winsor.JAMESTOWN MANTEL CO., Falconer,N. Y.Jamestown Metal Furniture Co., (commercialfurniture), 9-25 Taylor.JAMESTOWN SPRING BED CO.,(beds and cots), 59-61 Harrison.JAMESTOWN TABLE CO., (parlorand library tables), 145-153 FairmountAve.Jamestown Window Screen Co.,(mantles and medicine cabinets), 2-8 River.LEVEL FURNITURE CO., (Inc.),(tables), Allen.Liberty Furniture Co., (dressers andchiffoniers), Blackstone Ave.LINDBLAD BROS. & CO., (generalfurniture), 11-13 Harrison.MADDOX TABLE CO., (parlor tables)101-125 Harrison.Marker, Chris & Son, (pedestals andtabourettes), 192 South Main.MARVEL FURNITURE CO., (Inc.),(chiffoniers and dressers), Allen.Munson & Johnson, (wood mantles),706-718 East Second.National Furniture Co., (Inc.), (parlorand library tables), BlackstoneAve.Nelson & Co., (extension tables), 40-48 Steele.Norquist, A. C. Co., (The), (bedroomfurniture), 415-421" Chandler.Pearl City Furniture Co., (tables andpedestals), 59 Harrison.Peerless Furniture Co., (general),River.Robertson, H. P. Co., (tables andfolding beds), 30-38 Steele.Seaburg Mfg. Co., (medicine cabinets)124-126 Steele.Shearman Bros. Co., (lounges andcouches), 25 Shearman Place.Standard Table Co., (dining tables),92 Steele.STAR FURNITURE CO., (chiffoniersand dressers), 25-37 Briggs.Superior Furniture Co., (extensionWeborg Warren, Union Ward, Towne, Weber-Knapp Chandler.lard. jobbers), zard. tables), 234 Crescent. M. Furniture Bros., William W. 167 E. 13-23 Furniture & J. Co. (bedsprings), C. & A., Co., Holmes. S., G. (specialties), (tables), (china Ave. 516 Co., W. (furniture 587 closets), 52 Fourth. Haz­Wil­441FURRIERS.Black, F. S., 4 New Gifford Block.GAS COMPANIES.PENNSYLVANIA GAS CO., 110 E. 3d.GENERAL STORES.Berg, William, 32 Willard.Dunn, P. M., 1021 East Second.Torrey, W. J., 421 Foote Ave.GENTS FURNISHINGS.(See Clothiers.)GRAIN AND SEEDS.Ames-Burns Co., (jobbers), 415 ChadakoinBldg.GRANDIN D. H. CO., 28-30 East First.HAYWARD & SON, 24 East Third.Jackson, John E., 46-48 Steele.Jamestown Electric Mills, 39-43 Taylor.Johnson, A. G., 34-36 South Main.•GROCERS.(Wholesale.)Granger & Co., 11 West Second.Olson, Erick A., 5-7 West Second (butterine).Wilcox, Burchard & Co., 17 ShearmanPlace.GROCERS.(Retail.)Adams, H. E., 216 Steele.Akin, A. F„ 342 Foote Ave.Alden, Elof, 425 Foote Ave.Anderson, Alfred, 1023 East Second.Anderson & Anderson, 120 Willard.Anderson, E. A. & Bro., 2 Winsor.Anderson, Earl R., 340 East Third.Anderson, Marion, 209 Allen.Bardo. Sam, 16 Willard.Bergeson, Arthur, 796 East Second.Bissell, Mrs. Carrie, 830 North Main..Boss Grocery, 14 North Main.Boyd, J. & Son, 802 North Main.BOYLE, CHARLES A., 905 PrendergastAve.Byford, Fred, 131 Falconer.Carlson & Carlson, 310 Sprague.Carson, Ida, 535 Allen.Coe, H. S., 846 Washington.Crowe, Elizabeth, 141 Harrison.Danielson & Anderson, 263 So. Main.Danielson, C. A., 113 Willard.Day, H. Mead, 845 East Second.Donelson Grocery Co., 23 E. Third.Donelson, E. J., 216 Forest Ave.Erickson & Son, 438 Willard.FAIRMOUNT GROCERY, 108 Fair-Fuller, Gage, Farinella, Ferrara, French Ave. mount Arthur G. & Ave. Mike, Perry, Vincenzo, Peterson, G., 201 210 880 Winsor. 124 101-103 E^airmount North Harrison. Main. Fairview Ave.

JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 485GARDNER & GARDNER, 36 Falconer. Whitehead & Son, 2 Livingston Ave.Garfield, W. E., 2 Brooklyn Square. WITKOP-HOLMES Cu., 6 Steele.Greendahl, E. W., 152 Cnandler. HACKMEN.Graziano, Joseph, 36 Harrison.(Headquarters, 219 Cherry.)Haas & O'Brien, 1070 North Main. Paul, H. F., 516 Palmer.Haas, Peter, 1101 North Main. Putnam, H. A., 113 Liberty.Hagstrom, A., 820 Newland Ave. Smith, D. C, 308 Clinton.HAYWARD GROCERY CO., 627 PrendergastAve.(Ladies.)HAIR DRESSERS AND HAIR GOODSHoldredge, Thomas, 5 West Cowden BROOKES & CEASE, 317 Pine.Place.Calahane, Nellie, 46 Center.Hollings, John, 59 Harrison.Carter, Mrs. Mattie, 314 East Third.Hopkins, T. E., 1 East Sixth.Dorsey, Mrs. William H., 617 Spring.Hulquist & Benson, 317 Willard. Harper Parlors, Squier's Court.Illingworth, Fred, 249 South Main. JOHNSON, MRS. M. MAE, over 108INGERSON GROCERY CO., 20 East East Third.Third.Lott, Edna C, 61 Tenth.Jacobson, O. T., 701 North Main. MacVeigh, Rosamond, 409-411 ChadakoinBldg.Johnson, A.J., 700 East Second.Johnson, M. O., 321 Newland Ave. MASTERSON, MRS. JENNIE, overJohnson & Swanson, 128 East Second.ROCKWELL, MRS. SUSIE E., over309 North Main.JONES BROS., 343-345 Allen.38 North Main.Jones, D. C, 217 Lincoln.VIRGINIA HAIR SHOP, 308 Pine.Knowlton, Wm. A., 119 West Third. HARDWARE.LALLY, H. P., 30-32 North Main.BERNHARD HARDWARE CO., 204-Lawson, John E., 774 East Second.Lawson, John, 52 Water.206 East Second.Lee, Frank O., 10 Kidder.CLARK HARDWARE CO., (Inc.), 109-Lind, E. A., 1101 Prendergast Ave. 111 North Main.Lindstrom & Thorne, 246 Willard. Danielson, J. P. & Co., (mfrs.), 583-Lombardo, Frank, 203 Winsor. 