Amazing Sea Lizards

Amazing Sea Lizards

Amazing Sea Lizards


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Responding to textThe children could create a conceptmap showing everything they now knowabout sea lizards.The children could make a sign givinginformation to visitors to the GalapagosIslands about how they need to behave.Writing linksWhat is this book about? What does the book tellus about sea lizards?Explain that this sort of text is called a report.A report organises information about a topic.Model writing a report on another group ofanimals.The children could draw a picture of asea lizard and label it. Encourage themto use the text to ensure they include thelizard’s most important features.Possible assessment focusCan the children:• explain the features of this report?• identify the number of syllables in selected words from thetext?• understand the text at an inferential level to explain howsea lizards live together?whole text activity sentence activity word activity

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