585 Allen.Loucks, Wallace, 67 Tenth.LEWIS, P. F. & SONS, 804 N. Main.Lowing, A. R., 843 North Main. LUNDQUIST, C. A. & CO., 2 SouthMACK-HALL CO., 13 West Second. Main.Mclntyre, D.J., 821 East Second. Sweet-Clarke Co., (mfrs.), 104 EastMarsh, J. H., 801 Washington.Second.Morse Grocery Co., 584 East Second. HARNESS, TRUNKS AND BAGS.Newton, Wm. S., 213 West Third. Abersold, G. R., 105 East Third.Nyburg, Charles O., 271 Fairmount Bootey, E. B., 11-13 Forest Ave.Ave.LODS, GEORGE F., 121 West Third.Odell & Doolittle, 344 East Third. LOCKWOOD, GEORGE, 106 East 2nd.Ogden, Allen R., 283 South Main. HATTERS.Olds, William H., 34 Willard.Kemp, L. W., over 101 East Third.Olson Bros., 300 Foote Ave.HIDES AND FURS. -Olson & Lindblad, 173 Barrett. Davidson, H. A., 18 Forest Ave.Olson & Sutcliffe, 216 East Second. HOR6ESHOERS.Paquin, H.J., 83 Allen.(See Blacksmiths.)PETERSON, ALBERT, 4 Brooklyn HOTELS. *Square.ALLEN SQUARE HOTEL, 14-22 WestPeterson, Emil, 448 Willard.First.PETERSON, EMIL F., 43 South Main. BROOKLYN HOUSE, 7 Harrison.Pettis, J. H., 836 Washington. Driving Park, 1200 East Second.Rogers Bros., 714 North Main. Central Hotel 14 South Main.Sandberg, Gust, 152 Baker.CITY HOTEL, 120-122 East Second.Sandberg, Peter, 226 Crescent. East Jamestown House, 953 East Second.Scandinavian Consumers Assn., 232 E.•Sterns Shaw, Tudoso, Turner Sellstrom, Skellie Stockwell Swanson, Tyler, Smith, Second. Walter, Wm. Herman & E. L., Son, & Albert Axel P., 853 292 H., Co., 60 222 North Harrison.632 F., 512 A., 1001 Price. 1027 East West 201 943 Main. East Forest No. Second. Newland Seventh. Second. Main. Ave. Ave. FREDERICK Inn, HUMPHREY Ave. The, East HOTEL, HOUSE, Second 513-23 South and S. TiffanyMain.

486 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.Iroquois Hotel, 6 South Main.LAKE HOUSE, 635 West Eighth.NEW EVERETT (THE), 7-9-11 WestFirst.RATHSKELLER (THE), 119-121 EastSecond.Reed House, Celoron Road.Riverside Hotel, 143-151 FairmountAve.SAMUELS (THE), 13-23 West Third.HOUSE FURNISHINGS.Hultquist, C. A., 18 East Third.UNDERWOOD, E. L., 221 North Main,7 West Third.ICE CREAM.(Manufacturers.)Comfort Ice Cream Co., 25 RichmondPlace.HARRIS BROS., 212 Pine.JAMESTOWN ICE CREAM CO., 99Institute.Rath, W. M., 207 West Third.ICE CREAM.(Retail.)Constas-Sanford-Lambros Co., 121 No.Main and 9 West Third.Day, H. Mead, 845 East Second.Forer, E. D., 633 i^ast Second and 39South Main.ICE COMPANIES.CHAUTAUQUA REFRIGERATINGCO., 66 Foote Ave.JOHNSON ICE & COAL CO., 610 W.Eighth.Lakewood Ice Co., 17 Wellman Bldgs.Young, Daniel, 1033 Main.INSURANCE AGENCIES.(Fire, Life and Accident.)ABRAMS & WILTSIE, Gifford Bldg.BALCOM, F. H., 510-51Z ChadakoinBldg.BENTLEY, W.J., 515 Chadakoin Big.BRADSHAW PIONEER INSURANCEAGENCY, 11-13 Barrett Bldg.BRIGHT, GEO. S., 300-301 New FentonBldg.Butterfield, J. W., over 102 No. Main.BUTTERFIELD & SESSIONS, over102 North Main.Carlson, Samuel A. & Co., over 16West Second.Eckstrom, A. Luther, 32-34 GokeyBldg.Eddy, E. E., over 16 East Third.GUSTAFSON, G. O., 3 New GiffordBldg.HORTON BROS., 122 East Third.JACKSON, W. P., 5-6 Gokey Bldg.JONES, Jones, JOHNSON East Bldg. John Third. CHAS. BROS. F., 522 W., & Chadakoin CO., 522 Chadakoin over Bldg. 101METROPOLITAN LIFE INS. CO., 504-508 Chadakoin Bldg.Munger, Hall & Co., 403-404 ChadakoinBldg.National Protective Legion, over 5West Third.PRUDENTIAL INS. CO., 14-16 BarrettBldg.SLONE, MELHUISH CO., over 303North Main.Squier, Ziba, Squier's Court.STEVENS, WILSON, over 119 NorthMain.-. ••STAFFORD, A. H. & SON 1 GiffordBldg.Swedish-American Land Co., Squier'sCourt.TREADWAY, F. S., 116 East Fourth.Tweedale, John, over 215 No. Main.JEWELERS.ANDERSON, SWAN E., 10 East 2nd.Armitage, Fred E., 306 Pine.Arnson, B. L., 105 North Main.BASSETT, E. F., 103 East Third.Carlson, S. P., 10 North Main.CUSHMAN, JOHN M., 218 No. Main.DAHLGREN, ERIC, 7 East Third.Grennan, B., 220 East Second.LANGFORD & GOODENOUGH, 6 E.Third.MASON, JOHN C, 305 North Main.NORDSTROM, F. G., 213 No. Main.Persell, D. F. & Co., 103 West Third.Scudder, F. L., 120 West Third.STANLEY, F. A., 205 West Third.Thayer, Ralph W., 121 W. Third.JOB PRINTING.Acme Printing Co., 223 Sprague.BERGWALL PRINTING CO., over 10West Third.Brown Printery, over 29 North Main.Chadakoin Press—F. W. Dewey—over101 East Third.Dewey-Davis Printing Co., 320 Washington.Jamestown Publishing Co., over 28North Main.JOURNAL PRESS, 12 West Second.Koehl, Wm. Co., over 1,-19 Steele.Tiffany Printing Co., over 16 E. Third.White, Frank H., over 101 N. Main.Smith & Kinne, 11-12-13 Ellicott Bldg.,over 100 East Third.SPRAGUE BROS., 310 Pine.JUNK DEALERS.DAVIS & CO., Harrison & Foote Ave.Williams, Joseph D., 18 Forest Ave.JUSTICES OF THE PEACE.HANCHETT, WOODFORD, PICKARD, STAFFORD, Third. Block. over 1st RAY National JAMES LATHROP D. F., D., 7 Bank. P., Gifford 123-24 L., Gifford over Bldg. Gokey Blk., 8 E.

LADIES' GARMENTS.ABRAHAMSON-BIGELOW CO. (The)Wooltex garments, 114-118 W. 3rd.DUFFEE, E. E., 20-22 West Third.HEATHCOTE, WALTER, 101 East 2d.JONES & AUDETTE, Cor. No. Mainand East Second.JOHNSON, P.ill., CO., 14-16 East 2nd.KNOX CLOTHING CO., 117 East 3rd.NATIONAL SPECIALTY CO., 5 WarnerBlock.PEOPLE'S CREDIT CLOTHING CO.,11 East Third.SAXE BROS. CO., 16 West Third.SHARPE, A. D. CO., (The), 203 NorthMain.Stark, O. P., over 219 North Main.Wright Specialty Shop, 310 No. Main.LAUNDRIES.IDEAL-PEERLESS LAUNDRY, 20-26Forest Ave.INDUSTRIAL WET WASH LAUN­DRY, 1345 East Second.LAKE CITY LAUNDRY, 12 W. First.Long, John, under 14 East Second.Mechanics Laundry, 21 Whitley Ave.PEARL CITY LAUNDRY, 35-39Steele.Troy Hand Laundry, 705 North Main.LEATHER AND FINDINGS.Gilbert, Lester B., over 305 No. Main.LIVERY, FEED AND BOARDINGSTABLES.Anderson, John M., 63 Taylor.Arnold, C.J., 212 Washington.COWING LIVERY CO., 100-116 W. 4th.FENTON PLACE TRANSIENTBARN, 26 Fenton Place.HUNT & SHEPARD, 214 Washington.JAMESTOWN BARN, 209 Pine.McLEAN, WM., 224-226 East Second.PEARSON, WM., 409 Washington.Shearman's Livery, 3 Race.LOANS.(See Brokers.)LOCK SMITHS.Guinnip, W. O., 110 West Second.Safford, N. J., under 121 West Third.LUMBER COMPANIES.Appleby Lumber Co., 49 New FentonBldg.CAFLISCH BROS. LUMBER CO., 303Chandler.iCHAUTAUQUA LUMBER CO., Monroe.CHAUTAUQUA REFRIGERATINGInterstate Conroy-Buchanan HALL, Curtis, Bldg. CO., Fenton Chadakoin Bldg. 66 EDWARD E. Bldg. Foote Lumber W., Bldg. Ave. Lumber L., Co., 406-408 Co., 27 Co., 510-512 Chada­Gokey 508JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 487LYONS, HARRY G., 36 Institute.Lewis & Cobbe, 301 Chandler.Lewis, Ernest E., 11-12 Gokey Block.ROSS, WARREN, LUMBER CO.,(Inc.), Isabella Ave. and Monroe.Ross, E. Winfield, 305 Chandler.SHEDD, L. F., Cor. Isabella Ave. andMonroe.Southern Lumber Co., 18-19 BarrettBldg.Union Lumber Co., 41 ShearmanPlace.WICKS, C. H., 35 Gokey Bldg.WILSON, JOHN T., EST., 131 Winsor.MACHINISTS AND SHOPS.Anderson Bros., 5 Race.Eagle Foundry & Machine Co., 115J. & G. Ave.JAMESTOWN IRON WORKS CO., 11Shearman Place.Lucas Machine Co., 34 Taylor.Maher, Patrick, 20 Taylor.Phillips Barrel & Machine Co., 11-13Harrison.Phillips & Siawson, rear 211 E. 2nd.RUSHWORTH & SON, 113 Foote Ave.Salisbury & Son, 14-16 Twelfth.Vincent, Earle, 152% Foote Ave.MANICURISTS.BERGMANN, HATTIE, 315 West 2nd.Carter, Mrs. M. E., 314 East Third. •ROCKWELL, MRS. S. E., over 38North Main.VIRGINIA HAIR PARLOR, 308 Pine.MASSAGE TREATMENT.Cawcroft, Mrs. A., 25 Foote Ave.Harper Parlors, 204-205 Squier'sCourt.MILLER, MARIE S., 319 Cherry.Norquist, Mrs. C.J., P. O. Box 135.MATTRESS MANUFACTURERS.BLYSTONE, W. I. & SON, 19-23Briggs.MEATS.(Wholesale.)DOLD PACKING CO., (J. D. Swift),19 West Seventh.Swift & Co., 33 Institute.MEAT MARKETS.Allen Park Meat Market, 423 FooteAve.Anderson, Carl A., 774 East Second.Anderson, Henry O., 880 No. Main.Bauer, Ferdinand, 92 Fairmount Ave.Berglund, Waldamer, 302 Foote Ave.Booman, John A., 1 Winsor.Bloom, August, 100 Barrows.Carlson, Brooklyn Main. Bros., & Carl A. Fish Brandt, William, A., & 324774 Meat 131 Newland 154 East Falconer. Market, Baker. Second. Ave. 2 No.

488 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.Carlson & Kinsel, 704 East Second. Melin, Mrs. Augusta, 209 West Third.CITY MEAT MARKET, 14 W. Second. Moll & Lindstrom, 103% West Third.Fairbank, William, 215 West Third. Nelson, Gina, 50 Willard.Frank, Emmett A., 225 West Third. Parrott, Mrs. R. A., 316 No. Main.Hulquist & Benson, 317 Willard. Smith, Ruth Hutley, 1090 E. Second.Johnson, Carl F., 121 Willard. Thorn, Mrs. Hettie, 28 Fairview.Johnson & Wood, 710 North Main. Thatcher, Miss E. P., 100 East Third.Larsen, Carl E., 81 Allen.Thompson, Mrs. M. E., 79 Allen.Lindbloom, Axel E., 703 North Main. Watson, D. B. & K. H„ 101 E. Third.Lindbloom, Oscar C, 423 Foote Ave. WHEELER & BARKER, 315 Pine.Loucks, Wallace, 67 Tenth.White, Mrs. Elvira L., 330 E. Third.Morse Grocery Co., 584 East Second. MILL SUPPLIES.Nyburg, C, 271 Fairmount Ave. CLARK HARDWARE CO., 109-111 N.Olson & Warner, 171 Barrett.Main.Olson, O. S., 302 Foote Ave.LUNDQUIST, C. A. & CO., 2 SouthSamuelson & Carlson, 261 So. Main. Main.Sandberg, Gust, 152 Baker.MANUFACTURERS SUPPLY CO., 15Sellstrom, Axel F., 201 Forest Ave. North Main.SELLSTROM, FABIAN, 17 E. Third. UNDERWOOD, F.J., 20 Briggs.|Sundell Bros., 2 Forest Ave. MONUMENTS.UNITED MEAT MARKET, 1 Brooklyn Benton, I. S., 507 North Main.Square, 340 East Third and 853 No. Gustafson, August, 1091 No. Main.Main.PETERSON & FRICK, 507 ChadakoinMETALLIC SPECIALTY MANUFAC­ Bldg.TURERS.Siawson, S. E., 9 Lakin Ave.Art Brass Mfg. Co., 304 Winsor. Sturdevant, E. A., 202 Washington.ART METAL CONSTRUCTION CO., MUSIC DEALERS.49 J. & G. Ave.DANIELSON MUSIC HOUSE, 1 No.Crown Metal Construction Co., 120 Main.SteeleCARLSON, S. P., 10 No. Main.DAHLSTROM METALLIC DOOR ECKMAN, J. A., 5th floorWellmanCO., Blackstone Ave.Bldgs.Interior Metal Mfg. Co., 65-85 River. HILL'S MUSIC STORE, 6th floorChadakoinBldg.JAMESTOWN METAL FURNITURECO., 9-25 Taylor.STRANDBURG'S MUSIC STORE, 6Weber-Knapp Co., 441 Chandler. West Third.MIDWIVES.SWANSON'S MUSIC STORE, 201Malmgren, Mrs. Charles, 92 Water. Cherry.Vimmerstedt, Mrs. Carl, 828 Newland. MUSIC TEACHERS.MILLINERY.(See Teachers.)(Wholesale.)NEWS DEALERS.Goodman's Wholesale Millinery, over Bentley, Bert. 214 West Third.109 North Main.Bissell, Mrs. Carrie, 800 North Main.Peterson, E., Squier's Court.Consumers Supply Co., 6 East Second.MILLINERS.Day, H. Mead, 845 East Second.Bon Ton Millinery, 230 East Second. HOLM, RALPH C. G., 630 E. Second.Calahane, Nora, 321 North Main. Jacobson, J. Alvin, 1 South Main.Chicago Store, 404 Lafayette. Jones Bros., 126 East Second.Curry & Spencer, 509-511 Chadakoin Jones, L. M., 105 West Third.Bldg.MASON NEWS CO., 8 North Main, 14Donelson, CarrieJ., 102 East Third. West Third and 10 East Third.Durfee, Clara R„ 313 North Main. McCormick News Co., 113 West Third.ungman, Mrs. J. E„ 38 Willard. Swanlon, Gust, 20 East Second.Gilbert, Mrs. O. F., 506 Newland Ave. Union News Co., Erie Depot.Graves, Mrs. M. E., 315 West Third. Warren-Jamestown St. K. R., office 22-Haas & Johnson, 832 North Main. 24 South Main.Hjert & Co., 148 Foote Ave.NEWSPAPERS.Jones, Lawson, Jessop Johnson, Howard, Dama & Lillian, Mrs. Anderson, C, Olof, Frank, J. C. 748 V., Barrett T., 38 203 East 211 101 219 Charles.West Bldg. Cherry. East Second. Third.Second. JAMESTOWN Country Furniture Pine. East (THE), Third. World, Index 12 West EVENING over (Monthly Second. 102 North NEWS, Trade), JOURNAL, Main. 310 112

JAMESTOWN JOURNAL, (Tri-Weekly),12 West Second.JAMESTOWN MORNING POST, 19Steele.SATURDAY HERALD (THE), 310Pine.Scandia, over 217 North Main.Sentinel, (The), over 28 North Main.UNION ADVOCATE, (THE), 310Pine.VART LAND, (THE), over 14-16 WestSecond.NURSES.Anderson, Mary, 252 Fulton.Appleton, Leonora K., 638 Spring.Brown, Rebecca A., 611 PrendergastAve.Carlson, Esther N., 175 McKinleyAve.Davey, Florence M., 146 Prospect.Detwiller, Marion, 12 Lakeview Ave.Lawson, Freda M., 23 Chestnut.Lincoln, Selma, 116 Chandler.MacDonald, Mrs. Carrie, 59 Hotchkiss.Markman, Mrs. Carrie, 38 Willard.McGraw, Sarah P., 125 Barrett.McClelland, Mrs. vEliza, 252 Fulton.Meyers, Mary M., 125 Fulton.Newberry, Mrs. J. O., 18 Weeks.Paquin, Teresa M„ 54 Allen.Todd, Mary A., 26 Stowe.Underwood, Bertha A., 359 Baker.Williams, Mrs. Mary, 252 Fulton.NOVELTIES.(Manufacurers.)AMERICAN MFG. CONCERN, Falconer,N. Y.NURSERIES.Skipper. D. L., 125 Van Buren.Williams, Ira, 19 West Seventh.Sturdevant, D. W., J. & G. Ave.OPTOMETRISTS.Campbell, A. L. D., 34-36 WellmanBldgs.Diehl, O. D., 303 North Main.HANVEY, C. A., 4-6 Wellman Bldgs.Haynes, Charles K., 31-33 WellmanBldgs.Hotchkiss, W. W., over 14 East 2nd.Kilburn, C. Harvey, 108 East Third.MASON, JOHN C, 305 North Main.Sackrider, J. R., Barrett Bldg., over205 Cherry.Stone Fred C, over 202 North Main.STANLEY, FRANK A., 205 West 3rdWest, Clark D., over 12 East Third.OIL COMPANIES.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 489OSTEOPATHY.Jamison, C. E., 303-304 Chadakoin Big.Marshall, E. J. B., Mrs., 503 W. Third.Marshall, J. S. B., 503 West Third.OYSTERS.(Wholesale.)Brooklyn Fish and Meat Market, 2North Main.Fulton Market, 19 East Third.PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS.CARLSON & HELGRAN, 53 Winsor.FREEMAN, CHAS. E., 17 West 2nd.HORTON, J. S. & SON, 122 E. Third.JOHNSON, J. D., 208 East Second.LYONS, HARRY, 36 Institute.MANUFACTURERS SUPPLY CO., 15North Main.NORTHROP PAINT & GLASS CO., 36North Main.WALKER, A. A., 3-5 East First.PAINTERS, PAPERHANGERS ANDDECORATORS.Anderson, Andrew, 133 Sampson.BECK, C. M., 103 East Third.Blanchard, Silas, 615 Winsor.BREED & JENSEN, 29% N. Main.Crick, Claude H., 214 West Seventh.Gilberds, James B., 57 Hazzard.Hager, Alex., 102 Prospect.Hatch, Charles A., 65 Eleventh.Johnson, Otto, over 12 East Second.Larsen, A.J., 12 East Second.Linder, Fred, 1047 Prendergast Ave.Lindbeck, Andrew, 230 Broadhead Av.Lindbeck, Edward C, 141 BroadheadAve.Melquist, Joe L., 36 Ninth.ROSE, CARL O., 23 East First.SAGERDAHL, C. F., (carriage and automobile),234% East Second.Smiley, Frank J., 306 West Eighth.Stein, L. W., 9 North Main.WALKER, A. A., 3-5 East First.PAINTERS.(Sign.)Jensen, Louis, 72 Allen Sq. Bldg.MOON, FRED, over 11 East Third.PAPER.(Wholesale.)IRISH, (GEORGE) PAPER CORPOR­ATION, 19 West Second.KETCHUM, E. H. & CO., 24 N. Main.Smith, J. G., over 101 East Second.UNDERWOOD, F. J. & CO., 20 Briggs.PAPER BOXES.(Manufacturers.)Koehl, Wm. Co., (The), 17-19 Steele.AHRENS Economy JAMESTOWN New Standard Bldg. Production Oil & ODELL, Co., OIL Oil 258 9 CO., Foote over Crescent. Co., 34 Ave. 101 Institute. 21 E. Gokey 2nd. PAWN Arnson, PRESENT, Trantum, BROKERS. B. A. L., ABE, L., 10529 over North 38 North Main. Main.

490 JAMEbTOWN DIRECTORY.PHOTOGRAPHERS.CAMP ART CO., over 207 North Main.BLACK, T. HENRY, over 12 E. 3rd.Central Commercial Gallery, 35 Taylor.Craven, C. E., over 2-6 East Third.Fenton & Andruss, 4 Forest Ave.Globe Photo Co., over 309 No. Main.HOLMQUIST, CARL A., over 212 E.Second.Jamestown Commercial Gallery, 320Harrison.LEET, FRANK F., 610 Fenton Bldg.NELSON, AUGUST, MRS., 324 EastThird.PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES.CLARK, FRANK M., 300 No. Main.Cushman, John M., 218 No. Main.Graff, J. W., 15 East Third.HATCH, FRED E„ 10 East Third.Straight Dry Plate Co., (mfrs.), Tyril.PHYSICIANS.BECKER, A. AUSTIN, 320 E. Third.BEMUS, WM. M., 517 North Main.BEMUS, MORRIS N., 210 PrendergastAve.Blanchard, A. F., 410-412 ChadakoinBldg.BLANCHARD, ROBERT B., over 8East Second.Blanchard, R. N., over 8 East Second.Bowers, Abraham H., over 53 S. Main.Scott, John W., 222 Winsor.Seymour, Burton W., 617 East Second.SILL, W. M., 16 Harrison.SNOW, LEWIS H., over 105 E. 2nd.WELLMAN, W. D., 2-3 WellmanBldgs.PIANOS.(Manufacturers.)AHLSTROM PIANO CO., 112-114 EastSecond.Ebel, Julius G. M., 340 Steele.PIANOS.(Dealers.)CARLSON, S. P., 10 North Main.DANIELSON'S MUSIC HOUSE, 1 No.Main.ECKMAN, J. AUGUST, 5th floorWellmanBldg.HILL'S PIANO STORE, 6th floorChadakoinBldg.STRANDBURG, OSCAR, 6 West 3rd.SWANSON, GUST, 201 Cherry.PIANO SCHOOLS.HILL'S PIANO SCHOOL, 6th floorChadakoin Bldg.JAMESTOWN CONVERVATORY OFMUSIC,1-5 Wellman Bldgs.PIANO TUNERS.Dawson, Samuel 15 Hammond.ECKMAN, J. AUGUST, 5th floor WellmanBldgs.Ekdahl, Thure, 106 Stowe.Bowman, Lester D., 522 East Second.BRADLEY, R. M., 409 PrendergastAve.Georgi, George A., 86 Prather Ave.HILL'S PIANO STORE, 6th floorChadakoinBldg.BROOKS, J. M., 312 Prendergast Ave. PICTURES AND FRAMING.Cottis, G. W., Wellman Bldgs.DAVIS, HERBERT W., 2 E. Fourth.Eastman, Henry A., 208 Lafayette.Goodwin, Frank P., 312 PrendergastAve.Aldrich Art & China Co., 302 N. Main.Cawcroft, A. E. Co., 107 E. Third.Larson, O. F., 218 East Second.Merz, BenjaminJ., 120 West Third.PARTRIDGE, E. G., 21 West Second.Grafstrom, Axel V., 212 West Second. Reed, L. C, under 311 Pine.Greeley, Jane L., Ill East Fifth. PILE DRIVERS.HAZELTINE, EDWARD L., 2 E 4th. Denslow, W. T., 551 West Third.Hazeltine, Laban, 2 East Fourth.Hunt, Francis,7-9 New Gifford Bldg.Illston, Bergen F., over 306 NorthNorton, H. E., 23 Eleventh.PLANING MILLS.Nelson Bros., 233-237 Prospect.Main.Johnson, J. Milton, over 207 Cherry.WILSON, JOHNWinsor.T., EST., 115-133JONES, ELMER A., 20 Harrison.MAHONEY, JOHNJ., 401 Lafayette.McCartney, George M., over 121 WestThird.Morris, J. W., 142 Forest Ave.Myers, Albert, 7-9 Wellman Bldg.Nelson, John W., 525 East 2nd.Neville, Henry, 329 East Second.PLATING.ART METAL CONSTRUCTION CO.,Jones & Gifford Ave.Weber-Knapp Co., 441 Chandler.PLUMBING, GAS AND STEAMFITTING.BERNHARD HARDWARE CO., 204-206 East Second.Nichols, Ormes, ORMES, PENNOCK, PERKINS, PURCELL, Robbins, SCOFIELD, PARKER, Bldg. Cornelius FRANK A.J., Frederick JASON, F. D. W.J., E. C, M., over F., D., 5515 over 300-302 H., 307 304 New East 318 412 11 No. N. Gifford Second. Chadakoin East No. Main.3rd. Main.Big. CHATFIELD DAVEY Heald, Davey, & John, James, PLUMBING Marsh, & 211 146 ARMITAGE, rear East Prospect. CO., 211 Third. East 7 W. 304 2nd. First. Pine.

JORGENSON PLUMBING & HEAT­ING CO., 304-306 East Second.MARSH, JOHN T., under 202 W. 4th.McGINITY, JOHNSON & CO., 210 E.Second.MURRAY, M. J. & CO., 122 W. Third.Sprinchorn, U., under 628 East 2nd.Stearns, F. M. & Co., 320 North Main.Stewart, A. A., 114 West Second.Tordoff & Son, under 39 South Main.WOODHEAD, OLSEN & RILEY, 118East Third.POOL AND BILLIARDS.Barrett, P. E., 36 South Main.Bordenoro, Michael, 36 Harrison.Floss Palace Alleys, 211 Cherry.Hub, (The), over 8 West Third.Lang, W. H., 13 Steele.Moose Cafe, 10 South Main.Neilson, C, 53 South Main.Teall, J. M„ 209 Cherry.Tobias, A. H., 318 Harrison.Westphal, Oscar T., 49 South Main.POSTCARDS.(Wholesale.)Monroe, George H., over 113 W. Third.POSTCARDS.(Retail.)(See Druggists.)Cawcroft & Co., 107 East Third.Diehl, O. D., 303 North Main.Goodenough, E. H., 6 East Third.KETCHUM, E. H. CO., 24 N. Main.POULTRYMEN.Waite & Sons, 4 Palmer.RAILROADS.<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Traction Co., (connectingwith Lake Shore R. R. at Westfieldand Pennsylvania at Mayville), 215West Third.D. A. V. & P. R. R., Falconer, via. J.St. Ry.ERIE R. R., office 102 North Main,passenger depot, West First, freightoffice, 325 Chandler.JAMESTOWN, CHAUTAUQUA &LAKE ERIE R. R., .(INC.). Cor.Fairmount Ave. and West Eighth;freight office, 70-80 Steele.REAL ESTATE.BUTTS & MILLER, 19-21 WellmanBldgs.Clement, Ernest W., 20-21 BarrettBldg.CONSOLIDATED DEVELOPMENTCO., 403-404 Chadakoin Bldg.Cornen, Denis, over 117 West Third.COYLE, CRESCENT FENTON, Main. 121 North CHARLES M. Main. MORTGAGE L„ Fenton B., over Bldg. CO., 121 North overJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 491ECKSTROM & FRANK, 13-14 GokeyBldg.Flagg, James R., Squier's Court.FRANK. J. J., 7 Hall Block.Gokey, George F., Gokey Block.Harris, Milo, 608 Prendergast Ave.HITCHCOCK, HORACE, over 9 WestThird.HORTON BROS., 122 East Third.Hotchkiss, Emerson H., 308 West 6th.Jamestown Building Co., 407 FentonBldg.Jamestown Real Estate & Rental Co.,43-44 Wellman Bldgs.Johnson Bros. & Co., over 101 EastThird.Knowlton. D. B., 404 Wellman Bldgs.Lewis, Ernest E., 11-12 Gokey Bldg.Lindsey, Charles G., over 221 NorthMain.Loucks, T. M., over 215 North Main.Moody, Frank R., over 16 E. Third.Mullard, Dick, 401 Wellman Bldgs.Olson, O. O., 30 Allen Sq. Bldg.Olson Realty Co., 18 Barrett Bldg.Osbourn, Nelson T., 63 Prospect.Peterson & Johnson, under 100 E. 2d.PRATHER, JOHN H., over 101 EastThird.Rich, William H., 100 Liberty.SEGERDAHL & FRAY, over 12 EastSecond.SMITH, EDMUND B., 6 Hall Block,over 5 West Third.SQUIER, ZIBA, Squier's Court.STAFFORD, A. H. & SON, 1 GiffordBldg.STRONG, LOUIE C, 1-2 Gokey Bldg.Swedish-American Land Co., Squier'sCourt.Todd, Fred P., 11-12 Gokey Bldg.Vinculo Realty Co., 606-607 FentonBldg.Warnstorff, Edwin L., Squier's Court.WELLER, JAMES & SON, 3 GiffordBlock.WHITMORE, C. W., 28-30 WellmanBldg.WIDRIG, CHARLES M., 333 Hallock.Widrig, Walter H., 418 East Sixth.Young, Clark H., 11-12 Gokey Bldg.REPAIRING.(General.)Pew, Charles H., Ill East Third.Phillips & Siawson, rear 211 East 2d.RUSHWORTH & SON, 113 Foote Av.Safford, N. J., under 121 West Third.RESTAURANTS.Empire Diamond Elite Hub, Brooklyn BLACK Salisbury ington. The, Restaurant, BEAR, & 8 Son, West 2214-16 119 Third. East under 15 West 1 Twelfth. North Third. East 232 Third. Second. Main. Wash­

JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.Kaiserhof, The, under 18 East 2nd.Lang, W. H., 13 Steele.Narrow Gauge Restaurant, 20 NorthMain.Peterson, Carl M., 317 Winsor.Puritan Lunch, 219 Washington.REED & MALMQUIST, 14 East Third.SWANSON & PETERSON, 16 WestSecond.Van, The, 206-208 Cherry.Y. W. C. A. lunch rooms, West 4thand North Main.ROOFERS.JAMESTOWN ROOFING CO., 120 E.Third.LLOYD, E. D., 298 East Second.VAN EVERY & PROBST, 302 East 2d.WILSON, W. W., 107 West Fourth.ROOMING HOUSES.Barnes, M. E., over 215 No. Main.Barnette, Miss M., 204 Lafayette.Cheney, B.J., 318 Prendergast Ave.and 12 East Fourth.Cole, Cottages, 309-311 West Second.Cranston, Lissa, Miss, 14 East Fourth.Goggin, Kate M., 215 West Second.Kortright, Eliza, Mrs., 217 W. Second.Lafayette, The, 205 Lafayette.Lenhart, Mrs. Lizzie, over 118 E. 2nd.Marvin House, 105 West Second.Miller, Mrs. Emma, 311 Pine.Ohlson, Mrs. Betty, 314 West Second.OSMER, THE, 413-417 W. 3rd.Phillips, Mrs. M. K., 308 W. Second.WASHINGTON, THE, Washingtonand West Second.Woodburn, The, 223 West Third.RUBBER STAMPS.Dewey-Davis Printing Co., 320 Washington.JOURNAL PRINTING CO., 12 WestSecond.KETCHUM, E. H. & CO., 24 N. Main.SALOONS.-fANDERSON, THE, 11 East Second.Barrett, P. E., 36 South Main.Berry, H. O., 18 North Main.BJORK & EKSTROM, 59 Winsor.BLACK BEAR, 22 East Third.Carlson, C. L., 15 Steele.Casino Cafe, 22-24 East Second.Chadakoin Cafe, 707-709 West Eighth.Club (The), 19 East Second.Cole, Pardon H., under 217 N. Main.Fredlund, B., 124 East Second.Frank, Charles, 113 East Second.Funk, C. H., 18 East Second.Globe, Jones, Hall, Heineman, Hennigan, Hub, GRAY (The), Herbert The, & WAITE, Louis, Peter 214 2% 8 H., West East North E., 12 61 21 Third. Second. East 101 Winsor. Main. North Third.Main.Jones, J. G., 116 East Second.Klump, J. W., 116 East Third.Leburg & Carlson, 4 Willard.LENNA & MALM, 62 Winsor.Limit, (The), 33 South Main.Lindquist, John, 18-20 Willard.Mahoney, E.J., 634 East Second.Malmberg & Anderson, 115 E. 2nd.Moon, The, 947 East Second.Mint, The, 118 East Second.Moose Cafe, 10 South Main.Murray, A. W., 34 North Main.Oak Cafe, 9 West Second.Ochs & Striker, 3 South Main.PETERSON, AUGUST, 117 W. Third.Pullman Cafe, 217 Washington.Smith, F. B., 23 Forest Ave.Stoner & Berry, 17 East Second.Stumpf, CharlesJ., 2 West First.Swanson & Lindquist, 6 Main.Warren Cafe, 10 South Main.Welshofer, GeorgeJ., 204 Cherry.Westrom Bros., 13 East Second.Wheelhouse Bros., 143 Harrison. ^SAND DEALERS.Swanson, Henry S., 68 Barrett.Wilcox, John, 1041 North Main.SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS.CHAUTAUQUA LUMBER CO., Monroeand Isabella Ave.FREEMAN, CHARLES E., 17 WestSecond.LYONS, HARRY G., 36 Institute.Nelson Bros., 233 Prospect.WILSON, JOHN T., EST., 115 WinsorSAWS.(Manufacturers.)Moore Bros., 11-13 East First.SCREENS.(Manufacturers.)Jamestown Window Screen Co.,2-8River.Watson Manufacturing Co., 63 Taylor.SECOND HAND STORES.ANDERSON, ERNEST, 26 So. Main.Burr, C. L., 106 Fairmount Ave.French, F. L., 31 Forest Ave.HANSON &J3TONE, 212 East Second.Swezey, H. L., 613 North Main.Trantum, A. L., 29 North Main.SEWER AND DRAIN PIPE.CHAUTAUQUA REFRIGERATINGCO., 66 Foote Ave.JOHNSON ICE & COAL CO., 610 W.Eighth.SHEDD, L. F., Cor. Isabella Ave. andMonroe.SEWER Johnson, Sigular, Mahoney, CONTRACTORS.John, Thomas, 510 V., 225 Foote 137 51 Falconer. McKinley Ave.Ave.

SEWING MACHINES.Brawn, Joseph, (repairer), 121 W. 3rd.GOODENOUGH, E. H., 6 East Third.Singer Sewing Machine Co., 207Cherry.SHADE TREE FURNISHERS ANDSETTERS.Denslow, W. T., 551 West Third.Williams, Ira, 19 West Seventh.SHEET METAL WORKS.(See Tin and Sheet Ironsmiths.)SHEET MUSIC.(See Music Dealers.)SHIRTS.(Manufacturers.)Martin & Johnson, over 204 N. Main.SIDEWALK—CEMENT.Lindstrom, Gustave A., 350 Bowen.Moorby, F. W., 59 Water.Pease, George, 849 Washington.Shutt, OrrisJ., 48 Prospect.Sigular, John, 510 Foote Ave.SHOES.(Manufacurers.)Gokey, William N., Shoe Co., 516 EastSixth.SHOE SHINING STANDS.Gulino, John, 9 South Main.Kapreno, Antonio, 27 North Main.Masterson, A. E„ 13 East Third.Papas, Chris., 1 Taylor.Vishnia, John, 9% East Second.SILVERWARE.ANDERSON, S. E., 10 East Second.Arnson, B. L., 105 North Main.CARLSON, S. P.. 10 North Main.CUSHMAN, JOHN M., 218 No. Main.DAHLGREN, ERIC, 7 East Third.Hultquist, Clarence A., 18 East Third.LANGFORD, E. R., 6 East Third.MASON, JOHN C, 307 North Main.NORDSTROM, F. G., 213 North Mam.Persell & Co., 103 West Third.Thaver. Ralph W., 121 West Third.UNDERWOOD, E. L., 221 North Mamand 7 West Third.SNUFF.(Manufacturers.)Swedish Snuff Mfg. Co., 132 Foote Av.SOAP.(Manufacturers.)HARRIS CO. THE, 21 Whitley Ave.SPECIALTIES—HARDWARE.(Manufacturers.)Hjorth, Wm. & Co., 28 Taylor.Sweet-Clarke Co., 104 East Second.Weber-Knapp Co., 441 Chandler.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 493SPINAL APPLIANCES.PHILO-BURT MFG. CO., 409 N. Main.SPORTING GOODS.Graff, J. W., 15 East Third.HUNTINGTON BROS., 12 Forest Ave.JAMESTOWN ELECTRIC CO., 109East Third.STAINED GLASS.FREEMAN, CHAS. E., 17 West 2nd.Jamestown Art Glass Works, 58 Franklin.LYONS, HARRY, 36 Institute.MANUFACTURERS SUPPLY CO., 15North Main.NORTHROP PAINT & GLASS CO.,36 North Main.STENOGRAPHERS.(Public.)Carpenter, Nettie C, 12 Wellman Big.Dunderdale, Annie, 403 Wellman Big.Jackson, Edna M., 5-6 Gokey Bldg.STONE—CUT.Ackroyd, Asa, 19 Barker.Moorby, F. W., 59 Water.STONE QUARRIES.Jamestown Shale Paving Brick Co.,40 Quarry Road.Jones, John P., 548 Allen.STORAGE COMPANIES.AMES TRANSFER CO., under 101East Third.CHAUTAUQUA REFRIGERATINGCO., 66 Foote Ave.CHAUTAUQUA STORAGE & TRANS­FER CO., West Second.Jamestown Cold Storage Co., 5-7 Taylor.NEWTON, N. P., 66 Tenth.VINCENT TRANSFER CO., 114 WeftSecond.STOVES AND RANGES.BERNHARD HARDWARE CO., 204East Second.CLARK HARDWARE CO., 109-111 No.Main.JORGENSON PLUMBING & HEAT­ING CO., 304-306 East Second.LEWIS P. F. & SONS, 804 No. Main.LUNDQUIST, C. A. & CO., 2 SouthMain.McGINITY, JOHNSON & CO., 210 E.Second.SURVEYORS.Bentley & Newton, 424 Chadakoin Big.Burns, E. C, 417 Spring.Jones, Clyde G„ City Hall.TAILORS. Barry, Mrs. Mary (Ladies.) E., 10 Weeks.

494 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.Burnett, The House of, Wellman Bigs.Greenlund, Esther, 232 Barrett.Greenwood, George, Mrs., 32 Allen Sq.Bldg.Gronberg, Betty, Mrs., 26 Linden Ave.Johnson, Olof, 38 Charles.LOFGREN, LINDQUIST & JOHN­SON, 510 Fenton Bldg.Meas, Jule F., over 8 E. Third.MORRISON, J. F., 16 East Third.NELSON, T. N. & CO., over 9 W. 3d.Smith, Mary D. R., 29 College.TAILORS.(Merchant.)Ahlstrom, John A., 32 Willard.Carlson, O. H., over 19 East Second.DAHLBECK, GUST, 23 Gokey Bldg.Dahlgren, A. N., 1031 North Main.Engstrom, John, 9 New Warner Block.ENGSTROM, JOHN O, over 107 No.Main.ERICSON, O. A., 628 East Second.Frankson, Axel, 4 Opera House Block.Hooker, H. M„ 108 East Third.INTER-STATE WOOLEN MILLS CO.,7-8 Gokey Bldg.Jaderstrom, John E., over 31 N. Main.JOHNSON, F. O., over 8 East Third.JONES, SCHARF & LINCOLN, 210North Main.Judson, Frederick L., 15 Franklin.Larson, Carl W., over 119 No. Main.Larson & Carlson, over 36 No. Main.LOFGREN, LINDQUIST & JOHN­SON, 510 Fenton Bldg.Lundy & Soderstrom, 2-6 New WarnerBlock.Meas, John B., 8 New Warner Block.Meas, Jule F., over 10 East Third.MORRISON, J. FRED, 16 East Third.Nelson, John, over 119 No. Main.NELSON, T. N. & CO., over 9 WestThird.PETERSON, A. J. & SON, 208 NorthMain.PROUDFIT CLOTHING CO., 206 No.Main.Rohlin, Oscar G., over 15 No. Main.Schine, David, 6 Warner Block.Star Tailoring Co., 219 Cherry.THOMAS, FRANK A., 47 So. Main.Wagnstrom, Carl O., 300 Willard.Wiley, H. R., 1 Wellman Bldg.Wiquist & Lawson, 9 No. Main.TEACHERS.(Drawing and Painting.)Butler, Bertha, over 21 West 2nd.TEACHERS.Bratt, Woodford, Bennett, Curtice, Holmes, Ave. A. Mabel, Catherine Mrs. C, Blanche, (violin), Tillie (Music.) 205 L. West 319 A., 810 825205 Jefferson. Cherry. PrendergastSeventh. E. 2nd.Decastro, C, over 47 So. Main.ECKMAN, J. AUGUST, 5th floorWellmanBidg.Farlee, Edith H., 152 Allen.Farlee, Nellie C, 152 Allen.Harrington, A. Noah, (piano and violin),21 West Eighth.Hawkins, T. Allen 124 Barrett.Heath, Mabel, 812 North Main.nenderson, Kate, over 108 E. Second.Hill, Mrs. Anna, Gokey Block.HILL'S PIANO SCHOOL, sixth floorChadakoin.Jamestown Conservatory of Music,Wellman Bldg.Johnson, Esther H., 204 Prospect.Johnson, Hazel, 38 Charles.Johnston, Florence, 306 East Sixth.Nutter, Gertrude, 12 Pullman.Pardee, Eudora K., (voice), 358 EastFourth.Price, Louise O., 300 East Sixth.Spring, Lillie B. over 221 Van Buren.Sweet, Florence B., (voice), 10Charles.Thorstenberg, Samuel, Wellman Bigs.Westrom, Minnie C, Jamestown Conservatoryof Music.TELEPHONE COMPANIES.HOME TELEPHONE CO., 210 Pine.NEW YORK TELEPHONE CO., 113East Third.TELEGRAPH COMPANIES.POSTAL TELEGRAPH & CABLECO., 201 West Third.WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPHCO., 301 North Main.THEATERS.(Electric.)Bijou Dream, 10 West Third.Grand Theatre, 38 North Main.Lyric Theater, 201 East Third.May's Theater, 309 North Main.Mozart Theater, 12% West Third.Royal Theater, 26 North Main.THREAD.(Manufacturers.)Ashwell, E. J. & Co., 113 Foote Ave.TICKET BROKERS.Barrett, E. W., 107 North Main.TILE AND MARBLE.(Dealers and Setters.)Humbert, Frank A., 215 West Second.TIN AND SHEET IRON SMITHS.Chatfield's Tin Shop, under 101 E. 2d.CLARK HARDWARE CO., 109-111 No.MARSH, LEWIS, LLOYD, LUNDQUIST, Main.P. E. JOHN F. D., & C. 298 SON, T., A. East 202 & 804 West CO., Second. North 2 Fourth. South Main.

VAN EVERY & PROBST, 302 EastSecond.VENBLOW, FRANK A., under 29North Main.WILSON, W. W., 107 West Fourth.TOOLS.(Manufacturers.)Crescent Tool Co., 200-222 Harrison.Hjorth, Wm. & Co., 28 Taylor.Universal Tool Co., 748 East Second.Weber-Knapp Co., 441 Chandler.TOWEL MANUFACTURFRS.Jamestown Towel Mill, Hunt Road.CHAUTAUQUA TOWEL MILLS, 206Steele.TOYS.Hultquist, C. A., 18 East Third.Knox, S. H. & Co. 5 and 10c Store,204-205 North Main.McCrorey's 5 and 10c Store, 207-209North Main.UNDERWOOD, E. L„ 121 No. Mainand 7 West Third.TRACTION COMPANIES.<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Traction Co., 113 WestThird.Warren-Jamestown St. Ry., 22-24 So.Main.TRUNKS AND BAGS.Abersold, G. R., 105 East Third.Bootey, E. B., 11-13 Forest Ave.LOCKWOOD, GEORGE, 106 East 2nd.LODS, GEORGE F., 121 West Third.TYPEWRITERS.Monarch Typewriter Co., 505-507 ChadakoinBldg.Smith, L. C, Typewriter Co., 29-30Barrett Bldg.TRUCKMEN.AMES TRANSFER CO., under 101 E.Third.DONELSON & ROOT, 29 Forest Ave.Swanson, Arthur K., 17 Terrace Place.Swanson, Gust, 14 Stowe.VINCENT TRANSFER CO., 114 WestSecond.UNDERTAKING.^CURTIS, JONES & CHASE, 310 E. 2d.Henderson-Lincoln Undertaking Co.,107 East Second.PARTRIDGE, E. G., 21 West Second.Powers, L. D., 616 Pine.Reed L. C, under 311 Pine.VanDusen, Theodore F., 328 Allen.UPHOLSTERERS.Anderson, Ernest A., 26 So. Main.JAMESTOWN Holmes, Koerner sor. Carl, Henry, LOUNGE 22864 East Spring. Second. CO., 38 Win­JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 495Ward, M. W. & C. S., 516 W. 4th.Shearman Bros. Co., 25 Shearman PI.VENEER MANUFACTURERS.JAMESTOWN PANEL & VENEERCO., 50 Steele.PEARL CITY VENEER CO., 40-48Steele.VETERINARY SURGEONS.Bender, Robert, 31 Derby.HUNT, FRANK 214 Washington.SHEPARD, F. G„ 214 Washington.VOTING MACHINES.(Manufacturers.)EMPIRE VOTING MACHINE CO.,153-163 J. & G. Ave.WAGONMAKERS.(Repairing.)Cole, Lyman, 33 Fenton Place.COWING LIVERY CO., 100-116 WestFourth.Herby, John & Sons, 610 West Seventh.WAGONS AND CARRIAGES.(Retail.)Arnold, C.J., 212 Washington.JOHNSON, ALBERT G., 30 S. Main.Lenox, Robert E., 58 Tenth.McLEAN, WM., 224-226 E. Second.WALLPAPER.(Dealers.)BECK, C. M., 103 East Third.Bradburn & Moon, 207 East Second.CARLSON & HELGREN, 53 Winsor.CARPENTER, C. D., 205 West Third.JOHNSON, JOHN D., 208 E. Second.JONES & AUDETTE, North Main andEast Second.Linder, Fred, 1047 Prendergast Ave.MACLEASE, CHAS. E., 107 W. 3rd.Reagle, G. E., 561 East Second.Sprague, James L., 104 East Third.WASHING MACHINES.(Manufacturers.)Blackstone Mfg. Co., 56-58 BlackstoneAve.WATER COMPANIES.CITY WATER DEPARTMENT 11-14City Hall.WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRING.(See Jewelers.)WHEELS AND AXELS—Automobile.(Manufacturers.)SALISBURG WHEEL & MFG. CO.,Tiffany Ave.WINES & LIQUORS.(Wholesale.)Gray & Waite, 21 East Third.

496 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.Heineman, Louis, 12 East Third.Jones, John G., 116 East Second.LENNA- OSCAR W., 22-24 East 2nd.Murray's Liquor Store, 34 No. Main.PETERSON WINE HOUSE, 115-117West Third.WOOD MANTLES.Munson & Johnson, 710-714 E. 2nd.WORSTED GOODS.(Manufacturers.)Acme Worsted Mills, 49-59 J. & G.Ave.BROADHEAD WORSTED MILLS,102-126 East First.<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Worsted Mills, Falconer,N. Y.EMPIRE WORSTED MILLS, 31-43Wa,t6i*.JAMESTOWN WORSTED MILLS, 335Harrison.Odsonia Mills, (Branch of ClevelandWorsted Mills), Falconer, N. Y.WRENCH MFRS.Crescent Tool Co., 200-222 Harrison.Hjorth, William & Co., 28 Taylor.

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